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to Maine Yankee Final Status Survey Release Record FD-3500 Storm Drains Survey Unit 2.
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/20/2005
From: Pillsbury G
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co
FD-3500-02, Rev 1
Download: ML051750700 (28)


- -

MAINE YANKEE FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD FD-3500 STORM DRAINS SURVEY UNIT 2 Prepared By: _Date: &55 Printed Name Reviewed By: Date: ISos FSS Si ltuignature Printed Name Reviewed By: -a Indeendert D


Signature 6 //6 /os cla &I M,-- f f ate v P-rinteidNare Approved By: P Date: /4/S FSS, McP - SSignature Printed Name Rcvision I



SHEET ITEM Key Changes I Section A Clarified description information used for the initial FSS. l 2 Section B Added information leading to CR 05-025 and CR 05-030. l 3 Section C No changes l Section D Clarified that investigation activities occurred-as a result of CRs05-025 and 5 Section E Added information on CR 05-025 and CR 05-030 evaluation results. I 6 Section F Added data taken as a result of the investigation for CR 05-030. l Section G Added a statement that there wvas no change in Classification as a result of the CRs.

8 Section H No changes l 9 Section I No changes I 10 Section J Added the CRs as references. l 11 Attachment I Added new drawing depicting the as left condition. l 12 Attachment 2 Added MDCs for ISOCS Investigations. Corrected footnote 2.

13 Attachment 3 Clarified that the initial FSS of FD3500 SU-2 required no investigation. l 14 Attachment 4 replaced an incorrect version of the Histogram. I FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 2 of 30

MAINE YANKEE FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD FD-3500 STORM DRAINS SURVEY UNIT 2 A. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION Survey Unit 2 is a portion of Survey Area FD-3500, the Storm Drains survey area. The Storm Drains accommodated the overboard discharge of surface water through buried piping of varying diameters and material types across the developed portion of the site. The survey area consists of Class 1 and Class 3 piping sections. The classification of individual piping sections was based on their potential for contamination, this determination was based primarily on location. The initial survey classes for particular sections were specified in Attachment 5A of the License Termination Plan (LTP, Reference 1).

Survey Unit 2 consists of the piping leading into Outfalls 9 and 10 (Storm Drain Sections I and 2, respectively per LTP Attachment 5A). The outfalls are located near grid coordinate 407,500 N and 624,500 E using the Maine State Coordinate System (West Zone) NAD 1927.

Outfalls 9 and 10 and the associated piping are shown in relation to other major site structures in map FD 3500-02 SITE and FD 3500-2 REF. All maps referenced in this release record are provided in Attachment 1 unless otherwise noted. The original survey unit, when FSS was performed, was approximately 416 in2 .

B. SURVEY UNIT DESIGN INFORMATION The storm drain pipe sections for outfalls 9 and 10 were designated Class 3 per the LTP Revision 3.

Initial classification was based on the fact that, aside from surface water drainage of Class 3 areas, the only known potential source for radiological contamination of the survey unit was the temporary liquid effluent' discharge hose that ran through the pipe. The hose was a continuous piece of hose which ran from Manhole 20 to the Outfall 10 discharge point (see map FD 3500-2 REF of Attachment 1). Prior to and through the Spent Fuel Pool drain down, the hose was routinely pressure tested prior to each discharge. No evidence was found to indicate any leakage from the hose into the pipe. Following Spent Fuel Pool discharge in August 2004, the hose was rerouted through Manhole 5 to the FRAC tank and the overboard line was run above ground. All effluent discharges through Outfall 10 were permanently discontinued prior to performing the FSS of the survey unit. Following FSS, two events occurred which had the potential to impact the survey unit classification as described in CRs05-025 and 05-030. The following information is a summary of the information contained in the CRs and the final conclusion that the survey unit classification was not impacted by these events.

All effluent concentrations were below 10 CFR 20 Subpart 0, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 values.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 3 of 30

In accordance with LTP section 3.2.4 and as part of remediation for FR0200 SU-6 and SU-7, the storm drain manholes upstream of outfall 10 were prepared for removal. The first step was to remove the waste discharge hose between the FRAC Tank and manhole 20. The first attempt occurred on 4/22/05 at manhole 19. However, during the removal process the hose broke between manhole 19 and manholes 18/20. The sediment in manhole 19 was sampled on 4/22/05 with <0.04 pCi/g Cs-137 and Co-60 present. The area around the manhole was scanned with a SPA-3 with no areas of elevated activity identified. The manhole was removed and backfilled with clean material.

