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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Public Alert & Notification Sys Conversion Proposal, Consisting of Rev 0 to Site Svc Procedures 91337,91336 & 91338.W/18 Oversize Drawings
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1991
Shared Package
ML20085K190 List:
PROC-911031, NUDOCS 9110300198
Download: ML20085K196 (63)


{{#Wiki_filter:- - - - - - .-. . .. - - -.- _ - - - - - -_ - - - -.. _ _ - n COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS l PUBLIC ALERT and NOTIFICATION SYSTEM i l CONVERSION PROPOSAL l l

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                                                   \ ew   am oslire Yankee                                    .


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DACKGROUND As required by PEMA REP-10 and 10CFR50.47, 11cw llampsh i re Yhnkee has implemented a Vehicular Alert and Notification System (VANS) for the Massachusetts portion of the Seabrook Station Emergency planning Zone (EPZ). The current VANS incorporates 22, truck mounted dual WPS-4000 siren assemblieu. VANS units are located at staging areas and manned ?4 wurs per day by Hew Hampshire Yankee. A description of this nyt . can be found in the Seabrook St ation FEMA REP-10 Design Report. On March 6, 1991 Governor V61d of Massachusetts issued Executive Order No. 303 directing the Massachusetts Civil Defense g Agency to "... ensure that an off>ctive warning and notification system is establishec as expeaitiously as possible "

                                                                                                                   ... ,  and encouraged the six Massachusetts communities comprising the Seabrook Station EPZ 'o also begin working in cooperation with                                                         '

Seabrook Station tourds the establ i shmer.t of a warning and notificatior system in each of the six communities. New llarnpshire Yankee has reviewed the options available for tho establishment of a pole mounted sJren system for the six Massachusetts EPZ communities. The sirens utilized will be a combination of single Whelen Model WS-3000 and WPS-4000 sirens. The process to complete the conversion irom VANS to pole mounted sirens h

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will be acccmplished on an individual enemunity basis. At or near the end of community siren system acceptanco period (s), an audible community siren test will be performed and the VANS units providing coverage strictly for that particular community would be decommissioned. Throughout the entire conversion period for all six communities there will be backup notification capability in place. After the last community audible test, a system wide audible test will be conducted from both tne Newington EOC and Massachusetts' Framingham Troop A Control Point. To verify continued operability of the pole mounted siren system, testing wi)1 be conducted by New llampshire Yankee similar to the program which exists in New Hampshire. Siren activation will be initiated from the New Hampshire Yankee Emergency Operations Center in Newington, NH. The signal to activate these sirens and the remaining VANS vehicles will be generated from one console. Therefore, no procedural changes or additional training will be required for this action to take place. New llampshire Yankee has obtained an acoustical coverage analysis from Wy' Laboratories of ti.e proposed fixed siren i ocstions. This an < / sis was performed using the same Wyle Research Feport 88-9, Siren ';anging Mmdel, described in the Seabrook Station FfMA REP-10 Report Appendix B. The product of this analysis in the Massachusetts EP7 coverage map. New Hampshiro Yankee has a high level of confidence that the

pole muitnted siren system to be installed in Massachusetts will maintain the high operability record the currant notification system possen. New llampshire Yankoos' experience with the installation and _ maintenance of the notification system is extensive'considering that an identical system is in operation in the Stato of Now Hampshire. The siren naintenance proceduros moot tnanufacturers and FEMA recommendations- which in reflected in consistently having airon operability higher than the national average of 92-93 percont. 11ov llampshiro Yankoo contends that the attached proposal will meat Federal requirements with regard to i omorgency notification of the general public. j u In addition to this conversion proposal, How Hampshiro Yankoo  ! will continuo Bi-Wookly testing on - the VANS 'ohicles to ensure operability is maintained, siron Maintenanco personnel will conduct local tests at and on each VANS vehicle throughout the entiro conversion process. This maintains the current VANS tacting pr* ~ ram and in no way compromises operability in any way.

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 "          The polo Mounted Sirens and VANS which cover the Sew ook Station EPZ have, since 19E6 for polo Mounted Sirens and 1989 for VANS, maintained an operability rating in axcess of 98%. This figure includes polo mounted sirons that were at one time installed in Massachusetts. This high rating over the last 5 years when compared to the national averago, as supplied by TEMA of 92 to 93%,

clearly demonstratoe. New Hampshiro Yankoe's commitment and capabilition with regard to siren maintenance activities. All siron maintenance and testing is performed using detailed proceduros that moot the manufacturers specifications and TEMA guidelines. Those facts, in conjunction with exclusivo assignment of New llampshiro Yankco personnel to the aaintenance of this system, providos a high level of ccnfidence that the proposed notification system for Massachusetts will also operato at those performanco levels. In addition, How Itampshiro Yankos has maintained an exclusive supplior, Wholen Engincoring, for siren components whose quality control has also contributed to the projects success. New Hampshiro Yankoo la proposing specific durations for the acceptanco period (s) "x" and backup period (s) "y", based upon statistical analysis (soo Table A) and past perforn.ance. The "x" acceptance period for each community, is defined as the period after all community sirons are functional and operability 19 O maintained at or above 90% over 30 days. Also during the "x" (VI period (s), all VANS will remain in place to provido coverage for 03ch specific community (s) . New Hampshiro Yankoo is proposing a special testing prcgra'n to monitor the initial performance of the Massachusetts siren syntom. The proposal includos 7 day por wook functional testing for the six acceptance touting "x" periods. The "y" backup period for each community, in defined as the period, beginning immediately after 10 days, whero operability is maintained at or abova 90%, and VANS backup capabilition are in place. Durations for "y" aro 60 days for each of the six communities. In addition, the specific VANS trucks for each community will be decommissioned, backup VANS available, and wookly functional tests performed for each siten. The accelerated testing schedule for the first acceptanco testing period will yield data representing greator than 1.15 years of Bi-Wookly testing (sso attached Tablo A). Tablo A can be road by the following examplo. For Amonbury thoro are (4) WpS-4000 sirens proposed. The acceptanco period "x" is 30 days, the backup period "y" is 60 days. During por, 9d "x" there will be 30 daily tests performed for the 4 sirons equaling 120 test checks. During period "y" there will be 8 weekly tests performed equaling 32 test checks. by doing 30 daily test checks in a 30 day period, this equates to 1.15 years of normal al-Fookly testing. In addition, the rm accelerated testing schedule for the backup period will yield data representing a combined 1.5 years of functional (V) approximately 15% of the proposed Massachusotta siren system. testing, for 3

Another factor that will add to system ro11 ability in the iact that A e l the original radio systems that were installed on the Massachusetts polo mounted sirens and now on the VANS units will be installed V back on the pole mounted sirons. This provides a increased lovel of confidence tha*. the system will perform to expectations. Typically system problems are identified in the early phasa (burn in) of electrical system operation. The increased testing, at the beginning of operation, further ensures future high operability ratings. For the first town (Town A) , the burn in process was completed at Seabrook Station facilities on August P7, 1991. Each siren was audibly todtod 4 timos for 3 minutos using the Alert tono. All components remained functional with the exception of one siron driver which was replaced and successfully re-tested. In addition the siren componentu for over 50% of the balance of the MA notification system will have also received their initial burn in phase prior to installation. This is by virtue of the fact that these siren components woro provf ously installed on VANS units and have boon providing, 'ince 1999, operability ratings in excess of 98%. , Table A dopicts tuo recommended "x" and "y" durations based upon satisfying the FEMA six month testing guidelino for now siron systems. The. acceptance testing period for each successive community will yield an aggregato total of 27.5: months of functional system testing. Based upon the previous performance history.and the fact that significant environmental exposure data will be available, the "x" and "y" durations are justifiable aril accumulated siron testing data will rtatistically exceed the FEMA six month guidelino. l l 4

u TABLE A CCI:12ANCGET_.lTR10D 1XLANDJBCEUILITR10.D_ LD _ANALY11S_IDAYlil AMESBURY NEWBURYPORT MERRIMAC SALISBURY W.NEWBURY NEWBURY (4) 4000 (4) 4000 (3) 4000 (4) 4000 (3) 4000 (5) 4000 (1) 3000 (1) 3000 (1) 3000 (1) 3000 X 30 30 30 30 30 30 Y 60 B/U 60 D/U 60 B/U 60 D/U ] 60 B/U 60 B/U


(X=30, Y=60) IM1QI91]iD___ TEST PflROJLUCllEDUITd?ATA_lSINT_DISTRllHTIIDE Acceptan e Wookly Total # (X+Y) PEMA Data Tout Checks Checks Data Points Guidelines Period "X" Period "Y" (Cumulative) (Cumulative)

             ~3AMESBURY           30 x 4 = 120                     8x4 = 32                   152              52 NEWBURYPORT      30 x      = 150                  8 x 5 = 40                 342             117 MERRIMAC         30 x 3 = 90                      8x3 = 24                   456             156 SALISBURY        30 x 5 = 150                     8 x 5 = 40                 646             221 W. NEWBURY      30 x 4 = 120                     8 x 4 = 32                 798             273 NEWBURY          30 x 6 e 180                     8x6= 48                   1026             351 l    Totala                     810                            216             1026             351 FEMN GUIDELINE OF 6 :10NTilS DATA:                         27 POLES X 13 Bi-Weekly checks
                                                                                           = 351 data points.

1026/351 = 2.92 2.92 x 6 monthu = 17.52 months of data points




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                    )                                          \ "j                                      Y TABLE B
                                                                                                               'T 4 SIREN AVAILABILITY                                      j i

TOWN # SIRENS f SIRENS fVANS # 4000 SIRENS AVAILABLE REQUIRED DECO!UI AVIsIL AFTER VANS SIREN TYPE 4000 - 3000 AMESBURY 4 4 O 2 4 NEWBURYPORT 4 3 2 2 5 STERRIMAC 5 3 0 3 8 SALISBURY S 4 1 3 lO WEST NEWBURY 10 3 1 2 11 NEWBURY 11 5 1 4 14 This town sequence is typical, based upon the status of how the pole permitting process is progressing. The chart can be read by the following example: For the town of Anesbury there are 4 sirens available prior to the start of pole erection. Amesbury requires 4, WPS-4000 and 0 WP-3000 sirens. Once the acceptance period "x" is over there are 2 VANS trucks that can be decommissioned. The 2 VANS trucks will provide 4 sirens which are now available for Newburyport installation. Because there were no extra sirens left cver from A=esbury the number of sirens after VANS decommissioning is 4. 6


1. For ace'.ptance period "x", 7 day por wook Di-Wookly type test
2. For backup period "y", wookly Bi-Wookly type test
3. Operability measured por arithmotic method
4. Siren declared inoperable fcom time of last test for "x" and "y" periods
5. No town use of siren system (s) until acceptanco of syotom, (ie., completion of periods "x" and "y").

Definition: S. tron operability is considered acceptablo if t 1/2 of the power emps and drivers operato,(for a WPS-4000 that in 4 amps and 4 drivers, for a WP-3000 that la 2 amps and 8 drivers), the siren rotatos during an alert tono command soquence, and the antenna / radio system is lunctional. Note 1/2 of the power amps unavailablo reducou overal) siron output by approximately 3 dB. Discussion: The seven day per wook and weekly maintenance programs will be performed in accordanco with SS Procedure #91325 (copy attached), WS 3000 and WPS-4000 Siron Bi-Wookly Functional Tost. Data will be maintained and operability reports will be produced for both the acceptance and backup periods of oporation (soo Tablo C). Once the acceptance test period (s) are over, each corrmunities strens will bo included in the entire Massachusetts EPZ operability calculations, which will be separate from Now llampshire and VANS sirens. Calculation Operability will be calculated per an arithmetic method and is further illustrated in Tablo C. .'

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[\ j} SS Procedurne VS-3000 AND WPS-4000 SIREN BI.VIKKLY FUNCTIONAL TEST 91325 1.0 INTPODUOTION The purpose of this procedure is to perform the required silent t esting and maintenance necessary to ensure continued operability of each fixed VS-3000 and VPS-4000 Emergency Netification System (ENS) siren unit on a bi-weekly basis. The Seabrook Emergency Notification System (ENS) consists of fixed and mobile sirent posittoaed throughett the Emergency Planning lone (EPZ). Two types of sirens are employed in the alert and notification system for Seabrook Station. They are Whelen hadel VS-3000 and Whelen Model VPS-4000. The Whelen Model VPS-4000 is an oscil.ating very-high-power electronic siren rated at 130 dBC. The Whelen Hecel VS-3000 is rated at 123dBC. The syst63 is capable of functioning as a siren or as a powerful public address device. In the siren mode, four signals can be croduced. The Civil Defense Alert Signal is a steady 550 Hz tone. The Civil Defense Attack Signal is a high-pitched 700 Hz to 970 He warbling tone. The Wall Signal, is a 425 Hz to 970 Hz tone that slowly varies. Hi-Low is a two-tone signal. 425 Hz and 641 Hz, alternating every 0.75 seconds. A 425 Hz Air Horn signal is also available. The VPS-4000 is capable of generating other (('~~')N tones but they are not accessible with the E836 Encoder System and are therefore, not tested. Each VPS-4000 and VS-3009 siren is compoved of a loudspeaker assembly and an electrical cabinet housing the pcwer amplifiers, radio receiving unit, decoder and computer control :ircuitry, and power supply. The speaker scetion of each UPS 4000 siren consists of a vertically-arranged ar.:ay of eight individual loudspeaker-drivers acoustically coupled to a single large horn. Each loudspeaker-driver is f ed by its own power-amplifier. The speaker section of each WS-3000 siren has sixteen speaker-drivers fed by a total of four power-amplifiers. Input to the power amplifiers comes eithe r f rom the tone-generator or the radio receiver, depending on which mode ;.I siren operation is being used. Power to operate each siren it provided oy four (VPS-4000) or two (WS-3000) 12 m volt, UPS-100 gelled elevtrolyte bdtteries located in the electrital

,                  cchinet. Under normal oparation, the batteries are kept fully charged by a battery charger powered from a single phase.120 volt electrical service drop. In the event of a failure in the electrical distribution network, the batteries can supply power to naintain operation at full-power output for approximately 30 rinutes, or in stundby (listening) mode for approximately 14 days ind etill perform one 3-minute activation. To ensure full coverage by the s%ren, the speaker assembly is slowly oscillated back and forth through an angle of apprortnatoly 360'. The horn rotates in one direction, then reverses direction when it reaches north, at a rate of about 3 RPH.



N j Rev. O Page 1 of 6 8 1

i I 91325 h (d.0 INTRODUOTION (Continued) l The remote control system employed for the strens uses dual-tone multi-frequency (DTHF) tones broadcast over two radio channels. New Hampshire sirens are controlled on a trineency of 451.050 KHz and thesachusetts sirens are controlled on a freturney of 451,675 MHz. The remote control unit at each state and local control point contains the encoder and radio transmittet used to geterate and broadcast the DTHF codes. The electrical cabtret at nach stren contains a radio receiver and toae decoder. The computer control circuitry in each local cabinet constantly ' listens' for the DTHF codes, and activates the siren after it has determined that the proper address and ccatrol codes have been received. The control circuitry will automatically turn off the siren after three minutes of activation. The speaker can be remotely positioned in 90 arid 45 degree increments. A sub sedible PL (Private Line) tone squelch enco-r/ decoder scheme is used to help prevent unauthorized activations. l E2II - Critical steps are indicated with an asterisk (*). As each critical step is performed, sign the space provided on the procedure data form. ( .0 EI1PONSIBILITIqE

                                       $1ren Haintenance Personnel - Implements testing and repairs per procedures and completes applicable Data Forms. Rapetitive Task Sheets, or                                                                                                         '

Lisce11aneous Vork Schedules. Ensures all documentation is completed and forwarded to the Equipment Supervisor, reufoment suoervisor - Manages and provides overall direction for Siren Haintenance and ensures all direction for Siren Haintenance and ensures all documentation is correct and f orwards to work control and/or RHD. Responsible for the technical adequacy and accuracy of this procedure.


3.1 TDtA Guidelines FE;1A-REP-10 3.2 10 CFR 50, Appendix E 3.3 SSREP. Appendix E, 'Seabrook Station Radiological Emergency Plan' 3.4- Whwlen-WS-3000 Installation Manual D

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91325 O

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3.$ New Hampshire Yankee Reporting Manual (NYRE) 3.6 $$ Procedure 91410 3.7 SS Procedure 91413 Inadvertent Siren Activation of the PANS. 4.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The dsta will be withi

                                                 .he tolerance speelfied in the procedure and on the applicable data form. dite Services supervision shall review the data obtained and sign on the space provided on the IP Department Hiscellaneous Work Schedule.

5.0 PRFCAUT10H3 5.1 Observe all applicable electrical safety rules. 3.2 The VS.3000 sirens are rated at 123 dDC e,nd VTS.4000 sirens at 110 dBC. Extreme caution should be exercised when performing this test so as not to energize the unit at tuli volume. f'"'s $.3 In conjunction with the New Hampshire Yankee keporting Hanual.

         \N'  J             epplicable NRC One. Hour Reportability requirements shall be determined in accordance with Figure 10.1 by Site Servicea Supervision.

a 6.0 PREREOU751TES 6.1 Ensure that the applicable addrest code of the subject unit, unit nur,ber, date, and correct time are recorded on the applicable data form. 6.2 Verify that the following equipment or equivalent is available: 6.2.1 Whelen VST 836 'J (451.050 MHZ)


6.2.2 Binoculars (if necessary) 6.2.3 Map of siren locations 6.3 The local authorities may need to be informed that periodic testing of the unit is to be performed. Refer to applicable data folder.

           \    Rev. O                                                                                        Page 3 of 6 10


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M 0 INITI AL CMTDITIONS 7.2 There is no visible damage to the unit that would prevent operation. 8.0 INSTRUCTIONE E2 - Failure to follow this procedure may result in an inadvertent uiren activation. If an activation occurs refer to SS Procedure 91413. 8.1 Observe the entire installation for evidence of damage. ' Record the condition of each component on D.ta Form A. Repair, replace or i adjust components as necessary for proper operation. Document all repair work on the Data Form Remarks Section. 8.2 Select the applicable address code on the VST-836-U test set for the siren under test. , 8.3 Initiate the 61x rotor direction commands and verify proper rotor operation. Record on Data Form A. ( 8.4 Initiate a SILENT TEST command and cbserve the status panel indi. I cators for proper operation. Verify that the AC indicator turns OFF , momentarily (Ws-3000 only) and that the speaker rotates. Record on Data Form A. 8.5 Initiate a SILENT TEST CLEAR command and verify that either the power-Amp (RED and CREEN), and the rotor (RED) status indicators turn OFF. (WD-3000 only) or all status indicators turn OFF (WPS-4000 only). Record on Data Form A.

              *8.6       Initiate a SOUTH command to rotate the speakers to their storage direction.

8.7 Initiate a CLEAR command. 8.8 For VS-3000 only. varify that the AC and DC (RED and YELLOW) status indicators turn OFF after the decoder times out (approximately 3 minutes af ter the CLEAR consnand in step 8.7). 8.9 Replace mirsing unit designator letters / numbers as necessary. 8.10 Return all test set switches to 0FF and select address code 0000, 8.11 Notify Site Services supervision if the fixed siren cannot be returned to service or an NRC _One-Hour Reportable Condition exists as specified in Figure 10.1.

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91325 , 9.0 FINAL COND1,H Q}jQ

                                        '9.1         Verification that the following conditions have been met 9.1.1                   Speaker assembly is facing South.

9 1.2 Test transmitter is secured. l 9.1.3 All electrical enclosures are secured.. i 9.1.4 All status lights are OFF. 9.1.5 The acceptance criteria has been met. 10.0 Elgu G 10.1 Public Alert and Notification System Reportability Criteria i 11.0 f.gflif, 11.1 Data Form 91325 A


APPROVED: A kM L G. R. Gn m, Executive Director of Support Services

                                                                                                                                                            '     Dete                                . ;I

Effective Date: 06-20-91 ' Rev. O Page 5 of 6 12 1 s --

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  • In accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1)(v) and 68FR39039 the Cosunission requires i a licensee to notify the NRC Operations Center as soon as possibic, but in all cases within one hour when a major loss or significant loss of the Public and Vehicular Alert and Notification Systems occurs.

A major or signaficant loss of the Public and Vehicular Alert and Notification Systems vould occur as follows: A. Simultaneous inoperability of the Amesbury repeater and the ORO Emergency Radio Network ',


d _ simultaneous inoperability of the Amesbury repeater. and the Back.up and VANS stagir.g aream and vehicles consuunications equipe.ent

                                                                                                             .or-C.               Simultaneous inoperability of thirty seven and one half (37.5)                               percent or more VANS vehicles and the four (4) backup VANS vehicles and simultaneous                                                i loss of $0! of pole mounted siren coverage.
                                                                                                             .or-D.              $1araltaneous inoperability of VL.12 and VL-13. while relied upon, and the four (4) backup PANS vehicles and loss of y,,$0! of pole mounted sirens in Amesbury.                                                                                                                 l
                                                                                                            -of-a E.               Simultaneous inoperability of VL-04 and VL.05, while relied upon, and the four (4) backup VANS vehicles and loss of ,> 50Z of pole mounted sirens in     ,,

Newburyport .

                            - VANS - Suanner Applicability . Additional Cons traints (May 15 . "eptember 13)

Simultaneous inoperability of one (1) or more of the following_ VANS locations: VL-01.-VL-02. or VL-15 and the four (4) backup VANS vehicles and loss of pole , mounted sirens SA01 and SA02, or NB01 and NP01. l l NOTE - Upon notification that a reportable condition exists. Equipment or l Facilities supervisory personnel shall immediately notify the :;hif t  ! Superintendent / Unit Shift Supervisor to initiate an Immediate Notification i Report utilizing Form ER 2.0D NRC Event Notification Worksheet. of the

 ,                               Production Emergency Response Manual (NPER).                                                                                        l_

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k UNIT NO.: ADDRESS CODE: DATE: TIKE: INITIALS flip _ 6.0 Prerequisites satisfied.

                   .      7.0       Initial Conditions satisfied.



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   /                                                                            TABLE C                                                                                           ;

k w , SEADROOK STATION MASSACHUSETFS COMMUNITIES POLE MOUNTED CIREN OPERABILITY , FOR TOWN WIT 18 FOUR SIRENS PERCEN1' AVAIIABILITY ON DAILY INSPECTION ARITHMETIC METi!OD FOR CUMUIATIVE PERFORMANCE Total # Good System Porcent Cumulative Sirens Found Number Tests / Days Sirens Percent Inoperablo on Date Sirens Day Available Available Available Daily Inspection _=

  • 09/01/91 4 4 4 100.00 100.0 None

[^t02/91 ;D3/91 4 4 4 4 8 12 100.00 100.0 None ( 100.00 100.0 None V 04/91 4 3 15 75.00 93.75 1 Siren (1) (2) (3) (3) # Total Siren Tests - # Total Failed fdren Tests Total # Siren Testa Conducted (2) # Daily Tests - # Daily Tests Failed

                                                                   # Daily. Tests Conducted (1)           # Cumulativo Siren Tests - # Cumulative Tailed Siren Tests l
                                                        *** SAMPLE DATA ONLY***

w l 15 l \'


 ,                                                                 This ocction contains three now New Ilampshiro Yankeo procedures which will provide the administration controls for the conversion of VANS to polo mounted sirons in Massachusetts. The
                              ' first procedure SS #91337, defines the program policy during the conversion process and outlines the processes and procedures to be used to implomont the program and ensure compliance with Federal requirements.                               The second procedure SS #91336, details the process of how VANS route transit data was obtained from the backup staging area to the sixteen VANS acoustical locations.                               The third procedure SS #91338, outlines the program that will be used to ensure that the Newington EOC Contact remains familiar with siren ar tivation procedures.                                 This procedure replacon " Silent Tost" proceduro SS
                                    #91315, which was what the EOC Contact was .using for the VANS program,                                 and will continue to be used solely for disontcher trainina ournoses. This procedure will taka affect after the

(  : acceptance period for the first community is completed and will

                            - continue until the State of Massachusetts Radiological Emergency Responso Plan is in offect.

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i r u ,~ , l gg l AIDi1RISTRATION OF T!!E CONVERSION OF VANS l l (m l l Procedures l l TO P01.E HOUNTED SIRENS IN THE MASSACITUSETTS l EPZ l 91337 l l I I I j


1.1 SIREN CONVERSION . SYSTEM PR03PM POLICJ - It is the policy 01 New Hampshire Yankee, and a NUREG 0654 requirement, to maintain a Public Alert and Notification System in a constant state of readiness to ensure 24 hour system reliability. To implement the conversion of VANS to Pole Mounted Sirens, the Subdivisien maintains a com;>rehensive operation, installation, and maintenance program that establishes controls for installing, maintaining and verifying new pole installations, and backup VANS systems. This procedur, outlines those controls and defines the conversion process for installation, operation. tet, ting and maintenance programs. 1.2 Scope - All personnel, equipment and facilities provided by New Hampshire Yankee to support the conversion and maintenance of pole mounted sirens. and backup VANS, are included within the scope of this program. The Equipment. Vehicles, and Maintenance Group shall be responsible for ensuring that policies and tontrols are followed to ensure the PANS and subsequent VANS backup remains in a constant state of readiness. 2.0 RESPONSIBil.ITIES Director of EP and Site Servieg,s - Estat'lishes the policies and objectives of this program. Eculpmant Supervisor - Administers the conversion operations. installation, backup and maintenance programs. Prov! the Site Services Manager with periodic updates on the status of conve alon activitler. Dire ts installation of pole mounted sirens. completioO of preventative maintenance, testing of notification systems end operations of the VANS programs in accordance with ectablished procedures. Initiates an immediate notification report upon determining that on NRC one-hour reportable condition exists in accordance with Figure 1. Site Services Mapacer - Manages the conversion and backup programs. Responsible for the technical adequacy and accuracy of the procedures. Rev. O Page 1 of 10 l l 17

91337 3.0 FEOUIPDMTNTS - Pole Mounted Firent 3.1 G ENERAL In accordance with FEHA REP-10, the operability of the 6eabrook Station Pub 11: A ert and Notification Siren System is considered acceptable when an average of 902 of the EPZ VS-3000 and VTS-4000 siren units and the dual VPS-4000's VANS units (as determined by a simple average of all regularly conducted tests) can be demonstrated to be functional ovet a 10 month period. As part of the conversion program, regularly conducted airen functional testing will be done on a daily basis for the acceptance test period 'X* , and weekly f or the back up period 'Y', per SS Procedure 91325. The acceptance test period 'X' vill start after the last community siren pole is installed and all sirens are functional. After the acceptance test period 'X' and backup period 'Y', the testing periods shall revert back to bl.veekly, quarterly, and annual testing. Afte ,mmunity system acceptance testing period 'X*, the operability data vill be included in a Hassachusetts EPZ calculation which vill be separate from New Hampshire and VANS sirens, and will be maintained by the Equipment Supervisor. The preventative maintenance and testing activities shall be performed in accordance with SS Procedure 91120 Repetitive Task Sheet Preparation and Approval. This program vill commence .t the end of the satisfactorily completed acceptance test period. Individual dtta sheets, forms, and checklists that document cotapliance with acceptance criteria shall be attached and routed with the RTS. For the acceptance test period (s) *X'. all data sheets, forms, and checklists shall be f orwarded to the Equipment Supervisor f or review and f orvarded to the Director of EP and Site Servict s. Once the entire notification system has been accepted and the HA Radiolsgical Emergency Response Plan (HARERP) has superseded the SPM; and the ORD. the State vill per procedure start silent testing at t he enti r e no*. : fi r a ' i nn s y s t em. This testing vill be sittilar to the procedure that Rockingham County Eispatch Center , uses for the State of Nif. The intent of this testing it to familiarar.e personnel on all shifts with siren activation procedures on a continuing basis. i Rev. O Page 2 or 10 P 18 l ____ _______ _ _ s

91337 3.2 RETEREfJCET (Pole mounted sitens1 E4 Frecedure 91321 k. 3000 an.: .; 1 5 . . . fiten L;westly Fur.ctional Test 5r Trocedure 91320 V5-3h00 Siren uarter;v s Test

                                     $$ Trocedure 91307                         VS-3000 Annus. la ~taanal Test and Calibration
                                     $$ Frutedure 91334                         Vr$-4000 Siren vaatterly functionn1 Test SS Frocedure 91333                         VF6-6000 firen Annual Functional Test and Calibration SS Procedure 91328                          EmerSency Siren l'HT Leceiver Alignment
                                     $5 Procedure 91329                         Grounding Trocedura New Mt.mpshire Yankee Reporting Manva;                                    ? nE)

Production Emerr,ency Response Manual NTTE, specificatien for the ins ts11ation at T u :n i '. Alerting Liten Poles i Sea brook Plan f or Ma s sachuset t s Cor:nuta t ; e t 5FMC) 4.O ffLdPdJJiE1,1,,,fAtd .' dg 4.1 OENERA1, f the Vehicular Alett and flot ifica t ion S y s t em Operations and Ma.ntenanc e Progt t'.. provides administrative controls f or t he ; erf ormance of VANS personnel . equipment and staging areas. Th e t.e entreit ensure that all personnel, e equipuent and facilities require: f or .'- n eu r -a -da y t e li a bil i t y a r e ma a ti:a ir.'f. in adequate quantitles and .6 epera W e ._naitten. I l 4. . L ETEEE!;.' E5 Reporting Manual (NYRE) l Pr oduc tion Tmergenry Re spons e Manuc.1  !;T E 1 4.1 VANS PERS0!.NEL POL:01ES 4 4.3.1 Ltaffint In accordance vith an agreement with the International Labor Union Representatives to supply VANS operaters, ctaffing shall be assigned ta ensure continuous 24-hour-a-day ccverage seven days per week. Rev. O Fage 3 of 10 19

I- __ 91337 4.3.0 frerecuisites All VANS personnel shall comply with and successfully complete NHY contractor screening. Inclusive of NHY Fite.ess for Duty politiew. All- VANS personnel shall possess and naintain a valid commercial driver 's license, with air brake endorsement. 4.3.3 Itaintne All VANS personnel shall be qualified in accordance with the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Communities. Section 6.0 and the Training and Drill Manual. Appendix K of the $PMr,. 4.3.4 Shift Assittment Each VANS shift shall be staffed with operators which provide coverage for the 4 VANS back-up vehicles. Personnel shall be assigned to fixed shifts consisting of four consecutive twelve. hour days followed by four consecutive days off. This staffing complement provides operators to ensure that one operat or per VANS vehicle is always at the back.up VANS staging area located at Seabrook Station. In addition to the On. Site

    -                backup drivers, during the acceptance testing period for each community.

the VANS assigned to specific acoustical locations shall remain in place. Only after satisfactory and backup criteria completion and approval of the acceptance testing shall the VANS unit t s ) be allowed to be decognissi oned, per the following chart: 1-Kev. O Page 4 of 10 20 i t -- . ... .. . . >


AMESBURY VL.11 VL.11 i- remains if Merrimack VL*12 poles not installed.

1 VL.13 { -- HERRIMAC  ! ) VL 10 No impacts on other towns. j l

'                                       YL.14                                                                         '

i l NEWBURY VL.02 VL.8. remains if W. Newbury i-VL 03  ! poles not installed. VL.2.

VL.06  !

remains if Newburyport poles t j VL.08 not installed.  ! 1 NEV3URYPORT VL.04 No impacts on other towns. l VL.05

  • I l

! SALISBURY- .VL.01 No impacts on other towns. 1 4 VL.07 VL.15 WIST NEVBURY VL.09 VL.09 ! reamins if Amesbury VL.16 poles not erected. [ i  ! 1 l ! 6.3 8 VANS PERSONNEL POLICIES i i 4.3.5 Shift Schedules i 4  ! j  : 71.e hours of work for each shift of VANS operatorL and back.up VANS i operators shall be' designated by the NHY Site Services Kanager. There will.

i. not be designated lunch or coffee breaks since VANS operators are expected to be ready and able to respond te VANS dctivation at any time. {

4.3.6 Shift AssiPnment_s ). Shift assignment _ changes will be considered only on receipt of a written- [ request and with writtea approval by the VANS Shif; Supervisor, in i conjunction with the site Services Manager. p 4.3. 7 Telet> hone Use VANS personnel shall use discretion in the use of commercial telephones [

               -located at the'back+up VANS staging area. All telephone-usage shall?be t

4 recorded on a telephone call-log vnich shall be subject to periodic review. } l Rev. O 1 Page 5 of 10 , 21 L  :

91337 4.3.8 Off-Shift Notifilation VANS personnel shall notify the VANS shift Supervisor if they are unable to report for assigned duty. Notifica tion shall te made via the dedicated con:nercial telephone line connec t ed t o an answering machine loca t ed a t the back-up VANS staging area. The f ollowing inf ormation shall be provided when leaving a recorded message. o date and time of call o name and badge nu:tber o assigned shift o reason for not reporting During ertrgency actions refer t o Sea br ook Plan f or Ma s sachuset t s Communities, Implementint procedure>, Vehicular Alert and Notification System. 4.3,9 'Jork Assi_r,nzcAt2 Refer to subdivision procedure 91317. VANS Operator and Staging Area Procedure. 4.3.10 Ahlenteeftm Unexcused absentaeism or tardiness may result in immediate disciplinary action, inclusive of termination. There shall be no unexcused absenteeism while assigned to a VANS staging area. 4.3.11 yacations

                                                                                                  '      ~

Up to two weeks of unpaid vacation per calendar year shall be I log t with prior written Manager. Allapproval vacationof the VANS requests Shift shall beSupervisor and the SidN Sq*jices antieapated vacation submitted one month if ad "j nce of 4.4 VANS SHIFT SUPERVISION 6.4.1 _ Staffing Staffing shall be assigned to ensure continuous 24-hour-a day coverage seven days per wech. 4.4.2 Prerequisites VANS Shift Supervisors shall meet or exceed the prerequisites referenced in 4.3 of this procedure. Rev. O Pag; e of 10 22

I t 91337

      't/           4.4.3 Trainint VANS Shift Supervisors shall be qualified as specified in 4.3 of this procedure.

4.4.4 Shift Assignment Each VANS shift snall be staffed with one VANS Shift Supervisor. This staffing provides for administrative duties. 4.4.5 Shift Schedules The hours of work for each shift for VANS Shift Supervisors shall be designated by the Site Services Manager. I 4.4.6 Shift Rotation Shift rotation shall be allowed with prior approval of the Site Services  ! Manager. ' 4.4.7 Absenteeism' Unexcused absenteeism or tardiners may result in immediate disciplinary

        s       action.

E 4.4 VANS SHIFT SUPERVISION 4.4.8 Vacations Vacation shall be allowed with prior approval of the Site Services Manager. 4.4.9 Work AssiRnment Refer to subdivision procedure 91312, VANS Shift Supervisor Procedure. 4.5 VANS 3TAGINS AREAS The VANS back-up staging area is a predesignated facilities where six VANS vehicles and an enclosed facility for the VANS operators are located. This facility is equipped with various supplies and inventory and shall be maintained in accordance with subdivision procedure 91100 Facilities Maintenance Program. Pre-established inventory checklists shall be used to maintain and control VANS back-up staging area inventory and supplies. These inventory lists shall' be maintained in accordance with subdivision procedure 91121. Facility Inventory Oontrol. Rev. O Page 7 of 10 23

                                        . -                   ._~~                    _,    _   , _ _ . .

91337 4.$ VANS STAGING AREAS (Continued) The issue of controlled documents. as needed for incorporation of changes or replenishment of administrative supplies, shall be in accordance with the Records Management Manual (NYRH). The Equipment Group shall be responsible for ensuring that this material is placed in the back-up VANS staging area. The VANS operators are responsible for ensuring that this material is maintained in the facility. ' Hinor periodic maintenance activities shall be the responsibility of VANS

                     - personnel and shall be tracked using the RTS system in accordance with subdivision procedure 91120. Repetitive Task Sheet Preparation and Approval.

The Equipment Supervisor shall designate Preventive Maintenance (PM) requirements. 4.6 _ VANS VEHICLES The VANS Vehicle Maintenance and Testing Program shall be performed in  ; accordance with subdivision procedure 91121. r 4.7 VEllICULAR ALERT COMMUNICATICNS SYSTD4 The Vehicular Alert Cormunications Systern Hairatenance and Testing Program snall be performed in accordance with - subdivision proce jure 91323.  ; v 4.8 VANS SIREN SS4 TEM I The Dual '4 helen Jf-4000 Sinn 3ystem Hair.te sance and Testing Program 6 hall be performed in cecordance with tubdivision procwdure f1322. 4 ,. 9 VAN $ ROUTE t/ERINCATICN i The VANS Routes Verifiestions re performed in accordan:e with subdivision - procedure %314. Vehicular Aler; and Notification System Route Transit Data + Co11setien. 4.20 VANS SILENT T3$T SYS1D t.CTWATION The VANS monthly system-vade Alert Test activan one shall be performed in '

                   .accordan:n with-sdbdivj lon procedare 91315.
                   -4.11          VANS' REPORTAPNITY _ CRITERIA                                                                                '

In conjunction the Reporting Manual (NYLEi. NRC one hour reportability requirements Atermined in accordance VAth Figure-1. . F r

       ./           Rev. O                                                                                             Page 9 of 10 l

l l 24 a_. _ _. . _ _ . _ . _ . _ . - . . - - . , _ _ . _ . _ , .__.a._.__-_. _ _ . _ -

1 I l l 4 91337 g 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS The backup VANS program shall remain in effect until the entire Massachusetts PANS has been accepted and approved by Federal Regulators. n 6.0 ATTACHMElg}, I Figure 1. PANS & VANS Reportability Criteria I

                                           /                                              /
                                                                           ./ /~~~',.df
                                                                                                           ,e APPROVED:                   A     /, f[         s         !
d. R. ,GNE. Execut'ive Director of Sypport Services
                                                                                          't             f.                      ID/09/91 Date

[' 10/09/91 (- Effective Date 3-I, e_


Rev.. O Page 9 of 10 25  ; .. . - . - - .--. .- . _ _ - . _ . - - - _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ . ~ . . , , . . - . . - . _ .-

N 91337 FIGURE 1 EUBLIC AND VEHICULAR ALTFT AND NOTIFICATION SYSTEM REPORTAPILITY CRITERI A In accordance with 10 CTR 50.72(b)(1)(v) and 48FR39039, the Commission requires a licensee to notify the NRC Operations Center as soon as possible, but in all I cases within one hour when a major loss or significant loss of the Publie and l Vehicular Alert and Notification Systems occurs. l A major or significant loss of the Public and Vehicular Alert and Notification Systems would occur as f ollows: A. Simultaneous inoperability of the Amesbury repeater and the ORO Emergency j Radio Network '

                                                                                           -or-B.          SLmultaneous inoperability of the Amesbury repeater, and the Back-up and VANS staging areas and vehicles communications equipment
                                                                                           -or-C.         Simultaneous inoperability of thirty seven and one half (37- 5) percent or more VANS vehicles and the four (4) backup VANS vehicles and simultaneous

[' loss of $0! of pole mounted siren coverage.


D. Simultaneous it. operability of VL-12 and VL-13, while relied upon, and the ' four (4) backup VANS vehicles and loss of 1 $02 of pole mounted sirens in Amesbury.

                                                                                          -Or-E.         Sicultaneous inoperability of VL-04 and VL-05, while relied upon, and the four (4) backup VANS vehicles and loss of 3 50 of pole mounted sirens in Newburyport.

VANS - Sammer Applicability - Additional Constraints (May 15 - September 15) Simultaneous auoperability of one (1) or more of the following VANS locations: VL-01._VL-02, or VL-15 and the four (4) backup VANS. vehicles and loss of pole mounted sirens SA01 and SA02, or NB01 and NP01.

                . HOTE - Vpon notification that a reportable condition exists. Equipment or                                                                                                  >

Facilities supervisory personnel shall immediately notify the Shift Superintendent / Unit Shift Supervisor to initiate an Immediate Notification Report utilising Form ER 2.0D NRC Event Notification Vorksheet, of the Productic'n Emergency Response Hanual (NPER). , Rev. O Page 10 of 10 2b

 - - _ . . - -.                                                                                 ~. _ , _ . _ . . , _ , . , .                                              .,  . . _ = . .

7 __,

  ^            I                   I SS                                                      I                  I

[ RACKUP VEHICULAR ALERT AND NOTIFICATION Proceduras SYSTEM ROUTE TRANSIT DATA COLLECTION 91 36 t i _ L_. . J 1.0 INTPODUCTION This procedure establishes the method for collecting route transit data for the Vehicular Alert and Notification System, as a primary backup to pole mounted sirens. The scope of this effort includes driving prescribed VANS routes. Each route should be driven a minimum of 5 times. 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES VANS OPerster . Drives VANS routes in accordar.ce with all existing traf fic laws along established routes and logging all necessary data. VANS Shift Supervisor - Coordinates VANS Route Transit Data Collection. Retrieves and submits transit data to the Equipment Supervisor. Equinnent Supervlasg,- Submits completed documertation to the 99eords tunagement Department in accordance with the New Hampshire Yankee Records Management Manual (NYRM). fite Services - Responsible for the technical rdequacy and accuracy of this procedure. 3.0 P EDVIRDKENTS 3.1 DEFINITIONS VANS - Vehicular Alert and Notification System. VANS On Site Staging Area - Predesi Enated area where backup VANS vehicles and operaters are located. VANS Routo Hap - A map showing the VANS on site staging area, the VANS acoustic location, and the VANS vehicle travel route (s). VANS Acoustic Location - The VANS vehicle destination where the siren is placed in position to alert the public. O

 \s /    Rev. O                                                                       Page 1 of 3 27
   .-        -.                ~ -         __ - . _ _ . - - - . - - . - ,
                     =                                                                          91330
      \        3.2         PRECAUTIONS VANS acoustic locations and VANS vehicle travel routes should have a minimal
interf ace with major arternes and other major toutes used by evacuees as described in the Seabrook Station Evacuation ' time Study.
           -3.3            PREREQUISITES Ford F800 Series VANS vnhicle, or equivalent type vehicle.

4 Qualified VANS operator. VAlis route map for each VANS acoustic Iccation. VANS Log Book. 3.4 VANS ROUTE DATA COLLECT 1CN l Copies of VANS route map and VANS Route Verification Forms (SS Form 91313 A) shall be used when' driving routec for verification. The following guidelines shall be used to verify the route. The VANS operator shall completS the VANS Route Verification Form as soon as the rov *.e has been verified. ( - w The VANS operator shall note the Backup VANS staging areh and the acoutstic location. The VANS-operator should drive at the designated speed limit unless road conditions require a slower speed. If a road is not posted, or if the speed limit is unknown, a maximum speed of 30 mph shall be used. The VANS operator should pay special attention to dotatis which may aid emergency personnel driving the route. e.g., road signs, landmarks, etc. Notations should be made on either the map or the VANS Route Verliication 1 Form and sulanitted to the VANS Shif t Supervisor. The VANS operator when driving the route shall obey all New Hampshire and 4 Hassachusetts Department of Transportation rules and regulations regarding the safe operation of the. VANS vehicles while performing route verification in that respective state.- Do not enter private property or otherwise trespass. If a route includes private proper +.y. stop at the entrance and make the notat. ion on the Backup VANS Route Verificatien Form that the property was not entered. Routes umy be_ traveled only from the on site staging area to the acoustic location. No unscheduled or unauthorized stops or deviation from the prescribed routes is permitted during VANS Vehicle Route Verifications. Rev. O Page 2 of 3 28

l 91336 t 3.4 VANS ROUTE DAT/. COLLECTION (Continued) Unauthorized operation of the VANS vehicle is not allowed. Hitchhikers or unauthorized riders are not permitted during the operation of a VANS vehicle. If repsirs are require', the VANS Shift Supervisor shall be notified inmediately, a The VANS Shift Supervisor shall schedule and coordinate VANS route transit. compile VANS Route Verification Forms and any additional documentation and submit to the Equipment Supervisor. 4.0 INSTRUCTIONS None 5.0 ATTACHMENTS SS Form 91336 A, Backup VANS Route Verification SS Form 11336 B, Backup VANS Route Verification Tabulation.

                                                                                                    /                                                /
                                                                                                                                                   ///     '

APPROVEP: _ . , // / j 10/09/91 G . R ATain. Executive Director qF Support Services Date l l Effective Date, 10/09/91 I Rev. O Page 3 of 3 d 29 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ __ _ o


r. f' (n -

BACKUP VANS ROUTE VERIFICATION VANS VEHICLE NO.'s-i 5 "I f. 8 -5 g i 3 4 j l- l l -l- l -l 5 l TOTAL. 'l TOTAL l COMMENTS-


4 l l l l0DOMETERl0DOMETERl NET:lMASSACHUSETTSj NH l DRIVER j VL l DATE j START l STOP l(TRAFFIC LIGHTS WEATHER. SCHOOL BUS. SCHOOL ZONE. j l MILES l . MILES' ,j.HILES-l STOP SIGNS..ECT.) l l- MGTE: START AND STOP. TIMES l l l l' l l l l r l- -1 il 1 1 I 1 1 I i-  !  ! .I  !  !  ! l-l l 4 I i l .l L i l 1 i I i- 1  : l'  !.  ! l l i l l 1' i 1. 'l' I I 1-  ! 1 l-i i f l l l  !  ;- i I

          .I                   i                                                                                                                                                                                        ;

i 1: l i I l' I f l i- l' l 1 l l 1 I

          .I                                                                                                                                                                                                            l I         i              i               I               'l                              IL                    I          i I              .1-          l              l               1               .!                              !


                                                                                                                                              !          l 1                 !         I              1               i                                                                                                                                              l
                                                                                        ' l --                       .I                       I          i t                 F         i           1                   i          -4                                   i                   +            l 1

!  ! I l- -l l l' i I .i 1. 'l 'l

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I l I i i i i l l I i i J F-- l l  ! l l l 1  ! i l i i l- i  ! i

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  • i i i i i l i I t I
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l Rev. O i SS Fonn 91336 A i 30 l l L

jll l ll)jllJllll!!llllIll: l! B al ilIl!lIlIlI!il1!IllHI!I !il1' ]i 5 3 3 1 9 L M AE R TM O OI F TT s s elll1l1ll!l!l!I!l!1lI lI!1!Il1 :j i P U T *, ' EM sI 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 c 0 0 H  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : t  :  :  :  : CN s 3 5 5 5 s 5 5 s 5 5 3 3 5 TE AR PI ss I D T. IljlilIli!i!1 iilI!il illl1 ! ! i!li M E T S T Y I s A s I N R NE O E AM I T _ RI TT T I A R C C I F N I G T I IlllI.!lli!I!liill! !lIllill O s 1' I!li N e D I R 3 A ? L s U E  : C T E T I H E T RE A E T D AM TI V U sT O P R U K . C A B ill! l!ill!ill!ill!llI!iill ll!!li C I N TO sI UT

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                                                                                  -                                     e         -
 ,                                                                                                                      R         -

f 1 ,lllll 'l!l{lll 1 Ll

BACKUP VEHICULAR NOTIFICATION SYSTEM. ROUTE TEST DE*2GN CRITERIA ' DATE: 8/13/91 8/14/91 8/15/91 l STAGING ACCOUSTIC. .l START l TRANSIT 'DISPATLH SET.UP TOTAL' l AREA l LOCATION, l TIME TIME l l & SIREN TIME l TIME l I S8 l 1 l' l t  ! l l. 'v L-ol -o900 19:56 24:56 l l l 5:00 l. l > I  ! t i i i  !

l. Sa l vt-oi l caso 18:11 5:co l

l l I. 23:11 l l SS l VL-01

                                                                                                                  -t                       i                    i                     f                 :1 l                      l      0817            l   19:27            l        5:00              24:27           j.

l I i i i  ! I i i Sa l vt-01 0816 18:56 l l 1 5:00 23:58 l I i l l 1 1 -f i l Sa l vL-ol l 1232 20:06 l l 5:00 l 23:06 l

       !                                                                                    t S8                 vt-ol l                      l                  i                      i                     !-

l o826 l I l 17:25 l 5:00 22:25 l l p _.

                                                                                          +-              --

j__ l q  ;  ; i l SS l VL-ol'. l-l 0818 18:23 j l 5:00 l 23:23 1 I t- - 1 l t  ! 1

  .l                                                                          S8            l    VL-ol .'                 0215                 15:46 l                      l                   l          5:00        l     20:46          l i                                                                                   t                       !                       !                   !                      !                    !

l S8 l VL-01 1958 16:35 j l l 3:00 l 21:35 l 1 t I t i  ! 1 l Sa i l l 5:00 1 i l-I t t i i l l l Sa l -l l l 5:00 l 1 i f --  !  ! --t Sa- i l l J l 5:00 l  ! l

    !                                                                                     4                       l                      1                   l                      !                    l l                                                                        Sa           !                       l                    'l                   l           5:00        l                    1 l-                                                                                    !                       !                     !                   l                       l                    l

. l. S8 l 8' I t l l l 5:00 l l t i f i .. A Rev. o SS FORM 91336 B 32

e - u - BACKUP VEHICULAR NOTIFICATION SYSTEM - 5tOUTE TEST DESIGN CRITERIA DATE: 8/13. 8/14 8/15/91' i l' . 1 T 'T r '1 -l STAGING -l- .ACCOUSTIC l START l TRANSIT- l DISPATCH SET UP l' TOTAL' Lj AREA LOCATION'. -TIME -l TIME l & SIREN TIME l- TIME j .l' -l -l 'i 1 l . l . t i  ! l s8 l vt-02 1 1425 l 26:04 l 5:00 1, 31:04' 1

1. .f l-  !  ! i . . . .

l 30:41 l 58 l vL-o2 l 0930 l 25241 l 5:00  ! 1

  !                    i                                  i                        !                   !                    i                 .

l, sa vt-02 l o813 l 24:17 l 5:00 29:17 l l l I i l' I  ! t l l s8 1 vt-o2 1 -0918 l 25:17 l 5:00 1 30:17 .l-1 l i  !  ! l '! 50 VL-o2 l 0917 l 25:18 l 5:00 l 30:18 l l l t f f i i l  : j 58 j VL-o2 l 0920 l 25:58 l 5:00 l 30:58 -l f- f-- 1 t 1 i t. i j 28:19-l S8 l VL-o2 l 1o05 l 23:19 l 5:00 .l l __ i _ l __

                                                                                  ;                _;                      4                          4 s8       l          vL-o2                    l          osio          l    24 01           l         5:00       !           29:01          l I

f f i i -l  !  !

           -S8                                                      0928               26:38          l          5:00       l           31:38          l l                    l          V.L-o2                   l                       l
}                   f                                  4                         1                 -l                       !                          !

58 .vL-o2 1o53 l 26:00 I 5:co l 31:00 l l l 1 l 1 . t l t .

                                                                                                                           !                          i SS-                 vL-o2                               1223         1     25:00         1          5:00        l           30:00       -I i                    l                                   l i                    !                                  f                        f                    i                     !                          l l            Sa      l           vt-02                   1           134e         l     23:44         1          5:00       l          30 44           i F--                  1                                  i                         ;                   i                     l                          l S8      l                                   1                        l                   l          5:00       i                          1 l

! -t i i f i  !- SS l l j 5:00 ] l l l ' -__.J L_ 1 1_. i 1 Rev. o SS FOPR 91336 B 33

l!lllllllil!lil;l!l l!l1l1l! !: - B 6 3 3 1 9 L M AS 0 0 0 9 8 6 4 8 3 3 0 R T 0 5 5 1 2 2 2 4 5 3 5 O O D'  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : F TT 9 9' 9 0 0 9' .9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 3' 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 S S l!lllllil!l tlil4lll!l!lll!l!ln P U TE EM SI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : CN 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TE AR PI . SS I D& ll1flll!l1l Fl iltl1lij !li1!l!la Pr T S T Y I S A 1 S I N R /9 NE 0 0 0 9 8 6 4 8 3 3 0 O E 5 AM' RI 0 5 5

                                          . :1    2 2

2 4 5 3 3 I T TT 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 T I /1 2 2' 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 A R S . C C I . F N 4 I G 1 T I / llll!l1l!llllltlll!l!l!lilll!ln O S 8 4 N E 3 D . R A T 31 L S / U E 8 C T T I  : RE l E AM 0 E T E l 2 9 0 4 0 0 7 8 0 2 TI 3 0 V U T

                               . 1         0      1     2     0        4   2      2      0 ST             0       0 O A                                             0     0 1    4                  9        0   1      3      1 P R D 1       1   1    1      1     1     1        2   0      0      1                                    -

U K C A - B - lltlll1lilfl!lil}l1lililflfliln . C I N TO SI UT .3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3' 3 3 OA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CC - - - - - - - - - - - CO L L t L t t L L l L L AL V v v v .v v v v V V V llflillIil!i1lil}l!l!lilllll Fln G _ N I GA a a e 8 a a 8 8 8 8 8 a a e - AE S s s s s s S s S S s S s s . TR S A _ O _ v _ llIlll1lflt!1Ifl - }IFl e _ FIlll11I}It R -

\ < I
                  )                                                                                                                )


        !                !                     l                      .i      -

l l -l-l s8 .I vt-04 l 0930 l 53' l 5:00 l. 23:53- l I i  ! . l  !  !  ! I' l .S 8 l VL-04 l .1250 l 19:53 [ 5:00 l 24:53 l-

I i  ! l l I
    .l       S8      .l     VL-04             l        1620             l   15:24        l        5:00         -['          ,20:24          l.

l .l 'l . l l l l ! l S8 l- VL-04 l 2250 l -20:50 l 5:00 .[ 25:50 i f } }  ! t  ! I

j. l S8 l VL-04 l 0103- l 20:51 l 5:00 l 23:51 l l 1 i  !  !  !  !

.; l S8 l .VL-04 l 0400 l' 20:45 l 5:00 l 23:45 .I !'~ f I I  ! I  ! I' ! l 58 j VL-04 l 1820 l 22:32 l 5:00 l 27:32 l

      !                i                     i                          l                l                       !                         I     i l      S8        l    VL-04            l        1930-            l    21:05       l         5:00           l           26:05         [-    '
- l s8 vt-04 l 1030 20
24 5:00 25:24 t

l 1 l .1.

      !             -1                       l                         !                t                       !                          l-  - ,

. l S8 l VL-04 l 1530 l 19:18 l 5:00 l 24:18 'l l-

                       !                    f                          !                l                       i

! l sa l vt-04 1s30 17:13 5:00 22:13 l l l l i , F i i l  !  !  ! !- l Ss i vL-04 l 2115- 20:3s 5:00 25:36 l l 1 l l l i l  ! t

1. 1.
i S8 l vL-04 .0203 .28
27 5:00 23:27 l l l l l I I i i  ! l i  : i
   .l        S8       l     vL-04           l         0440            l     18:43       1         5:00        .I             23:43         l t                t                    't                         1                 1                                                        f I                          I
Rev. O SS FORM 91336 B -!

5 35 h '

lljlll ll 1ll!l!lil ;i!I!i!iiI;1!Ii B dl!I1I ql 6 3 3 _ 1 9 L M

       .                                 AE       6                                                                                                                        R TM       0                                                                                                                        o OI        :                                                                                                                       F TT       7 s

2 s

                                                                   ~                               _

1ll!l il !jfj!  ! 1p! 4If1 1I!Ii l y1!If P U TE EM SI 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 T 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 H  :  : t  :  :  :  :  : -  :  : CN 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TE AR PI sS I DL 4ll$ltlt]ll!lfl;!;1 lllIfI' 6 lyl!] E M _ E - _ T S T Y I _ _ S A S _ N I NE R AM 6 O E 1 RI 0 I t TT  : T i /9 2 A R 1 2 C C 1 I / F N 8 I G T I Tllfl!l!lflllfl O N S E o l 4_l4il1lI Iill;lf[1 6 D f 3 R A T 8 a L S U E : C T E T I RE H E T AM 5 E T A TI V U D ST 8 O 1 _ P R U g K _ C A _ 1l!l j1;iiliI!i+l _ B Tll}lll}lll  ; Ifl* C I N To _ SI _ UT 4 SA o _ CC - CO AL L V 1llllllflilil!jj1;I1ltIiIi1llil


G _. N I GA S 8 8 8 a e a 8 a 4 e e s e AE S 5 S S s s s 5 s e s s s s TR SA _ _ o _ v rllflllflllIIflpill}I1IiIFipI - ._ _ _ II e R - l lll1! I !ll!l l I ,lIlIll i


                                                            -l                         l.                   l        5:00       l   19:06             l-1                            i                 -f
1. Sa vt-oS 1615
                                                                                                           !                    !                 H l                     l                       l        15:09       l        5:00.       l   20:09             }   ,

i }  !  !  ! ' 58 VL-05

                                                                                                           !                    l                  :I l                            l                     l      1945             l        16:02       l        5:00        $   21:02             j~  '

f - i- i  ! i i l S8 .l VL-oS 1114 14:57 l l l 5:00 l 19:57 .] i , I t i i F 'l l Ss l vt-oS l 0920 15:01 5:00 l l l 20:01 -l f-  ! l l i  !  ! l Se i vt-oS l 1402 15:36 1 l 1 5:00 1- 20:36 l

       -}                              l                     !                       1                  -f                      l Sa              vt-oS                  1348                                                                                 [

l i l l 13:12 1 5:00 l 18:12 l I l -! t- 1 i  ! I se i vt-os l 1430 13:06 5:00 l l 1 18:06 I i 58 i i i i i  !

       -l                             l       vt-oS          l       1500            l         13:50      l         5:00       l    18:50                  '

l I t t i t  !  !  ; l S8 l VL-05 l 1533 l 13:59 l 5:00 l 18:59 l t- 4 { j  !  ; , 1 Sa l vt-oS 1604 13:51 1 l 1 5:00 l 18:51 l H

         !                            l                                             l                                                                     '

l Se l l l l 5:00 l l- t I l  !  !  ! Se

                                                                                                                              !                     i l                            l                      l                       1                               5:00 l                    l                     l
        }                            t                      i                       t                    !                    l                     l
       'l                     S8     l                      l                       l                    l          5:00      l t                            i                      t                       i l

i i t i Rev. o SS CORM 91336 B l 37

   }                               f                   i                                f                       l                   l 31:04 l

se vt-06 1537 26 04 1 5:00 l l l i l 1 i l  !

   }                               f                   f                                 l sa                  vt-ce           1                1405            1    22:28              1        3:00       1  27.:2a                 l ;

I i I i i i ~1  ! 1  ! s8 l VL-06 l 1240 l 21:52 l 5:00 l 26:52 l l  ;

                                    ;                  ;                                ;                  _ _p___                  ;
  } _ ._ .                                                                                                                             28:13 sa                  vt-os                           1330             i    23:13              1        5:00       1                         I i                  l I

p____  ; g  ; q  ; _j se vt-c6 1330 1 22:38 l sioc l 27:38 1 i l l j ._4  ; __ .t  ; sa VL-06 l 1252 j 21:29 i 3:00 l 26:29 l I l p__ __ ._ p _j_  ; ._,  ;  ; se vt-os 0448 l 23:06 1 5:00 l 2e:cs l

  !                                i                   l
 }                                (                   p                                 ;             _ __ 4                        ;                        ;

sa vt-06 osso l 20:12  ! 5:00 1 23:12 I I I l i  ! t  ! -i  ! -i sa j vt-06 0752 1 20:06 l 5:00 l 23:06 I I 1 i  !  !  ! - - f-  ! 4 se vt-os 0833 i 20:02 1 5:00 1 23:o2 I l l I

                                                    +                                                      _. 4 -                  ;            __j p__                              i                                                    ;

5:00 I se i i 1 1 i I

                                                                                                                                                            -1 I                                :                   F                                :
                                                                                                             -!                    l sa                                 !                                ]                       I         5:00      l                         l I                                i g_ _                             9 sa                                 l                                1                       1         3:00      ]                         l I                                {

_} .___.j p_ ___ _.__ { _. }

                                                             -_                        j                                           l S8             j                                                    l                       l         5:00      ]                         l l                                                    l n                                1                 .s                                 t                 . _1                    t           ..--__.s sS FORM 91336 B Rev. o 38
                   /^                    ,




    .l                      l  ACCOUSTIC   -l'      START           l    TRANSIT      l DISPATCH SET UPI  l-     TOTAL        l' l       AREA         l  LOCATION             TIME                 TIME         l E SIREN TIME             TIME 1                     [                                      l                  l-i                    !                 !                     !      --

l l 1 I sa l vt-07 l- 1513 07:53 stoo. 12:53 l 1 l -t i l' l l l 1 i l- ss- l vt-o7 1 130o I o7:18 1 3:00 l- 12:18- 1 I t i~  !

                                                                                                         .i                   !

l s8 l VL-07 l 1918 l 07:53 l 5:00 j 12:53 l l 1 - i  ! I i l l se i vt-07 l 1516 1 07:24 l 5:00 12:24 1 I f i l [ i l l j l ss 1 vt-o7  ; 1:25 os:37 l 5:00 11:37 l - [- ! i i  ! - l, S8 l VL-o7 l 1707 l 07:08 l 5:00 l 12:08 [ t i  ! l t i i

     !            se       i   vt-o7         l      1523           l    07:24        1        3:00        l   22:24           1 I                    l                  !                    i                  1-                   !                  !

, I se .I vt-o7 l 1125 l 06:37 3:00 11:37 l 1 I i i  ! i l  ! l l ss { vt-07 l 2652 l 06:56 I 5:00 11:56 I I i i  !  !  ! l 'i l se l vt-o7 1 2018 l 07:17 l 5:00 1 12:17 2 1 l l l l  ! l  ! I sa l vt-o7 l 2043 l os:ss i 3:00 l 11:35 l l 1 l  ! t l -1 l 58 l VL-o7 l 2103 07:44 5:00 12:44 l l l [ l l 2 l 58 l VL-07 l 2129 l 06:44 l 5:00 l 11:44 j i ! i t  !  ! l 1 I, sa j vt-o7 l 220s l 07:36 1 5:00 1 22:3s l I s Eev. o SS FDRM 91336 B j 39

                                                                               ,                                    -v -


                                                         ..       ~,                                           -

G L m) BACKUP VEHICULAR NOTIFICATION SYSTEM R0tifE TEST DESIGN CRITERI A DATE: 8/13 8/14 8/15/91-I a T a i i 4 l STAGING l ACCOUSTIC- J START l TRANSIT l DISPATCH SET UP l- TOTAL  !. , l AREA l. LOCATION l- TIME l ' TIME j & SIREN TIME l TiliE l i I -1 i l 1 i l l S8 l- vt-oc. I 1635 l 16:16 l 5:00 l 21:16 i  ; I i -1 -f i l l  : l S8 .l VL-o8 l 1527 l 14:23 l 5:00 l 19:23 i i F i - t  !  ! .{ l SB l VL-oS l 1536 l- 14:43 l 5:00 l 19:43 l t I f . I i  ! -+ 1 l S8 l VL-o8 l 1000 l 15:06 l 5:00 1 20:o6 l 1 F -t i  ; l l l S8 l vt-os l 1400 l 15:13 l 5:00 l 20:13 1 i t j l  !  ! 1 l S8 [ vt-o8 l 1517 l 15:43 1 3:00 l 20:43 l ,

  !                 f                  I                       t                 1                      l                 l    !

l S8 l vL-o8 1 0830 l 14:11 1 5:00  ! 19:11 1 r

 !                  t                  l                       l                  1                    l                 l l        SB        l    VL-08         l-    o945              l     13:36        l         5:00       l    16:36         [    ,

I i f i l l  !  ! l S8 l- VL-o8 l 1o13 l 13:29 l 5:00 l 18:29 l I t- l-  !  !  ! l l S8 l VL-oS l 1o44 l 13:27 l 5:00 l 18:27 l-  ! f-  !  ! l  ! I i- .[ l SB 1 l 1 1 5:00 l l l 1 l  !  !  ! 1 I S8 l i l 5:00 l l  ! I i  !  ! -4 i I S8 l l l l 5:00 l l F- i  ! t  ! l  ; i S8 l l l 3:00 l l 1

                                      ,                        ,                 .                     ,                 a Rev. o                                                                                                    SS FORM 91336 B

! .I 40 t I

 . ~ . - .                       . ~ . . . . .   .  . - . , . . -        .   .. .    . - .       . ~ . _

BACKUP VEHICULAR FOTIFICATIO1 SYSTEM ROUTE TEST DESIGN CRITERIA DATE: 8/13. 8!14 8/15/$ f i - i . . .i l STAGING' l ACCOUSTIC -START TRANSIT TOTAL l l l DISPATCH SET UP l, -- l l AREA LOCATION TIME TIME j l l l l & SIREN TIME l TIMS f  ! }  !  ! l l 58 l VL-09 l 1615 l 15:16 l 5:00 20:16 l l I I I l  !

                                                                                                                                 !                  l l        S8       l         VL-09               l     1700            l       15:59              l         5:00     l   20:59.       .l I                !                              !                     !                          !                  !                  !

l S8 l VL-09 l 1015 l 13:49 j. 3:00 j 18:49 l f l l~~ ~ l l l l' l S8 l VL-09 l 1615 i 16:19 l 5:00 l 21:19 l l 1 i l l l  !. l 58 l VL-09 l 1658 l 15:38 5:00 20:38 l l l f f i  ! i l  ! l S8 l VL-09 l 1251 l 14:52 l 5:00 l 19:52- l p___ -

                             }                     _ _t                           l                          3                   l                 j l         S8     l           VL-09               l     1413           l        15:30             l          5:00    l    20:30          [

F- l -3 1 --t i 1 l 58 l VL-09 j 1843 l 15:36 l 5:00 j. 20:36 l F i i  ! I t- 1 l S8 l VL-09 l 1920 l 16:41 l 5:00 l 21:41 l f- l t  : 1  ; I l S8 l VL-09 j 1957 l 15:01 l 5:00 j 20:01 .l F i l l l  ! i i S8 l l l 5:00 l l 1 f l  ! l --t i i i S8 l l l 5:00 l l l f -- l i  ! l l .i , i S8 l 5:00 l l l 1 i f i  !  !  ! i H l S8 l l l 5:00 l l l e e t e i i i Rev, O SS FORM 91336 B 41


                                                        %                                                     ./


        ' AREA            LOCATION             TIME                TIME l              l                   l                     l                  l & SIRD' TIME        l     TIME-         l.

f i  !. l -l l l l S8 l VL '.o l 1905 l '20:20 l 5:00 l 25:20 -l

    }              !                   l                     !                4             --

l l'

  -l        S8     l     VL-10          l     0225           l    17:50          l       5:00         l     22:50         l-t              i                   !                     !                   !                        .

l S8 1o45 l l VL-lo l l 17:49 l 3:00 l 22:49 'l l t l l l l -! l S8 l vt-lo -l 1315 17:38 5:00 22:58 l l l l t i i i l 1 -l l S8 vL-lo 1532 18:10 l l l l 5:00 -l 22:10 l. 1 i i i l  ! l S8 l vt-lo l loso l 17:16 3:00 22:16 1 l -l t f i 1.  !  ! - -1 l S8 l vt-lo . I o830. l 18:33 3:00 23:53 l l  ! i  ! 1 f i  !  ! l S8 l vL-lo l 1204 l 16:22 5:00 21:22 l l l l l d l F .l _l

 -l        SB    l       VL-10        l      1445           j    16:39         l         5:00      .l       21:39        l-
  !              !                    i                     l-                 l                     l                  1 l         S8   l       vt.-10     -l       1527           l    16:36         l         3:00        l      21:36       I i              !                    l                     l                 !                     !                   1 I        S8    l                    l                     l                  l         5:00       1                   1 l              i                   l                     l                   l                    l                   l l        S8    l                   l                                                   5:00 l                  l                     l                   l F              i                   !                     t                                        !                   !

l S8 l l l 3:00 l l l 1 l l l  : i l S8 l l l 5:00 t a s l l l i i . _ i i Rev. o S3 FORM 91336 B l j 42 1 _

y j'N


k l .- BACKUP VEHICULAR NOTIFICATION SYSTEM ROUTE TEST' DESIGN CRITERIA DATE: 8/13. 8/14. 8/15/91 I i i i i e STAGING ACCOUSTIC' START TRANSIT l AREA l l l l DISPATCH SET UP. '[ TOTAL- -l , l l LOCATION  :)- , TIME TIME l & SIREN TIME-l l TIME. l l 1 i l 1  ! t l SB l VL-11 l 1951 l 29:37 l 5:00 ] 34:37 l l 1 l 1  !  ! 1  ;

           -l        S8       l   VL-11          j'       0109               j  27:23         l         5:00         l   32:23         [. l 1                1                -f                             i                i                 -f                     I l       se       l   vt-11          l        1425               l  27:56         l         5:00            .32:56 I                1.

1 ss i i  ! -l l H

                            .I 1537 l                    vt-1)                                         26:00                   5:00             31:00 1                           1                l                      l                 l- >

se l VL-11 t i  ! F 1  ! I  ! 1 1531 1 29:54 l 5:00 l 34:54 l l l  ! -t l l t  : l 58 VL-11 0926 23:43 l l { l 5:00 l 30:43 l-Sa

                              !                  !                          !                                       I                i    ,

l i vt-11 -1 1228 l 25:36 l 5:00 .I 30:36 l H f i - l l l s8 0953 l l -vL-11 ) l 24:25 l 5:00 l 29:25.. 'l . } 58 I l 1  ! l i , i l l- vt-11 l 1242 l 23:55 .l 3:00 1 2s:55 l , 1 1 i  !  !  ! 1 l S8 j VL-11 l 13:50 l 23:19 l 5:00 l 28:19 l , F l  !  !  !  ! l i i I sa l l l l 5:00 l l i-- 1-  ! i .l l 1  ; i Sa i l 1 l l 5:ca l 1 i i  ! '

                                               !                                            !                                     -i '

I sa l l  ! l 5:00 1 1 1 t- i < l  !  ! j S8 j i


i ~i l l i l i 5:00 l i l' r: 1 1 Rev. O SS FORM 91336 B 1

 ;                                                                 43 I


          - sTAcInc I                  :l   -AccouSTIc-       l         START        'l'. TRANSIT    l DISPATCH SET UP.

l TOTAL ,l

  .. l     AREA                 LOCATION-              , TIME                ' TIME                                 TIME l                   l                         l                l & SIREN TIME      [.                .]

l _g p l  ;  ; . _; 58 .] VL-12 od40 l l l 14:37 l 's:Co. l 19:57' 'l

  -l                    .i                   1                           l                l                   l                     !

S8 VL-12 I l l 0840 l 14:50 l 3:00 l 19:50 .l

     !                     !               -I                           !                 !                   !                     l l        se        -l      vL-12         l     1200-               1  13:48                   5:00          18:48 l                   l                :1

, F- l- !_  ! l 1 7 l S8 l VL-12 l 1345 l 13736 3:00 18 36 .j l ]

    !                     !                 :!-                         l                 l                   l I         sa          l     vt-12         1     2245                1  14:50          l        stoo          19:30 -

l 1 I  ? -1 l l l --i . I sa I vt-12 .I clas 13:52 sioo 1s:32 j. 1 l i

    }                    }                    }                     -- f               -t                    i                      l~

sa vL-12 1200 1- l _j l l 15:40 i stoo l 20 w. ..l: I  ;  ; l l _; I sa i vt-12 1 153o 1 11:52 5:00 16:52 I 1 1 1- l  ; f ---- -f  : -i l sa i vt-12 l 2210 l 11:50 l 5:00 16:50 1 l . I i  ! l t'  !  !' e. I sa l vt-12 -l 2100 l 12:10  ! 5:00 17:10 1 1-l t  !  !  !  !  ! l- sa l l l l stoo 1 l

   }                    F                    i                                           ;                   i                     i I         sa        -l                    l                         l                 !         3:00      l                     l i                   .i                    l                         l                l                    l                     !.

l ss 1. l- l- l 5:00 1 i.

1 .1 l l l l l 58 l .l l l 5
00 s

l l 1 t_ _ e n n s-Rev. o SS FORM 91336 B 44 4

_.. . _ . , , . - - . . . . . . ~~

               ~s                                             fq-(                                                                           .-..]1 kl                                                                           -d r


  -l    STAGING      l       ACCOUSTIC       l      START               TRANSIT                                                            TOTAL
                                                                 'l .                     l DISPATCH SET UP               l                                               l l  AREA      -l          LOCATION-             TIME                TIME                                                               TIME l                      l                     l & SIREN TIME                  l                                               l 1               l                      !                   .:                        l                               !                                           .-i l      S8      l        vL-13          l    ~0920             l   11:15                      5:00                                  16:15 l                              l                                                l 1

j. i d  ! I i  !

         'S8        l        VL-13          l     1300                 10:53                      5:00                                  15:53 l                      l                               l                                            -l l               1                      i                       l                      !                               l                                              l-l     Sa        i        vt-13       .l       1430                 10:12                      5:00                                  15:12 1                      l                               l                                              l f               i                       l                      l                      l                              l                                               !

l S8 l VL-13 l 2210 l 12:39 l 5:00 l 17:39 j

    !               i                       i                      i                     i                               !                                             -l' l     Se        l        vt-13          l     0100                 11:28                      5:00                                  16:28 l                      l                              l                                               l
 -!                 ;'                     ;                       i                     i                               i                                               i.

l s8 l vt-13 l 0355 l 11:35 l 5:00 16:35 l l l t i  ! i l- -4 l S8 l vt-13 l 1820 12:42 5:t - 17:42 l l l l l l l- l t l i l S8 l vt-13 l 1940 1 11:41 5:00 16:41 l l 1 I l l  ! t l l l S8 l vt-13  ! 1430 10:12 5:00 15:12 l l l i F-  ! I i l l 1 1 Se i VL-13 1 2325 -l 12:13 l 5:00 l 17:13 l 1 i i l  !  !  !

 -l       S8      l          VL-13        l      0147             l   12:10             l         5:00                  l              17:10                            l
   }              i                       l                       l                     !                               I                                               i l       Se      i          vt-13        l      o445             l   12:os             1         5:00                                 17:08 l                                               l

[  ; - - - - F l l l 1 l l S8 l VL-13 l 1905 l 12:18 l 5:00 l 17:18 l t i i i  ! I i l S8 l l l l 5:00 l l t_ i i e i t e Rev. O SS FORM-91336 B 45

4 4 JT . i- . T-

                      ;x.                                            m                           -


                                                                                                                                                .l-i j                           TRANSIT          l DISFATCH SET UP           TOTAL ~
             'l     STAGING     l    ACCOUSTIC              START        l                                          l TIME-AREA     -l      LOCATION     l         TIME         l    TIME             l 5 SIREN TIME       l                              l l                                                                                                   '
                                                                         !                     }

f I I l S8 l VL-14 l 1845 l 29:13 l 5:00 l 34: 13 l-f l

               }               f                                        !                      I 58            VL-14                  2113         l     26:43            l       5:00         l     31:43                   l l               l                 l                                                                                                '
                                                  !                      l                     l                   i I             t 35:29 38            VL-14         l        2005         l     30:29            l       5:00         l                            -l -

l l

                                                                                                                                                  .I l               i               .I                       !                      !                    !

32;29 2407 27:29 5:00 l l SS- l. .VL l l .l l , f l F l l l 34:08 1  ! l 58 i VL-14 l 1937 l 29:08 l 5:00 [. l l f f i  ! l l 1 l S8 vt-14 0650 23:13 l 5:00 l 30:13 1  ; l_ i l l F- t- l  ! -1 l 7  ! 31:15 58 vL-14 -l 0718 l 26:15 1 5:00 l l l l

                              !                  !                      !                     !                    l                              1     -)

Sa vt-14 l 0743 l 23:41 l 5:00 l 28:41 i l l

              !                                .:                       ;                    +                     ;                              i        l I

S8 VL-14 1008 l 23:59 l 5:00 l 28:59 l-l l l ' i l l I t  ! ,lI S8 vt-14 1100 l 24:40 l 5:00 l 29:40 l l l l ' l  !  ! l l i S8 vt-14 1255 l 23:56 l 5:00 l 28:56 l l l l j I -t i  ! Se l l l 5:00 l 1 l i l '

                                                                                             !                     l                              l i              i                  !                      !

S8 l l l 5:00 l 1 , i l f  !  !  !  ! I i  ! l 5:00 l l , S8

                             !,                 (                      l I.                                ,                      ,

l l SS FORM 91336 B Rev. O 46

  . _ _ _ __                      _                    i.2                                         1                   -
                 ~                                                                                           ,


                                                                             'DATE: 8/13 8/14 3/15/9L r-                                          r                   i                       i j          STAGING                              ACCOUSTIC                 START         j-   . TRANSIT    l DISPATCH SET UP      l    TOTAL'              l l                   l AREA                                 LOCATION               . TIME           j      TIME.      j'&~ SIREN TIME        l    TIME'               !

l l l I  ! i-  ! l  ! -l 58 .I VL-15 l 2028 l 12:48. l 5:00 l 17:48' [ l 1 l l f  ! l l 17:45 S8 VL-15 l 1945 l 12:45 l 5:00 l l l l i  ! .

                                                                        !                      !.                 l                      l                        !-

Sa vL-15 2316 l 11:42 s:00 1 16:4z. 1 l l l i l l  !

     .f Sa                            j    vt-15                 0357.                10:20         1         5:00          l   15:20-               I I                                                               l                       I
     .I                                            l'                  !                       l                1                        l 17:18             'I l

l Se I vt-15 1 203s' l 12:18 1 3:00 l


f I  ! S8 vt-15 2012 , 11:17 1 3:00 l 16:17 l l l l p _-- ; p  ; .

                                                                                                               .9                        l                        g Se                                 vt-15                 2033            1    10:35         l         3:00         1    15:35             .1 i                                            i                   l i        -

l i i l Ss I vt-is l 2058 l 10:37 I 3:00 i 15:37 .I l f  ! i - i  ! 16:45 I Sa 'l vt-15 l 1246 l 11:45 l 5:00 1 1 l 1 -l l-  ! l 3:co 15:53 l l l l S8 i vt-15 l 1310 l 10:53 I 1 l l H F I i l 5:00 S8 l l l 1 l l l t i  ! I f i  ! S8 J l l 3:00 l I I l

                                                                                              !                 !                       l                        l-f                                           l I               Sa                           l                   l                       !                 l          5:00         l                      'l'
                                                                                              }                 j                       j
     } __ - ,_                                   ;                    }                 _.

S8 l l l 5:00 l l l .] n __3 t , a n n SS FORM 91336 B Rev. o 47 m ___ - . . . _ . _ . . . g



                                                                                        '7RANSIT-                             TOTAL        . l:

j' STAGING l ACCoUSTIC l START l' 2 ] DISPATCH SET UP l AREA LOCATION .j' TIME l TIME. . l & SIREN TIME .l' TIME  !. l l I  !  !  !  !  ! I l s8 l. .VL-16 l 2025 l 21:27 l 5:0o- l 26:27 .1 l  ! -1 I  !  ! I sa VL-16 l 0309 l 20:13 .l 5:00 l "25:13 J {

              -l                    l                                                                                                             ;
                  }                 i               .-i                           !


                                                                                                                                             -i I        se      l    vL           l     18c5                l-  23:14          1      5:00       1                     l 1                l                     t                        !                  !                  !                     i sa           vt-16                  2106               1    20:16         1       5:00       1    25:16            I 1                l                     l i                                        I I                i                     l                        l                                     l se      i    vt-16            l     2125               l    .22:36        :       5:00       1    27:36       _1      :l I

1 'i i  ! .t  ! -4 se vt-16 l 110s l 21:o1 1 5:oc l 26:e1 1 I l i  !  !  ! -f t- 1-sa vt-16 1 2256 l 22:11 -1 3:00 l 27 11 l I 1-' l- l 1 l i  !  !  ! 5:00 23:50 1 se vt-16 2350 1 20:50 l 1 l l I 1-

                                                                                                                                          -1 t-               i                     t                        !                  1 5:00 23:33 l         sa     1     vt-16            l    -oo36               1    20:33         l                  1                     l
                                                                                 !                   !                  !                    l l                !                     !

s8 l VL-16 l 1114 l 17:33 l 5:00 l 22:33 l: l I  ! -f l 4  !  ! sa l l 5:00 l 1 I l 1 l l l  ! l l sa l l l 5:00 l l I l l l  !  ! t l l sa l 1 5:0c l 1 l l l i  ! i  ; -t S8 l l 5:00 l [ l l l i i _ s 4 e a i SS FORM 91336 B Rev. o 48

                                                                                                   % .-                                                                                                     s s



l AREA' l LOCATION l TIME l- TIME. j & SIREN TIME TIME l l f  !  !  !  ! I l S8 j ] 5:00 l l l l l S8 l l l l 1 I l l l l. 3:00 l 7 l -] p- t  ;- j i se l l l 3:00 l 1 I l= 1 i i i  ! i i sa l l l 5:00 1 1 1 l-  ! i  ! - -i i i

I sa l l 1 5
00 1 1 1
    }                                     f                       f                                   1                            -f                                                                !                         !

1 sa l l l 5:00 l l l 1 i t- l -t l 1 l se i t l 5:00 l I  !

   !                                     f                       i                                   l                                  !                                                            !

I sa  ! l l l 5:00 1 1 1 4 l l 1 l 1 I sa l l- l 5:00 l 1 I i- I sa j

                                                                 !                                   !                                  t                                                           i                         !

, I .I J l 5:00 1 1 F i  ! I t l l i i sa l l 1 5:00 1 I I s i  ! l i i i i l I sa l l l l 5:00 1 I i t i l l l  ! I sa l .. I ] stoo i I i 1 [ _ _ _.__ j  ; . {..  ; j l S8 l [ j 3:00 t l l l i e i e i B Rev. O SS FORM 91336 h 49

SS PUBLIC ALERT AND NOTIFICATION SYSTDi Procedures NEWINGTON EOC SILENT TEST SIREN 91338 ACTIVATION 1.0 INTRODUCT70N 1.1 PROGRAM POLICY In order to ensure that all Emerrency Operations Center (EOC) personnel remain familiar with the equipment and procedures utilized for activation of the Seabrook Station Public Alert and Notification System sirens (MA only) from that location, New Hampshire Yankee vill provide instructions for and monitor documentation of biweekly silent test activation. This procedure establishes the methodology for such actions. 1.2 SCOPE This procedure shall only apply to activation of Massachusetts sirens from the Newington EOC. in the silent test mode. 2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES Eauirment Supervisor - Coordinates any assistance required by EOC personnel in performance of these tests. Provides EOC with these instructions and any revisions to these instructions as they are issued. Obtains, reviews and maintains documentation of these tests. Site Services ManaRer - Responsible for the technical adequacy and accuracy of this procedure. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 GENERAL This procedure shall be perfor- at least once every two weeks by each shift. Verification that the test' atisfactorily performed will be made by observation that at least r pole-mounted siren responded as expected. This - test may be performed in conjunction with biweekly testing performed by the N3Y Siren Maintenance Group but is not a substitute for such testing. 3.2 TEST INSTRUCTIONS The specific instructions for activation of this silent test are provided in Figure 1. Rev. O Page 1 of 4 50

k 91338 ( -9

        -_3.3 -DOCUMENTATION                                                                   '

Performance of'this test-shall be documented on SS Form 91328 A or a similar

form on each occurrence. A similar form may be used provided tht the pertinent
          =information is' included. Documentation shall be. collected monthly, reviewed for
        .. completeness..and maintained by the Equipment Supervisor.      This documentation shall be retained'for-at least one. year.


        -None t

5.0. ATTACHMENTS-Figure 1,-Newington EOC -~ Silent Test Siren Activation'. Procedure - All Call SS Form 91338 A 'Newington EOC - Siren Activation - Silent Tests



       -APPROVED:                      // - -         / L/te" J                      10/09/91
                         'G. Gram Executiv'e Ditector of fSupport Services           Date b

OV Effective Date: 10/09/93 t .A. g ..


Rev.;0 Page 2 of 4 51

g <- /. _

                                                                   <                                9133S FIGURE 1 NEV:NGT03 EOC M:                                 .STLENT TEST SIREN ACT;:VATION PROCE_DU]LE - ALL CAL 1,, _

This checklist is used-to activate all the rirens in Massachusetto - simultaneously (ALL CALL)'in:the silent test mode. The siren (s) selected to verify this test must be monitored locally during the conduct of this test. FOTE - The-person (s) assigned as pole observer (s) should be in position at ' the a mode.pplicable Failure to siren followpole the (s) prior toinstructions following activating sirens in the emy cause an silent test inadvertent

                 , siren activation.      If an activation occurs refer to SS 91413.                              ,

l- 4 IJ. Monitor the radio by depressing the !!ONITOR button on the microphone or the remote,. Verify that there is no communication or tone being transmitted on the channel before sending tones.

