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Final Status Survey Release Record FA-0600 Primary Auxiliary Building Survey Unit 01
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 09/14/2004
From: Vanags U
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co
-RFPFR, FA-0600
Download: ML042710470 (35)


MAINE YANKEE FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD FA-0600 PRIMARY AUXILARY BUILDING SURVEY UNIT I Prepared By: ___ Date: 7/ zi-FSS eaist - Signature Printed Name Reviewed By: _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: g_ f___ ___

1FSS, MOP- Sisgnature Approved By: >Date: tt~S

/ndepndenAcv0f -ignature Approved By: Date:

o7Printd Printed amev Name Revision 0

-1 MAINE YANKEE FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD FA-0600 PRIMARY AUXILARY BUILDING SURVEY UNIT I A. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION FA0600 is the survey area that consists of the basement level of the Primary Auxiliary Building (PAB) at coordinates 407650N & 623850E using the Maine State Coordinate System (West Zone) NAD 1927, as shown on Map ID# FA0600-SITE in Attachment 1.

The PAB contained the liquid and gaseous storage and cleanup systems for reactor operations.

The basement construction was reinforced concrete floors and walls, and was located entirely within the Restricted Area (RA). During plant operation, most cubicles in the basement of the PAB were posted as radiation areas, and operational surveys confirmed the presence of contamination.

Survey Unit 1 of FA0600 consists of the concrete walls, doorways of the filter cubicles, and penetrations of the Pipe Tunnel from the 17 foot elevation to the I I foot elevation. Survey Unit I is shown on the maps in Attachment 1. The area of Survey Unit I is approximately 315 n2 .

B. SURVEY UNIT DESIGN INFORINIATION Based on the site historical information, as confirmed by site characterization, the area was designated as Class I survey unit per the LTP. The survey unit design parameters are shown in Table 1. Given a relative shift of 2.3, it was determined that 15 direct measurements were required for the Sign Test. Measurement locations were generated using a random start, fixed-grid and are shown on maps FA 0600-01 DP REF (Attachment 1). Once the direct readings were completed, removable contamination samples were obtained at each measurement location.

A 100% scan coverage of the area was required', and was accomplished by dividing the area into 432 grids. (Several scan grids wvere much less than I in2 area giving a total scan area of 315 in2 ).

The location of the scan grids is shown on maps FA 0600-O A through J (Attachment 1).

Instrument scan setpoints were conservatively set below the DCGLEtic, as shown in Table 2-2 (Attachment 2).

To accommodate measurement geometry requirements for surfaces of non-uniform smoothness, the SHIP-360 probe was used to augment the 43-68 or 43-37 scan survey. First, a 43-68 or 43-37 detector scan was performed on all surfaces, including those that were unlikely to meet geometry requirements for that model of probe, then a repeat scan, using the SHP-360 was performed on areas with surface irregularities that required a smaller probe size. The SFIP-360 was also used to scan concrete and steel penetrations. Ninety-degree surface junctures (i.e., wall-wall junctures) were scanned using the 43-68 probe with a reduced efficiency.

LTP Rev. 3, Table 5-3 FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Pace 2 of 35

Background values were established, for each particular instrument probe application (except SHP-360 for penetrations) based on ambient background values in the survey area and previously established material backgrounds. Ambient background for the SHP-360 used to survey penetrations utilized previously established backgrounds from a similar survey unit.

These background values, listed in Table 1, were used to establish net activity for direct measurements, scan alarm setpoints, and to confirm the scan MDCs used were appropriate.

The instruments used in this survey are listed by model and serial number in Attachment 2 (Table 2-1). Scan MDCs are also listed in Attachment 2 (Table 2-2) and are compared to the DCGL, the investigation level, and the DCGLENc. As shown in this table, the scan MDC is less than the scan investigation level in all cases, thus providing high confidence (95% or higher) that an elevated area would be detected in the scanning process. Actual background measurements were consistent with design backgrounds used to determine the instrument scan MDC values (listed in LTP Table 5-6). Further, since the investigation level for the primary scan probes (i.e.,

43-68 and 43-67), at the alarm setpoint, was always less than the design DCGLErc, no EMC sample size adjustment was necessary.

TABLE 1 SURVEY UNIT DESIGN PARAMETERS: FA-0600-01 Survey Unit 1 Design Criteria Basis Area 315 m2 _

Number of Direct Measurements Required 15 Based on an LBGR of 9000 dpm/lOOcm 2 ,

sigma 2 of 3811 dpm/lOOcm 2 , and relative shift of 2.3. Type I

=Type 11=0.05 Sample Area 21 m2 315 rnz/15 samples Sample Grid Spacing 4.5 m (21 m')'-

Scan Grid Area I m2 (approx.)

Area Factor 2.3 50 m2 /21 m2 per LTP, Rev.3' Scan Survey Area 315 m 2 100%

Background IM1 43-68 Direct and Scan (flat surfaces) 2961 dpm/ 100cm Ambient and Material 43-68 Scans (Junctures) 5916 dpm/I00 cm' Ambient and Material 43-37 Scans (Flat Surfaces) 1737 dpm/I00 cm 2 Ambient SHP-360 Scans (Penetrations-Steel) 2295 dpm/100 cm 2 Ambient SHP-360 Scans (Penetrations-Concrete) 12,384 dpm/100 cm2 Ambient and Material SHP-360 Scans (Surfaces Irregularities) 8662 dpm/100 cm 2 Ambient and Material Scan Investigation Level See Table 2-2 See Table 2-2 (Attach 2)

DCGL 18,000 dpm/100 cm2 LTP, Rev.3 Design DCGLEMc 41,400 dpm/100 cm2 LTP, Rev.3 2 Basis for sigma from PAB-EI. I I ft A0600, LTP Table 5-1 A 3 "LTP, Rev. 3" refers to the LTP submitted in October 2002 (Reference 1) as amended by the MY's addenda of November 2002 (Reference 2). LTP, Rev. 3 was approved by the NRC in February 2003 (Reference 3).

FA-0600-01. Revision 0 Page 3 of 35

Il C. SURVEY RESULTS Sixteen direct measurements were made in Survey Unit 1. All direct concrete measurements were below the DCGL. The direct measurement data are presented in Table 2.

Scanning resulted in multiple verified alarms. Thirty-nine verified alarms occurred during the 43-37 surface scans of which three grids also alarmed during duplicate surveys with the 43-68 probe. Twvo verified alarms occurred during the juncture scans using the 43-68 probe. Six verified alarms occurred during the augmented surface scans and penetration surveys using the SHP-360. The subsequent investigation work is discussed in the following section.

D. SURVEY UNIT INVESTIGATIONS PERFORMED AND RESULTS The surface scan identified 47 locations of potentially elevated activity. An investigation of each area was conducted via survey investigation package XA0600-01. Investigation results are summarized in Attachment 3 (Table 3-1).

TABLE 2 DIRECT MEASUREMENTS: FA0600 SURVEY UNIT 1 Sample Number Gross Activity Nct Activity (Table 1 Background Subtracted dpm/lOOcm2 dprn/lOOcrn2 FA0600011COOI1BD0000 3101 140 FA06000IC002BDOOOO 3315 354 FA060001I C003BDOOOO 3187 226 FA060001 1C004BDOOOO 3046 85 FA060001 IC005BDOOOO 3309 348 FA0600011 C006BDOOOO 3443 482 FA060001 IC007BDOOOO 3034 73 FA060001IC008BDOOOO 4188 1227 FA060001 IC009BDOOOO 3529 568 FA060001 ICOIOBDOOOO 3150 189 FA0600011COI IBDOOOO 3248 287 FA060001IC012BDOOOO 3480 519 FA060001lC013BDOOOO 3223 263 FA060001 CO14BDOOOO 3059 98 FA060001 ICO15BDOOOO 5067 2106 FA060001 IC016BDOOOO 3236 275 Sample Mean 3413 453

_Median 3242 281 Standard Deviation 522 522 Sample Range 3034-5067 73 - 2106 FA-0600-01, Revision 0 I'a-c 4 of 35

E. SURVEY UNIT DATA ASSESSMENT An analysis of the direct sample measurement results, including the mean, median, standard deviation, and sample result range, are provided in Table 2. All of the 16 direct concrete measurements were below the DCGL value of 18,000 dpm/1 00 cm 2 . The maximum direct sample result, not corrected for background, was equivalent to 5,067 dpm/I00 cm 2 . When adjusted for background, the mean residual contamination level is 453 dpm/100 cm 2 . This would be equivalent to an annual dose of 0.008 mrem.4 Forty-seven verified alarms were investigated, as shown in Table 3-1 of Attachment 3, and determined to be approximately 3. 1% of the Elevated Measurement Comparison unity limit, thereby satisfying the EMC criterion.

F. ADDITIONAL DATA EVALUATION Attachment 4 provides additional data evaluation associated with Survey Unit 1, including relevant statistical information. Based on survey unit direct measurement data, this attachment provides the Sign Test Summary, Quantile Plot, Histogram, and Retrospective Power Curve.

1. The Sign Test Summary provides an overall summary of design input (Table 1) and resulting calculated values used to determine the required number (N) of direct measurements (per LTP Section 5.4.2). The Sign Test Summary is a separate statistical analysis that also calculates the mean, median, and standard deviation of the direct measurements.

The critical value and the result of the Sign Test are provided in the Sign Test Summary table, as well as a listing of the key release criteria. As is shown in the table, all of the key release criteria were clearly satisfied for the FSS of this survey unit.

2. The Quantile Plot was generated from direct measurement data listed in Table 2. The data set and plot are consistent with expectations for a Class I survey unit. All of the measurements are well below the DCGL of 18,000 dpm/l 00 cm2 .
3. A Histogram Plot was also developed based on the direct measurement values. This plot shows that the direct data were essentially a log-normal distribution.
4. A Retrospective Power Curve was constructed, based on FSS results. The curve shows that this survey unit having a mean residual activity at a small fraction of the DCGL, has a high probability ("power") of meeting the release criteria. Thus, it can be concluded that the direct measurement data support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and that the data quality objectives were met.

As mentioned in Section B, removable contamination samples were obtained at each (direct) measurement location. In that this survey unit involved a (backfilled) basement and not a standing building, the removable contamination measurements were not applicable to release decisions for the survey unit. However, the samples were obtained and evaluated, indicating alpha activity less than the MDA values (i.e., < 3.2 dpmlO0 cm 2 ) and beta activity less than the MDA values (i.e., < 3.5 dpm/100 cm 2 ). Thus; in comparison with the mean survey unit net activity (Table 2), the removable contamination sampling effort indicated that the majority of activity is fixed.

4 This annual dose equivalent is based on LTP Table 6-1 1 which shows the contaminated concrete dose contribution (for surfaces contaminated at the DCGL) to be 0.301 mrem!y.

FA-0600-01. Revision 0 Page 5 of 35

G. CHANGES IN INITIAL SURVEY UNIT ASSUMPTIONS ON EXTENT OF RESIDUAL ACTIVITY The survey was designed as a Class I area; the FSS results were consistent with that classification. The post-remediation direct measurement sample standard deviation was less than the design sigma. Thus, a sufficient number of sample measurements were taken.

II. LTP CHANGES SUBSEQUENT TO SURVEY UNIT FSS The FSS of Survey Unit I was designed and performed using the criteria of the approved LTP (Revision 3 Addenda). The only subsequent LTP changes (with potential impact to this FSS) were provided in the proposed license amendment related to modifications of the activated concrete remediation plan submitted September II, 2003 (Reference 4). Changes represented in this later proposed license amendment have been evaluated and have no impact on the design, conduct, or assessment of the final status survey of Survey Unit 1.

