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Forwards Evaluation Developed from an Application of Generic Positions for Implementation of App J to Operating Plants
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1976
From: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Goller K
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20127P299 List:
NUDOCS 9212020182
Download: ML20127P293 (1)


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. -e Dir,tributions: h A ntral Files PSB Files JUL 3 01976 . Curimes Reading t

DGEisenhut ,

Docket No. 0.g. --

10 avis Pam 1

J K. R. Go11er, Assistant Director for Oparating Ibetors, CR i


POWER S'DCICN i Plant !#r
n: Manticello l Docket 16.: 50-263 i Respcnsible Branch & Project Manager: OTO-2, R. Snaitkir Operational Toduology Branch: Plant Systms Brarvfi

- Ibruested Oanpletion Date: Open Status: Inocmplete, will require a&11tional infountion to justify certain ruquested exmptions to 10 CPR 50, Appendix J.

In response to your technical assistance request ORD-2-213, the Plant Systans Branch has reviewed certain ckx ments filed try the Ibrtharn States Poer Oanpany regarding proposed exertptions and mcdifications nooded to achieve conforrance with the requirsents of Appendix J to 10 CPR 50.

'ne enclosed evaluation was developed from an application of generic positions for the irpimentation of Appendix J to c[Mdng plants.

Our detenninations relative to acceptability of specific prgreed exmptions and nodifications have been identified within the body of

this evaluation.


We reccanmend that this evaluation be transmitted to the licensee and that, shortly thereafter, a meeting in arranged for discussions en approac!rs for resolution of tin open it m s.

i .Originni N ~ *dBy /

l F.n.Ee .

' D. G. Eisenhut, Assistant Director for Operational Tedrology Division of Operating Ibactors I

oct V..Stello J. Reece W. Dutler B. Buckley C. Grimes G. Lainas K. Seyfrit j

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Form AEG51s (Rev. 9 5H ABCM 0244 A u. e eovsanusur e. intime orricas ver4.seease 9212O20182 760730 PDR ADOCK 05000263 P PDR

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