MONTHYEAR05000416/LER-1999-004-03, :on 990909,HPCS Sys Was Declared Inoperable Due to Generator Shaft Bearing Failure.Caused by Inadequate Lubrication.Deficiency Document Was Issued & DG Was Tagged Out.With1999-10-12012 October 1999
- on 990909,HPCS Sys Was Declared Inoperable Due to Generator Shaft Bearing Failure.Caused by Inadequate Lubrication.Deficiency Document Was Issued & DG Was Tagged Out.With
05000416/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990221,reactor Scram Manually Inserted. Caused by Decreasing Condenser Vacuum.New Turbine Expansion Joint Boot Seal Installed on a & C Condensers.With1999-03-19019 March 1999
- on 990221,reactor Scram Manually Inserted. Caused by Decreasing Condenser Vacuum.New Turbine Expansion Joint Boot Seal Installed on a & C Condensers.With
05000416/LER-1999-002, :on 990207,ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Inattention to Detail.Standdown Held for All Shift I&C Personnel.With1999-03-0101 March 1999
- on 990207,ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Inattention to Detail.Standdown Held for All Shift I&C Personnel.With
05000416/LER-1998-006-02, :on 981014,deck Grating Potentially Affected HPCS Suction Strainer.Caused by Lack of Positive Administrative Process to Control CR Related Temporary Solutions.Will Change Noted Process.With1998-11-13013 November 1998
- on 981014,deck Grating Potentially Affected HPCS Suction Strainer.Caused by Lack of Positive Administrative Process to Control CR Related Temporary Solutions.Will Change Noted Process.With
05000416/LER-1998-005-02, :on 981009,delinquent LCO Action Occurred. Caused by Inadequate Work Practices & Verbal Communications. Required Ac/Dc Lineup Surveillance Was Immediately Completed Upon Discovery of Missed TS Requirement.With1998-11-0909 November 1998
- on 981009,delinquent LCO Action Occurred. Caused by Inadequate Work Practices & Verbal Communications. Required Ac/Dc Lineup Surveillance Was Immediately Completed Upon Discovery of Missed TS Requirement.With
05000416/LER-1998-003-04, :on 980507,core Shroud Insp Tool Theta Drive Ring Became Partially Disconnected from Strongback.Caused by Air Bubbles Vented Into Vessel.Secured Ring Temporarily While Recovery Plan Was Developed.With1998-11-0303 November 1998
- on 980507,core Shroud Insp Tool Theta Drive Ring Became Partially Disconnected from Strongback.Caused by Air Bubbles Vented Into Vessel.Secured Ring Temporarily While Recovery Plan Was Developed.With
05000416/LER-1998-004-02, :on 980625,noted That Containment Isolation Valve Had Been Opened Simultaneously During Check Valve Repairs Contrary to Ts.Caused by Inadequate Work Practices. Will Revise Protective Tagging Sys Procedure 01-S-06-11998-07-24024 July 1998
- on 980625,noted That Containment Isolation Valve Had Been Opened Simultaneously During Check Valve Repairs Contrary to Ts.Caused by Inadequate Work Practices. Will Revise Protective Tagging Sys Procedure 01-S-06-1
05000416/LER-1998-002-01, :on 980421,failure to Maintain Standby DG Seismically Qualified as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Comply W/Sys Operating Instruction 04-1-01-P75-1. Door Was Closed Immediately1998-05-20020 May 1998
- on 980421,failure to Maintain Standby DG Seismically Qualified as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Comply W/Sys Operating Instruction 04-1-01-P75-1. Door Was Closed Immediately
05000416/LER-1998-001, :on 980128,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to MSR Differential Temp.Caused by Manual Operator Actions. Replaced Blown Fuses,Master & Slave Static Switch Controllers & Synchronization Board1998-02-25025 February 1998
- on 980128,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to MSR Differential Temp.Caused by Manual Operator Actions. Replaced Blown Fuses,Master & Slave Static Switch Controllers & Synchronization Board
05000416/LER-1997-006-02, :on 971121,release of Contaminated Liquid Outside of Controlled Access Area Was Noted.Caused by Lack of Administrative Control of Hydrolazing Inside Controlled Access Area.Secured & Cleaned Spill Area1998-01-0606 January 1998
- on 971121,release of Contaminated Liquid Outside of Controlled Access Area Was Noted.Caused by Lack of Administrative Control of Hydrolazing Inside Controlled Access Area.Secured & Cleaned Spill Area
05000416/LER-1997-005-03, :on 970930,inadequate Retest of Containment Airlock Air Seal Sys Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Use of Administrative Controls.Performed Maint Leak Test of N010A Air Tube Fitting & Revised Surveillances1997-10-30030 October 1997
- on 970930,inadequate Retest of Containment Airlock Air Seal Sys Occurred.Caused by Inadequate Use of Administrative Controls.Performed Maint Leak Test of N010A Air Tube Fitting & Revised Surveillances
05000416/LER-1997-004-03, :on 970911,failure to Declare Valve Inoperable During Work Having ISI Required Stroke Time Retest Occurred. Caused by Failure to Follow Work Control Process.Appropriate Personnel in Depts Involved Being Trained1997-10-13013 October 1997
- on 970911,failure to Declare Valve Inoperable During Work Having ISI Required Stroke Time Retest Occurred. Caused by Failure to Follow Work Control Process.Appropriate Personnel in Depts Involved Being Trained
05000416/LER-1997-002-04, :on 970619,SRV Test Switch for Div II relief/low-low Set Logic Placed in Test Position.Caused by Div Switch Already in Test. Div II SRV Group Test Switch Immediately Returned to Normal1997-07-17017 July 1997
- on 970619,SRV Test Switch for Div II relief/low-low Set Logic Placed in Test Position.Caused by Div Switch Already in Test. Div II SRV Group Test Switch Immediately Returned to Normal
05000416/LER-1997-003-02, :on 970618,certain Control Room Envelope Leakage May Exceed License Condition 2.C(38) Discovered. Cause Indeterminate.Will Perform Root Cause Evaluation & Replaced Electrical Conduit Seals Identified as Missing1997-07-17017 July 1997
- on 970618,certain Control Room Envelope Leakage May Exceed License Condition 2.C(38) Discovered. Cause Indeterminate.Will Perform Root Cause Evaluation & Replaced Electrical Conduit Seals Identified as Missing