Prior to removing manhole 18 on 5/4/05, the remaining section of hose between manholes 5, 18, and l9 were removed through MH 18. The manhole was sampled and found to contain 1.02 pCi/g Co-60. SPA scans performed around the manhole revealed no indication of elevated areas, the manhole was removed, and backfilled with clean material. The sediment activity in manhole 18 was greater than 50% of the soil DCGL but had no impact on the pipe/manhole surface. On 5/16/05, manhole 5 was sampled and no activity above the MDA of 0.07 pCi/g Cs-137 and Co-60 was detected. SPA-3 scans were made in accessible portions of the pipe between MH 5 and MH 18 with no contamination found in the pipe.

MH-5 was removed on 5/19/05. The post manhole removal soil sample from beneath the manhole was <0.05 pCi/g Cs-137 and Co-60. The manhole was backfilled with clean material.

When manhole 20 was being removed, the last section of the liquid waste hose was being pulled out wvhen a quantity of water was released from the hose into manhole 20. The operation was immediately halted and samples of water and sediment were collected from manhole 20. Both media contained Co-60 activity (the water activity was 1E-4 uCi/mL and the sediment was 39 pCi/g.) CR 05-030 was written to document this event. Manhole 20 was removed on 5/31/05 along with the hose. The underlying soil was sampled and found

<0.08 pCi/g Cs-137 and Co-60. The hole was backfilled with clean material.

As part of the evaluation for CR 05-030, data were collected and analyzed to determine if the Class 3 designation for outfall 10 was still appropriate pursuant to LTP section 5.6.4. At the time of the evaluation, the manholes between MH 20 and outfall 10 had all been removed.

The drain pipe between MH 20 and MH 19 had the potential to be contaminated by the activity from the drain hose so the pipe was removed. The next down stream pipe segment (approximately 13 feet between MH 19 and MH 18) was removed and surveyed on 6/4/05 to check for any evidence of contamination above a fraction of the buried pipe DCGL. Forty-two direct beta measurements and scans were made with a gas-proportional detector with a maximum direct reading of 893 dpm/I00 cm2 (9% of the DCGL). There were two scans of 1500 cpm (equivalent to a maximum of 7200 net dpm/100 cm2 which were subjected to one minute scaler counts which showed a maximum of 574 dpm/100 cm2.) The remainder of the scans had less than 3400 net dpm/100 cm2. In order to further rule out the high scan values, ISOCS measurements were performed on the pipe with a maximum value of 174 dpm/100 cm2 (2% of the DCGL). The results of the full evaluation were documented in CR 05-030. Based on this evaluation, it is appropriate in accordance with section 5.6.1 to retain the designation for Section 2 of the storm drain piping system downstream of MH 19 as a Class 3 survey unit. In addition, the area excavated for pipe removal between MH 19 and MH 20 will be FSS surveyed as part of FRO200 SU-6 and SU-7. Refer to map FD 3500-2 As Left for the final survey unit configuration.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 4 of 30

The survey unit design parameters for outfall 9 and 10 are shown in Table 1. Given an adjusted relative shift of 3, it was determined that 14 direct measurements were required for the Sign Test; however, the number of samples was increased because the LTP also requires a minimum of 30 direct samples points (to accommodate an efficient field layout, 32 were taken).

Measurement locations for outfalls 9 and 10 were determined by equally distributing the measurement locations along the circumference and length of the accessible areas of the piping at the outfall. Since the outfall is the lowest elevation of the survey unit, it is considered to be an appropriate location for sampling, as is suggested by the LTP as a key element of the survey design for Class 3 piping. Locations are illustrated on the maps PD 3500-2c and FD 3500-2f. Removable contamination samples were obtained at each measurement location.

The survey was also designed to include 20 scan grids for surfaces, each of approximately 0.3 m or smaller area (see maps FD 3500-2a, FD 3500-2b, FD 3500-2d, PD 3500-2e). The total area scanned was approximately 4.7 m2 which is 1.1% of the survey unit area.

