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Vol 4 of Radiological Emergency Response Procedures
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1985
Shared Package
ML20141G723 List:
PROC-851231, NUDOCS 8602260339
Download: ML20141G758 (473)


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l i RESPONSE PROCEDURES l i 1 i,O , VObUMN 4 q I i ( i l Prepared by: i New Hampshire State O Civil Defense Agency

                                                                                  $gg22gggpK                                              43 p                                                    PDR


INTROGifC7 6  : I ) v  ?!s W4c i $ a git <c set c% "rp5N M exrGCN) it@cesa organization agency procecures for responding to an emergency at the Seabrook l h M %1Rh NuCiear fewer ril:.nt. The index on the following pa;lc scunerates the 1 ' varl ,ui h m woutes. It also lists the date of the most recent revision to i L each procedure. 5 .~0llowirg tce %.- N cm.Maures is a listing of the emergency planning r i COCIdinatc +'6 f0?15hIFfQ. Ov? T W y t,rs.'quoy tu fn@ty Oc$.*'**.n tor j e tne person resconsible for reviewng ud updatirs t.e r;ere. Mcom.:.a ine l New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency contactt erh agency cutt 0:' tan sr les;t , 4 annually to review the agency procedures. As necessary, the procedures are j updated, posted in this document and provided to the agency emergency planning coordinator for distribution to emergency response personnel. ( l . 1 .1 I I i l i l i 1236/8781A/0089C 12/85

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  \                               EMERGENCY PLANNING COCRDINSTORS 1

Last Agency EP Coordinator Telephone - Review i f 1. Governor's Office David Carney 271-2121 12/85' ., 1

2. Civil Defense 0 7 . Michael Nawoj 271-2231 12/85
3. Public Health Services Conn Bonds 271-4617 12/85
4. State Police Communication Center Capt. Dempsey 271-3296 12/85
  • j
5. Civil Air Patrol Col. Ken Jameson 271-3225 12/85
6. Highway Department Leon Kenison 271-2693 12/85 l
7. ORED John Flanders 271-2217 12/85
8. Fish and Game Department Mason Butterfield 271-3127 12/85 I 9. Bureau of EMS John Muir 271-4569 '12/85
10. Pupil Transportation Mike Coltin 271-2485 12/85 Safety
11. Rockingham County Dispatch David Lincoln 679-2225 12/85
12. Red Cross Fred Wood 225-6697 12/85 i 13. Troop A State Police Lt. Sullivan 679-5663 12/85
14. Department of Agriculture Dr. Charles Putnam 271-2404 12/85 l 15. . Division of Human Services Bill Colburn 271-4281 12/85 I
16. National Guard LTC Agrafictis 228-1135 12/85 i

EXT. 240

17. Water Supply and Pollution

( Control Commission Bernard Lucey 271-3139 12/85

18. Division of Safety i Services, Boating Safety Ray Weatherbee 271-3338 12/85
19. U.S. Coast Guard LTC Michael Wade .617/223-1470 12/85 l

1236/8781A/0089C 12/85

r i Erergency Response Procedures for Seabrook Station Agency Date Governor's Office 12/ 85 1.

2. New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency 12/85
3. Division of Public Health Services 12/85 4 NH State Police Communications Center 12/85 (Appendix date)
5. Civil Air Patrol 12/85 1
6. State Highway Department 12/85 l
7. ORED 12/85 l
6. Fish and Game Department 12/85
                   - 9.             Director of Pupil Transportation Safety
  • 12/85
,                     10. Rockingham County Dispaten                                                                                           12/85
11. Red Cross 12/85
12. Troop A NH State Police 12/85
13. Decartment of Agriculture 12/85 4  !

i 14 Division of Human Services 12/85

15. NH National Guard 12/85
16. Water Supply and Pollution Control 12/85 Commission 1 17. Division of Safety Services, Boating Safety 12/85
18. U.S. Coast Guard 12/85 4

i i i 1236/8781A/0089C 12/85

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1 t i i C New Hampshire Governor's Office ] a (. EE RGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES } for the / ! Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant ! This brief dccument provides checklist procedures to be followed in the I event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. j ~ 'se procedures are to be implemented by the Governor or his designated' ! representative in the event of an accident. These procedures describe actions to be taken in response to each of four Emergency Classification Levels. ' Instructions are outlined in ascending order of severity. l 4 i Note Time 1 UNUSUAL EVENT \ l 1. Receive notification (see Appendix A for chain of 1 j corrrnand) from the New Hartpshire Civil Defense Agency 4 (NHCDA) tnat an UNUSUAL EVENT has been declared at i Seabrock Station. Notification will be made via telephone or radio relay through State Police.

2. Verify notification by call back'to NHCOA (271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792). If no answer confirm with State Police
  • I Communications Center, Concord (271-3636 or 1-800-852-3411 or State Polic.e radio frequency). '

i i l 1236/8819A/0089C 12/85

                   /                                                                                                                        Note Time


3. Place the following personnel on standby
a. Director of Communications, or de' signee, for potential deployment of Media Center at Newington Town Hall.


b. Assign a representative of the Governor's Office for potential deployment to IF0/ EOF at Newington Station, Newington, New Hampshire.
4. Stand by to receive additional information. Receive notification of a) termination of emergency status, or b) escalation of emergency status. (These messages will be provided by NHCDA from the State EOC at 107 Pleasant j Street, Concord.) If situation has escalated, continue I

checklist. O i U ALERT i

1. Receive notification from NHCDA that an ALERT has been i declared at Seabrook Station. Notification will be made via telephone or radio relay througn State Police. ,

f 2. Verify notification of ALERT status by call back to EOC l (271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792). In a rapidly developing emergency in which the EOC has not been activated, verify ALERT status with State Police Communications Center (271-3636 or 1-800-852-3411 or State Police radio frequency).

3. Assign a representative of the Governor's Office to report to the State ECC. This person should make his presence known to the NHCDA Agency Liaison Officer and to the ranking NHCDA official upon arriving at the EOC.
4. Assign a press liaison officer to report to the State EOC.

1236/8819A/0089C 12/85

Note Time Q

5. Assign a representative of the Governor's Office to report to the.IF0/ EOF, Newington Station, Newington, NH.


6. Assign a representative of the Governor's Office to l

report to the Media Center, Newington Town Hall.

7. Stand by to receive additional information. Receive notification of a) termination of emergency status, or b) escalation of emergency status. These messages, and any other update messages, will be provided by NHCDA from the State EOC.
8. If emergency situation has de-escalated, provide press j liaison officers with press release instructions. Any

( press release should be coordinated with Massachusetts l officials teforeha'd. If situation escalates, Continue f Checklist. j SITE AREA EFERGENCY j le Receive notification from NHCOA that a SITE AREA. l EFERGENCY has been declared. If EOC has not been activated notification may be provided by State Police. I i ! 2. Confirm SITE AREA EMERGENCY status by return call to EOC l l (271-2231 or 1-800-852-3792). If no answer confirm with  ; State Police Comunications Center. .

3. Ensure assignment of designated staff to EOC, Media ,

l Center and IF0/ECF. Verify that Governor's Office i representative have reported to each of these locations. 4 Proceed, or send designee, to State EOC. Make presence known to NHCDA Agency Liaison Officer and to ranking NHCDA official-upon arrival at EOC. l l 1236/8819A/0089C - 12/85

n Note Time (' )

5. Receive timely briefings on the status of the following from NHCDA and CPHS.
a. Emergency Classification Level and Plant Situation D. Protective Action Recommendations
c. State Emergency Response Facilities Status (EOC, IF0/ECF, Media Center)
d. Public Lnformation Status
e. Interstate and Federal Coordination Status
6. Stand by to respond to changes in emergency status.

Receive notification of a) termination of emergency status, or b) escalation of emergency status. If emergency terminates provide press liaison officer with instructions a9d release staff from emergency duty. Any press release should be coordinated with Massachusetts em { ) officials beforeha'd. If situation escalates continue

\~                  checklist.


1. Receive notification from NHCOA that a GENERAL EhERGENCY has been declared. (In the eve 9t of a rapidly develCQing emergency in which the EOC has not Deen fully activated notification may be provided by State Police. If this is the case ensure that SITE AREA EFERGENCY steps 2-6 are implemented.)


2. Stand by to monitor emergency status at Seabrook Station. Participate in briefings and meetings as required. Coordinate any press releases with .

Massachusetts officials beforehand. Act upon protective l l resconse recommendations made by NHCDA and DPHS. If l / 'ecessary authorize sheltering or evacuation orders.

'm 1236/8819A/0089C                                                      12/85
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!' Note Time j l 3. Schedule relief shifts to maintain 24-hour coverage by Governor's Office staff at the EOC curing prolonged . emergency. ! 4. Participate in re-entry decisions with NHCOA and OPHS as . i necessary as emergency de-escalates. l i ) l ! i l 4 I i I i i I i I

                                                                                                                                                               . I 1

i l 1 l 1'. I i l l 1 1 l r l t i 3 r 1236/8819A/0089C M/85 i t~-~ ~ - _ - - , , , - _ . , . . . , . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _

_ . - . . .. ~ - ~ . _ . - . . - . . - - - _ . , _ - - --. -. . . _ _ l , 4 a APPENDIX A 1 . Chain Of Command For Emergency Contact . r Of Governor's Office i i i )

1. David Carney, Emergency Contact 271-2121 1

225-2643 l [ I 2. Norman VanderNoot, 271-2121 ! Oirector of Communications 366-5982 a 1

3. Bert Wakley 271-2121 228-5578 1

1 I

4. Frank Haley 271-2121 668-3138 1

1 5, 24-Hour Numt:er for 271-3636 Governor's Office 1 I a l  ! 1 i

1 i .

i l 1236/8819A/0089C A-1 12/85 ]i

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_ . - . ~ . - -- - _ . . .. - - , . . . ------ - t i 4 APPENDIX B 7 Media Center Information / 1 News Media The purpose of the Media Center, which is ope' rated by the utility, is to ! provide a central location for media contact. Utility, State and Federal spokespersons will be stationed in the Media Center. This is the only facility from which detailed information about the emergency and the emergency resconse will be distributed, where news releases will be prepared and distributed,.and where official spokespersons will interact with the media. Press information should also be coordinated with Massachusetts officials. ! This is the o91y location which will orovide this level of suoport for the 9ews media during the emergency resconse. Designated Sockescersons ! The Governor's Public Information Officer and the NHCCA Public j i Information Officers will be present in the Media Center. They will act as official spokespersons for New Hampshire. The Media Center is the designated j location fcr media inquiries, but because the emergency response is being ' nanaged from the State EOC, and because the Governor will be located in the State ECC, it is realized that media interest will also focus on this location, while NHCDA has made plans for this activity, representatives of i the media will find a low level of media support in the State EOC. New

Hampshire will not distribute news releases or make official statements from

! the State EOC. . None of the other State or local facilities will be prepared to suoport media activities and media representatives will be requested to go j to the Media Center. i I i i 1236/8819A/0089C B.1 ' 12/85


INDEX OF NHCDA PROCEDURES en , There are fifteen procedures for NHCDA emergency response personnel. In this document the first eight procedures are for personnel located in the State EOC. The next six procedures are for IF0/ EOF personnel. The last procedure is for the representative located in the Media Center. The following is a listing of the procedures.

1. Outy Officer
2. EOC Activation
3. NHCDA Director I *
4. EOC Operations Officer
5. Operations Controller
6. Agency Liaison Officer
7. Transportation Courdinator
8. , Communications Officer
9. EOF Liaison f3 10. IFO Technical Assistant k/ 11. IFO Controller
12. Assistant IFO Controller
13. NHCDA Local Liaison
14. IFO Communicator
15. NHCOA Media Representative i

I ( l () 1236/0586h 12/85

't INDEX OF NHCDA PROCEDURES APPENDICES 0-Appendix A .EOC Activation Checklist-i- Appen' dix 8 Initial Notification Form Appendix C EOC Activation Call List Appendix 0 Seabrook Station Status Report Appendix E Commu,nications Systems Status Report Appendix F Protective Action Decision Criteria Appendix G Coordination of Public Alert / Notification System Appendix H RERP Message Forms and Operations Log i O Appendix I Transportation Resources Appendix J Local Status Report Form Appendix K Local Resource Assistance Request Form i J i O 1236/0586h . L 12/85. I I

1. f.E1 HAMPSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY CUTY CFFICER FRCCECURES This dccument provides checklist procedures to be folicwed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seatrcck Station Nuclear Fcuer Plant. The prececure cescribes the actions to be taken in response to each of the fcur Emergency Classification Levels prescribed by NUREG-0654.

All Emergency Classificaticn Levels NOTE TIME

1. Receive notification frcm the State Police Ccmmunications Center.
2. Record folicwing information:

(a) ECL declared: UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT SITE AREA EMERGENCY GENERAL EMERGENCY Emergency has been terminated (7)_ (D) Protective Acticns: No Protective Action Reccmmended, or NEW HAMPSHIRE MASSACHUSETTS SHELTER EVACUATE SHELTER EVACUATE Seabrock Amesbury Hampton Falls Hampton Salisbury South Hampton Merrimac Newbury North Hampton Newburyport Brentwood W. Newbury East Kingston Exeter Kingston Newfields Newton _ Stratham Greenland New Castic Portsmouth Rye 7, 1236/0014C 1-1 12/85

3. State Police should provide the name and number of r

the CPHS person that has been contacted. Record this information. Name: Current Location: Tel. #: 4 Verify message by call back to 271-3636 or j l-800-852-3411.

5. Duty Officer notify two NHCDA staff members to monitor UNUSUAL EVENT. Duty Officer should see that two NHCDA staff members are notified to open the EOC to monitor comunications. Notify:

M. Nawoj 497-3249 M. Herrick 224-3249 D. Deans 798-5440 L. Kimball 774-4981 D. Perelman 225-7418 P. Herlihy 228-3675 G. Keller 228-8269

5. Provide the two NHCDA staff notification items from steps 2 and 3.
6. Notify Director of NHCDA, or alternate, of UNUSUAL ENENT Provide Director with notification items from Steps 2 and 3. Inform Director of two NHCDA staff assigned to open the EOC.

l l O l l 1236/0014C 1-2 12/85. l


                                                                                                                                  -NOTE TIME

) 7. If ccntacted by DPHS, obtain and note description of ? initiating event and prognosis for escalation. Relay

information to NHCDA Director and to NHCDA ECC staff -
                                 .when notified of their arrival at EOC.
8. Remain by telephone to receive further notification
  • until relieved by EOC staff.

i 1 j- 9. If further notification is received before relieved by 3 ECC staff, notify Director of NHCDA immediately and stand by until relieved. t i i J O e -i i i i i l O 1 1 1236/0014C 1-3 12/85 I

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T 1

2. NEW HAMPSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY EOC ACTIVATION PRCCECURE This procedure is to be followed in the event of an emergency CCndition at- the Seabrock Station Nuclear Power Plant. The procedure descrites the j actions to be.taken in response to each of the four Emergency Classification Levels.

t UNUSUAL EVENT Note Time 1 , 1. On arrival at EOC, obtain EOC activation checklist - (Attached as Appendix A) and prepare EOC for activation. 2 Disengage telephone diverter.

2. Contact duty officer and inform him of arrival at EOC.

Inform him that subsequent notifications will be handled from the ECC. Receive initial briefing and record 6 } 1 pertinent information on Initial Notification Form (Appendix B). Also note name and telephone number of ! DPHS contact person that has been notified by State l Police.

3. Call DPHS contact, if not yet contacted by DPHS, to receive follow-up informatica on status of emergency. ,
4. Contact Director, NHCOA, advise of status of EOC, and
provide follow-up information of nature of UNUSUAL EVENT. y l'

! 5. Stand by to receive additional information from'Seabrook Station, State Police, or DPHS. Advise Director, NHCDA, of additional information.

6. At direction of Director, NHCDA, complete call list to IF0/ EOF team to stand by if activation is required.

I O 4 1236/0022C 2-1 ' 12/85

f Note Time

  • p M. Nawoj 497-3249 O. Deans 798-5440 D. Perelman 225-7418 P. Herlihy 228-3675 P. Wing 428-7649 A. Turgeon 627-3743 J. Beaudoin 668-9081 W. Foote 753-4325 E. Lobacki 924-3936 '


7. Notify Maine CEP of emergency status via Maine State Police (207-289-2155).
8. Notify U.S. Coast Guard of Emergency Status l (617-223-1470 or 617-223-3644) t I
9. Stand by for close-out or escalation of emergency
classification level.
10. If emergency has been terminated, notify Director, Duty Officer, Maine CEP, USCG, and IF0/ EOF team if it has been contacted.


1. Receive notification of change in emergency  !

{ classification level from State Police Communications f Center. Use initial Notification Form. (Attached as Appendix B).

2. If notification is by non-secure communication, verify 1

notification by call to 271-3636 or 1-800-852-3411. 1

3. Report notification to Director, NHCDA.

4 O ! 1236/0022C 2-2 .12/85

4 Note Time 4 Initiate IF0/ EOF staff call list (See UNUSUAL EVENT #6). 5. i Initiate NHCDA EOC staff activation call list attached in Appendix C and notify all emergency organization members of emergency classification level. Note that i NHCDA Agency Liaison Officer simultaneously calls other state agencies.

6. Stand by to receive follow-up information from Seabrook

) - Station, State Police Communications Center, or DPHS ) until relieved by EOC Operations Officer when EOC is activated. 4 l k< NHCDA Appendices Applicable to EOC Activation Procedure () Appendix A - EOC Activation Checklist {, Appendix B - Initial Notification Form j

!               Appendix C - EOC Activation Call List i

i i [ l 1 i l () 1236/0022C 2-3 i 12/85

3. NEi1 HAMPSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY DIRECTOR PROCEDURES This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station. These procedures describe actions to be taken according to each cf the four emergency classification levels.


1. Receive notification from State Police Communications Center, or, during off hours, from NHCDA Duty Officer that an UNUSUAL EVENT has been declared.
2. Ensure that two NHC0A staff have been assigned to-implement E0C activation procedure and to monitor communications. This should be initiated by the Duty Officer during off hours. Assigned staff will call Director upon arriving at EOC.
3. Call Governor's Office to notify them of emergency conditions (271-2121). .
4. Stand by by to receive follow-up information on nature of UNUSUAL EVENT and prognosis for escalation.
5. If conditions indicate potential for escalation, direct EOC staff to place IF0/ EOF team on stand by.
6. Stand by for notification of termination of emergency or escalation of emergency status. Brief Governor's Office as emergency status changes.

I O 1236/0024C 3-1 12/85


                                                                             -Note Time 1.

Receive notification of ALERT from' State Police Communications Center or, during off hours,.from Duty Officer or ECC staff. Receive brief status report on emergency ccnditions.

2. Confirm activation of NHCDA emergency organization is underway. Proceed to EOC if not there alreaoy.
3. Notify Governor's Office of ALERT status (271-2121).
4. Upon arrival at ECC, review staffing levels of NHCOA.

Determine that ECC Operations Officer is present, or that an acting Operations Officer is appointed. Request Operations Officer to prepare a Seabrook Station Status Report (Appendix D).

5. Ensure that IF0/ EOF team has departed for_the IFO.

O Cetain eta for 1F0'eCF team frcm 0peratione Off1cer.

6. Verify that the Agency Liaison Officer is present, or that an acting Agency Liaison Officer is appointed.

Request Agency Liaison Officer to prepare his portion of the Seabrook Station Status Report (Appendix D, Items 6 and 7.

7. Verify that the Security & Support Officer is present, or that an acting Security Officer is appo nted and the EOC is made secure.
8. Ensure that Communications Officer is present, or that an acting Communications Officer is appointed. Ask Communications Officer to prepare Communications Systems Status Report (Appendix E).

O 1236/0024C 3-2 12/85 1

                                                                                        --- 0
                     #g Note Time 3              9. Ensure that Public Information Officer has departed for

K> the Media Center at the Newington Town Hall. Establish ETA for them.

10. Receive Status Report from Operations Officer,
11. Meet with Operations Officer and OPHS Director, upon his arrival, to review plant status and accident assessment data, potentially affected areas, consider Protective Action Decision criteria (Appendix F), and determine the likelihood of Oeed for protective actions.
12. When EOF Liaison reports that IF0/ EOF Team is cperational, receive updated status reports from the ECF as they become available.
13. If conditions indicate it is necessary to implement precautionary actions for summer beach populations.

() Refer to actions specified in Appendix F, and discuss with EOF Liaison. 14 Prepare and present, together with Operations Officer and OPHS Director, summary report for Governor or his representative (Appendix D). Determine need for news release. Obtain concurrence for any precautionary actions. Ensure that Massachusetts is made aware of any precautionary actions to be implemented. Advise Operations Officer to implement necessary actions.

15. Stand by for changes in status. Request updates from Operations Officer, Agency Liaison Officer and EOF Liaison each half hour to an hour. Together with Operations Officer and OPHS, brief Governor's Staff hourly, or as situation changes.
~h L.)

1236/0024C 3-3 12/85

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1. Receive notificaticn from ECF via NAS (orange phone) and I

note notification on Initial Notification Form (Appendix B). } } 2. Ensure that all ECC staff are aware of change in status. j Ensure that all necessary ALERT procedures have been i implemented. NOTE: OFERATIONS OFFICER BEGINS PUBLIC ALERT AND NOTIFICATION AT THIS POINT. j

3. Verify that t,he Agency Liaison Officer has initiated the SITE AREA EMERGENCY call list. *
4. Verify with Operations Officer that notification has been j nace to R,ockingham County Dispatch, .Brentwood and the 17 i

j ccanunities of the escalated status. i 5. Confirm with EOC Operations Officer that public t .f alert / notification has been coordinated and activated e i j 6. Receive status report from EOF Liaison. Determine status q of protective action recommendations from'ECF. l j 7. Review the nature of the change in status with the i Operations Officer and CPHS Director. Specifically ! discuss the imminent need for additional public notification and/or protective action. Consult with appropriate support agencies if access control and other , i protective actions are to be considered. At a minimum , I I State Police, Pupil Transportation Safety and the EOF l Liaison (re local ability to implement evacuation) should

be included in discussions of protective action feasibility.

I i, O I l 1236/0024C 3-4 '12/85

Note Time (] 8. If conditions indicate the need for protective actions for summer beach pcpulations, refer to acticns specified in Apcendix F, and discuss with ECF Liaison.

9. Prepare (along witn Operations Officer and CPHS Director) a Seabrcck Station Status Report for the Governor. Use form attached as Appendix 0.
10. Review status report with Massachusetts officials (preferably Director MCOA). This discussion may be delegated to the Operations Officer. Agree on plant status and tentative coordinated protective actions to be taken by the two States. ( Af ter approval by Governor.)
11. Brief Operations Officer and OPHS Director on results of discussions with Massachusetts. -
12. Together with Operations Officer and 0FHS Director, brief
  '              Governor's Staff on changes in status and two-state actions tentatively agreed upon. Suggest the need or lack of need for protective actions. C+btain Governor's concurrence or his countermanding directions. Notify MA of any changes in the tentative agreements previously made in Step 6.
13. If Governor concurs with protective action recommendations, instruct Operations Officer to implement public alert and notification within 15 minutes of Governor's concurrence. Instruct EOF Liaison and other State agencies of decisions and their protective action implerentation duties.
14. Stand by for changes in status.

O 1236/0024C 3-5 12/85


1. Receive notification of GENERAL EMERGENCY from ECF via NAS (orange Phone) and note notificaticn on Initial Notificaticn Form (Accendix 8).
2. Ensure that all EOC staff members are aware of change in status, and ensure that SITE AREA EMERGENCY procedures have been implemented.
3. Verify with Operations Officer that notification has been made to Rockingham County Dispatch, Brentwcod and the 17 communities of the escalated status.

4 Discuss protective action recommendations and, if appropriate, actions specified for summer beach population (Appendix F) with EOF Liaison.

5. Determine resource capability to implement recommended protective actions through Operations Officer and EOF Liaison.
6. Review protective action options with DPHS Director, and Operations Officer. At a minimum State Police, Pupil Transportation Safety and the EOF Liaison (re local ability to implement evacuation) should be included in discussions of protective action feasibility.
7. Prepare (along with Operations Officer and CPHS) a Seabrook Station Status Report. Use form attached as Appendix D.
8. Review summary status report with Massachusetts officials (preferably Director MCOA). This discussion may be dele-gated to the Operations Officer. Agree on plant status and tentative coordinated protective actions (Af ter O enorovat ex coveroor) to ee tewea er tee t o state -

1236/0024C 3-6 12/85

Note Time (D 9. Brief Cperations Officer and CPHS Director on tentative decisicns mace in discussicns with Massachusetts.

10. Tcgether with Operations Officer and CPHS Director, brief Governor's Staff cn changes in status and tentative two-state actions agreed upon. Explain the nature and rationale for protective actions recommended. Obtain Governor's concurrence or other directions. Notify MA of any changes in tentative agreements previcusly made in Stec 8.
11. Instruct Operations Officer to implement these actions following approval by the Governor. Instruct ECF Liaison and other State agencies of decisions and their protective action implementation duties. Authorize release of additional emergency broadcast messages, and instruct Cperations Officer to ccordinate and implement n protective actions according to procedure.


12. Stand by to monitor changes in plant status. Consult with ECF Liaison, Operations Officer and CPHS Director regularly to update protective action consideration.

Discuss proposed changes in protective actions with MA and obtain Governor's approval before implementing.

13. Participate, as needed, with Governor's Staff in compiling and approving news releases.

A L) 1236/0024C 3-7 12/85


l. See that Operations Officer initiates notification to all appropriate parties that the situation has de-escalated.
2. Meet with Operations Officer, OPHS, State Police and Governor's representative to plan re-entry. Solicit cpinions from OPHS regarding need for:

f Continued access control? Food & water control? Monitori,ng before re-entry? Emergency worker exposure control? Solicit opinions frem others regarding need for: Crime control? Damage assessment? Coordination with Massachusetts I Federal Involvement? Coordination with SS staff? Media releases? I 1 NHCDA Procedures Appendices used by the Director Appendix B - Initial Notification Form j Appendix 0 - Seabrook Station Status Report Appendix F - Protective Action Decision Criteria 1 4 O 1236/0024C 3-8 12/85

l i l l 4 NEW HAWSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY i n EOC CFERATIONS OFFICER RCCEDURES U This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at Seabrook Station. These procedures cescribe


actions to be taken according to the four emergency classification levels. UNUSUAL EtENT Operations Officer duties begin at the ALERT ECL. < ALERT Note Time -

1. Upon arrival at EOC, assume duties. If Director has not arrived, assume Director's duties as well.
2. Review available data on plant status. Appoint j Operaticns Controller to initiate and maintain status boards and to log all messages and changes in status.

These messages and changes in status should be announced (by public address) to all personnel in ECC. Messages and status changes should be phoned to IF0/ EOF, as well, when it has opened.

3. Check to see that DPHS is present. If OPHS is not present. Confirm that they have been notified and that their representative is in transit to the EOC. See that EOF phone link is established and manned until they arrive. (Telephone 474-9521).

4 Check status of IF0/ EOF and local notifications.

5. Inform State Police Communications Center, SS and Rockingham County Dispatch in Drentwood that EOC is operational. Have EOC assume communications
O responsibility af ter reviewing comrnunications systems V report (Appendix E) prepared by Communications Officer.

Confirm that E85 is on stand by. 1236/0584h 4-1 12/85

Note Time

6. Request and receive briefings from Agency Liaison Officer and Communications Officer with Director. St.bsequently prepare a Seabrook Station Status Report ( Appendix E) and use it to brief the Director.
7. Together with Director, discuss plant situation with CPHS. Determine appropriate protective action.
8. Assist Director with amending and presenting Seabrook Station Status Report (Appendix D) to Governor's staff.

Cetermine need for media briefings. Implement any necessary precauticnary actions deemed necessary by the l Director and the Governor's Office. Coordinate any ! actions with ECF Liaison.

9. Review procedures for every other State Agency to see that all ALERT level comnitments are covered. This may be delegated to the Operaticns Controller.
10. Initiate contacts with:

FEMA NRC MA ECC Other Federal or State Agencies

11. Verify contacts with IF0/ EOF as State staff arrive at their locations.


12. Stand by for changes in status. Participate in update briefings with NHCOA staff, the Director and DPHS each l half-hour to an hour. Participate in briefings for l Governor's staff hourly, or as needed.

l O l 1236/0584h 4-2 12/85 _


1. Ensure that all present in the ECC are aware of the change in status. Ensure that all necessary ALERT precedures have been implemented. Instruct all agencies at the ECC to begin SITE AREA EMERGENCY precedures. Also see that IF0, Rockingnam Ccunty Dispatch, Media Center, and the towns are notified of escalation.
2. Verify that SITE AREA EMERGENCY notifications to State agencies have been initiated by the Agency Liaison Officer. ,
3. Upon verification of a SITE AREA EMERGENCY, prepare to activate the public alerting system as follows:
a. Select an apprcpriate time to activate the system.

Inform the Director, ECF Liaison and agency representatives of the time for the activation.

b. Complete SITE AREA EMERCENCY Message (State Plan, Appendix B) or use Shelter or Evacuation Message as directed.
c. Call WCKQ at 964-6598 and ask for the News Director.
d. Direct WOKQ to activate EBS and tone alert radios.

Provide message and activation time.

e. Direct Rockingham County Dispatch to activate sirens at the specified time.
4. Meet with the Director and OPHS staf f to review the change in status. Determine the desirability of additional public information and/or protective actions.

Consult with appropriate support a0encies if access @ control and/or evacuation are to be considered. At a minimum State Police, Transportation Coordinator, Pupil Transportation Safety and the EOF Liaison (re local ability to implement evacuation) should be included in discussions of protective action feasibility. 1236/0584h 4-3 12/85

Note Time

5. Assist the Director in precaring an occated Seabrook O Staticn Status Report cSee Appenc1x 0). Tris recort 11.-

be used as reference during the Director's discussions with utility personnel and MA Civil Cefense Director.

6. Receive briefing, along with OPHS, from Director following conference call with MA officials. Receive instructions for cocrdinated actions, including EBS broadcasts.
7. Participate, with Director and DPHS, in briefing of Governor's Staff on changes in status and/or interstate I actions tentatively agreed upon. Obtain Governor's concurrence or other directions. Notify MA of any changes in tentative agreements previously made.
8. Stand by for changes in status.

O 9-aevie aroceevre= cor e ca State a emcvs ca=vre t"at ao cuties have gone unattended. This may be delegated to

!                    Assistant Operations Officer.


1. Ensure that all present in E0C are aware of change in t

status. Ensure that all necessary SITE AREA EMERCENCY procedures have been implemented. Instruct agencies to undertake GENERAL EMERCENCY procedures. Also see that i IF0, Rockingham County Dispatch, Media Center, and the 23 communities have been notified of escalation.

2. Upon notification of a CENERAL EMERCENCY, activate the public alerting system as follows: I 1236/0584h 4-4
!                                                                                 12/85 4

Note Time Select an appropriate time to activate the system. Q a. Inform the Director, ECF Liaison and agency representatives of the activation time.

b. Complete GENERAL EMERGENCY Message (State Plan, Appendix 8) or use Shelter or Evacuation Message as directed.
c. Call WOKQ at 964-6598 and ask for the News Director.
d. Direct WOKQ to activate EBS and tone alert radios.

Provide message and activation time,

e. Direct Rockingham County to activate sirens at the specifieqi time.

l 3. Meet with Director and OPHS staff to review the change in j status. Agree upon preferred time for additional public , infomation/ notification and protective actions to be i suggested for NH communities. Consult with appropriate support agencies if access control and/or evacuation are to be considered. At a minimum State Police, Transportation Coordinator, Pupil Transportation Safety i and the EOF Liaison (re: local ability to implement evacuation) should be included in discussions of protective action feasibility. .

4. Assist the Director in preparing updated Seabrook Station Status Report. (Use form attached as Appendix 0.) This report will be used as a reference during the Director's discussiens with utility personnel and MA Civil Defense 1


5. Receive briefing, along with OPHS, from Director

, following conference call with MA officials. Receive instructions for coordinated actions, including subsequent EDS broadcasts. O I 1236/0584h 4-5 12/05

Note Time p 6. Together with Operations Officer and CPHS, brief V Governor's Staff on enanges in status and tentative two-State actions agreed upon. Explain the nature and rationale for protective actions recommended. Cbtain Governor's concurrence or other directions. Notify MA of any changes in tentative agreements previously made.

7. Implement additional public information and/or protective actions as deemed apprcpriate by the Governor.


8. Stand by for changes in status.
9. Review GENERAL EMERCENCY procedures for each State O

v Agency. Ensure no duties have gone unattended. This may be delegated to Operations Centroller.

10. Stand by to monitor changes in plant status. Meet regularly with CPHS. Advise Director of changes in status and need to revise protective actions. Discuss potential changes in protective actions with EOF Liaison and MA, and obtain Governor's concurrence, tbtify IF0, Media Center and communities before making public the changes in protective actions. Coordinate CBS broadcasts with MA officials.
11. Assist Director with news release duties.

i 12M/0584h 4-6 12/05 l

l DE-ESCALATION Note Time i 1. See that all parties are notified of de-escalation status. t i ! 2. Participate in Director's de-escalation planning. NHC0A Procedures Appendices used by Operations Officer: Appendix 0 - Seabrook Station Status Report i i l Appendix E - Communications Systems Status Report l l - !O l O l 12M/0584h 4,7 12/85


(/ This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seaurock Station Nuclear Power Plant. The procecure describes the actions to be taken in response to each of the four Emergency Classification Levels prescribed in NUREG-0654. UNUSUAL EVENT Operations Controller duties begin at the ALERT ECL. ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY, GENERAL EMERGENCY Note Time 1 i

;           1. Upon arrival at EOC assume duties. If Operations Officer has not arrived, assume his duties as well.

} 2. Confirm that the necessary UNUSUAL EVENT procedures of all NHCOA have been completed.

O l
3. Initiate and maintain ECC status boards and maps. (This may be delegated).
4. Initiate and maintain EOC activity and tressage logs.

(See Appendix H for forms). Copy Operations Officer on all inconing messages. Make sure he is promptly aware of all important information.

5. Supervise activity in EOC. Maintain quiet working atmosphere. Announce all pertinent information over EOC PA systems. Coordinate interagency requests for support. Contact Operations Officer to resolve 1

interagency disputes or problems. l , O 1236/0585h 5-1 12/05

Note Time

6. Contact and brief ECF Liaison on EOC activities at least C hourly.
7. Follow procedures for all agencies in the EOC except NHCDA and OPHS. Provide prompting as necessary to see that all procedure action items are implemented.
8. Respond to direction from Operations Officer and/or Director.

NHUA Procedures Appendices used by the Director l Appendix H - RERP Message Forms and Operations Log O I i l 1236/0585h 5-2 12/05

6. NEW HAMPSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY AGENCY LIAISCN OFFICER PROCEDURES This cocument provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at Seabrook Station. These procedures describe action to be taken according to the four emergency classification levels.

Note Time UNUSUAL EtENT Agency Liaison Officer duties begin at the ALERT ECL. ALERT ,

1. Verify that all UNUSUAL EVENT notifications have been made to:

State Police Comm Center (by the utility) OPHS (by the utility) Governor's Office (by NHCDA Director) Maine CEP (NHCOA Staff) O u S coast ovato (ex "scoa staff) Make any calls not yet completed to these agencies. See Appendix C for telephone numbers.

2. Initiate the ALERT calls. Notify:

National Guard (report) Human Services (stand by) Red Cross (stand by) Pupil Transportation Safety (stand by) Civil Air Patrol (stand by) Boating Safety (stand by) U.S. Coast Guard (stand by) OREO (report) Maine CEP l O - 1236/0031C 6-1 12/85 l

Note Time p 3. Maintain status sheet or status board outlining which agencies have been contacted and who is present at the EOC. l NOTE: MANY AGENCIES MAY ELECT TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES AT l THE ALERT LEVEL. ALL AGENCIES SHOULD SEE THAT A REFEESENTATIVE IS SENT AT THE SITE AREA EMERGENCY LEVEL.

4. Inform Operations Controller as each agency arrives. As necessary, guide these agency representatives to their cuty stations., NOTE: DIRECT EACH AGENCY TO MAKE A LOG OF ITS COMMUNICATIONS AND ACTIONS. DIRECT EACH AGENCY TO NOTIFY THE OPERATIONS CONTROLLER OF EACH ENTRY ON ITS LOG. (See Appendix H for RERP Message Forms and Operations Log.)
5. Brief Director and Operations Officer on agency presence I as required.
6. Refer agency representatives to Operations Controller for inter-agency support requests.

l l 7. Stand by for changes in status of emergency. Continue to try to contact agencies not previously notified. l l SITE AREA EMERGENCY

1. Initiate the SITE AREA EMERGENCY notification. Contact those in EOC in person to confirm status. See that all others are called and confirm that a representative will be dispatched to the EOC and/or IFO immedf ately. See Appendix C for telephone numbers.

O 1236/0031C 6-2 12/05

Note Time Governor's Office (EOC) State Police (ECC and IFO) OPHS (EOC and IFO) National Guard (ECC and IFO) Agriculture (EOC) Human Services (EOC) Red Cross (EOC) State Highways (EOC and IFO) Pupil Transportation Safety (EOC) EMS (EOC and IFO) Fish & Game (EOC and IFO) DRED (EOC and IFO) CAP (EOC and IFO) Water Supply & Pollution Control (ECC) Boating Safety (IFO) U.S. Coast Guard (IFO) l Maine CEP (information only) O 2. saintain natus snea outuning wnien agencies have been cantacted and which have arrived at EOC.

3. Inform Operations Controller as each agency arrives. As l necessary, continue to guide each agency to its duty station. Direct each arriving agency to log its comunications and actions. Direct each agency to notify the Operations Controller of each entry on the log.

l 4 Refer inter-agency support requests to the Operations Controller.

5. Stand by for changes in status of emergency. Continue to contact agencies not previously notified. Seek State Police support for this task if necessary.

O 1236/0031C 6-3 12/85

                                    - - -_m.__ -_- - -     __m __ _:__-._-______.__._.-__-._______m._   . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     --.___--__m.m._._____ _-___-.._


1. See that EAL #2 and EAL #3 checklists have been ccepleted.
2. Provice support as required by Operations Officer.

NHCDA Appendices Applicable to Agency Liaison Officer. Appendix C - EOC Activation Call List Appendix H - RERP Message Forms and Operations Log O i l ! I i 1236/0031C 6-4 12/85

7. NEW HAMPSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY TRANSFCRTATION C00RDINATCR FRCCECURES l This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at Seabrcck Station. These precedures describe acticn to be taken according to the four emergency classification levels.

Note Time UNUSUAL EVENT l l l Transportation Coordinator duties begin at the ALERT ECL. ALERT , l

1. Receive notification of the ALERT status at Seabrook l


2. Recei~e v notification and report to the State ECC. Report availability to the RERP Operations Officer. Receive notification of a) termination of emergency status, or b)

O esce1euen of emeroency etetue. 1f esce1etee, conunue with checklist. SITE AREA EMERGENCY and GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. Contact all potential transportation support organizations (see Appendix I). Have them standby until they are needed.

a) Determine number and capacity of vehicles available. b) Determine mobilization time.

2. Determine need for state vehicles from support agencies and coordinate use. Requests will be forwarded from Local Liaison at IFO.

O 1236/0032C 7-1 12/85

Note Time es 3. Coordinate efforts with the Pupil Transportation Safety (*) representative.

4. Determine if road conditions are conducive to evacuation.
5. Standby to receive and respond to requests for aid, information and directions from NHCDA staff.

NHCDA Appendices Applicable to Transportation Coordinator Appendix I - Transportation Resources O I O l 1236/0032C 7-2 12/85 l


I O COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER PROCEDURES This doctrent provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at Seabrook Station. These precedures descrice action I to be taken according to the four emergency classification levels. Note Time All Emercency Classification Levels

1. Review status of communications systems. Establish availability:

EOF telephone Commercial telephones Orange phones NAWAS SP Radio EBS (put WOKQ on stand by) Other Systems

2. Establish contact with:

State Police Communications Center Rockingham County Dispatch EOF / Control Room

3. Report communications equipment status to Operations Officer. (See Appendix E for report form).

4. See that all NHCDA communications equipment is being monitored. Use State Police Staff, and others as necessary, to monitor continuing communications. See that Orange Phone, NAWAS, and radios are covered at all times. Request any needed help through Operations Officer.

O 1236/0033C

[ i

                                                '8-1 12/85

_____ __--_ i _ L- L-- - '-

Note Time

5. Forward messages over all links to and from appropriate destinations. See that Operations Officer is given copy of all incoming messages. See that message logs are kept (See Appendix H for message and log forms).
6. At ALERT level, put EBS on stand by. Have EBS authentication codes available. Initiate EBS if so directed by the Operations Officer. (Review Appendix G).
7. Report changes in communications capability to Operations Officer. .
8. Stand by for changes in status.

NHCDA Appendices Applicable to Communications Officer Appendix E - Communications Systems Status Report O Appendix G - Coordination of Public Alert / Notification System Appendix H - RERP Message Forms and Operations Log M 1236/0033C 8-2 12/85 9

i i


( ]) t These procedures prescribes actions to be taken by the ECF Liaison of the. New Hamosnire Civil Defense Agency in the event of an emergency of the j Seacrcck Station tbclear Power Plant. The procecures describe actions to be

;            taken according to each of the fcur emergency classification levels.


l. Notification may be received from NHCDA ECC staff to j stand by for possible activation of IF0/ EOF staff.

l If notified, remain available for further information until advised of close-out of the emergency.

2. If notified to stancby, request available information

[g cn status of UNUSUAL EVENT. Request call-back on status of IF0/ECF staff availability. Review a subsequent procedures if time permits. t f ALERT I i

1. Receive notification from NHCDA staff to move NHCDA IF0/ EOF Team to the IF0/ EOF.

l 2. Verify notification of NHCDA IF0/ EOF Team. Supervise mobilization and coordinate departure  ; of IF0/ EOF team.  ! i l

3. Inform EOC Operations Officer of approximate ETA,  ;

1 and depart'for IF0/ EOF. 't

4. Upon arrival at Newington Station, sign-in on IF0/ EOF
.                                staff roster maintained by EOF Security.

1236/0025C 9-1 12/85

Note Time ('~} 5. Request cperational readiness report from IFO 1 Centroller, Request emergency conditions report from , IFO Technical Assistant.

6. Establish contact with DPh5 IFO Coordinator and establish time of operational readiness. If DPHS IFO 1

Ccordinator has not arrived,' determine approximate time of arrival through the State EOC.

7. In conjunction with DFHS IFO Coordinator, establish contact with the utility ECF Coordinator and receive briefing on plant status and accident assessment results. Complete Seabrook Station Status Report (Appendix D).
8. Establish communications with the Director and Operations Officer, NHCDA at the State EOC and

, (I advise of operational status of IF0/ EOF and status of emergency conditions. a

9. Brief IFO staff on operational status and emergency conditions, i
10. Ensure preparation of Local Status Report Forms for local town emergency organizations by IFO Controller and Local Liaison Officers. (See Appendix J).

Review and approve status report for town emergency organizations. 11. Review Protective Action Decision Criteria with NHCDA-Technical Assistant (see Appendix F) and DPHS. -i i  : u i

          .1236/0025C                                9-2 1


i Note Time C 12. Assign NHCDA Technical Assistant to monitor status of plant systems and accident assessment activities ano to initiate entries on figures lA througn 5 of Protective Action Decision Criteria.

13. Maintain Seabrook Station Status Report (Attached as Appendix D) and report emergency status to Director, NHCDA as current information becomes available.

Report hourly even if there is no change in plant status. . 14 Ensure that periodic updates of emergency conditions are provideo to IFO and support agency staff for updating of status reports-to local emergency organizations.

15. Coordinate discussions of protective acticn recommendations with DPHS IFO Coordinator, utility EOF Coordinator, and Massachusetts Officials in the ECF. Record any recommended action (Appendix D).
16. If protective or precautionary actions are recommended; (a) call meeting of IFO staff in NHCDA conference room.

(b) by speaker phone, relay recommendation to Director, NHCDA. (c) with Director, NHCDA and IFO staff review actions required to implement recommended actions.

17. Receive decision from EOC and report decision to ECF

' Coordinator and Massachusetts representatives. 1236/0025C 9-3 12/85

a Note Time

18. If no actions are recommended, consider and discuss with Massachusetts representatives following minimal actions that may be warranted if conditions degrade:

(a) access control at NH Exit 1 of I-95 (b) access control on Route 1 in Massachusetts at Route 286 i i . (c) access control on I-95 northbound in I

  • Massachusetts at Route 286 (d) access control on I-95 southbound in Pbrtsmouth (e) access control on Route 1 southbound at i

Route 88 (f) access control on Route 107 at I-95 4

19. Standby to receive additional plant status and 4

accident assessment data, and notification of change of emergency status. SITE AREA EMERGENCY and GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. Receive notification of-declaration of Emergency Classification Level (ECL) change in the EOF.


2. Monitor official notification of ECL change via Nuclear Alert System telephone in the IFO.

(Refer to attached Initial Notification Form attached as Appendix B). 1236/0025C 9-4 12/85

Note Time ,

3. Review Fratective Action Decision' Criteria actions specified for SITE AREA ENERGENCY and GENERAL EMERGENCY with NHCDA Technical Assistant. (See Appenoix F).
4. Assign Technical Assistant to monitor status of plant systems and accident assessment.
5. Ccordinate formulation of protective action
        '        recommendation.with CPHS personnel, utility ECF personnel, and Massachusetts officials in the EOF.
6. When decision is made for protective action recocmendations call meeting of IFO staff in NHCDA conference rocm. By speaker phone, relay recommendation tl Director, NHCDA. With Director, NHCDA and IFO stisff, review actions required to O implement recommended actions.
7. Receive decision frcm EOC and initiate implementation of appropriate actions.

l l

8. Standby to. receive additional plant status and accident assessment data, and notification of change of emergency status.

NHC0A Appendices Applicable to EOF Liaison 1 Appendix 8 - Initial Notification Form i Appendix D -. Seabrook Station Status Report Appendix F - Protective Action Decision Criteria Appendix J'- Local Status Report Form O 1236/0025C 9-5 12/85

     .       ..     . . .         -  .        -                - = _

i i

This document provides checklist procedures to be followed by the IFO Technical Assistant in the event of an emergency at the Seabrook Nuclear Power ' '

Station. The procedures describes actions to be taken according to each of . the four emergency classification levels. Note Time UNUSUAL E ENT

l. Notification may be received from NHCDA ECC staff to standby for possible activation. If notified to
;                         standby, remain available to receive notification to report to IF0/ EOF.

{ 2. If notified to standby, review checklists and procedures until advised of close-out of the emergency or escalation to a higher ECL. i ALERT l

1. Receive notification from EOC staff that an ALERT 1

has been declared. Coordinate departure time and transportation arrangements with EOF Liaison. 1

2. Report to the IF0/ EOF at Newington' Station, Newington, New Hampshire. Sign in on staff roster maintained by EOF Security.


3. Obtain plant status information from utility j representatives in EOF. Obtain information in Attachment A to Appendix F. Brief the EOF Liaison l on plant status.

j_ Q i t 1236/0028C 10-1 12/85 _________._m_____

4 1 Note Time 0 4. Establish liaison with DPHS Accident' Assessor and continue to monitor accident assessment data. i 5. Utilizing the worksheets attached to Protective Action i Decision Criteria (Appendix F), enter accident assessment data as it becomes available.

6. Monitor plant status data in consultation with utility i ECF Technical Assistant. Maintain data on Seabrook Station Status. Report. (Appendix D).
7. Report accident assessment and plant status data to f ECF Liaison every thirty (30) minutes or at request l of EOF Liaison.
8. Assist IFO Centroller and Local Liaison Officers with preparation of status reports to local emergency

[) organizatiors.

9. Standby for close-out or change in emergency classification level.


1. Receive notification that Site Area Emergency has been declared.


2. In the event of initial notification of SITE AREA EMERGENCY, receive notification from NHCDA EOC staff and report immedistely to IF0/ EOF at Newington Station, Newington, New Hampshire. Coordinate departure and transportation plans with EOF Liaison. Complete checklist for ALERT Steps 3-9.

( 4 1236/0028C 10-2 12/85

Note Time

3. Review Protective Action Decision Criteria actions specified for Site Area Emergency and General Emergency with EOF Liaison ( Appendix F).
4. Continue actions 5-9 specified for ALERT ECL.
5. Standby for close-out or change in emergency classification level.

NHCOA Appendices Applicable to Technical Assistant Appendix 0 - Seabrook Station Status Report Appendix F - Protection Action Decision Criteria Appenoix J - Local Status Report Form O 1236/0028C 10-3 12/85


11. NEW HAMPSHIRE CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY IFO CONTROLLER PROCEDURES This document provides a checklist to be used by-the IFO Controller in event of an emergency condition at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant.


1. Receive notification frcm EOC staff if Director, NHCDA, decides,to place IF0/ EOF team on standby.


!               2. Remain available for notification to report to f                    IF0/ EOF or of termination of UNUSUAL EVENT.


l. Receive notification of ALERT through emergency call out.


,               2. Depart promptly for IFO. Coordinate departure and transportation plans with EOF Liaison. Maintain radio contact with EOC Communications Center in transit.
3. On arrival, activate IFO and ensure operation of telephone and other communications system. Direct i

Local Liaison Officers to establish communications with the 17 communities and request that future ] communications from communities be directed to the IFO.

4. Exchange information on emergency status with the j EOF Liaison.

!O 1236/0017C 11-1 12/85 i

Note Time 3 i O 5. Brief Assistant IFO Controller and Local Liaison j Officers on status of emergency conditions and

operations. Direct Assistant IFO Controller to initiate and maintain status boards.

i 6. Ensure assignment of local liaison team, Assistant IFO Controller, Status Board Keeper, and Message ! Controller. Ensure that status boards are maintained { and upcated. 1 I . {

7. Insure that Errergency Broadcast receiver is set up.

} (WCKQ). i

8. Assign field techs to assist OPHS monitoring team l members to operationally check monitoring kits and l recort status of team kits back to IFO Centroller.

! 9. Contact DPHS monitoring teams / decontamination coordinator for monitoring teams radio call signs.  ; i j i 10. Review host communities (Dover, Durham, Manchester, Nashua, Rochester and Salem) checklists. I ] 11. Ensure Local Liaison Officers have contacted host - j community Civil Defense Directors and briefed them f on current status and reviewed preparatory activities. f

12. Stand by to respond to requests for information or support and changes in status.

i !O 4 i i { 1236/0017C 11-2 12/85



Note Time
 !              SITE AREA EMERGENCY
1. Receive notification of escalation to SITE AREA j EMERGENCY from EOF Liaison. Insure that necessary ALERT procedures have been implemented.
2. Ensure Rockingham County Dispatch has notified local l communities of SITE AREA EMERGENCY on Rockingham County Dispatch radio frequencies and to STANDBY to activate the public alert / notification system. Report status to the EOF Liaison.
3. Brief those in the IFO of escalation of ECL and current status.

{ 4 Have local liaison staff confirm ECL escalation with local EOC staffs via telephone. Report IFO' actions Q and current status to local E0Cs.

5. Direct IFO communicator to conduct radio checks with
 ;                             local EOC's using CD radios, if necessary.

t 4

6. Receive alert / notification systems activation times from EOC. Coordinate activation of these systems I with Rockingham County Dispatch and local EOCs.

i a 7. Confirm that local notification was acknowledged and l that public alert / notification system was activated. i Monitor WOKQ monitor to insure proper message was ,

 ;                              broadcast. Note time. Report confirmation of public notifications to Operations Officer at State E0C.

1 i 4

 ;    0 1
 ,              1236/0017C                                                11-3                                                                         12/85 1

yw - --y-

                    .,                 m>y

Note Time

8. Acknowledge initial contacts from Liaison Officers as towns open ECCs:

Brentwood 642-8132 East Kingston 642-8406 Exeter 772-1212 Greenland 431-7111 Kingston 642-5512 New Castle 436-2515 North Hampton 964-8282 Portsmouth 436-1127 Seabrook 474-3434 Stratham 772-3113 Hampton 926-3333 Hampton Falls 926-3377 Kensington 772-5191

       ,q                                                           Newfields                   778-0900 V                                                            Newton                     382-5212

, Rye 964-8683 fire 964-5521 South Hampton 388-1616

9. Inform ECF Liaison and Operations Officer at Concord EOC as each local EOC is opened.
10. As information becomes available, ensure local liaison staff brief towns on ECL and protective action recommendations.
11. Assign State agency representatives to duty stations as they arrive. Instruct them to check in with their counterparts at the EOC.

O l l 1236/0017C 11-4 12/85 l l l

Note Time l Trocp A National Guard EMS State Highways CPHS I CRED Fish and Game Boating Safety U.S. Coast Guard

12. Ensure status boards and ficw of information are
maintained in the IFO.
13. Ccordinate implementation of protective actions by the IFO Staff as directed by the Operations Officer from the ECC. This includes providing appropriate instructions to the local ECC's and host communities and possible activiation of reception center facilities.


14. Confirm that Local Liaison Officers have placed host community fire deparments on standby for activation of Cecentamination Centers.

t i 15. Ensure Local Liaision Officers request and provide periodic updates to and from local ECCs. l

16. Standby for escalation of emergency status or closecut.


1. Receive notification of change in status from ECF.

Ensure that all necessary SITE AREA procedures have been implemented. 1 1236/0017C 11-5 12/85

4 Note Time , i l O 2. Ensure that all present in IFO are aware of change l in status. Instruct agencies to proceed with l GENERAL EMERGENCY procedures. l ) 3. Ensure that local EOCs are notified of change l in status, and updated on current status and , f conditions by local liaison staff. Use radio or I telephone. i 4 Brentwood 642-8132 l East Kingston 642-8406- ) Exeter 772-1212 Greenland 431-7111 Kingston 642-5512 ] New Castle 436-2515 $ North Hampton 964-8282 Portsmouth 436-1127 Seabrook 474-3434 Stratham .772-3113 ) { Hampton 926-3333 ) Hampton Falls Not Yet Available l Kensington - 772-5191 Newfields 778-0900 Newton 382-5212 Rye 964-8683 fire 964-5521 South Hampton 388-1616 { i

3. Receive notification from EOC protective actions to be j implemented. Relay this information to the appropriate

! State agency representatives at the IF0, local EOCs and I

agency staff at IFO.

i j 4 Verify implementation of protective action assignments. l O 4 l 1236/0017C 11-6 12/85 l 1

                            - . - _ - - _ -        - _ _ . _         .n-...                     _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - - . _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                a-

i Note Time t

5. Ensure activation of reception facilities by HHS as i necessary. Contact host ccmmunity ECCs to ccnfirm 4

readiness of emergency response organization and facilities in host cctT. unities. 1

6. Ccnfirm activation of decontamination facilities with DPHS. Coordinate any host community assistance l needed by CPHS.


7. Ensure issurance of dosimeters by Field Techs to State emergency field workers in areas subject to plume.

l Coordinate maintenance of exposure records with CPHS  ! IFO Technical Advisor. j 8. Report all acove actions to EOF Liaison as they are implemented.

9. Stand by to monitor changes in emergency status.

Implement needed changes in protective action. DE-ESCALATION J

1. Notify all parties in IFO and local emergency response organizations of de-escalation status.
2. Implement Director's Re-entry Planning.

1 O  ! 1 1236/0017C 11-7 12/85 l



1. Receive notification from ECC staff if Director, NHCDA decices to place IF0/ECF team on stand by.
2. Remain available for notification to report to IF0/ECF or of termination of UNUSUAL EVENT.
1. Receive notification of ALERT through emergency call out.
2. Report immediately to IF0/EGF at Newington Station.

Ccorcinate departure and transportation plans with ECF Liaison. O

3. On arrival, report to IFO Centroller and receive briefing on status of emergency operations.
4. Distribute necessary supplies (message forms, logs, notepads, pencils, etc.) to message center staff.
5. Assign tasks to message center staff as available.
6. Ensure the operational status of the Panafax (ie. send test message to State EOC and OPHS).
7. Oversee switchboard operations.
8. Log all messages (incoming, outgoing, and internal).

O 1236/0035C 12-1 12/85

,                                                                                                                                          Note Time l                          9.              Route incoming and internal messages to appropriate persons.


10. Maintain status boards.

i f 1 i i i 1 . l

  • 1  !

1, I i L i ! O I i 4 1


J i l i i lo l , 1236/0035C 12-2 12/85 i I l

13. NEW HAMPSHIRE CIVIL.CEFENSE ACENCY NHCDA LCCAL LIAISCN This document provices a checklist for use by the NHCCA Local Liaisons in '

event of an emergency conditicn at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. UNUSUAL EVENT Note Time

1. Receive notification by NHCDA EOC staff to stand by, if necessary.


1. Receive notification via NHCDA call list that an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency has been ceclared at Seabrook Station  !

Nuclear Power Plant. l

2. Report to the IFO at Newington Station in Newington. Coordinate ,

ceparture and transportation plans with ECF Liaison.

3. Upen arrival at the EOF /IFO report to the IFO Controller.
4. Receive briefing on current plant and EPZ status from IFO Controller.
5. Establish and maintain communications with the seventeen local EOCs. Keep them informed of all ECL changes, changes in plant and EPZ status, and protective actions. Give your phone number and direct them to contact you to request support assistance, inform of actions, and report conditions.
6. Complete Local Status Report Form (Appendix J).
7. Initiate and maintain local emergency organization status boards, i O  ;

1236/0016C 13-1 12/85 [


Note Time Phone numcers Brentwood EOC 642-8132 East Kingston EOC 642-8406 Exeter ECC 772-1212 Greenland ECC 431-7111 Hampton ECC 926-3333 Hampton Falls EOC 926-3377 Kensington ECC 772-5191 Kingston ECC 642-5512 tMw Castle EOC 436-2515 Newfields , EOC 778-0900

      ' Newton                    ECC               382-5212 North Hampton            ECC               964-8262 Portsmouth               ECC               436-1127 Rye                      ECC               964-8683 Seabrook                 EOC               474-3434 South Hampton            EOC               388-1616 Stratham                 EOC               772-3113 Also see Appendix K of State Plan for additional local telephone numbers.
8. Establish and maintain contact with host communities,. Upon their activation. Keep them informed of all changes in status.

Phone numbers Dover EOC 742-4414 Durham EOC 868-5531 Manchester EOC 669-2256 Nashua EOC 880-3343 Rochester EOC 332-4141 Salem EOC 898-4545 Also see Appendix K of State Plan for additional telephone numbers. 1236/0016C 13-2 12/85

i Note Time Q 9. Report all requests or concerns from the local ECCs to the IFO O Controller promptly. Use form centained in Appendix K. 'I l CE-ESCALATION AND RE-ENTRY

1. Notify all local and host ECCs of changes in status and implementation of Re-entry procedures.

NHCDA Procedures Appendices Used by Local Liaison

           ' Appendix J - Local Status Report Form Appendix K - Local Resource Assistance Request Form i

O 1 I 4 l 4 1 1 O 236/0016C 13-3 , 12/85

14. NEW MA>FSHIRE CIVIL CEFENSE AGD.CY IFO CCMMUNICATCR This cccument centains the checklist for the IFO Ccmmunicator to be followed in case of an emergency condition at Seabrock Station Nuclear Power ,

Plant. UNUSUAL EVENT Note Time

1. Receive notification of NHCOA EOC Staff to stancby, if necessary. .


1. Receive notification via NHCOA call list that an ALERT, SITE AREA ENERGENCY OR GDERAL EMERGENCY has been declared at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant.

O 2. Report to the IFO at Newington Station in Newington. Coordinate departure and transportation plans with ECF Liaison.

3. Review status of corrrnunications systems. Establish

EOF telephone Commercial telephones Orange phones (NAS) l Other Systems O 1236/0015C 14-1 12/85

Note Time - 4 Establish contact (Radio Test) with: State EOC Brentwood ECC East Kingsten ECC Exeter EOC Greenland EOC Hampton ECC Hampton Falls ECC Kensington EOC Kingston EOC New Castle EOC Newfields EOC Newton EGC tbrth Hampton EOC Portsmouth EOC Rye EOC Seabrook EOC South Hampton EOC Stratham EOC

5. Report communications equipment status to IFO Controller (use Appendix E). Receive briefing on current status.
6. Perform radio tests with the seventeen local EOCs at regular intervals and/or when necessary to transmit situation status updates.
7. See that communications equipment is being monitored. Use NHCDA Staff, as necessary, to monitor continuing communications. See that Orange Phone, and radios are attended at all times. Request any needed help through IFO Controller.
8. Forward messages over all links to and from appropriate destinations. See that IF0 Controller is given copies of I all incoming messages. Use forms from Appendix H.

1236/0015C 14-2 12/85 l

i I f Note Time j i () 9. At SITE AREA EMERGENCY, establish contact with: Manchester EOC i i Nashua ECC i

Salem EOC ,

} Dover ECC Rochester ECC i Durham EOC i ' j If they have been activated. 1

10. Report changes in communications capability to IFO Controller. .
11. Stand by for changes in status.

i i ] NHCDA Appendices' Applicable to IFO Communicator- l 1 I I Appendix E - Communications Systems Status Report } Appendix H - RERP Message Forms and Operations Log  : J l l 3 1 i i I } i I i i 1 I i 1 ( f i i . } l i 1

1236/0015C 14-3 12/85 ,


                                                 . ~ .          _ _ .   --                         ..

4 d


( MEDIA REFRESENTATIVE This document provides checklist procedures -to be followed 'in the event of i an emergency ccndition at Seabrock Station. These prccedures describe actions to be taken according to the fcur emergency classification levels. ! Note Time i UNUSUAL EVENT ? i No Action Required. . 1 ALERT 4

1. Receive notification of declaration of ALERT through emergency call-out.

2 i i 2. Report immediately to Media Center at Newington Town Hall, Newington, New Hampshire. I

3. On arrival at Media Center:
(a) Establish contact with Governor's Media f Representative at the Media Center.

I f (b) Establish contact with NHY Media Representative. 1 ! (c) Establish contact with Massachusetts Media. Center Representatives. i (d) Establish communication with Governor's Media Liaison at the State EOC. Provide media center j telephone number for New Hampshire media representatives and Panafax number. (e) Conduct operational test of Panafax by sending copy to and receiving copy from State EOC. 1236/0023C 15-1 12/85 1

Note Time

a. Mcnitor NHY rumor control cceraticn ,inc provide accurate informaticn accut state of New ca.Tpsnire emergency cperaticns in response to rumcrs.

Maintain rumor control icg. {

5. Advise State EOC of rumor control activatico and of significant rumors received in Media Center via rumor centrol. -
6. In consultation with Governor's Media Representative,
 .            NHY Media Center Coordinator, and Massachusetts Media Center Representative, review rumor control media releases, provide hard copy of release to ECC Med'ia Liaison, and obtain approval for any release from Governors staff at State EOC.
7. Review all media releases approved for release by_NHY O pertaining to plant conditions and utility actions.

Provide hard ccpy to Governor's Media Representative and State EOC.

8. Maintain log of time and nature of news releases.

Provide copies of New Hampshire news' releases to rumor control staff.

9. Obtain all media release's approved for release by Governor or designee from State EOC. Review release with Governor's Media Representative, NHY Media Coordinator, and Massachusetts Media Representative.


10. Receive any requests from local emergency organizations for media releases through the EOC Media Liaison.

O 1236/0023C 15-2 12/85~ j

Note Time Precare media rele3se ccncerning lccal emergency 11. organization status and:

(a) Review with Governor's Media Representative, j i Massachusetts Media Representative ano'NHY Media Center Coordinator.

i 9 (b) Hard ccpy media release to Governor's Media Liaison at the EOC. 1 . (c) Cbtain approval for release from State EOC. 1 i l 'o) Issue approved media release through Media Center. (e) Log time and nature of news releases. i

12. Assist Governor's Media Representative with
O. participation in joint media briefings with NHY and and Massachusetts by

1 (a) Obtaining status information through Governor's Media Liaison from State EOC. (b) Assisting with preparation of briefing text for . Governor's Media Representative. (c) Providing text of briefing to State EOC.

13. Stand by for change in emergency status. ,

l I l l ( i- / 1236/0023C 15-3 12/85 l l


                                                                                          ,=C               0 l' lh '                                                                                                    Note Time SITE AREA EMERGENCY
1. Receive confirmaticn of-notificaticn of cnange;in emergency classification level from ECC Media Liaiscn.
2. Ensure that Governor's Mecia Representative is aware of change in emergency classification level.  ?

,. v . s.

3. Participate in coordination of media release of change in.

emergency : status 2with Governor's Media Representative,

                               = NHY Media Center; Coordinator, and Massachusetts Media

! - Representative. 4 1

4. ?Hard ccpy new releases to State EOC. -

] I a, .

5. l Cbtain copy of 'all emergency brosdbast messages approved for release from Governor's Media Liaison at the EOC.

4 -

6. . Review emergency broadcast messages to be released with Governor's Media Representative, NHY Media Center Coordinator and Massachusetts Media Representative.
7. When advised by EOC that emergency broadcast message has ,

been released, coordinate release of press representatives at-the media center.-

8. Continue actions 8 through 13 prescribed for ALERT.

p 1 . '., 1- a 4 _,t e k d C }' O  ; ^ '

                                                                                          ;       y

g 1236/0023C :15-4 'c .. . i-12/85

                                                                                                   ,    . , , . .                        . . _ . _ ,_; . w _ :., ,


1. Receive confirmation of notification of cnange in emergency classification level from EOC Media Liaison.


2. Continue actions 2 through 8 prescribed for SITE AREA ENERGENCY.


  -O I

i O

1236/0023C 15-5 12/85

1 I i G I i i l 1 l i i . 4 1 APPDOIX A

}                                                         EOC ACTIVATION CHECKLIST 4

1 i i O I ', (Under Development) l i 1 i i l [ 1 l O 1236/0587h 12/85

I r i I I l lO i i 4 .t I i I 1 a 4 e i p

l .


O 4

i i I i 4 i 4 i i 1 1

 !                                                                                                             e o

4 1236/0024C 12/85

    -           - - - - _. _ - _ _ _ . _ - - _ . ,                                       .----,-n,_,---                            ,n,,,,_                             _,,     _
                                                                                                                                                                                         . r,.n nn,


                                                                         --.J ,m,-4 -4%e_&2.. a 6um, _C._m sa2-.a       .a , - - - . --,-
          #5 4AA.m-_   4 h-- -,&.* a_4MA_4-- -L 5e 3 a*M...ama-.m    , .

t a k, O . 1 f 4 9


4 i' s' e o e APPENDIX C

'                                                             EOC ACTIVATION CALL LIST i

a 4 O 4 e a o i l t t


I 4 I t l


l h O

CALLS CHART Initial Notification ECL at ECL: UE A SAE GE' State Police Comm. Ctr. 1 x x x x CPh5 1 x x x x QA 1 x x x x Governor's Office 1 x x x x Rockingham County Dispatch 1 x x x x U.S. Coast Guard 1 x x x x National Guard 2 x x x Troop A (via State Police) 2 x x x Ecating Safety 2 x x x Agriculture 3 x x Welfare - 2 x x x Re'd Cross 2 x x x State Highways 3 x x Pupil Transportation Safety 2 x x x 85 2 x x x Fish & Game 3 x x CRED 2 x x x CAP 2 x x x Water Supply & Pollution Control 3 x x ME CEP 1 x x x x \ Brentwood 1 x x x x East Kingston 1 x x x x Exeter 1 x x x x Greenland by 1 x x x x Kingston Rockingham 1 x x x x , New Castle County 1 x x x x  ! North Hampton Dispatch 1 x x x x Portsmouth 1 x x x x Seabrook 1 x x x x Stratham 1 x x x x l i a 1236/0031C 12/85

CALLS CHART (CONTINUED) rs U Hampton 1 x x x x Hampton Falls 1 x x x x Kensington 1 x x x x f.ewfields 1 x x x x Newton 1 x x x x Rye 1 x x x x South Hampton 1 x x x x

    .                              Initial Notification             ECL at ECL:     UE      A     SAE GE

! FEMA 2 x x x IFO 2 x x x MA ECC 3 x x , ECF via OPHS 2 x x x EPA via DPHS 2 x x x 1236/0031C 12/85

SS Call List: State RERP Agencies Office 24 Hour No.

1. Governor's Office
a. David Carney 271-2121 271-3636 or 525-4905
b. Bert Wakeley 271-2121 271-3636 or 228-5578
c. Norman VanderNoot 271-2121 271-3636 or 366-5982
d. Frank Haley 271-2121 668-3158
 . 2; Divisicn of Public Health Services
a. Diane E. Tefft 271-4588 524-3358 also S.P. pager
b. Donald E. Halle 271-4585 622-9618
c. A hn R. Stanton 271-4583 623-4743
d. William Wallace 271-4501 746-38311
3. State Police Communication
a. Communications NA- 271-3636 1-800-852-3411
b. Troop C --271-1158 271-1159
4. U.S. Coast Guard 617-223-1470 or 223-3644
5. Civil Air Patrol Headquarters 271-3225
a. Capt. Gordon A. Cheney 382-5331 382-4922
b. .Capt. Virginia Schartner 271-3225 224-8833 ,
c. LTC. Alger Conger 524-3032 528-2264
d. Maj. Edward Goodin 224-7474 286-7157 l
e. Maj.DonLockwood 524-6392 267-6949 i

O 1 1236/0031C 12/85

7s Office 24 Hour No. d

6. Public Works & Highway
a. Ccmmissioner Wallace Stickney 271-3734
b. Division #5 Mcoksett 485-9526
a. John Flanders 271-2411 225-3796
b. John Sargent 471-2217 435-8580 485-3851 i '

i . 8: Department of Fish & Gcme

a. Mason Butterfield 271-3127 225-2805 i
b. David Hewitt 271-3129 279-8067
9. CHS
a. John Muir 271-4569 224-5262
b. Bruce Baxter 778-1727 749-1042

() c. Wilma Low 778-1727 749-0417

10. Pupil Transportation Safety
a. Michael Coltin 271-2485 434-4282 M.V. 21 via S.P.
b. Ken Lewis 271-2764 225-6067
11. American Red Cross .
a. Keene 24 hours 352-3210
b. Concord 24 Hour 225-6697 C. Fredrick Wood 224-0752 i
12. Department of Agriculture
a. Dr. Charles Putnum 352-8550 456-8550
b. Roy Howard 271-2505 224-4120 l

O 1236/0031C 12/85

   -,                                                         Office        2a rcur No.

! )

13. Divisicn of Health and Ht=an Services
a. Ccemissicner vengan 271-4334 622-6623 (Dial 4-4334)
b. Dir. Chevrefils 271-4321 224-9077 (Dial 4-4321)
c. William Colburn 271-4299 783-4740 (Dial 4-4280) 14 National Guard
a. MG Lloyd Price
        .                                                     271-2331        224-4159
b. Col. Geary 271-2331 224-4677
c. Ltc. Ken: 228-1135 x232 746-5619
d. Ltc. Agrafictis 228-1135 x240 485-5017 NOTE: National Guard ECC 271-2544. Page via Fish & Game duty hours,
 ,                  non-duty hours State Police will page on F & G frequencies.

LJ All-Call is 509.

15. water Supply & Pollution Control
a. Bernard Lucey 271-3139 225-5450
b. William Healy 271-3503 224-0667
16. Maine CEP (via State Police) 207-289-2155 NOTE: Additional call lists are kept in the procedures of each of these agencies.

f#N sm/ 1236/0031C 12/85

NEW HAMPSHIFE STATE CIVIL CEFENSE AGENCY EYERGENCY RESFCNSE CRGANIZATION ROSTER Emercercy Ccerating Center. Ccncord A SHIFT B Shift Director Richard Strcme James Saggiotes Cperations Officer Mead Herrick David W. Hayden Assist. Operations Of ficer Robert Pariseau Nancy Wurtz Agency Liaison Officer George Keller Edward Lobacki Communications Officer Dave Maydwell Rcbert Menzies I - Transportaticn Coordinator Wayne Roswell Lee Kimball i ECC Security Robert Cber Jim Minnoch Incident Field Office /Emercency Ccerations Facility, Nenington Station ECF Liaisen Michael M. Nawoj Gerald Coogan U Technical Assistant Deena Perelman Michael J. Poirier IFO Centroller David H. Deans Patrick Herlihy Asst. IFO Controller Penny Wing Daneen Desrochers IFO Ccemunicator Joann Beaudoin Wallen J. Foote Local Liaison Officers: Nicholas Pishon David Coogan Lawrence Parsons Arthur Turgeon Media Center, Newington Town Hall Media Representative David N. Cass Kenneth A. 1111more O 1236/0031C 12/85

State Civil Defense Headquarters Telephone State Office Park South 107 Pleasant Street 271-2231 (%>) Ccncord, N.H.03301 1-800-852 3792 STATE DIRECTCR Richard H. Strome 774-3837 RFD 1, Route 13 Goffstown, N.H. 03045 \ ___ _____.-_--...-_____---______.---..__-__ .-___. __________ ..._______..__ ._ CEPUTY DIRECTOR James Saggiotes 863-3254 23 Summit Road Newport, N.H. 03773 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISICN ADMINISTRATIVE Nancy R. Wurtz 224-1401 ASSISTANT I RF0 2 - Box 415 Concord, N.H. 03301 l ACCOUNTANT I Penny Wing 428-7649 P.O. Box 408 Henniker, N.H. 03242 ACCOUNTANT I Lisa Genest 435-6966 Box 436 - Garland Rd. Barnstead, N.H. 03218 ACCOUNTING Julie Sawtelle 225 6978

      )    TECHNICIAN                  7 Knight Street s                                  Concord, N.H. 03301 WORD PROCESSOR II            Wallene J. Foote                                     753-4325 29 8 High Streat Penacook, N.H.03303 ACCOUNT STENO.II             "Lu" Moyse                                           228-0034 34 Washington St.

Concord, N.H. 03301 l WORD PROCESSOR I Susan Clark 796-2739 RFD #14 - Box 366 Penacook, N.H. 03303 1 ! WORD PROCESSOR I Joann Beaudoin 668 9081 19 Glenridge Ave. Manchester, N.H. 03102 SECRETARY TYPIST Tammy Vaillancourt 528 3891 l TRAINEE RFD #2 - Box 68 l Laconia, N.H. 03246 CLERK I Daneen Desrochers 77 North State Street Concord, N.H. 03301 ( _____________ ... _____.......________ ..-_......___...___ .. ___........____ . 1236/0031C 12/85 l l

SENIOR FIELD Deena C. Ferelman 225-7418 () REPRESENTATIVE / HEALTH PHYSCIST 706 Alton Woods Drive Concord, N.H. 03301 RADIATION PROTECTION Michael J. Poirier 648 2338 0FFICER Old Coach Road Salisbury, N.H 03268 RADIATION FROTECTION l 0FFICER RADIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE I RSM FACILITY Lawrence Parsons 228-8546

    . SUPERVISOR                          Garvins Falls Rd..R.F.D.4 Concord, N.H. 03301 i      RADIOLOGICAL                        Arthur A. L. Turgeon                                          627-3743 INSTRLMENT TECHNICIAN               129 Edmond Street Manchester, N.H. 03102 l                                                   PLANNING OIVISION I

l l () CHIEF CF PLANNING DIVISION David W. Hayden Cross Road 673-3005 Mont Vernon, N.H. 03057 PLANS DEVELOPMENT CIVIL DEFENSE David N. Cass 524 8714 FROTECTION PLANNER R.F.D. #3. Box 2E i Laconia, N.H. 03246 FACILITIES ENGINEER Wayne Roswell 968-7124 P.O. Box 299 Ashland, N.H. 03217 CCMMUNITY PLANNING Jim Minnoch 669-9274 COCRDINATOR 1354 Hall Street

Manchester, N.H. 03104 FIELD Robert Ober 883-4588 REPRESENTATIVE 130 Flagstone Dr. . Apt. 2 Nashua, N.H. 03063 i


1236/0031C 1


TRAINING & EXERCISE i TRAINING CFFICER George Keller 228 8269 i 185 Louden Rd. Concord, N.H. 03301 t . ..._..........____________ _...... ............................ _.... EXERCISE CCNTROLLER Kenneth A. .b111more 279-5730 Highland St., P.O. Box 947 Meredith, N.H. 03253 0 9

   \    .

I l I, 4 l1 k ' l k i i I j i i 4 i i 'l I 4 I t t 1236/0031C 12/85 t


    !! 11 CL         ,EFEtlSE AGEllCY                                                                                           "              '
D. Carney R./trome Eff c ve Nov- 88 I '> .

525-4905 ' E" . " 0"* d'n. 1, 1ku. Telephone Alert Roster 774-3837 J. Sa93f otes D. Mayduell 863-3254 863-52/3

                                                                      !!. Ilerrict 224-3249 l

l l L. Kimball M. tiawoj D. Cass it. Mart z l 774-4981 497-3249 524-8714 l 224-1401 l - l - D. Deans D. Perelman R. Pariseau K. Jollimore L. Moyse 798-5440 J. Smtell e 225-7418 627-3022 279-5730 228-0034 225-6978 __ _ P. lierlihy M. Poirier J. Minnoch W. Roswell D. Desrochers J. Beaudoi,. 228-3675 648-2338 669-9271 968-7124 228-8026 668-9031 G. Keller i . Parsons D. Ilayden W. Foote A. Turge.. 228-8269 228-8546 673-3005 753-4325 .g 627-3743 -- ,

    $i= > rra .,     ;.s - l '


     ' d-d"ga9n                    11. Pishon             E. Lobacki                                    5                          R. !!enzie<               i 225-0674               924-3936                                          Cgrk l

Mkiisdd) 668-4436 l Ti/-d45-3001 - l I bs1 'I~ W{. ) , L. Genest P. Wing R. Ober T. Vaillancourt i 435-6966 428-7649 883-4588 528-3891 \ .

_mmeg 4 6 I l i

           .                                                                                          l i



1. As of (time), Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Station declared:
a. Unusual Event c. Site Area Emergency Immediately terminated
   .   *b. Alert                                   d. General Emergency
2. The incicent involves:


3. At this time:
a. there has been no release of radioactive materials.

and the station foresees: no possibility of a release. a near term possibility of a release. a long term possibility of a release. b._ there has been a release of radioactive materials. l 4 Prevailing winds at the station are from degrees at mph. l (N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW Sector) The town (s) of: Brentwood Kensington Portsmouth East Kingston Kingston Rye Exeter New Castle Seabrook Greenland Newfields S. Hampton Hampton Newton Stratham Hampton Falls N. Hampton would be/are affected if a release of radioactive material should occur. O ' l 1236/0030C 12/85

REPORT ( 5. We recommend: teeER Page 2 of 3 Pages

a. No protective action at this titre.
b. Public notification in: (N)
c. Access control in: (A)
d. Sheltering of pecple in: (S) l
e. Evacuation of people in: (E)

Brentwood Kensington Portsmouth East Kingston Kingston Rye Exeter New Castle Seabrook Greenlanc Newfields S. Harroton Hampton Newton Stratham _ Hampton Falls N. Hampton

6. The State Emergency Operation Center in Concord is:
a. Partially operational b. Fully cperational The following agencies:

O HAVE BEEN ARE HAVE BEEN ARE NOTIFIED PRESENT NOTIFIED FHESENT Governors Office Public Welfare Civil Defence Red Cross Public Health Public Works Agriculture and Highways Boating Safety Pupil Trans. Civil Air Patrol Safety ORED Water Sup. & Emer. Med. Sycs. Poll. Cont. Fish & Game U.S. Coast National Guard Guard O 1236/0030C 12/85

i REFCRT i NUMBER O Page 3 of 3 Pages

7. The State Incident Field Office in Newington is:
a. Not operational
b. Partially operational
c. Fully operational

] The following agencies: HAVE BEEN ARE HANE BEEN ARE l NOTIFIED PRESENT NOTIFIED PRESENT l Civil Defense Public Welfare j Public Health Red Cross j Agriculture State Police

!                                                                                                                                Civil Air Patrol        ,

Emer. Med.

, Fish and Game Sves.

j National Guard

8. The utilities Emergency Operation Facility (EOF) is:

! O a. Not staffed at this time b. Staffed at this time }

9. We recommend:


a. No press briefings at this time
b. A press briefing at this time
c. A press briefing at The last briefing was given at at (time) (location)
!                                                                  10. We have comunicated with:
a. Massachusetts EOC e. EPA
b. Maine EOC f. NE Rad. Health Compact
c. FEMA -
g. Other:
d. NRC O

1236/0030C 12/85

i i J I I

  • t i t i

s i  ! 1 i t I i I t a t i APPENDIX E . t l ): COMKjNICATIONS SYSTEMS STATUS REPORT t 4 i O . r e t P l I 1 i 1 l 4 i i i i i O . I 1236/0588h . 12/85 i

O Re::crt No. co""u"tcartc"s svsto's status acecar Oato Cay Time Ccroleted CCCCCCCZZ:C C-:CCCCCCCCCCCCCC:Z CCCZZC CCCC S ta tus Opera tor System i Service 1 Ocerational i Non-Coerational l On Duty Radio l 1. Civil Defense l l l l a. tai l l l l b. ra l I I I c. VT I I l l 2. State Police l l l

   .               I     a. Low Band           l               l                   l l     b. Hign Band          i               i                   l l 3. Fisn and Game          i               l                   l I 4. CRED                   l               l                   l l     a. Forest Sve.       l                l                   l l 5. Public Works           l               l                  l

! I and Highways l l l l 6. Rockingnam Cty l l l l Dispa tch l l l l 7. Civil Air Patrol l l l l a. FM l l l I b . FF l l l l 8. Amateur l l l l a. 2 Meters l l l l b. 6 Meters l l l l c. FF l l l l 9. Red Cross l l l I I I I Telephone l 1. Commercial l l l l 2. Nuc Alert Svs l l l l l 3. ECF Phone l l l 1 l l 4. NAWAS l l l l l l l Teletype l 1. CCNATS I O l l l l l l l


                                                                                                                       .I i

t f O 12%/0388h 12/85

  . .   - -          - - - - . - - .                    . -  . _ _ . - _ .     .-  - - _ _ . - - ~ ~ .   . -     _ _ -

l 3Tr0 Ci !i22 !UMSH;12 F10T2CT!7E ACTI0!! DECIS!0!! CRITERIA , ( ' . l ' I. Purecao i i Thi.s a;'unli:: establishes critaria and guidance to f acilitate procactive l action decisions toe the gereral population within the Plume Exposure i Pathway Emergency Planning one for the Seabrook Station. Criteria and ' guidance for protective action decisions are also provided for certain spe- . cial populations and for summer, seasonal populations. [ . II. Reseonsibiliev  ! 3 l A. Accident assessment personnel of the Division of Public Health Services [ j are responsible for implementing parts III. A. and III. B. of this

appendix. '

i l *

                . B.       Cecision making p'ersonnel of the Governor's office, The New Hampshire j                           Civil Defense Agency, and the Division of Public Health Services are j                          responsible for implementing decision g21 dance contained in part IV j                           of this appeadtt.                                                                 .

i { III. Protective Action Decisions for General Poeulttien  ! A. Use cf Pec,tective Action Recoccendation Worksheet for General Population

1. Obtain a c:py of Figure 1A, Protective Action Recommendation Worksheet for General Population. ,
2. Using information from the nuclear facility operator, IFO personnel

! will complace a worksheet for each distance of interest. ] l 3. Report the results of the evaluation to the DPHS IFO Coordinator  : I and the NHCDA EOF Liaison. ' l L J B. Additional Considerations for Special Facilities with Significant ] Shielding Characteristics i ) ' j 1. Obtain a copy of Figure 13, Special Facility Protective Action i Worksheet. I j 2. Complete the worksheet.

3. Report the results of the evaluation to the DPHS IFO Coordinator and the !IHCDA EOF Liaison. l J


_ _ . . ~ . . . 4 _ ._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . .- _. - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _

     . ,                  :-       :.       t;:n- : wt; .      ' u..i n :     - - .
                                                                                       .  : . 141:n ?::. 2:c;,1 l                     A.        General Consideracians                                                                                   3
1. Pracau:ionary actions affecting'sessanal beach ;cpula: ions =sy i be var:2n:ed at an early scags of an 4:stgency befora procac:iva i

ac: ions fa che genersi pdpulacion ara warran:ed.  ;

2. Radiologt:al assess =en: da:4 may not be available-or useful when i

considering early precau:1cnary ac:1:n decisions for seaacnal  ! beach popula:icns.

3. Prognosis of de:eriors:ing plant condi:isns =ay c::pel implemen- ,
2: ion of precautionary acti:ns, vi:hou: considers:icn of PAC ranges, when seasonal beach populations are pocantially '

affec:ed. Per:inen: ;1 ant sys:e consideracians are indicatsd l in A::sch en: A.

                              '                                                                                                         e 7:ac2u:tanary se:1:ns f sr seasonal beach sepula:Lons vould includa:        .
a. Cl: sic.g bea:nes and other recrea:1:nal facili:ies ths:

4:::2c: se.uanal ;c;ula:isns and vaich are in clssa proxi-21:7 :) the ;lan:, t.e. vi:hin an appronima:4 2 nilt radius.

b. I:;*e:sn:4ti:n of a :ess tnd ::s!!i: con::al n: roadway
                                            ; cia:s lesding :s :hese affec:ed areas to mani:or ::a!!i:

anc :: advise people of 1::Lons taken. i

c. Issuance of ;ubli: announ:enen:a :f s :i:ns taken through n:::al ::edia channela. l
d. Cen:inued coni:: ing of ::a!!ic f t:v and local condi:icns in affte:ed areas.


3. Precau:Lonary and Protec:tve Actions by E=ergency Classificacion Level l
1. Aler;
4. Intets:tng Candi: tons '

i (1) Wind direction is esvard the beach, (from 200 e , g3 3co*) ,, i metaorological.condi:icns are unstable as indicacid by i a::espheri: s: ability class A, 3, or C.

                                                                                                                                      ,  I (2)       Plan: condi:icns as de:4:sined by plan: personnel indics-ta cha 4 major plan: sys:s2 is uns:able or degradini.

l I I i i r

. .w.

() Adv ; t J e: :::e.:: of la;4ur: u In t ; u -- L: Occ<;;cesn: (3RI])' :: ;iasa'beacht3 an i 3:a:e :ar.. ar tt1 in Ham;;cn 3each and in de Abr:ok le3ch it:veen A3hvorth ; tnua J :he Nor:h and ..;u:e 236 (NH/Maas t:::2r; : ) :ha da;:n. T (2) Adviaa ORIO =c implement special pa:rals :: advise beach and s:2:e park populattens :f closing and :s assure :ha: beaches and parks are cleared. (3) Advise Han;:en and Sea 5r:ok Fira tapar::ents : 'a::iva:e sublic addrssa sys:e s on :he besch and to announca closing. (t) Advise Stata Police to establish ac:ess control (i.e. to facilt:ste covement of deoarting craff te and :o centrol incoming traffic) at the following locations: (a) incerse :icn of Rou:es $1 and 1 (b) in:ersection of Rou:es $t and I-93 (close ext: 2) (c) in:ersee: ion of Routes 107 and'L (d) in:ersee:ian of Routes 137 and :-73 (closa ext: 1) (5) Advise Hamp:or. ?olice Capar::en: :: es:ablish ::s!!i: can:::1 poin:s att (a) Ocean Boulevard (Rou:a IA) and Rou:4 $1 (b) Landing Road and Rou:e 51 (c) 0:her traffic con:rol points wi:hin Ha ;::n Beach as dee:ad necessary to facilita:e the flau of ::a!!ic. (6) Advise Seabrook Police Depar::en: :o es:ablish traffi: control points att (a) Ocean Boulevard (Route LA) and Rou:e 286 (b) (lashington Road and Rou:e 256

                  'lo t s :   Seabrook Police Depar::ent should raques: Saliebury, Mass. Poli:e Depar::en: es es:ablish ::stfic con:ro!


