CY-05-018, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Investigation

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Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Investigation
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 01/26/2005
From: Gerard van Noordennen
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
NRC Region 1
CY-05-018, FOIA/PA-2005-0203
Download: ML050380547 (5)




- 362 INJUN HOLLOW ROAD EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424-3099 JAN 2 6 2005 Docket No. 50-213 CY-05-0 18 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 475 Allendale Rd.

King of Prussia, PA 19406 Haddam Neck Plant 10 CFR 20 Appendix G Investiaation This letter documents the investigation performed regarding twenty four (24) intermodal containers of radioactive waste contained on three (3) rail cars which exceeded the time limit provided in 10 CFR 20 Appendix G. The investigation determined the shipments were being tracked on a daily basis and the location of the shipments were known to the carrier during the period the shipments exceeded the time frame set forth in I O CFR 20 Appendix G.

10 CFR 20 Appendix G - Requirements for Transfers of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Intended for Disposal at Licensed Land Disposal Facilities and Manifests; Section Ill (9) states a licensee shall for any shipments or any part of a shipment for which acknowledgement of receipt has not been received within the times set forth in this appendix, conduct an investigation in accordance with paragraph E of this appendix.

Paragraph E states any shipment or part of a shipment for which acknowledgement is not received within the times set forth in this section must:

1. Be investigated by the shipper if the shipper has not received notification of receipt within 20 days after transfer; and
2. Be traced and reported. The investigation shall include tracing the shipment and filing a report with the nearest Commission Regional Office listed in Appendix D to this part. Each licensee who conducts a trace investigation shall file a written report with the appropriate NRC Regional Office within 2 weeks of completion of the investigation.

USNRC Region I CY-05-018 I Page 2 On October 14,2004, the NRC granted Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) an exemption from certain requirements of 10 CFR 20, Appendix G, Section III.E, for tracking shipments of low-level radioactive waste that are not acknowledged by the recipient within 20 days after transfer to the shipper. The exemption extends the receipt acknowledgement 20-day time period to 35 days before CYAPCO will have to investigate and report on the status of a low-level radioactive waste shipment.

A total of twenty-four (24) intermodal containers were shipped on October 13, 2004, October 14, 2004, and October 28, 2004 and were originally manifested to be sent to the Envirocare of Utah disposal facility. The intermodal containers were shipped to a rail spur and loaded onto three (3) rail cars. The individual shipment numbers and the respective rail car numbers are listed on Table 1. CYAPCO receives daily tracking reports of all waste shipments shipped by rail for the Haddam Neck Plant site from the transportation vendor utilized for the shipments (MHF Logistical Solutions). The locations of the shipments are verified and the shipments are traced until their receipt. In this case, the rail cars were redirected during transit to the Alaron Corporation facility in Wampum, Pennsylvania in response to issues identified with similar materials shipped during the same period of time. The rail cars were received at the Alaron facility on the dates indicated on Table 1. The containers were inspected and based on the findings, the material was removed from the containers, repackaged, and is being shipped to the Envirocare of Utah disposal site by Alaron Corporation.

Since the shipments were redirected to and received by a licensed radioactive waste processing facility and the original containers have been emptied and their contents repackaged, CYAPCO considers the shipments to be complete. The documentation for the affected shipments has been annotated to indicate the change of shipment destination.

In accordance with site procedures, CYAPCO tracked the progress of the shipments to ensure compliance with the requirements of IO CFR 20 Appendix G as modified by the approved exemption. When CYAPCO determined the shipments had exceeded the 35 day limit, the carrier, MHF Logistical Solutions, was contacted to verify the shipments were being tracked and their location was known during the time period the shipments exceeded the thirty-five day time frame. At no time were the shipments lost or in an unknown location. This issue was documented in Condition Report CR-04-1632 and discussed with NRC Region I on December 9, 2004 during the weekly conference call.

Attached is a summary of the shipments (Table 1) which exceeded the time provided in 10 CFR 20 Appendix G as modified by the approved exemption. The summary includes the shipment identification numbers, shipment dates, and the dates of receipt at the Alaron Corporation facility.

T. B. Smith (NRC) to W. Norton (CYAPCO), Haddam Neck Plant - Exemption from Certain Low-level Waste Shipment Tracking Requirements of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix GISection 111.E dated October 14, 2004.

'. USNRC Region 1 CY-05-018 / Page 3 Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me at (860) 267-3938.

SincereIy ,

Gerard P. van Noordennen Date Regulatory Affairs Manager cc: R. R. Bellamy, Chief, Decommissioning and Laboratory Branch, NRC Region I USNRC Document Control Desk

USNRC Region 1 CY-05-018 / Attachment / Page 1 Table 1 Total Days Shipment Date Rail Car Date Rec'd @

Prior to Number Shipped Number Alaron ReceiPt 2004-646 I011312004 GCCX 200008 1I/23/2004 41 2004-647 10/13/2004 GCCX 200008 11/23/2004 41 1 1 I 1 1

_ _ _ _ ~

2004-648 10/13/2004 GCCE00008 11/23/2004 41 1 2004-649 1 10/13/2004 1 GCCX 200008 1 11/23/2004 1 41 I 2004-650 I 10/13/2004 GCCX 200008 1 11/23/2004 I 41 2004-651 1011312004 GCCX 200008 11/23/2004 41 2004-652 10/13/2004 GCCX 200008 11/23/2004 41 2004-653 1011312004 GCCX 200008 1I/23/2004 41 I

Shipment Number 2004-656 I Date Shipped 10/14/2004 Rail Car Number MHFX 516233 P

Date Rec'd @

Alaron 12/21/2004 I Total Days Prior to Recei t 68 1 2004-657 1 10/14/2004 MHFX 516233 12/2 1/2004 2004-658 1O/'l4/2004 MHFX 516233 1212 1/2004 2004-659 10/14/2004 MHFX 516233 12/21/2004 68 2004-660 10/14/2004 MHFX 516233 12/2 1/2004 68 2004-661 10/14/2004 MHFX 516233 12/21/2004 68 1 2004-662 1 10/14/2004 MHFX 516233 12/21/2004 68 1 2004-663 I 10/14/2004 MHFX 516233 12/21/2004 I 68

USNRC Region 1 CY-05-018 / Attachment / Page 2 Table 1 (Continued)

Total Days Shipment Date Rail Car Date Recd @

Prior to Number Shipped Number Alaron Receipt 1 204-773 10/28/2004 MHFX 516215 12/21/2004 54 I 204-774 10/28/2004 MHFX 516215 12/21/2004 54 1 204-775 10/28/2004 1 MHFX516215 1 12/21/2004 1 54 I 204-776 10/28/2004 1 MHFX516215 I 12/21/2004 I 54 204-777 10/28/2004 MHFX 516215 12/21/2004 54 204-778 10/28/2004 MHFX 516215 12/21/2004 54 204-779 10/28/2004 MHFX 516215 12/21/2004 54 1 1 1


204-780 10/28/2004 MHFX516215 12/21/2004 54