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Donald C, Cook, Units 1 and 2 - Enclosure 1, 2 & 4 to AEP-NRC-2012-101, Response to Second-Round RAI Item 54.b, and Submittal of Revised Tables Re the Application for Amendment to Transition to National Fire Protection Association Standard
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 11/09/2012
Indiana Michigan Power Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME6629, TAC ME6630, AEP-NRC-2012-101
Download: ML12326A999 (74)


Enclosure I to AEP-NRC-2012-101AFFIRMATIONI, Michael H. Carlson, being duly sworn, state that I am Site Support Services Vice President ofIndiana Michigan Power Company (I&M), that I am authorized to sign and file this request withthe Nuclear Regulatory Commission on behalf of I&M, and that the statements made and thematters setforth herein pertaining to I&M are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,information, and belief.Indiana Michigan Power CompanyMichael H. CarlsonSite Support Services Vice PresidentSWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE METHIS q4G- DAY OFK DALm} r, 2012My Commission Expires L o


2 to AEP-NRC-2012-101Identification of Documents Referenced in this LetterReferences1. Letter from M. H. Carlson, Indiana Michigan Power Company (I&M), to U. S. NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC) Document Control Desk, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear PlantUnits 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, Request for License Amendment to AdoptNational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 Performance-Based Standard for FireProtection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants (2001 Edition)," AEP-NRC-2011-1,dated July 1,2011, ADAMS Accession No. ML111188A145.2. Letter from J. P. Gebbie, I&M, to NRC Document Control Desk, "Donald C. Cook NuclearPlant Units 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, Supplement to Request for LicenseAmendment to Adopt National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 Performance-BasedStandard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Generating Plants (2001 Edition),"AEP-NRC-2011-62, dated September 2, 2011, ADAMS Accession No. ML 11256A030.3. Letter from P. S. Tam, NRC, to L. J. Weber, I&M, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1and 2 -Request for Additional Information on the Application for Amendment to Transitionthe Fire Protection Program to National Fire Protection Association Standard 805 (TAC Nos.ME6629 AND ME6630)," dated January 27, 2012, ADAMS Accession Nos. ML1 13560709,ML12003A186, and ML12017A251.4. E-Mail from P. S. Tam, NRC, to H. L. Etheridge, J. R. Waters, M. K. Scarpello, I&M, et al.,"D.C. Cook -Draft RAI re. Transition to NFPA 805, Questions in Health Physics(TAC ME6629 and ME6630)," dated March 22, 2012, ADAMS Accession No.ML12082A043.5. Letter from M. H. Carlson, I&M, to NRC Document Control Desk, "Donald C. Cook NuclearPlant Units 1 and 2, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding theApplication for Amendment to Transition the Fire Protection Program to National FireProtection Association Standard 805, (TAC Nos. ME6629 AND ME6630),"AEP-NRC-2012-29, dated April 27, 2012, ADAMS Accession No. ML12132A390.6. Letter from J. P Gebbie, I&M, to NRC Document Control Desk, "Response to SecondRequest for Additional Information Regarding the Application for Amendment to Transitionthe Fire Protection Program to National Fire Protection Association Standard 805 (TAC Nos.ME6629 AND ME6630)," AEP-NRC-2012-47, dated June 29, 2012, ADAMS Accession No.ML12195A013.7. Letter from M. H. Carlson, I&M, to NRC Document Control Desk, "Donald C. Cook NuclearPlant Units 1 and 2, Response to. Request for Additional Information Regarding theApplication for Amendment to Transition the Fire Protection Program to National FireProtection Association Standard 805, (TAC Nos. ME6629 AND ME6630),"AEP-NRC-2012-58, dated August 9, 2012, ADAMS Accession No. ML12242A246.


2 to AEP-NRC-2012-101 Page 28. Letter from T. J. Wengert, NRC, to L. J. Weber, I&M, "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1and 2 -Request for Additional Information on the Application for Amendment to Transitionthe Fire Protection Program to National Fire Protection Association Standard 805 (TAC Nos.ME6629 AND ME6630)," dated October 11, 2012, ADAMS Accession No. ML12276A344.9. Letter from M. H. Carlson, I&M, to NRC Document Control Desk, "Response to SecondRound Request for Additional Information Regarding the Application for Amendment toTransition the Fire Protection Program to National Fire Protection Association Standard 805(TAC Nos. ME6629 and ME6630)," AEP-NRC-2012-92, dated October 15, 2012, ADAMSAccession No. MLI122970218.


4 to AEP-NRC-2012-101Revision 1 of Transition Report Attachment A, Table B-1, "Transition of Fundamental FireProtection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805, Chapter 3)"Changes are indicated by red text and revision bars in the right margin.

Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AA. NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental FPP and Design Elements146 PagesRevision I Page A-IRevision 1Page A- 1 Indiana Michiden PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDW -Affachment AAtanchment P -NFP 805 Tabtn B T i F e r c -Anm AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-I -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.1 GeneralThis chapter contains thefundamental elements of the fireprotection program and specifiesthe minimum design requirementsfor fire protection systems andfeatures. These fire protectionprogram elements and minimumdesign requirements shall not besubject to the performance-basedmethods permitted elsewhere in thisstandard. Previously approvedalternatives from the fundamentalprotection program attributes of thischapter by the AHJ takeprecedence over the requirementscontained herein. N/A -SectionHeading, see sub-sections for anyspecific compliance statements.9 N/AN/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/Asections for any specificcompliance statements.3.2 Fire Protection Plan N/A

  • N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/Asections for any specificcompliance statements.3.2.1 Intent A site-wide fire protection plan shall
  • Complies A site-wide fire protection PMI-2270, *Fire Protection Programn,be established. This plan shall program (FPP) has been Rev. 30, All Sectionsdocument management policy and established. The purpose of theprogram direction and shall define CNP FPP is to incorporate, FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 3the responsibilities of those identify and discuss theindividuals responsible for the applicable commitments,plan's implementation. This section documents, administrativeestablishes the criteria for an controls, departmentalintegrated combination of responsibilities and activitiescomponents, procedures, and which together form the CNPpersonnel to implement all fire program activities.elf T" MC_%1 !.tf,11 Taai Oull .n f0lownmb owl Vallis 1."Revision I Page A-2 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transfflon Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.2.2 Management A policy document shall be 0 Complies The FPP procedure defines PMI-2270, 'Fire Protection Program',Policy Direction and prepared that defines management management authority and Rev. 30, All SectionsResponsibility authority and responsibilities and responsibilities and establishesestablishes the general policy for the general policy for the site FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 3the site fire protection program. FPP. [Management The policy document shall Cormples The Plant Manager is PMI-2270, *Fire Protection Program',Policy on Senior designate the senior management responsible for development, Rev. 30, Section 3.1Management] position with immediate authority implementation, and periodicand responsibility for the fire assessment of the CNP FPP. FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 3.7protection program. [Management The policy document shall
  • Compli The Fire Protection Program PMI-2270, -Fire Protection Program',Policy on Dally designate a position responsible for Manager is responsible for Rev. 30, Section 3.1.4Administration] the daily administration and assuring adequatecoordination of the fire protection implementation of the overall FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 3.7program and its implementation. FPP. [Management The policy document shall define Complies PMI-2270 identifies the various PMI-2270, 'Fire Protection Program',Policy on Interfaces] the fire protection interfaces with plant positions having the Rev. 30, Section 3.1.4other organizations and assign authority for implementing theresponsibilities for the coordination various areas of the FPP. The FPPM, Rev. 11, Sections,of activities. In addition, this policy FPPM identifies interfaces and shall identify the various between the FPP and otherplant positions having the authority organizations.for implementing the various areasof the fire protection program. [Management The policy document shall identify , Complies The AHJ is identified in CNP PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program',Policy on AHJ] the appropriate AHJ for the various Procedure PMI-2270 and in the Rev. 30areas of the fire protection program. FPPM.FPPM, Rev. 11RTeWvisin M Page A- 13fRevision I Page A-3 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Affachment AAtanchment Power PoP anF 805 Trmntsi RNFP r 8 apten AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-I -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.2.3 ProceduresProcedures shall be established for 9 Compliesimplementation of the fire protectionprogram. In addition to procedures 9 Complies withthat could be required by other Required Actionsections of the standard, theprocedures to accomplish thefollowing shall be established:Complies:Procedures have beenestablished for implementationof the FPP. These proceduresaccomplish the requirementsoutlined in the sub-sections ofthis elementPMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program',Rev. 30, All SectionsComplies with RequiredAction:Technical documents andprocedures that relate to new FPdesign and licensing basis (e.g.,Fire Protection Program Manual(FPPM), TechnicalRequirements Manual, DesignBasis Document, maintenanceand surveillance, configurationcontrol, training and qualificationguidelines, Quality AssuranceProgram Document (QAPD),etc.) will be revised as neededfor implementation of NFPA 805.Refer to Implementation ItemS-3.10.FPERAI59T~wI~n inO ssCsisjdsg1.2.0iim2Reviion Pag A-Revision IPaige A-4 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.2.3 Procedures (1)Inspection, testing, andmaintenance for fire protectionsystems and features credited bythe fire protection program.e Compies withclarificationComplies with clarification:Procedures have beenestablished for inspection,testing, and maintenance for fireprotection systems and featurescredited by the FPP. Wherepractical, performance-basedsurveillance frequencies may beestablished as described inElectric Power ResearchInstitute (EPRI) TechnicalReport (TR) 1006756, "FireProtection SurveillanceOptimization and MaintenanceGuide for Fire ProtectionSystems and Features".PMI-4030, "Technical SpecificationSurveillance Test Program", Rev. 34,All SectionsPMP-2291-PLN-001, "Work ControlActivity Planning Process', Rev. 40,All Sections12-FPP-2270-066 Series1-EHP-4030-166 Series2-EHP-4030-266 SeriesElectric Power Research Institute(EPRI) Technical Report (TR)1006756, "Fire ProtectionSurveillance Optimization andMaintenance Guide for Fire ProtectionSystems and Features"3.2.3 Procedures (2) Compensatory actions implemented
  • Complies Procedures have been PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program",when fire protection systems and established to implement Rev. 30other systems credited by the fire compensatory actions when fireprotection program and this protection systems and other PMP-2291-PLN-001, "Work Controlstandard cannot perform their systems credited by the FPP Activity Planning Process", Rev. 40,intended function and limits on cannot perform their intended All Sectionsimpairment duration function.12-FPP-2270-066-013, "Control ofInoperable Fire Protection Systems,Structures, or Components", Rev. 1,All Sections1V3W12 TMMiniU =dmmwm I 0 Vuuien 1.2Revision 1 Page A-5 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 TransWon Report -Affachtnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.2.3 Procedures (3)Reviews of fire protectionprogram -related performanceand trends* Complies withRequired ActionProcedures have beenestablished for reviewingperformance and trends of theFPP.Required Action:The monitoring programrequired by NFPA 805 Section2.6 will be implemented after theLAR approval as part of the FPPtransition to NFPA 805, inaccordance with NFPA 805 FAQ10-0059, and will include aprocess that reviews the FPPperformance and trends inperformance. Refer toAttachment S of the TransitionReport for details.PMI-4030, "Technical SpecificationSurveillance Test Program', Rev. 34,Section 3.2.4PMP-2291-PLN-001, 'Work ControlActivity Planning Process', Rev. 40,All SectionsCNP Fire Protection MonitoringProgramPMP-7034-SAP-001, "Conduct ofSelf-Assessments", Rev. 20AR GT2010-13233, "Actions toSupport Implementation of NFPA805'3.2.3 Procedures (4)Reviews of physical plantmodifications and procedurechanges for impact on the fireprotection program.CompiesProcedures have beenestablished for reviews ofphysical plant modifications andprocedure changes for impacton the FPP.PMP-5043-CCD-001, 'ConfigurationChange Determinations', Rev. 2812-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, 'FireProtection Program Impact Review',Rev. 1, All SectionsPMP-2270-EVL-002, 'Evaluation ofFire Protection Program Changes',Rev. 4, All Sections12-EHP-2270-EVL-001, 'Preparationand Approval of Fire ProtectionTechnical Evaluations', Rev. 0OTPT "rDACyl.lltb1l&O122 Tmi wn l ub Vwms., 1.,.0Revision IPage A-6 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transilion Report -Affachnient AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.2.3 Procedures (5)Long-term maintenance andconfiguration of the fire protectionprogram° CompliesProcedures have beenestablished for long-termmaintenance and configurationof the FPP.PMP-5043-CCD-001, "ConfigurationChange Determinations", Rev. 2812-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "FireProtection Program Impact Review",Rev. 1, AUl SectionsPMP-2270-EVL-002, "Evaluation ofFire Protection Program Changes",Rev. 4, All Sections12-EHP-2270-EVL-001, "Preparationand Approval of Fire ProtectionTechnical Evaluations", Rev. 0"Quality Assurance ProgramDescription', Rev. Procedures (6) Emergency response procedures
  • Complies An emergency response PMP-2270-FRP-001, "Fire Responsefor the plant industrial fire brigade procedure for the plant industrial Plan", Rev. 11, All Sectionsfire brigade has beenestablished (Fire Pre-Plan). CNP Fire Pre-Plans, Volumes I, II,and III, Revisions 9, 7, and 12respectively3.3 Prevention A fire prevention program with the
