AEP-NRC-2016-42, Fire Protection Program Change Summary
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plan Fire Protection Program Change Summary
- 1) Summary of Changes of the NFPA 805 Fire Protection Program Manual Change Evaluation Tracking Number Effective Date Description of Change FPPR-2015-0002 11/6/2015 Revise NFPA 805 Fire Protection Program Manual (NFPPM) Attachment 4 Rev. 1 (page 4-11) to delete reference to " Technical Evaluation 11 -71 " and replace it with " Engineering Equivalency Evaluation (EEE) 11.71 Rev. 0 Engineering Equivalency Evaluation for the Emergency Power Systems Area & EPS Control Rod Drive Room Fire Door Closure Evaluation Unit 1 Fire Zones 41 and 42B and Unit 2 Fire Zones 45 and 46B. "
This change is administrative in nature and is acceptable as it updates the NFPPM to include the correct title for the Engineering Evaluation.
FPPR-2015-0010 06/29/2015 Update Reference Documents to NFPPM Attachment 1 elements 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 to include reference to Report R2527-001-001, Fire Protection Water Main Loop and Fire pump Set Point Adequacy Determination.
FPPR-2015-0074 11/6/2015 The NFPPM was updated to address AR 2015-3382-6, AR 2015-8766-3, and GT 2015-11179-2. This FPPR was performed for administrative changes to the NFPPM, there were no physical plant changes and no effect on NFPA 805 performance goals. The ability to reach and maintain Hot Stand-by condition is not affected, and there is no impact to radiological release criteria.
FPPR-2016-0006 03/16/2016 The NFPPM was revised per AR 2016-1349 and AR 2016-1463.
AR 2016-1349: The NFPPM was changed to replace the reference to the FPPM with a reference to Technical Evaluation R1900-0026-001.
AR 2016-1463: A revision to NFPPM section 4.1.5 has been made. The paragraph now reads as follows:
"Emergency lighting, provided in strategic areas of Cook Nuclear Plant, allows lighted access to safe shutdown equipment and components that must be manually operated or maintained during and after a fire, if normal area lighting is lost. These battery-operated lights are maintained with a 4-hour capability. These lights are energized upon failure of the normal AC lighting system and de-energized when the normal AC lighting system is returned to service. The existing emergency lighting system, together with portable lighting (e.g., miner's hats),
will be maintained under NFPA 805."
FPPR-2016-0007 04/10/2016 The NFPPM was revised per AR 2016-0483 and GT 2016-2298-2 to correct an apparent typographical error and enhance the compliance basis and reference document list.
The NFPPM compliance matrix element was updated to reflect a Compliance Basis stating the following:
Per Plant Procedure PMP-2270-FRP-001, off-site fire authority response is covered by security plans in, and by Radiation Protection plans in (by reference to RMT-2080-OSC-001). In addition, per plant procedure TPD-600-FP, firefighters from the off-site fire authorities who are expected to respond to a fire at the plant are offered site-specific training and invited to participate in a drill at least annually.
The Reference Document section will be revised to delete the reference to OHI-2270, and add references to:
PMP-2270-FRP-001, "Fire Response Plan" Attachments 5 and 8 " RMT-2080-OSC-001, "Activation and Operation of the OSC", Attachment 15
SPP-2060-SFI-203, "Security Actions During Emergency Conditions", Attachments 6 and 7
SPP-2060-SFI-209, "Protected Area Access/Exit Requirements", Attachments 7 and 8
- 2) Summary of Changes of the NFPA 805 Fire Safety Analysis Change Evaluation Tracking Number Effective Date Description of Change FPPR-2014-0022 10/15/2015 Removal of Control Room Panel Acoustic Baffles per EC-0000054056 from Unit 1 and Unit 2 Control Rooms. Fire Protection Program Change Evaluation and Risk Informed Change Evaluations determined PRA-FIRE-17663-011B-LAR requires change. The Fire Safety Analysis for AA46 and AA47 was changed to remove reference to the acoustic baffles FPPR-2015-0003 04/16/2015 This change documents updates to the FSA to include reference to Fire Zone 124 and 128 for clarification only.
The combustible loading and design features will remain in Fire Zone 85 and 86 respectively as previously described in FPCE-2003-0006.
FPPR-2015-0014 09/15/2015 EC-0000052512, Install Turbine Craft Facility/Break Room. Impacts are limited to Fire Zone 130 interface with the TCF. The FSA Section AA2 element 3.1.1, element 3.1.2 and element 3.1.3 for Fire Zone 130 were updated to describe the interface between the buildings.
FPPR-2015-0027 06/25/2015 EC-0000054448 affecting fire analysis areas AA2 and AA15 for modification of the block wall for the Unit 1 AB EDG.
FPPR-2015-0069 11/20/2015 EC-0000053240 affecting fire analysis area AA2, Fire Zones 79-82 and 90-93 for sprinkler head replacement.
FPPR-2015-0077 11/6/2015 Changes to AA3 to correct a typographical error on page AA3-11 to correctly show that floor drains are not in Fire Zone 31 vice Fire Zone 32 and to correct the amount of oil in Fire Zone 69 Page AA3-14 per EC-0000051302 (reference AR 2015-11518-1 and AR 2015-11518-2).
FPPR-2016-0008 04/20/2016 Evaluated and updated the FSA for editorial correction that demonstrated no more than minimal risk impact to the program.
R1900-0024-001, Revision 1 last effective date:
R1900-0024-002, Revision 0 last effective date: