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R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report(Colr) Cycle 41
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/2018
From: Garnish K
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18331A165 (21)


R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lake Rd.

) :Y Exelon Generation Ontario, NY 14519-9364 November 21, 2018 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Renewed Facility Operating License No. DPR-18 NRG Docket No. 50-244


R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)

Cycle 41 Enclosed is a copy of the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) Cycle 41, Revision O. The cycle-specific core operating limits contained in the report have been determined in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5.

The COLR is being submitted to the NRG in accordance with the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Technical Specification Section 5.6.5.

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter.

Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact me at 315-791-5321.

Kyle* Garnish Manager, Regulatory Assurance R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC


R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report Cycle 41, Revision O cc: NRG R~gional Administrator, Region I NRG Project Manager, Ginna NRG Senior Resident Inspector, Ginna (e-mail)

ATTACHMENT R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report, Cycle 41 Revision 0 R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC November 20, 2018

vVL" Cycle 41 R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Core Operating Limits Report COLR Cycle 41 Revision 0 Responsible Manager:

7 Effective Date: 10 /z..9 /1B R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-1 Revision 0


  • This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for the R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification 5.6.5.

The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below:

2.1 Safety Limits (SLs) 3.1.1 SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SOM) 3.1.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) 3.1.4 Rod Group Alignment Limits 3.1.5 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits 3.1.8 PHYSICS TESTS Exceptions - MODE 2 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (Fa(Z))

3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FNLlH) 3.2.3 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) 3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation 3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB)

Limits 3.4.5 RCS Loops- MODES 1 s 8.5% RTP, 2, and 3 3.9.1 Boron Concentration R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-2 Revision O

COLR Cycle 41 2.0 Operating Limits The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections. These limits have been developed using the NRG-approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification 5.6.5. All items that appear in capitalized type are defined in Technical Specification 1.1, Definitions.

2.1 SAFETY LIMITS (Sls) 1 (2.1) 2.1.1 In MODES 1 and 2, the combination of THERMAL POWER, Reactor Coolant System (RCS) average temperature, and pressurizer pressure shall not exceed the Sls specified in Figure COLR-1.

2.2 SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM) 1 (LCO 3.1.1) 2.2.1 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN in MODE 2 with Kett < 1.0 and MODES 3 and 4 shall be greater than or equal to the limits specified in Figure COLR-2 for the number of reactor coolant pumps in operation.

2.2.2 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN in MODE 4 when both reactor coolant pumps are not in operation and in MODE 5 shall be greater than or equal to the one loop operation curve of Figure COLR-2.

2.2.3 The SHUTDOWN MARGIN required in LCO 3.1.4, LCO 3.1.5, LCO 3.1.6, LCO 3.1.8, and LCO 3.4.5 shall be greater than the limits specified in Figure COLR-2 for the number of reactor coolant pumps in operation.

2.3 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) 1 (LCO 3.1.3) 2.3.1 The Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) limits are:

The BOL ARO/HZP - MTC shall be equal to or less positive than +5.0 pcm/°F for power levels below 70% RTP and less than or equal to O pcm/°F for power levels at or above 70% RTP.

The EOL ARO/RTP - MTC shall be less negative than -44.6 pcm/°F.


ARO stands for All Rods Out R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-3 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 BOL stands for Beginning of Cycle Life EOL stands for End of Cycle Life HZP stands for Hot Zero Power RTP stands for RATED THERMAL POWER 2.4 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limit1 (LCO 3.1.5) 2.4.1 The shutdm,yn bank shall be fully withdrawn which is defined as ;;;: 220 steps.

2.5 Control Bank Insertion Limits 1 (LCO 3.1.6) 2.5.1 The control banks shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure COLR-3. Control Bank A shall be at least 220 steps withdrawn.

2.5.2 The control rod banks shall be withdrawn maintaining a nominal 130 step tip-to-tip distance while moving in overlap through the active core region.

2 2.6 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z))

(LCO 3.2.1) 2.6.1 F0 (Z)::;; CFQ

  • K(Z) / P for P > 0.5 F0 (Z) ::;; CFQ
  • K(Z) / 0.5 for P::;; 0.5 where:

CFQ is the F0 (Z) limit P = THERMAL POWER/ RATED THERMAL POWER Z is the height of the core 2.6.2 CFQ = 2.60 2.6.3 K(Z) is provided in Figure COLR-4 2.6.4 W(Z) values are provided in Table COLR-1. For W(Z) data at a desired burnup not listed in the table, but less than the maximum listed burnup, values at 3 or more burnup steps should be used to interpolate the W(Z) data to the desired burnup with a polynomii:11 type fit that uses the W(Z) data for the nearest three burnup steps.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-4 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 For W(Z) data at a desired burnup outside of the listed burnup steps, a linear extrapolation of the W(Z) data for the nearest two burnup steps can be used. If data are listed for only two Qurnup steps, a linear fit can be used for both interpolation and extrapolation.

2.6.5 The Fa(Z) penalty factors are provided in Table COLR-2.

2.6.6 Table COLR-3 provides W(Z) values for the BOC startup flux map to be taken prior to exceeding 75% power. For part power surveillances during other times in life or at powers other than 75%, the W(Z) values in Table

  • COLR-1 should be used. The W(Z) values in Table COLR-3 do not include the 1/P factor, where P is the surveillance power level. This factor will be applied by the BEACON' Core Monitoring System.

2.1* Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FN~H) 1 (LCO 3.2.2)

2. 7 .1 FN t.H :5 FRTP t.H * (1 + PF t.H * (1-P))


PF t.H = 0.3, and P = THERMAL POWER/ RATED THERMAL POWER 2.8 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) 3 (LCO 3.2.3) 2.8.1 The AFD acceptable operation limits are provided in Figure COLR-5.

BEACON is a trademark or registered trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, its Affiliates and/or its Subsidiaries in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-5 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 2.9 Reactor Trip System (RTS) lnstrumer:itation 5 (LCO 3.3.1) 2.9.1 Overtemperature t::. T Setpoint Parameter Values Parameter Value Overtemperature t::.T reactor trip setpoint K1 :s; 1.19 Overtemperature t::.T reactor trip K2 ~ 0.00093/psi depressurization setpoint penalty coefficient Overtemperature t::. T reactor trip heatup K3 ~ 0.0185/°F penalty setpoint coefficient

  • Measured lead time constant T1 ~ 25 seconds Measured lag time constant T2 :s; 5 seconds f 1 (/::.I) is a function of the indicated difference between top and bottom. detectors of the power range nuclear ion chambers. Selected gains are based on measured instrument response during plant startup tests, where qt and qb are percent RATED THERMAL POWER in the upper and lower halves of the core, respectively, and qt+ qb is the total percent RATED THERMAL POWER, such that:
  • For qt - qb between -14% and +6%, f 1 (/::.I) = 0.
  • For each percent that the magnitude of qt - qb exceeds -14%, the t::.T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by an equivalent of 3.08% of RATED THERMAL POWER.
  • For each percent that the magnitude of qt - qb exceeds +6%, the /::. T trip setpoint shall be automatically reduced by an equivalent of 2.27% of RATED THERMAL POWER.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-6 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 2.9.2 Overpower b.T Setpoint Parameter Values Parameter Overpower b.T reactor trip setpoint ~  ::,; 1.077 Overpower b.T reactor trip heatup setpoint Ks = 0/°F for T < T' penalty coefficient 2: 0.0014/°F for T 2: T' Overpower b.T reactor trip thermal K6 2: 0.00/°F for increasing T time delay setpoint penalty = 0.00/°F for decreasing T Measured impulse/lag time constant T3 = 0 seconds f2(b.l) = 0.0% RTP for all b.l 2.10 RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits4 (LCO 3.4.1)

  • 2.10.1 The pressurizer pressure shall be 2: 2175 psig.

2.10.2 The RCS average temperature shall be :s; 580.0°F.

2.10.3 The RCS total flow rate shall be 2: 177,300 gpm (includes 4% minimum flow uncertainty per Revised Thermal Design Methodology).

1 2.11 Boron Concentration (LCO 3.9.1) 2.11.1 The boron concentrations of the hydraulically coupled Reactor Coolant System, the refueling canal, and the refueling cavity shall be 2: 2750 ppm.

Boron concentration based on All Rods In less the highest worth rod with a K-effective of 0.95. A 100 ppm Factor of Safety has been included in this parameter.


1. WCAP-9272-P-A, "Westinghouse Reload Safety Evaluation Methodology," July 1985.
2. WCAP-10054-P-A and WCAP-10081-A, "Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluation Model Using the NOTRUMP Code," August 1985.
3. WCAP-10054-P-A, Addendum 2, Revision 1, "Addendum to the Westinghouse Small Break ECCS Evaluati_on Model Using the NOTRUMP Code: Safety Injection into the Broken Loop and COSI Condensation Model," July 1997.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-7 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41

4. WCAP-11145-P-A, "Westinghouse Small Break LOCA ECCS Evaluation Model Generic Study with the NOTRUMP Code," October 1986.
5. WCAP-10079-P-A, "NOTRUMP -A Nodal Transient Small Break and General Network Code," August 1985.
6. WCAP-t6009-P-A, "Realistic Large-Break LOCA Evaluation Methodology Using the Automated Statistical Treatment of Uncertainty Method (ASTRUM)," January 2005.
7. WCAP-12610-P-A, "VANTAGE+ Fuel Assembly Reference Core Report," April 1995.
8. WCAP-10216-P-A, Revision 1A (Proprietary), "Relaxation of Constant Axial Offset Control Fa - Surveillance Technical Specification," February 1994.
9. WCAP-11397-P-A, "Revised Thermal Design Procedure," April 1989.
10. WCAP-14710-P-A, "1-D Heat Conduction Model for Annular Fuel Pellets," May 1998.
11. WCAP-8745-P-A, "Design Basis for the Thermal Overpower LiT and Thermal Overtemperature LiT Trip Functions," September 1986.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-8 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 670 I

. I . l .,.

I 1-. '-*-  !

I. . !

I I I*

-j- - - -.-

650 I

  • i I
  • I ._ - L -


, 1 630 I

. -,I I

610 LL.






590 I

  • t *I I


  • I .J. J .

., ,. I *r I

r . r - -,-

I 570 550 I

.L .I. I

, _ ,I. ... -

  • I 530 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Power (fraction of 1775 MWt)

Figure COLR-1 Reactor Safety Limits R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-9 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 3




,:s 2


C LU c:::

(2500, 1.80) (0, 1.80}

J a

LU 1.5 c:::

z C,

c::: (2500, 1.30} (0, 1.30}


~ 1 z



> 0.5
c V')

0 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 COOLANT BORON CONCENTRATION (ppm)

- *

  • One Loop Operation -Two Loop Operation Figure COLR-2 REQUIRED SHUTDOWN MARGIN R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-10 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 240 i r ' T

/ { 6.74, 22 ) --,---/_ {66.20, 2~


\63 91, 219) I 200

-* c: 180 -+-- {100,1:8 i- --




.... 160 3 C Bank

~ 140 Cl)


z 120 0

E V) 100 +

0 Q.


z<( 80 cc C -+

0 60 +-


40 20 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CORE POWER (Percent of 1,775 MWT)

  • The top of the active fuel corresponds to 219. The ARO parking position may be any position above the corresponding top of active fuel for each respective bank. The control rod tip-to-tip distance is defined as 130 steps while rods are moving in overlap. The bank positions are given as follows :
  • Bank D: (184/70) * (P-100) + 184 (for 30 SP S 100)
  • Bank C: (184/70) * (P-100) + 184 + 130 (for O S P s 66.20)
  • Bank B: (184/70) * (P-100) + 184 + 130 + 130 (for OS PS 16.74)

Where P is defined as the core power (in percent).

Figure COLR-3 CONTROL BANK INSERTION LIMITS R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-11 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 1.2

1.0 N


....0~ 0.8 u.

b.O C:


l'O Total FQ = 2.600

_ 0.6 l'O
  • x<( Elevation (ft) K(Z) 0.0 1.0

-g 0.4 12.0 1.0 l'O E

0 Z 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Elevation (ft)

Figure COLR-4 K(Z) - NORMALIZED F0 (Z) AS A FUNCTION OF CORE HEIGHT R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-12 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 120 110

(-12, 100) (+6, 100)

I 100 I

90 _ Unacceptable I \ Unacceptable



...u 80 Operation I \

Operation GI


... 70 J \

§ C. 60 I Acceptable Operation*


ftl E

GI 50 I \


,:, (-30, 50) (+24, 50)

