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Advises That,On 830712,rept Setting Forth Results of Ofc Inquiry Into Conduct of Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Re Applegate Allegations Hand Delivered to N Haller.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/13/1983
From: Aloot C
Shared Package
ML20127A137 List:
FOIA-84-415 NUDOCS 8505290661
Download: ML20128F522 (24)


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\ ..... g 'gNr:p.,;~,y .~ July 13, 1983 1 4)w L. .

MEMORANDUM FOR: Files FROM: C. SebastianAlcot,Attorne[$

! Office of the General Counsel l


TRANSMITTAL OF INVESTIGATIVE REPORT On July 12, 1983, the original and five copies of the report i

setting forth the results of our inquiry into the conduct of OIA with respect to the Applegate allegations were hand

delivered to Norm Haller, Office of the Chairman. Mr.

[ Haller was out of the office so his secretary received a delivery. Distribution of those copies were as follows:

Original - Chairman

{ Copy 2 - Commissioner Gilinsky

! Copy 3 - Commissioner Roberts :J

! Copy 4 - Commissioner Asselstine Copy 5 - Norm Haller Copy 6 - Norm Haller Copy 7 was retained for my files. Copy 8 is intended for Judge Hoyt's files, and copy 9 for Ruthanne Miller.

l Haller's secretary was also advised that a complete set of

} interviews and documents would be forwarded to the

{ Commission at a later date under separate co'ver.

Subsequently, Commission Gilinsky's office requested a separate copy of all interviews.

( Tapes of interviews will be indexed and kept in the OGC safe pending a determination regarding their permanent storage.

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s. m Aloot Investigation (Zimmer) 2"orx gg13( $

Doc.No. Date Description



. i 1 2/1/79 Ltr. to Earl A. Borgman, Cincinnati Gas

& Elec., fr James G. Koppler, Div., Reg III w/ Notice of-Violation and IE Inspection Rpt. No. 50-358/78-30 2 3/26/79 Ltr. to Earl A. Borgmann, Cincinnati

. Gas & Elec., fr G. Fiorelli, Eng. '

Support Br., Reg III - w/Ltr fr Cincinnati Gas & Elec dtd 3/2/79 re:' \

Corrective Actions Taken 1980

'3 -

T7T/8d Ltr to Earl A. Borgmann, Cincinnat' Gas s.Elec. fr G. Fiorelli, Eng. Support Br., Reg III re inspection of K.D. Ward

  • on 9/18-20 and 12/11 & 12/79 - Encl. IE Inspection Rpt. No. 50/358/79/17 4 4/3/80 Memo for V. Stello, Director, I fr Wm.

~J.~ Ward, Senior Investigator, IE -

. Subj: Discussion of Interrelationship of IE Investigative Program with that ~

of OIA 5 7/2/80 Ltr to Earl A. Borgmann, Cincinnati Gas

& Elec., fr James G. Keppler, Dir.,

Reg III re Zimmer Investigation by Phillips, Ward & Vandel on 4/7-9 and 4/30, 5/1-2 and 5/20, 1980 w/ Notice of a . Violation & IE Inspection Rpt. No


50-358/80-09 geg e Itt q.q .ry eg+( M.

f 6 7/3/80 IE~ Inspection Rpt. No. 50-358/80-09 Apr. 7-9 and 30,.,May 1-2 and 20, 1980 1 8/4/80 '

Ltr to James G. Keppler, Dir., Reg III

( fr Earl A. Borgmann, Cincinnati Gas &

Elec., re corrective action taken in ll response to Notice of Violation, IE l Inspection Rpt. No. 80-09 .

l l 8 12/15/80 Memo for James Cummings, CIA from Commissioner Ahearne re Thomas W.

Applegate Allegations



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9 12/29/80 N.trfrMaryEastwood, Office,ofSpecial Counsel to Comm. Ahearne transmitting Thomas Applegate and GAP allegations re

. Zimmer .

1981 *' ,

January y. . ,

10 1/5/81 Memo for Com. Ahearna fr James Cununings , OIA - Thomas A. Applegate Alelgations - Informs Comm. Ahearne CIA will investigate adequacy of IE investigation of Applegate allegations.

11 1/12/81 Memo for V. Ste11o, Dir., IE fr James ',,

G. Keppler, Dir., Reg. III Subj Zimmer

- GAP Request for Investigation by Merit System Protection Bd Concerning

. - NRC's Handling of Applegate Allegations 12 1/13-15/- John Sinclair - handwritten notes of

-81 interview w/ Gary Phillips, Reg. III

f. Senior Investigator (12 pages) i 13 1/26/81 .J. Sinclair handwritten notes -


interview w/ Gaston Fiorelli,-

( .

Engineering Support Branch, Reg. II 14 1/26/81 ~J. Sinclair handwritten notes -

interview w/ Charles Norelius, Chief (Asst. to the Director) , Reg. III k '

. 15 1/25/81 Memo for Norman Moseley, IE fr David

. . Gamble,'OIA - Subj: IE Investigation

. . - into Information Flow Concerning the -

TMI Accident - with Moseley response to Gamble of 2/2/81 16 1/27/81

  • J. Sinclair handwritten notes -

.. Interview with Kavin Ward, Inspector Reg. III (3 pages) 17 1/29/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes -

Interview with James G. Keppler, Director, Reg. III (6 pages)

February e~ . _ _

p. . .  :. .

.:-  :; 3. . u ,

y. . .

A . .: . .

x . .

18 2/3/81 '

J. Sinclair handwritten notes - second interview with Gerald A. Phillips, f Senior Inspector, Reg. III (22 pages) i i

_19; 2/4/81 . .Ltr. to Louis Clark, Director, GAP fr James J. Cuimmings - discusses y '

arrangements of confidentiality made at t Jan.^7, 1981 meeting w/ Cummings, Tom Devine, John Sinclair and Art Schnabelen l 2 0 '. 2/5/81 Memo to File fr. John Sinclair, CIA I .

Subj: Investigation of IE Efforts k, Pertaining to Investigations of Alleged p construction Deficiencies at the Zimmer Nuclear Facility (Applegate) 21 5/9/81 Memo of C.E. Cornelius and R.F.

Beishman, Reg. III fr A. Bert Davis, Reg. III - Subj: Zimmer Investigation -

requests documentation of areas

- investigated relating to Applegate allegations . .

22 2/10/81 Memo for Vic Stello, Director, IE fr James Cummings, CIA ~Subj: Transfer of Documentation Provided by GAP (2/9/81)

. - furnishes IE with documents obtained fr GAP and sets forth coifidential f procedures for handling information.

23 2/13/81 J.Sinclairhabdwrittennotes-contact with Thomas Devine, GAP


l 24 2/18/81


J. Sinclair handwritten notes of interview with Thomas Vandel, Resident

! . Inspector - Wolf Creek with background info on Vandel attached 25 '2/19/81- J. Sinclair. handwritten notes re interview of FBI, Special Agents, .

1 Chicago Field Office-( R. Buckley and Wm. Dyson) i-n 26 2/23/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes - second interview with Davin Ward, Reg. III 4 Inspector re Applegate Allegations (8 Pages)



  • ^ ' ' ^ ~

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'27 2/23/81 .Mhmo'to File fr A. Bert Davis, Reg. III Subj: Telephone call fr Mr.- Tom f Applegate Feb. 19, 1981 - cor.tains en=mants received by phone on Feb. 19 9

. fr Tom Applegat's re progress of investigation and Mr. Applegate's concern f6r'his safety.

3 28 2/25/81 Memofto File fr A. Be'rt Davis, Reg. III

  • f.. - Subj: Telecon with Tom Applegate -

February 23, 1981 - conversation regarding arrangements to be made for' ,

Mr. Applegate and his attorney to meet w/ NRC representative at Reg. III Office 29 3/5/81


Memo for File fr A. Bert Davis, Reg.

III Subj: Telephone conversation with Ira Nosen, so minutes ouestioned how l . . services Zimmer problems were - stated

. he would follow IE investigation

[ . closely.

'30 3/9/81 Memo for R.F. Heishman, Director, f Division Resident Project Inspection, j, Reg. III fr A.Bert Davis, Reg. III -

. Subj: Comments on Applegate Allegations

. -- encloses comments on first Applegate

. allegation write-up. Also enclosed


M.S.P.B. Request for Investigation Allegations (1-19)


i. 31 3/9/81 Memo to File fr Arthur Schnebelen, OIA i - Subj: Thomas Applegate j 32 i;

3/9/81 Memo to File fr Arthur Schnebelen, OIA

- Subj: Themas Applegate - contains

- info .re phone conversation between x Schnebelen, CIA, and Bert Davis, Reg. -

f III 1 % A9eR bge $, y t

m m.< .~ hcac_ y i%

I 33 3/11/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes -

I interview w'ith Duane H. Danielson, Chief, Materials & Process Section, Seg. III I

34 3/11/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes -

interview with Richard C. Knop, Chief,

?9 Project Section, Reg. III l

l l


- - - , ---s ,. - - --, - ~ - . - ,- -- - ---

c ,

~- '

t 7 ,

.:7 35 3/11/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes -

interview with Richard C. Knop, Chief,

, Project Section, Reg. III 36 3/17/81 Memo for Vic Stallo, Director, IE fr James G. Keppler, Reg. III - Subj:

Investigation of Applegate Allegations f Zimmer - Status report on f.

