BYRON 2006-0108, Cycle 15 Core Operating Limits Report

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Cycle 15 Core Operating Limits Report
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/2006
From: Hoots D
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
1.10.0101, BYRON 2006-0108
Download: ML062690151 (16)


N1kac2 ear September 20,2006 LTR: BYRON 2006-0108 File: 1.10.0101 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Byron Station, Unit I Facitity Operating License No. NPF- 37 NRC Docket No. STN 50-454


Byron Station Unit 1 Cycle 15 Core Operating Limits Report In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5, "Core Operating Limits Report (COLR),"

we are submitting the Unit 1 Cycle 15 COLR. Please note an administrative change has been made to record keeping of revisions to the COLR. Instead of starting each cycle with revision 0, we wilt continue to use the next sequential number. This attached COLR is revision 3, which is the first COLR for Unit 1 cycle 15.

Should you have any questions concerning this report, please contact William Grundmann, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 406-2800.


~ a C i dM ~ o o t s Site Vice President Byron Nuclear Generating Station


Byron Station Unit 1 Cycle 15 COLR

AITACHMENT Byron Station Unit 1 Cycle f 5 Core Operating Limits Report




COLK BYRON 1 Revision 3 Page 1 o f 13 CUR6 OPER.ATtNG LIMITS REPORI' (COLR) for Bl-ROIL C'NIT I CYCLE :5 1.0 CORE OPERATING LlMtTS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report ( C U R ) for Byron Station Unit 1 Cycie 15 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5(ITS).

The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed beiow:

St 2.1 .I Reactor Core Safety Limits (Stsj LC0 3.1. I SHUTDOWN MARGIN fSDMf LC0 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC)

LCO 3.1.4 Rod Group Alignment Limits LC0 3.2.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits LC0 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits LC0 3.1.8 PWYStCS TESTS Exceptions - MODE 2 LC0 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor {Fa(Z))

LC0 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (F'.>~)


LC0 3.2.5 Departure from Nucleate Boiiing Ratio (DNBR)

LC0 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation LC0 3.3.9 Boron Dilution Protection System JBDPS)

LC0 3.4.1 Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure. Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNBf Limits LC0 3.9.1 Boron Concentration The portions of the Technical Requirements Manual affected by this report are listed below:

TRM TLCO 3.1.b Boration Flow Paths - Operating TRM TLCO 3. I .d Charging Pumps - Operating TRM TLCO 3.1 .f Borated Water Sources - Operating TRM TLCO 3. I.g Position indication System - Shutdown TRM TLCO 3.1.i Shutdown Margin (SDMJ- MODE 5 TRM TLCO 3.1 .j Shutdown and Control Rods TRM TLCO 3.1.k Position Indication System - Shutdown (Special Test Exceptionj

COltE 0PERATIE.G LIMITS REPORI' (COLR) for BIeRO?J LrNl'f I CYCLk. 15 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 2.0 are presenied in the foliowing subsections. These iirnits are applicable for the entire cycle unless otherwise identified. These limits have been developed using the NRC-approved methodologies specified in Technicai Specification 56.5.

2.1 Reactor Core Safety Limits (SLs) (SL 2.1 .I) 2.1.1 In MORES Iand 2, the combination of Thermal Power, Reactor Coolant System JRCS) highest loop average temperature, and pressurizer pressure shalt not exceed the limits specified in Figure 2.1 .$ .

Fraction of Nominal Power Figure 2.1.1:Reactor Core Limits


The SDFtl limit for MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 is:

2.2.1 The SDM shall be greater than or equal to 1.3% AWk (LC-0s 3.1.1. 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.8, 3.3.9; TRM TLCOs 3.1.b, 3.2.d, 3.l.f, 3.l.h, and 3.l.j).