                           .                       :.. s:Lt T:::;,                                                                                                  . . . . . . : ., ; .
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ..:.a i-
1.  ::1:;a: ng dandi-:i:na  ;


                                                                                                                                          ~(1) ?!!ad dirie:Lan is .::vard :he beach-(200* :o 300 *).                                   ::

i 22:2e: logi:al condi:icns are uns:2:Le as'indi:2:2d sy 2 osphert: s t ab i., it y c.3 ass A, 3, O ' C. s 4 { ( 2) Pian: conditions ara 4:abla vi:heu: indi:a:1:n ci fue:her degradation. ] t

5. A::icas 4 L 3 (1) Advise Depar: ent of Resources and Econcti: Develop: enc

{ (DRID) t: close beaches and sca:e park areas in Has;:en { 3each and in Seab:sok 3each be:veen Asnuar:h Avenue t2 the I Nc::h and R:uce 236 :: the Scu:h. 1 i [ (2) Advise DRID ts inpissen: Special ;s::als :a assure beaches

}                                                                                                                                                       and parks in chose arass are cleared.

1 i j . (3) Advise Hamp:ca and Seabr:ck Fire Oepar::en:s to ac:tvace j publi: addresJ systens on :ha beach and :s announce { clasin;. . i i I j (1) ' Advise Sca:e Polics to es:ablish access c n::al and :s ] res::1c: access en :ha par: of non-residen:s to Han::cn-l 34a:n and :o Seas cok Seach f := :he f:ll:ving loca: tons: ) j (a) in:e:Jec:Lon of Reu:ss 5! and I i i (2) in:s:see:1:n of Rou:es 51 and I-95 (close ext: 2) 7 (c) in:ersee:1:n of Rou:es 107 and 1 f

!                                                                                                                                                       (d)              incirsec:icn of Rou:es 107 anc I-95 (close ext:' I)

I (5) Advise Hamp:en Police Depar::ent to establish c:sffic j con:rol points and to restric: access on :he par: of non- I

;                                                                                                                                                       residents to Hampton Beach a: the following locations:                                                                                       .

d h i (a) Ocean Boulevard (Rou:e 1A) and' Rou:e 51 s 1 1 (b) Landing Road and Rou:e 31

!                                                                                                                                                       (c) Ocean Soulevs d ac H2 pton Harbo 3 ridge (clase brifge                                                                                   ;

j* co ingressing cra!!ic) i (d) Other traffic control points within Hampton Besch as

dee=ed necessary to facili
aca flow of c:s!!ic.

l j (e) Other traffic con::al ;oin:s specified in Haap::n i i

                                                                                                                                                                        ?olice Depar::ent procedures.

j (6) Advise Seabrook Polica Depar: en: to es:ablish craffic j con::al points and to res::tet acesss on :he par: of non-t

                                                                                                                                                       .esidenes c3 Seabrook Scach a: :he following locacianst l

b i 1 -s-I i

           . . . . - ~ ~ ~ --.                                                                                             ,,.~v                      -.,....,,--.,,,--.m                      ,,---m-      ,-   _.-- m -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -,-._..,m--_                                    . .,_-- . n . ,.- - --., ~

t- . 1a: c.. . .: : ..: 2: a (b) Wasning:an ?. cad 2nd Rou: 235 (c) All c:her ::sffi: c:n:::1 peines 3;ecifi2d in 3 sab::c.< , polica C4:2:::en: ; ::2duras. Adv:Je 542br ck Poli:a :: :2 cues: :he 3a'.ishu:7


Mass. Polica Ce; art:an: :: ras::i:: accesa en :ne 7ar: ef n:n-rasiden:s :s Rac:a Ild f::: Rcu:: 1. (7'  ?:apare the f:llaving 133 cessage for ra'sase: .

r. .e. . c r.a A.o. .w e 0 e.. A v.
                                                                 .        .       . 5    ru..e,. G ;o".i C'.r
                                                                                         ..                         . .~, Ln.. : . ..I es. . o.. o. e.e       .r s 0. u.a     .. !  5..;u.


                                                                                                  .a..v .". ~;e.*A., .; A. ..r. .e: A=
                           . r. &          A.s e. A ru. n.e:.~..i .>
                                                              . . .                t u..As                                                                    .~~A.u,.s ..
                           ....,a O . A . .V ds             .


                                                                                    .=.f*. g
                                                                                               . h. ,3
                                                                                                   ... q.
                                                                                                         . C.  ?.;..;    p....**


                                                                                                                                        .     ..g . Je ; 3.gln w        L   gpa r .f
                             . . ,W . .a.

dL .9..p% . u.

                                                            .       .a         3.1       403C.3S.,,C      L.6       ..

6.*.a 366.a ........'3,l.

                                                                                                                                             .              A....  . .t . 3 s   . ; =. va ;.            a..*. ya

s.4 0 A(+,=t  ? .,.v.. a .A  ;.; a.r *;

                                                                                         ... . . . ;a*A;. f  ,*. J.      ~.2.;

6 c a.. t.;.;.

                                                                                                                                                              . r . o L . ,. .

1 1

                          .....,c-52 ... 0 ,.se - ...s u3 ;. .:.                              ..
                                                                                        . .. ,,wS ., .3..:. es ,..A 0. . . . . . .ta.e....


     .                   A A ,.RerAL..c.,f            .


                                                                               ..a S.A.: 0 : .c.....A.y,S...,-               n .. c .c.; .dAS C6 05:3 STATE 3EACHE3 AND PA?33 II THE HAMPTON SIACH AND SIA3100K 3EACM AAEAS. PRECAUTIONAAY ACTIONS I'IC*.'.'OE R23TRICTINC                                                                                                .
                                                    .] s-o43.2.00- .s               3 a.u..
                                                                                          .e        A ;D u. r e.e A,.= .~.e .e. .:                                      .. .                                    . .4. !      . .s. ,.u.. .
2. ,. -e A .e r- .e . A.,. . e. . 3 , -> . 2. .a
                                                                       .                       ..S.A.3            .r 1       .e.,?.
                                                                                                                                . c r. . .u. .;R ..,. L. cC P ,.s .        3.s.
                         .s 3 e...a. . -: . .,u..
                                                               . 0 . ..:.

(7) Cec:dina:a :ine f:: besadcas: of the E3S cassage by WCKQ vt:h ac:1vatian of sirens, and advise a'1 . local ICC's of l E33 message and ci e of stran ac:iva: ion. (d) Caordina:a ac:iva:1:n of strans and E3S massage broadcas: vi:n Masaachuse::s 50C. l (9) Au:hcri:a ac:iva:icn of New Haapshire EP: sirens. i (10) ?:cvide E3S cessage to Media cancer a: "evington Town Hall. ] a

3. Si:a Area Isergency vi:h Degrading Plan: Condi:icas 2 a. Ini:iating Condi: ions
(1) All .e
4 oral:gical condi:isns (2) Prognosis of plan: sta:us indicates deg 2da:1on of a .aj or -

plan: sys:as.

5. Actions I

(1) Advise IJeal ICC's and Massachuse::s IOC of Covernor's j declars ion of sca:s of e:ergency. i (2) Rec:::and evacua:icn of general publi: cf Hamp:en Stach and Seabrook 34ach fica Ocean Boulevard and Ashwor:h Avenue :o che Nor:a and Ocean Soulevard and Route 236 to the Son:h. Advisa ECC's of Saabrook, Hamp:an, and Hampton Falls.

                                                                .a  I
                                     . ... 2,=.
                                                                            .   .~
                                                                                      . ...,-.....3u....

2 =112 radius. See .it:af =;n: . (t) Advi;e sta:e Eclica Oc 22::12: 2 02ss :: HampeJn 3each and

 -{)                       :o Stabrook 3each fr:: the foll ** Jing loca:1:ns:

(2)  :::erse:: ion of Rou:ss 31 2nd ! (b) Intersee:1:n of Rou:es 31 and I-93 (: lose exi: ) (c) Intersec:Lon of Rou:es !J7 and I < (d) Intersac:1on of Rou:es 107 and I-95 (close ext: 1) (3) Advise Ha:pton ?:lica Depar: en: :: es:ablish ::sffi: - can::al ;cin:s and :7 res:ri:: en::7 to Hampt,:n 3each a:

he following loca: tons:

(a) Ccean seulevard (Rou:e 1 A) and Rou:a 31 (b) Rou:e 51 and

  • Landing Ecad

(:) Ocean 3oulevard at Hampton Harbor Bridge (close bridge to depar:ing and en:ering traffic, and route traffic North from the bridge). (d) Other ::affic c:n::al pcia:s wi:hin Hamp:en 3each as deemed ne:essary to facili:a:e flew of ::sidic. (e) All c:her traf fic con:rol points specified in H3 p::n [~' ?olice Depar::ent procedures for high suc=er transient population. (c) Advise Seabrack Police Depar::en: to es:ablish ::affi: een::al ;oints and :o res::10: access to Seabrook 3each a:

he folleving locations:

(a) Ocean Boulevard (Rou:e IA) and Rou:e 236 s ( b' ) h*ashington Road and Rou:e 236 (c) Advise Seabrook Police c reques: Salisbury, Mass.

                                 ?olice to res:ric: access on Rou:e 256 from Route 1                             '

and to facili: ate ficw cf ::affic Wes: on R:u:e 236 Y and South on Rou:e 1. (d) All other traffic control poin:s specified in in Seabrook Police Depar:sent procedure for high su= er ::ansient populations. n g (7) Advise Dept. HHS to activate Reception Cente:* at Nashua. Advise DPHS to activate Decontamination Center at Nashua. ) (s) ?repare the following E3S cessage for release:

 . rf'%

s_1 J > 1 E

                                                                                   ..u p paa.* .si   . . *a                                    . v u. - . . . ' ;;. ;

a a ; *.

                                                     .as. . . Is         .g si                            .'     .t.4. 7 ..a m. .
  • r7.w**.r 7 + 't . . . .


                                                    .01.e..,.       a-. sa
i. A .< *. A.oc.A .e,..c . . ... s -. n ..m.. ..:As- 2. .:. : !


  , ,\
 \g/                         J D=.     .?      U;.      tr ..
                                                                             .s   .e e .3. 7.:.+a= ?.7..e.
                                                                                                               . u&a5 v .7.;. ;..

g,,) 3,,..... ,;,,,

                                                             ***                                                 6,
                                                                                                                                                          .,..a..,              .
                                                   '.J. T A *1. . a
                                                       -               D. r. ?. v* .s a .'.
                                                                                       . * -*
  • 10 7 . ..c. . .? .a JL *
  • v. e ac *.*J
                                                                                                                                               .. e.                               ..
                                              +    ...a. C ..-,  > '. O..C  A. . A   0 :- v *  .i
                                                                                                                                           ,. . ~~ .
                                                                                                            . $ v.3 n ,c . : .. :.: e sa s a.~.                     y ,. -..m.,

a a-S6A.r nw. ; Tv..;.7..,*?.."4

                                                                             .         w           4.. ? .%yg 1.J.T DLA.- - . wp:

t 4 ..t. . not

                                                                                                                                                                         . u. .S .e.c.- . a-;




           -~J 4

cy o r..:

                                                  ..       1.c:. w.A.               <.-n L V .t .J    L.:.3~ e.a t A. .r,J.e. .:J .n
                                                                                                                                                                 . r. o. . .::,

ENTOP.MATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. (c) Coordinate time for broadcast of the EBS message by tioKQ with siren activation. Advise local EOCs and Massachusetts EOC of E3S message and siren activation time. (10) Authorize activation of sirens in New Hampshire I? . (11) P : vide E3S message ta Media Center a Neeing: n Ty a Hall. (12) Consider extending protec:ive actions to other areas of Seabrook, Ha:pton, and Hampton Falls based on: (a) Meteorological Conditions (b) Radiological Assessment (c) Local Condi:icas (A::achten: C) (d) Energency Response Organization Sta:us. (e) Plant Status and P:cgnosis

a. Ini:iacing condi:ic as
                           \' r' 'j        s'. .. tid ' .. .' a .'s fm
   \ )\

m ,

               ..         Am. . .. a.      n o,,
                           ,;             A.,vis e _ :ca.,                              vc. . a 2 .-.a u. . , a.a . a ,- ,~. . a. , --a            .-     -:-r-         ,:
                                                                                                                                             .                            . <<... .. --- - -.'5
                                                                                                            ,e a,1
                                              .          3.1 r..e .. a .J         .        a 3... ..             3.e . s.
                                                                                                                      --          a ,.c.7    .

(2) Reco==end evacua:ica of general public fr:: all beach arz s alon; Ocean 3culevard wi:nin the towns of Hampton anc Sdaw s .. 3 c 'A. .e. . . C C . a,. 2s o u .v. ....l .a. 2 a..; .so o ..,

                                                                                                                                                          ... e.,......... a .3.4             .      .w
                                                                                                                                                                                              . .    ...a.
                                         .v.s .         u.. a...a         c w ,. .,. ..        2. u., ,. . a a.a.a             .       2. . L, . ,. . 2. o-        ..      .u..,.
                                                                                                                                                                           .        .t......    .
                         /g )- )        -.. 3       . ..      L3 ,. 2      .w.

a . a .t . .2. ., .4 .. g, .J ., g .?. ., .3. 3.4 . . 3 . . g~ .. a..,a..  :

                                                                                                                                                                                  . . -U. 3 . .- ... . ,
u. .., 7 . ,,,,1...'.3,
                                                           ...                             3 . ..a c. q g %. ..s  . . . , '.s. .

i . ( s )' v1 .: .1.d 4 <a.

                                                                     .        .: . . -. ..       .u. e .co L. ... * . , .eo u e ..     %. .:o u .o .u.e _,2.      .

4 . c.ou.w_- . . . . o L. .....a

                                                                        . s.. 3 o .. D o u ..%.      . .. .e s . , s.     . . . . _- .., .. .a
                                          .w a . . a.1. 2.

4 ..

                                                                             .J.-*.      .'lo *. " i. N. .'.7. "y ..' .". .
                                                        ., . 3                                            .

(;) -:  : - tu  ;

                          ,,             .. .....u     .: . a 4a . ..               . .      s.. 6. . .r.a s . / .s o ..5ees., ..s             .      .34..,   .
                                       ;la- . r a..cou .. s.                 eda.           , . Co ....,.; 3..e.i           .s e...? .:o
                                       ~.s . a .e . ,. . .. , o a a. ..a                  e .,
                                                                                          .          e.L, L, ..
                                                                                                     .       - %. - t..-  .c. y. w. .v,. .

( ;. ,3 . . . 4. a. ,..... Dee . e.. ,.: 23s u...a.

                                                                                             .-                        ..             ...          a,a r ..n
                                                                                                                                                     -        -       s
                                                                                                                                                                            --. n.e...   .. 5.,r e ....
                                            - c. ., s e '. e .* ..' .e s =..~. d s.1. = c a--k.                                   .        a . =. ., a 1. 2.1
                                                                                                                                                              .                  s .. . = . " .

Seabrook fr:: Nor:h Shore Road and Ocea Soulavard :: :he Nor:h and Rou:e 236 and Ocean Soulevard to :he Sou:h, and

                                       - 3 t
                                                                .-.          . 3 ,4e.. 3.5 p a -..o .' = t o s a s u . .= s ' ...s                                  .
                                                                                                                                                                         -  %. =. 4 - --

b a >- 3..." parks are cleared. (7) Advise State Police to es:2blish 2: cess con:rol poin:s far affecced areas in a 2 mile radius and 5 mi'es dcunwind according to Attachment 3. (8) Advise State Police to res:rict access :o Esapton and Seabrook Seach areas from the following loca: ions: (a) Interse::icn of A lsn:ic Avenue and Ocean Soulevard (b) In:ersee: ion of Rou:es 51 and 1 (c) In:ersee:1on of Routes 51 and I-95 (close exi: 1) I (d)- Intersection of Routes 107 and 1 (e) Intersee: ion.of acutes 107 and I-95 (close ext: 1) (9) Advise Haspcon Police Depar::en: to es:ablish traffic c,-..oi

                                          . .. . ,                    o .4 ., . a-      a ,. . .s..e .: o .i ., . . 4. ,.y. , s,e,.4.:4.e ..5,s 4. . o ..a .                            -.

(a) Ocean 3oulevard (Rou:e 1A) and Rou:e 5. i (~h s/ 1 (b) Rou:e 51 and Landing Road 1 i

                                                   -,                                                                                                                                       e    m           *
                       .              , ., ;. . + . .--                             .         .. .. - . . . . .
                                                                                                                                                           ....,.g          .

w 3 , . ... ...

                                   . a ,. . . o. . . ,
                                   .                                        ....-..,,.
                                                                                          .       . , . . < _ . . . ~ .         -..n.                         ,..
                                                                                                                                                               ...         ...u... ..
                                  .: ._ . . , ., . < 2 , 3,J' .

1.2.n. . u.. ,....3,.4...,...i ( a. . . .. , . . -~

. a : ~u.

s a o. c ,. ,. . . , s. ........

                                                                       .,,22...                         ..        .2m_,   . < .i- ....  .,., .            .:      ,

J ( , \, . , ..

                                      . . . . . . .. ..        . . 1.:    .      .n.            c......-   . . . .          , ., :. . ,. . . ..a      2-- , ,. . i .n. ,. .:

u..+..,...., . . .

                                                              . ..---.                 . e .,. .3. .. .. ... ..                 .. . ,
                                                                                                                            ,-.,.,a.                 _,s...         ,,_ .,.,.,..


                                         .. .                ..a                  . . .         o . u .ta...    . . < , .s .

(10) Advise Seab :ok ?ctica Depar:nen: :: es:2blian :::ffi-u.-...,,. . . . r-n. .a ....  :,,, a 1. ... , - ..--..<.,a.

                      . .                                                                                        . . .                r. e. .s .:.                  .oua..sna.

(a) Ocean Scule/ard (Rou:e IA) and 10u:e 236 (b) 'iashing::n Road and Zeu:e 236 (:) Seabr:ck ?clice should recues: Salisbury, Nass. poli:e

                                             ..s...<.. a w. . . S .= C.u .. RO L. . . -:4 4._,. 2.~, u . . [ 3 ..a.
                                                                                                                                  .. . . - ...                                        ..                    . 3
                                . ,_ . - - .' . a . = .' .' cw c .' . . a.". . .- We s . o n 2...' u =. .' .C 6 a r..d ..u...

c Rauze 1. (d) e.'. ali-- o w'..a. .- . . = . . ' '. . ' ^ . . - . . . . . . . ' , n, #. .. . a- s p e -' . =.d . 4.

                                ..          .C e _,....   . . . .,..s.      : .1 4 ., .,
                                                                                      -            nee   g .a..,en.

g.. c.a.....s. 2..

                                                                                                                                                                                  .. u3 we sunne: transien: popult:icas.

(11) Advise D0pt. HMS to acti ste Reception Centers at Nashua and Manchester. Advise DPHS to activate Decon:aninarian Centers at activated Receptica Centers.

  '*\     (L2) Prepare :he falleuing E35 nessage is: release:

d L..a L ., AJ% 't' 6 7. a t' Q.. ~.1 v.*.* ... 7' t.T.2.r.v 7 8 0.u'.? 3s 'v T 7.~. T. *.i e,3..

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g (13) Coordinate time for broadcast of the EIS message by WOKO with siren activation. Advise local ECCs and Massachusetts ECC of EBS messag'e and siren activation tire. e, g ) a. ... . . .,.o . '. .- a a u .'. v a ad r. o f = .' .- =. ..= .' .. ". e. . . u..,.

                                                                                                                                                                               . .       .. s n.< .                   r e.   .

(13) Provide E3S =essage to Media Center a: :; ewing::n Town Hall. (15) Consider extending protective at:icas to c:her areas of :he I?Z based on: (a) Meteorological Conditions (b) Radiological Assessment (c) Local Conditions ( A::achc.en: C) (d) E=ergency Response Organizati:n Sta:"s (e) Plan Conci: ions


v ~f-

r. r.V o . : .:

A. FIGURE 1A, Protective Actica Reco =endatica Workshee

 /T          3.       FIGURE !3, Special Facili:v ?rotective Ac:1on Workshee:

k-J C. FIGURE 2, Pro:ec:ive Action Rec:=mendation 3y Town D. FIGURE 3, Evacuatica Clear Times 3y Wind Direc:ica E. FICURE i, Prote::ive Action Racom=endatien Guidance Char:s

             ?.       FICURE 5,   Special Facility Shel:ering Factors i

1 s


AgACHMENTA, Plant System considerations for Early Protectite Ac: ion Cecision Making ATTACEMF_iT B, Access Control Point 3 for New Haampshire I?". j ATTACHMENT C, Energency Organi:ation Status and 1,0:21 Candi:icns 1 1 i l A i *


j . I l 4 1 i 9 1 4


l i i t 1 t 1 1 O 4 9 e w- - - - - r,

.su 2 ;a Protec:ive Action Reco==endation Worksheet for General Populacion Ti=e of calculacion (use 24 hour clock)

(J i 1. hcurs

2. Time of release star hours
3. Release duration hours
i. a. Wind speed sph
b. Wind direction from degrees
5. Dis:ance to raference location miles
5. Af f ec:ed subareas (use I: ens '3 and 5 and Figure 2)
7. Plume travel : ice (I:e: 5/I:e= ia) hours
        . 3. Tine until exposure (choose a or b)
a. If release has bezun:

(1) Difference (I:em 1 - I:e= 2) hours (2) Time {I:e 7 - I:em Sa(1)] hours

b. If release vill bezin la:er: r s~m

() (1) Dif f erence (I:en 2 - I:em !) hours (2) Time (I:em 7 - I:ec Sb(1-)] hoitrs

9. Evacuation Conditicas
a. Season (circle one)

(1) Su==er: May 15 - Sect 15 (see Protective Actions for Seasonal Populations) (2) Winter: Sept 15 - May 15

b. Weather (circle one)

(1) Nor=al seasonal weather (sild, light rain, light snow) (2) Adverse * (Su=mer: heavy rain / fog 'Jinter: haavy snov/ ice)

10. Evacuation Ti:e hours (Use I:e=s 6 and 9 and Figure 3, Ivacuacion Time Es:i= aces to de:er-f~')

v sine evacuation ti=e.) ( I

a i i l

11. E:gosc e Ti e hcurs (Ita= 10 - I:e= Sa(2) er Sb(2)] .

O 12. tvec=aticn t:scsure Fericd hccrs (s= aller c T " - 1 cr Ice = 11)

13. Projec:ed khcle Scdy Ecse R
14. Mcnitoring Tes= khole Ecdy Dese Rate R/hr-
15. Mccie: ring Tes= khole Ecdy Cose R
16. Most Reliable khole Ecdy Ecse R.

(I:en 13 cr Ice: 15)

17. Mcnitoring Teau Tnyroid Ccse Rate R/tr
16. Mcnit ring Tes= Tnyroid Ccse R (I e 17 x I e= 3)-
19. khole Eccy Evacuatica Ccse R (Ice: 12 x I:e= 16/ Ice: 3)
20. Tcyroid Evacuatica Ccse R (Ice: 12 x Ice: Ic/I:e= 3)
21. htcle Secy Shelter Ccse R (Ite= 16 x 0.9)
22. Tayroid Shelter Ecse (checse a er b)
a. For release duraticn if less than 1 hcur R (Ite: 18 x 0.5)
b. Ecr release deatica of greater than 1 hcur R (Ice: 18 x (1-_ 0.5 ]

nea a

23. khole Scdy Indicatec Actica - refer to Fi.gure 4 (indicate no acticn, shelter, or evacuatien)?

26 Tayroid indicated actica - refer to Figure 4 (inuicate no actica, shelter, er evacuaticn)

25. Recem .ced prctective Actica J .(Record e re severe actica frec Ice: 23 cr Ice: 24 cn Figure 2) l I
                                                        .a Special Facili:7 Protective Action Worksheet J %

U 1. Affac:ed T:-T.s 3xi Facili:v l Whole Dese 3cdy l Shelter Fac: r l Shel:e Ocsel Frate::ive Action O Steps

1. Obtain affec:ed towns froc Figure 2.
2. Ceter=ine facilities in affec:ed towns f:c= Figure 5.
3. Obtain whole body dose from I:e= 16 Figure IA.

4 Ob:sia Shelter fac:or f:ce Figure 5.

5. Mul:1 ply wholabody dose (3) tices shel:er fac:or (4).
6. Cetermine protective ac: ion from Figure L.

1 7 k

.a u t.:. -


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_ ._.2.:.n. _ _ W.CLE 2CN GJICA'EE Cd>J~ p) I u.- i enr i Frojectec ,n dose (I:e= 16) is l No action ,

        ' zggg         .m i

l Shel:er dese (I e= 21) is l Shelter i less than 5 rem i l Shelter ccsa (Ice: 21) is l Shelter j ecual to er area:er than 5

        , re anc evacuat cn ecse l

j (I:e= 19) is apl to cr i 2 eater t'.an shelcar ccsa l i Evac,: ate l Shel:er dose (Icen 21) is l l equal to er greater t .an 3 [ re: and evacuation ccse l l (Ice: 19) is less than i shel:er dese' I l

                                        -i.a. . ~n n C.'-. .n.r_vLr
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I I (' Ccsa (Ice: 16) is less than No actica

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[ escal to cr greater than 25 l l re= anc evacuatten cose l (Icen 20) is equal to er l l srester than shelter dose Shelter ccsa (Itec 22) is Evacuate l eqcal to cr greater than 25l l re anc evacuation ecse Icec 20) is less than .l l l (helter s dese Shelter is to 'ce with ventilation centrol. Ventilatica centrcl reans turnm.g c:: atr conc,:teners cr r.ans , c3 cs,.ng decrs ar.d windcvs , e.nus preventing access of cutside air. Proceed to a basa-ca.t if available. l 06 v l l l

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("S , When considering early protective actions , particularly f:: se as onal

                               \)              popula: ions , pri ary concerns are plant condi: tons and progncsis ra:her :han projected er ressured radial:gidal consequences. Far:icular at:entica on the par: ef the decision =akers should, therefore, be directed to the following per-tinent plan: sys: ens and conditions:

A. Reac:or Ccolant Sys:e=

1. What is reac:or vessel level? Is reac:or eccling adequate?
2. What is reactor core exit cooling te:pera:ure. Is reactor cooling effective?
3. What is reactor coolant pressure? Are pressures increasing or decreasing beyond normal operational pressures?


                                                   .                       4                                        Confirm wh' ether reac:or has been shut down.
3. ~urbine Generator Sys:em
1. What are Steam Line Monitor readings?
2. Do readings indi ::e primary system :o secondary sys:e= leakage wi:h radioac ivi:y?

C. Electric ?cwer Sys: ems A (-/ 1. Are energency buses - buses E-3 and E powered?

2. Are the buses powered by off-si:e power source c by on-si:e diesel generator source?

D. Radiation Data management System. L. What are readings on Wide Range Gas Moni: ors on the Primary Vent Stack that would indicate release rates from contain=e'nt?

2. What are readings on Main Stea=line Moni: ors cha: vould indi-cace significant levels of activi:7 in the secondary systes?
3. Wha: are In-Containment post-LOCA Moni:or readings that would indicate increase of activity inside the con:ain=ent scrue:ure?


E. in;;:. seral 5 ::: 's:: ::n :

1. S:atus of con:ain=ent tn:2irt:y? Is con:atn=en: * .:; a::a .
2. . Activation of E=argency Core Cooling Sys:e=? !J Chere safety
  -s               inj e:: ion?
3. Sta:us of con:ain=en: air pressure? Is pressure inside con-
sin =en: increasing, decreasing, or s:cady?

1 If pressure inside contain=en: is a c:ncern, what is status of Con:ain=ent Spray Sys:es? Is it avsilable? F. Meteorological Measure =ents Syste:

1. Wind Speed?
1. Wind Direction?
3. Precipt:ation?
       . 4      At=cspherfc S: ability Class? Affec: that stability class would have on plu=e dispersion?

The =eteorological =easure:ent syste= will provide atmospheric data

;           leading to classifica: ion of atmospheric conditions ranging free relative tur':ulance to relative stability. A: ospheric Stabili:y Classes are:

! A - ex:remely uns:able 3 - :oderately unstable C - slightly unstable i D - neu:ral E - slightly unstable I F - =cderately stable C - very stable i J


Access Can:r:1 Poin:J f00 New Hangshire I?~


A. -Mile Radius :

1. Route 1A at Atlan:1c Avenue
2. 4*codland Road at Atlanti: Averue 3
3. Mill Road at Cedar Road 4 Laf aye::a Road at Route 151 (South Road)
5. I-95 a: Ea=pton Toll Gate
6. Route S t a: Exe:er Road In:archange
7. Ea pton Road a: Ash, broom Road
3. Route 83 at Ashbroo= Road
9. Drinkwater Road a: Pas ture Road .
10. Kansing:an Road (Route 84) a Amesbury Road
11. Rou:e 107 a A:esbury road (Rou:e 150)
3. Addi:ional Points for Con: rolling A
1. Eacpton Beach and Seabrook 3each for period May 15 :hrough Sep: 15:

(1) I-95 and Route 51 (2) Rou:e 51 and Route 1 (3) I-95 and Route 107 (4) Route 107 and Rou:e 1 1 I f %

     . L : ' tile R2':', .o :
1. 5:sts S::as: 3:13;+. :?:.;;;u:a
2. Routa 1 3 ridge O ,
3. Rou:e I-95 3:1d;e 4 Rou:e 4 & 15 at Exi: 4N a: Ne'<in g:o r. (Reverse Diree: ion)
5. Rou:a 103 i==edia:ely S:uch of Rou:e 132
6. Rou:e E7 i==edia:ely Eas: of Route 125
7. In:ersectier. of Route 101 and 125 for 101 Eas: and 125 South
8. Route 107 ::=ediately Eas: of Route 111A
9. Rou:e 111 i==ediately Eas: cf Route 107
10. Rou:e 125 i==ediactly Nor:h of Route 121A
11. Rou:e 108 i==ediately Nor:h of the M.assachuse::s State border O

e 1 b O

E er;ency Or ;2ni:2:i:n Status and Local COndi:::na ( ,,L ( . '- A. Rescense Status of :he Sta:e and Town Emerrency Crranizations f)'N % ^

1. The protective ac:ica decision =us: :ske in:o considera: ion the s:2:us of s:ste and town e=ergency personnal end resources and the timing of
he protective ac:1on announce:en:3 to the public.
2. Of particular i portance to precautionary ac: ions for the beach areas is the status of the State ?clice and local police :: 1:plement traffi: and access controls.
3. Star :s considerations include:
a. Availability of personnel
b. Time required for mobili:ation
    .          c. Cegree to which mobili:ation has progressed
d. T1:e required for imple en:ation of e=ergency ac: ions
3. Local Condi: ions
         ,1. Local condi: ions vi:hin an affected area may cons: rain protec:ive action decisions and their 1:plementation.
2. Local conditions should be reported to decision takars by local ECC per-(} sonnel through the IFO at Newington.
3. Per:inent local conditions include:
a. Conditicas of road and evacuation routes considering:

(1) Seasonal travel i= pediments (2) Status of road repairs (3) Surface condicions due to weather (4) Natural or =an-made 1: pedi =ents (5) Affect of traffic signals on traffic flow in direction of evacua: ion O

 <                  'a .  ::-: .:.:-     . u . : 7 and n. : :'. : ::: :--
                                          '                                                               l
c. Evar a:1 n ::u:e capab111:.a.:
d. Inclement weather conditions tha: vould affect travel (3neu, fog, g heavy rains , etc. )
e. Local' events which =ay present requirements for special notifica-tion, traffic control, transportation assistance
f. Status of schools and other special facilities i

a d i e 1 i l 7 I r 9 4 l 4 l 0 i E t e i i T

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  • 1 .

1 l APPENDIX G > COORDINATION OF RJBLIC ALERT / NOTIFICATION SYSTEM  ; 4 4 i G 1 i a i l 1 J t I i t G - I 1236/0589h 12/85

CCCROINATICN CF FUELIC ALERT /NOTIFICATICN SYST9 O I. F0EFECUISITE Acticns taken according to this procecure require ceclaraticn anc verificaticn of ALERT, SITE AREA ENERGENCY, c GENERAL ENERGENCY. At SITE AREA EVERGENCY cr GEB ERAL DERGENCY, activaticn cf the Emergency Radio Eroadcast System must be cccrdinated with siren activation. II. ACTIONS NOTE TIME A. UNUSUAL EVENT - no action

1. Direct ECC Communicaticns Officer to place ERSS Gateway Station en standby, by callto WCKQ at 463-70C0 or by initiaticn of ALERT ccce to WCKQ.

. 2. Direct ECC Media Liaison to prepare or designate preformatted ERBS messages for potential release.

3. Direct IFO Ccordinator (on arrival at EOF /IFO) to ensure Rockingham County Dispatch Center Supervisor has reviewed and understands Public Alert System siren activation precedure.
4. Direct IFO coordinator to ensare each local ECF Official responsible for siren activation has reviewed and understands Public Alert System siren activation procedure.

I O l

!     1236/0589h                                    G-1                           12/85 i


   \l                                 1. Cirect ECC Cc cunications Officer to clace EFES Gateway Staticn en stancby for imminent b:caccast of emergency message by call to WCKC at a63-7CCC c ty initiaticn of imminert broadcast ccce to WCKC.
2. Direct ECC Media Liaiscn to prepare er designate apprcpriate ERES messages for SITE AREA EMERGENCY.
3. After censultaticn with Director, NHCCA, ascertsin acpropriate message and specify time for siren
                         .                   activation and ERES broadcast. Time for activaticn:                 .
4. Direct ECC Media Liaison to initiate call to media representative at Massachusetts State ECC, telephcne numcer (617)- - , and to advise of:

( ,) a. Message content (hardcopy).

b. Time of broadcast: .


c. Time of siren activation: .

time 6 NOTE: Director, NHCDA may decide to coorcinate this action directly with the Director, MCDA, utility ECF personnel, and IFO personnel via the NAS. The Director, NHCDA should therefore be apprised of this action.

5. Direct ECC Media Liaison to provide hard ccpy and message to Media Center (Tel. # -

representative at Newington Town Hall. 1 (') v 1236/0589h G-2 12/85

e. Infctm IFO Cccrdinatcr of: NcTI rn.E .
a. Eme:~;ency message centent (teleccpy hard cecy).
b. Specified time of siren activatica .


c. Specified time for message broadcast .


7. Direct IFO Ccordinator to inform Town ECC's of:
a. Message centent.
b. Time to activate sirens .


8. Direct IFO Ccordinator to authorize activation of sirens.


9. Direct ECC Ccmunications Officer to initiate broadcast of emergency message through the Gateway Station.
10. Confirm that sirens activated at .
11. Mcnitor ERBS system to ensure that messages are correctly broadcast.
12. When emergency is terminated, direct ECC Communications Officer to initiate brcadcast of "All Clear" mecsage and to issue instructicns for closing cut emergency broadcasts.

1236/0589h G-3 12/85

   '- /                      2fter consui:3: :e itn cirac:cr, 88 :2, sace:::i-1.

acerceria:e C3"eral EmergerCy Metifi sti:n YeSla;3 f r Crcacc3S!. VeSSage 4 .

2. Direct IFC Cecrainator to authcri:e activa:icn cf sirens.
3. Direct ECC Communications Officer to initiate b caccast of General Emergency Notificaticn Yessa;e J .

A. Ccnfirm frcm IFO Cccrdinator that sirens have been activatec within 15 minutes of declaraticn of General Emergency. I

5. Ccnfirm frem ECC Ccmmunicaticns Of ficer tnat ERSS message breaccast has been initiated althin 15 C

minutes of declaraticn of General Emergency. 4 1

6. Confirm frcm IFO Cecrdinator that special nctifications have been initiated frcm the ECF and
!                            from the Tcwn ECC's.

r 1

7. Direct ECC Media Liaison to provide hard ccpy i message to Media Center representative at Newington i Town Hall.


a. Direct ECC Media Liaiscn to prepare or designate apprccriate ERSS message # .


 ;         1236/0589h                                 G-4                          12/85


                      -                 . Af ter censul:acien 41:n Direc:::, PCA, is certain apprc;:riata message ':: tr:7ccas      ,nc scecify :ime fcr siren ac:ivation arc f:: E.55 creaccas: message #            .
c. Direct ECC Metia Liaiscn to initista call to mecia recresenta:ive at Massachusetts State ECC, Tel.# (617)- -
                                                                          , anc tc acvise:

(1) Message centent (telecccy hard cecy) (2) Time of breaccast . (3) Time of siren activaticn . ! NOTE: Directer NHCDA may decice to cccrdinate this action directly with the Director, MCCA, utility ECF perscnnel, and IFO perscnnel via O "aS. The oirector, n Coa shcu1e enerefore ee apprised of this action,

c. Direct ECC Mecia Liaisen to provide hard ccpy message to Media Center representative at I

Newington Town Hall. (Tel.# -

e. Inform IFO Ccordintor cf:

(1) Emergency message content (hard copy) (2) Specified time for siren activation . (3) Specified time for message broadcast . O O 1236/0589h G-5 12/85

                            #. Cirset IFC Cecrdinator tc in/c n 70wn E:C's cf: NOTE 72'E
   \                              (1) Message ccrtent (C)  Time tc activate sirens        .
g. Direct IFO Cccrcinator to autrerire activaticn

, of sirens.

h. Girect ECC Ccmemunicaticns Cfficer to initiate b caccast of emergency message.
            .               1. Ccnfirm that sirens activated at        .
 ;                          J. Mcnitor ERSS system to ensure that messages j                                  are correctly brcadcast.
9. When emergency is terminatec, direct ECC
,                           Ccmmunicaticns Officer to inititate creaccast of 1
                            "All Clear" message and to issue instructicns fcr closing cut emergency brcadcasts.


1. ECC Communicaticns Officer's Procedure for initiaticn of Emergency Radio Broadcast System Messages.
2. Public Alert Siren Activation Procecure.

l l 3. Appendix D to State Police Ccmmunications Center Procedure. 1 VI. ATTACHMENTS  ; A. Sample ERBS Messages. l


l 1236/0589h G-6 12/85


sea 5PCCX STATICH ' UNUSUAL EVENT l 4 This is (name/ title) of the New Hampshire I Civil Defense Agency. There has been an incicent at the i Seatrcck Station Nuclear Pcwer Plant a't (time). This incident i has been classifiec as an UNUSUAL EVENT. 'An UNUSUAL. EVENT presents nc threat to public health or safety. New Hampshire

officials are in constant centact with the power plant. . Stay
tunec to this racio station for further information.

I repeat: An UNUSUAL EVENT has been ceclarea at the Seabrock Station Nuclear Pcwer Plant. There is no threat to ] public health or safety at this time. New Hampshire officials ! are cenitoring the situation. Details will be provided in the.

!                     next regularly scheculec news broadcast.

i 6 h I t i i i i T i 4 i I

SEASPOCK STATION O ALERT This is (name/ title) of the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency. There has been an incident at the Seabrcok Station Nuclear Pcwer Plant at (time). The incident has been classifiec as an ALERT. An ALERT presents no threat to public health and safety. Any release of radioactive material will be well belcw State and Federal guidelines. No-aqtion is recuired by the general-public at this time. The purpose of declaring an ALERT is to assure that emergency workers are available to responc if the situation becomes mere serious. New Hampshire Public Health Of ficials are at the plant at this time. The State Emergency Operations Center in Concorc is fully staf f ec, ano local of ficials have been placec on stanccy. The audible alerting system for the Seabrcck Station (]} Nuclear Power Plant, which includes sirens, tone alert radios and Emergency Broaocast Station announcements will be activated if there is any deterioration of plant safety. I repeat: An ALERT has been declared at Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. The events in progress present no threat to public health or safety. You need take no protective or precautionary measures. A full report on the incident will be provided in regularly scheduled news broadcasts shortly. O

                                                                             ^     '

i ,,- , M i 4 i SEAERCCx STATION SITE AREA EMERGENCY This is (name/ title) of the New H a mp s,h i r e Civil Defense Agency. There has been an incicent at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant in Seabreck, New , Hampshire. The incident has been classified as a SITE AREA EMERGENCY. A SITE APEA EMERGENCY is declared to indicate actual or potential failure of some plant safety systems. Any radioactive releases'from the plant, however, are not expected to present a health or safety hazard beyond the plant site 4 boundaries. New Hampshire Public Health Officials have been sent to the plant to assess the severity of the accident. Their investigations will include field monitoring of levels of racicactivity in the nearby towns. State and local emergency. workers are also being assembled to implement any necessary (]) emergency response activities. ' Residents of Brentwood, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham are advised to stay tuned to the Emergency Broadcast System stations for instructions. > While there appears to be no current health hazard , [ j associated with this SITE AREA EMERGENCY, staying incoors is a precautionary measure that will shelter you from any short-term radioactive releases. Public officials have instructions for protecting the children or other persons in their care. Please refrain from all unnecessary use of communications systems. Unnecessary


communications will impede emergency workers-from undertaking their assignments. Your use of telephones for unnecessary calls may tie up circuits needed by others for emergencies. O 4

l We-repeat: A SITE AREA EPERGENCY has been ceclared at the  ! () Seabrock Staticn Nuclear Power Plant. Resicents of Brentwocc, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenlanc,-Hampton,-Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, _ Newfields, New ton,_ Ncrth Hampton, Portsmouth, Pye, Seabrock, Scuth Hampton.and Stratham are advised to stay tuned to Emergency Broaccast System stations for instructicns. This aavisory will be receatec frequently until more'cetails of the incident are available. Further instructions will be provided over this station shortly. O


                                                                    . ~

GENERAL EFERGENCY This is Governor John Sununu. There has been an accident ' at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant site in Seabrook, New Hampshire. The accident has been classified as a GENEPAL I ENERGENCY. Events are in progress which involve actual or probable releases of radioactive materials from the plant. New Hampshire officials are in constant communication with the staff of the power plant. The severity of the accident is being centinuously investigated by Federal and State personnel, as well as by the utility's personnel. The ongoing investigations include assessment of the status of plant safety systems and fielo monitoring of levels of radioactivity in n'earby towns. State and local emergency workers have been activated to implement any necessary emergency response () activities. New Hampshire Public Health of ficials are currently reviewing the consecuences of any potential release of radioactive materials, local weather conditions and other factors. With this information, they will prepare appropriate instructions for your protection. These instructions will be provided shortly on this and other Emergency Broadcast System stations. This is (name/ title) of the New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency. In the meantime, residents of Brentwood, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls,* c' Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham are advised to stay indoors and stay tuned to this radio

station until specific town-by-town instructions are provided.

Staying indoors is a precautionary measure that will shelter you from any short-term radioactive releases. ()

Please refrain frcm all unnecessary use of communications () systems. Public officials have instructicns for protecting the chilcren or cther perscns in their care. Unnecessary communications will impece emergency werkers from uncertaking their assignments. Your use cf telephones for unnecessary calls may tie up circuits neeced by others for emergencies. We repeat: A GENERAL EMERGENCY has been ceclared at the Seabrock Staticn Nuclear Power Plant. Resicents of Brentwood, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenlanc, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingsten, New Castle, Newfielcs, Newton, North hampten, Portsmouth, Pye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham ar.e acvisec to stay tunec to the Emergency Broadcast System for instructions. This acvisory will be repeated frequently until more details en the event are available. Further instructions will be provided over this station shcrtly. 1

SEABFCCK STATICN SFELTER IN PLACE 4 This is (name/ title) of the New Hampshire Agency. There has been an accident at the i Civil Defense Seabrock Station Nuclear Power Plant site in Seabrook, New I Hampshire. The event has been classified as an (Emergency . ^ Classification Level). Personnel frcm the New Hampshire Department of Public Health Services are at the plant site to provice continuing


investigations of the severity of the accident. Their ongoing investigations include assessment of the status.of plant safety systems, reviewing the consequences of existing and potential releases of racicactive material from the plant, review of local weather conoitions ano field monitoring of the levels of l radioactivity in nearby towns. The Department of Public Health Services staff has briefed ({) the Governor on the status of the plant. Basec on this briefing, Governor Sununu has ordered that protective actions be implemented fo. the towns of: (incidate: Brentwood, East Kingston, Exeter, .ireenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hamoton and Stratham). j Persons currently in: (indicate: ~Brentwooc, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, l Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham) , are advised to SHELTER IN PLACE. Remain indoors at your l current location. Remaining indoors will provide you with i i adequate protection from any radiation being released from the- l plant. To obtain increased protection from potential exposure ! to radiation, you should take the following protective actions: I n V

1. Take shelter indoors. Shelter- in your home, at your workplace or at any other-location where-you may_

l stay for several hours. s 4 .

2. Make.sure all coors and windcws'are tightly clcsec.

0- 3. If in your car, close all wincows ano vents as you proceec to your cestination. 4 Turn off all fans, heating or air cencitiening systems if they bring in outside air.

5. Take a raoio with you anc move to the basement if you have ene; or, move to the room with fewest wincows anc coors.
6. Keep all members of your householo indoors. Stay calm and tune to your local Emergency Broadcast.

System radio station. > 7. Do not call local of ficials, Police, or Fire unless absolutely necessary.

8. If you must go outdoors,-place a handkerchief or towel (folded several times) or a protective ~ mask i over your nose and mouth to filter'the air you breathe. Limit the time you are outside.


9. The food and milk supplies in your home are. safe for consumption. You will be advised on the safety of water supplies by public officials over EGS radio.

Outsice vegetable gardens may not be safe in the l j (]) event of a chemical or radioactive accident. Do not eat frcm outsice gardens until advised'they are safe.

10. Remain indoors until advised by local or State officials that it is safe to go outside, or until i further protective actions are recommended.

I i Transients and non-residents of the Towns of: (indicate: Brentwood, East Kinoston, Exeter-, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hamoton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton~ and Stratham)*that are in these towns on'non-essential business may either shelter in place, or leave the area taking routes to the north, west or south. Persons currently in vehicles in transit in these towns are advised to proceed promptly to their destinations and take shelter, or leave the area. Persons'in l automobiles should close all windows and vents while in transit. () 1 6


1 p i Schools, hospitals or other institutions currently in l operation are taking similar sheltering actions. Public officials have instructions for protecting the chilcren er j other persons in their care until sheltering is no longer , necessary. Please refrain frcm all unnecessary use of communicaticns -

systems. Call public officials, relatives, neighbors cr friencs only as absolutely necessary for emergency purposes.

Responcing to unnecessary communications will keep emergency ' workers from undertaking higher priority emergency

assignments. Your use of telephones for unnecessary calls may i ,

tie up circuits needed by others for emergency calls. 1 j Further informatic., and instructions will be provided to i you over this and other Emergency Broadcast System stations as j plant status changes. Please stay tuned. j he repeat: An Emergency Classification Level has been

ceclared at the Seacrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. The l Governor has ordered the implementation of protective actions.'

f () Persons in (indicate towns) are to SHELTER IN PLACE. Information and instructions will be updated or repeated over l f this and other Emergency Broadcast System stations regularly. i 1 i 7 ) i H 1 a i l C:) i l

  , _ - , . . , ,     - -       ,---,,-_,,r-     . , - , _ _ . . ,      ,,,y--,,  , , . .
                                                                                            . , , , , . , ,      .-..,,-..g.    .m.,_,.,   .-- ,    ,_.,,,9,,_q,   . . - ~   y,,,  y,..,

L SEAEFCCK STATION us EVACUATION This is (name/ title) of the New Hampshire Civil Def ense Agency. There has been an accident at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant site in Seabrook, New Hampshire. The event has been classifieo as an (Emergency , Classification Level). Personnel from the New Hampshire Department of Public Health Services are at the plant site to provide continuing investigations of the severity of the accident. Their ongoing investigations include assessment of the status of plant safety systems, reviewing the consecuences of existing and potential releases of radioactive material from the plant, review of Iccal weather conditions and field monitoring of the levels of racicactivity in nearby towns. The Department of Public Health Services staff has briefed (]) the Governor on the status of the plant. Based on this briefing, Governor Sununu has ordered that protective actions be implemented for the towns of: (indicate: Brentwood, East i Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham). Persons currently in: (indicate: Brentwood, East' Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham) are advised to EVACUATE. The Division of Public Health Services has determined that there is sufficient time to implement an orderly evacuation well in advance of the arrival of any significant levels of radioactivity. Please make the following preparations before you evacuate: I O J

1. Gather all members of your hcusehcid together. (If

() curing school hcurs: If you have enilcren within the area being evacuated, do not try to pick in schoci them up at school. They are being transcortec by. Dus to the State Reception Center for your Town. Children transported there will te in the care of school officials until their parents arrive).

2. Pack only essential items. Se sure, however, to bring encugh seasonal clothing for up to three cays, any prescription medicines and prescriptions.ycu neec, personal items and infant supplies.
3. Turn off lights and appliances, and secure your home er office as if you were going on vacation.

4 Pets will.not be allowed at the State Reception

. Center facilities. Leave pets indcors with about a three cays' supply of food and water.
5. If you have livestock, leave them in best available shelters. Provice feed and water for three days.
6. Don't get on the road with a car in poor running cencition or too little gas. Instead, try to carpool with a neighbor. If you need help, call your local Civil Defense office for assistance.

w ) 7. DON'T RUSH. Proceed in ; calm, orderly fashion along cesignatec evacuation routes to the reception center for your area. For (Portsmouth) the State Reception Center is located in Rochester at Spaulding High School. Take Spaulding Turnpike north to Exit 13, north on Route 202 and left onto Route 16. For (Greenland, New Castle and Rye) the State Reception Center is located in Dover at Dover High School. Take the Spaulding Turnpike north to Exit 7, south on Central Avenue and right on Alumni Drive. For (Brentwood, Ea st Kingston, Exeter, Kensington, Newfields anc Stratham) the State Reception Center is located in Manchester at Memorial High School. Take 101 () west to 93 south and then onto 293. Take Exit 1, make a right onto South Willow Street and right onto Weston Road.

For (Kensington anc Newten) :re State.Peception Center is () located in Salem at Salem High School. Take 495 213 west anc then take 93 north tc Exit 2 cnto Main Street. Or take ill west to 28 south anc make a left onte Main Street. For (Hampton, Hamoton Falls, North Hampton, Seabrock and South Hampton) the State Reception Center is located in Nashua at Elm Street Junior High School. Take 495 to Route 3, north to Exit 5 and right onto Lake Street. Services providec at the Reception Centers -include radiological monitoring, rendezvous with schoci children and/or other family members, message center, shelter assignment for these in neec, anc cther services provided by the New Hampshire Division of welfare. If you have made private arrangements for shelter anc do not need any services proviced at the Reception Center, you may choose to evacuate directly rather than stopping at the Reception Center. he repeat: An (Emergency Classification Level) has been declared at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. Governor Sununu has orcered the implementation of protective actions. Persons in (indicate towns) are to evacuate. Information and further instructions will be updated and proviced over this and other Emergency Broadcast Stations regularly, i l O .

i t O I I i l


1 e l 1 . l APPENDIX H i RERP MESSAGE FORMS AND OPERATIONS LOG O  : s f a ' I I l l i i t I O l 1236/0588h 12/85 i i I

i ENERGENCY C?EFAT CNS NESSAGE FCFM r')s Message Class: Incrming / ') Outgoing ( ) Internal ( ) cricinator Message Numcer: Secuence Numcer: Pre 5ederce: Priority 1 ( ) Friority 2 ( . ) Oriority 3 ( ) Priority a ( ) Day Hcur Mcn tn Year Cate/ Time: Frcm: To: Info To:


Text 1. 2. 3. 4

5. -

6. 7. 8. 9. (~ I \-- 10. Dis tribution

,                              IActioni Info l                             l Actioni Info l           lActioni Info l Governor             l         l          l Adj. General l                 l      l F&G    l      l       l Oirector             I         I          I Agriculture i                  I      l PW&H   l      l       l Ops. Of f.          1          I       __l Pupil Trans. l                  l      l SP     l      l       l Ass. Ops.0f f. l               l          l Welfare             i          I      i WS&PC l       l       l 4

Liaison Off. l l l DPHS l l l ARC l i l I Comm. Off. I i l ORED l l l CAP l l l i Pub. Info. l I l EMS l l l RCOC l l l 00 NOT TRANSMIT Message Prepared By: Service / Staff: OPERATOR USE ONLY Message Sent/ Received By: Radio ( ) Telephone ( ) Teletype ( ) Messenger ( ) Message Sent To: Message Received From: t Date/ Tire Group: Date/ Time Group: Operator: Operator: 0032C


CR Call Signi of (Name of Service / System) Page Pages l (Name of Facility)

Emergency C;:erations Center ( )

Incicent Field Office ( )

Beginning: Ending: i (Oate and Time) (Date and Time)

    . l        i           I              I                               i             i l        l Message l     Statica l                                  i             l l Time I Nuncer      i  Contacted l               Remarks           l   Operator I l_       l           I              l                               l             I I        I           i              i                               l             l I        I           I              I                               I             I l        l         l           I              I                               I             I I        I           I              I                               I             i
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INCICENT ? I_] CF ICE p,  ?.ES5 ACE P:Fil Chginator !!sg. ?! umber: Data: Time: Control Log ilumber: Date: Time: To: Fecm: I t'essace Class: Action Class: O Inccming: O Priority: O internal: O Urgent: O Outgoing O Informational: C Routine: Info To: l C lawn O PWM1 O Boating S O Status Boards 1 D fl.G. O Federal Agencies O Town O ORED O Town O CG O CAP O O Town C F4G O O fl.H.C.D.A. (Specify] O Trcop A O EttS O C O Other O Text: 1. 2. 3. 4. l 5. 6. i 7. ! 8. 1 i 9. l 10. C0ftMJICATIOf1S l USE OtLY l' age Sent ( ) By: Radio ( ) Telephone ( ) Messenger ( ) Reevd ( ) Teletype ( ) Telefax ( ) Message Sent To: Received From: Dat;/ Time Group: Date/ Time Grcup: Op;rator flame: Operator flame:

nv i 4 Part Spaed Letter aa-so: #"""1 ** *

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           =e to soto Date                Signed tdoon Jones Company j f .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RECIPIENT-RETAIN WH6TE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY,
                                         .....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 W    '


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4 t APPENDIX I  ! i n TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES t T i l I i 1  ; 4 . I l I i  ; i i ' a i i i i < d k 9

SEaERCCK EPZ EUS T;AN5 C3TATICN 7 By T .- 's' Transccrtation Neecs Transacr:ation Resources Tcon Euses Vans Cctrany Ecces '/ s ms Erentweed 14 Eerry 1 Jan Car 13 East Kingston 4 Ti-terlane (Salem) 4 Exeter 144 Mancnester Transit 62 Authority Jan Car 82 Greenland 9 1 City of Ocver 9 1

            'Ha pton                75                     Eerry                    so Tircerlane (Salem)       35 Ha ; ten Falls           6        4            Serry                      6        4 Kensington               6 Timerlane (Plaistow)       6 Kingsten               24         3            Tincerlane (Kingsten)      6 Jan Car                  la         3
      /    New Castle                4        1           Jan Car                     4 Nufielos                  4        6           Carry Van (Curham)          4 Newton                  16         6           Timberlane(Xingston)        6 Jan Car                  18        3 North Hampton          11         4            Eerry                    11        4 Portsmouth            226         6            Tircerlane               31 (Portsmouth)

Town of Durham 20 Somersworth 15 Watscn 50 Warourton 4 City of Dover 13 Jan Car 93 6 Rye 18 Berry 5 Dineen 13 , Seab cek 28 2 Eerry 5 Tiscerlane (Plaistew) 23 2

 ,m       South Hampton            4

() Stratham 10 7 Tincerlane (Plaistow) 4 Eerry 2 Welch 8 Jan Car 7 0045)



SEAEPCCK EPZ EUS TRANSFCRTATION By Transportation Ccmpany O Cem.any Tcwn Buses Vans 1 Ee::, Brentweed 1 Hanpton 40 Hampton Falls 6 4 North Hampton 11 4 i Rye 9 Seabreck 5

Stratham _2 74 6 Carry Van (Durham) Nea Fields 4
,                                                      4 Dineen                   Rye                  13 4

13 Cover, City of Gree land 9 1 Pc:tsmouth 13 22 1 1 Curham, City cf Pc:tsecuth 20 . 7 Jan Car O Brentwood Exeter 13 62

l. Kingston 18 3 j New Castle 4 1 Newton 18 3 Portsmouth 93 6 Stratnam 7 2C6 20 i

Manchester Transit Exeter 82 ) Authority 32 i Scmersworth Portsmouth 15 i 3 l Timberlare Kingsten Kingston 6 j Newton 6 2 12 i Timberlane (Plaistew) Kensington 6 Seabrcok 23 2 -

South Hampten 4 33

) 2 i l 0045J

4 4 i, !O i 1 Cc.cany Tcwn Euses vans ! Ti.icerlane (Portsecuth) Fo r t th 31 i i 31 i > 1 Ti cerlane (Salem) East Kingston 4 Hamoten 35 , y  : A a-i Warburten Ports:cuth 4  ! !; 4  !

i. -

4 I Watsen Porstmoutn 50  ; j - 50 i 4 i helen Stratham 8 i o i I i j F 31 I a i r j  ! 'O ,


t 4 i I i i  ! .I d i ) i 1

  • r 4

i i


4 , ! t - 1 t l i 1

!                                                                                                                                                                                                i 4

i  ; i 1 4 t 4 l d l r i 1 00453 l' il . t

i i


  • i


         'ANTRIM:                             DURHAM:

Antrim Fire Ce;artment Durha.- Acculance Oc: 2 Rescue Ambulance P. O. Box 4 Main Scree: Ournam, NH 03524 Antrim, NH 03 40 Tel: 862-1426 (Eusiness) Tel: 538-6770 (Susiness) 862-1212.(Emergency) 352-1100 (Emergency) EFFINGhAM:

      - BRENTWCCD                                  Effingham Rescue Unit Inc.

Brentaccd Voluntes: Rescue P. O. Ecx 62 RF0 dl, Dalton Roac South Effingham, NH 03882 Exeter, NH 03351 Tel: 539-7745 (Eusiness) Tel: 642-8379 (Eusiness) 539-2261 (Emergency) 642-5452 (Emergency) EXETER: CLAREMONT: Exeter Fire Department Golden C: css Acculance Service Ambulance Service 99 Wasningten Street 30 Court Street Clarem:nt, NH 03743 Exeter, NH 03853 Tel: 542-6660 (Eusiness) Tel: 772-43a8 (Eusiness) 542-22a4 (Emergency) 772-4347 (Emergency) O DANVILLE: Southern New Hampshire EXETER: E.M.T. Ambulance Service Emergency Mecical Services 148 Portsmouth Avenue 37 Long Pond Road, Box 329 Exeter, NH 03833 Danville, NH 03819 Tel: 772-6633 (Eusiness) Tel: 382-4635 (Business) 772-5912 (Emergency) 382-5583 (Emergency) FARMINGTON: DERRY: Farmington Ambulance Ambulance Service Corps, Inc. 131 East Broadway Glen Street Derry, NH 03038 .Farmington, NH 03835 Tel: 434-1405 (Business) Tel: 755-2201 (Eusiness) 432-2556 (Emergency) 755-2231 (Emergency) 00VER: GREENVILLE: Fire Department Fire anc The Scuhegan Valley Rescue Service Ambulance Service, Inc. 9-11 Eroadway P. O. Box 134 Dover NH 03820 Greenville, NH 03048 Tel: tc2-1734 (susiness) Tel: 878-2303 (Susiness) 742-1733 (Emergency) 878-1611 (Emergency) () 1236/0291s/0087C

O , HAMPTON: MARLBOROUGH: Hampton Fire Department Marl-Harris First Aic &- Ambulance Service Emergency Squac, Inc. 140 Winnacunnet Roac Box 86 Hampton, NH 03842 Marlocrougn, NH 03455 Tel: 926-3316 (Business) Tel: 876-3378 (Business) 926-3315 (Emergency) 352-1100 (Emergency) HANOVER: MARLOW: Upper Valley Regional Mr. Ralph Palmer, Emergency Medical President Care Service Marlow Amoulance anc Hanover Fire Department Rescue Squac Lyn.e Road Marlow, NJ 03456

        . Hancver, NH 03755                Tel: 446-7511 (Business)

Tel: 643-3424 (Business) 352-1100 (Emergency) 643-2222 (Emergency) NEWINGTON: JAFFREY: Newington Fire Department V.F.W. Acculan.ce Service Fox Point Roao Forest Park Newington, NH 03J01 Jaffrey, NH 03452 Tel: 436-9441 (Business) Tel: 532-7162 (Business) 436-5737 (Emergency) 532-7162 (Emergency) NEWMARKET: O KEENE: Keene Area Municipal Newmarket Amculance Corps Gerry Avenue Amoulance Service Newmarket, NH 03857 32 Vernon Street Tel: 659-3950 (Eusiness) Keene, Nh 03431 659-2022 (Emergency) Tel: 352-2191 (Business) 352-0341 (Emergency) NEWPORT: Newport Ambulance Service R. J. Oiluzio Ambulance 15 Sunapee Street Service Newport, NH 03773 49 Court Street Tel: 863-2355 (Business) P. O. Box 693 863-3232 (Emergency) Keene, NH 03431 Tel: 352-0341 (Business) PETERBOROUGH: 352-0341 (Emergency) Peterborough Fire Dept. Ambulance Service KINGSTON: Summer Street Kingston Fire Department Peterborough, NH 03458 Ambulance Service Tel: 924-3211 (Business) Main Street . 352-1100 (Emergency) Kingston, NH 03848 . Tel: 642-3626 (Business) 642-5512 (Emergency) O 1236/0291s/0087C

                 . _ - _ .             . -    - _ . - - . .               . _ - - - _.                                                                                                     .. - -         _ -      . .. .                                                                             ~ _ -

k i O PORTSMOUTH: SWANZEY: j Portsmouth Fire Cept. Swanrey Rescue Squac 170 Court Street P. O. Scx 116, South Road Portsmouth, NH 03601 East Swanzey, NH 03446 Tel: 436-1179 (Business) Tel: 352-4983 (5usiness) 436-1127 (Emergency) 352-1100 (Emergency) j RAYMOND: Swanzey Ambulance ! Raymond Ambulance Assoc. Service, Inc. j P. O. Box 152 Box 157 Raymond, NH 03077 West Swanzey, NH 03469 l Tel: 895-4747 (Gusiness) Tel: 352-0069 (Business) j 4 895-3384 (Emergency) 352-0069 (Emergency) ' I ' RYE: TROY: l Rye Amoulance Corps, Inc. Troy Emergency Ambulance } P. O. Box 182 Service, Inc.

Rye, NH 03870 Box 675 Tel
964-5522 (Eusiness) Troy, NH 03465 i

964-8683 (Emergency) Tel: 242-7915 (Susiness) ] 242-7915 (Emergency) i SALEM: Salem Fire Cepartment WALPOLE: I 152 Main Street Walpole Volunteer

Salem, NH 03079 Ambulance Corps j Tel
898-9774 (ausiness) Walpole, NH 03608
898-4311 (Emergency) Tel
352-1100 (Emergency)

J The New Hampshire Westmoreland Emergency j Jockey Club, Inc. Service Corps Rockingham Park F. O. Box 983 Salem, NH 03079 Westmoreland, NH I 03467 , Tel: 898-2311 (Business) Tel: 399-4409 (Business)


) 898-2311 (Emergency) 399-4409 (Emergency) SEABROOK WINCHESTER: i Seabrook Fire Department Winchester Ambulance Dep t. Collins Street 4 Winchester, NH 03470

Seabrook NH 03874 Tel
239-6335 (Business) i i

Tel: 474-2611 (Business) 352-1100 (Emergency) { s 474-3434 (Emergency) i SOMERSWORTH: Benoit Medical Service 1 l 438 High Street Scmersworth NH 03878 I i Tel: 742-2118(Business)

,                                          742-2111 (Emergency)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1 i

() i i ' ! 1236/0291s/0087C I 4

() 00T-OF-STATE AMBULANCE S.ERVICES LICENSED IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, i MAINE: MASSACHUSETTS: Earle Ambulance Service Peter F. Poor Ambulance 15 Dame Street 3 Railroad Street l Kittery, ME 03904 Newburyport, MA 01950  ; Tel: (203) 439-1657 (Bus.) Tel: (617) 465-8700 (Bus.) (203) 439-1667 (Emer.) (617) 462-4386 (Emer.) i South Berwick Emergency VERMONT: Ambulance and Rescue Ker Funeral Heme, Inc. Goodwin Street 8 Putney Road  : South Berwick, ME 30908 Brattleboro, VT 05301

      ,  Tel: (203) 384-2300 (Bus.)            Tel: (802) 254-5655 (Bus.)

(203) 384-2222 (Emer.) (802) 254-5655 (Emer.) MASSACHUSETTS: Rescue Inc. Shanahan Ambulance Service 249 Canal Street 101 Winter Street Brattleboro, VT 05301 Haverhill, MA 01830 Tel: (802) 254-7679 (Bus.) Tel: (617) 372-1356 (Sus.) (802) 254-2010 (Emer.) (617) 372-8511 (Emer.) Windsor Ambulance Service American Ambulance and 147 Main Street O Mecical Rescue Service, Inc. Windsor, VT 05089 Tel: (207) 674-2113 (Bus.) 111 Quebec Street (207) 674-2112 (Emer.) Lowell, MA 01852 - Tel: (617) 454-7891 (Bus.) (617) 454-7891 (Emer.)

  • t Medic Ambulance Service 154 Mcody Street Lowell MA 01852  !

Tel: (617) 458-6321 (Bus.) (617) 458-6321 (Emer.) l i i o O 1236/0291s/0087C

     ---.4,,   , - - --   -   _ - - - -        - - - -   ,--- - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - -

am.- m am - - .mm, m-O l u l i i P 6 9 APPENDIX J 1 LOCAL STATUS REPORT FORM i O l i 1 l t 0



LCCAL STATUS REFCRT FCRM Page 1 cf 4 pag 3s l Day Date Time ! 1. Tnis is , Local Liaison Officer, NHCOA, at the New Hampshire IF0, Newington Station, New Hampshire. Telephone nunder here is . l l 2. As of (time), Seabrock Station Nuclear Power Station declared: a Unusual Event c. Site Area Emergency Immediately terminated

o. Alert d. General Emergency
3. The incident involves:

O 1

4. At this time:
a. there has been n3 release of radioactive materials, and the station foresees: no possibility of a release.

l a near term possibility of a release, a long term possibility of a release.

b. there has been a release of radioactive materials.

l 4 Prevailing winds at the station are from degrees at mph. (N, f0E, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WfM, fM, NfM Sector) O 1236/0029C 12/85


5. The following is recommenced:
a. No protective action at this time.
b. Puolic notification in

1 c. Access control for: j d. The following protective actions: ) NEW HAMPSHIRE MASSACHUSETTS SFELTER EVACUATE EVACUATE SHELTER Seabrgok Amesbury

    -                        Hampton Falls                             Salisbury Hampton                                  Merrimac 5                             South Hampton                             Newbury l                             North Hampton                             Newburyport l                             Brentwood                                 W. Newbury East xingston
O xingston fewfields Newton f Startham Greenland I New Castle Portsmouth Rye
6. The State Emergency Operation Center in Concord is:
a. Partially operational b. Fully operational i

O 1236/0029C 12/85


V r The following agencies: HAVE BEEN ARE HAVE eEEN ARE i NOTIFIED F81ESENT NOTIFIED RESENT Governors Office Public welfare Civil Defense Red Cross Public Health Public Works Agriculture and Highways Boating Safety Pupil Trans. Civil Air Patrol Safety

        .                                                                   CRED                                          Water Sup. &

Emer. Med. Svcs. Poll. Cont. Fish & Game U.S. Coast

                                                                          , National Guard                                Guard
7. The State Incicent Field Office at Newington Station is:
a. Partially operational
b. Fully cperational The following agencies:

HAVE BEEN ARE HAVE BEEN ARE NOTIFIED RESENT NOTIFIED RESENT Civil Defense Boating Safety Public Health State Police Agriculture Emergency , Coast Guard Medical Serv. Fish and Game National Guard

8. The Utilities Emergency Operation Facility (EOF) is: j
a. tbt staffed at this time b. Staffed at this time O l 12M/0029C 12/85 l

-. 9. The Media Center at Newingten Tcwn Hall is:: i a. Providing no press briefing at this time

b. Providing a press briefing. currently
c. Will provide a press criefing at The last briefing was given at at (time) (location)
10. We request the following local status information::
a. ECC particularly activated
b. EOC fully activated
c. Agencies present ,
    -    ' d. Primary contact person:
e. Resource assistance requests (use local resource assistance request f form).

i 4 e l l l l l 1236/0029C 12/85

.                                                                                        4 1                                                                                         l

k h i i, f i t i 1 I  ! i i' i i i . N  : I 4 i u -l d APPENDIX K , g i '

                                                    . LOCAL RESOURCE ASSISTANCE REQUEST FCRM 4

0 3 l t i 1 e '. r 4 - i l 4 -) I I J i 4 i i t l i

LOCAL RESCURCE ASSISTANCE REQUEST FCR5i U (I This form is to be used to record resource requests from town emergency response organizations. When completed tne form is to be forwarded to the IFO Controller for action.

4. Persen taking request:
8. Town originating request:

Seabrook Exeter Hampton Falls Hampton Kingston , Newfields

        .              South Hampton                     Newton North Hampton                     Startham Brentwood                         Greenland East Kingston                     New Castle Portsmouth                        Rye C. Town official making request:

() 1. Name: 2.


D. Type of request:

1. Personnel:
a. Type:
b. Number:


d. -Specific skills required:
2. Equipment or vehicles:
a. Type
b. Numbers:


d. Specific features required:

(a-1236/0029C~ 12/85


3. Dosimetry:
a. Type:
b. Number:
c. Rarpose:

, 4. Other:

a. Type:
b. Number:


E. Receiving Point:

1. Location:
2. Contact Person:

j F. Time required: G. Action:

1. Request routed to:


2. Agency from which request made:



4. Time of delivery:
5. Location tf delivery:

O l 1236/0029C 12/85 l



      'N                                            Division of Public Health Services s_-                                               EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant i

MANAGER, RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM This document provides checklist procedurer. to be followed in the event of an emergency condition-at the Seabrook Station. These procedures are to be isplemented by the Manager, Radiological Health Program , in the event of an ceident. These procedures describe actions to be taken according to each of fiur emergency classification levels (ECL) which are outlined in ascending order of severity. The Manager, Radiological Health Program is responsible for. receipt of first notification of emergency classification 'evels, confirming plant status, and notifying appropriate individuals in order to marshall the DPHS radiation emergency response organization. (24 HR) STATUS' TIME DONE INITIAL ECL #1 UNUSUAL E7ENT and/or ECL #2 A_1.[RI, and/or ECL #3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY and/or ECL #4 GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. Receive notification from State Police
                       .       Communication Center that a(n) (UKUSUAL EVENT,                                                                ,

ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCT, GENEEAL EMERGENCT) has been declared at the Seabrook Station. __ l

2. Call Seabrook Station to confirm emergency condition and assess need for State response.

Call 1-603-000-0000 (control ecom). (Note that control room will provide only basic data for determining'the need for protective action, i.e. nature of (UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCT, GENERAL EMERGENCT) potential magnitude, nature and timing of any possible release and current met conditions. No extended discussion should be expected prior to activation of the EOF.)

3. Contact New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency  !

(NHCDA) '(271-2231 or 1-800-852-3572) to brief them on plant status. During business hours contact the Director (See Appendix A). During

                  ' + = DONE
                     - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE 11-13-85

I ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT MGR RHP -2 ECL #2 ALERT and/or ECL #3 SlTCAREA EERGENCY and/or EQ. #4 GENERAL EERGENCY (24 HR) LTATUS* TIE OCNE INITIAL off hours contact the NHCD Outy Officer by telephone or by pager via the State Police Communications center. 4 Notify Director, CPHS and OPHS IFO Coordinator, of (UNUSUAL EVENT, ALERT, SITE AREA EERGENCY, GEERAL ~ EERGENCY) status.

5. Time permitting, review Radiological Health Program SOPS.
6. Stand by to receive additional O

information. Receive notification of (a) termination of emergency status, or (b) escalation of emergency status from State Police.

7. Schedule relief snift to maintain 24-hour coverage during emergency.
8. Participate in re-entry and deactivation of emergency response as necessary.


         + + = DOT
           - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE 24529                                                                                         11-18-85 l
     -         -        -   -              . . . . _ - .     , , - , . . -             , . - - . . -     - - - , . , . - ,,-. .a

Division of Public Health Services l EERE NCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the i Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant 4 DPHS DIRECTOR PROCEDURES This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station. These procedures are to be implemented by the Director of CPHS (or alternate) in the event of an accident. These procedures describe actions to be taken according to each of four emergency classification levels (ECL) which are outlinc0 .a ascending order of severity. The Director is responsible for total direction and control of OPHS and support organizations. Request for assistance'to 0FHS from nor@HS sources is approved by the Director. The Director or his alternate has the following responsibilities which cannot be delegated to others: (1) providing Protective Action Recommendations to the MiCOA Director and Governor, (2) authorizing emergency workers to receive doses in excess of EPA's Protective Action Guides, (3) authorizing emergency workers to receive potassium iodide (See Appendix K ), and (4) recomencing re-entry to the NHCDA Director and O 6 Governor. (24 HR) ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT STATUS

1. Receive notification from CPHS Manager, Radiological Health Program (or alternate) that an LNUSUAL EVENT has been declared. Receive status report on plant conditions.
2. Standby for notification of (a) termination of emergency status, or (b) escalation of emergency status.
3. If appropriate place EOC and IFO staff on standby.
;                                                                                                                                                                    1
                    * + = Done                                                                                                                                       i
                       - = NOT 00E N = NOT APPLICABLE 24529                                                                                                           11-18-85


                                                                                                                                                           -(24 HR)
        -                                                                                                                                       STATUSS TIME DONE INITIAL
1. Receive notification from DPHS' Manager, Radiological Health Program (or alternate) that an ALERT has been declared. Receive status report on plant and conditions.

Confirm that DPHS IF0/ EOF Team will be dispatched. Confirm that DPHS EOC Staff will be dispatched. Establish ETA at EOC. Complete notification form. See Appendix H .

2. Report to the EOC. Check in with the NHCDA Liaison Officer on arrival.
3. Review staffing levels with ECC. Radiological Health Technical Advisor, specifically:

(a) Ensure.that DPHS IF0/ EOF Team

 ;                                       has departed.

(b) Ensure that at least three monitoring teams have been notified and are assembling and prepating for departure to the IF0/ EOF. Confirm ETA if being dispatched at the - ALEET level. (c) Ensure that an aerial sonitor has been notified (if appropriate) and is preparing for departure to EOC to establish contact with 9 CAP liaison. (d) Ensure that Accident Assessment Support is at the EOC,-that ECC METPAC is operational, that the utility is providing data directly.

a. Receive briefing from Accident Assessment Support and assume responsibility.for further disc'ussions with NHCDA Director. Complete los entries. See Appendix I .
          * + = DONE
             - = NOT DONE s             N = NOT APPLICABLE l                   .                                                                                                                                               11-18-85 l


                                                                                   , . . - , 7, - -,,, . . . - - - . -.,,,_ . . . . . , , . , ,         y-       y,_-,.,y-   ,-7_,v--,--,3-,-- . . . . .

_,r.. . . - , . . . _ . . . - -



S. Report availability and consult with the NHCDA Director.

6. '4 hen the DPHS IFO Coordinator reports that the DPHS IF0/ EOF Team is operational, receive any updated information, acknowledge turnover of accident assessment to the IFO/ EOF, and verify communications channels and checks.
7. Receive briefings fec' 'he . DPHS IFO Coordinator. Decide what .uether actions should be taken by DPHS, if any.
8. Update NHCDA Director / Operations Officer and Governor on DPHS activity and plant status as each message on changes in plant status is received from the DPHS IFO Coordinator ce as information from the DPHS IFO Coordinator warrants. Use Governor's Summary Status Report (Accident Assessment Support will complete applicable sections) for briefings. See Appendix J .
9. Standby to receive additional information DPHS IFO Coordinator. Receive notification of (a) teenination of emergency status, or (b) escalation of emergency status. If situation escalates, continue with checklist. If emergency terminates, deactivate DPHS emergency response activities as appropriate.


      ' + = DONE
         - = NOT-DCNE N = NOT APPLICABLE i

11-13-85 l l


                       -ECL //3       SITE AREA EMERGENCY                                                                                DIR DPHS -a (2a HR)


1. Receive notification from Manager-Radiological Health Program or, if there is an escalation of an emergency, from the DPHS IFO Coordinator, that" a SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been declared. Receive status report on plant conditions from the DPHS IFO Coordinator.

(In the event of a capidly developing emergency, notifi ation may be provided from the Manager-Radiological Health Program via phone if the ECC j and IF0/ EOF has not been activated and staffed. 1 If a rapidly develooina emeraency, ensure that ALERT stees 1-8 are taken.) 4

2. If the notification is an escalation, j ensure that DFHS EOC Staff are aware of change in status, and ensure that pre-

] requisite ALERT procedures have been i implemented. _ I

3. Review DPHS staffing levels with the Radiological Health Technical Advisor.

(a) If not already dispatched, ensure that at least three monitoring teams and one aerial monitor are encoute to the IF0/ EOF. Confirm ETA. (b) If dispatched at the ALERT level, receive verification of readiness - of the monitoring teams and one aerial monitor at the IF0/ EOF.

a. If the initial or follow-up notification j messages include Protective Actions (pas),

or if Accident Assessment Support's analysis I (when the ECC has the responsibility) or if . the DPHS IFO Coordinator's analysis indicate Protective Actions are required: (a) Consult with the ECC Radiological Health Technical Advisoe, Accident Assessment Suppoet, and DPHS IFO Coordinator to confirm basis for PA. i * + = DONE i

                              - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE i                                                                                                   -a-11-13-25            I i,


  • TIME DONE INITIAL (b) If time permits, consult with any NRC, FEMA and/or EPA accident assessment personnel that may be on hand at the EOC concerning the PA.

(c) Provide PA to the NHCDA Diesetor. Together with NHCDA Director / Operations i Officer prepare and present Governor's Summmary Status Report. See Appendix J .

5. Participate in briefings, meetings and the drafting of press releases as deemed appropriata by NHCDA Director.

! 6. Update NHCDA Directoe/ Operations Officee and Governor periodically on DPHS activity

and plant status es each message on changes in plant status is received from the DPHS IFO Coordinator ce as information from the DPHS IFO Cooedinator warrants. Use Governor's Sammary l~

Status Repoet (Accident Assessment Support will complete applicable sections) for briefings. See Appendiz J . l 7. Standby to receive additional information DPHS IFO Cooedinator. 1

8. Receive notification of termination of the emergencies status from DPHS IFO Coordinator.

Deactivate DPHS emergency response activities , as appropriate. ECL #a GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. Receive notification that a GENERAL EMERGENCY

, has been declared. In a rapidly developing emergency, ensure that ALERT steps 1-9 are taken. Follow all procedures in SITE AREA EMERGENCY. }

          * + = DONE
             - = NOT DCNE N = NOT APPLICASLE 11/18/85 4

5 i _, . _ _ _ , ._ . - . . _r _ ,..--.. __ _ ~ , _ -


      -s s                                                                                                                                STATUSS TIME DONE INITIAL
    \s_s                           2. If the Governce orders evacuation of any poetion of the plume exposure EPZ, perform the following:

(a) Determine which Reception Centers are being opened from NHCDA Director. (b) Ensure that Decontamination Centees are opened by NHCDA as appropriate. It may not be necessary to have a Decontamination Center at each Reception Center. (c) Ensure NHCDA has requested that local monitoring personnel be deployed to the Decontamination Centers. ! (d) Ensure that DPHS Decontamination Center Supervisors have departed to the . Decontamination Centers. Verify ETAs.

3. . Notify DPHS IFO Coordinator of Governor's decisions. If appropriate, discuss additional
!                                  actions / considerations requiring DPHS response l                                 (eg: aerial monitoring, a,dditional monitocing '

teams). l

4. As recommended by the DPHS IFO Coordinator and/or the EOC Radiological Health Technical Advisor, approve requests for additional assistance. Inform NHCDA of needed state l assistance and of other requested assistance.

Sources of assistance include:

;                                        (a) New England Compact (via Accident l                                                Assessor at the IF0/ EOF and includes EPA and FDA).

(b) Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (via Accident ' Assessor at the IF0/ EOF). (c) 00E Brookhaven (via DPHS Lab Supeevisor). (d) Civil Air Patrol for Aerial Monitoring support (via NHCDA). (e) National Guard for Decontamination Center support (via NHCDA).

               ' + = CONE

! - = NOT DONE ' N = NOT APPLICABLE i 11-18-85 4 1 i i i

             .   . _ , -         ..,m  .    , _ . . - . . . , _ , , . - , _ - _ , _ , - . , .        , _ , _ . . - , _ - _ . , - _ . -        - . - . , . , - - , . . , . . , . . _            .r. -


       ,)               5. When necessary, discuss with DPHS IFO Cooedinator recommended measures to control ingestion pathway.EPZ dose. Authorize                                     1 execution of appropriate measures such as placing                         j cows (and goats) on stored feed, using " packaged"                        !

l water, etc.. Notify DPHS IFO Coordinator and NHCDA Director of decision and request from NHCDA Director necessary Department of 4 Agriculture assistance. ! 6. When necessary, discu' with DPHS IFO Coordinator the potential need for emeegency workers to take potassium iodide. Authori:e emergency workers to take potassium iodide. l Notify DPHS IFO Coordinator and NHCDA Director of decision and request NHCDA Director to l inform the appropriate local EOCs of the decision.

7. Participate in briefings, meetings and the
 ,                      drafting of press releases as deemed appropriate i                      by NHCDA. Director.
8. Update NHCDA Director / Operations Officer and Governoe periodically on DPHS activity and plant status as each message on changes in plant status is enceived from the DPHS IFO Cocedinator ce as information from the DPHS IFO Cooedinator warrants. Use Governor's Summary Status Report (Accident Assessment Support will complete applicable sections) for briefings.

See Appendix J . l

9. Standby to receive additional information DPHS IFO Coordinator.
10. Receive notification of termination of the emergencies status from DPHS IFO Coordinator.
!                       Deactivate DPHS emeegency response activities j                        as appropriate.                                    _          _

i 11. Recommend post emergency re-entry and relaxing of eadiation controls to the NHCDA Director / Operations Officer and Governoe as , conditions dictate, but af ter Seabrook Station

,                       and NRC has confirmed, directly and to the DPHS IFO Coordinator, no further uncontrolled releases are expected. Complete log entries.
            * + = CONE
               - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE

, 09alo 11/18/85 1 1 k

T Division of Public Health Services IFO RHTA -1 EERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant  ; IF0/EF0 Radiological Health Technical Advisor (RHTA) This document provides checklist procedures to be followed by the IF0/EOC Radiological Health Technical Advisor (IFP/ EOF RHTA) in the event of an i emergency condition at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. They I describe actions to be taken according to each four Emergency Classification Levels wnich are outlined in ascending order of severity.

                  , The IFO/EOC RHTA is responsible for maintaining communication links with OPHS at the State EOC, overseeing radiation exposure control activities, maintain exposure records, coordination issues of exclusionary area passes, and coordinating authorization of deliberate exposures to emergency workers.

The IF0/EOC RHTA reports to the OPHS IFO coordinator. (24 HR) ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT STATUS TIE DONE INITIAL l May be placed on standby by OPHS IFO Coordinator. ECL #2 ALERT

1. Receive notification from IF0 Coordinator that an ALERT has been declared.
2. Report to the IF0/EOC at Newington Station, Newington New Hampshire.
3. Get briefing from utility personnel on plant status and conditions.
4. Establish and maintain telephone contact with EOC RHTA at the EOC in Concord, New Hampshire (Telephone number 271-2231)
5. Perform cperational checks of secondary telephone and telecopier.
6. Maintain a log of events as tney occur.

t 7. Stand by to receive additional information escalation or termination of emergency status.-

            * + = DONE
               - = NOT DCNE N = NOT APPLICABLE 24528                                                                 "


1. Receive notification from the IFO Coordinator
.that a SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been declared. (In the event of a capidly developing emergency,

< notification may be provided from the New Hampshire l State Police Communications Centee if the EOC

!                            in Concord and/or IF0/ EOF has not been staffed.)

Ensure that ALERT steps 1-7 are taken. l 2. Oversee issuance of dosimetry to Field Monitoring Teams and maintain exposure a recoeds. (See Appendix B). ) '

3. Upon deescalation and recovery, oversee collection of dosimetry information (exposures, instruments monitoring records, etc.) for permanent records.


1. Receive notification from the IFO Coordinator that a GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared. (In the event of a rapidly developing emergency, 4

notification may be provided from the New Hampshire State Police Communications Center if the ECC l in Concord and/or IF0/ EOF has not been staffed.) i l Ensure that ALEET steps 1-7 are taken.

2. Oversee issuance of dosimetry to Field

} Monitoring Teams and maintain exposure records. l (See Appendix _B_). I i 3. Periodically eval % ate emergency worker l exposure and maintain exposure records. t 4. Perform II administration calculations l as directed by IF0/ EOF Coordinator. (See Appendix K ). If use of KI is warranted and authorized, administer KI ! issurance. (See Appendix K )

5. Upon deescalation and recovery, oversee collection of dosimetry information (exposures, instruments monitoring records, etc.) for permanent records.

! * + = DONE l - = NOT DONE l N = NOT APPLICASLE l l 11-18-85 0974o i i I _. - . __. . .


d -

EOC RHTA -l Division of Public Health Services EERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant EOC - RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH TEC mICAL ADVISOR (RHTA) i. I This document provides checklist procedures to be followed by the EOC Radiological Health Technical Advisor (RHTA) in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. They describe actions i to be taken according to each four Emergency Classification Levels which are outlined in ascending order of severity. i The EOC RHTA is responsible for collecting technical information about , plant status and dose protection, explaining the meaning and significance of the information, and advising on protective actions. He reports to the Director, Division of Public health Services. (24 m) 1 ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT STATUS TIE DONE INITIAL } May be placed on stane y by manager { Radiological Health Program. l ECL #2 ALERT

;                                            1. Receive notification from the l                                            Manager, Radiological Health Program, or alternate, that an ALERT has been declared. Receive status report on                                                                                                           -
plant conditions.

! 2. Notify the EOC accident

assessment Support; confirm ETA.

1 (See Appendix A .) i > j 3. Report to the EOC and inform i Director, DPHS and NHCDA Liaison j of arrival. 1 J 4 Receive briefing from NHCDA i personnel in contact with the IF0/ j EOF on any changes in conditiens.

5. Establish contact with the
IF0/ECF Radiological Health
Technical Advisor and/or IFO '

Coordinator to confirm and j update information. I E -

                                     - = NOT 00NE l                                     N = NOT APPLICABLE I                                                                                                                                    2452B                                                                                                                                11-18-85 l
  ..,_,m.-   .    . .-.,_. . . , _ _          . - . - _ . . ,         _.,,.r,         ,,._      r.  ._.,. _._. ,., _,. - .,, ,,__.m.,                   ,_,.._,._,,...,,--,-u ,o_,          - - . , . .


6. Provide technical assistance to Director, DPHS. ,
7. Continue gathering, providing, and transmitting information as requested by the Director, DPHS.


1. Receive notification from the DPHS RHTA at the IF0/ECF that a SITE AREA EMERGENCY l has been declared and reasons for change l

in classification.

2. Ensure that ALERT steps 1-7 are completed.

4 ECL #4 GENERAL EMERGENCY j 1. Receive notification from the DPRS

!                              EKTA ac the IFC/ECF that a GENERAL EMERGENCY                                                                                            ,

4 has been declared.

2. Ensure thAt ALERT steps 1-7 are corapheted. ,,,_

l 4 I - i i i  ; i i J i i ) ! * + = DCNE

                   - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICA3LE l

0943o 11-13-85 f ( i

                                .-.        .                           .              ..               .             ~      - . -- - .-..

IFO COCR0 -1 Division of Public Health Services EERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant OPHS IFO COORDINATOR 4 This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station. These procedures are to be

!           implemented by the Director of DPHS (or alternate) in the event of an accident. These procedures describe asctions to be taken accoroing to each of four emergency classification levels (ECL) which.are outlined in ascending
;           order of severity.

The DPHS IFO Coordinator is in charge of DPHS operations in the IF0/ EOF. The responsibility of the DPHS IFO Coordinator includes DPHS liaison with the i utility, Massachusetts IF0/E7 Health Department Coordinator, FEMA, NCR, and 1 PNCDA EOF Liaison. The DPHS IFO Coordinator reports and coordinates OPHS activities with PNCDA EOF Liaison and to DPHS Director in the state EOC. The DPHS IFO Coordinator is accountable to the DPHS Director and responsible for the conduct of the CPHS IF0/ EOF Team that conposed of the Accident Assessment Supervisor, the Monitoring Team / Decontamination Center Coordinator, the Cj IF0/ EOF RHTA, the IFO EMS Coordinator, the DPHS Field Monitoring Teams and the DPHS Decontamination Center Supervisors. (24 HR) ECL #1 UPAJSUAL EVENT STATUS TLT 00NE INITIAL

1. May be placed on standby by DPHS Manager Radiological Health
,                      , Program.


1. Receive notification from DPHS Manager, Radiological Health Program j (or alternate) to move the DPHS j

IF0/ EOF Team to mobilize. Establish an ETA. (See Appendix A .)

2. Inform NHCDA EOF Liaison of arrival and establish approximate time of operational readiness.

j 3. From the IF0/ EOF, inform EOC RHTA of arrival via NHCDA telephone link. l l 4

  ")       * + = DONE
               - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICAELE
l l 11-18-85 l


a. Establish DPHS operations at the IFO/ EOF:

, (a) Determine that the DPHS IF0/ EOF RHTA has established the  ; telephone link with the ECC RHTA. .i i (b) Determine that the Accident Assessor i has established the telephone link with j the Accident Assessment Support , at the EOC. (c) If the DPHS Monitoring Teams have not been dispatched, determine , that the Monitoring Team / Decontamination , I Center Coordinator has made contact i with the Teams at the DPHS Labs and I knows their status. If dispatched, i j receive their ETA ce operational status  ; j from the Monitoring Team / Decontamination j Center Coordinator. ,

5. Receive from Accident Assessor, Utility EOF Coordinator, and NHCDA EOF Liaison plant status repoet and any other pertinent information relative to the emergency. Complete los entries.

4  : I

6. Notify the DPHS Director that the DPHS I IF0/ EOF Team is operational and assuming 4 Accident Assessment responsibilities. Receive any information from the EOC and relay any t available information to the DPHS Director.

Agree on communications channels and checks.

7. Receive from the Accident Assessor,

) ,and the Utility EOF Coordinator, i updates on plant status and any other i pertinent information. Participate with all other EOF representatives (Mass Public

Health Coordinator, FEMA, NRC, EPA) in discussion on appropriate Protective Action
;                                                 recommendations.


                     * + = DONE

! - = NOT DONE ! N = NOT APPLICABLE 11-18-85 i

 -. .   . . - .      . -     .     - - - - - . . .            -   .  . . ~ . . . ~ . - . - ~ . - - . - - -                       --
                =                                                                                                                       l


8. Relay Protective Action recommendations to the DPHS Director and provide any pertinent information. r
9. Receive from the DPHS Director decisions  :

on Protective Actions. Discuss DPHS response  ! to decisions. Inform DPHS IFO Team and other l EOF personnel of Governor's decisions.

10. Standby to receive additional information. i participate in discussions with other EOF l representatives, and to relay information and l Protective Action recommendaticas to the DPHS Director.


11. Receive notification of (a) termination of emergency status, or (b) escalation of emergency >

status. If the situation escalates, continue , with checklist. If emergency terminates, deactivate DPHS IFO-ECF response upon notification of the DPHS Director to do so. ECL #3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY

1. Receive notification from Utility EOF Coordinator (or, should this be the first ECL declared, from the Manager, Radiological Health Program) of declaration of SITE AREA EMERGENCT.

Receive any other additional information and recommended Protective Actions. ,

2. Notify the DPHS Director of emergency ,

status upgrading to SITE AREA EMERGENCT.  : Relay Protective Action recommendation. >

3. Receive from the DPHS Director decisions -

on Protective Actions. Discuss DPHS response to decisions. Inform DPHS IFO Team and other ECF personnel of Governor's decisions.

a. When necessary, inform the DPHS Director of the need for additional assistance. Discuss  ;

alternatives and receive approval for the Accident Assessor to request assistance from

      .                         the Compact or Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.                                                               l l
                  * + = DONE
                       - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE 11-18-85


5. Participate in briefings and meetings with 4

other EOF representatives and ac necessary. I 6. Update DPHS Director periodically on DPHS activity and plant status as each message on changes in plant status is received from the , i Accident Assessor and Utility EOF Coordinator. i

7. Provide notification of termination of the emergency status to DPHS Director. Deactivate

! DPHS emergency response activities as appropriate  !

and as authoeized by the DPHS Director.

ECL #4 GENERAL EMERGENCY l 1. . Receive notification from Utility EOF

 ,                      Coordinator of declaration of a GENERAL EMERGENCY.

Receive any other additional information and recommend Protective Actions. Complete log , entries. . . 2. Notify the DPHS Director of GENERAL i EMERGENCT status. Relay Protective Action j recommendation. Provide any additional

information. '

I i j 3. Assure that Monitoring Teams'are i j dispatched and operational. I i 4 It warranted and approved by the i DPHS Director, activate Aerial Monitoring. J Inform Monitoring Team / Decontamination > ! Center Coordinator of the approval and  ; j request necessary assistance from NHCDA '

EOF Liaison.

] 5. When necessary, discuss with DPHS Director l recommended measures to control ingestion , l pathway EPZ dose. Receive authorization for l l execution of appropriate measures, such as l placing cows (and goats) on stored feed, using j " packaged" water, etc. Notify NHCDA EOF Liaison

of decision and request necessary Department of

! Agriculture assistance. ] * . . DONE i - NOT DONE I N = NOT APPLICABLE l .a. 11-13-85 f j , ! l i a


6. When accessary, discuss with DPHS Director
  .             the potential need for emergency workers to incur doses in excess of EPA Protective Action Guides. Receive authorization for emergency weekers to incur doses in excess of EPA Protective Action Guides.(See Appendix         L )  Notify NHCDA EOF Liaison of decision.                                                     ,
7. When necessary, discuss with DPHS Director the potential need for emergency workers to take potassium lodida. Receive authorization for emergency workers to take potassium iodide.

Notify NHCDA ECF Liaison of decision.

8. Authori:e issuance of Exclusion Area Passes prepared by the DPHS IF0/ EOF RHTA.
9. Facticipate in briefings and meetings with other EOF representatives and as necessary.
10. Receive from the DPHS Director decisions on Protective Actions. Discuss DPHS response to decisions. Inform DPHS IFO Team and other EOF personnel of Governor's decisions.
11. Update DPHS Director periodically on DPHS activity and plant status as each message on changes in plant status is received from the Accident Assessor and Utility EOF Coordinator.
12. Fol' low steps 3-7 of SITE AREA EMERGENCY procedure.
13. Recommend post emergency re-entry and relaxing of radiation controls as requested by the Accident Assessor and Utility EOF Coordinator to the DPHS Director. Receive decision from the DPHS Director and relay the decision to DPHS IF0/ EOF Team, Utility EOF Coordinator, NHCDA EOF Liaison.
     * + = DONE                                                                               e
        - = NOT DONE                                                                          ,

N = NOT APPLICASLE 11-19-85 r 097Eo

Y 4 1 i Division of Public Health Services AA -l j- EERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant

IF0/ EOF ACCIDENT ASSESSOR I This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event.

i of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station. These procedures are .to be , ! implemented by the IF0/ EOF Accident Assessor, in the event of .an accident.  ; These procedures describe actions to be taken according to each of four .  ;

i. emergency classification levels (ECL) which are outlined in ascending order of l severity.

The IF0/ EOF Accident Assessor is responsible for assuring proper input to ETPAC, performing atmospheric dispersion estimation and dose assessment if j required, recommending placement of field monitoring ~ teams, and determining requirement for administration of KI. (24 HR)  : } ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT STATUS


i 1. May be placed on stanoby by . ! OPHS IFO Coordinator.


] i 1. Receive notification from IFO l Coordinator that an ALERT has been i declared at Seabrook Station Nuclear .

Power Plant. . ,

i f ! 2. Proceed to IF0/ EOF to monitor i 4 emergency situation. Report l j availability to CPHS IFO Coordinator, if not present assume his/her duties I i also. l 3. Estaolish comunications with

EOC through the Accident Assessment l Support. Monitor plant status and available data.

) 4 Stand by to receive additional

information. Receive notificaticn i l

of (a) termination of emergency ' status, or (b) escalation of emergency status. If situation ! escalates continue with eneck-l' list. If emergency terminates deactivate CPHS emergency response activities as apprcpriate.

                        * + = 00NE
                            - = NOT 00tE j                            N = NOT APPLICABLE i                                                                             l                        24528                                                                            11-18-85


1. Receive notification that a SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been declared. (In a espidly developing emergency, ensure that ALERT ,

steps 1-3 are taken.)

                                                                                                                                . r
2. Receive information concerning release of radioactive material whethee actual or anticipated and meteorological data, present and forecast, from the Seabcook Plant IF0/ EOF Coordinator.
3. Send these data to ECC AA support.

4 Perform atmospheele dispersion estimation and , dose assessment using METPAC.(See Appendix N ) Compare results with EOC AA support. NOTE: If METPAC is not available, use DAAADE , (See Appendix 0 ), DAAADE6 (See Appendix P ), or modified Hamard/Bousquet-Clayeux ' (See Appendix 0 ).

5. As field data become available, use these data to verify dose projections.
6. Discuss protective action recommendation with IFO Coordinator.
7. Send field data to ECC AA support.
8. Use METPAC to obtain hypothetical projection based on scenecio by DPHS IFO coordinator.


1. Receive notification that a GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared. In a rapidly developing emergency, ensure that ALERT steps 1-3 and SITE CMERGENCY steps 2-8 are implemented, i
          * + = DONE
             - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE 11-18-85 0925o l

AA SPT -1 gs s Division of Public Health Services s_- EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the , Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant . ECC AA SUPPORT This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of I an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station. These procedures are to be ! implemented by the ECC AA Support, in the event of an accident. These i procedures describe actions to be taken according to each of foue emergency classification levels (ICL) which are outlined in ascending order of severity. l The ECC LA Support is responible for assuring proper input to ME!?AC,

  ,                    performing atmospheric dispersion estimation and dose assessment if required, recommending placement of field monitoring teams, and determining requirement i                     for administration of KI.
 ;                                                                                                            -              (24 HR) 1                                                                                                                 STATUS

ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT i May te placed en stancty by manager Radiolcgical Healtn Prcgram. 1 Q'

;                      ECL #2    ALERT 1

j 1. Receive notification from EOC Radiological l Health Technical Advisor or designate that an ALERT has been declared at Seabrook Station 1 Nuclear Power Plant. i

2. Proceed to State ECC to monitor emergency situation. Report availability to Director. ,

1 of DFHS, If Director, DPHS is not present, assume also his/her duties, j 3. Perform atmospheric dispersion estimation and l

;                                dose assessment using METPAC.(See Appendix N )                                                                       '
)                                Compare results with ECC AA support. NOTE:

] If MET?AC is not available, use DAAADE (See Appendix 0 ), DAAADE6 (See Appendix J P ), or modified Hamard/Bousquet-Clayeux (See Appendix 0 ).

. . . DONE j - . NOT CONE

j . i a l I

l ECL #2 AL[gT LA SPT -2 (2a HR) STATUS

  • TIME DONE INITIAL I a. Prior to activation of IF0/ EOF, advise Director-Division of Public Health Services, and Director, Civil Defense Agency, of any need  !

for protective actions. t i S. Establish communications with controlroom, l i ISC, and/or IF0/ EOF (as appropriate). Monitor li plant status and available data.. l - 1

6. Stand by to receive additional information. l i Receive notification of (a) termination of emeegency status, or (b) escalation of emergency status.

If situation escalates continue with check-list. I If emergency terminates deactivate DPH emergency response activities as appropriate. I i [ ECL #3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY

1. Receive notification that a SITE AREA EMERGENCT has been declared. In a rapidly ~

developing emergency, ensure that ALERT steps 1-5 are taken. > , 2. Receive information concerning releases of endicactive material, whether actual or anticipated J and meteorological data, present and forecast,

!                  from the Seabrook Station plant EOF coordinator,
or after his/her arrival, from the IF0/ EOF l Accident Assessor, i

! 3. Perform atmospheric dispersion estimation and i dose assessment using METPAC.(See Appendix N ) ! Compare results with EOC AA suppoet. NOTE:

;                  If METPAC is not available, use DAAADE 1                    (See Appendix         0 ), DAAADE6 (See Appendix

! P ), or modified Hamard/Bousquet-Clayeux ] (See AppendLI O ).

a. 7eview available data with Accident Assessor
!                  at IF0/ EOF. If this individual has not reached 1

IF0/ EOF, receive and discuss data with Seabeook Station staff or New Hampshire HP staff at the , IF0/E0F. j l

       * + = DONE l           - = NOT CONE j           N = NOT APPLICABLE I

l ' 11-18-85 9 i l i


5. If IF0/ EOF not yet activated, advise Director
                        -DPHS and Director-Civil Defense of plant status        '

i and advisability of protective actions. 1

6. Use METPAC to obtain hypothetical projection based on scenecio by the Director, DPHS. i
1. Receive notification that a GENERAL j EMERGENCY has been declared. In a rapidly n

. developing emergency, ensure that ALERT j steps 1-5 and SITE AREA EMERGENCY steps 2-6 1 are implemented. 4 i i } } a


i i l 1 i i } k i .l l i * * = DCNE

l 0913o __ _


              .                           --                           ..                            .-  .               ..    - . - ~        - . . .              .                ..      ..

l MT/DK C00RD -1 Division of Public Health Services- . 1 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant FIELD MONITORING TEAM / DECONTAMINATION COORDINATOR This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. The Field

,                                  Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator is responsible for dispatching State Field Monitoeing Teams and for the activation of decontamination facilities.

(2a HR) a STATUS


ECL #2 ALEET l ! 1. After receiving notification of the declaration of an ALERT from the 3 IFO Coordinator, notify Laboratory Supervisor i and report to the IF0/ EOF at Newington Station j in Newington, NH.

,                                                   2. Report to DPHS IFO Coordinator and                                                                                                 ,

Accident Assessor for briefing. ,

3. Contact field monitoring teams enroute to perform radio tests. I
a. Insure that self-reading dosimeters are zerood. (See Appendir _3_.)
5. Establish contact with utility and Massachusetts monitocing term deployment supervisors.


                                    * - = DONE
                                            - = NOT CONE 1

N = NOT APPLICABLE p 11-18-85 i i

  , ~ . . _ _   . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - _              _ , _         . _ _ _ . _ , . _ . . _ _ _ _ .            .    . , _ _ _         _   _              , _ _ _ , , _ . _ . _ . . _ _ _


6. When the monitoring teams aceive, present '

briefing containing the following information:

a. EOF Radio call signs
b. Team call sign
c. Present situation
d. Safety & Health Restrictions I
                         ' e. Special information and instructions                                                                          '

(this infeemation is obtained from i ' utility deployment supervisor and .: Accident Assessor) 1 1

7. Distribute dosimetry (TLD, 0-200me and 0-20R self-coading) retaining paperwork. Log serial numbers on the appropriate form.


8. After consultation with IFO Coordinator i and AccidentsAssessor, coordinate with utility
                       & Massachusetts for deployment of monitoring
 !                     teams f e plume tracting strategy.
9. Dispatch teams to flest monitoring location.
10. Stand br and maintain contact with teams through utility communicator.

Communications can be maintained through NH Civil Defense communicator.

11. Maintain team exposure recoe'ds on the appropriato f,oems.
12. Insure that DPHS Accident Assessor receives >

s i field monitocing data.(See j Appendir _,,[_1 *

13. Report pqasent situation "*P" .dir lly to DPHS IFO Cocedinator. *'

r. la. Contact Decontamination Center Supervisor to inform him of emergency conditions and to stand by in case hisjteam is needed.

15. Continue steps 7-11 until notified to estuen to EOF /IFO.
         * + = DONE
            - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE 11-18-85 l

s.i 1


1. Perform ALERT steps 1-13 if they have not already been performed.
2. Notify Decontamination Center Supervisoes to 2 report to their stat.ons 8 as needed.
3. Maintain periodic contact with Decontamination Center Supervisoes insuring proper center operations.

ECL #a GENERAL EMERGENCY I 1. Receive escalation repoet or that a GENERAL l EKERGENCY has been declared. Ensure that 4 SITE AREA EMERGENCY steps 1-3 are taken. l i RECOVERY /DE-ESCALATION i

;                      1. Upon recovery and de-escalation, insure proper closing of Decontamination Centee on instructions from DPHS IF0/ EOF Coordinator.

Y i l l

        * + = DONE
           - = NOT DONE N = NOT AppLICASLE 09a7o                                                                                                                                                                11_13 35 7
                .v,---  -r   - - - ,   - - - + ,   -,,.,_,_,e.,,,--     ,  --,.%.-...,-..e..r,--.mmm                   e-      , , - ., , _ ,  ,-,m.,w-.+.,-,-~o-.-m,,&,                                  . .       --,%..yy.. -w.


       .;. :                                                               DATE:

l l Ti=e: (1) Flow Race (CF!!) (9) Team J (2) Volume of Air Sampled (10) (F:3) Location of Sample ID# (3) Background Coun la:e (11) ( CP!!) E02-A Y Vais: Level (=R/hr) (4) Fil:e Paper Coun: Race (12) ( C?>I) K02-A 47 Vais: Level (=R/hr) (5) ' SZ Car: ridge (CPit) (13) 102-A g.y 2* Above C cund (6) Smear Sample (CP:1) (14) Sacple Period - 5:ar: (7) Self-Reading Dosi=e:e (15) (=R)

Sample Period - End (3) f .


( C?>!) (3kgnd) CF* (voi-f
J) 1 ICOINE (12) - (10)
                                       = NCP!!              X 1.6 E-10 * (9)                      =         uCi/c:

( C?!!) (3kgnd) CF* (vol-f:J) I e i T X 2.0 E-6 X Inhalation Time (liours) = Infan: Thyroid Dose (1) CF* = efficiency (10 dpm/ cpm), c=nversion f r m dpm :o uCi (4.5 F.-7 uCi/dp:s), conversion from f:3 :o cc (23320 c:/f:#}* I i ER-3.IC Rev. 02

MT -1 Division of Public Health Services


^ N- / EMERGENCY RESPONSE PRODEDURES for the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant 4 MONITORING TEAM PROCEDURES This document contains checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. These procedures are to be implemented by the Field Monitoring Team members assigned to environment monitoring duties in the event of a ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY or GENERAL EMERGENCY. The Team Leader is responsible for the smooth, effici.ent, and safe operation of the team. The Team Leader must ensure: 1) the sampling is properly carried out, including the. paperwork, 2) the samples are kept safe and turned over to the propee escipient promptly, and 3) the safety of team members. Each individual team member is responsible for the reading h'is dosimeter at frequent intervals. (2a HR) I STATUS' TIME DONE INITIAL ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT (No action required at this ECL.) l ECL #2 ALERT and/or ECL #3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY and/ce ECL da GENERAL EMERGENCY

1. Receive notification from DPHS Laboratory Supeevisor (or alternate) that an ALERT, SITE AREA EMERGENCY OR GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared.
2. Proceed to the DPHS laboratory, Room 11.

Report to Lab Supeevisoc. l

3. Receive assignment of monitoring teams (2 members per team), instruction package /

! handbook, meteorological equipment, Ludlum 19 j micro-R meter and vehicles with radio 1 communications from the DPHS lab supervisor. 1

a. Proceed immediately to IF0/ EOF at Newington.
5. Call Civil Defense by radio to repoet ,

departure for Newington Station. t * , = CCNE ,

          '-                - = NOT DCNE N = NOT APPLICABLE                                                                                             11/18/85

ECL #2. #3 and/or #a MT -2 (2a HR) STATUS' TIME CONE INITIAL J

6. On actival at IF0/ EOF report to Monitor /

Decontamination Coordinatoe. i

7. Obtain briefing feca Monitor / Decontamination

). Coordinator making-sure that the following topics are covered. l (1) Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator's radio call sign and how 1 to reach him by telephone. (2) Your team's designation or call sign. (3) The present situation. (a) Safety and health considerations. (5) Any special information or instructions.

8. Obtain A TLD (Thermol_uminescent Dosimeter) bacge and self-reading dosimeters (0-200me, 0-20R) from the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator. Sign them out on the IFO dosimetry log and check for leakage.
9. Cet your watch to the IFO clock time.

! 10. Report to Monitor Dispatch Area. Pick up { field kit and quickly perform inventory found j in Appendix G of instruction package. ! (If kit is sealed, inventory need not be performed). I 11. Perform operational checks on equipment ! (See Appendix _3_).

12. Report to flest monitoring point pee l instructions from Field Monitoring Team /

Decontamination Coordinator; continuously checking l dose cates encoute using the E-140 and/or . 10-2A. (If reading exceeds 500 mR/he report it immediately to the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator. t

                                * * = DONE
                                   - = NOT DCNE N = NOT APPLICABLE 11-18-85 I

l l

1 l l

1 i

ECL'#2, #3 and/or da NT -3 I

    '~'                                                                                                                                                             (2a HR)
  /                                                                                                                                                     STATUS
13. After reaching first monitoring point, take an air sample and general area dose cates (See Appendix C for operating procedures).

i la. Measure dose rate of air sample using the E-la0.

15. Los the dose este on appropriate forms and report the dose rates (by radio) of the air sample and general area to the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinatoe at the EOF /IFO.


16. Field monitoring team members should read

' dosimeters every 15 minutes and report to CD communicatoe when reading eesches 350mR and estuen to an area with no dose rate above background..

17. Take any additional samples at the location if assigned by the Field Monitoring Team /

Decontamination Cocedinator. (See Appendix C for operating procedures.)

,                                                18. Proceed to next monitoring point as assigned by the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination

! Coordinator.

19. Repeat steps la through 17 as instructed by the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Cooedinator.


20. '4 hen recalled, to the IFO/ EOF, delivee any environmental samples as instructed by the Field l Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator. l
                                                                                                                                                                                                      -1 i


                              * + = DONE
                                   - = NOT OCNE N = NOT APPLICABLE i                                                                                                            i                                                                                                                                                                     11-18-85 097Co i

5 b

  -n.,,----,--y . v,--,--    -             , , - - - . , -.e, -..,,.v..-- - , , - , , - - - - -     . - - ., - , ,   -n- , . - - - - , r   ,,,n,-         ..y-,   ..,,,,,m,,-w,,       -een-- , ,

DK SUP -1 Division of Public Health Services

         \' /'
                  \                                                                                   EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES for the Seabeook Nucleae Power Platt i                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ,

DECONTAMINATICN SUPERVISOR 1 b This document provides checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabcook Station Nuclear Power Plant. The Decontamination Supeevisor(s) is responsible for the set up and operationlof i his/her assigned Decontamination Center. (24'HR) STATUS

!                                                            (No action required at this ECL.)


ECL #2 ALERT i 1. Receive notification from DPHS Monitor j Team / Decontamination Coordinator that an l

fs ALERT has been declared at Seabcook Station and to await further instructions.

2. After receiving notification from the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinatoe to open the Decontamination
Center, Insure that Decontamination personnel )

j have been contacted and are encoute. l

3. Report to the Monitoring Team / Decontamination i

Coordinator that center-(DOVER, NASHUA ROCHESTER, 3 SALEM, MANCHESTER and DURHAM) is being opened. . j 4 Proceed to assigned station when notified j to open Decontamination Center by DPHS Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator.

5. '4 hen you aceive at assigned Decontamination Center, instruct personnel to:
a. Inventory Equipment (See Appendix F)
b. Perform operational check of instruments (See Appendix F )
c. Set up Decontamination area as designated in Appendix F.
                                        * , = DONE
                                          - = NOT DONE N = NOT APPLICABLE l                                                                                                                                                                                      11-18-85
    ._       _    _ . .       _        _                  __      ~     _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ __                  _ _ . _ _ _ _ ___

ECL #2 ALERT DK SUP -2 (24 HR) STATUS' TIME DONE IN!T!AL Assign specific duties to Decontamination 6. personnel for duration of emergency (See Appendix F ).

7. Insure logs of contaminated persons and extent of contamination are accurately maintained.

1 8. Insure security and control of contaminated belonging is maintained.

9. Close Decontamination Center upon notification from Field Monitoring Team /

Decontamination Coordinator according to i specified proewdures (See Appendix F ). ECL #3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY

l. Receive report that a SITE AREA EMERGENCY has been declared. Ensure that ALERT steps 1-9 are taken.


1. Receive escalation report or that a GENERAL EMERGENCY has been declared. Ensure that ALERT steps 1-9 are taken.

J l l

!                                                                                                                                         i i                                                                                                                                          .

1 I 1 1 I i

                 * + = DCNE l                      - = NOT DCNE                                                                                  g N = NOT APPLICABLE l

11-18-35 l 0975o l l l l ' 1 ! i i 4

L ' ] LAB SUP -1 Division of Public Health Services ' I EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES d for the $ Seabrook Station Nuclear Powee Plant , 4 LABORATORY SUPERVISOR

<                This document contains checklist procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency condition at the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. These procedures are to be implemented by the Laboratory Supervisoe, in the event of an accident. The Laboratory Supervisor is responsible for initial notification i            and dispatch of the monitoring teams and for performing analytical analysis of i            field samples.

(24 HR) ' STATUS


! ECL #1 UNUSUAL EVENT J j (No action required at this ECL.) ) ECL #2 &kiRT and/or i ECL #3 SITE AREA EMERGENCY and/or i ECL #4 GENERAL EMERGENCY i

1. Receive notification from 'the Field Monitoring l Team / Decontamination Coordinator that an ALERT,
2. Proceed to the DPHS Laboratory, Room 11 and i

inform the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination i Coordinator upon arrival. i

3. Notify the Field Monitoring Team. Minimum requirements are three (3) teams with two (2) members per team. (NOTE: Aerial Monitoring Team j members may be used if necessary.)

! a. Assign vehicles with radios, meteriological i equipment, Ludlum 19 micro-R meter, and instruction packages to the Teams as they arrive.

5. Notify the Aerial Monitoring Team if directed j by the Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination  !

j Coordinator. Only one person is required. J

6. Perform analytical analysis of environmental samples as directed by the Field Monitoring Team /
;                     . Decontamination Coordinator. These analysis will be performed in accordance with standard-laboratory peacedure. Additional laboratory facilities are contained in Appendix'M.
            * + = CONE
               - = NOT DONE          -

N = NOT APPLICABLE 0996o 11-18-85 4 d J y__ _ _ , , ,,_,,,j_ _ . , , _ , , , , __,, , , . , . , , _ , , _ , _ ,, , __ _




                                                                                                             'MERGENCY EXPOSURE AUTHORIZATION

! FORM i I M - NEW ENGLAND INTERSTATE RADIATION l ASSISTANCE PLAN i N OPERATION OF THE METPAC SYSTEM j 0 DAAADE )  ? DAAADE6 \ l Q HAMARD/BOUSQUET-CLAYEUX (mod.) i i R EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION FLCW CHART l i S PANAFAX UF-400 INSTRUCTIONS l t i i i 1053o 11/18/85 , i }- < ._ __ __ _ ..._ .. .. _ ._.._._ ._ _ ., . . _ , . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . ~ . . _ _ _ , _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ - . _ _ _ . _ . _ . , . - _ - . _ ,

l i i l l l l  ! l i _IJPllS CALL TREE l STATE POLICb " '

I t m

lMGR HIIPj - g ,

                                                                                          - - " " ~

l _. g g l DIR DPIIS _ IFO COORD EOC RitT A m > i i

                                                                                         --z         -
                                                                                                                                    %._                                  o

_ - '-] -.___ l g


! [I]H SilPU S Rl lLA B SilPU S R ] i . ! l MON TEAMS l 1


!,?. I


l j MANAGER. RADIOLCGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM 10/ 85 l POSITION 5AM[ H0![_MQ OFFICE wQ DIRECTOR OPHS (P) W. Wallace 746-3831 271-4501 (5) 5. Epstein 228-1050 271-4504 IF0/ EOF CDCRDINATCR -(P) R. OtPentima 659-5655 271 4670 (5) 8. Strona 524-5755 271 4609 EOC RHTA (P) M. Luolen '644-5410 271-2023 (5) W. Johnston '669-6544 271-2023 IFO/ EOF COCROINATOR ACCICENT ASSES $CR (P) J. Stanton 623-4743 271-4587 (5) O. Tefft $24-3358 271-4588 IF0/ EOF RHTA (P) D. O'Dowd 627-7098 271 4585 (5) C. Woootury 267-8076 271 4672 MONITORING TEAM / (P) A. Wallace 742-1705 271 4476 CECCNTAMINATION (5) J. Kamp 225-7585 271-4676 COCR0!NATCA (5) 8. Monle 224-8921 271-2023 (5) R. Stacey 399-4479 352 4111 x285 (5) R. Norsundin 447-2463 669-1030 x242 CLERICAL (P) M. Enery 753-4544 271 4676 (5) J. Caisse 435-8723 271 4583 ECC ANTA i ECC ACCIDENT ASSE55CR (P) 0. Halle 622-9618 271-4585 (5) 0. Bevans 796-2483 271-2023 LA80RATCRY SUPERVtSOR PCNITCRING TEAM 0. Channing 228-3830 271 4656 M. Derers 623-7711 271 4624 L. Orake 228-9058 271 4663

8. Evans 776-7221 271-4422 T. Ferrara 267-8090 271-4589 M. Greeneerg Z86-3954 271 4669 K. Hoomins 764-9476 271 4664 J. Listak 224 4342 271 4662 P. Ralene 627-2831 271 4589 E. Roeinson 259-4531 271 4664 G. Roolnson 524-7426 271-4592 AEA!AL "CNITCR!NG 0, Sean 225-2332 271-4468 '

TEAM P. Lincoln 476-4450 271-4577

     . _ --.. _ --. - . . _ . _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . ~ . __ _..___._- _ _.-_ _ .___.-__ _ _ ___.._ _                                                    _

3 1 1 I  % NAGER. RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH PROGRAM 10/85 POSITION g HOPE W OFFICE % OtRECTCR OPMS (P) W. Wallace 746-3831 271 4501 1 (5)'5. Epstein 225-1050 211-4504 l l J IF0/ECF COCROINATCR (P) R. DiPentima 659-5655 271 4670 , (5) 8. Strota $24-5755 271 4609

EOC RHTA (P) M. Luplen 644-5410 271-2023 l l (5) W. Jonnston 669-4544 271-2023 i

1 4 I t i 4 1 . i 4 i i 1 i l I i l 1 4 I i I d

                                    !F0/ EOF CCCROINATCR ACCICENT A55E53CR (P) J. Stanton               622-4743   271-4587 (5) O. Tefft                 $24-3358   271-4588 IF0/ECF RMTA      (P) O. O'Ocw                 627 7098   271 4585 (5) C. 'acoctury             267-8076   271 4672 OITCRING TEM /    (P) A. Wallace               742-1705   271 4676 CECONTAMINATICN   (5) J. Kamo                  225 7585   271 4676 CCCRCINATCR       (5) 8. N nle                 224-8921   271-2023 (5) 4. Stacey or             399 4879   352 4111 x295 (5) 4. Nemancin              487-2463   669-1020 x242 CLERICAL          (P) M. Emery                 753-4544   271 4676 (5) J. Caisse                435-8723   271-4583 t


j i t. t i 1 ECC RHTA j 1 c0C ACCICENT ASSESSCR (P) O. Halle 622-3618 271 458'$ i (5) O. Bevans 796-2483 271 2023

                                                                    . I i

i 1 1 1 i i l I l 4 t } 1


i i 4' I i i

.i i

I I i 1

i i

I 1 t 1 i 'I

      . . _ . . - . - . - ..-...  .                   .~.~.-.                      ~ .~.-.. .      . -
                                                                                                                          - . .- .-- -                              _.-. ..    .-=-.

I 5 4 }

                                                              .OITORING TEWOECONTAMINATION C00R0!MTCR l

I j Lt80RATORY SUPERVISCR (P) F. Langevin 225-9I75 271-4505 1 (S) 8. Bradford 225-7263 271-4668 ) l, DECONTAMINATION C. Albano 456-3070 271 4516 SUPERvison M. Galan- 673-4181 271-4596 J. Heck 736-4141 271 4494 l 1 R. Letellier 225-6837 271-4624 ! G. .%rse 938-2263 271-4472 , j H. Soucy l


R. Taillefer 445-9092 271 4725

4. Woocherry, R.N. 623-6756 271 4491 i C. Z:merumnen, 0.0.5. 753-6717 271 4561 j i,

.i  ; i l 1 1 r 1 l t l l e t a + i 4 i I 1 i i l i i l i 4 e i i


     .TMITCRING TEM                      0. Channing                                       229-3830                271 4656 M. Demers                                         623-7711                271-4624 L. Drake                                          229-9058                271-4663
8. Evans 176-7221 271 4622
  • T. Ferrara 267-4090 271 4589 M. Greencerg 296-3954 271 4649 K. Hopkins 764-1476 271 4664 J. Liptak 224 4342 271-4662
  • P. Reicae 627-2831 271-4589 1 E. Rooinson 269-4531 271 4664 G. Rooinson 524-7426 271-4592 AERIAL TNITCRING 3. Sean 225-2332 211 4668 TEM P. Lincoln 416-4450 271 4577 e e l

l l

i 4


i l  :



1. 10-2A i- A. Install batteeles. .

} S. Turn range. switch to SATTERY CHECK position and ) verify the battery condition is within the - - i allowable range. l l C. Verify metee response with'the CS-137 check l l source. j 2. E-140 i A. Check detector cable connectoe to instrument, i B. Attach the HP-210 probe. .

!                              C. Turn range switch to BATTERY CHECK position.

j and verify the battery condition is within the allowable range. j D. Ensure that the response switch is in the SLOW j position and that the test' switch is back in j the DOWN position. E. Verify meter response with the CS-137 check source. i 3. Air Sampler 1 i A. Install a silver zeolite cartridge and particulate ' j filter (rough side out) In the filter hood. Ensure the air sampler is operational by B. L connecting to the cattery.

a. Pocket Dosimeters  !

j A. Charge and "zero" the dosimeters i (Attachment 1).  ; ! B. Record the following information for each . j person on the tems in the Desimetry Log (in

Attachment 2) before you leave. Se sure to ,

i include:  ; J Name, ' i Social Security Number.  ; j Dosimeter Serial Number, and } Initial readings from your self-reading dosimeters. i 1 5. Radio check ! A. Set up the radio and perform a radio check as ' ! follows: , j 1. In a normal voice say " EOF, THIS IS MONITORING' i TEAM NURSER REQUESTING A RADIO CHECK. 00 YCU j READ ME? Over." (The EOF Sase radio communicator a should acknowledge your call, j 5. Acknowledge response by saying " EOF, THIS IS MONITORING i TEAM NUMBER . RADIO IS OPERATICNAL. OVER AND OUT.* C. OPHS Radio Calls contained in Attachment 2. } N0!!: *THIS IS A DRILL" should be repeated before and after each tesnsmission j if appropriate.

                        '020o                                                                                      11/*.3/35 J

i k

l APPuo:x 3 At: ace =sn- 1. t STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE O 1 f ~ i b( l . r p 6e . . . y, civil CEFENSE AGENCY e sanv,ct e, s as[ n _ ,s..

                                  --                                                                          % w . - c                                     -        u.

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A;;Ed;;X 5 DAILY CCSIMETER LCG A: acnmen: ' e~n: 7 ) Date of Birth: A2e:


5 / Security hvber: TLD 3adre Mrber: Ocuav's Cate: .% niece hmber.Gadio MTher: 0-200 mR Dosimeter - Serial

  • Initial Reading (!) Final Reading (T) Exposure (7-I) l 1

TOTAL EX?.l 0-500 mR Dosimeter - Serial = Initial Reading (!) Final Reading (T) Ixpcsure (T-I; f l i i i l t t l TOTAL EX?.Ii 0-20R Cosi. eter - 5erial =

        .itial (I)             Final Readi.4 (T)              Ix;csurs (7.!'

Tom En. - l l e

APPENDIX 3 - ATTACH. MINT 3  ; EADIC CALL SIGNS ) . 11C JOHN 1. STANTON, CHIEF. Sureau of Environmental Health

   'll                  DIANE I. TEFFT, MANAGER, Radiological Health Program 112                  OCN HALLE. RHP Staff l  113                  SEL7A S. MCHLE, 1HP Staff lla                  WAYNE F. JOHNSTCN, 1HP Staff i   115                  DESCRAN F. 8 EVANS, RHP Staff i   116                  DENNIS C'DCWD, 1HP Staff I   117                  DAVID W. BEAN, P.onitor - Aerial
118 LCARIE DEAKE, Monitor 119 SILL E7ANS, Monitor 120 MARK GREENBERG, Monitor I 121 PAllL LINCCLN, Monitor - Aerial j 122 JOHN LIPTAK, Monitor 123 1171N NICHCLSCN, Monitor b' 124 PAUL 1AICHE, Monitor l 125 GECRGE SC8INSON, Monitor

! 126 ARTHUR WALLACE, EMP Ancillary Staff i 127 CARL WCCD8URY, RHP Ancillary Staff j 128 RUFUS STACKY. 1HP Ancillary Staff i 129 ACBER NCRMANDIN. RHP Ancillary Staff i 130 MAAC LUPIN. EMP Staff . I 131 TF.RESA TZ11 ARA. Monitor 132 ET.EANCE AC8INSCN, Monitor 133 DAWN CHANNING, Monitor l , 13a KEVIN HCPKINS. Monitor 135 JOHN KEMP, RHP Ancillary Staff 1 136 MAURICE DEMERS, Monitor . I i i i l 1 i i 1 j . 6 \ i ( I I i I . 1022o **/*5/!!

I. 1 i

  • I t

I < a

!                                                                                                                      APPENDIX C                                                             ,

i l Field Monitorina Procedures i i a l 1. Monitoring (Enroute to Survey Locations) {

2. Monitoring
  • i i

r I 1 3. Air Sampling i

a. . Meteorological Sampling  ;
!                                                                                                                                                                                             l j'                                             5.          Special Environmental Sampling                                                                                                      '

e l I

                                                                - Food                                                                                                                        ,

1 - Soil l - Milt i

                                                                - Drinking Water                                                                                                              l
                                                                - 7egatation                                                                                                                  )
                                                                - Surface Watee
6. Aerial Monitoring l

l 1 i 4 I i i, l . 1 ! { } i . i  ! 6 i t' . i ) Attachments: 1 - Offsita Monitoring / Air Sample Data Record , 2 - Meteorological Data l 2 - Emergency Environmental Sample Log S SSe W

   ,--,--..~,,--e,ne.,.-,.wn--,,,.,--,-,.-.-n,w,v-m,,,-~-.                                             .--- w n ,, .              .m    .,-n.m.-.,n.,                -,--_m--n-,          . ~


1. Moniter!ng Actions Enroute to Survey Locations CAUTICN l THE INDIVIDUAL DRIVING THE VEHICLE SHCULD NOT PER-

! FORM RADIO COMMUNICATIONS WHILE DRIVING THE VEHICLE. j a. While dringing to the assigned survey location, use the Ro-2A Survey Meter.

b. Record any reading greater than imR/hr using the Ro-2A (Attachment 1) l Off-Site Monitoring / Ale Sampilng Data Record.
c. Immediately esport any coading over 100mR/hr to the ECF.
2. Monitoring
a. At each location, survey for the following and record readings on Attachment 1:
1) Gamma Radiation levels at waist level,
2) Beta and Gamma radiation levels at waist level, and
3) the highest Beta and Gamma radiation level indicated by a square meter scan about two (2") inches above the ground,
b. Report the results to the EOF and request further instructions for additional dose rate sueveys.

l l

3. Air Sampling Using portable Air Sampler NOTE IF THE AREA DOSE LA!! EQUAL 3 OR EXCEEDS 500 mR/hr. IMMEDIATELY REPORT THIS TO 1


a. The protable air sampler is operated by conr.ecting to a 12V 30 vehicle battery.


b. If necessary, load the air sampler with silver soolite cartridge anc I

paper filter. Ensture that the silver tiolite cartridle and pseticulate filter (rough side out) are properly placed in the filtee holder. I ~~+ ! Page 2

                                                                            *13/st 1
3. c. Position the air sampler on vehicle fendee away from the vehicle 7x

( ) exhaust. The sampler should be sheltered from the rain or snow. Air

 \s_ ,/           samples should be taken in open areas away from trees and buildings.
d. Unless otherwise directed, obtain a miniumum 20 cubic feet (560 Liters) sample. Record start and stop times and flow rate on Attachment 1 *0ff-Site Monitoring / Sampling Data Record
  • undee " Sample Period".
e. After the sample is collected, measure background count rate using the E-140 V/MP 210 probe. Record on Attachment 1.


g. Count the filter using E-140 HP-210 and record the results in column
marted " Filter Paper" on Attachment 1.
h. Remove the filter paper from the sutpler he'ad, place in a labeled envelope, and hold for analysis at the ECF.


1. Count the silver aiolite cartridge with the E-140 and HP-210.

results on column headed ST Cartridst (C7M) on Attachment 1. Recoed

j. Write the date, time, sample location, sampilng period, and flow rate (CFM) on the plastic bag provided in the k!t. Place carteldte in the plastic bag for storage.
1. Report the results to the ECF. Read the information from Attathment i exactly as written. Calculations of air activity will te done at the EOF.

i a. Meteorological Sampling 1

a. Pressure
1) Hold tne barometer level and out of the wind ',!nside the tar).
2) Gently tap the f ace and read it to the nearest 0.01 inch.

l 3) Record the reading on Attachment 2. l P8se 3 ('~'N y j , v

a. b. 'dind Speed
1) Push down ont he anemometer hub to completely extend the cup arms.
2) Hold the unit away from your body in an area as free as possible of obstructions and stray or redleected air. Read the wind speed from the upper (mph) scale. For winds over 35 mph push the red button on the side of the case and read the wind speed from the upper red scale.
3) Record the reading on Attachment 2.

S. Special Environmental Sampling This sampling will be performed in accordance with FDA, REglon 1 document

      " Collection of Nuclear Power Plant Ingestion Zone Samples *. All samples will be recorded on Attachment 3.

Pa6e 4



  'N _,f                                       FDA, Region I INT'CDUCTICN .

This guide is prepared to assist in the collection and preparation of samples of food and related materials which may have been contaminated with low levels of radioactive material. This flest section contains general background information on sampilns for radioactive contamination. The second section covers specific collection and sample preparation procedures. The FDA is given the crime responsibility, under the Federal Master Plan, of assistint the state governments in their efforts to protect the public health and safety of their cititens. There are several ways of giving assistance. FDA personnel may be assigned directly to the responsible state agency to

  • assist the sate in sample collection. Should this be the case. FDA personnel will follow the 11111 protocols for sampilns collection and control. EDA personnel say be assigned to collect samples for FDA or other federal laboestory analysis. In this case, following the instructions inthis guide for sample collection, preparation and shipment, unless otherwise instructed by those other laboratories. All results from such sampilgn will be shared and the collection of samples should be coordinated with the sate agency.

This quide may be used by FDA. 00A, ce state personnel in the collection of l food samples. Additionally. FDA may e requested to collect samples of watee,

' snow, soll and vegetation to assist EPA in its environmental anal / sis.

Analysis of samples may be done by various laboratories. state and federal, l The FDA laboratory in Winchester. Massachusetts. !s the main FDA laboratory for analysis of endiation contamination, but its f acilities are limited. The EPA maintains similar laboratories in Las 7egas. Nevada and Montgomery. Alabama as well as two mobile laboratories, all of which are espable of

           ;erforming extensive sample analysis.      Geogesphic and other :ensiderations will determine watch laboqtories actually perform the analysis.

l r 5 I l'~ \ Page 5 i l 115/i! l l 1 N l



/ (' l. Caly fresh or open air stoeste foods need to be sampled it. the early stages of sampilng. Canned'or packaged foods do not take up radioactivity from the envieonment. Therefore, canned tuna or bewaLfast cereals do not need to be sampled. Stored foods, such as apples which are held in a controlled environment with no ale exc%snge to the atmospaere, do not need to be sampled. Milk, etts, and fresh vegetables should be sampled to provide an indication in the immediate ingsstion pathway. a. tse, vesetation. and soil may be sampled under special elecumstances to give indication of long-term ingestion pathway problems since plants do tend to take up radioactive material fecm soil and watec.