. progress of investigation j 37 3/17/81 Ltr. to Jim Cummings, OIA*fr Julian g' Greenspun, DCJ Discusses problems related to civiT and criminal

. . proceedines, willingness to expedite joint cases. Attached - 3/14/81 note to Dudley Thompson forwarding DCJ g


4 .


. .38 3/17/81 List of Items transferred to I&E fr John Sinclair, OIA-with note of receipt of items b T.Devine, GAP On 5/5/81 -

$ 3s a, 3/ f Ac4 Ekwe.ft: &"!.m'*%4 P8 69flM N Q-Ap Q, 7!.9j.P 0 '

. . . 39 4/1/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes - second L interview with Thomas E. Vandel, h, Inspector - Wolf Creek 40 4/1/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes - Review of Welding Reco.rds 41 4/9/81 Note to Commissioners fr James t -

f Cummings, OIA - forwards Draft GAO i -

report on OIA. - Rpt, not attached 42 4/10/81 Memo to Multiple Addresses fr J.

Cuttings forwarding Draft GAO Report on

OIA - Rpt. not attached L

L q, -

4 .



- . j i .

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7 43 4/10/83 , ' draft'-NRC/RegionIIIDiscussions-I

  • Zimmer Nuc. Power Station, Unit 1

."' Attachments: Exhibits A through M List of Exhibits -

. A-ltr dtd 3/11/80 NRC to Alleger B-Bill of Lading ,

l. C-Packing List D-QA Documentation Package

. E-NR E-1911 F-NR E-1911 Rev. 1 G-Surveillance Report dtd 7/23/79 '

E-Surveillance Rpt dtd 8/8/79 b

I-NR E-1911 Rev. 2 J-NR.E-1997 X-NR E-1997 (closed) .

L-NR E-2020 MeNR E-1911 Rev. 2 (closed)

44 4/14/81 Memo to Chrm. Hendrie fr J. Cnumings, T- OIA - Subj: GAO Draft Report on CIA I. forwards GAO ltr transmitting their - ,

draft to NRC and requesting coimments

. .by May 8, 191. GAO ltr. not attached.

- '~~-

45 4/22/81 ' Memo for File 80A-36 fr Trancy Wiest, Auditor, CIA - Info provided by GAO at OIA's request regarding clarification of certain questions in GAO Draft f Report on CIA.

l May

'46 5/1/81~

  • Ltr. to Hon. Milton'J.'Socolar, eting h . Comptroller General, GAO fr Joseph M.

Hendrie,.Chrmn. re Draft GAO Rpt on -

Improvements needed in the Nuclear l Regulatory Commission's Office of

. Inspector and Auditor" l

? i . . ,

i o

  • I

. y . - -- >

3 y-  : . . . .,-



. A .

l 47 5/5/81 Memo for Dudley Thompson, IE fr James Cummings, OIA - Subj: IE Manual, TI

( ,

1250/02, Rev. 1, "IE Investigative Program - relates concerns to two areas

/ which require change 1-procedures for transmitting initial reports of alleged criminal activities 2-Point III.8. of TI - direct Regional Offices to refer criminal violations directly to State and local law

. enforcement agencies . . .

'48 5/6/81 Memo for R.F. Heishman and C.E.

. . Norelius, Reg. III fr James Keppler, Reg. III Subj: Evaluation of Problems Identifie~d, Zimmer Investigation Enclosure - list of problems, identified and evaluation of those problems.

49 5/15/81 Memo for File fr Art Schnabelen, OIA Subj: Redelegation of Authority Delegates authority to John Sinclair to

. . administer oaths & affirmations to be ~

i used in matter of allegations re J

. Zimmer. -

50- 5/18/81 Ltr fr Earl A. Borgmann, Cincinnati Gas

& Elec to James Keppler, Director, Reg.

III re postponement of May 18, 1981 meeting on QA Problems I 51 6/1/81 Memo for Vic Stallo, IE fr James t- Cummings, CIA _,Subj: Investigation Policy Witness Notification ,

Transmit's DCJ guidance resulting fr

l. -

questions raised in connection with


Zimmer - No attachment.

6 l

52 6/12/81 Memo to R.C. DeYoung, IE fr James .

