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Certificate of Compliance 9151,Rev 12,for Model HN-100, Series 3,CNS 14-170 Series Iii,Ln 14-170 Series 1 & NES-1 Shipping Packages
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 09/14/1988
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20154G327 List:
NUDOCS 8809200340
Download: ML20154G350 (6)


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  • FOR RADICACTM b8ATEMIALS PACKAGES a svaronenneem a raca.uu uut e carm.s. esamen a rac4 ea.emen a rum sameen eacas acamvitars Ea 12 USA /915'/A 1 5 a m mea a Thas cartsheese is issued to certsey Nt the pochegr g and conennts described in horn 5 besos, meses m apsm seesty seuwserds see P arin in T1tte IJ. Code et Federes neguentens. Part it. "Pasteeng and Transportston of neocectave beseen.L' O. TNs carencase does not semew the corwagnar from comphence een any requeernet of the e.guesoons of the u s. Deperiment of Treneporteten or other awheates reemory so- inc*udine ine so.emmera of any camery enouen or ire. *ca ihe esc *eee en be sensponea
  • '7 EIIPm7".".,"5f ,"* **** '^" "'" " e W o"al< Mro'nl?"Tam'"oPaZ14 ton Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated Incorporated application dated May 26, 1987 1256 N. Church Street Mcorestown, NJ 08057 p \ g g g j.41-9151
  • E',.*"e*Es i, eo,ar enet on nu nnme p = of o era en,5 ri e. sw h reon =ec*esbe'o=

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(a) Packagitqd iesMil,LN14-170 o, N-100 Series 3, CNS 1 7 (1)/,,hel(,j %eries1,andNES-1 p' (2bescriptiot e -q x- (*)

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ckteele n t Mhe cas,ncased;. ks'ar ead , side.1ded pskCfor' 10w specif4eactivity mate y 8143/4 *(o(rC:1/2)1nchesTUiameter..

  • The c@ cavities are 73-bght N

/8 (or.7J45/8)inchestfilh hyl75'-1/2 ' inches in dtimeter. The cask de wDJs.fo6 sis'ps}f,i I/8-inch thick $ner s@el shell, a 1-7/8-(or i


3/4-Tinch1eadeshe,ll's e nd The ase is 'cfApfise~d*tff,Wo/7 ineMOick hM73-inch' thick steel p,Wes weldedoutM steel shell.

together to rp a 4-inch Qick fbase-4hi% iyintegrally Wided to the inner and ou e steel shells bf. the sQe wId1;' A st Aflange is welded to the ,

inn nd outer steel dhe h s of the side H at the top. The lid is compr edyf two, 2-inch thick steel p O W which are stepped and welded fogether to mate with the teel Nange. The cask closure is sealedbyaNSre gas et I ca 'between the lid and steel flange, positive closG W o (acem~plishedbyeight,1-3/4-inch I

rachet binders. T li ont ins a centrally located shield plug comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates and one, 1-inch thick steel plate stepped and welded. The shield plug is sealed by a Neoprene gasket, and eight, 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive closure. The packagings are constructed of A-516, Grade 70 or A-537, Class 1, carbon steel. The outer shell will have a minimum yield strength of 46,000 psi.

Model Number OD, inches Lead Tk, inches I

i HN-100 Series 3 81-3/4 1-7/8 i CNS 14-170 Series !!! 81-1/2 1-3/4 1 LN 14-170 Series 1 81-3/4 1-7/8 NES-1 81-3/4 1-7/8 8809200340 000914 PDR ADOCK 07109151 1 C PNU rsr__--_----------------==========-==^

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Page 2 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 12 - Docket No. 71-9151 I I I (2) Description (continued) I 5.(a)

I I .

l Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask I body. There are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and l I one shield plug lifting lug. The package gross weight is approximately l 53,000 pounds, y l ,


l (3) Drawings l l

I 1 The Model No. HN400@ri Q ptkaging is fabricated in l l accordance witti.ftittman Nu leerd geyelopment Corp. Drawing y Nos.: C001 Rev. 8; C001-5-9140, a lp f -913B Rev. 13; C001-5-9139,4 ev. 1; C001-5-9143, l Rev.9\001-5-9141.Rev.3;C001-5-9142,l,stainlesssteel Rev. 8; nd C001-5-9144 Rev. 3. Optiona I l

