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Closeout of TAC Numbers for Pre-Application Review of a Potential License Amendment Request for Crediting Soluble Boron in Spent Fuel Pool (TAC Nos. MC5917 and MC5918)
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 02/09/2005
Southern California Edison Co
Jack Donohew
TAC MC5917, TAC MC5918
Download: ML053120192 (48)


SONGS Units 2 and 3 Soluble Boron Credit Propose Change Number (PCN) 556 1

Introduction, Purpose and



Purpose of SCE Presentation

  • Present an overview of the proposed SONGS spent fuel storage Technical Specifications and Licensee Controlled Specifications.
  • Discuss submittal schedule and expected review time
  • Obtain NRC feedback on the proposed change 3

History of SCE Request for Soluble Boron Credit

- Prepared in anticipation of Boraflex panels dissolving

- Created a Fuel Storage Program - Section 5 of TS

  • SCE has revised and renumbered the request.

PCN 536 will be resubmitted as PCN 556

- Revised to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 50.36, follow NUREG 1432, and maintain consistency with current TS and LCS.


Overview of PCN 556 5

Proposed PCN 556 Outline

  • TS 3.7.17 minimum boron concentration will increase from 1850 ppm to 2000 ppm

- SCE will take credit for 970 ppm for reactivity hold down purposes, instead of taking credit for Oppm

  • LCO 3.7.18 will contain new and revised Figures to define fuel assembly parameters for acceptable unrestricted storage 6

Proposed PCN 556 Outline TS 4.3.1 will be revised

- Kff will be change from <= 0.95 to <= 1.0 for SFP fully flooded with unborated water

- Keff <= 0.95 is maintained for SFP with 1700 ppm boron

  • Guide Tube Inserts

- Neutron poison rods may be used for reactivity hold down 7

Proposed PCN 556 Outline

- Currently contains Checkerboard loading patterns for Region II storage

- Proposed change has 54 tables and figures to define acceptable loading patterns for both Region I and Region II 8

Proposed PCN 556 Outline

Proposed Changes to LCO 3.7.1 10

3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.17 Fuel Storage Pool Boron Concentration LCO 3.7.17 The fuPe storage pool boron concentration shall be 4{8AO000 ppm.

APPLICABILITY: When~evera.ny fuel assernble > eis stored in the fuel storage pol; d fuel r o vrfietti has e-c I er -t rmed-sinec the last ovcnwnt-ef-$e

- - - --- -- IL - - - ---'¶ U"VAA I ." ._p . sN. . :C 1 ACT IONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Fuel storage pool - NOTE-------------

boron concentration LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

not within limit. _--__--__--__-__-__-_-_

A.1 Suspend movement of fuel Irmedlately assemblies in the fuel storage pool.

AND A.24 Initiate action to restore fuel storage Immediately pool boron concentration to within limit.


{EA.2.Vrffl-y- ur admi ni streati d~~ely ineeds nt eg4an A_**.4 ft po eal erage ver4s4-ent4aih-been pcrfoc,,cd ~irc: th:


Proposed Changes to LCO 3.7.1 8 12

31 FPLM4I SYStEnt.

3..'.1Z S"-nt Fu21 Azssenbly Store-42 LCO 3.?.IO The canbination of initial enrichnnnt and burnuaof each OO 2 and 3 spant fuel nsmbly stored ln Pap n l shalI be within the McceptabI burnup amaain a. ?iqure 1Ja 11-I or riqura 3.7.In;2. or the 'uel assmblv shall be stared in rccordanne with _e:hnical Sprc1fication C,3..1~.1 the cmbinntion of initial anrichnant and burnup of an:h So+,S Z and 3 :pent fuel nsshbly stored in tegian It shall be within the acceptable burnup donnin of Ci.ure 3.?.I'K; or figure J.Y.IV.C. or the fuel assnmbly shall be stored in a:>ordan:e with Technical Specification C L. .

'or o :h SWAS I uraniun dioxide spent fuel In nsrm bly stared in Peqicn 11 h.11l L -- r

_ I_ in 5 i i _ ' _

be stared rra mnc mrtfi 'Cfi'C_

-'. 1i i -;'shnli in te..hnicI Specificntian C.. AIC AftLU IY: 'henever any fuel asn:mbly is stared in Pckl 3! n5 Chc fuel staragc pool.


A. Recuirrcrmrts of ti-c b.1 ... ! ......

LCD rot net. !CO .O 15is net nppilicah C.


Initiate artion to sr IrrTdiately bring the nonccrplying fuel nsssmbly *Fr 9-4ib4 inta cmrpliance.

SLIRYULLMCE ARE1J!R 4IHNt SWTRFIL-WCEl FREqLEhtY SR 3.2.J&I Torify by achinistrati" nom-trs the initial Prior to -. ,

c'rric*neiL. !r-b

.- rm. oid ceio I tine of a 44etyiirg a fmel t.L f u-l ssib Iy re in ecardLw <<i v ti acrbo l y 4 LCO i.7.I8 ' - 1! to any sportt fuel storaqge loctir4. 13

Proposed Change to 3.7.18 Two curves similar to the curve on the left are to be replaced by 4 curves similar to the curve on the right.

ser~t rve'! AsserbDI, S:.-.aqe Sorit Fuel Asserbly Stcrage 3.7.1:

3.7.15 FIGL1R 3.1.1e-l MIuIM'PMBLRN91PAbD CXLX'IT., VS. 1NITIAL LNlIIC'LNI k'wRCSTR1CIED PLAEMELNOF SONGS2 ND 3 FU;LL IN REGION I RACKS 20 15 . - . i-n 0 4-_ - _---- l _- -- i-1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5. 5

-M- 0 Y... - Y.. _ 10 1Lv.r.

IS Yn- 20 Y...

InlIa: U-235 Enrichment (,wro)

PI~.Mt .RNPV.1~1A'4IlpCrrRuRSRCU M!NMlMM E;:,Rx P VS. INII!AL ENRICHMENT FOR UNiRESTRICTED PLaACCLT Of SLORNGS 2 ASU 3 rUEL INlREGICN 11 RACIS rIcLRE 3.?.20-1 SAN OAOrQE-.UNi1 2 3.7-33 Amendnent No. 4.2.f.131 SAN C140RE--UNIT 2 3. 7-33 Amr,,.JP,,t No. 13-  ;-1 14

Proposed Change to 3.7.18 4:0 i _=__ :K o 5

- I


  • _._ -*,_


  • _ _.*;'I'-',

2 O jz.

< i -X*' - ______ -- 7___ i

_ s_ __ -' __


F I. E _

.5 2.0-* I __*;-3S4 4-

-5 7 - 1

____ __ _ E rcm f~




L.L. 5 o

2-0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Initial U-235 Enrichment (wv/o>

-O- 0 Years _- 5 Years -A-- 10 Years s- 15 Years _- 20 Years 16

Proposed Changes to Design Features 4.3.1 Criticality 17

.. 1Cri t ie-AitY

$.3.1.1 to srnt fulI stairaq. rts a doiQd i eid shi) b minta-imed vitth:

Z. Pual amnsmbliac having a nnxinun U-235 enrictnent of .0 waight percent;

?',. 1.0 if ruly flooded with unbarmted water, which includa: an allowance for uncrrtaintia: as deJcribed in Srctlon .A iDf the C. O.*St if fully flooded with -ater barated to VDJ pmn, which includes an allamwnce for un:ertaintie, as dmscribad in Saztian 9.1 -af the

d. 3arntnl :tainlac: tetal, iuide tubn incert:

(1-Insert) nay be installed in an nss mblv's center guide tube and in any diaonally appasite guide tubac. tual containin~g GI-Insert& nay be placed in aither ;egion I or Pajian 11. oawever.

credit far Gt-Insarts is only taken for 1epinn 11 storage.

-. .A nmninAl i05 inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies placed in Iegion I11

-f..Ah noninnl 1 .MOinch center to center distance betsween fuel D7:mblias placed in Pagian I;

-f- UJnits. 2 and 35fuel a!ssmblies 'with a burnup in the "acceptable rantge' af Noqra .713 are allawed unrc%tricted s tbrap in Region ~+I; fn Units 2 and 3 fuel ao:mbliles with a burnup in the "acceptablu ranga" ax Figure 3.a.1n.2 arc allowed unra!tricted stornna in the peripheral paol locations with I or 2 face: toward the spent fuel pool walls af in 'agion 4I; (ccmt i .rrvi} 18

. V.] Cr :.* Lv Units 2 nnd i fuel nsamblicas dith n burnup in thc

":nczptnble rnnqc!'t f n'fiure i 1!'-3 nrc! nllmr!d unraStrifted stornga in tcgion 11, j Jnit. 2 nnd ju21 i -Fuablit with a burnup in the "n-:cptnbla rnngc@ a- -Figurr!i..' rc nilo,11a unrastricted rtarmga in thr prripheral pD3l lacntintr with 1 ar 2 ZnLC:s. tarmird thc spent -Ful P30l*d1 'A1 5-IF !Z1!i-3n 11; n unitr. 2 and 3 :iu1l mrsmbnli1 with a burnup in thc stunmcscptabla rnnri&' a-' Figura i:.U.l l ,iurc L'%.11!..21 Rijurc 3J. 1 ai.

nnd Figura .I J-4 will bh stared in c iplinnce with the Licansca Controlled Spacificmntian ..i1U0 ;av. 2 dntad YY),S"YXjX; nnd

_;, 7L_ m-.pr3,F:: _nch SV9i2t I uronium ditixida :pcnt fIuol nsrmblly stared in Rcaion 11 Shmll Wi mir-m.Wa


- .g _* .,, -. ,. _ .. _



  • ip

- -


. !2.


En . * .J .

u  ; :_-:il he Ltarnd in *nccordmnc wilth LicenseeCaa ntrn1lod Spocifficntian 4.0. 1 'c!;'. 2 dntad X.'s/..


Summary of Technical Specifications LCO 3.7.17 J SFP Boron 1850 4 2000 3.7.18 SFP Storage l Figure Name LCS Fuel Type 18-1 Unrestricted in Region I I-1 18-2 Peripheral in Region I I-2 18-3 Unrestricted in Region II 1-3 18-4 Peripheral in Region II 1-4 4.3.1 a through 1 Design Contraints & Keff Limits Points to LCS 4.0.100 for the storage of fuel assemblies in the "unacceptable" region of the 3.7-18 Figures 20

Proposed Changes to Licensee Control Specification LCS 4.0.100 Fuel Storage Patterns 21

S.O tSSIGN fFEAIRtSf LCS S.O.100 F,.jl ttora- Patterns f-.rr-, -.-. P n 1dr  ;-

r-.:.., r-----.,+-e-Bg --. :

^ - P . . .. P e -.

CAN 101:

nPsLitoensee Controltlod !*:ificaton s contrkodvt t" U.S. Mx~icar Rqiesatory Coniss-0on. AXf a--d al) c.n~-pi to tnis LCS nj~t "- --:aravc-d b ne WC va tlo, M2rpjw-n t a:v *:at
  • pr:css5.

YALtD'!tY S7AtEKW,: RPr. 4 effo:tivr xun rWC nro 1va to x>o dcnvLntod Vit!-, M d&:y.

Wr or !rurnwd fsnl (wiicn does not nect tn2 criteria of LCO M.18 for urrestrictod storv. or storao .t t. pool peri hery) nmy tio stored in Rogon I or Reion " f -' ' in scords tn hot Stor.eo P-Rtterns d~cri*eoi t.lis S.IO).1. o I; Rcicc I Stoage Pattorr2e r gi in Tables 1.1 t~r.mtf t.t . rc Figures 11 thmffh 1t9.


-- 1 '~ lr *,lz frl-'- n- 1

-- -


. . .~ 4. Lrc .'l~1forf. ..

_iI_  : __J _ _i. ...

s-0 IC-,3-2 Ict;on 3t - Ri,~icr 11 Stc-ame Patterrs are rivcr. ir tables ll-I th 11-'.5 arc!Nq si'e t tf 11 22.

e ~T ... . . ) .. 1/2 .

_ .. . . . _f

_ 1 I .


I .. .

22 5m COYRE£-Urdt 2 4.SN pa. I'I ,RX/


\ r-0 @;@'"' i--z - T -i ~-

. .100. 3 SCft;S Lht 1 Fu2I -)1Y rot Stored in Region I Rzcks.

O.^o.-C. t 'jr-r of emr- SCMI5 Lhit. I urmn.un diaxid2 szn fN iin azsscilly storo in 1mgiion 1 5I rno tUcs folteir: criteria.:

5tn4 i 45 a 5reelm pi4I

__4 r. . . -


!rs, 9-C(

Rol-o' 41 f:

Unt SII st.L, ?i >.t. i lr 3' W1o -. ..-.--- D... ..- od ..

t Dirmp is grottcr thin M!ooultf. _

UtS cool~i, tm2 is ,vreter tnan e~s sL0AO A.2 Sc1Ji Unit 1 ,niit .03 Wfo ascnblies c- be stored in tUa At-gm !: act5 (umanrtrictoi) if:

tWP :rmrrrJ s qrc- tr tUn 2M. nMO/

P1A0 f t.*.e. coo'#. 4t iLn1 i5s grea ter U.wn 20 yeTro.

t* ,s qrni teromt.

n7.1C0 th-n 0 o.r tn C03117PI tine- is qre ,ter t.,n I15 e-irs.

V- barrr is 1grebter0h-n 28.20 Mft./ .

  • t" rool oin-ol timb- is reotear t 10 years.


!C?4GS~t Itrls 1IUnt:ni It .00 vWfo -mssbiD is c,!n :)- storN:i --I t"-

PL--4m :' Jn X :i^< "FP f:

nr; tox Dimmn , s arae!tcr tn-n DO.C)) YM'!. -- ,i tlo: cc0:, - 1:1 t, n2 S arc!tcr to-n O)*2rs .

t .0. 1 ID1. L q 8 o~Jxr,,mts For Gj-62 a~ :nserts O1 G,-;nrserts sn--l b:! 0.7-5 ir>:ves O.D. ninimrrn.

Ccccetery corer t-PL acti'e fuel rwonio (I'z0 inxms>.

a--rJity e -- ninintin borcrn content of 0.0213t grmns ot' B-0 -Or cn . 23

(ir) Snre (3) or 5 G.-rtscrts !re allot-I. tn ori'nt-tian, ofatery ftr1 -ssed1Iy viiL 3 quid& tu2 inserts sn,!11 bet-0e- sam ( fitgure ! -23) .

A 5-f~-qr. fu')! ie-pL Control Vemvnt Asscmly (CEA) rey be ud in:c of GtW."mrts.

t.o.1')). Ue nrox rann: for ErniS nnes 'v*ni.-?to or 80 erni2 rods q vc- Ue erx--

roi: d Ltrs>tcla vr Fiqires ::-2S !nd !Z!. en ni

+* cwarz-.. ',ei;!-,3 5Noi' 2e.0 vlo Lrx,03.

> v..'2 :Rg F.J,2. Fci .too -

WS(t j,5FFSB)

  • n F-*+/-'-oJ r.Jit Pcd Sitore 4: (FrFgB) sill as treatod *% .s

-t%'re in*s.nscmly w-ti enri:nrint *i, i,7rn- of t.L" rod *n tri stot wtn tilv nrst :.nitirq ccnri ftion of cr cneto *ni lurn-.n t.0z.9. rNwifuv-l Ccn:>rnents rizutron sacurces arpd nn-fiul !x--ring asszaOly carnv3-y-nt- (Viritbla

'us* CEAs. etc) nay 52 Stoml in fuol 2ssm5iecs V tL:rx kf fo:tin-:z ttP storaol! rce-i rcsnt-s of t.ev-, --ssenmb cs. A startq2 s!stcontavnnq no fissile nmteri,-0 tn- 3e storod in 2ny stort-Q2 leoc4Lton. id c!n : usol s a stor-Qa cale' lo c-cr for r.!!:t lty L otra'.

t.o. C0.9 Fu2! lA:e ' Rg:o-,:titutiorn Station A fue .53mny raco-tstitution station is ^ so:ial :c of .!

c.necirrid -ttarm. A recomtitut-on shtion *s arnittcl nwerin t-" geqion I r h2 crty cets in L,>^


-:,ar3,iry zttcrn dDi mnt nlcd to be soied. A reco-ntitition st-':,n is :x2rntted 2nar n LUc Reon :: raccs rsr-dzi tn-t Centy ce15 *n-i c.:crrd ttttern .rbloc to nMc

  • t -rorms ta to nrso-d a fue) assly djr recs-stitution
  • lt'Y te e.


The two figures below are to be replaced by 54 tables and figures

  • * * * * * * * *
  • I. 0 0 __ _
  • 0. 0 0 I 9.
  • 9 9. 9.
  • 0. 94. 0. 4
9. .9.0. 9. I
  • 9. 9. 0 0.
  • v I - TvnY2 EL rr 1 ,. . -

runir I 1IL q





-Tni U I ,




I I_ C11nTV Ll-l l I I


- rnTV "I 1 l Finmiln 1ln in ln rimirn m1n ionn 25

Table I-3 REGION I Category I-3 Fuel (Filler Assemnbly For l-out-of-4 Pattern)

Initial tMlinimnum Burn-Lp (CGWND/T)

Enr ichment (w/o) 0 Years 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years Ccol ing COol ing Cool ing Cool ing Cool ing 5 .0 0 39. 99 3 6 . 28 34.27 331.04 32.22

4. 5 0 34. 95 31. 71 29.94 2 9. 94 29.12
4. 0 0 29. 71 26. 99 25.46 24.51 23. 89 3.50 24. 22 2 2. 03 20. 79 2 0. 02 19.52 3.00 1 9. 37 1 6. 84 15. 91 15. 34 14 . 97 2.50 12. 21 1 1. 30 10. 72 10. 37 10.13
2. 0 0 5. 29 5. 05 4 . 85 4 . 72 4. 62
1. 71 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 4 .90 Category FrGesh I -3 CategoLry Category I- I1 - 3 Example Table 26


-11.J-r, :-2 FuS-l

' I -FP I

?phesra "


n. I . I n rrunrr, fUrnUp u n TrI 0 Years 5 YAears 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years CDI I fig lng i- C-:) 1rg 5.il00 12 .I5 12.15 11 .02 11.61 11.47 9.09 0.95 a .62 0 .49 9 .40 P . -

4 .00 S .59 5.42 5 .32 5.25 5.21 2 .50 2 .1I 2.09 2 .05 2 .03 2 .20 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 P P 0

0 L L I f-2 Jca I- I I 0 C. CaLrorv S-1 Categor I-1 Categor'

-2 w w L

fcategory L, 0 L cateqor jCategory 0 0 0 lCatecon. Clategon. lCategon~

l -2 1-2 l I-2 l I-2 1 1-2 II-2 pocL WALL Example Table 27

Flouryc I-1 P.RE21IC I miIn Itmum.I BURtNUP FPOR CATFKDRY 1 -1 FUEL,

___ = - . - - _

[Acceptable Region Unacceptablo Region o __ I__l

__ l I 2.0 2.5 3.0 35 4.0 4.5 InYW U-235 Errk menl

( 15rbY E3OYe-ar-s 5 SYtv Msm 1SYerrs *E 15.%Ymr-.i l Example Figure 28

Figure I-7 REGIV11 '

Ptuundary Pfetween All Cell Sterage' :nd zheskerbzard storage I-1 I- I I-I 1-I I 1 I 1 t-l 1-1. 1-1 I'-:

emII 4.PO IO-t II I- I I -i

1p y 4 .t0 Frpty r-1 r-i  :-1 Interfa3C I r-4 I -I I -I I-1 1,-

I I I1 I-4 1-1 1-1 1-I I I 1_4 I - 1-1 Interface 11te: t11 A row of emtpty cells can be used at the interface to separate the conflguzaticnis.

(2) It is acceptable to replace an asse,'.bly with an en.pty cell.

Example Figure 29

Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications LCS Region I Tables I-1 -> 1-8 Figures I-1 -> 1-9 Region II Tables hI-i -> II-15 Figures hI-i -> 11-22 Guide Tube Figure 11-23 Erbia Fuel Assemblies Figures I-24, 25 30

Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications Region I Fuel Types & Layouts Table Name Category Figure I-1 Unrestricted I-1 I-1 1-2 SFP Peripheral I-2 1-2 1-3 1 out of 4 1-3 1-3 I-4 4.8% Fresh Fuel Checkerboard I-5 4.8% with 5-finger CEA's ,,_,,

I-6 Filler Assembly for 1 of 4 1-4 1-4 (4.8 fresh/80 Erbia rods per fuel assembly)

I-7 Filler Assembly for 1 of 4 1-5 I-5 (4.8 fresh/40 Erbia rods per fuel assembly) 1-8 4.8% Depleted to 18 GWD/MTU I-6 I-6 31

Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications Region I Boundary Definitions Name Figure Unrestricted & fresh Fuel Checkerboard (I-1) 1-7 Unrestricted & Checkerboard of 1-4 & I-6 Unrestricted & 1 of 4 (I-1 & I-3) 1-8 4.8% Fresh fuel Checkerboard & 1 of 4 (I-I & I-3) 1-9 Checker board 14 & I6 & 1 of 4 (1-1 & I-3) ,,_


Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications Region II Table Name Category Figure 11-1 Unrestricted II- 1 II-1 II-2 Peripheral Storage 11-2 II-2 II-3 Checkerboard for II-4 11-3 11-3 Checkerboard for II-3 11-4 II-4 11-4 Checkerboard for 11-6 11-5 11-5 Checkerboard for 11-6 11-6 11-6 11-5 Checkerboard with fresh 11-6 3 of 4 11-7 II-7 II-7 Unrestricted with 5 inserts 11-8 II-8 11-8 Unrestricted with 3 inserts 11-9 11-9 33

Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications Region II (Continued)

Table Name Category Figure 11-9 1 of 9 filler with 5 inserts 4.8 without inserts 11-10 11-10 II-10 1 of 9 filler with 5 inserts 4.8 with 5 inserts 11-11 II-11 1I-11 1 of 9 filler with 3 inserts 4.8 with 5 inserts 11-12 11-12 11-12 1 of 9 filler with 0 inserts 4.8 with 5 inserts 11-13 11-13 11-13 4.8 Depleted to 18 GWDIMTU II- 14 11-14

, 1 of 9 filler for II-14 11-13 ,,_

II- 14 4.8 Depleted to 18 GWD/MTU II- 14 ,,

o1 of 9 filler to 11-14 (5 inserts) 11-11 ,,

11-15 Unrestricted with 5 finger CEA 11-15 11-15 34

Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications Region II Boundary Definitions Name Figure Unrestricted & Checkerboard (I-1) 11-16 Unrestricted & Checkerboard (II-3, II-4) ,,

Unrestricted & 3 of 4 storage (II-7) II-17 Checkerboard (11-1) & 3 of 4 storage (II-7) 11-18 1 out of 9 and unrestricted storage (II- 1) 11-19 1 out of 9 and checkerboard (11-3, 11-4) II-20 1 out of 9 and checkerboard (II-i) 11-21 1 out of 9 and 3 out of 4 (11-7 & blocked) 11-22 35

Summary of Licensee Controlled Specifications Others Figures Table Name Category Figure Guide Tube insert orientation for 3 11-23 inserts 40 Erbia rods per fuel assembly 11-24 80 Erbia rods per fuel assembly II-25 36

Basis for Proposed Technical Specifications and Licensee Controlled Specifications 37


  • Maintains consistency with existing Technical Specifications and Licensee Control Specifications 38

Meets 10 CFR 50.36 Criteria

  • (A) Criterion 1. Installed instrumentation that is used to detect, and indicate in the control room, a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.
  • (B) Criterion 2. A process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a design basis accident or transient analysis that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
  • (C) Criterion 3. A structure, system, or component that is part of the primary success path and which functions or actuates to mitigate a design basis accident or transient that either assumes the failure of or presents a challenge to the integrity of a fission product barrier.
  • (D) Criterion 4. A structure, system, or component which operating experience or probabilistic risk assessment has shown to be significant to public health and safety.


Follows NUREG 1432 (CEOG STS) 40

3.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3.7.18 Spent Fuel Pool Storage LCO 3.7.18 The combination of initial enrichment and bumup of each fuel assembly stored in [Region 2] shall be within the acceptable [bumup domain] of Figure 3.7.18-1 (or in accordance with Specification].

APPLICABILITY: 'Abenever any fuel assembly is stored in [Region 21 of the fuel storage pool.


LCO not met. LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.

Initiate action to move the Immediately noncomplying fuel assembly from [Region 21.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify by administrative means the initial enrichment Prior to storing the and bumup of the fuel assembly is in accordance fuel assembly in with Figure 3.7.18-1 or Specification [Region 21 41

i0 - --- .l -



35 *


ACCEPTABLE I- 30 , -. ' .

30 a]



<D /

C:~  ! . 'l U]

U, .

10. - .. ii O NOT ACCEPTABLE
5. . . . . ..

/. I .I .0 ..... -. . .0. .5 0 .... . - .... . . - ....... . -. .

._ ..

1.5 2.0 2. 3.0 3.5 4.0 4 5 i.0 5.5 U-235 ENRICHMEN1 Figure 3.7.18-1 (page 1 of 1)

Discharge Burnup vs. Initial Enrichment for Region II Racks 42

4.3.1 Criticality The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

a. Fuel assemblies having a maximum U-235 enrichment of

[4.5] weight percent,

b. keff < 0.95 if fully flooded with unborated water, which includes allowance for uncertainties as described in [Section 9.1 of the FSAR],

[c. A nominal [9] inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies placed in [the high density fuel storage racks],]

[d. A nominal [10.4] inch center to center distance between fuel assemblies placed in [the low density fuel storage racks], ]


4.3 Fuel Storage (continued)

[ e. New or partially spent fuel assemblies with a discharge burnup in the "acceptable range" of Figure [3.7.18-1] may be allowed unrestricted storage in [either] fuel storage rack(s), and ]

[ f. New or partially spent fuel assemblies with a discharge burnup in the "unacceptable range" of Figure [3.7.18-1] will be stored in compliance with the NRC approved [specific document containing the analytical methods, title, date, or specific configuration or figure]. ]


Consistent with Current TS and LCS As shown in the mark-up and discussion of the proposed changes:

  • LCS 4.0.100 contains required storage restrictions for fuel not meeting the criteria of unrestricted storage 45

A Different Approach from Other Applicants

  • Other plants have placed all the requirements in the Technical Specifications
  • This change would add 60 pages of information to the Technical Specifications
  • SCE controls SFP storage by procedure.

Fuel movement is controlled step by step following a preplanned sequence 46

Review and Approval S chedule

  • SCE plans to submit PCN 556 in late February or early March of 2005
  • SCE will be requesting approval by March of 2006, with a 60-day implementation window

- This falls between Unit 2 and Unit 3 Cycle 14 refueling outages 47

NRC Feedback

  • Content of TS and LCS
  • Guide Tube Inserts
  • Review and approval schedule 48