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NRC-FPL 12/11/2002 Meeting Re St. Lucie & Turkey Point Spent Fuel Storage License Amendments
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/2002
Florida Power & Light Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML030140059 (41)


A6Id FPL NRC-FPL Meeting St. Lucie and Turkey Point Spent Fuel Storage License Amendments Carl Bible December 11, 2002

7 T. 17zz FPL Spent Fuel Storage

  • Meeting Objectives

- Brief NRC staff on license amendment requests

"° St. Lucie (Unit 1, 2) Cask Pit Rack

"° Turkey Point Cask (Unit 3, 4) Area Rack

"° St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy

- Staff concurrence on approval dates 2

FPL Spent Fuel Storage FPL Organization

- Fuel Storage Projects e Bible - Manager 9 Adams - St. Lucie Cask Pit Rack, project licensing

  • Kao - Turkey Point Cask Area Rack
  • Sharp - St. Lucie Boraflex Remedy

- Plant Licensing Liaison

  • Frehafer - St. Lucie
  • Mihalakea - Turkey Point 3

FPL Spent Fuel Storage

  • Near-Term Fuel Storage Licensing Actions Amendment Submit Need St. Lucie
  • Unit 1/2 Crane TS Relocation 7/18/2002 7/2003

"* Unit 1/2 Cask Pit Racks 10/23/2002 10/2003

"* Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy 12/2002 12/2003 Turkey Point

"* Unit 3/4 72-Hour Offload 10/21/2002 2/28/2003

"* Unit 3/4 Cask Area Racks 12/2002 12/2003

"* Unit 3/4 Boraflex Remedy Fall 2003 Fall 2004 4

FPL Spent Fuel Storage

  • Long-Term Fuel Storage Licensing Actions Amendment Submit Need St. Lucie 0 Unit 2 Rerack (under consideration) 2004 2005 0 TS Program for Spent Fuel Management 2003-2004 2005 0 Long Term Storage Option (by 2015) N/A N/A Turkey Point

"* Crane TS Relocation 2005 2006

"* Long Term Storage Option (by 2010) N/A N/A Seabrook 0 Under review 5

St. Lucie Planning Schedule I


Turkey Point Planning Schedule Descnption 2002 2003 2004 2005 Cask Area Rack _ _


____ -. FLA Submttal NRC Approval hplermntation License Amendment .... .. cc:,..

_U3J4 L_3L_ L2/U1 Rack Installation al

___ __ _ _ __ ___ LL

  • ___, - MRA NRC Review - Install Boraflex Remedy ' " 'T__, 4__O BADGER Test Due  ! ,I NFC_

Review D_*.

72-Hr Offload PLA_ _C, ,'11 t- - - -


St. Lucie Cask Pits Unit 1 Unit 2 half-height steel wall full-height wall /Ikeyway submerged pit submerged pit 8

Turkey Point Cask Area Racks (typical) 9

A' -..-

Cask Pit Rack Projects e Cask Pit Rack Common Objectives

- Extend storage capacity

  • Region 1 Cask Pit Rack Objectives (Units 1, 3, 4)

- Load reactive fuel in Region 1 cask pit rack

"° Reduce Boraflex rack degradation

"* Reduce Boraflex rack holddown requirements

- Enhance effectiveness of Boraflex remedies

  • Region 2 Cask Pit Rack Objectives (Unit 2)

- Maximize storage capacity

- Facilitates potential pool rerack project 10

Cask Pit Racks 12'-0 044) NON FROM CUETOMER'S ING 3 5/8"NDON.(TYP.)-i L


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=01 (TYP.)


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__ - I - 4-1-- - J 1-44-44-44-44-4 L 4-4 -

/ II LI WOLLS CASKPIT RACKLAYOJT 10 x 12 rack (Unit 1) Rack platform (St. Lucie) 11

Cask Pit Racks

° Common Design Features

- Standard Holtec free-standing rack design

- BoralTM neutron absorber

- Stainless steel structure and sheathing

- 4 adjustable pedestals

- Rack height same as existing racks Point lift rig 12

Cask Pit Racks

  • St. Lucie Unique Design Features

- Unit 2 is Region 2 design

- Rack platforms to raise rack level

- Installed with single-failure-proof crane

. Turkey Point Unique Design Features

- Asymmetrical cell design

- Installed with non-single-failure-proof crane 13

Cask Pit Racks

"* Add description of cask pit racks

"* Unit 1 add description of Boral neutron poison

"* Unit 2 add burnup curve for Region 2 cask area rack

"* Unit 3/4 change reference for uncertainty methods

- Section 5.6.3 Fuel Storage Capacity

  • Increased spent fuel pool capacity with cask pit rack 14

Cask Pit Racks o Cask Pit Rack Licensing Issues

-Categorical exclusion per 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9) e Environmental Assessments provided 15

Cask Pit Racks o Analyses Performed

- Criticality

- Thermal-Hydraulics

- Structural Integrity

- Radiological

- Heavy Loads Handling

  • Holtec International is rack vendor

- Performed many re-rack/rack additions

- NRC accepted methodologies & codes 16

Cask Pit Racks

  • Criticality Analysis - Common

- Experienced vendor (Holtec International)

