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Updated NPDES Noncompliance Notification:On 860723,discharge of Ph Above Daily Concentration Limits Occurred.Results of Flow & Ph Sampling Listed
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1986
From: La'Toya Cooper
To: Ringenberg J
NUDOCS 8608130288
Download: ML20212F318 (2)



GENERAL OFFICE 4 Nebraska Public Power " "

District ""s#0a%#f"^!a^""'*" _

August 1, 1986 Mr. Jay D. Ringenberg Section Head, Permits and Compliance Water Quality Division Nebraska Department of Environmental Control P.O. Box 94877 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4877

Dear Mr. Ringenberg:


Nebraska Public Power District Cooper Nuclear Station NPDES Permit No. NE C001244 Discharge Monitoring Report for May, 1986 Enclosed please find an up-dated Discharge Monitoring Report for Cooper Nuclear Station's (CNS's) 004 discharge for May, 1986.

The original Discharge Monitoring Report was submitted to your dapartment on July 25, 1986. The up-dated report in due to the failure to include flow and pH sampling conducted following the acid spill at CNS on May 27, 1986. ,

If you have any questions regarding these responses, please contact me.

Sincerely, f

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L. Jahr. Caoper Environmental Managur LJC/eycido Enclosure ces R. D. Martin w/enclusure

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G. R. Horn R. L. Dottle File CD175

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L. JOH23 COOPER, E!."J. MCR. Lincoln. Nebraska 68509 P O 499 COL 1213US. NE 68601 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHAflG E ELIMINATION SYSTEM DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT REVISED REPO,RT OUTFALL NtRIBER: 004 Replaces report dated 86-07-25 se, eta-e n. nee 2 == 816 Oi 3:0 ,,, 8g6 0,5 3 g1 g re e peers ta , 182a pirTle PERMIT EFFECTIVE DATES: 9/16/83 - 8/15/88 Dat __

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