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Contract: Followon to Simulation of Earthquake Ground Motions for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Awarded to K Aki
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/1980
From: Aki K, Perlman J
Shared Package
ML20148D482 List:
CON-FIN-B-6898, CON-FIN-B-6898-0, CON-NRC-03-80-144, CON-NRC-3-80-144, TASK-03-06, TASK-3-6, TASK-RR NUDOCS 8010080315
Download: ML20148D485 (5)


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f. Rioul$ MON /PURCHAS( RfoUtS'f/PROECT NO. 4. CERTIPifD POR MAfgggett Mll UNOtt BD6A l
  • 1 I. CCNf RACT f t*#w. 41st. Idai.d.) NO. 2 '1 5 ,'Nof"' * "'*
  • N'R C-O'3-80-144 RFPA NRR-80-144
3. issuro er Coof e. Anaamruno n CooEl 7. onmer es US Nuclear Regulatory commission C'n*'5"'

U Division of Contracts, SPS Washington, DC 20555 fle"/'"

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  • I l Dr. Keitti Aki NA

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' "OiD,, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 i o. ,png,d>

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11. SNIP TO/MARic FOlt CODEj { 12. PAYMENT -Wiv. 6E MADE SY erM[ ~

US Nuclear Regulatory commission US Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Dr. Robert Jackson Office of the Controller -

NRR, Division of Engineering Washington, DC 20555 .

Washington DC 20555 e

] 10 U.S.C. 2304 (eg )

13. THf1 PROCUREMfNT WAS AOvitf1510. h NEGOTIAffD, PUR$UANT TOs 41 U.S.C. 232 tcv3 i
14. ACCCUNTiNG AND APPROPRIAflON CATA B&R No.: 20-19-05-05 FIN No.: 8-6898-0 Appropriation: 31 X0200.200 - $5,000.00


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iffM NO i $UPPut $ / $ERVICFS QUANilir UNf? Utdr 7EEE AMOUNT i Follow-on to Simulation of Earthquake Ground -

iMotions for San Onofre Nuclear Generating

Station $5,000.00 I

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NRC-03-80-144 Page 2 of 5 I

, ARTICLE I - BACKGROUND In order to detemir,a the proper level of earthquake ground motion (response spectrum) to be used in the seismii evaluation of the San Onofre Generating Station, Southern California Edison has carried out a series of state-of-the-art studies that numerically estimate this ground motion from a rupturing fault near the site. A panel reviewed these reports for the NRC and made recommendations as to their general validity and usefulness in specifying the appropriate ground motion. Subsequent to the writing of these reports, the October 1979 Imperial Valley Earthquake occurred and yielded the trost extensive set of data yet recorded in the near field of a magnitude 6.5 to 7.0 event. Southern California Edison was asked to conduct a series of studies that would attempt to further validate their numerical model and ground motion estimates by testing this model with respect to the Imperial Valley data.

ARTICLE II - SCOPE OF WORK Task 1. Review of Reoort Review the applicant's study of the 1979 Imperial Valley Earthquake with respect to general validity, validity of assumed earthquake ground motion v model, and impact upon previous evaluations of ground motion studies.

Prepare and submit a technical evaluation of the study.

Task 2. Follow-on Review '

Upcn completion of Task 1, review and evaluate additional information submitted by the applicant in response to questions raised in the technical evaluation i performed under Task 1. Prepare and submit technical evaluations of additional information submi.t-ted.

Task 3. Participation in Meetings and Hearings i Attend four meetings to discuss the specified ground motion level. Prepare necessary testimony or discussion material for these meetings. These meetings will be with the applicant, the NRC staff, and the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS). Participation in the Atomic Safety Licensing Board (ASLB) will be required to testify on related contentions.

ARTICLE III - PERIOD _OF PERFORMANCE The period of perfomance will commence on or before the effective date of this contract, .I and all effort shall be completed within-fourteen months.  ;


In full consideration of the Contractor's performance hereunder, the NRC shall pay the Contractor at the rate of $182.00 per day, estimated to be twenty-five (25) mandays. The Contractor will be reimbursed an amount not to exceed $1600.00

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NRC-03-80-144 Page 3 of 5 for all travel as described below, incurred directly and specifically in tie-per: ance of this contract, claimed by che Contractor and accepted by t!!e Contracting Officer.

Comestic travel expenses incurred by the Contractor in direct performance provided such travel is necessary for the perfonnance of this contract ardi not exceeding:

a. Cost of air travel by most direct route. " Air Coach" or " Air Tourisf accommodations on prop or jet aircraft constitutes the normal class af air travel wh% -Sall be utilized. First-class accommodations may 3e used if (1) less tnan first-class is not available providing reserymf'orr was requested within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the. traveler had knowledge of tte trip; (2) less than first-class requires circuitous routing, (3) less than first-class requires travel to begin or end at unreasonable hous (i.e., if scheduled flight time is before 8:00 AM and scheduled arri.wil is after 9:00 PM); (4) less than first class would result in additicrail

, direct costs which offset the transportation savinos; or (5) less then first-class will not make connections with other flights or transpor.1xt. ion for continuation of the journey which greatly increases the durationaf the flight; or (6) less than first-class would offer accommodations which are not reasonably adequate for the physical or medical needs of the trawler.


b. Cost of rail travel by most direct route; first-class with lower berther nearest equivalent.
c. Travel by motor vehicle including rented automobile shall be reimburmd on a reasonable actual expense basis, or at the Contractor's option an a .

mileage basis at a rate of 20e per mile plus any toll or ferry charges

d. Private vehicTe mileage shall be reimbursed at 20c per mile.


Per diem shall be reimbursed at a daily rate not to exceed $50.00 perday, f.

Recipts are required for coninon carrier transportation, lodging, anti '

miscellaneous for any or.e item in excess of $15.00.

ARTICLE V - OBLIGATIONS The amount presently obligated by the NRC with respect to this contractis.

$5,000.00. Additional funds in the amount of $3,000.00 for the second fiscal year will be obligated, subject to the availability of funds, by a unilaharal modification to the contract.


i Payment shall be made in accordance with Clause 2 of the General Provisions.

entitled " Payment" as soon as practicable after completion of all the urk ~

and acceptance by the Project Officer of the final report, upon submission Officer; provided, however, that said payment (s) shall no

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. NRC-03-80-14 4 Pago 4 of 5 prejudice any rights which the Government may have by law or underother provisions of this contract. Partial payments are authorized upon sompTiet.fon of each Task and acceptance by the Project Officer.

ARTICLE VII - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Upon completion of Tasks 1 and 2, the Contractor will submit his hchfi217 evaluations in letter report form to Dr. Leon Reiter, Division of En.iamaring, Nuclear Reactor Regulation, NRC, with copies to Dr. Robert Jackson andW: James P.

Knight, also of the Division of Engineering, Nuclear Reactor Regulatten; NRC.

ARTICLE VIII - GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED MATERIALS A copy of the applicant's study will be provided under separate cuerc.


IX.1 PROJECT OFFICER Performance of the work hereunder shall be subject to the tademitalu instructions issued by the US Nuclear Regulatory Connission T&ea technical instructions shall be signed by the Project Offiar.

The Project Officer is responsible for: O' I 1 monitoring the Contractor's technical progress, including:ttae surveillance and assessment of performanco and recommerufng;to the Contracting Officer changes in requirement; e

2. interpreting the statement of work;  !
3. perforndng technical evaluation as required; -
4. performing the technical inspections and acceptances resdndd I by this contract; and  !
5. assisting the Contractor in the resolution of technicalprobles encountered during performance. '

Within the purview of this authority, the Project Officer Isauthorized l to approve payment vouchers for supplies / services requireduder.the '

contract. The Contracting Officer is responsible for direc5rng or 1 negotiating any changes in tenns, conditions, or amounts cahd in the  !


'For guidance from the Project Officer to the Contractor to3e valid, l jitmust*

1. be consistent with the description of work set forth fathis contract;
2. not constitute new assignment of work or change of the apressed  !

terms 4= con di ti ons,= o r=_s p ect_fi catio n s . i n co rpo ra te d . i n teis-con tract ;



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not constitute a basis for an extension to the period oir peftsmance or contract delivery schedule; and 4.

not constitute a basis for any increase in the contract ptf.s.

If the Contractor receives guidance from the Project Offiotr atch the Contractor feels is not valid under the criteria cited above,%e dontractor shall immediately notify the Project Officer. IfM@mdget Officer and the Contractor are not able to resolve the questicsraitthin five days, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer.

IX.2 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Acceptance of the services and reports to be delivered hereftr441 be-made by the Project Officer.

IX.3 DISSEMINATION OF CONTRACT INFORMATION The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or dicribute for public consumption any infomation, oral or written, Wrg the results or ennclusions made pursuant to the performance of ttrisc:sstract without the prior written consent of the Contracting Officer. (Tua copies of any material prcposed to be submitted to the Contracting Officer.) published or distributed; hat 1 be r ARTICLE X - GENERAL PROVISIONS The contract is subject to the Fixed Price Research and Development'dhtracts under $10,000.00, dated November 14, 1977, which incorporates the FIR 2emges and Additions and NRC Additions, attached hereto and made a part hendt.

Clause 14 entitlec " Patent Rights" is deleted in its entirety.

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