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Submittal of Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 24, Summary of Revised Regulatory Commitments and 10 CFR 54.37(b) Review Results
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/2020
From: Duke P
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20142A521 List:
Download: ML20142A522 (11)


PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038-0236 10 CFR 50.71(e) 10 CFR 54.37(b)

NEI 99-04 LR-N20-0036 May 21, 2020 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Hope Creek Generating Station Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-57 NRC Docket No. 50-354


Submittal of Hope Creek Generating Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Revision 24, Summary of Revised Regulatory Commitments for Hope Creek, and 10 CFR 54.37(b) review results for Hope Creek PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG) hereby submits:

Revision No. 24 to the Hope Creek Generating Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.71(e)(4) and 10 CFR 50.4(b)(6)

The results of a review performed as required by 10 CFR 54.37(b) to identify any newly-identified Structure, System or Component (SSC) that would be subjected to an aging management review or evaluation of time-limited aging analyses (TLAAs) in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21 A summary of changed/closed regulatory commitments that were not reported by other means during 2019 and 2020 to date in accordance with NEI 99-04.

Revision No. 24 to the Hope Creek UFSAR is being submitted in its entirety electronically and contains identified text, table and figure changes required to reflect the plant configuration as of November 23, 2019, six months prior to this submittal.

In addition, there are general editorial changes. In accordance with 10 CFR 50.71(e)(2)(ii), a summary of changes made under the provisions of

Page 2 10 CFR 54.37(b)

LR-N20-0036 NEI 99-04 10 CFR 50.59 but not previously submitted to the Commission is provided in Attachment 1. The previous revision to the Hope Creek UFSAR was issued on November 12, 2018.

Based on NRC Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2015-17, "Review and Submission of Updates to Final Safety Analysis Reports, Emergency Preparedness Documents, and Fire Protection Documents," PSEG has reviewed Revision 24 of the UFSAR for security-related information (SRI). Consequently, Revision 24 of the UFSAR is being provided in its entirety as two separate submittals. This submittal redacts the information that is SRI and designates it as "Security-Related Information - Withheld Under 10 CFR 2.390." This version is suitable for public disclosure. A separate submittal contains the SRI.

In accordance with the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) process for managing Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) commitments and associated NRC notifications, PSEG performed a review of regulatory commitments to determine if there were any Hope Creek changed/closed commitments that were not reported by other means during 2019 and 2020 to date. The review concluded that there were 2 changed or closed commitments during that time period and a summary of that review is provided in Attachment 2.

An evaluation was completed to determine whether any newly-identified Systems, Structures, or Components (SSCs) existed in support of submitting Hope Creek UFSAR Revision 24. This evaluation involved reviewing pertinent documentation for the period subsequent to the last Hope Creek UFSAR revision. The evaluation concluded that there were no newly-identified SSCs and no changes to the Hope Creek current licensing basis that would have caused any newly-identified SSCs for which aging management reviews or time-limited aging analyses would apply.

As required by 10 CFR 50.71(e)(2)(i), I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in the CD Enclosures and Attachments to this letter, which pertains to the Hope Creek UFSAR Revision 24, accurately reflects information and analyses submitted to the NRC, or prepared pursuant to NRC requirements as described above. There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lee Marabella, at (856) 339-1208.


1::;}-4 Manager, Licensing PSEG Nuclear, LLC

10 CFR 50.71(e)

Page 3 10 CFR 54.37(b)

LR-N20-0036 NEI 99-04


1. Summary Report of UFSAR Changes
2. Summary Report of Hope Creek Changed/Closed Regulatory Commitments


1. Hope Creek UFSAR Rev. 24 (redacted version suitable for public disclosure) 27 files submitted electronically in 3 parts due to EIE submittal size restrictions CC (Cover letter, Attachments 1 and 2, Enclosure 1)

Administrator - Region I - USNRC USNRC Project Manager USNRC Senior Resident Inspector - Hope Creek Chief, New Jersey Bureau of Nuclear Engineering

10 CFR 50.71(e)

Page 4 10 CFR 54.37(b)

LR-N20-0036 NEI 99-04 bcc: (Cover letter, Attachments 1 and 2 only)

Plant Manager - Hope Creek Sr. Director, Regulatory Operations and Nuclear Oversight Director, Site Regulatory Compliance Manager, Licensing Site Compliance Commitment Coordinator Records Management

LR-N20-0036 Attachment 1 Summary Report of UFSAR Changes

LR-N20-0036 Summary Report Of UFSAR Changes CN # SECTION DESCRIPTION BASIS HCN 13-003 9.2, T9.2-7 & 8 Reflect removal of the chemical addition 10 CFR 50.59 tanks in Auxiliary Building Control Area screening performed Chilled Water System (CWS) and for DCP 80108102.

replacement with a side stream demineralizer.

