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Salem Generating Station - Discharging Monitoring Report for June 2016
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/21/2016
From: Carr E
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, State of NJ, Dept of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Permit Management
Download: ML16209A483 (35)


SCH16-027 CERTIFIED MAIL PSEG Nuclear L.L.C. P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08302 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: 7015 1730 0001 1594 6028 Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality PEG Nuclear L.L. C. Bureau of Permit Management JUL 2 1 2016 P.O. Box 029 Trenton, N.J. 08625-0029 NEW JERSEY POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT SALEM GENERATING STATION NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622

Dear Sir:

Attached is the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Salem Generating Station for the month of June 2016. This report is required by and prepared specifically for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies. The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods are controlled by the EPA and the NJDEP, not by the company, and there are limitations on the accuracy of such * ----meast1rement-devices-and-analytical-techniques-even-when-used-and-maintained-as-** required. Accordingly, this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured, or that any reading or analytical result represents the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact Mark Pyle (856) 339-2331. Sincerely, Eric Carr Site Vice President -Salem Attachment (12 DMR's) c Executive Director, DRBC USNRC -Docket numbers 50-272 & 50-311 COUNTY OF SALEM STATE OF NEW JERSEY I, Eric Carr, of full age, being duly sworn according to law, upon my oath depose and say: 1. I am the Site Vice President-Salem for PSEG Nuclear, and as such am authorized to sign Salem's Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the Station's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. 2. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment. 3. The signature on the attached Discharge Monitoring Reports is my signature and I am submitting this affidavit in satisfaction of the requirement that my signature __ ,b_e_no_tacized. Sworn and subscribed before me this Ol/M-day of July 2016 [r Noq 'V Pubi'ic:. State of New Jersey ' My C.ornrniss10n Expires ! November \4, 2019 __ JI Eric Carr Site Vice President -Salem EXPLANATION OF CONDITIONS June 2016 The following explanations are included to clarify possible deviation from permit conditions. General -The columns labeled "No. Ex" on the enclosed DMR tabulate the number of daily discharge values outside the indicated limits. Data reporting and accuracy reflect the working environment, the design capabilities and reliability of the monitoring instruments and operating equipment. Deviations from required sampling, analysis monitoring and reporting methods and periodicities are noted on the respective transmittal sheet. Results reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report forms are consistent with permit limits, data supplied from contract laboratories, the December 2007 revision of the NJDEP DMR Instruction Manual and specific guidance from DEP personnel. DSN 481A-486A limits for Option 1 and Option 2 are incorrect. Data is entered correctly for Option 1 and Option 2 under their respective rows. DSN-48C -Monthly monitoring of twice per month was reduced due to contracted certified laboratory, QC Eurofins, analyzing second monthly analysis for TSS out of hold time. Information was not provided to PSEG Nuclear within the month, therefor additional monitoring could not be conducted. Analysis result of 11 ppm is being provided for information only, and was not used to determine the monthly average. ATTACHMENT: Letter from Eurofins Lab regarding hold time exceedance for the June 22, 2016 DSN -Total suspended solids sample.48C EXPLANATION OF EXCEEDANCES June 2016 The following exceedance(s) are included in the attached report and explained below. EXPLANATION None July 12, 2016 Kevin Hunsacker PSE & G Nuclear, LLC PO Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 Re Total Suspended Solids Hold Time Exceedance 48C-1 NRL WDS

Dear Mr. Hunsacker; Please accept the following as written documentation regarding the Total Suspended Solids sample hold time exceedance from the sample collected from 48C-NRL WDS June 22,

2016. The Total Suspended Solids sample, 16330357-1, collected June 22, 2016 was not analyzed within the seven day method hold time due to an error in the lab. The laboratory technician misinterpreted the sample received date of June 23, 2016 as the collection date and proceeded with the analysis on June 30, 2016 one day outside of the holatime. We were made aware of the hold time issue per your phone call on Tuesday July 5, 2016 but unf01iunately the compliance period had ended .. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused your facility. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (856) 563-0101. I "

  • Vineland Division; Mgr *
  • Eurofins QC Laboratories, Inc. Cc: Stephen Bobbs Eurofins QC, Inc. 1205 JndListrial Boulevard, P.O. Box 514 Scuthampton, PA 18966-0514 T I 215-355-3900 F I 215-355-7231 VNm.qclaboratories.corn Eurofms QC, Inc. Analytical Report Sample


