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Final Status Survey Release Record FR-0800 Admin & Parking Area Survey Unit 1
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 04/07/2005
From: Ambrose J, Olsen C, Packer J, Pillsbury G, Tozzie R
Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co
FR-0800-01, Rev 0
Download: ML051050110 (24)


MAINE YANKEE FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD FR-0800 ADMIN & PARKING AREA SURVEY UNIT I Prepared By: Ha L - Date: 3 31-05 FSS Engineer - Signature Te e dse Printed Name Reviewd By:Date: 8ILls rl;S- Si inature A Printed Name Reviewed By: Date:

Independent Rexi iv- Signature Approved By ./ D ate: 4171/0 5~

eri/ jSignature Printed Name Approved By: Date: !Z71,-

IFSS, MP - Signature Printed Name Revision 0

MAINE YANKEE FINAL STATUS SURVEY RELEASE RECORD FIR-0800 ADMIN & PARKING AREA SURVEY UNIT 1 A. SURVEY UNIT DESCRIPTION The survey unit is equal to the survey area and is located outside and north of the site Industrial Area. The survey unit consists of the parking area and land surrounding the former Staff Building. The survey unit consists of open, graded land. Asphalt-covered parking areas and roadways formerly covered the major portion of the survey unit. A small building of metal construction on a concrete slab, called the "Annex" (Warehouse 4), formerly sat on the SW corner of the survey unit. This building was used for many purposes over the years including warehousing, office space, and training facilities. Most recently it wvas used as office space, craft break room, and stored the body counting facility. Other than sealed sources used for operation of the body counter, there is no history of the use or storage of radioactive materials in this building. Several office trailers and storage trailers currently occupy the North end of the survey unit. Several of the storage trailers contain FSS samples that contain, or potentially contain, radioactive materials in sealed containers. FSS also processes soil samples in the FSS Sample Prep Trailer that is currently located at the northern end of the survey unit. Open samples are routinely handled in the Sample Prep Trailer.

Frequent radiological surveys of these trailers have never shown indication of loose contamination. The storage trailers and Sample Prep Trailer formerly were staged along the West side the Annex.

The entire survey unit of 9,080 m2 is contained within coordinates 623825E & 624250E and 407850N & 408325N using the Maine State Coordinate System (West Zone) NAD 1927.

The location of Survey Unit 1 as referenced to other site landmarks is shown on map FR 0800-1 SITE. The boundary of Survey Unit 1 is shown on map FRO800-1 REF.

FR-0800 lies within the area covered by survey unit FR-0900 Survey Unit 1.

B. SURVEY UNIT DESIGN INFORMATION The survey unit was designated a Class 3 land survey per the LTP (Table 5-1 C). The survey unit design parameters are shown in Table 1. Given a relative shift of 3.0, it was determined that 14 direct measurements were required for the Sign Test. Measurement locations were randomly determined and are illustrated on map FRO800-la (Attachment 1). Direct measurements (soil samples) were collected from the required locations and analyzed with laboratory gamma spectroscopy instrumentation.

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 2 of 24

In accordance with the LTP Table 5-3, gamma scans were required for I to 10% of the survey design area. Scan grids typically measuring 2 m by 5 m (10 m2 ) were established in the following areas:

  • Along the perimeter of the former Annex (i.e., east, north, and west)
  • Along the perimeter of the former Staff Building (i.e., east, north, and west)
  • Along the doors of the storage trailers (i.e., north side)
  • In front of the FSS Sample Preparation Trailer doors (i.e., south side)
  • Centrally located in the parking area.
  • Along the west parking area access road boundaries (i.e., east and west)
  • Along the east parking area access road boundaries The specific scan grids are also depicted on map FRO800-lb.

E-600/SPA-3 instrumentation was used to perform the scan surveys. The survey instruments used are listed by model and serial number in Attachment 2 (Table 2-1). The original 91 scan grids provided a scan area of approximately 910 m2 , exceeding 10% of the total survey area. Configuration of the original scan grids is illustrated on FR0800-lb (Attachment 1).

Background values were established based on local scaler values in the survey unit. These background values were used to determine scan alarm set points and to divide the scan grids into three different background groups. The background values were also used to confirm the scan MDCs where used were appropriate. Scan MDCs are listed in Attachment 2 (Table 2-2) and are compared to the DCGL and the investigation level.

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 3 of 24

TABLE 1 SURVEY UNIT DESIGN PARAMETERS Survey Unit l Design Criteria j Basis Area 9,080 mn2No limit for Class 3, based on LTP Area ,080Table 5-2 Based on adjusted LBGR of 3.81 Number of Direct 14 pCi/g, sigma' of 0.13 pCilg, and a Measurements Required relative shift of 3.0.

Type I = Type 11 = 0.05 Sample Area N/A Class 3 Area Sample Grid Spacing N/A Class 3 Area Scan Grid Area 2 m x 5 m(10m 2 ) Class 3 Area;x <10 m2 Area Factor N/A Class 3 Area S2, Class 3 Area- 1% to 10%

Scan Area 910 in, > 10% (LTP Table 5-3)

B ackground , ___________________ ___________-_-, .';' - ; ? .

12,200 cpm Group I SPA-3 (Scan) 10,100 cpm Group 2 9,220 cpm Group 3 Scan Investigation Level 3 Sigma of Background See Table 2-2, Attachment 2 (E-600/SPA-3) plus Background (Reference 3)

DCGL 4.2 pCi/g Cs-137 LTP, Rev. 4, Section 6.7 Design DCGLEMc N/A Class 3 Area C. SURVEY RESULTS As required, 14 direct soil measurements were performed in Survey Unit 1 and the results are presented in Table 2. All direct measurements were below 50% of the unitized DCGL. The HPGe sample analyses identified one sample with residual Co-60 and two samples with residual Cs-137 above the respective MDAs. Although all results were below the investigation levels specified in LTP Table 5-7, one direct measurement location was investigated as discussed in Section D.

A total of 91 grids were initially scanned using E-600/SPA-3 instrumentation. Twenty-four verified scan alarms were received. The investigation results are discussed in Section D.

LTP Revision 4, Table 5-IC for Admin & Parking Area, R0800 FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 4 of 24

TABLE 2 DIRECT MEASUREMENTS Sample Number Cs-137(pCi/g) Unertainty Co-60 Is 7Unet In (Pci/g) J Uncertaint


l Unitized Value 3Jof Unity Rule FRO800-01-3SO01 SS <4.72E-02 <4.75E-02 4.29E-02 FRO800-01-3SO02SS <4.94E-02 <4.82E-02 4.39E-02 FRO800-01-3SO03SS <6.44E-02 <6.07E-02 5.58E-02 FRO800-01-3SO04SS 1.92E-01 4.97E-02 3.77E-01 4.46E-02 2.97E-OI FRO800-01-3SOO5SS <5.57E-02 <5.55E-02 5.03E-02 FRO800-01-3SO06SS <6.67E-02 <7.08E-02 6.3 1E-02 FRO800-01-3SO07SS <5.98E-02 <6.14E-02 5.52E-02 FRO800-01-3SO08SS 6.14E-02 3.02E-02 < 5.66E-02 5.23E-02 FRO800-01-3SO09SS <4.84E-02 <4.76E-02 4.33E-02 FRO800-01-3SOlOSS <5.17E-02 <5.44E-02 4.86E-02 FRO800-01-3SO I ISS <4.50E-02 <4.66E-02 4.188E-02 FRO800-01-3SO12SS <4.81E-02 <5.57E-02 4.86E-02 FRO800-01-3S013SS <4.61 E-02 <4.89E-02 4.36E-02 FRO800-01-3S014SS <5.57E-02 <5.96E-02 . 5.30E-02 Mean 6.37E-02 7.79E-02 6.71E-02 Median 5.37E-02 5.56E-02 4.95E-02 Standard Deviation 3.76E-02 8.64E-02 6.65E-02 4.50E-02 to 4.66E-02 to 4.18E-02 to RangI 1.92E-01 I _ 3.77E-01 i2.97E-01

"<" indicates MDA value. Bold indicates positive detection value.

D. SURVEY UNIT INVESTIGATIONS PERFORMED AND RESULTS Soil scans performed with the E-600/SPA-3 during initial surveys identified twenty-four scanned grids with verified alarms. One of the twenty-four scan grids with verified alarms was located on the east parking area access road (S004). Three of the twenty-four investigated scan grids were located around the perimeter of the former Warehouse 4 (S048-50). Five of the twenty-four investigated grids were located within the parking area (S059-60, S065-66, and S073). Seven of the twenty-four investigated grids (S078, S081-82, and S085-88) were located along the west parking area access road. The other eight remaining investigated grids (S014, S015, S020, S028-3 1, S034) were located along the perimeter of the former Staff Building. As a result, investigation package XR0800-01 was written to perform additional scans within the twenty-four identified grids and to collect soil samples at the highest scan location within each grid. The grids requiring investigation are illustrated on XR0800-01 a (Attachment 1). As a result of the investigations, a total of twenty-four soil samples were collected. The soil samples taken within each of the twenty-four grids did not identify Cs-137 or Co-60 concentrations above the MDA. The investigation results are shown in Table 3-1 (Attachment 3).

FR-0800-O1, Revision 0 Page 5 of 24

A second investigation of FR-0800-01 was performed to evaluate direct measurement (soil sample) FRO800-01-3S004SS. This direct point was located on the west side of Warehouse

4. Both Cs-137 and Co-60 activity, greater than the MDA, was identified at 0.192 and 0.377 pCi/g respectively. While neither value exceeded 50% of the DCGL, an investigation consisting of a SPA-3 gamma scan and four more soil samples was performed. Each soil sample was obtained at the corner of a I m by I m grid centered around S004. No Co-60 was identified above the MDA. Two of the four samples contained Cs-I 37 above the MDA, up to 0.19 pCi/g, a small fraction of the DCGL of 4.2 pCi/g. The investigation results are shown in Table 3-2 (Attachment 3).

E. SURVEY UNIT DATA ASSESSMENT An analysis of the direct sample measurement results, including the mean, median, standard deviation, and sample result range, is provided in Table 2. Of the 14 soil samples collected, two samples identified Cs-I 37 activity greater than the MDA, with the highest reported value (sample S004) being less than 5% of the DCGL. In addition, this sample was the only one with Co-60 activity identified greater than the MDA, with a value of 0.38 pCi/g, which is approximately 25% of the DCGL (1.5 pCi/g Co-60). All Cs-137 and Co-60 mean and median activities were less than 50% of the DCGL.

For illustrative purposes, as indicated in LTP Section 5.9.3, a simplified general retrospective dose estimate can be calculated from the average residual contamination level by subtracting the mean fallout Cs-137 value (0.19 pCi/g)2 for disturbed soil from the survey unit sample mean activity (0.064 pCi/g). The net result is negative and would equate to an annual dose rate of 0.0 mrem/year. Taking into account the average residual contamination level for Co-60, the annual dose rate would equate to 0.52 mrem/y. 3 However, for purposes of demonstrating compliance with the radiological criteria for license termination and the enhanced State criteria, background activity was not subtracted from the soil sample analysis activity values.

2 See Attachment E to Maine Yankee Procedure PMP 6.7.8 (Reference 2) 3 This annual dose equivalent is based on an allowable soil dose of 10 mrem/y for areas outside the Restricted Area. Therefore, the annual dose rate would equate to (0.078)

Annual Dose Rate = 10 x -15 = 0.52 mrem I y FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 6 of 24

F. ADDITIONAL DATA EVALUATION Attachment 4 provides additional data evaluation associated with this Survey Unit, including relevant statistical information. Based on survey unit direct measurement data, this attachment provides the Sign Test Summary, Quantile Plot, Histogram, and Retrospective Power Curve.

I. The Sign Test Summary provides an overall summary of design input (Table 1) and resulting calculated values used to determine the required number (N) of direct measurements (per LTP Section 5.4.2). The Sign Test Summary is a separate statistical analysis that also calculates the mean, median, and standard deviation of the direct measurements.

The critical value and the result of the Sign Test are provided in the Sign Test Summary table, as well as a listing of the key release criteria. As is shown in the table, key release criteria were satisfied, with one exception. An "investigate" flag was produced because the direct measurement sigma exceeded the unitized design sigma, however, sufficient power is evident, since the survey unit easily passed the Sign Test.

2. The Quantile Plot was generated from the direct measurement data listed in Table 2. The data set and plot are consistent with expectations for a Class 3 survey unit. All of the measurements are well below 50% of the unitized DCGL for land outside the restricted area.
3. A Histogram Plot was also developed based on the direct measurement data values. This plot shows a normal distribution with one outlier.
4. A Retrospective Power Curve was constructed, based on FSS results. The curve shows that this survey unit having a mean residual activity at a small fraction of the DCGL has a high probability ("power") of meeting the release criteria. Thus, it can be concluded that the direct measurement data support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and that the data quality objectives were met.

G. CHANGES IN INITIAL SURVEY UNIT ASSUMPTIONS ON EXTENT OF RESIDUAL ACTIVITY The survey was designed as a Class 3 land survey area. The FSS results (all direct measurements, scan results, and investigation results) were consistent with the Class 3 land survey classification. The direct measurement sample standard deviation was greater than the design sigma. However, a sufficient number of sample measurements were taken to pass the Sign Test. Therefore, no additional measurements were required.

H. LTP CHANGES SUBSEQUENT TO SURVEY UNIT FSS The FSS of Survey Unit I was designed, performed and evaluated in the March 2005 to April 2005 time frame. The design was performed to the criteria of the LTP Revision 4 (Reference 1).

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 7 of 24

1. CONCLUSION The FSS of this survey unit was designed based on the LTP designation as a Class 3 area.

The survey design parameters are presented in Table 1. The required number of direct measurements was determined for the Sign Test in accordance with the LTP. As presented in Table 2, all of the direct measurements were less than 50% of the DCGLs of 4.2 pCi/g Cs-137 and 1.5 pCi/g Co-60. One direct measurement was deemed an outlier and was investigated. The investigation results were found acceptable for a Class 3 survey unit.

A Sign Test Summary analysis demonstrated that the Sign Test criteria were satisfied. The direct measurement sigma was determined to be greater than that used for design, but a sufficient number of samples were taken to produce adequate power.

The Retrospective Power Curve shown in Attachment 4 confirmed that sufficient samples wvere taken to support rejection of the null hypothesis, providing high confidence that the survey unit satisfied the release criteria and the data quality objectives were met. Attachment 4 also revealed that direct measurement data represented essentially a normal distribution with one outlier.

The scan survey design for this survey unit was developed in accordance with the LTP Revision 4 (Reference 1) with significant aspects of the design discussed in Section B and Table 1. Scans performed with E-600/SPA-3 instrumentation resulted in a total of twenty-four verified alarms. An investigation was conducted via package XR-0800-01. Twenty-four verified alarms were investigated for this survey package. As a result of the investigations, a total of twenty-four additional direct measurements were obtained. All twenty-four direct measurements were MDA values and were less than 50% of the DCGL of 4.2 pCi/g Cs-137.

In addition, no Co-60 was detected during XR-0800-01.

It is concluded that FR-0800 Survey Unit I meets the release criteria of I OCFR20.1402 and the State of Maine enhanced criteria.


1. Maine Yankee License Termination Plan, Revision 4, October 15, 2002, provided by Maine Yankee letter to the NRC, MN-02-061, dated November 26, 2002
2. Maine Yankee Procedure PMP 6.7.8, FSS Data Processing and Reporting, Attachment E, Approach for Dealing With Background Radioactivity for Maine Yankee Final Status Surveys
3. Maine Yankee Calculation No. EC 009-01 (MY), Instrumentation Selection and MDC Calculation FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 8 of 24

Attachment I Survey Unit Maps FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 9 of 24

hhCD CDl o0 0 a 0 a a (n oa Ci0(A 0

a 0 0 aA 0 0 ai 0

(A 0 a (A

0 E~

o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a0 CD C 3aieyCov-P 3~

6214.000CC CD rz cm CC 625. 000 C  %'<


> M*

a) L

-626,000 C> Cl Coo SURVEY AREA, FR0800 SUl Note: Grid based on Maine State Coordinate System 2~t011n CD Admin and Parking Area (West Zone) NAD 1927 MN 0 N c',

Maine Yankee rnI map UW: Ri-*U2UL Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee Decommissioning Project Surve' Fo Revised 2103/05 Survey Type: O Characterization O Turnover OFinal Status Survey I Survey Area Name: Admin and Parking Area Final Status Survey FRO800 SU1: Admin and Parking Area Reference Map

- -fl~ll- - =1 7/ Samplerl \\\\\

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 11 of 24

Maine Yankee I Map ID#- FRO800-la Decommissioning Team IMaine Yankee DeconindissioningProjectSurvey Formi IRevised' 2/07/05 Survey Type: O Characterization 0 Turnover N Final Status Survey Survey Area Name: Admin and Parking Area Final Status Survey FRO800 SU1: Admin and Parking Area Direct Points 001 - 014 Storage rraal St4f