GI ftl 40 0::

30 20 10 0

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Axial Flux Difference (percent ~I}


COLR Cycle 41 Table COLR-1 RAOC Summary of W(Z) with HFP %AFD Band of-12/+6%

(Top 8% and Bottom 8% Excluded) 150 3000 10000 16000 Height (feet)

MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU (Bottom) 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.17 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.33 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.50 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.67 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.83 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.4268 1.3524 1.2612 1.2723 1.17 1.4154 1.3418 1.2541 1.2647 1.33 1.4026 1.3300 1.2459 1.2557 1.50 1.3875 1.3160 1.2360 1.2450 1.67 1.3710 1.3020 1.2251 1.2334 1.83 1.3542 1.2891 1.2140 1.2215 2.00 1.3354 1.2744 1.2016 1.2082 2.17 1.3155 1.2589 1.1887 1.1943 2.33 1.2966 1.2440 1.1764 1.1810

. 2.50 1.2783 1.2280 1.1634 1.1669 2.67 1.2612 1.2118 1.1505 1.1523 2.83 1.2451 1.1968 1.1387 1.1390 3.00 1.2274 1.1834 1.1277 1.1299 3.17 1.2131 1.1750 1.1211 1.1268 3.33 1.2051 1.1719 1.1195 1.1265 3.50 1.1980 1.1691 1.1184 1.1273 3.67 1.1906 1.1655 1.1167 1.1283 3.83 1.1832 1.1619 1.1148 1.1289 4.00 1.1749 1.1574 1.1123 1.1288 4.17 1.1661 1.1524 1.1094 1.1282 4.33 1.1574 1.1473 1.1063 1.1272 4.50 1.1490 1.1415 1.1026 1.1255 4.67 *1.1419 1.1352 1.0990 1.1244 4.83 1.1361 1.1290 1.0961 1.1245 5.00 1.1297 1.1221 1.0937 1.1248 5.17 1.1227 1.1148 1.0918 1.1245 5.33 1.1158 1.1077 1.0907 1.1237 5.50 1.1083 1.0999 1.0913 1.1236 5.67 1.1004 1.0916 1.0936 1.1239 5.83 1.0940 1.0848 1.0968 1.1241 R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-14 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 Table COLR-1 (Continued)

RAOC Summary of W(Z) with HFP %AFD Band of-12/+6%

(Top 8% and Bottom 8% Excluded)

Height 150 3000 10000 16000 (feet) MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU 6.00 1.0940 1.0849 1.0993 1.1230 6.17 1.0980 1.0902 1.1026 1.1231 6.33 1.1002 1.0951 1.1079 1.1269 6.50 1.1019 1.1004 1.1140 1.1322 6.67 1.1034 1.1056 1.1196 1.1370 6.83 1.1042 1.1100 1.1244 1.1408 7.00 1.1046 1.1141 1.1288 1.1441 7.17 1.1044 1.1176 1.1325 1.1466 7.33 1.1037 1.1203 1.1354 1.1482 7.50 1.1023 1.1226 1.1377 1.1490 7.67 1.1003 1.1242 1.1393 1.1489 7.83 1.0977 1.1250 1.1399 1.1480 8.00 1.0944 1.1251 1.1400 1.1458 8.17 1.0903 1.1245 1.1389 1.1430 8.33 1.0857 1.1230 1.1368. 1.1405 8.50 1.0805 1.1211 1.1362 1.1380 8.67 1.0739 1.1176 1.1365 1.1374 8.83 1.0663 1.1127 1.1368 1.1408 9.00 1.0647 1.1133 1.1405 1.1461 9.17 1.0660 1.1192 1.1481 1.1503 9.33 1.0673 1.1236 1.1569 1.1528 9.50 1.0723 1.1318 1.1664 1.1610 9.67 1.0810 1.1437 1.1751 1.1755 9.83 1.0878 1.1545 1.1829 1.1902 10.00 1.0956 1.1678 1.1943 1.2118 10.17 1.1039 1.1831 1.2102 1.2386 10.33 1.1097 1.1952 1.2262 1.2619 10.50 1.1126 1.2019 1.2358 1.2821 10.67 1.1157 1.2018 1.2381 1.2959 10.83 1.1230 1.1984 1.2404 1.3013 11.00 1.1240 1.1947 1.2372 1.2983 11.17 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 11.33 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 11.50 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 11.67 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 11.83 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 12.00 (Top) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-15 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 Table COLR-2 Penalty Factor for Increasing Fa Cycle Burnup Penalty Factor Penalty (MWD/MTU)(aJ (%) Multiplier 150 2.00 1.020 294 2.40 1.024 437 2.80 1.028 581 3.20 1.032 725 3.50 1.035 868 3.60 1.036 1012 3.60 1.036 1156 3.50 1.035 1299 3.30 1.033 1443 3.00 1.030 1587 2.60 1.026 1730 2.30 1.023