Sample Number: Matrix: Received Temp: GENERAL CHEMISTRY Analytical Method: SM 25400 Dilution: Units: mg/I Parameter Total Suspended Solids 48C-1, NRLWDS L6330357-1 WASTEWATER 1.1 c Printed 07/07/16 21:13 Samp. Date/Time/Temp: 06/22/16 08:50am NA c Sampled by: Customer Iced (YIN): Y Run Date: 06/30/16 01 :12PM Workgroup: 063016TSSC tss_onewt_063016TSSC.csv Analyst: GY Instrument: Mettler M-4 CAS Result 11.0 File ID: Basis: MDL NIA RL* 2.00 : The reported value for Method 1664 SGT (ND) is based on the result found in Method 1664 HEM. HEM was not detected in this sample (L6330357-3) and by definition; SGT is not greater than HEM. --------------*=This limit was used in the evaluation of the final result. PIN:44842 Serial Number: 5669314 Page 3of10 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622' PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK_ PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 New Jersey n:epartment of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water DisLargc Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I Month I I 6 I MONITORING PERIOD I I Dav I Year I Day 1 I 2016 I T;o 6 I 30 I OF ACTIVITY: PSEG LLC SALEM I GENERATIN<[T STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD I I-IANCOCKS J?RIDGE, NJ 08038 I Year I I 2016 I MONITORED LOCATION: FACA-SW Outfall FACA REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N2 l HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION I COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CIIJECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this Monitorrg Period D Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-1day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where! the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate: the treatment works, the highest-ranking [official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately resp01rsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware qrnt there are significant penalties for subf1itting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Control Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr , Site Vice President -Salem I NIA NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICE AUTHORIZEDIAGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 712112016 856-339-7909 s_IGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXE.CUTIVE AUTHORIZED AGEjT, . DATE. AREA COD.E/PllONE *For a local agency where1the l11ghest-ranlang operator does not /lave tile ab1'1(v to authorize capital expenditures and /11re personnel, a person hawng that or person designated by that person shall sign the fol/01ving certification: I : I I certify under penalty of and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1 that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. I NIA NIA __ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER

___________ _ _j --------*-*-----------. PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: ----***---**--------**-*------*-*---*---*---------**----------------NJ0005622 FACA SW Outfall FACA 6/11201:6 TO 6/30/2016 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN PARAMETER Temperature, oC 00010 G Raw Sew/influent Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Temperature, oC 00010 2 Effluent Net Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS ****** ****** QUAUT'Ji OR CONCENTRATION i UNITS FREQ_ OF ANALYSIS Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of!,t11e BPSP -Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Page 1of1 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEW ARK, NJ 07101 i New Jersey department of Environmental Protection I Division of Water Quality Surface Water DiJlrnrge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I MONITORING PERIOD I Year I I I Month I Day I Day I Year I I 6 I 1 I 2016 I Tl 6 I 30 I 2016 I OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLE!i\R LLC SALEM I GENERATING STATION I ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD I HANCOCKS !RIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: FACB -SW Outfall FACB REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION I/ COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this MonitLing Period D Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-\day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where, the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately resp01isible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrbl Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. NIA GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (II? APPLICABLE) 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OI?f<'ICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *For a local agency where'the hig/iest-ranking operator does not /Jave t!Je ability to aut!iorize capital expenditures and Ii ire personnel, a person having t!iat responsibilitv or person designated by t!iat person shall sign the following certification: I . I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: l OA-6Yj(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. I N/A ___ _____ ,NIA, __ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE i DATE AREACODEWHONENUMBER I I Pl46814 Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Temperature, oC 00010 G Raw Sew/influent Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Tern perature, oC 00010 2 Effluent Net Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCATION: FACB SW Outfall FACB l QUANTITY OR LOADING --1 -----* ------*------*** --------------------------*--------*--------MONITiORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: I . 6/1/20116 TO 6/30/2016 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS SAMPLE TYPE Comments: If there are any questions in', regards to the monitoring report form, please Susan Rosenwinkel of the BPSP -Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". : I . Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Page 1of1 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622! PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEW ARK, NJ 0710 l I New Jersey of Environmental Protection IDivision of Water Quality Surface Water Disllrnrgc Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I Month I I 6 I MONITORINjG PERIOD Dav 1 l I Year I Month I Day I Year I I 2016 I 6 I 30 I 2016 I I LOCATIOJ OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION I ALLOWAY q<-EEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: FACC -SW Outfall FACC REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION V COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this MoniJring Period D Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-llay managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate!the treatment works, the highest-ranking bfficial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined anJ am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for sub1hitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. faic Cm, Site Vice P.-esident *Salem I NIA NAME AND TITLE OF PRIN1CIPAI * '_* CUTIVE OFFIC

