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Sturzebecher, NRC, to B. Noval, HDI, Acknowledgement for Amended and Restated Holtec IP2 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Facility Unit 1 and 2 ML22228A1332022-08-0909 August 2022 Acknowledgement for License Amendment Request to Modify Staffing Requirements Following SFP Transfer to Dry Storage ML22215A0432022-08-0101 August 2022 E-Mail Transmitting NYS NSA Exemption Comments & Draft EA Review Completion ML22208A0292022-07-19019 July 2022 E-Mail Transmitting Indian Point Exemption Draft EA ML22168A0072022-06-16016 June 2022 Acceptance Review for License Amendment Request to Revise License Condition to Eliminate Cyber Security Plan Requirements ML22112A0102022-04-21021 April 2022 Acceptance Review: Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50.54(w)(1) Concerning Indian Point Energy Center Onsite Property Damage Insurance ML22112A0122022-04-21021 April 2022 Acceptance Review: Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 140.11(a)(4) Concerning Primary and Secondary Liability Insurance for Indian Point Energy Center ML22103A2432022-04-13013 April 2022 E-mail - Request for Additional Information - License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme for Permanently Defueled Condition for Indian Point Energy Center ML22104A0342022-04-13013 April 2022 E-mail from Z. Cruz, NRC to J. Fleming, Holtec - Request for Additional Information Related to Request for Exemption from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and Part 50 Appendix E for Indian Point Energy Center ML22038A2572022-02-0707 February 2022 E-mail from Z. Cruz, NRC, to J. Fleming, HDI - Acceptance Review: License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme to Address Permanently Defueled Condition for Indian Point Energy Center ML22035A1862022-02-0404 February 2022 E-mail to J. Fleming, Holtec, from Z. Cruz Perez, NRC - Acceptance Review: Exemption Requests from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section IV for Indian Point Energy Center ML22028A1032022-01-28028 January 2022 E-mail Dated 1/28/2022, Transmittal of Draft Safety Evaluation for Proposed License Amendment Revision to Licensing Basis to Incorporate the Installation and Use of of New Auxiliary Lifting Device ML22038A1592022-01-24024 January 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) 2021 IPEC Annual Sturgeon Impingement Report ML22006A0442022-01-0505 January 2022 Email from Z Cruz to J Fleming Request for Additional Information - HDI Indian Point Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ML21337A2952021-12-0303 December 2021 Subsequent Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request to Revise Licensing Basis for New Auxiliary Lifting Device (E-mail Dated 12/3/2021) ML21335A3692021-12-0101 December 2021 Acceptance Review: Indian Point Energy Center - Exemption Request from 10 CFR Part 20 App G Section Iii.E ML21266A2972021-08-18018 August 2021 8/18/2021 E-mail from H. Specter to R. Guzman Public Comments to NRC, Indian Point Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report Public Meeting on July 29, 2021 ML21225A5012021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Shinnecock Indian Nation Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21224A3032021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe of Connecticut Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A6142021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Tuscarora Nation Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5682021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A4252021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A3142021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Oneida Indian Nation Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A4402021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Onondaga Nation of Wisconsin Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5352021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Tonawanda Band of Seneca Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5462021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21266A2942021-07-25025 July 2021 E-mail from Paul Blanch to NRC (N. Sheehan, D. Screnci) Public Comments to NRC, Indian Point Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report Public Meeting, July 29, 2021 ML21197A2002021-07-16016 July 2021 (E-mail 7/16/2021) NRC Staff Assessment and RAI Closeout HDI Fleet Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program and Indian Point Energy Center Quality Assurance Program Manual 2024-02-01
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IPRenewal NPEmails From: Stuyvenberg, Andrew Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 2:31 PM To: Gray, Dara F Cc: IPRenewal NPEmails; Balsam, Briana; Logan, Dennis; Imboden, Andy; Turk, Sherwin
FW: nmfs questions re. IP thermal Attachments: questions re. IP thermal.docx Dara This email forwards Julie Crocker's requests concerning shortnose sturgeon and thermal effects. You'll note that this document contains two categories of requests. The first paragraph contains information NMFS expects to see in NRC's BA supplement, while the remainder of the document contains questions that NMFS indicates relate to the 2011 Swanson et al. report.
Julie's email, below, includes Julie's availability this week and next for a teleconference, if necessary.
Please contact me if you have any questions. I will be in the office until 4:45p today, out of the office tomorrow, and in next week Tuesday through Friday.
- Best, Drew Original Message From: Julie Crocker [1]
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 2:05 PM To: Imboden, Andy Cc: Stuyvenberg, Andrew; Balsam, Briana; Logan, Dennis; Julie Williams; Mark MurrayBrown
nmfs questions re. IP thermal Hi all Attached are NMFS questions related to the Swanson 2011 thermal plume report and a summary of what we anticipate that NRC would consider in the supplement to the BA. Please forward to Entergy as appropriate. I am in the office until 3:30 today, in 812 tomorrow and then only in Tues and Weds next week, but will be checking email throughout if NRC or Entergy has any questions regarding this I'm happy to have a call, etc.
Thanks and enjoy the long weekend!
