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Certificate of Compliance 9151,Rev 9,for Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 Series Iii,Nus14-170 Series 1 & NES-1. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 07/30/1986
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20212E527 List:
NUDOCS 8608130043
Download: ML20212E531 (11)


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l ll 11 2. pnEAMetE 9151 9 USA /9151/A 1 5 l I

l ll e. Tnis certificate is issued to certify that tne packaging and contents desenbod in item 5 below, meets the applicable safety standards set fortn in Titie 10 Code I ij of Federai Regulations. Part 71. -Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Matanet" l ll b ini certifices do not reiieve tne consignor from compiiance with any requirement of the reguistions of ine u.s. oscartment of Transportation or other I ll appncabie reguistory agences, inciuding tne govemment of any country througn or into wnien the package wiii be transported. I li l I I I I

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Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated, I I Incorporated application dated January 9, 1986, as supple- 1 I 9151 Rumsey Road mented I l' Columbia, MD 21045 I I

e OFs 71-9151 I ll ., 1ooewarNumenaC t f / , I I! 4 coNomoNs s Q w1 l Tno cattihcate is conditional upon fulfdhng the sequiserments of 10 CFR Part 71, as apphcable, and the candltions specified below.

(a) Packaging I

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I (1) ModelENes.: HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series'TII', NUS14-170 i l gries 1, and NES-1. g7 5% l l ,

(2) DescriptionDb ms .Np ,I wR x

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l' t s -c Steel encased,tlead.,shierded. casks [for2 ow. specific (activity material .

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l' Thrcasks areirfghticircuyar cylinders 481-1/2 (or 81:5/8) inches high bf'81-3/4 ,(or 8.1-1/2 Qoch'enin,i. diameter.J The cask cav.ities are 73-l

[ i i 3'/8- (or~ 73Mr/8)Cihches,high by 7f-1/2Wn~ches ,inf diameter. The cask

~ I I s1de walTsTconsi'itsPotara/B- l ll l'-3'/4-)in2&Tead 'sitelIJ iidia;fach,inWthicEouter 7/8d stiRil shell.tMckJinnerhste The I l' s plates welded together to I I base form /a is 4-inh comprised! of 'twoiiZifnch : thick steel?' welded *to the inner and l4thickJas'eNiichiisfi'ntegral:ly N I

, outer' steel'sheTTshof-thersideMi1C% steel flange)is welded to the l

i. inner'and outer 5 teel shells /ofJthe side ~ wall atithe top. The lid is l l comprfsed of two, 2" inch; thick iteer piites, whidr'are stepped and I i I welded 'toge,ther to mate 'wf thithe' steel flangenThe cask closure is N l l

sealed bysa, Neoprene gasket located between th'e' lid and steel flange, '

positive cTosure of the lid is accomplishedsbi eight,1-3/4-inch s

l l  ;

i rachet binders. 'The lid contains, a centrally located shield plug i  ;

i. comprised of two72-inch-thick steel pTates and one,1-inch thick

- i 1

I steel plate stepped and' welded. 'The shield plug is sealed by a Neoprene i I gasket, and eight, 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive I ,

I closure. The packagings are constructed of A-516, Grade 70 or A-537, I Class 1, carbon steel. The outer shell will have a minimum yield l l strength of 49,000 psi. l i i )

I I l OD, inches l Model Number Lead Tk, inches I I I I HN-100 Series 3 81-3/4 1-7/8 I I

CNS 14-170 Series III 81-1 /2 1-3/4 l

NUS14-170 Series 1 81-3/4 l

i 1-7/8 i

NES-1 81-3/4 1-7/8 l li l I j l

C l l l

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' QPagFORP* 618A No. 9151 - Revision N3. 9 - Docket No. 71-9151 2 2 - Certificate

! l t . I i I l

l l l l 5.(a) (2) Description (continued) l

! -Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask l l body. There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and I I one shield plug lifting lug. The package gross weight is approximately p I

53,000 pounds. d I

I l (3) Drawings l

l l

l The Model No. HN-100 Series 3 and CNS 14-170 Series III packagings are g I fabricated in accordance with Hittman Nuclear & Development Corp. I I

Drawing Nos.: C001-5-9138 J,ey 10; C001-5-9139, Rev. 8; C001-5-9140, I I

Rev. 8; C001-5-91 rReQ 3hC001[~5-p1,42, Rev.1; C001-5-9143, Rev. 8; I l and C001-5-9144, d Optionar stainless steel shielding insert in l l th ' ng Nos.: STD-02-03% Rev. A; STD-02-036, Rev. A; i I accordancewi.N,Dra and STD-02 03 Rev . 2. # 1 I

s l I

in one or more of the l l The ModeTl"go.

option CNS14-170 Series III packag$g howel n Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc 0ra gg No. C-110-D-0006, I l


.k b The Medel No. NUS' 4-110 Ser m .

Lcated in accordance ll 1

I with.NUS Corporati}oniDrawiny[es 1 ~paclaging is faNo's .: s 8916fM 2001 I l 1 Rev.[Bt 8916 N 2005,3.Rev A'f'8ME, F, Rev. A; 6 M 2005, Rev. A; I l I

and 8916 M 2006, -ReQBJ ,// I l The el No R) p i rica n ac dance with Nuclear g i Energy (Services _)Dr, awing ;88ET903, ReyP1; ant 83E1909, Rev. O, l I

except"theouterystiaTE W$isthare a minfmum yield strength of 1 J

49,000) K] gF l

" ob

// /3 dC

(b) Contents I I  !

l (1) Type and form of material , 9 i


  1. f Q a .h P l I Process solids, either dewateredt^ solid cr solidified, meeting the l l requirements ~ for low specific activity material, in secondary containers. l l l (2) Maximum quantity of material per package l l l l Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may contain i I fissile material provided the fissile material does not exceed the 1 I limits in 10 CFR 571.53. The weight of the contents, optional shield I l insert, and secondary containers shall not exceed 17,800 pounds. When the shield insert is not installed in the cask, the internal decay l l i I heat load shall not exceed 7 watts. When the shield insert is installed i I in the cask, the internal decay heat load shall not exceed 28 watts. I I

I i, 1 I il I ll l i

l l l 1 ll i

l ll 1 jI I ll l


q = mA conomons(continued; u.s nuctEAR acculATOM COMMISSION [


Page 3 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 9 - Docket No. 71-9151 l l

6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could f radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by [

tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that I I

the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the expected shipment time: f (i) The hydrogen generated nust be limited to a molar quantity that would f be no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam- I I

mable gases) of the secondary contaiger gas void if present at STP (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft at 14.7 psia and 70*F); or (

r erandQast pavjty must be inerted with a diluent j (ii) The secondary to assure contai(n-cust be' tiMted/to 5% by volume in those portions that oxyge [

of the package,isjeh'could have hydrogengeater than 5%. [

w \>

For any packagesdhlivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary container V> l L

must be prepa ' ~for shipment in the same manner fVwilich determination for f gas generation s made. Shipment period beginsge@ttje package is prepared [

(sealed) an6fnust'be'c leted within twicepthejexpeced shipment time. [

U. Y (b) For any pach,a/ge shippek ' hincLO7 t

//ht days ,6fy preparation,Cor within 10 days I

l L

after ventipg not (a) above%ged of drumscor be~ma'd6 / an otherdsecondargeoritainers,

'~thedtime restviction i a) above tttth detennination does not fin g


apply. p bg wa


, w, p

n N c1 -A Except for clos,e *fittfngcconte'ntsy, i 'stocin a 4 a 3 T1W c"be!Nac.


7. e d be$ ween secondary [

containers and t. casic 6adtY tospie ' " ' g yarst


I transport. Kj&g4'  :!nnvement%dtir'ing{ribrinal g' condit [

e. A4 -

The lid, shield plur, and'casklliftingilugs, mai,tibe coveral in transit to preclude s - ,


8. [

their use as tie-dow#, devices. 4

M4'- Ap r s


'4 Torque requirements fors cTosure fasteners: D


l NJ s L NI (a) Primary lid ratchet binders ontst-be torqued to 175-200 f t-1bs. (

L o

L: (b) Secondary lid bolts must be torqued to 120 ft-lbs. [



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! ' Paga 4 - Certificata No. 9151 - R visien No. 9 - Docket No. 71-9151 l l . I I I I I I

10. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:

l (i) Prior to each shipment, the packaging lid seals, if opened (or if security  !

seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must be replaced with new I seals if inspection shows any defects or every 12 months, whichever occurs I first.

l (ii) Each package must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of: l l

Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3 and CNS 14-170 Series III I I

Section 7.0 of the application. m can for the shielding acceptance ] I may be based on lead equi lhce dr and steel with all madings I within 2.3 inches +10%'gp a 4 ' inch gri  !

r,v Model No. NUS 1.41170 Series I U{4 . i I

e O i I

NUS ProceduresD-011, Rev. E; WM-012, Rev. E; W%% Rev. A; and WM-014, Rev. F. g f7 A l Model No. [Nd-1 Y ()  !

m NES Procedesres 83A1902

,1RI!w. 0 $nd

$ $2,

% 83Al @ Rev. O, except m that secondary i

1 1id gasket'dimensionsimust'be. *V'asyacdari.[cwith the packaging Idra


I"" $5 d/


d)1 MD D l 11. Seals which sho@any vtsaal def l repaired in accordanct. 5 'with *qctsi irnicUdgggougi'ng','<

3 #

lgp 4 teactag, etc.) musti be i Model Nos. HN-10 Serie aMC T7tr ils $I @

Ty '

s nN l l- Note No. 3 on Hittman> Drawing No.(CD01-5p yys9738, or Rev.10. 'Q, replacedI l seal. '//j 'M .M l ll Model No. NUS14-170 Serfes Lj O u N'* l

l. I l -i" 4 ,A, 25 7 I



NUS Procedure WM-012, Rev. E, Sectfon@.1 Goint angle must be approximately I 45*); or, replaced with a new seal .

[ l f Model No. NES-1  !

I NES Procedure 83A1907, Rev. 0, Section 4, except that secondary ifd gasket I dimensions must be in accordance with the packaging drawings; or, replaced with I a new seal.


12. The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle,  !

railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraft, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel I assigned for the sole use of the licensee. I I



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1 .

j l 7"] FORM tH 8A CONOmONS (continued) U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION g Paga 5 - Certificato No. 9151 - Revision No. 9 - Docket No. 71-9151 I .

l g



l '13. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the I i general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12.

I l

I I 14. Expiration date: June 30, 1987. i I




! Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated application dated January 9,1986 I

l I l I Supplements dated: June 23 and July 22, 1986. i I <

g l Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. supplement date y November 16, 1982. I!

l NUS Process Services Supplements d June 9 hSeptember 12, 1983; December 7, 1984; and January ll, May 7 riuitdune 14, 1985.

M l l Nuclear Energy Services Su lements dated:

r February 26 andth 12,1986. li l l 4 I ,y FOR THE U.S. NUGtEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I

l I

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I 1 -r Uf Tes,J., 5 / ChW' (na di Cd/ l M1 I l 't-" (n Transporta'tto(Ceriificattan Branch I i (j) D' ) %@<DhEfik3QF'ugMCfEle

"%y ar%r l by n' 4 l

A M i l

Date: JUL3o E Q 'fes,,f (Marter131" f Safety,;,pNMSS 4i g y',  % /X, - k 4(! 0 I

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% ***** / Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record Model Hos. HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series III, NUS14-170 Series 1, and NES-1 Packagings Docket No. 71-9151 By application dated January 9,1986, as supplemented June 23 and July 22, j 1986, Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear, Inc. requested that Certificate of l Compliance No. 9151 be amended to reference the latest revision of the l' packaging drawings and safety analysis report.

The packaging drawings were revised to correct inconsistencies between the List of Materials, drawing notes, and drawing details and to mflect certain as-built conditions. The drawings have been revised to provide for an optional method (locating pins) of maintaining the orientation between the closure lids and the cask body. Certain weld symbols have been corrected and non-destructive examination of certain weld joints is now equired. Drawings of the shield insert (Drawing Nos. STD-02-035 and STD-02-036) have been revised to show an additional eight bolts to retain the insert to the primary lid and to change the dimension of the inside diameter of the shield insert to agree with the as-built condition.

The safety analysis report referenced by the application dated January 9, 1986 is a consolidation of the April 5,1982 application ~ and all pertinent supplement information referenced by the present certificate of compliance.

Typographical errors and improper welii symbol s have been corrected.

Sections 6.0 Operating Procedures and 7.0 Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program have been expanded to incorporate appropriate parts of Appendix A, B, and C which have been deleted from the consolidated safety analysis report as has Appendix E.

Paragraphs 5.2 and 6.1.7 have been revised to correct the minimum torque requirements for the shield plug bolts (120 ft-lbs) and the primary lid ratchet binders (175-200 ft-lbs). Since there are inconsistencies in torque requirements between the packaging models, the certificate of compliance has been conditioned to require all packages to be torqued to the values required by paragraphs 5.2 and 6.1.7 of the January 9,1986 application.

The gross weight of the package has been mduced to 53,000 pounds from 53,005 pounds eliminating the insignificant digit. The certificate of compliance has been changed accordingly. The empty cask weight has been adjusted to the actual average as-built weight of 35,200 pounds. This increase required a reduction in the neight of the contents (from 19,205 to 17,800 pounds) as specified in condition 5.(b)(2) of the certificate of compliance.

J b

-2 The minimum yield strength requirement for the outer shell, Condition 5(a)(2) of the certificate of compliance has been corrected to agree with the value given in the safety analysis report and on the packaging drawings for the Model No. HN-100 Series 3 packaging.

Based on the staff's review of the updated consolidated safety analysis report and the conditions stated in the certificate of compliance, the staff concludes that the package design meets the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Date: JUL30 W f

i l



  1. o,y UNITED STATES l


'+9 . . . . . ,o Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series III, NUS14-170 Series 1, and NES-1 Packagings Docket No. 71-9151 By application dated February 26, 1986, as supplemented May 12, 1986, Nuclear Energy Services provided an application for the Model No. NES-1 packaging. The Model No. NES-1 package is identical in design to the Model No. HN-100 Series 3 package in overall dimensions and lead thickness.

The packaging has been provided with a drain line and pipe plug to ,

facilitate cleaning and draining the cask cavity and leak testing of the l lid seals. The application also provides for the use of an optional i material ASTM A357, Class 1, for the outer shell. This material has a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi and is an acceptable alternate for ASTM A516 Gr. 70. The applicant has provided an Acceptance Testing Program, Maintenance Program and Operating Procedures dich are consistent with the Nuclear Energy Services package.

No significant differences exist between this package design and the previously approved package design. The performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 have been met.

f Charles E. 'MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Divisision of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Date: R30W