  • Complies The CNP FPP establishes, PMI-2270, "Fire Protection ProgramN,goal of preventing a fire from documents, and implements, Rev. 30, Sections 4.3 and 4.4starting shall be established, specific requirements for firedocumented, and implemented as prevention. The two basicpart of the fire protection program. components of fire preventionThe two basic components of the are met as described in the sub-fire prevention program shall sections of this element.consist of both of the following:WW3W12 Trmuilbn DcwnAru sAO imkiW2- 120Revision 1 Page A-7 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Tranaftn Repod -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3 Prevention (1)Prevention of fires and fire spreadby controls on operational activities0 CompoieCNP procedures establish PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program-,controls on operation activities in Rev. 30, Section 4.4order to prevent fires and firespread. PMP-2270-WBG-001, "Wekling,Burning and Grindin Actiis, Rev.9, Ali Sections12-PPP-2270-066-01 1, "Fire WatchActivities", Rev. 5. All SectionsPMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materials", Rev. 8, AllSections3.3 Prevention (2) Design controls that restrict the use
  • Complies CNP procedures establish PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program",of combustible materials design controls that restrict the Rev. 30, Section 4.3use of combustible materials.The design control requirements 12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "Firelisted in the remainder of this Protection Program Impact Review",section shall be provided as Rev. 1, All Sectionsdescribed.NW30M 2 Tfa .I DncoVC.el.m 12.0RevsionI2 Pagea amm kl A-B .2IRevision IPage A-.8 Indiana Michioan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.1 Fire Prevention forOperational ActivitiesThe fire prevention programactivities shag consist of thenecessary elements to address thecontrol of ignition sources and theuse of transient combustiblematerials during all aspects of plantoperations. The fire preventionprogram shall focus on the humanand programmatic elementsnecessary to prevent fires fromstarting or, should a fire start, tokeep the fire as small as possible.ComxrpliesCNP procedures establishrequirements to address thecontrol of Ignition sources andthe use of transient combKustzl~ematerials during all aspects ofplant operations. Theseprocedures focus on the humanand programmatic elementsnecessary to prevent fires fromstarting or, should a fire start, tokeep the fire as small aspossible.PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program,Rev. 30, Sections 4.3 and 4.4PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materials", Rev. 8, AllSections12-FPP-2270-066-012, "TransientCombustible Monitoring", Rev 7, AllSectionsPMP-2270-WBG-001, "Welding,Burning, and Grinding Activities", Rev.9, All Sections"Quality Assurance ProgramDescription", Rev. General Fire The fire prevention activities shall
  • Complies Plant procedures for fire Refer to basis documentation in thePrevention Activities include but not be limited to the prevention activities have been sub-sections of this element.foflowing program elements: implemented. The proceduresaddress, at a minimum, the FPPelements identified in thissection, but are not limited tothese elements. The NFPA 805code requirements for thiselement are satisfied.I&MM2 T"NM n. AýCO b 12ARevision IPage A-9 Indiana Michigan Power CNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.3.1.1 General Fire Training on fire safety information e Complies with I&M establishes training GE-1-7O0, "DC Cook GeneralPrevention Activities (1) for all employees and contractors Required Action requirements for all plant Employee Training', Rev. 12including, as a minimum, personnel, including plant firefamiliarization with plant fire prevention procedures, fire Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,prevention procedures, fire reporting, and familiarization "Guidance for Implementing a Risk-reporting, and plant emergency with plant emergency alarms. Informed, Performance-Based Firealarms Protection Program under 10 CFRRequired Action: 50.48(c), Rev. 21 Section K.3 (FAQInitial General Employee 06-0028)Training (GET) to be verifiedand updated, after the LAR AR GT2010-13233, "Actions toapproval as part of the FPP Support Implementation of NFPAtransition to NFPA 805, to 805"include the minimum FPPelements as discussed inSection K to NEI-04-02 (FAQ06-0028). Refer to Attachment Sof the Transition Report fordetails. General Fire Documented plant inspections
  • Complies CNP procedures establish 12-PPP-2270-066-012, "TransientPrevention Activities (2) including provisions for corrective requirements for spot plant Combustible Monitoring", Rev. 7, Allactions for conditions where inspections to ensure that Sectionsunanalyzed fire hazards are combustibles are properlyidentified controlled and are not allowed to 12-FPP-2270-066-01 1, *Fire Watchaccumulate in amounts that are Activities", Rev. 6, Section 4.1.1in excess of that analyzed in theFire Hazards Analysis. Dailytours by the fire brigade areestablished. If problems withconditions or combustibleloading are identified, correctiveactions are required to be taken.F_' CV.1 .lbM&3M2 TViMluM DIO usMM A COO Va I,.0Revision I Page A-10 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.1.1 General Fire Administrative controls addressingPrevention Activities (3) the review of plant modificationsand maintenance to ensure thatboth fire hazards and the impact onplant fire protection systems andfeatures are minimized9 CompliesProcedures have beenestablished for reviews ofphysical plant modifications andmaintenance for impact on theFPP.PMP-5043-CCD-OO1, *ConfigurationChange Determinations", Rev. 2912-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "FireProtection Program Impact Revw",Rev. 1, All SectionsPMP-2270-EVL-00, "Evaluation ofFire Protection Program Changes",Rev. 4, All SectionsI 2-EHP-2270-EVL-001, -Preparationand Approval of Fire ProtectionTechnical Evaluations, Rev. 0, AllSectionsI 2-EHP-5040-MOD-009,'Engineering Change ReferenceGuide", Rev. 27, All SectionsMY30M2 TrsuM DNOAM Os, Os V"Mg I 2ARevision IPage A-11I Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.1.2 Control ofCombustible MaterialsProcedures for the control ofgeneral housekeeping practicesand the control of transientcombustibles shall be developedand implemented. Theseprocedures shall include but not belimited to the following programelements:" Compies" Complies withRequired ActionComplies:Plant procedures for the controlof general housekeepingpractices and the control oftransient combustibles havebeen implemented. Theprocedures address, at aminimum, the FPP elementsidentified in this section, but arenot mrited to these elements.I&M believes that the NFPA 805code requirements for thiselement are satisfied at CNP.Complies with RequiredAction:Transient combustible freezones will be established in highrisk Fire Areas AA40, AA43,AA48, AA50, AA51, and AA52.Refer to Implementation ItemS-3.3.PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCmbustible Materials", Rev. 8, AllSections12-PPP-2270-066-012, "TransientCombustible Monitoring", Rev. 7, AllSectionsPMP-2220-HSK-001, "Housekeepingand Material Condition", Rev. 6,Section 4FPERAI591~t~fJ/22 C.= V.,i., 1.2.0RevsioCI ageA4-12GRevision IPage A-12 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.1.2 Control ofCombustible Materials(1)Wood used within the power blockshall be fisted pressure-impregnated or coated with a listedfire-retardant application.Exception: Cribbing timbers 6 in. by6 in. (15.2 cm by 15.2 cm) or largershall not be required to be fire-retardant treated.* Complies" Complies withclarificatione Complies withRequired ActionComplies:All wood smaller than 6 inch by6 inch used in the power block isrequired to be fire-retardanttreated.Complies with clarification:Alternate protection methodsmay be allowed with FireProtection Coordinator consentincluding:a. Applying a fire retardant paintin accordance withmanufacturer's directionComplies with RequiredAction:Procedure PMP-2270-CCM-001,"Control of CombustibleMaterials", will be revised andtraining will be required on therequirements of NFPA 805Section Refer toImplementation Item S-3.16.PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materials", Rev. 8,Section 3.5FPERAI10. Control of Plastic sheeting materials used in
  • Complies All sheet plastic used in the PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materials the power block shall be fire- power block is required to meet Combustible Materials', Rev. 8,(2) retardant types that have passed the requirements of NFPA 701. Section 3.4NFPA 701, "Standard Methods ofFire Tests for Flame Propagation ofTextiles and Films"WOAC_V1. 1 .Sb163W=2 TWOMMff DOGsA Aý Cubo siMW 1+/-.2Revision I Page A-13 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transfflon Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.1.2 Control ofCombustible Materials(3)Waste, debris, scrap, packingmaterials, or other combustiblesshafl be removed from an areaimmediately following thecompletion of work or at the end ofthe shift, whichever comes first.* Complies* Compiles withclarificationComplies:Whenever possible, equipmentor parts shipped or packed incombustible materials arerequired to be removed fromtheir shipping crates orcontainers prior to those itemsbeing taken into a safety relatedarea. Those items that cannotbe removed fromshipping/packing materials maybe taken into safety relatedareas when needed, unpackedand the shipping/packingmaterials immediately removed.PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materials", Rev. 8,Section 3.3PMP-2220-HSK-001, "Housekeepingand Material Conditiona, Rev. 6,Section 4.6.412-FPP-2270-066-012, "TransientCombustible Monitoring", Rev. 7, AllSections12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "PotentialFire Protection Impact", Rev. 2,Attachment 1Complies with clarification:All waste, debris, scrap, or othercombustibles resulting from anactivity Is required to be cleanedup, and stored in propercontainers or removed from thearea during the work activity,upon completing the activityand/or at the end of each workshift. All waste is required to bedisposed of in proper containers.Procedure PMP-2270-CCM-001,"Control of CombustibleMaterials," provides guidance forlimiting the quantity and durationof combustible materials (e.g.,debris, packing materials etc.)for safety-related and criticalbuildings. These requirementsinclude: (1) a review by the FireCW _T0CVu 1.+/-lGorjM~12 TfwwW n~m A Code 12AFPERAI10Reviion Pag A-IRevision IPage A-14 Indlene Michigan PowofCNP NFPA 805 Trwmtion Reml -AttadwrieW AInin Mcia Poe N!FA85Tasto mot-AtcmnAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference DocumentProtection Supervisor/Designeefor Compensatory actions (e.g.,fire watch tour, storage in metalcontainer etc.) if anticipatedcombustibles are to exceed theFire Hazards Analysis allowablelimits and (2) a review by FireProtection Engineering to assurethat all long term/permanentcombustibles comply withlicensing bases requirements.Procedure 12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, Revision 2,Attachment 1, "Potential FireProtection Impact," providesguidance for review ofcombustible loading on fireprotection/safe shutdownequipment/components andinstallation activities. Thesecontrols comply with NFPA 805,Section (4), which allowscombustible storage to be usedif such storage is in adesignated storage/staging areawith limits placed on the typesand quantities of storedmaterials. Additionally, CNP hasa "Clean As You Go Policy" asdescribed in ProcedurePMP-2220-HSK-001,"Housekeeping and materialCondition", to preclude in-situstorage of waste, debris, scrappacking materials, or othercombustibles as required byNFPA 805.COW_TAC_V.I.eb1SIU¶ TMEEM UDOWW AmImO 12ARevision I Page A-15Revision IPage A-15 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.3.1.2 Control of Combustible storage or staging
  • Compiles Transient combustible storage is PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materials areas shall be designated, and controlled on the basis of Combustible Materials", Rev 8, All(4) limits shall be established on the physical location and restricted Sectionstypes and quantities of stored to the limitations set forth in thematerials. individual Fire Safety Analysis CNP Fire Safety Analysis ReportsReports. A permit must beacquired to store transientcombustible materials outside ofdesignated transientcombustible material storagezones. Control of Controls on use and storage of Compies with Complies with clarification: PMP-2270-CCM-001, -Control ofCombustible Materials flammable and combustible liquids clarification Plant procedures are in place to Combustible Materials", Rev. 8,(5) shall be in accordance with NFPA control the use and storage of Section 3.930, "Flammable and Combustible
  • Complies with use of flammable and combustibleUquids Code, or other applicable EEEEs liquids. These controls use "NFPA 30 Code ComplianceNFPA standards." NFPA 30 as a developmental Evaluation for Donald C. Cookreference. Nuclear Plant Unit 1 and 2", Rev. 0,All SectionsNo other NFPA Standards weredetermined to be applicable "Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant NFPAbased on guidance in NEI Code Deviations and Justifications",04-02, section K.1 (FAQ Rev. 206-0020).Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,Complies with use of EEEEs: "Guidance for Implementing a Risk-CNP complies with NFPA 30, Informed, Performance-Based Fire1987 edition, as evaluated in the Protection Program under 10 CFRCNP NFPA 30 Code 50.48(c)", Rev. 2 / Section K.1 (FAQCompliance Evaluation. 06-0020)iaWOMW Tw O" co m 1,.2I"Revision I Page A-16 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.1.2 Control ofCombustible Materials(6)Controls on use and storage offlammable gases shall be inaccordance with applicable NFPAstandards.9 Compiles withclarification* Complies with use ofEEEEsComplies with clarification:A plant procedure is in place tocontrol use and storage offlammable gases. Thesecontrols use NFPA 50A"Standard for GaseousHydrogen Systems at ConsumerSites', as a developmentalreference.No other NFPA Standards weredetermined to be applicablebased on guidance in NEI04-02, section K.1 (FAQ06-0020).PMP-2270-CCM-001, 'Control ofCombustible Materials', Rev. 8,Section 3.10Engineering Equivalency Evaluation14.1.1, "CNP Fire Protection CodeConformance Review', Rev. 0Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,'Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based FireProtection Program under 10 CFR50.48(c)', Rev. 2 / Section K.1 (FAQ06-0020)Complies with use of EEEEs:CNP complies with NFPA 50A,1999 edition, as evaluated inEngineering EquivalencyEvaluation Control of Control of Ignition Sources.