  • R, AUTHORIZED rGENT, OR *kLICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 ' i SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENif, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER ""For a local agency where the highest-ranking operator does 11ot have tit abili(v to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that jJe1:w11 s!ial! sign tllefol!owing cert(fication: I I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1 OA-61(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. ___ N_/A. __ _ _____ NIA __ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREACODWPHONENUMBER

_!_VdLt?L ____ _ PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: ; NJ0005622 FACC SW Outfall FACC 611/201'6 TO 6130/2016 1, PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY. OR CONCENTRATION UNITS NO. FREQ. OF EX. ANALYSIS Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 G Raw Sew/influent Thermal Discharge Million BTUs per Hr 00015 2 Effluent Net Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel of\the BPSP -Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "". ! Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Page 1of1 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Month 6 New Jersey Drpartment of Environmental Protection IDivision of Water Quality Surface Water Disiharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form MONITORINjG PERIOD Day Year I Month Day Year I 2016 Tl 6 30 2016 LOCATIOJ OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM I GENERATING STATION I ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD I HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: 048C -SW Outfall 48C REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION V COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this MonitLing Period l&l Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where, the highest ranking operator does not ha'ie the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate'. the treatment works, the highest-ranking bfficial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined andjam familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately respot sible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for sub1i1itting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contr61 Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr Site Vice President -Salem I N/A GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 ' i SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER '"For a local agency where:the liighest-ranking operator does not have tljle ability to authorize capital e:>.7Jendit11res and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated that person shall sign the.following certification: I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: I OA-6111'(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. _______ N.IA NIA NIA __ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER I vvater MonitorinG_!3-ee_C2!:!_ ____ ! -*r-**--** -----------PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value Solids, Total Suspended 00530 1 Effluent Gross Value Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 00610 1 Effluent Gross Value Petroleum Hydrocarbons 00551 1 Effluent Gross Value Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) 00680 1 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCATION: 048C SW Outfall 48C QUANTITY OR LOADING MONITQRING PERIOD: /201 ----1 I FACILITY NAME: ----PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN I UNITS I QUALITYIOR CONCENTRATION UNITS FREQ.OF ANALYSIS ***'If** I ...... Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please con:tact Susan Rosenwinkel 9f the BPSP -Region 2 at (609)292-4680 or via email at "".

