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Lr Hearing - FW: Data for NRC
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/2008
- No Known Affiliation
Division of License Renewal
Download: ML083290548 (3)


IPRenewal NPEmails From: Gray, Dara F []

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 2:44 PM To: Jill Caverly; Andrew Stuyvenberg Cc: 'RICKY N BUCKLEY'; 'Mark Mattson'


FW: Data for NRC Hi Jill and Drew As promised, here is what Mark came up with after our conference call with Jeff Ward et. al. In addition, the Barthouse Report , which provides the comprehensive evaluation of potential impacts on the Hudson River populations, is being transmtted to the NRC tmorrow as part of the final response to the official Environmental RAI's.

If what Mark has summarized is agreeable, please let me know and we can make arrangements for Mark to get this work going.

Please call me if you have any questions.

Thanks Dara Gray, REM Chemistry/Environmental Indian Point Energy Center (914) 736-8414 This e-mail and any attachments thereto are intended only for the use by the addressee(s) named herein and contain proprietary and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify me by telephone and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and any printout thereof.

From: Mark Mattson [1]

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 4:20 PM To: Gray, Dara F


Data for NRC Hi Dara, I offer the following description of Normandeaus understanding of deliverables to address the recent request by the NRC for additional Indian Point monitoring data.

1. NRC is seeking annual total impingement data for the most abundant fish species impinged at IP2 and IP3 so they can describe year-to-year trends for each species and for all species combined during the years sampled. To satisfy this request, Normandeau will create Excel files based on the data presented in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 of the1990 Indian Point Annual Impingement Report by EA and supply these to NRC. Normandeau will also perform a 100% Quality Control (QC) inspection of the data in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 by comparing these data against the source data tables from each previous annual impingement report from 1974-1990 for IP2 and from 1976-1990 for IP3. Normandeau will provide both the Excel Tables 4-1 and 4-2 and our QC documentation.


2. NRC would like to examine the catch and associated effort for common life stages of 16 fish species sampled in each geographic region of the Hudson River in each year sampled by each of the three Long River Surveys (Ichthyoplankton, Fall Juvenile, Beach Seine) to describe long term trends in catch. To satisfy this request, Normandeau will create Excel files for effort (# beach seine hauls, volume sampled for ichthyoplankton and fall juvenile tows) and total catch (# fish by species and life stage) collected in each region and year. These tables are intended to represent the catch and effort components used to produce the Appendix E tables previously provided to NRC in response to RFI #16, and will be comparable in layout to the Appendix E tables from the 2005 YCR. All catch and effort data will be provided for each year, but we will also identify a common subset of data from each region and survey that represents a standard sampling design that can be used for comparing total catch by species and life stage within region among years without the potential for confounding effects due to differences in gear or allocation of effort.
3. In support of the standard sampling design subset of data identified in #2 above, Normandeau will also provide as set of sampling design overview tables in Excel for each of the three surveys (Ichthyoplankton, Beach Seine, Fall Juvenile) showing the weekly allocation of actual samples (number of seine hauls or tows) based on a review and synthesis of the annual Standard Operating Procedures for the three Long River surveys. This sampling design overview will be sufficient to describe the target sampling design for each survey and illustrate broad differences in the design from year to year that were used to select the standard design for inter-annual comparison of total catch by species and life-stage and region.

We anticipate that it will take 10 working days following receipt of your authorization to proceed to reconfigure the data as requested and provide quality control checks of the reconfigured data files and deliverables before they are sent to you for delivery to NRC. We could provide the impingement data more quickly (in 5 working days) if you would prefer to deliver the requested data in two separate packages.

Please let me know when and how you would like us to proceed.

Take care, Mark

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Mark T. Mattson, Ph.D., Vice President Normandeau Associates, Inc.

25 Nashua Road, Bedford, NH 03110 Phone: 603-472-5191 ext. 162 FAX: 603-471-8007 Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.


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FW: Data for NRC Sent Date: 1/30/2008 2:43:50 PM Received Date: 1/30/2008 2:43:50 PM From: Gray, Dara F Created By: Recipients:


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