  • N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/AIgnition Sources sections for any specificcompliance statements.W1O2 TwMWon C0t VeWW 12.0Revision I Page A-17 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Repod -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3. [Control ofIgnition Sources CodeRequirements]A hot work safety procedure shallbe developed, implemented, andperiodically updated as necessaryin accordance with NFPA 51 B,"Standard for Fire PreventionDuring Welding, Cutting, and OtherHot Work", and NFPA 241,"Standard for SafeguardingConstruction, Alteration, andDemolition Operations."a Complies withclarification* Complies with use ofEEEEs9 Complies withRequired ActionComplies with clarification:A hot work safety procedure anda fire watch procedure havebeen developed, Implemented,and ae periodically updated asnecessary. Fire watch personnelmay have multiple duties.Complies with use of EEEEs:The hot work safety procedureand fire watch procedure complywith the requirements of NFPA51B, 1971 Edition, and NFPA241, 2000 Edition, as evaluatedin Engineering EquivalencyEvaluation 14.1.1.Complies with RequiredAction:Hot work restriction zones willbe established in high risk FireAreas AA40, AA43, AA48,AA50, AA51, and AA52. Refer toImplementation Item S-3.4.Procedure PMP-2270-WBG-001, "Welding, Burningand Grinding Activities", will berevised and training will berequired on discontinuing theuse of (1) video cameras for firewatch and (2) use of a single firewatch for multiple hot workactivities. Refer toImplementation Item S-3.15.PMP-2270-WBG-001, "Welding,Burning and Grinding Activities", Rev.9, All Sections12-FPP-2270-066-01 1, "Fire WatchActivities", Rev. 5, All SectionsEngineering Equivalency Evaluation14.1.1, "CNP Fire Protection CodeConformance Review", Rev. 0FPERAI59FPERAI9.01ONtTMlOACVvl 1."Reviion Pag A-IRevision IPage A-.18 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3. [Control of Smoking and other possible
  • Complies Smoklig is not allowed in any PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program*,Ignition Sources sources of ignition shall be plant building or any other Rev. 30, Section 4.4.2Smoking Umitations] restricted to properly designated specific area posted as "Noand supervised safe areas of the Smoking', per procedureplant. PMI-2270. Restrictions for otherpossible Ignition sources areaddressed by sections,3, and [Control of Open flames or combustion-
  • Complies Precautions and limitations are 12-FPP-2270-066 SeriesIgnition Sources for generated smoke shall not be listed for all fire protectionLeak Testing] permitted for leak or air flow testing. testing procedures. These 1 -EHP-4030-166 Seriesprecautions and limitationsrequire that there be no 2-EHP-4030-266 Seriesdeviations from the listed testsequence unless specificinstructions to the contrary existwithin the test procedure. Testprocedures do not use openflames or combustion-generatedsmoke for leak or air flowtesting.CNO1wC_1.1.0bMM2 Tvalftsn DMUMMM Aý Caf uda" 1.URevision I Page A-19 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3. [Control ofIgnition sources onPortable Heaters]Plant administrative procedure shall
  • Compliescontrol the use of portable electricalheaters in the plant. Portable fuel-
  • Complies withfired heaters shall not be permitted Required Actionin plant areas containing equipmentimportant to nuclear safety or wherethere is a potential for radiologicalreleases resulting from a fire.Complies:CNP procedures control the useof portable electrical heaters inthe plant. CNP procedures alsorequire that portable fuel-firedheaters are not permitted inplant areas containingequipment important to nuclearsafety or where there is apotential for radiologicalreleases resulting from a fire.Complies with RequiredAction:I&M will establish an alternateapproach for Control Roomtemporary ventilation that,consistent with GDC-3 andNFPA 805 Section,does not use portable fuel-firedblowers. The alternate approachwill be designed to comply withGDC-3, and to assure there isno impact on radiologicalreleases resulting from a fire.Technical EvaluationR1 900-0026-001, "RecoveryAction Transition in Support ofNFPA 805", Revision 1, will berevised. Refer to ImplementationItem S-3.17.PMP-2270-CCM-001, *Control ofCombustible Materials', Rev. 8,Section 3.3.15 and 3.3.14PMI-2270, *Fire Protection Program",Rev. 30FPERAI18.01oejTW-..IMtTrWM., DOAR 1.2OO .0 IReison aeA2Revision IPage A-20 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transffion Repoft -Affachtnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.2 StructuralWails, floors, and components
  • Compliesrequired to maintain structuralintegrity shagl be of noncornbusbble -Complies by previousconstructio, as defined in NFPA NRC approval220, *Standard on Types of BuildingConstruction.Complies:Interior walls, floors, andstructural components arenoncombustible.Noncombustible is defined byNFPA 220-1999 edition, as amaterial that, in the form inwhich it is used and under theconditions anticipated, will notignite, bum, support combustion,or release flammable vaporswhen subjected to fire or heat.Complies by previous NRCapproval:By the response to Appendix Ato Branch Technical PositionAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. 1and 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.1.(d) I&M stated:"Interior wall and structuralcomponents, thermal insulation,radiation shielding, and soundproofing are, to the extentpossible, noncombustible orhave the UL flame spread,smoke, and fuel contributionrating of 25 or less. Where thiswas not possible, thesematerials are protected by othermeans. In the two cases wherethis occurred (noted below) thefollowing was done:I&M response to Appendix A toBranch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1 for Units No. 1 and 2, 1/31/77,item D.l.(d)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmendment Nos. 31 and 12 toLicense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7/31179, page 17.12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, -FireProtection Program Impact Review',Rev. 1, All SectionsCWjrAC-.1¶ lTamnm DMWN" Mceftvwaw 120lWm 2Revision 1 Page A-21Revision 1Page A-21 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Tiansition Report -Affachment AInin ihanPwrCN FA85Tasto Re~rt AtcmnAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference DocumentBuilding expansion or seismicgaps were filled in some caseswith urethane or styrene foamplastic to act as a seal toprevent infiltration of air or sand,or to act as non-removableforms between concrete pours.In areas where this materialviolated fire rated walls or wherethe material, if ignited, couldpotentially damage adjacentequipment; a fire proofingmethod was devised by rakingout the foam plastic to a four orsix inch depth, filling the voidwith rolled refractory fiberinsulation held in place withglass fiber screening andnoncombustible siliconeadhesive, all of which is coveredwith a glass fiber reinforcedsilicone sheet materialcemented to the concrete wallswith noncombustible siliconeadhesive. Tests of this conceptwere conducted in March 1975.The test was an ASTM E-1 19wall test where the refractoryfiber/silicone sheet was used toseal a pipe sleeve. After fivehours of exposure, the seal wasstill intact and functional."The NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:"We conclude that theTnM~o 8OWV AOmm8 0fe V40 1.2.0Revision IPage A-22 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachment AInin Mcia PoeiN FA85Tasto eot-AtcmnAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Documentadministrative controls [includingcontrols on construction of walls,floors and components requiredto maintain structural integrity],fire brigade equipment andtraining conform to therecommendations of theNational Fire ProtectionAssociation and Appendix A toBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefore, acceptable."The noncombustible features(i.e. the expansion and seismicgap filling materials, the interiorwall and structural components,thermal insulation, radiationshielding and sound proofing),as approved by the SE Report,are still installed at CNP. Therehave been no plantmodifications or other changesthat would invalidate the basisfor approval. These featureshave not been changed.CWPTAC-%1.1.GbWVUWWI2 n Aedý Cabd Vatn I2.ORevision IPage A-23 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transitiari Remd -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.3 Interior FinishesInterior wall or celifng finishclassification shall be in accordancewith NFPA 101, "Lfe Safety Code',requirements for Class A materials.Interior floor finishes shall be inaccordance with NFPA 101requirements for Class I interiorfloor finishes.-Complies by previousNRC approvale Complies with use ofEEEEsComplies by previous NRCapproval:By the response to Appendix Ato Branch Technical PositionAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. 1and 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.1.(d) I&M stated:"Interior wafi and structuralcomponents, thermal insulation,radiation shielding, and soundproofing are, to the extentpossible, noncombustible orhave the UL flame spread,smoke, and fuel contributionrating of 25 or less.*The NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:We conclude that theadministrative controls [includinginterior wall, ceiling and floorfinishes], fire brigade equipmentand training conform to therecommendations of theNational Fire ProtectionAssociation and Appendix A toBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefore, acceptable.*I&M response to Appendix A toBranch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1 for Units No. I and 2, 1/31/77,item D.1.(d)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmendment Nos. 31 and 12 toLicense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7131/79, page 17I&M Letter to NRC, 'Control RoomCarpeting', 5130/1986NRC Safety Evaluation, "Installationof Carpet in the Control Rooms",6/16/88Engineering Equivalency Evaluation11.55, "Flammability of Floor CoatingSystems"PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program',Rev. 3012-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "FireProtection Program Impact Review',Rev. 1, All SectionsAR: GT00120103By letter dated May 30, 1986,I&M informed the NRC thatcarpeting had been installed inboth units' control rooms todose out human factorsconcerns as a result of theDetailed Control Room DesignCWPWAC-y"At.bIwGOWa2 TMAn COMMM AU Cob' VeWiA 1 2Revision 1Page A-24 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference DocumentReview. The licensee stated thatthis carpeting had a flamespread rating of 30 which ishigher than the 25recommended by NRC staffguidance. The carpeting alsohas a radiant flux rating of .98watts/cm.The NRC Safety Evaluation,"installation of Carpet in theControl Roomsm, dated June 16,1988 states:"The carpeting installed in thecontrol room deviates from NRCstaff guidance because theflame spread rating is higherthan identified in Section D. 1.dof Appendix A to BTP APCSB9.5-1. The concem is that a fireinvolving carpeting with a highflame spread could propagaterapidly, potentially damagingsafe shutdown equipment andalso making the control roomuninhabitable. However, theflame spread of the carpetinginstalled in the D.C. Cookcontrol rooms is only slightlyhigher than staff guidance, 30versus 25.Since the issuance of the staffguidelines, objections have beenraised in the fire protectionindustry regarding the measureof flame spread to evaluate floorCNPITDAC Vl,.1.GbMUM 12 TnwW Dmm AmmhotWn 1.2.0Revision IPage A-25 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Documentcoverings. The test methodused to evaluate flame spread,NFPA 255, "Surface BurningCharacteristics of BuildingMaterials,' holds the testspecimen upside down in aposion that bears noresemblance to its position whenit is installed. In a effort tocorrectly assess the flamespread hazard of floorcoverings, the concept of radiantflux was used and NFPA 253,'Standard Method of Test forCritical Radiant Flux of FloorCovering Systems Using aRadiant Heat Energy Source'was developed. NFPA 253involves subjecting a horizontalfloor covering specimen to aradiant energy flux whichdecreases along the length ofthe specimen according to astandard energy flux vs.distance profile. The higher thecritical heat flux rating a carpethas, the more resistive it is toflame spread.The subject carpeting has acritical heat flux of .98watts/cmr(2). This rating issignificantly higher than theminimum of 0.45 watts/cmr(2)used to define a Class I interiorfinish in NFPA 101, 1Lf SafetyCode.N Since the control roomsare continuously manned, firesMM 2 WAI l 1*Revision IPage A-26 Indiana Michioan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transffion Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Documentwould be detected quicky andextinguished using portable fireextinguishers. Based on theabove, there is reasonableassurance that the slightlyhigher flame spread rating ofcontrol room carpeting would notadversely affect plant safety.Based on the above evaluation,the staff finds that theinstallation of carpeting in thecontrol rooms which has a flamespread rating of 30 is anacceptable deviation from theguidance provided in AppendixA to BTPAPCSB 9.5-1, SectionD.1.d."The carpeting, as approved bythe SE Report, Is still instafled inthe control room at CNP. Therehave been no plantmodifications or other changesthat would invalidate the basisfor approval. The carpetingfeatures remain unchanged.Complies with use of EEEEs:Epoxy floor coating is used insome fire areas. This has beenevaluated as acceptable via anEngineering EquivalencyEvaluation and ARGTOO120103.Tuimni 0w AUmm0i 14 Revision 1 Page A-2Revision IPage A-27 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Repod -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.4 Insulation MaterialsThermal Insilation materials,radiation shielding materials,ventilation duct materials, andsoundproofing materials shall benoncombustible or limitedcombustible.-comples by previousNRC approvalComplies:Thermal insulation materials,shieldg materials, ventilationduct materials andsoundproofing materials at CNPare of limited combustibility.Complies by previous NRCapproval:By the response to Appendix Ato Branch Technical PositionAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. 1and 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.1.(d) I&M stated:"lInterior wafl and structuralcomponents, thermal insulation,radiation shielding, and soundproofing are, to the extentpossible, noncombustible orhave the UL fame spread,smoke, and fuel contnbutonrating of 25 or les W oere thiswas not possible, thesematerkis are protected by othermeans. In the two cases wherethis ocarred (noted belo) thefollowing was done:Building expansion or seismicgaps ware filled in some caseswith urethane or styrene foamplastic to act as a seal toprevent inftvri of air or sand,or to act as non-removableforms between concrete pours.In areas where this materialviolated fire rated walls or whereES-PIPE-1007-QCS, "ThermalInsulation", Rev. 3, All Sections12-THP-6010-RPP-015, "TemporaryShielding", Rev. 7, Section 3.5ES-HVAC-0804-QCN, "NuclearGrade Ductwork", Rev. 1, Section 4ES-HVAC-0806-QCS, "ConventionalHVAC Ductwork", Rev. 0, Section 4I&M response to Appendix A toBranch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1 for Units No. I and 2, 1/31/77,item D.1.(d)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmendment Nos. 31 and 12 toLcense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7/31/79, page 17 and table 1, item 8.12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "FireProtection Program Impact Review",Rev. 1. All SectionsoujTW4_V l1TW~6u, DmitWA.ns Ob V"W I."6'"2Revision I Page A-28Revision IPpA-28 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Documentthe material, if Ignited, couldpotentially damage adjacentequipment; a fire proofingmethod was devised by rakingout the foam plastic to a four orsix inch depth, filling the voidwith rolled refractory fiberinsulation held in place withglass fiber screening andnoncombustible siliconeadhesive, all of which is coveredwith a glass fiber reinforcedsilicone sheet materialcemented to the concrete wallswith noncombustible siliconeadhesive. Tests of this conceptwere conducted in March 1975.The test was an ASTM E-119wall test where the refractoryfes`Wi ne sheet was used toseal a pipe sleeve. After fivehours of exposure, the seal wasstill intact and functional.The NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:afe conclude that theadminstrative controls [includingcontrols on thermal insulation,radiation shielding materials,ventilation duct materials andsoundproofing materials], firebrigade equipment and trainingconfomn to therecommendations of theNational Fire ProtectionAssociation and Appendix A toO _W-7DC_.v1.f,1V~12TMOOM Doom" A COftsmd I"Revision I Page A-29Revision 1Page A-29 Indiana Michiban PoyverCNP NFPA 805 TwaNion Repod -AltechmeW AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference DocumentBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefore, acceptable.The noncombustible features(i.e. the expansion and seismicgap filling materials, the interiorwall and structural components,thermal insulation, radiationshielding and sound proofing),as approved by the SE Report,are still used at CNP. Therehave been no plantmodifications or other changesthat would invaflidate the basisfor approval. These featureshave not been changed.3.3.5 Electrical. Electrical
  • NJA N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/Asections for any specificcompliance statementsAmmmCu-te Reiso T1 PUg e AMM COO *UUfn .2Revision 1 Page A-30 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 TranmWon Report -Affachnwnt AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.5.1 [Electrical WiringAbove SuspendedCeiO lg l ]itatonsWrIng above suspended celing o Complie by provioushal be kept to a mr*kiium. Where NRC approvalInstalled, electrical wiring shalt belisted for plenum use, routed Inarmored cable, routed in metallicconduit, or routed in cable trays withsolid metal top and bottom covers.By the response to Ato Branch Technical PositionAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. 1and 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.1.(f) I&M stated:"The only locations containingClass I equ~oment withsuspended ceaikg are each ofthe control rooms. The ceiling inthis case consists of acousticmetal tiles which arenoncombustible, and plasticdiffusers (egg crate) under therecessed fluorescent lighting.These diffusers meet the UL 25fame spread requirements.I&M response to Appendi A toBrunch Technical Position APCSS9.5-1 for Units No. 1 and 2, 1/31177,item D.1.(f)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmerndet Nos. 31 and 12 toLicense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7/31/79, page 17 and table 1, item3.D.I.12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, *FireProtection Program Impact Review",Rev. 1, All SectionsThe NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:We conclude that theadminisrative controls Pncludingcontrols on wiring abovesuspended ceirings) fire brigadeequipment and trainig conformto the recommendations of theNational Fire PhroctoAssociation and Appendix A toBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefore, acceptable.'The suspended ceilingconfiguration (i.e.noncombustible files withdiffusers meeting UL 25 flamespread requirements), asapproved by the SE Report, is1UP3OQTt2 T AV .u MRevision IPage A.31 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 TransWon Rewd -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Documentstil Installed at CNP. Therehave been no plantmodifications or other changesthat would invalidate the basisfor approval. This configurationhas not been changed. [Electrical Only metal tray and metal conduits Complies with All exposed electrical raceways ES-CABLE-0221-QCN, *Design andRaceway Construction shall be used for electrical clarification are metal tray or metal conduit. Installation Criteria for Cable, Trough,Limits] raceways. Thin wall metallic tubing In general, all cable is run and Conduir, Rev. 8, All Sectionsshall not be used for power, through conduits or trays, withinstrumentation, or control cables. the exception of short cable air Nuclear Energy InstUe (NEI) 04-02,Flexible metallic conduits shall only drops. The approximately 3 foot 'Guidance for Implementing a Risk-be used in short lengths to connect air drops align with the guidance Inrfomed, Peformance-Based Firecomponents. of Section K.4 to NEI-04-02 Protection Program under 10 CFR(FAQ 06-0021) and are 50.48(c), Rev. 2 I Section K.4 (FAQtherefore acceptable. 06-0021)CWeTWC,1.b100r12 Tqm,.tn n A0toOWWsWId 1.1*Revision I Page A-32 Indiana Mkhh7an Po"rCNP NFPA 805 Transition Repod -Attachmont AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.5.3 [Electrical CableFlame PropagationUmits]Electric cable construction shallcomply with a flame propagationtest as acceptable to the AHJ..Compnles by previousNRC approvalNote: the exception to this section isnot endorsed by 10 CFR 50.48(c)(2Xv) and has been removed.By the response to Appendix Ato Branch Technical PositionAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. 1and 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.3.(f) I&M stated:"Cables used in Unit I were notrequired to pass any fire test attime of purchase. Samples of allcables were subjected to theIPCEA S-19-81 paragraph6.19.6 vertical flame resistingtest. The vertical flame testIPCEA S-19 is adequate toshow the flame resistancecapability of these cables sincethey are already in use. Allcables passed this test with theexception of 600 volt,unjacketed, power cables usingcross linked polyethyleneinsulation and one type of twoconductor control cable suppliedby one of the two manufacturerswho supplied the cable. Thiscable is currently installed inUnit I and there are no presentplans to replace the cable.Cable insulation materials wereselected for their electricalproperties, radiation andcontainment environmentresistance at the time of theirpurchase for Unit 1. Flameresistance properties were notthe only factors to considerwhen Unit I cables were-purchased."I&M response to Appendix A toBranch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1 for Units No. 1 and 2, 1/31/77,item D.3.(f)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmendment Nos. 31 and 12 toLicense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7/31179, page 17.12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "FireProtection Program Impact Review",Rev. 1, All SectionsES-CABLE-j221-QCN, Design andInstallation Criteria for Cable, Trough,and Conduit', Rev. 8, All SectionsMor1o TrWuu. DWAM AMM 00ft VW@M I".Revision I Page A-33Revision IPage A-33 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Tranmffion Report -Attachment AInin ihla o e C PN P 0 T... n...ion Re~ .. ......m. .t.Attachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document"All cables installed in Unit 2were documented to havepassed the vertical flame test ofIPCEA S-19-81 Pare. 6.19.6.Power cables used on safetysystems within the containmentwere documented to pass thevertical flame test of IEEE 383.The NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:"We conclude that theadministrative controls rincludingcable construction], fire brigadeequipment and training conformto the recommendations of theNational Fire ProtectionAssociation and Appendix A toBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefbre, acceptable."The electrical cables, asapproved by the SE Report, arestill installed at CNP. Therehave been no plantmodifications or other changesthat would invalidate the basisfor approval.Any new cable installed at CNPwill be constructed similar orsuperior to the original cable andmeeting the requirements ofIEEE-383.CW1OAe 1.1*.IRevisio TsID&wACW Pag 1A-3Revision IPage A-34 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transtion Report -Affachtnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.6 RoofsMetal roof deck construction shallbe designed and Installed so theroofing system will not sustain aself-propagating fire on theunderside of the deck when thedeck is heated by a fire Inside thebuilding. Roof coverings shall beClass A as determined by testsdescribed in NFPA 256, "StandardMethods of Fire Tests of RoofCoverings."N Compies by previousNRC approvalBy the response to Appendix Ato Branch Technical PositionAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. 1and 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.1 .(d), I&M stated:The auxiliary building roof atCook Plant is reinforcedconcrete over metal pan (Qdeck) ceiling. To preventcondensation it was necessaryto add urethane foam insulationbetween the concrete and themetal pan. The foam selectedmet the UL25 flame spreadrequirement; however, foradditional protection a layer offire rated gypsum board wasinstalled between the metal panand the urethane foam. This willprotect the foam from an interiorbuilding fire which coulddegrade the foam, liberatingcombustible gases which cancontribute to the intensity andspread of the fire."M&M response to Appendix A toBranch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1 for Units No. 1 and 2,1/31177,item D.1.(d) and (e)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmendment Nos. 31 and 12 toUcense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7/31/79, page 17.DCC-CEST-200-QCS, "AuxwiaryBuilding Reroofing Section 07526Modified Bitfum Sheet RoofingSeismic Class Ill Application", Rev. 0,All12-EHP-2270-FPIR-001, "TireProtection Program Impact Review",Rev. 1, All SectionsBy response to Item D.1.(e),I&M stated:"All roofs at the Cook Plant areof UL Class A and FM Class Iconstruction."The NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:"We conclude that theRev siCon IPage A- 35.~~~~TWWMml DeftWWMAWMC 1,2JARevision IPage A-35 Indiana Mkh1ban PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transffion Repod -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Documentadministrative controls j'includingroof construction], fire brigadeequipment and training conformto the recommendations of theNational Fire ProtectionAssociation and Appendix A toBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefore, acceptable."mThe Auxiliary Building roofconstruction, as approved by theSE Report, is still installed atCNP. There have been no plantmodifications or other changesthat would invalidate the basisfor approval. This featureremains unchanged.3.3.7 Bulk FlammableGas StorageBulk compressed or cryogenic
  • Complies withflammable gas storage shall not be clarificationpermitted inside structures housingsystems, equipment, orcomponents important to nuclearsafety.Bulk compressed flammable gas PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofcylinder storage is located in the Combustible Materials", Rev. 8,Gas Bottle Storage Facility, Section 3.10which is separated fromstructures housing systems, Fire Hazards Analysis, Rev. 14equipment, or componentsimportant to nuclear safety. The Engineefn Equivalency Evaluation3-hour rated concrete wall that 11.11, "Storage of Flammable Gasesseparates the full bottle storage in Fire Areas AM2A, AA2B, AA3,area of the Gas Cylinder AA34, and Yard-, Rev. 0Storage Building is a maximumfire loss type firewall. Thecombination of the firewall andspatial separation from the southwall of Fire Zones 97 and 98provides assurance that a gascylinder fire would not damagesafety related equipmentcReisonC Pa .I.A31030=J2 T~wMamm ]o~mm/@mO~fto '-ll 12A8Revision IPage A-36 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 TransWon Rewd -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.7.1 [Bulk FlammableGas LocationRequirements]Storage of flammable gas shall belocated outdoors, or in separatedetached buildings, so that a fire orexplosion will not adversely Impactsystems, equipment orcomponents Important to nuclearsafety. NFPA 50A, Standard forGaseous Hydrogen Systems atConsumer Sites," shall be followedfor hydrogen storage.9 Complies withclarificaition* Complies with use ofEEEEsComplies with clarification: PMP-2270-CCM-0O1, *Control ofBulk compressed flammable gas Combustible Materials", Rev. 8,cylinder storage is located in the Section 3.10Gas Bottle Storage Facility. The3-hour rated concrete wall that Fire Hazards Analysis, Rev. 14separates the full bottle storagearea of the Gas Cylinder Engineering Equivalency EvaluationStorage Building is an MR. type 14.1.1, *CNP Fire Protection Codefirewall. The combination of the Conformance Review*, Rev. 0firewall and spatial separationfrom the south wall of FireZones 97 and 98 providesassurance that a gas cylinderfire would not adversely impactsystems, equipment. orcomponents important tonuclear safety.Complies with use of EEEEs:Hydrogen storage complies withNFPA 50A-1 999 Edition, asevaluated in EngineeringEquivalency Evaluation [Bulk Flammable Outdoor hig-pressure flmmable Compies with use of Bulk hydrogen storage is Engineering Equivalency EvaluationGas Container gas storage containers shall be EEEEs: configured so the that the long 11.11, "Storage of Flammable GasesRestictions] located so that the long axis is not axis is not pointed at buildings, in Fire Areas AA2A, AA2B, AA3,pointed at buiings. as evaluated in Engineering AA34, and Yard', Rev. 0Equivalency Evaluation 11.11.T2rtCvtl.b~loam 2 TWu, DWom"" AOu gcgoo 1.20IRevision 1 Page A-37 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transton Repod -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.3.7.3 [Bulk Flammable Flammable gas storage cyinders Comps flamrmable gas storage PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofGas Cyinder Umitations] not required for normal operation cylinders not required for normal Combustible Materia, Rev. 8.shall be isolated from the system. operation are either returned to Section 3.10the gas bottie storage facilittyupon the completion of a job or 12-OHP Procedure Seriesare isolated from the system.Tmwill, DomlAm 4 ei 1.2.0Revision 1Page A..8 Indiana Whiden PowerCNP NFPA WS Tmn&ihon Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-I -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.8 Bulk Storage ofFlammable andCobsibeLquidBulk storage of flamnmable andcombustible liquids shall not bepemftd nside structurescontaining systems, equipment orcomponert important to nuclearsafety. As a minimum, storage anduse shafl comply with NFPA 30,"Flammable and CombustibleLiquids Code.".-Compie by previousNRC approval* Comples with use ofEEEEsComplies:Per plant procedure PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Materfalsm, thefollowing areas are designatedstorage forflammable/combustible liquids:* Storage of flammable liquids(NFPA Diamond Rating of 3 or4) in quantities greater than onegallon per container shall berestricted to the U-1 FlammableLiquids Storage Room locatedon the 595 level of the ServiceBuilding.e Bulk storage of combustibleliquids (those having a flashpoint above 100"F, NFPADiamond Rating of 2 or less) willbe permitted in the U-2Miscellneous Oil StorageRoom located on the 591' levelat the south end of the TurbineBuilding.These areas are separated fromsystems, equipment, andcomponents important tonuclear safety, by 3-hour fireresistive barriers.Complies by previous NRCapproval:By the response to Appendix Ato Branch Technical PositionPMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofCombustible Mate , Rev. 7,Section 3.9Fire Hazards Analysis, Rev. 14I&M response to Appendix A toBranch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1 for Units No. 1 and 2. 1/31/77,item D.2.(a)NRC Safety Evaluation supportingAmendment Nos. 31 and 12 toLicense No. DPR-58 and DPR-74,7/31/79, page 17."NFPA 30 Code ComplianceEvaluation for Donald C. CookNuclear Plant Unit I and 2", Rev. 0,7/25/90, Al"Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant NFPACode Deviations and Justifications",Rev. 2,4/12/06Engineering Equivalency Evaluation11.16, "Lube Oil Storage Rooms FireZones 83 and 95 (AA2A), and 88 and100 (AA2B) Boundary Evaluation",Rev. 0Engineering Equivalency Evaluation11.17, "Diesel Generator Fuel Oil DayTank Rooms Fire Zones 15 (AA14),16 (AA15). 18 (AA23) and 19 (AA24)Boundary Evaluation", Rev. 0Reviion Pag A -139Revision IPage A-39 Indiana Michican Fým"rCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AInin Mcka Poe NIFA85TastinRgot-AtcmnAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference DocumentAPCSB 9.5-1 for Units No. Iand 2, dated January 31, 1977,item D.2.(aXI), I&M stated:'The emergency dieselgenerator fuel oil day tanks areenclosed in a 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ratedenclosure within each of thediesel generator rooms. Theenclosure has 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ratedwalls, floor, ceiling, dooms, anddampe, is equipped withthermally actuated fire detectionwhich operates a fixedautoratic C02 fire suppressionsystem, and also is drained toremove any oil spill."By item D.2.(aX1), I&M stated:"While not safety related or anexposure hazard to safetyrelated equipmerM the turbiregenerator, its lube oil system,and the area surrounding it arefully fire protected. This isconsidered to be the highest firepotential area in a power plant.Area coverage by automaticsprnklers is provi 100%below the main and mezzaninefloors Oil lines below the mainFloow, even though covered byguard poing, are traced withautomatic spray nozzles whichalso follow cable tray runs andcover the H2 seal oil equipment.CNP TVAC .Yl1.1mlWwi2 TIm DOmO, AMM Cab. VIISIM 1.2IRevision IPage A-40 Indiana Michi-dan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference DocumentLube oil processing and runningoi# tank rooms are 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> ratedenclosures with automatic C02and sprinlder fire suppression.Oil piping above the main floorhas fire detection for alarm inthe control room and manualpreaction water spray operablefrom the control room. Turbinegenerator bearings areprotected by manual drychemical piped systems.Portable water hose lines, foamequipment, C02, and drychemical wheeled and handportable extinguishers areliberally provided.The entire area is curbed anddrained. Heat and smoke ventsare provided in the turbinebuilding roof at a I sq.t to 100sq. ft ratio. Three hour ratedfirewals cut off each unit belowthe main floor, the auxTmiybuilding, service bulding,screenhouse, heating boilers, aswell as the lube oi, and runningoil tank room."The NRC Safety Evaluation,dated July 31, 1979 states:We conclude that theadministrative controls ncludingstorage of flammable andcombustible liquids], fire brigadeequipment and training conform1w jCdy1.I0Revisio I Page A -4ob1WM ZRevision 1PaeA-41 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transftn Repod -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Documentto the reconmendatons of theNatonal Fire ProtectionAssocai and Appendix A toBranch Technical Position 9.5-1and are, therefore, acceptable.wThe storage configurations ofcombustible liquids, as approvedby the SE Report, are still usedat CNP. There have been noplant modifications or otherchanges that would invalidatethe basis for approval. Featuresremain unchanged.Complies with use of EEEEs:Storage of flammable andcombustible liquids complieswith NFPA 30-1987 Edition, asevaluated in the *NFPA 30 CodeEvaluation forDonald C. Cook Nuclear PlantUnit I and 2r.The fire baniers of the Lube OilStorage Rooms have beenevaluated in accordance withNFPA 805, section 3.11.2, andby Engineering EquivalencyEvaluation 11.16.The fire barriers of the DieselGenerator Fuel Oil Day TankRooms have been evaluated inaccordance with NFPA 805,section 3.11.2, and byEngineering EquivalencyEvaluation 11.17.TOMMlMOOU1 VWMAW 12ARevision 1PpA..42 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Repod -Attachinent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.9 Transformers Where provided, transformer oil
  • Complies CNP environmental review PMP.60gO.ADM-001, "Environmentalcollection basins and drain paths documents include requirements Reviews and Survelllance, Rev. 5shall be periodically inspected to for inspecting transformer oilensure that they are free of debris collection basins and drain 12-EA-6090-ENV-1 12, "Auxiliaryand capable of performing their paths. Building Wastewater Management",design function. Rev. 2, Section Hot Pipes and Combustible liquids, including high
  • Complies CNP procedures designate PMP-2220-HSK-001, "1-lousekeepingSurfaces flashpoint lubricating oils, shall be storage areas for combustible and Material Condition*, Rev. 6kept from coming in contact with hot materials, none of which arepipes and surfaces, including around hot pipes and surfaces. PMP-2270-CCM-001, "Control ofinsulated pipes and surfaces. Also, CNP procedures require Combustible Matera, Rev. 8,Administrative controls shall require that piping be dean, well Section 3.2.1the prompt cleanup of oil on maintained and free of all clutter.insulation. Procedure PMP-2220-HISK-001states that plant personnelresponsible for areahousekeeping.CI 1DC,1libRIsion TII D Cage VMW 1.AURevision I Page A-43 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachtnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference DocumentI I3.3.11 Ek1etalEquipmentAdequate clearance, free ofcombustible material, shall bemaintained around energizedelectrical equipment0 CompliesCNP procedures designatestorage areas for combustiblematerials, none of which arearound energized electricalequipment Energized electricalcomponents are maintained freefrom adjacent combustiblematerial per PMP-2270-CCM-001. ProcedurePMP-2220-HSK-001 states thatplant personnel are responsiblefor area housekeeping.Environmental proceduresrequire the clean up of all oilspills.PMP-2270-CCM-001, *Control ofCombustible Materialse, Rev. 8,Section 3.21 and Attachment 1,Section 1.3.212-PPP-2270-066-O12, "TranslentCombustible Monitori, Rev. 7PMP-2220-HSK-001, "Housekeepingand Material Condition', Rev. 6PMP-6090-ADM-001, EnvironmentalReviews and Survefancen, Rev. 5Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,"Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based FireProtection Program under 10 CFR50.48(c)', Rev. 2 1 Section K.5 (FAQ06-0024)OWLTDAC-.1..vObTONW"n ~iAMMesCOWNd 1.2.0Revisi7 1 PageA-Revision IPage A-44 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachinent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.12 Reactor CoolantPumpsFor facilities with non-inertedcontainments, reactor coolantpumps with an external lubricatonsystem shall be prvided with an oilcollection system. The oil collectionsystem shall be designed andinstalled such that leakage from theoil system is safely contained for offnormal conditions such as accidentconditions or earthquakes. All of thefollowing shall apply.-Compies by previousNRC appvalNRC Safety Evaluation datedDecember 23, 1983, states:"Each unit has four reactorcoolant pumps With an oilcollection system which drainsto a vented closed collectiontank. The quanUit of lubricatingoil in each pump is 265 gallons;the capacity of the oil collectiontank is 275 gallons.The collection tank is arrangedsuch that if a failure of morethan one RCP motor lubesystem occurred, the oilcollection tank would over-flowonto the lower containment floor.There are no ignition sources atthe floor level of the lowercontainmenLI&M Letter to NRC, "Fire Protection -Appendix R Compliance, 7119M19M2I&M Letter to NRC, *Fire Protection -10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section111.0%, 12/30/1982NRC Safety Evaluation, -Donald C.Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos.I and 2 Fire Protection -Request forExemption from requirements ofAppendix R to 10 CFR 50, SectionsIII.G and 111.0", 12=23/1983 Pages 10and 11, and enclosure 2, pages 15and 16The RCP motor lube oil systemdoes not comply with Section111. because the oil collectiotank is not sized to contain theentire lube oil system inventory.The RCP motor lube oil systemis capable of withstanding thesafe shutdown earthquake. Theoil collection tank is providedwith sufficient capacity to holdthe total lube oil inventory of onereactor coolant pump withmargin and is designed so thatany ovwflow will be drained to asafe location.0t30M 2 TWMMil OMm l Aým "-"- 1.2ARevftion IPage A-45 CNP NFPA 805 Transtbon Report -Affachment AIn..iana Power FAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference DocumentBased on the above evaluation,the existing RCP motor lube oilcollection system provides alevel of safety equivalent to thetechnical requirements ofSection /it 0 and, therefore, theexemption should be granted.The oil cdlto tank for theRCP motor lube system, asapproved by the SE Report, isstill used at CNP. There havebeen no plant modifications orother changes that wouldinvalidate the basis for approval.This feature remainsunchanged.3.3.12 Reactor Coolant The Oi collection system for each Complies As stated In the FPPM, section FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 12.8Pumps (1) reactor coolant pump shall be 12.8, each RCP is provided withcapable of collecting lubricating oil oil collection enclosures tofrom all potential pressurized and capture oil from potentialnonpressurized leakage sites in pressurized and unpressurizedeach reactor coolant pump oil leakage sites in the lube oilsystem. system.OIP_Tl wlACt. t~bT Ilmt O si.wu Adlp ob VW 120Revision 1 Page A-46 Indiana Michigan POverCNP NFPA 805 Transihon Report -Affachment AAtan ichentA Powtr Por anF 805 Trmntso F er A hAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-I -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.3.12 Reactor CoolantPumps (2)Leakage shall be collected anddrained to a vented closedcontainer that can hold theinventory of the reactor coolantpump lubricating oil system.