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Certificate of Compliance 9151,Rev 11 for Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 Series Iii,Ln 14-170 Series 1 & NES-1
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 07/22/1987
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20235X780 List:
NUDOCS 8707240326
Download: ML20235X785 (7)


p .. .sammrz:grmswers:Egr1w -mm_mmemmmmmmw= sam-m.irKET2Trl::?rrr4 i NAC Fon3 818 U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSloN 1 m CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE  ?

] io cra fi FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS PACKAGES :E b REvi5 ton NU Eq c PACKAGE IDE T F GA iN UMBER dPAGE UMBEA e TOTAL UMBER PAGES 1 e CERTIFICATE NU 1 !E T s certificate is issued to certif y that the packaging and contents desenbed in item 5 below. meets the applicabie safet y standards set fortn in Title t o. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 " Packaging and T'ansportation of Radioactive Material" l a] '

1 b This certificate does not relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U $ Department of Transportation or other l applicante regulatory agencies. includmg the government of any country through or into which the package will be transported 1

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8 1 3 1 Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated il 1 Incorporated application dated May 26, 1987 /

I 1256 N. Church Street Moorestown, NJ 08057 I l c oocxEt NuesEa 71-9151 is c f cate is conditional upt's fulfilling the requirements of 10 CF A Part 71 as apphcable and the conditions specified below 1

t 5



R (a) Packaging l n i

y (1) Model Nos.: HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series III, LN 14-170 li g Series 1, and NES-1. N E

N 1 (2) Description j l Steel encased, lead shielded casks for low specific activity material. liq y

y The casks are right circular cylinders 81-1/2 (or 81-5/8) inches high ; I by 81-3/4 (or 81-1/2) inches in diameter. The cask cavities are 73-q l N 3/8 (or 73-5/8) inches high by 75-1/2 inches in diameter. The cask I' i side walls consists of a 3/8-inch thick inner steel shell, a 1-7/8-(or :

'l 1-3/4-) inch lead shell, and a 7/8-inch thick outer steel shell. The  !

j! base is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates welded together to l '

g form a 4-inch thick base which is integrally welded to the inner and i outer steel shells of the side wall. A steel flange is welded to the t' inner and outer steel shells of the side wall at the top. The lid is !

I comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates, which are stepped and i j welded together to mate with the steel flange. The cask closure is l y sealed by a Neoprene gasket located between the lid and steel flange, l j positive closure of the lid is accomplished by eight,1-3/4-inch ,

J rachet binders. The lid contains a centrally located shield plug  ;

comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates and one, 1-inch thick i steel plate stepped and welded. The shield plug is sealed by a i Neoprene gasket, and eight, 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to y

provide positive closure. The packagings are constructed of A-516,  !

g Grade 70 or A-537, Class 1, carbon steel. The outer shell will have l,

( a minimum yield strength of 46,000 psi. i l

i l

l Model Number OD, inches Lead Tk, inches I HN-100 Series 3 81-3/4 1-7/8  !

l CNS 14-170 Series III 81-1/2 1-3/4 lI)I l LN 14-170 Series 1 81-3/4 1-7/8 lll NES-1 81-3/4 1-7/8 @I 8707240326 070722 PDR C

ADOCK 07109151 PDR ,-----


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C3NotTl:NS (continuid) ,g l

i Page 2 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 11 - Docket No. 71-9151 j

!g I I 5.(a) (2) Description (continued) l l lIl l Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask llI l body. There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and il i one shield plug lifting lug. Thepackagegrossweightisapproximatelyl l 53,000 pounds. g i I I (3) Drawings l I I The Model No. HN-100 Series 3 packaging is fabricated in I l accordance with Hittman Nuclear & Dev2!opment Corp. Drawing i

Nos.: C001-5-9138, Rev. 11; C001-5-9139, Rev. 8; C001-5-9140, l l g i Rev. 8; C001-5-9141, Rev. 3; C001-5-9142, Rev. 1; C001-5-9143, I I Rev. 8; and C001-5-9144,!Rev. 3.3 Optional stainless steel I I shielding insert:in'accordance with' Drawing Nos.: STD-02-035, 1 Rev. A; STD-02-036, Rev. A; and STD-02-037, Rev. 2.

