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Radiation Safety Manual,Catholic Univ of America
Person / Time
Site: 05000077
Issue date: 01/31/1992
From: Keene W
Shared Package
ML20092C810 List:
PROC-920131, NUDOCS 9202120108
Download: ML20092C815 (80)



Licenst R- 31

, 11ocke t M i- 17 i - -1.- . . . . -


n . . .,ma ,,,. n.n ni r n .,o Appendi.- l' JANUARY 1992 p





. THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA WASil1NGTON D.C. 20064 Cifl0! M TBt !!I;;tDE VICE Ittiltut htrury *, 1992 P 11C M U LGI\ T I O N d 1he use of ionizing radiaticn is a valuarde ingtedieni of education in tcience and engireering but, because it can result in dange to lidne organisst, it is isportant that all concerned be aware of the requiresents for its safe use. Radiation saf ety is hditated to avoiding espesure to ionizing radiation 50 f ar as possible, and to sinisizing expusure hich it deesed verranted. ihe radiation prctection progras for lhe Catholic University of Attrica, described in this aanval, has been established (1) to provide for the protection of the University population and the general public against rediation hazards associated with University pnssession, use, transport and disposal of radioacthe saterial and histrsity use of equipsent ohich esits ionizing radiation, and (2) to prodde for Unhersity cospliance nith applicable regulations of Federal and tistrict of Colual,la agencies.

lhls aanval contains significant inforsation for those who use or are responsible for the ase of radioacthe saterial or radiation producing equipsent at the Unherdty, as ell n those ho say be casually exposed to radiation in the course of their work (Maintenance Houtekeeping, Security and other personnel.

Under various licenses issued by the V5 Nutlear Regulatory Cossission, lhe Catholic Uriversity of Aserica is authorized to rossess and ne sources of ionizing radiation for non husan use, lhese

> licenses require an active Radiation Selety Cossittee and an organization fur radiation saf ety, lo entyre that all requiresents are satisfied the University is sub)ttt to periodic inspections by the huclear Regulatory Consission. ihese intpectient are thorou;h and include sonitoring checks of 1,bor at9ty areas, exasination of radioacthe sa'erial procurteent, disposition and inventory records, personnel sonitoring procedures, and a revien of the qualifications and training of indhidual users.

Sellows do!ation of the licenses can result in penall2ation of the University by lett of license and/or fine.

All persons responsible fer or orking alth sources of ionizing reWien at 1he Catholic Unhersity of Astrica autt cosvly alth the pruvisions of this Radiation Safety Manual and the applicable regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Cossission and the District of Colusbia, lhe Chairsen of the University Radiation Safety Ccealttee is responsible for ensuring se h co;,,- ace, lhe Unhersity Radiatior. hfety Officer assists the Chairsan to that end.

This edition of the sanual begins to address chant.; in the Unhersity radiation safety progras ihich are required to ensure cospliance with significant changet which are being ande in the regulations of the Nuclear Regulatory Consission, Fredous editions of the unual are obsolete and say be Jestroyed.

r.Rosesary Donley, $.C.

Executive Vice President 1

i  !


PREFAtt TO THf 1992 EDlil0N 1

This edition of the Radiation $afety Nanual fer The Catholic Univer 'ty of Astrica is the first sajor revblon since 19t0. The sanual is re-issued in its entirety thi '.980 edition ear be  :

destroyed. It begins to address adjustients which are necessitated by the 1991 reshion to 11tle 10, Code of federal Regulations. Part 20, cospliance eith ihich is required by 1 hnuary 1993.  :

Althoughtherearenomajorchangesinproceduresforthecontrolofradioactivesaterial. f it;has _been necessary to sake significant changes in radioactive easte sanagecent details. The  !

assistance of Authorized Users in achieving cosplian:e is solicited. ,

I shall appreciate it if errors,-esissions and suggestions for leprovement are brought to ey attention, i

-i Warren [. Xeene Ih.D.

=i Director of Radiation Safety February.1992 <

t 1

~I 11 2 92 w

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l lH( (AlHOLIC UNIVER$11Y Of AMERICA RAbifl!0N $Af!!Y NANUAL C O N T IS N T S Page Promulgation . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . t . . . . ....... 1 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 11 s

Contents .................... . . . . . . . . 111 Table I. Abbreviations Used in the Manual . . . . . . . ...... ix Table 11 Definitions of Selected Technical Tcru . . . ....... x Chapter 1 Organization for Radiation Safety [

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 Radiation Safety Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2.1 Eutablishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1

1. 2. 2. Responsibilities ., , ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2.3 Authori ty. - . . ..., .................1-2 1.2.4 Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 -!

1.2.5 Meetings . . . . .. . .................1-2 1.2.6 Records . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1,3 Radiation Safety Officer , , ..................-1-3 '!

1.3.1 Appointment . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 f

- 1.3.2 Responsibilities .... . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 l'.3.3 - Authority , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1-5 .

1.4 Deans. Department Chairs and Laboratory Directors . . . . . . . 1-5

_i 1.5 Authorized Users . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . 1-5

- 1.5.1 Definition -. . - . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 l.5.2 Responsibilities .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 1.5.3 Authority , . . . . . .................1-6 1.6 The. University Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 .

Chapter 2- Administrativa Proceduren #

' 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.2 Authority to Possess and Use Radioactive Material . . . . . . . 2-1 2.2.1 Introduction . . - . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Application for Authority to Possess and Use 2.2.2 '

Radioactise Material . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.2.3 Review of AppilCations .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2-2 111 Rev. 1-92


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i 2.2.4 Criteria for Approval of Applications . . . . . . . . . 2-3 I 2.2.5 Termination of Authoriaations .... . . . . . . . . . 2-3  :


2.3 Control of Radiation Exposure of Individuals . ....... . 2-4 'i 2.3.1 Radiation Exposure llistory . .... . ....... . . . 2-4  !

2.3.2 Medical Examinations . . . ..... . . .... . . . . 2-4  !

2.3.3 Personnel Honito:ing Services ..... . . . . . . . . 2-4 i

2.4 Procurement of Sources-of Ionizing Radiation . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2.4.1 Radioactive Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 2.4.2 . Radiation-Producing Machines and Equipment . . . . . . . 2-7 1

2.5 Proposals for Contracts & Grants involving Ionizing Radiation . 2-7 j 2.5.1 - Investigator Responsibilities .... . . . . . . . . . 2-7 -i 2.5.2 RSO Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 i 2.6 Receiving Shipments of Radiation Sources ... . . . . . . . . 2-8 l 2.6.1 Consignment . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . . 2-8  !

2.6.2 Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 i 2.6.3 Logging . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . 2-9 i 2.6.4 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9  ;

2.6.5 Delivery to Authorized User .... . . ....... . 2-9 2.7 Outgoing Shipments of- Radioactive Material ... ...... . 2-9 r

- 2.8 . Transportation of' Radioactive H e rial on Campus . . . . . . . 2-9

- 2.9 Inventory- of Sources of Ionizing Radiation ~ . . . .... . . . 2-10.  !

2.9.1 Policy . i , . . . . . . - . . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . 2-10  !

2.9.2 consumable Radioactive: Material . .. . . ..,.... . 2-10 2.9.3 - Sealed Sources . . . - . . ........-....... . 2-11

.2.9.4 Radiation-Producing Equipment ... .. ....... . 2-11

- 2,10. Inter-User Transf er of Radioactive Material . . . ..,. . . . . . 2 ,

2.10.1 Policy . . . . . . . . . . .-. .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . ?-12 2.10.2 Procedure '

. . . . . . . . . ....... ....... 2-12 i 2.11 Disposal of Radioactive Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. 2-12 2.11.1 Policy . . . . . . . . . ................ 2-12 2 ;11. 2_ ' Proc edure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .- 2-13 ,

' 2.12 Corrective Action . . - . . . . ,

. . 2-13' 2.12.1 -- Radiation Safety. Committee Pesponsibility ..... . . 2-13 l 2.12.2 - Richt of Appeal . . . . . . . . ...-. . . ...-. . . . . . 2-13

2.13 Education and Training for Radiation Safety .. . .__. . . . . . 2-14 1 1 2.13.1 Responsibility of the RSO , ,..... ....... . 2-14 ,

2.13.2 Responsibility of Departmental RSC Representatives :. . . 2-14  :

2.13.3 Responsibility of Authorized Users .. . . ...... . 2 i iv Rev. 1 9? .

3 1


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1HC (A18ttl( UNIVER$11Y OF AMikl(A RAM At!0h SAf fly MANUAL 2.14 Incident and Emergency Reportinn . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15

2. N .1 Authorited User Responsibility .. . . . . .. . . . . . 2-15 2.14.2 RSO Responsibility . . . . . . . .. . . .... . . . . 2-16 Chapter 3 Rules for Conttol and Monitorina of personnel Exposuie and Envito mantal Radiatlun 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.2 Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3 , .1 Unrestricted Area . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . 3-1 3 . .' 2 Rest ricted Area .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . 3-1 3.3 Posting of Restricted Arets . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3-2 3.4 Permissible Exposures in Restricted Areas . . . ... . . . .. 3-2 3.4.1 Occupatlonal Dose Due to External Exposure . . . . . . . 3-2 3.4.2 Internal Exposure . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.5 Airborne contamination Linits . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.6 Surface Contamination Limits . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.7 personnel Monitoring ... . . . . . .... . . , . . . . . . . 3-5 3.8 Surveys ...................... . . . . . . 3-5 3.S.1 Definitions ... .. ... . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 3-5 3.S.2 Authorized User Responsibility for Surveys . . . . . . . 3-5 3.9.3 RSO Responsibility for Surveys ... . .. . . . . . . . . 3-5 3.8.4 Requirement for Area Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . 3-$

3.9 Labeling Containers of Radioactive Material . . . .. . . . . . . 3-6 3.9.1 Requirements ... . . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3.9.? Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3.10 Storage of Radioactive Material . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3.11 Radioactive Waste . ... . . ....... . . .. . . . . . . 3-6 3.12 Shielding Sources of lonizing Radiat:ca . . . . .. . . . . . . 3-6 3.13 Misplacement, Loss or Theft of Radioactive Mate ial . . . ,, , . 3-7 3.14 Equipment Used for Radioactive Work .., .. . .... . . . . . 3-7 3.14.1 Removal of Equipment f rom Restricted Areas . . . . . . . 3-7 3.14.2 Repair of Contaminated Equipment ... . . .. . . . . . . 3-7 3.14.3 Vacuum Systems ...... . . .... . . . . . . .. . . 3-7 v Rev. 1-92

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l 3.15 Survey Instruments . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . 3-7 3.15.1 Procurement . . . . . . . .. .... . ....... . 3-7 3.15.2 Calibration . . . . . . .. .... ..... . . . 3-7 3.15.3 Repair . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ....... . 3-8 3.16 Responsibilities of Authorized Users ..... ..... . . . 3-8 3.17 Responsibilities of Individual Users ... .. ...... . . 3-9 3.17.1 Definition . . . . . . . . .. .... ...... . . . 3 -9 3.17.2 Responsibilities . . . . . . .... ... .... ... 3-10 l

3.18 Work Habits . . . . . ... . . . . .... ... ... .... 3-10 3.18.1 Preparatory _. . . . . .. . .... ......... . 3-10 3.18.2 Protective Clothing . . . . . ... . .. ..... .. 3-11 3.18.3 Materials Handling .. .. ...... . . .... ... 3-11 3.18.4 Hygiene . . . . . . . .. ........ .... ... 3-12 3.19 Use of Radioactive Material in Animals .... ..... ... 3-13 3.20 Radiation-Producing Machines. . . . . ... . .. ....... 3-14 l 3.20.1 Exemption f rom Regulation ..... .. . .... ... 3-14 1 3.20.2 RSO Responsibility and Authority .... ..... ... 3-14 ,

3.20.3 General Safety Rules . .. ........ ....... 3-14 -l

-Chapter 4 Special Instructions for University Staff Departments 4.1 Introduction . . . . . .. . . . ...... . . ......

. ..._4-1 _

4.2 Housekeeping . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ......... . 4-1 4.3 Haintenance . . . . . . .. . . . ....... .. . . . . . . 4-1 4.4 Pubide Safety . . . . . . . . . ......... .... . . . . 4-2

-4.5 Purchasing . . . . . . .. . . . .. .... .. ..... . . 4-2

-4.6 Sponsored Programs and Research Services ....... ....4-3 Chapter 5 Emergency Procedures 5.1 Introduction . . . . .. . . . . . . ... ... ..... . . . 5 5.2 Authorized User Responsibility . .. .. . . . ... . . . . 5-1

-5.3 Emergency-Responders . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... .

. . . 5-2 vi Rev. 1 92

lH[ CATN0 llc UNIVER$11Y OF AN[RICA RADI Ai!0N $Af[fY NANUAL 5 . l. Procedures for Specific Types of Emergencies . . ...... . . 5-2 5.4.1 Airborne contamination . . .. .... . . ...... . . 5-2 5.4.2 contaminated Personnel -- Uninjured .. . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5.4.3 Contaminated Casualties . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5.4.4 Explosion .. .. . . . .. ...... . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.4.5 Fire . . ... . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5.4.6 External Radiation hposure ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5.4.7 Radioactive Spills . .. .. ...... . ..... . . . 5-7 5.5 Decontamination Procedures ... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . 5-9 5.5.1 General Principals of Decontamination .. . . . . . . . . 5-9 ,

5.5.2 General Procedures for Pe'csonnel Decontamination . . . . 5-9 5.5.3 Hand Decontamination .. . . ..... . . . . . . . . . 5-10 5.5.4 Area Decontamination . . . . ....... . . . . . . . 5-11 Appendix A Radiation Safety Committee Membership . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Appendix B " Standards for Protection Against Radiation." (10 CFR 20) B-1 Appendix

  • C- " Instructions Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure . . . C-1 (US NRC R.G 8.13)

Appendix D Disposal of Radioactive Waste and Surplus  :

Radioactive Sources .... . ...... . . . . . . . . D-1 D-1 Definition . . ..... . .. . ..... .. . . . . . . . . . D-1 D-2. Introduction .. ... . ... . . . . . . ... , . . . . . . . . D-1 D-3 -Disposal to the Sewer . ..... . .,.. .. . . . . . . . . . D-2

.D-3.1 Authority for Discharge to sewerage ... . . . . . . . . D-2 D-4 Releases to Ventilation Exhaust Systems ... . . ...... . . D-2 D-4.1 Release Control ..... . ... ... . ...... . . D-2 D-4.2 Releases to Recirculating Air Systems . . ..... . . . D-2 D-4.3 Releases to Outdoor. Air .. . ... .. . .... . . . . - D-2 '

D-4.4 Permissible Averaging. Time . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . D-2 D-5 Specific Disposal Instructions- .. . ...... . . . .- . . . . D-3 D-5.1 Definitions ... . .... .... .. . . . . . . . . . D-3 D-5.2 General Rules .. . . . . .. ... .. . .... . . . . D-3 D-5.2.1 Segregation .. ..... .. . . . . . . . . . D-3 D-5.2.2 Radwaste Containers . . . .. . . ..... 4 D-3 D-5.2.3 Exposure Limitation .. ... . ...... . . D-4 vii Rev. 1 92

. . _ - - - . . -. .- . . . ~ . . - . - - . . . .- --

THE CATHOLIC UN1Y!R$11Y Of AMERICA RADIAll0N $Af[iY NANUAL D-5.2 General Rules (cont.)

D-5.2.4 Precautions Against Chemical Reaction . . . . . D-4 D-5.2.5 Animal Carcas$cs ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . D-4 D-5.2.6 Labeling . . .... ..... ... . . . . . . D-4 D-5.2.7 Removal . . . ... ... .. . .. . . . . . . D-4 D-5.2.8 Storage . . ... ... .... . .. .. . . . D-4 D-6 Disposal of Surplus Radioactive Sources . . .... . . . .. . . D-5 D-6.1 Sources Surplus to the Needs of an Authorized User .. . . D-5 D-6.2 Sources Suiplus to the Needs of the University . . .. . . D-5 Appendix E Publications Available to Radiation Workers . . .. . . . E-1 E-1 Documents Required to Be Available . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . E-1 E-2 Additional Documents Held by the RSO .. . . .. . . . . . . . . E-1 Appendix F Radiation Safety Office }orm .. ..... . . . . . . . F-1 Appendix G Inst.uctions for Completing the Application for User Authorization (l'orm RSO-2) . .... .. . . .. . G-1 viii Rev. 1-92

> _ _ _ _ _ . _ m.._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,._ _.

P TH( CAih0LIC tiNhlR$liY Of AN!RIC A RADIAll0N $AffiY MANUAL TAltLE ! ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TIIE MANUAL AII . . . . . . Annual Limit on Intake b CFR . ..... Code of Federal Regulations-CUA . . . . . . The Catholic University of America DAC . . . . . . Derived Air Concentration DC- . .-. . . . District of Columbia '

DlulS ..... U.S. Department of Ilealth and lluman Services DOE . ..... U.S.-Department of Energy .:

dptc . ..... Disintegrations per minute DR ...... Disposal Report-(for radioactive waste)

EDTA ,.... Ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid EML . . . . . . Electronic Heasuremento Laboratory. DOE '

GH ... .. Geiser-Mueller LSC . ..... Liquid Scintillation Cocktail NRC + ._. . . . U.S. Nuc1 car Regulatory Commission a


Pils . . . . . . U.S. Public' Health Service -

ORNL' ..... .0ak Ridge National Laboratory Radwaste ... . -Radioactive. waste .. ,

- RG. ...... (NRC) Regulatory Guide '

RMIC . . . . . . Radioactive Haterial Inventory Control RPE . ... . .'. Radiation-producing Equipment RPM.. . . . . . Radiation-producing Machinery -!

RSL . . . . . Radiation Safety Laboratory RSC . . . - . . . Radiation Safety' Committee Radiation Safety Laboratory

. RSI,... . . ...

, RSM . . . . . . Radiation Safety Manual RSO , ..... Radiation Safety Officer / Office

- 10 CTh .... Title'_10. Code of Federal Regulations  !

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.Dgs Fuuivakul-- The product of absorbed dose in tissue. quality f actos , and  :

all other necessary modifying f actors at the location of interest, with unit:  !

I rem (0.01 sievert). i i

fmernenty -- A,iy incident resulting from the use of one or more sources of t lonizing radiation 4hich cientes an internal or external hazard to pensonnel. l L

hopnu,t -- Being exposed to ionizing radiation or radioactive material.  !

Extcutal Dose -- Defined by 10 CFR 20.1003 i ligh Radiation Arta -- An area, accessible to individuals. in which radiation '

levels could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of  ;

0.1 rem (1 msv) in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 centimeters from the radiation source or f rom any surface that the radiation penetrates.  ;

indjvidual tiser -- Any person who works with sources of ionizing radiation  !

under the supervision of an Authorized User.


.hternal Dat -- Defined by 10 CFR 20.1003 t li3Jor Spjl,1 -- A spill which entails a risk of airborne contamination _in  ;

excess of the maximum pemissible concentration in restricted areas (10 CFR 20.- Appendix-B, Table 1 -- Appendix li to this manual). or external radiation (

exposurc rates in excess of 50 mrem /h at 30 centimeters.

yoientially Exposed personnel -- Includes at least all persons authorized to

, work in the same room with radioactive material. In the case of penetrating I radaation (xrays. gamma rays and neutrons) personnel occupying contiguous j spaces could be included if the presence of the rshoactive material could '

cause radiation exposure rates in excess of those permissible in unrestricted areas, Principal Investigator -- The person who is responsible for the safe handling l and use of radioactive material by him-/herself and others -- the applicant in an Application for Possession and Use of Radioactive Mat e rial . The

  • l principal investigator becomes an Authorized User on approval of the application by the RSC.

p ,

i tr_intipal User -- A person authorized by the RSC for unsupervised operation i L of a radiation-producing machine. '

Radiation Area -- An' area, accessible to individuals, in which _ radiation levels could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 0.005 rem (0.05 -msv) in one hour at 30 centimeters f rom the radiation source  ;

or from any surface that the radiation penetrates.- ,

Radiation-froducing Machine (or f_gipn,1e,nt) -- Any machine or equipment whoso  ;

primary purpose is to produce ionizing radiation, or which produces ionizing '

radiation coincidental to its primary purpose, such that any portion-of an individual's body could receive a dose equivalent in excess of 0.005 rem (0.05 4 mSv) in one hour at 5 centimeters f rom any accessible surface of the machine.

xi Rev. 1-92



~ -. ,-- -,,,,,E, ,e-- , - . - -,------...,_-.m

, 14 (MQ.l( LWR $11Y Cf ArlRl( A K All AllM SAf[ly HMAL Bdiallett_Nuthen - An individtul who in pen n it t ed t o woik with one or iaor e bources of ionizing r ad i a t ioli on the Cl!A c a n-pu s in accoidance with the administrative proceduies set foith in this stanua l . including Authoitted l!sers, studenth and en-ployees.

fWh!MEUXthiltiM1 -- Mater ial which emit a alpha par t icles, bet a pai ticles, gamn.a s ays ways, neut tons, hich-speed elections. high-speed piutons, or other atomic paiticles capable of psoducine ionitation.

KpHuatliye Waste -- (1) Unsealed radioactive mate ial whose setention is no longer desh ed by the responsible Authorized User. (2) Material /eyulpment pienumed to be contaminated because of its prior une with radioactive matetial, or (1) Sealed sources which aie leaking and not economically repainable, decayed below useful activity level, or suiplus with value less than 5500.00.

ff_ElllMht h!clLLfinits -- A vent ilation syst em in which a nominal (n act ion of e>,haust air from a loom is mixed with frer,h air and returned to the same and/o other tuoms as Supply ais, ba -- The special unit of dose egalvalent (I ren - 0.01 r.ievert).

BdlittnLAtta -- Any as ea access to which is cont rolled for the puipose of piotectisin individuals flom exposuie to ionizine ladiation or radioactive material.

Soutte;_ofjypi r itu; Rad ia t ion -- ( 1 ) Any isotore, in whatever then:ical or physical foam, which is naturally radioac'.1ve or has been sendered artificially radioactive, and whose quantity, total activity, or specific activity exceeds the lin:its cat ablished by law or tenulation foi c>,emption (s om contials established to protect the public health, or (2) Any radiat ion-producinn machine or equipment, as defined herein.

S.twLet_ttiini;tl -- Defined by 10 Clit 20.') (a.15i and 10 CiH 20.1003.

Erecial Nuclear Pht e rial -- Defined by 10 CFR 20.1 (a.16) and 'O Crit 20.1003, 31 tith luuhtite:L -- A bulk or storane container from which n,a t e r ia l is withdrawn for use in a specific proceduiu.

.hyyex -- Measurement of levels of radi<stion exposure or concent rations of radioactive material piesent in uncontrolled for and disposition.

ItthuitittlkMn -- A member of the nadiation safety commit tee, qualified by training and experielice in the use of radioactive material or radiation-producific rnachines, appoint ed f rom a Depas truent or I.aboratory which makes use of sources ot? lonizing radiation.

IEEl.AulEhlu -- An individual who is authorited to operate a radiat ion-producing rnachine under the supervisio't of a princip11 User.

xil Rev. 1-92 l


I Unrestricted Asea -- An area is unrestricted and does not require control  !

steasus es for exposure to external radiation if an individua1 continually .

l 1- present in the area cannot receive a dose equivalent lu eAcess of 2 miem in j any one hour to any portion of the individual's body, fugaled coula1arJ. -- A container of radioactive material which is open to the '

at nosphere or which has a closure intended for manual manipulation.  !

,(!gt -- A person who works with radioactive material under the direct or general supervision of an Authorized User.  :

i i

l f

i L

i i

l A

L i ,


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The organization for radiation safety at The Catholic University of America consists of the Radiation Safety Committee, a Radiation Safety Officer who operates the Radiation Safety Of fice and assists the RSC in discharging its responsibilities, the Deans, Depar tment Chairmen and Laboratory Directors within whose jurisdictions work with sources of ionizing radiation is conducted.

Authorized Users who receive their authorizations f rom the RSC, and other rnenbers -

of the University community who work under the supervision of Authorized Users.

1.2 RADIATION SAFETY COMMITTEE 1.2.1 Establishment The Radiation Safety Committee of The Catholic University of America was established by the Executive Vice President. The purpose of the RSC is to ensure that all sources of ionizing radiation at CUA are used safely and in a manner which complies with applicable regulations of the rederal Government and the Government of the District of Columbia, so that the individual user, the University population and the general public are prstected.

The RSC reports through its chairman to the Executive Vice Pt esident and directs the operations of the University Radiation Safety Officer, 1.2.2 fesponsibilities The Radiation Safety Committee shall

a. Periodically review the University Radiation Protection Program and recommend appropriate changes to the Executive Vice President;
b. Ensure the observance of all applicable regulations of Federal and District of Columbia agencies and this University;
c. Assure that each investigator who uses radioactive materials or radiation-producing equipment is qualified by training and expcrience, has the facilities to use the material or equipment safely, and proposes a use which is safe for all concerned;
d. Review all instances of alleged infractions of regulations for the safe use cf acurces of ionizing radiation and recommend remedial action if appropriate (This responsibility extends to on-campus projects conducted by non-Universit y organizations or individuals);

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  • I
e. Ensure the maintenance of all records required by law or e regulation because of the presence or use of sources of ionizing radiation on the campus.

1.2.3 Authorit y To meet its responsibilities, the RSC is given the following  !

authority l


a. To grant or deny authorization to an individual, or to any I University or non-University organization, for the use on CUA' property of radioactive material,_os radiation-producing equipmenti _j
t. To prescribe the conditions of use on CUA property of sources of '

ionizing -radiation, including requirements for bloassay and/or physical examinations of users, special effluent' control devices, minimum level-of user i training and experience. restrictions on the amount of occupational exposure

which an individual may be permitted to receive during his or her CUA ,

association; i c., To ouspend or_ teminate any project or procedure on CUA property I involving the use of sources of ionizing-radiation which it finds to be a threat  ;

to' health or property, i 1.2.4. Membership 3

. The RSC consists of- the-Chairman and additional members as indicated r below. . Appointments to the RSC are made by the Executive vice President with the  !

advice of Department Chairmen. Deans and the RSC. Appendix A' contains the names, 3 c . addresses and telephona numbers of the members of the'RSC.  !

a . _- Ex-Officio Members

  • Chair ~ -j Director of public Safety ' _

Representative from Health Science or Nursing Faculty Representative from Maintenance and Operations Radiation Safety Officer. .

b. TechDical= Memben One member, qualified by training and experience in the use of

. radioactive material _ or radiation-producing equipment. _ is appointed f rom each Department, which makes extensive use of sources of ionizing radiation. ,

1.2.5 Meetings.

The.RSC'shall meet at least once per semester and at least monthly'  ;

if 1a proposal f or the use_ of a. source of ionizing radiation is pending RSC

review. An af firmative vote of 'a majority of the members is required to approve an application for use of a source of ionizing radiation. ,

1-2 Rev. 1-92

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9 THE CATI!0LIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL 1.2.6 Ecssg.rh The f ormal record of the RSC is the minutes of its meetings, The minutes shall contain a record of all recommendations and actions of the RSC. l

.together with such additional material as the Chair shall deem appropriate to )

cortple te ness. The minutes shall be maintained as a pennanent record of the l University by the Chair and the file shall be passed f rom chair to Chair. I J


1.3.1 AITfrLt.ntment The RSO is a staf f of ficer of the University, who is appointed by' the  !

Executive Vice President and functions under the technical direction of the RSC Chair.

~ 1.3.2 Responsibilitten ,

The RSO shall implement the CUA Radiation Safety Program. To that end the RSO shall: '

a. Periodically review the CUA Radiation Protection Program and [

recommend. for RSC consideration. appropriate changes in onder to u.intain the i program in compliance with applicable regulations and the radiation exposure of '

radiation workers and the general public as low as is reasonably achievable;  :


b. Control the procurement, transport, storage. use and disposal of.

radioactive material and radiation-producins equipment for the University; l P

c. Determine the suitability of space, f acilities or equipment for '

the storage or use of radioactive mataria!


d. Ensure that-all CUA facilities.which relate to the presence of- i

, sources of ionizing radiation on the campus are inspected and surveyed or monitored to determine compliance with regulations and radiation protection

- standards;  :


e. Ensure that periodic leak tests are performed as required on all  ;

sealed sources of ionizing radiation owned or possessed by the University or used  !

on the campus;  ;

f. Provide appropriate personnel radiation ' exposure monitorins  ;

devices and radiation survey instruments;

g. Ensure that any reported or suspected radiation hazard, incident.

or overexposure at CUA is investigated, reported as may be required and corrected l

- if necessary; r:

3 Rev. 1-92 1

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e h. Maintain -all records pertinent to the radiation protection program which may be required by law or the efficient operation of the Radiation ,

safety Office, to include: I o Receipt. distribution and disposal of radioactive material. l 4- o Inventory of radioactive material and radiation-producing  !

equipment, i i

o- Radiation surveys and leak tests of sealed sources,  ;


-o Registry of radiation wo Kers,  !

o- Radiation exposure, t o Licences for CUA possession and use of radioactive material;  !

1, ' prepare all reports required by law or regulation as a result of CUA possession and use of sources of ionizing radiation 1 ,

J.- Assist users of sources of ionizing radiation in their programs ,

(1) Reviewing their plans for research and test programs  ;

involving use of sources of ionizing radiation.

(2) providing consultation on laboratory design shielding. and -  !

other radiation'eximsure control tmthods. [9 (3) Reviewing all applications for new or amended authorizations and submitting comments and recommendations thereon to the RSC, (4) Preparing timely applications for renewal or amendment of

- CUA-licenses for ti.e possession and use of radioactive material. .,

(5) ' Assisting in the development of appropriate radiation safety  ;

procedures,  ;

(6)- - Providing calibration and minor repair service for radiation survey instruments, ,

(7) providing appropriate-signs for restricted areas, i I

, (8) providing supervision and assistance with ' respect to radiation emergencies and special decontamination procedures, t

(9) Reporting all instances of non-cortpliance with regulations for the control-of sources of ionizing radiation to the RSC, (10) Recommendins-remedial action to correct radiation safety 1

1-4 Rev. 1-92

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k. . Operate the CUA Radiation Safety Laboratory to provide the
technical support sequired to discharge other RSO responsibilities. The RSL may 1 L also be used for the conduct of research by or under the supervision of t.he RSO. I subject to the same-requirements for RSC authorization as are established for '

other CUA users of sources of ionizing radiation.  ;

I 1.3.3. Aulho.Lill To discharge assic,ned responsibilities. the RSO is granted the following authority:

4. To enter any space where a source of ionizing radiation is stored I or used; j
b. To seize any radioactive rnaterial which is being stored or used  ;

in a manner which is perceived to repsesent a threat to persons.or propet tyl  !


.e. . To suspend any ~ operation with a source of ionizing radiation  !

which is in violation of the user's authorizationt  !

d. To deny permission to procure radioactive material to any user ,

whose radioactive material. inventory is not cuarent.


Deans. Departrient Chairs and Laboratory Directors shallt  !

a. Require compliance with applicable, radiation safety regulations I with respect to the personnel and facilities under their jurisdiction j t
b. Budget for and authorize necessary expenditures- for radiation '


.c. . Maintain an up-to-de# J list with ' the RSO. of rooms in which radioactive material is stored or used and a-list of rooms in-which radiation-l producing equipment is used; d.. Maintain an up-to-date list with the RSO of personnel who may be

, handlinn radioactive material or who may be exposed to ionizing radiation to an  ;

extent creater than 10% of the values listed in Section 3.4. Students whose only . i

' handling of radioactive raaterial occurs incident to a regularly scheduled class [

need not be individually named un the required list.  !

1 1.5- AUT110RIZED USERS 1.5.1 Definition l


An Authorized User is defined as an individual who has been authorized '!

by the RSC to conduct or- direct a research or - teaching project utilizing i radioactive . material or-' radiation-producing equipment, j 1-5' Rev. 1-92  ;

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The Authorized User is the l<ey link in the organization for radiation safety. 0 ly the Authorized User has both the expertise and the knowledge of day-to-day operations to ensure that all work is conducted safely. The remainder of the organization for radiation exists to guide and support his efforts, 1.5.2 JLengy.t31hRLting Authorized Usere shall conduct their work in accordance with the CUA Radiation Safety Manual and applicable Federal and DC regulational they shall cuttivate in themselves and others an awareness of the potential hazards in their research or other activities; and they shall provide adequate facilities, equipment. instruments, supervision and lantructions to control radiation hazards. To assist them in the discharge of their responsibilities, further guidance is provided in Section 3.16 1.$.1 htt_hn ri t y-F.ach Authorized User has the authority, with respect to sources of ionizing radiation for which he/she is responsible. tot de Suspend, pending appropriate review and instruction, the work of any employee, student. or co-worker which is perceived to be a threat to health or property or to be in violation of regulations,

b. Take insediate possession of any source of ionizing radiation for which he/she is responsible which is being used or stored in an unsafe manner.

1.6 ALL MlWBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY All members of the University community who use radioactive material or radiation-emitting equipment shall_ vork in accordance with accepted radiation safety practices, observe the radiation saf ety rules and regulat. ions in this manual, report unsatisfactory conditions (and make appropriate suggestions) to Authorized Users. ~ Department Chairs or the RSO. and obtain guidance f rom an l Authorized before undertaking work with radioactive material. -

i i

1-6 Rev. 1-92 t i


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ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES I 2.1 INTRODt'CTION f The administrative procedures prescribed herein are intended to  !

f acilitate University compliance with applicable regulations for the control of l radioactive material and exposure to ionizing radiation. Authorized Users are  !

required to cornply with these procedures. Any individual who observes practices  !

or conditions with respect to radioactive rnat erial or radiation-emitting (;

equipment which are believed to be unsafe should bring them to the attention of the cognizant Authorized User. Department Chairman or Laboratory Director. If the matter can not be sesolved sausfactorily at this level or the cognizant individual _is unknown or unavailable the RSD should be contacted. In addition, any individual who believes that there is a violation of the Atomic Energy Act -

of.1954. the regulations thereunder or the terms of the University's licenses I

with regard to radiological safety conditions. may request an inspection by  !

not3fying Region-I. Office of Inspection and Enforcement. US Nuclear Regulatory ,

Counission. 475 Allendale Road. King of Prussia. Pennsylvania 19406. !. letter .i or telephone (collect calls are accepted at (215) 337-5000). The request must set {

forth the specific grounds for the notice and the complaanant must identify i himself in the letter or telephone call. i Form NRC-3 NOTICE TO DipLOYEES (Appendix F) is required to be posted conspicuously in or near each area which has been designated " restricted" for the purpose of radiation expoNre control. It is available from the RSO. full size. -

l or may be reproduced from the reduced copy in the, appendix, t Publications- which are required by law ' or regulation to be made  !

available to radiation workers are listed in Appendix E. They are available for '

inspection in the Radiation Safety Of fice. together with other publications which may be useful for. planning for the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation, j 2.2 AUTil0RITY TO POSSESS AND USE RADIDACTIVE MATERIAL t L

2.2.1- J,ngqdng_llgn No one may bring onto CUA property any s ad/pa tive material in amounts

  • which would ordinarily require a specific 1Jcenw from the NRC - without  !

authoritation from the RSC. A separate ApplienP is quired for each project -


.which contemplates the u8e of radioactive matesin , T,; scope of-an application ~ >

l -is sthe prerogative of the applicanti the scope. e an authorization will be determined by the RSC_ based on its evaluation of Inc Jnformation provided, and .

the training; experience and facilitics of the arglicant.

2-1 Rev.1-92

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2.2.2 byplication for Authority to Possess a.nd_EitBadioactive Maitrial

- Application shall be made on form RS0-2 ( Appendix F). Copies of the c form are available f rom the RSO. Reapplication must be made when an increase in the authorized amount of activity of a previously approved isotope la desired, when a slanificant change of equipment or procedure is desired, or when additional isotopes are to be used. Instructions to the applicant for completing form RS0-2 are contained in Appendix G.

2.2.3 Jiryiew of Applicatifnt'A Reu ew shall be conducted in a manner whicht o Ensures the radiological safety of the University community, o Ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations and i I

licenses, and o_- Facilitates the work of competent researchers.

a. RSO Revi n i

Each application shall be reviewed by the RSO who-shall. within two weeks of-its receipt in final forms i o Cortplete Section II, Parts A & B. with his comments and recommendations and forward it to the RSC, or j o Advise the applicant and the RSC Chaittaan that review can not be completed within two weeks. the reasons therefor, and the estimated date of completion, or o Return the application to the applicant with a request for specific revisions.

When the - RSO has returned an application for revision, the applicant may o Make the suggested revision (s),..or l c Return the application to the RSO with reasons for disagreeing with his recorcendation(s).

i The RSO shall then forward the application to the RSC together

( with; his comments- and recommendations. Unless amended by the RSC. the l recommendations of the RSO shall be binding on the applicant.

l b. MQJtyleg i

In order to afford RSC rnembers time for careful consideration i and to provide timely service to applicants, the RSC shall meet to review an i t

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l i

application not earlier than one week nor later than one month af ter the  !

application, together with the RSO's comments, has been distributed to conaittee ,

members, k' hen RSC review cannot be cortpleted within one month, the Chair.shall  ;

advise the applicant in briting of the reasons therefor and the estimated date of completion of.the review. As a result of its review the RSC mayt [

o Approve the application and the recommendations of the RSO, amended as it may find appropriate; or ,

o Reject the application.  !

On approval by the RSC, an authorization number and expiration date shall be assigned. One copy of the application endorsed by the RSC Chairman s shall be returned to the applicant, one copy shall be provided to the RSO and one  !

copy shall t- retained in the Chairman's files, If an application is rejected the  ;

record shw show the reason (s) therefor, which shall be communicated by the i Chaiman, in writing, to the applicant.

i 2.2.4 r CrLtgla for Approval of Applications The RSO and the RSC are concerned only with safety and regulatory  :'

compliance and not with the technical merit of the proposed use of radioactive material. Their review is to deterr.ine whethert .

a. The applicant has the necessary training and qualifications to conduct the proposed operation safely;
b. The applicant has the necessary facilities and equipment to use l the radioactive materials safely ' and in -a manner which will comply with applicable regulationsI r
c. Amendment of CUA license (s) is required before commencement of

-the proposed operation.

2.2.5 lerminatiodhahorizations All authorizations by the RSC shall terminate automatically at the l termination date assigned, which normally will be two years f rom the first day.

l -- of-the month following approval. It is the responsibility of the Authorized User l to submit a timely request for extension of ongoins programs. 1 i

f The Authorized User shall. notify the RSO at least 30 days prior to .

the termination of an authorized use of radioactive material. The- RSO shall  !

ensure that the area and facilities are surveyed thoroughly and advise the l

Authorized User and the cognizant administrator whether the area may be reverted to unrestricted use.

2-3 Hev.1-92

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2.3 CONTROL OF RADIATION EXp0SURE OF INDIVIDUALS 2.3.1 Bad.igljnt ExposjjtLilistory _

j t

An attempt shall be made by the R50 to determine the prior radiation  ;

exposure history of each Authorized tfser.

l i

2.3.2 Medical Examinalisti {

Individuals desiring to undertake work with radioactive materials snay l be required by the RSC to undergo medient cumination. Depending on the t indivi .tual 's exposure history. such testa as urine bionssavs. controlled  !

background body-burden measurements and radon or carbon-14 breath testa may be  !

required. l 2.3.] ffL62 pal Monitorinn.,Jgly.lggg )

Each individual sho enters a restricted area under such circurtstances

'that he receives or is likely to neceive- a whole body dose in excess of 100  ;

millirem (50 millirem if under age _16) in any calendar quarter, or in excess of l 5 millirem in.any one day, shall be wonitored for actual radiation exposure as l indicated below. -l t

The RSO Jihall provide appropriate monitoring devices or services and i maintain a record of the doses or body burdens recorded. Department Chairs and  :

Latoratory Directors shall ensure the utilization of such devices and services. j a .- . f.11rLApJ Rinr._ h.dgrp; Film badges shall be provided by.the RSO to those individuals who regularly vork with or in the vicinity of sources of nuclear radiation which emit .

l beta particles of energy greater than 0.2 HeV, x-rays, samma rays or. neutrons. >

Film badges are normally_ processed on a monthly basis _ and readings which exceed . '

minimum detectable (10 mrem) are reported to the individual concerned (and to the responsible sepervisor if considered appropriate by the RS0) upon receipt of the

  • readings from the contractor.

A' departmental representative shall_ be ap! Jnted~ by the i Department to distribute, collect and forward film and ring badges to the - -!

RSO. .In order to preclude unnecessary special service charges by the commercial  :

supplier, film and ring badgen shall be returned to the RSO prior to_ the 10th of '!

.each month. -i

< . The use of one or more ring badge dosimeters may be required by.

the RSC during operations in which the dose to the. hands and forearms is 1:f kely _ -l ito be _ significantly in excess of the whole-body dose. Ring -badges shall_ be

_provided by the RSO when required. .

q b. Pocket Danime,tyn- ,


r. .

pocket dosimeters shall be worn (in addition to a film badge, if ,

L provided) if a shole+ body dose in excess of 5 nrem is likely in any one day. A 2-4 Rev.1-92 ,


--w , , newh m~ - .--n .--e- e w,_ . + , . . , .w.,,,..n, ,-,mm.,e, ,-,,,v-,..n..,,mr,.,.---en ,--m, ,_-- .,.m ma.-,



log of ;ocket dosimeter readings made pilot to entry into the radiation area, and the readings oi exit f om that alua, shall be maintained by the facility t.hich tequires their use. A monthly sunnary of readings in excess of 10 miem shall be furnished to the RSO.

c. Elaanig Bloassay is the deteimination of the kind, quantity or concentration, and location of radioactive material in the human body by direct (in vivo) measuren;ent or by analysis in vitro of materials excreted or removed from the tsody. Depending on the nature of the material and the circumstances, uptake may occur by inhalation. Ingestion (swallowing). Aktu punctuse or i dif fualon through the skin. All suspected uptakes shall be reported Amudintely to the RSD kho shall provide or arrange for appropriate bioassay services.

(1) 11!nt1AL.AhutMALituilt i eme n t LIRL. Lit itua -l All persons who handle individual tritium sources (in any )

chemical or phytical form other than in sealed containers) whose activity exceeds 5 millicuries Ahall submit urine san:ples to the R$0 for bionssay. The f requency of -bioassay shall be established by the RSC and stated 11: the User's l Authoritation. The seguired f tequency shall be no less than that recommended by -)

" Guidelines for Bioassay Requirements for Tritium" (NRC. Oct 77) or the i appropriate successor publication. '

, (2) jfecial Dinassay,1gguirments for lodine NRC Regulatory Guide 8.20' suscents that. bioassays be  !

perfumed for individuala sho handle unsealed quantities of 1-125 or I-131 which exceed certain amounts specified under various woiking . conditions. Because j

i experimental use of radioactive iodine may involve less certainty as to the form ,

of the material at each step in a proccas than would standardized operations, and '

. to cnsure compliance with RG 8.20 under all experimental circumstances, binaasay

= services shall; Le perfomed for all individuals who handle ' at - CUA unrealed  ;

quantities of I"125 or ~1-D1 which exceed 0.1 millicuries. The RSO la authorized  :

to relax. this requirement (:in a manner consistent with R.G. 8.70) on the basis ,

-of;the; bioassay history of individual users, l

d. SMS.liti.itLtautiop for P Legpmit t.' nite.n  !

Departsvent Chairs. Laboratory Directorn- and Authorized Users

shall ensure that women under their jurisdiction who work with sources of '

lonizins. radiation are aware that radiation exposure of the fetus may increase  !

the risk;of childhood leukemia. The NRC has published a t;eneral guide on this subject. It is reprinted in Appendix 0 to this manual. (See also Sections 3.4.1 i

& 3.16;j(2).)  :

i r

2-5 Rev.1-92 l


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- _ . ~ . - . - .~. ~ .. - - - - - - - . - . - - ~ . - - - _ .


d. A l

Requests for procurement of all sources tsf ionicing radiation. l whether radiation-producing machines, bypinduct, source or spec.t a l nuclear i matert'1 accelerator or artificially produced radioactive material, or radium l or other naturally occurrioft radioactive materials. Shall be submitted to the RSO for approval. 5 i

Exempt f rom this requirement are consumer devices which have been i exapted f om NRC licensing, all materials of atomic nun.ber less than 83 whose only radioactivits is that occurrjng at natural background levels, and all  :

materials of atomic number greater than 82 contained as background-level- '

contaminants in other material.

l I

The RSO shall approve such requests and transmit- them to the CUA  ;

Purchasing Department (or other appropriate addressee) provided:

(1) The originator has an approeed authorization for the source  :

on file with the RSO, .j (2) The activity reque.sted lu the case of radioactive mate: .41 I will not result in exceeding the's limits or the limitr. -

provided in the applicable CUA license, and O) -The Authorized User's isotope inventory on file with the RSO is current,

b. Preparation _of Hequisitjons Requisitions for radioactive material shall be prepared in the usual manner on the standard CUA requisition form except that such requisitions

-shall not contain requests for non-radioactive materials or laboratory supplies.

A copy of.the requisition shall be included for retention by the RSO as part of the pumanent records of the. of fice. Requisitions for radioactise material shall include the following infomation:


(2) The identAty of the Authorized User and his authorization

. number, 0

0) The sy nbo'l aad mass number of each radionuclide, its L chemical or physient form and the ' amount of activity
ordered, expressed in curies or becquerels (or standard L multiples thereof).

2-6 Rev.1-92 4





l l

2.4.2 Eadialiqp_C.coducinn Machine Laj! d j qu_la ng l

a, ,Qefinition A radiation-prodacina machine is any equipment whose primary purpose is to produce ionizins radiation, or which produces ionizine radiation coincidental to its piimary purpose such that the exposure exceeds 0.5 mrem /h at

i. 5 cm from any accessible surface.
b. Policy Before acquiring any radiat ion-p roducing machine (whether by purchase, loan. consignment for evaluation, or other means), the individual who is to be p rivnarily responsible for its use shall consult with the RSu to t determine whether any spt:clal t estrictions will be necessary and to acquaint j himself or herself- with applicable regulations. >


c. Procedqty, ,

(1). The responsible individual shall provide to the RSO a copy i of- the purchase order or other acquisition document.  :

(2) - The RSO shall be untifled immediately upon receipt of a l radiation-producing machine and supplied with the uccessary infonnation for ]

registration with the gesernment of the Diurrict of columbia. if registration is

' required.

()) The RSO shall be present to survey the ' machine at its  :

-initial testing and at such additional testins periods as may be required to .!

satisfactorily. characterize the radiation field under all operational modes.  :



2.5.1 ,Lilvatutfragar Responsibilit ies _

Each ' proposal for or solicitation of support (of whatever form.'such as a contract. grant, gift, etc,) for research which anticipates the. use of radioactive material-or other sources-of ionizina radiation shall be submitted to the RSO for review prior to submittal to the Director of Sponsored Programs '

and Research' Services. The. purpose - of the - RSO review is to er.sure that the- .,

proposal budget includes the' cost of such radiat>on monitoring and~ protection  !

? devices - and - equipment - as may be . appropriate (.!f not already at hand), and to evaluate the prospective impact of the propasal on the RSO operating budget. The investigator submitting the proposal is urged to ' involve the RSO suf ficiently ,

early L inL lts pieparation that agreement may be reached with respect to'the '

required equipment and facilities. Any disagreement which cannot be resolved bethcen the investigator and the RSO shall 1:e referred in writing to the Chair of the RSC for resolution by the-Commjttee, whose dec181on shall be-binding.

I e

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Tl LIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL 1.5.2 L40_Jntmusiltilit ies The RSO shall endorse each propussi submitted to him for review to the effect that:

a. Adequate provision has (or has not) been made in the proposal i budwet for the cost of appropriate radiation saf't measures,
b. Augmentation f the RSO budget wil; (e r will not) be required an order to provide necessary radjatiou wafety support servjces to the investigator if the contract sought is awarded. If budget augmentation is expected to be required, the RSO Shall append to the endorsement a supportinn budget ittpac t analysis. A 'opy of the analysis shall be provided to the Chair, RSC. -.

2.6 RECEIVING SHIPMENTS OF RADIATION SOURCES 2.6.1 Enn21tDrri Shipments of radioactive material intended for Authorized User s at CUA shall be consi.:ned to:

The Catholic University M America Radiation Safet/ Office B-ISA Pau@orn Hall or if not apen.

Department of Public Safety 109 Administration Building 620 Michigan Avenue, NE Washington DC 20064 In the case of bulky equipment which either produces ionizing radiatto c -

incorperates a radioactive source, consignment shall be to the user but R shall be notified proinptly upon receipt and before unpackaging.

2.6.2 Er.qeiving All shipments of radioactiva material arriving at CUA during normal working hours shall be delivered to the RS0; carriers attempting to deliver such material which has been erroneously crmaned to a department or laboratory shall be directed to the RSO. Shipments arriving cutside of normal working hours shall be accepted by the Department of Public Safety. Small packages shall be physically accepted. They shall not be retained longer than necessary in the Dispatchers Office, but shall be deposited in the Radiation Safety Office by the first availabie security officer. If package is too lurte ar too heavy to be hand 1(4 conveniently by a security of f ice r, the deliverjun truck shall be escorted to Pangborn Hall by a securii.y of ficer so that the package can be of f-loaded directly to the Radiation Safety Office.

2-8 Rev.1-92


THE CAT!!OLIC ONIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL 2.6.3 Logging The RSO shall maintain a log of all incoming radioactive material in which is indicated the date of receipt, the symbol and mass number of the isotope and-its chemical or physicai form, the activity, the' supplier, the Authorized User, and the user's n eceipt f(ir the material .

2.6.4 Jnspection

. All incoming shipments of railloactive material shall be inspected by the RSO in accordance with 10 CFR 20.1906, 2.6.5 Delivery to authorized User ,

Upon satisfactory completion of the arrival inspection, the RSO shall.

deliver the material or inform the Authorized User (or his - Departmental or Laboratory. of fice) of its availability for - pickup. The User or designated representative shall receipt for the material on the funn provided by the RSO. ,


No individual or organi stion, exent , N em as authorized to ship or transport = radioactive ~ material f rc.m a cas is 'lon to an of f-campus location, Exempt Crom this requitement are con e i e vices-which have been '

exempted from NRC_ licensing, all materials of-at ud nu .Jer less than 83 whose only . radioactivity is : that - becurring at naturol L ' .g round levels, and all- ,

. materials - of - atomic number greater than 82 contained as backgr md-level contaminants. in other mat erial.  ;

Authorized Users desiring to ute CUA-possessed radioacU ve material- y

_ at an off-campus site-shall contact the RSO who shall ensure thet appropria't-


arrangements are made in. accordance with Univetsity licenses and applicable - ,

regulations. Authorized Users anticipating such a requirem t are cautioned to

allow considerable lead time, since an amendment .to' i s A license may be required.


a Radioactive material may be hand-carried outside of restricted areas,

'and between buildings on-campus,-provided that- the followir.g conditions are met: *

'- a- ' The material is enclosed within a shatter-proof' container which is properly labeled,

b. The - radiation exposure -does not exceed either 20 mrem /h at the surface of the container or 5 mrem /h at a distance of one meter from the container surface,

. 2-9 Rev.1-92

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c. There is no detectable contamination of the container's exterior +

surface as detemined by- a wipe test and survey meter measurement of the wipe '

test, and ,

d. During transit, the radioactive material is in the continuous possession of an individual who is authorized to use or t ransport the material. -


. Licenses granted the University by the NRC impose total possessima limits for radioactive material by element name and mass number, and by chemical or- physical fom. :Certalu ~ naturally; occurring radioactive materials and much equipment yhleh produces lonizing radiation is not subject to federal or local government license requirements. However, in order to ensure that the Uhiversity both remains in compliance with the possession limits-imposed by license (s) and to protect the' health- and safety of the University- community, the RSO shall

- maintalu a-running inventory of all sources of ionieing radiation (as defined by

' Table II) on .the campus, or possessed by University Departments or Laboratories

at?other authorieed locations, Exempt f rom this requirement- are consumer-type devides which contain small quantities of radioactive material or emit small quantities of radiation ~ and which have been exempted f rom license control (e.g., -!

watches, instrument' dials, cathode ray tubes, etc.). Also exempt _ are - all '

mater)als (except source. material and special nuclear. materi ? ' whose only raJicadivity is that cicurring at natural background levels.

In order tc pro ide the RSO .with the infomation required to carry out this duty, the inventury- control procedures -- described du the following sections - shall _ be' followed by all- Authorized Users of sources of ionizing radiat1on, 2.9,2 Consumable Radioactive Material

a. Definition _

Consumable radioactive material is defined, for inventory control -

purposes, as radioactive material which is withdrawn incrementally from a stock -

_ container for user-determaned end use.

o p

b,  : Fadioact ive Material Inventorv Cont tol Number A radioactive material control number (RMIC) shall be assigned ,

l Lby the RSO to each container 'of consumable radioactive ' material received.- The

- RMIC number shall be permanently affixed by the Authorized User to each stock H container and shall be used in identifying the material in all inventory records.

(The user may, in addition, have his own adentification of the material.) If the

- contents of the original container are partitioned into- two or more stock containers, each shall have permanently af fixed the RMIC number and a letter suffix A stock container whose residual contents are expected to be disposed of to radwaste in less than one month need not be assigned a RMIC suffix.

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THE CAT 110LIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL c.- Radioactive Matttrial InvenLQry Control Form (RSO-1) i

-Form RS0-1 (Appendix F) shall be prepared in duplicate by the RSO .

for each container of consumable radioactive material received. The original will be used to maintain the RSO master inventory;- the copy will be delivered to the Authorized User with the radioactive mater:ial. The Authorized User shall maintain-the form current by recording the date, quantity and disposition _ of each withdrawal f rom the container. The Authorized User shall prepare (with copy to the RS0) and maintain current a separate RMIC fonn for each stock container

- assigned a RMIC suffix.

d. Radioactive Matrr.ial Disposal Report Interim disposal of consumable radioactive material into radwaste l holding-containers in the user's laboratory shall be recorded on the appropriate I RMIC form. In addition, a running record of radioactive material deposited in  ;

each container shall be mali,tained. Based on these records, a Radioactive Material-Disposal Report shall be prepared and shall be delivered to the RSO with each lot of radwaste. The disposal report shall show - the total activity in 1 mil 11 curies for each chemical species and mass number included in each container of radwaste.

4 2,9.3 - Sealed Sources Sealed radioactive sources, and other radioactive material which is '

not intended to be consumed by incremental experimental use (such as liquid scintillation standards or other liquid reference standards) shall be recorded

= on a. master inventory by each Department or independent Laboratory. Form RSO-3 (Appendix F) shall be used.

2.9.4 JLadiation-Producinn Equipment A detailed description of each ndiation-producing machine, as defined in Table II, shall be- provided the RSO by the using Department. As a minimum, the ,

information provided shall include a.. The : manufacturer's name, address, telephone number and local representative, if any;

- b .- The name, model number and serial number of the unit;- --

c. The-nature and intense / of the radiation emitted; d.- k'hether the radiation' field is confined within: the equipment or extends outside-the equipment:

(1) During normal operation, and (2) k' hen the equipment is accessed for maintenance; 2-11 Rev.1-92

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e. In the case of equipment intended to produce an ionizing radiation field external to.the equipment, the field shall-be ,

sufficiently characterized to : permit assessment of the' ,

radiological health implications of its use;

f. Identification of safety devices incorporated to protect the operator and others from the hannful effects of such radiation.

2.10 INTER-USER TRANSFER OF RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL 2.10.1 Policy Radioactive material and radiation-producing machines (as defined in Table II) shall be transferred between Authorized Users only with the prior knowledge and approval of the RSO.

2.10.2 Procedu re Radioactive material to be transferred shall be taken to the Radiation

- Safety Office where each container will be logged in, checked for external contamination, removed f ron_the RMIC record of the former Authorized User and a RMIC form prepared for .the new Authorized User in accordance with Section *

- 2.9.2.


- 2.11.1- Policy No'radwaste may be disposed of by conventional methods. This means.

_ particular1y' that solid _ radwaste may not be placed in the standard waste

= containers . to be collected by housekeeping personnel and that liquid radwaste shall not be discharged into~.the sewer. Incineration and burial of radwaste on the - CUA campus are prohibited. Radwaste contaminated only with short-lived

-isotopes will be collected by the RSO and held for decay in accordance with' the

- provisions _ of appidcable licenses. Af ter decay,: radioactive markings will' be removed .or obliterated, surveyed to cenfirm the- absence of detectable radioactivity and disposed of to ordinaru trash.

Radioactive material combined with-or -in 'the form of material which '

is either hazardous, -(such as4 toxic chemicals, live' viruses, aflatoxin, etc.)

shall e not- be. disposed of by any of the -means herein authorized without prior authorization from the RSO in each instance. The Authorized User shall advise the RSO of proposed experiments involving these or other unusual radwaste disposal

- problems prior to initiation of the experiments. The RSO, af ter consultation with-

,. . the~RSC.and the Director of Environmental Safety, shall furnish appropriate i li. guidance to the Authorized User.

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2.1I.2 hagnl.ura Authorized Users shall store and dispose of radwaste only in accordance with the detailed procedures set forth in Appendix D. The RSO shall arrange with the appropriate agency of the Government of the District of Columbia, or contract with a licensed coranercial firm, for removal and lawful disposition of all CUA radvsste which is not released to the sewer or to the atmosphere. In the event that access to a licensed low level waste site is denied, the RSO shall . ore radwaste in the CUA radwaste storage and handling facility until access is restored.

2.12 CORRECTIVE ACTION It is anticipated that most questions of radiological safety will be resolved by action detemined in consultation between an Authorized User and the RSO. To ensure that the safety of users and the public can be protected, the RSO has been granted the authority to take possession of any radioactive material or suspend any procedure or operation involving the use of radioactive material or radiation producing machines which is believed to pose a radiological thieat to health or property Such action shall be reported promptly by the RSO to the RSC Chairman.

2.12.1 Radiation Safety Comit tee Responsibilit y The Radiation Safety Committee shall:

a. Review and confim , modify or vitiate, for the record, all peremptory corrective action taken by the RS0; b, Review all allegations, by whatever party, of infractions or unsafe practices involving the possession or use of sources of ionizing radiation. The RSC may require that such allegations be placed in writing and shall respond in writing thereto;
c. Take corrective action, if required, which may include:

(1) Requiring additional training of personnel prior to permitting resumption of their work under a Uset Authorization, (2) Alteration of the terms of a User Authorization, (3) Suspension of a User Authorization, or (4) Recommending administrctive discipline to the Executive Vice president. ,

2.12.2 RiChi of Apl131 The action of the RSC may be appealed to the Executive Vice President and ultimately to the President, by the originator of allegations brought under I

2-13 Rev.1-92 1

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Section 2.1 or Section 2.12.1, or by a User in disagreement with the actin of the RSC. Such appeals shall be in writing and shall set forth succinctly the factual-basis for the appeal.


The Radiation Safety training team consists of the RSO, the Departmental RSC representative and the- Authorized _ User. Each brings different trainius and experience to bear on - the = problem of radiation safety. It is expected:that they_shall work ~together_to ensure the'adequacf of the radiation safety training of CUA radiation workers, as well as-students whose only use of ionizing radiation may be in a closely espervised laboratory course. To assist them in sharing the Unive:sity's obligation to provide radiation safety training,

.this section imposes on each of them certain responsibilities which partially overlap.

2.13.1 Responsibility of the RSO ,

The RSO shall . ensure that education and training of CUA radiation .

workers required by law. regulation, or safety considerations, is accomplished to an extent consistent .with their work.- To this end he shall, as appropriate:

a.- Supplement the prior training of applicants for authorization to use radioactive material or radiation-producing machines-in order to assist them to_ qualify themselves for work they desire to undertake;

b. At the request of a Departmental RSC representative or Authorized ,

User,- conduct lor assist in training for radiation workers;

c. Maintain a1 record of such training conducted by himself, Departmental RSC representatives and Authorized Users;
d. Acquire and maintain-current a collection of radiation safety-y related reference publications consistent with the nature and extent of the use ,

of ionizing radiation-at CUA. +

2.13.2: Responsibij_My of Departmental RSC Representatives l

l __ _

Within each department- the overall responsibility -for- ensuring the.

R = radiological safety education and protection of'CUA personnel using, or in the L _ proximity of the_ use of, sources of ionizing radiation rests with Departmental RSC representative.3He/she'shall:

L a.- Ensure that each Authorized User within the department provides appropriate radiation safety instruction of all radiation workers for whose_ work and safety he is responsible;

b. When necessary or desirable, conduct or assist in conducting radiation safety training for departmental radiation workers; L 2-14 Rev.1-92 t _. . _ . - . . , _ _


c.. Keep- the RSO- info rmed regarding the need - for and the  ;

accomplishment _of-radiation safety training.

2.13.3 Lesponsibility of Authorized Users ]

Each Authorized User is - directly responsibic for the safe use of radioactive - material and radiation-producing equipment for which he is responsible by all persous who may be permitted to use them. He/she shall:

a;- Ensure that'they have obtained the training and indoctrination ,

required; to enable safe working habits and to maintalu the radiation dose to j themselves and others as low as is reasonably achievable; '

b. Teach those 'for whose radiological safety they are responsible

- (by instruction 'and example) the.use of safe techniques and the application of i approved radiation safety-practices;

c. -Enlist the assistance, as appropriate, of the RSO, .the U Departmental RSC representative, or others, in training their radiation workers in matters of; radiation safety; L
d. Maintain a . record of the radiation safety - training . of each individual concerned (The' record need not include incidental inst ruction - of students whose only use of radioactive material or radiation-producing equipment ;
  • is in a regularly scheduled laboratory course under the direct supervision of

, appropriately trained indivJduals);

n e, For' educat _onal or safety purposes, consider the ~ advisability of L conducting -(or requiring 'others to conduct) experimental procedures " cold", to Lensure that the envisaged procedures are sound, before they are performed 'with dispersible radioactive material.- (The :RSC may so-require by ; the = terms of a

~ User's Authorization.).

2,14' INCIDENT AND EMERGENCY-REPORTING 2.14.'1 Authorized User Responsibilily,

l. .

g Each Authorized User shall notify the RSO immediately of the following types. of incidents : involving sources of . lonizing - radiation subject to his control:

a. Possible personnel contamination by or ingestion of radioactive material;
b. Suspected overexposure to radiation; p

l c.- Unanticipated contamination of equipment or f acilities; .

L L d.- ~ Misplacement, loss, or suspected thef t of radioactive material. '

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Any other individual (including co-workers, subordinates or students) possessing such information shall communicate it immediately to the Authorized '

. User, if known and available. If the responsible Authorized User is unknown or unavailable, the individual shall notify the RSO.

2.14'.2 PSO Responsibilitv The RSO shal1~ investigate all reports of incidents involving ionizing *

. radiation. He shall= inform the Chairman of the RSC of his findings and recom-mendations. The-RSO shall prepare, for the signature of the Rec Chairman any notification to the-NRC. or other regulatory agency, required by 1av or regu-lation concerning such lucident. Prior to making a telephonic- or telegraphic notice to the NRC (if such is required), the RSO shall advise the most junior of ,

the'following Univere,ity Officials who can be reached: _ The RSC Chaiman, the

~ Executive Vican President or the President. If none of these can be contacted, the

-RSO shall make the required notification, take charge of the emergency situation which required the notice and infom the indicated University officials as soon as practicable.

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This chapter sets forth rules which are intended to assist Authorized Users in conducting their work safely, in compliance with applicable regulations, and in a manner which will ensure that exposures to ionizing radiation are maintained as low as is reasonably achievable. These rules are an irnplied part of each User's Authorization granted by the RSC. -

3.2 ACCESS CONTROL Federal regulations define areas containing lonizing radiation which do and do not require special control measures and which specif y maximum levels of exposure in controlled areas.

3.2.1 iluresttjeted h eea An area is unrestricted and does not require control measures for exposure f rom external radiation if an individual continually present in the area cannot receive a dose in excess of 2 mrem in any one hour.

3.2.2 E ntijsted Area -

When an area contains radiation exposure levels above those allowable for unrestricted areas or is used for storage or use of radioactive materials in excess of the quantities stipulated in Section 3.3 it shall be designated a

" restricted" aiea; access shall be controlled by the responsible Authorized User so that exposure to individuals is less than the limits specified in Section 3.4; and it shall be posted in accordance with Section 3.3.

" RESTRICTED AREA" means an area access to which is limited for the purpose of protecting individuals f rom undue risk f rom exposure to ionizing radiation or radioactive materials. More than one of the sub-classifications defined below may be applicable to a restricted area.

" RADIATION AREA" means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in 3

excess of 5 mrem (0.05 mSv) in 1 bour at 30 centimeters f rom the radiation source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates.

"HIGil RADIATION AREA" means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem (1 mSv) in I hour t 30 centimeters f rom the radiation source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates.

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" AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA" means a room, enclosure or area in which airborne radioactive materials, composed wholly or partly of licensed material, ,

exists in -concentrations _ - -(l) In excess of the derived air concentrations ,

(DACs) specified in Appendix B to 10 CFR 20,1001-20.2401, or (2) To such a degree '

that an individual present in the area without respiratory protective equipment ,

could exceed, during the hours an individual is present in a week, an intake of

-0.6 percent of the annual limit on intake (ALI) or 12 DAC-hours. No such area created by any CUA user without the express consent of the RSC.


-The RSO shall furnish, and the responsible Authorized User shall post ,

at each ~ entrance to a restricted area, a sign bearing the radiation caution  !

symbol, the word " CAUTION" (o r " DANGER") , and one or more of the following wordings as - may be appropriate: "RADI ATION AREA", "HIGH RADI ATION AREA", or i "RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL",

The words "RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL" shall be included on the sign (s) for each room in which is used or stored radioactive material in an amount exceeding-10 times the quantity specified in Arrandix C to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2401 ( Appendix B to this manual).

The . name and telephone numbers (office and residence) of the responsible Authorized User of each restricted area shall be included on or ,

adjacent to each sign required by this section.


-Each Authorized - User shall control his operations 'so that no individual over 18 years of age who-is permitted to work in a restricted area under his control receives from sources in the possession .of CUA a dose equivalent--in excess of the limits set-forth in Section 3.4.-l. The exposure of '

individuals under 18 years of-age shall be limited to 10% of these values.

NOTWITHSTANDING THE PRESCRIBED LIMITS, ALL OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED SO AS TO MAINTAIN RADIATION DOSES AS LOW AS IS-RFASONABLY ACHIEVABLE 3.4.1 Occupational Dose Due to External-Exposure The maximum permissible dose equivalent to the total body shall be 100 mrem per week. (The dose to an embryo / fetus during the entire pregnancy, due

to occupational exposure of a declared pregnant woman should'not exceed 0.5 Rem


(5 mSv) ) . In the absence of an ^1ntake of radioactive material, Table 3.4.1 provides. appropriate guidance for limiting external exposure.

3-2 Rev. 1-92




'Totai-body 0.1 1.25 5 Skin' of whole body or any extremity 1.0 12.5 50.

Lens of the' eye 0.3 .3.75 15

  • Exposure of persons under age 18 shall be less than 10% of the tabulated vaba 3.4.2 Internal Exposutet Irternal exposure, nam'. ingestion' and inhalation. As controlled by appropriate work . habits (Sec. 3.18), and by : limiting airborne (Sec.3.5) and surface contamination (Sec. 3.6), and measured, when necessary, by bioassay (Sec.

2.3.3.c). An: annual' limit on intake (ALI) is specified in the regulations. by

- isotope (10.CFR 20 App. B, Table 1).

t 3.5 AIRBORNE CONTAMINATION LIMITS Altoorne radioactivity concentration limits have been established to prevent overexposure of any - organ in the - body as a result . of . breathing  ;

contaminated air.LThe'limita are specified'in~10 CFR 20, Appendix-B, Table I.


- The table lists, by isotope, the annual limit on-intake-(ALI) and the derived air

  • concentration (DAC)--that concentration which,:if. breathed for 2000' hours, would result-in inhalation of-one ALI. Iffmore than one iso _ tope is airborne. the-sum of; the: f rac tions ; rule is applicable. ;


  • Surface contamination limits for restricted and unrestricted areas-l- 2 on-the CUAL campus are given in Table 3.6.1. and Table ' 3.6.2 (RG 8.23). -iThese -

L limits are subject to the'following conditions and interpretations:

L ,

a- The tabulated limits are to be used as. guides and. In practice,- *

- professional: Judgment shall be used by the RSO to detennine the acceptability of .



the' actual contamination.. ,


b. Al though'. it is believed =that-tbe' recommended limits woule not-

- result in f a health hazard _ good radiation protect. ion practice dictates- that contamination levels should be kept as low as is reasonable achievable.

L 3-3 Rev. 1-92


c. Compliance with contamination limits shall not be used as conclusive evidence that internal exposure of persons to radioactive material is within the prescribed limits. Appropriate bioassays shall be used to quantify suspected ingestion.

Table 3.6.1 PEMOVABLE SURFACE COSTAMINATION LIMITS ON THE CUA CAMPUS TYPE OF SURFACE ALPHAEMITJERS dpm/100 cm BETAEMITT{RS dpm/100 cm Unrestricted areas 22 220 Restricted areas 220 2,200 Personal clothing worn 22 220 outside restricted areas Protective clothing worn 220 2,200 only in restricted areas Skin 220 220 Table 3.6.2 ACCEPTABLE $URFA E CONTAMINATICH FOR UNCONTROLLED RELEASE Of EQUIPHENT Nuclide rage Maximum Removable U-nat, U-235, and 5,000 15,000 1,000 associated decay prcducts Transuranics,Ra-225,Ra-228, 100 300 20 Th-230. Th-228 Fa-231, Ac-227, 1-125,1-129 Th-nat Th-232, Sr-90, Ra 223, 1,000 3,000 200 Ra-224,U-232,1-125,1-131, 1-133 Beta-gassa esitters (nuclides 5,000 15,000 1,000 with decay sodes other than alpha emission or spontaneous fission) except Sr-90 and others noted above.

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3.7 PERSONNEL MONITORING Each Authorized User shall ensure that pr escribed personnel monitoring devices are woan by him/herself and others for whose radiological safety he/she is responsible during all wonk with sources of ionizing radiation under his control, and that samples for bioassay aie submitted when requested by the RSO.

3,8 SURVEYS 3.8.1 Jkrini t hms

" Survey" is defined to mean measu rement of levels of radiation -

exposure os concentrations of radioactive materials present in uncontrolled form and disposition, t

" Unsealed container" is defined to mean any container of radioactive material which is open to the atmosphere or which has a closure intended for manual manipulation.

3.8.2 Au t ho r i z ed Us e r B,tistufibilj t v f o r S u tv_nn The responsible Authorized User shall require that each toom in which unsealed containers of radioactive material totaling in excess of 1 millicurie are used or stoied is surveyed at least weekly, and daily when procedures using unsealed sources in excess of 1 mci are performed. Wipe tests shall be used for carbon-14 and tritium. (Clean wipes are available from the RSO.) The results of User surveys shall be recorded in a suitable chronological lug for each restric-ted area, which shall indicate t areas surveyed, the level of removable contamination measured (dpm/100 cm)he ) and the isotope most. likely to be present.

Authorized Users not possessing appropriate equipment for counting -

wipes shall deliver them to the RSO for counting. The RSO shall return the cuunting results to the User for inclusion in the testricted area survey log.

3.8.3 RSO Responsibility for Surveys The RSO shall ensure that wipe tests and/or meter surveys, independent of those conducted by Users, are performed in all CUA restricted areas at least once per month. The results of these surveys shall be made a permanent part of the records of the RSO, 3.8.4 Requirement for Area Decontamina, Mon When a meter survey indicates a radiation exposure rate more than twice background, in the absence of known sources, that area shall be considered contaminated and a wipe test shall be made to dete rmine the extent of the removable contamination. Decontamination shall be undertaken when removable activity is found to exceed 10% of the limits stated in Section 3.6; good practice dictates that decontamination should be undertaken as soon as practicable whenever removable contamination is demonstrated to be present.

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-3.9 LABELING CONTAINERS OF RADIDACTIVE MATERIAL 3.9.1- Ileauirements Each container of radioactive material which is lef t unattended shall bear a durable, clearly visible label bearing the radiation caution symbol, the words " CAUTION (or DANGER). RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL", the chemical species and massnumber, the quantity of activity present as of an indicated date, and-the specific activity in curies per gram (or curies per em3 of liquid solution). In addition, the RMIC number shall be af fixed in accordance with Section 2.9.2.

Procurement of labels is a User responsibility. The RSO can provide vendor information.

3.9.2 Exceptions Certain exceptions to the labeling requirenent are autitorized by 10 CFR 20.1905 and 10 CFR 20, Appendix C. In general, quantities .ess than 0.1 ALI and concentrations lower than those authorized for discharge '.o the sewer need not' be labeled. However common sense suggests that all ma terial which are intended to be-used as radioactive material be descriptive 1v labeled.


. 'All material which requires a"RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL" label stal1~be stored only in-a restricted area and in a manner which provides adequate l;

protection against fire. explosion, flooding or unauthorized removal.

nadioactive material shall be stored in a suitable container and the direct radiation from the container shall be limited by shielding in accordance -

with Section 3.12.

'3.I1' -RADI0 ACTIVE WASTE Radwaste-shall be stored and disposed of- only in accordance with the

' detailed procedures set-forth in Appendix D.

3.12 -- SHIELDING SOURCES OF IONIZING RADIATION All sources of ionizing radiation, including stock materials, in a-

. restricted area shall be shielded so that the' dose equivalent rate shall not I exceed .100 mrem /h at any exposed surface of the container or shield, or 5' mr/h 4 at ; 30 centimeters . f rom any exposed surface of the container or shield. The t

. exposure rate in the nearest unrestricted area accessible to personnel shall not l- exceed 0.5 mrem /h.

E --

Li 3-6 Rev. 1-92 l-_



THE CAT 110LIC UNIVERSITY Of AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL 3.13. MISPLACEMENT, LOSS OR THEFT OF RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIAL Discovery of the misplacement, loss or suspected thef t of radioactive

. material shall be reported the RSO, who shall be guided by applicable regulations in notifying appropriate authorities, )


3.14.1 Removal of equipment from Restrjeled Areas Equipment which_has been used for radioactive material or which may-have become contaminated by radioactive material shall not be removed f rom a q rest ricted area to an unrestricted at ea (e.g., repair shop, machine shop, other  !

laboratosy, cleaning faellity or return to vendor) until demonstrated to be f ree l of contamination in!accordance with Table 3.6.2. '

-3.14.2 Etpair of Contaminated Eauipment

Equipment to be repaired or modified on site in a restricted area by University or contractor personnel shall be decontaminated, if practicable, prior to- servicing.; If - decontamination - to-' the levels prescribed in Section - 3.6 for'

" Release of Naterial" . is not practicable and the repair-or modification is l warranted _by-the value of-the equipment, the work shall be directly supervised by the Authorized . User who.shall ensure that appropriate precautions are taken ,

for the radiological safety of those dains the wonk. Users are encouraged to consult with- the RSO if there is any doubt about how to proceed.

3.14.3- Vacuum Systems

' Vacuum lines which are built into fume hoods or which d1scharge into a central vacuum ~ system shall not be used for procedures in which ' radioactive material could he' drawn into the line. A separate vacuum pump exhausting 'into a fume hood which has been approved for use with radioactive niaterials shall be-

  • used instead; a ~ pump exhaust filter may be required. A pump, once so-used, shall be considered contaminated until demonstrated otherwise.


'3 '.15,1 procurement *

-The RSO shall furnish _ appropriate survey instruments to each Authorized User su -that an instrument is available in each laboratory in which radioactive-' materials, other than tritium, are used.

.3.15.2 Lil,ibration All radiation protection instruments, such as area or effluent monitors, survey meters, and pocket dosimeters, shall be calibrated at least once 3- in each calendar year and at intervals not to exceed 15 months. They shall bear 3-7 Rev. 1-92


a label indicating the latest calibration date and the name of the person or company which perfonned the calibration.-

A meter instrument is considered to be calibrated when it reads within -i

-10% of _ the- correct value at two -points '(approximately 1/3 and 2/3 full scale) on : >

each ' range -to. be used, or if it reads within 20% of the correct value and a


calibration curve is furnished for 'each range to be used. The RSO provides-calibration service at no charge to the user.

3,15.3 Repair- '

The RSO is responsible for maintenance and repair of all CUA-owned

-radiation protection instruments. .

3.16 RESPONSIBILITIES.0F AUTHORIZED USERS i-The primary ~ responsibility of. Authorized Users with respect: to radiological safety is to ensure that the radiation exposure of themselves, those for whose radiological safety they are responsible, and the public, is not only

' maintained within the limits - prescribed in,: this manual, but- as low as is reasonably achievable. To this end they shall:

a. Be familiar with. comply with, and require compliance be others w.ith, the instructions in this manual and their authorizations for use of sources of itnizing radiation;
b. Plan adequately for experiments and emergencies, consulting the '

- RSO when appropriate; e, _ Teach those for.whose radiological safety they are responsible (byfinstruction and example) the _use of safe techniques and the application of approved. radlation- safety practices (The RSO will' conduct or. assist in such

-inst'ruction on request);- '

d. - Ensure that appropriate radiation survey and monitoring equipment

_ is available and used, and that it is functional and calibrated when due; e.- _ Ensure that-appropriate protective equipment-(e.g., shielding, exhaust hoods 'and fil ters, glove boxes. .etc.) is available and properly used and '


f. Maintain a current working record of the receipt and disposition

, of radioactive material charged ' to them;-

g. Limit- the. use cof sources of-ionizing radiation charged to_ them to individuals over whom they have supervisory control = and to locations specified in x their User - Authorizations, and ensure that no unauthorized use is made


h. Allow - only - authorized pe rsons to enter rooms specified as restricted areas; 3-8 Rev. 1 42
  • ,. . , - . w-,av < , - -.e

.- . . ~ . ~ .. . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . - - . - - - - -. . - . - - ~ . ,- ._

e ,


1. -Establishfor each restricted area for which they are responsible a daily laboratory "Close-Down" procedure to_ ensure that:

(1) Survey meter - measurements (except for tritium) have-4-

established that external radiation and contamin.stion levels are within permissible limits. -

1 (2) Radiation sources are properly labeled and stored.

-(3) Experiments which will be in prugiess afLet normal working -

hours eithen will be properly attended or represent no hazard to those who have -

access to_the spaces, 5 (4). The area is secured against unauthorized access, Inform the RSO, in a timely manner, when:


(1) They cannut fulfill their responsibilities as Authorized Users due to expected protracted absence fium the thsiversity (With the approval '

of the RSC, another may be appointed to serve in the Authorized User's absence),

(2) "The Authorized User or a radiation worker under the Authorized User's supervision has declared she is pregnant. '

(3) . Changes are anticipated in the work under the. Authorized

. User' s superv i sion which may increase the probability or extent of exposure to ,

ionizing radiation, (4)- Changes are anticipated in personnel working with sources-L of ionizing radiatius,

k. Inform the RSO immediately if any ~of the following circumstances

.is Lksiown or suspected:

(1) Exposure of an individual to external radiation in excess

of 50. mrem in -a single exposure or 100 mrem in= any one week, I . (2) Inhalation, ingestion or injection of radioactive raaterial

- by any person",'

(3) Accidental release of radioactive material to' the L - atmosphere, surfaces, drain or ventilation system. .

T 3.17 . RESPONSIBILITIES- OF INDIVIDUAL USERS-L l- .3.17,1- .D,d i n i t io.n

" Individual User" is defined to mean any person who works with sources of ioniztug. radiation ~under the supervision of an Authorized User.

3-9 Rev.-1-92

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, ,.g, - _. _ m ._____-._m _ - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Y l 4


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.Ref.gnsibilitles Individual Users shall conduct their operations so as to maintain the radiation exposure.of- themselves and others as low as is reasonably achievable.  ;

To this end they shall '

s a.- . Understand and cotrply with the work habits prescribed in St.ction 3~.18', and the instructions received f rom the Authorized User to whom they are  !

responsible;  !

b. Wear prescribed personnel monitoring equipment and protective ,

clothing during all work with or in the vicinity of sources of ionizing radjation;

c. - Consult the Authorized User to whom they are responsible BEFORE PROCEEDING if they have any doubt about the correctness or s'tfety of an intended p rocedure; ,

-d. . Inform the responsible Authorized User and/or the RSO immediately .

if any of the following circumstances is known'or suspected ,

(1) Exposure of any person to external radiation in excess of 50 mrem in a single ~ exposure or 100 mrem in any one week; ,

-(2) Inhalation, ingestion or injection of radioactive material by any person;

. (3)- Accidental release of. radioactive material to the atmosphere, surf aces, drains ur ventilation' system of the room;- ,

e. Keep accurate records .of L the use- and disposal of radioactive material entrusted to them;

-f. Make no authorized use or disposition of radioactive mato .

3.I8 WORK HABITS 3,18.1 Preparatory <

l Before any work is undertaken with radioactive material hich could 3

'ptoduce significant external- or internal exposure, attention shal be given to precautionary measures, including the.use and adequacy of hoods, filters, remote

' handling egoipment, respiratory protection,- etc._ The -RSO shall be consulted on j . specific operations'which depart from previously authorized procedures.-



3-10 Rev. 1-92 l'


Tile CATliOLIC IJNIVERSITY Of AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANLIAL 3.18.2 fiotm 11ve Clothiun Suitable gloves shall be worn during all work with unsealed radioactive material or when contamination is possible. Extra case shall be exet eised to prevent contamiliation when thet e is a break in the Skin below the w ris t . Dispose of gloves to radwaste after use. Protective classes or noggles shall be wJa n i[ lhet e is a posbibility of ladioaCliVe contamination of the eyes.

Appropriate pr otective clothing, such as coveialls, labor atoiy coats, I s ubber apr ons, arid shoe covels, shall be worn whenever contaminat ion of clothing with radioattise mater ial is possible. Protective clothing shall not be wotu or l Laken out of Llm local nicas in which its use is required unless monitored and I found flee of cont amination. (Inder no conditions may protect ive clot hing be woin in eating places.

i 3.18.3 MrLittht,llawl. Ling

a. Prior to p1t forming an operation ou or with a source of ioniting radiation, radiation levels shall be measured. Remote handling tools, such as forceps and tongs, shall be used for handling a source which causes an exposuse, at contact, in excess of 50 miem/h.


b. When working with a source of iuuizing radiation which emits penetrating radiation of sufficient intensity to pioduce si t ;nificant exposnie a survey metet shall be used to monitor work in progress to confilm the adequacy of shielding or remote handling tools,
c. When performing operations which might produce airborne contamination (e.g., evaporation, sanding or g inding, transfers of unsealed powder or volatile radioactive material, etc.), approved exhaust. ventilation shall be used. When recommended by the RSO, appropriate filtration of effluent air shall be provided.

Approved exhaust ventilation means a hood, glove box, or local exhaust facility which has been approved by the RSO for work with the quantity and type of isotope to be used. Approved facilities shall be so-designated by printed labels attached to the ventilation unit by the RSO.

d. Work which can result in contamination of work surfaces shall be done in trays. The choice of tray material will depend on the chemicals to be handled aad the relative merits of disposable vs. decontaminatable trays.

Adjacent work surfaces shall be lined with an absorbent material having a liner which is impervious to the chemical compounds to be used. Consideration should be given to the desirability of similarly lining the tray.

e. Work areas shall be kept clean and free of equipment and materials not required for the procedures in progress,
f. Unsealed radioac tive material shall be stored in shat terproof plastic cuotainers when practicable. Glass containers used to store radioactive material shall be stor ed and tianspoi ted within a shatterproof protective outer container.

3-11 Rev. 1-92


_g. All containers of radioactive material to be left unattended shall be properly labeled..

h. Contaminated equipment and tools (glassware. hulplate8, stirrers, hand. tools, etc.) shctl be appropriately ident.lfied and isolated from other equipment if it is to be retained for future use, Once us9d for radio-active ,

work, such material shall_ not be removed from a restricted area until .

demonstrated to be f r ee of contamination in accordance with Section 3.6, unless it is packaged and removed as radwaste, ,

i. Apparatus .shall -not be washed into the sewer system if it [

containa any activity appree.iably above background when measured with an appropriate survey meter.

J. 'Special care shall be exercised'when assembling, disassembling and manipulating. contaminated glassware in order to minimize the risk _ of contaminated wounds.

3.18.4 liva lene


Not only is the practice unacceptably dangerous, but the.

precision and speed of modern pipetting equipment far exceeds that obtainable by _

mouth.- '

b.: ' Eating, preparing, or storing food or drink is forbidden in rooms '

where work with unsealed sources is taking place or where removable contamination -

exists, c.- Smoking is prohibited in all restricted- c.reas.

d. The hands and foreanns shall be washed thoroughly before handling any object which goes into the mouth,_ nose or eyes and on completion of work with unsealed radioactive material; a survey meter shall be ussd to confim f reedom  :

f rom significant. contamination -when appropriate, e,. Personnel working in areas containing radioactive material shall

" wash up" befor e. eating, smoking. or-leaving work; they shall make hand- and shoe-surveys, when appropriate.- prior to leaving 'a restricted area where operations with unsealed sources are conducted.

f. Food, drink and photographic ' film shall not be stored in a refrigeratur used for storage of radioactive-material.
g. Application of cosmetics in restricted areas should be discouraged and may be. prohibited if, in the opinion of the Authorized User or a the RSO, prohib1 Lion is warranted in specific restricted areas.

_h. Keeping fingernails short minimizes the probability of l- . contamination awl of puncturing the fingertips of protective gloves.

lc 3-12 Rev. 1-92 6

l .'

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1. .If, in 'the course of work with unsealed radioactive material, personal contamination is suspected, woth shall be stopped (as soon as can be done ~without creating a greater hazard) and a survey with a suitable instrument-shall - tm made. This. Shall be followed by .any required decontamination and a -

further survey, Routine precautionary surveys shall be made at intervals.


a. Radioactive material shall not be used in experitnental animals without the approval of the RSC._ The RSO shall be advised when authorieed work-is commenced.
b. The use of aniinals fur experimental purposes shall be consistent -

with the guidelines set furth in DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 86-23 (Revised 1985),

c. The Authorir.ed User is primarily responsible for the care of '

animals during the ceurse of an experiment and is responsible for the safe-use of the radioactive material involved. The RS0_-is responsible foi ensuring:that the une of the radioactive material confonns to the regulations of the NRC and this University, j

d. The Authorized User shall inductrinate all persons who handle or work 'in the vicinity of radioactive - animals as to the dose - levels, time limitations in' the area and handling requirements for the animals and their excreta,
e. Injection of radioactive material should be performed in . trays lined with absorbent material,
f. All cases - housing radioactive -animals shall bear a radiation caut-ion label which -identifies the isutope administered, activity injected or otherwise administered per animal, date of administration and the identity of the-responsible Authorized User..
g. LAll-cages--equipment used, and the room housing the' animal (s) strall- be considered contaminat ed until' demonstrat,ed otherwise. The RSO shall-'

monitor the area for: contamination.

,b. Adequate' ventilation shall be _ proviued when ' animals are: kept'


af Ler -injection with radioactive material which may become volatilized and dispeiued into the room-(e.g.,: tritium and iodine).


Animal excreta may I be disposed 'of via the sewerage if the



1 calculated activity; concentration: does not exceed that : listed in 10.: CFR -20. -

Appendix B, Table 3 (Appendix lB of this manual), and if it is not mixed with

- sawdust. wood shavings or other absorbent material; otherwise the excreta shall i be placed in plast.ic bags together - with suf fielent absorbent- material to eliminate f ree liquid and disposed of as dry radwaste.

3-13 Rev. 1-92



Dead. animals shall be placed in plastic bags and kept f rozen by


J. - ,

the responsible investigator pending disposal. Arrangements shall be made by the responsible investigator with the RSO for disposal of contaminated carcasses.


Radiation-producing machines (or equipment) are defined in Table II at the beginning of this manual.

3.20.1- Exemption f rom Regulat ion Equipmentisnotsubject to these regulations if the production of ionizing ladiation is not its primary purpose ind the exposure does not exceed 0.5 nirem/h at 5 centimeless f rom any accessible surface.

3.20.2 RSO Resnonsibilit s and Authority

' The RSO shall be permilled access to radiation-producing equipment l for the purpose of inspection and survey.

4 The RSO shall: .

a. Survey each ' RPM at its iniljal testing and - at subsequent intervals not to exceed one year. Annual re-survey is not required if the machine -


is nut .in use, but a survey shall be conducted a3 the first resumption of operation,

b. Establish safety restrictions on the use of each RPM for the protec tion of operating pensonnel :and the public. (Should the principal Authorized User believe that RSO-established -restrictions are .too strict, a

- review by the RSC may be requested; the request shall be' addressed. in writing, to the Chair).

c. Conduct an orientation lecture concerning the hazards ~and safety precautions associated with the use 'of each type of RPM which shall be attended ;

by _ each individual who is to be authorized to operate the equipment without direct; supervision.- ,

d. Halt the ' use of any RPM which whose operation presents -a radiation hazard..


e. Report' violation of the safety. restrictions, . the general safety -

rules in'Section .3.20.3, or lack of operator cooperation to the RSC.

3.20.3 Gene" 1 Safety Ru ri Radiation-prot'ucing equipment shall be operated only by designated personnel. Designated personnel are defined as " Principal Users" or

~"Lechnicians". Qualificat ions of Principal Users shall be submitted to the RSC

- for approval on Form - RS0-4 " Qual.tfications of Principal Users of Radiatiou-Producing Machines" ( Appendix F), Qualifications of - technicians shall be 3-14 Rev. 1-92

~ ..- , -- . - - , _

~ - - - - - - - - - _ - . - - ...- - - -

THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFF.TY MANUAL-evaluated . and approved by a Principal User and wr itten notificat.iun of this

= yualification shall - be _on file = with the RSC and possessed by the technician.

Technicians shall operatte radir, tion-producing machines under the supervision of a Principal User. Students and others who use ' RPE as _ part of a regularly scheduled course or un-a',very infrequent basis are exempt from the requirement of registration _with the RSC, provided that such operation is conducted under the 1Qreat supervision of a Priuc.ipal- User. All RPE shall be operat ed in accordance with the following provisions: ,

4.- Areas in.which RPE is located or. is being used shall be posted

  • with the charactesistic " Caution (or Danger) Radiation" or " Caution (or Danger)

X-rayb" digu to warn unhulhurized personnel f rom entering the radiation area. '

The controls for each RPM shall have a decal stating " Caution (or Danger) ~

Radiation - This Machine Produces Radiation When Energized." In eerta1n

-instances,'other precautions, such as locking the entrances to the rooms, locking the machine controls, or the use of automatic safety devices, may be required by the RSC.

b. Radiation-producing equipment shall not be operated without the- '

' presence of the RSO if it has .not been upurated for mut e than one year. .

c. ' A portable = radiation-pruducing machine shall not be operated at locations outside the laboratory where the machine has been surveyed without the prior approval of the RSO.

-d. Each radiation-producing machine shall be disconnected from its power source or locked tu preclude operation'when not in actual use,

e. The operator shall clear the primary beam and scatter exposure l areas of all personnel before.uperatine the machine-and assure, that all essential personnel are adequately shielded.
f. Personnel monitoring devices shall be worn by the operatur and all others present;during operation of any_ machine _ which is capable of creating -

an exposure field in excess of. 75 mrem /h at any accessible -lucation.


g. The operator shall never expose himself or others to the direct-beam of the machine and must not enter an exposure ur target room while a machine 4

'is in-operation unless adequately shielded. ,

h. . All incidents involving radiation levels in ' excess of those authorieed or anticipated, or possible exposures of- personnel in excess of 100 -

mrem,z shal1;be: reported immediately to the RSO.- '

-1. A primary- beam shall not be directed towards an interior wall, ceiling or-floor in-the abuence of primary. beam shielding,

,j . - All operating personnel shall- observe all restrictions, established by the RSO or RSC. on_the use of RPE. They shall bring to-the attention of the RSO discovery of _a potentially hazardous mude of uperation which

-has not been auticipated by such restrictions.

3-15 Rev.-1-92

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~ k .-

The structural shieldlus requirements for any new lusta11ation

-or for an ' existing insta11atlon in which - changes are contemplated' shall be >

sdiscussed with the RSO. The implementatlun of these' requirements la subject to- '

prior: RSC approval.-  !

b h

I l-t p

3-16 Bev. 1-92 l-

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Radiation precaution signs and labels apply to all personnel. They do not mean that' a hazard exists unless it is explicitly so-stated; they do mean-that a hazard could exist if _ inappropriate action were taken. Most frequently these signs mean that radioactive materials are present in shielded containers.

- These containers, which may be of metal, t, lass or plastic (depending on the type of-radioactive materialLcontained, ase individually labeled and should not be ,

torched er moved by staf f pc. . onnel who.raust perfonn work in a restricted ar ea.

All working areas of these ruums are checked frequently for radioactive contamination : and are safe- for work by cleaning, maintenance or security 4 pe rsonnel .


The Director-. of Housekeeping shall ensure _ that all housekeeping-  !

personnel (whether University or co'utractor employees) who are assigned to work-in Hann_an, Haloney, McCort-Ward, Nursing-Biology and Pangborn Halls know and understand- the following rules which have been established for their safet.y: -


a. Hou$ekeeping personnel shallL not do any work inside a fume hood
  • ur glove box which bears a radiation warning sign. _

b.- Housekeepins personnel shall remain outside any area within a laboratory which 1s: roped of f wit.h a yellow and magenta radiation warnluu rope.

4.f MAINTENANCE-The Director of Maintenance -shall obtain prior clearance f rum _ the -

Radiation Safety Officer before permit ting maintenance work to proceed on the following-types of facilities.- -

- a . -. - Fume hoods bearing a radiation warning sign,

b. Ducts and blowers which service fume-hoods bearing a radii .lon

- warning sign..

c. Pits or sumps in the sewer system for Hannan, Maloney, McCart-Ward and.Pangborn Halls.,
d. Any facilities in the Quonset Hut.
e. Any uther facility where there is any question as to the possible
presence of radioactive contaminalion.

4-1 Rev. 1-92

+ . , , ---


'In working within restricted areas, maintenance personnel shall remalu outside any area which is roped off with a yellow and magenta radiation warning rape, unless accompanied by the- Authorized User who is responsible for

_the' area; or by the Radiation Safety Officer.

--- 4 , 4 PUBLIC SAFETY The Director of Public Safety shall ensure that:

a. All newly-hired Security Officers attend an elementary radiat
  • 9n

- safety lecture as part of their init.lal indoctrination for employment at CUA.

b .~ All - Security Of ficers attend- an annual refresher lecture un radiation safety.

(These lectures will be given by the RSO upon request by the Department of Public Safety.)

c. Security guards-who find a restricted area open and unattended shall:

(1) Close and lock the room,.and (2) Report the matter to the Dispatcher.

d. The cognizant Department Chair and the Radiation Safety Officer are advised, on' the next regular working day, of the date, Li:ne and location of the action taken under sub-paragraph (c).

4.5 PURCilASING' The Director of Purchasing shall ensure that -

._ _ a._. - A- purchase . order isl not prepared: (nor, a purchase os der number -

provided for a . telephonic order) for any. radioactive material unless - the requisition bears the stamp of approval of the Radiation Safety Officer. In case

-of doubt, the originator of the requisition, or the Radiation Safety Officer, shall be asked if the material being ordered is radioactive,

b. All . purchase orders for radioactive' material shall show the delivery. address as:

The-Catholic University of America

- Radiation: Safety Of fice, Room B18A Pangborn liall

-or:if not open Department of Public' Safety, 109 Administration B1dg.

Washington, DC 20064 4-2 Re . 1-92

______-__________.i____________________.___._.______________.____-.-___..______.____ ______l_._.._._.____________-_._____


The Assistant t "deric V. ice President for Sponsored ' Programs and Research Services.shall ' eta a that:

Each ~ proposal for or solicitation of support for research, - which

indicates that -t1*e use of radioactive material or other sources of ionizing radiation (such as X-ray or X-ray diff raction machines) is intended in the course of the proposed - research, has been reviewed and endorsed by the University Radiation Safety Officer befo 7 it is released to the addressee. The endorsement i

'- of the Radiation Safety Officer is solely for University = internal purposes and 1 chould not accompany the proposal when IL leaves the University. I

>: ' .) .



.q i

r 4-3 Rev, 1-92

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for the purpose of this tuu .sa l . an eineigency is defined as any i m.ide n t resulting fiam the use of on on moie souices of ionizing radiation which creates an internal or external hazard to personnel. The piimary purpo+4e of a planned n e' use to a indial son emes gency is (a) to ininimize inttrnal I contamination by i die,ctive mate.ial due to ingestion, inhalation, absorption or entry thiough woun 2 (b) to hold expsule to external ionleing radiation to the lowest possible ' : vel, and (c) to provide appropriate first aid v medical cas e on a basin tent with (a) and (b).

Att emergency rnay vary in inagnitude f rom an apparently insignificant spill of low-level radioactivity to a f4'o os explosion involving harandous

- quanti 3.les of radioisotopes. The followir t
pe are applicable it, responding to all em=xcearles. Detailed suggestions for handlists specific types of emergencies are ::ivea Jr. Sectioni 5.'e n they should be mt.dified by each Aut hoileed User to meet the specifje requireaents of each restricted area for which he/she is responsible.
a. Evaluate the situation in regard to levels of external radiation exposure rnd the risk of centainination by radioact ive matet ial. If a situation develoys obere an emergency Auvolving radioactivity als 3 has a putential for producing <.ther serious hazards, ar.g. , flammable or tosic f ume accumulations, yot.

-ate urged l,n consider all hazard potentials and act accordingly.

b. If exte r nal radiat ion le'.elt: are tigh, evacuate exposed personnel from the cc.ldent area. It the possibility exists that personnel ate contaut-nated, confine their mov ment until they have been monitored.


c. The quantities of radioactive materials approved for use by Aathorized Users at CUA are low enough that medical attention for sorious inhiries should always take precedence over decoutamination procedur es.

) u. Obtalo RSO and other appropriate assistance promptly.

, a. Mordtor all pere.ons sua may be cont aminated . perform simple bcontamination. If necessary, and re-monitor, Give first aid if needed.

f. Obtain a careful history of the accident.

$.2 AUTil0RIT.ED USER RESPONSIBILITY The Authorized User la primarily responsible for preparing himself and those for whose work he is sesponsible to respond piomptly end correctly to 5-1 Res. 1-92


, those emergencies which are credible with respect to his use of ionizing radiation. Guidance is prnvided in this Chapter of the CUA Radiation Safety Manuel, Each Authorized User shalia

a. Prepare and maintain curt it an emergency plan for each restricted area for chich hn is responsible. A copy shall be provided to the RSO. j b.- Post the emergency plan _ conspicuously in each restricted area.
c. Ensure that all personnel authorized to wusk in a restricted area i are f amiliar with' the emergem.y plan. I 1
d. Prepare a complete written history of each emergency and l subsequent related activity. Including cur sective and pieventive actinus. This i report shall be d;11vered to the RSO within 1$ days of the emergency, i 1


1 Authorized Users of 40urces of loni41ng radiation on the CUA campas are seguired (by Section 3.3) 40 post at the entrance to each rest ricted area the name and telephone i. umber (s) of the individuals to be contacted in case of an emergency.

The CUA Radiation Safety Officer may be reached on extenslor' $206 and  !

at 703-671-1659 af ter working. hours. If neither the Authorized User nor the RSO .

can be reached, any technically qualified member of the Radiation Safety

  • Committee may be called. The names and telephone numbers of the commit tee members i are listed in Appendix A. Call Public Safety _ (5111) for all events requiring l emergency _ assistance. -


S.4.1. Airbone Con % min;ttion. Radioactive dust, mist, fumes, cases, 'i esanic vapors-s a- EVACUA'.E all_other ee lsonnel inmediately.

Hold breath and, to the extent possible, close windows and turn off window ' air conditioning units. Turn ON all hood blowers.

Leave the room. j Close and lock the door to preclude unauthorized entry. .


b. HOLD all' personnel .tuvolved inmediately outside the room and instruct them to stay in one location to prevent;the spread of contamination. ,


c. ISOLATE the adjacent corridor against traffic and spectators.

5-2 Rev. 1-92

  1. - h- 4 eler--*PumpeWf w hrwgle ver'h y w1mm'w-vww-'s==vD=9WFs'dsW W"aTN #r"FT*9 s sw m W'w
  • u' 'e- ;m7'W'vwW'*M-rY=we8N'ud yt"'a-r** M 4 'r#GmW
  • irm er w qqse eygrgy-,w rw- erveyww-- -w s ,e e- Wor 34wwsu w r-ei v' m *wevT 1 **%rw ~Wvr*

l l


d. NL.t!FY the R50; hold personnel for his at rival and assist him )

in evaluating hazards, deteimining se-ent y times, and anonitoring for personnel _

contamination. (NB: If an air conditioning system serving the affected labora-tory serves other sooms, evacuate those suoms until the extent of the spread of 1 contamination can be enluated.) l 5.4.2 fituiaminat ed 1n.r2191!1e1 - U1 0.1Lhutd l

a. External Contamination See Section $.$. Decontamination. l b, Int e rnal Contamiistion: See Section 5.4.3, Contaminated  ;


5.4.3 finilatninat ed Inittl_tJxa a, D1f1111 tion Individuals uhu have (or are suspected to have) become internally contaminated with radioactive wtterial by lucestion, resplaation, contact with ,

an open wound, puncture. or contact with the eyes shall be considered to be containinated casualties,

b. %A11Titr11nK_fELutturv Pliuth Radiation Emergency Plans have bean prepared by the Depar Linent of Consumer and Regulatory Af fairs of the Government of the District of Columbia.

These plans provide for sesponse as appropriate, by the Fire Department (Fire and Ambulance Services)', Police Depar tment, llospitals, and the Department of Consumer and _ Regulatory Affairs. The contact point for Initiation of DC government assistance is the Department of Consumer and .iteaulat ory Af f airs, Pharnaceutical and Medical Device Control Division, durleis normal working hours, and the malu DC government telephone switchboard at all' other times. All hospitals t the District of Colum'la o except The George Washington University Hospital and . Sibley Memorial llospit al are prepared to r eceive - and treat

-contaminated cesualties. Because of its facilities and proximity -to the University, the Washington llospital Center, located at 110 t rying Street, NW (approximately one alle west of the campua), is the hospital of choice for contaminated casualties originating on campus. The Walter Reed Arwy Medical -

~ Center, located et 6825 Sixteenth Staret. NW (565-3501). is prepared to provide emergency ' t reatinent of contaminated casualties if, for any reason, civilian hospitals in the District of Columbia are unable to provide service.

c, Imu&ttEY_AC111ut (1) DIAL 727-7721 (8:15 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday).

This places you in direct contact with the Phannaceutical and Medical Device control Division = of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Af falas of the District of Columbia, or 727-1000 (At all other times) (Malu DC government switchboard) 5-3 Bev. 1-92

- _ __ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ ~ . . _ . _ _._

i i


(2) REPORT "I have a n adiation emergency"

$,LitLt the nature of the vmergency, the number of i contamiliated casualties. their exact .ocation, and the i general natnie of the injurieu.

i Ask for Ambulance. Fire Equipmer t, Police, as appropalate.

Iell tite.perhmLannerline tltt.nl1 to aler i the emes gency room at the WASil!NGTON HOSPITAL CENTER. ,.

'. 3 ) NOTIFY the UnAversity D1:ector of Radiation Safety (Of fice, f ext 5206, or liume,-703-671-1659). >

t (4) STANDBY to assist emergency response ver80nnel ab r eyulted.

Post sun. cone outside the building to direct emergency personnel to the scene.  !


away so that a radioactive spill is not spread

  • unnecessarily. Unlesa prevented by (J re, fum. , etc., keep a casually in une place to await a rival ut emergency personnel.

(6) FIRST AID mepures should be used in the same manner as for a sinilar uacentaminated casually. If the condition of the I casually penoits. contaminated clothing should be removed and contaminated skin washed with' water and soap or mild detergent. But if clothing change and washing pose any risk r t

of increaming the oeserity of injuries, don't do it. The quantitles of radioactive material in use at the University are insufficient M pose a significant threat to the ,

casually from external contamination during the period f rom luitial injury to treatment- and decontaminullon at the -


d. Minor Wou.nde_yltich May be Con _tydttated Minor cuts - abrasions. punctures, burns, etc., which may be i contaminated do not- necessarily terluire activating the DC Government Radiation Emergency Plan. - If a caual ty can- be t ransported to the Wasbington Hospital Center without risk of contaminating a personal or Campus Secur-1ty vehicle, the-following procedure may be preferable:

(1) CALL Washington Hospital Center Emergency Room (877-6701). .

Tell them the nature of the casualty and the contaminant and that the casually will be brought to the Emergency Room.

(2) CALL the University Director of Radiation Safety (Of fice ext. 5206 ar Home 703-671-1659).  :

5-4 Rev. 1-92

-.--.--,--.....m-%w-+, -,,,----m,. _,,.-~,#w,...--.r.,-, .w.


(3) REMOVL contaminated clothlug f rom the casualty. Replace it with a lab caat or utbes available calvien t . Cover contamluated shoes with plastic.

(4) WASH contaminated skin with water and soap or mild detergent.

(5) WRAP contaminated skin aseas with plastic, paper or cloth to minin. ire the likelihood of contamination of -other clothing, skin and vehicle.

-(6) TAKE the casualty to the Washlugton llospit al Center Emergency Room, 110 living Street. NE, fo wound decontaminatlun and die 8 sing. public Sa 'ety (ext. 5111) will provide taansportation on request.

c. dinor Womnis Not Requir inLJnt,jsal Atient ton i

If the concesitratiou of radluactive material las the contaminating solution is known to be less than the maxitnum pervilssible concentiation for unrestricted release (Appendix B, Table 2 of 10 CFR 20 - Appendix B to this I manual). the deelslun to seek medical attentiori can be made solely on the basis i of the nature of the physical injury. If medical attention is not required, the i following procedure will provide adequate decontamination 1 (1) Encourage bleeding Lu flush the wound, while irrigatin:: whh copious quantitles-of water.

(2) Use the decontamination precedures of Section 5.5.

5.4 A fylosimt;

-Proper response to an explosion involving radioactive . material consists of appropriate responses to the phyuical and radiological health haralds '

which accompany the explosion

a. ' Airborne Contamination: Setc Sectior 5.4.1
b. Contaminated Personnel: See Section 5.4.2 2 l' ic. Contaminated Casualties: See section 5.4.3- -1
d. -Fire: See Section 5.4.5 _

5.4.5 f,j,f.e i

L a. Call Fire Departinent_ - (Dial 9-911) h L _ _

Tell them radioactivity is involved. It is far better to have ,

them and not need them than vice versa. l l

5-5_ Rev. 1-92



i 1 .



t. . An.LLLit.L.llie Buih11:1L.f. h r.A L.113 Use Judgement. Most laboratory fires pose no threat to the rest  !

of the building, but if these is a threat of spread of significant quantitles of  !

radioactive taaterial, the building alarm should be used. Any available personnel  !

not needed on the scene should be used to pass the word so that the building is actually evacuated, llave somtrone call public Saftsty so that persoritiel casi be kept out of the building until the situation is b ought under control and for assistance in directius: Fire Department responders to the scene. #

c. Use Flie._J e ny.lgjtn C07 -18 safe on any type of laboratory fire except burning metal, for which sand is recommended. Use water or chemical extinguisher only on paper.  !

Stay and fight the fire ont11 the Fire Depar tment arrives, unless threatened by

  • lumes or radioactivity selease. -i
d. htlLthe Plug  :

If electrical or electronic equipment is smoking or burning, the fault which caused the trouble could have by-passed switenes and fuses. Most such i fires no out when the plug is pulled. If fire threatens to spread, turn off all

- other electt ical- equipment (including window air conditionet s) cAcept hood  !

blowers before leaving. l 3

e. When to.Get O_pi i

j -

If fire seriously threatens radioactive material storage areas or is likely to generate aisborne radioactivity from an experiment in progress -

GET 007. If smoke or non-radioactive fumes interfere with breathing, get out, r

f. Notify the R$0 a_nd the Department Chair 'j Call both of them -(at home, if af ter hours) as soon as the situation permits,
g. Stand By-Make a note.of.the events, people present. etc. . while it is .

fresh In your. mind. If there 18 any possibility that anyone is contaminated by radioactive material, hold them In the vicinity if possible until- they have been

= checked by the RSO,-or-al--least by a survey meter.-

1 1: 5.4.6 External Rajiation Exutpure The only source of ionizing radiation on the CUA campus which is of sufficient Intensity -that emergency responne to external- exposure could be required 1s- the cesium-1371rradiation unit, located in Room 40 Hannan llall. The -

ceslum-137 ir radiator is capable of hazardous exposus es only in the event of an -

unauthurized attempt to disassembit the unit. Because of its location in a testricted area', and welded consttuction, this is considened exceelingly .

5-6 Rev. 1-92 i

- ._ _. .__._.._ _. ~ . _ _ _. _ _._ _ ..__ _ _ _ -. _ ._ _ ._._._



utillkely. Therefore no detailed plan foi dealing with external radiation I exposur es is provided. The following guidelines. are valid for any such incidents  !


a. Evacuate the victim f aom the nadiation field to a non-radiation i area.

l 4

b.- Treat the victim for shock - keep him horizontal and warm. l

c. Use the Contaminated Casually Plan. Section 5.4.3, to call fuc  :

asslutance, j

S.4.7 ilydioactig Spil18 -

When liquid- or powder-foam radluactive materials aie spilled, the- '

, - prirnary r/unsideaallons as e tu (1) prevent the spicad of the contaminatlini. (2) l prevent add 1Llonal persons ur objects f rom being contamlauted, mid (3) minimize  :

the evaporation or suspension of the material into the room air.  !

a. If111tti!1111b i

(1) NOTIFY persons in the area (2) PREVENT SPREAD i

0 Cover litiold spilk with absosbent paper.  ;

.s 0 Dampen dry sttlj,jn thoroughly, taking care slot to spicad  ;

the cuittamination. Ut;e water unless chemical reactlen with water could generate alaborne contaminationi. In I shich case oil should be used. Cover dampened spill -

with absorbent papere O Excleide unnecessary personnel from the spill area. '

r o Mark of f spill area.with chalk, marker pen or grease '

-pencill rope it off and post warning signs-tu create a personnel barries.

O Holil patentially contar>Juated personnel in a nearby area -

until skin, clothing and footwear-can be surveyed.  ;

I o Remove contaminated clothing before moving personnel to a clean area. Preserve _It for RSO evaluation. - <

n j- (3) CLEAN UP-Use , disposable gloves (and remote handling Longs _ (if appropriate). Fold and inser t absorbent paper into_ a plastic ban and discard in ,

l the _ radwaste - container. logether with other contaminated materials, such as disposable gloves. Follow- RSO guidance with respect to fur ther decontamination requirements.

5-7 Rev. 1-92 =;

~ .- --

i I


NB: Except. in cases of incapacitation, the primary responsibility for cleanup and decontamination rests with the person (s) responsible for the spill.

The RSO's responsibility is to providu guidance and justruction so that it is done safely and adequately.

(4)- SURVEY 1

With a GM survey meter (other techniques may be reyulred for tritium ' and some other 1sutoped), check the area asuund the spill, plus the hands, clothing aiid footwear of_ all potent lally contaminated personnel 4 '

(5) NOTIFY the RSO au soon as possible. Pennit no one to resume normal work in the area until RSO approval is obtained, b.- MdJor hullis ,

A major spill is defined as a spill shich entails a risk of airborne contamination in excess of the naximum pennissible concentration in  ;

restricted areas (10 CFR 20, Appendix B. Table 1 - Appendix B to this manual),

or external radiation exposuse rates in excess of 50 miem/h at 30 centimeters.


Notify all. persons not sequired for response to the spill to vacate the room.

(2) PREVENT SPREAD 0 Cover a 11yuld spill with absorbent paper, pads, or f venniculite, but do-not attempt to clean it up.

0 Dampen a _ dry spill with water (011 if chemical reaction

'with-water could generate airborne contamluation),  :

then cover the spill' as above.  :

O Cyn{,jJtt the movement of potentially contaminated personnel- l until survey Indicates t"sy are uncontaminated, 0 DO NOT _ attempt to clean'up unless properly trained or

- proceeding under _RSO guidance. j (3)_ REDUCE = EXPOSURE 0 If spill la on the skin, flush thoroughly with water and _t follow decontamination procedures in Section 5.5.

0 'If spill ~ is on clothing, discard outer clothing at once.

Preserve it for evaluation by the RSO.-  ;

o Shield the source, if penetrating radiation is involved AND If it can be done without further contamination or 4 significantly increasing your radiation exposure.  ;

1 5-8 Rev, 1-92

. . _ . - _ - - - . - .~..- -.- -.. ._. _ . - . - - - - . . - - . - - - _ _ --


o Switch 0FF window air conditiones s; leave hood blowe r s ON.

If the room is sensed by an air conditioning system which also desves other toons. evacuate all rooms dented until they can be surveyed.

(4) CLOSE file ROOM Leave the room and luck the doors to prevent entry.

(5) CA! L FOR }{ELP Not.if y the RSO an doou as possible. Penuit no one to enter until RSO approcal has been obtained.

5.5 DECONTAhlNATION PROCEDt'RES 5.5.1 General Princlyles of Decontamination Succesaful decontaminalaun calls foi planned action. A 8por -of-the moment action or atteinpt at decont amination can cause more hann than good. The perdon responsible for the spill in a contamination setident will usually take the first steps in bringing the uituation under control. Those per sons respon-sible for a spill shall, unless physically unable, he seuponsible fur all decontaminations of the area, undet the nupe t u l:41on of the RSO. The fiast considesation shall be personnel safety; pe sons not involved in t he rr.pney sesponse shall leave the area. Subsequent cosas ide rations abould involve the following paucedurest

a. prevent the Spr ead of contamination by shutting of f ventilation fans, applying absorbent material is,the case of liquids (applying appsopsiate liquid and then absorbent mateilal in the case of day spilla), and toping off, batricading or locking the atea,
b. Immediately notify your supervisor and the RSO.
c. Allow no one who has been in the spill area fu leave a neasby holdlag area until the person has been checked foi contamination,
d. Make f ull use of ramitoring in.stt uments and available assist.ance.

Each step of the decontamination should be monitored. One persuit whould remain uncontaminated to ope ate inn.t r umen ta and do other monilo t ir.d. When the lustrumen W become con t atalua t ed , further p rog r ess is impaired. Piutective clothing, foutwear, gloves, and sespinatory equipment dhall be used as needed.

5.5.2 Ge ne rgL{' rny ed u s es for PeEsonnel Decontaqinatfait 0 dinasily, the same procedures used for personal cleanlinen will suf fice to temove radioactive contaminants f rom the skin, but the specific method will depend upon the funu (etease, oil, etc. ) of the deposited contamination.

Soap and wates (seque3terine, agents and deteigents) nonnally r emove moie than 99*

5-9 Rev. 1-92


f f

of the contaminants. If it is necessaiy to remove the remaindet, chemicals can -!

be used un the outer layers of skin upon which the contamination has been depusited. Because of the risk of injury to the skin surface. these etemicals l (citric acid. potassiu.n persnanganate, sodium bisulfite, etc.) should be applied ,

with caullun, pseferably under medical Fupe: vision. Types of lanolin-based creams

, are used to of fset local it:1tation of sklu sur faces af ter decontaralnation. ,

Contaminants should be removed to the maxianum fe4sible extent at the site of the

  • Incident.

t Remove any clothing os equipment found tu be containinc.ted before  ;

determining the level of sklu contamliialluti. '

g Decontaminate any as eas of the body found to be.sigitificantly mus e l contaminated thain sur r ounding ar eas. This spot cleaning is necessary to reduce the spread of contamination to clean areas of the body which might otherwise occur during showering. Open wounds should be sealed or covet ed during this spot 1 cleaning to prevent addillunal contaminatlun (som being washed into wounids.  :

If the contamination is general over large puttions of the body [

surf aces, a very thorough shower is necessar y. Special attention must be paid to  !

such areas as the hair, hands and fingernalls. Af ter showe: Inn and monitoring.

the residual.contaminatlun cas be temoved by spot cleaning.

- Avoid the prolonged use of at y one method of decontamination. Repeated f ineffective decontamination methods may J r ritate the skins and thus hennper the success'of muse suitable piocednies. No one chemical Laeatment 18 known to be r specific for all of the elements with which one raay become contaminated.

Avoid the use of o rganic suivents. 0 ganic w1mits rnay increase the

- probab11]Ly of -the radioactive maturjals penetratlug th roug,6 the pores of the ,

-skin. _0xalle acid is a poironous compuund and is not tu be used under any  ;

ci r c<nas t anc es . .  ;

i 5.5.3 ll;tyd Decontamination '

t Numerous excellent products ase corrimercially available for getieral  !

purpose decontamination, If one ur more of these is available it can be used i Nafely:to remove hand contamination. I n snost instances nothing more will be -

required. An incomplete list of such products would include the t rade names hlf t i Away. Micro, Rad-Con, and'Radiac Wash.- If nune o( these is available, ur if their use is unsuccessful, one or mos e of the following techniques can be tried. ]

Wash the sklu- thoroughly with an abrasive hand soap (such as hava) -

and water, paying special attention to areas between the finge:8 and around the - ,

fjngennails. Repeat the procedute 3 f monitoring indicates that there has been -

improvernent but -- that these is cutstamination remaining ou the skin in amounts  !

~ above tolesance.

- Apply a sequestrant-de'.ergent liquid mixtut e (a 5% water solution of a mixture of 30% Tide, 65% Calgun, and 5: Carbose). Repeat the procedure if.

results prove encour aging.

5-10 Rev._1-9? ,

, v. 6 2 . , E.-.--.',r-., - ._ w d. n .,-% . G ; * .,.mims,..-,<L-- ,- - . - - - - . . - - - ,,. ,,.r . - . - - . . - . - - - a-m--

e Tile dATIIOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SATETY MANUAL Apply a sequentiant-detergent cream (a 4% Carbuuu, 3% Verneue, 8%

Tide, and 85% wates mixture). Ruh thurunghly into the skisi for appauximately one minute. Repeat the treatment as long as the sesults show that the contaminant is being :emoved.

I 3

Anothe.: method is to place the contaminated hand (s) in sutgical gloves with the cuf fs taped tightly to the wrist. The resultant pelspiration af ter an hour or two of wear will usually wash the contaminatjun fium the pures of the  ;

ukin. CAUTION: klien t emoving gloves, be sut e that they are tuined inside ont s  :

1.e. , pull them of f fium the cuf fs and not the f j uger tips. Discar d the gloves to l tadwaste and wash hands thuruughly. '

$.S.4 A +9 Recuniamin d,!1 i

k' hen an area becomes contaminated, prepasation for decontamination  !

- should be started piumpt ly. This not only minimiees the likelihoud of spa ead, but

-usually makes the job easier.

a. Cover clean areau in the vielnity with absorbent paper. i
h. Contrul the flow of contaminated ljyulds: Apply absus ber s, raise  !

barrie:s (putty, etc.), seal cracks in floors, bench tups, etc.  ;

c. Remember that all W Am.. ,ps , v a,r. uni hi nt.hi" wied l are cuntaminated until demonstrated otherwise. ,

Notify the RSO who will assist lei determining the extent of and d.

f the haeasd assuelated with the cuntaminatJun,

3. Decont aminst }un Metluids (1) Sulutluns of detergents. EDTA, Radiacwadh. etc., may be used '

tu de"untaminale saany smuuth, non-putuus suafaces. l t

(2) Hetals - Low-value metallic ubjects shuuld be discarded tu fj radwaste, Olly sur face films may have to bu removed befuse  ;

decontaminat lun ineasures ar e ef fective. Various commerelal 7 decreasers and ort:anic solvents inay be considened, depending un the nature of the film to be removed. High normal.lty acids._cusatentrated acids, or .ayua r egla may be used of L needed and if the surfaces will withstand cuch treatment. .,l



Concrete or brick - Sulutions of IIC1. used with commercial scrubbera. Probably will not be completely successful. 't (4) Glasswase - Appiupilate solvents or detergents, or discard tu radwaste, ]

, (5) Linoleum, asphalt. tile, vinyt tile,_etc. - if well waxed i beruse contamination. temoval of- wax with sulvents ur- e scouring powder and steel wool may decontaminate. Or the '

flour euvering can be r eplaced, In some cases, a radlu-(_ i 5-11 Rev. 1-92 I

- - , - . - - _ _ _ _ _ . . - . - . . . - . - - _ . _ . _ - . _ - . . - . - - ..~.. - -._ - . - - . -

k 6


i active 11guld will h4ve penetrated, via cracks and joints ,

in a flour covering, to the main floor sutf ace. It will then i be necessary to seinove the flour coverliig in the af fected  !

ar ea asid decentaminat e the malia flour iSu f ace. l (6) Wood - Sand (with careful attetitlun tu dust contaul), plane, or discard to radi.aste.

(! ' Painted ourfaces - Paint remu6ern. I PJegmtLamitut loti St,1tplaid I f.

-An area 18 cuitblilt's ed t r ee f rom r adluactive cui Lamitiation ,

a wipe test shu.s removable cout.artination to be_1g88 than 1000 of dpm/1

  • beta-ganmia emitters and less than 100 dpm/100 cm of alpha emitte:8. Illr.he r limits snay be tolerable in aume restricted areaa (see Section 3.8.4);.Iower limits;should be applied if decontamination can be accon;pilshed with reasuuable
  • etfott.

i l  ;

t i

t i

l -.

l l

l 1 i p

L 5-12 .Rev.'1-92 l-

.- _-.c_,...u.......,.._-._., , , . . . _ . . . . _ . _ _ ._2_.. ..__.__.__..__.__...u_._..__.-._.. .,.:.2.. __;




" Standards foi Protection Ar,aluut Radiatlon,"

r 10 CFR 20 C " Inst tuctions Concerulun Pr enatal itsdiatlun L>,pudure," US NRC Regulatory Guide 6.1)

W ate and Susplus D

Disposal of Radioactiv Radioactive Sources i

E Publications Available to Itadiation Workets F

Radiation Safety Office Fo: Tas G

Insttuctions for Completinn the Applicatiori for Use Author 1/ation (Form RSO-2)

Radioactive Material)

Rev. 1-92

- _ _ _ _ _ m

I i



r FAME 11101 ADffL15., 'I FL i Dr. Gregory Brewer' Asht. Prof. Chemistry 10211 MAL 5396 i Mr. Robert Fawbush Har. Elect / Mechan Services 201 POWR 5122 .

Mr. Clay Goldston Dir. Public Safety 109 ADMIN 5111 Dr. Warren Keene' Rad. Safety Officer b18A PANG 5206 Dr. Scott Kelmic Dir. Environniental Safety  ? ADMIN 6112 Dr. Isabelle Muller # Research Associate 310 HAN 5331

- Dr. Roland.Nardone'I Dir. Catr-Advanced Traluing 301 MCW $275 Dr. Daulel Sober' Prof. Physica 209 IIAN 5856 j

'Dr. Jean Toth Assoc. Prof. Nursing . 206 GOW 5110  !


  • Technically qualified to as81sst. In the radiat]on aspects of f an emergency.
1. Chair. Radiation Safety Committee  !

l 4

i i

f A-1 Rev. 1-92 I

+-+--.----a-. . - - - ~ , - - - ,,,--a - - ~,.- <-,-r r,, r-, -,w,, , , . - . ,.,-.,,..y,--rn,- ,r~-- - , , , - , - , - -,-,, wrn , -

l 1



Appendix 11 consists of Title 10. Code of rederal Regulations, Part 20 (10CFR 20), entitled " Stands da for P40tection Atalnut Radiation, "as amended from i time to time. A copy of the cut tent version is distilbuted with this manual l

for reference.



1 F-1 Rey, J.92


-e,... . ---.m .~_,&. . ,, _ .--.......w-_

........~,.r..  :.,,#. . . . -,w

I Tilt CAtil0LIC UNIVERSITY- 0F AMEltlCA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL APPENDIX C INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING PRENATAL RADI ATION EXPOSURE Appetidix C consists of US NRC Regulatusy Guide S.13, eritilled "!ustructionis Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure," as revised from time to time. A copy of the current version is distributed with this manual for reference. )

i t

i o

1 9

I h

i 9

Rev. 1-92 ,

C-1 i

. .. 2_ . _ . . _ _ . . _ , . _;~..__,,,..~ . _ , . _._.._,....,.~_..._.~.._.,,,_.___.2__,_._,,, . . . - . . . , . .


DISPOSAL OF RADIDACTIVE WASTE & SUltPLUS RADIDACTIVE SOURCES D-1 DEFINITION I Itadioactive waste (radwaste) is defined to means

a. Unsealed radioactive material, of whatever chemical or physical form, whose retention- is no longer desired by the responsible Authorized User,
b. Material or equipment which is, or is p resurned to be contaminated because of its use in association with radioactive material (e.g., disposable gloves and other protective clothing, glassware, tray and -

bench covers, tools, etc.). '

c. Sources of radioactive material which have been determined

.by the RSO to be  :

i (1) Leaking beyond allowable limits and not economically repairable.

( 2') Reduced below useful activity by radioactive decay, or'  !

(3) Surplus to the needs of the University and of individual replacement value less than $500,00. ,

D-2 INTRODUCTION I This Appendix provides ' detailed instructions for the handling of all j radwaste which is generated on the CUA carnpus, from its initial generation in the laboratorier. of Authorized Users until it is lawfully removed from the campus Radwaste shall be disposed of only in accordance with the provisions of this Appendix. Specifically radwaste shall NO"' be:

a.- Incinerated on the CUA carnpus, l b. Duried on the CUA campus. .


c. Deposited in ordinary trash' containers, or g
d. Transported off campus except by duly licensed persons,
e. Discharged to the sewer via laboratory sinks.


D-1 Rev. 1-92 l-


l D-3.1 AltlltgtiLy_,J1)r Discharrt to Sewerare

a. ESO Aut_Itgri d.

The RSO is authorized to release radioactive waste to the sewer in accordance with applicable regulations. Authorized Users shall not  !

release radioactive material to the sewer except that incidental to soutine I cleaning of laboratory ware,

b. Ets,quL}1erid m i The RSO shall maintain a log in which is recor;1ed all radioactive waste releases to the sewer. The record shall include the date.

1sotope and activity with respect to each release.


All operations in which significant atmospheric radioactive l

- contamination could be produced shall be perforwed using local air filtration, a glove box, a fume hood, or combination thereaf au set forth in the User Authorization.

D-4.2 Releases to Recirculating Air Systems  ;

Unless o the rwise authorized by the RSC. the 1-hour averaged concentration of radioact.1ve material entering an exhauJL duct of a-recira

-;ulating air system shall not exceed the limita of-10 CFR 20, Appendix B.

Table II. Column 1.

D-4.3 Releases to Outdog.t_ Air

.In the case of a duct exhausting directly (unfiltered) to the outdoor atmosphere (e.g., fume hood or glove box exhaust), the RSO shall be notified immediately if there is a release of airborne radioactive material in concentrations which, if averased over a period of-24 hours would exceed the limits specified for the material in 10 CFR 20. Appendix B. Table II.


D-4.4 f.tngissible Time Determinations of the average concentration of radioactive material may be made 'with respect to the point where the caterial leaves the exhaust duct. Concentrations may not be averaged over a period longer than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> without prior authorjeation of the RSC.

D-2 Rev. 1-92

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, THE CAT 110LIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL D-5 SPECIFIC DISPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR RADVASTE All radwaste shall be segregated into special collection containers in accordance with the rules contained in this Section.

u-5.1 MittiLimm For waste management pu: pones. radwaste is categurleed by class and isotope. Five classes are used: Animal. Aqueous, Dry. LSC. and Organic,

a. ANIMAL: Animal carcasses which ag e contaminated with radioactive material.
b. AQUEOUS: Radwaste whose primary solvent is water. It may contain dissulved ur suspended organic matter.


c. DRY: Radwaste, en ept used 11guld scius.111ation vials, which contains_ no f ree 1.lquid eitner because the material is " dry" in - -

the. conventional sense of the word os because cement or other approved : ,

raater4al has been added to absorb small quantitles of f ree liyuld which may a be present, i

d. LSC: . Liquid scintillation cocktail which contains >

, radioactive material .

c. ORGANIC Radwaste whose solvent (s) consist solely of- }

organic liquid (s). It may contsin dissolved or suspended inorganic matter. It  :

may not include scintillation cocktail, whether sadioactive or not.

D-5.2 General Rules

- D-5.2.1- ' Suttun. Unit The Authorized User is responsible for segregation of radwaste by  !

Class and within class, by isotope. LSC waste shall also be segregated by I the commercial ~name of the cocktail it contains.

D-5.2.2 Radwa+;te C,untainn a i

-a.. Containers for the temporary accumulation of radwaste in  ;

individual restricted areas shall bes '

o ' Distinctively different from trash containers used for non- I radioactive trash; T

o Conspicuously marked on opposite sides with the radiation  ;

symbol (10 CFR 20.203), together with the words " Caution"

- (or " Danger"). " Radioactive Material";

(continued) ,

D-3 Rev. 1-92 [


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o Conspicuously labeleu to indicate the class of radwante  ;

and the isotope whleh is contained;  ;

o Lead-lined or shleided, if teguired lu order to satisfy

  • Section D-$ 2.3. {

D-5.2.3 1posure Limitation


_ The total amount of radwaste placed in any container shall be  !

con trolled so_ that the radiation exposure at one foot f rom the container 1. '

less than 10 mrem /h and - the exposure at contact with any surface of the j container is less than 50 naem/h.


D-5.2.4 f_recrations Ar.alust chemical Beardion ,

i Haterial shall not be put into a radwaste collection container t if there is any possibility of a chemical reaction during storage which might cause fire or explosion. or cause the release of chemically toxic or radio-  ;

-active: gases. Solutions shall be adjusted to pil 6-8 prior to djrposal into a -;

liquid container. ~!

i 5.2.5 Animal carcosta Small animal carcasses containing administered radionuclidas -

shall be placed in sealed plastic bags, tagged with the date, animal-type.

thel isotope name and the-total activity in mib ieuries. The carcasses shall i then be stored in an appropriately labeled freezer until the isutope decavs .

to background levels or airangements have been made with the RSO for disposal  !

Lby a licensed commercial finn. f D-5.2.6 Jah11m


Each container of radwaste shall bear a radioactive label'on

- which is entered the date packaged, the. Authorized U8er's nane, waste class.

isotope,name. and total activity. The label on LSC waste shall also include L

the commercial name of the cocktail, hSC waste whose only radioactivity is due to H-3 or C-14 uhall also be ~1abeled to indicate whether the activity  ;

concentration is LOW (less than 50 nanocurie/ gram) or H1Gil (greater than 50 l nanocurie/ gram).

.D-5.2.7 Benoval

-- i l Radwaste which is properly packaged and labeled will be picked  !

j; fup' _ from ~ individual laboratories by- the RS3 and transported to the CUA  ;

e radwaste storage and hand 12ng facility- for interim management and ultimate J bhlpment to a licensed low level waste site. ,

D-$.2.8 JJpJun. -

The --RSO is authorized to store radwaste in the Ctli. radwaste I storage and handling facility, for the purpose of accumulating shipments of

  • i w

D-4 Re v. 1- 92 [

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', economical size for transpor t to a licended low level waste ulte. In the i esent that access to a low level waste ulte 18 denied, the RSO la author 1eet*

to store sadwaste in the debiguated CUA rad.aste aturage and hand' og facility until alte access la restuned.

D-6 -DISPOSAL Of SURPLUS RADIOACTIVE SCURCES D-6.1 pjnt:J; tap _Suj1L l un tjt the Needs of ajnAuthorized Usel r

A rauloactive source, other than consumable sadluact ive raater-ial,t.hich is uuspluit tr the needs of au nuthorised User, may be

, a. Transferred tu auother Authorleed User in accordance with i SecLjun 2.10.2. or i

l b. Transferred to the RSO.

D-6.2- Sources Surid.tLLlo the Nends of thtt Onivet 9in l The RSO :may take the following _-action wsth respect tu a-  !

radio >;tive bource, other than consumable radioactive naterial, which 18 ,

trapirerred-to the RSO. as surplus, by an authorleed Usert i a.- Trnusfer the source tu another Authorized User who tr 5 a need Authorization for It. 'i 1

b. Retain'the 8ource for,the Univeralty.  !

- c. Transfer the source to another licetusee, with the approval of the RSC. ,


d. Dispose' of the. source in accordance with applicable regulat tuns, = and/or loan agreements (in thv case of sources

-not owned by CUA). i I

i l

L i


-r D-5 Rev. 1-92

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- l I

,- Tile CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA RADIATION SAFETY MANUAL ApFEND1X E PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE TO RADIATION WORKERS 1-Appendix E consists of thtee sections. Section 1 lists those documents, required by 10 CFR 19 'o be made available to raGation workers. Section 2 is a partial listing of additional documents which are available for reference by interested persons at CUA. and section 3 consists of Title 10. Code of Federal regulations.

Part 19.(10 CFR 19), entitled " Notices. Instructions and Reports to Workers. -

Inspections, as amen.ded. (The current versson is distributed to users with this I manual.)

E-1. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED T0 BE AVAILABLE l The below-13sted documents. -required by 10 CFR 19.11 to be made available  !

to radiation workers.are available for inspection in the CUA Radiation Safety i Office, located in Room B lSA Pangborn Hallt l

a. - 10 CFR 19 .,
b. 10 Cr4 20
c. CUA t.,yroduct Material License No. 08-02075-03 ,

, d. CUA Irradiator License No.08-020?$-04  !


e. CUA Source Material License No. SUD-157.
f. CUA Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-164 [
s. CUA RSC Authorizations for Possession and Use of Radioactive Material l E-2. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS HELD BY THE RSO  ;

Additional documents. khich are available for review in the CUA Radiation Safety _:

Office and which may be useful in planning for the experimental use of ionizing-  ;

- radiation. include 7

a. USNRC Regulatory Guides
b. Reports of tha International Commission on Radiological Protection
c. Reports of the Inte n.ational Commission on Radiation Units and -


d. Reports of- the National Council on Radiation Protection and-  :


e. DilHS (PHS) 86-23. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
f. ORNL NSIC-65. . Filter llandbook
g. HASL-300. EHL Procedures Manual
h. , Sele::ted pubitcations of the International Atomic EnerSy Agency '
1. Numerous other publications of_ radiological health interest i

i E-1 Rev. 1-92

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, RSO-1 Radioactive Material Inventory Control o RS0-2 Application to Possess and Use Radioactive Material RS0-3 Inventory of Sealed and Plated Radioactive Sources i

RS0-4 Qualifications of Principal.Ur,ers of  ;

Radiation-Producina Machines j RSO-5 Qualifications of Individual Radionuclide Users NRC-3 Notice to Employeen l

'i t

Y t


-i 1

i F-1 Rev.-1-92  !

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The following instructions are keyed to the entry nunterr, on the forms la. The principal investigator is the person who will be responsi'sle  !

for the sale storage and us.e of radioactive mateifal by himself or othera.

When the application is approved by the RSC. the principal investigator  :

becomes the " Authorized User" referred to throughout the *adiation Safety '


Ib. Users are perrons who will work with the material with or without the direct supervision of the Authorized tiuer. If the material is to be used by students in a directly supervised and regularly scheduled laboratory couise, so indicate; such students need not be named in the application. ,

Ic. Potentially exposed personnel shall include at least all persons authorized to wo k in the same room with the material. In the case of pene-trating radiation (X-rays, samma rays and neut rons). indicate contiguous rooms (luctuding those above and below) or areas which could be affected by unshielded sources, if authority for sources in excess of one millicurie is requested.

2 indicate the building and room number (s).  ;

3a. Each isotope shall be identified by the name or symbol of the chemical element and the mass number of the ihotope (u.s.. celsium-137 or Cs-13f).

3b. The activities listed shall be the maximum quantity desired to '

be on hand at any one time, including that temporarily stored as radwaste.

and the maximum amount to be authorized for use in any one experiment or procedure. The quantity shall be expressed in curies. ,

3c. The "fonn is the chemical or physical state of the material as it wi11- be received f rom the supplier. If more than one form of an isotope is desired, the application must list the quantities for'each form in curies.

5. Describe the purpose of the use of radioactive material in sufficient detail that the nature of the experiment or procedure can be readily. understaod, The information provided in sections 5 & 6 shall- be sufficient to identify those procedures which entail a risk of airborne sepension of _ volatile or powdered radioactive materials and the enticipated maximum temperature to which each different form of the radioactive material 3.* intended to _ be subjected. Identify potential accident . seenarios which could result in unplanned exposure to ionizing radiation or ingestion of radioactive material by userc or the general public.

G-1 Rev. 1-92

e o


6 Prepare this section so that a couplete evaluation of the  !

radiation haraads cats be made; include all antAcipated changes in the l chernical or physical foin of each isotope listr:d in section 3 of the form.  !

8 All pertinent :aining and experience with radioactivity or l selated fields must be y,ubmitted on fiart application from an investigator. J Subsequent applications may refer to prior applications and need only list i chnuges,

a. List school or indue. trial or government facility where trained,
b. Duration of traininr, In weeks. semester hours, etc.
c. Indicate by check mask khether training was acquired on job  !

or in formal courses.

d. If this is the firr.t application f rom the invcatigator, list all radioactive isotopes witti which experienced (on a u b s e q u e n t i applications list at least those Isotopes for khich authorization is requested).-the maximum amount (in curies) used at one time, and briefly.

-indicate the nature of the use. If a supplemental page is used, 80 indicate and append. f 9 Describe the instruments to be used for radiation exposure '

cont rol and for experirantation. In the case of standard cormencial instru-ments, list the manufacturer's name, the model number and descriptive name of the instrument and the year of manuf acture or the approximate age of the ins t ruinent . ,

10. The application must be signed by the applicant and the immediate administrative superior (Department Chairman. !.aboratory Director .

or Dean). The . signature of the superior is necessary to indicate administrative, if not technical, knowledge of the authorization sought, e



G-2 Rev. 1-92

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