-Complies by previous NRC Safety Evaluation datedNRC approval December 23,1983, states:Each unit has four reactorcoolant pumps with an oilcollection system which drainsto a vented closed collectiontank. The quantity of lubricatingoil in each pump is 265 gagons;the capacity of the oil collectiontank is 275 gallons.I&M Letter to NRC, *Fire Protection -Appendix R Compliane, 7/19/1982I&M Letter to NRC, Fire Protection -10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section1I1.0, 12/30/1982NRC Safety Evaluation, Donald C.Cook Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos.I and 2 Fire Protection -Request forExemption from requiremrnt ofAppendix R to 10 CFR 50, SectionsIII.G and 1II.O, 12/23/1983 Pages 10and 11, and enclosure 2, pages 15and 16The collection tank is arrangedsuch that if a failure of morethan one RCP motor lubesystem occurred, the oilcollection tank would over-flowonto the lower containment floor.There are no ignition sources atthe floor level of the lowercontainment.The RCP motor lube oil systemdoes not comply with Section111.0 because the oil collectontank is not sized to contain theentire lube oil system inventory.The RCP motor lube oil systemis capable of withstanding thesafe shutdown earthquake. Theoil collection tank is providedwith sufficient capacity to holdthe total lube oil inventory of onereactor coolant pump withmargin and is designed so thatany overflow will be drained to asafe location.TrUMM MMWMAinmaf Vann 1.URevision I Page A-47Revision 1Page A-47 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference DocumentBased on the above evaluation,the existn RCP motor lube oilcollection system provides alevel of safety equivalent to thetechnical requirements ofSection Il1.0 and, therefore, theexemption should be granted."The oil collection tank for theRCP motor lube system, asapproved by the SE Report, isstill used at CNP. There havebeen no plant modifications orother changes that wouldinvalidate the basis for approval.This feature remainsunchanged.3.3.12 Reactor Coolant A flame arrestor is required in the Compie A flame arrestor is provided in FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 12.8Pumps (3) vent If the flash point characteristics the vent.of the oil present the hazard of a fire DB-12-APPR, "American Electricflashback. Power Nuclear Organization DonaldC. Cook Nuclear Plant Design BasisDocument for 10 CFR 50 AppendixRO, Rev. 0, Section 4.4CReiioI ACge f A-4Revision I Page A-48 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachtnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.3.12 Reactor Coolant Leakage points on a reactor coolant Compiles All leakage points are protected FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 12.8Pumps (4) pump motor to be protected shall on reactor coolant pump motors.Include but not be limited to the lift DB-12-APPR, "American Electricpump and piping, overflow lines, oil Power Nuclear Organxizon Donaldcooler, oil fill and drain lines and C. Cook Nuclear Plant Design Basisplugs, flanged connections on oil Document for 10 CFR 50 Appendixlines, and the oil reservoirs, where R6, Rev. 0, Section 4.4such features exist on the reactorcoolant pumps.3.3.12 Reactor Coolant The collection basin drain fine to the Complies A calculation has been FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 12.8Pumps (5) collection tank shall be large performed to verify that the RCPenough to accommodate the largest oil collection system is sufficient Engineering and Control Procedure 1-potential oil leak such that oil to permit flow from all of the drip L3-01, Calculation of Flow in RCP Oilleakage does not overflow the pans where the flow is driven by Collection System for Unit 1, Rev. Ibasin. gravity and resisted by pipefriction. The calculation also WCAP-10541, Westinghouse Ownersverified the adequacy of the Group Report, Reactor Coolantdrain piping in the event that the Pump Seal Performance Following alube oil ift pump discharges Loss of all AC Power*, Rev. 2directly into Its housing.3.4 Industrial Fire Industrial Fire Brigade.
  • N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/ABrigade sections for any specificcompliance statements.3.4.1 On-Site Fire- On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability. All
  • N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- Engineering Equivalency EvaluationFighting Capability of the following requirements shall sections for any specific 14.1.1, "NFPA 600 Codeapply. compliance statements -See Conformance Review", Rev. 0NFPA 600 CCR.Reiso2 T1WN POWA geW A-9IRevision I Page A-49 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 TiransWon Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.1 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability (a)A fully staffed, trained, andequipped fire-fighting force shall beavailable at all times to control andextinguish all fires on site. Thisforce shall have a minimumcomplement of five persons on dutyand shall conform with the followingNFPA standards as applicable:* Complies* Complies by previousNRC approvalComplies:A fully staffed, trained, andequipped fire-fighting force isavailable at all times to controland extinguish all fires on site.This force is required to have aminimum complement of fivepersons on duty and conformswith the applicable NFPAstandards of this elementPMI-2270, "Fire Protection Programa,Rev. 30, Section 4.1PPI-2270, "Fir Brigade Staffing andResponse", Rev. 4, Section 4.0"Technical Requirements Manual andBasese, Unit 1: Rev. 1, Unit 2: Rev. 1,Section 10.1, Administrative Controls,Site Fire Brigade, Unit I Rev. 1, Unit 2Rev. 1.NRC Safety Evaluation supportingLicense Amendment Nos. 154 and138 dated April 9, 1991. Page 2,Section 2.0(3).Complies by previous NRCapproval:Per the "TechnicalRequirements Manual andBases", "The composition of thefire brigade may be less than theminimum requirements for aperiod of time not to exceed 2hours, in order to accommodateunexpected absence providedimmediate action is taken to fillthe required positions." Thisprovision is allowed by CNPTRM Section 10.1. Thisprovision was approved by theNRC via Unit 1 and Unit 2Licensee Amendments 154 and138, respectively, dated April 9,1991. Therefore, the provision isconsidered to be previouslyapproved by the NRC.FPERAI10Cap-1DOP,1ttbTom*"Dw~nf m.W acionw I"010OW312Revision I Page A-SORevision 1Page A-50 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transftion Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3A.1 On-Site Ffre- NFPA 600, *Standard on Industrial 9 Complies with use ofRghting Capability (aX1) Fire Brigades' (interior structural EEEEsfire fighting)° Complies withclarificationComplies with use of EEEEI:For Interior fire fighting, CNPcoplies with NFPA 600-2000Edition, Chapter 5. The firebrigade has been reviewedagainst the requirements ofNFPA 600, 2000 Edition,Chapters 2 and 5, as detailed inthe CNP 'Fire Protection CodeConformance Review'.Engineering Equivalency Evaluation14.1.1, 'NFPA 600 CodeConformance Review', Rev. 0Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,"Guidarnce for Implementing a Risk-Inforled, Performance-Based FireProtection Program under 10 CFR50.48(c)', Rev. 21 Section K.6 (FAQ06-0007)Complies with clarification:As required, and in accordancewith the guidance of Section Kto NEI-04-02 (FAQ 06-0007),the CNP Fire Brigade has theability to control and extinguishexterior fires similarly to interiorfires, through the development,review, and maintenance ofassociated fire emergency plansand fire attack plans; regulartraining and education; the useof appropriate protective clothingand equipment; and brigademember medical and physicalperformance requirements; asaddressed through compliancewith NFPA 600-2000 Edition,Chapters 2 and 5.PPI-2270, 'Fire Brigade Staffing andResponse', Rev. 4Revision I Pagem A-5 Vm1JRevision 1Page A-51 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transidon Report -Affechment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.1 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability (aX2)NFPA 1500, "Standard on FireDepartment Occupational Safetyand Health Program"oN/ACNP complies with NFPA 600and as such NFPA 1500 is notapplicable to CNP per SectionK.6 of NEI 04-02, which states,"The NFPA standards divide firebrigades into two types, basedon organization and duties:Industrial fire Brigades" and*Industrial Fire Departments."Practically this means that a firefighting organization at a nuclearpower plant must comply witheither NFPA 600 (for anIndustrial Fire Brigade) or bothNFPA 1500 and NFPA 1582 (foran Industrial Fire Department)."Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,"Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Perkomance-Based FireProtection Program under 10 CFR50.48(c)", Rev. 21Section K.6 (FAQ06-M7)3A.1 On-Site Fire- NFPA 1582, "Standard on Medical 9 N/AFighting Capability (aX3) Requirements for Fire Fighters andInformation for Fire DepartmentPhysicians"CNP complies with NFPA 600and as such NFPA 1582 is notapplicable to CNP per SectionK(6 of NEI 04-02, which states,"The NFPA standards divide firebrigades into two types, basedon organization and duties:"Industrial fire Brigades" and"Industrial Fire Departments."Practically this means that a firefighting organization at a nuclearpower plant must comply witheither NFPA 600 (for anIndustrial Fire Brigade) or bothNFPA 1500 and NFPA 1582 (foran Industrial Fire Department)."Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,"Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based FireProtection Program under 10 CFR50.48(c)", Rev. 2 / Section K.6 (FAQ06-0007)OWWj~1..vtTMAMMnMWWbAuie,,W I"Revision I Page A-52Reviso IPage A.,2 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.1 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability (b)3.4.1 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capality (c)Industrial fire brigade membersshall have no other assignednormal plant duties that wouldprevent immediate response to afire or other emergency as required.During every sh~t, the brigadeleader and at lead two brigademembers shall have sufficienttraining and knowledge of nuclearsafety systems to understand theeffects of fire and fire suppressantson nuclear safety performancecriteria.* Compliese CompliesCNP Fire Brigade membershave no other assigned normalplant duties that would preventimmediate response to a fire orother emergency as required.CNP meets the exception to (c)Per PMP-2270-FRP-001, -Oneperson from the OperationsDepartment with a reactoroperatoes license or equivalenttraining will advise the FireBrigade Leader on safetyrelated/safe shutdown andgeneral plant systems in the firearea".PMP-2270-FRP-001, *Fire ResponsePlan', Rev. 11, Section 3.8.2.PMP-2270-FRP-001, 'Fire ResponsePlan', Rev. 11, Section 3.3.4(b)Exception to (c): Sufficient trainingand knowedge shall be permitted tobe provided by an operationsadvisor doeted to industrial firebrigade support.3A.1 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability (d)The industrial fire brigade shall be e Compliesnotified Immediately uponverification of a fire.Per CNP procedures, the fire PMP-2270-FRP-001, "Fire Responsebrigade is immediately notified in Plan", Rev. 11the event of a fire alarm.CWjMW."t lfbTiinimn DM I I1co 2ogl 0I1.m2Reviion Pag A-5Revision 1Page A-53 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 TransNon Repod -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-I -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.1 On-Site Fire-Fighting Capability (e)Each industrial fire brigade member 9 Compliesshall pass an annual physicalexamination to detemine that he orshe can perform the strenuousactivity required during manualfirefighting operations. The physicalexamination shall determine theability of each member to userespiratory protection equipmentPer TPDhe0-FP, when selectedfor initial training, students mustcomplete physical examinationrequirements as well as aphysical ability test. They aralso subject to the requirementsof PMP-2281-RES-rO1. Here,formal respiratory training isrequired to be completed prior tothe Initial use of a respiratoryprotection device and on anannual basis thereafter.SPP-2281-HAZ-001, 'HazardousMaterial Response Organization andTraining, Rev. 4, Section 4.3.TPD-600-FP, 'Fire Protection TraingProgram Description, Rev. 4, Section3.3.4 and Attachment 2.PMP-2281-RES-001, -Control andUse of Respiratory ProtectionDevices', Rev. 3, Section 3.6.Further, the *Hazardous MaterialResponse Organization andTraining states that all HAZMATqualified individuals shall havehad a medical assessment(baseline) and a follow-upassessment every 12 monothsunless the attending physicianbelieves a longer interval (notgreater than biennially) isappropriate. ProcedureTPD-600-FP requires'Hazardous Materials -Technician Level Evolutions' aspart of the fire brigade membertraining, therefore, the membersof the fire brigade Is KAZMATqualified and subject to therequirements of the 'HazardousMaterial Response Organizationand Training".O.TMC~v.y1 blWu i2Revison IPageA-fIRevision IPaeA-54 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.2 Fire Pre-PlansCurrent and detailed pro-fie plansshalt be available to the industrialfire brigade for all areas in which afire could jeopardize the ability tomeet the performance criteriadescribed in Section 1.5." Complies" Complies withRequired ActionComplies:Per Procedure PMI-2270, FirePre-Plans that detail allhazardous conditions in certainareas are available to the firebrigade. Refer to Fire Pre-PlansVolumes I, II, and Ill. These FirePre-Plans *describe the fadlitylayout, access, contents,construction, hazards,hazardous materials, types andlocations of fire protectionsystems, and other informationpertinent to the formulation,planning, and execution ofemergency fire response."Complies with RequiredAction:Pre-fire plans will be revised toreflect changes required to meetthe NFPA 805 radioactiverelease performance criteria.Refer to Implementation ItemS-3.7.PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program*,Rev. 30, Section 4.6CNP Fire Pre-Plans, Volumes I, I!,and HI, Revisions 9, 7, and 12respectivelyFPERAI59CGWTMCj v.1 .1Rev3ioMn TwIift D PI Amgea vwim AI"5Revision IPage A-55 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.42.1 [Fire Pro-PlanContents]The plans shall detail the fire area .Compleconfiguration and fire hazards to beencountered in the fire area, alongwith any nuclear safety componentsand fire protection systems andfeatures that are presentCNP Fire Pre-Plans contain thefollowing information for eachFire Zone:9 A graphical representation ofthe area depicting the fire areaconfiguration* Combustibles: A listing of thecombustibles in the fire area.9 Hazards: A listing of specialhazards including: Radiological,Substance (e.g.,combustible/flammable gasesand liquids), and Physical9 Access/Egress: The primaryaccess/egress path (and, whereavailable, the alternate path) isdescribed.& Ventilation System: Installedfixed supply and exhaustventilation equipment is listed.Routing for manual ventilation ofthe fire area is described toroute smoke products out of thearea.* General Notes: Therecommended extinguishingagent is listed, based on theprimary combustibles in the firearea. Fire brigade trainingincludes choosing the properextinguishing agent for eachtype of combustible. Based onthe actual combustiblesinvolved, the properextinguishing agent would beutilized during the fire event; anyCNP Fire Pro-Plans, Volumes I, II,and III, Revisions 9, 7, and 12respectivelyaeMWV.1i ITMUM OMWMM AmCbaft VekmI.tm2Revision I Page A-SORevision I-56 lrxftne Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Tmnsffion Report -AlhmhmW AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Documentspecial tactics appropriate forthe fire area are Identified (e.g.,actuation of fixed suppressionsystems); Additional equipmentavailable for fighting fires In thearea Is identified, Including firehose stations, extinguishers andautomatic extinguishing systemmanual release stations, floordrains, sump pumps.eManagement of PlantSystems: Potentially damagedsafe shutdown equipment Islisted. [Fire Pre-PlanUpdates] [Fire Pre-PlanLocations]Pre-fire plans shall be reviewed and
  • Compliesupdated as necessary.Pre-fire plans shall be available in e Compliesthe control room and madeavailable to the plant industrial firebrigade.CNP procedures indicate thatthe Fire Pre-Plans aremaintained and updated by theFire Protection Coordinator.The Fire Response Plan,PMP-2270-FRP-001 states thatthe PFPs are located in thecontrol room.PMI-2270, "Fire Protection Program",2M2/2009, Section 4.6PMI-2270, -Fire Protection Program',Rev. 30, Section 4.6.1PMP-2270-FRP-001, 'Fire ResponsePlan', Rev. 11, Section 3.8.6CW-W3D1.1.I bTm~~~af D~iVdVa 12.0Revision I Page A-57Revision 1Page A-57 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.2.4 [Fire Pre-PlanCoordination Needs]Pro-fire plans shall address e Complies withcoordination with other plant groups carificationduring fire emergencies.Site procedure PMP-2270-FRP-001 is not specifically a firepre-plan, however, it providesspecific instructions for actionsrequired from key groups atCNP supporting fire brigade/fireemergency actions. Detailedresponse coordination actionsare specified for control roompersonnel and the SecurityGroup. Any other coordinationactions would be initiated bycontrol room personnel asneeded for any plantemergency.PMP-2270-FRP-001, TFre ResponsePlan', Rev. 11, Section 3.8.6CNP Fire Pre-Plans, Volumes I, II,and II, Revisions 9, 7. and 12respectively3.4.3 Training and DrillsTraining and Drills. Industrial firebrigade members and other plantpersonnel who would respond to afire in conjunction with the brigadeshall be provided with trainingcommensurate with theiremergency responsibilities." Compines" Complies withRequired ActionComplies:is demonstrated inthe subsections to this element,below.Complies with RequiredAction:Fire brigade training materialswill be revised to reflect changesrequired to meet the NFPA 805radioactive release performancecriteria. Refer to ImplementationItem S-3.7.TPD-600-FP, "Fire Protection TrainingProgram Description*, Rev. 4FPERAI593.4.3 Training and Drills Plant Industrial Fire Brigade
  • Complies CNP procedures demonstrate TPD-600-FP, "Fire Protection Training(a) Training. All of the following compliance in the subsections to Program Description", Rev. 4requirements shall apply. this element, below.tlJW12 Twmelft"M f"Ml coo r*W I"Revision I Page A-58 Indiana Michican Po"rCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.4.3 Training and Drills(aXI)Plant Industrial fire brigademembers shafl receive trainingconsistent with the requirementscontained in NFPA 600, 'Standardon Industrial Fire BrIgades," orNFPA 1500, 'Standard on FireDepartment Occupational Safetyand Health Program," asappropriate.* CompliesCNP program descriptionTPD-60-FP has beendeveloped to assure appropriateCNP personnel are capable offighting fires. This procedure isalso used to plan and implementfire dnlls.NFPA 1500 is not applicable toCNP per Section K.6 of NEI04-02, which states, 'The NFPAstandards divide fire brigadesinto two types, based onorganization and duties:'Industrial Fire Brigades' and'Industrial Fire Departments.'Practically, this means that a firefighting organization at a nuclearpower plant must comply witheither NFPA 600 (for anIndustrial Fire Brigade) or bothNFPA 1500 and NFPA 1582 (foran Industrial Fire Department)."TPD.600-FP, 'Fire Protection TrainingProgram Description', Rev. 4Engineering Equivalency Evaluation14.1.1, 'NFPA 600 CodeConformance Review', Rev. 0Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 04-02,'Guidance for Implementing a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based FireProtection Program under 10 CFR50.48(c)', Rev. 2 I Section K.6 (FAQ06-0007)3.4.3 Training and Drills(aX2)Industrial fire brigade members
  • Compilesshall be given quarterly training andpractice in fire fighting, includingradioactivity and health physicsconsiderations, to ensure that eachmember is thoroughly familiar withthe steps to be taken in the event ofa fire.CNP program descriptionTPD-600-FP establishesquarterly classroom training andfire drills for fire brigademembers. RP-O-513019 isincluded as a requirement inTPD-600-FP to train the brigadeon radiological fire fightingevolutions.TPD-600-FP, 'Fire Protection TrainingProgram Description', Rev. 4RP-O-513019, 'Respond to a Fire inthe Restricted Area", Rev. 0CWlPTOOC-V1.1Me12 Trmi I AlCdf lI 1.2.URevision IPage A-59 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.4.3 Training and Drlls A written program shall detail the
  • Compe The CNP training program TPD-600-FP, "Fire Protection Training(aX3) industrial fire brigade training description details the fire Program Descripfion*, Rev. 4program. brigade training program.3.4.3 Training and Drills Written records that include but are 9 Complies Records stored in accordance TPD-600-FP, Tire Protection Training(aX4) not limited to initial industrial fire with CNPs Records Program Descrlption, Rev. 4, Sectionbrigade classroom and hands-on Management procedure include 3.8training, refresher training, special but are not limited to fire brigadetraining schools attended, dnrll training and qualification TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, "Fire Drillso,attendance records, and leadership records. Rev. 1, Section 3.4.1.btraining for industrial fire brigadesshall be maintained for each PMP-2030-REC-001, "Recordsindustrial fire brigade member. Management7, Rev. 143.4.3 Training and Drills Training for Non-Industrial Fire Compies CNP has a dedicated fire PMP-2270-FRP-001, 'Fire Response(b) Brigade Personnel. Plant personnel brigade and does not have Plan", Rev. 11, Section 3who respond with the industrial fire personnel responding who arebrigade shall be trained as to their not active fire brigade members.responsibilities, potential hazards to One SRO who responds isbe encountered, and interfacing trained with the fire brigade.with the industrial fire brigade.3.4.3 Training and Drills Drills. All of the following N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/A(c) requirements shall apply. sections for any specificcompliance statements.Reio TPagen A-oV.2.0Revision IPage A-60 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transftn Repoft -AltaMnw# AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.4.3 Training and Drills Drills shall be conducted quarterly e Comples Per CNP program description TPD-600-FP, 'Fire Protection Training(c)(1) for each shift to test the response TPD-600-FP, at lest one fire Program Descdptio', Rev. 4, Sectioncapability of the industrial fire drill per quarter shall be held for 3.9.1brigade. each shift of the fire brigade.Further, per TRP-2070- TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, 'Fire Drills',TAP-400-FPP, one drill is Rev. 1, Section 32.-1.brequired for each fire brigadeshift per quarter.3.4.3 Training and Drills Industrial fire brigade drills shall be
  • Compkes TPD-600-FP establishes drill TPD-600-FP, "Fire Protection Training(c)(2) developed to test and challenge instructions. These drills are Program Description', Rev. 4industrial fire brigade response, designed to test and challengeincluding brigade performance as a industrial fire brigade response. TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, 'Fire Drills',team, proper use of equipment, Drill procedures are also Rev. 1, Section 3.3effective use of pre-fire plans, and established in TRP-2070-coordination with other groups. TAP-400-FPP.These drills shall evaluate theindustrial fire brigade's abilities toreact, respond, and demonstrateproper fire-fighting techniques tocontrol and extinguish the fire andsmoke conditions being simulatedby the drM scenario.3.4.3 Training and Drills Industrial fire brigade drills shall be 9 Complies CNP procedures indicate that TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, 'Fire Drills',(c)(3) conducted in various plant areas, the location of the drills is varied Rev. 1, Section 3.2.3.a.3especially in those areas Identified and some of the drill areto be essential to plant operation conducted in safety significantand to contain significant fire areas.hazards.lMVJW2 TMMiM. oAt 09ft V*Ma 10Revision 1 Page A-61 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 TransiWon Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.4.3 Training and Drills Drill records shall be maintained
  • Complies Per TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, "Fire Drills",(c)(4) detailing the dill scenario, industrial drill records, which includes all Rev. 1, Section 3A.4.bfire brigade member response, and data sheets listed in the table ofability of the industrial fire brigade to contents, are maintained In PMP-2030-REC-001, "Recordsperform as a team. accordance with PMP-2030- Management", Rev. 14REC- Training and Drills A critique shall be held and
  • Complies A critique is held after each fire TPD-600-FP, "Fire Protection Training(c)(5) documented after each drill. drill per CNP procedures Program Description-, Rev. 4, SectionTPD-600-FP and TRP-2070- 3.5.1.a.2.a(8)TAP-400-FPP. This critique ispart of Data Sheet 11 in TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, "Fire Drills",TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP and is Rev. 1, Data Sheet 11 and Sectionmaintained and documented in 3.3.4accordance with PMP-2030-REC-001. PMP-2030-REC-001, "RecordsManagement", Rev. 143.4.4 Fire-Fighting Protective clothing, respiratory
  • Complies The clothing and fire fighting 12-FPP-2270-066-023, "Inventory ofEquipment protective equipment, radiation tools supplied are discussed In Fire Brigade Personal Protectivemonitoring equipment, personal 12-FPP-2270-066-023 and 12- Equipment", Rev. 1dosimeters, and fire suppression FPP-2270-066-005. Theseequipment such as hoses, nozzles, supplies conform to NFPA 12-FPP-2270-066-005, "Fire Truckfire extinguishers, and other needed standards. Inventory and Operability Test", shall be provided for the 2industrial fire brigade. Thisequipment shall conform with the Engineering Equivalency Evaluationapplicable NFPA standards. 14.1.1, "NFPA 600 CodeConformance Review", Rev. 03.4.5 Off-Site Fire Off-Site Fire Department Interface. e N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/ADepartment Interface sections for any specificcompliance statements.1Zio2 Tr kpm( lb'*,ia 1.P.eARevision 1 Pag A-62 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transftn Report -Aftwhrnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.4.5.1 Mutual Aid Off-site fire authorities shall be
  • Complies Offlite resources are available FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 3.14Agreement offered a plan for their interface through local municipal paid onduring fires and related call and full time fire TPD-600-FP, 'Fire Protection Trainingemergencies on site. departments. Resource planning Program Description', Rev. 4, Sectionis available in the Fire Pre- 3.5.1.f.2Plans, Volume Ill. Drills amconducted at least once per year CNP Fire Pre-Plans, Volumes I, II,with offsite resources. Mutual and Ill, Revisions 9, 7, and 12aid agreements have been respectivelyestablished with the offsite firedepartments. Site-Specific Fire fighters from the off-site fire
  • Complies CNP procedures state that the TPD-600-FP, "Fhre Protection TrainingTraining authorities who are expected to offsite fire departments shall be Program Description', Rev. 4, Sectionrespond to a fire at the plant shall included in at least one fire drill 3.5.1.f.2be offered site-specific training and per calendar year. In addition,shall be invited to participate in a formalized yearly radiationdrill at least annually. protection training is provided forthe local fire department3.4.5.3 Security and Plant security and radiation , Complies Per Plant Procedure TPD-600- TPD-600-FP, "Fire Protection TrainingRadiation Protection protection plans shall address off- FP, radiation protection Program Description', Rev. 4, Sectionsite fire authority response. familazation training is 3.5.1.f.3provided to offsite firedepartments once per year. TRP-2070-TAP-400-FPP, 'Fire Drills',Rev. 1. Section 3.3.2.c.CNP Fire Pre-Plans, Volume Ill, Rev.123.4.6 Communications An effective emergency
  • Complies A fire and emergency radio FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 12.4communications capability shall be system is provided. Details ofprovided for the industrial fire the system design are providedbrigade. in Section 12.4 of the FPPM.CNP-lIWC-W1.t.Oh?lfJW12 Ton" 0t ý Coo Vinitn 1"Revision 1 Page A-63 Indiana Michlban PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Repod -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.5 Water Supply Water Supply.