Keppler, Reg III - Subj: Status of e Zimmer Investigation l

l m


  • 4 %th 6 IM *M


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53 ff15/81 . Memo"to File fr David Gamble, and l Albert Publia, CIA - Subj: Zianer Plant- l

. f - Allegations of Deficient Construction 1 Information relating to review of h '

. .L Kaiser Engineering QA Nonconforming Material _ Report Logs.



J. , July r -

54 -7/7/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes - contact w/ Pat Gwinn, R.I. Zimmer on locating "

weld records


55 '7/1*/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes-weld records .

56 7/14/81 Ltr to M.'J. Socolar, Acting Comp.

General fr James Cummings, OIA Relating i . Cummings concerns about GAO Report -

. unfair manner in which agency comments were evaluated and/or admitted 57- 7/16/81 Note to Jim / Art, OIA fr J. S'inclair re:

Review of Welding Records Report August h .

, 4 58 8/4/81 Memo for J.F. Streeter, R.F. Warnick, butsine A.B. Davis, Reg. III fr J.E. Foster, St.* V he * *k- ) Investigator, Reg. III - Subj: Content

% e s k tw ts fM j s. of Zimmer Inveistigation Report - List investigative concerns re content of

, draft report.

59 -

8/6/81 J. Sinclair handwritten notes on

. . various' contacts re weld information

] notes re.Applegate on site-12/10/79 -

l 60 8/6/81 Memo to Commissioners fr James CIA CIA Special Inquiry t

Cummings, re Adequac p o-Subj:

f IE Investigation 50-358/80-09 at the W:n. H. Zimmer-Nuclear Power Station g gy ,

s e


, pxg y _ , --

3,,. 3

-~ - --- -- -


. \ .

8/7/81 Memo to C'ommissioners fr James Cummings

  • (61 OIA - Subj: CIA Rpt. on Adequacy of IE Investigation 50-358/80-09 at the Wm.

R. Zimmer Power Staion w/ handwritten marginal notations 2 copies (egm sE cW g

62 8/10/81 Memo for James Keppler, Reg. III fr '

h -

James Cummings, CIA - Subj Zimmer -

j Nuclear Power Station: Allegations -

f Regarding Deficient Construction -

y . allow OIA time to review report before release due to possible subsequent criminal action.

3- '

. 63 8/12/81 SECY-81-480 - Final GAO Report Entitled

" Improvements Needed in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Office of Inspection

.64 l 8/17/81 Ltr to Ann Marie Tracey, Asst. U.S.

Attorney, Southern District of Ohio fr

. James Cummings, CIA transmitting copy

- of OIA report of NRC investigations '

[ conducted in April 1980 by IE_

l 65 8/17/81 Ltr to ann Marie Tracey, Asst. U.S.

Attorney, Southern Dist. of Ohio fr' *

. James Cummings CIA - forwards copy of

. OIA Report of investigation pertainint to April 1980 investigation by IE at l Zimmer. No attachment.

I l

~66 ~

'8/18/81 Ltr to Ann Marie Tracey, Asst. U.S. -

Attorney, Southern Dist. of Ohio fr 4 James Cummings forwards copy of Draft

.fi -

OIA Report on IE Investigation at j s Zimmer - no attachment. .

i -

66 h/18/81 Ltr to Ann Marie Tracey., Asst. U.S.

Attorney, Southern Dist. of Ohio fr James Cnmmings, forwards copy of Draft OIA Report on IE Investigation at Zimmer - no attachments

' - 67 8/19/81 Note to Dudley Thompson forwarding copy of OIA's report of investigation into Applegate allegations. Report not attached.

l .


} .


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68 9/3/81 . Memo for James G..Keppler, Dir., Reg.

, James E. Eoster, Investigator, Reg. III S.ubj: CIA Report " Adequacy of

. IE Investigation 50/248/80-09 at the b' -

Wm. H. Zimmer Nuclear Power Station."

, &Xi ,s 69 9/4/81 Memo for R.FL Warnick, Reg. III fr A. -

l'~ . Bert, Davis, Reg. III - Subj: Zimmer *

, Investigation, Weld CY 516 ,

[ 70 9/8/81 Memo for J. Keppler, Reg. III fr G.A.

Phillip, Investigator, Reg. III re

< comments on CIA Report on IE Investigation 358/80-09 (Zimmer) 71 9/16/81 Hardwritten note to John Sinclair re confidentiality of FBI agents names p . .

g72 9/17/81 Memo for Chairman Palladino fr Wm.

- - Dircks,'EDO - Subj: July 30, 1981 OIA i s

- Rpt. on IE Investigation 50-358/80-09 lp

- (Zimmer) forwarding OIE comments


73 9/17/81 Memo for Chairman Palladino fr Wm.

. Dircks, EDO - OIA Report on IE investigation -- expressing his

. concerns with OIA findings

. 74 9/17/81 ~ Ltr to Patrick J. Hanley, Chief Special Prosecutions Unit, Southern Dist. of

' Ohio fr James Cummings, CIA - discusses information fr DOJ relative to question of parallel proceedings. DOJ Ltr not attached.


75 9/30/81  !?ransmittal to J. Cummings fr Bert

' ~

Davis, Reg. III - confirming phone

. conversation re Sargent & Lundy audit i at Zimmer -

. October-6 10/1/81, Memo for Dudley Thompson, IE fr James

. Keppler, Reg III Subj: Region III'

[ Review of OIA's Special Inquiry concerning Adquacy of IE Investigation i

50-358/80-09 at WM. H. Zimmer Nuclear

{- Power Station. Discusses IE problems i OIA Philosophy regarding IE's conduct of investigatians e

4 4 hlW'WfW 4 .M Md-A st$ri, chb eMM ,, ,e

  • e /.AMN'


. ,. ;J,en- y _, ~ ,. --

2 q ,

le  :.

.j i

77 -

10/2/81 Memo for J. Cummings, CIA fr Chairman l Palladino Subj: CIA Report on IE Investigation at Zimmer 50-358/80-09 Requesting OIA comments on EDO Memo of

, 9/17 and requesting OIA not to release report to public.

8 10/8/81 Mem: for Chairman Palladino fr J.

Cnem Mgs transmitting OIA's comments on EDO's Sept. 17 memo - (Zimmer Report)


79' 10/8/81 SECY-81-588 " Investigative Jurisdiction of the Office of Inspection & Enforcement - W. Ward, IE -

~~. contact 80 10/8/81 Memo to Reg. III Files fr J.F.

Streeter, Rg. III - Subj: Telephone call with Tom Applegate - Requesting information on status of investigation

and inquiry about OIA Report 81 10/26/81 Memo to commissioners fr J. Cummings, j OIA Subj
Investigative Jurisdiction of IE & OIA (SECY-81-588) Forwards CIA-l comments on SECY-81-588 -

L .

82 10/27/81 Zimmer Commission Briefing - copies of slides used at briefing I

83 10/28/81 Memo for Vic Stallo, IE fr James Kappler, Reg. III _ Subj: Zimmer Commission Meeting - October 27, 1981 -

. Information related to question raised t

by Commissioenr Ahearne re not getting signed from Mr. Gittings, former Kaiser

. QA Manager 3

s November 84 11/16/81 Ltr to Morris Udall fr Chairman Palladino - answering questions raised by-Udall concerning adequacy of IE Investigation of Zimmer. Incoming 74 ggI g gt Udall ltr of 8/20/81 attached. . ,,- x

- mm. w o ; .a. vem ,,snea.% w e i 4 ..u- ~

85 11/18/81 Memo for Bert Davis, Reg. IU. fr James' Cummings, CIA - Subj: Zimmer interviews

& Corporate Correspondence a

e l' '

. m+ w .. -

. ~. . ,; u. g . . . . .


_,..=- .

s- .

86 11/18/81 - Newspaper article - Cincinnati Enquirer

' V ,

- Zimmer Plant Probe ,

87 11/20/S1'~ Ltr to Douglas.Lowenstein, Cox 4

Newspaper fr J.W. Felton, ADM re'FOIA 81-376-Jequest for OIA Report on Zimmer


4 investigation. -

, g .

88: 11/23/81 Memo for the five Regional EIS Directors fr Dudley Thompson, IE ~

Subj: Investigative Guidance Memo anda 89 11/23/81 GAP FOIA Request -- FOIA 488 ltr to Director, ADM fr Tom Devine attached

. - all FOIA Office documents related to processing request and 2/3/82 FOIA .

response to Tom Devine, GAP fr John C.

. Carr, Chief, FOIO Branch 90' ~ 11/23/81 Memo for James Keppler, Reg. III fr

. , J.F. Streeter, Rg. III _ Subj:

Investigation of inspector signatures on final Zimmer Investigation Report 50-358/81-13

. l J1 11/30/81 Cincinnati Enquirer article " Area NRC

. . Worker Hit Back at Critique"

' ~

December -

ti o92 12/3/92 Ltr to Ann Marie Tracey, Asst. U.S.

Attorney, Southern Dist. of Ohio fr

( '

James Cummings, CIA _, forwards copy of IE report on investigation at.Zimmer between. January and November 1981 and

. . results'of OIA Interviews at Zimmer 93 12/10/81 Memo for File fr David Gamble, CIA Subj: Zimmer Nuclear Power Station re interview with Terry Harpster.

Enclosure mentioned - not attMhed also

- copy of above memo w/ handwritten comments I

. ag 1 _ __ __ __ _ _ _ 1 ' - ._, _ . _ _ _ _ . -

w .g.  ;;

c -

3-t I ,

. . 2 94 -12/14/81 Memo to commissioners fr J. Cummings, OIA Subj: OIA Review of NRC's QA/QC-Activities for Nuclear Poer Reactors Construction . Enclosure - 10/30/81' 1 memo to Wm. Dircks fr J. Cummings -

Subj: OIA survey of NRC"s QA/QC' Programs

'1982 95 2/25/82 Memo for R.F. Warnick, Reg. III fr J.B..

McCarten, Reg. III Investigator - Subj:

. Zimmer Document and Investigation Leads


- List of Records turned over to EIS Section.

96 '4/20/52 Note to Bill Dircks fr Jim Keppler transmitting dr' aft note re information about Jim McCarten providing information to Henry Meyers concerning Zimmer.

1 .

97 5/,3/82- Memo for Tom Combs, Secy, fr George Messenger, CIA - Subj: Responses to' Questions fr -Congressman Ottinger. No -~

attachment. ,

98 . 5/6/82 Memo for Richard DeYoung, IE fr J. .

Cummings, CIA-Subj: CIA input to

,f Congressman Ottinger's Request. No

. attachments. .

99 5/14/82 Ltr to Richard Ottinger fr Chairman i

Palladino provides summary of Zimmer


investigation since Sept. 1, 1981

] 6/

100 #7.P4/82 Memo for Zimmer File fr A. Bert Davis, J

t Reg. III Subj: Meeting with US Attorney, Cincinnati, Ohio on May 20, 1982 - Description of attendees and ;

g topics discussed at May 20 meeting.

101 6/1/82 Memo for Region III Files fr D.R.

Hunter, Region III Subj: Zimmer Briefing for Cnairman Palladino - May l 10, 1982 - Ide tifies areas of Zimmer L . investigation discussed'at May 10 briefing.

m, . . . .

7 7 .w m . , . : gg~ m,g -

N_1 ,

_ _? -

10 6/2/82 +

Ltr.'to James Cummings, CIA fr

, -Christopher Barnes, US Attorney,

, ' , ' Southern Dist. of Ohio - informing OIA

. tht US Attorney's office is initiating f"

criminal investigation of at least one phas of allegations of wrongdoing at Zimmer'and identifying the proposed -

item,s to be investigated..

103 6/3/82 Memo to Joe Felton, DRR fr James Cummings, CIA - Subj: Disclosure .

n I

Determination FOIA_82-206 104 6/4/82 Ltr to James /Keppler, Reg. III Fr

, Christopher Barnes, US Attorney, Southern Dist. of Ohio - Notifying Reg.

III of QA Inspector incident on May 27, 1982. .

. 105 6/4/82 - Note to Commission fr J. Cnnenings, CIA

. - forwards ltr fr C. Baines, U.S.

Attorney re QA inspector incident at

_ Zimmer on May 27, 1982


l t'**

106 6/17/82 Memo for Chairman Palladino fr James Cummings, OIA - Subj: Zimmer - forwards

, . . June 4 ltr fr C. Baines - requests additional resources to conduct

. investigation 107 6/23/82 Memo for Alphonse Gauthier, OIA fr James Cummings - Subj: Zimmer Indicating Commission request for OIA to contact Justice Dept. re DOJ letter dated 6/22/82 - indicating letter not t to be made public pending criminal investigation.

08 .6/24/82 Memo for.Bert Davis, Reg. III fr James -

Cunnnings, OIA - Subj: Zimmer Nuclear

,c Power Plant - forwarding copy of Terry Harpster interview to reg. III. No attachment.

109 6/29/82 Memo to Commissioners fr Carl Kammerer, OCA - Subj: Concerns of Dr. Meyers Regarding Zimmer - forwards Henry Meyers concerns to Commissioners F .

I i .

a w .= . ,

w; =;= . =. _


110 -

6/30/82 Civil Action No. 82-1829 - Thomas Applegate v. NRC - Summons

, .111 7/1/82 Transmittal Slip to Rick Parrish, OGC,

, fr Ron Smith, CIA fwding documents (1) memo to Bert Davis, 6/24/82; (2) memo

.l . to Bert Davis, 11/18/81; (3) Interviews

- Gittings, Norman, Yobe, Schrivers, ,

i Baker, Harpster 112 7/2/.82 Ltr to James Cummings, OIA from Gerald Charnoff, Shaw, Pitman, Potts &

Trowbridge - Represent Kaiser

[ Engineers, Inc., request tape of j -

interview with Floyd Oltz -

\ '

113 7/12/82- Memo to Cummings, OIA fr Lil, OCM (Ahearne's Office') forward 7/9/82 memo to commissioners from C. Kammerer, OCA

- Subj: Zimmer Investigation - contains info provided to OCA fr Henry Meyers

)(114 7/12/82 Memo to Commissioners fr Carl Kammerer

- Subj: Request for Interview Regarding 4 -

Zimmer - Forwards memo fr J. Cummings,

! OIA containing interviews conducted -

L during Zimmer investigation. (Aum%.' m% b#

~ :ChtM e -~)

. 115 7/15/82 Memo to Wm.'Dircks, EDO fr J. Cummings, f

OIA _ Subj: Zimmer - Allegations of i -Harrassment by NRC Inspectors -

I .

transmittal ltr fr James Harlow, Bldg.

, and Trades Council, Cincinnati Ohio to Earl Borgmann, CG&E and Kappler memo of 6/15/82 to Cummings re harrassment charges.

4 .

undated Zimmer Plant - Allegations of Deficient

.L ff l16

]f -


, Investigation by Reg. III - Chronology of ltrs, memos, interviews relating to f' investigation (2 pages) 116 undated Zimmer Plant - Allegations of Deficient Investigation by Reg III - chron'of .

U ltrs, memos, interviews relating to investigation (2 pages)


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117 9/20/82 '

-)tr t'o App 1sgate from J. Cummings,. CIA

- offer to assist Applegate in r'emedying any legitimate complaint - I

. ..< refer to 7/16/82 ltr to Chairman fr I

. :.' Applegate ,

.3-J ~ 11, ,9/23/82 Lf.r to Ann' Marie Tracey, Asst. US -

l Attorney;. Southern District of Ohio fr J. Cnmmings, CIA - confirms issues  !

discussed in Sept. 8,.1982-meeting. -

l19' '

'11/2/82 Memo to Gilinsky, Ahearne, Roberts & -

I ,. ;f ~ Asselstine fr Chrm. Palladino Subj:

Request fr Mr. Applegate 120 11'/10/82 Memo to Commissioners fr J. Cummings, CIA forwards ltrs fr C. Barnes, dtd 10/1T/83 and 11/2/82 - not attached.

p Is 7;;p 121 11/12/82 Note for Gerry Schuetze fr Marty Malsch, OGC - provides info for j Chairman on current status of OGC's contacts with Mr.,Applegate


! 122 12/7/82 Ltr fr Morris'Udall ot Chrm. Palladino re Gamble's (OIA) removal of document

. from Zimmer investigation file and

. requesting info on why he was

. ins.tructed to do this and asking what

-steps NRC will take to correct these e

. problems. ,,

7 123 12/10/8,2 News Release - Cincinnati Enquirer - re m Udall's charges that NRC improperly J. withheld documents pertaining to Zimmer investigation. .

i. . 124 - 12/27/82 Civil Action No. 82-1829 -- Applegate l ,

v.. NRC " Notice of Disclosure" -

. 125 2/22/83 Memo for J. Kappler, A. Davis, D.

Dougherty, R. Warnick

. 126 3/4/83* Memo for Ben Hayes, Director, OI fr Sam Chilk - Subj: OI Policies Transmits final version of OI Policy Statements I

. :. _  : ' ~. a: ':rq 5.g 3 , ;., ,e ,n, ,:- .

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127 3/16/83 Painsville Telegraph - News article r l Applegate Meeting at Perry Nuclear Station also article on Udall charges of NRC suppressing document relating to Zimmer investigation.

f 128 4/13/83 Draft memo to Judge Hoyt and Ciby Aloot

[ fr Chrm. Palladino requesting them to L -

undertake inquiry into allegations

.- detailed in M. Malsch memo of 11/16/82 12'9 4/13/83 Draft memo to Steve Eilperin & Ciby Aloot fr Palladino - requesting them tc


conduct inquiry to determine if Director - OIA Made a good faith effort

. to respond to Applegate allegations --

" mark-up version attached 130 undated Draft Charter for Review of Allegations Against NRC Employee with handwritten notes attached

, 3 ( 131 ~

4/13/83 Note to Ciby Aloot fr Steve Eilperin transmitting Applegate chronology and requesting comments

'132 undated Draft - Aloot enron of events with '

handwritten drafts attached -


133 . undated Draft - 2/15/80 - Applegate calls Capitol 2/19/80.- Applegate calls NRC (first contact w/Cummings 2/22/80 - Second contact w/ Cummings etc. (4 pages) i 134 4/15/83 Memo for, Commissioners fr James T- Cummings, OIA - Subj: Response to g

Thomas Applegate Concerns

~ '

'135 5/10/83 Memo to File fr CS Aloot - Subj:

Sinclair Interview 136 5/10/83 Memo to File fr CS Alcot - Subj:

Schnabelen Interview


e I

y 137 5/10/83 Memo to File fr CS Alcot - Subj:

t; , Fortuna Interview n


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138 5/10/83 '

. Memo'to File fr CS Aloot - Subj:

Applegate Inquiry - re phone ~

i conversation with James Cummings


advising him of the Applegate inquiry &

f!: scheduling of interviews.

l .

139 . undated Draft do6ti$nent - listing persons who

. have made Zimmer Plant.

and icontaining information on IE '

Investigation, Kaiser employees, and 4 CIA findings (8 pages), ,

) 140 undated Newspaper article entitled " Detective Wants Power Plant Closed" l

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. Record'of Telephone Call - September. 23,1982 - 12:4,0 p.m.

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Thomas Applegate called to speak to the Chairman,. The call was '

referr.ed to Nora Haller. .

'Mr. Applegate referred to an exchasse of correspondence -- an .

August 16, 1982 letter from himself to Chairman Palladino and

-a September 20.1g82 responsa from James Cummings (both letters attached).

Applegate stated th'at one of .the chief cracitars behind .this L is Cummings. Cummings is the one who perpetrated .the cove'rup 1 at NRC '-- he deleted portions o.f the OIA report. The investi-


gation was stopped because of him. His , office kept putting him (Applegate) off until he finally got to Commissioner Ahearne.

Applegate commented that this { presumably..'the refertak..of his :

August 16. letter to Cummings) is one of the funniest 1[hings he's'

.%eard. -


I Applegate said to tell tite Chairman: "I Cummings. Who's kidding who?" He assume;got d that . the letter. of from the . . .

member's '~-

NRC staff were also' laughing at that! j l -

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Date Time Event 2/15/80 9:13 a.m. Applegate calls Capitol switchboard, speaks for 13 minutes.

9:28 a.m. 'Applegate' calls general NRC phone .

nnmb'er, speaks for what appears to be 14 minutes. .

2/19/80 3:19 p.m. Applegate calls general NRC phone number, speaks for 12 minutes.

Cunmings acknowledges this as first OIA contact with Applegate.

Applegate spoke to secretary and asked that Cummings return phone call. Cummings asserts he attempted to call Applegate seve'ral times over next two or three days.

2/22/80 9:20 a.m. Applegate calls general NRC phone number and speaks for 6 minutes.

Cummings asserts that on this date, Applegate advised of his fear of reprisal, contacts with Cincinnati FBI and USA, refusal to deal with 9

Region III, request for transportation to D.C. and



f 2

protective custody and willingness to turn over documents. Cummings denies transportation and protective custody, asks for documents. Applegate advises will-think about it over weekend.

! AM(ETU) Cummings calls Cincinnati FBI Office, verifies Applegate had

. requested protective custody from FBI, Cummings told that Applegate was "apparently totally sane."

2/27/80 ETU Cummings acknowledges that Applegate calls twice, Cummings ,out .

of office all day. During second

! call, Applegate asks secretary for Cummings supervisor. He is told chairman is supervisor.

ETU Cummings' secretary calls Ahearn's secretary to alert her regarding possible call from Applegate.


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3 2:21 p.m.- Applegate calls Ahearn's office and speaks for 15 minutes. Applegate is referred to HQ I&E.

k a EDU ETU Bill Ward, HQ I&E, calls Applegate and asks if he will meet with HQ IE staff in Cincinnati. .

2/28/80 AM (ETU) Member of Ahearn's staff calls Cummings and advises that Applegate referred to IE.

ETU Bill Ward, HQ IE, calls Cummings and advises that he spoke to

. Applegate, who agreed to meet with HQ IE staff in Cincinnati.

Cummings decides not to recontact Applegate.

ETU Bill Ward, HQ IE, calls Phillips in Region III and asks that contact with Applegate be made.


ETU Phillips calls Applegate, arranges March 3 interview, believes

t .

4 Applegate allegations cast doubt on NRC inspectors.

ETU Phillips calls Ward to advise him of problems with regional inspectors; Ward advises that no .

inspectors will be used, HQ personnel will assist Philllips.

(Williamson ultimately assigned from HQ to assist Phillips).

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