l l l The Model No. CNS 14-170 Series III packaging is fabricated in l l accordance with Chem-Nuclear Systems, IncF Drawing Nos.: g I C-110-D-0016 Sheets 1 and 2, Rev. C; C-110-D-0017, Sheets 1 il I and 2, Rev. C; C-110-D-0018, Sheets'I and 2, Rev. C; and 'l l C-110-D-0019 Rev. B. j l The Model No. LN 14-170 Series 1 packaging is fabricated in accordance g

q with LN Technologies Corporation Drawing Nos.: 8916 M 2001, Rev. 0; 8916 M 2002, Rev. 0; 8916 M 2003, Rev. 0; 8916 M 2004, l!g jN I Rev. 0; 8016 M 2005, Rev. 0; and 8916 M 2006, Rev. O. 'l N I The Model No._NES-1 packaging is fabricated in accordance with Nuclear I l Energy Services Drawing Nos. 83E1903, Rev.1; and 83E1909, Rev. O.

f q (b) Contents E. ,.

(1) Type and form of material l l f Process solids, either dewatered, solid or solidified, meeting g the requirements for low, specific activity material, in  !

i secondary containers. ll I j

(?) Maximum quantity of material per package l ll l Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may l contain fissile material provided the fissile material does not g

exceed the limits in 10 CFR 571.53. The weight of the contents, l:

e i:

I optional shield insert, and secondary containers shall not i I exceed 17,800 pounds. When the shield insert is not installed i l in the cask, the internal decay heat load shall not exceed 7  :

g watts. When the shield insert is installed in the cask, the V.

g internal decay heat load shall not exceed 28 watts. l 4 i, I -

1 i

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I Page 3 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision ho. 11 - Docket No. 71-9151 l l

l  !

! 6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could l l radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by I tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that ll, l the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the ll I expected shipment time: lI I

ll l (1) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would il l be no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam- lg I mablegases)ofthesecondarycontaigergasvoidifpresentatSTP I g

I (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70"F); or i I I l (ii) The secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a diluent I i to assure that oxygen must be limited to 5% by volume in those portions l l of the package which-could.have hydrogen greater than 5%. g i ia g i For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary containers I must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which determination for I ,

I gas generation is made. Shipment period begins-when the package is prepared I i (sealed) and must be completed within twice the expected shipment time. l i i I (b) For any package shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 days ja I after venting of drums or other secondary containers, the determination in 'H i I (a) above need not be made, and the time restriction in (a) above does not il l apply. j

! 7. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:

4  !

I (a) Prior to each shipment, the packaging lid seals, if opened (or if security lN i I sealisbroken),mustbeinspected. The seals must be replaced with new l 8

seals if inspection shows any defects or every 12 months, whichever occurs j first.

l l

'l I q (b) Each package must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of:  ! ,

W l l' 5 Model No. HN-100 Series 3 l N

l l

j Section 7.0 of the application. Gama scan for the shielding acceptance may be based on lead equivalence for lead and steel with all readings j

!g q within 2.3 inches 10% on a 4-inch grid. l 6 %g N

I Model No. CNS 14-170 Series III $

lk; l Section 4.0 of Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Document No. CNSI 9151-S1, g

4 Rev, 2.

(N g

6 Model No. LN 14-170 Series I '

l I LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-011, Rev. G; WM-012, l ,

l Rev. H; and WM-013. Rev. F.

Model No. NES-1 f

8 NES Procedures 83A1902, Rev. O and 83A1907, Rev. O, except that secondary  %

8 lid gasket dimensions must be in accordance with the packaging drawings. j '

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I Page 4 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No.,11 - Docket No. 71-9151 ,

l ;lg i l l 7. (c) The pac'kage shall be prepared for shipment and operated in il l accordance with the Operating Procedures of. ;g I ;l 1 Model No. HN-100 Series 3 l lgl l Section 6.0 of the application.

I l ll l Model No. CNS 14-170 Series III l lllI I

Section 3.0 of the application. I I I l Model No. LN 14-170- Series I I .

1 I LN Technologies Corporation Procedure WM-014, Rev. L. !g I ll I

Model No. NES-1 E' I k NES Procedure 83A190P; Rev. 2.


