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Applicants Supplementation to Answers to Case Interrogatories to Applicants (850827).* Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1987
From: Donna Anderson
Citizens Association for Sound Energy
CON-#287-3561 OL, NUDOCS 8706020064
Download: ML20214N102 (9)


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00ChE l m


before the "C.'



In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-445_o(,

) 50-446 TEXAS UTILITIES GENERATING ) (Application for an COMPANY et al. ) Operating License)

(Comanche Peak Steam Electric )

Station, Units 1 and 2) )




Without waiving their objections heretofore interposed, the Applicants hereby supplement their responses to " CASE's Interrogatories to Applicants (August 27, 1985)" as follows:

Interrogatory No. A-2:

Please provide all available information on each and every person who has now been hired or who is yet to be hired to

" fill in the blanks on (Mr. Counsil's organizational) chart (s)". (Tr. 15/23-26/2; etc.)

Please provide a complete resume for each individual so named, and give all information (e.g., name, title, ,

responsibilities, etc.) on the position he or she is/will do l with TUGCO.

I 1

ADO D h g3 1



Updated organization charts are available for review.

Resumes will be obtained and provided if specifically requested.

Interrogatory No. A-3:

Please provide the names, titles, position, responsibilities '

and complete resume on each individual who is in the second and third tiers under the management tiers given on Mr.

Counsil's charts. Please note which, if any of these individuals is not a full-time TUGCO employee and which are.

For each person who is not a full-time TUGCO employee, please provide full information on his or her employer, contractor, etc. and if that company, contractor, etc. has been hired as a consultant for the Comanche Peak project.

Response: -

R. D.

Walker- Executive Assistant to W.G. Counsil (TU)

C. L. Terry - Executive Assistant to L.D.

Nace (TU)

W. R. Deatherage - Director, Engineering Administration (TU)

O. W. Lowe - Director of Engineering (TU)

J. W. Muffett (TU)

P. B. Stevens (TU)

R. D. Calder (TU)

J. L. Barker (TU)

R. T. Jenkins (TU)

C. Carter (SWEC)

T. G. Tyler - Director of Projects (TU)

R. E. Camp (GENCO)

D. W. Stonestreet (TU)

L. Sluiter (SWEC)

D. Hafstienn (TU)

D. M. Reynerson - Director of Construction (TU)

H. C. Dodd (B&R)

W. L. Nelson (TU)

M. M. Gonzalez (TU)

W. H. Sorensen (TU) l l

l T. D. Hawkins - (G&H)

B. I. Wilcoxson (G&H)

C. Buffkin (G&H)

F. O'Neill (G&H)

J. O'Neill_(G&H)

D. G. Patankar (G&H)

R. P. Klause - PSE Project Manager (SWEC)

A. W. Chan (SWEC)

C. Watters (SWEC)

C. Fonseca (SWEC)

D. Hernon (SWEC)

K. Y. Chu (SWEC)

R. L. Grubb - Site Project Manager (IMPELL)

L. C. Schmitt (IMPELL)

T. P. Desmond (IMPELL)

J. M. Park (IMPELL)

R. E. Walz (IMPELL)

J. H. Wawrzeniak (IMPELL)

K. Warapius (IMPELL)

R. C. Iotti - Project General Manager - Vice President (EBASCO)

E. N. Odar (EBASCO)

R. H. Ackley, Jr. - CAC-ESG Project Manager (SWEC)

J. R. Peterson (SWEC)

S. L. Stamm (SWEC)

R. H. Murphy (SWEC)

M. P. Obert (SWEC)

P. Fitzgerald (SWEC)

F. J. Burns (SWEC)

H. M. Carmichael (SWEC)

J. F. Streeter - Director, Quality Assurance (TU)

D. M. McAfee (TU)

P. E. Halstead (TU)

C. H. Welch (TU)

C. T. Brandt (EBASCO)

D. A. Noss (Daniel)

G. S. Keeley - Manager, Nuclear Licensing (TU)

D._R. Woodlan (TU)

J. S. Marshall (TU) s L. E. Powell - Manager, Administration (TU)

S. S. Palmer (TU)

D. L. Anderson (TU)

W. D. Fenoglio (TU)

T. L. Smart (TU)

G. M. Hamilton (TU)

D. Ferguson - Director, CPRT (Delian)

R. Werner - Manager, SAFETEAM (TU)

F. Green (SYNDECO, Inc.)

T. Gibbs (NIC)

J. C. Kuykendall - Vice President Administration (TU)

J. L. Brackney (TU)

H. J. Cheatham (TU)

Interrogatory No. A-4:

Please provide current updates in changes in positions and/or titles for each of the persons on each of Mr.

Counsil's organizational charts. In particular, give complete information on each and every new individual who has been hired and/or transferred from another position to those positions, each and every person (e.g. Beck--Tr.

18/18-20--who was " filling in as manager of_ nuclear full (sic) and safety analysis" and George--Tr. 18/15-17--who was

" filling (in) as manager of engineering") now in those (and every other) spot.


Updated organization charts are available for review.

Resumes will be obtained and provided if specifically requested.

Interrogatory No. H-3:

Provide the documents requested by Cygna in its 8/1/85 letter 84086.078 to John Beck, TUGCO (referring to a 6/27/85 request).

l l



The'need to supplement these interrogatories has been

superseded by the " Agreement Between CASE and Applicants Regarding Discovery Matters Relating to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant" dated August 19, 1986. Item 8 of the

" Agreement" provides that "Three copies of all letters, including those responding to specific Cygna questions, from l Applicants to Cygna will be sent to Mrs. Ellis, at no charge to CASE, at the time they are sent to Cygna by j

Applicants . . .".

Documents are currently.being provided in accordance with the " Agreement", therefore, no further supplementation will be provided in response to Interrogatory Nos. H3 and i

} H6.

t Interrogatory No. H-6:

o l' Provide CASE with copies of all documents supplied to Cygna

, in response to Cygna's questions (such as the ones.which were attached to Cygna's 8/6/85 letter 84042.39 to CASE) at.

the time Applicants send them to Cygna.

(This is necessary because.of the delay in CASE's receiving documents such as these. The 8/6/85 letter from Cygna attached a 3" thick stack of documents with dates

', which ranged from September 1984 to June 17, 1985. This.

long delay in receiving documents is unacceptable to CASE.

We believe that the most reasonable way to see that they are provided in a timely fashion is for Applicants to provide.

.j them to CASE at the same time they provide them to Cygna.)-

4' your response whether or not Applicants will voluntarily agree to provide CASE with such documents at the

same time Applicants provide them to Cygna, s

4 T

. . _ - - - , . _ . , . - .. _ . . . . , _ _ . . . , , _ . , . . , , _ . _......-.._.A

s O


The need to supplement these interrogatories has been superseded by the " Agreement Between CASE and Applicants Regarding Discovery Matters Relating to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant" dated August 19, 1986. Item 8 of the

" Agreement" provides that "Three copies of all letters, including those responding to specific Cygna questions, from Applicants to Cygna will be sent to Mrs. Ellis, at no charge to CASE, at the time they are sent to Cygna by Applicants . . .".

Documents are currently being provided in accordance with the " Agreement", therefore, no further supplementation will be provided in response to Interrogatory Nos. H3 and H6.

i l

l i

t1 A Y 21 '97 15:22 LICENSE T U43 C O CA3E.02 4

Signatures As to Answers:

I, Debra L. Anderson, being first duly sworn, do depose and say that I am a Project Manager for the Generating Division of Texas Utilities Electric Company, that I have assisted in the preparation of the foregoing answers, and that the foregoing answers are true, except insofar as they are based on information that is available to the Applicants but not within my personal knowledge, as to which I, based on such information, believe them to be true.

N . + 4 Sworn to before me this 21st day of May, 1987 7


%d Notary Public My Cocunission Expires /I /3 .

== TOTAL PA3E.02 **


.g7 ggy 77 pg $g I, R. K. Gad III, hereby certify that on May 21, 1987, I.made OFFICE U- h . . At <

service of the " Applicants' Supplementation to TheTfK'AVswersnt6 eHANu CASE's Interrogatories to Applicants (August 27, 1985)" by mailing copies thereof, postage prepaid, to:

Peter B. Bloch, Esquire Mr. James E. Cummins Chairman Resident Inspector

. Administrative Judge Comanche Peak S.E.S.

Atomic Safety and Licensing c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Board Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory P.O. Box 38 Commission Glen Rose, Texas 76043 Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Walter H. Jordan Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Administrative Judge GAP-Midwest Office 881 W. Outer Drive 104 E. Wisconsin' Ave. -B Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Appleton, WI 54911-4897 Chairman Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Lawrence J. Chandler, Esquire Mrs. Juanita Ellis Office of the Executive Fresident, CASE Legal Director 1426 S. Polk Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Dallas, Texas 75224 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

j-9 J

J g Renea Hicks, Esquire Ellen Ginsberg, Esquire Assistant Attorney General Atomic Safety and Licensing Environmental Protection Division Board Panel. <

P.O. Box 12548, Capitol Station U.S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission Austin, Texas 78711 . Washington, D.C. 20555 Anthony Roisman, Esquire Mr. Lanny A. Sinkin Suite 500 Christic Institute i 1401 New York Avenue, N.W. 1324 North Capitol Street Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington,LD.C. 20002~

4 Dr. Kenneth A. McCollom ' Mr. Robert D. Martin Administrative Judge Regional Administrator 1107 West Knapp . Region IV Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Suite 1000 611 Ryan Plaza Drive Arlington, Texas 76011 Elizabeth B. Johnson Geary S. Mizuno, Esq.

Administrative Judge Office of the Executive Oak Ridge National Laboratory Legal Director P.O. Box X, Building 3500 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Washington,-D.C. 20555 J

Nancy Williams 1

Cygna Energy Services, Inc.

101 California Street Suite 1000

San Francisco, California 94111 b . i '

\ '

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R. K. Gad III '


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