HCN 18-002 T3.6-13 Reflect revised High Pressure Coolant 10 CFR 50.59 Injection (HPCI) system stress levels. screening performed for DCP 80120777.

HCN 18-008 Appendix 9A Reflect revised analysis of reactor overfill Fire Protection Change events caused by HPCI malfunction due Regulatory Review to postulated Appendix R fire events. (FPCRR) performed for DCP 80118326.

HCN 18-015 6.2 Include individual MSIV leakage testing. 10 CFR 50.59 screening performed for HCN 18-015.

HCN 18-016 T9A-1, T9A-6 Update combustible fire loading in Room FPCRR performed for 3553 and Fire Area AB3. HCN 18-016.

HCN 18-020 8.2 Reflect change to carrier line protection 10 CFR 50.59 circuitry for the Hope Creek 5023 line. screening performed for HCN 18-020.

HCN 18-021 Appendix 9A Correct room numbers and their The change meets the respective fire areas. NEI 98-03 criteria for a non-regulatory change.

HCN 18-024 Appendix 9A Clarify single spurious operation FPCRR performed for licensing basis; provide the technical HCN 18-024.

basis for acceptance of unrated fire barriers between Fire Area RB5 and fire areas RB1 and RB2; revise the list of high-low pressure interface valves; identify the document containing surveillance requirements and limiting conditions for operation for alternate shutdown; and clarify cable locations.

HCN 18-025 6 TOC, T6.3 Incorporate an additional change/error The changes meet the reported in the 2018 Annual 10 CFR NEI 98-03 criteria for a 50.46 report, correct a typographical non-regulatory change.

error, and add clarifying information.

HCN 18-026 2.4 Correct reference to Reg. Guide 1.59. The change meets the NEI 98-03 criteria for a non-regulatory change.

HCN 18-027 9.5 Reflect installation of a main power 10 CFR 50.59 transformer fire protection online screening and FPCRR initiation interlock. performed for DCP 80122468.

HCN 18-029 F7.1-1, 7.2, Incorporate corrections associated with 10 CFR 50.59 7.6 the Power Range Neutron Monitoring screening performed system. for DCP 80107709.


LR-N20-0036 Summary Report Of UFSAR Changes CN # SECTION DESCRIPTION BASIS HCN 19-001 Appendix 9A, Add information to ensure consistency in The changes meet the T9A-2, T9A-3, description of repair actions and add NEI 98-03 criteria for a T9A-8, T9A-9 components missing from the Safe non-regulatory change.

Shutdown Equipment List.

HCN 19-002 4.6, 10.4 Delete control rod drive system The change was surveillance frequencies and add implemented in reference to the Surveillance Frequency accordance with the Control Program. Hope Creek Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (Applicability Review)

HCN 19-003 1.8, T1.8-1 Adopt Revision 4 of Regulatory Guide 10 CFR 50.59 1.31, Control of Ferrite Content in screening performed Stainless Steel Weld Metal. for HCN 19-003.

HCN 19-004 Appendix 9A, Include basis for acceptance of unrated FPCRR performed for T9A-4, T9A-6 floor between fire areas and correctly HCN 19-004.

identify rooms containing safe shutdown cables.

HCN 19-005 6.3 Correct the calculated HPCI pump The change meets the available net positive suction head. NEI 98-03 criteria for a non-regulatory change.

HCN 19-006 1.8, 8.3 Add reference to the Surveillance The change was Frequency Control Program as an implemented in exception to conformance with accordance with the Regulatory Guide 1.129, Maintenance, Hope Creek Testing and Replacement of Large Lead Surveillance Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Frequency Control Plants. Program. (Applicability Review)

HCN 19-007 13 TOC, 13.1, Remove organizational information that The changes meet the T13.1-1, is duplicated in the Quality Assurance NEI 98-03 criteria for a F13.1-1, -2, -3, Topical Report or that contains excessive non-regulatory change.

