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Application for Amends to Licenses NPF-11 & NPF-18,revising TS to Support Elimination of MSIV Leakage Control Sys & Instead Use MSL Drains & Condenser to Process MSIV Leakage
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/1996
From: Benes G
NUDOCS 9602130112
Download: ML20097D645 (19)


- _ _ _ - - _ _ .. _

! Commonwealth Illison Company l

. 1400 Opus Place v, Downers Grove, IL 6515-5701 1

February 9,1996 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555


LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2 Supplement to Application for Amendment of Facility l Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF-18, Appendix A, y Technical Specifications, and Exemption to Appendix J of l 10CFR50 Regarding Elimination of MSIV Leakage Control System and Increased MSIV Leakage Limits l NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374


G. Benes letter to USNRC dated August 28,1995, LaSalle  :

Submittal Regarding Elimination of MSIV LCS.

1 i

The Referenced letter transmitted the original application for amendment to pro. pose changes to revise LaSalle Unit 1 and LaSalle Unit 2 Technical 1 Specifications to support elimination of the Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control System (MSIV LCS) and instead use the main steam line drains and l condenser to process MSIV leakage.1"Te purpose of this letter is to provide additional information in regards to this submittal. The radiological consequences have been recalculated since the Alternate Leakage Treatment (ALT) Paths are actually shorter than what was assumed in the original calculation submitted with the Referenced letter. The original calculation bounds the revised calculation since the lengths of ALT Paths A and B are bounded by the longer ALT path assumed in the original calculation. The differences between the original and the recalculated radiological consequences are insignificant, thus the original Significant Hazards Consideration, that was included in the Referenced submittal, remains valid. A summary of the original and the recalculated radiological )

consequences is attached.

i To the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements contained above are l true and correct. In some respect these statements are not based on my personal knowledge, but obtained information furnished by other Commonwealth Edison employees, contractor employees, and consultants. Such information has been q reviewed in accordance with company practice, and I believe it to be reliable.

ktaleila.alle:newoose.wpfst 9602:30112 960209


l jDR ADOCK 05000373 [


. A Unicom Company



. c, d

USNRC (2) February 9,1996

. i 1 Commonwealth Edison is notifying the State ofIllinois of this supplemental

] application for amendment by transmitting a copy of this letter and its attachment to the designated state official.

Please direct any questions you may have concerning this submittal to this office.

Very truly yours, i

GB w Gary G. Benes Nuclear Licensing Administrator Subscribed and Sworn to before me .

oa this 9& dayaf = = = = =::::::::::::: :::

66 um ,1996. l+: OFFICIAL SEAL

.(./t2es f) //


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cc: H. J. Miller - Regional Administrator, Region III M. D. Lynch - Project Manager, NRR P. G. Brochman, Senior Resident Inspector - LaSalle County Station Oflice of Nuclear Facility Safety - IDNS kinlailasalle:nowdose.wpfi2

i-  ;

3 ,

4 ATTACHMENT i The radiological consequences of the design basis accidents (DBAs) with a maximum MSIV leak rate of 400 scfh total from all four main steam lines and without the MSIV-LCS have been reassessed, due to the determination that j ALT paths A and B (Reference 3) were shorter than assumed in the original' dose calculation submitted with Reference 1. The offsite and control room

radiological consequences which could result from the occurrence of a postulated loss of coolant accident (LOCA) have been recalculated using the
shorter of the two ALT paths, ALT path B,(see attached Reference 4).  !

i i The original dose calculation submitted with Reference 1 assumed a drain line l

- length equivalent to four 2" lines with an internal surface area of 349.5 square ['

L inches. The corrected drain line length internal surface areas are 274.7 square inches for ALT path A and 204.0 square inches for ALT path B. The revised dose calculation Reference 4, used 204.0 square inches to bound both 4 ALT path A and B.

k The revised LaSalle dose calculation determined the radiological doses at the i exclusion area boundary (EAB) and Low Population Zone (LPZ) and the control l room operator doses following a postulated LOCA associated with ALT path B and are listed in Table 2, attached. The doses due to the combined effects of j

, containment leakage and MSIV leakage are within the limits of 10 CFR 100.

! The recalculated control room whole-body and equivalent organ doses (thyroid) are still within the guidelines of Standard Review Plan Section 6.4.

Table 1 of Reference 1 Attachment A is included as Table 1 for comparison  !'