Instrument scan setpoints were set at the DCGL plus background, as shown in Table 2-2 (Attachment 2).

To accommodate measurement geometry requirements for surfaces of differing curvatures and damp sample locations, 43-68 data was evaluated with different efficiencies, as appropriate. Due to the presence of 0.25" of water in the bottom of the piping in Outfall 10, two in situ gamma spectroscopy (ISOCS) measurements were made to completely scan accessible areas of the piping.

Background values were established for each particular instrument probe application based on ambient background scaler values in the survey unit and previously established material backgrounds. These background values, listed in Table 1, were used to establish net activity for direct measurements.

Since scan measurements are performed in peak hold mode, it is appropriate to apply a peak hold background for calculating scan setpoints. The background applied was the ambient peak hold average value used in determining the material background for concrete (622 cpm)

Reference 5.

The instruments used in this survey are listed by model and serial number in Attachment 2 (Table 2-1). Scan MDCs are also listed in Attachment 2 (Table 2-2) and are compared to the DCGL and the investigation level. As shown in this table, the scan MDC is less than the scan investigation level in all cases, thus providing high confidence (95% or higher) that an elevated area would be detected in the scanning process.

In addition to FSS measurements and the measurements taken to support the closure of CR 05-025 and CR 05-030, one sediment sample was removed from each of the first catch basins above Outfalls 9 and 10. These two samples were counted to environmental LLDs by laboratory gamma spectroscopy with < 0.15 pCi/g Cs-137 and Co-60.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 5 of 30

TABLE 1 SURVEY UNIT DESIGN PARAMETERS Survey Unit Design Critcria Basis Area 416 m Based on an LBGR of 4,900 dpm/l OOcm 2 sigma 2 of 727 Number of Direct 30 dpm/I00 cm , and an adjusted Measurements Required relative shift of 3.0, N = 14 for Type I = Type II = 0.05 (Minimum = 30 per the LTP)

Sample Area N/A Class 3 Sample Grid Spacing N/AClass 3 Scan Grid Area 0.18 m2, 0.29 m2 6-inch bands for 15" and 24" Area Factor N/AClass 3 Scan Survey Area 4.7 M2 (1.1%) Class 3 (1 10%) required Background ?  ; e Outfall 9 (24" diameter) 43-68 Direct 3,358 dpm/100 cm 2 Ambient and Material Scaler Value (dry concrete surfaces)

Outfall 9 (24" diameter) 43-68 Direct 7,569 dpm/100 cm2 Ambient and Material Scaler Value (damp concrete surfaces)

Outfall 10 (15" diameter) 43-68 Direct 3,312 dpm/100 cm2 Ambient and Material Scaler Value (dry concrete surfaces)

Outfall 9 (24" diameter) 43-68 Scan 3,797 dpm/100 cm2 Peak hold ambient value (dry concrete surfaces)

Outfall 10 (15" diameter) 43-68 Scan 4,747 dpmll 00 cm2 Peak hold ambient value (dry surfaces)

Outfall 9 (24" diameter) 43-68 Scan 10,034 dpm/100 cm2 Peak hold ambient value (damp surfaces)

Scan Investigation Level DCGL plus background See Table 2-2 (Attachment 2)

DCGL9,800 dpm/100 cm' LTP, Rev. 3 Design DCGLEIC N/A Class 3 C. SURVEY RESULTS Thirty-two direct measurements were made in Survey Unit 2. Once corrected for ambient and material background, all direct measurements were less than 50% of the DCGL. The resulting data are presented in Table 2 below. No verified alarms were received during the surface scans. The two ISOCS measurements performed in Outfall 10 were less than MDA for Cs-137 and Co-60. Therefore, no investigations were required.

2 Design sigma is based on sigma values of Turbine Building draining into these Class 3 portions of FD-3500.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 6 of 30

TABLE 2 DIRECT MEASUREMENTS SampAle Location Gross ctiviT Net Activity SapeLcto q (Tbe1Background Subtracted)

1. dpm/100 cm dprn/100 cm 2 FD3500-02-COO1 8,727 1,158 FD3500-02-C002 3,150 -208 FD3500-02-C003 4,585 1,227 FD3500-02-C004 3,199 -159 FD3500-02-CO05 9,421 1,852 FD3500-02-C006 3,309 -49 FD3500-02-C007 4,664 1,306 FD3500-02-C008 3,492 134 FD3500-02-C009 10,388 2,820 FD3500-02-CO1O 3,523 165 FD3500-02-COI1 4,518 1,160 FD3500-02-C012 3,315 -43 FD3500-02-CO13 10,259 2,691 FD3500-02-C014 3,370 12 FD3500-02-C015 4,866 1,508 FD3500-02-C016 3,846 488 FD3500-02-C027 3,342 31 FD3500-02-C028 3,274 -38 FD3500-02-C029 3,976 664 FD3500-02-C030 3,365 53 FD3500-02-C031 3,526 214 FD3500-02-C032 3,167 -145 FD3500-02-C033 3,083 -229 FD3500-02-C034 3,404 92 FD3500-02-C035 3,907 595 FD3500-02-C036 3,434 122 FD3500-02-C037 3,549 237 FD3500-02-C038 3,831 519 FD3500-02-C039 3,648 336 FD3500-02-C040 3,793 481 FD3500-02-C041 3,770 458 FD3500-02-C042 3,556 244 Mean 4,414 553 Median 3,552 240 Standard Deviation 2,092 788 Sample Range 3,083 to 10,388 -229 to 2,820 NOTE: Measurements COO 1 through CO 16 were obtained in the 24" pipe.

The efficiency and background values for damp concrete were applied to locations COO 1, COO5, C009, and C013.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 7 of 30

D. SURVEY UNIT INVESTIGATIONS PERFORMED AND RESULTS No investigations were required during FSS as there were no verified scan alarms.

Investigations and evaluations performed as part of CR 05-025 and CR 05-030 are described in section B. Samples and survey results showed no activity above a small fraction of the DCGL for the pipe which remained. Pipe with a potential to be contaminated above the DCGL was removed along with the intervening manholes. No reclassification of the remaining storm drain pipe was required.

E. SURVEY UNIT DATA ASSESSMENT An analysis of the direct sample measurement results, including the mean, median, standard deviation, and sample result range, are provided in Table 2. The maximum direct sample result with background subtracted was equivalent to 2,820 dpm/100 cm 2 .

All 43-68 scan data was less than the investigation levels; therefore, there were no investigations required. The ISOCS scan measurements did not detect plant-derived activity in excess of the MDAs. The maximum ISOCS scan measurement MDAs were 201 dpm/l00 cm2 and 268 dpm/1 00 cm2 for Co-60 and Cs-1 37 respectively.

When adjusted for background, the mean residual contamination level is 553 dpm/100 cm2 .

This is equivalent to an annual dose of 0.0001 mrem 3 .

During the evaluation performed as part of CR 05-025 and CR 05-030, two scan results of 1500 c/m on the "representative" pipe segment between MH 18 and MH 19 were anomalous.

This was confirmed by one minute scaler counts which showed a maximum of 566 counts.

F. ADDITIONAL DATA EVALUATION Attachment 4 provides additional data evaluation associated with Survey Unit 2, including relevant statistical information. Based on survey unit direct measurement data, this attachment provides the Sign Test Summary, Quantile Plot, Histogram, and Retrospective Power Curve.

I. The Sign Test Summary provides an overall summary of design input (Table 1) and resulting calculated values used to determine the required number (N) of direct measurements (per LTP Section 5.4.2). The Sign Test Summary is a separate statistical analysis that also calculates the mean, median, and standard deviation of the direct measurements.

The critical value and the result of the Sign Test are provided in the Sign Test Summary table, as well as a listing of the key release criteria. As is shown in the table, key release criteria were satisfied, with one exception. An "investigate" flag was produced because the direct measurement sigma exceeded the design sigma, however, sufficient power is evident, particularly when one considers that 32 samples wvere taken for the FSS of this survey unit.

3 From Table 6-11 of the LTP, the buried piping dose is 2.52E-03 mrem/y, therefore, (553/9,800) x 2.52E-03 =

0.0001 mrem/y.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 8 of 30

2. The Quantile Plot was generated from direct measurement data listed in Table 2 and indicates general symmetry about the median. The data set and plot are consistent with expectations for a Class 3 survey unit. There is no reason to conclude that the data set represents other than random variations in a Class 3 concrete surface survey unit. It also should be noted that the maximum net activity (2,820 dpm/lI 00 cm 2 at location C009) is well below 50% of the DCGL.
3. A Histogram Plot was also developed based on the direct measurement values. This plot shows that the direct data were essentially a normal distribution.
4. A Retrospective Power Curve was constructed, based on FSS results. The curve shows that this survey unit having a mean residual activity at a small fraction of the DCGL, has a high probability ("power") of meeting the release criteria. Thus, it can be concluded that the direct measurement data support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and that the data quality objectives were met.

As mentioned in Section B, removable contamination samples were obtained at each (direct) measurement location. In that this survey unit involved buried piping area and not a standing building, the removable contamination measurements were not applicable to release decisions for the survey unit. However, the samples were obtained and evaluated, indicating alpha activity less than the MDA values (i.e., < 3.8 dpm/l 00 cm 2 ) and the beta activity also generally less than the MDA values. Two of the 32 samples indicated beta activity above MDA with a maximum value of 3.5 dpm/lO00 cm 2 . Thus, in comparison with the mean survey unit net activity (Table 2), the removable contamination sampling effort indicated that the majority of activity is fixed. Smears are typically taken immediately after performing direct measurements. Due to an instrument failure, this was not the case in Outfall 10 where measurements were repeated. The removable contamination was negligible; consequently, this has no impact on the validity of direct measurement results.

Although not applicable to the initial release decisions, the gamma spectroscopy analyses of catch basin sediment samples taken during FSS found no plant-derived nuclides in excess of environmental MDA values.

Sediment samples taken as part of the CR evaluations showed no activity in MH 5. Sediment activity greater than 50% of the soil DCGL was found in MH 18 but had no impact on the manhole surfaces. Sediment samples in MH 19 showed no plant derived activity. Manholes 5, 18, 19, and 20 were removed.

The in situ gamma spectroscopy of the drain pipe made in response to the CR found < 174 dpm/100 cm2 and the 42 beta surface measurements had an average of 270 dpm/l00 cm2 with a maximum of 893 dpm/100 cm2 as reported in the evaluation for CR 05-030 which further demonstrates that the system was appropriately classified.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 9 of 30

G. CHANGES IN INITIAL SURVEY UNIT ASSUMPTIONS ON EXTENT OF RESIDUAL ACTIVITY The survey wvas designed as a Class 3 area; the FSS results were consistent with that classification. Actions taken to evaluate CR 05-025 and CR 05-030 further substantiate the appropriateness of the Class 3 designation. The direct measurement sample standard deviation was greater than the design sigma. However, the survey unit easily passed the Sign Test. Thus, a sufficient number of sample measurements were taken.

Il. LTP CHANGES SUBSEQUENT TO SURVEY UNIT FSS The FSS of Survey Unit 2 was designed, performed, evaluated, and reviewed from late 2004 to early 2005. The design was performed to the criteria of the approved LTP (Revision 3 Addenda). There were no subsequent LTP changes with the potential to impact the design, conduct, or assessment of the final status survey of Survey Unit 2.

I. CONCLUSION The FSS of this survey unit was designed based on the LTP designation as a Class 3 area.

The survey design parameters are presented in Table 1. The required number of direct measurements was determined for the Sign Test in accordance with the LTP. As presented in Table 2, all beta direct measurements were less than 50% of the DCGL (9,800 dpm/Il 00 cm2 )

after being corrected for background.

A Sign Test Summary analysis demonstrated that the Sign Test criteria were satisfied. The direct measurement sigma was determined to be greater than that used for design, but a sufficient number of samples were taken to produce adequate power.

The Retrospective Power Curve shown in Attachment 4 confirmed that sufficient samples were taken to support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and the data quality objectives were met. Attachment 4 also revealed that direct measurement data represented essentially a normal distribution, with variance consistent with expectations for a Class 3 survey unit.

The scan survey design for this survey unit was developed in accordance with the LTP with significant aspects of the design discussed in Section B and Table 1. Scanning resulted in no verified alarms. ISOCS measurements were used to supplement the scan data due to water on the bottom of the pipe. The ISOCS results did not identify any plant-derived activity.

In addition, while not part of the release decision criteria, removable contamination sampling confirmed that the majority of remaining activity in this survey unit was fixed. Sediment samples taken from the catch basins did not identify plant-derived activity.

It is concluded that FD-3500 Survey Unit 2 meets the release criteria of IOCFR20.1402 and the State of Maine enhanced criteria.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page lOof30


1. Maine Yankee License Termination Plan, Revision 3, October 15, 2002
2. Maine Yankee letter to the NRC, MN-02-061, dated November 26, 2002
3. NRC letter to Maine Yankee, dated February 28, 2003
4. Maine Yankee letter to the NRC, MN-03-049, dated September 11, 2003
5. Maine Yankee Engineering Calculation EC-039-01
6. CR 05-025, "Radioactivity Found in Storm Drain Manhole 18" and CR 05-030, "Demolition Activities Potentially Contaminated a Portion of FD-3500 SU-2 Near Manhole (MH) 20" FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 11 of 30

Attachment 1 Survey Unit Maps FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 12 of 30

T7 F-5n ci, 0

cf) u) Lo c0 O L- z z z z z z z z z z z

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U) 5 g g f-624, 300 C

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Co C.)

  • -S U)


'a CU

[L E

ai C

F-0 O C -S0 CD Co E N

- 626. 000 E a) 0 2) co


  • ~E a,
0. FD 3500 Survey Unit 2 El 0

C) Note: Grid based on Maine State Coordinate System U) (West Zone) NAD 1927

Maine Yankee Map IDIt: FID 350(

Decommissioning Team lMaie Yankee Decomnissioning Project Survey Form Revised:1/31105 Survey Type: E Characterization El Turnover X Final Status Survey ISurvey Area Name: Ouffalls 9 & 10 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfalls 9 & 10

/7'/ J-.eference Map


/ /





7 15" Concrete Pipe 235' from MH 05 r" Concrete Pipe ACf Ols?

Outfall 1t Outfall 9 Storm Drain Leg Total Interior Surface Area = 201 sq-M FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 14 of 30 Outfall 10 Storm Drain Leg Total Interior Surface Area = 215 sq-m

Maine Yankee Map ID #: FD 3500-2a Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee DecomimissioningProjectSurvey Forn IRevised: 1/26/05 Survey Type: [1 Characterization O Turnover X Final Status Survey ISurvey Area Name: Outfall 9 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfall 9 Survey Scans C017 - C021 End of

-TTOP,0- -- , TOP,0- - TOP.0- -- , TOP,0- TOP,o I O-CcW I- I90-CW 90-MCW -+-oCW _ -0OCW

-j180OCW 80*CW ai -18OtCW 1 18OcW 8OtcW 270-CW -270-CW -270-CW --- +270 CW -- 270-CW

- TOP. 0- L LTOP, 0. -TOP. 0- - TOP, 0 TOP, 0-CO 7 C018 C019 C020 C021 FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 15 of30 Total Surface Scan Area for Outfall 9= 2.9 sq-m

Maine Yankee Map IDED

  1. 3500-2b Decommissioning Team Iaine Yankee DecommissioningProjectSurvey Form IRevised:126/05 Survey Type: El Characterization El Turnover X Final Status SurveyI Survey Area Name: Outfall 9 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfall 9 Survey Scans C022 - C026

-rTOP.0-i TOP,0- ,

-rTOP,0- -TOPO1 TOP,0-

+/-eLaCw -CW

. -l O-Cw -901CW 0.CW

-180-CW 180ocw 180Cw -- 180'CW -18OCW

-+270'CW -270'CW -- 4-270'CW --- 270'CW -270'CW L .LTOP.

