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Comment (4) of Gina Carola on Behalf of Sierra Club, Resolution Passed by New Jersey Chapter of Sierra Requesting NRC & New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection Require Pse&G to Erect Cooling Towers
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 10/12/2009
From: Carola G
Sierra Club, New Jersey Chapter
To: Jaczko G, Klein D, Kristine Svinicki
Rulemaking, Directives, and Editing Branch, NRC/Chairman, NRC/OCM
74FR54859 00004, FOIA/PA-2011-0113
Download: ML102280558 (2)



~New Jersey Chapter, 1~45 West Hanover Street Trenton, NJ ~08618


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ý:October 12, 2009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C


Washington, DC 20555-0001i Dear-(Commissioners ja z'ok Klean:Svmnik, Enclosed is a re'soltion; Pssed y t e New Jersey Chapter of Sierra, re.qesting that)the Nuc.r, Regulatory ComsinadteNw Jersey Dep'4 ftmntof Environimental Protection require, P-SE-&G to 'erect cooling towers at the Salemi Nu'clea.r Plant ~asarequirement to renewing' the

'.operating licenses. The Executive Boqard of the N4ew Jersey Chaptier is making this request on behalf of over 20,000 rn'embers oftheNe Jer~sey'ChApte~r.

Thank you for your conside6raio in this very imrpoatmter Very trulyi yours, Gina Carola Chair, Wcst JE~sey Group Nlw Jersey Chapter of Sirra printed on r,."

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