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Rev 0 to Procedure 6575-PLN-4520.06, SNEC Site Characterization Plan
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1995
From: Good S
Shared Package
ML20115K054 List:
6575-PLN-4520.0, NUDOCS 9607250287
Download: ML20116A081 (83)



I 9[03088227 ATTACHMENT 2 REFERENCE 12 SAXTON NUCLEAR *"*"***""*' SUPPORTS QUESTION 24 RESPONSE Policy and Procedure W rree """" '

novie n m.

SNEC She Characterization Plan 0 Appheandtry/ Scope Thh procedure appleos to Saxton 4 sitse CNnoe enscove omne personnel performing air sampling analysis and supervisors responsible for sample analysis operations. 8675.

03/24/95 This document is within QA plan scope X Yes No.

Safety Reviews Required X Yes No i' Ust of Ellective Pages ,

4 fagg .Revisson Eggg Revision Pggg Revision Page.

- Revision l

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9607250287 960718 PDR ADOCK 05000146 '



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  • Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation

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enn a wru su w v66mu Tm Policy and Procedure Manual 6675-PLN-4520.06 t h No.

4 l SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 i

Ust of Effective Pages j fage, Revelon Pggg Revision Pggg Revision P,gg 3 Revision i

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O SAXTON ' NUCLEAR 8'*' "Policy

"""'"' '**"" C*'a '*a and Procedure Manual e.-

Ties 8675-PLN-4520.06 Aswason No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0



1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of the Sexton Nudear Experimental Cc.pc..W,n Facaty (SNEC) Ske Charactenzation Plan (Plan) is to 'obtain site 4peciRe radiological and ermronmental data, to support the deve of the Decc.r . ' 1

,v Plan for the SNEC. The scope of the Plan extends over areas of the factity that may have become intemeby or extemely contarmnated or activated during SNEC's opera history.

The Plan is intended to denne the methodologies by which the arens, st'ructures, systems and surrounding soil at SNEC wHI be radiologmauy and environmentally characterized. The Plan desenbos the approach to obtain data necessary for ct .c; L eEu The data, necessary for planning purposes, wGl be used to C.,ie the enective and appropnete decontamina6on and dismantling techmques and activity (task) sequencing to support plant decw.,s.iissenmg This data is also needed for planning radioactive material disposal, assessmg potential hazards during decomrnessioning and decontaminston work, determining ALARA contrcis, and accurately scheduling and estimating the cost of the overaA prograrn.

1.2 SCOPE'


t This Plan is intended for use by Sexton Nuclear Experimental Cc.pu..mi, GPU Nuclear Corporation <

(GPUN), its contractors and sut,w. .civis, and by other organizatens selected by GPUN as having!

a viable interest in the fulfBiment of the objectives of this plan.

q This Plan reviews historical information, identines data needs, outlines sampling procedures, quali assurance requerernents, data documentation and reporting requirements for the areas, structures and systems radiologcel charactenzation at SNEC. The scope of this Plan includes the following I charactenzations I

1. Structural Charactenzation (Section 4.1);
2. System and Equipment Characterizaten (Secten 4.2);
3. Reactor Vessel Activation Charactenzation (Section 4.3);
4. Ermronmental Characterization (Section 4.4); and 5.

Sci Characterization (Section 4.5).

This plan is a guide, intended to be utitzed as a worldng document. Additions, and/or modlRcations to specific survey and/or sampling requirements may be made with the concurrence of the Saxton Project Consultant and the Manager, Dismantlement Engineenng This plan we be eqviarari to reflect final charactenzation status.

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Policy and "E-:- Manuel 6679LN-4520.06 Revleson No.

SNEC SNe Characterization Plan O

1.3 PROGRAM STRUCTURE The Plan is dMded irso six sections: Introduction, Historical Deta, Data Needs an Sampling Protocol Section is further subdMded . Theinto Str Equipmert Characterizadon, Reactor Vessel Activation Analysis and Environme


each ofSoil and theseCharacterization, areas. as different techruques are requred for the vanous ana i 1.4 REGUI.ATORY CRITERIA FOR UNRESTRICTED RELEASE


j The Nuclear Regulatory Comrmsson (NRC), as the licensing authority for S i I

define requrements for releassng rnatorials for unrestricted use. To date, the NRC 1 -

minimis* laws atstwies releasable limits. However, the NRC has published Regul

! June 1974, may materiallicense Table 1, which details accat*=Ne surface contamination lemis below w be terminated i

3 1 in addition, Saxton Nuclear Expenmentsd Osw.uca has committed to perform a final j

in rnatorials (soil and concrete rubble) remaimng at the sitel criteria.




j SNEC actMties wtl be conducted under the control of the Saxton General Manager andl accordance with the Sexton Quality Assurance Program and the Saxton Radiation Protect l 1.6 1


1 Characterization actMties are controded as follows 1.

i Personnel who pedorm charreterization work will meet the applicable requirernents of l training and qualification procedures / programs l 2.

Applicable Health Physics procedures and/or work instructions we be used to obtain an record the applicable radiciogcal data.


Applicable Environmental procedures or work instruction wel be used to obtain and rec arMronmental data.

I 8


Vendors used to perform analyses to support the SNEC Charactertzation wtl be appr accordance with the Saxton Quality Assurance Program. '


Applicable procedures wW be used for gamma and nongrnma emitting isotopic analy I


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. ==*er i SAXTON NLTCLEAR Sext n Nuclew Egerimental Capwadon Policy and Procedure Manuel Tite 6676-PL.N-4620.06 Annamn No.

j SNEC Site Charactertitation Plan 0 l



The Sexton Nucieer Expenmersas FacIlty is a deactivated pressurtzed water reactor (PWR). It is

owned by the Sexton Nucieer Experimental CGT~,.e and rneintained by GPU Nuclear Csis.Li (GPUN). The Sexton reactor factity is maintained under a Title to Part 50 License and

{ Technical Specifications. The license was amended to possess but not operate the Saxton reactor.

The license expires on February 11,2000 or upon expiration of the Saxton Nucieer Expenmental j- Capv..i;un corporate charter, whichever occurs $rst.


i i The facility was built from 1980 to 1982 and operated from 1982 to 1972 pnmarty as a research and i training reactor. The fuel was removed from the Contamment Vessel (CV) in 1972 and shipped to i' the Atomic Energy Commesion (AEC) facelty at Savannah River, S.C. Following fuel removal, i equipment, tanks, and peping located outside the CV were removed The buildings and structures that supported reactor operations were partiaNy +' Brwn- 1 in 1972 through 1974. The


radiological condition of the facGity following shutdown was documented in a report titled j
  • Decommissioned Status of the Saxton Reactor Facalty" forwarded to the United States Nucieer

. ry Commesson (USNRC) on February 20,1975.

1 1

j O .. Decontarmnation/ removal of reactor support structures /buidings was performed in 1987,1988, and 1989, in preparation for demolition of these structures. This included the decontamination of the l Control and Auxsiety Building, the Radioactive Waste Deposal Facelty, yard pipe tunnel, and the Filed Drum Storage Bunker, and the removal of the Refueling Water Storage Tank. A canprehenen Snel release sumy was conducted from October,1988 to June,1989, to verify that

residual contamination was within USNRC guidelines for ur. restricted use. Detais of the j decontamination acovities and Anal survey are provided in the " Final Reisese Survey of Reactor

! Support Buildmgs'. Upon acceptance of the final release survey by the USNRC, the buildings were i

. demolished in 1992. '

i j 2.1.1 Site Layout 4

The site is located about 100 miles east o' Pittsburgh and 90 mies west of Harrisburg in the i Allegheny Mountains, three fourths of a mile north of the Borough of Saxton in Laberty i

j i

Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania. The site is on the north side of Pennsylvane Route 913,17 mBes south of U.S. Route 22, and about 15 mies north of the Breezewood i

I interchange of the Pisv,t;3 Tumpike. Figure 2.1 identifies the location of the site relative to the landmarks of the local area.

SNEC was butt on the east side of and adjacent to the Sexton Steam Generating Station of Pennsylvanie Bectric Company This station was located on the east bank of .he t Raystown Branch of the Juniata River as shown on property map, Figure 2.2. The property comprises appronometely 150 acres.

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n meem SAXTOg g g g Saxton Nuclear Expenmental Curvi4.vii Policy and Procedure Manual e

j neo 667HLN6.06 '

i Revmon No.

f SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 '

4 i I The SNEC sta compness 1.1 acres containing the yard and buldings from the nuclear plant.

j {

An additional 9.6 acre area is fenced in around electrical switchyard and buildmgs stE in use  ;

j by Penelec (Pennsylverna Electric Company, a e Miary of GPU). This area adjoins the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River. The SNEC site as well as a portion of the Penelec area and the surrounding uncontroHed lands are in the 100-year floodplain of the Raystown 4

Branch and Shoup Run. Additionallarge areas of low lying fields and scrub tree growth

! surround the ste.

1 2.1.2 Station Structures '

The only remaming SNEC buildings and structures are the Coritidiirr iit Vessel (CV), the f concrete shield wall located around the NW and NE quadrant of the CV, the tunnel sections '

that are immediately adi acent to the outer circumference of the CV and portons of the septic system, weirs,' and assocated underground discharge piping. Concrete barrier walls have been installed to isolate the open ends of the tunnel that were connected to the Control & Ausdliary Building, the Radioactive Waste Deposal FacElty, and the Steam Plant.

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  • Saxton Nudear Experimental Cc.wh SAXT0N NUCLEAR poney .no rroc.ou,. es7s.ptu.4sso.os


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I SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 i

l FIGURE 2.1 l



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SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual to 6575-PLN-4520.06 w no.


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/m i OAVTANMitg g Saxton Nudear Experimental Corporation GMA8U" "U Pclicy and Prwure Manumi 6575 PLN-4520.06 pg, Revenson No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 2.1.3 FacGity Operational History Operational history of plant systems and support buldings and faculties is an important component of determinmg radiological statint of the.facaity. The foRowing is a chrondogy of major operational events at the Saxton Nuclear Experimental Facity since start of operation in 1982.

Event Ege Construction authorization February 11,1960 initial license issued November 15,1961 initial criticality April 13,1962 First electricity generated November 16,1962 Uguid spil outsde safety inj. November 26,1968

,pump house (-1 gal.)


() -~

. Experiments with mixed oxides Last fuel cyde fuel, with fuel cladding intermonelly w ed-Accidental releases of gaseous actMty May 14,1970 &

August 26,1970 &

November 29,1971 &

December 15,1971 Final shutdown May 1,1972 Nuclear fuel and other removable Jtdy.- November,1972

  • special nudear matenals' shipped off site By-product material removed from site November,1972 -

(with F-T+;4=i of material in exdusion Early 1974 areas)

FacIlty is in a 'mothbar condition February,1975 Groundwater removed from RWDF and Late 19d6 - Early 1987 Yard Pipe Tunnel Decontamnation of C&A buiding 1987 & 1988 '

RWDF, RWST, and yard pipe tunnel Fhal release survey of C&A buiding, October,1988 -

RWDF, RWST, and yard pipe tunnel June,1989 U

9.0 me '.


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! SAXTON NUCLEAR Saxion Nuasar Experwe,.ai C%.

po9ey and p,oc,du,e uanuai l es7s.ptu-4sso.os


2 h '*-

! 4 t SNEC Site Charactertzstion Plan . 0 1

Pennsylvania State University Soi December,1988 &

{ Characterization 1

January,1989 EG&G Measurements aerial survey . July.1989 Comprehensive Radiological Survey of CV 1991 (Scopmg Survey) i Demoltion of C&A building, RWDF, RWST 1992 j and yard pipe tunnel 1


j This section desenbos the data that wgl be collected and t'ompiled, or calculated during the Site Characternation Program. The specific areas, data acryW methods, sampling techniques, and j calculational methods to be employed are described in greater detal in Section 4, Sampling Protocol.

1 l 3.1 RADIOLOGICAL DATA The radiological samples and information acquved t;nder this Site Charactenzation Plan, prior to j ,,

properation of the SNEC c'+ x .., 5' ,g plan wIl include the fogownng- '

4 i -

Locations, areas, and actMty levels of structural surfaces (e.g. concrete, structural steel, i docking materials, etc.)


{ -

Depth and actMtylevels of contaminent penetranon into porous or cracked surfaces. (e.g.

I depth of contammation in concrete floors, walls, and ceilings) i j -

Location, volume, and actMty levels of contaminated soi i

Location, surface areas and actMty levels in piping systems Locahon, dimenssons, volume and actMty levels of contammated equipment, ducts, fixtures, j stc.

Calculahan and conArmenon of actMty levels induced by actuation in the reactor vessel, associated cow,ar-rd., and adjacent structures Waste classancations of contarrunsted materials General area and hot spot radiation levels The sonstMty of the measunng and sampling techruques is dependent on the purpose d the survey. Direct measurements taken in ' unbiased

  • surveys shaR requae the use of techniques that have a Minimum Detection t.svei less than the rneomurn permssbie levels identified in Table 1 of USNRC Reg. Guide 1.86. If background radiation levels preclude practical achievement of this sensitwity, attemate means of estabhshing contammation levels need to be pursued, or the measurements need to be deferred unti the source of the background field is removed 10.0 m

i t

l SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"' "Policy

""d"' * "*" C " " ! 6675-PLN and ProcMure Manual M"'*ser 4520,06 i to.

n n m.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 3.2 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA '

The environmental s'emples and ;6lcJ.-i;c6 acque under this Site Crigi.ciat i;ce Plan, prior to preparation of the SNEC decommissoning plan will include the follomng-Location of asbestos cv,4.Ji46g materials Location and concentration of lead in painted surfaces Location of PC8's and enhatances identmed for TCLP, morganic analysis.

The presence of the above materials will affect the decommissioning actMties including health and safety practices and the waste ' stream".