I. CONCLUSION The FSS of this survey unit was designed based on the LTP designation as a Class 1 area. The survey design parameters are presented in Table 1. The required number of direct measurements was determined for the Sign Test in accordance with the LTP. As presented in Table 2, all beta direct measurements were less than the DCGL of 18,000 dpm/100 cm2 .

A Sign Test Summary analysis demonstrated that the Sign Test criteria were satisfied. The direct measurement sigma was determined to be less than that used for design, thus indicating that a sufficient number of samples were taken.

The Retrospective Power Curve shown in Attachment 4 confinned that sufficient samples were taken to support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and the data quality objectives were met. Attachment 4 also revealed that direct measurement data represented essentially a log-normal distribution, with variance consistent with expectations for a Class I survey unit.

The scan survey design for this survey unit was developed in accordance with the LTP with significant aspects of the design discussed in Section B and Table 1. Scanning resulted in multiple verified alarms for evaluation. Attachment 3 shows the areas identified by verified alarms and provides the results of the investigation actions. The areas under investigation were evaluated using the appropriate area factor. The survey unit was determined to satisfy the elevated measurement comparison unity rule per LTP methodology.

In addition, while not part of the release decision criteria, removable contamination sampling confinned that the majority of remaining activity in this basement survey unit was fixed.

It is concluded that FA0600 Survey Unit I meets the release criteria of IOCFR20.1402 and the State of Maine enhanced criteria.

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 6 of 35


1. Maine Yankee License Termination Plan, Revision 3, October 15, 2002
2. Maine Yankee letter to the NRC, MN-02-061, dated November 26, 2002
3. NRC letter to Maine Yankee, dated February 28, 2003
4. Maine Yankee letter to the NRC, MN-03-049, dated September ll, 2003.

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 7 of 35

Attachment I Survey Unit Maps FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 8 of 35

Maine Yankee Map ID # FA0600-SITE Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee DecommissioningProject Survey Form M Survey Type: El Characterization O Turnover

  • Final Status Survey PAB 623,000 E 623,500 E 624,000 E 624,500 E 625,000 E Sur-vey Ar-ea FA0600 MN 0 400 800 1200 Kf I-- --- N FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 9 of 35

Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee Decommissioning Project Survey Form lMap ID #: FA0600 I Survey Type: 0 Characterization O Turnover

  • Final Status Survey I Survey Area Name: PAB General Area PAB 11' rFA-0600-01, Revision 0

____'geIOQ of 35- .... .- _ _. --. --.__ __----

Maine Yankee A YakeF Map ID#:FA 0600-01 DP REF Decommissioning Team IMaine Yankee DecommissioningProjectSurvey Form IRevised: 11-20-03 Survey Type: E Characterization El Turnover S Final Status Survey ISurvey Area Name: Primary Auxiliary Building PAB: Survey Unit 1 Direct Points C001-C016 Wall Reference Map FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page I I of 35 Total Area = 315 sq-m L= 4.5 m N= 15


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Maine Yankee l I Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee Decommissioning Project Survey FormI Map ID#: FA0600-01H Survey Type: O Characterization O Turnover U Final Status Survey l Survey Area Name: PAB 11' Survey Unit 01 NE Walls I PpvikPd 11-17-nfl3 Wall Surfaces (12-15)

NE Corner 12 12 L382 IC383 L384 c379 C380 C381 L n

.9 t6 E~~II FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 19 of 35 -_---_------

Maine Yankee Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee Decommissioning Project Survey Form Map ID #: FA0600-011 I Survey El Turnover U Final Status SurveyI AllniA Area Name: 1'Survey PABT Unit Survey Type: El Characterization ICe -

(I) 4100N U) U1) 0

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<. - N C/O TOO LL I. oNEEORq 4)

PA \0600 01, Revision 0Z

_ , )2 of 35

Maine YanKee Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee Decommissioning Project Survey For Survey Type: E Characterization B Turnover LU Final Status Survey Survey Unit 1 Penetrations 4

4" metal 6" metal 4" n etal O QOcC 40 C438 C439 6" concreteQ K1 0 6 " :ncrete C437 C43g Trnch

