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Pbrf Laboratory Quality Assurance Report 2008
Person / Time
Site: Plum Brook
Issue date: 03/30/2009
From: Case R, Stoner W
US National Aeronautics & Space Admin (NASA)
Shared Package
ML102030017 List:
Download: ML102030054 (36)





~J January to December 2008








I ------~


WILLIAM STONER I NASA PROJECT RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER I NASA Plum Brook Reactor Facility 6100 Columbus Avenue Sandusky, Ohio 44870 I

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.......................................................................................................................... 1 I


................................................................................................................2 I 3.0 DiSCUSSiON ......................................................................................................................2 I 4.0 .. .............................................................................................. 3 LABORATORY PROGRAM ................................................................................................

I 5.0 INTER-LABORATORY & INTRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON ANALYSIS .................. 4 TABLE 1 -INTRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS ................................................. 5 I TABLE 2 -INTER-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS .............................................. 17 TABLE 3 - SAMPLE RESOLUTION AND RATIO AGREEMENT CRITERIA. ............................................... 21 I

6.0 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS ........................................................................................21 I


DETERMINATIONS ...............................................................................22 I 8.0 BLANK SAMPLE ANALySiS ............................................................................................22 I 9.0 CROSS-CHECK PROGRAM ............................................................................................23 I 10.0 LABORATORY/SAMPLE DEVIATION REPORTS ........................................................... 23 I 11.0 ATIACHMENTS ...............................................................................................................23 I





I 1 1.1

.1 Gamma Spectroscopy Systems I 1.1.1 During the report period of January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008, PBRF Laboratory personnel performed 4190 gamma spectroscopy sample analyses of 3006 samples. PBRF performed a total of 1547 quality I assurance analyses. They include:

  • 29 blank analyses on 29 samples I
  • 615 Quality Control (QC) checks I
  • 615 Background checks 15 Cross-check Program sample analyses on 3 samples I
  • 24 inter-laboratory comparison (replicate) analyses on 12 samples
  • 249 intra-laboratory comparison (replicate) analyses on 132 samples I 1.1.2 Of all the QA samples that were analyzed on the PBRF Gamma Spectroscopy Systems, there were 4 discrepancies that required I documentation of a Sample Deviation Report (SDR).

1.2 Liquid Scintillation Analyzer I 1.2.1 PBRF laboratory personnel performed 523 tritium sample analyses during this report period. PBRF performed a total of 1789 analyses of quality I assurance (QA) samples. They include:

  • 612 analyses on 3 reference standards I
  • 227 analyses on 227 blank samples I
  • 454 analyses on 2 background samples
  • 454 analyses on 2 QC Check samples I
  • 8 Cross-check Program sample analyses on 2 samples I
  • 20 inter-laboratory comparison (replicate) on 20 samples
  • 14 intra-laboratory comparison (replicate) on 14 samples I 1.2.2 Of all the QA samples that were analyzed on the PBRF Liquid Scintillation Analyzer, there were no discrepancies that required documentation of a I Sample Deviation Report .
  • 1


I 1.3 Four Sample Deviation Reports were completed as a result of deficiencies found I during this report period. Two were associated with MAPEP Series 18 Co-60 failures. Two were failures to attain agreement between intra-laboratory replicate analyses of K-40. These failures were investigated by the Laboratory Manager and I corrective actions were documented. Refer to Section 10.0 of this report.

2.0 INrRODUCTION I 2.1 This report has been prepared by the PBRF Radiological Laboratory Manager in accordance with PBRF procedure RP-060, PBRF Radiological Laboratory Quality I Assurance/Quality Control Program. It provides a summary and interpretation of PBRF Laboratory QA Program for the period of January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.

I 3.0 DISCUSSION I 3.1 A QA program is an essential part of any radiological monitoring program. It provides reasonable assurance that the results of radiation measurements are valid. To be effective, elements of QA must be evident in all phases of the I monitoring program. These include, but are not limited to, sample collection, preservation and shipment, receipt of samples by the laboratory, preparation and analysis of samples and data review and reporting. An effective QA program will I allow for the identification of deficiencies in all monitoring processes so that appropriate investigative and corrective actions can be implemented.

I 3.2 The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) published Regulatory Guide 4.15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - EfHuent Streams and the Environment", which defines an acceptable I QA program. The guidance contained in Regulatory Guide 4.15 and NRC 10CFR50, Appendix B, "Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants" has been adopted by the PBRF Facility. Procedures I have been written and implemented to meet the objectives of these position documents.

I 3.3 Samples are typically analyzed only once because of workload constraints.

Therefore, laboratory personnel must be confident in the analytical results which are reported. One means of achieving confidence in the results is through the analysis I of QA samples. This report provides the analytical results of various QA samples processed by the PBRF laboratory during this period.

I 3.4 Quality Control checks are performed on at least 5% of all samples analyzed on the PBRF Gamma Spectroscopy Systems and/or Liquid Scintillation Analyzer. For the purpose of comparing results, these samples may be analyzed in duplicate by an I independent laboratory (inter-laboratory comparison) or by PBRF (intra-laboratory comparison) in their entirety or split to perform multiple analyses. The original analytical results are then compared with the replicate analysis results for I agreement.

I 2


I 3.5 The PBRF laboratory participates in the United States Department of Energy Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP) and the Eckert & Zeigler Analytics cross check programs. Blind spike samples are sent to the PBRF I Laboratory for gamma spectroscopy and tritium analysis approximately twice a year. Results are submitted via the Internet and evaluated for agreement.

I 3.6 Blank samples are analytical control samples, usually distilled water or verified clean (non-radiological) sand or soil, used to demonstrate that reported analytical results are not the result of Laboratory and/or Sample Processing Facility I contamination. They are used to evaluate the entire analytical procedure (sample preparation and analysis) and are prepared at the PBRF Facility for analysis in conjunction with batches or groups of regular samples.

I 3.7 This report is divided into the following sections:


  • Section 4.0 - Laboratory Program
  • Section 5.0 - Inter-laboratory and Intra-laboratory Comparison Analysis I
  • Section 6.0 - Quality Control Checks I
  • Section 7.0 - Background Determinations
  • Section 8.0 - Blank Sample Analysis I
  • Section 9.0 - Cross-check Program I
  • Section 10.0 - Laboratory/Sample Deviation Reports
  • Section 11.0 - Attachments I Brief discussions and summaries as well as applicable acceptance criteria are included for each section. Analytical results, which did not meet the specified I 4.0 acceptance criteria, are noted and discussed.

LABORATORY PROGRAM I 4.1 The PBRF Radiological Laboratory is designed to support the analytical requirements of decommissioning work activities, environmental program, and Final Status Survey. The laboratory consists of three high resolution gamma I spectroscopy units, one liquid scintillation counter, and three gas flow proportional alphalbeta counters. The laboratory is operated by qualified personnel with I documented training on all of the laboratory equipment. Sample processing is performed in accordance with site procedures and chain of custody is maintained for all samples. There were no significant laboratory program changes during this I period.

I I 3


I 5.0 INTER-LABORATORY & IN"rRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON ANALYSIS 5.1 For this report period, 24 gamma spectroscopy comparison analyses were I performed on 12 inter-laboratory samples and 249 gamma spectroscopy comparison analyses were performed on 132 intra-laboratory samples. This equates to approximately 6.5% of the total gamma spectroscopy sample analysis I performed during the report period. Two intra-laboratory comparison results were not in agreement and a Sample Deviation Report was completed for each. All of the remaining comparison analyses performed in this period were in agreement.

I 5.2 Air filter and smear samples are not typically sent to an off site laboratory for gross activity comparison analysis. In addition, the PBRF laboratory does not perform I gross activity analysis on water or soil samples. Therefore, no inter-laboratory or intra-laboratory gross alpha/beta comparative analyses were performed during this period.

I 5.3 For this report period, 14 intra-laboratory tritium comparative analyses were performed on 14 samples and 20 inter-laboratory tritium comparative analyses I were performed on 20 samples. This is approximately 6.5% of the total tritium sample analysis performed during the report period. All of the comparative analyses performed in this period were in agreement.






I 4


.2 c: SDR Gamma Log Sample ID Replicate Original 0


Number Acquisition Sample Original Replicate S E Number Number Date Type Analysis Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 ~ (]) SDR SDR-Result Result If) ~ ~

(Original) (Replicate) Performed By Uncertainty (])

Ol 08 08-

~ <t: ###

Paint PBOS-00020 PBOS-00021 111012008 PBRF K-40

-40 pCilg 6.7SE+02 9.09E+02 3.20E+02 4.0 0.75 YES N/A Chips Paint PB08-00020 PB08"()0021 PB08"()00 1/10/2008 PBRF Co-60 0-60 pCilg S.02E+01 S.10E+01 2.44E+01 7.0 0.99 YES N/A Chips I~~~~

PBOB"()0040 PBOS"()0041 PBOS"()OO 1/14/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg 9.40E+00 B.60E+00 200E~

2.60E+00 7.0 1.09 1.09 YES N/A NI PBOS-00040 PBOS-00041 1/14/200S Puck PBRF Co-60 pCilg 1.35E+01 1.32E+01 B.20E"()1 B.20E 33.0 1.02 YES N/A PBOB-00040 PBOB-00041 1/14/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.30E+00 2.70E+00 3.90E"()1 1.

12.0 0.85 YES N/A PB08-00060 PBOB-00061 1/15/200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.35E+01 1.19E+01 1.95E+00 14.0 1.13 YES N/A I~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~- !~~~~

PBOS"()OOBO PBOB-000B1 1/161200S Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml I 1.44E-09 1.60E-09 4.30E-10 7.0 0.90 YES N/A PB08"()0100 PB08-00101 1/1712008 Soil PBRF Co-60 pCilg 2.50E+02 2.47E+02 B.30E+00 60.0 1.01 YES N/A

~~~~~~~- ~~

PBOS-00100 PBOB"()0101 1/17/200S Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 1.40E+04 1.38E+04 4.50E+02 4.S0E+02 62.0 1.01 YES N/A PBOS"()0120 PBOS-00121 1/231200S Air PBRF K-40 uCilml 2.60E"()9 2.20E-09 6.90E-10 8.0 1.18 YES N/A PBOB-00140 PBOS-00141 1/2B1200B Puck PBRF Ag108m pCilg 1.20E+00 E+OO 1.20E+00 1.50E"()1 1.S0E"()1 16.0 1.00 YES N/A PBOB-00140 PBOS-00141 1/2S/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 7.50E-01 7.S0E-01 9.30E-01 2.30E-01 7.0 0.81 YES N/A PBOS-00160 PBOS-00161 1/2S/2008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g S.50E-01 S.SOE-01 9.70E-01 3.40E-01 5.0 S.O 0.88 YES N/A


PBOS-00160 PBOB"()0161 112S12008 Water PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 6.BOE-01 6.00E-01 9.00E-02 15.0 1S.0 1.13 YES N/A PB08-00160 PBOS-00161 112B1200B Water PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 1.40E-01 1.20E-01 4.00E-02 7.0 1.17 YES N/A

~~~~~~~- ~~~~----


PBOS-00160 PBOB-00161 1/2S1200B Water PBRF H3 pC' pCilml 9.44E+01 8.96E+01 4.22E+00 45.0 4S.0 1.05 1.0S YES N/A N/A E

PBOB-00180 PBOB-001S1 1/221200B Water PBRF K-40 pCilg 6.40E-01 7.30E-01 2.60E"()1 5.0 0.88 YES Y


PBOB-001BO PBOB-001B1 1/221200S Water PBRF H3 pCilml 1.00E+00 4.00E-01 1.00E+00 2.0 2.50 2.S0 Y YES N/A PBOB-00200 PBOB-00201 1/30/200B Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 7.11E-10 7.00E-10 1.BOE-11 79.0 1.02 YES N/A PBOB-00220 PBOS-00221 2/512008 2/S12008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 6.10E+00 3.S0E+00 1.70E+00 7.0 1.61 YES N/A


PBOB-00220 PBOS"()0221 2/512008 2/S12008 Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 1.00E+00 1.10E+00 2.70E-01 7.0 0.91 YES N/A 5

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Replicate Original :p 0 Number Acquisition Sample Original Replicate  :::I E Number Number Type Analysis Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 ~ Q) SDR SDR-Date Result Result fI) n::: ~

(Original) (Replicate) Performed By Uncertainty Q) Cl 08 08-n::: ci ###

PB08-00240 PB08-00241 2/6/2008 Air PBRF K-40 uCilml 7.44E-10 8.10E-10 2.00E-10 7.0 0.92 YES NIA PB08-00260 PB08-00261 2/6/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 2.31E+01 2.10E+01 4.10E+00 11.0 1.10 YES N/A Y~

PB08-00280 PB08-00281 2/612008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.35E+01 1.79E+01 2.90E+00 9.0 0.75 YES N/A PB08-00303 PB08-00304 211112008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.88E+01 1.73E+01 3.20E+00 12.0 1.09 YES N/A PB08-00320 PB08-00321 2112/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g I 1.84E+01 2.05E+01 3.20E+00 12.0 0.90 YES YE N/A PB08-00340 PB08-00341 2/1312008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 2.23E+01 1.60E+01 3.60E+00 12.0 1.39 YES N/A PB08-00360 PB08-00361 2113/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g pCilg 1.62E+01 1.96E+01 3.10E+00 10.0 0.83 YES NIA PB08-00380 PB08-00381 211212008 Air PBRF K-40 uCilml 2.20E-11 2.90E-11 6.20E-12 7.0 0.76 YES NIA N/A pc~

PB08-00422 PB08-00423 2/2012008 Water PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.02E+00 7.10E-01 3.30E-01 6.0 1.44

1. YES N/A PB08-00422 PB08-00423 2120/2008 0/2008 Water PBRF H3 pCi/g 2.00E-01 E-01 2.00E-01 1.17E+00 0.3 1.00 YES N/A PB08-00440 PB08-00441 2/21/2008 2121/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg pC 1.66E+01

.66E+01 1.73E+01 3. 1 1OE+OO OE+OO 11.0 0.96 YES N/A NIA PB08-00460 PB08-00461 2121/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.56E+01 1A2E+01 3.00E+00 10.0 1.10 YES N/A NIA PB08-00480 08-00480 PB08-00481 212212008 Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 5.90E-10 6.50E-10 1.50E+10 0.0 0.91 YES N/A NIA PB08-00500 PB08-00501 PB08-0050 212512008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.61E+01 1.50E+01 2.90E+00 11.0 1.07 YES N/A PB08-00534 PB08-00535 PB08-005 2/27/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg P 1.71E+01 1.59E+01 3.10E+00 11.0 1.08 YES N/A 08-00540 PB08-00540 PB08-00541 2/2712008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 4.40E+00 5.00E+00 1AOE+OO 1 AOE+OO 6.0 0.88 YES N/A 11.0~


PB08-00560 PB08-00561 2/2712008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.39E+01 1.57E+01 157E+lli 5OE +OO 2.50E+00 11.0 0.89 YES NIA N/A PB08-00580 PB08-00581 2/2912008 212912008 Water PBRF K-40 pCilg 7.80E-01 7.50E-01 7.50E-0 1.70E-01 1 .70E-01 9.0 1.04 YES N/A r-------


PB08-00580 PB08-00581 2/29/2008 212912008 Water PBRF H3 pCilg pCi/g 4.00E-01 1.00E+00 7.00E-01 1.1 0040 YES N/A NIA I PB08-00600 PB08-00602 3/3/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg pCi/g 7.90E+00 7.70E+00 2 AOE+OO 7.0 1.03 YES N/A NIA 6

TABLE 1 (Continued)

INTRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS Gamma Log Number Sample 10 Number Acquisition Sample Replicate Analysis Nuclide Units Original Replicate Original 2 Sigma

.2 t:

"5 Ratio t:


E Q)

SDR Number SDR SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result "0 (Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty I/)


~ 08 08-C)

By 0:: << ###

PB08-00620 PB08-00621 313/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg pCiI 1.60E+01 1.97E+01 2.95E+00 E+OO 11.0 0.81 YES N/A PB08-00640 PB08-00641 3/412008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.27E+01 1.17E+01 2.60E+00 10.0 1.09 YES N/A PB08-00660 PB08-00661 3/4/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.72E+01 1.64E+01 2.90E+00 12.0 1.05 YES N/A PB08-00683 PB08-006B4 3/5/2008 Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 5.50E-10 4.20E-10 1.50E-10 7.0 1.31 YES N/A


PB08-00683 PB08-00684 3/512008 Air PBRF Cs-137 uCilml 2.10E-11 1.10E-11 7.80E-12 5.0 1.91 YES N/A PB08-00700 PB08-00701 3/612008 Air PBRF K-40 uCilml 6.60E-10 6.50E-10 1.90E-10 7.0 1.02 2 YES N/A c-~~~~ ----------

PB08-00720 PB08-00721 3/10/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.59E+01 1.B4E+01 2.90E+00 11.0 0.86 YES N/A PB08-00740 PB08-00741 3/1012008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.86E+01 2.13E+01 3.30E+00 11.0 0 0.87 YES N/A r~~~~ ~~~~~~~~-~~~-

PB08-00764 PB08-00765 3/1212008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.38E+01 1.35E+01 2.70E+00 10.0 1.02 YES N/A PB08-00764 PB08-00765 3/1212008 Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 2.70E-01 1.60E-01 9.40E-02 6.0 1.69 YES N/A PB08-00780 PB08-00781 3112/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.49E+01 1.30E+01 2.70E+00 11.0 1.15 YES N/A PB08-00800 PB08-00801 3/13/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.05E+01 1.0SE+01 1.52E+01 2.60E+00 8.0 0.69 YES N/A PB08-00800 PB08-00801 3/1312008 Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.40E+00 2.10E+00 5.40E-01 9.0 1.14 YES YES N/A

-~~ ---------

PB08-00820 PB08-00821 3/1412008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.64E+01 1.98E+01 2.98E+00 11.0 0.83 YES N/A


PB08-oo840 PB08-00841 3/1712008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.50E+01 1.61 E+01 2.90E+00 10.0 0.93 I YES N/A PB08-00860 PB08-00861 3118/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.46E+01 1.70E+01 3.20E+00 9.0 0.86 YES N/A PB08-00877 PB08-00878 3/19/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.11E+01 1.53E+01 1.S3E+01 2.40E+00 9.0 0.73 YES N/A


PB08-00900 PB08-00901 3/19/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.26E+01 1.35E+01 2.S0E+00 2.50E+00 10.0 0.93 YES N/A PB08-00920 PB08-00921 3/1912008 Soil PBRF K-40 PCVg~+oo pCi/g 4.70E+00 2.90E+00 1.50E+00 6.0 1.62 YES N/A PB08-00940 PB08-00941 312012008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.30E-01 6.60E-01 2.BOE-01 5.0 S.O 1.11 YES N/A 7

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample 10 Original Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate "5 E Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio (I) SDR-SDR Date Type Performed Result Result r/) ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty (I) OB OB-By a::: :f ###

PBOB-00960 PBOB-00961 3/20/200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.65E+01 1.60E+01 3.00E+OO 11.0 1.03 YES N/A PBOB-009BO PBOB-009B1 3124/200B Soil PBRF K-40

~+O1 pCi/g 1.22E+01 1.2BE+01 2.50E+00 10.0 0.95 YES N/A PBOB-01000 B-01000 PBOB-01020 PBOB-01001 PBOB-01021


3/24/200B 3/25/200B Soil Puck PBRF PBRF K-40 K-40 PpCi/g pCi/g 1.32E+01 9.60E+00 1.55E+01 7.50E+OO 7.50E+00 2.50E+00 3.40E+00 11.0 6.0 0.B5 1.2B YES YES N/A N/A PBOB-01020 PBOB-01042 PBOB-01021 PBOB-01043 3/25/200B 3/25/200B Puck Puck PBRF PBRF Cs-137 K-40 pCi/g pCi/g 1.B9E+01 1.02E+01 1.73E+01 9.10E+00 1.40E+OO 4.20E+OO 27.0 5.0 1.09 1.12 YES YES

~I N/A N/A

~~k PBOB-01042 PBOB-01043 3125/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 1.25E+02 1.22E+02 5.BOE+OO 43.0 1.02 YES N/A PB08-01060 PBOB-01061 3/261200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.70E+00 B.60E+00 3.00E+00 5.0 0.90 YES N/A PBOB-01060 PBOB-01061 3/26/200B ....

Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 3.24E+02 3.14E+02 1.25E+01 52.0 1.03 YES N/A


PBOB-010BO PB08-01081 PBOB-010B1 3/26/200B 3/26/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.35E+01 1.45E+01 2.BOE+OO 10.0 0.93 YES N/A PBOB-01080 PBOB-010B1 3/26/2008 3/26/200B Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 9.50E-01 1.20E+00 2.10E-01 9.0 0.79 YES N/A PB08-010BO PBOB-010B1 3/26/200B Soil PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 3.10E+00 3.70E+00 3.20E-01 19.0 0.84 YES N/A PBOB-01103 PBOB-01104 4/1/200B 4/1/2008 Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 3.20E-10 3.00E-10 9.00E-11 7.0 1.07 YES N/A PBOB-01120 PBOB-01121 4/1/2008 4/1/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 6. BOE+OO 9.30E+00 2.10E+00 6.0 0.73 YES N/A PBOB-01143 PBOB-01144 4/2/200B 4/2/2008 Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 7.60E-10 7.20E-10 2.50E-10 6.0 1.06 YES N/A PBOB-01143 PBOB-01144 4/2/200B Air PBRF Cs-137 uCi/ml 3.50E-11 2.30E-11 1.70E-11 4.0 1.52 YES N/A PBOB-01160 PBOB-01161 4131200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.23E+01 B.30E+00 B.30E+OO 2.20E+00 11.0 1.4B YES N/A PBOB-01160 PBOB-01161 4/3/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 1.90E-01 1.00E-01 9.00E-02 4.0 1.90 YES N/A PBOB-011BO PBOB-011B1 4/3/200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.73E+01 1.9BE+01 3.00E+00 12.0 0.B7 YES N/A PBOB-011BO PBOB-011B1 4131200B Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 4.00E-01 3.40E-01 1.40E-01 6.0 1.1B YES N/A PBOB-01200 PBOB-01201 4/7/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.90E+OO 9.60E+00 2.60E+00 B.O 8.0 1.03 1.03= YES N/A 8

TABLE 1 (Continued)

INTRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS Gamma Log Number Sample 10 Number Acquisition Sample Replicate Analysis Nuclide Units Original Replicate Original 2 Sigma c


s(5 Ratio c:



E Q.)

SOR Number SOR SOR-Date Type Performed Result Result VI ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q.) C> OB OB-By a:: << ###

PBOB-0122B PBOB-01229 4/B/200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.27E+01 1.26E+01 2.70E+00 OE+OO 9.0 1.01 YES N/A PBOB-0122B PBOB-01228 PBOB-01229 4/B/200B Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 3..10E-01 1OE-01 3.30E-01 1.20E-01 5.0 0.94 YES N/A PB08-01250 PBOB-01251 4191200B 125 PBRF K-40 pCi/g 4.50E+00 5.70E+00 1.60E+00 6.0 0.79 YES N/A PBOB-012BO PBOB-01281 PBOB-012B1 4115/200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.36E+01 1.45E+01 2.70E+00 10.0 0.94 YES N/A PBOB-01307 PBOB-01310 4/171200B Air PBRF K-40 uCilml 3.30E-10 2.15E-10 7.9BE-11 B.O 1.53 YES N/A PBOB-01320 PBOB-01321 41171200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCilg 6.00E+00 9.90E+00 2.60E+00 5.0 0.61 YES N/A PBOB-01320 PB08-01321 PBOB-01321 4/17/200B Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 4. 1 1OE-01 OE-01 4.90E-01 1.20E-01 7.0 0.B4 YES N/A PBOB-01340 PBOB-01341 4/22/200B Air PBRF K-40 uCilml uC 4.70E-10 B.10E-10 1.50E-10 6.0 0.5B YES N/A PBOB-01360 PBOB-01361 4/24/200B Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 7.60E-10 5.70E-10 1.70E-10 9.0 1.33 YES N/A PBOB-013BO PBOB-013B1 4128/2008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 5.60E-01 5.50E-01 1.70E-01 7.0 1.02 YES N/A PBOB-013S0 PBOB-013BO PBOS-013S1 PBOB-013B1 412S1200S 412B1200S Water PBRF H3 pCilml <MOA <MOA N/A N/A N/A YES ...

N/A PB08-001400 PBOS-001400 PBOB-001420 PBOB-001440 PB08-001401 PBOS-001401 PBOS-001421 PBOB-001421 PBOB-001441 51112008 5/6/200B 5/B/200B Air Air Air PBRF BRF PBRF PBRF K-40 K-40 K-40 uCilml uCilml uCi/ml 4.30E-10 4.BOE-10 9.90E-10 5.30E-10 6.B5E-10 9.12E-10 9.30E-11 1.40E-10 2.50E-10 9iE' 9.0 7.0 B.O 0.S1 0.70

.70 1.09 YES YES YES N/A N/A N/A PBOB-001460 PBOB-001461 5/13/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.40E+00 9.70E+00 2.40E+00 B.O 0.97 YES N/A PBOB-001480 PB08-0014B1 PB08-001481 5/131200S 5/131200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg 1.17E+01 9.40E+00 2.B5E+00 2.S5E+00 B.O 1.24 YES N/A C~'~


PBOB-001480 PB08-0014S0 PBOB-0014B1 PBOB-001481 5/131200B 5/1312008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 2.10E+03 2.10E+03 7.30E+01 5B.0 1.00 YES N/A PBOB-0014BO PBOB-001481 511312008 Puck PBRF Co-6 Co-60 Ci/g pCi/g 2.40E+00 2.10E+00 3.10E-01 15.0 1.14 YES N/A 9

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Original :p E Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate  ::I

.2 Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma "'0 0 Ratio (1) SDR-SDR Date Type Performed Result Result til  !!?

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty (1) 0) 08 08-By 0::: <t: ###

PBOB-001500 PBOB-001501 5/14/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.10E+00 B.30E+00 2.40E+00 B.O 1.10 YES N/A PBOB-001500 PBOB-001501 5/14/200B 14/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 5.B3E+01 5.61 E+01 2.60E+00 45.0 1.04 YES N/A PBOB-001500 PB08-oo1520 PBOB-001520 B-001520 PBOB-001540 PBOB-001501 PBOB-001521 PBOB-001521 PBOB-001541 511412008 5I141200B 5/141200B 5/1412008 51141200B 5/15/200B OOB ffiRF Puck Puck Puck Water


PBRF PBRF PBRF PBRF Co-60 K-40 Cs-137 K-40 pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g pCi/g 1.20E+00 1.10E+01 E+01 3.80E+00 E+OO 6.30E-01 OE-01 1.50E+00 9.70E+00 3.BOE+00 6.50E-01 1.9BE-01 3.00E+00 5.00E+00 2.50E-01 12.0 7.0 1.5 5.0 O.BO 1.13 1.00 0.97 YES YES YES YES N/A N/A N/A N/A

~ "

PBOB-001540 BOB-001540 PB08-001541 PBOB-001541 5/15/200B 5/15/2008 Water PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 1.60E-01 1.70E-01 3.40E-02 9.0 0.94 YES N/A PBOB-001540 PBOB-OO1541 PBOB-OO 1541 5/15/2008 Water PBRF H3 pCi/ml 3.6BE+01 3.50E+01 2.67E+00 2B.0 1.05 YES N/A PBOB-001560 PB08-001561 PBOB-001561 5115/200B 125 PBRF K-40 pCi/g 4.20E+00 4.90E+00 1.50E+00 6.0 0.B6 YES N/A PBOB-0015BO 8-0015BO PB08-0015B1 PBOB-0015B1 5/191200B 5/1912008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.03E+00 B.60E-01 8.60E-01 1.97E-01 10.0 1.20 YES N/A PB08-oo15BO

-0015BO PBOB-0015B1 5/191200B Water PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 1.70E-01 1.BOE-01 2.60E-02 13.0 0.94 YES N/A PBOB-001600 PBOB-001601 5/19/200B Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.80E-01 7.BOE-01 6.00E-01 3.00E-01 5.0 1.30 YES N/A f~~

PBOB-001600 PBOB-001601 5/191200B 5/19120 Water PBRF H3 pCi/ml <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A f~ -----------

PBOB-001620 PBOB-001621 5/13/200B 5/13/2008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g B.40E-01 5.40E-01 2.50E-01 7.0 1.56 YES N/A E



PBOB-001620 PBOB-001621 5/13/2008 Water PBRF H3 pCi/ml <MDA <MDA N/A NfA N/A N/A Y YES N/A

~ ~ ~ -------------

PBOB-001640 PBOB-001641 5/161200B 125 PBRF K-40 pCi/g 5.00E+00 5.40E+00 1.30E+00 E+OO 8.0 B.O 0.93 YES N/A PB08-001640 PBOB-001640 PBOB-001641 5/16/200B 125 PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 3.50E-01 3.20E-01 B.90E-02 B.O 1.09 YES N/A PBOB-001660 PB08-001661 PBOB-001661 5/221200B 5/2212008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.16E+01 B.OOE+OO 3.00E+00 8.0 B.O 1.45 YES N/A PBOB-0016BO PBOB-001681 PBOB-0016B1 5/211200B 5/2112008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.04E+01 7.60E+00 2.90E+00 7.0 1.37 YES N/A 10

TABLE 1 (Continued)

INTRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS c: "E SDR Replicate 0 Q.l Gamma Log Sample ID Original Number Number Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Nuclide Units Original Replicate 2 Sigma 5 Ratio E

Q.l SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result '0 (Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty fI)

Q.l OB OB-By Q.l en 0:: << ###

PBOB-001720 PB08-001721 I 6/4/200B Water PBRF K40 pCi/g 5.70E-01 6. 1OE-01 1.60E-01 I 7.0 0.93 YES N/A t** --------- ----------

PBOB-001720 PB08-001721 6/4/2008 Water PBRF H3 pCi/g <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A PBOB-001740 PBOB-001741 6/161200B Puck (T) PBRF K40 pCilg 7.BOE+00 1.03E+01 1.60E+00 10.0~

10.0 0.76 YES N/A r-....

PB08-001740 PB08-001741 6/16/200B Puck (T) PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 7.60E-01 7.00E-01 1.60E-01 10.0 1.09 YES N/A

...- cc..***

PB08-001740 PBOB-001741 6/161200B Puck (B) PBRF K40 pCi/g 9.00E+00 1.12E+01 1.BOE+00 10.0 O.BO YES N/A r .... ---------

PB08-001740 PBOB-001741 6/1612008 Puck (B) PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 5.80E-01 4.60E-01 1.40E-01 B.O 1.26 YES N/A PBOB-001760 PBOB-001761 6/17/200B Puck (T) PBRF K40 pCi/g 1.00E+01 5.20E+00 2.B4E+00 7.0 1.92 YES N/A PB08-001760 PBOB-001761 6/17/2008 Puck (T) PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 1.94E+00 2.10E+00 3.30E-01 12.0 0.92 YES N/A PB08-001760 PB08-001761 6/171200B Puck (B) PBRF K40 pCi/g 1.ooE+01 1.11E+01 2.70E+00 7.0 0.90 YES N/A PBOB-001760 PB08-001761 6/17/2008 Puck (B) PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 1.70E+00 1.60E+00 2.90E-01 12.0 1.06 YES N/A PB08-OO1780 PB08-0017B1 6/191200B Air PBRF K40 uCi/ml 2.30E-09 1.70E-09 6.ooE-10 8.0 1.35 YES N/A PB08-001BOO PBOB-001B01 6/23/2008 Puck (T) PBRF K40 pCi/g 7.97E+00 9.20E+00 2.23E+00 7.0 0.B7 YES I N/A PB08-oo1Boo PB08-001B01 6/231200B Puck (T) PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 6.30E-01 5.30E-01 1.BOE-01 7.0 1.19 YES N/A PB08-001BOO PB08-001B01 6/23/2008 Puck (B) PBRF K40 pCi/g 9.05E+00 9.40E+00 2.40E+00 B.O 0.96 YES N/A PB08-OO1800 PBOB-001B01 6/23/200B Puck (B) PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 5.00E-01 6.10E-01 1.90E-01 5.0 0.B2 YES N/A PBOB-001B20 PBOB-001B21 6/25/200B Water PBRF K40 pCilg 7.10E-01 B.BOE-01 1.90E-01 7.0 0.B1 YES N/A PBOB-001B20 PBOB-001B21 6/251200B Water I PBRF H3 pCilg <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A PB08-001B40 PBOB-001B41 6/27/2008 Puck (T) PBRF K40 pCilg 7.BOE+00 7.30E+00 1.30E+oo 12.0 1.07 YES N/A 11 J

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Original E Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate 'S Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma "0 Ratio Q) SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result (I) ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q) OB-By cr Jl ###

PBOB-001860 PBOB-001861 6/3012008 08 Puck (T) PBRF K-40 pCilg pCi/g 1.22E+01 B.10E+OO 3.35E+00 3.3 7.0 0 1.51 YES YE N/A PBOB-001860 PB08-001B61 6/30/2008 Puck (B) PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.16E+01 9.70E+OO 2.32E+00 10.0 1.20 YES YE N/A PB08-001860 PB08-001B61 6/301200B Puck (B) PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 3.70E-01 3.70E-01 1.60E-01 5.0 1.00 1.0 YES N/A PB08-001860 PB08-001861 6/30/2008 Puck (T) PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 3.40E-01 1.71E-01 1.10E-01 6.0 1.99 YES N/A PB08-001880 PB08-001881 I 7/2/2008 Air PBRF K-40 uCilml uCi/ml 9.30E-10 B.20E-10 1.96E-10 9.0 1.13 YES N/A PB08-001900 8-001900 PB08-001901 712/2008 008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.00E+00 7.50E+OO 2.20E+00 B.O 1.20 YES N/A PBOB-001900 B-001900 PB08-001901 2008 7/2/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 6.90E+00 9.BOE+00 1.90E+00 7.0 0.70 YES N/A I

PBOB-001920 BOB-001920 PBOB-001921 7/8/2008 125 _ PBRF K-40 pCi/g 4.60E+00 4.80E+00 1.30E+00 7.0 0.96 YES N/A PB08-001920 B08-001920 PBOB-001921 7/8/200B 125 PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 1.50E-01 1.00E-01 5.00E-02 6.0 1.50 YES N/A PBOB-001920 PB08-001921 7/8/2008 125 PBRF Cs-137 pCilg pCi/g 5.BOE-01 6.30E-01 1.30E-01 9.0 0.92 YES N/A c~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~

PBOB-001940 PB08-001941 7/9/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 4.40E+00 4.60E+00 1.20E+00 E+OO 7.0 0.96 YES N/A f~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~ ~

PB08-001940 PBOB-001941 7/9/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 3.70E+00 4.00E+00 1.10E+00 7.0 0.93 YES N/A 1~~OB-001960

~~~~~~ ~

PBOB-001960 PBOB-001961 7/101200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.BOE+00 7.40E+00 2.20E+00

.20E+00 7.0 1.05 YES N/A

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1~~OB-001960 PBOB-001960 PB08-001961 7/10/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg pCi/g 6.90E+00 7.50E+00 2.00E+00 7.0 0.92 YES N/A 1.~N/A PB08-001980 PB08-001981 7/1412008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.40E+00 7.00E+00 2.00E+00 7.0 1.06 YES N/A 12

TABLE 1 (Continued)


E Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate "5 Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio Q.) SDR-SDR Date Type Performed Result Result th ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q.) Cl OB-By IY ~ ##If.

PBOS-0019S0 PBOS-OO 19S1 7/141200S Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.40E+01 2.44E+01 1.20E+00 40.0 0.9S YES N/A PBOS-0019S0 PBOS-0019S1 7/141200S Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.30E+00 7.ooE+00 1.90E+00 S.O 1.04 YES N/A PBOS-0019S0 PBOS-0019S1 7/14/200S Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.44E+01 2.40E+01 1.30E+00 3S.0 1.02 YES N/A PBOS-002000 PBOS-002001 7/16/200S Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.70E+00 S.10E+00 1OE+OO

2. 1OE+OO 7.0 0.95 YES N/A PBOS-002000 PBOB-002001 7/16/200B Puck PBRF RF K-40 pCi/g 7.10E+00 6.S0E+00 2.ooE+00 7.0 1.04 YES N/A PBOS-002020 PBOS-002021 7/21/200B Puck PBRF BRF K-40 pCi/g 5.BOE+00 5.10E+00 1.40E+00 S.O 1.14 YES N/A


PBOS-002020 PBOS-002021 71211200S Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 5.10E+00 5.10E+00 1.30E+00 S.O 1.00 YES N/A 08-002040 PBOO-002040 PBOS-002041 71221200S Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.50E+00 7.10E+00 7.10E "'

2.40E+00 B.O 1.34 YES YE N/A fA OS-002040 PBOS-002040 PBOS-002041 71221200B Puck PUCk_ PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.25E+00 2.40E+00 3.22E-01 14.0 0.94 YES N/A NfA B

PBOS-002060 S-002060 PBOS-002061

  • 7/23/200S Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9. 1 1OE+OO OE+OO 9.40E+00 2.20E+00 8.0 0.97 Y YES N/A

_ ...... ------- r---

PBOS-002060 PBOS-002061 7/23/200S 3/200S Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 1.26E+01 1.1SE+01 S.30E-01 30.0 1.07 YES N/A PBOS-002060 BOS-002060 PBOB-002061 7/23/200S Puck PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 9.50E-01 7.50E-01 2.30E-01 B.O 1.27 YES N/A PBOS-0020S0 PBOS-002081 7/24/200S Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 1.90E-09 1.60E-09 5.00E-10 B.O 1.19 YES N/A I........

PBOS-002100 PBOB-002101 7/24/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.30E+00 9.20E+OO 2.95E+00 6.0 1.01 YES N/A PBOS-0021oo PBOS-002101 7/2412008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g i 1.45E+01 1.57E+0 1.57E+01 10E+00 1.10E+00 26.0 0.9 0.92 YES N/A f

~~OS.002120 PBOS*002120 PBOB*002121 7/2912008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.50E+00 9.50E+OO 2.50E+00

.50E+00 8.0 1.00

1. YES N/A S-002120 PBOS-002120 PBOS-002121 7/29/2008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 4.32E+02 4.2SE+02 1.57E+01 55.0 1.01 YES N/A PBOS-002136 PBOS-002141 7/31/200S Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g P B.50E+00 6.60E+00 2.14E+00 8.0 1.29 YES N/A c

PB08-002136 PBOO-002136 ~141 PBOS-002141 7/31/200S Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g S.90E-01 9.60E-01 1.90E-01 9.0 0.93 YES N/A 13

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Original Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate ~ E Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio Q) SDR SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result <n ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q) C) OB-By c::: << ###

PBOB-02160 PBOB-02161 B/4/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 3.70E+00 2.24E+00 9.20E-01 B.O 1.65 YES N/A PBOB-021BO PBOB-021B1 B/5/200B Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.90E-01 9.70E-01 1.BOE-01 9.0 0.B1 YES N/A PBOB-021BO PBOB-021B1 B/5/200B Water PBRF H3 pCi/ml <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A PBOB-02200 PBOB-02201 BI6/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 3.20E+00 2.90E+00 1.20E+00 5.0 1.10 YES N/A PBOB-02200 PBOB-02201 BI6/200B Puck PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 3.30E-01 4.20E-01 B.50E-02 B.O 0.79 YES N/A PBOB-02220 PBOB-02221 BI6/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.40E+01 1.14E+01 3.70E+00 B.O 1.23 YES N/A PBOB-02220 PBOB-02221 BI6/200B Puck PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 2.20E+00 2.00E+00 3.40E-01 13.0 1.10 YES N/A PBOB-02220 PBOB-02221 BI6/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 4.70E+00 5.14E+00 5.90E-01 16.0 0.91 YES N/A PBOB-02240 PBOB-02241 B171200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g B.20E+00 B.BOE+OO 2.30E+00 7.0 0.93 YES N/A PBOB-02240 PBOB-02241 B171200B Puck PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 4.50E-01 4.10E-01 1.20E-01 B.O 1.10 YES N/A PBOB-02240 PBOB-02241 BI7I200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 6.30E+00 6.40E+00 5.BOE-01 22.0 0.9B YES N/A I

PBOB-02260 PBOB-02261 B/11/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g B.OOE+OO B.BOE+OO 1.BOE+00 9.0 0.91 YES N/A PBOB-022BO PBOB-022B1 B/12/00B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.50E+00 7.10E+00 2.30E+00 7.0 1.06 YES N/A PBOB-02300 PBOB-02301 B/13/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.70E+00 5.20E+00 1.BOE+00 9.0 1.4B YES N/A PBOB-02300 PBOB-02301 B/13/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 9.00E-01 9.90E-01 1.60E-01 11.0 0.91 YES N/A PBOB-02320 PBOB-02321 B/19/200B Air PBRF K-40 uCi/ml 6.60E-10 B.30E-10 2.30E-10 6.0 O.BO YES N/A PBOB-02340 PBOB-02343 BI21/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.26E+01 6.50E+00 3.00E+00 B.O 1.94 NO 003 PBOB-02360 PBOB-02361 BI21/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.90E+00 1.12E+01 2.70E+00 7.0 O.BB YES N/A PBOB-02360 PBOB-02361 BI21/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g B.40E-01 1.20E+00 2.20E-01 B.O 0.70 YES N/A 14

TABLE 1 (Continued)

INTRA-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS Gamma Log Sample ID Acquisition Sample Replicate Analysis Original Replicate Original I::


J I ::

E SDR Number Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma "0 Ratio SDR-SDR Date Type Performed Result Result tI) ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty C) OB-08 By 0::: << ###

PB08-02380 PB08-02381 8/2612008 B/261200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg 7.70E+00 9.00E+00 2.12E+00 7.0 0.B6 0.86 YES N/A PB08-02400 PBOB-02400-R PB08-02400-R 8/2712008 B/271200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.BOE+00 7.23E+00 2.20E+00 7.0 1.0B 1.08 YES N/A


PBOB-02420 PB08-02422 B/2B1200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.19E+01 1.09E+01 2.90E+00 B.O 1.09 YES N/A 11---------------- + - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - + - - - - - I - - - - - + - - - - f - - - - j -------------------1------1 --------------- j-----j----t-PBOB-02340 PBOB-02500 PB08-02500 9/B/200B 9/B/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 8.40E+00 B.40E+00 6.50E+00 2.20E+00 B.O 1.29 YES 003 PB08-02340 PB08-02500 9/BI2008 9/B/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg p B.40E+00 1.26E+01 2.20E+00 B.O 8.0 0.67 YES 003

j----------t-----+-------t----------j-PB08-02440 PBOB-02441 9/2/2008 9/2/200B Puck PBRF K-40 p pCi/g 1.16E+01 9.50E+00 2.BOE+00 B.O 8.0 1.22 YES N/A

- - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - t - -

PBOB-02460 PBOB-02461 9/3/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.50E+00 6.60E+00 2.20E+00 7.0 1.14 YES N/A PB08-02460 PBOB-02461 PB08-02461 9/312008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 4.60E-01 6.50E-01 1.60E-01 6.0 0.71 YES N/A PBOB-02480 PB08-024BO PBOB-024B1 PB08-024B1 9/4/200B 9/4/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCilg 5.70E+00 4.30E+00 1.70E+00 7.0 1.33 YES N/A PBOB-024BO PB08*02480 PBOB-024B1 PB08-02481 9/4/2008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 1.BOE+01 1.83E+01 E+01 1.10E+00 33.0 0.98 YES N/A PBOB-02500 PBOB*02500 PBOB-02501 PB08-02501 9/8/2008 9/B/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g B.40E+00 8.40E+00 9.40E+00 2.20E+00 8.0 0.89 YES N/A PB08-02500 PBOB-02501 PB08-02501 9/812008 9/81200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.70E-01 3.70 E-O E-O11 1.00E-01 5.0 0.73 YES N/A 11--------+----------------

PBOB-02520 PB08-02520 PBOB-02521 PB08-02521 9/9/2008 9/9/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 8.40E+00 1.27E+01 2.30E+00 7.0 0.66 YES N/A 11--------+-------------

PBOB-02520 PBOB-02521 9/9/2008 9/9/200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 4.60E-01 3.10E-01 1.70E-01 5.0 1.4B 1.48 YES N/A PB08-02540 PBOB-02540 PBOB-02541 PB08-02541 9/9/2008 9/9/200B Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 7.40E-01 6.60E-01 1.98E-01 1.9BE-01 7.0 1.12 YES N/A PB08-02560 PBOB-02560 PB08-02561 PBOB-02561 9/15/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.23E+01 7.42E+00 2.BOE+00 2.80E+00 9.0 1.66 YES N/A r~""'"

PBOB-02580 PB08-025BO PBOB-02581 PB08-02581 9/1712008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.30E+00 1.05E+01 2.10E+00 I !iW 9.0 I 0.89 0.B9 YES N/A I...... -----f---------------

PB08-02580 PBOB-02581 PB08-02581 9/1712008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.90E-01 2.10E-01 1.20E-01 5.0 1.38 YES N/A PBOB-02600 PB08-02600 PBOB-02601 PB08-02601 9/2212008 Puck PBRF K K-40 pCi/g 1.54E+01 1.01E+01 1.01 E+01 3.60E+00 9.0 1.52 YES N/A 15

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Original  :;::

E Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate  ::J Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio Q) SDR SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result t/) ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q) 08 08-By ex:: <<Cl ###

PB08-02600 PB08-02601 9/22/2008 Puck I PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 6.60E-01 4.50E-01 2.20E-01 6.0 1.47 YES N/A r~~~

PB08-02620 PB08-02621 9123/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 8.60E+00 8.50E+00 2.40E+00 7.0 1.01 YES N/A

~ ~~~~~

PB08-02620 PB08*02621 9/2312008 Puck PBRF Co-60 pCi/g 5.30E-01 5.30E-01 1.60E-01 7.0 1.00 YES N/A

~ ~~~~~~~

PB08-02620 PB08-02621 9/2312008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 4.00E-01 4.10E-01 1.20E-01 7.0 0.98 YES N/A N~I PB08-02640 PB08-02641 9125/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.31E+01 9.30E+00 3.22E+00 8.0 1.41

.41 YES N/A

~-O1 PB08-02640 PB08-02641 9/2512008 Puck PBRF Co-60 pCilg pC,g 4.00E-01 3.30E-01 1.80E-01 4.0 1.21

.21 YES N/A PB08-02640 PB08-02641 9/25/2008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 5.90E-01 E-01 3.00E-01 2.20E-01 5.0 1.97 YES N/A Nt PB08-02660 PB08-02661 9/29/2008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 8.00E-01 8.80E-01 1.70E-01 9.0 0.91 YES N/A PB08-02660 PB08-02661 9/2912008 Water PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.30E-02 4.30E-02 9.00E-03 5.0 0.53 YES N/A PB08-02820 PB08-02821 11/512008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g 5.80E-01 7.60E-01 1.20E-01 10.0 0.76 YES N/A PB08-02820 PB08-02821 11/512008 Water PBRF Cs-137 Cs-1 pCi/g 2.00E-02 1.00E-02 8.00E-03 5.0 2.00 YES N/A PB08-02840 PB08-02841 11/121200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.63E+01 1.63E+01 3.BOE+00 9.0 1.00 YES N/A PBOB-02B40 PBOB-02841 11/121200B Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 4.20E-01 3.40E-01 1.60E-01 5.0 1.24 YES N/A PBOB-02B60 PBOB-02B61 11/17/200B Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.30E+00 1.16E+01 2.40E+00 B.O O.BO YES N/A PBOB-02860 PB08*02B61 PB08-02B61 11/17/200B Soil PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 2.60E-01 1.60E-01 7.20E-02 7.0 1.63 YES N/A PB08-02BBO PBOB-028B1 11/24/200B Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 9.60E+00 9.30E+00 2.40E+00 B.O 1.03 YES N/A PB08*02BBO PBOB*02BB1 111241200B Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCi/g 3.60E+00 3.40E+00 4.30E+00 1.7 1.06 YES N/A PBOB-02900 PBOB-02901 11124/200B ' Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g ilg 1.11E+01 B.10E+00 2.50E+00 9.0 1.37 YES N/A r---~~~

PBOB-02920 PBOB-02921 12/2/200B Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g i/g 7.00E-01 7.20E-01 2.60E-01 5.0 0.97 YES N/A 16

TABLE 1 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Original +=l Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate  ::J E Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio (!) SDR SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result III ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty (!) 08 08-By 0::: <<Ol ###

PB08-02920 PB08-02921 1212/2008 Water PBRF H3 pCilml <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A PB08-02940 PB08-02941 1212/2008 Water PBRF K-40 pCi/g <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A PB08-02940 PB08-02941 12/2/2008 Water PBRF H3 pCilml <MDA <MDA N/A N/A N/A YES N/A PB08-02960 PB08-02961 12110/2008 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.70E+00 1.06E+01 7.20E-01 5.0 0.16 NO 004 PB08-02960 PB08-02961 1/6/2009 Soil PBRF K-40 pCi/g 1.00E+01 1.01E+01 1.

1.80E+00 11.0 0.99 YES N/A PB08-02980 PB08*02981 1211712008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 5.76E+00 6.34E+00 1.54E+00 1 7.0 0.91 YES N/A PC~01 PB08-02980 PB08-02981 12117/2008 Puck PBRF Cs-137 pCilg 4.97E+01 3.90E+01 2.10E+00 47.0 1.27 YES N/A PB08*03000 PB08-03001 12/23/2008 Puck PBRF K-40 pCi/g 6.15E+00 4.60E+00 1.40E+00 9.0 1.34 YES N/A TABLE 2 INTER-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS c: 'E SDR Replicate 0 (!)

Gamma Log Sample ID Original +=l Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate  ::J E Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio (!) SDR SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result III ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty (!) 08 08-By 0::: :if ###

PB08-00071 F8A 170276-001 1/1512008 Water TAISTL Cs-137 uCilml 8.30E-OS 6.00E-08 1.70E-08 10.0 1.38 YES N/A PB08-00071 F8A170276-001 1/151200S Water TAISTL H3 uCilml 2.02E-05 2.16E-05 3.40E-09 3.40 11882.0 0.94 YES N/A PB08-00072 F8A170276-002 1/1512008 Water TAISTL Cs-137 .'"',,_.

uCi/ml 1.52E-06 1.60E-06 1.10E-07 28.0 0.95 YES N/A PB08-OOO72 PB08-00088 F8A170276-002 F8A180273*001 1/1512008 111612008 Water er Water TAISTL TAISTL H3 H3 Cs-137

~uCi/ml uCi/ml 2.78E-04 5.60E-08 2.92E-04 8.00E-08 1.80E-05 1.30E-08 1.30E-OB 31.0 9.0 0.95 0.70 YES YES N/A N/A 17

TABLE 2 (Continued)

INTER-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS Gamma Log Sample ID Acquisition Sample Replicate Analysis Original Replicate Original c

.2 "S

-c Cl)

E SDR Number Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio Cl) SDR SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result II)  !!:!

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Cl) OB OB-By c:::


<C #11#

PBOB-OOOBB FBA1 FBA 1B0273-001 1/16/200B Water TAiSTL H3 uCi/ml 1.55E-05 1.54E-05 1.10E-06 2B.0 1.01 YES N/A PBOB-00089 FBA1B0273-oo1 1/161200B Water TAiSTL Cs-137 uCilml 5.5BE-07 S.5BE-07 6.00E-07 5.20E-OB 21.0 0.93 YES N/A PBOB-OOOB9 FBA1 FBA 1B0273-oo1 1I1612ooB Water TAiSTL H3 uCilml 2. 79E-04 2.95E-04 2.9SE-04 1.BOE-05 1.BOE-OS 31.0 0.95 0.9S YES N/A


PB08-OO52B FBB2B0209-oo3 2I27/2ooB Water TAiSTL Cs-137 uCilml 4.20E-OB 5.00E-OB S.OOE-OB 1.30E-OB 6.0 0.B4 YES N/A PBOB-0052B FBB2B0209-oo3 21271200B Water TAiSTL H3 uCilml 7.03E-04 7.31E-04 31E-04 4.40E-05 4.40E-OS 32.0 0.96 YES N/A PBOB-00526 FBB2B0209-oo1 2/271200B Water TAiSTL Cs-137 uCilml 1.5BE-06 1.90E-06

.90E-06 2.ooE-07


16.0 0.B3 YES N/A PBOB-00526 FBB2B0209-oo1 2/27/200B Water TAiSTL H3 uCi/ml 2.96E-04 E-04 3. 1 1OE-04 OE-04 1.90E-05 1.90E-OS 31.0 0.95 YES N/A PBOB-00527 PBOB-00S27 FBB2B0209-002 2/271200B Water TAiSTL Cs-137 uCi/ml 6.50E-OB 7.00E-OB 1.50E-OB 9.0 0.93 YES N/A PBOB-00527 FBB2B0209-002 2/27/200B Water TAiSTL H3 uCi/ml 5.05E-05 5.14E-05 3.20E-06 32.0 0.9B YES N/A PBOB-01019 FBC260229-OO1 3/25/2008 3/2S/2008 Water TAiSTL Cs-137 uCi/ml uC"ml I 6.50E-07

.50E-07 S.90E-07 5.90E-07 7.00E-OB 19.0 1.10 YES N/A PBOB-Ol019 PBOB-01019 FBC260229-oo1 3J2512~AlSTL 3/25/200B Water TAiSTL H3 uCi/ml u 1.57E-04 1.S7E-04 1.91E-04 5.34E-06 S.34E-06 59.0 0.B2 YES N/A PBOB-Ol463 L35200-1 5/131200B Puck uck TBE K-40 pCilg 1.07E+Ol 1.07E+01 1.03E+01 3.10E+00 7.0 1.04 YES N/A


PBOB-01463 L352oo-1 5/131200B Puck TBE Cs-137 pCilg 3.50E-01 3.ooE-01 1.40E-01 5.0 1.17 YES N/A PBOB-01505 L35264-1 5/1412008 Water TBE K-40 pCi/g I 2.BOE-01 3.ooE-01 1.50E-01

1. 3.7 0.93 YES N/A PBOB-01505 L35264-1 5/14/200B Water ater TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 3.BOE+00 3.BOE+00 2.ooE-Ol 2.ooE-01 3B.0 1.00 YES N/A PBOB-01505 L35264-1 5/14/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/g 5.B2E+Ol 5.77E+Ol S.77E+Ol 3.30E+00 35.0 1.01 YES N/A PBOB-01506 PBOB-01S06 L35264-3 5/14/200B S/14/200B Water TBE K-40 pCilg 9.BOE-Ol 9.BOE-01 9.40E-Ol 9.40E-01 3.20E-01 6.0 1.04 YES N/A PBOB-01506 L35264-3 5/1412008 Water TBE Cs-137 pCilg 2.50E-Ol 2.50E-01 1.BOE-01 5.00E-02 10.0 1.39 YES N/A 18

TABLE 2 (Continued)

INTER-LABORATORY COMPARISON (REPLICATE) RESULTS r::: "E SDR Replicate Gamma Log Sample ID Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate Original 0-;0 Q)

E Number Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma "0 Ratio Q) SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result If) ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q)

Cl OB-By c::: << ###

PBOB-01506 L35264-3 5/14/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/g 1.4BE+01 1.4BE+01 1.BOE+00 16.0 1.00 YES N/A PBOB-01507 L35264-2 5/14/200B Water TBE K-40 pCi/g 7.30E-01 1.10E+00 2.BOE-01 5.0 0.66 YES N/A PBOB-01507 L35264-2 5/14/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 1.30E-01 1.10E-01 3.00E-02 9.0 1.1B YES N/A PBOB-01507 L35264-2 5/14/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/g 5.20E+00 5.BOE+00 1.30E+00 B.O 0.90 YES N/A PBOB-01539 L35266-1 5/15/200B Water TBE K-40 pCi/g 9.70E-01 1.20E+00 3.00E-01 6.0 0.B1 YES N/A PBOB-01539 L35266-1 5/15/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 7.40E-01 7.10E-01 B.00E-02 19.0 1.04 YES N/A PBOB-01539 L35266-1 5/15/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/g 1.96E+01 1.93E+01 2.10E+00 19.0 1.02 YES N/A PBOB-01540 L35266-2 5/15/200B Water TBE K-40 pCi/g 6.30E-01 1.10E+00 2.50E-01 5.0 0.57 YES N/A PBOB-01540 L35266-2 5/15/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 1.70E-01 1.10E-01 3.00E-02 11.0 1.55 YES N/A PBOB-01540 L35266-2 5/15/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/g 3.42E+01 3.4BE+01 2.60E+00 26.0 0.9B YES N/A PBOB-01997 L35B20 7/16/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 1.90E-01 1.60E-01 2.30E-02 17.0 1.19 YES N/A PBOB-01997 L35B20 7/16/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/ml B.06E+01 B.26E+01 3.B4E+00 42.0 0.9B YES N/A PBOB-0199B L35B20 7/16/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 3.70E-01 3.B1E-01 3.00E-02 25.0 0.97 YES N/A PBOB-0199B L35B20 7/16/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 3.67E+02 3.94E+02 B.04E+OO 91.0 0.93 YES N/A PBOB-021B4 L36026-1 B/5/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 2.60E-01 2.21 E-01 3.60E-02 14.0 1.1B YES N/A I

PBOB-021B4 L36026-1 B/5/200B Water TBE H3 pCilml 2.B6E+01 2.BOE+01 2.B5E+00 20.0 1.02 YES N/A PBOB-021B3 L36026-2 B/5/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 2.40E-01 2.31E-01 3.30E-02 15.0 1.04 YES N/A 19

TABLE 2 (Continued)


Gamma Log Sample ID Original Number Acquisition Sample Analysis Original Replicate  ::J E Number Number Nuclide Units 2 Sigma (5 Ratio Q) SDR-Date Type Performed Result Result (J) ~

(Original) (Replicate) Uncertainty Q) Cl OB-By 0::: << ###

PBOB-021B3 L36026-2 B/5/200B Water TBE H3 pCilml 1.70E+01 1.BOE+01 1.S6E+00 1S.0 0.94 YES N/A NIA PB08-02291 L360B2-1 B/13/200S Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 2.00E-01 2.30E-01 3.20E-02 13.0 0.B7 YES N/A PBOB-02291 L360B2-1 B/13/2008 Water TBE H3 pCilml 2.00E+00 1.60E+00 9.90E-01 4.0 1.25 YES N/A PBOB-02292 L360B2-2 8/13/2008 Water TBE Cs-137 pCilg 1.00E-01 S.BOE-02 2.30E-02 9.0 1.14 YES N/A PBOB-02292 L360B2-2 8/13/200S B/13/200S Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 2.10E+01 1.S4E+01 2.07E+00 20.0 1.14 YES N/A PBOB-02317 L36161-2 8/19/2008 B/19/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 1.00E+00 1.06E+00 7. 1 1OE-02 OE-02 2S.0 0.94 YES N/A NIA PBOB-02317 L36161-2 B/19/200S Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 9.36E+01 9.07E+01 4.13E+00 45.0 1.03 YES N/A PBOB-0231S L36161-1 B/19/200S Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 2.10E-01 1.90E-01 3.00E-02 14.0 1.11 YES N/A PBOB-0231B L36161-1 S/19/2008 Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 2.S6E+01 2.99E+01 2.37E+00 24.0 0.96 YES N/A PBOB-02451 L36292-1 9/3/200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCilg 1.05E-01 7.00E-02 3.50E-02 6.0 1.50 YES N/A PBOB-02451 BT10 9/31200B Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 3.60E+00 3.30E+00 1.17E+00 6.0 1.09 YES N/A PBOB-02452 L36292-2 9/3/200B Water ter TBE Cs-137 pCilg 3.90E-01 3.10E-01 6.00E-02 13.0 1.26 YES N/A PBOB-02452 L36292-2 9/3/200B 9/3/200S Water TBE H3 pCilml 1.26E+01 1.64E+01 1.73E+00 15.0 0.77 YES N/A PBOB-02B23 L370B3 L370S3 11/61200B Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 1.44E+00 1.46E+00 B.70E-02 33.0 0.99 YES N/A PBOB-02B23 L370B3 L370S3 11/6/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 4.03E+02 4.6BE+02 3.S7E+01 21.0 0.B6 YES N/A PBOB-02B24 L370S3 11/61200S Water TBE Cs-137 pCi/g 7.17E-01 7.50E-01 6.00E-02 24.0 0.96 YES N/A PBOS-02B24 PBOB-02B24 L370S3 L370B3 11/6/200B Water TBE H3 pCi/ml 1.27E+03 1.45E+03 1.22E+02 21.0 O.BS O.SS YES N/A Note: TAlSTL - Test America/Sevem-Trent Laboratory TBE - Teledyne Brown Engineering 20


I TABLES 1&2 - NOTES To determine agreement:

I 1. The original result is divided by its associated one sigma uncertainty to obtain the resolution.

2. The original result is then divided by the corresponding replicate result to obtain the ratio.

I 3. The measurement is in agreement if the value of the ratio falls within the limits shown in Table 3 for the corresponding resolution. The criteria are similar to those listed in USNRC Inspection I Procedure 84750 "Radioactive Waste Treatment, and Effluent and Environmental Monitoring" with minor adjustments to account for activity concentrations with large uncertainties.

4. If both sample results are less than Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA), they are in agreement.

I When comparing a positive result to a <MDA result, the <MDA result is assumed to be positive activity and used to calculate the ratio.

5. Those sample analyses that do not agree are annotated by a "NO" answer in the "Agreement" I column. The corresponding Sample Deviation Report (SDR) number can be located in the "SDR Number" column.

I TABLE 3: SAMPLE RESOLUTION AND RATIO AGREEMENT CRITERIA RESOLUTIC~~ RATIO I <4 4-7 0.4 - 2.5 0.5 - 2.0 I 8-15 16 - 50 0.6 -1.66 0.75-1.33 I 51 - 200

>200 0.8 -1.25 0.85 -1.18 I 6.0 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS I 6.1 A Quality Control Check is performed on the PBRF Gamma Spectroscopy Systems daily before analyzing samples and immediately after changes in electronic components that may affect system operability. The results are I compared to parameters specified in RP-021, Rev. 0, Operation and Calibration of the ORTEC Gamma Spectroscopy System. Results that are not within the prescribed ranges are investigated prior to placing the system in operation. A total I of 615 Quality Control Checks were performed during this period. No deficiencies were noted.

I 6.2 A system normalization and calibration using flame-sealed unquenched Carbon-14, Tritium, and background reference standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards (NIST) is performed on the PBRF Liquid Scintillation Carbon I Analyzer daily before analyzing samples and immediately after changes in electronic components that may affect system operability. The results are compared to parameters specified in RP-020, Rev. 0, Packard TriCarb 2900 TR I Liquid Scintillation Analyzer. Results that are not within the prescribed ranges are I 21



I investigated prior to placing the system in operation. A total of 204 system normalization and calibrations were performed. No deficiencies were noted.

I 6.3 Two tritium QC Check samples are analyzed on the Liquid Scintillation Analyzer with each batch of samples. The QC check samples are prepared from a NIST traceable tritium source solution and scintillation cocktail. One QC Check sample I is placed before the sample set and one is placed after the sample set. Tritium QC check samples were analyzed in 227 sample batches during this report period.

No deficiencies were noted.



DETERMINATIONS I 7.1 A background check is performed on the Gamma Spectroscopy Systems at least daily as required by procedure PBRF-RP-021, Rev. 2, Operation and Calibration of the ORTEC Gamma Spectroscopy System. Background determinations are I used to ensure that the counting environment is free of contamination.

Background results are plotted daily to observe trends and unusual results. A total of 615 background checks were performed on the PBRF Gamma Spectroscopy I Systems during this report period. All background checks were performed satisfactorily. No deficiencies were noted.

I 7.2 A background reference sample is analyzed daily prior to sample counting to calculate the figure of merit (FOIVI) quench indicating parameter (QIP) of E2/B.

This value is used to determine counting efficiency.

I 7.3 Two background samples are analyzed on the Liquid Scintillation Analyzer with each batch of samples. The background samples are prepared with de-ionized I water and scintillation cocktail. One background sample is placed before the sample set and one is placed after the sample set. Results are used to subtract a background count from the sample count and calculate an MDA. Background I samples were analyzed in 227 sample batches during this report period. No deficiencies were noted.

I 8.0 BLANK SAMPLE ANALYSIS 8.1 Sample Processing Facility and Laboratory Technicians prepare blank samples I during the processing of regular samples in accordance with RP-060. The analysis of blank samples ensures that measurement error is not the result of contamination of sampling equipment or processing techniques. The acceptance I criteria for blank sample results are no detectable PBRF related activity above the target Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA).

I 8.1.1 A total of 29 Gamma Spectroscopy Analyses were performed on 29 blank samples during this report period. No PBRF related gamma activity was detected in any blank sample above the analysis MDA.

I 8.1.2 A total of 227 tritium analyses were performed on 227 blank samples during this report period. No tritium activity was observed in any blank I sample above the analysis MDA.

I 22


I 9.0 CROSS-CHECK PROGRAM 9.1 PBRF participates in the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Mixed I Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP). MAPEP Series 18 was issued in January 2008 and resulted in a Co-60 failure on the MaS (soil) sample and a Co-60 failure on the RdF (filter) sample. Co-60 was incorrectly identified in I the MaS sample, when in fact it was not present above the analysis sensitivity.

Co-60 was reported outside the acceptance range (> 30%) of the reference value and Cs-137 was> 20% for the RdF sample. A replicate analysis performed on I these results was in agreement with the reference values. The remaining results were within the acceptance range for each sample matrix. Series 19 was issued in August 2008. All reported results were within the acceptance range for each I sample matrix. MAPEP Series results are shown in Attachment B.

9.2 Tritium cross-check samples obtained from Eckert & Ziegler Analytics were I analyzed in January and July. Each sample was analyzed multiple times to reduce the counting uncertainty. The average of these analysis and uncertainties are then reported to Eckert & Ziegler Analytics. The cross-check sample results I were within the acceptable range of the standard for both series. Cross-check results are shown in Attachment B.

I 10.0 LABORATORY/SAMPLE DEVIATION REPORTS 10.1 A Laboratory/Sample Deviation Report (SDR) provides a method to document I sampling or sample analysis conditions that are adverse to quality. The identification of the condition adverse to quality, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken are documented and reported to the appropriate levels I of management.

10.2 Each SDR is completed in accordance with procedure RP-060, PBRF I Radiological Laboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program.

10.3 A total of 4 SDRs were completed during this report period. Each incident was I investigated by the Laboratory Manager and corrective actions were addressed and all SDRs were closed. A copy of each SDR is provided in Attachment A. The SDRs consisted of the following:


  • SDR-08-001 - MAPEP MaS-18 Co-60 failure
  • SDR-08-002 - MAPEP RdF-18 Co-60 failure and Cs-137 waming I
  • SDR-08-003 - K-40 replicate not in agreement I 11.0 ATTACHMENTS SDR-08-004 - K-40 replicate not in agreement I A.


Sample Deviation Reports Cross-Check Reports I

I 23





I Attachment A I Sample Deviation Reports I





I I 24



Gross Alpha/Beta D Liq. Scinto D Gamma Spec. r8:I Serial # Detector #1 #2 #3 I SAMPLE TYPE (Check One)

I Soil r8:I Water/Liquid D PlanchetD Concrete Debris D Other D SAMPLE START DATEITIME SAMPLE STOP DATEITIME I

I 2/4/08 111 :05 I N/A I ANALYTICAL PROBLEM MAPEP MaS-18 Soil sample results were in excess of the Co-GO reference value. The reported value was 14.3 Bq/kg and the reference value was 2.9 Bq/kg. As this was a sensitivity test for Co-GO, no acceptance range is given.


I CORRECTIVE ACTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS A review of the gamma spectroscopy analysis for this sample revealed that the Co-50 1332 peak was not present I in the spectrum. Since the Gamma Vision library recognized the 1173 peak, it associated the region counts with Co-GO and reported an incorrect activity. This is not the library that is normally used to analyze PBRF soil samples,

  • but was used for MAPEP since the results are reported in Becquerels. The library was corrected to require both
  • peaks to be present to identify Co-GO in a sample.


  • I Submitted By: (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE 8/13/08 I Radiological Laboratory Manager (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE 8/13/08 DATE 8/13/08 NASA Project RSO (PrintlSign) W. Stoner I

I 25 I

I~------------------------------~ EXHIBIT 2 I


SDR-08-002 INSTRUMENT (Check One)

I Gross Alpha/Beta D Liq. Scinto D Gamma Spec. [8] Serial # Detector #1 #2 #3 I . SAMPLE TYPE (Check One)

SoUD Water/Liquid D PlanchetD Concrete Debris D Other [8] Air Filter I SAMPLE START DA*rE/TIME SAMPLE STOP DATEITIME I ANALYTICAL PROBLEM 2/4/08/14:27 N/A I MAPEP RdF-18 Air filter Co-60 sample result was> 30% (48.9%) of the reference value and Cs-137 was >20%

(28.9%) of the reference value. The reported value for Co-60 was 1.95 +/-0.33 8q/sample and the reference value was 1.318q/sample. The reported value for Cs-137 was 3.48 +/-0.5 8q1sample and the reference value was 2.70 8q/sample.


CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ANDIOR COMMENTS I The reported values are the numerical average for each nuclide of 5 trials. The standard deviation in the trial set is 0.6 8q for Co-60 and 0.7 8q for Cs-137. A replicate analysis was performed on these results. 80th the Co-60 and Cs-137 results were in agreement with the MAPEP reference values. The sample analYSis process for this I geometry was observed by the Laboratory Manager and no discrepancies were found. The samples were analyzed for 1000 seconds which is typical for this sample type. However, a significantly longer count time will improve the uncertainty and should result in a smaller variance between sample trials. Subsequent MAPEP filter samples will I be given a 43,200 second count time.

Submitted By: (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE 8/13/08 I Radiological Laboratory Manager (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE 8/13/08 I NASA Project RSO (Print/Sign) W. Stoner DATE 8/13/08 I

I I 26


PB08-02340 K-40 not in agreement SDR-08-003 I Gross Alpha/Beta D Liq. Scinto D Gamma Spec. [ZJ Serial # Detector #3 & #1 SAMPLE TYPE (Check One)