  • N/A N/A -Section Heading, see sub- N/Asections for any specificcompliance statements.3.5.1 [Water Supply A fire protection water supply of
  • Complies Section Heading, see Refer to basis documentation in theFlow Code adequate reliability, quantity, and compliance bases below for sub-sections of this elementRequirements] duration shall be provided by one of compliance statements forthe two following methods. specific subsections.3.5.1 [Water Supply Provide a fire protection water
  • Complies The fire protection system FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 4.1.2Flow Code supply of not less than two separate includes two tanks nominallyRequirements] (a) 300,000-gal (1,135,500-L) supplies. sized at 685,000 gallons. The OP-12-5152S, -Fire Protection Waternormal tank water level for each Piping at N & S Storage Tanks Unitstank is between 612,000 gallons 1 & 2", Rev. 5and 621,000 gallons. Theminimum tank water level ineach tank is set at 565,000gallons.CW-7"DAc-%1.t.Ob1MOMM2 Twaum, Dn wMtM Cods VWnOM 12.0Revision I Page A-64 Indiana Michidan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition ReDort -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.5.1 [Water SupplyFlow CodeRequirements] (b)Calculate the fire flow rate for 2hours. This fire flow rate shall bebased on 500 gpm (1892.5 LJmin)for manual hose streams plus thelargest design demand of anysprinkler or fixed water spraysystem(s) in the power block asdetermined In accordance withNFPA 13, Standard for theInstallation of Sprinkler Systems, orNFPA 15, "Standard for WaterSpray Fixed Systems for FireProtection." The fire water supplyshall be capable of delivering thisdesign demand with thehydraulically least demandingportion of fire main loop out ofservice..N/AThis section is not applicablebecause CNP utilizes themethod allowed in subsection(a) to comply with Section 3.5.1.NIAa.'-1m _c .1i lTrmiMM Dn" 0sai 0 ~VaniI."1112Rev7isio1 IPae 1"Revision IPage A-65 Indiana Michican PbwerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Affachnient AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-I -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.5.2 [water SupplyTank CodeRequirements]The tanks shall be interconnected 9 Compliessuch that fire pumps can takesuction from either or both. A failure e Compiles with use ofin one tank or its piping shall not EEEEsallow both tanks to drain. The tanksshall be designed in accordancewith NFPA 22, *Standard for WaterTanks for Private Fire Protection."Exception No. 1: Water storagetanks shall not be required whenfire pumps are able to take suctionfrom a large body of water (such asa lake), provided each fire pumphas its own suction and bothsuctions and pumps are adequatelyseparated.Exception No. 2: Cooling towerbasins shall be an acceptable watersource for fire pumps when thevolume is sufficient for bothpurposes and water quality Isconsktent with the demands of thefire service.Complies:The primary fire pumps can takesucti from either of the tanks.The two tanks are isolated byvalves so that the failure of onetank will not affect the othertank.The tanks have been designedin accordance with NFPA 22, asspecified in DCC-CE-185-QCF.Complies with use of EEEEs:Non-listed valves are installed insome portions of the fireprotection system. These valveshave been evaluated to beequivalent to NFPArequirements by EngineeringEquivalency Evaluation 12.24.FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 4.1.2OP-12-5152S, "FIre Protection WaterPiping at N & S Storage Tanks Units1 & 2', Rev. 5DCC-CE-185-QCF, "Design,Fabrication, and Erection of theDedicated Fire Protection WaterSupply Storage Tanks', Rev. 0,Section 4.1.c 1Engineering Equivalency Evaluation12.24, "NFPA 24 -Usted ValveDeviation 12-ZMO-400 & 401", Rev. 0TUiMMOO 0MIMUScoftVA*" I"1'Wn2Reviion Pag A-IRevision IPage A-66 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Tran&Won Report -Affachnient AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.5.3 [Water SupplyPump CodeRequirements]Fire pumps, designed and installed 9 Compiesin accordance with NFPA 20,"Standard for the Installation ofStationary Pumps for FireProtection," shall be provided toensure that 100 percent of therequired flow rate and pressure areavailable assuming failure of thelargest pump or pump powersource.CNP is provided with three firepumps. Any two fire pumps cansupply enough water toextinguish a fire on the largestdemand system.I&M has committed to NFPA 20for the installation of fire pumpsat CNP. The fire pumps havebeen reviewed against therequirements of NFPA 20, 1990Edition, as evaluated in CNP"NFPA Code Deviations andJustifications.SD-DCC-FP1 06, "Fire ProtectionSystem -Water Supply System", Rev.0, Section 8.6.1Calculation No. MD-12-F1RE-008-S,Rev. 0, Section 8.1FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 14.1CNP "NFPA Code Deviations andJustifications*, Rev. 2QWO 1'- ,i 1.*Revision-." I ag ARevision IPage A-67 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transihon Report -Affachrnent AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.5.4 [Water SupplyPump Diversity andRedundancy]At least one diesel engine-drivenfire pump or two more seismicCategory I Class IE electric motor-driven fire pumps connected toredundant Class IE emergencypower buses capable of providing100 percent of the required flowrate and pressure shall be provided.0CompliesThree fire pumps, two of which UFSAR, Section 9.8.1, "Primary andare diesel engine-drive, each of Pegging Pumps", Items a) and b)2,500 gpm capacity are providedas the primary pumps for fire FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 14.3.2protection of both units. Thewater supply pumps are SD-DCC-FPI06, TFire Protectioninstalled in accordance with System -Water Supply System-, PftNFPA 20,1990 Edition, as 0, Section 8.6.1evaluated in CNP *NFPA CodeDeviations and Justificationsm. Calculation No. MD-12-FIRE-008-S.I,Any two fire pumps can supplyenough water to extinguish a fireon the largest demand system.Rev. 0, Section 8.1CNP *NFPA Code Deviations andJustifications", Rev. 23.5.5 [Water Supply Each pump and its driver and a Complies with use of Each fire pump and its driver RFC-12-3065, -Installation ofPump Separation controls shall be separated from the EEEEs and controls is provided in its Dedicated Water Supply", Rev. 2Requirements] remaining fire pumps and from the own room with rated firerest of the plant by rated fire barriers. The fire barriers have Engineering Equivalency Evaluationbarriers. been evaluated in accordance 11.38, "Fire Protection Pump Housewith NFPA 805, section 3.11.2, (Fire Area YD)O, Rev. 0and by Engineering EquivalencyEvaluation 11.38.%~rJ&MD12 'rT# n DMW AM= OW l1.2BRevision 1 Page A-68 Indiana Michigan PowerCNP NFPA 805 Transition Report -Attachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 ElementNFPA 805 RequirementCompliance Statement Compliance BasisReference Document3.5.6 [Water SupplyPump Start/StopRequirements]3.5.7 [Water SupplyPump ConnectionRequirements]Fire pumps shall be provided with a Compliesautomatic start and manual stoponly.Individual fire pump connections to
  • Compliesthe yard fire main loop shall beprovided and separated withsectionalizing valves betweenconnecdtis.All primary pumps are arrangedfor (1) automatic starting byoperation of pressure sensingdevices, (2) remote manual startof the fire pumps from switchesin either control room and (3)local starting at each pump.They cannot be shutdown untilextinguishment of a fire isverified by the control roomoperators. Shutdown must beperformed at the local fire pumpcontrol panels.Fire pump connections to theyard main fire loop are providedwith seclonaizing valvesbetween connections. The threesectionalizing valves shown onthe drawing are FP-636,FP-644, and FP-656.Isolating valves with postindicators or curb boxes areInstalled in the outdoor loopheader so that the entire loop isnot disabled shouldmaintenance be required on asmall section.FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 4.1.2Plant Drawing OP-12-5152T, Rev. 10UFSAR, Section 9.8.1, "WaterDistribution", Item b)aWWuV1 .1.~ah2T".NOMM Ae 01Vw&m12.Revision IPage A-69 Indiana Michican PowerCNP NFPA 805 Tranwffion ReDoft -Affachment AAttachment A -NEI 04-02 Table B-1 -Transition of Fundamental Fire Protection Program and Design Elements (NFPA 805 Chapter 3)NFPA 805 Element NFPA 805 Requirement Compliance Statement Compliance Basis Reference Document3.5.8 [Water Supply A method of automatic pressure Complies One 50 gpm electric motor UFSAR, Section 9.8.1, "Primary andPressure Maintenance maintenance of the fire protection driven pegging pump is provided Pegging Pump", tem d)Limitations] water system shall be provided and located within the fire pumpindependent of the fire pumps. house. Its sole purpose is to OP-12-5152A, "Fire Protection -maintain pressure in the fire Water Piping at Pumps Unit I & 2",protection piping system. Rev. 193.5.9 [Water Supply Means shall be provided to Complies Control room signals will alarm FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 4.1.1Pump Operation immediately notify the control room, when fire pumps are operated.Notification] or other suitable constantly Plant Procedure 12-attended location, of operation of PPP-4030-066-006, "Three Year Firefire pumps. Protection Water SystemUnobstructed Flow Test", Rev. 5,Attachments 1 and 23.5.10 [Water Supply An underground yard fire main loop,
  • Complies Complies: Flow Diagram 12-5152 SeriesYard Main Code designed and installed in An underground yard fire mainRequirements] accordance with NFPA 24, .Complies with use of loop is installed in accordance RFC-12-3065, "Installation of"Standard for the Installation of EEEEs with NFPA 24. Dedicated Water Supply", Rev. 2Private Fire Service Mains andTheir Appurtenances," shall be Complies with use of EEEEs: DCC-PM-108-QCS, "Installation ofinstalled to furnish anticipated water Non-lited valves are instafled in Underground Rev. 0requirements. some portion of the fireprotection system. These valves FPPM, Rev. 11, Section 14.3.2have been evaluated to meetthe NFPA requirements by Engineering Equivalency EvaluationEngineering Equivalency 12.24, "NFPA 24 -Listed ValveEvaluation 12.24. Deviation 12-ZMO-400 & 401", Rev. 0CPJTDO%_vl.IMW30=12 Tram~ 080WýAPmýCýNOWmO 1I"Revision I Page A-70