ML23348A131 | |
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Issue date: | 10/25/1988 |
From: | NRC/SECY |
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ML23348A119 | List: |
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SECY-88-302 | |
Download: ML23348A131 (2) | |
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liw .rvice, and .1uJ1l ". paid ill accordance with 'M prouuio,.. 01 "AUTHORlZATION or APPROPRIATION.
. .... claap~r 51 tuad .ubchop"r 111 of chopkr 51 ol.ucla title relating to '~.c. 509. Notwitla6tonding .ubeection (dJ ot_tloll 101, and sub-r :
ckJuirlCtJlioll and GeMI'GI Schedule pay rota.
'Vb) l'RorasloNA£ 8'l'Arr.-{l) Subjec' to 'M Cluiif7n411 naoy appoillt and ru J1GIU6'TIP'" (1) and (I~
tM compellMJtioll of .uch profa. propri!Jted for apenditura from amoun" in 'M W.,. ject to .ubsection (eJ of .uch 6eetion, there are authorized to be ap-Fund atob-lulud in .ubsection (c) of .uch .ection .uch .Um8 a may be nece6-
.ional'.toff a may be neceuary to di8c1uJrge 'M rapo1l8ibil.tia 01 .ary to carry out tM proui6ioll6of thg t i t k . .
"(1) Not more tlaall 10 profeaional .toff IrNmbe,. may be appoillt. 'TBRMINAf'/ON or TH6 SOARD ed IUUkr thu .u6Hc'ioll. 'YI) Profatlional .toff IrNmbe,. may be to tM .prouu;o,.. of 'iilc 5, Ullit<<l Stoia ="ted without regard
- gowming appoillt.
'~BC. 510. The Board'" .Iaoll C<<* to ailt not I4kr than 1 ,ear a~r tM do,. on which tM Secretory begi,.. dUpollOl 01 high.kuel radioactiue W06te or .pent nuclear fuel in a repoeitory.'~
1rN1I" III 'M competi'iw .rvice, and naoy be paid withou' regard to
'M prouuio,.. Of chop,.,. 51 and .ubcluJpt.r III 01 chapkr 51 01 PART F-MISCELLANEOUS .uch title rela'i1lll to claRiru:otioll and GeMml ScIudMk pay rota, a~pt 'ha' no indiuidual .0 appoillt<<l naoy m;ciw pay ill acea 01 tM alUluai rok of btuic pay payable for 08-18 01 th~ General SBC. '"1. TRANSPORTA f'/ON.
Title 1 of tM Nuclear W08,. Policy Act of 1981 (.I' Us.c. 10111-Scheduk . 10111) u further amended by adding at th~ end, tM following new ff,upPOn 'UVICa .ubtitk:
. ffS~ 501. (aJ O.,,61tA£ S6J1VlCa.-7b 'M a~lIt permitt<<l by law "SII6I1t" H-Troaporlatloll and requat<<l by 'M CIuJinnan. tM Adm;"iltrotor of General Servo ka .Iaoll'provitk 'M Boord with ~ odminutrotiw urvica, 'TRANSPOJITATION foeilit;" and .upport 011 a reimburwoble btuit. "S~ 180. (a) No .pent nuclear fuel or high*lewl radioactiw "(b) ACCOUNTING, ~JlCH, AND 7'BcHNo£OOr ASS6S8M6N7' WGlk may be trall6ported by or for tM Secretory under .ubtitle A or SUVlca.-TM Comptroller GeMral. 'M LibtTlf'ilm 01 Congreu, under .ubtitle C u~pt in pockaga that Iaow bftn ~rliraed for .uch and 'M Director of tM Off~ of TechnoloR:Y' .Iaoll. to pU'P!J'Se by tM Commiuion.
tM a,,"t permitl<<l by law and .ubjec' to ,TIt availability of fund6, (b) The Secntory .hall abitk by regulatio,.. of 'M ..Commiuion prouitk tM Boord with .uch foeilit;" .upporl, I"'"'" and .ervica, rqarding adlJCJnce notification of Stote and local gouemmen16 prior
~ncludill6 .tof/' a moy be MCaMU')' for tM effectiw performance of to 'ra"'porla'ion of .pent lIuclear fuel or high.lewl radioac'iue tM func'io,.. of tM Board. I WGlk under .ubtitk A or unckr .ubtitk C. 'Ye) ADDI1'IONA£ SUPPOJlf'.-UPOII 'M requat of tM Chaif7n4n, I "(e) The Secretory .hall prouide technical auuto~ and funeU to tM Boord naoy 6ecure directly from 'M Mad of any departmellt or Stoia for training for f,ublic .afety officio" 01 appropriok units of agency of tM Unit<<l Stoia information n<<raacIIY to enable i' to carry out thil 'itk 'YeO MAlu-TM Boord may UN tM Ullil<<l Stoia naoill ill tM
_me mallMr and under tM Nme condi';o,.. G8 other ckpartmell" II local gouemment and ndian tribel through whou jumdiction the Secntory pla1l8 to tra1l8port .pent nuclear fuel or hifh.kuel radioac-tiw WGlk under .ubtitle A or under .ubti'" C. 7nJlning .hall couer procedUIW required lor 8Of~ routine 'rall6porla'ion of thac materi* and .ncia of tM Ullil<<l Stota.