I Soil D Water/Liquid D PlanchetD Concrete Debris D Other [ZJ Concrete Core I SAMPLE START DATEITIME SAMPLE STOP DATEITIME 8/21/08/10:48 N/A I ANALYTICAL PROBLEM I

PB08-02340 K-40 (12.6+/-3 pCi/g) replicate analysis not in agreement with PB08-02343 recount (6.5+/-2 pCi/g) on I Detector #1.

I I CORRECTIVE ACTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Sample was recounted on Detectors #1 & #2 (PB08-02500 & PB08-02501). The K-40 results (pCi/g) were in I agreement on both counts with the original result and with each other.

Detector Original Replicate 2 Sigma Resolution Ratio Agreement Original 1.26E+01 6.50E+OO 3.00E+OO 8.0 1.94 No I Det#1 &#2 Oet#1 &#3 Oet#1 & Oet#1 8.40E+OO 8.40E+00 8.40E+00 9.40E+OO 1.26E+01 6.50E+OO 2.20E+00 2.20E+OO 2.20E+00 8.0 8.0 8.0 0.89 0.67 1.29 Yes Yes Yes Det#2 & Oet#1 1.2SE+01 9.40E+OO 3.00E+00 8.0 I 1.34 Yes I The differences in the results are not statistically significant within the variability of the time of measurement uncertainty. No further action is required.

I Submitted By: (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE 9/9/08 I  : Radiological Laboratory Manager (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE 9/9/08 NASA Project RSO (Print/Sign) W. Stoner DATE 9/9/08 I

I 27 I

I~----------------------------~ EXHIBIT 2 I


I Gross Alpha/Beta 0 Liq. Scinto Gamma Spec. [gI Serial # Detector #2 & #1 I SAMPLE TYPE (Check One)

Soil [gI WaterlLiquid Planchet 0 Concrete Debris 0 Other 0 Concrete Core I SAMPLE START DATErrlME SAMPLE STOP DATEfTlME 12/11/0S/12:54 NIA I i ANALYTICAL PROBLEM PB08"()2960 K-40 (1.7+/-0.72 pCi/g) replicate analysis count on Detector #2 not in agreement with PBOS"()2961 I recount (10.0+/-2 pCilg) on Detector #1.

I I CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ANDIOR COMMENTS The sample was re-analyzed on Detectors 1,2, and 3 with the following K-40 results:

I Detector 1 Detector 2 Detector 3 I 10.1+/-1.7 10.1+/-1.9 9.99+/-1.8 I

Agreement was obtained between all three detectors. No further action is required.

I I Submitted By: (Print/Sign) R. Case DATE: 117/09 DATE: 117/09 I Radiological Laboratory Manager (Print/Sign)

NASA Project RSO (Print/Sign) W. Stoner R. Case DATE: 117109 I

I I 28




I Attachment B Cross-Check Reports I






29 I

o o

o PEP Analyte Mixed Analy1e Performance Evaluat on ProtJraIT1 Pro~ram o Laborotory Rssult.! For MAPEP Series 18 LaboroJory NASA P"um P um Brook Reactor Faciliiy 6100 Columbus Cohmbus Ave Facility Lab (PBRF01) o Sandusl:y, OH 44870 Sandusl]',


~L\PIP-Oi - ~hS18:

Inom;mic Inon!4Illc

~laS18: &idio\ogic:ll,

&!d:iologica~ inorganic ;llld semi-,*oi:ltile ol'ganics combined soil and Semi-yol:ltile standard 5 0il sTandard units:

Units: (mgikg)

(mg kg) o Analyre Analyte Antimony AnIimooy Resul NR Ref Vahre Flag li:abJe 23.a 23_~

Rag Nores Bils Bill Ac:aptance Aa:eptmce Range BaDge 166.5-30'_6 5 -30.6 Unc L'nc Yalm:

~ame Ell" line Eagc o Arser5c Barium Beryllium Berylium Cadmium NR NR NR NR 20 2 202 244 13_B 13.B 9.49' Q.4G 14.1 14_1 -20.



-317 171-317 9] -17.9 9]-lHI 6.64-12,34 6.64-12.34 3

o Chromum CobII Cobalt Copper l ead lead NR NR NR NR 70_7 70.7 4 1.5 4U:

B7_0 87.0 79 49 2{j

.5- 91 .9 4~L5-zg 11-54.


.9 0

_Q - 1l3.1 eo .9-55-103 55 1 3_1

-103 o Merot.y Merou.ry ickel Selenium Sillierr S


< .04

<0.04 145 4.44

~A 1r.!.4 1 02 -1 Bg 102-1 ~

3.1111 -5.77 3.



.7 -1 20.1 64.7-1Zn.l o Thanium Thallium Van.-fum Vanadium Zin<:


raniu m-T~ ocaI NR NR NR NR

<< 1.0'

< 1.0 16 1611 319 12.0 12.0' 113-2[}g 113-209 223-4 15 8 .4 -15.6 o

ranium-lJfwI* m-238 Ufwlillm-238 NR 11 .9 11.9 8_3-15.5 8.3-1 5.5 ranillm-235 NR (l.O75 Q.075 0.0'53 - O.OQB 0.053-0.mlB o Ormnc Oreamc Analyre Resul Result NR Ref Vaws:

VIIWf Fblg Flag Notes z-Ac epta:nce Acceptance

B.allge 25_6-195_7 25.0 -1 Q5.7 Units (ugl:g)


Unc Unc Vawe Flag VaWf o

de!til~H C defta~HC 11 0 .6 110.6 beta-8HC NR 18.33 1.83 -43.94

.83-43.B4 gamma-BHC (Undane) gamrna-SHC NR lB.OO 1.80-40.

1.80'-46.56 56 4.4'-ODT 4.-I'-DDT NR 10 1.7 101.7 25.3 -178 .1 25.3-178.

NR 3.59 - 72.57 3.59- 7257 o

Diadrin Dieklrin 35.86 Heptachlor HeptachlCf" NR 7.5 1 0.75-115.83 0.75- 5.83 Nilphthalene NaphthalenE NR 3524 1010-6008 1010'-6038 Acenap thene AoItnaphlhene NR 231 9 2319 724 -3914 724-3914 NR o

Anthracene 2270 2270' 664-3877 Benzo(a:l3f1wKene Benzo(a:tM1lhracene NR 707 7 7 177 -1237 177-1237 Benzo(k )IluolillnfMne Benzo(k)IIuorarnh4!ne NR 3330 3330' 1150 -55 11 1150'-5511 2-O\Ioronaphthaiene 2 -011oronapnthalene NR 27ge 2795 815-4n4 81 5 -4n4 o Issued 4123:

4/23: _008 Pa;e 1 of4 PriD!ed PriJIred 4mI2OO3 4mI2OO&

o o

o 30

o o R.;I!liolol:ical Aual;.,e Analyte R"~lIh RIMtlr R~r

\\ *i!.lm~

'a1ne Flag :t\otel.

Flag. Note!> Bias Bi3S Acceptance Ballg~


[!I1J I~

Uue Uuc (Rcr l:>J.l Uue

l'alni: fl3~
l'allli: E1311 o

Americium-241 124 127.2 A -2.5 89.0 - 165.4 7.7 Cesium-l34 Ce5ium-l34 NR 854 598-1110 598 - 1110 Cesium-137 548 545 A 0.6 382 - 709 13.4 L Cobalt*57 426 421 A 1.2 295-547 295 - 547 82 L o

Cobalt-60 Coball-60 14.3 2.9 (4 ) 2.78 Iron*55 NR 390 273*507 Manganese-54 NR 570 399* 741 Nickel-63 Nickel*63 NR 640 448-832 Plutonium-238 NR 728 51.0-94.6 o Plutonium*2391240 Plutonium-2391240 Potassium-40 Strontium*90 Strontium* 90 Technetium-99 NR NR NR NR 90.1 571 493 273 63.1*117.1 400- 742 400-742 345-641 191-355 o Uranium-234i233 Uranium-2341233 Uranium-238 Zinc-65 NR NR NR 142 148 99-185 104-192 o .\ J.\I'U'-1I7-\b\\ J{atliulul:iull, inuI!!ani, l\I'U'-1I7- \b\\ Ill : l{adiulul!ic:I[, iour!!"nic U)mlJill~tI ,,,,t~I' o>mlJill~t.I "alcl' ,1:lIlllanl

,(miliant o 11loru~ll1c luolumne Rd Ref Acceptance Acceptauce Ulli,, : (1I1jl.

Unih Une Uue (l11)!.' LI Ulle Une Li o An.,lyte Analyte Amertcium-241 Americium-241 Cesium-l34 Cesium* l34 Cesium*137 Ce5ium*137 R~lth Result NR NR NR



1.23 Flail :t\ot~



Bi:tS Rall~


0.86*1.60 0.86*1 .60 rallll:;

)'1I11l!: Elaa flllil o Coball-57 Cobalt-57 Cobalt-60 Hydrogen-3 Iron-55 24 8.9 NR NR 22.8 8.40 472 36.5 A

A 5.3 6.0 16.0-29.6 5.88*10.92 330-614 25.6-47.5 0.97 0.74 o

Manganese-54 NR 12.1 8.5-15.7 Nickel*63 NR 30.7 21.5*39.9 Plutonium-238 NR 073 0.51 --0.95 0.95 Plutonium-239J240 NR 0.0141 Strontium-go Strontium-SO NR 11 .40 11.40 7.98 -14.82

-14 .82 o T echnetium-99 Technetlum-99 Uranium*2341233 lkanium*234J233 Uranium*238 Zinc-65 NR NR NR NR 11.2 3.63 3.74 16.3 7.8-14.6 2.54-4 2.54 2.62-4.86 2.62-4.88 11.4-21.2


- 4.72 11.4 - 21.2 o

o \IAPEP-07-Rdnll : l{:lCtiolul!ical

\IAPEP-07-Rtln8 RaurololllcaJ Raurolo lesl It:uliolul:ical "ir air lilll'r Ref Acceptance Acce)1t~lIce IBq sallt l""1 UlIIls 18'15:UIII'I.,)

UUlts Uue Uue o Annlyte Americium*241 Cesium* 134 Cesium-137 Re!,u Re;,t tllll NR NR 3.48


0.158 2.52 2.70 Flag Flag.


'ates ates Bin.,





0.111-0.205 1.76*3.28 1.89*3.51 1.89

  • 3.51

0.50 flail o Cobalt-57 CobaIt-60 Coball-60 Manganese.54 Manganese*54 Plutonium-238 3.76 1.95 NR NR NR 3.55 1.31 0.1053 A 5.9 48.9 2.49 *4*4.62 0.92*1.70

.62 0.0737 - 0.1369 0.0799*0.1483 0.34 0.33 o

Plutonium-239i240 Plutonium-239J240 NR 0.1141 Strontium-go Strontium-SO NR 1.548 1.084-2.012 Uranium-234/233 NR 0.218 0.153*0.283 Uranium-238 NR 0.225 0.158-0.293 Zinc-65 NR 2.04 1.43-2.65 o

o 31

Dq.or1l1UlOlI ot DelAlllm01l of Elle'!lY PEP Euef!1Y RE. lL - 19<<

Mixed Analyle 19<~ F"'"101l1 Fremonl A,,,-

A\ e.

Analyte Performance Evaluation Program

~[S 11 J9 -. lu.wu

~!S-llJ'I hJ.lltu fFall aU..... ID ~.q S3~ I; Ij LabomlOlT LabomrolT RI'. R<,.w

\JITr5 l r5 Fo/' '\L~PEP Serif's For .\L-IPEP Series 19 (PBRFOl) NASA PhWl Brook Reactor Fncility Lab (PBRF01) 6100 CO hWll>us Ave COhWll>us SaudniJ..-y.

Salldn>l..-y. OH --1--1870 44SiO

\1.\PEI'*HH IIH-:\laSJ.,: [{udiuloeic~l, inoreanic

\laSI'1 : Rudillioeicul, jno~l:anic and "mi* \ulalile organic, "mi-\IlI.llile Ilr!:"oi" comlJin~11 ,,,il ,landanl

,,,;1 ,I:mdanl IlllHl!amc IuoTl!awc  !;llIb' (Ulit lau 1:1I11~ : {UIll. kV.1 R?dlOlol!lcal L'IIII~ (B, kgl Ref AcceptaJlce Acceptauce Vueue Uue

  • Anal)-1!!

..Iuutlyte Resu.

Resulth ,,>:'alll!: Flag ~(\tc flag Notess Bins BIllS IJ~

Iljle \' IleJ.la8..

V,~ hle...£lag..

Americium-241 72.0 69.1 A 4.2 48.4-89.8 1.35 L Antimony-125 Anlimony-125 NR 22.8 22 .8 16.0-29.6 Cesium-l34 NR 581 407 -755 Cesium-137 3.67 2.8 A 0.54 Cobalt-57 NR 333 233-433 Cobalt-60 148.0 145 A 2.1 2.1 102-189 242 2.42 L Iron*55 Iron-55 NR 676 473-879 Manganese-54 NR 415 291 540 291-540 Nickel-63 NR 760 532*

532- 988 Plutonium-238 NR Plulonium-2391240 Plutonium-2391240 NR 55.6 38.9* 72.3 38.9-72.3 Polassium-40 Potassium-40 NR 570 399-741 Strontium-90 NR Technetium-99 NR 335 235-436 Uranium-2341 Uranium-234 f233 233 NR 292 204-380 Uranium-238 NR 303 212-394 Zinc-65 NR RW (1 1i)

(11 Rm/i";I'gu',)/ R4",.,?II(/' ['Ilfo" R(/d;""'glC'll/IIt?[i-"*i?llrt* [\111,,* A Ugll.l I J.

AI/glill I, :f/O~

f}() ~
\I.\I'I, J., : IbdiulogK:JI,
'II:.I\\ 1:

I'-UH -\I:J\\ lRorg:mlC wmlJim'd l{adlUlogl<:II, IRore:tnlC cl>nt!Jlm'd ""I~r 'I~ndanl

'I~r illol aatne luOHlatJ1C llIlIltS: (H.!!. 1.)

!Ilils' (Ill!!. I.)

Radwlo'lICnl R,,,hnlu'l.Icnl L'uJls.

UUli.;;. rB'I'l_l (Bq 1_1 R<'f Ref Acc~ptnllct' Acccpronce Uue Uuc line AIm lyre

.-\JJnlyTe Result Resu lt  :-"ah!5:

l'al!!!; Flo!! NOI!!s ores Bia, Bias B.all~

RaD~ Ela~

'-.-ollJ~ Elall

Americium-241 NR Cesium-l34 NR 19.5 13.7 - 25.4 Cesium-137 CHium-137 24.1 23.6 A 2.1 16.5 - 30.7 0.46 L Cobal.I-57 Cobalt-57 NR RW (11 )

~t-60 Col).lt-60 11.2 11 .6 A -3.4 8.1-15.1 8.1-15.1 0.23 L Hydrogen-3 NR 341 239-443 o

Iron-55 Iron*55 NR 46.2 32.3- 60.1 Manganese-54 NR 13.7 9.6-17.8 Nickel-63 NR Plulonium-238 Plut.onium-238 NR 0.5 Q.4 - 0.7 0.4 Plu1onium-2391240 Plutonium-239/240 NR o Strontium-90 Technelium-99 echnetium-99 Uranium-2341 Uranium-234f233 Uranium-238 233 NR NR NR NR 645 3.76 3.44 3.55 4.52- 8.39 2.63-4.89 2.41-4.47 2.49-4.62 o Zinc-65 NR 17.1


/(JI./W/I)gll "I R RlidlO/iJgli 12.0- 22.222 .2

..(t'I'I*"(,('I' Of//('

R.*{t,,,,"1< .~ lIgll.'l I. ~(I()~

lJ,,/(' .llIgml ~(J(J.~

o o

o 32


Eckert&Ziegler I Analytics 1380 Suboird InduslNIIIM

Atlanta. GeoIgia 30318' U.s.A.

I Tel Fax 404>352-8677 404' 35:1-2137 404'35:1-2137 I RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL I CROSS CHECK PROGRAM I NASA I Plum Brook Reactor Facility I Fourth Quarter 2007 (Ref. Date 12/06/2007)

I {f() ~ Daniel M. Mon omery, QA Manager I





ANALYTICS I 1554,.792 H-3 H*3 8.85Efil3 pCiIL 1.63Efil3 9.02Efil3 prilL 1.51Efil2 0.98 Water

,.,***** **********,.,t*

I I Analysis performed 1/9/2008 I

I I 33

I I *- Eckert & Ziegler Analyll(s 1110 ~_a lnCII.,t*.- _

I ~~



(J<<Io1Jloi JOll.* U ~ "

~. }~]*""n

~'lSl'l')1 I RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAt I CROSS CHECK PROGRAM I NASA I Plum Brook Reactor Facility I Second Quarter 2008 (Ref. Date 06-19-2008)







ANALYTlCS I E6056-192 8*3 t J8E+04 pCiIL t.78E~3 1.30[+04 pCiIL 2.17E~2 1.06 8-3 I Waler

                • *., *** *w **************** *********.**************.*** **

I I I Analysis performed 7/1812008 I

I I 34