ML103510426 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem, Hope Creek ![]() |
Issue date: | 11/05/2010 |
From: | Lewis M - No Known Affiliation |
To: | Leslie Perkins Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch |
References | |
75FR66398 00001, NRC-2009-0390, FOIA/PA-2011-0113 | |
Download: ML103510426 (2) | |
Mendiola, Doris From:
To: the NRC:
Marn Lewis []
Friday, November 05, 2010 8:27 AM Perkins, Leslie Please add my letter to the statements in the Docket ID 2009-0390 2009-0390 ith the following and wish to join in these comments.
docket ID NRC-:
I, Marvin Lewis, agree w The proposal to extend the operating life of the Hope Creek nuclear plant along with the Salem I and Salem II by 20 years reeks with betrayal of responsibility to protect the public.
Nothing lasts forever. When an automobile wears out, it is replaced. When a nuclear plant wears, it becomes a multi-billion dollar or trillion dollar threat to the public safety and the general economy.
Not only are these particular aging nuclear plants a threat in ordinary terms, but they are built in a seismic area. These plants are built on soft ground.
They are on Artificial Island in the Delaware River. It was named "Artificial" because it was man-made with filled in land. There is a swamp on one side of the island with the river on the other side. There is no solid rock underneath. Borings were made up to 100 feet deep. No rock was found. The reactors are built on pilings similar to the pilings in a collapsed Shanghai City building.
Like so many nuclear facilities, these three nukes are close to an earthquake fault that rumbled on February 3, 2009. The noise of geological shocks in February, terrified people in Morris County who thought the shocks were explosions as reported by The Star Ledger.
The Morris County (NJ) quake had an intensity of 3.0. That was a small event according to the US Geological Survey. But much more intense earthquakes may happen and the ability to be absolutely sure of their impact is hardly secure regardless of a know-it all attitude. Earthquakes occur a few times a year in New Jersey. Most are so small that they are hardly noticed. A biggie can happen in a hundred years or tomorrow.
In Japan, seven reactors at the Kashiwazi-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Japan were shut down due to an earthquake, fire and nuclear leak. People were killed and injured by the 6.8 magnitude quake, which struck in July, 2007. A new fire at the still shut down plant occurred in March, 2009. 600,000 residents signed a petition opposing restart of the plant.
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It seems that the NRC has put its head in the sand about a possible seismic threat to these three nukes, just as it has ignored many other credible threats, and has routinely rubber stamped 20 year extensions for every other nuclear plant application.
For once in your life, do the right thing. Reject this reckless proposal for a 20 year operating extension.
Very truly yours, Marvin Lewis R. P. E.(Retired) 3133 Fairfield St.
Phila., PA 19136 215 676 1291 marvlewis( 2