1874 2.00 1.020 (a) A penalty multiplier is not required for part power surveillances during startup.

The penalty factor should be applied beginning with the first full power surveillance.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-16 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 Table COLR-3 Part-Power W(Z) Generated at 150 MWD/MTU, 75% Power (Top 8% and Bottom 8% Excluded) 75% D at Height (feet) HFPARO 180 Steps (Bottom) 0.00 1.0000 1.0000 0.17 1.0000 1.0000 0.33 1.0000 1.0000 0.50 1.0000 1.0000 0.67 1.0000 1.0000 0.83 1.0000 1.0000 1.00 1.4268 1.4735 1.17 1.4154 1.4595 1.33 1.4026 1.4440 1.50 1.3875 1.4257 1.67 1.3710 1.4054 1.83 1.3542 1.3848 2.00 1.3354 1.3622 2.17 1.3155 1.3386 2.33 1.2966 1.3161 2.50 1.2783 1.2942 2.67 1.2612 1.2738 2.83 1.2451 1.2543 3.00 1.2274 1.2334 3.17 1.2131 1.2158 3.33 1.2051 1.2045 3.50 1.1980 1.1942 3.67 1.1906 1.1837 3.83 1.1832 1.1733 4.00 1.1749 1.1621 4.17 1.1661 1.1504 4.33 1.1574 1.1388 4.50 1.1490 1.1277 4.67 1.1419 1.1180 4.83 1.1361 1.1097 5.00 1.1297 1.1010 5.17 1.1227 1.0917 5.33 1.1158 1.0828 5.50 1.1083 1.0732 5.67 1.1004 1.0633 5.83 1.0940 1.0547 R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-17 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 Table COLR-3 (Continued)

Part-Power W(Z) Generated at 150 MWD/MTU, 75% Power (Top 8% and Bottom 8% Excluded)

Height 75% D at HFP ARO (feet) 180 Steps 6.00 1.0940 1.0523 6.17 1.0980 1.0541 6.33 1.1002 1.0543 6.50 1.1019 1.0543 6.67 1.1034 1.0543 6.83 1.1042 1.0538 7.00 1.1046 1.0533 7.17 1.1044 1.0523 7.33 1.1037 1.0510 7.50 1.1023 1.0489 7.67 1.1003 1.0467 7.83 1.0977 1.0443 8.00 1.0944 1.0416 8.17 1.0903 1.0386 8.33 1.0857 1.0354 8.50 1.0805 1.0328 8.67 1.0739 1.0287 8.83 1.0663 1.0234 9.00 1.0647 1.0236 9.17 1.0660 1.0265 9.33 1.0673 1.0294 9.50 1.0723 1.0358 9.67 1.0810 1.0459 9.83 1.0878 1.0544 10.00 1.0956 1.0643 10.17 1.1039 1.0753 10.33 1.1097 1.0835 10.50 1.1126 1.0890 10.67 1.1157 1.0947 10.83 1.1230 1.1038 11.00 1.1240 1.1056 11.17 1.0000 1.0000 11.33 1.0000 1.0000 11.50 1.0000 1.0000 11.67 1.0000 1.0000 11.83 1.0000 1.0000 12.00 (Top) 1.0000 1.0000 R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-18 Revision 0

COLR Cycle 41 End Notes

1. Limits generated using Reference 1.
2. Limits generated using References 1 through 8 and 10.
3. Limits generated using References 1 and 8.
4. Limits generated using Reference 9.
5. Limits generated using Reference 11.

R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant COLR-19 Revision 0