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Multi-Unit Operator Training and Certification Program, Revision 1
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/11/2011
From: Widmann M
Division of Reactor Safety II
To: Campbell W
Tennessee Valley Authority
Download: ML111010586 (104)



Chief Nuclear Officer and Executive Vice President Tennessee Valley Authority 6A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801



Dear Mr. Campbell,


In a letter dated November 18, 2010, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) provided changes to its initial approach for ensuring that a sufficient number of licensed operators will be available to operate Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN), Units 1 and 2, prior to Unit 2 initial fuel load. The changes to the proposed initial training and certification program submittal also addressed comments that members of your staff received from Region II Operations Branch during a meeting on November 4, 2010. The reviewed training plan from TVA dated November 18, 2010, is attached.

The purposes of the Region II Operator Licensing staffs review of the proposed training plan and the planned inspection activities are to:

  • Evaluate the differences between Unit 1 and Unit 2 and provide insight to the office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR), headquarters Operator Licensing Branch, to identify if currently licensed operators on Unit 1 who will be requesting Watts Bar Unit 2 (dual) licenses have had sufficient operating experience at a comparable facility as required by 10 CFR 55.47 (a)(1), that is on Watts Bar Unit 1, and that this operating experience has occurred within two years prior to Unit 2 initial fuel load.
  • Evaluate the content of the proposed differences training provided to operators who are currently licensed on Unit 1, to identify if training includes comprehensive differences written examinations, JPM operating tests, and simulator modifications, training that meets the requirements of 10 CFR 55.47 (a)(3) in that each applicant has learned the operating procedures for and is qualified to operate competently and safely Watts Bar Unit 2.

Additionally, the purpose of the evaluation is to ensure that incumbent operators, as well as initial operator license applicants, have startup training using Unit 2 initial criticality procedures on the plant reference simulator using a simulator model that approximates Unit 2 core design.

  • Evaluate the adequacy of the Unit 1 simulator for administering operating tests to initial operator applicants, in accordance with 10CFR 55.46, during the same time frame that the simulator will be used to train licensed operators on the Unit-2 modifications.


  • Evaluate the content of the proposed differences training including the proposed evaluation methods that will be administered to initial operator license applicants who will only be issued Unit 1 operating licenses prior to obtaining a dual unit license.

Based on Region II Operator Licensings review of the available Unit 2 modifications, the proposed differences between Unit 1 and Unit 2 are not so significant that they would affect the operators ability to operate each unit safely and competently. Approximately ten percent of the required modifications are yet to be issued. The final determination of whether the operators who are currently licensed on Unit 1 meet the written and operating test waiver requirements, in accordance with 10CFR55.47 and NUREG 1021, Revision 9, Supplement 1, ES-204, Section D.2, on Unit 2 is contingent upon Region II Operator Licensing inspections, and completion of the proposed training plan Multi-Unit Operator Training and Certification Program, Revision 1.


/ RA /

Malcolm T. Widmann, Chief Operations Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Docket No(s).: 50-390, 50-391 License No(s).: NPF-90, CPPR-92


As stated cc w/encl: (See page 3)


TVA 3 cc w/encl: Tennessee Department of Enviornment &

D. E. Grissette Conservation Site Vice President Division of Radiological Health Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 401 Church Street Tennessee Valley Authority Nashville, TN 37243 Electronic Mail Distribution Senior Resident Inspector G. A. Boerschig U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Plant Manager Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, MOB 2R-WBN U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tennessee Valley Authority 1260 Nuclear Plant Road Electronic Mail Distribution Spring City, TN 37381-2000 C. J. Riedl Ann Harris Acting Manager, Licensing 341 Swing Loop Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, ADM 1L-WBN Rockwood, TN 37854 Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 R. Krich Spring City, TN 37381 Vice President, Nuclear Licensing 1101 Market Street, LP 3R J. W. Shea Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Manager, Corp. Nuclear Licensing - WBN Tennessee Valley Authority William W. Thompson Electronic Mail Distribution Training Manager Watts Bar Nuclear Plant E. J. Vigluicci Tennessee Valley Authority Assistant General Counsel P.O. Box 2000 Tennessee Valley Authority Spring City, TN 37381 Electronic Mail Distribution W. D. Crouch Licensing Manager, Unit 2 Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, EQB 1B-WBN Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, TN 37381 County Mayor P.O. Box 156 Decatur, TN 37322 County Executive 375 Church Street Suite 215 Dayton, TN 37321

Letter to William R. Campbell, Jr. from Malcolm T. Widmann dated April 11, 2011.



V. McCree L. Wert C. Casto J. Munday H. Christensen M. Franke R. Croteau W. Jones G. Guthrie C. Kontz R. Baldwin B. Caballero P. Capehart C. Evans L. Douglas J. McHale, NRR/DIRS/IOLB P. Milano, NRR OE Mail RIDSNRRDIRS PUBLIC

A Tennessee Valley Authority 1101 Market Street, LP 3R Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 R. M. Krich Vice President Nuclear Licensing November 18, 2010 10 CFR 55.5 Mr. Luis A. Reyes, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1 257 Attn: Mr. Malcolm T. Widmann Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Facility Operating License No. NPF-90 Facility Construction Permit No. CPPR-92 NRC Docket Nos. 50-390 and 50-391




Letter from WA to NRC, Watts Bar Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Multi-Unit Operator Training and Certification Program and Request for Review, dated August 27, 2010 In the referenced letter, the Tennessee Valley Authority (WA) described its approa ch to ensuring that a sufficient number of licensed operators will be available to operate Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (VVBN), Units 1 and 2 prior to Unit 2 initial fuel load. WA described its plan to seek dual-unit operator licenses for prospective WBN, Unit 2 operators using a training program that was based on a rigorous analysis of the differences between Unit 1 and Unit 2. In its submittal, WA included a summary of its conclusions regarding the nearly identical design and operation of Unit 1 and Unit 2.

In addition, WA included a detailed report on WBN, Units I and 2 plant differences, and its training plan.

WA has continued to review its dual-unit operator training plan and has developed Revision 1 to the Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report. A description of the changes between Revision 1 and the version submitted in the Reference letter is included as Enclosure 1 to this letter. Enclosure 2 to this letter is Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, Revision 1, November2010.

printed on recycled paper NOV 19 O

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 November 18, 2010 TVA understands that the NRC currently intends to issue a letter with the results of its review of TVAs analysis and plan. In addition, WA understands that the NRC is currently developing its inspection plans with regard to the dual-unit operator license training program.

There are no new regulatory commitments in this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me at (423) 751-3628.

Respectfully, fri R. M. Krich


1. Description of Changes from Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, August 2010 to Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, Revision 1, November 2010
2. Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, Revision 1, November 2010 cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk


Enclosure I Description of Changes from Watts Bar Unit Differences and Trainin g

Plan Report, August 2010 to Watts Bar Unit Differences and Trainin g

Plan Report, Revision 1, November 2010

Description of Changes from Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, August 2010 to Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, Revision 1, November 2010 INTRODUCTION WA has continued to review its dual-unit operator training plan and has developed Revision I to the Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report submitted in Reference 1. A description of the changes to the Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, Revision 1, November 2010, Enclosure 2, from the version submitted in the Referenced letter is summarized below.


OF CHANGES Section 1.3, 4th bullet was updated to provide additional details on the WBN 1 simulator capabilities that would be used to support differences training.

Section 3.3.2 was updated to provide additional details on the WBN I simulator capabilities that would be used to support differences training.

Section 3.3.2.c.5 was updated to provide additional details on the planned in-plant OJTITPE topics.

Section 3.3.2.e was changed to include training on Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures and Unit 2 core design, and remove a second simulator demonstration of the Unit 2 steam generators.

Additionally, a third paragraph was added to clarify the licensees intentions on administering an open book examination to test the licensed operators knowledge of the new Unit 2.

Section 3.3.2.f was changed to reflect a review of the Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures and Unit 2 core design topics.

Section 3.3.2.g was updated to include additional details on the administering of the Biennial LOR exams.

Section 3.4.2.a was updated to provide clarification and additional detail on the management of the ILT Classes 11-06 and 11-10.

Section 3.5.2.a was changed to reflect a second simulator demonstration of the Unit 2 steam generators to occur in cycle 11 vice cycle 10.

Section 3.5.2.b was changed to reflect training on Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures and Unit 2 core design to occur in cycle 10 vice cycle 11.

Table 2, Differences Training Scope, Duration and Schedule, was updated to reflect:

  • Training on Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures and Unit 2 core design to occur in cycle 10 vice cycle 11.
  • An additional review of the Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures and Unit 2 core design topics in cycle 11.
  • A second simulator demonstration of the Unit 2 steam generators to occur in cycle 11 vice cycle 10.
  • Additional details in notes section on the details for the simulator demonstration of the Unit 2 steam generators.
  • Attachment 1, Detailed Plan Differences, was updated to provide additional details on the differences between Unit I and Unit 2 Source Range and Intermediate Range Monitors.
  • A clarification to the footnote on Page E2-71 regarding the implementation of the Leading Edge Flow Meter for Unit 2.


Letter from WA to NRC, Watts Bar Nuclear Plants, Units I and 2 Multi-Unit Operator Training and Certification Program and Request for Review, dated August 27, 2010

Enclosure 2 Watts Bar Unit Differences and Training Plan Report, Revision 1, November 2010 I

m ri



















93 E2-2

1. Executive Summary This report meets the criteria spelled out in NUREG 1021, section ES 204 which defines utility requests for dual unit licenses for the licensed operators of the facility. Part of that request is to justify why the utility believes the two units are nearly identical and to describe the training plan for operators to inform them of any existing unit differences.

In 2007 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) decided to recommence construction on Watts Bar unit 2. During the lead up to this decision and continuing into construction activities, TVA management put in place expectations that the design and construction groups would maintain fidelity between Unit 1 and Unit 2. This expectation was enforced through memorandum, procedures and processes, which required all parties to ensure that Unit 2 would match Unit 1 to every extent possible.

This report provides justification as to why TVA considers the two units at Watts Bar nearly identical and identifies a comprehensive training plan for currently licensed operators and future licensed operators. It also provides assurance that the simulator maintains fidelity with its plant-referenced unit. By showing that this guidance is satisfied, TVA requests NRC review and approval of the following training plan. Based on this approval, TVA plans to submit dual unit license applications and waivers of NRC administered license examinations for Unit 2 where appropriate.

1.1 Regulatory Consideration This plan provides the outline and approach to obtaining dual-unit operator licenses to support the loading of fuel at the Watts Bar Unit 2 nuclear station.

This is a two-step process as outlined in NUREG 1021, ES-204 (see Section 4.0 for the full text), which states, in part, that:

1. Facilities may request dual licensing for their operators.
2. Facilities may request a waiver of the examination requirement for the second unit.

In either case the facility must justify that the units are nearly identical including:

  • facility design and systems
  • technical specifications
  • procedures (mainly abnormal and emergency procedures)
  • control room design and instrument location
  • operational characteristics
  • administrative procedures related to conduct of operations for a multi-unit site
  • expected method of rotating personnel between units and re-familiarization training to be conducted before assuming duty on the new unit E2-3

1.2 Unit 2 Differences Overview The design of Unit 2 was conducted with the constraint of maintaining unit differences at a minimum. Accordingly, every effort was made to minimize differences between the units when installing new components on Unit 2, due to obsolescence of those components on Unit 1. With Unit 2 design freeze recently established, a thorough analysis of the unit differences has shown that the units remain nearly identical. Some of the differences are listed here and are discussed in more detail in Section 2.0.

Table 1 provides an executive summary of the main differences between Units 1 and 2.

Table 1: Unit 1 / Unit 2 Differences Overview Steam Unit 1 has the 68AXP Replacement Steam Generator. Unit 2 has the D-3 Generators Original Steam Generator.

(Photos not to scale) , r I1 I 1[

SG Main The Unit 2 turbine has been updated to improve efficiency and power Turbine output and is more tolerant to condenser backpressure.

This turbine has no impulse chamber. A tap and pressure transmitter will be added to each of the four inlet lines from the control valves. For the purpose of input to rod control, steam dumps and turbine runback, the control signal will be the median of four signals.

Moisture The secondary side moisture separator/reheaters for Unit 2 are an Separator upgraded design to enhance secondary side efficiency.

Reheaters E2-4

Reactor Unit 1 uses the RVLIS ICCM-86 system:

Vessel Unit 2 will use the Common Qualified (Common Q) Post Accident Level Monitoring System (PAMS).

Indication System (RVLTS) and Inadequate Core Cooling Monitor (ICCM)


Digital Unit 2 will have digital controls for several systems including Feedwater Control level control, Boration/Dilution Flow, Hotwell Level, Steam Generator system Blowdown, Rod Control Inputs, Pressurizer Pressure, Pressurizer Level, (DCS) Charging Flow, Letdown Flow, Main Feed Water Pump Flow Control, Volume Control Tank Level, Residual Heat Removal flow, Steam Generator Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs), and Steam Dumps.

The Unit 2 digital control system will have increased fault tolerance compared to the existing Unit 1 analog controls.

Unit 1 will receive an upgrade from the current analog controls to digital controls for Feedwater, Pressurizer level, Pressurizer pressure and boration controls in a refueling outage scheduled for October 2012.

The simulator (Unit I reference) will be upgraded to digital controls in January 2012. The Unit 1 plant-referenced simulator will be modified to include the Unit 1 digital controls almost concurrently with the planned Unit 2 fuel load and will lead the actual Unit 1 installation by approximately 10 months. This will provide for a full scope simulation environment for the Foxboro Intelligent Automation (I/A) digital controls during the power ascension-testing phase of the Unit 2 project.

The digital control feature that enables the operator to enter control system inputs via a computer terminal will be electronically blocked from Unit 2. Manipulation of equipment will only be permitted from the control panels.

Reactor Unit 1 will have a steady state fuel load.

Fuel Unit 2 will have a new core.

Incore Unit 1 uses Westinghouse movable probes.

Probes Unit 2 will use the Westinghouse In-Core Information Surveillance &

Engineering (WllJCISE) system (Incore fixed sensors).


1.3 Training Plan Summary

  • Approximately 124 hours0.00144 days <br />0.0344 hours <br />2.050265e-4 weeks <br />4.7182e-5 months <br /> of training are planned for Unit 2 Fuel Load readiness and the differences between the units. The Licensed Operator Requalification (LOR) training will be conducted on common systems, unit differences, Unit 2 procedures and Technical Specifications. The training will consist of classroom lectures, vendor supplied equipment/mockups, structured in-plant tours, training on the Sequoyah simulator, completion ofjob familiarization guides and completion of qualification cards (formal On-the-Job-Training and Task Performance-Evaluation, OJT/TPE). This training will take place from September 2010 through September 2011 prior to the September 19, 2011 license application submittal for dual unit licenses for operators with a license to operate Unit 1. Additional training will continue through Unit 2 hot functional testing, fuel load, initial criticality and start up testing, but will not be credited towards the request for dual unit licenses, since it occurs after the license application submittal.
  • Watts Bar staff, with NRC approval of waiver of NRC administered license exams, will conduct operator testing and certification on Unit 2.
  • The Sequoyah simulator will be used for part of the training and evaluation on digital controls prior to Unit 2 fuel load.
  • TVA has evaluated the ability to provide simulation capabilities for plant differences that will exist at the startup of Unit 2 using the Watts Bar simulator.

o The simulator has the capability of using temporary computer models for the original (D-3) steam generators which will be used for training the operators prior to Unit 2 fuel load.

o The simulator has the capability of using temporary computer models for the initial core load which will be used for training the operators prior to Unit 2 fuel load.

  • The Watts Bar simulator will be upgraded to DCS in January 2012. This will precede the Unit 1 plant upgrade to DCS by 10 months. The timing of the simulator upgrade allows for a continuation of training on digital controls during Unit 2 start-up testing, power-ascension and prior to implementation of DCS on Unit 1 plant. This will provide additional reinforcement and proficiency on the DCS system.

Note: Initial license classes are numbered with the year and month the class takes the NRC exam, i.e., class 11-06 takes the NRC exam in June of2Oll.

  • Initial License Training (ILT) Classes 11-06 and 11-10 are scheduled for their NRC Examinations in June 2011 and October 2011, respectively which are prior to Unit 2 fuel load in December 2011. Both classes will train and examine on the Unit 1 referenced simulator and their license applications will request a Unit 1 License. After receipt of their NRC licenses, these individuals will complete the LOR Unit Differences Training and examination described in section 3.0 of this E2-7

report. Request for dual unit licenses will come in a second license application submittal, along with request for a waiver to NRC administered exams.

  • ILT Class 12-11 will take their NRC Examination in November 2012, this is after the Unit I reference simulator is upgraded to digital controls in January 2012 and after Unit 1 Main Control Room (MCR) is upgraded in October 2012. These students will be trained on Unit 1 and Unit 2 differences, during the course of their ILT class. This class will use the DCS upgraded simulator. This class will submit License Applications for both a Unit 1 and Unit 2 License.


2. Watts Bar Analysis of Unit 1 and Unit 2 Differences TVA suspended construction of Watts Bar Nuclear (WBN) Unit 2 in 1985, placed the unit in construction layup status, and formally deferred WBN Unit 2 in 2000. In 2007 TVA decided to recommence construction on Watts Bar Unit 2. During the lead up to this decision and continuing into construction activities, TVA management put in place expectations that the design and construction groups would maintain fidelity between Unit 1 and Unit 2. This expectation was enforced through memorandum, procedures and processes, which required all parties to ensure that Unit 2 would match Unit 1 to every extent possible. This is demonstrated in numerous documents where the intent to maintain fidelity between units is spelled out in communications internal to TVA and also in communications to the NRC.

In a letter dated April 3, 2007 (L44 070403 001) TVA asked for feedback from the NRC on certain assumptions TVA was making in the time leading up to a final decision to recommence construction on Unit 2. TVA describes one assumption as being able to resume construction and . . .use the existing Part 50 construction permit and the largely completed and well documented operating license review framework. This is the first key regulatory assumption. This first key regulatory assumption is grounded on the fact that WBN 2 is of the same vintage and would be virtually identical to WBN Unit 1.

From a regulatory perspective, this means that the WBN Unit 2 licensing and design basis would be essentially the same as what presently exists for WBN Unit 1.

In a letter from the NRC to TVA dated July 25, 2007 (Staff Reguirements-SECY 0096-Possible Reactivation of Construction and Licensing Activities for the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2), the NRC stated:

The Commission supports a licensing review approach that employs the current licensing basis for Unit las the reference basis for the review and licensing of Unit 2.

In a letter from TVA to the NRC dated August 3, 2007, titled Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 Reactivation of Construction Activities the following excerpts

demonstrate TVA s intent to keep the two units similar:

As background, on October 4, 1976, TVA submitted a dual unit WBN Operating License (OL) for both WBN Unit 1 and Unit 2. WBN Unit 1 received a full power OL on February 7, 1996. WBN Unit 2 which was placed on deferred status would be operationally the same as Unit 1 at startup. TVA believes that, from regulatory, safety and plant operational perspectives, significant benefit is gained from aligning the licensing and design bases of WBN Units 1 and 2 to the fullest extent practicable. The commission recognized these benefits in Reference 2.

(Reference 2 in this letter is referring to the NRC letter discussed above dated July 25, 2007)


In furtherance of this objective, TVA will complete WBN Unit 2 in compliance with applicable regulations promulgated prior to and after the issuance of the WBN Unit 1 OL. In addition, the WBN Unit 2 licensing and design bases will incorporate modifications made to WBN Unit 1, and those modifications currently captured in the WBN Unit 1 five-year plan. This alignment of the WBN Unit 1 and 2 licensing and design bases will ensure that there is operational fidelity between units and at the same time demonstrate and ensure that WBN Unit 2 complies with applicable NRC regulatory requirements.

The Watts Bar Detailed Scoping, Estimating, and Planning (DSEP) study dated 06/18/07, provided guidance for the continuation of construction of Watts Bar Unit 2 as follows:

The Engineering Baseline and Modification organizations will prepare design criteria, design calculations, procurement and installation specifications, develop drawings and specifications, and issue procurement documents that provide detailed design for construction as required for completing WBN2. While Engineering work will be performed to the A/Es procedures, calculations and DCNs will conform to TVAs Engineering Change Control and Plant Modification procedures with an emphasis on ensuring fidelity with Unit 1.

(bolded emphasis was added)

The Watts Bar Unit 1 and 2 Memorandum of Understanding, which defines the division of responsibilities between unit 1 and unit 2, under the Design Engineering Interface, states:

One of the goals of the Unit 2 completion is to maintain as much consistency in configuration and processes with unit 1 as possible. Unit 2 will develop requirements and a means for tracking differences that exist or are created between the two units. Part of the Unit 2 scoping process will be to evaluate the as-constructed Unit 1 configuration against the Unit 2 as-designed configuration and Unit 2 walkdown results to determine what physical changes are required to Unit 2 to maintain configuration consistency. Differences between the two units will be reviewed and agreed upon by the two units.

As an example of the management processes in place during Unit 2 construction, the construction contractor had an Engineering procedure (25402-3DP-GO4G-00081) which required any differences between the units to be documented and reviewed by Operations, Maintenance and Engineering organizations. Part of this review process also included analysis of the differences for inclusion into the operator differences training.

Unit 1 modifications were reviewed and a Unit 2 scope work list was developed from this review. For each Corrective Action Program (CAP) and Special Program (SP) a plan for Unit 2 was developed to implement the changes associated with each program based upon a review of Problem Evaluation Reports (PER5), Nuclear Central Office Tracking items (NCOs), Category Drawings (CATDs), and Unit 1 corrective actions. Engineering E2-1O

Design Control Requests (EDCRs) were issued for the CAPs and SPs based on this review.

Due to equipment obsolescence some new designs for Unit 2 were needed (Foxboro DCS, Unit 2 Annunciator, Rosemount Transmitters, etc.).

Unit 2 designs were evaluated for any unit differences with Unit 1. These differences were reviewed and approved by TVA operations, maintenance, and engineering groups.

As documented in the examples given above, during design and construction activities, every effort was made to minimize differences between the units. When installing new components on Unit 2 due to obsolescence of those components on Unit 1 similar controller type and sizes were used, wherever possible, to keep the control and indication locations the same on the Unit 2 Main Control Panels.

2.1 Nearly Identical Summary This section will provide a brief overview of how the two units at Watts Bar have been determined to be nearly identical, as the terminology in NUREG 1021 states. More detail follows in section 2.2.

  • The units consist of identical nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendor designs and secondary plant designs. Unit 2 will include the original D-3 steam generators and Unit 1 has installed 68AXP replacement steam generators.
  • Initially, the units will have different core operating characteristics with Unit 1 being in a normal first/second/third burn assembly fuel cycle. Unit 2 will consist of all first burn assemblies. The actual operator impact is not significant.
  • The technical specifications and structure of the operating procedures developed for Unit 2 will be nearly identical to those already in use for Unit 1.
  • Unit 1 uses Westinghouse movable incore probes. Unit 2 will have WINCISE fixed sensors, which also house the Core Exit Thermocouples.
  • Reactor vessel level and cooling monitoring systems on Unit 1 uses the RVLIS (ICCM-86) system and Unit 2 will have the Common Q system. The Common Q system has slightly different mimics but the same information is displayed.
  • There will be analog vs. digital controls with Unit 2 leading Unit 1 in the upgrade to digital control systems. At fuel load in December 2011, Unit 2 will utilize a Foxboro Intelligent Automation (I/A) model digital control system (DCS).

Approximately 10 months later, Unit 1 will have the same system installed but with a limited scope of controllers compared to Unit 2. Digital modification of one unit followed by a second unit at a dual-unit station is a typical industry practice and Watts Bar will follow this traditional approach.


2.2 Nearly Identical Justification This section includes the analysis and the nearly identical justification performed by Watts Bar to meet NUREG 1021, ES-204 guidance as listed below and will follow the format of the bulleted items listed in the NUREG.

2.2.1 Facility Design and Systems relevant to Control Room Personnel 2.2.1 .a The WBN Unit 1 steam generators were replaced. The Unit 2 generators remain the original D-3 model, which has some operational differences setpoints on Unit 2 the same as Unit 1.

2.2.1 .b The Unit 2 turbine has been updated to improve efficiency and power output and is more tolerant to condenser backpressure. This turbine has no impulse chamber. Therefore a tap and pressure transmitter will be added to each of the four inlet lines from the control valves. For the purpose of input to rod control, steam dumps and turbine runback, the control signal will be the median of four signals. This algorithm is performed in Foxboro I/A. The Permissive interlocks and Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM (ATWS) Mitigating System Actuation Circuitry (AMSAC) will still be generated from a single transmitter.

Analog Electro-Hydraulic (AEH) control will use Generator Megawatts rather than impulse signal when in Impulse Pressure Control (IMP IN).

2.2.1 .c The secondary side moisture separator/reheaters for Unit 2 are an upgraded design to enhance secondary side efficiency.

2.2.1 .d The Inadequate Core Cooling Monitoring System (ICCM) 86 for Unit 1 will be replaced with the Common Q platform for Unit 2. Parameters present in the ICCM 86 will be in the Common Q PAMS including Core Exit Thermocouples, RVLIS, and Core Saturation Monitor.

2.2.1 .e There will be analog vs. digital controls with Unit 2 leading Unit 1 in the upgrade to digital control systems. At fuel load in December 2011, Unit 2 will utilize a Foxboro Intelligent Automation (I/A) model digital control system (DCS). The primary impact of the DCS change will be reduced susceptibility to transients caused by an instrument failure. For instance; 2.2.1.e.l A loss of a single Vital Inverter will no longer cause a unit trip. This is due to the fault tolerance in the DCS feedwater system and the pressurizer control system.


2.2.1 .e.2 The Main Feedwater (MFW) Controls digital upgrade modification has been designed to incorporate all functions of the existing system, in addition to providing enhanced monitoring and control methods and diagnostic capabilities.

Operator response to abnormal Steam Generator (SG)

Level, MFW Flow or MFW Pump Speed remains the same, except that with the new DCS and new field input signals, additional redundancy is provided and potentially faulty instrumentation is automatically bypassed. The new DCS provides monitoring of all of the Feedwater Control System parameters on the redundant video display monitors installed on the operators desk. In addition, the DCS provides a redundant link to the existing plant Integrated Computer System (ICS) to provide Feedwater information to the operator.

2.2.1 .e.3 Pressurizer control will no longer require manual operator action on loss of a transmitter. This is due to transmitter redundancy logic.

2.2.1 .e.4 Boric Acid Control will be incorporated into I/A. The primary operational difference, other than the controllers are changed to I/A, is that the Unit 2 system displays will have digital displays and can be programmed for a desired ppm boron concentration (vs. only gpm on Unit 1) 2.2.1 .f The incore probes on Unit 2 will be WINCISE fixed probes as opposed to the Unit 1 Westinghouse movable. The WINCISE probes will also house the Core Exit Thermocouples. This will impact the indicated temperature slightly but will not impact post accident temperatures or Emergency Operating Instructions (EOI) setpoints.

2.2.1 .g Unit 2 will eliminate the Post Accident Sampling System (PASS) and physically remove the associated equipment. Unit 1 has abandoned the PASS system in place.

2.2.1 .h There will be only one Hydrogen Analyzer for Unit 2 and it will be non-safety related.

2.2.1 .i The hydrogen recombiners on Unit 1 have been removed from Technical Specifications. The handswitches for Unit 1 are still on the control room panel 1 -M- 10. The hydrogen recombiners on Unit 2 will be abandoned in place and the handswitches in the control room have been removed from panel 2-M- 10.


2.2.2 Technical Specifications Watts Bar Unit 1 and Unit 2 have separate Technical Specification(s) (IS) and Technical Requirements Manual (TRM). TVA used the WBN Unit 1 TS and TRM to develop the proposed WBN Unit 2 TS and TRM. The numbers, setpoints, and parameters provided have been validated through the design phase of the construction completion project. All Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) setpoints are identical; therefore TS related setpoints will be identical between the units. Final verification will be provided as part of the as-built phase of construction completion of WBN Unit 2.

Watts Bar has thoroughly reviewed the technical specifications differences and determined that they are nearly identical. This is based on minimal differences between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 technical specifications. Attachment 2 provides a detailed discussion for each of the identified technical specification differences.

2.2.3 Procedures (Abnormal and Emergency Procedures)

Watts Bar has thoroughly reviewed the Unit 1 abnormal and emergency procedures against the intended structure and content of the Unit 2 procedures and has determined that they are nearly identical.

The Unit 2 Emergency Operating Instructions (EOIs) will be developed to the same revision level and the exact format as the suite of Unit 1 EOIs currently in use today. The EOIs are symptom-based procedures and there is no change in logic for implementation as a result of any differences in design and control. Not all of the setpoint calculations pertaining to EOI actions have been completed at this time. As remaining setpoint data is received, any differences will be rolled into the scheduled operator training. Based on calculations already completed, it is not anticipated these setpoint differences will be significant. Unit specific EOIs will be developed to prevent human errors related to combining Unit procedure steps.

The Unit 2 Abnormal Operating Instructions (AOI5) will be developed to the same revision level and two-column format as the suite of AOIs utilized to operate Unit 1. A numbering system will be in place to allow for Unit specific AOIs, where needed, to prevent human errors related to combining Unit procedure steps. The majority of the AOIs have been drafted and the primary differences were related to DCS. These differences are minor, and result in fewer operator actions associated with instrument failures, making the AOIs less complicated to implement. Entry conditions and symptoms described in the AOIs are the same for Unit 2 as for Unit 1.


2.2.4 Control Room Design and Instrument Location Watts Bar has thoroughly reviewed the control room design and instrument locations and determined that they are nearly identical.

The Unit 2 Main Control Board layout is a rotated image of the Unit I Main Control Boards. On panels M-l through M-6, the left-right relationship for controls and indications is nearly identical.

The control room design and instrument locations differences are mainly attributed to DCS components that are functionally the same as their corresponding Unit I components with minimal changes in their arrangement and appearance.

The new controllers use digital pushbuttons for Auto/Manual selection and raise/lower functions that send a signal through the DCS. The previous analog controllers used a dial for setpoint adjustment, and a toggle lever to control the raise/lower and manual functions. These signals were sent through the control loops directly.

The Manual / Auto hand control stations controller boxes do not have the electronics or active components to perform any automatic control functions. They provide process and setpoint information indication, and provide an interface point for the operator to take manual control of the device, and/or to adjust the setpoint or the output to the device.

The actual controls exist in the DCS processors. The size, shape, color, and legend for the meters and pushbuttons on the controller faceplates are consistent with the existing controllers on Unit 1. The orientation of the meter scale is in the horizontal position, and the movement of the indicator needle along the scale is consistent with other existing meters. The increase (>>) and decrease (<<) pushbuttons are logically positioned on the face plate with the increase push button on the right side and the decrease push button on the left side, which is consistent with direction of movement expectations. The push buttons are equipped with back light LEDs, which illuminate to indicate position status.

Additionally, based on the improved functionality and automation of the DCS, obsolete switches were not needed and were removed. The following provides an overview of the identified control room design and instrument location differences. Attachment 1 provides additional details.

2.2.4.a Main Control Board Panel 2-M-1 Auxiliary Power 2.2.4.a.l Main Control Room panel 2-M-1 has an ICS display monitor 2-MON-47-120. This monitor duplicates the functionality of obsolete recorders 2-TR 1 and 2-TR 2. On Unit I these recorders (1 -TR 1 and 1 -TR-47-2) were abandoned and the inputs to these recorders were provided to the plant computer system (ICS).


2.2.4.b Main Control Board Panel 2-M-2 Turbine Generator Controls 2.2.4.b.1 Hotwell level controllers 2-LIC-2-3 and 2-LIC-2-9 and Raw Cooling Water Supply controllers 2-TIC-24-48, and 2-TIC-24-69 will be Foxboro I/A type controllers, while on Unit 1 these controllers are GEMAC type controllers.

2.2.4.c Main Control Board Panel 2-M-3 Feedwater and Condensate 2.2.4.c. 1 Hand switch 2-HS-3-45 is a 4-position switch to warm the main feedwater lines through forward and back flush operations. The Unit 1 steam generators were changed, which eliminated the need for back flush operations: 1 -HS 3-45 is a two-position switch, without the back flush operation mode. Status light box 2-XX-3-235 retains additional lights related to back flushing operations on the steam generators.

2.2.4.c.2 Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS) bias controllers 2-LIC-3-231, 2-LIC-3-232, 2-LIC-3-233, and 2-LIC-3-234 are eliminated from panel 2-M-3, while they remain on Unit 1. On Unit 1, a single channel of NIS power is used to determine the setpoint for each loop. On Unit 2, the Foxboro I/A control system will select the second highest of the four channels of NIS power.