Attachment 2 Survey Unit Instrumentation 1A-0600-01, Revision 0 I'agc 22 of 35

TABLE 2-1 Instrument Information E-600 SIN Probe S/N (type) 1933 149069 (43-68) 2619 149069 (43-68) 2489 148934 (43-68) 1622 148932 (43-68) 1929 149073 (43-68) 2488 148932 (43-68) 1933 149073 (43-68) 1622 168748 (43-37) 1933 168748 (43-37) 1929 463 (SHP-360) 2617 459 (SHP-360) 2620 453 (SHP-360) 2620 454 (SHP-360) 1933 463 (SHP-360)

FA-0600-0 1. Revision 0 Page 23 of 35

TABLE 2-2 Instrumcnt Scan MIDC and Comparison with DCGL, and Design DCGLEMC Detector 43-68 43-68 43-37 SHP-360 SHP-360 SHP-360 Flat Junctures Flat Penetrations Penetrations Surface

. (Steel) (Concrete) Irregularities Scan MIDC 1,832 4,330 3,663 4,876 18,501 10,484 (dpm/100 cm2) LTP Table 5-6 (Note 1) LTP Table 5-6 (Note 3) (Note 4) LTP Table 5-6 DCGL 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 (dpm/100 cin 2 )

Investigation 20,940 23,882 19,737 31,875 65,015 46,053 Level (Alarnm setpoint) (-DCGL + (-DCGL + (-DCGL + (Note 2) (Note 2) (Note 2)

(dppm/100 Cm2) Background) Background) Background)

(Note 6) (Note 6) (Notes 5 and 6)

Design 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 41,400 DCGLE.,C (dpmn/100 ci1 2 )

(from Release Record Table 1)


1. Scan NIDC for 43-68 from LTP Rev 3 was adjusted to account for reduced efficiency when applied to juncture geometry.
2. The SHP-360 scans were performed on grid areas of I ml or less. Elevated areas for investigation detected by SHP-360 are typically of I or 2 probe area size (15-30 ci 2 ) and therefore add little to the ENIC fraction. The specific alarm setpoints were established below the I m2 DCGLEMC of 900,000 dpm/lOOcm 2.
3. M11DC Scan for SHP-360 from LTP Rev3 was adjusted to account for pipe curvature and bare metal efficiency.
4. MIDC Scan for SHP-360 on concrete penetrations is estimated from the LTP SHP-360 adjusted for penetration curvature.
5. Investigation level calculated for only 100 cm 2 of detection surface area.
6. Alarm setpoints were typically rounded to the nearest 5 c/m.

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 24 of 35

Attachment 3 Investigation Table FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 25 of 35

TABLE 3-1 Investigation Table Scan Alarm Scan Investigation DCGLE1%,C Comparison Elevated Area Alarm Alarm Scaler Area AF DCGLENMC Elevated Area DCGLErc Grid No. Setpoint Value (cpm) (cm 2 ) (dpm/lOOcm 2 ) Activity 6 Comparison (Instrument (cpm) (cpm) (dpm/l OOcm 2) Fraction Used) ***

C021 3,880 3,890 1602 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)__ ___

C029 3,880 13,250 5,460 200 2500 4.5E7 33,333 7.4E-4 (43-37) 3,880 4,070 I ,4/AA< G C030 3,880 4,070 1,684 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) 3,880 400 ,4N/ NAA<CL C031-3,880 4,090 1,456 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C073 3,880 4,000 1,498 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C074 3,880 4,300 1,596 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C080 3,880 5,160 2,440 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-337) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _____________G_

C081 3,880 5,540 2,340 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C084 3,880 4,230 1,241 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL (4 3 -3 7 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5 For investigation purposcs, consistent with LTP dose modeling for basement concrete surfaces and LTP Section 6.8. 1,a conservative area factor was determined by the formula of AF = 50 m2 / actual size of the elevated area.

6 As an additional conservatism, the background and the Survey Unit mean activity have not been subtracted in calculating the elevated area activity.

FA-0600-0 1, Revision 0 Page 26 of 35

Scan Alarm Scan Investigation DCGLEMC Comparison Elevated Area Alarm Alarm Scaler Area AF5 DCGLEMc Elevated Area DCGLEMC Grid No. Setpoint Value (cpm) (cm2 ) (dpm/l00cm2 ) Activity 6 Comparison (Instrument (cpm) (cpm) (dpm/l 00cm2 ) Fraction Used) *** 3 C180 3,880 4,310 1,703 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) 38,17NNN< G C196 3,880 4,250 1,043 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C202 3,880 4,630 1,713 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C223 3,880 4,620 1,286 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C228 3,880 5,040 1,707 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) 3812NA NNAD L C229 3,880 3,880 932 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-3 7)__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

C232 3,880 4,270 1,701 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C241 3,880 5,080 1,790 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)__ ___

C4'3,880 6,280 4,670 100 5000 9.0E7 28,510 3.2E-4 (43-37)

C246 3,880 4,090 1,537 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C258 3,880 3,890 1,266 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

This grid also alarmed during initial surveys with the 43-68 probe.

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 27 of 35

Scan Alarm Scan Investigation DCGLENIC Comparison Elevated Area Alarm Alarm Scaler Area [AP DCGLEMC Elevated Area DCGLENIC Grid No. Setpoint Value (cPm) (cm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm 2 ) Activity 6 Comparison (Instrument (cpm) (cpm) (dpm/100cm2 ) Fraction Used) *** _

C274 3,880 5,330 1,540 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (4 3 -3 7 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C275 )3,880 4,100 1,329 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37) _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C277 3,880 7,830 4,810 100 5000 9.0E7 29,365 3.3E-4 (4-3-37)__ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _

C278 3,880 4,670 1,525 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)__ _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _

C279 3,880 5,590 1,033 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (4 3-3-7 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C280 3,880 4,560 1,317 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 C284 3,880 4,380 499 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-317) _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C291 3,880 4,540 2,370 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)____

C292' 3,880 6,060 4,620 100 5000 9.0E7 28,205 3.1 E-4 (43-37) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C293 3,880 7,120 2,260 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0

- (43-3)7) _ _ _ _ _

C295' 3,880 9,140 4,730 100 5000 9.0E7 28,877 3.2E-4 (43-37) 3,880 6 09 AAAC C297 3,880 6,390 879 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0

- (4 3 - 3 7 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 28 of 35

Scan Alarm Scan Investigation DCGLEMC Comparison Elevated Area Alarm Alarm Scaler Area AF: DCGLEMc Elevated Area DCGLEMC Grid No. Setpoint Value (cpm) (cm2 ) (dpm/lOOcm 2 ) Activity 6 Comparison (Instrument (cpm) (cpm) (dpm/ OOcm2) Fraction Used) ***

C298 3,880 6,190 2,800 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C314 3,880 3,950 1,556 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C315 3,880 4,880 1,963 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C320 3,880 4,060 549 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C333 3,880 3,970 1,190 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C338 3,880 4,080 1,619 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C399 3,880 5,780 2,170 N/A N/A N/A <DCGL 0 (43-37)

C408 1,655 1,745 1,549 100 5000 9.0E7 22,352 2.5E-4 (43-68)

Juncture C420 1,655 1,869 1,540 100 5,000 9.0E7 22,222 2.5E-4 (43-68)

Juncture C081 420 553 647 100 5,000 9.0E7 70,943 7.9E-4 (SHP-360)

C165 420 477 276 20 25,000 4.5E8 30,263 6.7E-5 (SHP-360)

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 29 of 35

Scan Alarm _ _ Scan Investigation DCGLENtC Comparison Elevated Area I Alarm I Alarm I Scaler I Area ATP DCGLENIC Elevated Area DCGLE.Ic Grid No. Setpoint Value (cpm) (cm ) 2 (dpm/lOOcm ) Activity 6 Comparison (Instrument (cpm) (cpm) (dpm/l 00cm2 ) Fraction Used) *** _ __

