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Comment (2) of Sidney J. Goodman Opposing on License Renewal for the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plants
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/07/2009
From: Goodman S J
- No Known Affiliation
To: Ashley D J
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
74FR54859 00002, FOIA/PA-2011-0113
Download: ML102280556 (3)


158 Grandview Lane Mahwah, NJ 07430 September 7,2009/&7 c'~ d~A~7 I.1DD mý4-7 m (-/-'9 I C-n--I w Donnie Ashley @ the Nuclear Regulato.ryCommission


Comment.on LicenseReneWal fortheMSalem and'Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plants.To.renewIthe licenses for: theseýnuclear plants represents extreme neglect of the public safety and-welfa're.

It was incredibly poor. judgment that-these plants were built on"Artificial Islandi in the flrst'pIace.

These plants should, beshut.down,vwith operation not continue, much less have their operation greatly extended.

Incredibly, PSE&G is considering putting another nuclear plant on this island in-this earthquake-prone regdion:.For shame!None of the nuclear plants are built on solid rock. They are-on.:filled in land. The letter I.received from Bruce A. Boger (August 24) confirmed that these plants are not on :solid rock.They rest on compacted engineering fill material or concrete, which have a depth of-approximately70 feet.:

areused. The NRC presumes' that this will enable them to resist'the, worst assauit that an earthquake can-deliver.

This is wishful thinking, rather. than -;common 'sense.. -Not:onlythat, but deceitful testimony has beengiven in support, of the environmental:

impact ,of the existing nuclear plants$ The6statement forreneWal states that theexisti ng plants: had no adverse effects on the Delaware EstuarY. In fact, Salem kills 3 billion fish annIually.

Environmental expert Robert F. O Kenedy Jr .sued the EPA in 1993. Her revealed that Salem alone killed more than 3ý billion Delaware&River fish each year, according to the plant's own consultant.

Fish kills are illegal and represenit criminal-acts.

What can happenfr'om building on unstable land was exemplified.

in Shanghai, China.At around 5:30 .AMion June 27,,"2009 an unoccupied building, still. under"construction at.*Lianhuanan Road in the4.: Mining idistrict of Shanghai Gity toppied.Just before the toppling, !there were reports of cracks on, the flood-prevention wall near the, buildings and "special-geological-,conditions" in the water bank area.6 o,~J 7 : 623 2 Toppled' Building lying fiat on the6ground.

Pilings that were supposed to assure that the building was stable.Three New. JerseY nuclear power plants are builton unstable ground' These are theýSalem I, Salem: II, andfthed Hope Creeko pllants.They are on Artificialdtsland in theDelaware RiVer. Itiwas named "Artificial," because it was man-made With filled in land.Thereiis a swamp onone side of the island with the river on the. other.side.

Thereis no solid rock underneath.

Borings were made up to 100 feet deep.No rock was found. The are built6on, pilings siilar to the pilings !shown in the collapsed Shanghai City building.See the concrete:

piiings.of, the buildingthat collapsed.

Like ,so manynuclear facilities, these threenukes areco16se earthquake fault. This fault rumbled o February 3, 2009. Thenoise :of shocks in February, terrified people in; Moiris County who, thought the shocksmwere explosions as reported by The Star Ledger, The Morris: County:(NJ:)quake ,had ah iritensity of 310. That 'was a small eventaccording to.the US:Geological:Survey.

But much more intense earthquakes are due. Earthquakes may occur a few times a year-in N"ew Jesey Some are so small that they are hardly noticed. A biggie can happen:in a hundred yea ortomorrow.

I In Japan, seven reactors at the Kashiwazi-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Japan were shut down due to an earthquake, fire and nuclear leak. People were killed and injured by the 6..8magnitude quake, which struck in July, 2007. A new fire at the still shut down plant occurred in March, 2009. 600,000 residents signed a petition opposing restart of the plant.The arrogance of building nuclear plants in an earthquake prone area is: almost unbelievable.

Believe it! This arroganc is also invested yin other Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules.The NRC is still satisfied with a mere ten-mile evacuation zone around a nuke when poisons from Three Mile Island were blown hundreds of miles. Poisons.from Chernobyl wereý blown, around the world? This satisfaction is idiotic.The NRC continues support for the Price Anderson Act. This federal: law limits liability of a disaster to a microscopic fraction of the potential damage which will be incurred?

This Act reduces concerns of operating utilities, a very risky effect. This federal law abolishes the property rights of Americans in order to protect the property rights of nuclear plant owners.This atrociously unfair law is nothing less than Fascist.The NRC continues to support the distributionof potassium iodide pills as an assurance that no one will be harmed from a disaster? .These pills onlyprotect against, radioactive iodine. The pills must be taken immediately and continue to be used for as long as radioactive iodine lingers in the environment., The pills do nothing to protectagainst all of the other radioactive poisons, which are releas9d This is no real assurance toanyone who is informed.The NRC continues to support ridiculously inadequate evacuation plans following a fuming meltdown at-a nuke.The: record of the NRC, including other shameful rulings, has earned it the reputation that the initials NRC stand for Nobody Really Cares. The automatic relidensing of old and crumbling nuclear plants by the NRC emphasizes the truth of that reputation.

All of the above representstechnological prostitution.

At least girls of the night are honest in what they do.Cutthe arrogance!:

Cut the stupidity!

Start protecting Americans.

An anything for profits paradigm has brought this great nation to the brink of destruction.

The NRC's further actions can allow the final destructive blow'. It:is unpatriotic.

Very truly yours, Sidney J. Goodman, P.E., M.MS.M.E.

Professionral Engineer NJ License 15326.Home: phone (201) 327-5158 Author of "Asleep at the Geiger Counter" -BlueDolphin Publishing Inc.