4.0 SAMPUNG PRuiuCOL This section of the Plan describes the methods that wGl be us6d to determine the current radiological status of the structures, equipment and systems, reactor cunvcr e., and the immediate environment of SNEC, such that this data may be used to prepara a d+xqw' *:--Ang program.

f This section is dMded into five pnnespel subsections: 1) Strudural Characterization; 2) System and

( ' Equipment Charactenzabon; 3) Reactor Vessel and Adjacent Components Actuabon Charactertzation; 4)

Environmental Charactenzation; and 5) Sol Charactortzstion. Each subeechon desenbos the areas to be sampled, the methods of acquiring the data, the quanDty of sample or measurement locations, analysis requirements, + dannnel methods and rationale for the approach to be taken. Due to costs associated with obtaining samples and data, eshmates may be used at the dirsebon of SNEC management.

Based upon the characterization results, the plant's struduras and equipment will be segregated by level of radioactive contaminabon.

4.1 STRUCTURAL CHARACTERl2ATION Structural charactenzation actMbes wW determene the radiological characteristics of building and other structural surfaces-

  • The structural characterization effort wR be duded into unbiased and biased sampling schemes as follows:

A. Unbiased sampling wSI be performed for areas expected to have little or no surface contaminsbon present. The specific area scheduled for unimased structural samphng is identfled in Appendoc A.

B. Sissed sampling wW concentrate on finding and definmg contammation that is known or is likely to occur. The biased sampling program wm actuely place sample locanons in areas where contamination is likely (hence, based sampling). The specific areas scheduled for based sampling are also identified in Appendix A.

11.0 *.

l SAXTON NUCLEAR 8'" "Policy

"*" and

"**"'"**"' C 'a '"da" Procedure Manual rm 6575 PLN-4520.06 ammon m.

SNEC Site Charactertzation Plan 0 4.1.1 Data Needs The desired characterization results (data) of the tussed survey include a determinston of the:

amount of surface contamination (fixed / loose) present the isotopic distribunon of nuclides present .

as applicable, the depth of contammanon penetration into a surface The purpose of the unbiased survey is to characterize an area that is likely to exhdt i

contammahon levels less than the applicable release criteria or to spec #y additional measurements to charactertze the area. -

l 4.1.2 Acolicable Areas and items l

The Structural C,%i.r-ini wiH include the intenor and exterior surfaces of the Containment Vessel, the adjoining below grade tunnel, and portions of the underground .

sepbe system. A detaled listing of the structure incetions to be sampled, and

, measurement / sampling method is provided in Appendix A.

l 4.1.3 Selecten of Samolina 1 W - Unbiased Survey Selection of these areas was achieved by review of historical data; that is, by selecting those areas from roubne area radiabon surveys, or based on information from staff interviews, that have no Imown surface contammahon Structures we be' divided into manageable survey areas (e.g., a bu8 ding elevation, the outside weR of a bulding, etc.) to make data handling more managesde These survey " areas

  • are further broken down into sample populations caHed ' survey units' l that wodd be avr=*=1 to have similar modes of contamination deposition I pattems. Each survey area wel be divided into the foHowing survey units, as applicable:

Floors - areas of potential'spRis; areas of heavy traffic l

WaNs - less than 2 meters high - potential for splashes from nearby equipment l Walls - greater than 2 meters high - setning of dust; sprays or steam leaks Horizontal Surfaces gravitational setning .

! Coding Surfaces - sprays or steem leaks p

i 12.0 mm l


. Numtw SAXTON H CLEAR 8"*"""'"*'"*""*'+#

Policy and Proceduro Manual 6575-PLN4520.06 noe m na.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 Biased Survey Areas to be characterized on a based basis wIl include:

Structural surfaces upon which contarmnabon rney have been deposited by leakage of potentially contaminated matennis (e.g. surfaces in operating  ;

spaces with known contammated fluid leakage, ventilation systems carrying '

cortammated air, etc.) -

i Structures used to contam potentiaNy contaminated materials (e.g. sumps, spent fuel pool, contaminated equipment storage areas, etc.)

The Radiologmal Scopmg Surveys done in 1991 have cleariy identified areas of known contammenon. They are:

the primary wi f-sin in (Le., steam generator, pressunzer area) the control rod room the auxNiary ccirf it (operating spaces below the 812' elevation)


the operating floor, adjacent waHs and equipment Areas precluded from the 1991 surveys due to access restncDons, but considered to be contammated, include:

the reactor compartment the fuel storage well area the tunnel located outside the CV the septe tanks and assocated underground pipeg Previous Scoping Survey and Analysm informaton provde useful data wrth regard to surface contamination, but are not Wma to fully charactertze the facEity prior to sutmosen of a d+x-n , ' ':-,;,,g plan.

4.1.4 Annivtcal Methods The fonowing descrees the analytical techmques that are specWied to characterize existing and potonnel contarmnabon and the critens under which they wul be impiamented at a sample locatort A. Surface Contammsten Determmebons (Iked or loose #te):

Measurement of ftxed or loose #te radcactivity wIl be done to estimate the ex'ertt of contammabon on the surfaces of structures.

13.0 =,

I Nwnbw Saxt n Nudew WW Cs-@


SAXTON NUCLEAR' Policyand Procedure Manual 6575-Pt N-4520.06

% . Rowmon No.

SNEC Site C ' haractertzstion Plan 0 Surface contamination (fixed or loose) levels wel be estimated in each area desgnated in the characterizaten plan. These estirnates will be made from measurements using appvyi6e radiological detection instrumentauon.

. NOTE In certain instances total surface contammation measurements cannot be taken due to interfering background radiation levels. In these cases a sample of the rnatorial might be obtained (if practical), and analyzed in a low background area or offsite facity (e.g. taldng a sample from a concrete surface or paint chips from a metal surface).

Alpha counting of surfaces or of smear samples wRI be performed in accordance

,with soosting procedures. At least one alpha measurement wRI be obtained in each survey unit.

B. Contarmnation Depth Determinations in locations where sign #ficant contamination is found and there is a likelihood of contaminants penetrating the surface (i.e. a porous material), a will be necessary to

[ -

determine the depth of the contarmnation. The falowirq are two methods that may

( be employed to determine the depth of contamination. Other techniques may be used, as applicable.

1. Core Samolino Core sampling is done on porous surfaces to establish the depth of contammation, where the contarmnabon is expected to be within 1/2* of the surface A core sarnple is a two-step (or more) process done on porous surfaces: (1) A total sudace radiation measurement wil be made, as described in the Fixed / Loose Ato determinabon described previously, and (2) approximately 1/16 inch of the surface should then be scraped off or removed as a crcular core so that a new total surface radiation measurement may be made at contact with the freshly exposed surface.

This process should be repaatarf unti the tctal sudace radiation measurement is less than Minimum Detectable Count (MDC), or the method becomes impracbcal (l.a., a Core DrBi of the surface rney be more sutable).

NOTE in the event that a high background count rate precludes taking a direct surface measurement, the total surface contammation should be measured in a low background area Dy measurement of removed rnatorial.



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Saxt n Nuctur Expwinwel C+4w.

m SAXTOW NifCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manuel 6875+LN-4520.06 ns. mm SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0

2. Core Dreina The purpose of core driling is to determine the extent of contarninstion or activation of rnatenals where the potential exists for contamination beneath the outer surface of the structure. Coro dreing wE be done as follows.

Utsize a hollow-bit concrete conng drW (up to 3" in dia.) to core out the l speciRed depth of material. If applicable, ut8ize a gamma-ray slit scanning measurement method and evaluate the depth of penetration of the

! r% meterial and/or transfer semples to an offeke facility for evaluation.

The core may be subdwided for further analysis, as applicable, including: 1 Bulk sample and analysss (e.g. activation determnetsons)

Core Sample Analysis (depth of contamination)

Fixed pywr determinations C. Bulk Sampling and Analysis Bulk Samples wil be collected and analyzed to determine the ra'dioisotope

~~ concentradon and relative dietnbution of these lenrapan in sediment or scraping samples. The sediment wW be analyzed for gross Beta-Gamma and Alpha activity.

If the actwity is greater than the Minimum Ostectable Count (MDC) the following laboratory analyses may be perkxmed Gamme Emittina Isotones High resolubon gamma Wveccpy to identify gamma emeng isotopes. The samples may be expected to contain one or rnore of the fogowing gamma emitting radionuclides Ag-100m Am 241 NOTE

  • Co410 Cs 134 Co 137 Eu-152 Other analytical methodology may be more aporopriate for 54 quantifying these isotopes.

Nt>94 Sb 125 U-236*

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Seen Nudear Egesnental C+A,

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SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Marari 6579LN-4520.06 Des Asnmon No.


! SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 Non ommma Emano isot-4 C-14 Cm-244

! Fe-65 H3

Ni-59 Ni43 l Pu-238 Pu-239/240
Pu-241 St-90 Tc 99 U-234
U-238 i "

l l

l As appropnete, bulk or other samples from each arna/s'ystem should receive the l above analyses. This wIl ensure that the isotopic mix is determined for all j aress/ systems.

i l, 4.1.5 Data Reportino and Annivsis

Unbesed Results

! The results for the total surface and removable surface contaminscon detseminations w8; be

' converted into units of dpm/100cm2. The data for each type of determmation and survey l \ . Unit wE be shown in a tabular format and cross referenced to an area map indicating the

j ~~

sample locatums. The indwidual survey data from each survey unit wIl be compared to the applicable release crteria.

Biased Results Surface contamination results of based surveys wt be corwerted to units of activity per unit l area and presented in tabular form by survey area and unit. Location of the rneasurements wSI be shown on survey maps.

Individual datum wtl be sorted as:

- less than or equal to the applicable release criteria

- greater then the applicable release criteria 4.2 SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT CHARACTERIZATION Chuantertantion actwitles wil determene the radiol 0gical characteristics of known or potentially corasmineled systems. The scope of these charactertzalk.n actMbos wel include: 1) determining the congsmination levels on the interior surfaces of cc.Tipc. .;.,2) p h 2.g a garnma survey adjacent to components (used to eenmate infomal curie content); and 3) quantaatwe and quatrtatrve isotopic determmabons of smear or sedimert samples, if apphcable Syclems wGl be characterized by selectog representatwo components for direct rnessuremem and sampling for radioactive cortaminettort The components that are selected wt be opened to expose the interior surfaces for charactenzabon, or sechons of system piping or equiprnent may be as deemed appropriate.

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f SAXTON NUCLEAR Saxt n Nuciew Egwimanal W Policy and Procedure Manual 6675 PLN 4520.06 noe

. n=iam m.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan '

O 4.2.1 Data Needs This section of the Plan sets forth the methodology by which pctentially contaminated systems and equipment at SNEC wW be charactertzed. The data that w0l be obtamed as part of the system and equipment characterizabon wW include and be used for:

Data for and estimates of the total radionuclide inventory within each system.

Determination of the isotopic ioendty and concentrabon ratio of the radionuclides that comprise any radicactive contaminanon within a system.

Compenson of characterizadon data with styhmhaa release criteria to determine f c,0cri6isosoning work scope waste classincation 4.2.2 AcolcaNe Areas and items The equipment and systems withrn the Containment Vessed that could conceivably contain

'radioactrve materials w0l be radiciogicafy charadertzed. The systems are identified in

[] . .

Appendix B and were selected based on the following criteria: -

Systems or equipment which carry fluids or gases that may have circulated through the reactor vessel, radioactive weste systems or spent fuel storage systems.

Systems or equipment with indications of contamination as determined frorn previous surveys and maintenance records, as wed as gamma extemal exposure rate scans performed specticaly for the systems and equipment characterization program.

4.2.3 Selection of Samolana t.ocations Equipment wil be charactertred on a system by system basis. Specific items within each system chosen for charactortzstion wE be selected to represent the overaN condition of the system, such that the dietnbution of radioactive contamments within a system can be determned and a ramhete curie content estimated and identified in the Final Characterization Report.

CAUTION The safety of personnel and the plant must ahways be consedered

. when selectmg systems and equipment for charactenzatkm.

4.2.4 AneMacal Methods The following describes the analytical techniques.that wE be used to characterize intemal systems contammahon and the criteria under which they wIl be implemented at a sample i

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SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"'""""***'**"C*'a"

Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06 Tm namon so.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 A. Removable Surface Contarrunstion Determinsbons Sminar samples wW be taken from the intomal surfaces of equipment or components opened for characterizatiort AN smear samples wul be analyzed for groes beta actMty and at least one smear sample from each system wel be gamma scanned, counted for gross alpha actMty, and analyzed for strontium-90. This smear should be the one with the highest detectable beta actMty which wSI not subject countmg equipment to undue risk of contammebort Instruments used for contamination deterrrunation wel be sensitive enough to provide assurance that applicable release critetta levels can be measured.

B. Total Surface Contarrunabon Determinabons Total surface contammation levels wiu be estimated for intomal surfaces of equipment and components not awpartari to be intemeBy contaminated and selected for charactenzation. These settmates wBl be made from measurements using appropriate radiological detachon instrumentabort

'C. StAk Sampling aruh Analysis Sediment deposits wel be collected on a case by case basis for isotopic analysis.

/ Types of anelysis to be specNied are listed in paragraph 4.1.4C.

4.2.5 Data Reportino and Analysis

  • Equipment and components that have been charactortzed wW be sorted by total surface and removable surface contamination results (i.e., as less than the applicable reisese criteria or greater than or equal to the applicable release critone).

Results of gamma surveys wW be interpreted, analyzed and the ' average" isotopic distribubon of radionuclides on intemel surfaces of pepmg or cv,rv e6.62. calculated.

!- 4.3 Reactor Vessel, Reactor intamals, Reactor Compartment Structural Supports and Concrete Contamment Radiological Characterization - Neutron Activebon and Surface Contamination Analyses Determmabon of the neutron acovabon and surface contammation of the Saxton reactor vessel, mesmeis and nearby structural supports and concrete containment wells are addressed in this sendon of the characternation plan. The neutrorWnduced radioactMty and surface contamination levels of thses components wW be used to assist in '1... .g their to CFR Part 61 waste closeAcetion and mW=nt U.RW volumes to be rumpanari of during decommissioning.