05000416/LER-1997-001, :on 970312,TS Surveillance of Standby Svc Water Subsystem Was Missed.Caused by Less than Adequate Work Practices.Performed Evaluation of Effect of Installation of non-qualified Annubar in Room Coolers1997-05-13013 May 1997
- on 970312,TS Surveillance of Standby Svc Water Subsystem Was Missed.Caused by Less than Adequate Work Practices.Performed Evaluation of Effect of Installation of non-qualified Annubar in Room Coolers
05000416/LER-1997-001-02, :on 970312, a Subsystem Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inappropriate Action. a Subsystem Was Retested W/No Malfuntions Identified1997-04-14014 April 1997
- on 970312, a Subsystem Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Inappropriate Action. a Subsystem Was Retested W/No Malfuntions Identified
05000416/LER-1996-007-03, :on 961215,inadvertent Division 2 RCIC Isolation Occurred Due to Improperly Lifted Leads.Revised Procedure to Correct Format Deficiences1997-01-13013 January 1997
- on 961215,inadvertent Division 2 RCIC Isolation Occurred Due to Improperly Lifted Leads.Revised Procedure to Correct Format Deficiences
05000416/LER-1996-006-03, :on 961127,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Loss of CRD Pump.Faulty Transmitter Was Replaced & Calibration Performed in Accordance with 07-S-53-P11-6,CST Level Calibration1996-12-20020 December 1996
- on 961127,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Loss of CRD Pump.Faulty Transmitter Was Replaced & Calibration Performed in Accordance with 07-S-53-P11-6,CST Level Calibration
05000416/LER-1996-004, :on 960606,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Spurious Multiple SRV Lifts.Trip Unit 1C11N655B Was Shipped to Manufacturer for Failure Analysis1996-12-0404 December 1996
- on 960606,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Spurious Multiple SRV Lifts.Trip Unit 1C11N655B Was Shipped to Manufacturer for Failure Analysis
05000416/LER-1996-005-03, :on 961027,failure of Motor Pinion Keys in LPCI Valves Occurred.Caused by Suspect Material Used for Motor Pinion Keys as Previously Identified by Limitorque. Motor Pinion Key Replacement Was Reviewed1996-11-26026 November 1996
- on 961027,failure of Motor Pinion Keys in LPCI Valves Occurred.Caused by Suspect Material Used for Motor Pinion Keys as Previously Identified by Limitorque. Motor Pinion Key Replacement Was Reviewed
05000416/LER-1996-004-03, :on 960606,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Spurious Multiple SRV Lifts.Replaced Trip Unit Card in Addition to Functionally Checking Other Card Files in Same Panel1996-07-0101 July 1996
- on 960606,manual Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Spurious Multiple SRV Lifts.Replaced Trip Unit Card in Addition to Functionally Checking Other Card Files in Same Panel
05000416/LER-1996-003-03, :on 960327,reactor Water Cleanup Sys Isolation Occurred Due to High Differential Flow.Restored RWCU Sys to Operation1996-04-24024 April 1996
- on 960327,reactor Water Cleanup Sys Isolation Occurred Due to High Differential Flow.Restored RWCU Sys to Operation
05000416/LER-1996-002-02, :on 960126,routine Maint Rendered HPCS EDG Inoperable Due to Leak from Lube Oil Strainer.Personnel Counseled & Strainer Tighten1996-02-26026 February 1996
- on 960126,routine Maint Rendered HPCS EDG Inoperable Due to Leak from Lube Oil Strainer.Personnel Counseled & Strainer Tighten
05000416/LER-1995-012, :on 951102,discovered That Allowable Opening Area for CR Envelope Boundary Exceeded.Caused by Inaffective or Incomplete C/A of Previous CR Envelope Event.Wos for Control Bldg Verified & Access Panels Labeled1996-02-14014 February 1996
- on 951102,discovered That Allowable Opening Area for CR Envelope Boundary Exceeded.Caused by Inaffective or Incomplete C/A of Previous CR Envelope Event.Wos for Control Bldg Verified & Access Panels Labeled
05000416/LER-1996-001, :on 951111,HPCS Sdg Started on Valid Initiation Signal.Caused by Inclement Weather in Area of Plant Site.No Corrective Action Necessary1996-01-16016 January 1996
- on 951111,HPCS Sdg Started on Valid Initiation Signal.Caused by Inclement Weather in Area of Plant Site.No Corrective Action Necessary
05000416/LER-1995-013, :on 951204,plant Confirmed Nonconservative Error in Core Thermal Power Calculation.Caused by Failure to Account for Flow Path in Original Vendor Supplied Heat Balance Equations.Adjusted Inputs1995-12-21021 December 1995
- on 951204,plant Confirmed Nonconservative Error in Core Thermal Power Calculation.Caused by Failure to Account for Flow Path in Original Vendor Supplied Heat Balance Equations.Adjusted Inputs
05000416/LER-1995-011, :on 950917,trip of B Reactor Feed Pump Turbine Occurred.Caused by Partial Loss of Feedwater.Reactor Level Stabilized & Sys Secured1995-10-12012 October 1995
- on 950917,trip of B Reactor Feed Pump Turbine Occurred.Caused by Partial Loss of Feedwater.Reactor Level Stabilized & Sys Secured
05000416/LER-1995-010, :on 950730,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Main Turbine/Generator Trip.Caused by Failure of Current Transformer (CT) on a Phase for Generator Output Breaker. Failed CT Replaced in Kind & Returned to Svc1995-08-28028 August 1995
- on 950730,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Main Turbine/Generator Trip.Caused by Failure of Current Transformer (CT) on a Phase for Generator Output Breaker. Failed CT Replaced in Kind & Returned to Svc
05000416/LER-1995-009-01, :on 950717,HPCS Injection Occurred Due to Invalid Low Water Level Signal.Tripped HPCS Pump & Restored HPCS Sys to Standby1995-08-15015 August 1995
- on 950717,HPCS Injection Occurred Due to Invalid Low Water Level Signal.Tripped HPCS Pump & Restored HPCS Sys to Standby
05000416/LER-1995-008-01, :on 950712,inadvertent Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Turbine Trip on Loss of Condenser Vacuum.Replaced Failed Ethylene Propylene Expansion Joint W/Neoprene Expansion Joint1995-08-0909 August 1995
- on 950712,inadvertent Reactor Scram Occurred Due to Turbine Trip on Loss of Condenser Vacuum.Replaced Failed Ethylene Propylene Expansion Joint W/Neoprene Expansion Joint
