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Comment (6) of Christi Demark Opposed to the Proposal by PSEG to Start a Pilot Project to Product Cobalt-60 at Hope Creek Generating Station
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/2011
From: Demark C
- No Known Affiliation
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch
75FR9445 00006
Download: ML11266A150 (1)


To: Reject Hope Creeks Expansion: Federal Register (13014923446)

Chief, Rulemaking and Directives Branch Nuclear Regulatory Commission To Whom It May Concern:

15:05 09/21111GMT-05 Pg 01-01

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I am writing to oppose the proposal by PSEG to start a pilot project to product cobalt-60 at the Hope Creek Generating Station as published on page 9445 of the Federal Register /Vol.

75, No.

40 /Tuesday, March 2, 2010.

There are several reasons that this proposal should not be approved:

1. safety:

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has reported that the Hope Creek Facility had instances of "ineffective problem evaluations and untimely, ineffective corrective solutions," with a "willingness to defer needed maintenance."

The company was also found to prioritize production over safety.

PSEG's record shows that this plant should be focused on improving safety procedures for its existing operations, not expanding to create new ones.

2. Transportation Risk:

The goal of the proposed project is to create cobalt-60 that could be used in locations other than the plant at Hope Creek.

This would require the Cobalt-60 to be shipped to these other facilities, opening up an entirely new pathway for accidents or radiation exposure to the public.

3. Demand for cobalt-60 one potential use for cobalt-60 is to irradiate food.

But despite years of industry efforts to promote its use, irradiate food has been roundly rejected by consumers, with numerous test market efforts and attempts to include irradiated food in federal nutrition programs meeting with failure.

The food irradiation industry is not viable enough to justify creating new projects at Hope Creek or risks from transporting Cobalt-60 long distances.

I urge you to reject this proposal from PSEG.

Sincerely, Christi DeMark 1 Marineview Plz

Hoboken, NJ 07030 271-1 Uf) 11:

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