AdtAlonely, these analyses wW provide the data required to assist ALARA planning for work actMties.

Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation anticipates high levels of radsoodMty to be found in the

( reactor vessel and intomais. A large portion of these metal components wW be Class A waste. -

However, those components cices to the reactor core wW most likely be Class C; and potentially i some may be greater than Class C weste. Concrete arid other metalic support structures surrounding the reactor vessel wtuch have been awnamari to mirumal neutron fields or contain j surface contarrunsbon wil generally be Class A waste.

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,a e, Saxt n Nziew Expennental Corposton SAXTON HCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manuel 6675-PLN-4520.06

! noe neweson No.

l SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 i

1 j Reactor Vessel and Internals Charactorbatinn Acuvation Analysis

! Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporaton will rely upon a previously performed activation analysis to estimate the neutron-induced radioactivity contained in the reactor prese0re vessel and intemals.

. The activation analysis was performed using a one<limeruuonal neutron transport computer code

! (e.g., ANISN) to calculate neutron Sux levels radially and axially extemal to the reactor core. A point

{ neutron activation / depletion computer code (e.g., ORIGEN2) was used to determine the total j radioactNity induced in the irradiated cenpor- E input to this analysis, included:

j e Plant operating history and total effective full power hours.

j e Plant operation parameters, t

e Nuclear fuel characteristics and use, induding fuel bumup f e Geometry and meterial composition of the reactor pressure vessel, intemais, and 2 . surrounding components and concrete structures f ,,

Where plant specine iniG W i;On was not avalable, reasonable and conservatue assumptions were used. Avaiable literature was researched and referenced as appropriate.

. One<limensional neutron transport computer models of the reactor intomais, vessel wall and irradiated portions of the support and concrete structures were created. Radial and axial neutron j fluxes at full reactor power were subsequently calculated.

i Using the neutrones data generated and the plant operahng history, point neutron j activation / depletion calMatinns were run for each ceapOnent at each location of interest. Output

) from these calculatons are curies per gram radenuclide concentrabons, required for the

. determination of 10 CPR Part 61 waste classincation and LLRW volumes. Additionally, this data may be used later in order to determme estimated personnel exposure ratas during decommissioning activities.

A reasonable veriRcebon of the activabon analysis wIl be p L.w d by exposure rate measurements extemel to the reactor pressure vessel water seal can. At least four (4) exposure rate measurements,90 degrees apart, shodd be made at the core centerline. Using a point kemet shiskAng computer code (e.g. Microshield), exposure rate calculations wt! be performed and compared to the Reid rnessurements S;y ;".c.6; vanatkms between the results (greater than 50%)

wE be addressed and ce6 cdon of the actuation analysis results wIl be made if required.

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\ 'SAXTON H CLEAR *""*'"***""*"'C+"

Poucy and Procedure Manual 6675-PLN-4520.06 l Me p ,,,gan No, l

4 SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 4


Surface Contaminadon Analysis

} Intemal surface contamination of the reactor pressure vessel and intemals rney be characterized by j

obtaining samples from primary system cc,T,pc.+,;. extemal to the reactor compartment. Scraping j samples wtl be taken from components or ppng in the primary loop, extemal to the reactor compartment. The primary side of the steam generator, the pressurizer, and a heat exchanger in the j purificebon system are examples of the components which may be accessed for samples A 4

minimum of three (3) scrapeg samples wGl be obtained. Analyses of these samples will be performed in accordance with step 4.1.4.C. (Note: These samples may be obtained in conjuncdon with the primary system charactertzation.) Reactor vessel intomal inspecnon may be performed as deemed necessary by engineenng personnel for documentation purposes and concurred wrth by the RSO.

The longest length of primary system pipmg wil be chosen as the subject of exposure rate i

measurements This series of measurements will be used to estimate the intomal surface l

contamination in the primary system, employing the scraping campio radionuclide d'2ribution and a point kamel shielding code calculation i.p.ew,ikg the appropriate source geometry.

j Once radionuclide distributions for the primary system hsNe been established, the surface area of the reactor vessel and intemals may be determined from avalable GPU data. An estimate of the total surface contammation curie content in the reactor system will then be calculated.

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L SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"' p"",iicy and pWM-"

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SNEC' Site'Citeracterization Plan 0 TABLE 4.1 .

Reacter Vessel and intomele Charactertantion Requirements l

Measurement /samole I.ocation l Actuation Analysis Curie per gram radionuclide Reactor vessel and intomais.

concentrations for aR intemals and reactor vessel LLRW classificanon and volume C: w.;.- S-1 Bulk sample analysis. Prirnary system w...pcr.ent(s) extemel to the reactor wi p.n.ies. Minimum of three (3) scrapmg samples. (Data from Appendoc B may be utsized.)

Gamma survey. Reactor compartment. Externel to the water seal can. Should include four (4) locations, 90 degrees apart, at the core conteriine (other locations as needed). -

Gamma survey on contact and 1'. Primary system popmg, as best shielded from other nearby sources. Geometry must be i reproducible in point komel shielding calculation.



Reactor Sucoort Structure /Ir=d=han/ Water Seal Can and Concrete Containment Characterization Activation Analysis The neutron acdvation analysis performed above in support of the charactenzation of the reactor pressure veesci and intemels, also models the reactor support structure / insulation / water seal can and reactor vessel wip.nir ,.4 concrete Using the same techniques outlined above, the neutron.

induced actrvation of these components wIl be calm =rari Concrete corings wil be obtained at the reactor core midplane and a location just above the nomhd reactor compartment flood level - at points in the reactor compartment walls closest to the reesbor preneure vessel These samples rney be obtained by penetrating the fNe (5) foot wall espaushg the reactor compartment and the steam generator w.r.p.niisit. Concrete conngs will also be obtamed from the reactor shiaid plugs (whch form the operating floor on Elevation 812') and

. from below the reactor (control rod room floor) on Elevation 786'. (Note: The core sample obtained below Elevation 766* shal not penetrate more than 18'.) Datated 10 CFR Part 61 analyses of the four (4) concrete corings wE be compared, and benchmarked I reasonable, to the activation analyse results for concrete Surface Contammation Analysis The surface contamination analyses of these components and structures wt be perforrnec as

, addressed in Section 4.1, Structural Characterbathn.

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SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"'"""d"**"*"

Policy and Procedure Manual


6575-PLN-4520.06 Due m no.

l SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 1

l TABLE 4.2 Reactor Support Structure /Insuistion/ Water Seel Can and Concrete Containment Charactertzation i Measurement /Samcie 1.ocation 1

l Activation Analysis. Curie per gram radionuclideReactor compartment.

l concentrations for concrete walls and structural metal l l cc.wi,cr wits. LLRW classdication and volume

,, determination.

l Concrete Core Sample Analysis. Concrete coring samples from four locations. (1) Core midplane from the steam generator compartment. (2) j Above nominal flood level from the steam generator l compartment. (3) Shaeld plug from the 812' elevation, and i (4) Below the reactor vessel on the 785' elevabon 4.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION Environmental characterizanon wgl determee the radiciogical charactenstics of potential contamination in the sol on the SNEC site. The scope of these characterization activities are in addition to the work performed in accordance with the SNEC Sol Charactenzation Plan.

4.4.1 Data Needs This section of the Plan sets forth the methodology by which potentially contaminated soi w0i be charactertzed The data that wel be obtained wil include and be used for:

Determination of the contaminant activity levels in the soa.

. Determinhtion of the isotopic identity and concentration ratio of the radionudides that comprios any radioactive contamination.

Data for and estimates of the total radenuclide inventory in the soi.

Compenson of characterization data with applicable release criteria to determine C+:0-L., ' n-,;.,g work scope l

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""d'" "**"*""" C** 'd "

and Procedure Manual noe 6675 PLN-4520.06 i

ammon m I SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 )

i I

4.4.2 son Characi.d--rh. Plan


Saxton Nuclear Experimental CO.pv..i;vn has conducted soR characterization and installed I

ground water,,1.g woes at SNEC as part of the decontaminadon and d+- - . m ' -.;rg efforts meeremead with the Control and Auxdiary (C&A) Building, the Radioactive Waste Disposal Factity (RWDF), and Drum Storage Bunker, Underground Spent

{ Resin Storage Tank, and interconi cu.s tunnels. Documents which report on soE i

j ' i characterization indude:

j SNEC Sol Characterization Plan, Document 6675-PLN-4724.00.



  • Report on Drging and Radiometric Analysis of Samples CoNected at Sites of Spent Resin and Ligued Waste Tanks *, SNEC Factity, Saxton, PA, prepared by Pennsylvania State j University, January 16,1989 i
  • Geologic, Chemical, Radiometric and Geotechnical Studies of Samples from Eleven DrWholes in Surficial Materials *, Saxton Nuclear Factity, Saxton, Pennsylvania, prepared by i Pennsylvania State U wersity, December 20,1988 1

i An Aerial Radiological Survey of the Saxton Nuclear Expenmental Corporation Faclity and

~~ . Surrounding Area *, Saxton, Pennsylvania, prepared by EG&G Energy Measurements, July

1989 l

t l 1 Besed Samoles 4

j Based on results of the SNEC Sol Charactenzadon Work described above (Section 4.4.2), and interviews with former Saxton operating staff additional

  • biased sample
  • i -

j locations wW be selected in those areas where there is a basis for suspecting that radiological contamination of sod could have occurred These areas ~are identrfied j in Appendix D.

i j

NOTE There does not appear to be any indication of any below grade system penetrabons of the Contenment Vessel other than those entering at the j

tunnel area. This has been supported by the fact that despite a high i

local vetor table, there is no apparent in-leakage of groundwater into

the Containment Vessel, since commencement of operations.

Therefore there are no direct soi measurements speceed in the vicmity i

of the lower elevations of the contenment vessel Analytical Methods

Samples wel be cogected and analyzed under the SNEC Radiological and Ermronmental Monitoring Program.

j 23.0 ns .

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\ SAXTON NUCLEAR ***2"""d"' * " * "'

Policy and Procedure Manual


noe 6575-PLN-4520.06 new.on No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0  !

l 4.5 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION This section of the Plan sets forth the methodology by which the determination of the presence and i location of hazardous materials which may anect decontammation and demolition operations, or the l

claselRcation of the radioactNo contammated waste The principal concem includes the sampling fo the presence of materials which would aNect the health and safety requirements of the workforce during decommissioning (i.e. asbestos, leed, or other hazardous matennis).

4.5.1 Data Needs The desired characterization results, achieved by various sampling and analytical methods, include:

the location and type of asbestos used as thermal system insulation j the location and type of asbestos used in surfacing material (e.g. coatings or covenngs) a Total Metais Analysis to determee the presence and conantration ratio of Lead.

j Chromium, and Cadmium metal contaminants in panted surfaces


l -

j G 4.5.2 complete TCLP, inorganic analysis on aR sediment and sludge samples.

ADolicable Areas and items l The surfaces or equipment, or components that could concervably contam hazardous

materials win be analyzed for the presence of hazardous matenal The areas are defined in j Appendix C, Hazardous Matenals Charactertzstion Sampling Requirements 4 5.3 Selection of Samulino t=%

Sample locations wel be selected for charactertzation based upon there being a reason to i

suspect that the item may be contammated with asbestos or hazardous metal contaminants (TCLP, incrganic Analysis). As such, these locations wE be intenboneNy selected to locate and denne Imown or suspected contamination. Areas to be charactertzed are listed in i Appendoc C, and include:

Insuisbon on piping, heat exchangers, and other Ruid containing compenents (meh==*aa)

Costmgs on instaNed equipment and structural surfaces (metal contaminants)

(composite samples) ~

Intemal surfaces of selected systems known to have contamed metal contaminants (composite samples)

Contings on pools or liners (mehmetaa)

Cv6,6r re. likely to contain PCB contaminants (e.g., liquid filled electrical ti.6.lvs i. or lighting ballasts).

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SAXTON NIICLEAR, Saxt n Nudar Expwimmual Cup -

Policy and Procedure Manual 6575 PLN-4520.06 r,s.

j SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 l

1 4.5.4 Analytical Methods i

Samples will'be collected from the designated components and analyzed by an approved


, 4.5.5 Data Reoortina and Analysis A. Asbestos Containina Material The results of the asbestos analyse should include: (1) the sample identification number and location; (2) the asbestos type and approximate amount; (3) the presence of nonatsbestos fibers and approximate amount; and (4) the presence of j nonJibrous materials.

B. FuB TCLP. Incroanic Analysis


s The results of the contamment analysis should irx:lude: (1) the sample identification number and location; (2) the materials tested; (3) the result in mg/Iker or ug/gm (or similar units); and.(4) the detection method and limt.

C. Total Metals Analysis Total Metal Analysis should be used as a screening test. The metals selected represent typecal metals found in pants The results should be reported in mg/kg.

If the Total Metals Analyse exceed any of the below listed action levels for the target rnetals, full TCLP, inorganic analysis will be peifeirw4.

Action Levels 100 mg/kg for Lead 20 mg/kg for Cadmium 100 mg/kg for Chromium D. PCB Ce.Gtc Material The results of the PC8 analyse should include: 1) the sample identification number and location; 2) the material tested; and,3) the result in ppm (or similar unit).


Proper documentabon of every aspect of the program is necessary for future reference. One of the most basic requirements of the charactertzation should be an accunite mapping of the survey da'a, with ks relationship to the site.

In general, instrument measurements and analytical results should be documented to indude the following items as applicable

1. Location of the measurement or sample (attach sketch for clarification).

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SAXTON NUCLEAR Pelicy and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 re. nw.on u..