Julie 1
Hearing Identifier: IndianPointUnits2and3NonPublic_EX Email Number: 2718 Mail Envelope Properties (AF843158D8D87443918BD3AA953ABF782B680FF52F)
FW: nmfs questions re. IP thermal Sent Date: 6/30/2011 2:30:59 PM Received Date: 6/30/2011 2:31:01 PM From: Stuyvenberg, Andrew Created By: Andrew.Stuyvenberg@nrc.gov Recipients:
"IPRenewal NPEmails" <IPRenewal.NPEmails@nrc.gov>
Tracking Status: None "Balsam, Briana" <Briana.Balsam@nrc.gov>
Tracking Status: None "Logan, Dennis" <Dennis.Logan@nrc.gov>
Tracking Status: None "Imboden, Andy" <Andy.Imboden@nrc.gov>
Tracking Status: None "Turk, Sherwin" <Sherwin.Turk@nrc.gov>
Tracking Status: None "Gray, Dara F" <DGray@entergy.com>
Tracking Status: None Post Office: HQCLSTR02.nrc.gov Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 1432 6/30/2011 2:31:01 PM questions re. IP thermal.docx 16856 Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date:
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Shortnose sturgeon and I.P. Thermal Plume - NMFS Questions 063011 In the Biological Opinion, NMFS will need to make a determination on the effects to shortnose sturgeon from the discharge of heated water from the Indian Point facility. At this time, we anticipate using the best available information to do the following: (1) describe the thermal plume in terms that are biologically relevant to shortnose sturgeon (temps that could be stressful and/or lethal); (2) determine how the thermal plume will affect individual shortnose sturgeon (will they avoid the heated area or a portion of it, or can they not avoid it and will be exposed to effects while swimming through it); (3) if shortnose sturgeon are likely to avoid the plume determine what the effect of this avoidance behavior will be (how far out of their way would sturgeon need to go to avoid the heated water and what effect would this have on individuals); (4) if the plume cannot or will not be avoided what is the effect of the exposure (physiological stress (does this have any impact on fitness of individuals?), injury, mortality),
and, (5) does the discharge affect the ability of shortnose sturgeon to carry out essential behaviors in the action area (foraging, resting, migrating - no spawning or rearing of early life stages occurs in the action area). NMFS expects that the NRCs supplemental BA will consider all of the above.
NMFS has reviewed the Swanson et al. (2011) report on the triaxial thermal plume study and also understands that NYDEC has reviewed the report and other available materials and has determined that water temperatures will only exceed 90°F in an area no greater than 75 acres, and at times when ambient temperatures are greater than 83°F the thermal plume will not cause an increase in temperature greater than 1.5°F except within this 75 acre mixing zone. NMFS has the following remaining questions:
At what distance from the outfall do temperatures return to ambient?
It is NMFS understanding from the Swanson report that the thermal plume is present only at the surface of the river. Page ii of the report notes that temperatures greater than 90°F were observed at a 4ft depth for three stations closer to the discharge and at one station closest to the discharge (down to 15 feet). At what distance from the outfall are these stations located and how deep is the water at these stations? What were the maximum temperatures recorded at these depths? At what distance from the surface is the plume no longer detectable? What are water depths in this area?
Are there any anticipated effects to shortnose sturgeon prey (largely benthic invertebrates) from the discharge of heated effluent or are these species always outside of the area of influence of the thermal plume?
28.7°C (83.66°F) has been identified as the upper safe thermal limit for shortnose sturgeon (Ziegweid et al. 2007). Field information suggests that shortnose sturgeon are likely to avoid areas with temperatures greater than 28°C (82.4°F). Please describe the area where temperatures greater than 28°C will be experienced.
33.7°C (92.66°F) has been identified as the temperature at which shortnose sturgeon will lose equilibrium and has been described as the critical thermal maximum for shortnose sturgeon (Ziegweid et al. 2007). The lethal temperature for shortnose sturgeon is described in Zeigweid et al. (2007) as 34.8°C (94.64°F). Please describe any areas where water temperatures will meet or exceed these temperatures.
- p. 62 of the Swanson report describes the maximum temperatures measured at the discharge as ranging from 94°F - 103°F. Is it reasonable to consider that the time period captured (July - mid August 2010) is representative of the maximum temperatures that would be expected over the extended operating period? The information on p. 62 also seems to indicate that temperatures at thermistor station 25 reached 95.1°F. Is this the maximum temperature recorded at any of the measuring stations?
- p. 92 of the Swanson report notes that plant effluent often exceeded 100°F at the discharge, but such high temperatures were significantly diminished (to approximately 85°F by the time reached station 27, approximately 900 feet from the discharge and that the influence from the thermal plume was barely evident by the western side of the channel. Please describe the temperature conditions at the bottom of the river along these distances; are they ever influenced by the thermal plume? At what distance from the surface does the influence of the plume stop being detectable?
It is NMFS understanding from reading the Swanson report that the Indian Point plume does not interact with the thermal plume(s) extending from any other power facility, including Bowline.
Please confirm that this is an appropriate understanding.
Does the thermal plume have any effect on dissolved oxygen levels in the river? If so, what effect does that have on shortnose sturgeon which may experience stress at DO levels less than 5mg/l and are less tolerant of high temperatures at decreased levels of DO (see Niklitchek 2001).