, j, I 8. Torque requirements for closure fasteners: !n I ll 1

(a) Primary lid ratachet' binders must be torqued to 175-200 ft-lbs. Nl l It l (b) Secondary lid bolts must be torqued to 120 10 ft-lbs.

l N

( 9. Seals which show any visual defects (cracking, gouging, tearing, etc.) must be llig N repaired in,accordance with: lt N 1R; I Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3 and CNS 14-170 Series III f

f Note No. 3 on Hittman Drawing No. C001-5-9138, Rev. 11; or, replaced with a new l q seal. ' '

8 i d

Model No. LN 14-170 Series 1  ;

I ,  :

l g

LN Technologies Corporation Procedure WM-012, Rev. H, Section 7.1 (joint angle must be approximately 45 ); or, replaced with a new seal. f ig!

I I I:

8 Model No. NES-1 i

! NES Procedure 83A1907, Rev. O, Section 4, except that secondary lid gasket flE f

l dimensions must be in accordance with the packaging drawings; or, replaced with f g a new seal.  : ,

I I i 10. The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle I railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraft, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel d

li assigned for the sole use of the licensee. f j

l f 11. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the g general license provisions of 10 CFR 971.12. l 8

l l R


12. Expiration date: July 31, 1992.  ;

l i .

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'i CCNolTCONS (continuw) E l 1 I Page 5 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No 11 - Docket No. 71-9151 ;i l l I  :

j l Ilg l REFERENCES l l I I I Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated application dated May 26, 1987. !g I !I l I

Chem-Nuclear Systems Inc. supplements dated: November 16, 1982; and June 9, l l September 5, and November 19, 1986. ljl j

i Ig i Nuclear Energy Services supplements dated: February 26 and May 12, 1986; and i I July, 10, 1987. !g; i

i g LN Technologies Corporation supplement dated: April 28, May 5, and July 7, 1987.

l ,


i Charles E. MacDe~ald, Chief i

Transportation Branch @f t Division of Safeguards and  !

l Transportation, NMSS 1 -

! JUL tt 97 l

Date: glq i li 8  :


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Transportation Branch Approval Record Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series III, LN 14-170 Series 1, and NES41 Packages Docket No. 71-9151 Revision No. 11 By application dated May 26, 1987, Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated requested renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9151 for the Model No.

HN-100 Series 3 package. In support of the request for renewal the applicant submitted a consolidated application which incorporated the January 9, 1986 application and all pertinent Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear supplement information referenced by the certificate of compliance. The safety analysis report was revised to remove typographical errors and to provide consistency between the report and the packaging drawings in the area of gasket design.

A review of the consolidated application confirmed that all appropriate supplement information has been incorporated into the application. No changes have been requested or made to the package by the applicant since approval of the latest Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated supplement dated July 22, 1986.

By application dated April 28, 1987, as supplemented, LN Technologies, in conjunction with the certificate renewal, subnitted a consolidated application for the Model No. LN 14-170 Series 1 package. The application included the information contained in the LN Technologies Corporation application dated November 20, 1986 along with relevant information from the NUS Process Service Corporation supplements referenced by the certificate. NUS Process Service Corporation and London Nuclear Services merged to form LN Technologies Corporation as discussed in the November 20, 1986 application.

A review of the consolidated application confirmed that all appropriate supplement information has been incorporated into the application. No changes have been requested or made to the package by the applicant since approval of the LN Technologies Corporation supplement dated November 20, 1986.

By application dated June 30, 1987, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. requested renewal of the Certificate of Compliance No. 9151 for the Model No. CNS 14-17)

Series III package. No changes have been requested or made to the package by the appik:nt since approval of the latest Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.

supplement dated November 19. 1906.

By application dated July 10, 1987, Nuclear Energy Services requested renewal of Certificate of Compliance No. 9151 for the Model No. NES-1 package. In conjunction with the request for renewal a revised Operating Procedure, 83A1908, Rev. 2, was submitted. The operating procedures have been updated to comply with the certificate of compliance conditions pertaining to the operation of the packages. No changes have been requested or made to the package by the applicant since approval of the latest Nuclear Energy Systems supplement dated May 12, 1985.

s The certificate of compliance has been conditioned to require the packages to be prepared for shipment and operated in accordance with their respective operating procedures. This condition effectively incorporates the specific operating requirements previously cited in Conditions 7, and 8 of the certificate.

-The certificate of compliance has been renewed until July 31, 1992.

Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division.of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date:

Alief I
