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Letter Regarding a Draft Environmental Statement
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/05/1973
From: Muller D
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
To: Galler S
US Dept of Commerce (DOC)
Download: ML17037C303 (14)



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AEC FDR Local FDR Docket (Enviro)

"Arg OI I F- Reading Docket No. Q 0 -P '9 0 JVI, 5 1973 C. DeBevec,, OR-2 SSheppard, EP-4 GDittman, EF-4 BBordenick,. OGC Dr. Sidney Galler Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environmental Affairs U. S. Department of Commerce Room 3425 14th & Constitution, N.W.

>washington, D. C. 20230

Dear Dr. Galler:

I am forwarding for your review and comment the draft "environmental impact documentation identified in the enclosure to this letter.

The Draft Environmental Statement was prepared by my staff in accor-dance with the statement of general policy and procedure on imple-mentation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as set out in Appendix D of the Commission's regulations 10 CPR Part 50. In accordance with the procedure, please provide comments on this Draft Environmental Statement within 45 days from the date of this letter.

If I can be of further assistance in this matter, please let me know.

Sincerely, Daniel R. Muller, Assistant Director for Environmental of Licensing Projects'irectorate


List of Documents Transmitted (9)


L:EP-4 SMSheppard 6/az /73



LIST OF>> DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED Name of Facility: Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Unit 1 Applicant: Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Docket Number: 50-220 Document Transmitted: Draft Environmental Statement dated July 1973

DISTRIBUTION LIST Dr. Sidney Galler (9) Hr. T. A. Phxllzps (1)

Deputy Assistant Secretaxy Chief, Bureau of Power fox Environmental Affairs Federal Power Commission Rm. 5100 U. S. Department of Commerce 825 North Capitol St., N. E.

Room 3425 Washington, D. C. 20426 14th & Constitution, N.M.

Washingeon, D. C. 20230 Mr. Bruce Blanchard, Director (18)

Office of Environmental Projects Review Mr. Sheldon Myeis (2) Department of the Interior ATTN: Hr. Jack Anderson Room 5321 Office of Federal Activities 18th & C Streets, N.W.

Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D. C. 20240 Room W-541-B, Waterside Hall 401 H Street, S.W. Mr. William Cawley, Deputy Director (2)

Washington, D. C. 20460 Program Hanagement Division Office of Research & Monitoring Hr; Milliam Dircl s (~ <<"-) Environmental Protection Agency Council on Environmental Quality Room 3202-G Executive Office of the President 401 M Street, S.W.

722 Jackson Place N.W. Waterside Hall Washington, D. C. 20006 Washington, D. C. 20460 Great Lakes Basin Commission (2) Mr . Rober t E . Neligan (2)

P. 0. Box 999 ATTN: Tom J. Sharpe Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107 Division of Applied Technology Office of Air Programs cc w/o encl: Environmental Protection Agency Direceor, Water Resources Council Research Triangle Park Suite 800 Durham, North Carolina 27711 2120 L Street, N.W.

Mashington, D. C. 20037 Dr. Gordon Everett (1)

Office of Enforcement & General Counsel Hr. Howard Sargent Environmental Protection Agency of Engineers (1)'orps Room 3211-G, Waterside Mall Executive Director of Civil Works 401 H Street, S.W.

Office of the Chief of Engineers Washington, D. C. 20460 Depaxtment of the Army Forrestal Building Room 4-G060 Hr. David Harwood (5) 10th & Independence Director of Tech. Assessment Division Washington, D. C. 20314 ATTN: TIRB Office of Radiation Programs Dr. Richard Hill (2) Environmental Pxotection Agency Federal Power Commission Room E-837 Room 6110 4th & H Street, S.W.

825 North Capitol St.', N.E. Washington, D..C'. 20460 Mashington, D. C. 20426


%fr. John Churchill (2) Hr. Samuel Windham (1)

Office of Water Programs Eastern Environmental Research Environmental Proteceion Agency Laboratory Waterside Hall East Rm. 1009 P. 0. Box 61 Washington, D. C. 20460 Montgomery, Alabama 36101 Hr. Rudy Marrazzo (1) U. S. Department'of Agriculture (1)

Office of Noise Abatement & Forest Service Control ATTN: Barry Flamm Environmental Protection Agency Rm. 3022, S. Agriculture Bldg.

8th Floor 14th & Independence, S. W.

1835 K Street, N.M. Washington', D. C. 20250 Washington, D. C. 20460 U. S. Army Engineering District (4)

Dr. Donald Mount (1) New York ATTN: Hr. William Brungs 26 Federal Plaza National Water Quality Laboratory New York, New York 10007 Environmental Protection Agency 6201 Congdon Boulevard Hr. Paul Arbesman (10)

Duluth, Minnesota 55804 Environmental Protection Agency 26 Federal Plaza, Dr. Bernd Kahn (1) New York, New York 10007 Radiochemistry & Nuclear Engineering Division ER Supplements & 'DES National Environmental Reseach Center Environmental Protection Agency Hr. Paul Cromwell, Acting Director (5)

Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 *Office of Environmental Affairs Department of Health, Education Hr. John J. Convery, Director and Welfare ATTN: George Schultz Room 3718, North HEW Bldg.

Advanced Maste Treatment 330 Independence Avenue, S.M.

Research Center Mashington, D. C. 20201 National Environmental Research Center Dr. T. C. Byerly (4)

Columbia Parkway Bldg. Assistant Director Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 Science and,Education Office of the Secretary Mr. Frank Rainwater (1) Room 312, East Pacific Northwest Water Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20250 200 Southwest 35th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Mr. Benjamin 0. Davis (4)

Assistant Secretary for Environment Mr. Ellis S. Burton (1) & Safety and Consumers Affairs Office of Categorical Programs Department of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency 400 -7th St., S.M., Room 10101 Room W-1029 Washington, D.C; 20590 Waterside Hall 401 H Street S.M. cc w/enclosure:

Mashington, D. C. 20460 .'Captain William R. Riedel Mater Resources Coordinator


W/S 83 U.S. Coast Guard, Rm. 8326 Department of Transportation 400 7th St., S.M.

Washington, D.C. 20590

1 ~

Hr. Robert Garvey, Executive Director (1)

Advisory Council on 1iistoric Preservation 1522 K Street, N.W. Suite 430 Washington, D.C. 20005 cc: Hr. Frederick L. Rath (1)

Deputy Commissioner for liistoric Preservation Board for lIistoric Preservation Parks 6 Recreation South Sevan Street Bldg.

Albany, New York 12223 Dr. William E. Seymour (10)

Staff Coordinator New York State Atomic Energy Council New York State Department of Commerce 112 State Street Albany, New York 12207 Hr. Terence P. Curran, Director (10)

Office of Environmental Analysis New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Albany, New York 12201 Hr. Donald I. Gleason, Chairman (1)

County Legislature County Office Building 46 East Bridge Street Oswego, New York 13126 Hr, Robert P. Jones, Supertisor (1)

Town of Scriba R.D. 84 Oswego, New York 13126 Mr. S. William Green (3)

Regional Administrator Dept. of Housing 6 Urban Development 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007 cc: Hr. Richard Brown Dept. of 1lousing 6 Urban Development 7th 6 D Streets, S.W. Rm. 7100 Washington, D.C. 20410

I v

lh. Tony Stadekcr (Summary <c Conclusions Only)

I!anapement Systems Analyst Office of ilmagement and Budget Executive Office Building,.Boom f026 Executive Office Building, Boom f026

)lashing on, D, C. 20503 BY COURTED - NO K&1'T'Z Bureau of Sport Fisheries and. hildlife Division of Piver B "-in Stud'es U. S. D partment of the Interior 18th 5 C Streets, N. 'il.

llashington, D. C. 20520 AT~if: Jerry Steerman, Doom 2$ 43A Oa1r. Ridge 'Aational Laboratory (Deport Only - No Ltr)

P. 0. Box X Oak Ridge, Tennes ee 37830 ATI'iV: S. X. Auerbach Law Center Library (Deport Only - Ilo Ltr)

University o" Southern California University Pa"z Los Angeles, California f0007 tir. Elli S. Bu ton Office of C..tegorical Programs Environrrental pzotec ion Agency Room 'il-1029 hlaterside lh,ll 401 H St., S. U.

Mashington, D. C. 20460 U.S.-Dep .rtment of Agricultu."e '1 )

Forest Service ATT1V: Barry Plamm Ro'om 3092 S. Agriculture Bldg.

Washington, D. C. 202)0

V" 4


NO"'8: Originatin.'aboratory receives 1.2 copies of Stateaents, AL'L reauests that they receive 4, all others, including )~!7TH' Dr.. Fn'lip F. Gu.":tat'son, V:"n ~er (~+)

Environmental S 'ezent P"oject Argonne ~iat.'onal Laboratory 9700 Sou"h Cass Avenue, 3Mg.

Argonne, Xllinois 60439 ll t~~. E. G. Struxne"s, Director Environs ntal R. ports Project Oak Ridge Natio'l Labo atory P. 0. 3ox X Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Dr. B. }". Post r Associate tanager Hattelle ter.;orial institu e Pacific ~.'ortlnr st Laboratory P. 0. Bo:. 999 Richland, washington 99352 The tQTPZ Corporation Mcstgat Research Park 14cIaan, Virginia 22101 hh.. T. B. Abernathy, DT&

Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. 0. Box X Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 th. Z. R. Buchanan Assistant Director MS'ak Ridge Hational L~b.

P. 0. i3ox X Oak Bid~e, Tennessee 37830

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