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0

2. Date or dates of measurements or sample conection.
3. The measured concentration of the specinc nuclides b pCi/gm for soa or bulk samrks as

, applicable

4. Measurements of contarninsbon should be reported as removable alpha and beta in I dpm/100cm2 l S. The analytical error, including the conndence level should be reported for all laboratory j analyses l
6. Name of surveyor (s), sampler and analyst, if applicable. i
7. Analysis date. j
8. Instrument Manufacturer, Model No., Serial No. and reference to calibration data.
9. Reviewer'


h 3

it is important that the data be presented in such a manner that: (1) the radiological condition of the site is reasonably depicted; (2) the radiciogical condition of the site can be ascertained without further manipulation of the data; and (3) types and locations of conditions exceeding release ,

guidelines can be reedly ascertained in order to most these goals, the radiological survey report is written on two levels. The first level consists of an overview of the radiological conditions of the site given in the text of the report with figures ilustrating specine radiological conditions, such as the beta contamination levels on the surface of a well The second level consists of a detaled presentation of data in the form of tables or figures.

Deik Won of some radiologicety contaminated areas may be treated using figures showing measurement locations together with tables of data taken at those locations. More complete information conc.,74g contamination and radention levels must be given in tables so that intermediate data cuir.p;.dwn and final conclusions can be checked, if needed.

Original data must be avalable and fled such as to be readly accessible.

5.3 STRUCTURAL DATA 5.3.1 UntMased Survey RestAts Compie data by area and survey units into a tabular p. : -sE-i. Utilize a graphic depiction of the ares and location maps or diagram with direchons and elevations clearly noted to make identl6 canon of survey locahons simple List those readings that exceed the

. applicable reisese criteria.

Summarize the res4Ats of the data collected to describe the meaning of the data and other informabon lemmed 26.0 ...

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l Set n Nuclear Egwinental Corporanon SAXTON NUCLEAR

Policy and Procedure Manual j m 6575-PLN-4520.06 an n No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 1

4 4 5.3.2 Biased Survey R==**


- Compie data by budding and by survey area irto a tabular presentatert Utilize a graphc i depidion of the area and location maps or diagrams with directions and elevations clearly j noted to make identification of survey locations sample Results wiB also be compared with applicable release criteria. Summarue the results of the data coNected to describe the

}  ;

i meaning of the data.and its impact on the overaN dK,v ,...; ksJ g effort. '


L Data tabulated from each system surveyed should be summerged into a report of the results. This report, preferably in chart, graph or table format, should include groes total and removable surface

. contamination levels, ad isotopes detected, the concentraten of each isotope, and the ratio to the '

total actMty. In addition, the location of each survey point should be mapped to easey reference the survey results This can be accomplished by any rnethod but should be easty understood and easty followed.

Summarue the results of the data conected to describe the data and its impact on the overall  ;

o+:c-i TL 29 effort.


,, REACTOR VESSEL AND ADJACENT STRUCTURE ACTIVATION DATA Summartze the results of'the actwebon analysis and cv .';,,, Ety measurements into a tabular form with a narrative depicting the meaning of the findings. Note the effect the results will have on the volume of affected materials and the boundanos of the activated areas.

Attach any detaled activation analyses depicting the methodology employed in the activation ,

calculations to support the findings. The analyses f-1v,Ti-d should be compared to benchmark '

results to validate that the activation results are representative of actual condibons.

5.6 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 5.6.1 Unbiased Reedts Compue data by composite sample into a tabular fi: : 2+1:-i. Depict the specific areas surveyed by graphic locscon, preferably on a map of the selected areas to show precise locations and depths (as applicable). Summartze the data into a narrative describing results found, as we5 as recommendations for further sampiing.

5.6.2 Sinsed Results Saeed on a locanon map or grid depcting locations of Imown or potential areas of cvie-i==i;vii, note the cu,Tif, Ode results obtained at these areas in terms of the isotopes present in each sample and the concentration of each. Compare these results with the applicable release critetta for those type samph Summarize reedts into narrative form including conclusions.

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  • c'*" "**"'""" C+ " W and Procedure Manual T888 .

6575-PLN-4520.06 Asvteson No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 l

5.7 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DATA Summartze the results of the laboratory analyses into a tabular form depicting the results. Data tabulated from each system or area should be reported as follows Asbestos Location of sample Type of asbestos (%)

Presence of nonesbestos fibers (%)

Presence of non-fibrous matenals TCLP. trsr-ri. Analysis: '(metal cortarrunants)

Location of sample Test / Parameter (metal tested)

Results (mg/I)

Detection limit


'~ -

1 Location of sample Results (ppm)

.T,_o.gni Metals Analyses Location of sample Test / parameter (metal tested) i t

Results (mg/kg) 6.0 _QA/QC REQUIRm84fTS 6.1 DATA COLLECTION The Saxton Quality Assurance Program and appropnate procedures, is appiicable to the conduct of the SNEC Ste Charactertzation. In addthon, laboratory QC we be mentained utlizing the appropnete procedures or approved outade laboratories. Data wil be revewed in accordance with edsting requirements to ensure reasonable interpretation of results. Samples and measurements at' 3

a5 loadone we be collected using accepted documented procedures to ensure irterpretable results I and annelstent collection techniques.

Orweite sampling and measurement instruments wil be subject to operational checks and penodic ,

calbration, in accordance wkh Saxton Nuclear Experimental Carper.Lun procedures, to ensure both I accuracy and preemon of results Records and calculations wE be checked for error and use of appropriate recording and *N techmques. Laboratories we be required to verify data quellty per procedural requirements. Cham-of-custody procedures wil be implemented to maintain the integrey of samples and cu.i W4ing analytical resuks. This program we ensure that the characterzation data can be used to accurately evaluate site conditions.

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SAXTON NUCLEAR * * * ' " " " ' * * ' ' * * * ' " " ' ' ' **

Policy and Procedure Manuel 6675-PLN-4520.06 1

rm m no.


SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 i l 6.2 MEASUREMENT QUALITY CONTROL To ensure measurement quality, the fokwng controis wal be imsemented

l Five percent of sci sampos wel be reenalyzed. -

Five percent of swipes (system & strudure) w9i be reenalyzed, l

j -

F'rve percent of direct measurement of total surface contamination will be retaken.

I 6.3 SAMPLE RETENTION i Material samples wGI be retained by the Saxton radiciogical controis staff in accordance with the

! folowing schedule.

Samole Tvoe Rotenuon Period Core Drls (Corings) Complebon of Decontamination ActMbes2 Core Samples (Scrapmgs) Completion of Decontaminebon Actwibes2 Smears' A@,ce of Decommemonmg Pland

/" ~~

Bulk Sampos Completion of Decontamination ActMties 2

( Soil Samples Cornpletion of Decontammanon/ Remediation 3

1. Not all samples shall be retained Ap _ _ : adhe samples for typical locations throughout the faclity (as determined by SNEC) should be retamed Samples that were analyzed prior to this retenbon requirement may not be avaiable
2. Completion of Decontamination ActMties is defined as completion of NRC Confirmatory Survey Report which addresses Saxton structures.
3. Completion of Decontaminsnon/Remediation is defined as complebon of NRC Confirmatory Survey Report which addresses Sexton sol.
4. Acceptance of Decommemonog Plan is defined as USNRC authortzation to commence Decontaminanon actMties. -

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( SAXTON NUCl, EAR Saxt n Nudear Expmunwel %w&

Policy and Procedure Manual 657HLN-4520.06

re n,.,on .

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 i


UNBIASED / BIASED STRUCTURA1. SURVEY REQUIREMENTS i A.1 CONTENTS l This appendix contams 8 tables. Each of the below listed tables deGnes the Biased or Unbiased Structural f Survey Requirements for areas in or around the Contamrnent Vessel likely to exhatzt the same contaminatiori

! characteristics.

Biased Structural Survey Areas 4

Table A-1 Area 1, Lower Level of CV, Southwest. Southeast and Northwest Quadrants Table A-2 hea 2 Middle Level of CV, Southwest Quadrant (Primary convestirient)

Table A-3 Area 3, Middle Level of CV, Southeast Quadrari (Auxiliary Compartment)

Table A-4 koa 4, Operstmg Floor and Above of CV Table A-5 hea 5, Tunnel Outside of CV Table A4 koa 6, Reactor Cv,Tw.iLT,06t and Storage Well Table A-8 koa 8, Sanitary Waste System l i

p Unbiased Struct' ural Survey Areas

  • Tat:ie A-7 Area 7, Outer Wall and Outer Dome Surface of CV NOTE Figures A 1, A-2, and A G combmed show the locations of each of the eight areas.

A.2 ORGANIZATION Each structural survey requirements table is organized as follows


This sechon includes a physical description of the structural survey area.

Components This section includes a listmg of the principal mechanical components installed within the area.

Survey Unas: This sechon includes a breakdown of the individual survey units (e.g., concrete floor) including the appnzdmate area (fta ) of the unit.

Survey Requirements. This section defines the measurement / sample requirements, the quantity of samples, and the location of the samples for each r**y unit. The quantity of samples speci6ed is generally a minimum number, but the quantity may be Wiusted up or down depending on the as found conditiorts, ALARA considershons. etc.


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SAXTON NUCLEAR pm a re u.nuei 6575-PLN6.06

. r,s. ** l

. SNEC Site Charactortzstion Plan 0 I 4 1 FIGURE A 1 i!


h 1


1 I . Area 7 i

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1' Area 5

' _ 4 r.c I

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j k-Area 3 e -'I l _ _; j A re a 2 ,,,, '---*

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v-su "rea 1

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. su,; -w.r , ,,,,

Containment Vessel, Sectional View p.,poninv nui u si E1-2 "

l i i iO sixton aucteaa rm.

- :r T~-

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SNEC Site Mertzstion Plan 0 1

i. ,


l Area 7 - n_ _

j LI i **wo -


, Area 4 i

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i , ii i Area 6 me - ' ' \

whn= h am ~'

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.j Area 6 ttT* r%*

Area 3 A we Area 1 4


. X y, ,

mr-r-g ,,, j O Rotary Bridge Crane, Sectional View (Lookino Wests gg Et4 n,

4 i .

a t I

. h e AWA GMmUg g g g Sedon Nudear Expovimental Cspu..;an Pdicy and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 r,s.

Aween No.


SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 PIGURE A-3 i


l i

sepesTank 7 l 1

i Fmm C & A summa, -

O /To Wooden Tmum a Saan na r I

I i

- / l l

i l i


PfSEI M Feer l

f Freen Storm SewerSymant 4

a l

l 1

i l

CMorme Contact Tank r To


Conomes i M I

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4 i

4 2

j I

i i

1 E14 "

s 4

i i


  • m m

s SAXTDN N0 CLEAR Saxton Nucieer Experimental Cc,wm po, icy and procedu,e Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 n,

aw.on No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 TABLE A-1 STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS AREA 1 (Lower Level of CV Southwest, Southenet and Northwest Quadrants)


Southwest, Southeast, and Northwest Quadrants of Containtnent Vessel between elevations 765'-8' (concrete Aoor) and el. 777'4' (concrete coding) in southwest quadrant, el 779' 0* (steel platform) in southeast quadrant, and el. 775'- 2' (concrete cding of the " Rod Room') in northwest quadrant.

The area also includes the 3 and a half foot deep sump located in the floor, and a 4 foot wide concrete ledge (el. 768'-3*) extending around the circumference of the area.

Corsponents: The following principal components are located within Area 1:

Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger Shutdown Cooling Pumps (2)

Condeneste Return Pump Pressurizer Dacharge Tank Discharge Tar

  • Pumps (2)

Sump Pumps (2)

,, Storage Well Derninereilzer Suction FIter Housings Storage Well Domineralizer Discharge FBter Housings Storage Well Dommerelizer Air Handler Ventleting Fan Control Rod Drive Mechanisms Survey Units: Concrete Floor (el. 766'-2")705 ft2 Concrete Ledge (el. 768' 3")360 ft2 Exposed (Steel-Uned) Sump (el. 765'-2')64 ft2 Concrete CeBing (el. 775'-2')733 fra a

Concrete Wans (el 76s'-e to 781* 4-)2s43 fra Steel Platform Ce81ng (el. 781'-4*)370 ft2 Other Horizontal Surfaces (el. 766' 8* to 781'-4*)

other Areas -

l l

Et-S **

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS e675-PLN-4520.08 R.wissen e AREA 1 (Lower Level of CV, E'- _ _:, Southeast and Northwest Quadrants)

Swwey Unit Meawanad/ ,

Sample Quentity Location Concrete Floor Flued 3 Representative locations suspected to

  • (el. 765*.4*) include the area of highest contaminallon levels.

(e g., stained concrete, cracked concrete,  :

beneath valve and pump pacidngs, etc.)


  • 10 Representative locations suspected toinclude the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., i stained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath valve and pump packings, etc.) ,

Core Sample 2 At the locations d'the highest fixed contamination determined above ji Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above Core DriN .

1 ,Directly under reactor vessel. Limit depth to not exceed 18".

Concrete Ledge Loose A-r-e 5 Locations likely to have the highest (el. 768*-3") contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath valve and pump packings, etc.)

Core Sample 1 At the location of the highest contamination determined above.

Exposed (Steel- Loose p-r-e 5 1 Measurement on each war, and 1 Lined) Sump measurement on the floor d the sump ll '

(el. 765'-4*) dry.

Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 If sediment or residue is present in the sump, collect a bulk sample and analyze.

El-6 =

. . . ~ , _. .. . . . . - ~ - -- - - - - - - - -

D t

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIRERRENTS AREA 1 (Lower Level of CV, Southwest, Southeast and Northwest Quadrants) meneuronent/

survev unit sanele ousnm, Core Sarnple 1 VisuaNy inspect the steel sump Nner. Illho Nner appears to have leaked, take a core sample of the concrete behind the liner. ,

] Concrete CelNng Fixed 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. 775*-2") include the area of highest contamination levels.

(e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, above valve and pump packings, etc.)

LooseA te 10 Representative locations suspected to include '

the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g.,

stained concrete, cracked concrete, above valve and pump packin0s, etc.)

Core Sample TBD At the locations of the highest Axed contamination determined above N higher than 4 fixed contamination on concrete waNs or N '

otherwise indicated by as-found conditions.

Concrete Wells Fixed 3 1 representative focation suspected to ,

(el 785'-8 Include the area of highest contamination ,

to 781*-4") from each of the three pedrants, i.e.,1) M room"; 2) the Southwest Quadrant; and 3) the Southeast Quadrant. (e.g., stained concreto, cracked concrete, adjacent to removable pipe spool connections, etc.)

Loose #-F-a 30 10 representative location suspected to indude the area of highest contamination levels from each of the three quadrants, La.,1) " Rod room"; *

2) the Southwest Quadrant; and 3) the Southeast Quadrant. (e.g., stamed concrete, cracked concrete, adjacent to removable pipe spool connections, etc.)

El-7 "


s. _... __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

h BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 6676.PLN.-4520.06 Revlolon 0 AREA 1 (Lower Level of CV, Souttweest, Southenot and Northwest Quadrants) '

Measurement /

surver unit senele ousney Locomon Core Sample 3 One at the location of the fdghest thed contamination from each of the three quadrants determined above  :

Steel Platform LooesA te 5 Represortative locations suspected to (el. 781*-4') include the area of highest contaminadon levels.

relief (e g., beneath valve / pump pacidng, beneath velves, etc.) ,

Other Horizontal LooseA te 10 Representative locations on equipment Surteces and/or iktures surfaces suspected to (el. 705'-8* to' include the area of highest contamination 781*-4") levels. (e g., Inalde delp trays, adjacent to motor or fan exhausts, tops of electricalIktures, Soor of Instrument case, etc.)

Instrument Rack Bulk Sample & Analysis 1

. lc.alde the instrument rack at the base .

tel. 7es a . of the cabinet.

i Temporary Lead Loose A r e N/A inventory the quantity (R3) of SidekNng temporary lead ehleiding meterial Instaged in the area by category (e.g., bricks, sheets, etc).

Measurement / samples to be taken.on representative places (i.e., horizontal surface in "

a brick war).

9 i

El-8 sesw l


j ,

1 i


  • Policy
  • " and

" "Procedure

' * " *Manual


nin 6675-PLN-4620.06 i  % n m.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan O l

a TABLE A-2 STRUCTURAL SURVEYS AREA 2 (Middle 1.svei of CV. Southwest Quadrant) t 4


The southwest quadrant of the Containment Vessel between elevations 779'-8* (Concrete Floor) an

- 814' 6* (Concrete Cohng). Three (3) steel Wwirc.e are installed One platform, el. 789'-4*, is 1

located beneath the Steam Generator, Proesunzer and Primary Coolant Pump. The second, el. 795'-

2*, essentally extends over the entire area of the quadrant and the third, el. 807-0" is located around the upper heads of the Steam Generator and Pressurtzer.

Components: The following principal components are located 'within Area 2:

Steam Generator j Pressurtzer Pnmary Coolant Pump

( Regenerative Heat Exchanger Nor#.egenerative Heat Exc.%rger Air Harder

% Su vey Units: Concrete Floor Surface

' 475 fra Concrete Ceaing Surface 475 fra 1

Concrete Wall Surfaces 2843 ft 2 1

Steel Platform (el. 789'-4*) 89 ft2 Steel PMorm (el. 796*-2") 325 ft2 ,

[ Steel Platform (el. 80T-0*) 89 ft2 j Other Horizontal Surfaces l

i j

4 i

i i

t E

i l

4 E1-9 **



s . ~


8575-PLN-4520.08 Revlolon 0  ;

AREA 2 (Middle Level of CV,Soutinweet Quadrant) - l Measurement /

Survey Unit Senecio Quentity Location Concrete Flaor Fhead 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. 779' 8*) include the area of highest contamination lowels.

(e g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath -

valve and pump packings, etc)

Loose p-r-e 10 Representative locations suspected to indude the area of highest contaminellon levels. (e.g., stained  ;

concrete, cracked concrete, beneath valve and pump packings, etc.)  ;

Core Sample 2 At the locations of the highest Ibted contamination i determined above  :

Bulk Samples Analysis 1 Combine the rnaterials removed during Core sampung done above Concrete Ce5lng Fbred 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. 814' 6*) include the area of highest contamination levels.

(e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, above valve and pump packings, etc.) .

Loose p-y-e 10 Representative locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, above valve and pump packings, etc.)

Core Sample TBD At the locations of the highest fixed contamination determined above if higher than fixed contamination on concrete waEs or ll othenvise ~

indicted by as-found conditiona Concrete Waus Fixed 3 Representative locat'lons suspected to include the area of highest contamination (el. 779'-8* to levels (e g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, 814'#)

adjacent to pump or valve packing, etc)

El-10 aseu l

(~' '

N BlASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 6575-PLN-4520.06 Revision 0 AREA 2 (Mkkile Level of CV . Southwest Quadrant) '

Measurement /

Survey Unit . Sample Quantity



t. cess M to Representative locations suspected to include the area d highest contaminationlevels. (e.g., steined concrete, cracked concrete, adjacent to pump or :

' valve packing, etc.)

Core Sample 2 At the locations of the highest fixed contamination determined above Steel Platform Loose p-r e 5 Representative locations suspected to (el. 795*-2") include the area of highest contamination levels (e.g., beneath valve and pump packing, beneath relief valves, etc.)

Steel Platform Loose p-r-a . 5 Representative locations suspected to (el. 789'-4") include the area of highest contamination levels (e g., beneath valve and pump packing, beneath relief valves, etc.)

Steel Platform Loose p-y-a 5 Representative locations suspected to (el. 807*-0") Include the area of highest contamination levels (e.g., beneath valve and pump packing, beneath relief valves, etc.)'

Other Horizontal Loose A-r-c to Representative locations on equipment Surfaces fixtures surfaces suspected to include the area of hignest contamination levels (e.g., inside drip trays adjacent to motor or fan exhausts, tops of electrical fixturse, etc.)

Wall Dividing the Core Drill 1 At elevation 795* adjacent to the Primary Compart- (through the wall) penetration where the main coolant ,

ment and Storage piping enters tre compartment.

Wel! Area El-11 "

n I



Survoy Unit Semote Quanuty a%

Temporary Lead LasseAre -N/A Inventory the quanity (ft3) of Shleiding temporary lead shleiding meterial insteRed in the area by category (e.g., bricks, sheets, etc.). -

Measuremwit/ samples to be taken on *

. representative pieces (i.e., horizontal sudace in a brick wall).

e El-12 - ' *

  • J SAXTON NUCLEAR *** ."Policy

"""' and

'**'*",eManuel Procedu

'"* "' ~

6575-PLN-4520.06 Tree ,

SNEC Site Characterizatio'n Plan 0 TABLE A 3 j


AREA 3 (Middle Level of Southeast Quadrant)

Desenption: The Southeast quadrart of the Containment Vessel between' elevations 781' 4' (steel platform) and.

l 810* O' (concrete celing). One additional steel platform is installed at elevation 796*-2'. Both steel j platforms extend over the entire area of the quadrant, each containing an 8 foot by 8 foot open ,

hatch. There is a simlar openmg in the concrete celing.

Components: The following principal components are located within Area 3: )

Storage Weil Heat Exchanger Storage Well Pumps (2)

Component Cooling Heat Exchangers (2)

Cwiweit Cooiing Pumps (2)

Air Handler (2) l Survey Units: Steel Platform (el. 781*-4') 414 fta i Steel Pistform (el. 796*-2' 414 fra l


Concrete Ceting Surface 381 fra

( Concrete Wall Surface 2405 ft2 Othx Horizontal Surfaces Other Areas l

l l l 1


I i

l l

1 J

e E113 =*


U '

BIASED STHUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS e575-PLN-4620.08 Revleton e AREA 3 (Middle Level of Southwest Quadrant)


Survev Unit Sample . QuantRY Locanon Steel Platform - Loosep-r.e 5 Representative locations suspected to include the (el. 781'-4") area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., beneath valve / pump packing, beneath relief valves, etc.) .

Note: This survey unit is also listed in Area 1. One -

set of measurements is adequate.

Steel Flatform Loose p-r-e 5 Representative locations suspected to include the (el. 795'-2") area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., beneath valve / pump packing, beneath relief valves, etc.) ,

Concrete Celing Loose #-r-a 10 Representative locations suspected to include the (el. 810*-01 area of highest contamination levels. (e.g, stained concrete, cracked concrete, adjacent to air handler, etc.)

Core Sample TBD 'At the locations of the highest fixed contamination determined above N Ngher than fixed ,

contamination on corerete walls or N otherwise Indicated by as-found conditirans Concrete Walls Fixed 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. 781*-4" to include the area of highest contamination 810*-O*) levels. (e.0, stained concrete, cracked concrete, adjacent to pump or valve packing, etc.) .

Loose #-r-e 10 Representative locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, adjacent to pump or valve packing, etc.) ,

Core Sample 2 At the locations of the highest fixed contamination determine above Bulk Sampio & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above.

El-14 " -

I 1

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ___m

l '

4 I

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 8575-PLN-4520.06 AREA 3 (Middle Level of Southwest Quadrant)

Measurement / l Survey Unit Semp4 QuantNY Location  ;

Other Horizontal LooseA-re to Representaive locations on equipment i Surfaces and/or fixture surfaces suspected to indude the f

' area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., Inalde -

I drip trays, adjacent to motor or fan exhausts, tope [

of electrical fixtures, etc.)  ;

r Outer WaN Adjacent Core Drm 1 At the elevation (approx. 802') and  !

to CV Steel Shen (through concrete only) azimuth where staining on the concrete appears greatest Coro drm approx. I'- DO NOT CORE , i INTO STEEL LINER.  !

Wall Dividing the Core Dru 2  !

(1) At an elevation beneath the normal AuxNiary Compart- (through the well) operating water level (el. 791*-8")

ment and Storage undemeath the' stained area; and Well Compartment (2) At an elevation above the normal operating ,

water level. i Temporary Lead Loose A-y-a N/A Inventory the quantty (ft3) of Shielding temporary lead shielding material Installed in the area by category (e g., bricks, sheets, etc.).

Measurement / samples to be taken on representative pieces (i.e., horizontal surface in a brL* well).

El-15 "

J t

- - - - - _ - . _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ - - - _ - - - - _ --.--- - ~-- " .----_.- __- - - _-_ _ __ - ._ -

C . . .


\ SAXTON NUCLEAR Sed n Nudes Egenrnental %mM Pdicy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06 j

tm  % so.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0

, TABt.E A-4 STRUCTURAL SURVEYS AREA 4 (CV, Operating Floor and Above) l


The concrete operating floor of the contaanment vessel (CV) (el. 812'-O'), and surfaces up to the top of the CV dome. The area includes: 1) three access hatches (equipment, personnel, and escape); 2)

. the concrete walls and platform located in the southwest quadrant wM-#4 the steam generator,

! pressurizer and reactor coolant pump; 3) the polar bridge crane; 4) a steel platform (el. 818'-0"); and

5) the movable bridge over the reactor vessel and fuel storage area.

l Components: The following principal components are located within Area 4:

! Equipmerg/ Personnel Hatches (3)

Polar Crane Air Handler l Ventaating Fan l Movable Bridge l in-Core Shield Wall Survey Units: Concrete Operating Floor 1202 ft2 (el. 812'4')

l Concrete Platform 689 ft2 .

l (el. 818'-0*)

l Steel Platform 75 ft2 (el. 818'4')

Concrete Walls 341 ft2 i l (el. 812' 818')

886 ft2 l

CV Steel Walls (el. 812'-818')

l CV Steel Walls 4267 ft2 I (e!. 818'-845'-2')

l Movable Bridge 28 ft2 l (el. 812'4")

I Polar Bridge Crane 196 ft2 (el. 846')

CV Uppw Dome 2 3926 ft l (el. 806'-2* to 870'-2")

Egidpment Access Hatch 33 ft2 (el. 814' 6')

Personnel Access Hatch 71 ft2 (el. 823'-9-1/2")

Escape Access Hatch 20 ft2 (el. 815'4*)

Other Areas 1

s l E1-16 m, I

_ - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ . . _ _ _ . _.m s  !

O -


Measurement /

  • swvev unit semote cuene, to,,g ,

Polar Crane Flund 5-10 Sately accessible locations throughout I (el. 845')

, the crane and Crane Access Platform and Ladder  !

Loose #te  :

20 m Salely accessible locations throughout the crane and Crane Access Platform and Ladder i CV Upper Dome Fixed 5-10 (el. 845'-2" to Satelyaccessiblelocations ,

870*-2") ,

Loose A-r-e 20 30 Safely accessiblelocations Concrete Operating Fixed 3 Representative locations suspected to Floor (el. 812'4") include the area of highest contamination levels. t (e g., slained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath I valve and pump packings, etc.) -

f Loose Ata 30 Representative locations suspected to include the i

area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath valve and '

pump packings, etc.) -

l o

Core Sample 3 At the locations of the highest fixed contamination I determined h -

Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above I Concrete Platform Fixed 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. 818'-0") include the area of highest contamination levels. '

(e g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath  ;

valve and pump packings, etc.)  ;

i El-17 8"'*

k 1

y-( l


BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 6575-PLN-4520.08 Revleton 0 AREA 4 (CV-Operating Floor and Above) '

Measurement /

Survey Unit Sample Quentity Location LooesSte 30 Representative locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, beneath valve and  :

pump packings, etc.)

Core Sample 3 At the locations of the highest fixed contamination ,

determined above.

Steel Platform LooseA re 5

  • Representative locations suspected to (el. 818*-0*) include the area of highest contamination levels from each of the two waEs (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete adjacent to removable pipe spool connections, etc.)

Concrete Walls Fixed 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. 812'-818') include the area of highest contamination levels.