05000416/LER-1995-007-01, :on 950703,reactor Scram Occurred.Caused by Absence of Trip Indication in Conjunction W/Performance of Monthly High Level Trip Functional Surveillance.Blown Fuses & Burnt Out Light Bulb Replaced1995-07-28028 July 1995
- on 950703,reactor Scram Occurred.Caused by Absence of Trip Indication in Conjunction W/Performance of Monthly High Level Trip Functional Surveillance.Blown Fuses & Burnt Out Light Bulb Replaced
05000416/LER-1995-006-01, :on 950623,TS Violations Occurred Due to Missed Surveillance.Analyzed Addl Portions of Original 950518 Sample1995-07-21021 July 1995
- on 950623,TS Violations Occurred Due to Missed Surveillance.Analyzed Addl Portions of Original 950518 Sample
05000416/LER-1995-004, :on 950316,reactor Scram Occurred During Performance of Semiannual Surveillance on Neutron Monitoring Sys.Caused by Ground Fault on Min Flow Valve for Rcics. Ground Eliminated & Valve Returned to Svc1995-06-16016 June 1995
- on 950316,reactor Scram Occurred During Performance of Semiannual Surveillance on Neutron Monitoring Sys.Caused by Ground Fault on Min Flow Valve for Rcics. Ground Eliminated & Valve Returned to Svc
05000416/LER-1995-005-01, :on 950419,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Reliance on Inadequate Impact Statement.Breaker Reclosed & Affected Sys Restored to pre-event Status1995-05-18018 May 1995
- on 950419,unplanned ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Reliance on Inadequate Impact Statement.Breaker Reclosed & Affected Sys Restored to pre-event Status
05000416/LER-1995-002-01, :on 950301,Div II RCIC High Steam Flow Isolation Signal Received,Causing Inboard Isolation Valve & warm-up Valve to Close.Caused by Deviation of Plant Procedures.Procedures Being Evaluated1995-03-31031 March 1995
- on 950301,Div II RCIC High Steam Flow Isolation Signal Received,Causing Inboard Isolation Valve & warm-up Valve to Close.Caused by Deviation of Plant Procedures.Procedures Being Evaluated
05000416/LER-1995-003, :on 950303,malfunction Occurred During Backwash of Rwcs Filter Demineralizer,Resulting in Valid Rwcs Isolation Signal.Cause Cannot Be Determined.Sys Isolated for Trouble Shooting1995-03-31031 March 1995
- on 950303,malfunction Occurred During Backwash of Rwcs Filter Demineralizer,Resulting in Valid Rwcs Isolation Signal.Cause Cannot Be Determined.Sys Isolated for Trouble Shooting
05000416/LER-1994-009, :on 950118,deficiency Resulting from Failure to Verify APRM Flow Biased Simulated Thermal power-high Time Constant for 8 Channels on 18 Month Frequency Discovered. Inadequacies Being Corrected During Rev to Sps1995-02-17017 February 1995
- on 950118,deficiency Resulting from Failure to Verify APRM Flow Biased Simulated Thermal power-high Time Constant for 8 Channels on 18 Month Frequency Discovered. Inadequacies Being Corrected During Rev to Sps
05000416/LER-1995-001, :on 950106,discovered That 25% Grace Period for I&C Quarterly Surveillance 06-IC-1C51-Q-0001 Attachment IV Missed by Four Days.Ts 4.0.3 Initiated & Surveillance Successfully Performed1995-02-0303 February 1995
- on 950106,discovered That 25% Grace Period for I&C Quarterly Surveillance 06-IC-1C51-Q-0001 Attachment IV Missed by Four Days.Ts 4.0.3 Initiated & Surveillance Successfully Performed
05000416/LER-1994-011-02, :on 941101,reactor Scram Occurred During Reactor Protection Sys Surveillance.Caused by Ground Detection Circuit for Division 1 125 Vdc Sys.Repairing Bolted Ground Fault on Negative Pole Lead1994-12-0101 December 1994
- on 941101,reactor Scram Occurred During Reactor Protection Sys Surveillance.Caused by Ground Detection Circuit for Division 1 125 Vdc Sys.Repairing Bolted Ground Fault on Negative Pole Lead
05000416/LER-1994-009-02, :on 940929,LSFT Surveillance Procedures Discrepancy in Testing of Containment Spray Initiation Logic Was Revealed.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Deficiency Rept Was Written1994-10-27027 October 1994
- on 940929,LSFT Surveillance Procedures Discrepancy in Testing of Containment Spray Initiation Logic Was Revealed.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Deficiency Rept Was Written
05000416/LER-1994-010-02, :on 940930,during Walkdown of Control & Auxiliary Bldg Pressure Doors,Pressure Door OC312 Was Found Propped Open.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance. Procedure Revised1994-10-20020 October 1994
- on 940930,during Walkdown of Control & Auxiliary Bldg Pressure Doors,Pressure Door OC312 Was Found Propped Open.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance. Procedure Revised
05000416/LER-1993-019, :on 931122,during Preparation to Perform Static Diagnostic Testing of PCS Sys Globe Valve,Yoke Failed Catastrophically.Caused by Disc & Disc Nut Separating from Stem.Valve Parts Replaced1994-09-0101 September 1994
- on 931122,during Preparation to Perform Static Diagnostic Testing of PCS Sys Globe Valve,Yoke Failed Catastrophically.Caused by Disc & Disc Nut Separating from Stem.Valve Parts Replaced
05000416/LER-1994-008-02, :on 940727,concluded That One Hour Notification Made in Accordance w/10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(B) Re Inadequate Thermo-Lag Installations Not Required.Hourly Fire Watches Initiated in Mid 1992 Continues to Date1994-08-26026 August 1994
- on 940727,concluded That One Hour Notification Made in Accordance w/10CFR50.72(b)(1)(ii)(B) Re Inadequate Thermo-Lag Installations Not Required.Hourly Fire Watches Initiated in Mid 1992 Continues to Date
05000416/LER-1994-006, :on 940528,identified That Scram Times for Two Control Rods Were Not Acceptable as Defined by Ts.Caused by Defect in Preassembled Top Head Assemblies.Ggns Has Completed Testing & Replacement of Top Head1994-07-22022 July 1994
- on 940528,identified That Scram Times for Two Control Rods Were Not Acceptable as Defined by Ts.Caused by Defect in Preassembled Top Head Assemblies.Ggns Has Completed Testing & Replacement of Top Head
05000416/LER-1994-006-02, :on 940528,scram Time Testing of Control Rods, Plant Personnel Identified That Scram Times for Two Control Rods Were Not Acceptable.Caused by Defect in Seating Material.Rods Were Retested & Returned to Svc1994-06-17017 June 1994
- on 940528,scram Time Testing of Control Rods, Plant Personnel Identified That Scram Times for Two Control Rods Were Not Acceptable.Caused by Defect in Seating Material.Rods Were Retested & Returned to Svc
05000416/LER-1994-005-02, :on 940517,discovered That There Was No Clear Guidance to Close Containment Isolation Valves for Drywell Fission Product Monitor & PASS When Required post-accident. Minor Change Package Generated1994-06-14014 June 1994
- on 940517,discovered That There Was No Clear Guidance to Close Containment Isolation Valves for Drywell Fission Product Monitor & PASS When Required post-accident. Minor Change Package Generated
05000416/LER-1994-004-02, :on 940324,found Five Slow Rods While Scram Time Testing Was Being Performed.Caused by Contamination of Internal Scram Solenoid Pilot Valve Head Assemblies. Corrective Action:Install New Head Assemblies1994-04-26026 April 1994
- on 940324,found Five Slow Rods While Scram Time Testing Was Being Performed.Caused by Contamination of Internal Scram Solenoid Pilot Valve Head Assemblies. Corrective Action:Install New Head Assemblies
05000416/LER-1994-003-02, :on 940310,unacceptable Vibration Reading Were Obtained During Run SSW Pump Declared Inoperable.Caused by Accelerated Degradation of Carbon Steel Bolts in Coupling. SSW Pumps Were Disassembled1994-04-11011 April 1994
- on 940310,unacceptable Vibration Reading Were Obtained During Run SSW Pump Declared Inoperable.Caused by Accelerated Degradation of Carbon Steel Bolts in Coupling. SSW Pumps Were Disassembled
05000416/LER-1994-002-02, :on 940225,discovered ESF Switchgear Rooms Temps Could Exceed Allowable Limits Under Post-LOCA Conditions.Caused by Calculations Approved W/O Adequate Technical Review.Issue Under Evaluation1994-03-28028 March 1994
- on 940225,discovered ESF Switchgear Rooms Temps Could Exceed Allowable Limits Under Post-LOCA Conditions.Caused by Calculations Approved W/O Adequate Technical Review.Issue Under Evaluation
05000416/LER-1994-016, :on 931108,ESF Automatic Closure Containment Isolation Valves Occurred.Caused by Ineffective Coordination.Corrective Actions:Test Jacks Installed Per Work Order1994-03-0808 March 1994
- on 931108,ESF Automatic Closure Containment Isolation Valves Occurred.Caused by Ineffective Coordination.Corrective Actions:Test Jacks Installed Per Work Order
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000416/LER-1999-004-03, :on 990909,HPCS Sys Was Declared Inoperable Due to Generator Shaft Bearing Failure.Caused by Inadequate Lubrication.Deficiency Document Was Issued & DG Was Tagged Out.With1999-10-12012 October 1999
- on 990909,HPCS Sys Was Declared Inoperable Due to Generator Shaft Bearing Failure.Caused by Inadequate Lubrication.Deficiency Document Was Issued & DG Was Tagged Out.With
ML20217F9921999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20212F5641999-09-23023 September 1999 SER Concluding That All of ampacity-related Concerns Have Been Resolved & Licensee Provided Adequate Technical Basis to Assure That All of Thermo-Lag Fire Barrier Encl Cables Operating within Acceptable Ampacity Limits ML20211Q3171999-09-0909 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting BWROG Rept, Prediction of Onset of Fission Gas Release from Fuel in Generic BWR, Dtd July 1996 ML20216E4881999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.With ML20211A6921999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20209J1961999-07-12012 July 1999 Special Rept 99-001:on 990528,smoke Detectors Failed to Alarm During Performance of Routine Channel Functional Testing.Applicable TRM Interim Compensatory Measure of Establishing Roving Hourly Fire Patrol Was Implemented ML20196K4981999-07-0101 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing PRR-E12-01,PRR-E21-01, PRR-P75-01,PRR-P81-01,VRR-B21-01,VRR-B21-02,VRR-E38-01 & VRR-E51-01.Concludes That Alternatives Proposed by EOI Acceptable ML20209G0691999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20196A1161999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.With ML20206L4371999-05-0707 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 138 to License NPF-29 ML20206Q4831999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1.With ML20206J1201999-04-30030 April 1999 Redacted ME-98-001-00, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding Test Program on Two Gate Valves with Limitorque Actuators ML20206D8351999-04-26026 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 137 to License NPF-29 ML18016A9011999-04-12012 April 1999 Part 21 Rept Re Defect in Component of DSRV-16-4,Enterprise DG Sys.Caused by Potential Problem with Connecting Rod Assemblies Built Since 1986,that Have Been Converted to Use Prestressed Fasteners.Affected Rods Should Be Inspected ML20205P8771999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With 05000416/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990221,reactor Scram Manually Inserted. Caused by Decreasing Condenser Vacuum.New Turbine Expansion Joint Boot Seal Installed on a & C Condensers.With1999-03-19019 March 1999
- on 990221,reactor Scram Manually Inserted. Caused by Decreasing Condenser Vacuum.New Turbine Expansion Joint Boot Seal Installed on a & C Condensers.With
ML20207M9231999-03-12012 March 1999 Amended Part 21 Rept Re Cooper-Bessemer Ksv EDG Power Piston Failure.Total of 198 or More Pistons Have Been Measured at Seven Different Sites.All Potentially Defective Pistons Have Been Removed from Svc Based on Encl Results 05000416/LER-1999-002, :on 990207,ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Inattention to Detail.Standdown Held for All Shift I&C Personnel.With1999-03-0101 March 1999
- on 990207,ESF Actuation Occurred.Caused by Inattention to Detail.Standdown Held for All Shift I&C Personnel.With
ML20207K5141999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Rept for Feb 1999 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20206T7991999-01-31031 January 1999 Iodine Revolatizitation in Grand Gulf Loca ML20206R9501998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20206D7721998-12-31031 December 1998 South Mississippi Electric Power Association 1998 Annual Rept ML20207A8301998-12-31031 December 1998 1998 Annual Operating Rept for Ggns,Unit 1 ML20198E2481998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20195F4121998-11-13013 November 1998 Rev 16 to GGNS-TOP-1A, Operational QA Manual (Oqam) 05000416/LER-1998-006-02, :on 981014,deck Grating Potentially Affected HPCS Suction Strainer.Caused by Lack of Positive Administrative Process to Control CR Related Temporary Solutions.Will Change Noted Process.With1998-11-13013 November 1998
- on 981014,deck Grating Potentially Affected HPCS Suction Strainer.Caused by Lack of Positive Administrative Process to Control CR Related Temporary Solutions.Will Change Noted Process.With
05000416/LER-1998-005-02, :on 981009,delinquent LCO Action Occurred. Caused by Inadequate Work Practices & Verbal Communications. Required Ac/Dc Lineup Surveillance Was Immediately Completed Upon Discovery of Missed TS Requirement.With1998-11-0909 November 1998
- on 981009,delinquent LCO Action Occurred. Caused by Inadequate Work Practices & Verbal Communications. Required Ac/Dc Lineup Surveillance Was Immediately Completed Upon Discovery of Missed TS Requirement.With
ML20195C4841998-11-0606 November 1998 SER Accepting QA Program Change to Consolidate Four Existing QA Programs for Arkansas Nuclear One,Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,River Bend Station & Waterford 3 Steam Electric Station Into Single QA Program ML20195C2791998-11-0505 November 1998 BWR Feedwater Nozzle Inservice Insp Summary Rept for GGNS, NUREG-0619-00006 05000416/LER-1998-003-04, :on 980507,core Shroud Insp Tool Theta Drive Ring Became Partially Disconnected from Strongback.Caused by Air Bubbles Vented Into Vessel.Secured Ring Temporarily While Recovery Plan Was Developed.With1998-11-0303 November 1998
- on 980507,core Shroud Insp Tool Theta Drive Ring Became Partially Disconnected from Strongback.Caused by Air Bubbles Vented Into Vessel.Secured Ring Temporarily While Recovery Plan Was Developed.With
ML20195F4801998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Oct 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20155C1351998-10-26026 October 1998 Rev B to Entergy QA Program Manual ML20154K2391998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1.With ML20155F1961998-09-0101 September 1998 Engineering Rept for Evaluation of BWR CR Drive Mounting Flange Cap Screw ML20153B2161998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1.With ML20237B6661998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1 05000416/LER-1998-004-02, :on 980625,noted That Containment Isolation Valve Had Been Opened Simultaneously During Check Valve Repairs Contrary to Ts.Caused by Inadequate Work Practices. Will Revise Protective Tagging Sys Procedure 01-S-06-11998-07-24024 July 1998
- on 980625,noted That Containment Isolation Valve Had Been Opened Simultaneously During Check Valve Repairs Contrary to Ts.Caused by Inadequate Work Practices. Will Revise Protective Tagging Sys Procedure 01-S-06-1
ML20236R0231998-06-30030 June 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for June 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1 ML20155J0811998-05-31031 May 1998 10CFR50.59 SE for Period Jan 1997 - May 1998 ML20249B1251998-05-31031 May 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for May 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station,Unit 1 05000416/LER-1998-002-01, :on 980421,failure to Maintain Standby DG Seismically Qualified as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Comply W/Sys Operating Instruction 04-1-01-P75-1. Door Was Closed Immediately1998-05-20020 May 1998
- on 980421,failure to Maintain Standby DG Seismically Qualified as Required by TS Was Noted.Caused by Failure to Comply W/Sys Operating Instruction 04-1-01-P75-1. Door Was Closed Immediately
ML20248B6261998-05-11011 May 1998 Rev 6 to Grand Gulf Nuclear Station COLR Safety-Related ML20216C1711998-05-0808 May 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 136 to License NPF-29 ML20217Q6701998-05-0606 May 1998 SER Approving Proposed Postponement of Beginning Augmented Exam Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) at Grand Gulf for Circumferential Shell Welds for Two Operating Cycles ML20206J1271998-04-30030 April 1998 Pressure Locking Thrust Evaluation Methodology for Flexible Wedge Gate Valves ML20217M8951998-04-30030 April 1998 QA Program Manual ML20247F3591998-04-30030 April 1998 Monthly Operating Rept for Apr 1998 for Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant,Unit 1 ML20217P8281998-04-0707 April 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Relief Authorization for Alternative to Requirements of ASME Section Xi,Subarticle IWA-5250 Bolting Exam for Plants,Per 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) ML20217P0381998-04-0606 April 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 135 to License NPF-29 1999-09-09
[Table view] |
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Emmy n-i a t o" us 39'50 b! (iO) 437 (609 Wmiam T. Cottle m nmw Naorm Op4"abons February 9,1990 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Station PI-13*/
Washington, D.C.
20555 Attention: Document Control Desk Gentlemen:
l SUBJECT: Grand Gulf Nuclear Station I
Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29 Technical Specification Actions Delinquent Due To Programmtic Deficiencies and Personnel Error LER 90-001-00 AECM-90/0032 Attached is Licensee Event Report (LER) 90-001-00 which is an interim report.
Yours truly, c.o F~~~ Cw :-
WTC:cg Attachment cc:
Mr. D. C. Illntz (w/a)
Mr. T.11. Cloninger (w/a)
Mr. R. B. McGehee (w/a)
Mr. N. S. Reynolds (w/a)
Mr.11. L. Thomas (w/o)
Mr.11. O. Christensen (w/a)
Mr. Stewart D. Ebneter (w/a)
Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta St.,
N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. L. L. Kintner, Project Manager (w/a)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission l
Mail Stop 14B20 Washington, D.C.
.LER9001/SCMPFLR - 1 g
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Grand Culf Nuclear Station - Unit Tech Spec Actions Delinquent Due To Programmatic Deficiencies & Personnel Error 1614t 64:
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w, rawan enro om ove.m=~ e~.* con an evaluator conducting an Off-shift post Trip On January 12, 1990, Analysis determined that the Technical Specification reactor coolant cooldown rate limit of 100 degrees F per hour was exceeded in the reactor bottom head drain pipe following a manual reactor scram on An engineering evaluation of the out-of-limit December 30, 1989..
condition was not completed within the Technical Specification 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> time limit after discovery.
The failure to recognize the out-of-limit condition on December 30, The On-Shift Post 1989 was primarily due to programmatic deficiencies.
Trip Analysis procedure and lleatup/Cooldown Data Shoots have beenThe fa changed to preclude recurrence. evaluation within the 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Technical Specificatio to a verbal misunderstanding betwocn the Shif t Superintendent and the Shitt Superintendents Operations Staff in the administrative office.and Operations Staff w distinct communication and thorough research in resolution of concerns.
The engineering evaluation of the out-of-limit condition concluded that the impact of the cooldown rate was insignificant when compared to There are no structural integrity concerns the design usage factor.
associated with continued operations.
LER9001/SCMPFLR - 3 e.-
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Reportable Occurrence r
On January 12, 1990, an evaluator conducting an Off-Shift Post Trip i
Analysis determined that the Technical Specification reactor coolant cooldown rate limit of 100 degree F per hour was exceeded
'i following a manual reactor scram that -occurred na December 30, 1989.
Due to a verbal misunderstanding, the engineering evaluation of the.out-of-limit condition was not performed as requ. red by Technical Specification until January 15, 1990.
This situation is reported pursuant to 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).
I B.
Initial Conditions' The plant was operating at 100 percent power at the time of discovery on January 12, 1990.
t C.
Description of Event
On December 30, 1989 at 1758, Control Room Operators manually scrammed the reactor following a loss of Plant Service Water (EIIS code: KI).
During the course of the event, reactor pressure increased sufficiently to cause an ATWS/ARI Recirculation Pump Trip
. ith no recirculation pumps operating, there was less (RPT).
coolant mixing in the bottom head region of the reactor vessel.
Thus, cooler water from the Control Rod Drive system (EIIS code:AA) caused a faster cooldown rate in the bottom head region.
In the following hour, the temperature indicated by the temperature element on the bottom head drain pipe decreased approximately 125 degrees F.
This cooldown rate exceeds the 100 degree F per hour cooldown rate limit of Technical Specification
The manual scram event was reported separately in LER 89-019-00.
The excessive cooldown rate was not identified until January 12, 1990 during the Off-shift Post Trip Analysis. Technical Specification requires the temperature to be restored within 30 minutes; an engineering evaluation be performed to determine the effects of the out-of-limit condition on the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system; and a determination be made that the reactor coolant system remains acceptable for continued operations or be in at least Hot Shutdown within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and in Cold Shutdown within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
'Because the out-of-limit condition was not recognized until January 12, 1990, the plant restarted on December 31, 1989 without conducting an engineering evaluation of the condition to determine the acceptability of the reactor coolant system for continued operation.
g"" *""* LER9001/SCMPFLR - 4
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When the condition was identified on Friday, January 12, 1990, an Incident Report was hand carried to the Operations Shift Superintendent for review and processing. The Shift Superintendent believed that the required action had already been completed and did not proceed with the actions required by Technical -
Specification, On Monday, January 15, 1990, plant Staff recognized the error and notified the Design Engineering organization to conduct the evaluation. SERI had previously conducted such an evaluation for similar cooldown conditions following an ATWS/ARI RpT on August 14, 1989 (LER 89-012). That evaluation concluded that the impact of both excessive heatup and cooldown rates experienced on August 14, 1989 were insignificant when compared to the design usage factor and that there were no structural integrity concerns associated L
with continued operations. The Design Engineering Group confirmed on January 15, 1990, that the impact of the cooldown rate l
experienced on December 30, 1989 was likewise insignificant when l
compared to the design usage factor and that there were no structural integrity concerns associated with continued opera ^ cions.
i D.
Apparent Cause The failure to recogn'ize the out-of-limit cooldown rate on December l
l 30 was primarily due to programmatic deficiencies. The Scram l
Recovery procedure provided data sheets for logging temperatures for a heatup/cooldown record. The data sheets also required review signatures after completion by the Cc. trol Room Operator and the l
Shift Supervisor. However the data sheets did not includo l
acceptance criteria and did not clearly assign responsibility for determining if out-of-limit conditions existed. Additionally, the
.On-shift post Trip Analysis procedure did not require a check of L
heatup or cooldown rates to ensure acceptability prior to plant l-restart.
The cause of the failure to initiate an engineering evaluation on January 12, 1990 was personnel error due to verbal misunderstandings between Operations Staff.and the licensed Shift Superintendent. The Incident Report was written by Operations Staff in the administrative office and carried to the Shift Superintendent to make required notifications and initiate appropriate Technical Specification actions. From his conversation with the Operations Staff, the Shift Superintendent concluded that the Technical Specification actions had already been complied with, g**amana*
LER9001/SCMPFLR - 5 l
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Supplenental Corrective Actions The Heatup/Cooldown Data Sheets have been changed to require a verifier to evaluate the temperature differential at every 60 minute segment to identify any out-of-limit heatup/cooldown rates.
The data sheets will also be changed to require a verifier to
'i compare Reactor pressure and head flange and shell flange temperatures every 30 minutes. The verifer will ensure that a plot of Reactor metal temperatures vs Reactor pressure is to the right of the applicable curve as required in Tehnical Specification
This change will be incorporated by 03/01/90.
Additionally, completed data cheets require a final documented determination of whether or not the recorded conditions are acceptable when compared to administrative and Technical Specification acceptance criteria. This acceptability i
determination must be approved by the Shif t Supervisor or Shif t Superintendent.
l The On-shift post Trip Analysis procedure was also changed to
' require a check.of the acceptability of the cooldown/heatup rates.
i A memorandum was issued to the operations Staff and to the Shift Superintendents informing them of the incident and the expectations of distinct communication and thorough research in the resolution of concerns. The Incident Report form will be enhanced to prompt more complete reviews for Technical Specification compliance. The change will be implemented by April 30, 1990.
Corrective Actions to preclude excessive cooldown rates are addressed in LER 89-019-00.
Safety Assessment
Cooldown rates at the reactor vessel head flange, shell flange, bottom head, and in the recirculation loops were within the 100 degrees F per hour limit. The heatup/cooldown record shows that the temperatures at the bottom head drains. decreased from 550 degrees F at 1815 to 425 degrees F at 1915. All subsequent cooldown rates were within limits.
The engineering evaluation confirmed that the impact of this cooldown rate was insignificant when compared to the design usage factor and that there was no structural integrity concerns associated with continued operations.
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LER9001/SCMpFLR - 6 4
| | Reporting criterion |
05000416/LER-1990-001, :on 900112,determined That Tech Spec Reactor Coolant Cooldown Rate Limit of 100 Degrees F Exceeded in Reactor Bottom Head Drain Pipe.Caused by Programmatic Deficiencies.Incident Rept Form Improved |
- on 900112,determined That Tech Spec Reactor Coolant Cooldown Rate Limit of 100 Degrees F Exceeded in Reactor Bottom Head Drain Pipe.Caused by Programmatic Deficiencies.Incident Rept Form Improved
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-002, :on 900124,discovered That Div II Solenoid Associated W/Secondary Containment Isolation Valve Did Not Operate During Quarterly Valve Stroke Time Tests.Caused by Procedure Inadequacy.Procedures Changed |
- on 900124,discovered That Div II Solenoid Associated W/Secondary Containment Isolation Valve Did Not Operate During Quarterly Valve Stroke Time Tests.Caused by Procedure Inadequacy.Procedures Changed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-003, :on 900215,identified Potential Single Failure Scenario That Could Result in Unavailability of Both Core Spray Sys for Long Term post-LOCA Core Cooling.Detailed Heatup Evaluation Performed for Power Bundle |
- on 900215,identified Potential Single Failure Scenario That Could Result in Unavailability of Both Core Spray Sys for Long Term post-LOCA Core Cooling.Detailed Heatup Evaluation Performed for Power Bundle
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000416/LER-1990-003-01, Corrected LER 90-003-01:on 900215,potential Single Failure Scenario Identified That Could Result in Unavailability of Both Core Spray Sys for post-LOCA Core Cooling.Detailed Heatup Evaluation Performed | Corrected LER 90-003-01:on 900215,potential Single Failure Scenario Identified That Could Result in Unavailability of Both Core Spray Sys for post-LOCA Core Cooling.Detailed Heatup Evaluation Performed | | 05000416/LER-1990-004, :on 900406,discovered That Surveillance Procedure for Verifying Air Pressure in Containment Airlock Seal Flasks Did Not Fully Implement Tech Spec Caused by Deficient Procedures |
- on 900406,discovered That Surveillance Procedure for Verifying Air Pressure in Containment Airlock Seal Flasks Did Not Fully Implement Tech Spec Caused by Deficient Procedures
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-005, :on 900406,discovered That Current Surveillance Practices for Stroke Testing Fresh Air Makeup Intake Valves Could Have Resulted in Unfiltered Pathway.Administrative Controls Placed on Valves |
- on 900406,discovered That Current Surveillance Practices for Stroke Testing Fresh Air Makeup Intake Valves Could Have Resulted in Unfiltered Pathway.Administrative Controls Placed on Valves
| 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000416/LER-1990-006, :on 900502,review of Effluent Sample Analysis Revealed That Turbine Bldg Ventilation Exhaust Had Not Been Analyzed Exceeding Time Limit.Caused by Personnel Error. Training & Counseling Conducted |
- on 900502,review of Effluent Sample Analysis Revealed That Turbine Bldg Ventilation Exhaust Had Not Been Analyzed Exceeding Time Limit.Caused by Personnel Error. Training & Counseling Conducted
| | 05000416/LER-1990-007, :on 900516,discovered That Actions Taken for Inoperable Reactor Water Level Transmitter Not Adequate to Comply W/Requirements for Tech Spec 3.3.2.Caused by Personnel Error.Meetings Held W/Personnel |
- on 900516,discovered That Actions Taken for Inoperable Reactor Water Level Transmitter Not Adequate to Comply W/Requirements for Tech Spec 3.3.2.Caused by Personnel Error.Meetings Held W/Personnel
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-008, :on 900521,discovered That Fire Rated Door Required by Tech Spec 3/4.7.7 Not Designated as Tech Spec Door in Ssurveillance Procedures.Caused by Incorrect Interpretation of Tech Spec Requirements |
- on 900521,discovered That Fire Rated Door Required by Tech Spec 3/4.7.7 Not Designated as Tech Spec Door in Ssurveillance Procedures.Caused by Incorrect Interpretation of Tech Spec Requirements
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-009, :on 900526,nonlicensed Personnel Performed Step Out of Sequence During Breaker rack-out & Caused LPCS Pump Breaker to Close.Operator Involved Counseled on Failure to Adhere to Breaker Operation Procedure |
- on 900526,nonlicensed Personnel Performed Step Out of Sequence During Breaker rack-out & Caused LPCS Pump Breaker to Close.Operator Involved Counseled on Failure to Adhere to Breaker Operation Procedure
| | 05000416/LER-1990-010-01, :on 900706,error Discovered in Evaluation Used to Demonstrate Adequacy of Svc Water Flow to HPCS Pump Room Cooler.Matls Nonconformance Rept Generated to Document Discrepancy |
- on 900706,error Discovered in Evaluation Used to Demonstrate Adequacy of Svc Water Flow to HPCS Pump Room Cooler.Matls Nonconformance Rept Generated to Document Discrepancy
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function | 05000416/LER-1990-011-01, :on 900724,reactor Tripped on High Reactor Water Level W/Reactor Power in Process of Being Reduced in Attempt to Control Turbine Pump B Oscillations.Caused by Malfunction of Controller.Controller Calibr |
- on 900724,reactor Tripped on High Reactor Water Level W/Reactor Power in Process of Being Reduced in Attempt to Control Turbine Pump B Oscillations.Caused by Malfunction of Controller.Controller Calibr
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-012, :on 900724,calculations Did Not Demonstrate That All Loads Would Receive Sufficient Energy to Start. Div III 125 Volt Dc Distribution Circuits Modified to Ensure Adequate Voltage Levels |
- on 900724,calculations Did Not Demonstrate That All Loads Would Receive Sufficient Energy to Start. Div III 125 Volt Dc Distribution Circuits Modified to Ensure Adequate Voltage Levels
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vi) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-013, :on 900725,instrument Cable from B Detector Disconnected Rather than C Detector While Performing Maint on Monitoring Sys.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Counseled on Methods for Self Verification |
- on 900725,instrument Cable from B Detector Disconnected Rather than C Detector While Performing Maint on Monitoring Sys.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Counseled on Methods for Self Verification
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-014, :on 900810,retest Not Performed Prior to Returning Secondary Containment Isolation Valve to Operable Status.Caused by Programmatic Weaknesses in Administrative Controls.Plant Procedures Changed |
- on 900810,retest Not Performed Prior to Returning Secondary Containment Isolation Valve to Operable Status.Caused by Programmatic Weaknesses in Administrative Controls.Plant Procedures Changed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-015, :on 900823,discovered That Fire Rated Assembly Penetration Not Properly Sealed.Cause Not Determined. Nonconformance Rept Written & Work Order Initiated to Seal Penetration |
- on 900823,discovered That Fire Rated Assembly Penetration Not Properly Sealed.Cause Not Determined. Nonconformance Rept Written & Work Order Initiated to Seal Penetration
| | 05000416/LER-1990-016-01, :on 900912,cooling Water Outlet Valve Failed to Stroke to Full Open Position & Div II Purge Sys Declared Inoperable |
- on 900912,cooling Water Outlet Valve Failed to Stroke to Full Open Position & Div II Purge Sys Declared Inoperable
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-017, :on 900916,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Loss of Balance of Plant Busses |
- on 900916,reactor Scram Occurred Due to Loss of Balance of Plant Busses
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-018-01, :on 901008,secondary Containment Doors Found Open During Refueling Outage |
- on 901008,secondary Containment Doors Found Open During Refueling Outage
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000416/LER-1990-019-01, :on 901014,during Refueling Outage Four,Three Events Occurred in Which Same Power Supply Breaker Inadvertently Opened |
- on 901014,during Refueling Outage Four,Three Events Occurred in Which Same Power Supply Breaker Inadvertently Opened
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-020-01, :on 901016,containment Cooling Sys Found on High Radiation Level |
- on 901016,containment Cooling Sys Found on High Radiation Level
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-021-01, :on 901024,uncontrolled Lowering of Fuel Bundle Occurred |
- on 901024,uncontrolled Lowering of Fuel Bundle Occurred
| | 05000416/LER-1990-022, :on 901026,loss of Shutdown Cooling Due to Inadequate Procedure |
- on 901026,loss of Shutdown Cooling Due to Inadequate Procedure
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability | 05000416/LER-1990-022-01, :on 901026,breaker 52-15309,which Supplies Power to Common Suction Isolation Valve E12-F008,closed, Tripping RHR Pump B & Isolating Shutdown Cooling Sys.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Standing Order Issued |
- on 901026,breaker 52-15309,which Supplies Power to Common Suction Isolation Valve E12-F008,closed, Tripping RHR Pump B & Isolating Shutdown Cooling Sys.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Standing Order Issued
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability | 05000416/LER-1990-023, :on 901105,shutdown Cooling Isolation Occurred Due to Blown Fuse |
- on 901105,shutdown Cooling Isolation Occurred Due to Blown Fuse
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability | 05000416/LER-1990-024, :on 901114,standby Fresh Air Unit Actuation Occurred Due to Inadequate Test Instruction |
- on 901114,standby Fresh Air Unit Actuation Occurred Due to Inadequate Test Instruction
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-025, :on 901122,actuation of Reactor Protection Sys Occurred During Surveillance of Reactor Mode Switch.Caused by Diminishing Power Supply of Test Equipment.Evaluation Will Be Conducted |
- on 901122,actuation of Reactor Protection Sys Occurred During Surveillance of Reactor Mode Switch.Caused by Diminishing Power Supply of Test Equipment.Evaluation Will Be Conducted
| | 05000416/LER-1990-026, :on 901124,manual Scram Inserted Following Lockup of Rod Pattern Control Sys During Reactor Startup. Caused by Transient of Reactor Water Level Attributed to Open Drain Valves.Startup Procedure Amended |
- on 901124,manual Scram Inserted Following Lockup of Rod Pattern Control Sys During Reactor Startup. Caused by Transient of Reactor Water Level Attributed to Open Drain Valves.Startup Procedure Amended
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-027, :on 901124,low Differential Flow Isolation Occurred During Transfer of RWCU Sys from pre-pump Mode to post-pump Mode.Caused by Flow Perturbations.Rwcu Sys Restored to Svc |
- on 901124,low Differential Flow Isolation Occurred During Transfer of RWCU Sys from pre-pump Mode to post-pump Mode.Caused by Flow Perturbations.Rwcu Sys Restored to Svc
| | 05000416/LER-1990-028, :on 901210,ESF,RPS & ECCS Hpsc Actuated, Resulting in Reactor Scram from Full Power.Caused by Failed Solder Joint in Instrument Air Sys & Leaking Root Valve. Joint Reinspected & Procedures Revised |
- on 901210,ESF,RPS & ECCS Hpsc Actuated, Resulting in Reactor Scram from Full Power.Caused by Failed Solder Joint in Instrument Air Sys & Leaking Root Valve. Joint Reinspected & Procedures Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation | 05000416/LER-1990-029, :on 901218,reactor Protection Sys Actuation Occurred,Resulting in Automatic Plant Shutdown Due to Reactor Feedwater Pump Trip.Caused by Air Supply Valve Not Fully Open.Air Supply Valve Replaced |
- on 901218,reactor Protection Sys Actuation Occurred,Resulting in Automatic Plant Shutdown Due to Reactor Feedwater Pump Trip.Caused by Air Supply Valve Not Fully Open.Air Supply Valve Replaced
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation |