05000353/LER-1999-010, :on 990820,manual Actuation of Main CR Chlorine Isolation Mode Was Noted.Caused by Faint Chlorine Odor in Reactor Encl.Conducted Investigation & Was Unable to Locate Source of Odor1999-09-16016 September 1999
- on 990820,manual Actuation of Main CR Chlorine Isolation Mode Was Noted.Caused by Faint Chlorine Odor in Reactor Encl.Conducted Investigation & Was Unable to Locate Source of Odor
05000352/LER-1999-009, :on 990802,maint Was Performed That Required Disabling Certain Monitoring Capabilities on Safeguard Sys. Caused by Failure to Properly Use Plant Procedure.Monitoring Capability Was Restored to Svc & Tested1999-09-0101 September 1999
- on 990802,maint Was Performed That Required Disabling Certain Monitoring Capabilities on Safeguard Sys. Caused by Failure to Properly Use Plant Procedure.Monitoring Capability Was Restored to Svc & Tested
05000353/LER-1999-005-02, :on 990712,PCIV Isolation & Esfa Occurred Due to Blown Fuse.Caused by Mechanical Failure of Cold Solder Joing.Reset Isolation within Three Hours & 22 Minutes & Replaced Fuse1999-08-10010 August 1999
- on 990712,PCIV Isolation & Esfa Occurred Due to Blown Fuse.Caused by Mechanical Failure of Cold Solder Joing.Reset Isolation within Three Hours & 22 Minutes & Replaced Fuse
05000353/LER-1999-004-02, :on 990701,determined That Thirteen MSRVs Failed to Meet 1% Setpoint Tolerance Due to Setpoint Drift.Caused by Corrosion Induced Bonding Between Pilot Disc & Seat.All Fourteen Srvs Pilot Valves Were Replaced1999-07-23023 July 1999
- on 990701,determined That Thirteen MSRVs Failed to Meet 1% Setpoint Tolerance Due to Setpoint Drift.Caused by Corrosion Induced Bonding Between Pilot Disc & Seat.All Fourteen Srvs Pilot Valves Were Replaced
05000352/LER-1999-007, :on 990617,inadvertent Emergency Svc Water Start During Test Equipment Installation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure Revised.With1999-07-14014 July 1999
- on 990617,inadvertent Emergency Svc Water Start During Test Equipment Installation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure Revised.With
05000352/LER-1999-005, :on 990611,RPS & ESF Actuations Were Noted. Caused by Personnel Error During Turbine Routine Testing. Revised Backup Overspeed & Power/Load Unbalance Test Routine Test Procedure.With1999-07-0909 July 1999
- on 990611,RPS & ESF Actuations Were Noted. Caused by Personnel Error During Turbine Routine Testing. Revised Backup Overspeed & Power/Load Unbalance Test Routine Test Procedure.With
05000353/LER-1999-003-02, :on 990607,bypass of RW Cleanup Sys Leak Detection Sys Isolation Functions on Three Separate Occasions Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Review & Approval of Change to Sys Procedure.Procedure S44.7.C Revised1999-07-0707 July 1999
- on 990607,bypass of RW Cleanup Sys Leak Detection Sys Isolation Functions on Three Separate Occasions Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Review & Approval of Change to Sys Procedure.Procedure S44.7.C Revised
05000352/LER-1999-004-01, :on 990606,ADS Was Inoperable During Planned Maint & Applicable TS Was Not Met.Caused by Inadequate Review Operability Requirements.Clearance Was Removed from Backup ADS Gas Bottles & Sys Was Returned to Service1999-07-0101 July 1999
- on 990606,ADS Was Inoperable During Planned Maint & Applicable TS Was Not Met.Caused by Inadequate Review Operability Requirements.Clearance Was Removed from Backup ADS Gas Bottles & Sys Was Returned to Service
05000352/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990420,RPS & PCRVICS Actuations Were Noted, Due to Loss of FW Transient.Caused by Spuriously Opening Breaker.Deep Bed Condensate Deminerlizer Sys Was Replaced1999-05-19019 May 1999
- on 990420,RPS & PCRVICS Actuations Were Noted, Due to Loss of FW Transient.Caused by Spuriously Opening Breaker.Deep Bed Condensate Deminerlizer Sys Was Replaced
05000353/LER-1999-002-03, :on 990419,various ESF Actuations Due to Loss of Power to 2A Rps/Ups Distribution Panel,Occurred.Caused by Loose Bus Bar Connection in RPS Breaker panel.Bus-bar Connection Inspected,Cleaned & re-tightened1999-05-18018 May 1999
- on 990419,various ESF Actuations Due to Loss of Power to 2A Rps/Ups Distribution Panel,Occurred.Caused by Loose Bus Bar Connection in RPS Breaker panel.Bus-bar Connection Inspected,Cleaned & re-tightened
05000352/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990303,failure to Perform TS Surveillance Required Locked Valve Insp Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures Revised.With1999-04-0101 April 1999
- on 990303,failure to Perform TS Surveillance Required Locked Valve Insp Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures Revised.With
05000352/LER-1999-001-02, :on 990217,old Rev of LGS PSP Was Discovered on Hard Drive of self-contained Computer in Security Ofc Area. Caused by Less than Adequate Ac.Security Force Was Placed on Heightened Awareness to Compensate for Compromise of SG1999-03-16016 March 1999
- on 990217,old Rev of LGS PSP Was Discovered on Hard Drive of self-contained Computer in Security Ofc Area. Caused by Less than Adequate Ac.Security Force Was Placed on Heightened Awareness to Compensate for Compromise of SGI
05000353/LER-1998-008-02, :on 981209,plant Personnel Identified That Unit 2 RCIC Turbine Steam Supply Line warm-up Bypass Valve Had Been in Partially Open Condition.Caused by Intermittment Control Circuit Anomaly.Control Circuit Replaced1999-01-0707 January 1999
- on 981209,plant Personnel Identified That Unit 2 RCIC Turbine Steam Supply Line warm-up Bypass Valve Had Been in Partially Open Condition.Caused by Intermittment Control Circuit Anomaly.Control Circuit Replaced
05000352/LER-1998-019, :on 981202,noted Unescorted Access to Contract Employee Who Had Tampered with Drug Test Specimen.Caused by Incorrect Computer Data Entry for pre-access Drug Screening. Will Develop Formal Training Program for Data Entry Clerk1998-12-23023 December 1998
- on 981202,noted Unescorted Access to Contract Employee Who Had Tampered with Drug Test Specimen.Caused by Incorrect Computer Data Entry for pre-access Drug Screening. Will Develop Formal Training Program for Data Entry Clerk
05000353/LER-1998-007-01, :on 971210,personnel Determined That Surveillance Requirements Were Not Met for RHR Heat Exchanger Discharge Line High Radiation Indication. Caused by Personnel Error.Test for Common Monitor Revised1998-09-0303 September 1998
- on 971210,personnel Determined That Surveillance Requirements Were Not Met for RHR Heat Exchanger Discharge Line High Radiation Indication. Caused by Personnel Error.Test for Common Monitor Revised
05000353/LER-1998-006-01, :on 980726,noted Failure to Perform 4KV Emergency D24 Bus Undervoltage Channel Calibr Surveillance Test Prior to TS Due Date.Caused by Personnel Error. Counseled Personnel & Conducted Training Re Event1998-08-21021 August 1998
- on 980726,noted Failure to Perform 4KV Emergency D24 Bus Undervoltage Channel Calibr Surveillance Test Prior to TS Due Date.Caused by Personnel Error. Counseled Personnel & Conducted Training Re Event
05000353/LER-1998-004-02, :on 980626,secondary Containment Isolation, SGTS & RERS Initiation Manual Action,Occurred.Caused by Failure of Normal Reactor Enclosure HVAC to Maintain Negative Pressure.Repaired B Train SGTS Control Components1998-07-27027 July 1998