  • Refer o eY-pf cvi -h 0 ;,_ o.f C.Ond-1-l-L 1ns f:a-ES<e_, i Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Page 1of1 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622: PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 I I New Jersey Dbpartment of Environmental Protection I IDivision of Water Quality Surface Water Dislharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I Month I I 6 I I MONITORIN]G PERIOD Day 1 Year I I I I Month I Day I 2016 I TF I 6 I 30 LOCATIOJ OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEJi\R LLC SALEM GENERATINq STATION ALLOWAY Cf.EEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 I Year I I 2016 I MONITORED LOCATION: 481A -SW Outfall 481A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N2 l HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION/ COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this MonitoL1g Period Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO SIGN. highest ranking offi.cial having day-to-!day managerial and responsi?ilities for the discharging facility shall the certrf1cat10n or, 111 lns absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the lnghest rankmg operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification .. Where' the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate'. the treatment works, the highest-ranking lofficial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those for inf?nnati?n, I the informa.tion true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are s1g111f1cant penalties for sub1p1ttmg false mformat10n, mcludmg the poss1b1hty of and/or 1mpnsonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrbl Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr Site Vice President -Salem I NIA GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 7/2112016 856-339-7909 SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER , I *For a local agency where: the highest-ranking operator does not have tile abili(JI to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the.following cert(fication: I I I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N . .T.S.A. 58: IOA-6111 (5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. NIA NIA _____ .NIA. __ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Tllru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream LC50 Statre 961lr Acu Cyprinodon TAN6A 1 Effluent Gross Value Chlorine Produced Oxidants *cpox 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants *cpox 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 MONITORED LOCATION: 481A SW Outfall 481A QUANTITY OR LOADING MONITORING PERIOD: 6/1/201 6130/2016 I j FACILITY NAME: I ------.. -----* ---** **--------------! PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN ! ' i UNITS QUALITYioR CONCENTRATION I UNITS FREQ.OF ANALYSIS ****** Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. ' I ' i Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 1of2 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCATION: 481A SW Outfall 481A QUANTITY OR LOADING MONITORING PERIOD: 6/1 /201 G TO 6/30/2016 I I --1--* *----------------------*-----* ---------1FACILITY NAME: !----------**---------------------IPSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN ! i I i UNITS I QUALITY pR CONCENTRATION UNITS NO. FREQ. OF EX. ANALYSIS Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of representative CWS outfJll while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. I I I I Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl 46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 2 of 2 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 i New Jersey Dlpartment ofEnviromnental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water DiJlrnrge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I Month I I 6 I MONITORING PERIOD Day 1 I I I Month I I Year Day I 2016 I Tio I 6 I 30 I LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLE\A..R LLC SALEM I GENERATIN<!J ST A TION ALLOWAY C EEK NECK RD HANCOCKS RIDGE, NJ 08038 I Year I I 2016 I MONITORED LOCATION: 482A -SW Outfall 482A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION I COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHJECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this MonitoJ*ing Period Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO SIGN. highest ranking offi.cial having day-to 1day managerial and for the discharging facility shall the certification or, 111 !us absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest rankmg operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where: the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign t1he second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate; the treatment works, the highest-ranking Jofficial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined an1 am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrbl Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr, Site Vice President -Salem I N/A NAME AND TITLE OFFICER, AUTHORIZIWIAGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) I 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *For a local agency ivhere'the highest-ranking operator does not have tile abili(JI to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following cert(fication: I I ce1iify under penalty of and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10A-6tl'(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. NIA NIA NIA NIA I NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream LC50 Statre 96hr Acu Cyprinodon TAN6A 1 Effluent Gross Value Chlorine Produced Oxidants *cpox 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants *cPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: 482A SW Outfall 482A 611/201G TO 6/30/2016 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN I QUANTITY OR LOADING QUALITYIOR CONCENTRATION UNITS ****** Comments: The pennittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of representative CWS outfall while DSN 4SC is being routed to that outfall. ! I i ! I ' Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE J Page 1of2 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCATION: 482A SW Outfall 482A QUANTITY OR LOADING MONITORING PERIOD: ' FACILITY NAME: i ----*-----.. ----------6/1/2016 TO 6/30/2016 \ PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN i UNITS QUALITY: OR CONCENTRATION UNITS FREQ.OF ANALYSIS ! Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. I ! Pre-Print Creation Dale: 41112016 P146814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 2 of 2 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622: PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 I I I I New Jersey of Environmental Protection i.ivision of Water Quality Surface Water Disllrnrge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I Month I I 6 I MONITORING PERIOD Day 1 I Year I I I Month I Day I Year I I 2016 I Tf I 6 I 30 I 2016 I LOCATIOJ OF ACTIVITY: PSEG LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION I ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: 483A -SW Outfall 483A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION V COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D Norn"""*' ,i.;, Mouit,*"iug Pociod Mouitodug Ropo<t Common<* Atta<hod WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that per$on. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where; the highest ranking operator does not ha'-\e the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign t' 1e second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate1 the treatment works, the highest-ranking official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is tme, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for subfaitting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B:). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrtl Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Caff, Site Vice President -Salem NIA GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) __ 712112016 856-339-7909 SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGE T, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *For a local agency where: the highest-ranking operator does not have the abilit;v to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that or person designated by that person shall sign the following certification: I I certify under penalty of and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1 (5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. NfA NIA NIA NIA ----NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE PERMIT NUMBER: -*** --*--*------MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: I FACILITY NAME: i *------------*-*-----NJ0005622 483A SW Outfall 483A 6/112016 TO 6130/201 G i PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value I QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITYfOR CONCENTRATION Lommeot' Ao yq"""°"' lo rng'"" to tho moottmlog 1oport fotm "o be dt1ootod to S. R.,;owtokol of tho BPSP -1ogloo 2 't (609)292-4860. Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 *UNITS NO. FREQ. OF EX. ANALYSIS P146814 SAMPLE TYPE ------1 Page 1of2 I -uu1 vva!er Rep9rt ___ ;--_ ___ _ __________________________ ----------------**----*--PE_fJMlT __ fYl_QNIT_QRED ***-**** _ MO_NtiTORl_NG \ NJ0005622 483A SW Outfall 483A 6/1/2d116 TO 6/30/2016 l PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN PARAMETER Lab Certification# 99999 99 Lab QUANTITY OR LOADING I I_ NO. FREQ. OF UNITS QUALllfY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS . EX. ANALYSIS I I I Comments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. of the BPSP Region 2 at (609)292-4860. Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 2 of2 NJPDES NJ0005622. PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 I I I New Jersey qepartment of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality Surface Water DiJlrnrge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I Month I I 6 I MONITORING PERIOD I Year I I Day I Month I Day I Year I 1 1 2016 1 Te I 6 I 30 I 2016 I I OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEJi\R LLC SALEM I GENERATINCji STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD I HANCOCKS !$RIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: 484A -SW Outfall 484A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION I COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this Period [ZJ Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-!day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where. the highest ranking operator does not haJe the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign tl1e second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate the treatment works, the highest-ranking rfficial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately resp01isible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is trne, accurate and complete. I am aware tl1at there are significant penalties for subA1itting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrbl Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Catr, Site Vice President -Salem NIA NAME AND TITLE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR "<LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 I SIGNATURE OF P INCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *For a local agency where:tl1e highest-ranking operator does not have tile abili(v to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign tliefollowing certification: I I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1 OA-6r5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. _______ N.IA I N/A N/A NIA ___ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER -*-* -*--NJ0005622 PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream LC50 Statre 96hr Acu Cyprinodon TAN6A 1 Effluent Gross Value Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 MONITORED LOCATION: 484A SW Outfall 484A QUANTITY OR LOADING MONITORING PERIOD: 6/1/2016 TO 6/30/2016 ; ! _L_ I FACILITY NAME : PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIJ\I i UNITS OR CONCENTRATION UNITS FREQ_ OF ANALYSIS Comments: The permiltee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfkll while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall_ Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 P146814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 1of2 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCATION: 484A SW Outfall 484A QUANTITY OR LOADING ***i<** PERIOD: **-6/1/2016 TO 6/30/2016 I 1---------------*----------------* ---* ---------'FACILITY NAME: I GENERATIN I I QUALITYIOR CONCENTRATION UNITS I I I Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. I I 1 I Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 2 of 2 NJPDES PERMI;I NJ00056221 PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 I I New Jersey Dlpartment of Environmental Protection I of Water Quality Surface Water Disdlrnrge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I Month I I 6 I MONITORIN:G PERIOD Day 1 I I Year I f I Month I Day I Year I I 2016 I T* I 6 I 30 I 2016 I LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLE+R LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION I ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS £iRIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: 485A -SW Outfall 485A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION r COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this Monito1jing Period Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-clay managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the or, in a designated by that perdon. local agenc?', the operato_r of the treatment works sign the certificat10n. Where.the lughest rankmg operator does not the ab1hty to authonze capital expenditures and htre personnel, a person havmg that responsibili_ty or person designated by that person s!mll also tt1e certification at the_ bottom this page .. th_e local agency has contracted with another entity to operate:the treatment works, the lughest-rankmg official of the contracted entity shall sign the cert1flcat10n. I certify under ?flaw that I_ andl a_m familiar wit_h the in this do_cument attachments, ai1d that, based on my mqmry of those 111chv1cluals immediately responsible for obtammg the mformat10n, I believe that the 111format10n 1s true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for sub1{1itting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contr41 Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. E1ic Carr, Site Vice President -Salem I NIA 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICER, AUTHORIZED GENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGEf, OR *LICENSIW OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *!'For a local agency where'the highest-ranking operator does not have thl1e to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign thefollovvi11g cert{fication: I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:1 OA-61(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. ________ ,NIA I N/A NIA,___ SIGNATURE I NAME AND TITLE DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER I I I PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 485A SW Outfall 485A PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream LC50 Statre 96hr Acu Cyprinodon TAN6A 1 Effluent Gross Value Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 QUANTITY OR LOADING --* I QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS Commoct' The P"m;t!oe" "'"'"'to P'"°'m ocote t0>101ty te,t;og oo' mm!mom oft "'"""t'h" CWS oott*ll while DSN 48C ;, betog moted to th*t .°""'" Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 FREQ.OF ANALYSIS Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 1of2 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCA T/ON: 485A SW Outfall 485A QUANTITY OR LOADING I Pl 46814 ---i*--** ---* ---**-*-*---*--* ---**----****--*--*-*------*--*-------------------MONITORING PERIOD: -------*---------6/1/201 J TO 6/30/2016 I I !FACILITY NAME: i-------------------------\PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN I UNITS I QUALITY PR CONCENTRATION UNITS NO. EX. ****** SAMPLE TYPE Comments: The permittee is required to perform acute toxicity testing on a minimum of one representative CWS outfall while DSN 48C is being routed to that outfall. I I Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Page 2 of 2 NJPDES PERMIT NJ0005622; PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEW AJU(, NJ 07101 New Jersey Dbpartment of Environmental Protection IDivision of Water Quality Surface Water DisL.arge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I I Month I I 6 I MONITORIN\G PERIOD Dav 1 I I Year I Month I Day I Year I I 2016 I I I 6 I 30 I 2016 I LOCATIOJ OF ACTIVITY: PSEG LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION ALLOWAY NECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 MONITORED LOCATION: 486A -SW Outfall 486A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION V COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Di"h"-g' thi' Monitotng Pedod Monito*ing Repo*t Comment' Attaohed WHO MUST SIGN Tl1e highest ranking official having clay-to-clay managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that perJon. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where: the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate; tl1e treatment works, the highest-ranking bfficial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined ancl\am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those resp01 s.ib!e for inf?rmati?n, I believe. the infonna.tion !s true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are s1g111ficant penalties for sub111ttmg false mformat10n, mcluclmg the poss1b1hty of and/or 1mpnsonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrb! Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr, Site Vice President -Salem NIA GRADE AND REGISTRY NUMBER (IF APPLICABLE) 7/21/?016 856-339-7909 I I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR I DATE AREA CODE/PllONE NUMBER *For a local agency wheretthe highest-ranking operator does not have t1Je abili(v to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibili(v or person designated by that person shall sign thefo!!mving certification: I I certify under penalty of and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: 1 OA-6E'(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring repmis. NIA ___ ,NIA ___ _ ___ _ NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREACODVPHONENUMBER

__ PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 486A SW Outfall 486A 611 /2016 TO 6/30/2016 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN PARAMETER Flow, In Conduit or Thru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 7 Intake From Stream Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 1 Chlorine Produced Oxidants *CPOX 1 Effluent Gross Value Option 2 Temperature, oC 00010 1 Effluent Gross Value QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALl;rY OR CONCENTRATION Comments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rosenwinkel of the BPSP\-Region 2 at (609)292-4860. Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 UNITS NO. FREQ. OF EX. ANALYSIS Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 1of2 PERMIT NUMBER: NJ0005622 PARAMETER Lab Certification# 99999 99 Lab MONITORED LOCATION: 486A SW Outfall 486A QUANTITY OR LOADING I !---MONITORING PERIOD: : FACILITY NAME: I------------*------------**--------6/1/2016 TO 6/30/2016 \ PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN i UNITS i QUALITYIOR CONCENTRATION ! i UNITS NO. FREQ. OF EX. ANALYSIS Comments: Any questions in regards to the monitoring report form can be directed to S. Rbsenwinkel of the BPSP -2 at (609)292-4860. ! ! i Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl 46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page 2 of 2 I New Jersey Dbpartment of Environmental Protection I IDivision of Water Quality Surface Water Dislharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form I NJPDES PERMIT MONITORINjG PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: I NJ0005622i I PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PAJU(PLAZA NEWAJU(, NJ 07101 I Month I Day I 6 I 1 I I Year I I Month I Dav I Year I I 2016 I Tb I 6 I 30 I 2016 I I I I LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: PSEG NUCLEf..R LLC SALEM GENERATINCJT STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD 487B -SW Outfall 487B REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 HANCOCKS r!DGE, NJ 08038 REGION r. COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: No Discharge this Monit01rng Pei-iocl D Monitoring Report Comments Attached WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that perJon. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where, the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate: the treatment works, the highest-ranking bmcial of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under ?f la': that I_ha:e. andl a.m familiar the in this do_cument attachments, and that, based on my mqmry of those for mf?nnah?n, I believe. the mforma_twn true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are s1g111ficant penalties for subm1ttmg false 111format1011, mcludmg the poss1b1ltty of and/or 1mpnsonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr, Site Vice President -Salem I N/A NAME AND TITLE L EXECUT FFICER, AUTHORIZED OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGIS*T--R-Y_N_U_M_B_E_' R-(l_F_A_P-PLICABLE) I I r: ! 7/2]/2016 856-339-7909 I I OF EXE.CUTIVE AUTHORIZED AGENI, . DATE. AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *For a local agency where *.the l11ghest-ra11/a11g operator does not liave t!J1e ab1h(v to authorize capital expencbtures and lure personnel, a person liaving that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the.following cert(ftcation: I certify under penalty of law and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58: l OA-61(5) that I have reviewed the attached discharge monitoring reports. NIA I N/A NIA NIA NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER I New Jersey of Environmental Protection r.ivision of Water Quality Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report Submittal Form l NJPDES PERMIT MONITORING PERIOD MONITORED LOCATION: I PERMITTEE: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 I Month I Day I 6 I 1 I Year I I I Month I Day I Year I I 2016 I Tl I 6 I 30 I 2016 I LOCATIO* OF ACTIVITY: PSEG LLC SALEM GENERATINCjl STATION. ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD I HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 489A -SW Outfall 489A REPORT RECIPIENT: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N21 1-IANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 REGION r COUNTY: Southern I Salem County CHECK IF APPLICABLE: D No Discharge this MonitoFing Period D Monitoring Repo1*t Comments Attached ' ! WHO MUST SIGN The highest ranking official having day-to-11clay managerial and operational responsibilities for the discharging facility shall sign the certification or, in his absence a person designated by that person. For a local agency, the highest ranking operator of the treatment works shall sign the certification. Where'. the highest ranking operator does not the ability to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall also sign the second certification at the bottom of this page. If the local agency has contracted with another entity to operate: the treatment works, the highest-ranking !official of the contracted entity shall sign the certification. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined anj am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately respo11sible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for sub1i1itting false information, including the possibility of and/or imprisonment, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.9(B). The New Jersey water Pollution Contrdil Act provides for penalties up to $50,000 per violation. Eric Carr, Site Vice President -Salem I N/A RINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED kGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR GRADE AND REGIST._R_Y_N_U_M_B_E_< R-(l_F_A_P-PLICABLE) I 7/21/2016 856-339-7909 1 I SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AUTHORIZED AGENT, OR *LICENSED OPERATOR DATE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER *For a local agency wher)the highest-ranking operator does not have tlje abili(v to authorize capital expenditures and hire personnel, a person having that responsibility or person designated by that person shall sign the following cert(fication: I I ooMy nnd0>* peo*lty ofl*w ond ;n "oonfanoo w;th NJ .S.A. 58' IOA-61( 5) tlrnt I hn w *<v;ewOO the ntt"hed d ;"hm*ge mon ;todng <<poru. NIA 1 N/A NIA NIA NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE I ' DATE AREACODWPHONENUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: MONITORED LOCATION: MONITORING PERIOD: FACILITY NAME: NJ0005622 489A SW Outfall 489A 61112016 TO 6/3012016 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATIN ! PARAMETER QUANTITY OR LOADING UNITS QUALITY OR CONCENTRATION UNITS FREQ.OF ANALYSIS Flow, In Conduit or Tllru Treatment Plant 50050 1 Effluent Gross Value pH 00400 1 Effluent Gross Value Solids, Total Suspended 00530 1 Effluent Gross Value Petroleum Hydrocarbons 00551 1 Effluent Gross Value Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) 00680 Effluent Gross Value Lab Certification # 99999 99 Lab ' ****** Comments: If there are any questions in regards to the monitoring report form, please contact Susan Rosenwinkel bt the the BPSP -Region 2 at (609)292-4860 or via email at "".

  • Pre-Print Creation Date: 41112016 Pl46814 SAMPLE TYPE Page.1of1