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Application for Amend to License DPR-36,consisting of Proposed Change 130,reflecting Revised LOCA Limits.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 02/24/1987
From: Randazza J
Maine Yankee
Shared Package
ML20212K987 List:
8463L-LMO, GDW-87-39, MN-87-18, NUDOCS 8703100023
Download: ML20212K983 (9)




RIAlliE HARHEE ATOMICPolflERCOMPARUe ,uous,ay,?n" ewe February 24, 1987 9 MN-87-18 GDH-87-39 Director Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Hashington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk


(a) License No. DPR-36 (Docket No. 50-309)

(b) MYAPCo Letter to USNRC dated November 10, 1986 (MN-86-141)-

Maine Yankee LOCA Analysis (c) USNRC Letter to MYAPCo dated January 6, 1987 - ECCS Evaluation Model Modifications Related to Axial Power Shape Issue, Phase I (d) HYAPCo Letter to USNRC dated January 12, 1987 (MN-87-04) -

Proposed Change #128 - Cycle 10 Technical Specifications (e) MYAPCo Letter to USNRC dated February 23, 1987 (MN-87-15)

Maine Yankee LOCA Analysis (f) MYAPCo Letter to USNRC dated September 15, 1986 (MN-86-il8)

- Maine Yankee LOCA Analysis


Proposed Change No.130 - Technical Specification 3.10 LOCA Limits Gentlemen:

Maine Yankee has submitted and received approval of the Phase I ECCS Evaluation Model Modification related to the axial power shape issue. The Phase I submittal in Reference (b) included justification of a revised delta P injection penalty and a description of the method which will be used to select the limiting axial power shapes. The Safety Evaluation, Reference (c),

determined that these modifications were acceptable and in compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix K. It also concluded that the break spectrum chosen and methods used must be justified for each reload. This justification has been submitted in Reference (e).

G703100023 070224 PDR ADOCK 05000309 P PDR


8463L-LM0 t V I w/<eaue n mv u .a




United: States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page Two Attention: Document Control Desk MN-87-18 o

Maine Yankee has_ applied the revised methodology to Cycle 10 using the limiting break sizes which were identified 'in Reference (e). This has' resulted in revised LOCA linear heat generation rate (LHGR) limits which had been conceptualized in Reference (e). In accordance with 10CFR50.90, Maine Yankee proposes the following technical specification changes to incorporate the revised LOCA Limits:

replace pages 3.10-2, -3, and -4 with the revised pages in Attachment C.

insert page 3.10-20 with Figure 3.10-12 included in Attachment C.

A summary of the proposed changes is included in Attachment B.

An analysis of the Maine Yankee Loss of Coolant Accident Evaluation is provided in Attachment D. A discussion of the Large Break LOCA model changes which resulted from Phase I, as well as the Break Spectrum and the analysis performed to determine the LOCA Limits is included. The Peak Clad Temperatures (PCTs) corresponding to the LOCA Limit for the worst break at each elevation (52,65,73 and 85%) are also provided. The small break licensing basis' analysis results were evaluated and determined to remain valid for Cycle 10 operation.

Maine Yankee has evaluated the proposed changes and has determined that they do not involve a significant incraase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; increase the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. Therefore, these proposed changes do not include a significant hazards consideration as defined in 10 CFR 50.92. The evaluation is included in Attachment A.

This proposed change has been reviewed by the Plant Operation Review Committee and the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Committee. The Plant Operations Review Committee has concluded that the preposed Technical Specification changes do not constitute an unreviewed safety question.



United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page Three-

. Attention: Document Control Desk MN-87-18

.A State of Maine representative has been sent a copy of this proposed change.

A license amendment application fee of $ enclosed per 10 CFR 50.71.

It is' requested that the NRC provide formal approval of the proposed-change prior to startup of Cycle 10 operation.

Very truly yours, MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY John B. Randazza Executive Vice President JBR/bjp Attachments: (A) Description of Proposed Change and Significant Hazards Evaluation (B) Summary Description of Technical Specification 3.10 Proposed Changes (C) Proposed Technical Specification Changes for Revised LOCA Limits (D) Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company Cycle 10 Loss of Coolant. Accident Evaluation cc: Mr. Ashok C. Thadani l

Mr. Richard Vollmer Mr. Cornelius F. Holden Mr. Pat Sears Mr. Clough Toppan STATE OF MAINE

.Then personally appeared before me, John B. Randazza, who being duly sworn did state that he is Executive Vice President of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing request in the name and on behalf of Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company, and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

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  • Notary Public GERALD!NE E. DOWNER 8463L-LM0 norAfu N M F W 'AAINE MY COMMISSION LAPlHES MAY 1.1988

MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY ATTACHMENT A MN-87-18 Description of Proposed Change and Significant Hazards Evaluation 8463L-LM0

MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER COMPANY Descriotion of Proposed Chanae The proposed changes provided in Attachment C would modify the Technical Specifications to reflect revised LOCA Limits.

These revised LOCA Limits were determined using a revised delta P injection penalty factor during the reflood phase of LOCAs and limiting axial power shapes. The revised delta P injection penalty factor and the method to select the limiting axial power shapes were proposed and justified in Reference (b).- These proposed revisions to the ECCS Evaluation Model were reviewed and found acceptable in Reference (c). The results of analysis summarized in Attachment D, in conjunction with the identification and justification for the limiting break sizes provided in Reference (e),

demonstrate that the revised LOCA Limits meet the criteria established in 10CFR50.46 and 10CFR50 Appendix K.

Stanificant Hazards Evaluation The proposed changes to the Technical Specifications for revised LOCA Limits for the Maine Yankee plant have been evaluated against the standards of 10CFR50.92 and have been determined to not involve a significant hazards consideration. These proposed changes do not:

1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequence of an accident previously evaluated.

Operation of the plant at the revised LOCA Limit does not-increase the probability of a LOCA. Furthermore, Maine Yankee has evaluated operation of the plant during Cycle 10 for Non-LOCA events and has established Non-LOCA Limits independent of LOCA Limits, Reference (d). The imposition of a LOCA Limit further restricts operation and does not increase the probability of Non-LOCA events. Therefore, the proposed changes do not increase the probability of an accident previously evaluated.

The revised LOCA Limits were determined using methods found to be in compliance with 10CFR50.46 and 10CFR50 Appendix K, Reference (c).

These regulations establish the criteria which assure that the consequences of LOCAs are acceptable. Therefore, operation of the plant at the revised LOCA Limit does not significantly increase the consequences of LOCAs. Furthermore, operation with the revised limits does not increase the consequences of Non-LOCA events for the reason stated in the previous paragraph. Therefore, the proposed changes do not increase the consequences of an accident previously evaluated.





. 2. ' Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from.

any previously evaluated.

The proposed changes establishes the Peak Linear Heat Generation Rate (PLHGR) limits for LOCAs. Furthermore, operation with the revised LOCA Limits for Non-LOCA events does not create the . possibility of a new or different kind of accident.for:the reason the first paragraph of Item 1. Therefore, the proposed-changes do not-create the possibility of a new or _different kind of accident from any previously evaluated.

3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The revised LOCA Limits were determined using methods found to be in compliance with 10CFR50.46 and 10CFR50 Appendix K, Reference (c).

These regulations establish the criteria which assure that adequate-margin of safety exists-for LOCAs. Furthermore, operation with the revised limits does not reduce a margin'of safety for Non-LOCA events for the reason stated in the first paragraph of Item 1. Therefore, .

the proposed changes do not involve a significant ' reduction in a margin of safety.

. Maine Yankee has concluded that the proposed changes to Tecnnical Specifications do not involve a significant hazards consideration as defined by 10CFR50.92.

t 8463L-LM0

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ATTACHMENT B MN-87-18 Summary Description of Technical Specification 3.10 Proposed Changes 8463L-LM0

.- .- . _. ~ - _

l' ITEM TECHNICAL NO. SPECIFICATION DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE REASON FOR CHANGE 1 3.10.C.1 a) Peak Linear Heat Rate a) Specific axial' height dependency-Pages 3.10-2 and 3 limits deleted from text. provided in Figure 3.10-12.

b) Text modified to Reference b) Clarifi'es that limits are provided l Figure 3 m:17 in Figure 3.10-12, 2 3.10.C.3.1.1 a) Text modified a) Clarifies text.

Page 3.10-4 3 3.10.C.3.1.2 b) Text modified b) Corrects typographical error.

Paqa 3.10-4 4 3.10 a) Add Figure 3.10-12 a) Provide Linear Heat Generation (Figure 3.10-12) Linear Heat Generation Rate Limits as a function of l

Pagi'3.10-20 Rate Limits Core Height to replace limits I

in 3.10.C.1.

1 l -

! 8463L-LMO L . - . -

MAIN 3 YANKEE ATOMIC POWED COMPANY ATTACHMENT C MN-87-18 Proposed Change No. 130 Proposed Technical Specification Changes for Revised LOCA Limits 8463L-LHO