- on 980626,secondary Containment Isolation, SGTS & RERS Initiation Manual Action,Occurred.Caused by Failure of Normal Reactor Enclosure HVAC to Maintain Negative Pressure.Repaired B Train SGTS Control Components
05000353/LER-1998-005-01, :on 980629,discovered That Procedure ST-6-107-887-2 Which Has Weekly Frequency Had Exceeded TS Surveillance Period W/Applicable TS Action Not Being Met. Caused by Personnel Error.Developed Routine OOS Rept1998-07-23023 July 1998
- on 980629,discovered That Procedure ST-6-107-887-2 Which Has Weekly Frequency Had Exceeded TS Surveillance Period W/Applicable TS Action Not Being Met. Caused by Personnel Error.Developed Routine OOS Rept
05000353/LER-1998-003-02, :on 980622,determined That Main Condenser Offgas pre-treatment Rad Monitor Was Inoperable.Caused by Incorrect Procedure.Sys Procedure Has Been Revised to Remove Incorrect Procedure1998-07-22022 July 1998
- on 980622,determined That Main Condenser Offgas pre-treatment Rad Monitor Was Inoperable.Caused by Incorrect Procedure.Sys Procedure Has Been Revised to Remove Incorrect Procedure
05000352/LER-1998-014, :on 980128,several Rwcs Isolations Were on High Differential Flow Signals.Caused by Sys Perturbations. Shift Update Notice Was Issued to All Operations Personnel1998-07-20020 July 1998
- on 980128,several Rwcs Isolations Were on High Differential Flow Signals.Caused by Sys Perturbations. Shift Update Notice Was Issued to All Operations Personnel
05000352/LER-1997-013, :on 971205,various PCIVs & Other Valves Were Out of TS Surveillance & 3 Were Otherwise Noted Inoperable. Caused by Construction Drawing Error & Personnel Error. Revised Identified Document Deficiencies1998-07-20020 July 1998
- on 971205,various PCIVs & Other Valves Were Out of TS Surveillance & 3 Were Otherwise Noted Inoperable. Caused by Construction Drawing Error & Personnel Error. Revised Identified Document Deficiencies
05000353/LER-1998-002-01, :on 980603,automatic Isolation of Reactor Water Cleanup Suction Valve,Occurred.Caused by Electromagnetic Interference.Ferrite Torroids Were Added to Wires Entering & Leaving RRCS Hpoi Cards to Filter Out High Frequency Spike1998-07-0606 July 1998
- on 980603,automatic Isolation of Reactor Water Cleanup Suction Valve,Occurred.Caused by Electromagnetic Interference.Ferrite Torroids Were Added to Wires Entering & Leaving RRCS Hpoi Cards to Filter Out High Frequency Spikes
05000352/LER-1998-013, :on 841026,failed to Meet Max Travel Distance Limitation & Guidance for Class a Extinguisher Replacement W/Hose Stations.Caused by Failure to Provide Deviation Documentation.Place Extinguishers in Fire Brigade Locker1998-07-0606 July 1998
- on 841026,failed to Meet Max Travel Distance Limitation & Guidance for Class a Extinguisher Replacement W/Hose Stations.Caused by Failure to Provide Deviation Documentation.Place Extinguishers in Fire Brigade Locker
05000353/LER-1998-001-03, :on 980602,three Barksdale Model C9622-3-B Pressure Switches Located on Relayed Emergency Trip Sys Found Inoperable from Common Cause.Caused by Inadequate Allowances for Switch Performance.Trip Setpoint Revised1998-07-0202 July 1998
- on 980602,three Barksdale Model C9622-3-B Pressure Switches Located on Relayed Emergency Trip Sys Found Inoperable from Common Cause.Caused by Inadequate Allowances for Switch Performance.Trip Setpoint Revised
05000352/LER-1998-012, :on 980530,HPCIS Declared Inoperable.Caused by Locking Tab Piece from Older Style & Piece Broke Off of Currently Installed Locking Tab.Conducted Internal Insp of HPCI Turbine on Each Unit1998-06-30030 June 1998
- on 980530,HPCIS Declared Inoperable.Caused by Locking Tab Piece from Older Style & Piece Broke Off of Currently Installed Locking Tab.Conducted Internal Insp of HPCI Turbine on Each Unit
05000352/LER-1998-008, :on 980429,pressure Setpoint Drift of 5 Mss SRV Exceeded Ts.Caused by Corrosion Induced Bonding.All 14 SRV Pilot Valves Were Replaced W/Calibrated Spares During 1R071998-05-19019 May 1998
- on 980429,pressure Setpoint Drift of 5 Mss SRV Exceeded Ts.Caused by Corrosion Induced Bonding.All 14 SRV Pilot Valves Were Replaced W/Calibrated Spares During 1R07
05000352/LER-1998-006, :on 980405,post Maint Surveillance Test Was Not Performed for A2 RPS Channel Relay Replacement.Caused by Incomplete Document Review.Relay Work Was Reviewed to Evaluate & Resolve Impact of Relay Work on Any Required Sys1998-05-0404 May 1998
- on 980405,post Maint Surveillance Test Was Not Performed for A2 RPS Channel Relay Replacement.Caused by Incomplete Document Review.Relay Work Was Reviewed to Evaluate & Resolve Impact of Relay Work on Any Required Sys
05000352/LER-1998-005, :on 980322,load Ctr Feedwater Breaker 124B-62 tripped,de-energizing Components Supported by Load Ctr 124B. Caused by Combination of pre-existing Steam Leak in 1A RWCU Pump Room Circuit Breaker Replaced1998-04-21021 April 1998
- on 980322,load Ctr Feedwater Breaker 124B-62 tripped,de-energizing Components Supported by Load Ctr 124B. Caused by Combination of pre-existing Steam Leak in 1A RWCU Pump Room Circuit Breaker Replaced
05000352/LER-1998-004, :on 980320,missing Fire Dampers in Safe Shutdown Barriers Were Noted.Caused by Inadequate Design Review of Initial Fire barrier.Fire-watches Previously Established for Thermo-lag Issues Were Verified1998-04-20020 April 1998
- on 980320,missing Fire Dampers in Safe Shutdown Barriers Were Noted.Caused by Inadequate Design Review of Initial Fire barrier.Fire-watches Previously Established for Thermo-lag Issues Were Verified
05000352/LER-1998-002, :on 980206,primary Containment & Rv Isolation Control Sys Actuation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error. Fuse Was Replaced & All Isolations Were Reset within 55 Minutes1998-03-0909 March 1998
- on 980206,primary Containment & Rv Isolation Control Sys Actuation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error. Fuse Was Replaced & All Isolations Were Reset within 55 Minutes
05000352/LER-1997-013, :on 971205,discovered That Various PCIVs Had Not Been Tested,Per TS by Error in Original Installation Design Documents.Will Revise Identified Document Deficiencies & PCIV Surveillance Test1998-01-0505 January 1998
- on 971205,discovered That Various PCIVs Had Not Been Tested,Per TS by Error in Original Installation Design Documents.Will Revise Identified Document Deficiencies & PCIV Surveillance Test
05000353/LER-1997-010-01, :on 971107,reactor Vessel Flux Wire Specimen Analysis Was Not Performed IAW TS SR by Incomplete Surveillance Tp.Engineering Evaluation Was Performed,Including 10CFR50.59 Review1997-12-0808 December 1997
- on 971107,reactor Vessel Flux Wire Specimen Analysis Was Not Performed IAW TS SR by Incomplete Surveillance Tp.Engineering Evaluation Was Performed,Including 10CFR50.59 Review
05000352/LER-1997-009-01, :on 971015,RM Was Incorrectly Configured.Caused by Personnel Error.Piping at RM Sample Skid Has Been Corrected & Affected Drawings Have Been Revised to Reflect Change1997-11-17017 November 1997
- on 971015,RM Was Incorrectly Configured.Caused by Personnel Error.Piping at RM Sample Skid Has Been Corrected & Affected Drawings Have Been Revised to Reflect Change
