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Testimony of Mm Larkin Re Observations Made During 830309 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Exercise
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/1983
From: Larkin M
Shared Package
ML20073G541 List:
NUDOCS 8304180401
Download: ML20073G846 (2)



r +i Observer Mary Miller Larkin Observation Post Verplanck Fire Station Joint Media Center Verplanck, New York Time of Observation 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

General Observations at Media Center There was obvious effort to simulate a major LOCA in all of its details as it progressed, from the declaration of an alert due to explosion, to site emergency, to county emergency, to general emergency. The LOCA was caused by an explosion in the containment building which caused two valves in the cool-ant mechanism to open.

There wero.many high-level New York State and Westchester County persen-nel in evidence, as well as leading representatives from both utilities. A huge room had been totally pre-empted for the dramatization and announcement of the progress of the emergency. Phone banks lined three walls for use by reporters. Television and radio crews abounded. All was quiet as personnel awaited each new development. In a separate room were at least 20 television monitors following the developments. Another room had a varied assortment of breakfast beverages, rolls, donuts, etc., served to all, including citizen observers.

Specific Observations at Media Center 8:15 All children sent home from schools.

9:00 It was learned by this citizen observer shortly after her arrival that the children had been sent home from school at 8:15. There was a state-ment from observers in the Media Center that several EPZ districts need three times their bus fleets to transport all the children home.

Someone in the room asked Westchester County representative, Claire l Palermo whether additional buses had been brought from lower Westches-ter. Ms. Palerro answered affirmatively that that would be the situa-tion.

The wind was reported as northerly and was expected to shif t to NNW at 9 mph. An observer questioned whether there had been any provisions for those people located 11 and 12 miles downwind of the site. Ms Pa-1ermo responded that no EBS announcement had been made for such an area, but that "it was presumed that those people would know about it."

9:45 Ms. Palermo announced that the utility sirens had been activated and were now alerting persons within the 10 mile zone. Although'the room was quiet, we could not hear the sirens; a utility employee went and opened a door so that they became audible. None of those present at the1 Media Center would have known to turn on their radios for announce-ments unless Ms. Palermo had announced the sounding of the sirens at the microphone.

8304190401 830411 PDR ADDCK 05000247 T PDR

s Larkin paga 2 9:45 It was announced that the EBS message indicated that there was no danger to the public. It was added that this would be a good time for residents of Rockland and Orange Counties to get out their evacua-tion brochures!

10:37 Despite the previous announcement that there was no danger to the public, a county emergency was declared at this time. Ms. Palermo announced that it had been requested on the EBS message that all un-necessary telephone calls should be ceased immediately. A reporter asked Ms. Palermo if the County really believed that people would re-frain from using the telephones; she responded that they " hoped people would cooperate."

11:50 General emergency is declared.

Summary of Observations at Media Center What was seen as frustrating by this observer was the expenditure of tremendous amounts of money,as well as the valuable energy and time of talented professionals, on something - that was simulated in words only. In Tokyo, the whole city drills for earthquakes--in actuality, every person physically moves to practice evacuating. While energy was invested, there seemed to be a total


lack of the investment.of belief that s 'uch an event could really happen, and that we'd better have an idea of how to respond physically. It was reminiscent of the Emperor's New Clothes. No one wanted to say, "This is an empty, verbal simulation, not a physical drill."

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