2.2.4.c.3 The following controllers are replaced with Foxboro I/A type controllers on 2-M-3:

  • 2-FIC-3 -70, -84, and -208 (Feedwater Pump Flow Controllers)
  • 2-PC-46-20, 2-SIC-46-20A and -20B (MFPT Speed Controllers) 2.2.4.d Main Control Board Panel 2-M-4, Reactor Controls E2-16

2.2.4.d.1 Steam Generator Blow Down hand-switches 2-HS-1-7/181, 14/182, 25/183 and 32/184 and the indicating lights for these switches are oriented in different configuration than on Unit 1. On Unit 1, these hand-switches and their associated indicating lights are arranged in a row. On Unit 2, these hand-switches and their associated indicating lights are arranged with two switches in one row and with the other two switches mounted directly above. This relocation was necessary due to the increased mounting area needed to install four Foxboro I/A controllers, located adjacent to the Steam Generator Blow Down hand-switches.

2.2.4.d.2 The following controllers are replaced with Foxboro I/A type controllers on 2-M-4:

  • 2-PIC-1-33 (Steam Dump Pressure Controller)
  • 2-PIC-68-340A, -340B, and -340D (Pressurizer Pressure Spray and Master Controllers)
  • 2-LIC-68-3 39 (Charging Flow/Pressure Level Controller) 2.2.4.d.3 Transfer switches XS-1-3D, -IOD, -21D, and 28D (Steam Generator 1-4 Main Steam Header Flow), and XS-3-35D, -

48D, 90D, and -103D (Steam Generator 1-4 Feedwater Inlet Flow) will not be installed on Unit 2 because these switch functions are automatically selected by the Foxboro I/A control system.

2.2.4.d.4 Core Exit Temperature recorder 2-TR-94-1O1, switch 2-XS-68-1O1, and RVLIS indicator 2-XI-68-100 will not be installed on 2-M-4. The new COMMON Q display 2-MON-68-100 will perform these functions for Unit 2.

2.2.4.d.5 Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) motor driven pump discharge pressure controllers 2-PDIC-3 -1 22A and 2-PDIC-3 -1 32A (Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps A-A and B-B Discharge Pressure Controllers) located on panel 2-M-4 have been replaced with Foxboro SPEC 200 controllers. These controllers perform the same function as the components used in Unit 1. On Unit 1 these components are GEMAC controllers. Unit 1 does use SPEC 200 on the level control valves so the operation is familiar to the operators.


2.2.4.d.6 Reactor Vessel Head Vent Throttle Valve controllers 2-HIC-68-396 and 2-HIC-68-397 have been replaced with Foxboro SPEC 200 controllers. These controllers perform the same function as the Westinghouse controllers used in Unit 1.

2.2.4.e Main Control Board Panel 2-M-5, Reactor Coolant System 2.2.4.e. 1 The following controllers are replaced with Foxboro I/A type controllers on 2-M-5:

  • 2-HIC-62-56A (Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger Flow Controller)
  • 2-HIC-62-93A. (Charging Header Flow Controller) 2.2.4.e.2 Pressurizer level control (LIC-68-339): On Unit 1, there is a selector switch (XS-68-339E) to select the level transmitter used as input. On Unit 2, a similar switch will be provided. The Unit 2 switch will have an additional position, auto, which will allow the software to use a median select. On Unit 1, there is a second selector switch (XS-68-339B) that selects the transmitter signal going to the recorder; this switch is eliminated on Unit 2 and the signal used for control will go to the recorder.

2.2.4.e.3 Pressurizer pressure control (PIC-68-340): On Unit 1, there is a selector switch (XS-68-340D) to select the pressure transmitter used as input. On Unit 2, a similar switch will be provided. The Unit 2 switch will have an additional position, auto, which will allow the software to use a median select. On Unit 1, there is a second selector switch (XS-68-340B) that selects the transmitter signal going to the recorder. This switch is eliminated on Unit 2, and the signal used for control will go to the recorder.

2.2.4.e.4 Main Control Board Panel 2-M-6 Engineered Safeguards (2-M-6 Right Half) (2-M-6 Left Half) 2.2.4.e.5 The Cold Leg Accumulators group of indicators (LI 129, -119, -109, -99, -89, -81, -82, and -60 and P1-63-128, -

126, -108, -106, -88, 86, -61, and -61) are located below the new Common Q driver RVLIS ICCM monitor (2-MON-

68-110) on panel 2-M-6. On Unit, 1 these indicators are located above RVLIS display (1-XI-68-1 10) on 1-M-6.

This was done to fit the new 15-inch Common Q display.


2.2.4.e.6 Incore flux temperature recorder TR-94-102 is not installed on panel 2-M-6. Common Q will pick up the data points.

The RVLIS display XI-68-1 10 and its keypad XS-68-1 11 on panel 1 -M-6 are not needed for panel 2-M-6, since their functionality will be handled through Common Q monitor 2-MON-68-l 10. 2-MON-68-1 10 on panel 2-M-6 replaces the functions supported by XI-68-l 10, XS-68-1 11, and TR 94-102 on l-M-6.

2.2.4.e.7 Boric Acid blending system (Foxboro I/A): Functionally similar batch counters with digital displays will replace the batch counters. Only two displays will be included, as it was determined that a third counter at the bottom is not used. The primary water flow controllers setpoint will display in gpm. The boric acid flow controller will have an indicator that will indicate if the displayed setpoint is in gpm or ppm. Ppm will be used for the automatic makeup mode; gpm will be used for the other modes.

2.2.4.e.8 The following controllers are replaced with Foxboro I/A type controllers on 2-M-6:

  • 2-FC-62-139 and -142 (Boric Acid and Primary Water Batch Counters)
  • 2-FQ-62-139 and -142 (Boric Acid and Primary Water Blender Controllers)
  • 2-HIC-62-78A (Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Controller)
  • 2-HIC-62-81A (Letdown Pressure Controller)
  • 2-HIC-62-237 (Boric Acid Tank B Recirculation Controller)
  • 2-LIC-62-130A (Volume Control Tank Level Controller)


2.2.4.f Main Control Board Panel 2-M-1O Temperature Monitoring 2.2.4.f.1 One of the Hydrogen Analyzers is being eliminated.

2.2.4.g Main Control Board Panel 2-M-1l Spare (Generator Core Condition Monitor Unit I)

2.2.4.g. 1 The Hydrogen Purity Meter will be eliminated and placed on ICS.

2.2.4.h Main Control Board Panel O-M-12 (Common Panel) 2.2.4.h. I The following Radiation Monitors replaced with Digital Units

  • 2- RM-90-002 Personal Access Area Monitor (Personnel Airlock)
  • 2- RM-90-059 Upper Cntmt Area Monitor (Hatch)
  • 2- RM-90-060 Upper Cntmt Area Monitor (Airlock)
  • 2- RM-90-06 1 Incore Instrumentation Room
  • 2- RM-90-106 Lower Cntmt Air
  • 2- RM-90-1 12 Upper Cntmt Air
  • 2- RM 119 Condenser Vacuum Exhaust
  • 2- RM-90-121 Steam Generator Building Effluent 2.2.4.i Main Control Board Panel 2-M-13 Excore Neutron Instrumentation 2.2.4.i. 1 The Source and Intermediate Range Detectors will be replaced with upgraded instruments that contain digital indications in place of the Unit 1 analog meters.


2.2.4.j Main Control Board Panel 2-M-18 Westinghouse Incore Instrumentation 2.2.4.j.1 The movable Incore Probes have been replaced with WINCISE and removed from 2-M-18.

2.2.4.k Main Control Board Panel 2-M-30 Post Accident and SG (Radiation)

Monitoring 2.2.4.k. 1 The following Radiation Monitors replaced with Digital Units

  • 2-RM-90-255 Condenser Vacuum Exhaust Low Range
  • 2-RM-90-256 Condenser Vacuum Exhaust High Range
  • 2-RM-90-27 1 Upper Cntmt High Range
  • 2-RM-90-272 Upper Cntmt High Range
  • 2-RM-90-273 Lower Cntmt High Range
  • 2-RM-90-274 Lower Cntmt High Range
  • 2-RM-90-424 Main Steam Line Post Accident Monitor Other Foxboro I/A Control System Changes (NSSS/BOP) Operator workstations with flat panel displays, keyboards, and mice will be provided in the MCR. The operator can view real-time data and trends from these workstations. The new system will provide alarm outputs to the annunciator system identical to alarms in Unit 1. The new system will provide two new alarms to the annunciator:

  • DCS System Trouble which alerts the operator that a hardware failure has occurred and does not immediately affect operability (there is a redundant system in place and functional).
  • DC S Controller in Manual which indicates that a failure has occurred and requires that a 1oop be forced to Manual.


2.2.4.m Auxiliary Control Room Panels 2-L-llA/B and L-10 2.2.4.m. 1 Corresponding controllers on the ACR panels will be changed out to include the same type of Foxboro I/A &

Spec 200 controllers that are used on the Main Control Room.

2.2.4.m.2 Switches on Unit 2 L-11A/B panels are located in different locations than the Unit 1 Counterparts.

2.2.5 Operational Characteristics 2.2.5.a Unit 2 Reactor Core Unit 2 will start up with a clean core and without Tritium Producing Burnable Absorbers (TPBAR5). Initially, the units will have different core operating characteristics: Unit 1 in a normal first/second/third bum assembly fuel cycle, Unit 2 with all first burn assemblies.

2.2.5.b Unit 2 Turbine Update The Unit 2 turbine has been updated to improve efficiency and power output and is more tolerant to condenser backpressure. This turbine has no impulse chamber. A tap and pressure transmitter will be added to each of the four inlet lines from the control valves.

For the purpose of input to rod control, steam dumps and turbine runback, the control signal will be the median of four signals. This algorithm is performed in Foxboro I/A.

The Permissive interlocks and AMSAC will still be generated from a single transmitter.

AEH will use Generator MW, rather than impulse signal, when in IMP fN.

2.2.5.c Unit 2 Steam Generator Response and Preheat Operations Unit 2 will include the original D-3 steam generators and Unit 1 has installed 68AXP replacement steam generators.

Unit 1 Steam Generators have a larger heat transfer area (20,000 ft 2 more) and a heat transfer performance characteristic of 28.8 MW/F. The Unit 2 Steam generator has a characteristic of 22.81 MW/F. The Unit 1 Heat transfer coefficient is slightly less than that of Unit 2, however, the higher tube volume and more surface area results in a higher Steam pressure and temperature at the same load.

The differences in steam generator design result in slightly different response characteristics. The Unit 1 Steam Generators have a higher recirculation ratio, resulting E2-22

in greater indicated level changes in response to transient/upset conditions. This has been tempered to some extent by increasing the span of the level instrumentation. The Unit 2 Steam Generator indicated level response is slightly slower. This slight difference in steam generator operations and response is similar to that experienced at other two unit sites after upgrading their steam generators. These upgrades are typically done at different times on opposite units, resulting in the two units having different steam generators for some period of time.

The Unit 1 Steam Generators use a forward flush to warm the Main FW lines to the steam generators, but no longer require a back flush. The Unit 2 Steam Generators require a back flush for warming the Main FW lines to the steam generators. This is accomplished by using an additional position added to the Unit 2 switch that controls the forward flush.

2.2.5.d Unit 2 Digital Control System Upgrade There will be analog vs. digital controls with Unit 2 leading Unit 1 in the upgrade to digital control systems. At fuel load in December 2011, Unit 2 will utilize a Foxboro Intelligent Automation (I/A) model digital control system (DCS). Approximately 10 months later, Unit 1 will have the same DCS system installed for Feedwater, Pressurizer level, Pressurizer pressure and Boration controls.

Digital modification of one unit followed by a second unit at a dual-unit station is a typical industry practice and Watts Bar will follow this traditional approach.

Operator workstations with flat panel displays, keyboards, and mice will be provided in the MCR. The operator workstations will be configured such that the operators will be able to view programmed displays. The operator workstations provide the capability of displaying customized, dynamic color graphics of the processes. Additionally, the operators will be able to monitor trend data, event logs and alarm priority levels. The operator workstations will be configured (via password protection) such that no control function will be allowed from the workstation.

The digital controllers in the DCS are designed to mimic the Unit 1 analog controllers.

The initial controller settings will be the same as those on Unit 1 and will use the same algorithm, except for the steam generators. Steam Generators will use the Sequoyah (SQN) algorithm. Testing performed at SQN indicates there is insignificant response change due to the algorithm. Initial set up of the controllers on Unit 2 will use the setpoint data (i.e. proportional and differential settings) established for the Unit 1 controllers. Tuning adjustments will then be made during Unit 2 start-up testing to achieve the desired system response.

On Unit 1, a loss of power supply or failure of a controller will cause a loop to fail. Unit 2 will have redundant power supplies supplied from different sources, and redundant control processors executing the control algorithms. On critical loops redundant transmitters and redundant outputs to control valves are provided. Failures of E2-23

transmitters / input signals on Unit 2 will result in smaller perturbations since the system will automatically select a valid signal, if available, or place the controller into Manual.

The new system will provide alarm outputs to the armunciator system identical to alarms in Unit 1. The new system also provides two new alarms to the annunciator, DCS System Trouble which alerts the operator that a hardware failure has occurred which does not immediately affect operability, i.e., there is a redundant system in place and functional, and DCS Controller in Manual which indicates that a failure has occurred which requires that a loop be forced to manual.

2.2.5.e Plant Process Computer The Plant Process Computer interface for the operator will be the same. Due to I/A, much more information will be available on Unit 2.

2.2.5.f Unit 2 Moisture Separator Reheaters The Unit 2 Moisture Separator Reheaters are higher capacity reheaters. Along with the Main Turbine difference, the steam side of Unit 2 will operate at a slightly lower steam pressure (about 45 psi lower). This will cause slightly different flows throughout the system (extraction steam, heater drain flows) that will require different alarm setpoints.

All manipulations of system are proceduralized. Controls in MCR are the same for both units.

Unit 2 Thermal Power will be limited to 3411 vs. 3459 MW for Unit 1, until the LEFM system is available.

2.2.6 Administrative Procedures related to Conduct of Operations for a Multi-Unit Site The administrative procedures related to conduct of operations at a multi-unit Watts Bar Site will be the same as those used for the Sequoyah Site and are contained in TVA NPG Standard Department Procedure (OPDP-1). Requirements for shift manning are summarized below:

2.2.6.a A SM with an active SRO license, who is also a member of the Operations shift crew, shall be on site at all times when fuel is in the reactor.

2.2.6.b In addition to the SM on site, a second active licensed SRO shall be in the control room at all times. The SM may, from time to time, act as relief Operator for the licensed SRO assigned to the control room.


2.2.6.c In addition to the staffing requirements stated above, shift crew assignments during periods of core alterations, shall include a licensed SRO to supervise the core alterations. This SRO shall not have any other concurrent operational duties.

2.2.6.d Additional personnel may be required on shift because of unusual plant conditions or operational needs. The SM shall obtain the additional personnel as necessary. Activities requiring additional personnel will not be undertaken until the required personnel are available.

2.2.6.e An individual fulfilling the STA function shall be assigned to each shift and within 10 minutes of the control room when a plant is being operated in Modes 1-4. The STA may serve more than one unit if qualified.

2.2.6.f A fire brigade of at least five members shall be maintained onsite at all times. The fire brigade shall not include those personnel required in the control room or those personnel necessary for the 10CFR5O Appendix R safe shutdown of the units. Only personnel who have satisfactorily completed the fire fighting training required by the TVA fire protection plan shall be assigned as fire brigade members. The members of the fire brigade shall be designated for each shift.

2.2.6.g Deviations in shift complement may be made, provided minimum manning and license requirements of TS are met.

2.2.6.h Operations personnel should not be shifted from one unit to another unit without sufficient time for the individual to become familiar with its conditions.

2.2.6.i The following table summarizes minimum staffing requirements: Note, this is procedural minimum staffing and not Technical Specification minimum staffing.

  • Shift Manager (SRO) 1
  • Unit Supervisor (SRO) 2*
  • Unit Operator (RU) 4
  • Non-licensed (AUO) 8
  • STA 1
  • Two active-licensed SROs are required for Unit Supervisor positions and a third active licensed SRO is required as Shift Manager.


2.2.7 Expected Method of Rotating Personnel between Units and Re-familiarization Training To Be Conducted Before Assuming Duty on the New Unit Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Operations Shift Schedule is a continuous five-week rotation for each crewincluding four weeks in Plant and one week in Training. Each crew will consist of sub-crews (for example, Crew 1A, Crew 1B, Crew 2A, Crew 2B etc.).

Management expectation is that each sub-crew will assume the shift on the opposite Unit after every training week. Crew lA would assume the shift for Unit 1 for four weeks, attend training week, assume the shift for Unit 2 for four weeks, attend training week, assume the shift for Unit 1 for four weeks, etc. while Crew 1 B would assume the shift on the opposite Unit.


3. Training and Qualification Plan This training plan provides an outline of the expected scope, duration, and delivery schedule based on the analysis of the unit differences, the Unit 2 testing and start-up schedule, and initial license needs. Certain assumptions have been made to develop this plan and those are discussed in section 3.2. It is expected that the training schedule and duration discussed will be sufficient to accommodate the results of any further training needs analysis resulting from any differences not already identified.

Unit 2 fuel load and startup have been carefully coordinated with Unit 1 refuel outages, Unit 1 upgrade to digital controls, Simulator upgrade to digital controls, LOR differences training for startup and the licensing dates for initial license classes. This has resulted in a plan for all licensed operators to hold dual unit licenses. Further, with the current plan, if there are any issues with meeting the scheduled Unit 2 fuel load and startup date, there will be no impact on this training plan.

3.1 Training Analysis With the design freeze recently completed, the training staff is still in the process of analyzing unit differences, conducting formal training needs analyses, and developing the associated training materials. As of 8/9/10, 100% of issued DCNs/EDCRs have been reviewed. Of these, approximately 16% have been initially screened as requiring operator training and have a completed training needs analysis that has been reviewed and approved by a special training committee. This committee was established to review the Training Needs Analysis documents for the Operations curriculum review committees (CRCs).

Dedicated operations resources were used to determine required unit differences training for Operations based on all design change notices (DCN5). This ensured that a consistent review was performed and minimized the potential that a change might be missed and not covered in training.

Training estimates that 10% of the total number of DCNs/EDCRs are yet to be issued.

These will be reviewed for training needs as they are issued over the next several months.

Of the DCNs/EDCRs screened as likely to require some level of operator training, 90%

are relatively minor. The other 10% of differences will require some level of operator training. Operator impacts are detailed in Attachment 1.

This training plan is designed to be flexible in nature while still maintaining the integrity of the overall concept of the design. As Unit 2 fuel load approaches, it is recognized that additional differences may be identified or some design changes may occur. The procedures and processes are in place and functioning that force any new plant changes (Unit 1 or Unit 2) to be reviewed by training personnel for impact on operator training E2-27

programs. This is also true for changes to setpoints, procedures, designs, technical specifications and other changes that may occur.

The training program can accommodate any future training needs identified over and above those currently known. The approximate number of hours is flexible, as well as the specified hours per topic described in the plan. Watts Bar is committed to ensuring the operators are trained and evaluated in both knowledge and skill based tasks and activities to ensure safe operation of the current unit and new Unit 2. To this end, the unit differences comprehensive exam will be modeled after the Watts Bar biennial exam process for licensed operators.

3.2 Training Plan Assumptions 3.2.1 The full-scope Digital Control System (DCS) will be installed in Unit 2.

3.2.2 Unit 1 will install the feed water, pressurizer level, pressurizer pressure, and boration control portions of the DCS in U1-RFO1 1 in 10/20 12. The Unit 1 simulator will be modified with the Unit 1 DCS controls in 01/20 12, approximately 10 months in advance of the reference unit and about the same time as the Unit 2 start up and power ascension.

3.2.3 The training content for unit differences training will be delivered during the normally scheduled LOR training cycles, as well as some structured on shift job familiarization guides and a formal qualification card (OJT/TPE).

3.2.4 Unit 2 hot functional testing begins on 10/10/11. Fuel load is scheduled for 12/17/11. Initial criticality is 01/16/12.

3.2.5 Dual-unit operator licenses will be applied for at the completion of Unit 1 to Unit 2 differences training on 9/19/11 and issued to support fuel load on 12/17/11.

3.2.6 The Licensed Operator Requalification biennial examination scheduled for November and December 2011 will cover Unit 1 and Unit 2 topics drawn from the sample plan. Additionally, the Unit differences will also be tested in a comprehensive exam during the cycle 10 training week, which ends the week of 9/12/11. In addition to the comprehensive written exam in cycle 10, there will be performance based JPM evaluations on the unit differences during cycle 10.

Weekly exams given during cycle training will also be used to evaluate operator knowledge of the unit differences.

3.2.7 The NRC grants the waiver request for the NRC administered license examination on Unit 2. The basis for the dual-unit license application waiver request will include:

Completion of a company-administered written comprehensive examination, performance based JPMs in the plant, in the control room and completion of a formal qualification card (OJT/TPE)


  • Completion of a formalized job familiarization guide on the Unit 2 differences
  • A nearly identical justification for the units, and
  • Results of any associated NRC training inspections that support acceptability of the stations training program.

3.3 Description of Training and Qualification Plan for Personnel Currently Licensed on Unit 1 3.3.1 Licensed Operator Requalification (LOR) Training Plan Design The 2010-2011 LOR training program is designed using a standard template of 12 training cycles, each 6 weeks in duration. To synchronize with the Unit 2 project schedule, Cycles 5 and 6 (scheduled September through December 2010) will begin structured plant walk down training and completion ofjob familiarization guides with the Unit 2 Control Room and plant differences. Cycle 7 (scheduled for January and February 2011) will focus primarily on normal LOR topics and information for the Unit scheduled refueling outage in March 2011. Cycles 8, 9, 10, and 11 (scheduled May through October 2011) will be focused on training for common systems, unit differences, hot functional testing, and initial criticality (see Table 2 below for details). This training commences immediately following the April 2011 refueling outage for Unit 1, and supports Unit 2 initial fuel load in December 2011. The training plan is also designed to complete all Unit 2 differences training and evaluation, prior to submitting the dual unit license applications in September 2011.

3.3.2 LOR Training Plan Summary When dual unit license applications are submitted, in September 2011, licensed operators with Unit 1 licenses will have received approximately 124 hours0.00144 days <br />0.0344 hours <br />2.050265e-4 weeks <br />4.7182e-5 months <br /> of training on the Unit 1 and Unit 2 differences. The remaining 116 hours0.00134 days <br />0.0322 hours <br />1.917989e-4 weeks <br />4.4138e-5 months <br /> of requalification training time for cycles 5 through 10 will be normal Unit 1 proficiency training. Job familiarization guides and unit differences training commence as early as September of 2010. The majority of this training will take place between May 2011 and September 2011, after which dual unit license applications will be submitted.

This training plan includes:

  • Training on common systems, unit differences, Unit 2 procedures and Technical Specifications
  • Completion of a unit differences job familiarization card
  • Formal OJT and TPE Qualification cards
  • Temporarily modifying the simulator to allow demonstration of the D-3 steam generators to include the forward and back flush hardware and software. The associated switch and indicators on the lower right of M-3 will be installed for use in the U2 Demonstration Load.


  • Temporarily modifying the simulator to allow demonstration of a cold clean core initial criticality approximating the U2 core design data.
  • Training on the Sequoyah simulator to experience the dynamic response of Digital Feedwater Control (same vendor, same control system).

The training is designed to have several components for both knowledge and performance training and evaluation.

3.3.2.a Early on starting in cycles 5 and 6 of LOR, which starts in September 2010, there will be classroom and job familiarization guides (JFG) on unit differences. The intent is to have classroom training followed by in plant and in control room walk downs.

The JFGs will be designed as a formal structured document for operators to use as guidance in locating and understanding unit differences. Once issued, these guides can be used on a self-paced basis, but must be completed before dual unit license applications are submitted.

3.3.2.b Cycle 7, starting in January 2011, will focus primarily on normal LOR topics and information for the scheduled Unit 1 refueling outage in March 2011. Cycle 7 will also cover some of the common system tie in and integration with Unit 1, which will occur during the Unit 1 outage.

3.3.2.c Cycle 8, starting in May 2011, will be dedicated to DCS and Unit 2 differences that have been analyzed to require greater than one hour of training based on the Training Needs Analyses performed. This training will include hands-on practice of DCS controls and interface using the Sequoyah simulator, the Watts Bar simulator, in plant job familiarization guides, classroom training and OJT and TPE. This cycle includes classroom instruction delivered by vendors and by training staff.

3.3.2.c.1 There will be vendor-supplied simulations, which will allow operators to become familiar with the new controls as well as demonstration on DCS capabilities. The DCS vendor will perform hands-on operator training using an engineering station. This training on the engineering station will involve inputting signals into a controller and the operator will interface with the controller. No feedback processes will be modeled. Other vendor training will be classroom, learning about the capabilities and operator interface with the CRT control stations.

3.3.2.c.2 JFGs will also continue through this cycle with plant tours following classroom lectures on system differences.


3.3.2.c.3 Cycle 8 will utilize the WBN Unit I simulator as it will be temporarily modified to allow for demonstration of the Unit 2 (D-3) steam generators (original plant design and simulator model), which have slightly different procedures and controls for warm up and start up of the steam generators. (Unit 1 steam generators were previously upgraded to a newer version and simulator modeling was also upgraded). Following the demonstrations, the WBN simulator will be returned to Unit I fidelity.

3.3.2.c.4 The Sequoyah (SQN) simulator, which is very similar to the WBN simulator, has been upgraded to digital controls for some major systems, such as feedwater. The SQN simulator will be utilized to conduct part task simulations, OJT and TPE on systems containing new digital controls.

Training includes each operator performing tasks with the DCS systems. Performance evaluations will be conducted this cycle on the SQN simulator in the form of formal TPE evaluations. This cycle will also include a written exam over the material covered during the week on unit differences.

3.3.2.c.5 Formal OJT/TPE qualification cards will be issued during this cycle. Some OJT and TPE will be conducted on the SQN simulator and some will be conducted in the WBN plant and control room. A core group of operators will be trained and evaluated to conduct the OJT and TPE in the plant. The formal OJT/TPE qualification cards will include in-plant topics on Source Range/Intermediate Range Monitors, RVLIS/ICCM displays, and Boric Acid Controls.

3.3.2.d Cycle 9, starting in June 2011, will continue with differences training by expanding the plant changes lesson plan normally delivered in every cycle, to cover any remaining unit differences or any recently identified changes.

The WBN simulator will be used as well, with scenarios delivered using normal Unit 1 responses and procedures. Each scenario will be immediately followed by an instructor-led discussion of how this scenario would differ on Unit 2, including a review of Unit 2 procedures and technical specifications.

Unit 2 Hot Functional Testing procedures and requirements will be covered in this cycle, as well.


3.3.2.e Cycle 10, starting in August 2011, will provide further training on any procedure differences, including AOl. EOI, EP and SOT procedures. The WBN simulator will again be utilized to run normal Unit 1 scenarios, followed by discussion of Unit 2 specific procedure differences, as described above for cycle 9. The WBN simulator will again be temporarily modified to allow startup training using the Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures on a simulator model that approximates the Unit 2 core design.

Cycle 10 will also include a comprehensive exam over all unit differences. The exam will include a comprehensive written, control room JPMs, and in-plant JPMs. Operator testing and certification on Unit 2 will be conducted by Watts Bar staff with NRC concurrence and will request a waiver of an NRC administered license examination for unit 2 licenses. At the conclusion of this comprehensive exam, the station will submit dual unit license applications for all personnel holding a Unit 1 license at that time.

The station will administer an open book examination to test the licensed operators knowledge of the new Unit 2.

o The differences exam (written and JPMs) will only include systems, indications, controls, and logic on Unit 2 that are different from Unit 1.

o The station will employ the same qualitative and quantitative criteria for the written portion of the differences exam, including the required sample plan.

o The station will ensure that all multiple choice written items adhere to the standards for plausible distracters and psychometrics.

o The JPMs used on the differences exam will include all of the attributes for JPMs administered to initial license applicants, i.e.,

clear pass/fail criteria for critical steps, tolerance bands where appropriate, etc.

3.3.2.f Additional training will be administered for Unit 2 during cycle 11 and contains training on hot functional testing and review of fuel cycle one core design, initial criticality procedures and start up training on Unit 2.

This will include a temporary modification to the Unit 1 simulator to allow training on a new clean core for Unit 2 startup. When this training is complete the WBN simulator will again be returned to Unit 1 fidelity.

Cycle 11 training will be complete in October 2011 and is after license application submittal and before Unit 2 fuel load.


3.3.2.g The Biennial LOR exams will be administered in cycle 12, starting in November 2011. The exam will contain evaluation on Unit 1 and Unit 2 based on topics from the sample plan for the 2-year training cycle. This provides an additional opportunity to ensure knowledge transfer to the incumbent operators. Unacceptable performance on these exams will result in the license holder being removed from active duty in accordance with the provisions of the License Operator Training Program Remediation and successful results on a remediation exam must be achieved before the licensee is returned to active duty.

3.3.3 LOR Examination Impact of Planned Simulator Modifications A basic timeline for the normally scheduled LOR simulator examinations with respect to the installation of the simulator DCS modification is as follows:

  • 12/20 1 1 LOR Simulator Exams Analog Controls
  • 01/2012 Install Unit 1 DCS controls on Unit 1 plant-reference simulator
  • 10/2012 Install DCS controls on Unit 1 during Refueling Outage
  • 11/2012 LOR Simulator Exams Digital Controls (11 months practice on digital controls)

More information concerning the simulator is contained in section 3.5.

The timeline for the differences training integrated with other key training and station milestones is provided in Figure 1.

Table 2 provides a breakdown of the differences training into the individual LOR training cycles.

3.4 Description of Training and Qualification Plan for Personnel in Current and Future Initial License Classes 3.4.1 Initial License Training (ILT) Plan Design ILT classes have been coordinated to support Unit 1 refuel outages, Unit 2 initial fuel load and start up, Unit differences training, Simulator upgrade to DCS, and Unit 1 upgrade to DCS. Two classes will initially obtain Unit 1 licenses, and then receive differences training. Their dual unit license applications will be submitted after differences training is completed. Subsequent classes will receive differences training during ILT, such that, at the NRC exam dates, they receive dual unit licenses immediately.


3.4.2 ILT Training Plan Summary Note: Initial license classes are numbered with the year and month the class takes the NRC exam, i.e., class 11-06 takes the NRC exam in June of20]].

Initial Licensing Training will continue to be conducted in accordance with TVA Nuclear Power Group Procedures.

3.4.2.a ILT Classes 11-06 and 11-10 are scheduled for their NRC Examinations in June 2011 and October 2011 respectively which are prior to Unit 2 fuel load in December 2011. Both classes will train and examine on the Unit I referenced simulator and their license applications (NRC Form 398) will request a Unit 1 License. After receipt of their NRC licenses, these students will subsequently be given the differences training contained in the LOR plan. ILT 11-06 class will receive differences training given to LOR through cycle 9 and will attend LOR starting cycle

10. In addition to the differences exam, ILT Class 11-06 will be responsible for taking the Operating Exam in cycle 11 and the Biennial Written Exam in cycle 12. ILl Class 11-10 will attend their first LOR training in cycle 1 in 2012.

A request to waiver a NRC-administered license examination for these operators will formally occur during a second License Application submittal to apply for dual unit licenses. Both classes will receive all of the differences training outlined for current incumbent operators.

Additionally, these classes will be examined on the unit differences using the same test methodology used for the incumbent population (comprehensive vitten exams, control room JPMs and in-plant JPMs).

The results of these exams will be presented as part of the request for waiver of the NRC administered exam.

3.4.2.b ILT Class 12-1 1 will take their NRC Examination in November 2012; this is after the Unit 1 reference simulator is upgraded to digital controls in January 2012, and after Unit 1 Main Control Room (MCR) is upgraded in October 2012. These students will be trained on Unit 1 and Unit 2 differences during the course of their ILT class. This class will use the DCS upgraded simulator. This class will submit License Applications for a dual unit license.

3 .4.2.c No ILT classes will take NRC exams on the simulator during the 10-month time frame that the simulator leads the changes on the plant.


3.4.3 ILT Examination Impact of Planned Simulator Modifications A basic timeline for the ILT simulator examinations with respect to the installation of the simulator DCS modification is as follows:

  • 06/2011 ILT Class 11-06 NRC Exam Analog Controls
  • 11/2011 ILT Class 11-10 NRC Exam Analog Controls
  • 01/2012 Install Unit 1 DCS controls on Unit 1 plant-referenced simulator
  • 10/20 12 Install DCS controls on Unit 1 during Refueling Outage
  • 11/2012 ILT Class 12-1 1 NRC Exam Digital Controls
  • 06/20 13 ILT Class 13-06 NRC Exam Digital Controls The timeline for the differences training integrated with other key training and station milestones is provided in Figure 1.

3.5 Maintaining Simulator Alignment with the Reference Unit 1 3.5.1 Simulator Configuration Plan Design This plan was designed to support Unit 2 fuel load and start-up, Unit 1 upgrade to DCS, support of LOR training for unit differences training, support of LOR training following Unit 2 start-up and support of ILT such that personnel are examining on the reference unit simulator.

3.5.2 Simulator Configuration Plan Summary The WBN simulator will be maintained certified as a Unit 1 Reference Simulator.

3.5.2.a In support of steam generator differences training the simulator will temporarily be loaded with a Unit 2 steam generator model to demonstrate the operational characteristics of the Unit 2 steam generators. This is scheduled for cycle 8 and cycle 11 as part of the unit differences training.

3.5.2.b In support of reactor core differences training topic the simulator will temporarily be loaded with a Unit 2 reactor core model to demonstrate the operational characteristics of the Unit 2 reactor core. This is scheduled for cycle 10, in order to support Unit 2 startup training prior to the Unit 2 license application and request for waiver of the NRC administered Unit 2 license examination.


3.5.2.c Upon completion of each of these differences training topics, the simulator will be restored to a Unit 1 referenced simulator.

3.5.2.d In preparation for Unit 1 installation of DCS for the feed water, pressurizer level, pressurizer pressure, and boration controls in Ui RFOI1 in October 2012, the simulator will be modified in January 2012 and will lead Unit 1 for about 10 months in the installation of these portions of DCS. This has been standard practice in the industry to install modifications in the simulator prior to the reference unit to allow training on the new modifications and Watts Bar will follow this standard practice.

At Unit 2 fuel load in December 2011, Unit 2 will be equipped with a comprehensive digital control system (DCS). A DCS upgrade for feedwater, pressurizer and boration controls is planned for Unit 1 in October 2012, during refueling outage Rh. The Unit 1 plant-referenced simulator will be modified in advance of the reference plant by installing DCS in January 2012, or about 10 months ahead of the plant. Modifying the simulator on this schedule will also provide the operators with a hands-on DCS operating simulation in the time frame of Unit 2 power ascension testing, but after fuel-load. ILT Class 12-11 was rescheduled to ensure that the operator exam is administered on a fully aligned Unit 1 plant referenced simulator. Delaying this class for 5 months, to align with the simulator upgrade, will not impact the number of license operators needed at Watts Bar during this time. Modifying the simulator to DCS on this time line will result in simulator examinations as follows:

  • 06/2011 ILT Class 11-06 NRC Exam Analog Controls
  • 11/2011 ILT Class 11-10 NRC Exam Analog Controls
  • 12/20 1 1 LOR Simulator Exam Analog Controls
  • 01/2012 Install Unit 1 DCS controls on Unit 1 plant-referenced simulator
  • 10/2012 Install DCS controls on Unit 1 during Refueling Outage
  • 11/2012 lET Class 12-11 NRC Exam Digital Controls
  • 11/2012 LOR Simulator Exam Digital Controls (11 months practice on digital controls)
  • 06/20 13 ILT Class 13-06 NRC Exam Digital Controls The timeline for the differences training integrated with other key training and station milestones is provided in Figure 1.

Table 2 provides a breakdown of the differences training into the LOR training cycles.


Table 2: Differences Training Scope, Duration, and Schedule Training! Start Date Hours Topics Activity LOR Cycle 5 9/13/10 4 Two hours of classroom followed by completion of job familiarization guides (JFGs)

LOR Cycle 6 1 1/15/10 4 Two hours of classroom followed by structured in-plant tours and continuation of JFGs.

NRC 71111.11 1 1/22/10 NRC LOR program inspection.

LOR Cycle 7 1/24/11 Ul-RFOIO Training. Will include the integration of common system tie-ins to Unit 1 which will take place in the Unit I refuel outage U]RFJO 3/21/11 U1-RFOJO LOR Cycle 8__[ 5/9/1 1 40 See Detailed Week Schedule below Tuesday Wednesday - Thursday Friday Saturday Formal OJT/TPE 3 Hours 4 Hours 5 Hours 5 Hours Qual cards issued Classroom: Classroom: Sequoyah Sequoyah and continuation of WINCISE Turbine and Simulator: Simulator:

JFGs Incore Flux Secondary Plant (Individual task (Individual task Mapping Changes (MSRs, training) evaluations)

Foxboro DCS Heater Drains) Digital Control Digital Control Vendor Training **

4 Hours Training and Training and Classroom: Qual cards Qual Cards 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />s: Common Q 2 Hours (Hands-on (Hands-on Classroom and (RVLIS, Core Classroom training) evaluation)

Vendor DCS Exit TCs, Unit 2 D-3 Mockup Subcooling (OSGs) Completion of Monitors) OJT on Digital TPE on Digital Controls Controls 3 Hours 4 Hours WBN*

Classroom: Simulator Unit 2 Impact Unit 2 SG Startup on Common Demo and Systems (i.e. Practice ERCW, CCS, Control Air, etc)

A weekly unit differences exam will be administered during this week with a combination of a written test and TPE on SQN simulator.

INFO Plant 6/6/1 l Biennial plant evaluation process Evaluation ILTNRC Exam 6/6/11 ILTClass#11-06 E2-37

Training! Start Date Hours Topics Activity LOR 6/27/1 1 12 The Normal Cycle of LOR will be conducted Cycle 9 including an as found simulator evaluation. Minor differences between units, not addressed during LOR Cycle 8 will be covered during an expanded LOR Changes Lesson Plan with approximately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> dedicated to Unit 2 differences. Simulator exercises will include an instructor-facilitated discussion of how the scenario might have been different on Unit 2 including, any differences in Unit 2 procedures or plant response. This cycle will have 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br /> of simulator time scheduled with 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> scheduled for discussions on Unit differences as described above.

An additional 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of classroom training will be on the Unit 2 Hot Functional Testing procedures and requirements.

LOR 8/15/11 24 The Normal cycle of LOR will be conducted with a Cycle 10 training session on Unit 2 procedure differences (EOIs, AOIs, and SOIs). This will require 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of Unit 2 classroom time. Scenarios will be conducted on the Differences simulator using Unit 2 EOIs and AOIs as far as Exams will be possible and Unit 2 differences in the AOl response administered will include an instructor-facilitated discussion.

Cycle 10 will require temporary modification of the WBN simulator to allow operators to perform a startup using the Unit 2 Initial Criticality Procedures on a simulator model that approximates the Unit 2 core design.

The breakdown of unit differences training in this cycle is 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> of simulator, 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of classroom and 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> for exams (written and JPMs).

A comprehensive differences exam will be given during this week of training. The exam will be a combination of written, control room JPMs, and in-plant JPMs.

HFT Training 8/22/1 1 Unit 2 Hot Functional Testing starts 10/10/2011 Total training 124 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> total cycles 5 &6 (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> each in cycle 5 &

hours for dual 6) unit license 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> in cycle 8 applications 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> in cycle 9 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in cycle 10 including unit 2 comprehensive exams Includes 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> to complete OJT/TPE Qual. Cards Includes 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> to complete JFGs Submit 398s 9/19/1 1 Submit dual unit license applications E2-38

Training! Start Date Hours Topics Activity LOR 10/3/1 1 20 Hot Functional Testing (HFT) lessons learned Cycle 11 Review of:

- Unit 2 Cycle 1 core design (Unit 1 simulator)

- Unit 2 Initial criticality procedures on WBN simulator

- Unit 2 startup using D-3 SGs and forward flush / back flush controls.

JLTNRC Exam 10/17/Il ILTClass]1-1O LOR 11/21 / 11 BIENNIAL LOR EXAMINATIONS. This Cycle 12 examination will include Unit 1 and Unit 2 topics drawn from sample plan based on the 2-year LOR Cycle.

FuelLoad 12/17/11 Initial i/I 6/12 Criticality Total Training 144 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br /> on Unit 2 Core & HFT Lessons learned Hours for Unit following completion of differences training and Differences examinations.

  • To support unit difference training, a simulator load using the original steam generator (OSG) model will be developed to include the forward and back flush hardware and software. The OSG model can be used for training demonstrations during unit difference training, including the operating characteristics of the original steam generators and the forward flush / back flush procedure.

The Unit 2 Foxboro contract includes 100 student-weeks of vendor supplied training.

Foxboro brings training equipment to provide hands-on operator interface training. WBN operators and I&C technicians would attend this training, as well as select operations training staff (train-the-trainer) and engineers.

      • When Unit 2 core data is available, the Unit 1 simulator will be temporarily modified to model Unit 2 core data.


ATTACHMENT 1 Detailed Plant Differences

The design differences including control system differences are annotated in the table below under the column labeled Durationas either T

Temporary (associated with the sequential implementation of modifications between the units or L Long Term (for those differences where modifications that would resolve the differences are unscheduled or indeterminate in time.) The purpose of this table is to highlight those aspects of the design differences that will be apparent to operators. Additional aspects of differences between the units, such as those that are apparent to maintenance technicians primarily, are not highlighted here.


52358 Ml ICS display monitor Turbine 047 This monitor duplicates the functionality of obsolete recorders 2-MON-47-120 is Supervisory 2-TR-47-000l Bearing Metal Temperature and 2-TR-47-0002 installed in place of Control Start Temperature. T TR-47-000l and TR 47-0002 This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

2-M-l will contain 2 19 displays while l-M-l will contain only 1 17 display.

On Unit I these recorders (1-TR-47-0001 and l-TR-47-0002) were abandoned and the inputs to these recorders were provided to the plant computer system (ICS) by DCN 52846.

Future plans call for the replacement of the recorders with a monitor like Unit 2.

52378 M2

  • 2-LIC-2-9-Level - Condensate 002 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control CONDS stations are digital control stations replacing the analog MAKEUP FROM controllers used in Unit 1. These hand stations are installed in T CNDS STOR an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls.

TNKS This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with

  • 2-LIC-2-3-Level -

the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)





STOR TNKS 52460 M2 Hotwell Level Condensate 002 Unit 1 has level switches LS212A, 12B, 1009A, and 1009B control transmitter Installed to signal annunciator XS553A-45D HOTWELL selector switches XS- HI/LO LEVEL ALARM.

2-1007,-1008,- L 1009, and -1010, will Unit 2 does not plan to install these level switches nor manual not be used on Unit switches (which transfer between Zone A and Zone C).

2. Software will select the best signal for control and alarms on Unit 2 so no operator actions are required for a failed instrument.

52378 M2

  • 2-TJC.-24 Raw 024 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control


Temp GEN Cooling stations are digital control stations replacing the analog HYDROGEN Water controllers used in Unit 1. These hand stations are installed in TEMP HTXS an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. L COOLING WATER CONT This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)

  • 2-TIC-24 Temp -

TURBINE OIL TEMP CONTROL 52378 M2 2-XI-47-2000 Turbine 047 Unit 1 DCN 52623A replaces obsolete Throttle and Governor 52359 indicators for Main Generator Valve indications on 1-XX-47-2000 with indicators made by Turbine Throttle and Yokogawa, 2-XI-47-2000 indicators are made by governor valves, Westinghouse. L demand and valve limit This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

53600 M3 FW Pre-Heating Feedwater 003 Hand switch 2-HS-3-45 is a 4-position switch to warm the E2-4 I


52360 Flush Selector HS main feedwater lines through forward and back flush L 53217 45 differs between operations. The Unit 1 steam generators were upgraded which Unit 1 and Unit 2. eliminated the need for back flush operations; therefore, I -HS Status light box 2- 3-45 is a two-position switch without the back flush operation XX-3 -235 retains mode. The Unit 2 Steam Generators remain a Model D3. As additional lights such, the need for Feedwater Preheat, and forward and back related to back flush capabilities remain in Unit 2. On Unit 2 the solenoids flushing operations FSV-3-350, 48, 900 and 1030, are required to facilitate the on the steam heat up, forward and back flush operations.


Unit 2 will require additional actions in the SOIs during SG startup.

52360 M3 Main Feedwater Feedwater 003 The smaller hand switches are necessary in order to fit the Pumps Stop Valve larger Foxboro I/A controllers in the same layout hand switches 2HS- configuration. T 46-13A and 2-HS-46-40 are smaller This will not have an impact on operator actions.

than their Unit 1 counterparts.

52378 M3 NIS bias controllers Feedwater 003 On Unit 1 a single channel of NIS power is used to determine 52360

  • 2-LIC-3-23 1 the setpoint for each loop. On Unit 2, the Foxboro I/A control system will select the second highest of the four channels of

. 2-LIC-3-232 NIS power. T

. 2-LIC-3-233 Nuclear power level setpoint controllers will not have a

. 2-LIC-3-234 hand/auto station on Unit 2. On Unit 1, a single channel of NIS are eliminated from power is used to determine the setpoint for each loop. On Unit panel 2-M-3 while 2, the second highest of the 4 channels will be used (change they remain on Unit will be duplicated on Unit 1 when the digital feedwater project

1. is completed).

Unit 2 will exhibit increased fault tolerance with reduced operator actions.



52378 M3

  • STM GEN FW Feedwater 003 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control Inlet Flow stations are digital control stations replacing the analog T Controllers 2- controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are FIC-3-35, 48, 90, installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls.

103 This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with STM GEN FW the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)

Inlet Bypass Valve Controls 2-FIC-3-35A, 48A, 90A, 103A 52378 M3

  • FW Pump Flow Main Feed 046 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control Controllers 2- Pump stations are digital control stations replacing the analog FIC-3-70, 84, Controls controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are 208 installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. T Feedwater Pump Speed control (PC-46-20): On Unit 1 a single
  • MFPT S I eed transmitter is used for steam header pressure and feedwater Controls 2-SIC- .

header pressure; on Unit 2 there will be a median select on 46-20 20A 20B

three transmitters for each of these signals.

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control and increases fault tolerance. (Reference Section 2.2.4) 52361 M4

  • 2-PIC-1-33-Main Main Steam 001 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control Steam 48 HDR stations are digital control stations replacing the analog Press Control controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are T installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls.

DCS uses the median signal from three (3) redundant pressure transmitters as input to the control function, the process parameter displayed on the pressure indicator P1-1-33, which will be fed from the DCS. The indicator will always display E2-43




the value that is being used for control at all times.

Turbine Impulse Pressure: On Unit 1 a single transmitter is used as input for rod control and a separate for steam dump; on Unit 2 there will be a median select of three transmitters. Unit 2 will have a different configuration for the turbine load signal (inlet) but the term turbine impulse pressure is still used.

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control and increases fault tolerance. (Reference Section 2.2.4) 52361 M4

  • 2-PIC-68-340A- Pressurizer 068 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control RCS PRZR Level and stations are digital control stations replacing the analog (Relief Press) Pressure controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. T
  • 2-PIC-68-340B-ESS This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with LOOP the control and increases fault tolerance. (Reference Section
  • 2-PIC-68-340D- 2.2.4)


  • 2-LIC-68-339-RCSPRZR LEVEL 52361 M4
  • 2-HIC-15 SG 015 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control STM GEN Blowdown stations are digital control stations replacing the analog Blowdown Flow controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are Control installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. L This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)



52361 M4 Steam Generator Main Steam 001 On Unit 1 these hand switches and their associated indicating Blow Down hand lights are arranged in a row. On Unit 2 these hand switches and switches 2-HS their associated indicating lights are arranged with two 7/181, 14/182, switches in one row with the other two switches mounted T 25/183 and 3 2/184 directly above. This relocation was necessary due to the and the indicating increased mounting area needed to install four Foxboro I/A lights for these controllers located adjacent to the Steam Generator Blow switches are oriented Down hand switches.

in different configuration than on Unit 2 controls are in same general area of the panel with a Unit 1. modified layout.

52361 M4 Steam Generator Main Steam 001 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control 54986 -

PORVs SG Main stations are digital control stations replacing the analog STM HDR Press controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are Control 2-PlC-i -6A, installed in an area corresponding to the Unit I Controls. T 13A, 24A, 31A On Unit 1 these ioops have a single pressure transmitter as input; on Unit 2 there will be a median select of three transmitters.

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control and increases fault tolerance. (Reference Section 2.2.4) 52361 M4 Transfer switches Main Steam 001 The new DCS will perform the Main Steam Header Flow and

1-4 Main Steam Header Flow XS- Visual graphics provided for the operator on the new video T 1-3D, -1OD, - monitors on 2-M-19A and 2-M-19B provide indication of the 21D, and 28D status of those signals and provide the capability to transfer control for maintenance if necessary. As a result the analog

selector switches are not required.

1-4 Feedwater Inlet Flow XS 35D,_-48D,_90D, E2-45


and -1 03D Unit 2 will exhibit increased fault tolerance with reduced

. . operator actions.

will not be installed on Unit 2 52361 M4 Temperature Incore 094, The new COMMON Q display 2-MON-68-lOO will perform recorder 2-TR-94-. Neutron 068 these functions for Unit 2.

101, switch 2-XS Monitoring, L 101 and RVLIS RVLIS indicator 2-XI This will change the way information is displayed to the 100 will not be operator.

installed on 2-M-4.

52343 M4 Motor Driven AFW 003 These controllers perform the same function as the components 52427 Auxiliary Feedwater used in Unit 1. On Unit 1 these components are GEMAC pump discharge controllers.

pressure controllers T 2-PDIC-3-122A and Additionally, Unit 1 utilizes the Foxboro SPEC 200 only for 1 32A have been the Motor and Turbine Driven AFW control portion of loops.

replaced with Foxboro SPEC 200 Unit 2 utilizes the Foxboro SPEC 200 for the entire ioops controllers. including Indication in MCR, Annunciation, and feeds to AMSAC for loops 2-LPL-3-172, 2-LPL-3-173, 2-LPL 174, and 2-LPL-3-175.

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control.

52408 Anticipated AMSAC 003 Unit 2 AMSAC will have a 40% power setpoint to arm Transient Without AMSAC. The Unit 2 pressure transmitters, which have a 0-Scram (ATWS) 3000 psia range instead of 0-1000 psia, will read the first stage Mitigating System pressure or the inlet pressure instead of impulse chamber L Actuating Circuitry pressure as done in Unit 1.


For AMSAC, these are acceptable engineering differences because pressure indicated with 2-PT-i -314 and -315 will still E2.-46


correlate with reactor power and still have a setpoint indicative of 40% reactor power.

This will not have an impact on operator actions.

53756 M4 Reactor Vessel Head Reactor 068 These controllers perform the same function as the Vent Throttle Valve Vessel Head Westinghouse controllers used in Unit 1.

controllers 2-HIC- Vent 68-3 96 and 2-HIC- This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with T 68-3 97 have been the control and increases fault tolerance.

replaced with Foxboro SPEC 200 controllers.

52378 MS Pressurizer level Reactor 068 On Unit 1 there is a selector switch (XS-68-339E) to select the control (LIC Coolant level transmitter used as input. On Unit 2 a similar switch will 339): be provided, and it will have an additional position, auto,

. 2-XS-68-339E- which will allow the software to use a median select. T PRZR LVL CONT Channel On Unit 1 there is a second selector switch (XS-68-339B) that Sel has Auto selects the transmitter signal going to the recorder; this switch Position is eliminated on Unit 2 and the signal used for control will go to the recorder.

. 2-XS-68-339B-PRZR LVL REC . . . .

. Unit 2 will exhibit increased fault tolerance with reduced Channel Sel is

. . operator actions.

eliminated 52378 MS Pressurizer pressure Reactor 068 On Unit 1 there is a selector switch (XS-68-340D) to select the control (PIC Coolant pressure transmitter used as input. On Unit 2 a similar switch 340): will be provided, and it will have an additional position,

. 2-XS-68-340D- auto, which will allow the software to use a median select. T RCS PRZR PRESS has Auto On Unit 1 there is a second selector switch (XS-68-340B) that E2-47


Position selects the transmitter signal going to the recorder; this switch is eliminated on Unit 2 and the signal used for control will go

. 2-XS-68-340B-to the recorder.

RCS PRZR PRESS is Unit 2 will exhibit increased fault tolerance with reduced eliminated operator actions.

52378 M5

  • 2-HIC-62-56A- Chemical 062 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control Excess Letdown and Volume stations are digital control stations replacing the analog Flow Control Control controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. T

. 2-HIC-62-89A-Charging Flow . . .

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with Control Valve the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)

  • 2-HIC-62-93A-Charging Header Flow Control 52690 MS UNIT 2 Reactor 068 Unit 2 will have Paperless digital recorders. Unit 1 is replacing RECORDERS Coolant these recorders as they fail.
  • 2-PR-068-0340 RCS Pressurizer Pressure This will change the way information is displayed to the
  • 2-TR-068-0002A operator. T RCS Overpower!


  • 2-TR-068-0002B RCS Tave/Tref
  • 2-LR-068-0339 RCS Pressurizer Level
  • 2-PR-068-0063 RCS Wide Range E2-48


Pressure 52378 M6

  • 2-HIC-62-81A- Chemical 062 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control Letdown HT and Volume stations are digital control stations replacing the analog EXCH Press Control controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are CONT installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. T
  • 2-HIC-62-78A- Volume Control Tank level (LIC-62-130A): On Unit 1 this Letdown HT controller has a single level transmitter as input; on Unit 2 it EXCH Outlet will be the average of two level transmitters.


  • 2-HIC-62-83A- This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with RHR Letdown the control and increases fault tolerance. (Reference Section Flow Control 2.2.4)
  • 2-LIC-62-130A.

Volume Control Tank Level Indicating Controller 52378 M6

  • 2-HIC-74-16A- Residual 074 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control RHR HT EXCH Heat stations are digital control stations replacing the analog A Flow Control Removal controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. T
  • 2-HIC-.74-28A-RHRHTEXCH . . .

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with B Flow Control the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)

  • 2-HIC-74-32A-RHR HT EXCH A and B BPS Flow Control Valve E2-49


52363 M6 2-HIC-63-65A-SIS Safety 063 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control ACCUM TANK N2 Injection stations are digital control stations replacing the analog HDR VENT VALVE controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls.

Cold Leg Accumulators Level This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with L and Pressure the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4) indicators (LI 129, -119, -109, -99, The Cold Leg Accumulator group of indicators are located

-89, -81, -82, and -60 below the new Common-Q RVL1S-ICCM monitor (2-MON-and P1-63-128, -126,68-110) on panel 2-M-6. They are located above RVL1S

-108, -106, -88, 86,- display (1-XI-68-110) on 1-M-6. This was done to fit the new 61, and -61) are 15-inch Common-Q display in the layout area.

located below the new Common Q This will change the way information is displayed to the driver RVLIS operator.

ICCM monitor 52363 M6 Incore flux Incore Data points will be included on Common Q 2-MON-68-l 10.

temperature recorder Neutron TR 102 is not Monitoring This will change the way information is displayed to the L installed on panel 2- operator.


52363 M6 The RVLIS display Reactor 068 Common Q monitor 2-MON-68-110 replaces the functions of XI-68-1 10 and its Coolant XI-68-l 10 and XS-68-l 11.

keypadXS-68-111 L on panel 1 -M-6 are This will change the way information is displayed to the replaced with 2- operator.

MON-68-1 10 52363 M6 2-HIC-62-23 7-Boric Chemical 062 The Unit 2 operator interface Manual/Auto hand control Acid Tank B Recirc and Volume stations are digital control stations replacing the analog Flow Control controllers used in Unit 1. These M/A hand stations are 2-HS-62-140A- installed in an area corresponding to the Unit 1 Controls. T Holdup Tanks Recirc E2-50


Pump Control This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with 2-HS 1 40B- the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4)

Holdup Tanks Recirc Pump Control Functionally similar batch counters with digital displays will 2-FC-62-139-Boric replace the batch counters. Two displays will be included, as it Acid Flow To was determined that a third counter is not used. Upgrade of the Blender Control boric acid batch counters 2-FQ-62-139 and 2-FQ-62-142 to the 2-FC-62-142-PMW new Foxboro I/A digital control system necessitates providing Flow Cont To Boric an electronic audible clicking device (speaker with digital Acid Blender amplifier) 2-XA-62-139C inside the cabinet. The electronic clicker mimics the mechanical clicking sounds generated by the analog Foxboro H-Tine controllers used on panel 1 -M-6.

The audible clicking sounds alert the Operator to the rate of fluid flow. The clicking device is driven by the Foxboro I/A system.

The primary water flow controllers setpoint will display in gpm. The boric acid flow controller will have an indicator that will indicate if the displayed setpoint is in gpm or ppm. Ppm will be used for the automatic makeup mode; gpm will be used for the other modes.

For the Boric Acid blending system flow controllers, the setpoint display will be a digital indicator.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

52343 M6 Annunciator window Annunciator 055 In the Unit 2 annunciator window box XA-55-6F (windows box XA-55-6F 145D, 146D, and 147D), annunciation for fuses blown in ACR (windows 145D, PNLs 2-L-1 1A, 2-L-1 lB and 2-L-10 will be combined into 146D, and 147D) window 146D and will have the re-flash function. In Unit 2, L window 147D will be used for power failure in PNL 2-L-381A CMPTA, B or C and will have the re-flash function. Unit 2 window 145D will be a spare window.



This will change the way infonnation is displayed to the operator.

52376 M6 AN Panel 2-XA Annunciator 055 Due to the replacement safety related BOP instrument loops 52427 6F Deletes ANN and the installation equipment in new panels 2-R-129 (Train Windows 145A & A) and -132 (Train B), several loss of power alarms are no


146A TRN AJB longer needed. T R127/128/143 &

RI 30/131/140 This will change the way information is displayed to the windows operator.

52690 M6 UNIT 2 Ventilation 030 Unit 2 will have Paperiess digital recorders. Unit 1 is replacing RECORDERS these recorders as they fail.

. 2-PDR-030-0 133 Containment This will change the way information is displayed to the T Pressure Narrow operator.

Range PSID

. 2-PR-030-0045 Containment Pressure Wide Range 52366 M9 Ventilation and Ice Ventilation, 30, Only Unit I Panel contains the controls for chillers and fans Condenser Ice 61 that are common to both Units. These controls have been in Indications and Condenser use since Unit 1 startup. This is part of the original design.

Controls This will not have an impact on operator actions. L The following Unit-i components are located only on Unit-i Panei 1-M-9 & corresponding Unit-2 components do not exist:

l-XI-030-0 136, l-XI-03 0-0139, l-XI-03 0-01 59, l-XI-030-0 162, l-XI-03 0-0274, l-XI-03 0-0278, l-XI-03 1-0342, l-XI-03 1-0343, l-XI-03 0-0103, l-XI-03 0-0102, l-XI-03 1-00350, i -XI-03 1-0365, 1-HS-030-0103A, 1-HS-030-01 02A, 1 -HS-030-Oi 06, 1-HS-030-0086, 1-HS-030-0i 07, 1-HS-030-0087, 1 -HS-030-E2-52

DCN/ PANEL INDICATIONS & SYSTEM SYS DIFFERENCE DURATION EDCR CONTROLS 0158, 1 -HS-030-0269, 1 -HS-030-0 160, 1 -HS-030-01 66, 1-HS-030-0161, I-HS-030-0167, 1-XT-030-01 59, 1 -HS-030-01 59A,


1 -HS-03 0-01 62A, l-XI-03 0-0162 l-XI-06 1 -0089A, l-XI-06 1-0089B, 1 -XI-061 -0089C, 1 -XJ-06 1 -0089D, l-XI-061 -0089E, I -XI-06 1 -0089F The following Unit-2 associated components are located on Unit-l Panel l-M-9:

2-XI-03 0-0104, 2-XI-03 0-0105, 2-HS-03 0-01 04A, 2-HS-03 0-01 05A, 2-HS-030-0 108, 2-HS-030-002 I, 2-HS-030-0i 09, 2-HS-030-0022, 2-HS-030-0270, 2-HS-030-0271, 2-HS-030-0275, 2-HS-03 0-0272, 2-HS-030-0276, 2-XI-030-0274, 2-HS-030-0274A, 2-HS-030-0278A, 2-XI-030-0278 52694 M10 The Train B Post 043 Unit 2 will have one train of Hydrogen Analyzers and 4 53246 Hydrogen Analyzer Accident containment isolation valves. Unit 1 has 2 trains of Hydrogen hand switches and Sampling Analyzers and 8 isolation valves. Unit 2 will have 2 calibration indicators are being gas bottles versus 6 bottles for Unit 1.


XI-043-0200A, XI- The Delphi equipment installed on Unit 1 is obsolete and no L 043-0210A, XI-043- longer available and will be replaced with a Meggitt supplied 0210, H21-043-0210, remote PLC Control and Display Assembly used for the HS-043 -0207B, Hydrogen Analyzer.

0208B, 0207A, 0208A, &02 1 OA Unit 2 non-i E, commercial grade Hydrogen Analyzer will perform the same analysis function as Unit 1 IE, Train A Unit 2 Train A Hydrogen Analyzer. There is no Unit 2 redundant Hydrogen Switches will be Analyzer as there is on Unit 1 (Train B).

detrained and at the 52367. Integrated Computer System (ICS) point CI000A will local panel a Meggitt be utilized and point Cl 001 A will be spared. Annunciator supplied PLC Window 5C-103C will receive one input from 2-H2AN-043-Control and Display 200.

Assembly used for the Hydrogen Unit 2 will have fewer switches and indicators on the control E2-53


Analyzer room panel. This will not have an impact on operator actions.

52329 Ml 0 Hydrogen Hydrogen 083 The Unit 2 hydrogen recombiners have been abandoned in 52367 Recombiners Recombinati place. Accordingly, the Controls in Panel 2-M- 10, which are Controls on part of this abandoned system, are not required.

H2C-083-0001, T H2C-083-0002 are Unit 2 will have reduced operator actions.

not present on Unit 2 53920 M10 Unit 2 PASS Post 043 Unit 2 is deleting PASS hardware. Unit 1 has removed PASS 53559 hardware will be Accident from TS, but hardware is still in place.

removed. Sampling Unit 2 will have reduced operator actions.

52367 M10 Post Accident Post 043 Post Accident Sampling System Hand Switches HS-043-250A, Sampling System Accident HS-043 -309A, HS-043-287A, HS-043-3 1 8A, HS-043 -342A, Hand Switches are Sampling HS-043-341 A, HS-043-307A, and HS-043-325A are not removed required because PASS is no longer required. T HS-043-250A, 309A, 287A, 31 8A, 342A, Unit 2 will have reduced operator actions.

341A,307A, &

325A 52367 M10 ICE Condenser ICE 061 Unit 2 will not have a Control Room ice bed temp recorder.

53196 Recorder is being Condenser The Ice Bed Temperatures will be monitored using the removed TR-06 1- computer indications (ICS).

0138 L There will be a recorder at the seal table which will be used to multiplex and provide backup indication This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

52368 Mu Generator Core Generator 061 2-M-11 will have all components removed, 1-M-1 1 Condition Monitor Cooling components still exist. Unit 1 Generator Core Condition Display 2-XI-035- Monitor Display, on Panel l-M-1l, will be replaced by ICS in 0060 will be replaced Unit 1, 5-year plan to replace the components.

with ICS E2-54

__________ ____ _________


This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

52340 M12 Radiation Monitors Radiation 090 Unit 1 is Analog. Unit 2 is Digital. The new ratemeters have 52341 replaced with Digital Monitor the same function (indicated value, alarms, display ranges, 53037 Units etc.) to the ones currently installed in Unit 1.

  • 2- RM-90-002 Personal Access Area Monitor This will change the way information is displayed to the T (Personnel operator.


  • 2- RM-90-059 Upper Cntmt Area Monitor (Hatch)
  • 2- RM-90-060 Upper Cntmt Area Monitor (Airlock)
  • 2- RM-90-061 Incore Instrumentation Room
  • 2- RM-90-106 Lower Cntmt Air 2- RM-90-1 12 Upper Cntmt Air
  • 2-RM-90-119 Condenser Vacuum Exhaust
  • 2-RM-90-121 E2-55


Steam Generator Building Effluent 52421 M13

  • 2-Nl-92-131-D Excore 092 Unit 1 currently has the Gamma-Metrics source intermediate Channel 1 Source Neutron range system model RCS-300. Watts Bar Unit 2 will receive Range Signal Monitoring the new 300i NFMS (neutron flux monitoring system).

Processor Source Range/Intermediate Range Signal Processor Improvements:

  • 2-Nl-92-132-E -The source and intermediate signal processors come with L Channel 2 Source upgraded bar graph liquid crystal displays, as the Unit 1 analog Range Signal meters are obsolete.

Processor -In Unit 1, the Source and Intermediate range signal processors

  • 2-N1-92-133-D have Counts per second or Percent power level displays, Channel 1 respectively. In Unit 2 source range signal processors, the Shutdown vendor is including indication for both neutron level in counts Monitor per second, and decades per minute on the instrument rack.

The intermediate range signal processors will include not only

  • 2-Nl-92-134-E decades per minute, but will also indicate percent power on the Channel 2 instrument rack.

Shutdown The selector knobs for Unit 2 on the intermediate range signal Monitor processor are set up differently than on Unit 1. There are a total

  • 2-NI-92-135-D of 3 dials on Unit 1 including level trip, adjust, and operation Channel I selector. On Unit 2 there are a total of 5 knobs including test intermediate selector and output selector in addition to those previously Range Signal mentioned. The selector knobs for Unit 2 on the source range Processor signal processor are set up differently than on Unit 1. There are a total of 3 dials on Unit 1 including level trip, operation
  • 2-Nl-92-136-E selector, and high flux at shutdown. On Unit 2 there are a total Channel 2 of 4 knobs including level test and output selector in addition Intermediate to level trip and high flux at shutdown. The controls and Range Signal indications on the instrument rack are operated by Processor Instrumentation and Controls during maintenance and testing of the source range and intermediate range monitors. The E2-56


scales and indicators on 2-M-4, which are used by the operators during startup and operation, are unchanged except that the displays change from analog to digital indication.

The shutdown monitor on the Unit 2 side will not contain an alarm reset button, which was used to manually disable the alarm during the drawer latching process. The alarm reset function is now obsolete as this feature can be handled at the annunciator.

The wide range signal processor in panel 2-L-1O will be in a different location than in Unit 1. The backup source range drawer is being removed from 2-L-1O due to obsolescence, and the wide range signal processor will be mounted in its place.

In Unit 1 due to cable routing, there was a potential for both channels to be functionally disabled due to a possible appendix R event. To address this, Unit 1 provided the ability to remove the wide range signal processor from the auxiliary control room, and take the device down to get signal directly from the channel 1 optical isolator, and get power from channel 2 amplifier. Unit 2 will route cables for the device in such a way that appendix R will not be a concern.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

52454 M14, Center Work Desk The differences in the Unit 1 and Unit 2 workstation desks are M16, Area and Displays primarily those of a cosmetic nature. The work area footprint Ml 9A is consistent between units and provides for the same number

&B of operators in the seating arrangement. The work area and work surface of the Unit 2 consoles is improved over that of Unit 1 in that the Unit 2 layout provides a slightly larger dimension between work surfaces.

T E2-57


There is a difference between Unit 1 and Unit 2 in the number, type, use, and arrangement of displays/monitors. Unit 2 displays (20 LCD flat panel monitors) are modern in nature and sized to accommodate the functions of ICS, Foxboro 1/A, and alarm monitoring. Unit 1 displays consist of CRTs housed within turrets for rotating. The unit 2 displays are back to back to accomplish the same effect as the turrets by providing information to the operator within the workstation seating area or outside perimeter.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

52370 M15 2-M-15 will have 3 Compressed 032 Reactor Bldg Train A, B, and Non-Essential Isolation (Aux control switches that Air Air) Hand switches that are located on Panel 1 -M- 15 have a have the different different number than their equivalent control switch on panel numbers than Unit 1 2-M-15. HS-32-80A, HS-32-102A, & HS 1 1OA on Unit 1 switches on 1-M15, are identified differently from HS-32-81A, HS-32-103A, &

but perform the same HS-32-l 1 1A on Unit 2, although they perform the same L functions. functions. This is part of the original design.

There are no MCR controls/indications for cooling tower draining and blow down required for Panel 2-M- 15.

This will not have an impact on operator actions.

52385 MIS MiS Alarm inputs Various The design of the unit 2 motor trip-out alarm (main control and common board disagreement alarm) alerts the operator whenever a equipment supplied control switchs demanded position does not agree with by Unit 1 Only. devices. The motor trip annunciation signal for Condenser Circulating Water pumps is on panel 2-M-l5.

Other differences are that 1 -M- 15 contains common Unit L designator 0 equipment that has been used since Unit 1 startup.



The following shared items are located on Unit 1 panel and are not duplicated on Unit 2:

Fire pumps 1-A-A, lB-B, 2A-A &2B-B Raw Cooling Water Pumps A, B, C, D, E, F &G Component Cooling Pumps lA-A, lB-B, 2A-A, 2B-B, & C-S Essential Raw Cooling Water Pumps A-A, B-A, C-A, D-A, E B, F-B, 0-B &H-B 52371 M18 Unit 2 uses Incore 094 Unit-2 side panel 2-M-18 will have its front panel modules 52815 W1NCISE for Monitoring removed. The replacement for the Moveable Incore Detector 52321 functions performed System System housed in panel 2-M-18 is the WTNCISE System.

by Unit I Moveable Watts Bar Unit 2 uses Incore Instrument Thimble Assemblies Incore Detectors and (ITTA), containing five self-powered neutron detectors (SPD), L associated lncore to continuously measure the three-dimensional (3-D) core Thermocouples power distribution. The SPDs are distributed both axially and radially within the reactor core to provide continuous measurements of signals directly proportional to the neutron flux present around each SPD element. The measured SPD signals are processed to be suitable for use by the BEACON TSMTM Power Distribution Monitoring System (PDMS) to generate continuous 3-D measurements of the reactor core power distribution.

Each IITA also houses a Core Exit Thermocouple (CET). The CET contained in each IITA is positioned to provide a measurement of the reactor coolant temperature at the top of the active fuel of the host fuel assembly thus providing a component measure of the core exit temperature. The CET measurements are for use by the Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS), and are not used by the WINCISE System to measure the core power distribution.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.



52315 M2 1 Unit 2 Annunciator Annunciator 055 Unit 2 annunciators will be Windows based. Unit 1 remains 53673 system will be an DOS based. Disable/Enable of alarms will be different on Unit 52839 upgraded model 2 than Unit 1. Unit 2 also has 2 redundant independent channels of Annunciation.

Unit 2 has a special operator end to end channels test feature.

Unit 1 does not.

Windows 135 A, B and D for the annunciator inverter will be T different when DCN 52389 is implemented. All Annunciator power/failure alarms will actuate 135A and 135B/D will be spared on Unit 2.

Unit 2 has redundancy against single failure designed in with the exceptions of the conductor from the redundant Xl lOs and the redundant bulbs and the annunciator Inverter. The Inverter will have a bypass switch that isolates and de-energizes the Inverter cabinet when In BYPASS.

Unit 2 has all MCR annunciator loads from M2 1 and the Unit 2 annunciator Inverter. All Unit 2 Annunciator Ronan supplied equipment will be powered from the Unit 2 annunciator Inverter. Unit 1 remotes are powered from other plant power sources.

Unit 1 XA-55-15A and XA-55-15B will be replaced on Unit 2 with XA-55-15A. The pertinent alarms from Unit 1 A and B boxes will be displayed on the 2 XA-55-lSAbox.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator and increases fault tolerance.

52338 M-30 Radiation Monitors Radiation 090 Unit 1 is Analog. Unit 2 is Digital. The new ratemeters have E2-60


52340 replaced with Digital Monitoring the same function (indicated value, alarms, display ranges, 52342 Units etc.) to the ones currently installed in Unit 1.

  • 2-RM-90-255 Condenser The configuration of Post Accident Monitor 2-RM-90-404 will Vacuum Exhaust not be used in Unit 2. The replacement device for 2-RM T Low Range 404 will consist of two detectors. 2-RM-90-255 will be a
  • 2-RM-90-256 Geiger-Mueller Tube detector that will monitor the mid range Condenser radiation levels. 2-RM-90-256 will use high range Ionization Vacuum Exhaust chamber detector that will monitor the high range radiation High Range levels.
  • 2-RM-90-271 Upper Cntmt High Range This will change the way information is displayed to the
  • 2-RM-90-272 operator.

Upper Cntmt High Range

  • 2-RM-90-273 Lower Cntmt High Range
  • 2-RM-90-274 Lower Cntmt High Range



. 2-RM-90-424 Main Steam Line Post Accident Monitor 52354 M31 Condenser Vacuum Radiation 090 1-M-31 presently has the Condenser Vacuum Exhaust Monitor Exhaust Monitor Monitoring RM-90-450 mounted. This monitor will be removed before RM-90-450 will be Unit 2 operation. Then both 1-M-3 land 2-M-31 will be blank.

removed on Unit 2 T This will not have an impact on operator actions.

52671 ACR Auxiliary Control Main Steam 001 Unit 2 will replace auxiliary control room non-safety-related Room Controllers CVCS 062 instrument loops with new Foxboro I/A in panels.

New hand stations ECCS 063 ACR Controllers T and instruments at 2- RHR 074 2-HIC-62-89C-CHRG HDR FLOW CNTL L-1 1A, 2-L-1 lB 2-HIC-62-56C-EXCESS LTDN FLOW AND 2-L-l0 2-HIC-74-16C-RHR HX A OUTL CNTL 2-HIC-74-32C-RHR HX A/B BYPASS 2-HIC-62-83C-RHR LTDN FLOW CNTL 2-PIC-1-6C-SG 1 PORV CNTL 2-PIC-1-24C-SG 3 PORV CNTL 2-HIC-62-130C-VCT LEVEL CONTROL 2-HIC-62-93 C-CHARGING FLOW CNTL 2-HIC-63-65C-CL ACCUM N2 VENT 2-HIC-62-78C-LTDN HX OUTL TEMP 2-HTC-62-81C-LTDN PRESSURE CNTL 2-HIC-74-28C-RHR HX B OUTL CNTL 2-PIC-1-13C-SG 2 PORV CNTL 2-PIC-1-31C-SG 4 PORV CNTL This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control. (Reference Section 2.2.4) 52356 ACR Auxiliary Control Various XS-30-90 the array of switches on 2-L-l IA are on opposite E2-62


Room Layout sides of the panel stiffener than those on 1-L-1 1A. This configuration of variation cannot be avoided due to the panel structure; however components on panel there are no significant differences to the extent that the 2-L-11 A panel and operator would not be confused as to the component location 1-L-ll A panel. between units. This difference in the layout of components will cause the panel stiffeners for panel 2-.L 11 A to interfere with the relocation of some of the instruments mounted on the panel. Because of this problem, XS-63-.llO will remain in its L original locations and will not move to match Panel l-L-HA.

These instruments on the panels are installed opposite hand in respect to the Bailey/GeMac panel in the room.

The location of LIC-3-l56B and LIC-3-164B on panel 2-L-I 1A was not moved due to panel stiffeners as stated above.

In Unit 1 the AFW Foxboro SPEC200 system is located in the large 2-L-l 1A Panel. In Unit 2 the location of the equipment will be in the smaller Bailey Section 2-L-1 1A Panel, which is located next to the large 2L-1 1A Panel.

O-XS-62-241 Boric Acid Tank C Recirculation flow is a common loop and installed on 1-L-11A panel only. There will be no matching transfer switch for Unit 2 located in this location on 2-L-11A.

This will not have an impact on operator actions as the controls are manipulated via a checklist that is specific to each Unit.

52357 ACR Auxiliary Control Various The instruments on the panels are installed opposite hand in Room Layout respect to the I3ailey/GeMac panel in the room. On 1-L-11 B, configuration of panel layout of components start with system 77 switches as components on panel you enter the room and progresses to the system 1 components 2-L-1 1 B panel and mounted next to the GeMac panel. For 2-L-l 1 B, panel layout 1 -L- 1 1 B panel. starts with the system 1 switches as you enter the room and E2-63


progresses to the system 77 components mounted next to the GeMac panel. This difference in the layout of components will L cause the panel stiffeners for panel 2-L- 1 1 B to interfere with the relocation of the some of the instruments mounted on the panel.

The locations of L1C-3-148B and L1C-3-171 B on panel 2-L-1 1 B was not moved on panel 2-L-1 1 B due to panel stiffeners as stated above.

In Unit 1 the AFW Foxboro SPEC200 system is located in the large 2-L-11A Panel. In Unit 2 the location of the equipment will be in the smaller Bailey Section 2-L-l IA Panel, which is located next to the large 2L-l1A Panel.

This will not have an impact on operator actions as the controls are manipulated via a checklist that is specific to each Unit.

52690 Ll0 UNIT 2 Reactor 068 Unit 2 will have Paperless digital recorders. Unit 1 is replacing RECORDER Coolant these recorders as they fail.

2-XR-068-0003C T RCS Temperature This will change the way information is displayed to the Trend operator.

54144 Manual Isolation Feedwater 003 The manual isolation control capability for the Main Feed Control Capability Water Regulating Valves requires the installation of a second for the Main Feed hand switch for the B Trained solenoids Both the A train (2-Water Regulating HS-3-945A) and B Train (2-HS3-945A) switch includes a Valves: shorting contact across the solenoid coils to ensure the coil

. A Train 2-HS does not energize due to an App R event. 2-FSV-335D, 48D, 945A 90D and 103D solenoid valves are retained and wired by this

. EDCR to support the function L

. BTrain2-HS 945B The additional locally operated switch will not have an impact on operator actions as its use is procedurally directed.



Westinghouse design Steam 001 Unit 1 replaced the Steam Generators with Westinghouse D3 Steam Generators Generators design 68-AXP.

on Unit 2 The volumes, recirculation ratios, tube heights & materials are different and will result in slightly different transient responses. The Unit 2 Steam Generators are the same design that was originally installed in Unit 1. L The Unit 2 S/Gs have one more step in the warm up process governed by SOIs. The differences in steam generator design result in slightly different response characteristics.

54762 Unit 2 installs new 001 001 Unit 2 installs new HP Turbine (Rotor, Inner Cylinder, Blade HP and LP turbines. Rings) and LP Turbines (Rotors and Inner Casings).

The new turbines are designed to function in the same manner L as the set on Unit 1.

The general procedural direction for operations will be the same although some setpoints may be different.

52866 Moisture Separator Main Steam 001 Unit 2 MSRs will be upgraded resulting in some flow 53262 Reheaters will be differences and improved instrumentation. The general replaced on Unit 2 procedural direction for operations will be the same although some setpoints may be different.

1) Mass flow rates to all Moisture Separator Reheater (MSR) drain tanks increase because of improvements to the high pressure turbine and the new MSRs.
2) Mass flow rates through the MSR operating vents decrease L because of improved MSR design. Mass flows from the MSR low pressure operating vents will be directed to the low pressure reheater drain header instead of the Number 2 extraction steam lines as on Unit 1.
3) System 1, System 5 and System 6 valves on the 755 foot E2-65


elevation of the Turbine Building will be located differently from Unit I due to System 1, System 5 and System 6 piping being re-routed to facilitate maintenance on the MSR reheater bundles.

4) The Unit 2 MSRs will be supplied with fifty thermocouples instead of seventy-six thermocouples as on the Unit 1 MSRs, and the Unit 2 MSRs will be supplied with two junction boxes per MSR instead of four as on Unit 1.
5) For Unit 2, all 300 thermocouples supplied with the six MSRs will be utilized as opposed to the 138 thermocouples utilized by Unit 1.
6) The Unit 2 Main Feedwater Pump Turbines are connected to MSRs A-2 and B-2 as opposed to MSRs A-l and B-l on Unit 1 because of the original plant design.

53276 Turbine Driven AFW Auxiliary 003 The Unit 1 Turbine Driven Aux. Feedwater Pump (TDAFWP)

Pump Minimum Feedwater B Turbine speed controller is set at 2076 rpm. In order to Speed is higher on accommodate current available pressure switches, mechanical Unit 2 calculation HCGLCSO3 0983, Revision 006, increased the Unit 2 TDAFWP minimum speed setting for the Unit 2 TDAFWP Turbine speed controller to 2260 rpm. The increase will ensure that the Unit 2 TDAFWP does not inadvertently transfer its L steam supply to a faulted steam generator, as well as provides additional stage runout protection.

The higher Unit 2 rpm will not result in system operation or response differences.

53479 Unit 2 H2 Gas Dryer Generator 035 Functionality of the Unit 1 Dryer and the Unit 2 Dryer is the will be different Cooling same. The Unit 1 Local Dryer controls are a hardwired switch, relay, indicating light and timer configuration, and the Unit 2 L Local Dryer is a PLC and Touch Screen Configuration.

This will not have an impact on operator actions.

53734 Unit 2 Generator Generator 244 Unit 2 Generator Protective Relaying will incorporate a one Protective Relaying Protective out of two twice logic instead of the existing two out of two as E2-66


Relaying used on Unit 1 L This will not have an impact on operator actions.

53314 #3 & 7 Heater Drain Heater 006 Unit 2 will have independent pump trips for HDT pumps vs.

53323 Tank Level Control Drains and Unit 1 simultaneous trip. Unit 2 will have Foxboro level 52378 Vents control hand stations, which develop the level signals from L redundant transmitters. Unit 2 scale and control range will be different. Annunciation scheme will also be different.

This changes the method in which the operator interfaces with the control, information is displayed, and increases fault tolerance. (Reference Section 2.2.4) 52319 Unit 2 has Eagle 21 Process 099 Unit 2 Eagle 21 is functionally the same as Unit I loops with 4-2OmA Protection Eagle 21. Unit 2 current input loops will be 4-20 mA. Unit I T Transmitters uses a combination of 4-20 mA and 10-50 mA current input loops. Unit 2 will use 4-20 mA transmitters in Eagle 21. 4-20 mA transmitters are the industry standard, require less power than the Unit 1 10-50 mA transmitters, and qualified 4-20 mA transmitters are more widely available than the 10-50 mA transmitters.

This will not have an impact on operator actions.

52310 Unit 2 uses the new LEFM Unit 2 will install the LEFM Check-Plus system (16 design Check Plus transducers on spool-piece). The LEFM installed on Unit 1 is LEFM System- a Check system, which has 8 transducers.

L 52420 Aux Unit 2 RCP Reactor 068 Unit 2 is replacing the TEC RCP Vibration Monitoring System E2-67

DCN/ PANEL INDICATIONS & SYSTEM SYS DIFFERENCE DURATION EDCR CONTROLS Electric Vibration System Coolant B with a BN 3500 monitoring system since the TEC system is Room will be upgraded Pumps obsolete. Obsolete items are replaced with those equal in fit, form and function. The Unit I RCP vibration monitors and amplitude meters will be accessible in cabinet 0-R-l39 in the Unit I Aux Inst Rim The multipoint selector switches to read L the velocity probe using a portable diagnostic monitor are located in JB 3241 near column A5-W at El 73T in the Penetration Room.

Unit 2 RCP vibration monitors and display will be accessible in cabinet 1-R-176, which is adjacent to 0-R-139, in the Unit 1 Auxiliary Instrumentation Room. Velocity signal cables from JB 3242 are terminated at cabinet l-R-176 so there will be no selector switches in JB 3242 for use with a portable diagnostic monitor for the velocity probes on Unit 2. Signals from all transducers are sent to the Bentley Nevada (B-N) 3500 monitors in cabinet 1 -R- 176 located in the Unit 1 Auxiliary Instrument Room outside containment. Vibration amplitudes may be read on a rack mounted LCD display located on the cabinet, on the B-N computer, or via ICS. The system serves an Annunciator function (MCR Annunciator 96-F) and communicates with the B-N data manager computer and the Integrated Computer System (ICS). All setpoints identified in the procedure will remain unchanged for Unit 2. An additional Annunciator alarm input will be added to the Unit 2 system to alert the Operators if the motor casing vibration setpoint is breached, whereas these points were checked manually using procedure TI-3 1.02 at JB 3241 using a handheld meter on Unit 1.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

53559 Local Main Turbine and Turbine 047 The Unit 2 Bentley Nevada 3500 series TSI system, while E2-68


TSI Feed Pump Vibration Supervisory E functionally identical to Unit 1 in regard to the points panel Local TSI panel and Vibration 003 monitored and the indications displayed in the control room, only indications Main represents a change in technology from the obsolete 3300 Feedwater Series instrumentation used in Unit 1. The control room indications are not impacted.

L Unit 2 FW Pumps will have coincidence logic added to the high thrust trip. Unit 2 having the coincidence logic will not change operator actions.

This will change the way information is displayed to the operator.

54928 2-FCV-002-0035A Condensate 002 2-FCV-002-0035A is controlled by signals from three FTs; 2-Condensate Hotwell FT-002-0035A, 2-FT-002-00358, and 2-FT-002-00350. The Discharge Flow will input signal processing and control output to the valve were L be controlled from 3 modified by EDCR 52378. Unit 1 is controlled by the signal transmitters. from a single FT. The redundancy is to remove a single point of failure in the system.

Unit 2 will exhibit increased fault tolerance with reduced operator actions.

53246 New Generator Core Main 035 Control Room operator actions are the same from the 53479 Condition Monitor Generator annunciator response procedure.

panel will replace L drop alarm boxes and hydrogen purity meter.


ATTACHMENT 2 -Technical Specifications Differences

a. IS Definitions Section 1.1
i. Power Level Definition: Unit 1 3459 MWt, Unit 2 341 1 MWt Unit 1 TS approved Power Uprate using Leading Edge Flow Meter (LEFM) ii. Added Power Distribution Monitoring System (PDMS) new fixed incore system that replaces movable incore detectors.
b. TS 3.1.8 and Surveillance Requirements (SRs),, and reference to movable incore detectors to PDMS.
c. TS Table 3.3.1-1 and 3.3.2-1 added footnotes in accordance with TSTF-493 that

directs how to reset setpoint values during surveillance. No setpoints were changed.

d. TS Table 3.3.3-1 footnotes F and H reflect new Common Q post-accident monitoring system. Unit 1 references the ICCM system.
e. SR and added allowance for use of Potter Brumfield MDR series

relays. Unit 1 references Westinghouse relays only.

f* TS 3.4.7. 3/4/10 and 3.4.12 Unit 1 references a temperature of 350°F. Unit 2 uses

Cold Overpressure Mitigation System (COMS) arming.

g. SR and Unit 1 includes Notes discussing TPBARs. Unit 2 does not

have TPBARs. All other requirements in the Technical Specification and surveillance are identical.

h. TS Table 3.7.1-1 Allowable rated thermal power for Main Steam Safety Valves:
  1. of Operable MSSV Unit 1 Rated Thermal Power Unit 2 Rated Thermal Power 3 4l% 42%

2 25% 26%

TRM Differences:

a. TRM Definitions: Rated Thermal Power, Unit 1 3459 MWt, Unit 2 3411 MWt Unit 1 TS approved Power Uprate using Leading Edge Flow Meter (LEFM)


b. TRM 3.3.3: Unit 1 has movable incore detectors. Unit 2 used fixed incore detectors referred to as Power Distribution Monitoring System (PDMS)
a. TRM 3.3.7: Unit 1 has a technical requirement in support of leading edge flow meters (LEFMs). Unit 2 will not implement LEFM associated power uprate until NRC licensing review and approval of the LEFM uprate is completed.


  • =

These sections will be changed in Unit 1 Technical Specifications to match Unit 2.

Upon completion of the Unit 1 changes these differences will be eliminated.



Facility licensees having units designed by the same nuclear steam supply system vendor and operated at approximately the same power level may request dual licensing for their operators. Similarly, if the units of a multi-unit facility are nearly identical, the facility licensee may request a waiver of the examination requirements for the second and subsequent units.

In either case, the facility licensee must justify to the NRC that the differences between the units are not so significant that they could affect the operators ability to operate each unit safely and competently. Further, the facility licensee must submit for NRC review the details of the training and certification program. The analysis and summary of the differences on which the applicants must be trained will include the following, as applicable:

  • facility design and systems relevant to control room personnel
  • technical specifications
  • procedures (primarily abnormal and emergency operating)
  • control room design and instrument location
  • operational characteristics
  • administrative procedures related to conduct of operations at a multi-unit site (e.g., shift manning and response to accidents and fires)
  • the expected method of rotating personnel between units and the re familiarization training to be conducted before an operator assumes responsibility on a new unit 7.2 Regulatory Guide 1.149, C.2, USE OF A SIMULATOR FOR MULTIPLE PLANTS If a licensee wishes to use a simulation facility to train or examine operators for more than one nuclear power plant, it must be able to demonstrate to the NRC that the differences between the plants are not so significant that they will result in negative training. This demonstration should include an analysis and summary of the differences between each plant, including:
1. Facility design and systems relevant to control room personnel,
2. Technical specifications,
3. Procedures, primarily abnormal and emergency operating procedures,
4. Control room design and instrument/control location, and
5. Operational characteristics.

7.3 1 OCFR55.46 Simulation facilities.


(a) General. This section addresses the use of a simulation facility for the administration of the operating test and plant-referenced simulators to meet experience requirements for applicants for operator and senior operator licenses.

(b) Commission-approved simulation facilities and Commission approval of use ofthe plant in the administration ofthe operating test.

(1) Facility licensees that propose to use a simulation facility, other than a plant-referenced simulator, or the plant in the administration of the operating test under

§ 55.45(b)(1) or 55.45(b)(3), shall request approval from the Commission. This request must include:

(i) A description of the components of the simulation facility intended to be used, or the way the plant would be used for each part of the operating test, unless previously approved; and (ii) A description of the performance tests for the simulation facility as part of the request, and the results of these tests; and (iii) A description of the procedures for maintaining examination and test integrity consistent with the requirements of § 55.49.

(2) The Commission will approve a simulation facility or use of the plant for administration of operating tests if it finds that the simulation facility and its proposed use, or the proposed use of the plant, are suitable for the conduct of operating tests for the facility licensees reference plant under § 55.45(a).

(c) Plant-referenced simulators.

(1) A plant-referenced simulator used for the administration of the operating test or to meet experience requirements in § 55.3 1(a)(5) must demonstrate expected plant response to operator input and to normal, transient, and accident conditions to which the simulator has been designed to respond. The plant-referenced simulator must be designed and implemented so that it:

(i) Is sufficient in scope and fidelity to allow conduct of the evolutions listed in §sS 55.45(a)(1) through (13), and 55.59(c)(3)(i)(A) through (AA), as applicable to the design of the reference plant.

(ii) Allows for the completion of control manipulations for operator license applicants.

(2) Facility licensees that propose to use a plant-referenced simulator to meet the control manipulation requirements in § 55.31 (a)(5) must ensure that:

(i) The plant-referenced simulator utilizes models relating to nuclear and thermal-hydraulic characteristics that replicate the most recent core load in the nuclear power reference plant for which a license is being sought; and (ii) Simulator fidelity has been demonstrated so that significant control manipulations are completed without procedural exceptions, simulator performance exceptions, or deviation from the approved training scenario sequence.

(3) A simulation facility consisting solely of a plant-referenced simulator must meet the requirements of paragraph (c)( 1) of this section and the criteria in paragraphs (d)( 1) and (4) of this section for the Conunission to accept the plant-referenced simulator for conducting operating tests as described in § 5 5.45(a) of this part, requalification training as described in § 55.59(c)(3) of this part, or for performing control manipulations that affect reactivity to establish eligibility for an operators license as described in § 55.31 (a)(5).


ATTACHMENT 4- Acronyms AlE Architecture Engineer AEH Analog Electro-Hydraulic AMSAC (ATWS) Mitigating System Actuating Circuitry AOl Abnormal Operating Instructions ATWS Anticipated Transient Without SCRAM AUO Non-Licensed Operator BEACON Best Estimate Analysis of Core Operations BOP Balance of Plant CAP Corrective Action Program CATD Category Drawing (usually Cat I, Cat II, etc)

COMS Cold Overpressure Mitigation System DCS Digital Control System DCN Design Change Notice DSEP Detailed Scoping Estimating and Planning EDCR Engineering Design Control Request EOI Emergency Operating Instructions EP Emergency Preparedness FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report GO General Operating Procedures GPM Gallons per Minute HFE Human Factors Engineering I/A Intelligent Automation ICCM Inadequate Core Cooling Monitoring System ICS Integrated Computer System ILT Initial License Training JFG Job Familiarization Guide JPM Job Performance Measure LEFM Leading Edge Flow Meter LOR Licensed Operator Requalification Training MCR Main Control Room MFPIMFPT Main Feedwater Pump / Main Feedwater Pump Turbine MFW Main Feedwater MCR Main Control Room NCO Nuclear Central Office Tracking Items NIS Nuclear Instrumentation System NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System OJT On-the-Job Training OL Operating License PAMS Post Accident Monitoring System PASS Post Accident Sampling System PDMS Power Distribution Monitoring System PER Problem Evaluation Report PORV Power Operated Relief Valve PPM Parts per Million RO Reactor Operator RVLIS Reactor Vessel Level Indication System SM Shift Manager SOT Standard Operating Instructions E2-74

SP Special Programs SQN Sequoyah Nuclear Plant SR Surveillance Requirements, also Service Report SRO Senior Reactor Operator STA Shift Technical Advisor TNA Training Needs Analysis TPBARs Tritium Producing Burnable Absorber Rods TPE Training Performance Evaluation TRM Technical Requirements Manual TSM Technical Specification Monitor TVA Tennessee Valley Authority UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply WBN Watts Bar Nuclear Plant WJNC ISE Westinghouse In-Core Information Surveillance & Engineering E2-75

ATTACHMENT 5 Unit Comparison Control Room Photos UNIT 1 M-1 Auxiliary Power I

UNIT 2 M-1 Auxiliary Power II aji E2-76

E2-77 co LU

MS Reactor E2-79

j)jUl 1 L #1 Cml.) it)1 ()/fl W) j1iV14 r 4o iVi1ii IVfl Iii iH)flJi1fl iOUNO c) rnvlC* 11l%VftVA rlrr1inp, I41ilO 3 3V Uk4) AVjt1t I) L3 H1lc) fØ$

iC3U 3j)3IiIi llI1 Ii I 333 lJ.3 3V5 913 LJ IDJ 1O&UO3 S3d i2d

%ii1l 3.CL) CI.I


I, H

  • 1? 1)1


ir I I IJJ p


        • I

..5j. .

II01b0.) .I/!.I ti\i Ii \.1 t-I4J I LINf1

M-5 Reactor C


fL E2-81

c.J w

M-6 (Ft Engineered Safeguards and Air--

M-6 (Right) Engineered S a a aao a no a ease no ann aeaaaa an a a sea enaaa Ca a aeaa a eases aaa saaa aaaaea an a__a_a Ca aa a_ n a a a. a E2-83

I. Nil I I6 (lefi) P. B 1 oiali,er I

BA &CB lIJt4H 14 r

p UNIT 1 M-6 VCT Blending UNIT 2 M-6 VCT Blending ir EJL1 ØE&

I kN I JE DB1 E2-84

UNIT I M-9 Ventilation and Ice Condenser a

r UNIT M-9 Ventilation and Ice Condenser E2-85

UNIT 1 M-1O Temperature Monitoring E2-86

E2-87 L2-88 UNIT 1 M-15 Water Service UNIT 2 M-15 Water Service E2-89

UNIT 1 M-18 Westinghouse In-Core Instrumentation L:., 1 L ! IL



ro Post I ------


UNIT 2 M-30 Post Accident & SG 1



_____ ____ ____

FIGURE 1 Integrated Timeline i 2011 2012 I

NRCM RFO i1ll U4 LriF]u2 nhI:L1i 1111 UI 14tt :II & I I II r1t1 4- Fimc 1 f 3ad CntcaIity ej

[j {]

IJ..JJ 1-2. 924 to RFOL$i

£CS i;:pri DCS Upgrad 10 1o.os 116 1241 Li L DuI Unft I I NRC I4RC NRC

.. *64 Exam 11fi*



11 Ci 1 OR I Ii: -

W2i CYCLF 5 6 7 S If i ii 1 g1If W ii ZiI I I i1 If W1 1 L TiWII flriimti LO rI I 1 II III CDII II Q2t4It 1T )2 ) )2 )[  ! ) ____

Oct Nv Dec Jri Zw Apr M!y Jureiut Aug 1 p OLt Nw De in Feb Mr Ap My hme JuI At Sep Oct 3Dec

_II E2-92

FIGURE 2 Control Room Layout E2-93