I 0- TOP. 0- -TOP. 0- LI- ITOP. 0. TOP, 0-C022 C023 C024 C025 C026 FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 16 of 30 Total Surface Scan Area for Outfall 9= 2.9 sq-m

Maine Yankee Map ID#:FD 3500-2c Decommissioning Team IMaine Yanikee DecommissioningProjectSurvey Forin IRevised: 9/11/04 Survey Type: El Characterization l Turnover 1 Final Status Survey ISurvey Area Name: Outfall 9 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfall 9 Direct Points C001 - C016 End of Drain 2' from End of Drain 4' from End of Drain 6' from End of Drain FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 17 of 30

Maine Yankee Map ID#:FD 3500-2d Decommissioning Team IMainte Yantkee DecommissionitgProjectSurvey Fornit IRevised: 1/26/05 Survey Type: l Characterization 0 Turnover X Final Status Survey SurveyAreaName: Ouffall10 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfall 10 6p =11 Survey Scans C043 - C047 I9r1I -nI End of C Q

4 C; rIn 2* 1nt 9 . o

-- TTOP,0- I I TOP,0- I TTOP,0- r I TOP,0- -TOP,0-9----NCW I-4-eO-cw I-4-Cow I-4-9ocw .

-0cw 180-Cw I1 1eo cw -l- 18ocw 180-CW 180-CW

-- 270-CW K270CW 270-CW 270CW -270-CW

-TOP. 0- TOP, 0 -TOP. 0- -TOP, 0- TOP.

C043 C044 C045 C046 C047 FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 18 of 30 Total Surface Scan Area for Outfall 10 = 1.8 sq-m

Maine Yankee Map ID#: FD 3500-2e DecommissioningkTeam Aaine Yankee DecomimissioningProjectSurvej' Formt IRevised: 1126/05 Survey Type: E Characterization E Turnover I Final Status Survey Survey Area Name: Outfall 10 Final Status Survey =11 EflII[E FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfall 10 =IISIIEIIII=E


Survey Scans C048 - C052 -

22?l'.LS' - ' 'f< ^ F End of Drain na1I 2c I'e, C,'ltI 11111.

r i s E _ s. v e r 8w.

_ i s W

> > {4 _f--

-TOP.0- T TOP.0 -TOP.0 - TOP.O, ,r.TOP,0

-_-4-90-CW 490cw

-- 1-0-CW _--[-9Cw - 4OCw

_-180-CW i 180-CW -180-CW -_-180cw 180-CW

_ 4-270-cW 270-CW -270-CW -_-270-cW --- 270-CW

_ I -TOP. 0- - TOP, 0- cLL-TOP, 0- -TOP. 0-C048 C049 coso COSI C052 FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 19 of 30 Total Surface Scan Area for Outfall 10 = 1.8 sq-m

Maine Yankee Map ID #: FD 3500-2f Decommissioning Team Maine Y'anikee DecommnissioningProjectSurvey Forms IRevised: 911104 Survey Type: l Characterization E Turnover I Final Status Survey ISurvey Area Name: Outfall 10 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfall 10 Direct Points C027 - C042 End of Drain 2'from End of Drain 4' from End of Drain 6' from End of Drain FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 20 of 30

Maine Yankee aine Yankee Deco*nnissioningProjectSurvey Forh Map ID#: FD 3500-02g Decommissioning Team Icg Revised: 1/3/05 Survey Type: E Characterization E Turnover U Final Status Survey I Survey Area Name: Ouffall 10 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Ouffall 10.

ISOCS Scan - Locations C053 & C054

  • 5' Position for C053 1'-3 1~

10 1'-3" 1~

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 21 of 30

Maine Yankee rill maIU OFU 3buu-:

Decommissioning Team l aine Yankee DecommissioningProjectSurvey Forii: Revised: 1131/05 Survey Type: E Characterization ] Turnover X Final Status Survey i Survey Area Name: Outfalls 9 & 10 Final Status Survey FD3500 Survey Unit 2: Outfalls 9 & 10

/ 'II/ / As Left

/~_ O






/ Basin Pipe Between Basins 20 and 19 Removed 13' Section of Pipe Removed for Survey 7

/ 15" Concrete Pipe II/ 235' from MH 05

-24" Concrete Pipe 235' from MH 03 Last section of pipe at ouffalls removed to facilitate backfill

/R Oufal 104 \ N Outfall 9 Storm Drain Leg Outfall i0-<

Total Interior Surface Area = 201 sq-M FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 22 of 30 Outtall 1u storm Drain Leg Total Interior Surface Area = 215 sq-m