C292 420 508 761 20 25,000 4.5E8 83,443 1.9E-4 (SHP-360)

C293 420 646 1,087 120 4166 7.5E7 119,189 1.59E-3 (SHP-360)

C436 336 360 151 1 20 25,000 4.5E8 29,218 6.5E-5 (SHP-360) Pen _

C437 336 415 462 100 5,000 9.0E7 89,396 9.93E-4 (SHP-360) Pen Survey Unit N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DCGL, Survey Unit 0.0252 Remainder =18,000 Mean

= 453 Total 0.031 All alarms occurring wvitlh th 43-37 were evaluated vith thc 43-68.

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 30 of 35

Attachment 4 Statistical Data FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 31 of 35

Survey Package FA-0600 Unit 1 Surface Sign Test Summary i; '-g>">9valuatiof' ' npt1'aue' ' mmenl

'.'j,>>1- , ,Ih..h "0,L,'

Survey Package: FA-0600 Primary Auxiliary Building Survey Unit: 01 Evaluator: GP DCGL,: 18,000 DCGLemc: 41,400 LBGR: 9,000 Sigma: 3,811 Type I error: 0.05 Type11 eror:0.05 Total Instrument Efficiency: 13.0%

Detector Area (cm2): 126 Concrete Choosing 'N/A' sets material Material Type: Unpainted background to "0"

> ~sCal'cwu'atted.V iZiles'.

,Cs jvm dfim a,- Stx,.rrongffi Z1,l: 1.645 Z. 0[ 1.645 Sign p: 0.97725 Calculated Relative Shift: 2.3 Relative Shift Used: 2.3 Uses 3.0 if Relative Shift >3 N-Value: 12 N-Value+20%: . 15 Number of Samples: 16 Median: 282 Mean: 454 Net Static Data Standard Deviation: 522 Total Standard Deviation: 551 SRSS Maximum: 2,107

<,*,-t .-r'o'.~gr~ ;SiriTs sdtW l;,;,-.,*E, -I' 'om rstW r Adjusted N Value:l 16 S+ Value:l 16 Critical Value:J . 11

<ir-or a 'itj'sfatlbh o_ s2j Sufficient samples collected: Pass Maximum value <DCGL,: Pass Median value <DCGL,: Pass Mean value <DCGL,: Pass Maximum value <DCGLemc: Pass Total Standard Deviation <=Sigma: Pass Sign test results: Pass T-e survey FinasStatuses-all .odt 1P ' ss -

The survey unit passes all conditions:l Pass FA-0600-SU 1-SurfaceSign FA-0600-0 1, Revision 0 8/9/04 8:49 AM Page 32 of 35

One-Sample T-Test Report Page/Date/Time 2 8/9104 8:50:10 AM Database C:\Program Files\NCSS97\FA0600SU1.S0 Variable C2 Plots Section Histogram of FA-0600, SU-1 12.000 va) 0~ 9.000 E

CD 6.000

.0 E)

E z 3.000 0.000

.1 -E A 0.00' 625.000 1250.000 1875.000 '2500.000 Activity (dpm/100 cm2)

FA-0600-01, Revision 0 Page 33 of 35

One-Sample T-Test Power Analysis Page/Date/Time 2 7/12/04 10:00:10AM Chart Section Retrospective Power Curve I \ I II I I 0 .8- . . . E I l\II QL 0


0.-- - -- ------ . - -- - -- - ----

0 . -2 - -\- - I- -

'I II \ II 0.0 . .  ;

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Survey Unit Mean FA-0600-01, Rcvision 0 Page 34 of 35

FA-0600 SU-1 Quantile Plot 2500 CNE 2000 0


I CD C 1500

  • Activity (dpm/1 00 0.

-0 us"IC7, cm2)

C a

w C

-Median (dpm/100 1000

  • .-.O cm2) 05 500

'W i.

. ., . I 0

0 25 50 75 100 Percent