- Acceptance criteria per 10 CFR 50.68

  • Soluble boron credit for Keff 0.95 is 500 ppm or less

- Previously-accepted codes, uncertainty methods

  • Explicit 3D analysis of fuel/rack geometry using MCNP4a
  • Fuel burnup isotopics calculated using CASMO-4 17

Cask Pit Racks

  • Criticality Analysis - St. Lucie Unique

- Cask pit racks do not require soluble boron credit

- No criticality interface with existing racks 9 cask pit walls decouple cask pit from spent fuel pool

- Unit 2 Region 2 rack has burnup requirements 18

Cask Pit Racks Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis - Common

- Local analysis .- -

- Limiting configuration

- Design basis fuel load

-Outage-specific analyses

-Minimal increase in heat load

-Margin to boiling - D computational fluid dynamics (FLUENT) 19

Cask Pit Racks

  • Unit 2 Thermal-Hydraulic Effects

- Limiting configuration - keyway

- Fuel cooled 18 mos. 3.°,,.0 3.60e*02

- 1OF temp rise

- Previously accepted 9 69e.o*

3.58e+02 3.68e.02 3 57e+02 3.570+02 3.56e+02 1Y 3.56e+02 20

Cask Pit Racks

  • TH Analysis - St. Lucie Unique

- Single active failure applied per Standard Review Plan

- Bulk TH analysis used bounding system parameters

- Racks on platforms

- Isolated cask pits

  • TH Analysis - Turkey Point Unique

- Bulk TH analysis - simple configuration

- Bulk TH analysis same as 72-hr PLA 9 Realistic heat exchanger performance 21

Cask Pit Racks

  • Heavy Loads Handling - Common

- Initial installation with Holtec assistance

- Installed with cask handling crane

- Rack drop bounded by cask drop event 22

Cask Pit Racks

  • Heavy Loads Handling - St. Lucie Unique

- Single failure proof cranes

- Cask pit walls protect adjacent racks

  • Heavy Loads Handling - Turkey Point Unique

- Non-single-failure proof cranes

- Vacate fuel from cells under rack's shadow

-TS LCO 3.9.12 applies: 1525-hour decay time 23

Cask Pit Racks

  • Implementation at other plants

-Waterford 3 (approved 7/1998)

"* Cask pit rack for discharged fuel

"*Transfer canal racks (licensed contingency)

- Kewaunee (approved 1/2001)

  • Transfer canal racks for old fuel

- All from same vendor (Holtec) 24

Cask Pit Racks

  • Summary

- Comprehensive analyses per guidance

- Previously-approved methods, precedent

- One-year review schedules

- FPL organization to support questions

° Questions / Followup Items 25

St. Lucie Boraflex Remedy


- Gamma radiation-induced Boraflex degradation

  • Potential loss of reactivity hold-down

- Next Boraflex Test

  • 2004 Turkey Point o 2005 St. Lucie Unit 1

- Licensing Objective

  • TS Program for spent fuel management 26

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy P- oraf lex Testin Commitment to 5-year blackness tests

- 2000 blackness test results acceptable

- Next blackness test commitment 2005

- Expensive, burdensome

  • License

- Areal Renewal Boraflex Test Commitment Density (BADGER) test by 2016

- No change to License Renewal commitment 27

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy Boraflex Remedy Objectives

- Obviate Boraflex credit and Boraflex testing

- No loss of storage capacity (no water-holes)

- No new poison inserts

- Cost-effective

- Margin for spent fuel discharge contingencies

- Use Boral Cask Pit Rack for most reactive fuel

- Credit for burnup, control rods, decay 28

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy

  • Soluble

- Most Boron Credit - Design reactive, fresh fuel in cask pit rack

-Checkerboard loading hi/lo reactivity fuel 29

.,," -" " b St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy ALLOWED ALLOWED CHECKERBOARD LOADING REGION 1-TO-REGION 1 Region I Patterns PATTERNS (See Notes 1 and 2) RACK ALIGNMENTS (see Note 3)

"* For most reactive fuel "A" I-qlL1 Patternm 1--I I]

" 'Rack interface alignments OR Minimum Bumup (GWd/MTU)

Fuel Cooling Coefficients for Initial Enrichment Type Time WW~IW A B C 1.9 w/6 2.5 w/o 3.0 w/o 3.8 w/o 1 0 years 0.00 9.31 -24.39 0.00 0.00 3.54 10.99 2 0 years 0.00 10.51 -22.35 0.00 3.93 9.18 17.59 OR 3 0 years 0.00 10.97 -14.71 6.13 12.72 18.20 26.98 0 years -0.41 17.00 -21.39 9.43 18.55 25.92 37.29 12 years -0.54 16.22 -20.63 8.24 16.55 23.17 33.21 15 years -0.53 15.86 -20.07 8.15 16.27 22.74 32.54 20 years -0.46 15.11 -18.80 8.25 16.10 22.39 31.98 0 years -0.74 17.49 -19.72 10.84 19.38 26.09 36.06 5 .4 1 FTr1 -A


.17 Ar 4

'in AA 4.

17 OJ

.4 1


  • C St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy ALLOWED Region 2 Patterns CHECKERBOARD LOADING PATTERNS (See Notes I and 2)

RACK INTERFACE RESTRICTIONS For less reactive fuel OR OR No rack interface alignments Pattern "C" Pattem "D" Pattern "E" Reactive fuel on periphery

  • credits neutron leakage ALLOWED SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS:

Fresh fuel loading pattern Wall Interior rack cells Up to four Fresh Fuel Assemblies in Pattern "C"or Pattern "E"racks


° for contingency ittern F2FN10F

  • F FS (See Note 3) Mn = FRESH FUEL ASSEMBLY F-j= EMPTY CELL (See Note 4) 31

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy 1* Y 7 7 7 7 C

c 0 cJ cu C a, o*

V) t ca Industry Precedent -u 0 5


C') 0

-0 4




a W

0 Ul) tz 0z C 0

cu 0 a) Cn -J Ul) (L_ z U,) C,,

Soluble Boron Credit A A A A P A P Fuel checkerboard (hi/Io reactivity) A A A A P A P Non-fissile storage baskets as water hole A P P Fuel reconstitution in Region 2 P A P Credit for: A IV Decay time A A P A P Control rods A P A P Other inserts (stainless) IA Other inserts (borated stainless) P Other inserts (borated aluminum) P Axial blankets P Erbia/Gadolinia in fresh assemblies P A IFBA A A Radial neutron leakage in periphery A A P A P TS Program_ _ __ P __

A - Approved P-Proposed 32

- 'I t -

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy Other Tech Spec Changes

- Change criticality criterion per 10 CFR 50.68 e Currently Keff < 0.95 in unborated water

  • Proposed Keff < 1.0 in unborated water and < 0.95 with soluble boron credit

- Upgrade pool boron concentration to an LCO

- Add a 7-day boron concentration surveillance

- Remove description of Boraflex (and Boral) o Consistent with Improved Standard Tech Specs 33

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy Surporting Evaluations

- By Holtec International

"* Criticality

"* Thermal-Hydraulic

"* Seismic

"* Radiological

- By FPL

"* Boron Dilution Analysis

"* Environmental Assessment for occupational dose 34

StL Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy Criticality Analysis

- Experienced vendor (Holtec International)

- Acceptance criteria per 10 CFR 50.68

- Explicit 3D analysis of fuel/rack geometry using MCNP4a

- Credit for control rods, burnup, decay, axial blankets, radial neutron leakage on periphery

"*Axial burnup for blanketed/unblanketed fuel treated separately

"* Control rod depletion evaluated, insignificant

"*Fuel burnup isotopics calculated using CASMO-4

- Reasonable levels of soluble boron credit (500 ppm)

- Previously-accepted codes, uncertainty methods 35

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy Criticality Analysis - Boron Dilution Event

- Inadvertent dilution to 500 ppm (0.95 Keff) found not to be a credible event

"* TS boron concentration 1720 ppm

"* Normal boron concentration 2000 - 2400 ppm

"*Ample time to identify & respond (45 hours5.208333e-4 days <br />0.0125 hours <br />7.440476e-5 weeks <br />1.71225e-5 months <br />) to prevent dilution to 500 ppm 36

Boraflex Remedy

  • Benefits of a TS Program for spent fuel pool

- Compliance with 50.68 criticality criteria (TS)

- Controlled under 50.59

- Flexibility for future contingencies 37

Boraflex Remedy Summary

- Comprehensive analyses per guidance

- Previously-approved methods, precedent

- No new inserts for St. Lucie

- One-year review schedule

- Potential for future TS Program for fuel storage

- FPL organization to support questions

  • Questions / Followup Items 38

FPL Spent Fuel Storage

'Treatment of Control Rods (CEAs)

- Considered only in Pattern D

- Credited non-lead bank CEAs only - fully w/d at power

- Used initial B-10 loading

- Characteristics verified during LPPT

- Lifetime based on mechanical issues - not depletion

- Considered manufacturing tolerances

- Neglected Ag-In-Cd slug 46

FPL Spent Fuel Storage

  • Sensitivity Stud

-30% less B-1i0 in bottom 40" of each CEA finger

- Ap -90 pem

-Insignificant effect 47

St. Lucie Unit 1 Boraflex Remedy

  • Consideration of Axial Effects

- Used 3-D MCNP model for criticality calculations

- 10 Nodes w/more detail at rod ends

- Unit 1 SFP contains fuel with & w/o axial blankets

- Natural & enriched axial blankets

- Different enrichment range for each type fuel

- Separate axial burnup distributions

" Fuel w/o axial blankets - used Holtec standard

"* Profiles selected for blanketed fuel minimized end nodes' burnup

"* Enriched shapes used for natural blanket fuel

- Uniform shapes used at low burnup when shown to be more limiting

- Effects of different axial distributions in adjacent fuel