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Docket Number
Event date: 03-07-2003
Report date: 06-05-2003
Reporting criterion: 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v)(c)
4582003002R01 - NRC Website


On March 7, 2003, at approximately 2:31 p.m. CST, the door assist device (DAD) on a secondary containment door in the auxiliary building failed, blocking the door (**DR**) open for a period of 78 minutes. At the time, the reactor was operating at approximately 87 percent power in end-of-cycle coastdown. This event is being reported in accordance with 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(v)(c) as a condition that could have prevented the fulfillment of the safety function of secondary containment.

INVESTIGATION and IMMEDIATE CORRECTIVE ACTION Three secondary containment doors used for personnel access to the auxiliary building are equipped with assist devices that ease the opening of the door against differential pressure. The ventilation system draws a slight negative pressure in the building when operating normally, and in this condition, the doors may be opened manually without the use of the assist devices. When the standby gas treatment (GTS) system is operating, the differential pressure is greater, such that the doors are difficult to open.

The assist device incorporates a gear-operated jack that opens the door far enough to break the differential pressure, allowing the door to be fully opened by hand.

At the time of the event, the GTS system was running for a surveillance test, causing the differential pressure across the doors to be higher than normal. At 2:31 p.m., the door was opened by a station employee using the assist device. An apparent internal failure of the assist device caused the jack to stick in the extended position. The jack could not be retracted, thus the door could not be fully closed. Approximately 78 minutes later, the assist device was removed, and the door was successfully closed.

The assist device is not necessary for the safety function of the door, and it has not been re-installed pending completion of the failure analysis.


An internal inspection of the DAD found a set screw inappropriately installed in a spur gear. The spur gear is designed to rotate freely on its shaft for this application.

However, it had been drilled and tapped for a set screw. A vendor representative confirmed that the spur gears are commercially available parts that may be drilled and tapped by the manufacturer. The use of the set screw is not specified for this application, and it could not be determined why or when it was installed. The presence of the set screw caused metal shavings to be gouged from the gear shaft, which eventually caused the gear to bind. This caused the jack to stick in the extended position.



1. The DADs on the other auxiliary building door were inspected. Set screw holes were found in the corresponding spur gears, but no other set screws were found installed where not required.

2. The unnecessary set screw holes were peened to prevent installation of a set screw.

3. Maintenance instructions for the DADs will be revised with information concerning the unneccessary set screw hole in the spur gears.


A similar event occurred on August 8, 2000, as reported in LER 50-458/00-011-00.

That failure was caused by the loss of a jam nut from an external section of the DAD.

The corrective action for that event did not require disassembly of the DAD to the extent necessary for investigating the subject event of this report. Thus, the inappropriately installed set screw was not discovered at that time.


During the time the door was blocked open, the plant continued to operate normally.

There were no actual consequences to the health and safety of the public. Engineering evaluations have shown that, had a design basis accident occurred while the condition existed, the main control room, exclusion area boundary, and low population zone doses would have remained within the limits of 10CFR50.67.

(NOTE: Energy Industry Component Identification codes are annotated as (**XX**).)