2. Each sample must be collected with care to document the relevant collection conditions. what is being collected is a sample to protect pubile health, not to base a court action. Therefore, the es11ectics and handling routines will be somewhat specialized. Such con,ditions as the chichens' feed storage locations, whether cows are on stored feed, the amount of snowf all from which a snow sample is taken, or the slaughter date of a pig may be of importance.
3. Use of the correct sample bag size cza be important - some products may be counted in a sample bag and other samples may be placedinto a 1/2 or a one-liter containee for sample analysts.

O V pag. 6

                                                                           *1/'5/95 v

FRUIT AND VEGETABLES i j Equipment and supplies: Plastic bags 18" X 18"

Site selection: ,

Select locally grown fruit and vegetables harvested after the I contaminating event or products that may have otherwise been j contaminated. i  ; Sample collection: j 1. Collect a four-pound sample and place in plastic bag; remove air and close tightly.

2. Label bag with collector's name, type of product, location date and time of collection.
3. Complete Sample Data Form: Include, if appropriate, size of farm, lot (bushels) and location of product at time of contaminating event.

1 1 1 I i i t i t j  !


i iL i i i i 1 j l

Page 7 '

! 11/18/35 l 1 i I l I


                                                 ;v                                                                                                       -

1 l Equipment and supplies: Plastic bass 18" X 18" 4 1 Site selection: MeatmarketsorslaughterhouseswhichobtaintheiranimalsfromloAal i areas. 1 j Precautions: ' i

1. Animals must have been slaughtered after the contaminating event.
2. Types of meat, e.g. muscle, liver, thyroid shoudl be sampled
  • separately.

4 i Sample collection: f

1. Collect approximately four pounds of specific type of meat product ,

and place in plastic bag and tie neck of bag.

2. Label bag with collector's name, type of meat, location date_and time of collection.
3. Place in second ba5 and tie.

Complete Sample Data Form indicating location where animal was a. raised, date of slaughter and type of feed given to animal. ,


1 1 1 I

                                                                                                                                                                                 .l j                                                                                                                                                                                   1 i

i Page 3 i 11/15'35 4 T - ewe -m -

                                                          -v- -
                                                                -r ,r., . .       w- -- ,   -- -,--yw--   .            4  --        --m-      , ,     -w*     a --,-w-+--e.    ,

EGGS Equipment and Supplies: ,

1. Plastic funnel
2. Cubitainer
3. Plastic bag 12" X 12" Site selection:

Collect directly at farm (preferably where hans are allowed outside), or store which sells local eggs. And remember, brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh! l Sample collection:

1. Collect enough eggs to nearly fill cubitainer.
2. Breat eggs and funnel into cubitainer.
3. Place shells in plastic bag and seal bag.

i 4 Screw cubitainer cap on tightly and seal with tape.

5. Label cubitainee and bag with last name of collector, location, time and date of collection.
6. Complete Sample Data Form. Note si:e of farm, whether or not hen feed outside and any other pertinent information.

1 Page 9 l e1/15/55 l i 1 1


1. Shovel
2. Geass sheses
3. Zip-lock bag Site Selection:

Sites should be selected which are representative of the region of interest and openly exposed to deposition. The area should be easily sampled, free of large rocks, trees, and other heavy vegetation. When possible, soil sampling sites should be near air sampling locations to provide some correlation between the two measurements. Precautions: Sites should not be selected which are affected by man-made or environmental factors such as mining, ecosion or flooding.

 ,,   Sample Collection:

Follow the steps listed below to collect and prepare a sample.

1. Select a zip-lock bag capable of holding four to five liters of soil.
2. Label the bag, using a waterproof marker. Sample numbee (if known),

last name of collector, location, time, and date of collection should be included.

3. Using a rulee, maek off an area 50 cm. by 50 cm. square (approx. 20 inch I 20 inch). Remove vegetation, stones larger than 1 cm.

diameter and othee debris from the area,

a. With a shovel, remove the diet outlined to a depth of 2.5 cm.

(approximatly 1 inch). .

5. Transfer the dirt to the sample bag and seal securely.
6. Cemplete the Sample Data Form and record all events on the Field Survey Form.

Psge 10 11/13/35

              -       .       .       ;_               -   .                          -           -   ~. .

MILK COLLECT!CNS Equipment and supplies:

     .        1. Sampling Bucket Cubitainee (a litee) 2.

2 Site selection: RAW MILI When eaw milk is sampled, the sample should be taken from cattle which have been gra:ing in the area of interest. PASTEURIZED MILK Pasteuei:ed milk samples should be collected from diary plants which are known to be supplied from the area of interest. 1 Precautions: , RAW MILK Care should be taken to choose cattle which have been grazing an not fed stored feed. PASTEURIZED MILK pasteurized milk is generally a blend of milk collected fecm many locations. Samples should be selected which have a known percentage of milk from the area of interest.

 ,       Sample Collections:

Follow the steps listed below to collect and prepara a sample. RAW MILI

1. Select and inflate a 4 litar cubitainee.
2. Label the cubitainer and the cap using a waterproof markee. Sample numbee (if known), last name of collector, location, number of cattle sampled, time and date of collection should be included.
3. Collect the milk in the sampling bucket. Ideally one liter each from four cows.

4 Transfer the milk from the sampling bucket to the cubitainer. Fill to within 2 cm of the top.

5. Screw the cubitainee cap on tightly, seal with tape, and check for leaks.
6. Complete the Sample Data Form and eecoed all events on the Field Survey Form.


1. Select and inflate a a liter cubitainee. l
2. Label the cubitainee and the cap using a waterproof marker. Sample number (if known), last name of collector, volume of milk which sample represents, percentage of milk from area of inteenst, time and date of collection should be included.
2. Collect the milk in the sampling bucket ce fill the ubitainer 4


a. Transfer the milk from the sampling bucket to the cubitainer. Fill to within 2 cm of the top.

l S. Screw the cubitainer cap on tightly, seal with tape, and check foe  ;

6. Complete the Sample Data Form and record all events on the Field Survey Form. I Page 11 s

11/13/35 l 1

                                                                                        . . . - -   .      ~.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE STANDARD OPERAT!NG PROCEDURE N DRINKING 'JATER COLLECTICNS Supplies: Cubitainees (a liter) Site Selection: The sampling site ce tap should be one that is known to be connected to the desired water system. The tap should 'e one that is frequently used. Precautions: No on-site treatment (water softeners, filter, etc.) should be connected during sample collections. Sample collections: - Follow the steps listed below to collect and prepare a sample.

1. Select and inflate a a-liter cubitainee.
2. Label the cubitainee and the cap using a wateepecof marker. Sample number (if known), last name of collector, location, time, and date of collection should be included.
3. Open the cold water faucet and allow it to flow until the water reaches its coolest natural temperature (approx. 2 min.)
a. Fill the cubitainee directly from the faucet until the water level is within 2 cm. of the top.
5. Screw the cubitainee cap on tightly, seal with tape and check foe leaks.
6. Complete the Sample Data Form and record all events on the Field Survey Form.
                                                                                                 . I I

Psge 12 l

                                                                                ';1/15/55 l f]                                                                                                    l
 \~_-)                                                                                                 l


1. Grass shears l 2. Inife

! 3. Large plastic bag Site selection: Sites should be selected which are espresentative ci the region of interest and openly exposed to deposition. Open pasture or fields with an even coveesse of broad leaf plants are ideal. When possible, vegetation sampling sites should be near air sampling locations to provide some coecelation between the two measurements. j Precautions: Sites should not be selected which are affected by man-maid or environmental factors such as mining, erosion, oc flooding. Samples should not contain significant quantities of vines or wooden stems. Sample collections: 1 Follow the steps listed below to collect and prepare a sample.

1. Select a large plastic bag capable of holding one kilogram of vegetation.
2. Label the bag using a waterpecof marker. Sample number (if known),

, last name of the collector, location, time, and date of collection should be included.

3. Using a ruler, mark off an area 1 meter by 1 meter square (appeox.

39.5 inches by 39.5 inches). Remove sticks and othee dabeis from the area.

a. With geass shears ce knife, cut the outlined vegetation 2.5 cm.

(approx. 1 inch) from the ground. ! 5. Transfer the vegetation to the sample bag and seal securely. 6., Comple the Sample Data Form and record all events on the Field Survey Fo ca. . Note:::::::In areas where vegetation' is sparse, it may be necessary to sample moee than one square meter to result in one kilogram of sample. If extended sampling is required, record the change on the Sample Report Form and in the same log. [\] page 13 lic15/^*- ' 1


1. Sampling bucket
2. Rope
3. Cubitainer (a litee)

Site selection: When a stream is sampled, ideally, the sample should be taken fecm mid-stream where the velocity is greatest and the possibility that any solids have settled is minimal.


When a late or reservoie is sampled, the sample should represent the water that makes up the larger portion of the reservoie. Operating tecm bridges, docks, or boats may facilitate open-water collections. Precautions: Caution should be exercised to avoid stirring up sediments and including them in the sample. If it is necessary to wade into the water, sample upstream of where you are standing. Sampling buckets should not be allowed to sink to the bottom. Oil slicks and other dabeis should be swept away prior to sampling. Sample collections: Follow the steps listed below to collect and prepare a sample.

1. Select and inflace a a-liter cubitainer.


2. Label the cubitainee and the cap using a wateepecof marker. Sample numbee (if known), last name of collectee, location, time, and dateof collection should be included.
3. Collect water in sampling bucket by dipping or casting as necessary.  ;


a. Transfer the water from the sampling bucket to the container. Fill '

to within 2 cm. of the top.

5. Screw the cubitainee cap en tightly, seal with tape, and check for leaks.
6. Complete the Sample Data Form and record all events on the Field Survey Form.

Page la s

                                                                                   '1/'3/35 1
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? I

6. Aerial Monitoring r

1 .I i i i i O 4 i t i 4 !G J 7 4 1 .1 8 Page 15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           , -                                                           i

__ r _ :.e :.: .- l l i I . i l l l l 1

          . .... . .. - - . ..-__-.. ._ , , . . _ , . . , . , - . .              . - . _ _ , , , , . , . _ , _ . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ _                    _ __ . . . . , _ _ . _ , . . .                       ,          _                      _ _ , . _ _ , _ _ . , _ . _ _ _ , . .l

APPENDIX C  ! CO?O!UNICATOR f f_s ATTACHMENT 1 l [\ j') . 0FF-SITE MONITORING SAttPLE LCC nlE: DATE: Time: (1) Flow Race (CFM) (9) Team # (2) Volume of Air Sampled (10) (Ft3) Location of Sample ID# (3) Background Count Race (11) (CPM) R02-A Y Waist Level (mR/hr) (4) Filter Paper Count Race (12) (CPM) R02-A 4-Y Waist Level (mR/hr) (5) SZ Cartridge (C?t!) (13) R02-A

g. y 2~ Above Ground (6) Smear Sample (CPM) (la)

Sample Period - Start (7) , Self-Reading Dosimeter (15) (mR) Sample Period - End (8)

  --                                                                              5       **



uCi/cc CF* (voi-ftJ) IODINE (12) - (10) = NCP!!

                              '                                 X 1.6 E-10 * (9)                =

uCi/cc (CPM) (Bkgnd) CF* (vol-ftJ) I < Y. X 2.0 E+6 X Inhalation Time (liours) = Inf ant Thyroid Dose (R) CF* = efficiency (10 dpm/ cpm), conversion frem dpm to uCi (4.5 E-7 uCi/dgs), conversion from ft3 to cc (28320 cc/ft#)- Os t >


ER-5.2C Rev. 02

i APPENDIX C j ATTACHMENT 2 MEI!OROLOGICAL DATA Sarometric Pressure in. . Wind Speed sph , Wind Direction (FROM) deg. Wet Bulb Temperature oy Dry Sulb Temperature CF Is it raining? (Circle one) YES NO i j Baremetric Pressure in.

!       Wind Speed                                                                                                                          sph Wind Direction (FROM)                                                                                                                deg.

Wet Bulb Temperature CF Dry Sulb Temperature CF Is it raining? (Circle one) YES NO t Baremetric Pressure in. Wind Speed sph Wind Direction (FROM) deg. Wet Bulb Temperature of Dry Bulb Temperature oy Is it raining? (Circle one) YES NO Sarometric Pressure in. Wind Speed mph Vind Direction (FROM) deg. Wet Bulb Temperature CF Dry Bulb Temperature CF i Is it raining? (Circle one) YES NO-i

                                                                                                                                                      '.1.'13 / 3 5 a




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               \                                                          !                                                                  :ial cen:amina: ice : ne.
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                                                                                                                             -                               C
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                     ' SEAERCCX STATICN-UNIT 1 & 2                                                                                          "l.4g'*                y gjcy{     y             ~



   ' l. Three (3) types of phones are available in the TSC.         2898'1 Of I
a. Seabrook Scacion PBX Extensions (Ivory colored pnone sets) which can be operated by the user using any of the features shown in Ac:achment 1. Availability of chase features are assigned to in-station extensions or Seabrook off premise extensions.


1. To contact the Control Room or the Operational l Support Center, the user has co just call the Seabrook 4 digit extension.
2. To contact any EUF staff member assigned a Seabrook Of f premise Ex:ension (ie, Response Manager), the user has to dial the a digit extension.
3. To concac: any EOF scaff member assigned a Newington PSX Extension, the user has to dial the Newington access code 89- then the 3 digic Newington PSX extension nummer.

4 To contact any EOF scarf member assigned a Centrex line (private line), che user has to dial 1-5-433-XXXX. , 3. In the event that the communicacion path be-tween Seabrook and Newing en is blocked, the user can dial 83 to access ihnchester, enen 71 to access Newington and then any Newington PSX Extension.

b. Seabrook Station Manchester Off premise Extensions (31ack colorad phones) are availaole for use in :he evene that the station switch is lose. Thase phones by pass the scacion switch via a microwave link to Manchester. These phones are provided with features unich are available to Manchester PABX (ie, switch).

L. To contact the EOF, che user must dial 71-any designated Newington PSX Extension.

2. To con:ac: any in plant locacion,such as :he Control Room, the usar must dial 63- any Seaorook Scacion PBX Extension.
3. To contac: any outside local.or.long dis:anc numoer, :he user must dial 1 any local number or 1-3 any long distant cuso e r.
c. NRC Emergency Nocificacion System scacion (Rec colored phone se:s) is an auco-ring down line :o :he Region :/

HDQS Operacion is aucomatic when the receiver is lif:ed of f-hook (See pages 2-4 of the Emergency Notification System Manual).- Er43 11/'_5/55

Page 2 cf 7

    .           r.u.e
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_aC.r. nC.a. a. u- .m.- C t! . _:

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m.a.v. t . NLF.SER I. Technical Sue: Ort Center (Cel r Code L'nicue :: -lev .i - '5'

1. Site bergency Direc:Or x3201 a. Black ?hene - Manchester Cff-premise Extensten x3950 b. Vnite ?hene - Seabreck PSX Ex ensten
2. Cesignated ECF Res;cnse Phene x3951 a. Vaite ?hene - Seabreck PSX Extension
3. Cesignated CSC Respense ?hene x3952 a. Waite Phone - Seabreck ?"X Extensten .

4 TSC Reacter Eginee-x3953 a. 'inite ?hene - Sea:reck FEX h:ensten

5. T5C Egineering Cecrdinater x3953 a. '#ite ?hene - Seabr:ck PSX Extension
6. UC HP Cecrdinator x3955 a. Vnite Phone - Seabreck PSX Extensien
7. TSC Maintenance Cecrdinater x3956 a. 'inite Phene - Seabreck ?SX Extensten
8. UC Chemistry Cecrdinater x3957 a. Waite ?hene - Seabreck ?SX Extension
9. T3C I & C C0crdinator x3958 a. Wnite Phene - Sea:reck ?SX Extensten
10. TEC C =unicater l

l x3959 a. Vnite ?hene - Seabreck PSX Extensten -

11. T2C NRC Systems Staff x3960 a. Vatte ?hene - Sestreck PEX Extension
12. 'CISD b gineering Sup;crt x3962 a. *hite a Phene - Sesbreck ?SX Extensi:n
13. NRC Technical Sup;cr: Cecidina:Or x3202 a. Black Phcne - Mancheste- Cff-premise Ex:ensi:n

3 1 Page 3 cf 7 NLHEER

  /                              lu. MFCS Ter=inal ?hene x3963                          a.    'ini:e ?hene - Seabreck ?SX Extensten
15. TSC Cecu:en: centrcl Center
a. 'ahite ?hene - Seabrock PSX Extensten x396u .

II. Ceerational Succert Center

1. Radiclegical Centrels Cecrdinater x3965 a. Seige ?hene - Seabreck ?SX Extension
2. CSC Cecrdinater x3966 a. Seige Phone - Seabreck PSX Extension 3 PASS Cecrdinater x3967 a. Seige ?hene - Seabreck ?SX Extension 4 CSC NRC Recresentative s

x3965 a. SeiSe Phone - Seabreck ?SX Extension

5. HP/cperatiens cer ec:ive Actica Rec = '

x3969 a. Seige Phene - Seabreck ?SX Extension

6. HP/Cperatiens Ccrrective Acticn Recm .. ,. . . - . . ,

x3203 a. *hite g Phone - Manchester Cff-premise Extensten S

7. Health Physics Net-crk Phene cTa-xxxx ,
a. Ash Phene II:. Eher; Ccerations Facility
1. Response Manager xc205 a. 'ahite Phene - Seatrcck ?SX Extensten x212 5. Newingten Statien PSX Sta icn I
2. ECF Cecrdinater J i

xu206 a. *inite Phcr.e - Seacrcck Cff-premise Extensten l x413 b. Newingten Statien PSX Statien x513 c. C ange Phene - Nuclea- Ale.-: System Statien htSt I

Page'4 cf 7 ~

    . NLHSEE

/ 3 Technical Assistance x4204 a. Whi:e ?hene - Sea:reck Cff-p'remise ht - -.

5. Beige Phcne - Newingt:n Stati:n ?SX Stz: _-

4 Respense Manage- (?rivate Line) xu20 a. White Phone - Seabreck Cff-premise Extensten

5. NRC Public Affairs Cecrdinator 233-1425 a. Brcwn Phene - Centeex Line 333-1325 b. Erewn ?hene - Centrex Line
6. NRC Cirector of Site Operations x4207 a. White Phone - Seabrcck Off-premise hiensten
7. NRC ? otective Measures Cecrdinater 433-ic21 a. Brown Phene - Centeex Line
8. NRC hergency Response Cccedinator '

x41; a. Seige Phene - Newington Staticn PSX Statien 9 NRC E:nergency Respense C:crdinater 433-1322 a. Erewn Phone - Centeex Line

10. NRC Cn-site Tea::: Cecrdinater 333-1 20 a. 3 cwn Phene - Centrex Line
11. NRC Reacter Safety Cecrdinater
a. Red Phene - hergency Notification System
12. Security Cccedinator x4C5 a. Beige ?hene - Newti: sten Statien PSX Stanien 13 T aining Cecrdinater x407 a. Beige ?hene - Newington Station ?5X Statien 14 Mass CD Liaisen
      'xc i0          a. Beige ?hene - Newingten Stati:n ?3X Stati:n xi             b. C ange Phene - Nuclea- Alert System h ensi:n
15. Mass Health Cep:. Liaisen xu11 a. 3eige ?hene - Newingt:n Station 75X Stati:n
                ..                                                                                                                                               Page 5 of 7 3

[ 16. FE8A Representative xuC5 a. Eeige Phene - Newington Station ?3X St. . ::- , 1.,. . 3.

                                                                . c.. Cs- r- ., .3. 4

. x cCC a. 5eige Phene - Newington Station P3X Station x413 b. Crange Phene - Nuclea- Alert System Extension

18. M. Health Cept. Liaison x uC2 a. Seige Phene - Newingten Station ?SX Stati n i

x401 b. Beige ?hene - Station PSX Sta:icn 19 Acministrative Staff no line available a. Call Direct:r - Assigned 3 Seige Phenes 19a. A,9-.1:istrative Assistant t33-1423 a. Brown Phone - Cen: rex Lilne

20. Material /Legistics Cecrdinater -
  • 433-1429 a. Erewn Phene - Centrex Line
21. 'CISD Radiation 5 ::ection Representa:ive x415 .
a. Beige ?hene - Newing: n Statien PEX Station
22. *C!SD Mcbile T1.D Van Cecrdinater l x408 a. Heige Ph ne - Newingten Stacien FSX Sta:icn

,4 4 23 UE&C Representative , 333-1418 ,

a. Er:wn ?hene - Centrex Line ,.

, 24 '4estinghcuse Representative ' .i / 233-1319 a. Erewn Phene - Cent: ex Line

25. Cec _nent Centrol Cen:er Cccedina: r x uC9 a. Beige Phene - Newingt:n Stacien ?5X Stati:n
25. Cesi=e:ry Assistan:

x cCu a. Eeige Phene - Newington Station ?5X Stati:n i

27. ECF Telec:py Stati:n 233-1217 a. 'h.ite ?hene - Sesbr:ck Cff-prec:ise Ex:ensi:n r


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5, i Page 6 c' 7 l


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                                 ... r.o.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         !
28. Ccse Assess =en Specialist  ;

i xu203 a. Vatte ?hene - Seabreck Cff-preise Ex - " ~- , l c c.. '3.v" 4 4 :-102J

                                   ..                                                   a.       Erew. ?hene - Centrex Line                                                                                                                                       !

1 i I

30. NRC i i

I b 433-142c a. Brown ?hene - Centrex Line Cf.e -s..e

a. -
                                                                                                                  *cn<..          >..

2s. . . . .

xuiT a. 3eige ?hene - Newingten Statien ?EX Sta:icn I
32. F.mergency Cc.:=unications Center Di: ecter ,


;                               xu18                                                    a.       Beige Phone - Newingten Statica ?SX Statten                                                                                                                      ;

4 j x4*9 b. Beige ?hene - Statien ?SX Statien 4 33 Sample Analyst i l x42C a. Eeige ?hene - Newingten Statien ?SX Sta:icn O

34 Ccnference ?.ccm

} x u2CS a. Wnite ?hene - Sesbrcck Cff-preise Ex:ensica

35. Cce; crate Supper:

l x42C2 a. Wnite ?hene - Seacrcck Cff-;reise Extensten

36. Industry Supper Liaisen l

x221 a. Beige Phene b j ,

37. .lcin: Liaisen t.

} x22C1 a. Wnite ?hene - Seatrcck Off-preise Ex ,ensien , i

38. Health & Safety Cccccinatcr

} zu22 a. Eeige Phene - Newinsten Statien ?5X Sta-icn ' i . l 39. Licensing Superviser  ; a 3 4 4:.1-1027 a. Erew. ?hene - Cen: rex Line i 4 i j P

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l Page 7 of 7

   ,   NLHEER 433-1211           3    Treep A. Cc=mander u33-12C0           4    State Highway Divisten Engineer                        ,

433-1401 5. Fish & Ga=e Cfficer 433-1402 6. Red C. ess Representative 433-1303 7. IFO '4elfre Representative 433-1200 3. National Guarc Cpera icr.s Officer 433-12C5 9 .' 5 cat Safe:7 Assistan: Supprviser 433-1a06 10. CFHS HP Assistan: 433-1n07 11. EMS Representative 433-1 08 12. NHCOA Field Technician 433-1009 13. NHCOA Field Technician V. NH CCA Recm B 433-1415 1. NH IFO Telecepy 433-1416 2. NH COA Field Technician xu13 3  ?.bclear Aler: System (Crange ?hene) Newingten ?3X 3 MH COA Cccedi .ater (3eige Phcr.e) VI, pl[ CFM Recm (Eeige Phenes) Newingten ?5% 1. NE CFH Liaisen Newingten PSX 2. W. CFH Cecrdinatcr VI:. NRC Meeting F.ccm (Centrex Lines - Brewn Phenes)

1. MRC Conference Phene
2. NRC Technical Assistan:

3 NRC Technical Assistant _O

i APPENDIX E DIRECTICNS TO IF0/ EOF AT NEWINGTCN STATION FROM: CONCORD From the Health & Human Services Building on Ha:en Drive, take Loudon Road East to where Routes 4, 202 and 9 converge. Continue to tratel East to Epsom Traffic Circle. East on Route a, 202 and 9 to Lee Traffic Circle. Stay on Route 4 to Portsmouth. Where Route 95 bears to the right and the main road to Portsmouth center bears to the left, turn left. You will pass the Issac Dow Restaurant on the right and the Bean Farm Mini-Mall on the left. Travel to the third set of stop lights, you will pass the Fox Run Mall and'the Newington Mall (both'on the right). At the third light, turn left. Drive about 1/a to 1/2 a mile, watch for the Newington Station sign and driveway on the left. Give identificatict; to guard and enter the locked zone. b i l l l 1 \ 1021o 1;f_3/35

N APPENDIX F NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES FIELD DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURE I. General A. Guidelines i B. Personnel Equipment and Supplies C. Decontesination Center Setup II. Monitoring and Decontamination Procedures A. General B. Personnel Monitoring , C. Personnel Decontamination i I D. Vehicle Monitoring E. Vehicle Decontamination F. DOSINETERS AND CHARGER OPERATION

;                   III. Attachments
1. Personnel Radiological Monitoring Report Forms
2. Yehicle Monitoring Report Forms
3. Monitoring Equipment and Operational Procedures 4 Inventory
5. Local Decontamination Center Floor Plans {
6. Daily Dosimeter Log i

i l l 1080o 11/27/85 ) l t I .- - _ _ - . . . - . _ . . _ . _ . . _ . ._ _ . , _ , _ _ . - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . - _ _ . - . _ _ . .

APPENDIX F I. General A. Guidelines

1. A screening station shall be set up prior to entering the area to determine the level of decontamination required. If necessary, instructions on disrobing procedures will be given bere.
2. From the screening station, the individual shall be' guided to a change area where contaminated clothing and personal belongings shall be begged and identified, and deposited in containers marked with the appropriate symbols and caution signs.
3. The individual will then enter the shower area.


4. A post-shower screening station shall be setup to determine if re-entry to the shower is necessary.
5. Upon successful decontamination, the individual will then be i guided through to a separate change room where individual towels and a change of clothing will be provided.
6. Decontamination personnel may survey the area at any time.

At their discretion, they may collect and remove contaminated equipment, supplies, clothing, etc., to designated areas; perform area surveys and personal monitoring; clean the decontamination area; and otherwise take appropriate corrective 1 actions to limit their own exposure to radiation. j B. Personnel Equipment and Supplies

1. Personnel assigned to conduct decontamination procedures l

shall be supplied with the appropriate personal protective equipment and the supplies necessary to accomplish the procedure, including, but not limited to:

a. Personal Protective Supplies and Equipment (1) disposable coveralls, or other similar full body protective clothing; (2) disposable gloves, hats, shoes, or shoe ,

coverlets; and l l (3) face shields, vented goggles, or other appropriate protective equipment. 3

b. Supplies (1) personal dosimeters and survey instruments O for contamination;

F-2 (2) soaps, detergents, and other appropelate cleansing supplies; (3) colored tape, and other disposable supplies that would serve as barricades and visual guidance; ) (4) disposable floor coverings; l (5) containers, bags, etc., for collection of contaminated clothing, towels, etc., and bags for personal belongings, with tags or other means of identification; I (6) radiation signs and symbols to designate restricted areas and to label containers and bags; (7) a supply of individual towels; (8) a supply of coveralls or other clothing and foot coverings to be worn after decontamination; and, i (9) sheets or clothing to be worn to the shower. 1

2. Attachment 4 gives guidelines for specific personnel and equipment, and the number required and available.

l 4 . I j 11-27-85



1. Inventory and operationally check equipment in accordance with Attachment 3.
2. Set up interior of station as shown in Attachment 5.
a. Remove any unnecessary equipment or material from the controlled area.
b. Cover all floor surfaces with plastic sheeting.

Secure plastic to the floor with duct tape, 1

c. Cover the plastic with paper or similar material in

{ areas where personnel traffic is expected. This will ' reduce the slip hazard caused by the plastic.

d. Cover all stationary devices in controlled area not needed for operation of decontamination station with plastic.
e. Arrange contaminated waste containers as shown in Attachment 5. Line each container with a plastic trash bag.
f. Construct step-off pad by taping a large plastic trash bag to the floor. Cover this by taping two layers of paper over trashbag,
s. Arrange items such as towels, soap, paper coveralls, forms, etc., in such a way that they are readily available.
h. If required, line the 21/2 gallon bucket with a plastic trash bag, then fill half the bucket with kitty litter. Place the bucket in decontamination section of controlled area.
1. Set up monitoring points at entrance to station and exit of showers / washing area.
3. Prepare exterior of decontamination station as shown in Attachment 5.
a. Rope off or mark traffic flow into station. This includes marking off a vehicle monitoring area and clean vehicle parking.

11/27/85 i


s F-4
b. Mark out routes fece monitoring and parking areas to entrance of decontamination station.


c. Set up preliminary monitoring area for personnel outside of decontamination center to determine whether

! personnel are contaminated. NOTE: Outer clothing of personnel should be monitored prior to their entering the j decontamination station. Contaminated protective clothing such as turnout gear, SCBA's etc., can be

,                                                                              removed and bagged at this point to reduce i
'                                                                              radiation and contamination levels inside the station.
d. Designate a vehicle decontamination area.


4. Assign personnel to operate station as follows:


a. Vehicle monitoring:

(1) Two emergency workers should be assigned. I Recommended protective clothing is paper coveralls

!                                                                             with rubber gloves and boots under rain suit.

1 (2) They should have the following equipment and materials: a) 1 CDV-700 survey meter; 4 b) 12 large plastic garbage bags; c) 1 roll of duct tape; j d) 1 magic marker; j e) 1 clipboard; 4 f) 1 flashlight;

g) 1 box, plastic surgical gloves; and h) 1 copy of applicable procedures.
b. Personnel monitoring:

1 (1) Three emergency workers should be assigned. f Protective clothing should be paper coveralls with l plastic surgical gloves. i

c. Personnel decontamination

I ! (1) Two emergency workers should be assigned to I

!                                                                             accomplish personnel decontamination. Protective j                                                                              clothing should be paper coveralls with plastic I

surgical gloves. 1 l i 11/27/85 I i

  , , _ , , - -       ,- , - - . - - - ~ . - -
     .- -     _ . ~ . . . . -       ,__                   . - - -                                    _      .               -                    -          . _ _ . _ . --                     --. --- _ _                           _


d. Clerical personnel:

(1) to run paperwork between monitoring points, l

e. One extra emergency worker i
(1) to use where needed,
f. Station supervisor - one -;

(1) Additional personnel should be placed on standby to provide for 24-hour operation of the

station, i

! 5. Report any unne*. personnel or equipment needs to the I Nonitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator at the IF0/ROF in Newington.

6. If requested by Nonitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator.

begin station operations. II. MONITORING DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURRS A. General 4

1. The primary instruments for monitoring personnel and i

equipment indoors are the CDV-700 Low-Range survey meter. 4

2. Decontamination personnel will wear Thermoluminescent i

Dosimeters (TLD) at all times. In addition, two self-reading

                                               " pocket types" shall be worn:                                                                           CYD-138 (0-200 mR) and CDV-730 i                                               (0-20R).


3. Decontamination personnel will read their pocket chamber dosimeters every thirty (30) minutes while engaged in decontamination activities.
4. Decontamination personnel should not be allowed to receive more than 5 R total exposure unless sanctioned by DPHS.

j . .-- - B. Personnel Monitoring i

1. The following procedures should be used in conducting radiological monitoring of any person entering the decontamination area after deposition of radioactive material.

Record data on Attachment 1. Personnel Radiological Monitoring

!                                           Form.

j 11/27/85 i k e e 4 1---. ---,-,.,--e -- - -,.._,.~,.n -

                                                              - ~ . , - . - _ . . , , . , , _ . - - - , , .       , - - - - . , - - - - , - - , - - - -                    -_.--,,,,e--., ,. ,       w.    -- wn.- --,n-, ,, - . , . - - - - , -


a. Have person remove all outer garments and shoes immediately upon entering the entrance of the decontamination area.

(1) Monitor coat, hat & shoes to determine whether contaminated. (2) If contaminated, plastic bag, labeled with person's name, until decontamination can be performed.

b. Conduct monitoring survey of the person according to the following guidelines:

(1) Use the headphones on the CD7-700. (Listen i to the audio output rather than watching the i meter.) A "Not Spot" will be indicated by an

,                                 increase in audio output, allowing you to go back, l                                 now looking at the meter, to determine exact spot.

(2) Open side-window probe of the CDV-700. (3) Hold the probe parallel to the subject and ! 1/2 inch - 1 inch from the person. (4) Monitor the hands first, then have the person assume the " spread-eagle" position (Refer to Illustration 1), i (a) If hands are contaminated, cover with t plastic baggie or plastic wrap until monitoring survey is completed. (5) Next, monitor the head, back of the neck, shoulders and continue down to the arms and body , to the feet. (75 Ta monitor bottoms of feet, have

;                                            person lean against a wall (with hands covered if contaminated) for balance while he/she lifts one foot at a time.


            ,                    (6) DO NOT move the probe too fast - only about 1 inch per second. The average personnel monitoring should be performed in 3-5 minutes per person.

(7) If probe becomes contaminated, use a different instrument. Probe can be protected by wrapping it with pir.stic wrap or inserting it into a finger of a disposable surgical glove. 11/27/85 l

4 F-7

2. A person will be considered to be contaminated if readings are more than 100 counts per minute above background. (This limit may be adjusted by DPHS according to prevailing radiation levels outside.)


3. Persons with contaminated clothing should be asked to disrobe completely before leaving the entranc'e for the shower facility.
a. Sheets or disposable clothing are available for )

person to wear to the shower facility. l

b. Should it be necessary for a person to disrobe completely, it is imperative that the person's dignity is maintained to the highest degree possible.

C. Personnel Decontamination:

1. Determine'which of the following decontamination methods to use:
a. Washing with soap and tepid (body temperature) water over the container filled with kitty litter. This method is recommended when:

1 (1) Contamination is limited to small, localized areas of the body such as hands, feet or a small patch of skin. (2) Only a limited quantity of water would be necessary to accomplish decontamination. (3) The time consuming use of the container with kitty litter method doesn't result in a backlog of personnel awaiting decontamination. NOTE: The primary advantage of this method is that it prevents contamination of sinks, and showers and does not discharge 1 contamination to the sewer system.  ! I

b. Washing with soap and water using installed sinks is recommended when:

(1) The time consuming use of the container with titty litter method results in a backlog of personnel awaiting decontamination. (2) The number of individuals requiring decontamination would result in use of larger quantities of water that would overloed the i capacity of the kitty litter. 11/27/85



F-8 (3) Contamination is limited to a localized area of the body.

c. Showering is recommended when: l (1) The individual is uniformly contaminated over a large portion of the body.

(2) The previous methods would require too much time and result in delays in decontamination of other personnel.

d. A combination of showering and one of the other hathods, as appropriate, is recommended in situations where:

i (1) An ladividual is contaminated over a large portion of the body but has " hot spots" such as I hands, fingernails, hair, etc., which are contaminated to much higher levels than other  ; portions of the body. ,. l In these cases the " hot spots" should be ' pre-washed with soap and water followed by a complete shower. j

3. Have the individual move to the decontamination section of the controlled area.  !

NOTE: Ensure that the individual does not contaminate other areas of his body during this time. 4. Procedures for decontamination of localized areas:

a. Lightly wet the affected area
b. Using soap, gently work up a lather
c. Gently wash the area for about one minute, taking care not to irritate the skin
d. Rinse the area using as little water as possible
e. Monitor area to ascertain whether another washing l 1s needed
5. Shower procedures for decontamination:


a. Use sufficient amounts of water with mild soap (not granulated on soft skin).
b. Pay particular attention to hair, armpits, fingernails and body orifices.
c. Keep mouth and eyes closed while under shower to avoid ingestion of contaminated particles.


F-9 % 4

d. Take care not to allow fingernails to scratch skin,
e. If hands are heavily contaminated and do not come clean with the first two (2) scrubbings, use mixture of granulated detergents and cornmeal.
6. Re-monitor person after shower.

a.. If readings are still above 0.5 mR/hr repeat showering process paying particular attention to " hot spots".

7. Send person to medical facility if he/she cannot be decontaminated.
8. If the person remains in the decontamination area for an extended period, clothing should be decontaminated by washing and returned to owner.

D. Vehicle Monitoring

1. The following procedures should be used in conducting radiological monitoring of any vehicle entering the decontamination area after desposition of radioactive material.

Record data on-Attachment 2. Vehicle Monitoring form.

a. Establish and periodically verify background radiation level.
b. When monitoring a vehicle with CDV-700 survey meter, headphones must be used.


c. A reading of greater than or equal to 100 cpm above background indicates the vehicle is contaminated.

d. Monitor the entire external area of the vehicle. Areas most likely to be contaminated are the wheel wells, radiator grill, air filter and attached equipment used in a response effort. e.*Begin survey of vehicle at the bottom of the vehicle and work up. Consider all surfaces of the vehicle contaminated until proved monitoring.

f. Avoid contact with potentially contaminated surfaces of the vehicle to prevent contaminating yourself.

g. only Monitoring when: of internal areas of vehicle is necessary (1) vehicle is externally contaminated, or (2) personnel transported in vehicle are contaminated. 11/27/85 _,_y,,.,e.-=c.-+-we-w-*-er-ev-"'"* * " " " ' ' * " " ' "

  • d F-10 E. Vehicle Decontamination
1. Ensure that all-areas of contamination on the vehicle have l been pinpointed and accurately recorded on the Vehicle Contamination Report.
s. If only localized contamination areas have been identified on the vehicle proceed as follows:

(1) lightly wet contaminated area; (2) using soap, work up a lather; (3) continue to wash for one minute-in such a way as to prevent spreading of the contaminants; (4) rinse using minimal water; and (5) monitor decontamination progress. (6) This procedure should be repeated until' decontamination is complete.

b. If large arsas or the entire vehicle is contaminated:

(1) hosing the vehicle by fire apparatuses may be needed for decontamination; (2) if practicable, a car wash could be utilized to achieve decontamination. NOTE: These procedures should be sanctioned by Department of Public Health personnel. Contaminated water must be monitored to insure either containment or safe disposal into a waste facility.

3. Continue washing procedures until decontamination is complete (i.e. less than 100 cpm over background using a CDV-700 meter).

F. Dosimeters and charger operation A dosimeter is used to measure your body's accumulated exposure to radiation. It measures the total amount of radiation your body is exposed to just as the odometer in your automobile measures the total miles traveled. A pocket clip is provided so that it may be fastened to your other clothing.

1. Point the dosimeter at a source of light - even a match, a candle, or a flashlight.will do - and observe the position of the hairline indicator. If the line is visible and less than about one quarter up-scale, record the reading. If the line is above one-quarter scale or not visible, the dosimeter must be zerced. A charger is required to zero a dosimeter. -

l l 11/27/85 8



I F-ll

                \                                       2.      To operate the dosimeter charger, loosen the thumbscrew in the top or bottom center of the charger with a coin and remove the bottom of the case.            Install a battery, observing polarity

(+ and -), and reassemble.

3. Position the charger on a' flat, steady surface. Unscrew the cap on the charging contact and place the end of the dosimeter 1

(opposite the pocket clip and eye piece) on the charging contact l of the charger. (See figure 3.)

4. Apply a fira downward pressure. You should see a meter scale and a hairline while looking through the dosimeter. If no line is visible, rotate the control knob of the charger until a i

line appears.

5. Set the line on, or slightly above, zero using the control 4 knob. (See figure 5.)

i i 6. To read the dosimeter at any time, point it at a source of 1 i light and note the reading by looking through the dosime.cer. I j The reading in figure 4 is 45 millirogentgens. Your accumulated l


exposure, in Roentgens or millirogentgens (R or mR), is the l number you now read less your initial reading. 4 i l 11/27/85 l

             . . , , .                   .,__.-,__,.n,      _ ,
                                                                    -.,,n,.       , _ .       . . _ , . , _ , - , _ . , . , _ . . . . , , , , , . - , . _ . - + , - - _ _ . - , _ - ~

m .



                                                                                       '! /

I i

  • RQ%

h . r ~

                     ^$$h$llk. .
                                      -Mit                                  d i
                                                                                  /          4; 14                       e                                                    ,

4 4, Decontamination Monitoring at 11/18/85 i O

  - -       ..        .     .           .        . - . -                   -.      =                        .         _ _ _ _ _         -          -                       _.


  • Monitor's or Recorder's Signature X i

Decontaminatibh cantar Survey Meter Serial i DATE' TIME $E SECOND Radiological Monitoring - to be completed 'after person' has undergone

  • decontamination faciuding acquiring radiologically " clean" clothing. ~

{ Monitor's or Recorder's Signature I - l DacontaminatioE can*-=" Survey Meter Serial # DATE m

                                                                                                               ' TIME                                Ba                         !

THIRD Radiological &nitrring - to be coupleted'after person has undergone decontamination a second cine. Monitor's.or Recorder's Signatura x Decontiminatich canter - Survey Meter serial i DATE TIME, 7E ANATOMY ru5i knuskTNG 5ECOND hauunING head - com

                                                                                                            ' THIRD hiwg Jace.

com- cm ^ neck . rt. shoulder -  : rt. arm  ! rt. hand -


rt. side ' ' rt. outsideles rt. foot - rt. inside les- - - groin : - it. inside les . lt. foot I t' it. outside leg a it. side it. hand - lt. arm - It. shoulder ' ' chest stomach bacic k h[ buttocks Medical Referral - subject individual sent to hospital for decontamination and/or treatment at (TD!E)

                        .                                                                          am on (DATE)                                       .

y em 4' 4 . l m 11/18/85


     \                                                                                          APPENDIX F ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 Of 1 VEHICLE MONITORING REPORT FORM DATE:

VEHICLE OWNER / TIME /DATE REGISTRATION DRIVER AREAS CONTAMINATED DECONTAMINATED INITIALS l i NOTES: Take all contamination surveys with beta window open. Decontamination required when contamination levels area greater than 100 cpm above background.

I i APPENDIX F Attachment 3 Page 1 of

                                                                                . MONITORING EQUIPfENT AND PERATIONAL PROCEDURES A.                 COV-700 SURVEY RATE ETER                                                                                                 ,

Operational Check for COV-700

1. Check vi9=11y to see that fresh batteries are in place. If not, insert them, observing the indicated polarity.
2. Turn the selector switch to the'x10 range.
3. Allow 30 seconds for warm-up time.

4 Open the probe shield and place the open area directly against the check source. There should be a deflection of the meter needle indicating that the instrument is responding to radiation. , 5. Detamine the background radiation level by setting the ) - instrument on the mesti sensitive scale (x1) and observing it for

about 30 seconds.
!                                                                                                                                                                                                              i I

1 l i I 4 1 } i

  • s.


  -~-----,,,,--,w.--,,------,-,,n  ,na-_,,,,---.--..----,--.,-_.---,,,_-.,n,,-.,,,__._,,-._                          ,,,_,,,--,-,,,-,--,w,---..--.-,-----.-.,~,,-,                    . . . . , , , , , , -
                                                                        .             -APPENDIX F i

4 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 2 I '


s ITEM Nunber Comments REQ. AVAIL. Personnel - Personnel Monitoring 3 Perscnnel Decontamination 3 Venicle Monitoring 2 Supervisor 1 COV-700 Survey Meter w/ headphones 6 COV-138 Dosimeters,0-200mR'10 COV-730 Dosimeters,0-20 R 10 , COV-750 Dosimeter charger 1

               . Kitty Litter                     ,

1 50/lb bag

               . Sandwich-size plastic bags          30 ea.

Kitchen-size plastic bags 36 ea. Garden-size plastic bags 36 ea. , Floor coverings for controlled areas 1 roll 2" cloth auct tape 6 rolls 0-cell batteries 1 box 3X5" cards 1 pkg Black magic markers 6 ea. Cliccoarcs 6 ea.


                                                                             )T ,                                                     Attachment 4 Page 2 of 2 Item                                 $mm                                        Comments
      %                                                              Num,bers                                                     .

, Scissors 1 pair l Trash cans - 5 gallon 4

                                                                                 '5 1

Trash containers - 14 gallon 2 ' \ )_ Mas' king' tape 6 rolla Yellow tape / rope . t

          '                                                 1 roll (

for visual guidance j. , i I-2 ! '. y ' i Papertowels 1 case' - Pa' pef coveralls. 20 pair;, (-,. y . t t ) -

                        . Disposable gloves                 2 boxest'

) - . e i e --


Shoe covering 10 pain - ,1 * ] Rubber Bo,'.s 10 pair $ . s,c 1 , Plastic rain suits 10 3 4 . Face shields 10 - Ivory Soap 2 bars' j Granulated Detergents . 1 e ? '

h i

e 4 .


       - -.=. . -. .                                  . - - -            - _.                 . . - . _ - - . -    -  -        . . . . . . .           _ . _ . ..


Take exit 7 from the Spaulding Turnpike to Rte. 108. Go south on 108 o the High School, which is on the right.

i i i ! M PARKING LOT i 3

                                                                                                                                             'l    !N j                                                                                                                           to girl's             to boy s locker room              locker room I                                                                                                                                                                    '

i i I 1 i 4 i l I i f i Route 108 l 1 I 4

DOVER 1 i I Girl's Locker Room t 1 1 ten


shower , to gym l stalls 1 l 1 l i

'I l

j 1 office i a e i W w i 3 shower 0 I stalls i. I J j === = Office toilets and lava , i, ) from parking lot i i I

1 ' l l .{ Boy's Locker Room DOVER l i 2 I i l i I t ( 1 1 l i 1 ! l i  : . i i l l .

1 i

,i i t l i l +i to gym 4 lockers l l i


j open showers toilets and lavs. , 1 i i i

!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      l l


  • I i I 4

3 ? 1 i lockers i i t i i i office office i ( i i w i } I j from parking lot E


i i i !- DURHAM i l i DECONTAMINATION CENTER l l I i i I. , l (NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME) , , 1 I j l I } l 4 . 1

1 l

i i i i I i l 1 i $ = 4 1 1 i < i t i i l i l ) J

  • 1 i, a 6

e vyey., .-,w---wrwwww c ww- -w www- - -. - - -,.---- --ww-s--

1' MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL, MANCHESTER, NH 1 Take exit 1 from I-293 in Manchester on to South Willow Street going j north. Turn right on to Weston Road. Go to South Porter St. and turn left. Memorial High is ahead on the left. l. d 1 4 i i ) I I 1 i

!                                                                                           1 j                                                                            to b_oy's locker room 1

parking lot as m i j to g y1's locker room  ; I ? l

!                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l i

4 1 ( ) i l 4 1 i 4 j .. j 'm

   . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ - _ - . _ ~ . _ , _ _ . - _ _ ~ _ _                                              , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ... _ ___.... _ _.. . _ _ _ _ __._, -

i i ! MANCHESTER l i 7 1' i i Girl's Locker Room I i i e i I l l 8 l l < 1 to gym four eight shower , i shower stalls i i stalls t, i i ) i i 1 i office r j i i 1 1 i 1 eight shower i i stalls I four

                                                                                                ' "~

! shower stalls H -l . from parking lot l i

  . . - - - . _ . ~ . ~ . . . . . , - , . - - - - . . - . _ - - . . . . . .                                _ _ _ . .                . _ - . _ _ . _ , _      m.._,----.....-__..,._

MANCHESTER Boy's Locker Room

                                                               ,        i   i      e i        e i \/ '

I to gym a W e M o o a - W e 8

 .c a

e - k e a

  $                              e
 .c                            a a                              u a                               o m

office i, . I i from parking lot

                                                                                         * ~

NASHUA TOWN GARAGE, NASHUA,NH i Take the F.E.Everett Turnpike to exit 5. i

 !                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~

.I l main entrance l _A i sink e i boile'r room i I I shower toilets i lockers stall 1 toilets open , 1 i shower hf i from parkiT% lockers sinks 4 lot 1 l i i l t .


! l i l i I ( l l l l to garage _ . _ . . . _ , _ _ _ _ - _ - , . . _ . . - . _ _ . _ , - - - _ , _ - _ - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . , _ - _ _ . ~ . _ . _ _ _ . - - . _ - _ _ _ _ , - - _ . _ - . - . _ , . . . - - _ _ -

r 4 1 j SPAULDING HIGH SCHOOL, ROCHESTER, NH Take exit 16 from the Spaulding Turnpike and turn left on to Route 202. 4 Go to Chesley Hill Road and turn left. Spaulding High is ahead on the ! left. i i i I i i j , I 1 , I i j . 1 , 1 1 I l __ 4 i boy's locker room { i 1 girl's locker room parking lot ]!

                                                                                                                                                        .                                                           l l

l 1 l 1 Chesley Hill Road i J h l l 4 l

ROCHESTER 1 I l 1 1 1 Girl's Locker Room 1 i I to gym lockers 1 1 i toilets and

                        ..                                    lavs.                                     I I


                            -                          12 shower stalls 1  R lj l from parking lot 4


4 4 i j ROCHESTER i i l i i l I

 \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l 1


}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  i Boy's Locker Room l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l i

J 1 ! Hto gym I f { .: l t i I t 1 i I l l 1 l f i lockers

  • i t I. t 1

t 4 I j toilets , i i and , 4 1  ! { 1avs. - l t I office 4 i

showers i .

I B r la 1 - I l s f from parking lot i I e l I i [ 1 we y--+-+----,-,--,w-y,- - -

  • c ewm-- mew op-m v- w - gn, -
                                                                                                        ,-yS.,-    - e,       e ,w.,e%-                             .me--v---ww.- -w - e, r* g -w ee=                                 - - -


l i i O SALEM HIGH SCHOOL, SALEM, NH Take exit 2 from I-93 on to Route 97 (Main Street) going east. Turn right on to Geremonty Drive (just after the Public Library on

Main Street). The High School is ahead on the right.

1 4 parking lot to girl's I to boy.'s e I I I i locker room locker room i

l _

Main Entrance j . 1 i 1 1 l i l i i l t i l j l Geremonty Drive l

A 4 f l SALEM 4


i i Girl's Locker Room i a t f toilets and lavs. ! = 4 I

 ,                                                   eight 1


shower four
;                                                                                       shower.

i , stalls stalls lockers i i

!                                                                    office i

l I .i l i I . . . from par cing lot l

                                                                                                                                                                                                 *    ~
   -,-,,--n,          , , . . . . . - , . , , ,,- .,-,,..-.n..,,-~..--                               rn,,-n.                     -----.---.n--,,-.-.~                         - - - - - - ,


!                                                                                                                                                    i i
 ,                                                Boy's Locker Room i

e , 4 i i

                                                                           -- to gym                    [ toilets and lavs.

l l i lockers . twelve

showers i

1 *

;1 1

4 office i office i i l 1 i I 4 I i' t '1i i i i from parking lot i i 4 i 4-e , t

arracunswr o [h DAILY DOSIMETER LOG

  '\v)       .

Today's Date: DAILY DOSIMETER LOG Name: Date of Birth: Age: S9cial Security Number: TLD Badge Number:


0-200 mR Dosimeter - Serial # Initial Reading (I) Final Reading (F) Exposure (F-I) 7s ( ) V TOTAL EXP. 0-20R Dosimeter - Serial # . Initial Reading (I) Final Reading (F) Exposure (F-I) TOTAL EXP.

                              -                                           11-27-85
                                            ~'                 --


1. 12 Pens
2. 12 Ptucils
3. 6 Magic Markers
4. 25 Blank Survey Forms
5. 23 Pads Community Survey Maps
6. 1 Box D-Cell Batteries
7. 1 MA State Map
8. 1 NH State Map
  • 1 Box Spare Fuses 9.
10. 1 Box Examination Gloves
11. 100 Foot of Radiation Rope
12. 2 Rolls of Masking Tape
13. 2 Rolls of Duct Tape la. 1 Eberline E-la0 Portable Count Rate Meter
15. 2 Eberline HP-210L Shielded Probes and Holder
16. 2 BNC Cables (Spares)
17. 2 Boxes of Particulate Filters
18. 1 DC Cable Air Samplers .
19. 25 Silver Ziolite Cartridges
20. 3 Spare Air Sampling Heads
21. 25 Sample Zip Lock Bass
22. 25 Glassine Envelopes 23, 1 Box of Smears 2a. 10 Sample Loss
25. 1 Eberline R02-A Ion-chamber
26. 2 Check Sources (CS-137 - CL-36)
27. 1 Stop Watch
28. 1 Tape Measure
29. 1 Tweezers
30. 1 Dosimeter Charger j 31. 1 Copy of ER-5.2
32. 1 7HF Portable Radio ADDIIIONAL EQUIPMENT: (available as needed)
1. 3 Full Face Respirators
2. 3 Iodine Canisters
3. 6 Sets of Protective Clothing (Paper)
a. 25 Pairs of Plastic Shoe Covers
5. 3 Pairs of Boots
6. Dosimetry l

1019o 11/15/85 l .__ __ _ .

g- . . . - . - - - - -. __ _ .-_ i i l APPENDIX H l PLANT STATUS REPCRT

1. Date Time 1
2. Classificaticn Level.

[] Unusual Event () Site Area Emergency () Alert [] General Emergency ^

3. Petecrolegical Cencitiens.

ninc speed mph hina cirecticn frcm l Stability class

Precipitaticn i

j 4. Racicactivity () has been releasec. [] has not been releasec. Time ccmmencec: Release terminatec: [] Yes [] No , Time terminatec:

!           Anticipatec cr kncwn curaticn of release                    hcurs Projectec ccse rate anc ccses:

1 Arrival Ccse Rate (Rem /hr) Integratec Cose (Rem) Time hhcle Bccy Thyrcic whole Eccy Thyrcia Site Ecuncary 2 miles 5 miles. 10 miles Affectec sectors:

5. Airectne Release Informatien.

Elevation cf release: ft. , Release rate ncele gas: Ci/sec i Release rate iccine: C1/sec Release rate particulate: C1/sec

6. Waterterne Release Infcrmaticn:

Vclume: liters Ccncentraticn uCi/cm3

7. Surf ace Spill Informaticn:  !

( Volume: liters I Ccncentraticn: uCi/cm3 I 1 Locatien-1



6. Surface Contaminaticn:
a. Cnsite: cpm /lC0cm2 i Lccation:

cpm /lC0cm2

 ,          b. Offsite:


 ;     9. Erief Cescripticn (Accicent, Plant Status):


10. Seabreck Staticn Emergency Response Acticcs in Prcgress:


11. Seabrcck Staticn Feccmmenced Protective Acticns:

Tcwns Shelter: [Erentwccc) [ East Kingsten] [Exeter] [Greenlanc] [Kingsten] [New Castle] [Nortthampten] [Portsecuth] [Seabrcck] [Stratham] [hampten] [Hampten Falls] [Kensingten] [Newfieles] [Newtcn] [ Rye] [Scuth Hampten]. Evacuate: [Erentwccc] [ East Kingsten] [Exeter] [Greenlanc] [Kingsten] [New Castle] [Northhampten] [Portsmcuth] [Seatrcck] [Stratham] [Hampten] [Hampton Falls] [Kensingten] [Newfielcs] [Newten] [ Rye] [Scuth Hampten].

12. PrcGncsis for hersening or Terminaticn:

l l i l- -. .



l ....__.......___....___. __...--_.... _______......... ..... ..._____......__.... ,

  • l l

l i i 1-a i 1 a i i a ,i , 1 4 i i l I



!                                                                                                                                                                                                                        l i                                                                                                                                                                                                                         \

l I 11/15/3'5 i 1

             . , _ _ _ _ -,, ,-~_ .,-_- -_ . . , . _ - - , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ .                          . . , .               .,_.,_..,,.,...._m_,__,__m_,_,_m,,_,.,,,,...,m__,,_-,,                    _ . . - . _


1. As of (time), we are at the [ UNUSUAL ENENT] [ ALERT] [ SITE AREA E9ERGENCY] [EhERAL DEREhCY] level.
2. The accicent involves F
3. At this time there has been [a] [no] release of racicactive l materials. SS foresees [nc] la near term] [a Icnq term] l pcssibility of a release. l 4 .

1 1 4 Prevailing wincs are tcward the at mph. This

 >          means that the plume [will) [cculc] ' traverse the tcwns of

[Erentwccc] [ East Kingston] [Exeter] [Greenlanc] [Kingsten] [New Castle] [hcrthhampten] [Pertsmcuth] [Seabrcck] [Stratham] [Hampten] [hampten Falls) [Kensingten] [Newfielcs] [Newten] [ Rye] [Scuth Hampten).

5. At ttds time there is [a] [nc] neec fcr protective acticns.


6. 'ne recctrinenc.
a. Public nctificaticn.
b. Centrol of access tc the EPZ.
'                                                                                             i
c. Sheltering of people in (Brentwccc] [ East Kingsten] [Exeter]

[ Greenland] [Kingsten] [New Castle] [hcrthhampten] [Portsmcuth] [Stabrcok] [Stratham] [Hampton] [Hampten Falls) i

           * [Kensingten] [Newfielcs]' [hewten]' [ Rye] [Scuth Hampten].
c. Evacuation of people in [Brentwccc] [ East Kingsten] [Exeter] l

[ Greenland] [Kingsten] [ hew Castle] [Northhampten] [Portsmouth] [Seabrock] [Stratham] [hampten] [Hampten Falls] [Kensingten] [Newfielcs] [hewten] [ Rye] [Scuth Hampten]. )

7. The ECC is [ partially] [ fully] cperaticnal.

The follcwing agencies are present Divisien cf Public health Welfare Civil Cefense Agency Red Crcss S, tate Felice State Highways O haticnal Guard Emergency Recical Services Agriculture Pupil Transportatien Safety Fish & Game Cepartment of Rescurces & Civil Air Patrol Econe:Pic Cevelopment Scating Safety Water Supply & Pollutien U.S. Ccast,Cuarc Centrol

6. The [ECF] [IFC] [Mecia Center] [is] [are] [are not] staffed at this time.
9. Public nctificaticn [has] [has not] been initiatec as of (time). he [co] [cc not] reccmmenc a press triefing at this time. The last briefing was given at (time).
10. We have ccmmunicatec with [MA ECC] [ FEMA /NRC] [ EPA (New England Ccepact)].

i w ' APPENDIX X Nm Potassium Iodide (II) Administration-


Ihis procedure provides guidance and instruction for the authorization, distribution and administration of radioprotective drugs (Potassium Iodide

             - KI) to local and state emergency workers.

A. The DPHS Director is responsible for authori:ing emergency workers to take II.

3. The NHCDA Director is responsible for informing local EDC's of the decision to take II.

C. The local ECC RADEF officers are responsible for informing local ECC emergency workers of the decision to tahe II. D. The IF0/ECT Coordinator is responsible for informing state emergency workers of the decision to take II. E. The IF0/ EOF EHIA is responsible for the administrative coordination sm of the issuence of KI. F. The state and local emergency workers are responsible for maintaining their KI record sheets.


The following actions are to be taken by the local ECC Radef Officers and the I?O/ EOF Field Monitoring Team / Decontamination Coordinator: Predistribution A. Upon arrival at the ECC, reaove the XI tablet bottles from their storage location and verify that the bottles have not exceeded their shelf life. If bottles are out-of-date, contac the DNPS Director for replacement supplies.

3. Advise each emergency worker the the use of KI is voluntary. Review the K! Consent Form (Attachment 1) and ensure the individual signs the form.

C. Issue CNE II tablet to each emergency worker and tell them NCI to take the tablet unless directed by their supervisor. ( 4

 \s,,/                                          Page 1 11/'5/35 i

( CAUTICN EACH INDIVIDUAL *'ILL SE GI7NE ONE (1) KI TABLET: HOWE 7ER, IHEY SHOULD NOT SWALLOW IHE TABLET UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO BY~THEIR SUPERVISOR. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE ANY TABLETS THAT ARE BEYOND THEIR INDICATED EXPIRATION DATE. D. Make an entry on the individual's Potassium Iodide Record Sheet (Attachment 2) indicating the distribution of the tablet, los the results on both the individual's and record copies. IF they are told to take the first tablet, instruct the individual to report the following day (with his copy of the record sheet) to receive the next tablet. E. Ensure copies of all records (Attachments 1 and 2) ante forwarded to the IF0/ EOF RHTA. II Issuance Criteria A. IF0/ECF RETA

1) Complete the KI Vorksheet (Attachment 3).
2) Upon the determination of the need for energency workers to take KI, recommend that the IF0/ EOF Coordinator receive authori:stion from the DPHS Director. . .

NOTE: The effectiveness of KI to bloct the uptake of radiciedines

diminishes with time after initial e3posure. Therefore. the decision of when to issue II will consider the time available for maximum effectiveness according to the following guidelines: i e

a) Vichin one hour after exposure .............. 90% affective. b) 3-a hours after exposure .. ...... .......... 50% effective. c) 12 hours after exposure ......................very small effect. KI Use Criteria A. Emergency Workers:

1) Upon proper authori:stion and notification from the local ECC Radef Officer as IF0/ EOF Coordinator, take their KT tables.
2) Complete Attachment 2, KI Record Sheet.
3) Report to your ECC as IF0/ECF the next day to recaive. the second tablet. Bring your copy of Attachment 2.

Page 2

l 1 1 I l KI Post-Use Criterin \ i A. Emergency b'orkers:

1) After all emergency workers have been told to take their first XI

] ', tablet, provisions for continual .dministration of KI should be made. Each emergency worker should receive one tablet per day for the next nine days. 4 I 1 1 i ) I ! l i '

4 j /

4 a l i } i 8 i a 3 a 4 i s i ! l l l l i Page 3 , i I o l I

i APPENDIX K Attachment 1 i i I POTASSIUM IODIDE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM i I will not take my first KI tablet until I receive instructions to do so. If


instructed to do so I. .

                                                                                         ,  understand that
'      in order 'to obtai'n dazimum protection- for ~the thyroid I will receive 120                                                           j milligrams per day for the next 10 days of the thyroid blocking agent potassium iodide. I have been informed that this drug will block the absorption of radio-iodine by my thyroid and thereby reduce the exposure to radiation of the thyroid; that potassium iodide does not reduce the uptake of other radioactive materials by the body; nor, does it provida protection against exposure from external radiation. I have been told that if I on allergic to iodide that I should not take potassium iodide.

SIGNATURE DATE l l l 4 l g- When completed, copies of this form should be forwarded to the :F0/ EOF RHTA. k 11/'_3/95

l l l l s APPENDIX K ~ Attachment 2 POTASSIUM ICDIDE RECORD SHEET Name Soc See # Employee Number Department CAUTION DO NOT SWALLCV THE FIRST KI TABLE! UNTIL TOLD 20 DO SO BY YOUR SUPERVISOR. i i IF YOU FEEL SICK, REPORT YOUR CONDITION TO YOUR l SUPER 7ISOR, IMMEDIATELY. l l i You have just received 130 mgs. of the thyroid blocking agent KI. In order to be most effective you should receive an additional nine (9) doses over the next 9 days. Each day for the next 9 days, take this form and report to the for a thyroid count and another II pill. 120 mg KI Tablet Thyroid Count Results Administered .; Date (Date, Time, Initials) (Date, Time. Initials) i. 1.

2. -

3. a. 5. i 6. 7. 8. I 9. 10. . When complated, copies of this farm should be forsarded to the IF0/ EOF RH!A. i I e 11/15/a5 l

l i i s I APPENDII K Attachment 3 i POTASSIUM IODIDE WORKSHEET i i 1. Location surveyed or area entered .

2. Task Date Time
3. Team members 4

i 1

3. I-131 concentration in the affected area: uCi/cc
                  'a. Protection factor (see table below):
  \                               ITPE UNIT                              MODE'        PROTECTION FACTOR j                                  Facepiece,  half-mask CF                     1000 Facepiece,  half-mask                    D                        10 Facepiece,  full                         CF                     2000 Facepiece,  full                         D                        50 Facepiece,  full                         PD                     2000 i

1 1 l } l l The rode symbols are defined as follows: 4 CF = Continuous flow D = Demand PD = Pressure demand (i.e., always positive pressure) 11/l8/85

  "N                                       APPENDIX K Attachment 3 (Continued...)


5. a. Inhaled I-131 concentration Item 3/ item 4 = uCi/cc l

NOTE: If I-131 concentration data is unavailable, record gamma exposure rate below.

b. Gamma Exposure Rate = mr/hr l 6. Length of time individual (s) will be or was in affected area =

minutes. i 7. Projected thyroid dose (use a, or b in that order),

a. Using item Sa and 6, indicate the thyroid does on the thyroid graph.
j Circle one below.

s Ihyroid dose greater than/ equal /less than 10 rem

b. Using items Sb and 6, indicate the thyroid dose on the gamma exposure rate graph (attached).

Adult thyroid dose = rem 1 S. If thyroid absorbed dose to an individual (s) is projected to be or is l greater than 10 rom, initiate potassium iodida tablet distribution. I i i d l I } d 1

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   ' \.                                                                                                                                                                                               .

MANUFAC*IURERS 3ROCHURE es e43 , , p. m e C,u.a . Cw *CTA338uu

                                                                                                                                                  .m. -e e.- u-o    accect     eu=wCass  .= ,woies.
                                                                                                                              - .e. tu es we                    e=m ee se. as .em.e .. e, -

r v. sa.o.e u. .we - e e . eseu.e . ., THYAC.Bf.CCK'" - ""- is a i

                                                                                                                                             -run. ne.sev- == e -ee w .

vogtsaanns entiet e=====se em*8eA&a=== to teevue the ear. Thea manorus eine as temetase se e* ewe **e.14 vue e l

  • m** 'A' 48'=me suas one samen .6 N esmae, m as y,
                                                                .e         e as                                             4eas'e est eme= .e.snt see years CW ** meet isew ne new I

I faeLETs ese sou Tc= u a e ' LA'**d **** ft

                                                                                                               '             !! et, use esuesa.m essee, e =J fihe ease anweis suae Tse e eseos sae ensnew Lana neomsua ree.eneuw eid TAKE PCTAS!!UM ICCt:C CNLY WMEN PU3 L:C                                                                                                                                                     ~

i NEAL "M CrftCAL.5 *IM YCU. IN A RActAT:C4 t s EM E ACENCY. AAClO ACT VE tCOtNC C3UL3 3C 1 ve.c snCuts mCf fast PCT 135tuu ic f

                                ; REigASE3 !N"l'O *'ME atR. PCTA13:UM 10 ICE" e4 ;                                           N saue >=es.. ene..s ame un emuenom                             . ee,ssme ar t     '

I a FCRas Cr 10DINEi CA.% M ELP PRCTE:" YOU. . ..,,,g3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.y,,wn,..,,,. i 3 - ,,,,g,,,,.- _ ee, e save,e o m eeer

  • esames. e ta-ree mee=was er eaamanoe ansi, P=ecues ese
  • IF YCC A AE *0L3 "'O ?.n Mt *H15 4 C:tC*NT. *AKZ !?

CNT  % "en :s MCUR.1 DC NOT TANT !? MCRC ; ,,,,,ng eensen ene wease one ea.mese sue sue ivs ense. l

                                =, C F'3.V m.,4s *IL' NC" MEL7 TCU ANC stay t% i                                                                                                                                     *
                                                                                                              '                      MCw a.ie0 watM TO TAat PCTA331Wu CCict l CAEASE "N!3 CA?;C !!THE          R:3X TCC TCV KNC'A'        OF AAC!!:t EFFt:".%

AL,4,f,RCLC OC ~Q lXC* .*A Af Peuensae Imde easied k uses se ==e o se**.se enn

                          ;     e ICCIOt tttt 31:t CTrt:"'3 3C* .Ows                                       j
                                                                                                                            ,,eems nousa us ma ud e%

i w,, w,, .,g ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,Yn eme=4 u es e n eenme ewm. . ,,,a


le km e emow.4 m ousae. : esee seen d iarare see a . (,, f ei see **feru. Ymi wu; sevesme se sad nos 6s wu tae seu sw eisre Lase .4 esos I rmCfCAffCN5

                       .!           CNLY.                                                                                  Ven*Jo. ese e(faru ed =mme neesea ea*= s=='oe                                       .

use a.same esene fee a .eg unie. Yes sam e se esewua een se '

nfC:': cms FCa ust .sas mere same une _ _ ; esse se use a see masw t.mme '

Un aere u earersse w Sune er tumu pea-e men.a.a eesamm e

  • pues are imed. afwu ese es anw massem ed une we een ene e 3 ime seset ease pam =%I w see erse.

saa ~ d * '=wa =er=er. e. .e e,r P ,ee e .e, , ..ea e, i.w .m.,, DCSE

                      '             T.Hess                  A0t".*'s A.43 C-(ILOREN I YEA A Cr                             saamas ese "easem Sowe usts auriume one sateen.

um iseu ene em se*wimme ed e aimee eme, one waws.e== 5 ACE CR CL. t.e4 one its uom ene, e eneseem w=e one a eenes sae. C. ase see seeJ en deve6 , 5 ASIE31*NCER I YCA A CF &CC A,,,,,,,suo,..,,,,,,w,,g,,.. ' 4 st 3 asews enee e dee. Canse g ,,,,; % ,.,,,ee ,,,,e .e,, m., .. gg .ey,s..,, . I.rH- me love ese tes, saa u up.e* ==..== *aseta==* es erese m esias.t. Sea.ues ing imoisease wweises 4Ct".*3 Ag 04tLOREN t YtA4 Cr

                                                            ^                                                             .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,,
                                                            ,f?,fe"h'^..".',                '.':! e-                     t,e::.;;; ;~r;. - ~~ -~-"" ,
                                                                                                                                        , e
                    *-                                      54413 '4%CCA i YEAR Cr 4CC.
                    '                                       A84 3 dr#8 **
  • W4 *mie=es se 6eme
                                                            **" '*'                                                                     . ar ;g ;;,,1stt Erf t;?s 3 ::,a reo e.r essere.e==r Tew s'ee is sees n                                                !! tae e.e. ,#fwir see se.we se e een e.** r* **eetes W Saew e ese. see.,           sena.aaeos   4.reet e esp                        ,,,,,,,,,,                               ,ss
                                                                                                                                                                     , . ., e, , s, ,e, , , , , , , , , , ,

5smo u esairesee ,==m semenee.n e

                                                                                                                         ,,,,,      ,,,3,,,,,,,    ,,,,,,

7,,,, ia'

                   '               u 64*Ti ciees, unsue e.e e see sem end:o*C     es . aeon. se-3e set use ne J a essenes ems.gwse .e sae asas m.eas.                                                 =Cw tuPNES hasan.                                                              sa.               *HYRC,ELCCX** *4 4!.t*"5.Fowesmae ! V $ # e ==.


  • une ed Ie ueine e s % OC 36 :a:.e!:;3 Cesa =a=, eawae. =eseue
                                                                                                                       .uews 130 og pen.soseum um se
                                                                 * * ' "O t                pees. e se .eesee .a  e .m ese me .we ty pe.,ie s, e e s.

se TNY Ats SLOCX* 10Lt""'O% . Pane **.u". '==uwe gy nees m e8 tae meet et en sm. is ee m e. rees-es ceasert a savneue se sne p.ei e numa estaeowv.

a. e .,
                                                                                                                                 , ge 3,;.g g , g ,,, , , ..,,,, . ,, m..,,,

3I32'*hCw E es TMYRt> gLt'CE ** f e,3(g; ,.. . . gage og possee=m ene.a.

                                                                                                        ,e                                     wa6&ACI L44C ea re set 3 g      ,.

I cue e,ee g aega me .e;g s; MYmmex en% , e :: .. C-----

                                   -        m      e.

( Rev. 0 5/2/83 e eef4C - - tud d

l 2 P seava. . . ,, a. . a. ATTAC*dET' 8


a 1 l l l l I MANITIACTURERS 3ROCE**RI i' I I l l 1 ) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,. .

c. eerAss . o es -cass C_e .ec e_._ - e se- e,sa. .e.. sos s, .
                                                                                                                   - sas .u.a                   no. , e e-a                e. es. mo . .

see, ne .r.e we .e - w en e ,orn.e . a DU C*El.C CX

  • maaemme eseee
                                                                                                                   ". e .e i             e_. .m. seee . .e           e. _ ...                            .e .

I as.w.s. pg sne er. Da meuesa = w >=a=* = m ====. is - I mur sae sawee siees ene e mer, en. % eames ==.e see.

en '

tese, est emee esed see ,.eers Chances see ow e i.e., se ns., I e taatt's saumc= w s a ' sa=me sessises l

                                                                                                  .                Is .e. we, e ues                                n oe      e , sa-e.e su e j     i                                                                           :               n ,eensee                . ee         .aen.       , - . a TAKE    PCTA$3tVSt ICOIOC C9ft.T wMEN PV3LIC                            *               ****'**'#""******                                                                                              "

s MEAL *M CFTICIA13 *:::. YCU. IN A RActA* CN . ,

                                                                                                                            ,,q s,*Cuta mCTfAA I         D4 C AC ENCT. AA3iCACT:VE !C3!'tt C:G.3 8C l                                            ;g, ,,,,, ,,,,., .., ,,,,,,, ,,, E PCT 133su   , , , , , , ,ns, , ,ec, , t!:
                                                                                                                                                                                           , , ,t , , , , , ,
                      ;   AE1.E.ASE3 IN"'O *M E al A. PC'*A5                                     .
               }      a   TCRM CT ICCINC3 CAA MEM PRC"l't]3                 VM
                                                                       . . ?C  te.,ICOIOC A      .
                                                                                                                  ,,,,,,,g,                            - , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

1T YCC A AE 7013 '3 ThI De!s wC:1C:NL ?A NZ :- ' " ' * " * * * * ' **'*"'**"**** *****

            '            CNE C      *DtC r"!.A      CYt3Y seCRE   *lL;.:s MCU21        DC Nc? Tant :? MCAC i           CatAsc TM,c usx CrC'" MELP YCU A.s0 M AY crrr: s. :C se- ur   t MCW  - Aase weise ?3 TAat PT?A31;ues tCC gg                                            *
  • NIX OAL 17 pot
  • KsCX TCU 4AC 4 : Ltchl" .*3 pensee,,,,, ies ,e.,,, ,e . .eeen se ,m,, e, ,,,. e,,ee
e ICDI f. a5EI SI:C ETT!:""3 3C:.Cw a  ! >...e men a,a mf ease wd ee6 Yes sensas wee ew een.

i = :s

  ,*        <                                                                                                     ,,,,,,w,,,,g,,,u,,,,,wy,a,,,,,,,,.%,,.,,,,

Pe a emane. '.e,sw eens d ene e

  .i.                                                                                                             d  see ersei.L Yes *W emes . ee ime asi se u sa me ree sins, snee :o es.s.

I issesCA1" cms s;csIFFIC*3 i Sf"tCf3 SLCCXINC lN 4 AAatA*1CN CatC3CENC"t' CNt?. Use.Jv see diemu ei smeemm a=eme te*ema 'a== wese uu anema eewe see s weg usw. Yes sam e av esaews en .e

          .                                                                                                      snee mee saae wu .--                   - ; esse = ww .a rar ==e we OratC"1Ce1 FOR USE                                                 fue are nom. Sesecf =ete ese e Vee seer u 6emesse we Suse. umas seen s am.aA menem=um a
  • w miuem ed sne == es- ene ,

see sees same you wel to seease see aree. j sae esses es a ren.seems aewfuer . poemene ese esten eensee ame *=es=6 s**Eme es ue uwee 3CSE amena ses *.mem eew tesia a= rives musta see sesses ' Teewis AOt"."3 A.%:CMif AZN 1 *EAA CF 8"' "'6a one goes. n=enes=e ed e anse eaa. ae asawe.e== Act CR CL".CA Q,e m ueno ease e seemsee essee see sensees e .. Crone see eend saa. ores 3 A 8 t C3 '.'NO C A t YEAA Or CC A se, eseo, as.e .. e.,sevne s a -=s == . ;. 3 g , ;ge ,,.e e. . .e s e s. Cns.and a13 saaes e=re e one. C.9nse as ses= m 'l rwen, ine seco me am

  • pe u uew. ==-a .=ew a=== e. Mees a e.=vmr se e. ,,, w sewea 4:r. s aNo eMr:.:nzN i vzA A Cr ;e ,,, ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,

ACC3RQL CA.eet6smosea w ,,,,,,u..u

                                                                                                                                                     ,,,,,          .,. ,,, ., ne m e e me d r:en es '.e .e we ee.*e enee ne                            ,3,3,,                       e: sae oe+e.e smaa a ee.e,se et er :n.

9 3 431E3 DCCA t YEAA CT 4GL u ,. . ,,,w 4ed 3 cree seeemed seewas a eew.e

                                                   " e es*

gg s w=atf: ==raslitte8t:7 :::'.e o fee ed eseece 'ea= a T"eee ice 6 sees ween ==.a. sarweae se w ettere r see e .w or s . e. sia.. en aw re *e*es **. 1* Swee er eese swant masse .n, ,,,,, ,,w ,,,,,. , nee . p . e., r e . ,,,, ,. .e puet.e 9es.e5 es.388'ee fee :***ena8saea. 16ese es esasemwe raene se=meneau a e a t* me :3 M* 4 t* se 76*fs he=w eeee a** isetue eiesse one seeeees a

  • n.= eses. "C"IU'*UII Oe ass ese ue se eme d .e asemnes ee i e.e sse nees.e es ue neu.e. ",MY1tCe 8bCCX** ? a 8LZ 5 desenes= V 3 P 'n==-

6 = es ;e ue.en.s :C 2C.:74.::!? e Cse*

  • o.o **ae. cue ==
                                                                                                    reessee, i 0 es panese sn waemerc 79y,n gg,pex es. gggg eg ,p.,,..,,3 i,,,, % e,. no., oneece momee tse a eseme.=e of ca e**e.** ;**se.

                                                                  *weee P, s.een.e eaw o.e re .ae.ea           y                     ,*, g, ,,,3 ae ..e-re                  ,3,,,g p . :;i
                                                                                                                          ;c ,,o
                                                                                                                                                         .e,g, .,,...,, ef.g e.. on..:n a reasses e peee e e se ime swege mes.ia swisene.                                               pg;. a ge. y, gue p.,, a,s. .; .g p e. ,,e CISCaret1CM Cees *MYH.>4Lt*CW ?. LCT                       tee oc ee                                                . m ag uscaeree.g:

sesene m .aease  : .e. .

      !                                                                                                                                     Caette=e...CL %

Caen sees ed *M YNO OLf 4"X ** *d3LC'*!fi% ceaee.ies 8"**"*"'** 4.g ed *: E**'*'******"**""4 ca. .t*T 9. .t =e **.*'***

                                                     ..e-                            ...g.            .---


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APPENDIX L EMERGENC'1 EXPOSURE AUTHORIZATION FORM Employee  ; Social Security # , ILD Badge # Present Accumulated Dose to Date Increased Dose Limit: . (Rem) Whole Body (Rem) Skin (Rem) Thyroid approved: DPHS Director Date/!!me Approved: IF0/ EOF Coordinator Date/ Time CAUTION AUTHORIZED EXCESSI7E EXPOSURE AS FOLLCVS: For Life Saving Activities where there is no time for adequate planning and protection: 75 REM WHOLE BODY NO LIMIT THYROID For substantial reduction of public exposure where there is no time for adequate planning and protection: j 25 REM WHOLE 30DY 125 REM THYROID When completed, forward to the IF0/ EOF RHTA. 10180 11/13/35

APPENDIX M l l l f

i l

I i 1 "5: Nr4 E! G TD OCI? m 3 RAOIAOCH AS3IS%NCI 7'A4 Appr ved 10/83 N.E. Rat.iological 3ealth C::::.inee t t i Rev./?csted 12/2S/52 11/14/S5 l a _ . . . _ . , - -. y _. _ _ .__,. . . . .- . . . - ,,_____7,., , ,_ . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . - , - - , _ _ - - . _ . _ _ , ,, ...%., ,~ , , . . - . .



i i NEW DiCWJ O..2 STA"I KAOIA" ON AS3:35ANCI 7:.AM i AR- : .I : - A0"ECR*.M I

                ., plan is accherised by the New Engla=d ce= pact ca 3adiclegical Health                      .

7:: ectics, as appr=ved by the

  • egislatures and Cover =ces =f the several party ':he Act was first passed is de sea.a cf Maine c= March 1,
  ;                   1967, and subsequently passed by the state cf ve=ent en Max:n 14, 1967, l                      Rhode :sla=d en Ap;il 3, 1967, New sa=pshire on July 18, 1967, Massachuse::s en :ece=he: 23, 1967, and C==ectic== c May 24, 1949. The 0:= pact beca=a q                      official with he passage of .he second c=cperating sta.e. T.e C:= pac., as i                     s1=ned ist: law is each of he states, f=11:wed essentially the same f =a .

as developed by the New England Radiological Eealth C=m=1ttee (NERE:). O.e NE320 is c==pesed of .he six New E= gland Radiati=n Osnt 1 2:=7:a= :1:ee.= s ,

                      .he TOA Pagional Radiological Heal h Represenu.ive and the EPA Pagional Radia ica 3epresenta 17e. The := pact also allows dat a=y sure :: ses i=ned j                      alevt.which is consiguous == any party stata =ay hec ==e a party := -21s C = pact by enac.1:g .he same.
:.I :: - Aucs:

The purpcse of his plan is 23 deliseate the =anner in which de New hyland

 )                    0 =ac: =n Radiclogical Isalth 7:=tec ics will ha i==le=essed.                   ?.e pt pose
;                     of .he New hgland C:= pact is t= (a) p ==ote : .e Rad 1=legt:a1 Health 7::- =f the public, and individuals w_ han party su:es , t h) p = vide

                      == :a1 aid nd assis.ance in sdieleg cal health =ar:ers includ =g, but net li=1:ed :=, sdiati n i=cidents, and (c) e===urage and facilan te :ne efficient i                      use of perser.=e1 and epi;:nen: by .. .herisy the c darly acquist.::= and scaring cf rescu =es csef=1 for ;;=gra=s of radiata == ;;= tee..==. O. s plan 4                      cutlises ste =a=e is vt.1=h his i=:s:su s == :a1 a:d and ass:.sta .:e and i                     ex=ta=ge of perse=e1 will he ac===plished. plan includes specifi:
=ati:n en .he channels of e- =1:ati== a==ng de suuss, the availability cf epi;=en , and lancrats:f capabili ins, .he p =cedures f : regesting assis.a=:e f:== .he pa -/ su ss and == ifying ; arty sutas =f nd_ic1=gt:a1 i 1 :iden s, as well as clarificati== cf the p cced.:res cf the ica . =f persennel i a:d eq= pment, and fi=a==ial ch11ga i =s e==suntered.
<                                                                                                                          l 4

k a.w.

                                         ,, _., , . 0N CT            a. . ..CR. . .,

S.e 0:r. ac. Ad= isis ra.== ce desig=ee f== each party sute sna11 . .ify -he Secreurf of the :E0 of the identity of a.y susc dinate :: sch: dinates :: i wh== his ac:h=ritf as 0:= pact AA--is a = has been delega:sd. (See Appendix :.! 1 t l I d 10/80 _ . __ _ _ . . . - . _ _ _ .__ _ _ . _ . _ . _ - _ .- ._ l

s (.1

                                                            ,.,%.,,-     y    .r-.
                                                                                . . .. S
                . :. ..-c,..w..-'.,
                                         . . . . . .   .~     .    ..a   -.

Each 0:mpac: Ad=isistrater c shall ; e.e hc=e and =ffice

slephene neer of ' 4-= elf c: herself and/c such staff se==ers as he c she ray designate as e=e:ge cf cen.a= s. In addi. en, he c sne snail ;;: vide a see: d c9- el of cem=usica ic such as the Stata Peli=e wht h v111 he '
    --     cperative 24 hours a day f:: seven days a week, and shall ar: sage vi--*-                             -

has c her su f== e=erge==/ c.~ nican:ns :: :sach a : ssp: sible s.aff

           =cher. Each C:= pac: AA 4-istrat:: vr.all == 137 .he sec stary cf the aheve designati =: and c:.s i fer=ati = shall be, updated a: '.sas; ar..ually in Appei-dis : ef this plan.

AR* c : 7_ .25'- NO3 CF EOOI?EN"' AND

  • A.30RA ORY 0.APM-* O* S Each C:sgac. Ad=isistra:== shall .= ass =it. s the Secretary a listing of available field su:vey egai;s:ent i=cluding range, c: e: e=ergency eg:1;=ent, a d 'a listing of available labora:==y capabili.ies by type cf analysis (i.e . , yr:ss alpha, g :ss heu, gae:=a spe :::sespy, e::. ) . h=h listings

( shall he updated assually c mers efte: if c=ndi::=ns warrant. (See Appe= dix II, a d Appedix : . ) AP '* ".I ;' - ?.:.4 JS-' FCR ASSIS".d". a) Cpen deter icn by a C:= pact AA---istra == c Seisgate ca: a radia.1:n

                                                              '4-   h:.s/her s. ate cf a =ag .:::de sufficia .: .

i=cids: ' ske placs v. regn=e additi=nal persc=e1 c ess;=ect , : e 0:=pge: A' -- - s==2::: :: elegate shcuid c== uc. .he Secretar, :: :sgest s=== aid as he/she des =s

                      =ecessary.        he Secretary shall cenu= such c her par.y state /suses ::
sges: aid as he/she judged to be bes: able :n assis: =da de ci.:::=-

stas:ss. he sute/ states receiv=q s =h a regest sh::1d respend v.:n persc=e1 and/c: ep i;=e== : .he bes cf het: autaity, vn:le =a: .ui .ing sufficient capability f : ce protec i cf the puh'i: heal.h va :1. cvc su a. A: the ti=e of he reques , said persc=e1 be adv:. sed of cair assigned .ssks and cf the .oca 1:n and =dividui .= wn:.: :. ey ars to :sper.. 7::visices f== ft=:her h:tefin;, vhen necessa:/, say 11s= he a 2:~,ed at ce ta=e cf such :sgest. b) Any sure :sspending to a request f== aid = der this plan shall cperate veileisa 4.:7 , sute, i= ac== dance v. . :he radia sen is : dest ;12: cf *ha*. state.

) Fa=hurse=en- hy the s ate receivisy aid :: assisunce =ds: this Ar. :is f= a=y i=ss c da= age ::, c expense incur:sd in the Opers:1: n O f 1 ** .

x egn;=e.:: f:: ::s: =f all =ateria12, ::: per.a. == and =a= enanes

                       =f effics:s, e=p1=yees, and e ps;=est: and i:: any :: pensan:= :: henefits ft: is urses : deats is::::ed by Offics 3 :: e=p' cyees of as aid . q su .e shall be is ac:: dance vi . Ar icle X.


  • l 1

1 1 i 8  ! A. _. . . . ._ - N ._. . . _ ._ ._ . . ,, s.... S e sc ifica_ien . cther A:7 sures =de: -has plan shall be =ade dirse ly - by .he 0.:xpa= A' ' 's=a_:: ce :esignee; and such : .afica 1== shall also be

             =ade : the Secesury, New Engla:d Radi:1cgt:11 Eeal.h C ==ittee.
         -                                                                                                ~r...r._...        ww              - ._ _ r.v. ~.       ..v. e- _ ..

A-, __ _ - - _ _ _ + . AN w .ar T.sw-~ ~. __e.e , . .

                                                    ..                      _ s. c v    . m            .s n.

a) racili.ies and egai; ment specified i Ar.i=le 'T cf th.s plan say be acased is ac==: dance with either of the tw f=11rvisy situaticas s (1) c e is w ich the :sgested state is ::: affec sd by se incide:. is gas. ==: a d, (2) cae is which the sgestad s_ ate is c: c uld possi.bly be affected by the i= cide : is gas.ics. (See Appendix :: and Appendix :::.) Os regesti=g sute shall rei=hurse he leading suts is ac== dance vi.h Ar.icle I.


b) *a.== 2::_y analyses =ay be perf :=ed by the reges:sd su:s da:

di.1==s specifind i: ;aragraph (a) abcve. (see Appen.'. x :: .1 s c) Papests f== assistance, ex=hange of data c: cese: per.isen: i f:::.a.1:n
                          =ay he ace ==plished u 11' ' g f===s 1: Appendix :';T th:: ugh the Secreur/

cf the NIREC. 'Frans=issics shall he by the =cs: expenditicus seans =f ce==n::1ca.J.c available. AJt- "I T *.OAN 07 PIX 50NMc. 7:sfessi::a1 :: tech =1 cal perse==e1 '..av1=g special skills :: ::aising related

radia ie protectic: =ay he =ade available := a par.y state upc :sgest.
'              S h :sgests sh=uld be ::ans=1 sd .h: ugh the NZ7.E Sec:stary, and have appr= val of the respe ive C:=rpac- AA ' i s . 2:::s c: e sig .es s .                                                                                             he :staesting sea s shall re:=3 ursa the lands q sute L ac== fasce vi.h Ar_icle I.
                                             -r,_w                                     , , .                    ..- e. r_,e. s. . .r ar.__      _- I                 -                 _e       . . .s, _...s....                    m,        ..          . . .

a) '"he suta ::: 171:q aid c assis ssca shall :s =2v. se se su s re=derisy aid == assista=== f:: a=y i=ss c da= age :=== sd i: the operau:. =f any agapse . . Oe su s :sesivisq aid er assisunca shall ;ay f : ::s c:s =f ::ans-b) per. q a:d uising all effi=s:s and e gleyees =f _he su:s :tader .; aid :: ac==: danes v*. h . .e sader:.=q sta t's hies an:1 Regula::: s , ::

  \                               .=se =f : e su:s ress:.v:. .; a d--wai= haver is g:sa:::.

l I e l l l l r l l

l l l

  • 1 l

l I I

) he party state herrsving persen:e1 shall ret =hurse the su:e icaning the I perse=.nel at the same a= cal :ste as .he pers==e1 are receivisp in heir own s a:e. One her==ving sute shall pay f : the c=s: cf =ai uising such pers===e1 is ac== dance- v .h Ar icle I, see 1== (b).

d) Nc-"* g c==uised hereis 1: Ar.icle I shall ;; eves a=y assisting party

              -               state f :s ass-*'g he ces:s 1:ct::ed ==de: Sec icas (a), (h), and (c) cf Ar.icle I.

AZ" 'I II - CPea"'Is AND Fr." S NS t The Secretary of the NIREC shall he responsible f== cpda isg Appendicies

and :: en a a=ual basis and the rema' d g appendicies whe: ap; =priate.
= addi ica, t.he members of he NIREC shall =ctify the Secre.ary of chang =g situaticas hat may affee. any of the items covered under -2s 2.ompac . If needed, .ae Secretary ca: f=== a sube=mmittee to rewri e appropriate see icas of the plas. Revised appendicies will be fc varded := all pla: helders at he beg:.==ing cf each calendar year. ,

i I l I I 10/50

  • 1 1

1 j

     .         .=               . _ _ _ .                                     --  -.       _            _ . - . . - _ _ - - _ _ - . - -                                                   . . _ _    - -             .

f l I I


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4 l 1 1

                  -                             -                                              NT4 CiG.AND C3tPAC
                                                                                                                   . . .-y i                                                                                                       AP.on.                                  .

DtETICY CO!CAC"* !.~570lG I l J. J l e I s I l i


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: r .- CC.,. m . .u=. . ~.-

E:'/IRCWF.'AL PR.;;;i.;CN AGDCI l Pr . arf Cen:ac:

                               .                                                                                   Byren Keene
                             .                                                                                     Cffice of Radiaticn & Ncise Business # (617) 223-57S5, 5708                                l1 Eane 4          (617) 729-5356 I                                      ,.

4 C:her Ebergenef Centac: Paul Bedresian Business 4 (617) 223-4448 l1

  !                                                                                                                Ec:ne 4            (617) 475-2668

,l . 1 a l 24-Ec=-A-Cay Centac: Cil & Eazardous . Materials D:rf Officer (617) 223-7265 .i i I J 4 5 i 1 FCCD AND CRCG AI2CiIS-"SA"'ICN 4 4 i Pri.iary Warren Ch=::2. 1 Business 4 (617) 223-3175

!                                                                                                                   Ecrne #           (617) 664-5307 i

i Cther .eie.7 ncy Ccntacts (in crder of pricrirf) Neil Gaeta j Business 4 (617) 729-5700 l

Ecme 4 (617) 488-7081 1 l

i l l i i LW Barat 1 - Busiress 4 (617) 729-5700 Eane 4 (617) 729 Paul ~, clin Business 4 (617) 729-5700

                                                                                                                 ,  Ec:ne 4            (603) 434-0596 12/2S/82 Fev.1

4 i r


a r ... . .,, . 2 ......,s . .. . .. i

C =;act Adr.inist
a c C mmissicner of h rizen=e.tal ?:ctac icn i Stanley J. Pac i 3csiness Tel: (203) 566-3110 i ~

i 1 J Ps:sca . *?.c= a Authori / is celegated Ar.hur T. Heubner N- Business Tel: (203) 566-5663, 5134 i Ecce Tel: (203) 521-5050 ccher hergesey C:ntacts j (in c dar of ; terity) Kevin T. A. McCarthy ] Business Tel: (203) 566-5668, 5:34 j Ecme Tel: (203) 487-0305 t Cc ald Kar Business Tel: (203) 566-5663, 5134 i Ecme Tel: (203) 388-1214 5 ' Jcseph R. Smolen ausiness Tel: (202) 566-!668, 5134 j Ecce Tel: (203) 526-9294 il I t 8:3C cc 4:30 Radiation C:nt:cl Offi:s 1 l Har fc d, C2 (203) 566-5668, 5134 l 24-Ecur-A-Oay C:::act C nnec.icut State Police (203) 566-4240-j Ask for Execu-ive Officer i 5 i i l i I . l i - i l L

1 l l l ., i .v. -. . . 4 i Cxpae: ;d .i .is::ater Ccrcissicner, Depar :mn: ef Hre. . Se: tices l '

                                                                               "                    R. Peti:

Business Tel: (207) 2S9-1726 1 f Persen to **.cm Authority is Delegated D:rald Hexie l2 l i Business Tel: (207) 289-3526 ! - Hane Tel: (207) 622-7445 i, I

 !                   Cther E=er,c. enc.e Centacts 1

(in c dar cf Prierity Wallace Hinckley ! Business Tel: (207) 289-3826 Home Tel: (207) 277-5834 l2 Russell Martin 1 i Business Tel: (207) 239-3826 2 j Ecrne Tel: (207) 622-1253 i 1 e Jchn Business h l: (207) 229-3326 Hane Tel: (207) 622-9536 l 24-Hec-A-ray Centact Maine State P: lice (.en e ) 2 o. c. _3_t _ .=. .=

L r

4 l , Business Heers: 8:00 - 5:00 3 1 b i e 4 4

                                                                                                                                      .T .S /*.O C

EAV. 2 I

                                                                     ~ 7 ""                                                                          ,

e' 9 I

l l

  • 1 l

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                                                                                    ,,.1  . 4 M. .       ..       .?.-s. e .a. ..._ a. . . . . .

_ousiness .e.3:  : e,, e . 4 , w, , Pe.sen to *n1'.::: Au .hcrir!

                                                                                      .,cher: M..                 .:.allisey Business .e_3:                          ( 6_./ . ) , 2- , -:. 4_,     , . , c. _. . 0             l,            .
<        _.                                                                          .h ~.e _1               .               ( a._, , ) , ..e .: ., .a                                               l
,        Cther I:ne._-- ency.       . Cen:ac s                                   Geer:e Swible (in cz.:er'cf ;:ricrief)                                                 Business Tel:                            (617) 727-6214, 9710                                   l1 ccrne ,.es:   ,, .                         . . _
                                                                                                                                           .:c        .,.,..e L
ca . wa_
                                                                                      .-                            e._._.

o s. ( :, _3 ., ) , - 4, - . . . ,,sa_ , y _.3 l- _usl. ness .. :

                                                                                     =c:ne .e_, :  .


                                                                                                                                              .:2 .:a,e n.< _i t e ,~1        me:-

Business Tel: (413 ) 545-25e3 u

                                                                                    -cme          .e_1:                      t. ,a l .a ) , , ': , .c -co i.

Acestia.c Savastanc Business Tel: (617) 727-6214, 9710 1

                .                                                                     6. . e _1              .                  c.. e
                                                                                                                                           . .1    _ ..:     _1 _1 i                                                                                . _ . _

't 1 Thcmas O'C:nnell . Bus.. ness "4.,: ( ,.s, ,e ) ,-_ <-e 4 _3 ,, , -.20 r

                                                                                                         ,                   ( :.. e. ) _.,24-e. .e4. ,.
                                                                                      .a. cme .e.. -         :

24-Ecur-A-Cay Centact M.assachse: . s St.a:e ? lice .. ( 6..A.../ ) :e e ,, :w, , - x: . 4 .:_. !_

                                                                                                                                                      .-S V . 1 3

4 d i  : IN H.*.y.? s H: 7.- l l Cenpact Administra:c Chief, 3ereau cf I...-irc =e .:al Health 4 4 Jchn R. Stan:en (603) 271-4527 Business Tel: , Home Tel: (603) 623-4743 1 4 Persen :: Whc= Authority is celeca ed Diane Tafft Business Tel: (603) 271-4538

                          ...                                                                           Hcme Tel:                                 (603) 524-3356 I

Ccnald E. Halle I 3usiness Tel: (6C3) 271-4525 < Mc=e Tei: (6C3) 622-96*3  ; J . 24-Heur-A-Cay Centact  : lev Hampshire State Pelice ] (603) 271-363G KHCDE IT:.A::D

i. ,

compact Administrater Director, cepar = tent of Health Joseph E. Cannon, M.C. - 1 Pusiness Tel: (401) 277-2231

                                                                             . .v .

Person to ;ihem Authority

 .               is Delegated                                                                          James E. Hickey
                                            ,                                                           Business Tel:                             (401)              277-2438 Home Tel:                                 (401)              854-4722
Cther E=ergency Centacts -
                                                                                                      ' charles McMahen.

(in order of pricrity) Business Tel: (401) 277-2433' Mcme Tel: (401) 949 ,3135 William P. rundulis 2:siness Tel: (401) 277-2438 Here Tel: (40*) 762 :723 i r l 24-Heur-A-Cay Centac: Shede Island State Pelice (401) 647-33** 1 - ., -- -

                                    . . _ -   . c_~     , _ . _ _ - . . _           m_,,__,,,                  , , , _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . , _ _ . . , _ . . , _ _ _ , , _ , _ , _ , , _ _ _ , _ _                 ,.,__ m,
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                                                                       *1cyd F. ScticP., P. 2.

Busi ess Tel: (502) 562-5701 Ecme Tel: (802) 425-5153

       . __ %_,. - ,   p. 6..m, , . . -._.._ .y.

is Dele:ated

                     .                                                P.av.xnd N. .t.~.andless Business Tel: (802) 525-2356 Hane Tel:                 802 223-5075 Cther Dnergency Ccntacts                                        Paul Clerens Business Tel:          (802) 525-2586
                                                                                                .m e. .- ) . .- _ . .= . ,.


                                                                       .ebcrah ..vc_.a..c.

Eusiness Tel: (5C2) 525-2355 j2 _ua. ..t.

                                                                                        ...   (2..0 ~ )           ,'o4         .'_' _~~.            3' Caniel Eiggins

. (Bra:_lebero Cffice) Business Tel:. (802) 257-1750 Ecme Tel: (802) 257-1901 T 1 24-Ecur-A '_ay ver:en State Police - (802) 823-2102 . l . 1 4 f 4 i i _ _,/C. .* _ m

                                                                                                                                         .-AV . 4 10 -

i 1 I l l i I l l l l i I i  ! l I I l ST4 ING::.7dC COGAC" APPEC X :: M COM l s y j

                                                                  ,                               RACIACCN E7AI.::AT.CN EG Re.rc                                                                                                                    l l

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IIADIATI(H EVAlllATIR }{lHi-[t{l' 3.a, 3. . [ , STATE titM17?rIOrl' liel o 12/I!I1 . Ituv fl


liiullat icwi livalualcel t i t y __ "Iy[ = > Hatuif act urer n ulol 8 I;ili. Fielcl Al ldia tiela Cguipis,, X-ray _ tieulron flici e u.sve-t/ (Il Flerlism 10-530 X a.) 4 til'270 proles . . 24 K 200 200 ti. ) I 181'260 pndu 7 cpn mr/lir mr/lir ,, (H Idierl ino E-120 X SO 50 50 enr/lir mr/lir mr/lir

  /. .        Ion Clitenlur                                              Vict oreen         470A

X 1000 1000 1000 a.) Hi1I aIso skitect It/lir it/lir it/lir liigli enorgy algdia, f,- (H ikiint Atonic 420 X 100 100 100 l mr/lir sur/br inr/Inr L- . lN/Scint i l lat irwi Eliarl ino IN-19 X X X. l .2 nau X a.) i Elcrline fil'A-3 scintillatlawi epu gwar prolw assonlily, a 2 x 2 tial Xtal mr/hr

                                                                                                              \                                       en-I Yi li. ) Tlic ItM-19 can le unnt wit ti a (M                                                                                                                                                         ;

prol=> aiul ot ler alplia, liet a, gimena pn d man. I y 9:Intillat_lon 11xtrl ino PAC-1 fi X 2 nrg AGA cgsu l Y, T o n (1izentuir Mill ,Irwhmi rios Mill I X 99'llt 999R

  • 11osinnel er lluivl'l x CIN-138 - X 200 nir X lusimet er linwluvuo k I,-50 1 X 200 mr X
  • lh mimet er lasuluver k Clu-730 X 20 It liiriinurl er th: wlix 622 i X 20 it I

i Castalx:rl' liit o 1 2/110 itev . O l'ago 2 of 4 page rn 8 it.ullat ion Evalualeel ,, }lty 'lygwr H4:wifacturer Hottel 8 lati. Fielal Alplia lust a (Luiana X-ray Neill rtwa _ , ,Jils s a wive -l r  ;

  • Ikisismit er larvlavei k CIW-742 X 200 it i

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  • Ik>simeteres lloistix CIN-742 X- 200 it ik)nimet er . lordan CIW-750 X Cleargur I i

Itin tmet er ihnvlix # X , Clian ger  %

  • Ikitilmet er Victorcen Cl#-750 X Cliarger It isimet er liervilx 906-5 X

(.'lia rge r

  • Innimeter Capint ec CAT 6 Hl92 X
  • Cliarger i
 *hkill ional espelpnent of tiilo t ylwt                                                                                                                                                                     -

avallatile tai slwie t sw>t.lce. l I I I I I I I I I I I I I i _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ . -. _ _ . _ _ _ ____I

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(\ 1 i j - liinsIial Ion I'vislisinIest piLJy Masusf act un ce Mt s tel I l ai n. I'iolal _ plia Ikti di G.isissia X-riny_ thristi on Mie:s a w. 6 ' l 1.lapstil Scint illat losi . l'ackard 3003 X 10 cisu

  • i Aut einat.ic, C4ignacit y lew ,

l 21H1 :Luigiles l'autroy . Cmena fyiect r4seurt er Tracor Nortlussn "INI'700 X X /

! Systen (Na I) j Gasstna !quetrainot err                                Canix:rra         ! i - 11 0            X                                                                       X j isystonz (Co-l.i)

Joluwe IJ JtC-2 X X  ;

Itaikm Gas Crwint livj j Systen (Kovar Cell) l ll'r<gortinnalCininger -

Ikickman Wide ! (IC) Iksta II X 106 cien 106cg,,  ; 1 i l Wisukulens Int ernal 'tYacertal 1r-1810 X 106 cien , l' <gm>s Llosial Coiunt er (IIC) , i f l Hisukw 'lyge Tracer tal 339 X 106cg,,

lieta Cogint er (Isw likg) i (IJllu.') .

l l , l lhrta Countisv.) Syst un WerIine E-l20 X SOK X X i (Mwlifient l'ancakst l'rolm3/lloider) cien l l l 1 l

I .


                                .                                                           I                   I                                 I              I I                   I                                                ll I

j g . i 1 i ' l l l 4 .

ltADIATirta INAlllATIDs olWl' Isup? ,1 SI' ATE MATHE Init er 12/2si, li.* lis tv 2 Itaillat inn Evalualcil ty_ 'ly[e Kuuif act urer _ nulet I lati. Fielal '~5lgdia lkit a l~ G.usena X-- rg tkrui ros Heiidu.iie-2ns 11ert ine l'AC-I SA X 2 II/lir Ion Citienimir Victorcen Cth/-700 X .50,000 clan Oil in l'io "Ibcluilcal J .. TAC-3 X 5000 ton Cliinnimer Associales N mit/lir Ion Claisniser Clw-715/ X 0-500 it 720 , Insi (liinnlair M41 1015 X 2 nit-99914 l2 l Onvienser it Victoreen 570 l nur-luit . I latutsverk I,-64 X thur-1000lt l lininwali Victoreen CIM-700 X Su sult/lir i 2x2 ILil mict olt ih duisosi GSl* 2A l X 2-2tl sult/lir Ai r Sinigiler it.uleco lilF2illt X l (l20 VAC) l l Ai r San.gil.:r G haan X (120 VAC) . 4

                                                               . _ _ . _ _ _                                 _        -e  .                      - , - . -- - - -                        . - - -                        - - - - - . . -                   -      .
                                                              - - _ . . _ - ~ . . - - _ . - _ . . . - . -                     _. _ -                  - .          .      - .             --. . - - -                                              _ . -     - --

d _ _.. .__ . . l'.'3'.!i! '!_I!81 liYi8.l."'ll IM I Mculo1 5 Flelal lieta (; anna X-ray _ ik!iel i < un Hici e sw Lity %_ H<uusfactise tjr I;il). l I X, X X X X Fiim II.un.len , Ibnlinel er lleimli x CIN 138 , X 200 init l .* liesulix Cl# 742 X 21H) It l .? luu lnw:l er , X X X l ,!  ! J TfD clilpa liarsluw 3x3 non TIJ) Ituailer( 1) Panarumic 1111702C X. , I init I.f D l .' 700 X X X I.itysiel ficinL. Ikscluaan } lilA 800 Cleasuust Canlierra !kerles X (2) 80

                                                                                             \                                                                  .


)          C4:1.i(S11                        Girdurrra X                                                     X 3XI R&ti                          liarsliow l

X X 4X4 Ital liarslowaw Cantwerra X X fill ictun l . , j thmia Canuiter Ninclear 8100 X Clit cago X X ) 1*: og n is I losul thiclear Itillt Can nil ser thranuresment a I

                          "                       "                101                                X                     X               X

) , IC3A X X X ') IN FlWis ( l ) A l'.inatisunic it*' 'l 111i711210 replaceu tlui fooner EtxtrIinn fiytilem aimi INWil4AQ Esivia oswiutail Irinlimitits' Ituki . .. l ,! (2) 'llie Series H0 Meill icliinuiel Analyser lias an flK microcasugnaler willi a literaty of (>S l inston I.s e alist.t u

                              .uit o analysia. *ltus C.el.i, 3X3 tks!, 4X4 Hal, a:El St! Icon scinLilIalor sgwictroscopic skelectorn .o e alI coeuurcleil to ilui fierien 80. %ere aro 2'aiklillonal McA*a avallolite aiul 2 liatilcoliy firisilei ri.
                                                .                                                           .   - t il -

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                          .i STATE MASSACllllSF!t'Hi                                                                     lui e 1. 2/..e_.ste .. .:.             ,

Ih!v ' " ~ ' I

  • Itinlial lon Evalual oil lit i t y 'lyps H_aruifacturer Motlel 8 _

IJslo. Fielti _Al[dia ikit a ( Luissiin X-ray _ Heutron Mis: s wave-

)ll         Hisukulesa Gas tesclear                                         I                                    X                   X          X                                                         lI Fl<w I'rolw)r-         Mtsasurueu!nt s tlonal Oxisitor 00:11                                                                                                                                                                                           .

Ill 'llaisi Hiiulow thiclear Clileiwyn X - X X ll r u  !;pectro fililuIal l's oport lonal . Oxuiter )Il I.ispilot Scint il- l'ackartl 3300 X X ll laLion Counter )ll Gel.i MCA Systeen Card >erra 8100 X X willi 1 0: 1104

                                                        .y                                                                                                                                                                   j d2          TIJ) Iksa<ler           Victorcear                              2600                                 X                                        X

) CaF2 iMnl Victorcen 2600-2 X X Vacuten 'Iblic th >sinutt ers . ) Furnace *llietwilyne 'lyle X , 10500 l l )AC I. It Ikst a TracerIals X X Synion jAC 1*rolmsrt lonai INC 10C1lA X X X Connier i ? lieslulat eel Ai r F1 erlisur itNi 1 X Sinagit ern . ? I% !:wr Itat n I2ieri t ext l*l4M6 Metern willi

                                       "                                                                                                    5x105   5x105 lil' 2111 l'rol=>                                                111'210                                           X-l                                   cpn     e I:n

ptiLy_ __ Mas =if act tirer tkulel I , Iali. I'lulil ' { [15.i'4T! ,i ipsuji ~ Nik ikriIeon [tiictiEj X ) Geisis. . 34 cet or Victoreen 498 X 106t/lir llHt/lir t

  • ~Algdia niter tamsrline l'ACI SNI X 2hi cini. ,
                                                                ,               214/lir
Geien. 11ut ect or l' rec taloon 11ril1 X 24hidt/lir i Ita<llat losi ikale .

Instrienent  !. Suivey Heter Inliten 3 X l

  • Paid e inliten - 44-3 X, 0-2(H) inlyler hwa esmrgy gineesci liredw I 1 I l 9 l'r Jie Inlltsu 44-2 X 11-200 init/lir liigli energy ginisin pr Awr .
)      Giesena Ibt ector tierlino         E-120                        X                   S0ndt/lir 6       Jinno Mwlel 7                                    l              X      lar/lir=     2 Sit /lir 2 Sit /lir l           l           IIMHi st ian l                       alplia Joellan nutel NIH-10k                                           X                               lukit/lir                                                             -

afictorcen thlel 444 X . til00f t/lir ,

)      loen Claientair      Vl'ctorcen    440           i              X                                             30nnit/lir m                    Victorcen     CIM 770                      X                   Sanit/li Schidt/lir 3      loan Citiendair      Vict oreen    Clw 715                      X                               S00st/lir 3      Alplia theleir       Victorcen     CIN 700                      X      Sandt/lir b      Isus 41sionlair      telli                                      X                                             12It/lir                                         ,

6 Ostle I'le Victorcen X 10 kit /lir 10 kit /lis l 3 timinuit er lHN: Sl> x risar ger l 3 inminweter lasylsvet k CIM-742 X 2tHhadt il lasulsvet k X lit


IM Huler fla 11a 11616 X l_0, Hunnu/. . .-

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ItADI ATIlda INAI AINI'I(d) (Ifl* l'in g. Ie , hTATE=- NtR ll.A.MI'SillitE y init ei 7../Elie. ist ' llev, , , _Il e Itaellat lost Pvalis I est g i t y_ 'ly[u Masuifactierer Htmlol 8 lais. I'lelal A gJin llota Giussisci X-ray tktistron M ici e s.sve-Prqu>rt i<wial Tessielec ' Ill-1000 X 107cpu 107cgm _ craint er , Til) reemker Victoreen 2600 X - six 1083 It 6x10ll it I Sclait i llat.lewi thiclear 6610 N/A ngnect:eaiuttser Ikita e


Itus (liisal e r Victoreest 59216 X l it 1 14 (M F3xtritrus E-SIO X 200 200 200 mr/lir me /lir mr/lir (M tisilversal CIM 7110 X Sil Sil At(saic mr/lir wr/lir , (M I.loswil Clw 700 X 50 Sil 50 -


mr/lir mr/lir mr/lir 11 (M Clw 700 X 50- Sin l mr/lir mr/lir

1) lon clumilarr CIM 715 X SIN) 14 (N Hm. fl. GI'200 X 2(I 281
                                                       .lolutes wa                                                       pr/lir    mr/lir ik: lait i l lat lon         t])erl liso     IWC-ISA                          X     2xl(%


                           !k: int illat losi           Ha. II.         ASt'2A                           X     5x104
                                                       .h Juicion                                               ogen Scisit illat isus           't1xtrline       Sl%-1                            X              2xl(N cissi D)                          Scint il lat ism             flerline                                         X                            2(W) mr/lir Progx>s-t ie awil            F1xtrlIrwt      1%C-3G                           X.      lil5
c. mini n c l l ci l l l I

ricint i l lat inia w n. II. It';I'2A X 5x104

                                                       .le A uuson                                                        el m

Itaalial ion I-:valualcil

  • dy_ T, __

Mae:sfacturer Moile1 8 I all. Fle11 ' .s , . ia Ikil a (:imisna X-ray _ Neist rosi li' ca i e niive i l'IC thiclear 300 , , Measier snesit s X . tilt /lir Iah. ficintillation Hn. H. ' X 20 '

                             .loluison         GSI'2A                                               in /lir                                                                   i

)) IIF3 t ul=2 t'lk)rl Irw2 INC-4 X  ? ficint il lat.lon Ha. II. Fttil'2A X

  • Sx104
                             .loluison                                                                                       egen Jon cikundwir             Victoreen        70                        X                   (

( ti.2 Sit - 100 R lavi cliassilaer Victoreen S70 X ( . Ina clumidusr t&aclear 2 5118 X 250 250 Claicarp IVlir IVlir l Ic:a cliasulatr theQ)r Ci40A X Sx104 Sx104 nor/lir mr/lir 14aaer alesisity t&nrila HIGH X , 2 0 inW / mii2 I liisimeter IY'A l l X l200mr l Ikisimet er lksamlix CI A1 138 X 200 inr ) Ibsimet er O N 13H X 28MI mr ) Insluiet er G N 742 X 21Hi 14 Ai r sissiplairs itAC X 25 1/ 25 1/ sein min Wall cinesit er th oclear 1816 X 107 Cliicair si nn i I<ct clwenlair Hiti 1015 X ')99 14 l Air s.sgiler H ll linen- 41-3202- X 66 ml / 66enl / inal ica leie. S- 7 611 lir lir I.isgesiel ncisit l- til:I I f;C-2 X 10'f I co misit dir .

, - - . - in it.istial ion Evaltiate<}_ _ _ _ _ , _ _ V


Hextel l Fiolal . . ,.. u i lieta (;iggna X-ray _ lietilr<wi Micri u.n ty *lh.a Hasunf act airer !ali. _ I-1erline PIC-6A X 1000 1000 i l lari (1 stunt arr ll

  • It/lir IVlir lin. 11 X 500 lus tmet er mr I l
                           .kAinnon                                                                  f Oxint rat e futur 13erline         141-1 4           X    Suk cpn 50k cpn 50k clan                                                ll Air guenp          Itatteco        if-t!'09C         X    2.5 cfm                                      5x104                      ll

' ' azul/or OH11NIS: cloreal at Keene Central Fire Station sgecially ilesignett for plutonliin eletection ca tsun to I'liynics liept. , tital i

El' ATE I41NWE 1111R4ll In:i e t I '8/

                                                                                                                                                    ' ~ ~ ~ '

luuliaL ion cal yty Ty[e Manufactairer Moilel 0 Iali. Flelil Algdia lieta (sinuna X-ray _ ,Netilron__ Micaw.ive r

      !;clait i I lat Is m   Ishilisa     60                                      X         Sx II/*

Canuiter CIH / Ikst o Stivey t&oclear 2650 X IIMI ( sm>t. CH) dilciwy) milylir j G,wiena Stivey Victorcen 470A X+ 1 lylir llHN)It/lar (0) Gels)er Coimiter Isullion 3  ; X 2fMI wilylir .

                                                                                                             .tx 105 cisn Micro-It niter         Isullion     12 S                                    X                          3 mlylir Geiger C4nuiter Isallissi           2                                       X                 S0       SH nelylir  mlylir (1) (M                    t3mirltows    E-120                                   X                 So       Sal niit/lir enlVhr (M (lliin uti!) Victoreen           CIW-700                                 X                 SG       Sil l                                            salytir nett/lir 1      lem d i4emi= r        victoreesi    CIM-7tS                                  X                         SINI IVlir

)(2) Coeulenser 14 Victoreen 570 X (2) Meter ) ItAll TAI) 11merl itut f(I'-1 A X X X i Ibsisseet er . Ihrrulix CIN-742 X 2(W) mit X t X X ik wiienet ser relilut ec lily-fit 0 6 2 14 l In nsisewst er Capinlec 111Y-fit 0 6 X 7tWI esilt X

                                                              - - - - - - -              -w                          w
                    , _ _ _                                  m...-.....-                                        .eji:  4   _

sit J li.w 3. n 5 ( . yty Itasllistion 1:valisalest y Masuefact ion cr Mottel 5 fali. Fielal agglu iksi a (Lesessis X-ray _ Nattel.rost Hieess.sve* It> ilseel er lawlsvea k I<-50 X - 21HI nelt X

  • thmienest er Maclear Astui. 012 X l . 2 lt X l lusineet er Nieclear Asso. D50 X 5 14 [X Insimeter Ibs taneter 1200 X 21HI suit X Cosp.

Inwinnet er Ihmimeter 002 Cony. Xl 200 suit X 1 I o w likejaial Al lilia /lk:t a Cardx:rra 2402 X X X l Conmit lawJ - l .1 Synt ein l l l l l I 1 Hal/tK:A (3) *INC 400-Synteen l Giannel (Note: Ca=== S[cc. syslesu lev 3weralil,e. ) I (4) lon Gianluer Millt 1015 X 999 14 999 R ' l (5) lon Gianinte Victorcen 440ftFC X X 1 II/lir - (6) lYner thensity NAHfw 11100 X 20 w&/on2 timer thinsit y 2tM) wM/an2 NARIM 8616 X (915 f. 2450 twir. e onlvl Itaaer IMunity llolaslay 1500 X llHkits/, ,,2 (24511 tul/.) (7) lYolus NA14(w 19613 X l(HInH/ne2 IlWMI.;- HN)till.: (7) ly A =; NAHfW Il623 X llHI pH 's'an2 f j

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STATE VFIMNr - init e l*-.

                                                                                                                                                            ,               th v                 2 Haallal.icm Evalisat ett
        'ly[e                   Mannsfacturer   Mrmlel 4     f alz. _        Flohl     Alplia    Ilot a ~GasseQ~~X7ray _ , Heist ron , ,hii s's 5.Ive.
                                                                                                                                                              ~           ~

173 derline INC-4 X 0 5x10 y I loss dusaler Victoreen 570 X 0 . 2 514 0 . 2 514 Lo llHH4 to llHlH Ion di,satur M. ll. D. 10l'5 . X 9')9 it 999 14 Pressierizeel 14euteasstokos ItSS-I t ! X SIM) 500 Ion dweilmsr idt/lir ist/lir Ot Elmerline E-120 X 5x104 5x104 5x104 . cgesi c;sa egen Ion O weni e r Victoreen 471 X 3fl364/lir 300H/lir (<linH to 300nct inieqrate) (M D =srlisur 114M-4A X 2x105 2x105 egon ciin (M to Scinti- Victoreen 'thyac III X 0xigiS lix105 IlatIsm Nat l cgin cgse silicon Marac IV X lxinS starrier commts Scint.1Ilatlon H erline PAC-15N; .X 2x10'f 2tt/lir ' cien litswler lkilIslay Ill-1500 ,X IINInM/nn2 (2.54 utz) 5-Friin7:~nTsiin~i Tu l iaif ,


l I)iswle sk al lilay 3(M12 l X l 107 V2 fg2 yg, ,. fi-gu d us: SMllz to 100 till. , llHI A 2/M2 gm, 10 Filz in 22tl PHl.", Isot avigile IFE 14M- 1 *

                                                                                                                                                                .l(Mi V/H                          l .'


  • lim I:valaul eel 3

1 H m afactitrer Hostel I fal>. Fielti Ik:l a

                                                                                        .             Gassio                           X-ray _    nuitron  MI~Esaw".sv.                         .

Diole Nanla 11616 X L'anle Hanla 8621 X 20 mM/<w2 3dN)Milz-26 Gilt. Ica (h.emier Victorcen V715 X 54HMt/lir [ ,: , (M Victoreen V700 X 3x105 5thedylir Ion Ottanter Maclear Strini X lil lit/lir 103 R/lir Associates - ,

                                                                          *e Osartz Filer          ICA             015                            X                            l . Sit                        1.5R Osartz Filmtr         ICA             050                            X                           5.0H                           S.0R (naartz FIIer        ICA              150                          X                            0 . 5 84                       0.5R t

l2  ; (heartz Filer Capintec StO-6 X 0.5H 0.5R TID Ilea<ktr Victoreen 2810 X 10 11t 1838t . Cais Flow imC ICC-1IT l>r43 n rt inw u l .

                                             &                X                 5x107     5x107                                                                                                       ;

Commiter IG-lT clm

  • cini .

100 pup /< # Wisuku Giz. Caiderra 220S X Fltw Coissiter Go-l.1 Gassent Caiderra Series 80 X Sgmet r<anet er Mwl.8623 Survey Met er f aullian 2218 X X .

            -                                                                                                                                                                              l I           i Algdia scint pn A nt          "

43-2 X X


i stria 44-1 X l - l X l Giusema 44-10 X p - l X 1 (M lide 44-7 X X i i

  - ... . . - -       u-   u-~._..-.._         _ -_ -.             n a.~       _ _ = ~ _ , -                a        -       -        -_.--_ .                .- - - . . , - . , . . _ _ _ .          , . , -      , _ _ . - _ _ ,

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under the ;;:vica ns of the New England 0 . 1 i f Agen="2 ree.ce :1..=. assistance: ( ., . . au '... ..e .', e3.e s ..-. . (: 7hene Jincinde area cede):

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  • cen is the reTaested as1 stance needed?


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. APPENDIX M - i  ! i 4 i  : 3 I t i s I t OPERATION OF THE METPAC SYSTEM i

'                                                                 (See METPAC User Manual - bound separately) i i

i{ l 4 I I i 1 1 l l l 1 { i 1 l l


I l r i ,I 1 1 l l t L

i j l i I I APPENDIX 0

(to be developed) 1 I

l 1 i i l l I, j l i i l i I ( 1 i D W

i f APPENDIX P (to be developed) i i / 1 i 4 J 1 I k 1-l r l { i-I


i l i 1  ! i


l l l

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l l l l i l i l 1 1 3 l 1 l I i a i i 1053o 11/18/35

F . APPENDIX Q [ Hamard/BousquGt-Clayoux (=cdified) , h Procedure A for Oose Assessment and Atmospheric Dispersion Estimation f(. ,

l. Enter Table la with wind speed and either with release height and lapse i rate or with Pasquf11 Stability Class (PSC) . Select indicated graph.
2. Determine downwind direction by adding or subtracting (as appropriate)
180 0 from upwind direction on plant data sheet.. Using protractor and bottom edge of light table, orient graph on light table in downwind direction. Affix with masking tape.

l i l 3. Fill in marginal data on 10 mile EPZ map. Place map on graph with release t j point over origin point on graph (left edge center) . Align grid lines' with bot cm edge of light tabis using pro tractor. j 4 k . 4 Inter table 2 with appropria s " case" and with either release rate and anticipated duration or with total release. Select indicated curve (s) on j graph for protective action (s) desired against WED. l 4 1 t

5. Trace curves (using a solid line for the relocation protective action and ~

a dashed line for the sheltering protective action) selected in step 4 as  ! I


$ a. on first copy of map, trace entire curve (s); go Oc step 6 i time permitting,

!           b./ en another ccpy of map, trace curve (s) only as far downwind as a i                       preselected time and the wind speed dictate; file for later comparison.


!    6. Using              protractor draw lines through the curve (s) perpendicular to t          the downwind direction at points which represent appropriate preselected                         !
!           times after release (e.g. every hour, every 2 hours, e::.) .                                     1
7. If another plume overlayed mapis being prepared, check to see if both  !

i' agree. P.esolve differences. i

            >Wke at leas: a pherocopies of cceple:ed map. File ori:inal. Send cne l

l 8. i

!           each to governor (or representative), director DFF.S, director COA, and keep one in accident assessment room. If possible make one transparency.


9. Enter tabla 3 either with iodine release rare and anticipated duration 1 or wi:h total release. Select indicated curve (s) on graph for protective
;            action (s) desired agains: C73. Using a fresh map, repea; steps 5 through S.'

i i

10. If wind direction changes go to step 17.

i  : 1 i t t

i 1 Procedure A , I s

11. After pidme p' asses (either of, wind shift and/or cessati:n of release) prepare isodepositions map by beginning at stap 12.

i 12. Enter Table Ib with wind speed, presence or absence of rain, and either

' with lapse rate or Pasquill Stability Class (PSC) . Select indicated.

graph. l 13. Follow steps 2 and 3. k 4

14. Enter table 6 with appropriate " case" and with either release rate and anticipated duration or with total release,. Select indicated j ' curves on graph for protective actions to be taken.

I i 15. Trace curves (using a dotted line for the removal from pasture protective

action, a dashed line for the sheltering protective action, and a solid j line for the relocatien protection action) selected in step -l'4 l <

4 ., 16. Follow steps 7 and 8. l ] i 17. A wind direction change requir vector arithmetic to detar-mine the direction of the center line of the dog leg from the new plume 3 - center line. The point of direction shift of the dog leg should be computed reasonably close to the time the wind shift t ok place--to the next whole hour after wind shift should satisfy this for low to moderate speeds. I i 18. Compute the direction of the dog leg as follcws using the HP-lle -(or ] similar) calculator: , i j a. f CLEAR REG

b. key in first wind direction (to) i c. ENTER i -
d. key infirst wind speed j e. f -* R l f. E- (ddsplay should show a "one")
 !                 g,        key in second wind direction (to)
h. Eh"IER
 ,                 i.        key in second wind speed j                   j.        f-R i                   k.        gI-                 (display should show a "cero")-
1. RCL E
m. P .
   \               n.        g X *% Y
 !                 o.         90 j                   p.         + (if wind shift .was clockwise);              - if counter clockwise)
q. f FIX o 1

_. . - - - - . - . = _ . . - _ _ . - _ - . -- _. - _ i l Procedure A - 19'. On a fresh map, plot the center line along the new wind direction; extend it for an appropriate distance (e.g. , one hour's travel); i then plot the center line of the dog leg from the end of the new direction center line along the direction determined in step 18 q. 1

20. Using the appropriate IS0 CONCENTRATION graph, trace the curves for sheltering and relocation as in step five, EXCEPT, when the center line changes direction, the graph must be pivoted at that point before tracing (if necessary) is continued.'
21. Follow steps 7 and S.
22. To plot IS0 DEPOSITION when there is a wind shift, do not compute a dog leg direcrion. ,
23. On a fresh map, plot IS0 DEPOSITION curves as in steps 12 through 15 as far as necessary from release time to wind-direction-change time.


24. Plot ISODEPOSITION curves along new direction from release point to appropriate point (another wind shift or end of area of operational i

eencern). I 25. Merge plots from steps 23 and 24 into one two- (or three-) lobed plot ! to indicate areas in which protective actions must be taken from deposition.

25. Follow steps 7 and 8.

l Proc; dura A i Table la Isoconcentration curve determination Wind speed 4 o ; (CF) (VY) PSC Elevated release 6 2 m/s >2 ds Ground release A or B C31 C32

             ,5 - 1.54                      6 - 2.45                                                                          ,

C or D CD1 CD2

         -1.53 to -0.46              -2.44 to -0.72                                                                           ;
                - 0.45                        ), - 0.71           E, F, or G              CFl                 CF2             i


'                                                           Table Ib Isodecosition curve determination at SF) (any release heigh:1 (W)                            PSC                Wind steed         Rain     Cur /e A, 3, or C                 6 2 Ws           No        D1 l              6 1.29 i

Yes D5

                                                                                           > 2 Ws          No        D2 Yes       06 l
                 > 1. 29                                          D, E, or F               5 2 ds          --        D3        i 32 =/3          --        Du a

L ,! l ,!  : ' l l

                                             !        ,i
                                                                                                                               )                                               .

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1 i Procedure e l Table 4 Concentrations (NG) . Excesure Time l 4 hrs 8 hrs 12 hrs 24 hrs 48 hrs WBD (rems) 0.25 2E-04 lE-04 7E-05 3E-05 2E-05 O.5 4E-04 2E-04 lE-04 7E-05 3E-05

1 SE-04 4E-04 3E-04 lE-Ou 7E-05 2 2E-03 8E-04 5E-04 3E-04 15-04 5 4E-03 2E-03 lE-03 7E-04 3E-04 10 8E-03 4E-03 3E-03 1E-03 7E-04 25 2E-02 lE-02 7E-03 3E-03 2E-03 Concentrations (R.I) l Excesure Time CTD (rems) 4 hrs 8 hrs 12 hrs 24 hrs u8 hrs l

2.5 9E-07 SE-07 3E-07 2E-07 . SE-08 5 2E-06 9E-07 6E-07 3E-07 2E-07 10 4E-06 2E-06 lE-06 6E-07 3E-07 25 9E-06 SE-06 3E-06 2E-06 SE-07 50 2E-05 9E-06 6E-06 3E-06 2E-06 125 5E-05 2E-05 2E-05 SE-06 4E-06 l l l t

s ro ceinia e a ISOCONCEWrRATION CilRVI: VAI.tlES Concentration Ei/m 3 ' Itclease Itate (E1/sec)

                                                        ]E-01     20-01  51:-0 1 11:s00       2E600     51:100    1E:01      2n*01    5E801     11:1(12 1E-07                                             7        8      9       yo            -          -           -      -         -          -

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6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 O 2 4 Dis tance in km Isodeposition graph, dry weather, normal diffusion, wind speed C . 5



DI.s tance in km 6yI II I I II I I II I I l3 I I I3 3 I l'I I I3 3 I II I I II I 3 II I I II 3 I I3 _

D2 -

'4 -- 2 - 0 - 0 -M& _iax - 3 } -


_2 .-

_4 _
-6        Liliiiliiiliiiliiiliiilii11iiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiil 0        2            4      6                     8  10 12   14 16 18  20    22    24 Distance in km Isodeposition graph, dry weather, normal diffusion, wind speed >2                                     ,


                . HAMARD and G. BMSQUET-CLAYEUX                                                                                 O Q's tance in km ci         ii}iiil    ii]ii1 liiil1 iI l1 1 1 [I i1 l1 iil1 iil1 1 I l1                                                         I ji _
                               '7 l

E D3 - 1 4h _ 1

    ,L                                                                                                                                   -


    'r 2'   -

i 0-Dh " b b -

-2      -
-4       -

_St iiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiil o iIiiiIiiiiiiiIiiiIiiiIiiiIi 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Distance in km

7. Isodeposition graph, dry weather, poor diffusion, wind speed 42 i r


O O O - 4 Distance in km ijiii[i 6L iiijiiijii1 liiijiiijiiil1 1 1 l1 i i l1 i i l1iiji _ D4 : z a-


p 0 h >; p ] }

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!-4 - 4 liiiIiiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiliiiln

.-6         i i i   -

20 22 24 O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Distance in km

 . . Isodeposition graph, dry weather, poor diffusion, wind speed >2 i          i

O O O Distance in km 6 iii;iii;iii1iii;iiiiiiiiiii1iiilFii;iii;iiiiiii;i DS ; 41

: 5; 2

l>Ef] 0 e a O P

  -2                                                                     _
  -4    -
  -6       iliiili11 IiiiliiiliiiliiiIiliiiliiiliiiIiIi '

O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Distonce in km

i. 9. Isodeposition grarh, rain, normal diffusion, wind speed 42 m :


IN N U CLI.: A K 1&Nt. Ol'LA NS 11iL. liv 19'C01 ALL !! "] I Distance in km 6 i sijiiigiiiliTiliiijiiijiiiiirijiiigirigvii;siigi 2 D6 : _ q _ 2

                                                                      }0 Q3                         J'                                                                           -

0 - -


_J x _ 2 -

  -4    -
            '    'illIiIL' 'l

lIIlIlII' O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 , Disiance in km

10. Isodeposition graph, rain, normal diffusion, wind speed >2 m P-


                          -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 APPEND'X R j

3ee. C3tT::"A !#ETy ruNC7:CNS . A%A E,ENT AEM 3CE t.AEA EH"CO*CT CE'E8A ewe 8CESCY I l . y 8 3 ,. e 6 ===se i ese .

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APPI'! DIX S Introducing the Panafax UF-400 9_ l l x Maict Parts I i ADF Tray Unit ,

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