The SDM limit for MODE 5 is:

2.2.2 SDM shall be greater than or equal to 1.3% I M k (LC0 3.1.1, LC0 3.3.9; TRM TLCOs 3.1.i and 3.1.j).

2.3 Moderator Temperature Coeecient (MTC) (LC0 3.2.3)

The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTCj limits are:

2.3.1 The BOLIAROIHZP-MTC upper limit shall be +2.1 x t0-' Aklki0F.

2.3.2 The EOLIAKOIHFP-MTC lower limit shalt be -4.6 x 10.~AWW0F 2.3.3 The EOL!ARO/WFP-MTC Surveillance limit at 300 ppm shall be -3.7 x -lo4 nk/ki0F.

2.3.4 The EOLIAROIHFP-MTC Surveillance limit at 60 ppm shall be -4.3 x 20'"ikIki"~.

where: BOL stands for Beginning of Cycle Life ARO stands far All Rods Out HZP stands for Hot Zero Thermal Power EOL stands for End of Cycle Life HFP stands for Hot Full Thermal Power 2.4 Shutdown Bank Insertipn Limits (LC0 3.1.5) 2.4.1 Ali shutdown banks shail be fufly withdrawn to at least 224 steps.

2.5 Controf Bank insertion Limits (LC0 3.1.6) 2.5.1 The control banks, with Bank A greater than or equai to 224 steps, shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 2.5.1.

2.5.2 Each control bank shall be considered fully withdrawn from the core at greater than or equal to 224 steps.

2.5.3 The control banks shali be operated in sequence by withdrabvat of Bank Ax Bank B, Bank C and Bank D. The control banks shati be sequenced in reverse order upon insertion.

2.5.4 Each controi bank not fully withdrawn from the core shall be operated with the following overlap limits as a f;indion of park position.

" Park Position l s t e ~ ) I Overlao Limit isteol

t OLR BY ROV I Rcvisron 3 Pagc 4 of 13 f ORE OPER 47 1Ntj LIMI TS RtPORT iCQLR) ibr Bk-RON LKIT 1 CYCL f-. I5 Figure 2.5.1 :

Contrd Bank Insertion Lirniis Verrsus Percent Rated Thermal Power 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I100 Relative Power (Percent)

COLR BYRON 1 Re~isiorl3 Page 5 o f i 3 CORE OPt.,RAI'IKCr LlVlTS REPORT (COLR) fbr HYRON CYIT I CYCLE I5 2.6 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FGQ (LC0 3.2.1j 2.6.1 Total Peaking Factor Fog,) s c . d i ? ( Z j *biP :-0.5 P

where: P = the ratio of THERMAL POWER to RATED THERMAL POWER K(Z)is provided in Figure 2.6.1.

2.6.2 WjZ) Values:

a) When PDMS is OPERABLE, W(Z) = 1.00000 for alt axial points.

b j When PDMS is inoperabie. W(Z) is provided in Table 2.6.2.a.

The normat operation W(Z) values have been determined at burnups of 150, 6000, 14000, and 20000 MWD/MTU.

Tabie 2.6.2.b shows the ~ " ~ (penalty z ) factors that are greater than 2% pet;*3?Effective Full Power Days (EFPD). These values shatl be used to increase the FV',(z) as per Surveiliance Requirenient A 2% penalty factor shall be used at all cycle burnups that are outside the range of Table 2.6.2.b.

2.6.3 Uncertainty

The uncertain&, UFQ, to be applied to the Heat FIux Hot Channel Factor Fr;(Z) shall be cafculated by the following formula where:

U,,, = Base F, measurement uncertainty = 1.05 when PDMS is inoperabie jU,.'is defined by PDMS when OPERABLE.)

U, = Engineering uncertainty factor = 1.03 F,(Z:I Warning Setpoint 2 2% of F,(Zj Margin F,fZ) Alarm Setpoint 0% of F&) Margin

COLR BYRON I Re\ islon 3 Page6of 13 CORE OPERATIhG LIMITS REPORT (COLR) 'rjr BYRON I NIT 1 CYCLE 15 Figure 2.6,l KfZ) Normalized F,fZ) as a Function of Core Height 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 BOTTOM Care Weight (ft) "TOP

COLR RYRCJK I R e b r s ~ c 3t ~ ~

Pagc 7 of 13 CCIKE OPERA7 XNG LIYIIII'TS REPORT (COLR) f01 HE'KOh LVIT 1 CYCLE 15 I Table 2.6.2.a W ( Z )versus Care Weight Vote. W(Z> values at 200(00 bl:tdD/MTU may be applied to cycle burntips greater than 2Oc00 FilVdD!hi"TLl to prevent LViZ) funct~cnextrapoiation

COLR BYKOb 1 Re\-w o n 3 Pagc 8 of l i CORE OPERATlZG LIMJ"I"S REPORT (COLR) for- HYROK L N I T 1 CYCLE I S Penalty Factors in Excess of 2% per 31 EFPD 3.0318 1.0356 1.0388 1.0412

---1706 . 1.0368 1878 ----- 1.0335 2051 .- 1.0305 2224 1.0279 2397 1.0257 2570 1.0239 2743 1 1.0225

-5 291 3

1.0215 3088

-- 1,0207 326 1 1 1.0200 1


Linear interpolation is adequate for intermediate cycle burnups All cycle burnups outside the range of the table shal! use a 2% penalty factor for compliance with the Surveillance Reqttirements.


x = 1.70 FRTP PF++= 0.3 2.7.2 Uncertainty when PDMS is inoperable The uncertainty, Ur$ti,to be appfied to the Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor F " , ~shall be calculated by the follow:ng formula:

UF$H = Ui" Win where:

UFiWra = Base F", measurement uncertainty = 1.04 2.7.3 PDMS Alarms:

F ' , ~ Warning Setpoint 2 2% of FMjHMargin F ~Alarm , ~Setpornt > 0% of F ~Margin , ~

2.8 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD'j (LC0 3.2.3) 2.8.2 When PDMS is inoperable, the AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) Acceptable Operation Limits are provided in Figure 2.8.1 or the latest valid PDMS Surveillance Report, whichever is more conservative.

2.8.2 When PDMS is OPERABLE, no AFD Acceptabfe Operation Limits are applicable.

2.9 Departure from Nucleate Boilinc; Ratio (DNBR) (LC0 3.2.5) 2.9.1 D N B R A ~2~ :1.536 The Axial Power Shape Limiting DNBR (DNBR,;pst) is applicable with THERhilAL POWER 2 50% R I P when PDMS is OPERABLE.

2.9.2 PDMS Alarms:

DNBR Warn~ngSetpo~ntlz 2% of DNBR Margin DNBR Alarm Setpolnt 2 '3% ol UNBK Pnargln

COLR BYKOk i Rcvrsion -3 Page IOof 13 CORE UPkRA'I ING Llhll f S REPORT (COLRI for BYRON UKIT 1 CYCLE 15 Figure 2.8,1 Axial Flux Difference Limits as a Function of Rated Thermal Power Axial Flux Difference Limits with PDMS lnoperabfe AXIAL FLUX D I F F E R E N C E f % j

COL,II BYRCfK 1 Re\ ismn 3 Page I l of 13 CORE OPER.k7'1U(i LIC'IITS REPORT (COLR) ihr B1'KO"L LEI t. 1 CYCtt: 1ti 2.10 Reactor Trip System IRTS) Instrumentation (LC0 3.3.1) - Overtemperature AT Setpoint Parameter Values 2.10.1 The Overiemperaiure ST reactor trip setpoint Ki shall be equai to 1.325.

2.10.2 The Overtemperature t T reactor trip setpoint ,T , coefficient K2shall be equal to 0.0297 1 "F.

2.10.3 The Overtemperature AT reactor trip setpoint pressure coefficient Ks shall be equal to 0.00182 /psi.

2.10.4 The nominal T,.*, at RTP jindicatedj T'shall be iess than or equai to 588.0 "F 2.10.5 The nominal RCS operating pressure (indicated) Prshall be equal to 2235 psig.

2.10.6 The measured reactor vessel AT leadllag time constant TI shall be equai to 8 sec.

2.10.7 The measured reactor vessei :IT ieadilag time constant ~ ~ s h abe f l equai to 3 sec.

2.10.8 The measured reactor vessel AT lag time constant 1 3 shall be less than or equal to 2 see.

2.20.9 The measured reactor vessel average temperature leadllag time constant r4shali be eclual to 33 sec.

2.10.iO The measured reactor vessel average temperature [eadllag time constant r5sRall be equal to 4 sec.

2.10.1 2 The measured reactor vessel average temperature lag time constant r, shall be less than or equai to 2 see.

2:t0.;2 The f: (A!) "positive" breakpoint shaii be +10% "01.

2 10.13 The f: (Ali "negatrve" breakpoint shall be -18% -\I 2 10.14 The i.j/fl) 'pasliive" slope shail be +3.47'/0 i O/o 51.

2 10 15 The f 4 (31 "negative" slope shal! be -2 61% / O:o \f

C01-R KYROY I Kc\ laiofi 3 Page 12of13 CORE OPIL it ATItiG LIXIITS REPORT (COLR) for HYROR LWIT 1 CYCLE 15 2.1 2 Reactor T r i Svstem

~ IRTS) Instrumentation (LC0 3.3.1)- Overpower f T Setpoint Parameter Values 2.1 1.I The Overpower I T reactor trip setpoint Ks shall be equal to I.072 2.12.2 The Overpower AT reactor trip setpoint ,T ,, rateilag coefficient Kg shall be equal to 0.02 / "F for increasing T ,,

2.1 1.3 The Overpower AT reactor trip setpoint,T ratellag coefficient Kc shalt be equal to 0 / "F for decreasin~Pa, 2.11 4 The Overpower AT reactor trip setpoint T,, heatup coefficient KE;shall be equal to 0.00245 / "F when T .- f".

2.5 1.5 The Overpower AT reactor trip setpoint T,,, heatup coefficient Kgshai! be equai to OI°FwhenTIT".

2.11.6 The nominal T,at RTP (indicated) T" shaif be less than or equal to 588.0 "F 2.1 2.7 The measured reactor vessel AT leadllag time constant r, shall be equal to 8 sec.

2.1 1.8 The measured reactor vessel AT leadllag time constant r2 shall be equal to 3 sec 2.11.9 The measured reactor vessel AT lag time constant T, shall be less than or equat to 2 sec 2.1 1.10 The measured reactor vessei average temperature lag time constant r, shall be less than or equai to 2 see.

2.21.I 1 The measured reactor vessel average temperature ratellag time constant s7 shall be equal to 10 sec.

2 1? . I 2 The f?( 11) "pos~tive"breakpoint shall be 0 for all It.

2.1 1.I 3 The f, {ill) "negat~ve"breakpoint shall be 0 for all (if.

2 11. I 4 The f, (/\I) "positive" siope shall be 0 for all l l 2 1'I 15 The f, (1 I 'negative ' slope shalt be 0 for ali _\I

CORE OPI-KXTI'LG LlMlTS REPORT (COt-Rj for BYIZON UYIT 1 CYCLk 15 2.12 Reactor Coolant System {RCSf Pressure. TemBerature. and Flow De~arturefrom Nucleate m a (DNB') Limits (LC0 3.4.1 f 2.12.1 The pressurizer pressure shall be greater than or equal to 2209 psig.

2.12.2 The RCS average temperature )T (,, shail be tess than or equal to 593.1 "F.

2.12.3 The RCS totai flow rate shall be greater than or equal to 386,000 gpm.

2.1 3 Boron Concentration 2.13.1 The refueling boron concentration shall be greater than or equal to the value given in the Table below (LC0 3 9.1). The reported value also bounds the end-of-cycle requirements for the previous cycle.

2.13.2 To maintain keff 5 0.987 with all shutdown and controt rods fully withdrawn in MODES 3, 4, or 5 (TRM TLCO 3.2.g Required Action B.2 and TRf4 TtCO 3.1.k.2), the Reactor Coolant System boron concentratioo shall be greater than or equal to the values given in the Table beiow.

I Section COLK I Conditrons Boron Concentration i

Refueling 1 1739 a) prior to initial criticality I 1819 1 2.13.2 ather times in core life 2026 1