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Ile Forms ES-D-1
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/2018
From: Chuck Zoia
Exelon Generation Co
Zoia C
Shared Package
ML17164A411 List:
Download: ML20113F082 (4)


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: LaSalle Generating Station Scenario No.: 17-1-1 Op-Test No.: 2018-301 Examiners: ___________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: 90% Reactor Power, Turnover: Swap to the B EHC Pump per LOP-EH-04 Critical Tasks:

1.) With primary containment pressure above 1.93 psig, containment flood level below 723 feet, and pumps not needed for core cooling available; start suppression chamber spray.

2) With suppression chamber pressure above 12 psig, containment flood level below 722 feet, and drywell parameters below the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit; trip all recirculation pumps and start drywell sprays using RHR pumps not needed for adequate core cooling.
3) When suppression chamber pressure cannot be maintained below the Pressure Suppression Pressure (PSP), INITIATE emergency depressurization. (or anticipates Blowdown and depressurizes rapidly via the main turbine bypass valves.)

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 none N (BOP) Swap EHC Pumps (LOP-EH-04) (NEW) 2 l1076 R (ATC) A Reactor Recirc Pump Bearing High Temp/Trip (NEW) l1121 3 none T (US) Single Loop 4 mcf072 I ( ATC) Feedwater Pump Flow Instrument Fails Downscale (NEW) 5 sri002 C (ATC) Single Rod Scrams (NEW) 6 none T (US) Rod INOP 7 mcw014 C (BOP) Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water Pump Trip 8 k7d15w C (BOP) Turbine Building Exhaust Fan Trip pg 9 mca006 M LOCA with Bypass Path through Failed Vacuum Breaker mrc036 10 none M Blowdown

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: LaSalle Generating Station Scenario No.: 17-1-2 Op-Test No.: 2018-301 Examiners: ___________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: 100% Reactor Power Turnover: Perform LOS-TG-M4, Turbine Bypass Valve Surveillance Critical Tasks: 1) With a reactor scram required and the reactor not shutdown, TAKE ACTION TO REDUCE POWER by injecting boron or inserting control rods, to protect the primary containment within 2 minutes following Reactor Level 2 being reached (-55 inches).

2) With a reactor scram required, the reactor not shutdown, and conditions for ADS blowdown are met, or will be, INHIBIT ADS prior to initiation to prevent an uncontrolled RPV depressurization, to prevent causing a significant power excursion.
3) During an ATWS with reactor power above 3% or unknown, RAPIDLY DROP LEVEL in the RPV to at least -60 within 16 minutes.
4) During an ATWS with reactor power above 3% or unknown, and RPV level less than -60 HOLD RPV level between -60 and -150 on Wide Range.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 none N Bypass Valve Surveillance (BOP) 2 mms044 R Bypass Valve Fails Open (NEW)

(ATC) 3 none T (US) Bypass Valve INOP (NEW) 4 mrm012 I Off Gas Post Treat B Fails Downscale (NEW)

(BOP) 5 mnb078 C Spurious HPCS Initiation (BOP) 6 none T (US) HPCS INOP 7 g4c14g1y C TDRFP Oil Leak, Manual Trip (ATC) 8 k1p40e12 C Single MSIV Closure (ATC) 9 sri010/20/ M Multiple Rods Scram Full-In, Hydraulic ATWS 20/40 mrd277 mrd278

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: LaSalle Generating Station Scenario No.: 17-1-3 Op-Test No.: 2018-301 Examiners: ___________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: 35% Reactor Power, Reactor Recirc in Slow Speed, MDRFP and One TDRFP online Turnover: In LGP-1-1 Step E.8.27 ready to Upshift RR Pumps, Scram Insertion Timing Complete Critical Tasks:

1) With a reactor scram required and the reactor not shutdown, TAKE ACTION TO REDUCE POWER by inserting control rods, to protect the primary containment.
2) With suppression chamber pressure above 12 psig, containment flood level below 722 feet, and drywell parameters below the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit; trip all recirculation pumps and start drywell sprays using RHR pumps not needed for adequate core cooling.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 none N (BOP) Reactor Recirc Upshift (NEW) 2 none R (ATC) Raise Reactor Power using RR FCVs 3 k2l12p1l C (ATC) B FCV fails Closed 4 none T (US) Flow Mismatch 5 k7d18w C (BOP) 1A VR Exhaust Fan Trip pg 6 mgc001 C (BOP) 1A GC Trip, Standby Fails to Auto Start (NEW) mgc004 7 r0744 T (US) SBLC Tank Level Low (NEW) 8 mcf086 C (ATC) FRV Fails Open (NEW) 9 mms00 M EHC Leak, Scram 7

10 mrp017 M Electrical ATWS, ARI inserts rods 11 mcf034 M Main Steam Line Break Inside Containment

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: LaSalle Generating Station Scenario No.: 17-1-4 Op-Test No.: 2018-301 Examiners: ___________________________ Operators: ____________________________

Initial Conditions: 100% Reactor Power Turnover: Swap SPE Blowers per LOP-GS-05 Critical Tasks:

1) With the reactor at power and with a primary system discharging into the secondary containment MANUALLY SCRAM the reactor, before any area exceeds the maximum safe operating levels.
2) With a primary system discharging outside primary and secondary containment, manually scram the reactor if a reactor scram has not yet been initiated, enter LGA-001, and INITIATE emergency depressurization before offsite release rate reaches the General Emergency level.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 none N Swap SPE Blowers per LOP-GS-05 (BOP) 2 r0342 R 1E MPT Hot Spot, Power Reduction (ATC) 3 k7b53jpy C Condensate Transfer Jockey Pump Trip (NEW)

(BOP) 4 r1204 I (ATC) A OPRM Trip, 1/2 Scram 5 d1947 T (US) MCC 136Y-2 Comp D1 Trips, C LPCI INOP (NEW) 6 mrd079 C Control Rod Drift In (ATC) 7 none T (US) Control Rod INOP 8 k7b22jp9 C Fire Protection Jockey Pump Trip (NEW)

(BOP) 9 mcf033 M Unisolable Feedwater Leak Outside Containment 10 mvt001 M 1VT79YA/B/C Fail OPEN, High Off-site Release, Blowdown

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor