IR 05000297/1997201

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Insp Rept 50-297/97-201 on 970609-12.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Selected Conditions & Records Since Last Insp & Verification of CA Previously Committed to by Licensee
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 09/09/1997
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20217B205 List:
50-297-97-201, NUDOCS 9709230270
Download: ML20217B206 (12)


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License No: R 120 Report No: 50497/97 201 Licensee: North Carolina State University Facility: PULSTAR Reactor Location: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Dates: June 9 through 12,1997 Inspector: Stephen W. Holmes, Radiation Specialist Approved by: Seymour H Weiss, Director Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate


9709230270 970909 PDR ADOCK 05000297 G PDR

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This routine, announced inspection consisted of the review of selected conditions and records since the last inspection, venfication of corrective actions previously committed to by the licensee, and related discussions with licensee personnel. The inspection was conducted in accordance with the guidance of NRC Inspection Manua The PULSTAR reactor was being maintained and operated as required by the license and applicable regulations. The old linear channel was presently installed in the reactor console as new linear channel equipment was being repaired by Gamma Metrics. Corrective actions for the


' linear channel malfunction event had been completed (Inspection Report No. 50 297/95-02). A Non Cited Violation was identified for failure to have adequate procedures for analyzing tritium in liquid effluents. During an evaluation of the PULSTAR SCRAM Logic unit, the redundant solid state circuits of the duel scram unit was found to be inoperative. The licensees intensive and


l thorough investigation of the unit's functioning and its subsequent repair and upgraded testing is '

commendabl .


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Report Details Summary of Plant Status l j During the inspection the reactor was being started up and operated as required to support

training and research.

! l.- Operations 4 ,


j 01 Conduct of Operations



01.1 Reactor Staffina I l Insoection Scone finsnection Procedure 69001)


) The inspector reviewed senior reactor licenses, operations logs pad records, selected events, and interviewed staff, Observations and Findinos i

! Licensed staff consisted of the Reactor Operations Manager (ROM), Chief Reactor Operator, Reactor Maintenance Chief, and a Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) from another department. The reactor staff and other department's SROs satisfied the training and experience required by the Technical Specifications (TS). Operation logs and records confirmed that shift staffing met the minimum requirements for duty and on call personnel, Conclusions Reactor operations staffing satisfied TS requirement .2 Control and Performance of Exoeriments Insoection Scoce (insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed approved experiment records, reactor log experimental data, Reactor Safety and Audit Committee (RSAC) minutes, and interviewed staff, Observations and Findinos New experiments or " untried * experiments and " substantive" changes to experiments must be reviewed by the committee prior to initiation while others may be approved jointly by the ROM and the Reactor Health Physicist (RHP). Records and interviews substantiated that experiment approvals satisfied license and TS requirements Review of the experiment data in the reactor log indicated that experiments were constrained as required by the TS and experiment authorization, were installed, performed, and removed as outlined in the experiment authorization and licensee's -

procedure .

2- Cgnelusions License control and performance of experiments met TS and regulatory requirement .3 Reactor Ooerations and Fuel Handling Insaggilon Scoce ([ns.oection Procedure 69001)

The inspector interviewed staff, reviewed reactor operations and fuel logs, and periodic check out, start up, and shutdown check lists, Qbservations and Findings Reactor operations were implemented in accordance with written procedures and T Information on operational status was recorded in log books and checklists as required by procedures and TS. Use of maintenance and rspair logs complied with procedures and met regulatory and licensee requirement Fuel movement and handling was infrequent. Data recorded for fuel movement was clear, concise, and relevant. Fuel movement, inspection, log keeping, and recording followed the facility's procedure Conclusions Roactor operations conformed to TS and licensee procedural requirements. Fuel handling, record maintenance, and documentation were accomplished as required by TS and licensee procedures. No safety concems were identifie O2 Operational Status of Facilities and Equipment O2.1 Facility Plant insoection Scoce (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed reactor equipment, evaluated the physical plant, and observed the facility and equipment during a tour, Observations and Findinas Equipment was accessible with little extraneous clutter. All required equipment and facilities observed by the inspector were operational, Conclusions Reactor and support facilities were operational as require _- _ . _ . . _ _ _ . - - . _ _ . - - -- -- - ---


L 3-O2.2 SCRAM Logic Unit Status a. Insoection Scooe (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed the licensees evaluation and rerair of the PULSTAR SCRAM Logle Uni '#

Observations and F.Lndh During an evaluation of the PULSTAR SCRAM Logic Unit to collect data fer a 50.59 replacement, the licensee discovered that the redundant solid state circuits of the duel scram unit was inoperative. Intense testing and evaluation of the unit determined that the in-line centact relays were interrupting the magnet current bus to the control rods as designed but, due to a ' cold solder" joint, the solid state circuits were not. The licensee repaired the unit, tested its performance, and restored the unit to operation. Additionally the license developed a quarterly surveillance of the unit to insure that all scram circuits / functions in the unit were workin TS require specific reactor safety system channel scrams be operable prior to running. Additionally the specified testing requires only that the channel scrams the control rods. The licensees intensive and thorough investigation of the unit's functioning and its subsequent repair and upgraded testing was commendabl Conclusions Licensee evaluation and repair of the SCRAM unit met procedure and license requirement Operations Procedures and Documentation Insoection Scoce (Inspection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed operating procedures and updates, reactor operating records and logs, and RSAC minute The inspector reviewed licensee procedure corrective actions for the linear channel malfunction event (Inspection Report No. 50 297/95-02), Observations and Findinos Written procedures required by the TS were available and used by the staf Implementation of and adherence to the procedures was acceptable. Procedure changes had been reviewed and approved by the R3AC as required by T !


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The PULSTAR Cperating Manual had been revised to allow operation of th6 linear


channel in "mandal" mode when the Gamma Metrics channel is installe Witionully, two new procedures were written and approved addressing 1)

Ir.eediate operator action following abnormalinstrumentation behavior and 2)

providing guidance on the perfomunce of 50.59 safety evaluations. (Inspection Report Nc. 50-297/95-02).


I i;tcords of power level, opera'ing periods, unusual events, alibration and


maWenance procedums, installed experiments, and start up and shut down checks were being kep Conclusions


Facility procedures tetisfied TU requirements. Reactor operating records and logs were being maintained as required by TS. Licensee procedure coriective actions for

, the linear channel malfur.ction event had been completed.

05 Operator Training and Qualification Program a, lag.estion Scoce (Inspetion Proce_ dure 69001)


Tne inspector reviewed requalification program records, NRC licenses, and training record The inspector reviewed licensee trairong corrective actions for the linear chanrel 3 malfunction event (Inspection Report No. 50-297/95-02).


4 Observations and Findinas All currently licensed SROs were successfully ccmpleting the emsrgency procedure and abnormal events training, reactivity manipulations, and participating in the ongoing training as required by the NRC approved requalification plan. Review of records indicated that operator performance and competence evaluation had been performed as required. Past test questions covered the material prescribed by the program and demonstrated technical depth. Required quarterly operation hours, as *

SRO, were being tracked. Biennial medical exams were being performed as requirti Training was provided to the reactor operators on adherence to approved run-sheet specifications for reactor evolutions, and reactor status, maintenance operations and 50.59 design changes ana evalu rion Condusions The requelification program was being acceptably implemented. TS and NRC-moproved requalification plan requirements were me .

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I 06 .Organlaation and Administration.

I lQage;llon Scone (Insoecilon Procedure 40755)

i The irmpector reviewed organization, s'taffing and administrative controls and interviewed various management and support staff.


Licensee training coirective actions for the linear channel malfunction event had been


i L Observations and Findinas


Since the last inspection there have bean no functional changes in the management organization or administrative controls. Although some auxiliary staff position are vacant, all TS required positions are currently filled with qualified personnel, Conclusions Organizational and administrative controls remained consistent with license j requirements and licensee commitments.


! ( 07 ' Quality Assueance in Operations i

i lDagection Scone (Insoection Procedure 69001)

- The inspector reviewed RSAC minutes, annual reviews, and audits.

[ Qhat'.yations and Findinas t The meeting schedule and membership satisfied TS requirements and the Committee's procedural rules. Review of the minutes indicated the committee was i


active in providing appropriate guidance, direction and oversight, and ensured suitable use of the reactor. The minutes were clear, and sufficiently detailed for a j record of the safety oversight of reactor operations. Audits were detailed, direct, and j


practiev Follow up evaluation and determination to implement or reject audit recorri. :andations was timely, c. - Conclusions The RSAC performed it's duties as required by licer se, TS, and administrative criteria,

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lit. Maintenance

M1- Condst of Maintenance


M l.1 Limitina Conditions for Ooeration and Surveillance Inscoction Scone (Insoection Procedure 69001


--The inspector reviewed selected surveillance records, data sheets and records of tests, licensee procedures, reactor logs, check-lists, and periodic reports.



The inspector interviewed staff.

. Observations and Findinas -


$ Dsily and other periodic checks, tests, and verifications for TS required limiting i

conditions for operation (LCO) were completed as required. All surveillance and LCO i verifications were completed on schedule as required by TS and in accordance with l licensee procedures. All were within TS and procedure parameters.

i Conclusions The licensee's program for surveillance and LCO confirmations satisfied TS i requirements.:

M2 Maintenance and Material Condition of Facilities and Equipment 1 Insoection Scoce (Insoection Procedure 69001)


) The inspector reviewed maintenance ana reactor logs, RSAC records, repair records, 3 and observed facility and equipment during an accompanied tour, Observations and Findinas - .

)- Reactor maintenance was noted in the reactor logbook and recorded in facility files as

] required by procedures. Maintenance was terformed and documented consistent j with the TS and licensee procedure i-l Control room equipment was operational. No missing or malfunctioning equipment i j was noted.


!< Conclusions I


Maintenance logs, records, performance, and reviews satisfied TS and procedure requirements. Facility condition was well maintained for its intended function and us i l

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Ill. Enaineerina E1 Conduct of Engineering, Design Changes Insoection Scone (Insoection Procedure 69001 The inspector reviewed selected design change packages, associated procedures and drawings, and RSAC files. The inspecior interviewed staff, Observations and Findings Design changes were reviewed and approved by the appropriate reactor u. i and the RSAC or forwarded to the NRC for approvals as required. After the changes were made, testing was performed to verify operation was consistent with the safety-analysis wssumptions. Procedure and drawing clanges were included when needed and were consistent with the observations of the inspector. The revised 50.59 procedure noted in section 03 of this report was being use acceptably by the staff.- Conclusioria The licensee's design changes vtre reviewed, approved, implemented, tested, and controlled as required by TS, licensee procedures, and pertinent regulation IV. Plant Support R1 Radiological Protection and Chemistry Controls R1,1 Radiation Protection Postinas Scone (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed radiological signs and postings, routine radiation surveys, and observed the facility and equipment during accompanied tours, Observations and Findings Postings at the PULSTAR reactor were acceptable for the hazards involved. The facility and radioactive material storage were secured and property posted. No unmarked or unsecured rarlioactive materials Wre evident. NRC Forms-3 were posted in appropriate areas in the facility at were current notices to workers required by 10 CFR Part 1 Conclusions Radiological postings satisfied regulatory requirement _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ - - . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .- -_ -. -.._ _. ___._, _ __ _.



8-R1.2 Gaseous Emuent Monitorina and Release


a. Egggs (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed annual reports, release records, counting and analyses



- Thu inspector interviewed reactor and HP staff Observations and Findinga Gaseous releases were calcu!cted from integrated power as outlined in the Final Safety Analysir, Nport (FSAR) and licence procedures. Releases were acceptably documented and well within the annual dose constraint of 20.1101(d) and the Appendix B concentration limit Conclusions Gaseous effluent monitoring satisfied license and regulatory requirement R8 Miscellaneous RP&C lasues, Tritium Concentration in Liquid Effluen Scope (Insoection Procedure 69001)

The inspector reviewed annual reports, release records, counting and analyses results , interviewed reactor and HP staffs, and evaluated associated procedure Observations and Findings By letter dated May 27,1997, the associate Director of the Nuclear Reactor Program made a notification of a reportable event as required by TS, regarding liquid effluent levels. A calibration error in counting efficiency resulted in under-estimating the actual concentration and activity of tritium (H-3) released to the sanitary sewe Corrected concentrations remained well below regulatory requirements (< 1% of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B concentration limit, <0.1% of 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, annual total release limit). Calibration of the liquid scintillation counter (LSC) had been performed with standards containing a different scintillation medium then that used with the actual samples. This occurred when the facility change from a hazardous scintillation fluid to a biodegradable one. The calibration procedure was inadequate in that it did not address the need for calibration standards to be the same in form / configuration as the actual samples for proper result i- + -- it- _____m.__ - ? a

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-9- 1 e 4 The inspector confirmed tne following:

+ The licensee fabricated new calibration sources meeting these requirements and recalibrated the LSC, obtained a new efficiency, and corrected those effluent numbers that were in error,

+ The calibration procedure and raw data sheets were revised to insure that , in the


future, the calibration standards and the actual sample counting form / configurations will n;atch, Conclusions This licensee-lJentified and corrected violation * .eing treated as a Non-Cited Violation, consistent with Section Vill.B.1 of t- .RC Enforcement Polic V. Manaaement Meetinas X1 Exit Meeting Summary The inspector presented the inspection results to members of licensee management at the a conclusion of the inspection on June 12,1997. The licensee acknowledged the findings

presente .




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Licensee S. BilyJ. Manager, Reactor Operations K. Kincaid, Chief of Reactor Maintenance P. Perez, Associate Director, Nuclear Reactor Program C. Plaveneyu, Chief, heactor Operator G. Wicks, Reactor Health Physicist







4 None

} Closed



50-297/97-201-01 NCV Failure to have adequate procedures for analyzing tritium in

. liquid effluents.

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