I shieWing insert in accordance with Drawing llos.: STD-02-035, I Rev'O; STD-02-036, Rev. A; and STD-02-037, Re,v. 2. l r, N. r. g l J11e ModeLJo."CNS 14-170 Series 111 packaging is. fabricated in  ;

j 4ccordance with Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Drawing Nos.: 1 1 pt-110-0-0016,' Sheets 1 end 2, Rev. C;' C-110-0-0017, Sheets 1 l

] and 2, Rev. C; C-110-D-0018, Sheets.I and 2. Rev.,I; and C C-110-D-0019, Rev. 'B. \~

y m l

."The Model No..LN 14-170 Series 1 packaging is fabricated in accordance


j ( with LN Technologies Corporation Drawing Nos.: 8916 M 2001, I

1 J.

Rev. 0;-8916 M 2002, Rev. 0; 8916 M 2003 Rev. 0; 8916 M 2004, i Rev 0;'8916 M 2005, Rev. 0; and 8910 M 2006, Rev. O. f d , ~,

f, The Model'No. NES4 packaging is fabricated in accordance ivith Nuclear h p Energy Services Drawing Nos. 83E1903, n Rev. 1;iand 83E1909, Rev. O. >l i , . g l

l 1

(b) Contents M ,-

  • rs (1) Type and form of material d{'

I" l


? )

Process solids, either dewatered,' solid or solidified, meeting l


[ the requirements for low specific activity material, in I


secondary containers.

( l (2) Maximum quantity of material per package l I

Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may I contain fissile material provided the fissile material does not I l

hl l

l exceed the limits in 10 CFR 571.53. The weight of the contents. l I

l optional shield insert, and secondary containers shall not g 11 exceed 17,800 sounds. When the shield insert is not installed  ;

in the cask, tie internal decay heat load shall not exceed 7 e

[ watts. When the shield insert is installed in the cask, the I p

q internal decay heat load shall not exceed 28 watts. l 1;

4 i h I 5 I l i g

li i Il I I - -


,------------------------------- ------------------ -- 1

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.y? Page 3 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 12 - Docket No. 71-9151 I l

l l 1 l i

6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could (

q radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by [

1 tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that [

? the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the l expected shipment time:


(i) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would [

be no r. tore than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam- {


mable gases) of the secondary contaiger gas void if present at STP [

poles /ft [

(i.e. , no more than c p, D D p.0633 C. b / j at 14.7 psia and 70'F); or t (ii) The secon,dary )ontainer and cask c6vi}To3%,by y must be inerted with a diluent (

volume in those portion to assurg that oxygen must be limited [

l ofth(')ackagewhichcouldhavehydrogenbreaterthan5%.



x  :

For any tackage delivered to a carrier for transport. the secondary contained must be. prepared for shipment in the same manner in'which determination for

, gas gen 2 ration is w de. Shipment seri'd u begins when ,the package is prepared (sealed) and must <be completed within twice the expected shipment time.




,s , f ; y (


. (b) For *j3ny package shipped within 10 4ys of preparation,'or within 10 days [

! af ter tanting of drums or other sec:,ndary containers, the determination in [

f j (a) above need not be made..and the time restriction in (a) above does not i apply. ,


. r

7. In addition to the requirements of Suboart G of 10 CFR Part'71: [

- . [

l , .

(a) Prior,to each shipment,' the packaging lid. seals, if opened (or if security f

'l seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must be replaced with new f l seals if inspection shows any defects or every 12 months, whichever occurs


'- - s -

! first. (


' .7  ; ; . y ,, -

(b) Each package must meet the Acceptance Tests and Naintenance Program of:




l '

! ModelNa.HN-lh0 Series 3 , , / h

' t Section 7.0 of the application. Gama scan for the shielding acceptance [

may be based on lead equivalence for lead and steel with all readings [

within 2.3 inches 210% on a 4-inch grid. L I

i l Model No. CNS 14-170 Series III f i i l Section 4.0 of Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Document No. CNSI 9151-51, [

l Rev. 2. [

l Model No. LN 14-170 Series 1 [

i [

t LN Technologies Corporation Procedures WM-011, Rev. G; WM-012, t i Rev. H; and WM-013, Rev. F. [

f Model No. NES-1 [

[ NES Procedures 83A1902, Rev. O and 83A1907, Rev. O, except that secondary f i lid gasket dimensions must be in accordance with the packaging drawings. I L

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7. (c) The package shall be prepared for shipment and operated in l l, accordance with the Operating Procedures of: p l

ll l Nodel No. HN-100 Series 3 I I

1 Section 6.0 of the application. l 1 I I I l Model No. CNS 14-170 4 ries III I Section 3.0 of the l ll Model No. LN 14 Series I ppjic[ tion.9 E G q% $ [

l <5 <-


) LN Technologies Corporation Procedure WM-014, Rev 't.. i l'

1 'O #

i l

1 Model No. NES-1 r l .

N ,

e 'g {

,h NES Procedure 83A1908, Rev. 2.

s j

- -7. <

'3 r.

h 7

] 8. Torque re'quirements for closure fasteners:  ; \' f

- [

g r , ,

( 7

] (a) Primary lid ratachet binders must be torqued to 175-200'ft-lbs. f (b) Secondary lid bolts must be torqued'to 120 2 10 ft-lbs.

A h

9. Seals which show any visual defects (cracking, gouging, tearing, etc.) must be i repaired in accordance with:

, p -

I Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3 and CNS 14-170 Series III -

' [


]p Note No. 3 on Hittman Drawing No. C001-5-9138, Rev. 13; or, replaced with a new (

seal. - (

() '

E Model No. LN 14-170 Series 1 -

f n . .

f LN Technclogies Corporation Procedure WM-012 Rev. H. Section 7.1 (joint f angle must be approximately 45'); or, replaced with a new seal. [

p[ [

I l Model No. NES-1 1l I NES Procedure 83A1907, Rev. O, Section 4, except that secondary lid gasket h f dimensions must be in accordance with the packaging drawings; or, replaced with (

pl l a new seal. F I

Jl l 10. The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle,{

' I railroad car, aircraft, inland watercraft, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel i

[t assigned for the sole use of the licensee. l l

(' 11. The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the t t l [i general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12. l l l 4 l i i li li

12. Expiration date: July 31, 1992. I l

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Page 5 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 12 - Docket No. 71-9151 1 REFERENCES l Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Incorporated application dated May 26, 1987.  ;

I l Supplements dated: August 22 and September 8, 1988.  !

I I Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. supplements dated: November 16, 1982; and June 9, September 5, and November 19, 1986.

l l l Nuclear Energy Services supplements dated: February 26 and May 12, 1986; and July, 10, 1987.

l R~-

LN Technologies Corporat o s pp ment dated Ap 8 gay 5, and July 7,1987.


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, TN Mdh Charles E.4facDonald, Chief l

p A[W.d , \'pivisionofSafeguardsand) .-Transportation Branch ("

) .. ,

1 Q T ansportation, h3SS (,)

1 i

cate: 'mp 14 see c(tl; Q.( D },~ n( T, i) S = ,

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, $ r WASHING TON, D. C. 20066 4,e...+

Transportation Branch Approval Record Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3. CN5 14-170 Series III, LN 14-170 Series I and NES-1 Packages Docket No. 71-9151 Revision No. 12 By application dated August 22, 1988, or supplemented September 8, 1988, Hittman Nuclear revised the "shield plug gasket" (secondary lid gasket) dimensions. The gasket inside and outside diameters were revised to be consistent with its "as-built" dimensions. Details shown on Hittman Nuclear Drawing Nos. C001-5-9138, Rev. 13 and C001-5-9140, Rev. 9 of the sealing surfaces were revised to be consistent with the previously approved dimensions of the materials of construction.

The change in gasket dimensions does not affect the ability of the package to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

nbo , lLM <b Char es E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Date: SEP 141988 4

