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Salt Svc Water Pump P208A,Casing Stresses Due to Accidental Drop.
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 01/19/1990
From: Gallagher W, Howard R
Shared Package
ML20011F445 List:
NUDOCS 9003060045
Download: ML20011F447 (25)


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                      .,     Lu.                                                                                  Calculation 4

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23 l Salt Service Watar Pxp P208A.. 1

                                   . Casing stesses due to Accida.ntal Drop                                                                                    1
                ' . siniement et e co..m                                                                                           -
                                  . Esti:: ate the banding stresses in the sazvice wter pung casirvir due                                                    *
 .ig to a frep of 6 to 12 inches of the inpeller and of the pung onto a 6" inch concrete slab on grade, r

l l , sowr:es o' cata _ See Calculation, section 4.0. l [ t h.:=ie er useame....:n - See Calculation, Section 4.0. , s. evised sheets 4,7;14, 20. Replaced sheet 5. Added sheets 21 - 23 C. 4 *at s eneciers o.sireunen m ,,,,on No 1

             ' R.~ Jieward       ,

W. Gallagher ""'" " "'*"'*"** ' ' "

  • O 8v c4:e t*-* O h$'$D 9003060045 900119 3:

PDR .ADOCK 05000293 p nc- u o

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c.1. o M . M, ~

  '                                            . Calculation Sheet 1                                  / h* /9+  1
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                                                                                                                 -l p'                  1.0     Background and Problem Statement 2.O     Method of Analysis                            -

3.O Summary of.Results 4.0 References and Drawing List. -. t

                  .5. 0    Calculations l        .,

t i)

          '                                           Calculation Sheet        'MhM cm.         -

b e . ,. ho oco,,,, Am kn Edaeo, G. N. A.,U^ lI WI9 o= b 7 ImmmnmeAaim * **ct A*# /"*' # M 't $*

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   ,                       /. O Asckpo ve o/ ed Aoj /er, fib /r w f On January 11, 1990, Solt' Service Water Pump p208A was being                                              i transported from the maintenance shop (on tiff first floor of the New Administration- Building) sarcuto to the Intake Structure Building.-

The pump, - without the motor attached, was being ' carried in a horizontal orientation, supported by slings from fork!!ft trucks at 1 y -either end. The pump assembly is shown on BEco Drawing M8 4, Rev. 1 L E4, and has- an overall length in excess of 42' from its discharge head baseplate to the tip of the suction bell. The pump' discharge head was leading and ~the bow 1/ impeller end c

             '           was following. The lead'end was passing through the overhead door, on the north side of the maintance shop, and was just beginning to                                          -
                        .make a' turn. The rear forklift and bow!/in.pe11er portion of the pump was sdll within the building line of the maintenance shop.

Just pri6r to the turn of the lead forklift, the individual' who was

                                                                                                                                  -t directing the hand 11ag' operation had walked toward that operator.

and had his back to the rear forklift, As the lead forklift operator began to execute a turn, the bow 1/ impeller end fell to the floor. None of the people present actually. saw the bow 1/ impeller end as it was falling, immediately after the bow 1/ impeller. end fell, it was observed that one of the five column sections had a 360 degree through wall o fracture. The fracture occurred in the second 80" column section up from the bow 1/ impeller 'ond, approximately 3" from the- flange away from the bow 1/ impeller end. The pump dischstge' head was still L, suspended in the sling from the lead end forklift. The column sections from the fracture back to the bow 1/ impeller and were resting flat on the ground, The impeller / bowl with its sling was l j leying on the concrets surface just inside the overhead door. The two  : 1

Calculation Sheet. ,,. M < 4, 4 * , /heho

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                                   -.r...~.      I      ...s. o                         .E j                     r L,                       abutting column- sections- were laying on the povement just outelde the building. The impeller shaft was intact preventing significant axial or lateral separation at the fracture. gubsequent examination showed it did not experience any permanent deformation.- The position' of the impeller / bowl and was such that the forks of ths :               ,

forklift were no longer. directly over the sling point, as if the sling had been pulled off the forks. The impeller / bowl end was estimated to be somewhere between .4" "~ - en& -12" abova the maintenance shop floor when the accident occurred. Tho' pump- end, suspended in its sling, was estimated to be approximately 12" 2 24" off the ground. The most likely accident , soonario is that the forklift movements were not fully coordinated l

         ,-            resulting in the slings of the rear forklift slipping off the forks. A less          '

likely scenario is that the column section fractured suddenly under its own weight, and then slipped off the forks of the rear forklift. The evidence supporting the former is as follows: -

  • The pump had been lifted and moved 'some distance before the accident. Thus it was successfully " proof tested", and had sustained l its own deed weight. l l
  • The front s11 ass were restrained from coming off the forks by an- l "A" frame assembly while the rear slings were not. The rear slings depended on friction to remain on the forks if the purnp were to move away from the forklift.
  • The position of the rear forklift and the. impeller / bowl immediately after the accident suggests relative movement occurred in a g direction which would pull the slings off the forks. ,

The purpose of this calculation is to estimate the bending

    ' _i                 stresses in the pump casing resulting from a drop of 6 to 12 inches of the impeller and of the pump onto a six inch concrete slab on grade.

7#- . de,. aM,/dho l 1 Calculation Sheet-Ny ,,,,,,, /h4ca 4 Y'h IUrho s m ct i 11111111 llWMilllIlu Av*# /w/#r/ M 43V kgg sni.m sn iNo u.,o ~. A ...,.. 0 4 _ j r t. l 2.0 Method of Analysis

                      -The pump casing is modeled as a beam with lumped masses.= An energy balance approach is used to estimate the stresses in the beam after impact with the concrete slab. over                     The work               i associated. with' the        gravity       forces         . acting            the displacements due to angular rotation of the pump just prior to impact is calculated.         The work is then equated to the                         .,

strain energy of deformation of the beam after impact. l'

                      -Additional work done by the forces acting - over ,the beam L

displacements are neglected for the - strain energy l !' The strain energy is calculations.. This is conservative. calculated by - replacing the beam by a series of springs representing the stiffness of the beam at the ' mass points. < Each spring exactly represents the resistance of the beam to the kinetic energy of the mass. The spring forces are then calculated by conservation of energy. These forces represent a the dynamic loads imparted on the structure from the masses. The forces are used to calculate beam shears, . moments and i bending stresses. Due'to the stiffness of the concrete / soil

                                                                                                                   -i spring, the frequency of response near the contact point will                        .

be much greater than the natural frequency of the pump casing (approximately0 6 Hz, Reference' 4.1.3), therefore . A',j high 4l 47 frequency contact forces will not significantly alter the stresses near the break location. The concrete soil spring $P is assumed rigid and acts as a support point after the initial WF N not p - impact. Local forces near the contact point were investigated. 1 pje

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IIllmill luthillilIlil -Subi*ct ' W -] ## hboM - /8 i,... - e .. ~ . 4.,..s. A a., s. I I 3.0 Summary of Results The highest banding stresses occur at about 17-feet from the impeller an.d of the pump. The actual break occurred at or very near the predicted point of highest stress. The maximum stress ranged from about ?9.dksi for a drop of 6 inches, tow.9 kai for a 12 inch drop. These represent lower bound value. due to conservative estimates of the pump flange and bearing ' a weights, and neglect of additional work energy associated with the beam deflections.

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i ,.i. , in i~. Anotys's No m e, No l 4.0 References and Drawing List j i 4.1 References  ! 1 4.1.1 Dynamics,.by J.L. Mariam, 2nd Edition, John Wiley  ! and Sons, 1971. 4.1.2 Ladish Catalog No. 55, " Forged and Stainless Welding Pipe Fittings". 4.1.3 Seismic Stress Anal','.1.. .,f Vertical Pumps, Model VIT-X-SD size 16 DHLc 1, Mcdonald Engineering Analysis company. 4.1.4 Vibrations of soils anc Foundations, by F.E.

              -                                Richart, Jr. et al, Prentice-Hall, 1970.

4.2 Drawing List- l j 4.2.1 Boston Edison company, Drawing No. M8-4, Rev. E4,  !

                                                " service Water Pump Assembly Drawing".

~ l- 4.2.2 " Boston Edison company, Drawing No. 1065, Rev. E0, l-

                                                " Administration Building Foundation Plan".

1 Ol bet kf eft!'Cff OJ Dokfl in & fce/ son L -.____i1..___________________________ _ _ . - _


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                                     . x                                k i                        i                              i L                     si.6                            21e11.7                                                         .

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                  .it._                 464.4                           21e11.7 d := 6           inches                  Assumed free fall distance of impellear end of the pump casing y

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weight at location 1, i= 2 to 16 i le ,, . x W 3 i w  :=- F se -w' - Force at location 1: 11- 2e i 2 i ,1 . due to gravity l x 1 Ke  := F ' -

                                                              'd        kinetic energy at each sprins.-

1- i . ,1 ,

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             .                                      Me 1

6 to 2' - deflection of ~ the beam at location i 1 .k 1 Nole Thu deflechen und Mr fo+sI defleehon of jar Jew. Fs - := $ 'k restoring force at location i i i i i,N

  . 9

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l 13e7.7

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4 344.2 e .s 154.9 27e.s n 1494.6 1743.7

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                     ,,1,,      344.2       l     e .e         413                   1982.4            h                           __
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                                                                                                          *k" p syemm                                              .

saee No aa.iv... u. . A n., u. o /7 a . 4 6 it - M = 4858613.4


R' := 4.96 - R = 9410 6 Reaction at - location 1-l i i 1 1 1 . , a r L l V,  := R -V as V - Fs shear force from location i to i+1-  ;

                                                                                                                                                     .i 1           1               i           L-1            i e

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  -                    1                            i           1-1        1-1 it M-        =e                                                                                                                      :

l 11-L .. M i fb- :=- fb  := e sendine strose at  ; [- i s 11 location i 1- = 1 V M fb s u i i f L e i __ 941 i 6 e E e I _i _ ens 6.2 4 esses tie 9s .9

                         .,;L.,           si.6 _                            -

2es22 .3-- 193.2 694e.4 912eis.4 L 127ess7.4- 29ees.2 4 is4.s s4ss .9 371o.2 iss1977.1 3s433.3 + L 2e6.4 1617.e 1743424.4 - 39se4.2-- 6 258 -

  • 4171o.2_

1e269ed.7 i' 7 3e9.6 -997.6 _

                                                              -4484.9__                    177s426.3                         des 34.0, L                361.2
                         ,.9_             412 .e _            -971s.,                       is44ee2.9--                     ss2si .7, 464.4                -me177.e                     ie42662.2                      _2 sees 1 1.t_                                                          _


Calculation Shoet 2, EkA M/ ' '*


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4. '" E. <W . W/ Tl9 0 l
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                                                                                        .. . C                               /7                    i 1eeee j'-
       .                                              ':ii       ;.z.7, C      '

Shear Diaoram

                                                                                                               '                       lbe l                            v             -

y;~. L h',//{

                                                                                                               '/4                               .


                            -seeee e                                       x                                   516 i
                 .      i := 1 . 11 '

x  := 516 ' 11 - seeeeee. , , y \ . - . .

                                                                  !                                                            Momerit Diaeram M.                                                                                                    irich-1he          .

i 1 e e x 516 I

                        . vs y

Calculation Sheet; '/M e ..


s, <

                                                                                                        $=: /2/#4*o.,.
                                                    ,,,,..,  Aos & u,w, Co.                 sv J i                uir/oa 1           -iunnununuiuf T                   Sami     7" * / M M "d eeg in ,~.

n r.i., u.,r... u. A .. , o I4 59900

                                                        #                                           sending stress
                                                 ',                                                      poi fb-                                                        ,


   +                                 . ,'                                                                                    -
                                  @                            x                        516 1
Per the above graphs and tables, the maximum predicted stress is at location 7. corresponding to e.4 x 516 inches, or 17.2 feet from~the impeller end of the casine. Actual failure occurred at approximately 17.4 feet from the end. Agreement is excellent with'the predicted results.

Since Ps, the restoring force. is a function of the square root of Ke. then

                       ' Fs.. V (Shear ). M.- (Moment) and fb (Sending Stress) are also a function of Ko. Ke is proportional to d. therefore the above parameters are a function of the square root of d. the distance the impeller end of the pums shaft casing fell before striking the ground.
                         -The predicted bending stresses for free fall distances greater than g                    6 inches are as follows
  • r6 ..a jd
                                     .              : ... w... s . , cmen e,.
                                                                                                                                         -------- ,g w -

D'. e,M ;' r - o.i.AMJ 4 f h.w . CSICulttlen Sheet. ea... er -


e.i. - J v J e..,.., de Jm M .n G. + Fv W/TVeo O . III lll lIllNegigg . 8wbact M /MM **/ "' - qge"'

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e,< *a.iv. . w. A m., u. 4 2# l 1 s lN' }

       'N V_ Q
                                                                           . 5                                                                                  .;

d J fb  := f-'41710 J f .s. - J j  : f J 6, + E ,,, 't Distance to- Maximum Bondine L Impact -( d ), inchee - strose at location 7 , J i d J f5 J t 9 L 41714 b%O _ i 7 es981.9 - .

                                                                                                                                                              .i estat.b                b       '

gq A0 ' . L 1 L sies4.1 )\-D a ass 47.4 0 t' wy4 s A aa47s.6 j n saess.e c p,, t ,-

                                                                                                                       -      "                      sjt9}so 9

9 ( T'

 "                                     Calculation Sheet                     N=4d e,.x.y Ib e.,.

9-- 9a

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     .                                    ,                     Calculation Sheet'
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7,, NUCLEAR ORGAN!!,ATION RTYPt A2.20 CDMit0LLED DOCUMrNT CMAkar WQTitt CCDCh) ( CDCN Log No. DOCUMENT TITLt: *POMadiey Evenden not af. SSvl fstMt 3 Co/austc DOCUMENT NO.: 8854 C- C486e M- WO E NEW DOCUMcNT O RtTIRt O Rtvis20N sterientt>ipRoctDutres) irrreTro Rty N0 /DAtt AFTER CHANGE: Er#!///f/e,s == // No. OF PAGES ATTACHED: OTHER KNOWN 00CUNENTS AFFECTED N AAf ## P< T- 7J'" # W// fo 8'/*'af Oo - t

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( CENERAL ktARDW FOR CMANGE C Change in Work Process E Change in Related Document or Procedure O trror in Previous Revision O idstettii change Only

                             @ Other: ZuMe M r- .T~c d          H K h 9 a - t> W 1PteIFIC PURD01r AND RUMMARY OF CHANGES Dunnw&L e>4mener(m an 5.te.) L A s /M to d 6.*4eerer .
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k. 5
