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Application for Amend to License DPR-61,changing Tech Specs Re Halon 1301 Sys & Fire Detection Instruments.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/1988
From: Mroczka E
Shared Package
ML20149F420 List:
B12813, NUDOCS 8802170145
Download: ML20149F417 (4)


e J


  • HARTFORD. CONNECfiCUT 061414270 Febreary 9, 1988 TELE N *E Docket No. 50 213 812813 Re: 10CFR50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:

Haddam Neck Plant Proposed Revision to Technical Specifications Halon 1301 Systems and Fire Detection Instruments Pursuant to 10CFR50.90, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPC0),

hereby proposes to amend its Operating License, DPR 61, by incorporating the attached proposed changes into the Technical Specifications of the Haddam Neck i Pl an t .

The proposed changes to Tecnnical Specification Section 3.22.C.1 will add one Halon storage cylinder in the Switchgear Rvm and will increase the number of smoke detectors in the Switchgear Room from 32 to 35 in Table 3.22-2. Also in l

Table 3.22-2, the proposed changes would require 8 of 9 smoke detectors to be '

in service within the kreenwell Building to ensure that adequate automatic smoke detection is maintained. In addition, Table 3.22-2 is being revised to  !

reflect new fire areas in the Primary Auxiliary Building and Screenwell {

Building that agree with the current Fire Hazards Analysis.

Specifically, the proposed changes involve Section (Halon 1301 Systems - Switchgear Room) by changing the number of operable Halon cylinders required in the system from seven (7) cylinders to eight (8) cylinders. In addition, the proposed changes alter the minimum number of smoke detectors required to be operable and changes the number of detectors available in Table 3.22-2 (Fire Detection Instruments) from 26 of 32 to 35 of 35 for the Switch-gear Room. A change to the number of available smoke detectors is being made to reflect the three (3) additional smoke detectors placed in the detection system as part of the Switchgear Room Halon System upgrade. However, the change to 35 detectors required to be operable (i.e., all detectors required) is being made to meet NFPA 72E spacing guidelines. This proposed changq i g more restrictive than the present Technical Specification. 80 8802170145 880209 Wk eb goa aoocxOs00g3 po o#

e U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

[j 812813/Page 2  :

February 9, 1988 l This proposed change will also upgrade the Screenwell Building detection system in-service requirements and includes the addition of detectors in the lower level of the Screenwell Building. This change is intended to require eight of nine (8 of 9) detectors to be in service with a footnote that one detector inoperable cannot be one of the three (1 of 3) existing detectors on 7 the upper level of the Screenwell Building. Based upon an increase in the  !

number of smoke detectors in the Screenwell Building, this change ensures that adequate smoke detection is maintained. In addition, the revisions to . Table 3.22-2 will update the Technical Specifications to reflect new fire areas in the Primary Aueiliary Building and Screenwell Building. These revisions will agree with the current Fire Hazards Analysis, i i Sionificant Hazards Consideration [

In accordance with 10CFR50.92, CYAPC0 has reviewed the attached proposed ['

char.ges and has concluded that they do not involve a significant hazards consideration. The basis for this conclusion is that the three criteria of 10CFR50.92(c) are not compromised; a conclusion which is supported by our determinations discussed below, fhe proposed changes do not involve a signif-icant hazards consideratior, because the changes do not:

1. Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequence of an accident previously analyzed. ,

The proposed changes will have no impact on the probability or conse- f quences of an accident. The proposed changes will increase the required number of operable smoke detectors and Halon bottles for the Switchgear Room and increase the nember ut operable smoke detectors for the Screen-

well Building. The proposed revisions to the Primary Auxiliary Building i and Screenwell Building fire areas are an update to the current Fire i Hazards Analysis. This will have no affect on any design basis accident. .

Thus, the addition to tne uperability requirements for smoke detecters  !

, and Halon bottles does not increase the probability or consequences of an t l accident.

2 2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously evaluated. ,

The hardware modifications in the Switchgear Room and Screenwell Building  !

) were implemented to upgrade the fire detection and suppression systems in those fire areas. The modifications do not affect safety systems or l! components and, therefore, do not affect any design basis accident.

No other systems or components are affected by the change, thus, there can be no impact on the consequences of any design basis accident. There i


I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

/ B12813/Page 3 February 9, i W8 are no failure modes introduced by the modifications that can be an initiating event for any design basis accident. The proposed changes have no impact on the probability of occurruce of any design basis accident. Since no safety systems are affected by the proposed changes, there can be no affect on the probability of failure of any safety system.

> These changes propose to increase the number of smoke detectors from 32 I

to 35 in the Switchgear Room, and increase the number of operable smoke detectors in the Screenwell Building from 2/3 to 8/9. Also, an addi-tional Halon storage cylinder has been added to the seven (7) storage cylinders associated with the original system design.

The modified Detection System /Halon Suppression System offers more detec-tion coverage (thirty-five (35) detectors versus thirty-two (32) for the Switchgear Room, and 8/9 versus 2/3 operable detectors for the Screenwell Building] and provides additional Halon to extinguish postulated fires.

These changes increase CYAPCO's capability to detect, control and extin-guish fires. Administrative, testing, and inspection procedures were revised to maintain the modif'.ed detection and suppression systems.

In addition, the revisions to Table 3.22-2 will update the Technical Specifications to reflect new fire areas in the Primary Auxiliary Building and Screenwell Building. These revisions will agree with the current Fire Hazards Analysis.

Therefore, the proposed Technical Specification changes do not create the probability of an accident or malfunction of a new or different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report.

3. Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

Since the proposed changes do not have any impact on any design basis accident, there can be no impact on any protective boundary. Since there i is no impact on any protective boundary as a result of the proposed l changes, thtre can be no impact on any safety limit. The proposed changes have no impact on the basis of any Technical Specification. The proposed changes maintain the basis of the Technical Specifications in assuring adequate smoke detection and fire suppression.

Moreover, the Commission has provided guidance concerning the applications of standards set forth in 10CFR50.92 by providing certain examples (March 6, 1986, EB 7751) of amendments that are considered not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration. The changes proposed herein are most closely enveloped by example (ii) which constitutes an additional limitation or control not presently included in the Technical Specificationc. Since the proposed changes provide for more restrictive operability requirements, the proposed changes result in added assurance that smoke detection and fire

. og v- n .- -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

.'} B12813/Page 4 February 9, 1988 1

protection will be available. Therefore, the proposed changes would not involve a significant hazards consideration. i The Haddam Neck Plant Nuclear Review Board has reviewed and approved the attached proposed revision and concurs with the above determinations.

In accordance with 10CFR50.91(b), CYAPCO will provide the State of Connecticut with a copy of this proposed amendment.

Pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR170.12(c), enclosed with this amendment request is the application fee of $150.00. .

j  !



h/M L E. J/Mroczka #

4 Senior Vice President 4 cc: Mr. Kevin McCarthy [

{ Director, Radiation Control Unit ,

Department of Environmental Protectiva ,

Hartford, Connecticut 06116  !

W. T. Russell, Region I Administrator i A. B. Wang, NRC Project Manager, Haddam Neck Plant c J. T. Shediosky, Resident Inspector, Haddam Neck Plant .



Thon personal?y appeared before me E. J. Mroczka, who being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President of Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power '

Company, a Licensee herein, that he is authorized to execute and file the foregoing information in the _nare and on behalf of the Licensee herein and that the statements contained in said information are true and correct to the '

i best of his knowledge and belief.

j H M e m.- bun <~'

4 NotaryPu@c g W,missa Empires March 31.1968

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