Loose Ate 30 Representative locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels.

Core Sample 3 At the locations of the highest Rxed contamination from each of the two walls determined above CV Steet Walls Loose p-r-e 30 Representative locations suspected to

(<2 meters above include the area of highest contamination Operating Floor levels.

or Concrete Platform) '

(el. 812* 818') .

CV Steel WaNs (>2 Loose $ ta 20-30 Safely accessible locations suspected to meters above Operating include the area of highest contamination Floor or Concrete Platform) levels.

(el 818'-845*-2-)

El-18 = -

3 4

_ . ~ . . . - . - . - - - - . . . . ~ - - - . , ~ . . . . . - . ~ - - . - _ _ - . . - . _ . . . -

v t

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS . 8575-PLN-4520.08 AREA 4 (CV-c; __:". Floor and Above)

Measurement /

swvev unit sanele Q

__ur_atter Location Movable Bridge 1.coesAte 30 30 locations ttwoughout the Movable (el. 812'-01 Bridge Assembly Ventilation Cavity Loose A-r-e 4 1 Measurement on each wall, and 1 (below Equipment measurement on the soor Rails)

(el. 812*-0*)

Equipment Access Loose #-rw 10 Representative locations suspected to Hatch (el. 814'-5*) include the area of highest contamination levels Personnel Access Loose A-y-a 10 Representative locations suspected to Hatch (el. 823'. Include the area of higheet contamination 9-1/2*) levels Escape Access Loose A t e 10 Represemadve locaties suspected to Hatch include the area of highest caterninstim


M (el. 815'-6*)

Temporary Lead Loose A r e N/A Inventory the quantity (fth of temporary Shielding lead shleiding material Insta3ed in the area by category (e g., bricks, sheets, etc.).

Measurement / samples to be taken on representative pieces (i.e., hodzontal surface in a brick wall).

e E1 19 ,



i ('3 . . .

V SAXTON NUCLEAR' Saxt n Nucier Ege&nental %we Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06 rm -  % n no, SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 TABLE A STRUCTURAL SURYEYS AREA 5 (Tunnel Outside of CV)


The below grade concrete lined tunnel which wraps around the outer circumference of the '

containment vessel between azimuths 35' and 270*.

l l Components: There are no components located within Area 5.

Survey Units: Concrete Floor (el. approx. 803') 953 ft2 Concrete Wall (el. 803' to 811') 2014 fra Concrete Ceaing (el. 811') 953 fra l

EW Steel (el. 803' to 811') i NOTE This area may be inaccessible. Therefore, it may be necessary to estimate the data from the data obtamed in the yard pipe tunnel and t the steam pipe tunnel rather than obtaining measurements and

\ samples. Livery attempt should be made to obtain measurements and samples where economcally feasible l

l I '

1 2

k E1-20 nn

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUtREMENTS 0575-PLN-4520.08 Revleion e AREA 5 (Tunnel Outelde of CV)

Measurement / -

Survey Unit Sample Quantity Location Concrete Floor Fired 2 Representative locations suspected to (el. approx. 803') include the area of highest contamination levelse (e.g., low points, cracked concrete, drIled areas. -


Loose A-r-e 10 Representative locations suspected to indude the area of highest consaminationlevels. (e.g., low points, cracked concrete, druled areas, etc.)

Core Sample


2 At the locations of the highest fixed contaminatkm -

determined above Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above Concrete Wall Fixed 3 Representative locations suspected to (el. approx. 803' to include the area of highest contamination ,

811') leveltL (e 9., stained concrete, cracked concrete,


drWed areas, etc.)

Loose t'-y-a 10 Representative locations suspected it! lachule the i area of highest contaminatiois tw&. (e.g., stelnad concrete, cracked concrete, drSed areas, etc.)

Core Sample 2 Locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, drIled areas, etc.)

Concrete Celling Fixed 2 Representative locations sustmeted to

  • include the area of highest contamination levels.

(el. approx. 811')

- (e g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, drmed areas, etc.)

El-21 =

. ~ . . - - - . . . - . . . . _ . . .. . - - - . - - - - ~ - - - - -~ ~ . - - - - -

T s l

t .


Measurement / )

Survey Unit Senwie Que@ tm ,

Loooo At-e 10 Representative locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, cracked concrete, driled areas, etc.) .

Core Sample TBD Locations suspected to include the area of highest contamination levels. (e.g., stained concrete, .

cracked concrete, dr5 led areas, etc.)  !

i i

r El-22 **

l'y .

l W

SAXTON NUCLEAR **""d**'"**""' """ i PolicV and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 r,a. i n n No.

SNEC Site Charactertzstion Plan 0 t TABIE A 4 STRUCTURAL SURVEYS AREA 6 (Reactor On--; 1. 2% and Storage Well)


This area is ccirs,; d of the Northwest and Northeast quadrants (reactor compartment and storage well, respectively) of the Containment Vessel between elevations 766' 8* (concrete floor) and 807'M (concrete ceiling). All concrete surfaces of this ares, induding the surrounding concrete walls are -

lined with a Series 300, four<oet, catalyzed phenolic protective lining.

The reactor cwrip.iirc.c4 contains the reactor veneel, assocated piping, and the reactor vessel

  • can*, which was used as a bemer to keep the storage won water off the piping and reactor vessel sudaces. There are two steel platforms installed in the reactor compartment. One removable-j platform at elevehon 793'-2*, and a second platform at elevation 800'4*. i The storage well contauns the movnbie fuel storage racks (up/down direction), three domineralizers '

(Storage well, Boric Acid, and Purification), which are mounted on a concrete pad installed at elevabon 776', and a concrete pad for storage of the fuel shippeig cask (above el. 781'-4*).

Curpcr iit.. The following pnnespel components are located within Area 6:

Reactor Vessel with the Control Rods insta5ed Reactor Vessel piping (e.g., Main Coolant Safety injection)

Reactor Vessel *can*

Reactor Vessel support structure Spent Fuel Storage Racks Boric Acid Dommerakzer

  • i Storage Well Domineralizer '

Purification Domineralizer Survey Unit: Concrete Floor Surface 217fra Concrete Celing 574 fra Concrete war Surface 4025 ft2 Platform (el. 793' 2*) 206 ft2 Concrete Ledge (el. 768' 3*) 818 ft2 Concreto Ledge (el. 779'-8*) 113 ft 2 Pladorm (el. 800'#) 234 fta OtherAreas e

El-23 =-

_ _ _ _ . _ _ ..._. _ .. _ . __ - _ .. _ - - - - ~. - . - - - . - -

O BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREASENTS 8875-PLN-620.08 AREA 6 (Reactor Compartment and Storage Wet)

Measurement /

Survev Unit Senele QuantkV Le Concrete Floor Lacas Ate 5 Representative locations where the '

(el. 765'-8') lining appears to have separated.

Core Sample 1 At the location d the suspected highest contamination whwe the lining appens separated.

Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 From the material removed during Core Sampling areas where the lining appears separated.

LooseAte S Representative locations where the lining appears to be intact.


Core Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination where lining is intact.

Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 From the material removed during Core Samplin0 areas where the thq is intact. .

Concrete Colling Loose Ate to Representative locations.

(et norr) .

Core Sample 2 At the location of the highest contamination as ' ,

determined from the above smears.

Concrete Wall Loose Ate to Representative locations throughout (el. 765*-8" to the stwage well e d the 80T-0") compartment taken from where the (storage well side) W appears to be W Core Sample 2 At the location of the suspected highest ,

contamination determined from the above smears Bulk Samples & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above E1-24 =

. . . _ . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . ~ .. - -. - _ . . . . . - - - . -

s . ~

BIASED STRUCTURAL EURVEY REQUIREMENTS 8575-PLN-4520.08 Revision 0 AREA 6 (Reactor Compartment and Storage Well)

Measurement /

Survey Unit Sample Quantity Location loose A-ra 10 Representative locations throughout storage well side of the compartment taken from where the lining appears to have separated  :

Core Sample 2 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined from the above smears Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above Concrete Wa!! Loose p-y-a 10 Representative locations throughout (el. 765'-8* to the reactor side of the 80T-0") compartment taken from where the (reactor side) lining appears to have separated.

Core Sample 2 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined from tle above smeers.

Concrete Wall Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during (el. 765*-8* to Core Sampling done above.


(reactor side) Loose p-y-a 10 Representative locations throughout the reactor of

, the compartment taken from where the lining


appears to have separated. ,

Core Sample 2 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined from the above smears.

Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Combine the materials removed during Core Sampling done above. -

Platform Loose A-r-a 5 Representative locations (el. 793'-2')

E1-25 mw

s -

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 6575 AREA 6 (Reactor Compartment and Storage wen)


Survey Unit Sample Quantuv m Platform LooseAte 5 Representativelocations (el. 800*-6")

Reactor Vessel / Loose A-r-e to Represevative locations suspected to Piping "Can" include the area of highest contamination levels.

(e.g., corroded surfaces, crevices, joints, etc.)

Spent Fuel Storage Loose A-r a 5 Representative locations on the Racks (N in-place) spent fuel racks.

Boric Acid Loose A-r-a . 1 Representative location suspected to Domineralizer . have the highest contamination level Storage Well Loose A-r-e 1 Representative location suspected to Domineralizer have the highest contamination level Purification Loose A-r-e 1 Representative location suspected to Domineralizer have the highest contamination level Temporary Lead Loose A-r-a N/A Inventory the quantky (ft3) of temporary ,

Shieldin0 lead shleiding material installed in the area by category (e.g., bricks, sheets, etc.).

Measurement / samples to be taken on representative pieces (i.e., horizontal surface in a ,

brick wall).

CV Concrete Core Drill 1 At a concrete joint along the outer Wall Liner 6" Depth wall (e.g., el. 768*-3")


El -26 =

d w


\ Su n Nudear Expwrnenta! @&

v SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06 Dtle a Revision Peo.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 TABLE A-7 a


J AREA 7 (Outer Wall & Dome of CV)


The outside of the steel lawar ci the Containment Vessel (CV) extending from Grade Level (el. 811') to the top of the CV Dome. This area also includes the concrete shield stnJcture located around the circumference of the CV between azimuths 270* and 35' (el. 804' to 814'). l Components: There are no components located within Area 7.


Survey Units
Steel Walls (< 2 meter high) 615 ft2 (el. 811' to 817')

} Steel Wall (> 2 meter high) 4424 ft2

' (el. 817' to 845')

Steel Dome 3927 ft2 (el. 84S' to 870')

Concrete Shield Wall (Hortzontal Surface) 173 ft a l Concrets Shield Wall '327 fta i Other Areas O ..

A biased survey of this area should be done only upon detecting contamination during the unbiased survey.

i 4



O -

E1-27 -

~N' O V Ui ,



Survey Unit Sample Quentity Locadon Steel Walls Loose A-re 20-30 Locations representative of the entke

(<2 meters high) survey unit -

(el. 811'-817') ,

Fixed 5 Locations representativa of the entire survey unit Steel Walls Loose p-re 20-30 Locations representative

(>2 meters high) -

(safely accessible) of the entire '

(el. 817'-845' 01 survey unit ,

Fixed 5 Locations representative (safety accessible) of the -

entire survey unit Steel Dome Loose p-re 20-30 Locations representative (safely (el. 845'-0* to 870') accessible) of the entire survey unit Fixed 5 Locations respresentative (safely accessible) of the ,

entire survey unit Concrete Shield Loosap-re 20-30 Locations representative of the Horizontal Surface entire survey unit (el. 814')

Fixed 5 Locations representative of the entire survey unit Concret's Shield Loose p-re 20 Locations representative of the entire Vertical Surface survey unit (el. G)4*-814')

Fixed 5 Locations representative of the entire survey unit ,

E1-28 "


4 i

%mber I SAXTON NODLEAR Sed n Nucier E@e&nental C+&i


b Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06 rro. m m.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 TAB 12 A-8

STRUCTURAL SURVEYS AREA 5 (Senitary Sewege Treatment Facilities)


This area includes the tanks and enclosures which received the sanitary discharge from the C&A j Building, processed the sewage, and discharged the effluent to the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River (Refer to Figure A-3). The system consisted of: 1) two concrete septic tanks installed in series, Tank "A" and Tank "B'; 2) a concrete pump well contained within a concrete block pump house (no .

above grade structures remaining); and 3) a concrete Chlorine Contact Tank / Weir ur'it.

Survey Units: 1000 gallon concrete Septic Tank "A' 173 ft2

600 gallon concrete Septic Tank "B" 107 ft2 i 1000 gallon concrete Pump Well 173 ft2 Concrete block Purnp House (below grade) 348 ft2 i Concrete Chlorine contact Tank / Weir unit 192 ft2 NOTE h


The concrete septic tanks and the concrete pump well may be inaccessible. Therefore, t riey be necessary to estimate the data.

Every attempt should be mde to obtasi measurements and samples where economically feasible.

1 i

i I

1 I


O  ;

V i E1-29 =-  !

l 1

i I


a BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUtREMENTS Revision 6 AREA a (Senitary Sewage Treatment Facilsles)

Measurement / '

Survey Unit Sample Quentity Location Septic Tank "A" Concrete Floor LooseA-re 3 Representative locations on the Soor Fked  :

1 Representative location on the Noor Core Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above Bulk Sample Analysis 1 If sediment or residue is present in the tank, ,

c05ect and analyze, or use the materials removed during Core Sampling done above Concrete Wall Loose A-r-e 3 Representative locations on the well Fixed 1 Representative location on the waH Core Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest ,

contamination determined above Concrete Celing Loose A-r-e 2 Representative locations on the ceHing Fixed 1 Representative location on the celing Concrete Manway Loose A-r-e 2 Representative locations .