-4 detail not important to providing an understanding of the plant's design and operation.

HCN 19-008 1.8 Add exception to conformance with The change was Regulatory Guide 1.108, Periodic Testing implemented in of Diesel Generator Units Used as accordance with the Onsite Electric Power Systems at Hope Creek Nuclear Power Plants. Surveillance Frequency Control Program. (Applicability Review)

HCN 19-011 10.2 Replace turbine valve testing frequencies The change meets the with a reference to the Preventative NEI 98-03 criteria for a Maintenance Program. non-regulatory change.


LR-N20-0036 Summary Report Of UFSAR Changes CN # SECTION DESCRIPTION BASIS HCN 19-013 F6.2-47 sh. 1 Correct error introduced in HCN 15-026 The change meets the and 2 on subject figures. NEI 98-03 criteria for a non-regulatory change.

HCN 19-014 Appendix 15D Incorporates cycle specific reload 10 CFR 50.59 TOC, 15D, analysis results for Cycle 23 and non- screening performed T15D-1, -2, -3, regulatory changes. for FCP 80122683.

-4, -5, -8, -9, The additional changes F15D-1, -2, -3, meet the NEI 98-03

-4 criteria for a non-regulatory change.


LR-N20-0036 Attachment 2 Summary Report of Hope Creek Changed/Closed Regulatory Commitments

LR-N20-0036 Summary Report Of Hope Creek Changed/Closed Regulatory Commitments Original Commitment Revised Commitment Justification for Change Description Original Commitment: Hope Creek Generating The current SFP mitigation Hope Creek Generating Station will Station Implements a measures consist of a single-path Include the SFP external makeup two-path mitigation strategy of dispersing discharged strategy and SFP external spray strategy for Spent Fuel fuel assemblies in an approved strategy as described In the general Pool (SFP) mitigation pattern until they have been description in Attachment 1 In plant measures, The preferred subcritical for more than 295 days.

procedures method credits Time This strategy results in a significant (Tables A.2 A.2-6). Critical Actions for SFP number of irradiated fuel assembly external makeup and movements in the SFP every cycle Source Document: SFP external spray to allow for discharged fuel Hope Creek Generating Station implementation within assemblies to be placed in an Renewed Facility Operating License 120 minutes. The approved pattern. Each movement NPF-57 / 2.C(16)(b)7, Spent fuel alternate method of an irradiated fuel assembly pool mitigation measures disperses discharged fuel represents risk.

assemblies In an Hope Creek Safety Evaluation for approved pattern until The new SFP mitigation measures Order EA-02-026 dated August 9, they have been designate this path as the alternate 2007 subcritical for more than path and establish the preferred


295 days. path as one that credits the Time CM-HC-2007-41 Critical Actions for SFP external 80124591 / 0080 makeup and external spray Date of Change: implementation. This two-path 12/04/2019 strategy results in an improvement in nuclear safety by significantly reducing the number of irradiated fuel assembly movements in the SFP Original Commitment: Hope Creek Generating CM-HC-2007-41 addresses Spent Hope Creek Generating Station will Station will fully Fuel Pool Mitigation Measures. It is fully implement the BWR mitigation implement the BWR unnecessary to duplicate them in strategies as described in the mitigation strategies as CM-HC-2007-43. CM-HC-2007-43 general description in Attachment 1 described in the general is being revised to reference CM-in plant procedures (Tables A.5-1 -- description in Attachment HC-2007-41 for Spent Fuel Pool A.5-10). 1 in plant procedures Mitigation Measures. HC.RE-(Tables A.5-1 -- A.5-10). FR.ZZ-0001 is being removed as an Source Document: Implementing Document from CM-Hope Creek Generating Station Commitments related to HC-2007-43 since it was associated Renewed Facility Operating License SFP Mitigation Measure with Spent Fuel Pool Mitigation NPF-57 / 2.C(16)(b)7, Spent fuel are described in CM-HC- Measures.

pool mitigation measures 2007-41, SFP Mitigation Measures.

Hope Creek Safety Evaluation for Order EA-02-026 dated August 9, 2007


CM-HC-2007-43 80124591 / 0210 Date of Change:

03/12/2020 1