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Forwards Confirmatory Order Re Addl Licensee Commitments for Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737,per Eisenhut 830712 Memo.Order Based on Util Providing Addl Schedule Dates.Oct 1986 Goal for SPDS Installation Reasonable.W/O Order
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/22/1985
From: Reeves E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Thompson H
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 8508090443
Download: ML20133H662 (2)




'C #

July 22, 1985

.e Docket Nos. 50-348 and 50-364 MEMORANDUM FOR: Hugh L. Thompson, Director Distribution

.-- Division ~of Licensing i" Docket J11e a NRC PDR 0RB'#1 RDG L PDR THRU: Gus C. Lainas, Assistant Director Memo file EReeves (2) for Operating Reactors Glainas SVarga Division of Licensing CParrish ORAB-0 ELD EJordan Steven A. Varga, Chief BGrimes JPartlow Operating Reactors Branch #1 TBarnhart(8) ACRS(10)

Division of Licensing OPA, CMiles SECY RDiggs WPaulson FROM: Edward A. Reeves, Project Manager Operating Reactors Branch #1 Division of Licensing



.In accordance with Mr. Eisenhut's July 12, 1983, memorandum to PM's relating to Emergency Response Schedules, the enclosed Confirmatory Order has been prepared (Enclosure 1). The Order is based on Alabama Power Company's (APCo's) letter dated November 30,-1984. In that letter APCo provided additional schedule dates not shown in our Order dated June 12, 1984.

I have evaluated the additional schedule dates provided by APCo. Since APCo continues to use their " Integrated Implementation Schedule" the basis for accepting the additional schedule dates remains the same as for those earlier dates confinned in our June 12, 1984 Order. The additional dates are consistent and reasonable based on my memorandum to D. Eisenhut dated April 25,1984 (Enclosure 2). The October 1986 APCo " goal" appears reasonable at this time also. During a meeting held at the Farley site on June 26, 1985, the current plant status was reviewed in some detail relating the SPDS schedule. Most of the SPDS hardware is installed. I feel very confident in the SPDS installation goal of October 1986. ,

I recommend sending the Confirmatory Order which includes only those additional schedule dates not provided in our June 12, 1984 Order.

/s/EAReeves 8508090443 e50722 Edward A. Reeves, Project Manager PDR ADOCK 05000348 Operating Reactors Branch #1 F PDR Division of Licensing


As stated



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Docket Nos. 50-348 and 50-364 MEMORANDUM FOR: Hugh L. Thompson, Director

  • Distribution Division of Licensing Docket file NRC PDR ORB #1 RDG L PDR THRU: Gus C. Lainas, Assistant Di ector Memo file EReeves (2) for Operating Reactors Glainas SVarga Division of Licensing CParrish ORAB OELD EJordan Steven A. Varga, Chief BGrimes JPartlow Operating Reactors Br nch #1 TBarnhart (8) ACRS (10)

Division of Licensi OPA, Chiles SECY RDiggs WPaulson FROM: Edward A. Reeves, Project Manager Operating React s Branch #1 Division of Li nsing




UNITS 1 AN 2 In accordance with Mr. Eis hut's July 12, 1983, memorandum to PM's relating to Emergency Res nse Schedules, the attached Confirmatory Order has been prepared. The der is based on Alabama Power Company's (APCo's) 1.etter dated November 3 ,1984. In that letter APCo provided additional schedule dates not sho in our Order dated June 12, 1984.

I have evaluated the dditional schedule dates provided by APCo. Since APCo continues to u their " Integrated Implementation Schedule" the basis for accepting the ditional schedule dates remains the same as for those earlier dates conf nned in our June 12, 1984 Order. The additional dates are consistent an reasonable based on my memorandum to D. Eisenhut dated April 25,1984 ( nclosed). The October 1986 APCo." goal" appears reasonable at this time al o. I plan a meeting at the Farley site in the next few weeks to obtai further information on the current plant status.

I recommend s nding the Confirmatory Order which includes only those additional sc edule dates not provided in our June 12, 1984 Order.

Edward A. Reeves, Project Manager Operating Reactors Branch #1 Division of Licensing


As stated


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. .....o April 25, 1984 Docket Nos. 50-348 '

and 50-364 MEMORANDUM FOR: Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing .

THRU: Gus C. Lainas, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors Division of Licensing Steven A.

Division of Varga, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #p Licensing


FROM: Edward A. Reeves, Project Manager Operating Reactors 8 ranch #1 Division of Licensing



, FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANTJNITS 1 AND 2 In accordance with your July 12, 1983, memorandum relating to Emergency Response Schedules, the attached Confirmatory Order has been completed after extensive negotiations between our staff and Alabama Power Company (APCo)

, management. Some of the scheduled dates shown in APCo's "Farley ERC Integrated Implementation Schedule" provided by letter dated April 15, 1983, supplemented on August 5, September 22, and December 15, 1983, and April 6, 1984, go beyond December 1985 which was our target completion date.

Therefore, a significant background and basis for accepting the later dates shown in the attachtment to'the order are provided as follows:

1. APCo's management position after consultation with NRC management in November 1981 resulted in a delay of about 13 months while NRC prepared Supplement 1. For the reasons stated in APCo's letter dated November 16, 1981, APCo determined that it should not expend significant funds until the regulatory requirements were finalized. Supplement 1 finalized these requirements in December 1982 and requested a licensee response in April 1983.

This was a total delay of about 18 months from November 1981 when APCo decided not,to sign the contract to start improvements in the emergency response capability.

2. During these 18 months APCo participated very actively with NRC management and also with the Nuclear Utility Task Action Comittee (NUTAC) and the Westinghouse Owners Group to develop an overall integration plan for the NUREG-0737 Supplement 1 provisions. From this work emerged the " Preliminary Farley ERC Integrated Implementation Plan and Schedule" submitted to NRC on April 15.

1983. However, this schedule provided firm dates only for activities scheduled in 1983. Other dates shown were identified as preliminary and only to illustrate the current APCo planning.

An order could not be issued without schedule dates.

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  • April 25, 1984



'* for this reason the Project Manager visited the Farley site and APCo corporate headquarters in early May 1983, to review the existing site emergency response capability (ERC) and to discuss further possible improvements in the ERC implementatibn schedule.

APCo's stated goal for ERC implementation at that meeting was three and 15, December one-half 1983. years. An update schedule was also promised by

4. APCo's December 15, 1983 letter focused attention on the SPDS sch'edule and stated a goal of three and one-half years has been established for implementing a verified and fully operational

This goal allows for two refueling outages to complete engineering walkdowns, procurement, etc. APCo considers a more realistic schedule would require three refueling outages (RO).

Thus, three outages are reflected in APC0's December 15, 1983 schedule for the fully opeiable SPDS and for completion, of operator training with the SPDS.

The schedule at tNat time was:

Unit 1 - 8th R0, March 1988; Unit 2 - 5th R0, October 1987; with a goal of 3-1/2 years or October 1986 for both units. I could not support this schedule and informed APCo and NRC management of my concerns.


On March 16, 1984, a site visit was held between APCo senior management, NRC management and the NRC Project Manager. We reviewed the site facilities focusing on the existing Farley site emergency response capability. We expressed NRC's concerns about the proposed schedules which continued to reflect completions of March 1988 (Unit 1) and October 1987 (Unit 2). APCo advised us at this meeting that the SPDS purchase letter of intent was just signed.

The purchase order contains provisions to ensure factory acceptance of the SPDS is completed by December 18, 1985. On this basis APCo agreed to finalize an SPDS implementation schedule to more closely approach the 3-1/2 year goal.


APCo's April 6, 1984 letter provided a schedule improvement until September 1987 for SPDS complete implementation in both units.

Other now ERC elements promised will be in September reflected in APCo's refined ~ schedule 1984. On April 19, 1984 APCo advised me -

that the established goal of three and one-half years from April 15, 1983 is realistic and will be reflected to the extent possible in the September 1984 schedule for all parts of the integrated schedule. /

On the basis of the information provided above, I recommend sending the Confirmatory Order as prepared on April 19, 1984.

(h tz' 2 N.

Edward A. Reeves, Project Manager Operating Reactors Branch #1 Division of Licensing