2. Insert:the key into the: encoder arming switch and turn it clockwise until it stops. This will arm the encoder.

3< Momentarily press and release the SILENT TEST function button. , 4, Momentarily press-and release ~the ALL button or set the address evitches to

    ^> p NOTE - This procedure will simultaneously activate all FWasachusetts sirens in 3s _,/ the silent test mode. :The sirens will rotate about 90' and the five colored lights on the control. pane 2 at the siren will illuminate.


                    -   CLR
                    - .ALL SENDL l.

l-l l l I s_/ s . IRev. O Page 3 of 4 52

                                              - . - - - - ~ . - - .             . - . - .      . , - . .  . - . .


                                                                                                                  -I f,                                                                                  -.-  91N8
  !k-FIGUKE 1 v.

l SJLENT TEST SIREN ACTIVATION PROCEDURE - ALL CALL (Continued) ) 5.; Momentarily press and release the SEND button. .

6. Verify with assigned pole observer (s) that Silent Test indicators are l illuminated at the applicable siren pole (s).
7. Upon completion of. verification, press the following buttons in the sequence indicated:


. - ALL
                    - - SEND-S
                .8, - Return sirens to South position, press the following buttons .in the sequence

p S , ALL . 4 SEND

- 9. Verify with assigned pole observer (s) tha t the siren speaker (s) has (have)
returned to approximately South position (large open end of speakers is t- approximately over the-conduit going up to the speaker).

1 _ y 10.-Wait 10 seconds, then turn the encoder arming key counterclockwise and ia remove.the key. This will disarm-the' encoder. i" - 11.-CompleteLSS Form 91338 A.'and send to NHY Equipment Supervisor. ( ls ir



               -Rev. O                                                                        Page 4 of 4 53

i- -




1 I! t l l l 1 , 1 O < 1 i 4 i l: r  ! Ic [ l: 1 -. . Rev. O SS Form 91338 A-r. r e M 54 l l.

    ;-i,,,,            l,.u . ,,       ..~-r,,-,,-n.---.,--+r     - ~ - - - . - ~ ~ ~ ~,- - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ - - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - - - ~ ~ - - -
            .. . . - . - . - . - - .                           - ~-                 - . - - .     .   -_- .

F. BACKUP CAPABILITY During the entire conversion process from VANS units to pole mounted sirens, New Hampshire Yankee proposes to maintain 4 dedicated backup VANS vehicles. The operators and vehicles would be located at the backup staging area at Seabrook Station. The backup capability would remain in effect until the entire system has been successfully audibly tested. This would provide a means of public notification in the event siren coverage cannot be provided by the pole mounted siren system. The process by which tha VANS vehicles will be dispatched will be identical to the procs .s that is currently in place. Currently, when a VANS vehicle (s) is unable to reach its acoustical location a backup is dispatched to the appropriate location. Similarly during the backup period, when a pole mounted siren lo inoperable,

         -during an emergency a VANS vehicle will be dispat<:hed to the appropriate                acoustical   location. . Route transit testing was conducted (see procedure SS #f/1336) to determine the time it would take to reach each individual acoustical location. For reference purposes, (see Table D) , new siren pole cross reference coverage versus VANS acoustical coverage is provided along with the proposed longitude (s) and latitude (s).                                                                   ,

Based. upon historical operability data, the accel rated l testing schedule, and the fact that the sirens operate I\ independently of each other, it is highly unlikely that a community I wide failure will occur. Therefore, adequate backup coverage can be provided in a timely manner for all six communities with the 4 backup vehicles. 55

                -             -. _ ,         m. m   _


 \  $                                                                            l M/                                                                              \

BACKUP VANS ACOUSTICAL IOCATION_ Cross REFERENCE FILEY IQ NHY ID LONGITUDE LATITUDE VANS ACOUSTICAL IQCATION AM2 AM02 70.5601 42.5121 VL-13 AM3 AM03 70.5616 42.5157 VL-12 I AM7 AM01 70.5758 42.5003 VL-09, VL-13 AM9 AM04. 70.5909 42.5143 VL-11 NP1 NP01 70.4907 42.4055 VL-02 NP2 NP02 70.5234 42.4816 VL-04 NP4 NPO4 70.5348 42.4916 VL-05 NP5 'NP05 70.5456 42.4952 VL-05 NP6- HP03 70.5524 42,4832 VL-05 MM2 MM02 71.0016 42.5011 VL-10 MM3 MM03 71.0022 42.5110 VL-11 MM6 MM01 71.0215 42.5006 VL-14 , f i SA1 SA01 70.4951 42.5035 VL-01

 \      SA2             SA02         70.4914          42.5119   VL-01, VL-15 SA4             SA04         70.5319          42.5240   VL-07
        .3A6            SA03         70.5146          42.5041   VL-01 SA7             SA05         70.5326          42.5146   VL-07 WN1             WN01          70.5741          42.4827   VL-09 WN3             WNO3          70.5920          42.4804   VL-09 WN4             WN04          70.5841          42.4623   VL-08, VL-16 WN5             WN02          71.0036          42.4658   VL-16 NB1             NB01          70.4846          42.4755   VL-02 NB3             NB03          70.5052          42.4539   VL-03 NB4             NB04          70.5140          42.4752   VL-03.

NB5 NB05 70.5405 42.4512 VL-06 lNB6 NP06 70.5652 42.4536 VL-08 NB7 NB02 70.5518 42.4652 VL-08 {s V 56

G. Activation point Drills 7'~T\ V The croction of pole mounted sirons and the transition from the VANS system in Maar achut r.ts requires modification of existing VANS procedur(p duo to t: Jact that both polo mounted and VANS sirons operate on the same radio frequency. The following proposal describes the now, integrated proceduros which maintain New Hoopshire Yankoos' high levol of confidenco that operability of botn systems will continuo at the current performanco lovols. The current niron centrol point proceduro Sito Sor,1 con $91315, directs the EOC Contact to dispatch the VANS vehicles to their acoustical locations using the VACS alerting system. The EOC contact then transmits an Alert command to all sirone on the Massachusotto siren control frequoney (which presently consists of all VANS sirens and two Newburyport polos) after all vehiclos acknowledge arrival at their acoustical lucations. The Alert function is disabled in the two polo sirons that remain in How"uryport. The Alert command is used because all other commands are ignorod by the siren control logic when any interlock switch is in the open ccndition. The VAMS siren control logic receives the Alert Command but does not sound the siron sinco both the manual and boom interlock switches are in the open condition. The siren control logic instead illuminatos the " Command Waiting" indicator to inform the VANS operator that an Alert command is

   / o pending.                       Tha siron would sound if the boolu was raised, closir.g
          ) the boom interlock, and the manual interlock switch was operated

(_ / to the closed position (actual Alert condition) . After all VANS oporators acknowledge rocoipt of the Alert command, the EOC contact transmits a Clear Command which terminatos the tout. The VANS vehicles are then returned to their applicable staging ercas after tne operator notifies the EOC contact that tha " Command Waiting" indicator is uff. If the current drill program woro utilu ad af ter the polo transition process begins, any siron polo erected in Massachusetts would also activate upore receipt of the Alert Command signal. Thorofore, New Hampshiro Yankoo proposes to continue to dispatch the VANS vehicles on a regular basis to exercise the VANS dispatch system but recommends suspension of Alert Command trannmission. Di-Weekly Siren maintenance will continue to be conducted throughout the remainder of the VANS program. This Bi-Wookly testing will be performed locally by Siren Maintenanco 1.ochnicians at each VANS vehicle. This will ensure the VANS units remain in an operable condition. Based upon the facts that radio communications chects will be conducted at least six times por month, continued Bi-Weekly VANS testing, daily operator VANS truck check outs, and the 7apability to manually operate the VANS trucks, New Hmopshiro Yankee has a high lovel of confidence that the reliability of the VANS will not be compromisod. rN ( ) It is porsible to change test procedures to direct the EOC

       \m / contact to alter the siren command address digits so as to precluda siten polo activation.                                         Changing the last address digit 57 k'


 .    -           ..   - _ ~     _ -    .


        ~s  to-toro (0) would provent polo activaticn if the                             I f                                                                were nn valid

(' polo addresdos ending in zoro, llowever, an errot in nelecting l the propor test addrese (which would not be the same address unod for an actual alert) could result in an inadvortont activation of one or more Hassachusetts polo mounted sirons. Thorofore, it is recommended to'suspand the Alort signal transmission to the VANS sirons and implomont a program (noe procedure SS #91338), similar to the one used at the Rockingham , county Dispatch contor in How Hampshiro. This recommendation  ! would not change the local Bi-Wookly testing dono at each VANS  ; vehicle b; Siron Maintenanco personnel. This would require each shift at the Howington EOC to issue a Silent Test to all Hannachusetts polo sirons on a Bi-Wookly basis. Now Itampshiro Yankoo implomonted a program in pocomber of 1989 which requires each chift at the Rockingham county Dispatch contor Siron control point to transmit Silent Test commands to all How Hampshiro sirens at two week intervals. Siron Maintenance personnol monitor perfornance of those exercicos at a different polo ' location during each test. Signals sont by dispatchers aro verified by the observor. Those oxercises contribute to the overall-system confidence level as all system components must function for successful completion of the exerciso. (Further clarification provided in Silent Test Program), fb v i t l


d 58


        <              SilstnLhaLer.cantu Pole MountmLElrenttm._YAlti i           Introduction The " Silent Tont" proceduros, as run f rom the flowington toc, for the existing VAlis units are designed to be similar to the drills as conducted by Rockingnam county Dispatch contor. Now                                                                                                    l llanpshire Yankoo implomonted a program, por recommendation from                                                                                                 i TEMA,     in December of 1989 which required each shift at tho Rockingham County Dispatch Contor Siron control Point to transmit                                                                                               .
"SILE!1T TEST" commands to all flow llampshiro sirons at two week t intervals. The intent of this program is to onoure that all

. dispatch personnel have the opportunity to gain hands on experience with the use of the siren activation equipment on a continuing , basis. Siren Maintenanco personnel monitor performance of thoso 4 oxercisos at a di*forent polo location during each test. The

           " Silent Test' for th VAlts units is actually an "Alort Test", using the AIERT command, and will be referred to as such.

Discussion The orection of polo mounted sirens and the transition from the VAlis system in Massachusetts requires modification of oxisting VAllS procoduras due to the fact that both polo mounted and VAliS sirons oparate on the same radio frequency (451.675 Milz) . The commande nont - to a siron consist of onght (8) Dual Tono Multi-Froquency (DTMF) tones. The first sovon DTMF digits are for siren address 10., a specific siron(s), and the last digit is the specific command io., SILE!1T TEST, ALERT, etc. The SILE!1T TEST command producos a 20kitz inaudible tone that tests siron oporation. The ALERT command produces a 550 11z audible tone which-is the Seabrook emergoney warning signal. All commands, including the SILE!1T TEST and ALERT commands, are transmitted over the same siren control channel (451.675 Mllz). Thorofore, it is recommended to -suspend the Alert signal transmission to the VANS r.irens and implement a program (soo , procedure SS #91338), similar to the one used at the Rockingham County Dispatch Center in New Hampshire which familiarizos dispatchers with the siron activation equipment on a continuing basis. This would require each shif t at the flowington Coc to inuuo a Silent Test to all Mar.sachunotts pole sirons on a Bi-Wookly basit.. This testing revision will have no advorno offect on tho VAhd vehicles. Siren Maintenanco personnel will continue to conduct local Di-Weekly testing on each VAlis vnhicle. This change does j not, in any way, reduce the tonting dono to verify VAlis siren operabil'ity and. continues to moot the intent of providing

          $110pAtcilpr trajninoJrills as recommanded by FEMA. In addition, Di-Weekly type tonting will be conducted on a -daily basj u for each communities' initial acceptance period "x". During the backup period "y" for each "ommunity, Bi-Wookly type testing will - be c          evducted on a wookif basis. Those activities will consist of IL4 tit TESTS performed by Siren Mal.itonance personnel at each pole with a Whelon Test Encodor. Siren Maintenance testing should not 59

be confunod with the drills condt. ted by the flowington roc control point. O 60 L_________ .




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