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Certificate of Compliance 9151,Rev 8,for Models HN-100 Series 3,CNS 14-170 Series III & NUS14-170 Series I. Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109151
Issue date: 06/20/1985
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20127N352 List:
NUDOCS 8507010557
Download: ML20127N364 (5)


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I.E CERTIFICATE OF CCMPLIANCE k 'o c" " FC RACl2 ACTIVE CATERIALS PACKACES i-A e ,* vacc astwicariou ~uveen o aevisios uvussa a ,4ce~uusta . rovat uuussa ,4ces : ,

y t a ccarwicate suveca 9151 8 4  ;

i USA /9151/A 1

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~M a Tnis certificat. is issu.d to certify that tn. pacinaging and cont.nts described in it.m s 0,1o.. meets in.appuc406 saf.ty standards set forttfin Titi.10. Cod.

.f of Federal R.gulations, Part 71. ~ Packaging of Radioactiv. Mat.nals for Transport and Transportation of Aadsoactiv. Material Ur.d.r Certain Conditions "

i 1

o inis c rtifice. do.s not r.o.v. in. consignor from compnanc. .itn any 2, tn. r.gvicions or ene u s o.nutm.nt or T,ansportation or ein.r appncaei. reguicory agenei.s inciuding tn. governm.nt at any country enrougn or into .nien in. paciag. ..ii e. transport.d.

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.2.'"i !f" .'E,' *' ' * **"" ^**'"."*E"lflo'i$'fJc^fr'olMe,"#Wa^,'R,"carios B 1 'N k Westinghouse Hittman Nuclear Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation, applicatiog f Incorporated dated April 5, 1982, as supplemented. 't

1! 9151 Rumsey Road f f Columbia, MD 21045
11 71-9151 )I

,I k c 00 cmc 7 NUuseft I

I a conomous Tnis certificat. is condition i upon ruitining ine r.quirern.nts of to Crn Part Ti. as appocani.. and in conditions e.eo. j

1; s y j (a) Packaging j g f HN-100 Series 3, CNS 14-170 Series III, and NUS14-170 i (1) Model Nos.: g l :( Series 1 u-

-1 h:

1 (2) Description i 1 $

l) l q Steel encased, lead shielded casks for low specific activity material.

The casks are right circular cylinders 81-1/2 inches high by 81-3/4 f

!g 1 (or 81-1/2) inches in diameter. The cask cavities are 73-3/8 inches lI l

li high by 75-1/2 inches in diameter. The cask side walls consists of a ,K l il 3/8-inch thick inner steel shell, a 1-7/8-(or 1-3/4-) inch lead shell, ik l

}j and a 7/8-inch thick outer steel shell. The base is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates welded together to form a 4-inch thick base j y l

M which is integrally welded to the inner and outer steel shells of the 'g l

-1 side wall. A steel flange is welded to the inner and outer steel 3 R

1! shells of the side wall at the top. The lid is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates, which are stepped and welded together to mate @,#

j with the steel flange. The cask closure is sealed by a Neoprene gasket located between the lid and steel flange, positive closure of j

l J the lid is accomplished by eight,1-3/4-inch rachet binders. The lid . lg r l i

' %1 contains a centrally located shield plug comprised of two, 2-inch lE thick steel plates and one,1-inch thick steel plate stepped and it I

welded. The shield plug is sealed by a Neoprene gasket, and eight, fd 3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive closure. The j jy packagings are constructed of A-516, Grade 70, carbon steel.

outer shell will have a minimum yield strength of 46,000 psi, The 'g p

i a

1 Model Number 00, inches Lead Tk, inches l>

D 1

! 3 HN-100 Series 3 81-3/4 1-7/8 ilj h CNS 14-170 Series III 81-1/2 1-3/4 gi NUS14-170 Series 1 81-3/4 1-7/8 's P


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j 0507010557 050620 )'t PDR ADOCK 07109151  :,

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CONDITIONS (contmuCd) q n

! Page 2 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9151 lN B

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! i So(a) (2) Description (continued)

!,N i j q Tie-down is accomplished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask 'N body. There are four cask lif ting lugs, three lid lif ting lugs, and ij c l one shield plug lif ting lug. The package gross weight is approximately ,

j 53,005 pounds. g i i 'n

!j (3) Drawings l3

'n The packagings are fabricated in accordance with Hittman Nuclear & k h

1 1

Development Corp. Drawing Nos.: C001-5-9138, Rev. 7; C001-5-9139, Rev. 4; C001-5-9140, ,Rev2 5;1 C001-5-9141, Rev. 2; C001-5-9142, Rev.1; j

I i

j C001-5-9143, Rev,. 5; .and C001-5-9144,; Rev. 3. Optional stainless lg g j

l steel shielding insert in accordance with. Drawing Nos.: STD-02-035, ,n Rev. 1; STD-02-036 Rev. 1; and STD-02-037,'Rev. 2.


);I N

J The ModeliNo. CNS 14-170 Series III has one or more of the options n Chem-Nuclea r Systems, Inc. Drawing No. C-110-0-0006, Rev. A.


,jl 'y i ;l shown 1,c ,_


? The Model No. NUS14-170 Series 1 is fabricated in accordance with NUS

I l

Corporation Drawing'Nos.: 8916 M 2001, Rev. C; 8916 M 2002, Rev. B; llII 8916 M,2003, Rev. B;'8916 M 2004, Rev. A; 8916 M 2005, Rev. A; and

8916 M.2006, Rev. B. ,;

, . . s, .

s l@i 1 (b) Contents [ . . ~ ' % . . . ., *

. :, ;I (1) Type and. fonn 'of material, '; ;I lij

,, 5

. ! ::1 Process' solids, either dewatered, solid or solidified, meeting the D requirements for-low specific activity material, sealed in secondary lj g lJ g

containers .. ,p


(2) Maximum quantity of material per package l3j Greater than Type A quantity.of radioactive material which may contain fissile material provided the fissile material does not exceed the j!y l

! limits in 10 CFR 971.53. The weight of the contents, optional shield 'n l :l) insert, and secondary containers shall not exceed 19,205 pounds. When !b l h the shield insert is not installed in the cask, the internal decay  ; i

1 heat load shall not exceed 7 watts. When the shield insert is installed j,

i in the cask, the internal decay heat load shall not exceed 28 watts.


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! -----------.....--------A----.....___m I . il I CONOlTIONS (contmu:d) f I fl l ll Page 3 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 8 - Dccket No. 71-9151 lt

! It :1 II 't I  !!

6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which could ll l

1 radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must be made by tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative package such that



t <

I the following criteria are met over a period of time that is twice the 't I expected shipment time: 't I

i l (1) The hydrogen generated must be limited to a molar quantity that would llf

' }i be no more than 5% by volume (or equivalent limits for other inflam-mable gases) of the secondary contaiger gas void if present at STP 't


I (i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /f t at 14.7 psia and 70'F); or I

I orn

~ (ii) The secondary container 7nd casiCeavity must be inerted with a diluent llt


. j, l to assure that oxygen must be limited'to'5%,by volume in those portions I gj of the package,which could have hydrogen ~ greater than 5%. ]

q> s. * -

't I For any package delivered to a carrier for transport,! the secondary container  !

Il must be prepared for shipment in the same manner in which determination for lL t 1 gas generation islmade. Shipment period begins when the package is prepared j

4 (sealed) and must be; completed within twice the expected shipment time.

4 x

]I g

3ll (b) For any pa'ckage shipped within 10 days of preparation, or. within 10 days l i

l' after venting of drums or other secondary, containers, the detennination in  !

11 I

(a) aboveI-~

apply. need notf

be made,<andithe.

c - time restriction in (a) above does not li l 1

I )p (w E 9-h ;7 - , I

7. Except for close fitting contents,ishoring nust be placed between secondary l

![! containers and the. cask cavity to prevent movement during normal conditions of transport. Nn '

.i r

lj _

! I ll I 8. The lid, shield plug, and cask lifting lugs must be covered in transit to preclude i l

l l l their use as tie-down ~ devices. ]

9. In addition to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71:

l 1 I (i) Prior to each shipment, the packaging lid seals, if opened (or if security l l

l ! Ilj seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must be replaced with new ll1 j' seals if inspection shows any defects or every 12 months, whichever occurs firs t,

l j

s f

1 I (ii) Each package must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program of ltt I Section 7.0 and Appendix E of the application. Gamma scan for the shielding 1 I acceptance may be based on lead equivalence for lead and steel with all j

q readings within 2.3 inches 110% on a 4-inch grid. The 11odel No. NUS14-170 Series 1 package must meet the Acceptance and !!aintenance Programs of NUS i]l j

I Procedures WM-011, Rev. E; utt-012, Rev. E; WM-013, Rev. A; and WM-014, i t

i Rev. F. 't I 't I ll I I I I I I I lL I ,1 I 'l I i l

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3 Jl CONolTiONS (contunuod) l

, li .

't I; h Nl .k' s' Page 4 - Certificate No. 9151 - Revision No. 8 - Docket No. 71-9151 p

. 1 p l I ;I N. 't i

f10. Paragraph 8.1 and Figure 1 of Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation Procedure j i No. HNDC-0-001-2/3, Rev. 7 (Hittman ltr dtd April 27,1983) are deleted. Seals 'g

( which show any visual defects (cracking, gouging, tearing, etc.) must be repaired s l

1 in accordance with the referenced procedure and Note No. 3 on Hittman Drawing ;D

' 4l No. C001-5-9138, Rev. 7; NUS Procedure Wi-012, Rev. E, Section 7.1 (joint angle .R

{ must be approximately 45*); or, replaced with a new seal, j l 31 p gl 110 The package authorized by this certificate must be transported on a motor vehicle, 's 1 railroad car, aircraf t, inland watercraf t, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel

1, assigned for the sole use of the licensee.c . ))

A g@ 4 . C5/, ,b


j The package authorized by_ this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions,of 10 CFR 571.12. ,

j y

  • s T 3 1

(l 13. Expiration date: June'30, 1987. 'f

1 ;f :p

! 4!4, u' REFERENCES I u

) Hittman Nuclear & Development Corporation application dated April 5,1982.

j c- .

' ,; 1Supplements dated: April 22 and' June 17,1982;, February 3 April 27, and .3

1j April 29, 1983; and June u.

13, 1984 (WHNI-E-785) 2 ip

1 .

, . ,p Chem-Nuclear Systems, Jnc. supplement dated: . November 16, 1982.

't -

JI g! NUS Process Services Supplements dated: June 29 and September 12, 1903; December 7, i n

, l' 1984; and January ll, May 7, and June 14, 1985. p l :1 :D l 1i FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION I l

n t :I D



}1 6 Qes Char .. c)d, Chief ac ona }I

' 4; Transportation Certification Branch ;I 1 Division of Fuel Cycle and j Material Safety, NMSS j:p l{Date:M 2 ^ 1985 $.

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js,a Krog h, UNITED STATES



'  %, * . . . . p i Transportation Certification Branch Approval Record Model Nos. HN-100 Series 3 CNS 14-170 Series III, and NU5 14-170 Series 1 Packages c Docket No. 71-9151 i

By application dated December 7,1984, as supplemented January 11, May 7 and June 14, 1985, NUS Process Services requested an amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 9151 to permit the fabrication and use of an optional 28.75-inch secondary lid on the Model No. NUS14-170 Series 1 package (cask).

l l The applicant has shown by comparison to a previously approved package l (DocketNo. 71-9159) that increasing the secondary lid from a 15.75-inch diameter to 28.75-inch diameter will have no significant effect on the ability of the package to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

t This change will not effect the ability of the package to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

! It is noted that the applicant uses the same procedures on similar

  • packagings for leak testing (WM-011) and gamma scanning (WM-013), however,

! the procedures carry different revision levels. This certificate has been revised to indicate the specific revision level approved for the NUS14-170 Series 1, package, ff _ A h Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Date: JUN 2 0 m j

1 i


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