_ I STAFaileBUIL I I TaIer




Maine YanKee . . Map ID #: FRO800-1b Decommissioning Team Maine Yankee DecommissioningProjectSurvey Bor ese3/16/05 Survey Type: 0 Characterization CTurnover SFinal Status Survey I Survey Area Name: Admin and Parking Area Final Status Survey FRO800 SU1: Admin and Parking Area Scan Grids S001 - S091

-- ~ i At FSS\

0626063 4s 066 4

Page 13 of 24 I-

Maine Yankee Map ID#:XR0800-l a Decommissioning Team IMaine Yankee DecomnmissioningProjectSurvey Formn Revised: 3/23/05 Survey Type: l Turnover EI Final Status Survey U Investigation Survey Area Name: Admin and Parking Area Final Status Survey XR0800 SU1: Admin and Parking Area Investigation Scan Grids



- ~-~--~, I elSam OIJ7 63 S064W Sh, 4

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 14 of 24

Attachment 2 Survey Unit Instrumentation FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 15 of 24

TABLE 2-1 INSTRUMENT INFORMATION E-600 S/N SPA-3 Probc S/N 1933 2056 2618 2056 2618 2366 1933 726557 1648 725890 1928 2055 I-IPGc Detectors (Laboratory Analysis)

Detector No. MDC (pCi/g)

FSSI 0.046 to 0.071 FSS2 0.045 to 0.069 TABLE 2-2 INSTRUMENT SCAN MDC, DCGL, AND INVESTIGATION LEVEL Parameter Instrument: SPA-3 Comments Scan MDC 5.9 pCi/g Cs-137 LTP Rev 4 Table 5-6 (Reference 2) 4.2 pCi/g Cs137 Approved DCGL for land areas DCGL . pig outside the Restricted Area, LTP 1.5 pCi/g Co-60 Section 6.7 (Reference 1) 14,80014,80 cpmGroup cpm 1: Grids S079, S080, S089- S091 Group2: S001-S010,S016,

. .4 S017, S020-S023, S032, S033, Inestigation Level 12,400 cpm S036-S039, S041-S047, (Alarm Setpoint) _S054-S066, S068-S078, S081-S088 Group 3: SO1-SO15, S018, S019, 11,500 cpm S024-S03 1, S034, S035, S040, S048-S053, S067 FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 16 of 24

Attachment 3 Investigation Table FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 17 of 24

TABLE 3-1 XR0800-01 INVESTIGATION SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS lcadGrd Initial Scan Alarm Invest. Investigation Uncertainty~DG Elcated Grid IValue Setpoint Scaler Sample (pCi/g cs. DCGL Sampll Location (cpm) (cpm) Value Activity 137) Comparison SampeLcaton cpm (cm) cpm) (pCilg Cs.137) _____

XR080013S004 12,400 12,400 11,310 <6.17E-02 N/A <DCGL XR080013S014 12,070 11,500 9,710 < 5.21E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S015 12,130 11,500 9,660 < 4.03E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S020 13,940 12,400 13,330 < 4.85E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S028 11,540 11,500 10,110 < 5.56E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S029 11,810 11,500 10,310 < 4.24E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S030 11,900 11,500 10,250 < 4.30E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S031 11,630 11,500 10,090 < 5.61 E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S034 12,310 11,500 10,350 < 5.96E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S048 12,680 11,500 10,680 < 6.95E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S049 11,580 11,500 10,930 < 7.48E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013SO50 11,970 11,500 10,860 < 5.26E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S059 15,550 12,400 12,440 < 4.20E-02 N/A .< DCGL XR080013S060 12,360 12,400 10,650 < 4.72E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S065 12,670 12,400 10,800 < 4.48E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S066 12,730 12,400 11,180 < 5.43E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S073 13,040 12,400 11,900 < 4.56E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S078 14,180 12,400 11,950 < 5.71E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S081 13,500 12,400 12,250 < 6.07E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S082 12,620 12,400 11,750 < 4.40E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013SO85 12,800 12,400 11,760 < 6.67E-02 N/A i < DCGL XR080013S086 13,560 12,400 12,960 < 6.81E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S087 13,620 12,400 12,410 < 4.82E-02 N/A < DCGL XR080013S088 13,050 12,400 11,660 < 4.97E-02 N/A < DCGL Survey Unit Mean /DCGL 0.016 Total 0.016 NOTES: 1. "(" indicates value less than MDA, MDA value is reported.

2. The samples were also analyzed for Co-60; all were less than an MDA of 0.07 pCi/g.

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 18 of 24

TABLE 3-2 XR0800-01 INVESTIGATION OF S004 SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS Elevated Gridl Activity Initial Activity Investigation Investigation DCGL Sample Location (pCi/g Cs-137) (pCi/g Co-60) (pCi/g Cs-137) (pCitg Co-60) Comparison FR0800-01-35004SS 1.92E-0I 3.77E-OI N/A N/A N/A XRO800-01-3SOOISS-SE N/A N/A < 7.51E-02 < 7.1OE-02 < DCGL XR0800-01-3SOOISS-SW N/A N/A I.90E-0I < 6.33E-02 < DCGL XR0800-01-3SOOISS-NE N/A N/A < 6.71E-02 < 5.59E-02 < DCGL XR0800-01-3SOOISS-NW N/A N/A 1.50E-01 < 6.72E-02 < DCGL FR-0800-OI, Revision 0 Page 19 of 24

Attachment 4 Statistical Data FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 20 of 24

Survey Package FRO800 Unit I UNITY Soil Sign Test Summary

, Evaluation Input Valu sin. -,__;__,____.'_,'-_-______.Com____

Survey Package: FR0800 Survey Unit: 01 Evaluator: Jeff Ambrose DCGL,: 1.OOE+00 Cs-137 (unity)

DCGLen,: n/a Class 3 LBGR: 5.OOE-01 50% of DCGL Sigma: 3.09E-02 LTP Rev 4, Table 5-1 C (0.1 3/4.2) unitized Type I error: 0.05 Type II error: 0.05 Nuclide: UNITY Soil Type: N/A No material background is applied.

i' __ _'____-_ _ -__ ,:"; -'Ca'lcf.ate.-.Vaiues -m Y'c'.'f; .s Zj.<: 1.645 Zj.p: 1.645 Sign p: 0.99865 Calculated Relative Shift: 16.1 Relative Shift Used: 3.0 Uses 3.0 if Relative Shift is >3 N-Value: 11 N-Value+20%: 14

",* .. ;;t-amip e Da a, a ue u y-'. ornmen-,,w Number of Samples: 14 Median: 4.95E-02 Mean: 6.71 E-02 Net Sample Standard Deviation: 6.65E-02 Total Standard Deviation: 6.65E-02 Sum of samples and reference Maximum: 2.97E-01 gr est es Its gn:.CK.'8

. -Si _ _ __-________________ ___________

Adjusted N Value: 14 S+ Value: 14 Critical Value: 10 Sign test results: Pass

?$-; 'r Citerla'Satisfaction Y&Yfr~i ," ______________________________

Sufficient samples collected: Pass Maximum value <DCGLw: Pass Median value <DCGLw: Pass Mean value <DCGL,: Pass Maximum value <DCGLemc: Pass (N/A Class 3)

Total Standard Deviation <=Sigma: Investigate Refer to Section F Criteria comparison results: Investigate The

'2, ,,; e paeFiiStatI Survey Uni Passoe s tsS Z; The survey unit passes all conditions:l Investigate Survey Unit Passes FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 21 of 24

FRO800 SU-1 Quantile Plot 3.50E-01 3.OOE-01 a) 2.50E-01 N

0 0 0 2.OOE-01

  • Activity (unitized) 4._

0 t.J-


1.50E-01 -Median (unitized) Ii 4._

._ It 0 95 1.OOE-01 5.OOE-02 O.OOE+OO 1;*.

, o 4 A 4 0 25 50 75 '100

..... ... .....I Percent

One-Sample T-Test Report Page/Date/Time 2 4/7/05 10:00:58 AM Database C:\Program Files\NCSS97\FRO800 SU-1.SO Variable C2 Plots Section Histogram of Fr-0800, SU-1 201 15 Cl)

E 10 z

5 Lr O  : * *

  • Ad 6.000 0 075 0.150 I0.225 0.300 Activity (unitized)

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 23 of 24

One-Sample T-Test Power Analysis Page/Date/Time 2 417/05 10:02:26 AM Chart Section Retrospective Power Curve 1.0- _ e - 4 0.8- .. . .I ..


0.6- . I 0

0.4-0.2 -

0.0 _

0.0 0.2 0'4 0.6 ).8 1.0 Survey Unit Mean (unitized)

FR-0800-01, Revision 0 Page 24 of 24