! with the results of the revised dose calculation. The differences in the results

] of the original dose calculation and those of the revised calculation are .

insignificant. The original calculation bounds the revised calculation since the

lengths of ALT Paths A and B are bounded by the longer ALT path assumed in F the original calculation. Since the differences in dose consequences are .

4 insignificant, the original Significant Hazards Evaluation is not changed. l L

i d

4 I


1 i w w w w "

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[ -




1. Letter dated August 28,1995 to the USNRC from G.G. Benes; LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2, Application for Amendment of Facility Operating Licenses NPF-11 and NPF-18, Appendix A, Technical Specifications, and Exemption to Appendix J of 10CFR50 Regarding Elimination of MSIV Leakage Control System and

. Increased MSIV Leakage Limits. NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374.

2. BWROG Report for Increasing MSIV Leakage Rate Limits and ~

Elimination of Leakage Control Systems, General Electric Report NEDC-31858P, rev. 2, September 1993.

3. Letter dated February 5,1996 to the USNRC from G.G. Benes; LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2, Comed Response to NRC Staff Request for Additional Information Regarding the Main Steamline Isolation Valve (MSIV) Leakage Control System (LCS) Alternate Leakage Treatment (ALT) Path. NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374.
4. Letter dated February 8,1996 from T.A. Green (General Electric) to Gerald Swihart (Comed), GE letter number OG96-104-09; LaSalle Units 1 and 2 Dose Calculations in Accordance with the BWROG Radiological Dose Methodology (Revision 1), attached.



. =


TABLE 1  !

l Loss-of-Coolant Accident Doses (given in rem)

(Table I from Reference 1, Attachment A)

Previous UFSAR New GE  % of Containment MSIV New Total Applicable % Margin Reduction Leakage Leakage Doses Applicable Limit Limit Contribution Contribution (New Doses)

Radiological Effects i 10CFR100 Exclusion Area (509 meters)

Whole Body Dose 0.306 0.0016 0.308 25 1.2 0.008 inhalation (thyroid) 6.06 0.024 G.08 300 2.0 0.007 Low Population Zone (6400 meters)

Whole Body Dose 0.0336 0.03 0.0636 25 0.3 0.12 inhalation (thyroid) 2.43 8.33 10.76 300 3.6 2.8 10CFR50 Control Room Doses Appendix. A, GDC 19 Skin (Beta) 3.4 0.81 4.21 30 14.0 2.7 Whole Body (Gamma) 0.31 0.06 0.37 5 7.4 1.2 Thyroid 10.3 3.19 13.49 30 45.0 10.6 A-8


TABLE 2 Loss-of-Coolant Accident Doses (given in rem)

(Reference 4)

Previous UFSAR New GE  % of Containment MSIV New Total Applicable % Margin Reduction Leakage Leakage Doses Applicable Limit Limit Contribution Contribution (New Doses)

Radiological Effects 10CFR100 Exclusion Area (509 meters)

Whole Body Dose 0.306 0.0016 0.308 25 1.2- 0.008 ,

inhalation (thyroid) 6.06 0.024 6.08 300 2.0 0.007  ;

Low Population Zone (6400 meters)

Whole Body Dose 0.0336 0.03 0.0636 25 0.3 0.12 inhalation (thyroid) 2.43 8.22 10.6 300 3.5 2.7 10CFR50 Control Room Doses Appendix. A, GDC 19 Skin (Beta) 3.4 0.81 4.21 30 14.0 2.7 Whole Body (Gamma) 0.31 0.06 0.37 5 7.4 1.2 Thyroid 10.3 3.16 13.46 30 44.9 10.5

__ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m . wv- - +,


'W GENeckerEnergy

OG96-104-09 ' cenerssearmirm iFebruary 8,1996 .115 Curtner Avenue. San Jbse. CA 95125

. Gerald Swihart Commonwealth Edison , 1 LaSalle Nuclear Generating Station  ;

2601 North 21st Road -

Marseilles,IL 61341 i


LaSalle 1-2 Dose Calculadons in Accordance wie he BWROG  ;

RadiologicalDose Methodology [ Revision 1]

. Attachments: (1)' " Base case" LaSalle MSIV leakage dose calculation summary - l' (off site and control room radiological doses) .

-(2) Summary comparison of MSIV radiological dose results for

" base case" and six other attemate control room scenarios (3) Diagram of LaSalle control room with " base case" parameters l (provided by Commonwealth Edison on April 6,1995)

(4) BWROG control room model and " base case" example calculation for conversion of LaSalle control room parameters into BWROG modelinput

.(5) Control room parameters for " base case" and six other configurations  !

(LaSalle parameters and BWROG code inputs)  ;

Basis for ground level turbine building release atmospheric j

'(6) dispersion factors (off-site and exclusion area boundary) '

l (7) LaSalle exclusion area boundary radiological dose calculation (8) BWROG "MSiV Leak" computer input data and resulting radiological

- ~ dose output  ;

t- l

!' The subject calculations have been revised and verified. The drain line length has been twvised from 350 feet to 204 feet since this shouldprovide the most conservative dose

assessments. Note that this change did not significantly eWect the overallIntegrated I doses because' the increased elementallodine concentrations are oWset by ths lower I resuspension and conversion to organic lodine. These radiological dose calculations are '


. based on MSIV leakage of 100 scfh per steam line (400 scfh total), and results confirm low

radiological dose assessments due to the MSIV leakage source for the control room, exclusion ,

, area boundary, and low popWation zone. These dose assessments will need to be added to ,

i F. the radiological doses from the other release sources to assure that the total integrated 30 day

dose meets 10CFR100 and GDC-19 requirements. We have evaluated the minor geometrical

!: differences between the altemate treatment pathways at the two LaSalle units, and have concluded that the differences are insignifi:: ant with respect to the effect on radiological dose


calculations. Therefore, the attached calculations are applicable to either LaSalle plant. The  ;

following bases were employed in these calculations: (

I L1, : Murphy-Camphe meteorological dose reduction factors were applied to the control room l

. x/Q values. ; Note that the code incorporates the occupancy factor in the input stream and, l therefore, the occupancy factors are not included in the x/Q values. The resulting control  ;

room atmospheric dispersion factors are as follows:

e  ;


- . _ . - _ - . . . . _ - . - _ - - - . ~,

_ . OG96-104-09 February 8,1996

- Page 2 4

8 Time Sec/M 0 - 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> . 2.65 E-04 8 - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 1.56 E 1 - 4 days 9.94 E-05 4 - 30 days 4.37 E-05 These factors were provided by Commonwealth Edison and have been verified by GE to be appropriate.

2. The LPZ x/Q values were provided by Commonwealth Edison and are consistent with those

~ provided to GE for analyses of the control rod drop accident (see Attachment 6):

Time Sec/M' -

0 - 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (EAB) 5.10 E-04 0 - 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 1.10 E-05 '

8 - 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 6.70 E-06 1 - 4 days 2.60 E-06 4 - 30 days 6.50 E-07

)~ 3. LaSalle " base case" control room parameters are as shown in Attachment 3. The effect on

. radiological dose with respect to changes in the LaSalle control room parameters aro

summarized in Attachment 2. These results show that the associated control room dose i assessment is not significantly affected by significant changes in the makeup filter flow rate, the leakage between the makeup and control room supply air filter, and unfiltered intake.

! Note that radiological dose contributions from the high pressure turbine pathway do not significantly contribute to these results. ,

! We have also provided a calculation which demonstrates the dose attenuation due to main condenser removal mechanisms. Without the condenser the resulting 30 day integrated doses

are as follows (Base Case)

l ControlRoom Off-Site (LPZ)

WB Thyroid Beta WB Thyroid i Noble Gas .92 0 10.3 .67 0

' Inorganic l .01 132 .G6 .85 404 i I Organic l - 0 15.3 0 .05 43.9 Organic l via 0 6.9 0 .01 18.6

, . Resuspension

.- Total 0.93 154 10.4 1.58 467

l 4


, OG96-104-09 '

February 8,1996 Page 3 This shows the importance of verifying the seismic adequacy of this component with respect to the alternate treatment pathway, if you have any questions regarding these verified calculations or any other MSIV Leakage Closure Committee issues, please call the undersigned.

Very trul yours,


(?. 0 u w fo,L. rs u tex

- TA Green Senior Technical Project Manager BWR Owners' Group Projects

- Tel: (408) 925-1308 Fax: (408) 925-2476 Mail Code 182 cc: SJ Stark, GE 6




. Contribution of MSIV Leakage to Offsite and Control Room Radiological Doses ControlRoom Off-Site (LPZ) l MSIV Leakage Whole Body Thyroid BETA Whole Body Thyroid at 100 scfh per line (5) (30) (30-75) (25) (300)

Noble Gas (DL) 0.06 0.00 0.81 0.03 0.00 Inorganic I (DL) 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.04 i Organic I (DL) 0.00 1.81 0.00 0.00 4.77 Noble Gas (HPT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

- Inorganic 1 (HPT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Organic I (HPT) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Organic l via 0.00 1.33 0.00 0.00 3.41 Re-suspension /

Conversion (DL) .

Total 0.06 3.16 0.81 0.03 8.22 EAB Doses are: 0.0016 0.024 l - lodine, DL - Drain Line Path, HPT- High-Pressure Turbine Path TA Green 2-1-96 oG96104-09

O Attachment 2 '

Summary Comparison MSIV Control Room 30 Day Doses Whole Body Thyroid Beta Contributor (REM) (REM) (REM) 1A Base Case Elementaliodine 3.75E-7 1.50E-2 2.89E-6 Noble Gases 6.26E-2 0 8.05E-1 ,

Organic lodine 2.76E-5 1.81 1.96E-4 Resuspended lodine 1.60E-5 1.33 1.05E-4 TOTAL 6.26E-2 3.16 8.05E-1 2A Elementaliodine 4.05E-7 1.62E-2 3.13E-6 Noble Gases 6.29E-2 0 8.095-1 Organic lodine 2.98E-5 1.96 2.12E-4 Resuspended lodine 1.73E-5 1.43 1.13E-4 TOTAL 6.29E-2 3.41 8.09E-1 '

3A Elementaliodine 4.07E-7 1.63E-2 3.14E-6 Noble Gases 6.26E-2 0 8.06E-1 Organic lodine 2.99E-5 1.96 2.13E-4 Resuspended lodine 1.74E-5 1.44 1.14E-4 TOTAL 6.26E-2 3.42 8.06E-1 4A Elementallodine 4.51 E-7 1.81 E-2 3.48E-6 Noble Gases 6.26E-2 0 8.06E-1 Organic lodine 3.32E-5 2.18 2.36E-4 Resuspended lodine 1.93E-5 1.60 1.26E-4 TOTAL 6.26E-2 3.80 8.06E-1

Elementaliodine 5.38E-7 2.16E-2 ~ 4.15E-6
Noble Gases 6.27E-2 0 8.06E-1 Organic lodine 3.96E-5 2.60 2.81 E-4 Resuspended lodine 2.30E-5 1.91 1.51 E-4  ;

TOTAL 6.27E-2 4.53 8.06E-1 i

.I l



4 OG96-104-09


Attachment 2 Summary Comparison i MSIV Control Room 30 Day Doses (continued)

Whole Body Thyrold Beta Contributor (REM) (REM) (REM) 6A Elementallodine 4.57E-7 1.83E-2 3.53E-6 Noble Gases 6.27E-2 0 8.07E-1 Organic lodine 3.37E-5 2.21 2.39E-4 Resuspended lodine 1.96E-5 1.62 1.28E-4 TOTAL 6.27E-2 3.85 8.07E-1 7A 4.21E-6 Elementaliodine 5.46E-7 2.19E-2 Noble Gases 6.28E-2 0 8.07E-1 Organic lodine 4.02E-5 2.64 2.86E-4 Resuspended lodine 2.34E-5 1.93 1.53E-4 TOTAL 6.28E-2 4.59 8.07E-1 OG96-104-09

SN Diagrain of contros noons HVAC Exhibit 21 SL*4470 A W eb m e. d 3 04 15 85 sp to 8-Outside g Esmorgency Te VE spesem ser 79I m snakeup . m Intake m g

1 filter unit OVC015A,8 (1. ty gt, , g }

s, = w=/.

g cr, + ss ) < / r To cI~

gr-8s ' 7 c.b p gr-8 ommens reem 3

3r1.S + 154 So d e suppy == saw o e

  • unas orcospa,s t II A -

54 7 c5 m ir .

43,6 A n . n a eF4 (tal. gpa) (

mesa (Fr. N E b-4-MSb-3 7 .

eeneres ,_

3, reess

[h'Y . *r rnf


l t550 cSi+ 3 r.+31 = alad' l .:

i i

I i

i DO M i


.- 3333E5TOI.5EBf HVACModel Variables Table 2-1 and Ranges 51A470 06-18-88 ig o .o o o o o @ Mlow rate h h W & h W gg............. Inflitration air flow rate into the makeup air futer (cfm) '

Eg ............ f!!ter effielawy of the makeup air futer for iodine (this is a decimal fractiork NOT percond kg............. fraction of the airflow from the amboup air fitter that is directed to the comrol room (this is a decimal fraction, NOT portant)r k g(g g ,f g ) . . . . . . . air flow rate from the snakeup air futer to the control room recirculation loop upstream of the contral room supply flitar (cfm)

(ag+f)......... g Infiltration plus maimuy flow rates e af branch to control room recirculation loop 32............. InfHtration rate into the control room recirculation loop between the control room return and the comrol room apply futar (cfm)

I' b.............. air flow rate which trypasses the comrol room supply filter (cfm);

E2 ............ flitar aff'C- y of the control room supply ai.r. .fH.ter .for iodine (this is a

%g f $3............. InfUtrallen rate into the control room supply air filter (cfm); ,,

l 5 sg N Y l Ig ............. .6-.. air flow rate IFW8R the control room.t *' *=== ' ":r x---sy

! MM i

i I


,i i

i i


l BWROG Simole Model Filtered Intake Unfiltered  ?

Intake n

LaSalle Base Case Conversion Filtered intake: (1) f1 (1500 cfm) treated in series by makeup filter and control room supply air filter (2) g1 + g2 (617 cfm) treated by control room supply air filter only 3

Total flow = 2117 cfm = 0.999 m /sec.

Filter efficiency:

Makeup filter transmittance = (0.10) (1500 cfm) = 150 cfm i Supply air ulter transmittance (including bypass) =

(0.98) (0.25) [150 + 617] + (0.02) [150 + 617] = 203.26 cfm Overall efficiency = 2117 - 203.26 = 0.904 = 90.4%

2117 Unfiltered intake: g3 = 7 cfm = 0.0033 m'/sec 8

Recirculation: Flow = 26340 cfm = 12.43 m /sec (constant)

Filter Efficiency : (0.75) [1-0.02) = 0.735 = 73.5%

OG96-104-09 i

LASALLE MSIV LEAKAGE CONTROL ROOM PARAMETERS le 9e+9 93 b Fharinenka inenka mE dnEtranha Buk Radre as Case e icimi fedml icimi FBlerintehe inemha eN Unstrealm Rodr Rodrcen (cimi (ctml (%) Iclnl e,a.4 f%) m*fsso f%) m*/sec 1A 1500 617 7 sr//sec f%)

526.66 2117 90.399 % 7 2A 2550 28340 73.5% 0.998 617 7 526.66 90.40 % 0.0033 ' 12.43 73.5 %

3167 92.704 % 7 26340 3A 1500 617 73.5 % 1.405 92.70 %

25 526.3 2117 0.0033 12.43 73.5 %

90.399 % 25 26340 4A 1500 617 73.5 % 0.999 90.40 %

50 525.8 2117 90.399 %

0.0118 12.43 73.5 %  ?

50 26340 73.5%

SA 1500 617 '100 0.999 90.40% 0.0236 12.43 524.8 2117 90.390 % 100 73.5 %

6A 1500 26340 73.5 % 0.900 30.40 %

800 7 526.86 2300 0.0472 12.43 73.5 %

89.054 % 7 26340 7A 1500 1000 7 73.5 % 1.085 09.05 % 0.0033

, 526.68 2500 87.810 % 7 12.43 73.5 %

26340 73.5 % 1.180 87.8t% 0.0033 12.43 73.5 %  !

Parameter Recirc is lhe same meaning as tolel Bour to convoi room. P Total Row to Control Room - Fleered Ineske + Unghered intake + Ihru redr Nier - 28340 atn (Constant), or 12.4 nesec .

h Bypass is shreys 2% of total thru - 2% of (Redre + FIeer kitake), or 2% (26340 - Unster bitake) I W '




. l

g , , , .. - -r., .2 I m-=-=-da


l,a,a1ani A44*t.h M G

.Miy 02,1992 Project No. 9066-52 (DIT-LS-EXT-0041)

WIN No. 1889 commaswamith Esison company LaSalla Station - Units 1&2 EA8 and LF3 "==d=7 Accidarit X/Q Values Due to a Ground Level Release Modification No.

  • W/A Systes Coder N/A Nr. D. Berkman SEc Mod Damign supervisor commonwealth Edison company LaSalla Nuclear Station RR #1 Boar 220, 2801N 21st Rd

, Marseillas, Il 81341 l Daar Mr. Barkman:

i j

Enclosed are the accident atmospheric dispersion (X/Q) factors calculated for the Exclusion Area Bonad=7 (EAB) and the Low Population Ione (LP2) boundary. Tha X/Q values were datarained in accordanca with Regulatory Guide 1.145 methodology and represent a ground laval release I

via the Turbine Building.

If you have any questions, please faal from to contact as at

(* (312)'269-3117.

l l Yours very t2.ul Anthy. y e. Klazura -

Principal Enginaar #

l AGE l copias:

l J. W. Ciasakar J. L. Englaman l E. 5-64ager c. N. Furlow l caco chron v. K. Gilautra

D. A. Parson L. v. Jacquas N. Caber W. J. Johnson f C. P. Lahti N. Kaisaruddir -

ATD Fils .<

l L



-. SN ,,,L Bage 3 of t STATUS OF INFORMATION: ,


  • __ REGULATORY RELATED (not for design purposas) nasinasmeneehp.=d.4h d .en asann tas dmas===wsmenemha sesmaasadysnau and sa- e.=,emy sace se ine se ==.i d am um sesemm en ear essa paar sas.4-. m- r emssmi .

=ad ahd ses, as eas assumer, e ==dminess, w as% === .t =m6 u.

2BENTIFIC&TICRf GF TER SPECIFIC DESIGN ZalFORM& TION TRANSMITTED AMD PURPOSE OF ZSSUEcus ear awanias dam-mas an=6.d m errby in eide, nuides aedswimam de..e4 and amenetpesa de '

.nsanspeansdos nasL3 The following accident atmospheric dispersion (K/Q) factors wera

calculated for the Lasalla station Exclusion Area Boundary (EkB) and i Low Population Zone (LPE) boundary due to a ground level release via i the Turbine Building. The EAB was andaled as an irregularly shaped j boundary. The distanos betwaan the release point and the EAR was j defined as the distance from the closant paint on the Turbine Building

' to the EAR within a 45 degram sector cantared on the compass direction cf intarast. The LPZ boundary was modelad as a uniform boundary at a distance of 6400 matars from the release point. X/Q values vara

calculated following Regulatory Guide 1.145 methodology for a ground

! laval release. Directionally dependant atmospherie dispersion factors I were calculated based on 1982 through 1987 historical sita seteorology l for a release hsight of 33 feet above grada.

i tasalla Station accidaat (z/Q)s : eround Laval malasse Time (K/Q) values (mas /m3 )

i I

Boundar? Tyne. Post. Accident taased on Rs 1.145 Methodoloavt i

l l

ELB (0-2) Nr 5.1E-04 i

D2 (D-8) Hr 1.0E-05 DE (8-24) Hr 6.7E-06 i Dz (1-4) Days 2.6E-06 l D2 (4-30) Days 6.5E-07 i

l AOURCE OF ZEFORMATION i cale. wo. wo-o2:2 nov 1 napart no. wri l _

other N/A A. c. ri.rura ATD . = 07/02/93 Preparar Division Preparga signd(tura Dats

v. s. sahn en Reviewer ATn Division bM//M Reviewer'sy'pignatura ovion/es Data


i Attachment 7 ,


RADIOLOGICAL DOSE CALCULATION (100 scth persteam line) 6

LPZ X/Q (0-2 hours) = 1.10 E-05

EAB X/O (0-2 hours) = 5.10 E-04 Ratio = 46.36 I-2 hour LPZ results multiplied by 46.3G to obtain EAB dose I LPZ EAB WB- Thyroid Beta WB Thyroid Beta  !


! OSEL1A 9.19 E-08 2.40 E-05 2.27 E-08 4.26 E-06 1.11 E-03 1.05 E-06 l OSEL1B Cl 0 0 0 0 0 OSNG1A 3.15 E-05 0 1.20 E-05 1.46 E-03 0 __

5.56 E-04 i OSNG1B 0 0 0 0 0_ 0  ;

OSOR1A 1.88 E-06 4.92 E-04 4.65 E-07 8.72 E-05 2.28 E-02 2.16 E-05 l

OSOR1B 0 0- 0 0 0 0 .

RESUSP.* 0 0 0 0 0 0 l, Totals 3.3 E-05 5.2 E-04 1.3 E-05 1.6 E-03 2.4 E-02 5.8 E-04 i

i-l )

f l

i 4 .,

1 1

  • initial release occurs after 7200 seconds OG96-10449

. - _ - . _ _ _ . - _ - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ - _ _ . . _ .