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License Renewal Application Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3) (Part 4 of 9)
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/2016
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16088A324 List:
Download: ML16088A326 (99)


Appendix E Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 March 2016 INTRODUCTION Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Entergy Louisiana, LLC and Entergy Operations, Inc. (collectively referred to as Entergy), both subsidiaries of Entergy Corporation, submit this environmental report (ER) in conjunction with the application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to renew the operating license for Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 (hereafter referred to as WF3) for 20 years beyond the end of the current license term. In compliance with applicable NRC requirements, this ER analyzes potential environmental impacts associated with renewal of the WF3 operating license (OL). This ER is designed to assist the NRC staff with the preparation of the WF3-specific supplemental environmental impact statement required for license renewal. The WF3 ER is provided in accordance with 10 CFR 54.23, which requires license renewal applicants to submit a supplement to the Operating License Stage Environmental Report that complies with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A. This report also addresses the more detailed requirements of NRC environmental regulations in 10 CFR 51.45 and 10 CFR 51.53(c), as well as the intent of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) [42 USC 4321 et seq.]. For major federal actions, NEPA requires federal agencies to prepare a detailed statement that evaluates environmental impacts, alternatives to the proposed action, and irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources associated with the implementation of the proposed action. Entergy used NRC Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1, Revision 1, Preparation of Environmental Reports for License Renewal Applications, as guidance on the format and content of this ER. In addition, Entergy used the Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for License Renewal,for Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437, Revision 1) and 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B in preparation of this report. The level of information provided on the various topics and issues in this ER are commensurate with the environmental significance of the particular topic or issue. Based upon the evaluations discussed in this ER, Entergy concludes that the environmental impacts associated with renewal of the WF3 OL would result in no significant adverse effects. No plant refurbishment or other license-renewal-related construction activities have been identified as necessary to support the continued operation of WF3 beyond the end of the existing OL term. Ongoing plant operational and maintenance activities will be performed during the license renewal period, but no significant environmental impacts associated with such activities are expected, because established programs and procedures are in place to ensure that proper environmental monitoring continues to be conducted throughout the renewal term as discussed in Chapter 9.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 1.0 PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION ...................................

1-1 1.1 Environmental Report ...................................................

1-2 1.2 Licensee and Ownership


1-2 1.3 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ..........................................



2-1 2.1 Proposed Action .......................................................

2-1 2.2 General Plant Information


  • ..............

2-1 2.2.1 Reactor and Containment Systems ....................................

2-2 Reactor System ..............................................

2-2 Containment System ..........................................

2-2 2.2.2 Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems ..................................

2-3 Circulating Water System ......................................

2-3 Thermal Discharge


2-6 Component Cooling Water .....................................

2-6 Auxiliary Component Cooling Water ..............................

2-7 Demineralized Water Makeup System ............................

2-7 Potable Water System .........................................

2-7 Fire Protection Water System ...................................

2-7 2.2.3 Radioactive Waste Management


2-8 Liquid Radwaste System .......................................

2-8 Gaseous Radwaste System ....................................

2-10 Solid Radwaste System ........................................

2-17 Radwaste Storage-License Renewal Term ........................

2-19 Low-Level Mixed Wastes .......................................

2-19 Spent Fuel Storage ...........................................

2-20 2.2.3. 7 Transportation of Radioactive Materials


2-20 2.2.4 Nonradioactive Waste Management


2-20 2.2.5 Power Transmission Systems ........................................

2-22 In-Scope Transmission Lines ...................................

2-22 Vegetation Management Practices


2-22 Avian Protection



2-23 Induced Shock Hazards .......................................

2-23 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 2.3 Refurbishment Activities


2-33 2.4 Programs and Activities for Managing the Effects of Aging ......................

2-33 2.5 Employment


2-34 2.6 Alternatives to the Proposed Action ........................................

2-40 2.6.1 Alternatives Evaluation Process .......................................

2-40 2.6.2 Alternatives Considered




3-1 3.0.1 Location and Features ..............................................

3-1 3.0.2 Vicinity and Region ................................................

3-1 3.0.3 Station Features ...................................................

3-3 3.0.4 Federal, Native American, State, and Local Lands ........................

3-3 3.0.5 Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Projects in Site Vicinity .................

3-4 3.1 Land Use and Visual Resources


3-13 3.1.1 Onsite Land Use ..................................................

3-13 3.1.2 Offsite Land Use ..................................................

3-13 3.1.3 Visual Resources


3-16 3.2 Meteorology and Air Quality ..............................................

3-22 3.2.1 General Climate ...................................................

3-22 3.2.2 Meteorology


3-22 Wind Direction and Speed ......................................

3-22 Temperature


3-23 Precipitation


3-24 Snow and Glaze .............................................

3-25 Relative Humidity and Fog .....................................

3-25 Severe Weather ..............................................

3-25 3.2.2. 7 Atmospheric Stability


3-27 3.2.3 Onsite Meteorological System ........................................

3-27 Primary System ..............................................

3-28 Back-Up System .............................................

3-29 Basic System Flow Path .......................................

3-29 Data Verification


3-30 Calibration and Maintenance


3-30 Data Recovery ...............................................

3-30 3.2.4 Air Quality ........................................................

3-30 3.2.5 Air Emissions


3-31 ii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 3.3 Noise ...............................................................

3-44 3.4 Geologic Environment


3-45 3.4.1 Geology .........................................................

3-45 Regional Geology ............................................

3-45 3.4.2 Site Geology ......................................................

3-49 3.4.3 Soils ............................................................

3-49 Onsite Soils and Geology ......................................

3-49 Erosion Potential


3-50 Prime Farmland Soils .........................................

3-51 3.4.4 Seismic History ...................................................

3-51 3.5 Water Resources


3-73 3.5.1 Surface Water Resources


3-73 Surface Water Discharges


3-76 3.5.2 Groundwater Resources


3-78 Groundwater Aquifers ................................. , ....... 3-78 Hydraulic Properties


3-79 Potentiometric Surfaces .......................................

3-80 Groundwater Protection Program ................................

3-81 Sole Source Aquifers ..........................................

3-81 3.5.3 Water Use .......................................................

3-82 Surface Water Use ...........................................

3-82 Groundwater Use ............................................

3-82 3.5.4 Water Quality .....................................................

3-83* Surface Water Quality .........................................

3-83 3,5.4.2 Groundwater Quality ..........................................

3-84 3.6 Ecological Resources


3-100 3.6.1 Region ..........................................................

3-100 Geomorphology


3-100 Soils .......................................................

3-100 Climate ....................................................

3-100 Regional Water Systems .......................................

3-101 Regional Ecosystems


3-101 3.6.2 Site and Vicinity ...................................................

3-106 3.6.3 Potentially Affected Water-Bodies


3-106 3.6.4 Ecological Resources History ........................................

3-106 iii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 3.6.5 Places and Entities of Special Ecological Interest .........................

3-108 Wetlands ...................................................

3-109 Wildlife Management Areas .....................................

3-110 3.6.6 Aquatic Communities


3-110 Lower Mississippi River Aquatic Species ..........................

3-112 Impingement, Entrainment, and Thermal Studies ....................

3-118 3.6. 7 Terrestrial Communities


3-127 Principal Plant Communities


3-127 Amphibians and Reptiles .......................................

3-129 Birds ......................................................

3-129 Mammals ...................................................

3-130 3.6.8 Invasive Species ..................................................

3-130 Invasive Aquatic Species .......................................

3-130 Invasive Terrestrial Species ....................................

3-139 3.6.9 Procedures and Protocols


3-144 3.6.10 Studies and Monitoring


3-144 3.6.11 Threatened, Endangered, and Protected Species, and Essential Fish Habitat ... 3-147 Federally Listed Species .......................................

3-147 State-Listed Species ..........................................

3-153 Essential Fish Habitat .........................................

3-160 Other Acts ..................................................

3-160 3. 7 Historic and Cultural Resources


3-179 3.7.1 Land Use History ..................................................

3-181 3.7.2 Cultural History ....................................................

3-183 3. 7.2.1 Paleo-Indian Period (Prior to 6000 BC) ............................

3-183 Archaic (6000 to 1500 BC) .....................................

3-184 Woodland (1500 BC to AD 1200) ................................

3-185 3. 7 .2.4 Mississippi Period (AD 1200 to 1450) .............................

3-189 Protohistoric and European Contact (AD 1450 to 1700) ...............

3-191 Historic Era .................................................

3-193 3.7.3 Onsite and Offsite Cultural Resources


3-199 3.7.4 Cultural Resource Surveys ..........................................

3-200 2014 Phase 1A Sensitivity Assessment


3-201 3.7.5 Procedures and Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans ...........

3-202 iv Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 3.8 Socioeconomics


3-221 3.8.1 Employment and Income ............................................

3-221 3.8.2 Housing .........................................................

3-222 3.8.3 Water Supply and Wastewater


3-223 Water Supply ................................................

3-223 Wastewater


3-224 3.8.4 Community Services and Education


3-224 3.8.5 Local Government Revenues .........................................

3-226 3.8.6 Transportation


3-227 3.8.7 Recreational Facilities


3-229 3.9 Human Health .........................................................

3-237 3.9.1 Radiological Hazards ...............................................

3-237 Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Releases ............................

3-237 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program ....................

3-238 Groundwater Protection Monitoring Program .......................

3-239 Occupational Exposure ........................................

3-240 3.9.2 Microbiological Hazards .............................................

3-240 3.9.3 Electric Shock Hazards .............................................

3-242 3.10 Environmental Justice ..................................................

3-243 3.10.1 Regional Population


3-243 Migrant Labor ...............................................

3-246 Subsistence Consumption


3-246 3.10.2 Minority and Low-Income Populations


3-246 Background



3-246 Minority Populations


3-247 Low-Income Populations


3-248 3.11 Waste Management


3-284 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE PROPOSED ACTION AND MITIGATING ACTIONS .................................................

4-1 4.0.1 Category 1 License Renewal Issues ...................................

4-2 4.0.2 Category 2 License Renewal Issues ...................................

4-2 4.0.3 "NA" License Renewal Issues ........................................

4-3 4.0.4 Format of Issues Reviewed ..........................................

4-4 v Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.1 Land Use and Visual Resources


4-11 4.1.1 Onsite Land Use ..................................................

4-11 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-11 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-11 Analysis ....................................................

4-11 4.1.2 Offsite Land Use ..................................................

4-11 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-11 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-11 Analysis ....................................


4-11 4.1.3 Offsite Land Use in Transmission Line Right-of-Ways


4-12 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-12 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-12 Analysis .........................


4-12 4.1.4 Aesthetic Impacts ..................................................

4-12 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-12 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-12 Analysis ....................................................

4-12 4.2 Air Quality ............................................................

4-13 4.2.1 Air Quality Impacts (all plants) ........................................

4-13 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix '8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-13 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-13 Analysis ....................................................

4-13 4.2.2 Air Quality Effects of Transmission Lines ................................

4-14 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-14 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-14 Analysis ....................................................

4-14 4.3 Noise ...............................................................

4-14 4.3.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ............

4-14 4.3.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-14 4.3.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-14 4.4 Geology and Soils .....................................................

4-15 4.4.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ............

4-15 4.4.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-15 4.4.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-15 vi Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.5 Water Resources


4-16 4.5.1 Surface Water Resources


4-16 Surface Water Use Conflicts (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water from a River) ........................

4-16 4.5.2 Groundwater Resources


4-16 Groundwater Use Conflicts (Plants that Withdraw more than 100 GPM) .. 4-16 Groundwater Use Conflicts (Plants with Closed-Cycle Cooling Systems that Withdraw Makeup Water from a River) ........................

4-17 Groundwater Quality Degradation (Plants with Cooling Ponds at Inland Sites) ......................................................

4-17 Radionuclides Released to Groundwater


4-18 4.6 Ecological Resources


4-19 4.6.1 Aquatic Resources

......................................... , ....... 4-19 Impingement and Entrainment of Aquatic Organisms (Plants with Once-Through Cooling Systems or Cooling Ponds) ..................

4-19 Thermal Impacts on Aquatic Organisms (Plants with Once-Through Cooling Systems or Cooling Ponds) ..............................

4-21 Water Use Conflicts with Aquatic Resources (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water from a River) ................

4-23 4.6.2 Terrestrial Resources


4-24 Effects on Terrestrial Resources (Non-Cooling System Impacts) ........ 4-24 Water Use Conflicts with Terrestrial Resources (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water from a River) ..........

4-25 4.6.3 Special Status Species and Habitats ...................................

4-25 Threatened, Endangered, and Protected Species, and Essential Fish Habitat .....................................................

4-25 4. 7 Historic and Cultural Resources


  • .... 4-27 4. 7 .1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix S, Table 8-1 ............

4-27 4.7.2 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(K)]


4-27 4.7.3 Analysis


4-27 Refurbishment Activities


4-27 Operational Activities


4-27 4.8 Socioeconomics


4-28 4.8.1 Employment and Income, Recreation and Tourism ........................

4-28 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-28 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-29 Analysis ....................................................

4-29 vii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.8.2 Tax Revenues ....................................................

4-29 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-29 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-29 Analysis ....................................................

4-29 4.8.3 Community Services and Education


4-30 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-30 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-30 Analysis ....................................................

4-30 4.8.4 Population and Housing .............................................

4-30 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-30 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-31 Analysis ....................................................

4-31 4.8.5 Transportation


4-31 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-31 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-31 Analysis ....................................................

4-31 4.9 Human Health .........................................................

4-32 4.9.1 Microbiological Hazards to the Public (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Canals, or Cooling Towers that Discharge to a River) ............................

4-32 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-32 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(G)]


4-32 Analysis ....................................................

4-32 4.9.2 Electric Shock Hazards .............................................

4-33 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-33 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(H)]


4-33 Analysis ....................................................

4-33 4.10 Environmental Justice ..................................................

4-34 4.10.1 Minority and Low-Income Populations


4-34 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-34 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(N)]


-.... 4-34 Analysis ....................................................

4-34 4.11 Waste Management


4-35 4.11.1 Low-Level Waste Storage and Disposal ................................

4-35 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-35 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-35 Analysis ....................................................

4-36 viii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage .1 4.11.2 Onsite Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel ..................................

4-36 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-36 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-36 Analysis ....................................................

4-36 4.11.3 Offsite Radiological Impacts of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste Disposal .........................................................

4-37 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-37 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-37 Analysis ....................................................

4-37 4.11.4 Mixed Waste Storage and Disposal ....................................

4-37 Findings from 10 GFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-37 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-38 Analysis ....................................................

4-38 4.11.5 Nonradioactive Waste Storage and Disposal.


4-38 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table 8-1 ....... 4-38 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-38 Analysis ....................................................

4-38 4.12 Cumulative Impacts ....................................................

4-39 -"' 4.12.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table 8-1 ............

4-39 4.12.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(O)]


4-39 4.12.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-39 Air Quality and Noise ..........................................

4-39 Geology and Soils ............................................

4-41 Water Resources


4-42 Aquatic Resources



4-45 Terrestrial Resources


4-49 Historic and Cultural Resources


4-51 4.12.3. 7 Socioeconomics


4-51 Human Health ...............................................

4-52 Waste Management


4-54 Cumulative Impacts Summary ...................................

4-54 4.13 Impacts Common to All Alternatives:

Uranium Fuel Cycle ......................

4-55 4.13.1 Offsite Radiological Impacts-Individual Impacts from other than the Disposal of Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste ...................................

4-55 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-55 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-55 Analysis ....................................................

4-55 ix Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.13.2 Offsite Radiological Impacts-Collective Impacts from other than the Disposal of Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste ...................................

4-55 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-55 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-56 Analysis ....................................................

4-56 4.13.3 Nonradiological Impacts of the Uranium Fuel Cycle .......................

4-56 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-56 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-56 Analysis ....................................................

4-56 4.13.4 Transportation


4-57 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-57 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-57 Analysis ....................................................

4-57 4.14 Termination of Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Decommissioning


4-57 4.14.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ............

4-57 4.14.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-57 4.14.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-58 4.15 Postulated Accidents


1 *************

4-58 4.15.1 Severe Accidents


4-58 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-.1 ....... 4-58 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(L)]


4-58 Background


4-58 Analysis of Environmental Impact ................................

4-59 Conclusion

........ , .........................................



5-1 5.1 New and Significant Information


5-1 5.2 New and Significant Information Review Process .............................

5-2 6.0


OF LICENSE RENEWAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATING ACTIONS ..... 6-1 6.1 License Renewal Impacts ................................................

6-1 6.2 Mitigation


6-6 6.3 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts ............................................

6-6 6.4 Irreversible or Irretrievable Resource Commitments


6-7 6.5 Short-Term Use Versus Long-Term Productivity of the Environment


6-8 x Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 7.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION .............................

7-1 7.1 Replacement Power Alternatives


7-1 7 .1.1 Energy Alternatives Considered As Reasonable


-. .. 7-2 Natural Gas-Fired Generation


7-2 Coal-Fired Generation


7-2 Nuclear Generation


7-3 Combination of Alternatives



7-3 7.1.2 Energy Alternatives Not Considered Reasonable


7-3 Alternatives Not Requiring New Generating Capacity .................

7-4 Alternatives Requiring New Generating Capacity ... ................

7-6 7 .1.3 Environmental Impacts of Alternatives


7-11 7 .1.3.1 Natural Gas-Fired Generation


7-12 Coal-Fired Generation


7-22 New Nuclear Generation


7-32 Combination of Alternatives


7-41 7.2 Alternatives for Reducing Adverse Impacts ..................................

7-57 7.2.1 Alternatives Considered


7-57 7.2.2 Environmental Impacts of Alternatives for Reducing Adverse Impacts .... ' ..... 7-57 7.3 No-Action Alternative


7-57 7.3.1 Proposed Action ....................

  • ...............................

7-57 7.3.2 No-Action Alternative


7-57 7.3.3 Decommissioning Impacts ...........................................





9-1 9.1 WF3 Authorizations


9-1 9.2 Status of Compliance


9-5 9.3 Notice of Violations


9-5 9.4 Remediation Activities


9-5 9.5 Federal, State, and Local Regulatory Standards:

Discussion of Compliance

........ 9-5 9.5.1 Clean Water Act ....................................................

9-5 Water Quality (401) Certification


9-5 LPDES Permit ...............................................

9-6 Stormwater Permit ............................................

9-6 Sanitary Wastewaters


9-6 xi Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures


9-6 Facility Response Plan ........................................

9-7 Section 404 Permit ...........................................

9-7 9.5.2 Safe Drinking Water Act. ............................................

9-7 9.5.3 Clean Air Act .....................................................

9-8 Air Permit ...................................................

9-8 Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions

[40 CFR Part 68] ............

9-8 Stratospheric Ozone [40 CFR 82] ................................

9-8 9.5.4 Atomic Energy Act .................................................

9-8 Radioactive Waste ............................................

9-8 9.5.5 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ..............................

9-9 Nonradioactive Wastes ........................................

9-9 Mixed Wastes ...............................................

9-9 Underground Storage Tanks [LAC 33:XI] ..........................

9-9 9.5.6 Louisiana Public Health Sanitary Code .................................

9-10 Medical Waste ........................

." ......................

9-10 9.5. 7 Pollution Prevention Act .............................................

9-10 9.5.8 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act .......................

9-10 9.5.9 Toxic Substances Control Act ........................................

9-10 9.5.10 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act ................................

9-10 9.5.11 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act ...................

9-10 Section 312 Reporting

[40 CFR Part 370] ..........................

9-10 Section 313 Reporting

[40 CFR Part 372] ..........................

9-11 9.5.12 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act .... 9-11 9.5.13 Migratory Bird Treaty Act. ...........................................

9-11 9.5.14 Endangered Species Act ............................................

9-11 9.5.15 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act ..................................

9-12 9.5.16 Coastal Zone Management Act .......................................

9-12 9.5.17 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act .............

9-12 9.5.18 Marine Mammal Protection Act .......................................

9-12 9.5.19 Farmland Protection Policy Act .......................................

9-13 9.5.20 National Historic Preservation Act .....................................

9-13 9.5.21 State Water Use Program ...........................................

9-13 xii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 9.5.22 Federal Aviation Act ................................................

9-13 9.5.23 Occupational Safety and Health Act ...................................

9-14 9.5.24 St. Charles Parish Zoning Requirements


9-14 Land Use ...................................................

9-14 9.6 Environmental Reviews .................................................

9-14 9.7 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.45(d)]





10-1 xiii LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: WF3 Clean Water Act Documentation Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Attachment B: Threatened and Endangered Species Consultation Attachment C: Cultural Resources Consultation Attachment D: Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives Analysis Attachment E: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination xiv LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1-1 Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Environmental Regulatory Requirements


1-4 Table 2.2-1 WF3 Hazardous Waste Generation, 2010-2014


2-25 Table 2.5-1 Employee Residence Information, January 2016 ...............................

2-35 Table 3.0-1 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ..........................

3-6 Table 3.1-1 Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .........................

3-18 Table 3.1-2 Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ..................................

3-19 Table 3.2-1 WF3 Stability Class Distributions


3-33 Table 3.2-2 Permitted Air Emission Points ..............................................

3-34 Table 3.2-3 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014


3-36 Table 3.2-4 Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014

.... , ..........

3-37 Table 3.4-1 Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions


3-53 Table 3.4-2 Louisiana Historic Earthquakes>

3.0 Mb, 1811-2015


3-61 Table 3.5-1 LPDES-Permitted Outfalls .................................................

3-86 Table 3.5-2 Onsite Well Construction Details ............................................

3-89 Table 3.5-3 Mississippi River Water Usage Summary, 2013 ................................

3-90 Table 3.5-4 Groundwater Usage Summary, 2013 ..............

  • ..........................

3-91 Table 3.5-5 Registered Groundwater Wells, 2-Mile Band around Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Boundary ......................................................

3-92 xv Table 3.6-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Common Animals Occurring on or in the Vicinity of WF3 .........................

3-161 Table 3.6-2 Phytoplankton Species Collected in the Lower Mississippi River in the Vicinity of WF3 ....................................................

3-165 Table 3.6-3 Fishes of the Lower Mississippi River near WF3 ...............................

3-170 Table 3.6-4 Commercial and Recreational Fish Species in the Vicinity of WF3 .................

3-173 Table 3.6-5 Federally Listed Species in St. Charles and St. John the Baptist Parishes, Louisiana

... 3-17 4 Table 3.6-6 State-Listed Species in St. Charles and St. John the Baptist Parishes, Louisiana

...... 3-175 Table 3.7-1 Archaeological Sites, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ...................................

3-203 Table 3.7-2 NRHP-Listed Properties, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ................................

3-205 Table 3.8-1 Jefferson and St. Charles Parishes Housing Statistics, 2000....,,.2010


3-231 Table 3.8-2 Public Water Systems, St. Charles and Jefferson Parishes .......................

3-232 Table 3.8-3 Public Wastewater Systems, St. Charles and Jefferson Parishes ..................

3-233 Table 3.8-4 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Tax Payments, 2010-2014


3-234 Table 3.8-5 Total Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts on State Routes near WF3 ..............

3-235 Table 3.8-6 Level of Service Definitions


3-236 Table 3.10-1 Cities or Towns Located Totally or Partially within a 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ...........

3-251 Table 3.10-2 Parish Populations Totally or Partially Included within a 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ....... 3-258 Table 3.10-3 Parish Population Growth, 2010-2045


3-260 Table 3.10-4 Minority Populations Evaluated Against Criterion


3-261 xvi Table 3.10-5 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Minority Census Block Group Counts, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 .....................

3-262 Table 3.10-6 Low-Income Population Criteria Using Two Geographic Areas ....................

3-263 Table 4.0-1 Category 1 Issues Not Applicable to WF3 ....................................

4-5 Table 4.0-2 Category 1 Issues Applicable to WF3 ........................................

4-6 Table 4.0-3 . Category 2 Issues Applicable to WF3 ........................................

4-9 Table 4.15-1 Estimated Present Dollar Value Equivalent of Internal Events CDF at WF3 ..........

4-78 Table 4.15-2 Final SAMAs ...........................................................

4-79 Table 6.1-1 Environmental Impacts Related to License Renewal at WF3 ......................

6-2 Table 7.1-1 Air Emissions from NGCC Plant Alternative


7-53 Table 7.1-2 Air Emissions from SCPC Plant Alternative

........................... , ....... 7-54 Table 7.1-3 Solid Waste from SCPC Plant Alternative

............... , .....................

7-55 Table 7.1-4 Air Emissions from NGCC Plant Combination Alternative

.... -....... * .............

7-56 Table 7.3-1 Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Electricity Generation


7-60 Table 8.0-1 Environmental Impacts Comparison Summary .................................

8-2 Table 8.0-2 Environmental Impacts Comparison Detail. ...................................

8-4 Table 9.1-1 Environmental Authorizations for Current WF3 Operations


9-2 Table 9.1-2 Environmental Authorizations and Consultations for WF3 License Renewal ..........

9-4 xvii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.2-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 LPDES Permit Schematic Flow Diagram .................................

2-26 Figure 2.2-2 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Location .................................

2-27 Figure 2.2-3 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure


.2-28 Figure 2.2-4 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Canal ...........................................

2-29 Figure 2.2-5 WF3 Intake Bays and Traveling Screens .....................................

2-30 Figure 2.2-6 WF3 Discharge Structure and Canal .......................................

.2-31 Figure 2.2-7 WF3 In-Scope Transmission Lines ..........................................

2-32 Figure 3.0-1 WF3 Plant Layout .......................................................

3-7 Figure 3.0-2 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property and Area Topography


3-8 Figure 3.0-3 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ....................................................