05000352/LER-1997-006, :on 841026,discovered That Fire Protection Sys Deluge Valve May Not Have Functioned Per Design Since Issuance of Operating License.Caused by Potential Voltage Mismatch.Made Adjustments to Valve to Optimize Operation1997-10-17017 October 1997
- on 841026,discovered That Fire Protection Sys Deluge Valve May Not Have Functioned Per Design Since Issuance of Operating License.Caused by Potential Voltage Mismatch.Made Adjustments to Valve to Optimize Operation
05000352/LER-1997-008-01, :on 841026,fire Protection Group Personnel Discovered That Annual Inspection of Fire Extinguishers Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Personnel Error.Will Establish Annual Portable Fire Extinguisher Insps1997-10-15015 October 1997
- on 841026,fire Protection Group Personnel Discovered That Annual Inspection of Fire Extinguishers Had Not Been Performed.Caused by Personnel Error.Will Establish Annual Portable Fire Extinguisher Insps
05000352/LER-1997-007-01, :on 970910,isolation of Rwcs Resulting from Lifting of Filter Demineralizer Psv Occurred.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Procedures Revised1997-10-0909 October 1997
- on 970910,isolation of Rwcs Resulting from Lifting of Filter Demineralizer Psv Occurred.Caused by Setpoint Drift.Procedures Revised
05000353/LER-1997-009, :on 970806,Unit 2 RWCU Isolation Was Initiated. Caused by High Differential Flow Condition.Further Adjustments on RWCU Filter Demineralizer Y-strainer Manual Drain Valves Were Performed1997-09-0505 September 1997
- on 970806,Unit 2 RWCU Isolation Was Initiated. Caused by High Differential Flow Condition.Further Adjustments on RWCU Filter Demineralizer Y-strainer Manual Drain Valves Were Performed
05000352/LER-1997-006-01, :on 841026,fire Protection Sys Deluge Valve Did Not Function Per TS Requirements.Caused by Voltage Mismatch Between Star Deluge Valve & Chemetron Release Control Panel. Adjusted Valve EV-022-1701997-09-0202 September 1997
- on 841026,fire Protection Sys Deluge Valve Did Not Function Per TS Requirements.Caused by Voltage Mismatch Between Star Deluge Valve & Chemetron Release Control Panel. Adjusted Valve EV-022-170
05000353/LER-1997-004-01, :on 930316,failed to Obtain Offgas Sys Grab Sample within Four Hour Interval Required by Ts.Caused by Personnel Error.Analyzed Sample within Following Four Hours, IAW TS & Revised Chemistry Section Sample Program1997-07-0707 July 1997
- on 930316,failed to Obtain Offgas Sys Grab Sample within Four Hour Interval Required by Ts.Caused by Personnel Error.Analyzed Sample within Following Four Hours, IAW TS & Revised Chemistry Section Sample Program
05000353/LER-1997-005-01, :on 970605,facility Operating License Thermal Power Limit Was Exceeded Capacity Due to EHC Function.Cause Unknown.Monitoring Equipment Was Installed on EHC Sys to Provide Info If Similar Tansient Occurs1997-07-0303 July 1997
- on 970605,facility Operating License Thermal Power Limit Was Exceeded Capacity Due to EHC Function.Cause Unknown.Monitoring Equipment Was Installed on EHC Sys to Provide Info If Similar Tansient Occurs
05000353/LER-1997-003-02, :on 970429,several Main Steam Sys Relief Valves Had Setpoint Drifts Due to Corrosion Induced Bonding Between Pilot Disc & Seat.Licensee Is Participating in BWROG Setpoint Drift Committee1997-05-28028 May 1997
- on 970429,several Main Steam Sys Relief Valves Had Setpoint Drifts Due to Corrosion Induced Bonding Between Pilot Disc & Seat.Licensee Is Participating in BWROG Setpoint Drift Committee
05000353/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970212,leakage Was Identified from 2 Inch Reactor Pressure Vessel Instrument Nozzle.Caused by Improper installation.N12B Connection Was Removed & Sent off-site for Analysis1997-03-14014 March 1997
