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ETS (Nonradiological) for Facility
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/19/1980
Shared Package
ML19323E343 List:
NUDOCS 8005230421
Download: ML19323E346 (12)












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TABLE OF C0flTENTS Secti:n 1.0 Defini tions and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1 De fi ni ti o ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 Abb re vi a ti o ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 2 .0 Limiting Conditions for Operation . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 3 .0 Environmental fionitoring .............. 2-1 4 .0 Special Studies and Requirements .......... 4-1 4.' Exceptional Occurrences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4 .2 Speci al Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 5 .0 Admi ni s tra ti ve Co ntrol s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 5.1 Responsibility ................... 4-2 5.2 Review ....................... 5-1 5.2 Audit ....................... 5-2 5.' Changes in Plant Design or Operation ........ 5-2 5 .5 Plant Reporting Requirements ............ 5-2 5.5 Changes in Environmental Technical Specifications and Permits . . . . ............... 54 5.7 Records Retention . . ................ 5-4


1-1 1.0 Cefinitions and Abbreviations 1.1 Definitions Annually: Annually is once per calendar year at intervals of twelve months + 90 days.

Clean Water Act: Federal Water Pollution Control Act a s amended.

Farley Nuclear Plant: Short name for the Joseph ti. Farley Nuclear Plant.

NPDES Permit: NPOES permit is the !!ational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. AL 0324619 issued by the Alabama


Water Improvement Commission (AWIC) to Alabama Power Company


(APC0). This permit authorizes Alabama Power Company to discharge controlled waste water frca Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, into the Chattahoochee River Plant: Plant refers to Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2.


Relative Permits and Certificates: Relative permits and certificates a re those permits and certificates which are issued by federal (other than NRC), or state agencies relative to nonradiological environmental natters.

S ite: Onsite includes any area within the property owned by the APC0 specifically for the operation of Farley Nuclear Plant.

O ffsite includes all other areas.

U ni t: Unit refers only to Unit 1 or Unit 2 of the Farley Nuclear Plant as defined by its usage.




1-2 1.2 :sareviations

C0 - Alabama Po.ver Company

-WIC - Alabama 'a'ater Improvement Commission E3A - U. S. Environnental Protection Agency E S - Environmental Technical Specifica-ions

'i? - Farley Nuclear Plant


N:RB - Nuclear Operations Review Board - independent review group, advisory to Senior Vice President responsible for Power Generation N CES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRC - U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissicn PORC - Plant Operations Review Committee




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2-1 2 .0 _f miting Conditions for Operation

'ene required.*


3.0 Invirorrental "onitoring

'one required.*



  • In :ensideration of the provisions of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 51251, et se:.) and in the interest of avoiding duplication of effort, the conditions and Tcnitoring requirements related to water quality and aquatic biota are speci'ied in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Pemit ',: . AL 0024619 issued by AWIC to Alabama Power Company (APC0) . This pemi aatnorizes APC0 to discharge controlled waste water from Farley Nuc' ear Plant, Units 1 and 2, into the Chattahoochee River.

The helear Regulatory Cormiission (NRC) will be relying on the NPDES permit for protection of the aquatic environment from nonradiological effluents.





4.0 5.'ecial Studies anc Recuirements 4.1 E<ceptional Occurrences

.l.1 Unusual or Imcortant Environmental Events Reauirements The licensee shall record any occurrence of unusual or important environmental events. Examples of such events, which would cause potential environmental incact, are the following:

excessive bird impaction events; onsite plant or anical disease outbreaks; unusual mortality of any species protected by the Endangered Soecies Act of 1973; fish kills near the plant site; other similar occurrences.

. This soecial requirement shall coamence with the date of issuance of the ETS and shall continue for the life of the plant, unless changed in accordance with Subsection 5.6.1.

Action Should an unusual or important event occur, the licensee shall make a proept report to the NRC in accordance with the provisions of Subsections 5.5.2.a and 5.5.2.c or Subsection 5.5.2.d.

a.l.2 _Exceedine Limits of Other Relevant Permits Requirements The licenses shall notify the NRC of occurrences in which the limits specified in relevant permits and certificates issued by other federal (other than NRC) and state agencies are exceeded and



4-2 in which a written report is required to be submitted to these agencies.

This requirement shall commence with the date of issuance of the ETS and snall continue for the life of the plant, unless chanced in accordance with Subsection 5.6.1.

Action The licensee shall provide a copy of the .vritten report to the NRC in accordance with the provisions of Subsections 5.5.2.b and 5.5.2.c or Subsection 5.5.2.d in the event that a written report is required for an occurrence in watch a limit specified 3

in a relevant permit or certificate issued by other federal (other than NRC) or state agency is exceeded.

4.2 5:ecial Studies

'cne required at the present time.

5.0 ::-inistrative Controls 5.-. :es:onsibility 5.1.1 The Senior Vice President responsible for the Farley Nuclear Plant is responsible for submission of all reports to NRC.

However, the Senior Vice President ner J not submit to NRC copies of reports required by permits and certificates.




5-1 5.1.2 The Manager - Environmental and Research Services Section of tne Power Generation Services Cepartment is responsible for evaluating reportability and for preparing all nonradiological envirentental reports.

5.1.3 ine Plant Manager is responsible for operating the plant in compliance with these environmental technical specifications.

5 . '. 4 Apprcpriate procedures shall be written to ensure compliance witn tnese ETS.

5.2 Review 5.2.1 The Manager - Nuclear Generation is responsible for reviewing any reported occurrences in which the limits specified in

) relevant permits and certificates issued oy federal (other than NRC) and state agencies are exceeded.

5.2.2 Proposed changet to the ETS shall be reviewed by the PORC and the NORB for factors affecting the environment.

5.1.3 Proposed cnanges or modifications to plant systems determined by the Manager of the FNP to have a potential adverse environmental i

impact shall be reviewed by the Manager - Environmental and Research Services.

5.2.4 Results of the environmental monitoring programs shall be reviewed by the Manager - Nuclear Engineering and Technical Support.

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5-E 5.3 sucit

~ e Manager - Operations Quality Assurance or his designee snall

nduct an annual audit of environmental monitoring programs.

5.4 Jeances in Plan: Design or Operation Cranges in piant design or operation wili De allowed provided that a::licable environmental rules and regulations will not be violated as a result of this change.

5.5 P'. ant Reportir.g ?. equi rements 5.5.1 Routine Recorts Annual Environmental Operating Reoort A report on the environmental monitoring programs for the 1 previous year shall be submitted to the NRC separate from other NRC reporting requirements within 90 days af ter January 1st of each year. The period of the first report shall begin with tne date of issuance of the ETS. For those programs concerned with water quality or protection of aquatic biota which are regulated under the Clean Water Act, the requirements of this section shall be satisfied oy succitting to the NRC copies of the reports as required by the NPDES permit (or otherwise required pursuant to the Clean Water Act).

5.5.2 Nonroutine Reports A report shall be submitted i tm event that an " Unusual or 1

Important Envi ronmentrl 1.* c'- as specified in Section 4.1.1 l occurs, or if another :elevm.c aermit is violated as specified l

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. 1 5-3 in Section 4.1.2. The schedule and content of these nonroutine reports are described below:

5.5.2.a Promot Report _

Those events specified as requiring prompt reporting shall be reported by telephone, telegraph, or facsimilie transmission to the fRC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after the evaluation of the reportability of the event is completed.

A written report of the incident shall be sent to the llRC within 30 days.

5.5.2.b Thirty Day Report Those events not requiring a prompt report as described in Subsection 5.5.2.a shall be reported to the flRC within 30 days of their occurrence.

5.5.2.c Content of t!anroutine Reoorts Written 30-day reports and, to the extent possible, i the preliminary telephone, telegraph, or facsimilie reports shall (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the occurrence, including extent and magnitude of the impact, (b) describe the cause of-the occurrence, (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported occurrence, and (d) indicate the corrective action taken (including any significant changes made in procedures) to preclude repetition of the occurrence and to prevent similar occurrences involving similar components or systems.

5.5.2.d Exceptions for Matters Regulated Under the Clean Water Act For matters regulated under the Clean Water Act, the-recort schedules and content requirements described in

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j 5-4  :


i Subsection 5.5.2.a. 5.5.2.b, anc 5.5.2.c shall be


satisfied by submitting to the NRC copies of reports j as required oy the NPDES permit (or other regulations l pursuant to the Clean Water Act),

i l 6.6 Changes in Environmental Technical Specifications and Permits-5.6.1 Changes in Environmental Tecnnical Scecifications Requests for changes in environmental technical specifications

shall be submitted to the NRC for revied and authorization per i

i 10 CFR 50.90. The request shall include an evaluation of the <

4 l environmental impact of the proposed cnange and supporting i

j justification.

5.6.2 Changes in Permits and Certifications Changes and additions to required federal (other than NRC) and state authority permits and certificates issued for the plant

for the protection of the environment shall be reported to the i

NRC within 30 days.


If a permit or certification, in part or in its entirety, is


appealed and stayed, the NRC shall be. notified within 30 days.

If, as a result of the appeal process, the permit or certification l requirements are changed, the change shall be dealt with as t-l described in the previous paragraph of this sectica.

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5.7 Records Retention l


Records and logs relative to the environmental aspects of plant operation ,

snall be made and retained in a manner convenient for review and inspection.



i Mse records and logs shall be made available :o NRC on request.


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5-5 5.7.1 The following records shall be retained for the life of the plant:

(a) Records of changes to these Environ.Tental Technical Specifications, including when applicable, records of NRC approval of such changes.

(b) Record of changes to permits and certification required by federal (other than NRC) and state authorities for tne protection of the environment.

(c) Routine reports submitted to the NRC.

5.7.2 Records of tne following shall be retained for a minimum of six years:

(a) Review and audit activities.


(b) Events, and the reports thereon, which are the subjects of nonroutine reports to the NRC.

5.7.3 Records associated with requirements of federal (other than NRC) and state authorities, permits, and certificates for the protection of the environment shall be retained for the period established by the respective permit or certificate.