Attachment 2 Survey Unit Instrumentation FD-3500-02, Revision I Page23 of 30


-1648 [ 177991 (43-68/5) 1928 177991 (43-68/5) 1IPGc Detectors (Laboratory Analysis)

Detector Number l MDC FSS1 0.05 to 0.08 pCi/g ISOCS Detectors (Field Measurements)

Detector Number MDC ISOCS-7605 1.14 to 2.68 E4 dpm/m 2 ISOCS-7605 9.45 to 9.56E3 dpm/ ml Cs (CR Investigation) 5.01 to 7.91 E3 dpm/ m2 Co TABLE 2-2 INSTRUMENT SCAN MDC, DCGL, AND INVESTIGATION LEVEL Detector 43-68 (Outfall 9) 24"diameter 43-68 (Outfall 10) 15" diameter Pipe 43-68 (Outfall 9) 24" diameter 1

damp surfaces dry surfaces dry surfaces Scan MDC 4,841 2,290 1,832 (dpm/100 cm2 ) (Note 1) (Note 1)

DCGL (dpm/100 cm2 ) 9,800 9,800 9,800

. . 19,841 14,545 13,596 Investigation Level () DCGL plus (. DCGL plus (- DCGL plus (dpm/100 CM) background) background) background)

__ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Note _2 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

NOTES: 1. Separate scan MDC developed for the 43-68 by adjusting the LTP Table 5-6 value for the change in efficiency due to geometry or moisture.

2. The survey was designed for dry pipe conditions. Water vapor condensed on the upper I portions of the piping at the time of the survey, and is accounted for in the table.

FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 24 of 30

Attachment 3 Investigation Table (No FSS Investigations Required) I FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 25 of 30

Attachment 4 Statistical Data FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 26 of 30

Survey Package FD3500 Unit 2 Surface Sign Test Summary E; -mrernts 7do mr n '

Survey Package: FD3500 Outfalls 9 &10 Survey Unit: 02 Storm Drain piping Evaluator: DR DCGL,: 9,800 DCGL ,,,: 9,800 N/A Class 3 SU LBGR: 4,900 Sigma: 727 Type I error: , 0.05 .

Type II error: 0.05 Total Instrument Efficiency: 13.0% data adjusted for various effs.

Detector Area (cm2):126 Choosing 'N/A' sets material Material Type: N/A background to "0" n-f'~t"5<-_.> _,.>9Clculate'd us , ,,, -,';'; '-orn r t ',-

- 1.645 Sign p: . 0.99865 Calculated Relative Shift: 6.7 Relative Shift Used: 3.0 Uses 3.0 if Relative Shift >3 N-Value: 11 N-Value+20%: : - 14

~ ~ ~:tat~ii: Data, u~le~ . ~ rnmen'ei s . ,~

Number of Samples: : ' ' 32 Median: . . 240 Mean: , ' 553 Net Static Data Standard Deviation: 788 Total Standard Deviation: - 788 SRSS Maximum: '2,820

>~~~ . r*

  • t 2tCii-ommi>QSvesiatsLNSlrl ,:.Aj, Adjusted N Value:.. , . 32 S+ Value: ':. . 32 Critical Value: 21

~ Sa


'Ceria r'f'tonme ,'-us,;i,-

'-,"orot Id,;

Sufficient samples collected: - Pass Maximum value <DCGL,:  :'.Pass Median value <DCGL,: Ps Mean value <DCGL,: , Pass Maximum value <DCGL: ,' Pass N/A Class 3 SU Total Standard Deviation <=Sigma: 'Investigate SU passes, See Section F Sign test results: - Pass

'.  :' Fla it ' Comnments A' The survey unit passes all conditions: investigate SU passes FD3500-SU2-SurfaceSign.xIs 6/15/05 6:50 AM FD-3500-02, Revision I Page 27 of 30

FD-3500 SU-2 Quantile Plot 3000 C~q 2500 E

0 2000 0



  • Activity (dpm/100 cm2)
0 0 1500

.U,0 ° 00 E

w <


1000 -Median (dpm/100 To COCA; la

._ cm2)

-&a 500 **w 0 *4

- ** r *

-500 0 25 50 75 100 Percent