Fixed 1 Representative location Septic Tank "B" Concrete Floor Loose A-r-e 3 Representative locations on the Soor Fixed 1 Representative location on the Noor Core Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above El-30 ==


h -



BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS 6575-PLN-4520.06 Revleton 9 AREA 8 (Sanitary Sewage Treatment Facilities) -

Measurement /

Survey Unit Sample Quentity

, Location Bulk Semple Analysis 1 If sediment or residue is present in the tank, collect and analyze, or use the materials removed during Core Sampling done above - '

Concrete Wall Loose Ata 3 Representativelocations on the war Fixed 1 Representative location on the wall Core Sample . 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above .

Concrete CeRing Loose A-r-a 2 Representative locations on the ceRing Fixed 1 Representative location on the ceGing Concrete Manway Loose #-r-a 2 Representative locations Fixed 1 Representative location -

Pump Well Concrete Floor Loose Ato 3 Representative locations on the floor Fixed 1 Representative location on the floor Core Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above Bulk Sample Analysis 1 if sediment or reskjue is present in the tank, collect and analyze, or use the materials removed during Core Sampling done above .

Concrete Wall Loose #1-a 3 Representative locations on the war Fixed 1 Representative location on the war El-31 **



('~ ]

( ~

l i

BIASED STRUCTURAL SURVEY REQUIREMENTS Rowlelon 9 AREA 8 (Senitary Sewege Treatment Facillelse) -

Measurement /

Survey Unit Sample Quentity Location Case Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above Concrete CeBlng Loose p-r-e  :

2 Representative locations on tha colinD

  • Fixed . 1 Representative location on the colung Concrete Manway Loose A-r-s 2 Representative locations Fixed 1 Representative location
  • Pump House Concrete Floor Loose A-r-e 2 Representative locations Fixed 1 Representative location Chlorine Contact Tank / Weir Concrete Floor Loose p-r-e 4 Representative locations on the Noor Fixed 1 Representative location on tlw Roor

- Core Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above Bulk Sample Analysis 1- If sediment or residue is present in the tank, collect and analyze, or use the materials removed during Core Sampling done above Concrete Wall Loose p-r-a 2 Representative locations on the well Fixed 1 Representative location on the wall Coro Sample 1 At the location of the suspected highest contamination determined above El-32 =


________._m ____. _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ ___-__o

i 8'*'*"""d******"*"C***"


i j

SAXTON HCLEAR Policy'and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 3 re. Revmon No.

i SNEC SNe Characterization Plan 0 APPENDIX B SYSTEM CHARACTERIZATION REQUIREMENTS j This appendoc dennes the systems measurement and sampling requrements for intamal characterizabon of i flurk,0.M2.g (water and air) systems. Based on a review of the Saxton Systems Manual, and . '.w.h. with j former Saxton plant staff the majority of systems are expected to contain mtemel surtece contaminadon.


t . .

This appendoc contains 10 tables. Each of these below listed tables define the measurement / sample requirements, the locscon of this measurement / sample for a specNic system. The systems and table numbers are as follows: ,

TABLE SYSTEM Table B-1 Main Coolant

, Table B-2 Pressure Control and Relief

Table B-3 Purtlication i Table B4 . Component Cooling Water * '

l Table B-5 Shutdown Cooling

. Table B4 Safety injection g' Table B-7 Storage Well Table B4 Cooling, Hasting and Ventiation Table B-9 Vents and Drains Table B-10 ' Steam Generator (Secondary Side) *

  • System should not contam intemel contamination NOTE Other systems may be sampled for charactertzabon as appropriate.

B.2 ORGANIZATION Each System Characterization Requirements table is organized as follows.

Sy' stem: The system name as listed in the Saxton Nuclear Facility System Descriptions Manual.

Measuremert/ Sample This listing defines the measurement / sample requirements for each location.

Location: This lists the locebons where measurements / samples we be taken.

B.3 COMPONENT GAMMA SURVEY The purpose of performng a gamme survey of system componetis is to be able to: (1) estirr. ate the radionuclide inventory of a system LAltzing a computer code (i.e., MICROSHIELD) and the results from the bulk sample and analysis, and (2) estimate does rates in work areas. The component gamma survey win be done in accordance with SNEC procedures or work instructions. ,

E21 =.

a 1 .. .

w i \ SAXTON NUCLEAR Samn Nucier Emerinwnlal %W 4

Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06

N -

Ammon No l SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 t

j APPENDOC B (Cont'd)

SYSTEM CHARACTERIZATION REQUIREMENTS The measuring instruments should be placed in appropriate measurement orientations as per the work instruction or assocateo procedure. Some possable locations and oriertations are pn:mded below.

C O.a u - n Locations Onentation l

l Piping On Contact (with 2 pomts 180' apart. 1 insulation) and (Top and bottom of horizontal

! 1 foot away. pipe) 4 Vessels / Tanks / On Contact (with 4 pomts - 90* apart.

! Heat insulation) and The readings should be taken '

j Exchangers/ 1 foot away along the conterline of the Pumps longitudinal axis.

1 a

i t


} ' --

if the component is not expected to have uniform distribution of contammation. i.e., the steam generator, take two or more sets of i

measurements at both ends of the longitudinci axis.

l A general area gamma survey is not specified in this characterization plan since these surveys are routinely j done in preparation for preparing Radiation Work Permits that wil support the characterization work.

NOTE Addinonal measurements with special instrumentation may be j necessary for selected equipment or systems.

4 k

i 3

4 i

l E2-2 -

. ra 1 .. -

Numter SAXTON NUCLEAR 8**"""*"'***"*"'""

Policy and Procedure Manual ns. 6575-PL.N-4520.06 i  % n no.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0

l i TABLE B-1 .


} -


  • Reference Dug. D 37821

) Measurement /Samole Location 1

Bulk Sample & Analysis I.


Internal Surface of Piping or Steam Generator Primary Head j Gamma Survey

! Main Coolant Pumgi (contact and 1 foot)t j Gamma Survey Hot leg piping (contact and 1 foot)t

Gamma Survey 4

Cold leg piping (contact and 1 foot)?


Gamma Survey Steam Generator (contact and 1 foot)t i Gamma Survey -

. Reactor Vessel (contact at core centerline)?


  • System should contain intamal contarmnation v t Or as directed by procedures or work instructxms I

i I i l l  !

i i

1 l  :

4 1

i o

s l

E2-3 m.  !


4 1



-( ..

a i SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"'Policy " and"'" Emerkrew Procedure Manuel j

6575-PLN-4520.06 Tm

) mm 1

SNEC Site Charactertzstion Plan o i

i 4




Reference Dwg. D-37821


l J

Measurement /Samole un

! Bulk Sample & Analysis intamal surface of ppng between main coolant @g 'M %* aM inlet to the pressurizer. (surge line) (one location minimum)

! Bulk Sample & Analysis Internal surface of piping between main coolant piping " cold leg' and  !

inlet to the pressurtzer. (spray line) (one locanon minirnum)

Gamma Survey Pressunzer (contact and 1 foot)t i

Bulk Sample & Analysm Intemal surface of ppng between pressurizer relief valves and the

discharge tank. (one location minenum)

I j Bulk Sample & Analysis Sediment intomal to the Pressurtzer Discharge Tank i 5 '

Gamina Survey Piping between rnain coolant piping " hot leg' and inlet to the

} pressunzer (contact and 1 foot)t i Garnrna Survey Piping between main coolant pipeng " cold leg' and inlet to the pressunzer (spray line) (contact and 1 foot)t l 1

i l Gamma Survey Pipiing between pronounzer relief valves and the discharge tank l

(contact and 1 foot)t t System should contain intemel contaminsuon t Or as directed by procedures or work instructions.  ;

1 E2-4 ...

3 n

D ..

Nurnber i SAXTON NUCLEAR 8"""d"***"'" ' "a" Policy and Procedure Manuel i True 6675-PLN-4520.06 Asnmen No, SNEC SNe Characterization Man 0 1

a i



  • j Reference Daug. D-37821 i Measurement /Samole ,yg;gggg i

j Bulk Sample & Analysis Intemel surface of pipang between main cooient piping and inlet to j j

purificadon dominershzer. (one locahon mensmum) 2 j

{ Gamma Survey i Purification domineralizer (contact and 1 foot)t j Gamma Survey i Boric Acid domineralizer (corr'act and 1 foot)t j Gamma Survey Regenerative heat exchanger (contact and 1 foot)t l Gamma Survey r, Norwegenerative heat exchanger (contact and 1 foot)t I

i Gamma Survey Piping between main coolant piping and inlet to Purification' e

f .

i Domineralizer (contact and 1 foot)t i

Gamma Survey Piping on the oudet side of the Purification Domineralizer (contact and J 1 foot)t 3-Gamma Survey Piping for Purification Dernmerailzer to apent resin storage tanks '

(contact and 1 foot)t j Gamma Survey Piping from Boric Acid Demmeralizer to spent resin storage tanks j (contact and 1 foot)t '

1 i Gamme Survey Piping on the ouest side of the Boric Acid Domineralizer (contact and j 1 foot)t

, System should contain stemel contammemon t Or as directed by procedure or work instruc6ons.

E2-5 -



! 8"'*"""*'***"*" + - " '

4 SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual rm 6675-PM.06 nenman no.

SNEC Site Cttaracterization Plan 0 -

. TABL2 B 4



  • Refenmos Dwg. No. - Figure 3-19 SNEC i

System Er ';M: Manuel i

Measurement /Samole Quantty Location i

l Loose p.y.e 1 Irtemal surface of 3* piping between supply header to i

' component cooling heat exchangers and discharge header of cc,T.pci 4 cooling purnps. (one location

] upstream of heat exchanger, one location l

downetream of heet exchanger) s l Fixed 1 intemel surface of 3* piping between supply header to component cooling heat exchangers and discharge j

header of component cooling pumps (one location

,' upstream of heat exchanger, one locahon i

% downetream of heet exchanger)

I p.y.e 1 Intemel surface of 4* river water piping discharging from the cc.Tpc. at cooling heat exchanger. (one 1 location only) l l Fixed 1 Interrel surface of 4' river water piping discharging i

from the component cooling heat exchanger. (one j location only) i i

f j

  • System should not contam intemel contammation i

t I

i i



2 J

E24 =*

4 4

i . .

1 t

! Seen Nuciew Expe& natal Corporation SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6675-PLN-4520.06 Tree Asweson No.

SNEC Site CharJcterization Plan 0 i



, R eno. own. o.mai

}. Measurement /Samole. Wion i

l Btdk Sample & Analysis Intemal surface of piping between the connection with the main j

coolant papog and connection with the safety injection piping. (one locatxm minimum)

Gamma Survey Shutdown cooling heat exchanger (contact and 1 foot)t Gamma Survey Shutdown cooling pump No.1t Gamma Survey Shutdown cooling pump No. 21 Gamma Survey .

Piping between the main coc6 ant pipmg and the safety injection l pipingt fg ..

l l


  • System should contain intemal contamination l

l t Or as per procedure (s) or work instructions I l

l 1

i i

I l

l I


\ l E2 7 ..

l 1


1 l

1 Nwnber v

SMTON NEGAR Sedon Nuclear Experimental Corporation pc, icy ano p,ocedu,o u,nu,1 7 ptu 4 2o.

T,g h No.

SNEC Site Charactertzstion Plan 0 4

TABl.E B-S j


! w m msenoN-j Reference Dwg. D-37821

Measurement /Samole Quantry location ,


Bulk Sample & Analysis 1 Intemal surface of 3" piping between the reactor vessel and the irastalled check valves. (one location only)

! Loose Aye 1 Intemal surface of 3' pipeng between the instailed check valves and

! the CV wall. (one locabon only) i i Focod 1 Intemal surface of 3* pipeng between the installed check valves and 1

. the CV well. (one location only) j Gamma Survey ~ Piping between the reactor vessel and the installed check valve

(contact and 1 meter)1 4

i *

- System shouki contain intemal contamination.

t Or as per procedures or work instruction (s). .

I 1

t 3

l i

i s

E2 8 :n .


SAXTON NUCLEAR ***"""*'*"'****"'"""

Policy and Procedure Manumi 6675-PLN-4520.06 rm  % n No.


  • Reference Dwg. No. D47824 Measurement /Samole Locabon Bulk Sample & Analysis Intemal surface of piping between inlet side of the storage well pumps to the discharge point of the storage well. (one location only)

Bulk Sample & Analysas Intemel surface of piping between the resin sluice discharge point uf the storage well domineralizer to the common heeder leading to the radioactive waste discharge factity Gamma Survey Storage well pump No.1 (contact and 1 foot)t Gamme Survey Storage well pump No. 2 (corect and 1 foot)t i Gamma Survey Storace well dommeralizer (contact and 1 foot)t  !

Gamma Survey Storage well heat exchanger (contact and 1 foot)t j Gamma Survey Piping between the inlet side of the storage well pumps to the l l discharge point into the storage well (contact and 1 meter)t i

! Gamma Survey Piping in the resin sluice line between the Storage Well Domineralizer j and the radioactive waste discharge fac56ty. (contact and 1 foot)t J System should contain intemel contamination t Or as per procedure or work instruebons E2-9  :* .

s m mter SAXTON =p N PIEA W=mR 8'*'""""*****" ~*~'"

Policy and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 m Amneen No.


  • Reference Dwg. Figure >32, SNEC Systems Manuel Measuremem/Samole Quantity Location Loose Ata 2 Intemel surface of primary compartment Faed 1 eir handler.

StAk Sarnple/ Analysis 2 Loose #-rw 2 intemel surface of control rod Fixed 1 compartment air handler.

Loose #-re 2 Intemel surface of operating area air Fixed 1 handler Loose #-r-a 2 Intemel surface of operating area modng f Fad I h Loose B-y-a 2 Intemel surface of CV exhaust fan (two Fixed I locanons)

Loose #-re 2 Intemel surface of control rod Fixed 1 compartment vertleting fan.