"(d ExIt...,., AND C>>NSU£TANf'B.-8ub.iec' to .uch rula a may be I a", 08 well 08 procedura for dealing with ~mergellCY rapon..e .itua* ,io,... TM W081e Fund .hall be the .ouree of funeU for worA carried prauibed by tM Board. 1M ChoinM,. lMy procure ~mpo..'Cr:; end I out und~r 'hi. .ubeection. ".
.!ntermittent ,ervica unckr ~tion 1109(6) of titk 5 of 'M United . Stoia Code. but at rola for indiuiduall not to aCftd tM daily equifJOlent of tM maimum annual rak of buic pay payable for GS-18 of tM General Scheduk II SBC. '"1. TBANSPORf'ATlON rUll'ONIUII .r AIRCItA". ",.OUGH UNITED STATBS Alit BrACE.
(oJ IN GBN.RAL-Notwitla6tonding any other prouuion of law. no lorm of plutonium may be trall6poited by aircraft th~Ja 'h. air
~ "upon I .~ of ,he United S'ata from a foreign na'ion to a forelfPl na'ion n
r-< o "S~ 508. The Board .1uJ1l reJ'O"! not ,.. tlaall I tima pt!ryear to
'0 unIes. the Nuclear Regula'ory Commiuion h08 ~rtiraed CoragreS6 'hat the container in which .uch plutonium i6 'ranspor'ed i6 .afe.
en c:= Co'V"atl and 'M Secretary i,. findinp, concluio,.., and recommen- as cktermined in accordance with subsec'ion (b~ 'h~ .econd undesig*
.£: . dGtlO1I8. The Ii,..t .uch report .hall be .ubmitl<<lllOt lakr than /1 noted ~ragraph under .<<lion 101 of Public Low 94-19 (89 Stat. ..- mont'" atrfr th~ dGk of the enactment of the Nuelear Wate Policy 413; 41 U.S.c. 5841 no'e). and all other applicable laws.
c. 262 263 (1) DBTUMINArlON 0' s.t,I:JT.-7'M N~ko.r R~latOry den' it authorized to make euery effort to punu. and conclude ar-Commiaion .laGll tkurmine wMtMr tIN container re. erred to rangemen" for altematioe routes and mea,.. of tranaportation, in-
, um by aircraft and traumit to 0,,.,,..
in ,ubs<<tion (aJ iI IlJfe for,," in the trauporlation 0 plutoni* a c.rtifacation for tM 1 plirpo6f!11 of .~h .ulwction in tM CGH of each container deter-cluding .ea ,hipmenL All .uch arrangemen" .hall* be .ubject to
.tringent physical .ecurity conditioM, and other conditiona designed to protect the public health and .afety, and prouiBions of this sec-mined to be IlJfe. tion, and all other applicable laws.
(I) 1'EsTINo.-In order to male a tkurmill4tion with rapect (g) INAPPUCABI£lTY TO MEDICAL DEVICES.-8ubsectiona (a) to a container under paf'06T'Gph (1), tIN N~ko.r Regulatory throUllh (e) .hall not apply with raped to plutonium in any form o,mmwion ,hall- contained in a medical device designed for individual human appli* (A) require GIl actual drop telt from mcuimum cruifing cation. ... altitruk of a full<<ak IlJmpk of .~h container loaded (h) INAPPLICABILITY TO M,LITAIlY USES.-8"bsectiona (a) through with teltmauri4l1; and (e) .hall not apply tor'utonium in the form of nuClear weapons nor (B) ~uire an actual cro.lh If!IIt of a cargo aircraft full to other .hipmen" 0 plutonium determined by the' Department of locukd with full-ICGk IlJmpJa of .~h container lotided Energy to be directly connected with the United Statu national see with If!IIt maurial un1ea the o,mmiaion fktermina, after curity or defense programs. conlultation with an indewndent .cuntiru: ~('~W panel, (i) iNAPPLICABILITY TO PIlEVIOUSLY CBRTIFIED CONTAINBRS.-This tlaGt tIN .tT'f!lllf!ll on tIN cOntainer produCed by other tall .<<tion 'hall not apply to any containe1'8 lor the .h_ipnwnt of pluto-rued in dewloping tIN container uCftd the ,trases which nium preuiousll certified as .afe by tIN Nuclear Regulatory Com* UJOuld occur during a wont caM plutonium air .hipment mission under Public Law 94-79 (81 StaL 413; .II U.S.e. 5841 note). accidenL (3) LJIIITATION.-'/'M N~lear Rculatory Commilsion may (j) PAYJ/6NT or CosTs.-Ali cot" incurred by tIN Nuclear Regula. to? Commission associated with tIN telting program required by not certify under thil NCtion that a container illlJfe for ull in thll .<<tion, and administratiue COl" related theretO. .hall be reim-tM traMportation ofplutonium by aircraft if the container rup-tured or releaHd ill conten" during If!IIting conducted in ac-cordance with partJl11!!ph (I). . (4) EVALUATION.-The Nuclear Rf!l/Ulatory Commilsion .hall t:bursed to the Nuclear Regulatory Co",mwion. by any foreign coun*
- eiUing plutonium shipped through United Stota airspace in nta 'nen .pecifled by the Commission. .. . .
. evaluau tM container certifacation requiml by titl<< 11 of the SEC. SHJ. SUBSEA BED DISPOSAL. .
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (41 u.s.c. $841 et seq} and Title 11 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1981 (41 U.S.c. 10191-1~03) if amended by adding at the end the following new section:
,ubeiction (aJ in accordance with tIN NatiotuJl Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (83 StaL 851; 41 u.s.c. 4311 " .eq.) and all "SUBSEABED DISPOSAL otMr applicabk law. .
(c) CoNTENTor CEllrl"CATION.-A certilkation referred to in sub- "SEC. 114. (a) STUDY.- Within 170 da,. after tM date of the en* IeCtion (a) with rapect to a container ,IaG(1 inelcu.k- actment of the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendmen" Act of 1987, the (1) tIN determination of tIN N~lear Regu14tory o,mmilsion Secretary .hall report to Congress on .ubseabed difpotlGl of ,pent nu* GI to tM IlJfety of .~h container; clear fuel and hl8h-Ieuel rcidioactiw WaIte. The report under this (I) a .tatement that tM requirelMn" of .u6action (6XI) &Wre IlJtilfaed in tIN telting of.uch container, and I subsection shall include-
"(1) an assessment of the current .tate of ItnowlecI,~ of sub-(3) a .tatement tluit the container did not rupture or releale .eabed disposal eu an alternatiue I<<hnolo/11 for duposal of ill conten" into the enuironment duri~ If!IIting, (d) DESIGN or TEsT,NO PIlOCEDURES.-Thf! tall requiml by sub- \ spent. nuclear fuel and high*lewl radioactiw WOIte,' "(2) an estimate of the COB" of .u bseabed diaposal; v .<<tion (6) 'hall be designed by tM Nuclear Regu14tory o,mmission .to replicau actual wont case transportation conditiolll to the mGJCi- se~'e'dadis;::~rrn:fu~~ti~t::r~::!tr:.~~i,:::=,:~e:d=~~o~u~f mum uunt practicable. In detJ~*n;ng such telta. the C~mmission the United States to proceed with .ubseabed aiaposal as an ,hall prouide for public notice 0 the ropoaed telt procedures, pro. option fo,. nuclear waste management; uide a reasonable opportunity or pU~lic comment on such proce- "(4) a full discussion of the enuironmental and public health dura, and consider .uch comments, if any. and safety aspects of subseabed disposal; (e) TEsTING RESULTS: REPORTS AND PuBUC D,SCLOSUIlE.-The Nu- "(5) recommendationa on alternatioe ways to structure an clear Regulatory Commwion .hall transmit to Congress a report on effort in research, deuelopment, and demonstration with respect v the raul" of each tat conducted under thil If!Ction ond shall make to .ubseabed disposal; and .uch raul" available to the public. "(6) the recommendations of the Secretary with respect to reo (fJ ALTERNATIVE ROUTES AND MEANS or 7'RANSPORTATION.-With search, deuelopment and demonstration in .ubseabed disposal I
rapect to any ,hipmen" of plutonium from a foreign nation to a of spent nuclear fuel and high*level radioactiw waste. foreign nation which are .ubJ<<t to United States COlllent righ" con-tained in an Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation, the Pnesi* I "(6) OFFICE OF SUBSEA BED DISPOSAL RESEARCH.-(J) There is hereby established an Office of Subsea bed Disposal Research within}}