- on 970212,leakage Was Identified from 2 Inch Reactor Pressure Vessel Instrument Nozzle.Caused by Improper installation.N12B Connection Was Removed & Sent off-site for Analysis
05000352/LER-1997-004, :on 841026,TS SRs for 10 Fire Rated Assemblies Had Not Been Satisfactorily Met Since Original start-up of Each Unit & 951220.Caused by Inadequate Reviews of Procedures.Procedures Reviewed1997-03-11011 March 1997
- on 841026,TS SRs for 10 Fire Rated Assemblies Had Not Been Satisfactorily Met Since Original start-up of Each Unit & 951220.Caused by Inadequate Reviews of Procedures.Procedures Reviewed
05000353/LER-1997-001-02, :on 970207,condition Prohibited by TS in That Control Rods Were Removed from Core W/Source Range Monitors Were Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Will Revise pre-outage Training for Affected Personnel1997-03-10010 March 1997
- on 970207,condition Prohibited by TS in That Control Rods Were Removed from Core W/Source Range Monitors Were Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Will Revise pre-outage Training for Affected Personnel
05000352/LER-1997-002, :on 970123,failed to Perform Required Visual Inspections of Blind Flanges.Caused by Misinterpretation of Surveillance Requirements.Visually Inspected Blind Flanges & Incorporated These Into Surveillance Tests1997-02-24024 February 1997
- on 970123,failed to Perform Required Visual Inspections of Blind Flanges.Caused by Misinterpretation of Surveillance Requirements.Visually Inspected Blind Flanges & Incorporated These Into Surveillance Tests
05000352/LER-1997-001-01, :on 841026,failed to Test safety-related Logic Circuits.Caused by Inadequate Test Procedures.Tested & Restored Untested Contacts to Operable Status & Will Revise Appropriate Surveillance Test Procedures1997-02-21021 February 1997
- on 841026,failed to Test safety-related Logic Circuits.Caused by Inadequate Test Procedures.Tested & Restored Untested Contacts to Operable Status & Will Revise Appropriate Surveillance Test Procedures
05000352/LER-1996-023, :on 950403,FPS Surveillance Tests Not Performed.Caused by Personnel Error.Individuals Involved Disciplined & New Supervisor Assigned to Onsite Fire Protection Group1997-02-0404 February 1997
- on 950403,FPS Surveillance Tests Not Performed.Caused by Personnel Error.Individuals Involved Disciplined & New Supervisor Assigned to Onsite Fire Protection Group
05000353/LER-1996-009-03, :on 961224,unit Scram & Reactor Protection Sys Actuation Occurred Due to Failure of Bill Joint That Connects Recirculation Pump Motor Generator Set Scoop Tube to Tube Positioner.Failed Ball Joint Was Replaced1997-01-23023 January 1997
- on 961224,unit Scram & Reactor Protection Sys Actuation Occurred Due to Failure of Bill Joint That Connects Recirculation Pump Motor Generator Set Scoop Tube to Tube Positioner.Failed Ball Joint Was Replaced
05000353/LER-1996-008-01, :on 961214,two Closed Primary Containment Isolation Valves Were Discovered W/Motor Operator Breaker Closed.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure GP-2 Will Be Revised to Separate Specific Steps1997-01-15015 January 1997
- on 961214,two Closed Primary Containment Isolation Valves Were Discovered W/Motor Operator Breaker Closed.Caused by Personnel Error.Procedure GP-2 Will Be Revised to Separate Specific Steps
05000352/LER-1996-020, :on 961205,primary Containment Isolation Valves Inadvertently Closed Due to Personnel Error.Reopened Valves & Counseled Individual Involved on Work Techniques1997-01-0606 January 1997
- on 961205,primary Containment Isolation Valves Inadvertently Closed Due to Personnel Error.Reopened Valves & Counseled Individual Involved on Work Techniques