System may contain contaminaten e

U .


i. -




4 SAXTON NUCLEAR 8'""""d**'"***"*"*"

esicy and procedor. Manud l

no. 6575-PLN-4520.06 {

a  % n m. ,

SNEC Sita Characterization Plan a 0 TABLES-9



]; Reference Dag. No. Fig. 3-36, SNEC Systems C::: ;;-43 Manuel i Measurement /Samole

Location I

Bulk Sample & Analysis intemal surface of piping between containment vessel i (CV) sump pumps and'CV wall. (one location onlyr Bulk Sample & Analysis intamal surface of piping on vont and drain header discharging to the discharge tank. - (one location only)

Gamma Survey Piping between the containment vessel (CV) sump pumps and CV well. (contact ard 1 foot)t Gamma Survey Piping on vont and drain header discharge line to the Discharge Tanic (contact and 1 foot)t System should contain intomal contarmnation 1 t Or as per procedure or work instruction e211 --

1 t

1 J

l '

SAXTON N CLEAR 8"'"""*'*""**""*"c+"

4 paicy and emesaur. uenuei e575-PL.N-4520.06 w n m.

i SNEC Site Characterization Plan o i



  • l Reference Dwg. D.37831 l'

Measurement /samde 2mRE h i Loose #-re 1 Intemel surtece of 1 1/2"

Fixed 1 and contammert veneel wa9. (one location cnly)


l There are no valves or flanges shown on the drawing. A section of I pipe should be removed and counted in a low background area.

j Looseair-e 1 Intemel surface of 2"

  • bottom blow" peng between i steem generator and j Fixed ,

1 contenment vessel well. (one lodion only)

! NOTE j There are no valves or flanges shown on the drawing. A section of 1 pipe should be removed and counted in a low background area.

Loose #-r-e 1 Intemel surface of 4* main steam piping between the steem generator Fixed 1 and the contanment vessel wall. (one location only)

NOTE There are no valves or flenges shown on the drawing. A section of pipe should be removed and counted in a low background area.

Loose p-r-e 1 Intemel surface of 3* feedwater piping between the steem generator and the Fixed 1 containment vessel wall. (one locabon only)

NOTE There are no wives or flanges shown on the drawing. A section of pipe should be removed and counted in a low background area.

System should not contam contammanon E2-12 -

1 4

. . . Numsw I

SAXTON NUCLEAR Sam n Nudar Egerinwnul CcW.

j Pdicy and Procedure Manual 6676-PUM520.06 i Due Asnoon No.

t l SNEC Site Charactertzation Plan 0 i

i APPENDOC C l HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION SAMPUNG REQUIREMENTS i-i This appendoc deAnos the hazardous rnatorials sampling requrements for systems and structures.


$ This appendoc contains three tables. Table C-1, 'A=h==ra= Sampling Requirements' and Table C-2.


  • Hazardous Matenals Characterization,' and Table C 3, "PCB Sampling Requirements."



} A. Table C-t is organized as follows:

) System: This column lists the piping system or structural cowwierit to be sarnpied i

! Location: This column describes the spednc component that shodd be sampled.

l *

This column specdes the material which should be analyzed.

l S. Table C-2 is organized as follows

! All items identined in this table should have a Total Metals Analyses performed for Land, Cadmium 3

and Chrorrwum, unless otherwise specined Sediment samples should have a full TCLP, inorganic Analysis f ifwJr d. ,

Location This column descrbes the locahon (general area) from whch the sample is taken.

t Material This column specdes the material whch should be analyzed.

, C. Table C-3 is organized as follows i

i Locahon. This column descrbes the cc4rpswit from which the sample is taken.


  • M This cdurm W the rnderal M shodd be analyzed.

I 1

4 4

i i

o i




-1 Numter

! ***"""d"S***"*"*"**""

SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6675 PLN-4520.06 4

Trlie Revison No.

i SNEC Site Charactertzstion Plan 0 l TABLE C-1


Thermal Insulation 1

Main Coolant Pump Thermal Insulation l Main Coolant Piping Fitting (1) Thermal insulation

, Pipe (1) Thermal Insulabon -

i Pressure Control & Pressurizer I I

Thermal Insulation Relief System Piping i Fitting (1) Thermal Insulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation

Purification Regenerative Hx Thermal Insulation Non-Regenerative Hx ThemialInsulation

} Piping i '

Fitting (1) Thermal insulation j .. Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation Component Cooling , Component Cooling Hx (1)- Thermal Insulation l P(Wng j Fitting (1) Thermal Insulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation

Sampling & Leak Piping 4

Detection Frtting (1) Themial Insulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation 3 Shutdown Cooling Shutdown Cooling Hx (1) Themial Insulation Piping

! Fkting (1) Thermalinsulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation Safety injecuon Piping Fitting (1) Thermal Insulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation Storage Well Storage Weil Hx Thermal Insulation Piping Fltung (1) Thermal Insulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation s,

h.2 m

9 M.'


- ~

SAXTON NdDLEAR Saxt n Nuder Eqwunwel Corporen Policy and Pr-Mure Manual Tree 6575-PLN-4520.06 Rowieson No. I SNEC Site Characterization Plan- 0 l




System Locetion McMal Cooling Heating & Air Handlers Ventilation Aux. Compartment Thermal Insulation -

Primary Compartment .

Thermal Insulation Rod Room Thermal Insulation  !

Operating Area Thermal Insulation Piping {

Steam. Supply /Retum  :

Thermal Insulation Water Supply /Retum Thermal Insulation Secondary Main Feedwater Piping Fitting (1) Thermal Insulation Pipe (1) Thermal Insulation

. Main Steam Piping Fitting (1) ThermalInsulation Pipe (1)

/ .


( Blowdown Fitting (1) ThermalInsulation Pipe (1) Thermalinsulation Containment Vessel CV Walls - beneath el. 812' Painted Surface (CV) Storage Well Wall

  • Original
  • Paint Area Painted Surface
  • Repaired / Repainted
  • Area Painted Surface Electrical cabling as appropnate i

Systems or corr.pcs e. with the snrne type of insulation as determined by means other than sampling may be combined as determined 1:rj a GPUNC MW safety and health representative.

E3-3 *-

!e -

w j SAXTON NilCLEAR S'" a ""c'"' *'" "" " +"

Policy and Procedure Manual

' Tre. . 6675PLN-4520.06 j No.

I SNEC Site Characterization Plan l

0 4


HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CHARACTER 12AT10N (Total Metals Analysis) j Conduct a Total Metais Analysm (Lead, Cadmium, Chromium) unless otherwise W i

] Location unge,i,i Containment Vessel Outer Shell Composite Pairt Sampes i

Containment Vessel inner Steel Shell Composite Paint Samples j (above 812' operating area)

Containtnent Vessel Inner Concrete Liner Composite Paint Samples j (below 812' operating area) 1 j Pressurtzer Discharge Tank Sediment $ ample (Full TCLP, i Inorgaruc Analysis)

Containment Vessel Surnp Sediment Sample (Full TCLP, p . _(el. 765'-8") Inorganic Analyse)

., Tunnel (outsde CV) Composite Paint Sample Component Cooling Water Sediment Sample from i

l Surge Tank Tank or Adjacent Piping (FullTCLP, inorganic Analysis)

Storage Well Wall Composite Paint Sample .

(above el. 796')

Storage Well Wall Composite Paint Sample (below el. 790')

Storage Weil Floor Sediment Sample (FullTCLP, Inorganic Analysis)

Reactor Vessel / Main Coolant Phing Composite Paint Sample Water *Can" (Inside storage well)

Containment Vessel Structural Steel Composite Paint Sample Platforms supports.

Primary CcnTv-Li, erit Atedliary Cc,iTvsitinerit 9

l f

t Sed n Nudar Egertnental CGweh SAXTON N.UCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6575-PLN-4520.06 ~

True Rowmon No.

SNEC Site Characterization Phn 0 TABLE C-2 (Continued)


! Location Material Operating Area Floor Composite Paint Sample (el. 812')

Operating Area Shield Wall . Composite Paint Sample (el. 812')

l Septic Tank "A* (See Figure A-3) Sediment Sample '

(FullTCLP, inorganic Analysis)

Septic Tank "B* (See Figure A4) Sediment Sample (FullTCLP, inorganic Analysis)

Pump Well (See Figure A-3) Sediment Sample (FullTCLP, inorganic Analysis)


System Components


Pressurizer Composite Paint Sample Pressurizer Discharge Tank Composite Paint Sample Steam Generator Composite Paint Sample Heat Exchangers Composite Paint Sample

Shutdown Cooling Composite Paint Sample Component Cooling CGTiposite Paint Sample Storage Wen Composite Paint Sample Regenerative Composite Paint Sample Non4tegeneratrve Compcsite Paint Sample Instrument Racks Composite Paint Sample (el. 765'-8*)

E3-5 =

I l


' 8'" " ""*" EW Caporadon m

SAXTON NtiCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manual 6675-PLN-4520.06 True Amamon No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 l

TABLE C-2 (Connnued)


L0cetion Material System Pioino (representatNe location from below systems)

  • Main Coolant Composite Paint Sample Pressunzer Surge or Spray Composite Paint Sample Pressurtzer Relief Composite Paint Sample Punfication System Composite Paint Sample Component Cooling Water Composite Paint Sampe Shutdown Cooling Composite Paint Sample Safetyinjechon Composite Paint Sample l

Storage Well Composite Paint Samps i Vent and Drain Composite Paint Sample Feedwater


. Composite Paint Sample Main Steam Composta Paint Sample

. . Steam Generator Blowdown Composte Paint Sample


Systems painted with the same paint (visual observation) may be combined Other systems may be sampled as necessary to complete characterization.

1 E34 m*


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SAXTON NOCLEAR Sad n NN Eg@wtal C+e.

Policy and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 m  %.on m.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0 TABLE C-3 PC8 SAMPUNG REQUIREMENTS Comp _onent %I \

! Oil-Filed Transformers (if present) RepresentatNe 08 Sample Ughting Ballasts (if present) RepresentatNe 01 Sample l

l r

I l

l l

i l

l l

l E3 7 =>

Sexton Nucieer Expe&nstal Corpormion SAXTON NUCLEAR Policy and Procedure Manuel 6575-PLN-4520.06 Tm lbmon No.

SNEC She Charactertzstion Plati 0 APPEND 0tD SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL SUfWEY MQUIREMENTS This appendix defines soi survey requirements for cusreci.e.g the soi surrounding various systems which supported the SNEC. These requirements are in addition to the requirements specded GPUN Soil Characterization Plan.

D.1 CONTENTS This appendix contains one table, Table D 1, ' Supplemental Sol Charactertzetiorf.

D.2 ORGANIZATION The Sol Survey Requirements table is organized as follows System or Area: This'section defines the system or area of interest.

Measurement: DeAnos the contamination measurement techruque to be employed.

Extent: Defines the extent of meneurements for the inittel measurement. If contarmnenon is present at the

, , boundary of the specined locahon, additional measurements wil be required Location: This section lists where the measurement wE be taken.

D.3 MEASUREMENT REQUIREMENTS Gamme Locaina Measurement of subsurface radation (qualitative) by lowering or placitig a radiation detecdon assembly into the tube driven into the ground. Typical measurements are taken by lowenng the detector at 6" increments and recGeq the counts per minute (cpm) at each depth. For crcumeances where the tube already exists (a subourface drain line - free of water), the detector con be inserted directly into the line. -

This principal we work at SNEC due to the presence of Cs-137, a gamme emitting isotope.

Sol Samolina Mesourement of contaminoson (concentration) present in the sol by extracung a semple of soil and measurin0 for the presence of contamnants using inboratory radiaiantar= analysis techniques (i.e., high resolution gamme spectroscopy)

NOTE Some of the measurements /semples in this section may be inaccessible Bounding estimates may need to be used instead of actual meneurement/ semple results. Every anempt should be made to obtain the measurement / semple where economsceBy feasible 4

E41 -

SAXTON NUCLEAR **"'"*"****"*""'**' 1 Policy and Procedure Manual 6575 PLN-4520.06 j

re. nm nm 1 SNEC Site Characterization Plan o TABLE D 1 SUPPLEMENTAL SOIL CHARACTERIZATION Ref. Dwg. D-37745 3 (Sanitary) (Tunnel Area)

System or Area Measurement EME1 Location Sanatary Drain - Gamma Loggmg Msodmum 10" pipe between Line (weir to extent chlorine contact

concrete headwal poemble.

1 tank / weir and (at least . concrete headwall 20'.to get discharging into I

a pipe Raystown Branch.

joint). Junsata River.

! Storm & Sansary Gamma Loggng Mandmum All inlets to Drains into Weir acont weir.


, Sanitary System- . Gamma Survey 5' depth Gamma Survey-l Sand Filter General Area j .. ,

pR survey to determine points l Of elevated l readings.

f Gamma Logging 5' depth At locations of elevated

gamma survey results

! Soil Sampimg 24 locations Sol sampling locations wthin each sand filter

area (each filter approx.

22'x22'). At locabon and

, ' depth of highest 3

' gamma log' reading.

l Sanitary System- Gamma Logguig 10' depth 10 locations

Sepbe tanks & 811' to 801' equally spaced

_p ump well around the ' footprint

  • cf j[

1 the tanks and well.

i 1

4 o .

V j E4-2 =

1 i

i f ..

Nummer SAXTON NUCLEAR 8**"*"*'*"'" """

Policy and Procedure Manual i r,s. 6575.PLN-4520.06 Aween No.

SNEC Site Characterization Plan 0
' TABLE D-1 (Cont'd)


Ref. Dwg. D47746 3 (Sanitary) (Tunnel Area) i j System or Area Measurement 1

.Eggg Locanon Tunnei . Outside

' Gamma Logging 4' below CV (undemeath Soil sampling 4 locations i base of -

equally spaced tunnel floor) tunnelSoor

{ over the length of the tunnel. Logging and l sampling thould be

done over
  • joints
  • or j large cracks in the floor

. as close to the CV as poss m .

j other areas as appropriate where sol contanunabon may be present above the set limits established by GPUN erwironmental controls.



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