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Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Unnecessary Descriptive Phrases Re Number of Cells in Station & EDG Batteries
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1994
Shared Package
ML18153B157 List:
NUDOCS 9412010184
Download: ML18153B158 (5)


Attachment 2 Proposed Technical Specifications 9412010184 941122 '

PDR ADDCK 05000280 i P PDR 1

TS 4.6-3 C. Station Batteries

1. Tests and Frequencies
a. The specific gravity, electrolytic temperature, cell voltage of the pilot cell in each battery, and the D.C. bus voltage of each battery shall be measured and recorded weekly.
b. Each month the voltage of each battery cell in each battery shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 volts and recorded.
c. Every 3 months the specific gravity of each battery cell, the temperature reading of every fifth cell, the height of electrolyte of each cell, and the amount of water added to any cell shall be measured and recorded.
d. Twice a year, during normal operation, the battery charger shall be turned off for approximately 5 min and the battery voltage and current shall be recorded at the beginning and end of the test.
e. During the normal refueling shutdown each battery shall be subjected to a simulated load test without battery charger.

The battery voltage and current as a function of time shall be monitored.

f. During the refueling outages connections shall be checked for tightness and anti-corrosion coating shall be applied to interconnections.
2. Acceptance Criteria
a. Each test shall be considered satisfactory if the new data when compared to the old data indicate no signs of abuse or deterioration.

Amendment No.

TS 4.6-4

b. The load test in (d) and (e) above shall be considered satisfactory if the batteries perform within acceptable limits as established by the manufacturers discharge characteristic curves.


1. Tests and Frequencies
a. The specific gravity, electrolytic temperature, cell voltage of the pilot cell in each battery and the D.C. bus voltage of each battery shall be measured and recorded weekly.
b. Each month the voltage of each battery cell in each battery shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 volts and recorded.
c. Every 3 months the specific gravity of each battery cell, the temperature reading of every fifth cell, the height of electrolyte of each cell, and the amount of water added to any cell shall be measured and recorded.
d. At refueling each battery shall be subjected to a normal load or simulated load test without battery charger. The battery voltage and current as a function of time shall be monitored.
e. Each refueling connections shall be checked for tightness and anti-corrosion coating shall be applied to inter-connections.
2. Acceptance Criteria
a. Each test shall be considered satisfactory if the new data when compared to the old data indicate no signs of abuse or deterioration.
b. The load test in (d) above shall be considered satisfactory if the batteries perform within acceptable limits as established by the manufacturers discharge characteristic curves.

Amendment No.

e Attachment 3 Significant Hazards Consideration Evaluation

- Sr-GNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION Virginia Electric and Power Company has reviewed the proposed change against the criteria of 10 CFR 50.92 and has concluded that the change as proposed does not pose a significant hazards consideration. The deletion of the descriptive references regarding the number of cells in the station and emergency diesel generator batteries is an administrative change and therefore does not:

1. Involve an increase in the probability of occurrence or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The proposed change to delete the descriptive references associated with the station and emergency diesel generator batteries (60 cell or 56 cell, respectively) has no impact on the probability of an accident occurrence.

The change is administrative in nature and therefore does not affect the operation of the units. The batteries will continue to be operated in the same manner as before the change with operability based on design voltage and capacity requirements necessary to ensure safety functions can be performed. Prescribed surveillance testing will continue to ensure the operability of individual battery cells. Consequently, the proposed change does not contribute to the probability of occurrence or consequences of any design basis accident.

2. Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

This is an administrative change to delete the descriptive references associated with the station and emergency diesel generator batteries.

There are no plant modifications being implemented by the proposed change and plant operations are not being changed. Provided the required design voltage and capacity are maintained, the batteries remain fully operable and capable of performing their intended safety functions.

Individual battery cell surveillance requirements remain unchanged.

Therefore, no new accidents or accident precursors are created by the proposed change.

3. Involve a reduction in a margin of safety as defined in the Technical Specifications.

The proposed administrative change to delete the descriptive references associated with the station and emergency diesel generator batteries (60 cell or 56 cell, respectively) is administrative in nature. Provided the required design voltage and capacity are maintained, the batteries remain fully operable and capable of performing their intended safety functions as assumed in the safety analyses. Individual battery cell surveillance requirements remain unchanged. Therefore, the analyzed margin of safety is not reduced by the proposed change.