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Industry Observations of NRC Licensing Program (NEI Slides May 2023)
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 05/31/2023
From: Schlueter J
Nuclear Energy Institute
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML23116A188 List:
Download: ML23116A189 (1)


Industry Observations of NRCs Licensing Program Janet Schlueter Senior Advisor, NEI Industry Representatives NRC Fuel Cycle Facility Stakeholders Meeting - Rockville, MD May 2023


  • 2019-2020: Smarter Licensing Program Initiative Launched
  • Result: 42 Recommendations Based on Significant Industry Input
  • 2021-2022: NRC Implemented Recommendations & Continues Dialogue During Public Meetings
  • e.g., October 2022, industry presented actual versus estimated time & cost data for 10 licensing actions
  • May 2023: Industry to Share its Experiences & Observations with Recent Licensing Actions & License Renewal
  • Goal: identify generic issues & respective areas for improvement and mutually commit to ongoing engagement

Four Licensing Program Themes Emerged

1. Need for Increased Process Clarity & Predictability
2. Need for Increased Transparency & Predictability
3. Need for Increased Management Communication
4. Need for Routine Reviews of Major Licensing Actions

Theme 1. Increased Clarity & Predictability

  • Better Define Expectations for Initial Submittal
  • 2007-WEC receives 20-year license; 2014-WEC submits same application requesting 40-year license; NRC rejects it in absence of rule change
  • Pre-application meetings extremely valuable to applicant and NRC
  • NRCs acceptance review decision does not represent safety determination; therefore, it should not be unduly delayed
  • Requests for Supplemental Information (RSI) & Requests for Additional Information (RAI) - Opportunity to apply VLSSIR concept?
  • Need for purpose, timing & scope of each RSI or RAI
  • Need for clear, documented regulatory basis for each request
  • Need for early engagement on draft requests to ensure mutual understanding, clear expectations & timeline
1. Increased Clarity & Predictability (cont)
  • NRCs Review of Triennial Decommissioning Funding Plan Submittals Continue to Vary Even In Cases Where Site Information & Practices Have Essentially not Changed Since Last NRC Approval(s) - VLSSIR?
  • e.g., persistent NRC question on inventory management with same answer
  • Increased Clarity on Construction at Risk & Site Preparation Work
  • Flexibility on Timing of Application or Amendment & Relevant Environmental Report Submittals - VLSSIR?
  • Timing of safety evaluation and environmental reports are not safety or risk significant, not interdependent, and can be reviewed sequentially
  • Exemptions available but costly and unnecessary from safety perspective

Theme 2. Increased Transparency/Predictability

  • Early Engagement of Stakeholders During Environmental Impact Statement process
  • Section 106 & NEPA intersection needs to be clarified & more transparent
  • New/Different NRC information requests in absence of new rule or guidance
  • Increased Transparency and Predictability of NRC Licensing Action Cost/Time Data
  • Industry licensing case examples presented Oct 2022 demonstrate need for increased accuracy of NRC cost/time estimates versus actual expenditures
  • Tracking, transparency of case data on NRC webpage would increase predictability of licensing timelines & resource expenditures/needs for both NRC and industry
  • Inform NRC budget assumptions & qualitative factors, e.g., effort factor for annual fees
  • Inform applicant/licensee resource planning & execution
  • Help meet NRCs goal of increased transparency for stakeholders

Theme 3. Increased Communication

  • Routine Calls & Meetings Between NRC Management and Applicant or Licensee to Discuss Action Item Status, Projected Timeline, New Challenges, Related Case Work that Informs NRC Review, etc.
  • Sites/Applicants benefit from pre-scheduled routine management calls
  • Particularly useful prior to issuance of or responding to RSIs/RAIs
  • Early Site Visits by Both NRC Management, Technical Reviewers and Project Managers to Inform NRC Reviews of Licensing Submittals
  • Additional site visits during the application or licensing process may also be beneficial depending on complexity of action or timeline

Theme 4. Review of Major Licensing Actions

  • New or Less Experienced NRC Reviewers Should Benefit From Licensing Lessons-Learned & Similar Completed Casework
  • Perform Lessons-Learned Reviews Following Major Licensing Actions to Further Refine Processes/Practices & Define Best Practices
  • Routine practice for industry to perform self-assessment with goal of continuous improvement
  • Industry could provide valuable, timely input to NRCs respective effort
  • Possibly incorporate topic as routine agenda item for future s/a FCF Stakeholders Meeting

Discussion Topics

  • NRC Observations?
  • Mutual Generic Observations, Best Practices or Concerns?
  • Possible Next Steps to Enhance Licensing Program:
  • NRC licensing cost/time data routinely posted and trackable on NRCs website
  • Routine scheduled management calls (e.g., biweekly/monthly) between applicant/licensee to discuss status, IOUs, etc. on specific licensing actions
  • Periodic NRC-industry meetings to track progress with goal of continued improvement THANK YOU!