3-9 Figure 3.0-4 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ...................................................

3-10 Figure 3.0-5 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 .........................

3-11 Figure 3.0-6 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ........................

3-12 Figure 3.1-1 Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .........................

3-20 xviii Figure 3.1-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 .................................

3-21 Figure 3.2-1 WF3 2010 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-38 Figure 3.2-2 WF3 2011 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-39 Figure 3.2-3 WF3 2012 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-40 Figure 3.2-4 WF3 2013 Wind Rose ..................................................

  • .. 3-41 Figure 3.2-5 WF3 2014 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-42 Figure 3.2-6 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ...................

3-43 Figure 3.4-1 Physiographic Provinces and Subprovinces Associated with WF3 .................

3-63 Figure 3.4-2 Surficial Geology Map, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .........................

3-64 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (A-A') (Sheet 1 of 5) ..........................................................

3-65 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (B-B') (Sheet 2 of 5) ..........................................................

3-66 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (C-C') (Sheet 3 of 5) ..........................................................

3-67 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (D-D') (Sheet 4 of 5) ..........................................................

3-68 xix Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (E-E') Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Sheet 5 of 5) ..........................................................

3-69 Figure 3.4-4 Distribution of Soil Units, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .......................

3-70 Figure 3.4-5 Central Gulf Coastal Plain Historic Earthquakes 2: 3.0 Mb, 1811-2015


3-71 Figure 3.4-6 Louisiana Historic Earthquakes 2: 3.0 Mb, 1811-2015


3-72 Figure 3.5-1 Regional Hydrologic Features ..............................................

3-93 Figure 3.5-2 FEMA Flood Zones, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ...........................

3-94 Figure 3.5-3 LPDES-Permitted Outfalls ................................................

3-95 Figure 3.5-4 WF3 Potentiometric Surface Map, Shallow Groundwater Elevation


3-96 Figure 3.5-5 WF3 Potentiometric Surface Map, Highest Groundwater Elevation


3-97 Figure 3.5-6 Onsite Groundwater Monitoring Wells .......................................

3-98 Figure 3.5-7 Registered Water Wells, 2-Mile Band around Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Boundary ......................................................

3-99 Figure 3.6-1 Wetlands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ...........................................

3-177 Figure 3.6-2 Wetlands, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ...................................

3-178 Figure 3.7-1 Cultural Areas of Interest, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Northeast of LA-3127 ..... 3-206 xx Figure 3.7-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage NRHP-Listed Sites, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ....................................

3-207 Figure 3.7-3 Ouacha Village Site, 1718-1721


3-208 Figure 3.7-4 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1876 ..................................

3-209 Figure 3.7-5 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa Early 1930s with Evidence of Timbering and Rail Spur ..........


3-210 Figure 3. 7-6 Growth of Petroleum Industry n.ear the Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1921 ... 3:.211 Figure Utility Ownership and Development circa 1973 ................................

3-212 Figure 3. 7-8 Transportation Improvements circa early 1970s ................................

3-213 Figure 3.7-9 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1950s ....................... , ..........

3-214 Figure 3.7-10 WF3 Plant Construction, 1978 .. , ..........................................

3-215 Figure 3.7-11 WF3 Plant Construction, 1978 .............................................

3-216 Figure 3.7-12 Aerial View of WF3 Plant circa 1996 .........................................

3-217 Figure 3.7-13 Vicinity of Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1720s .........................

3-218 Figure 3.7-14 Zones of Archaeological Sensitivity, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Northeast of LA-3127 ....................................................

3-219 Figure 3.7-15 Location of Cultural Resource Studies, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ............

3-220 xxi

,/ ... -.. , Figure 3.10-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Census-Aggregate of All Races Populations (Regional)


3-264 Figure 3.10-2 Census-Aggregate of All Races Populations (Individual State) ...................

3-265 Figure 3.10-3 Census-Aggregate and Hispanic Populations (Regional)


3-266 Figure 3.10-4 Census-Aggregate and Hispanic Populations (Individual State) ..................

3-267 Figure 3.10-5 Census-Black or African American Populations (Regional)


3-268 Figure 3.10-6 Census-Black or African American Populations (Individual State) .................

3-269 Figure 3.10-7 Census-American Indian or Alaska Native Populations (Regional)


3-270 Figure 3.10-8 Census-American Indian or Alaska Native Populations (Individual State) ...........

3-271 Figure 3.10-9 Census-Asian Populations (Regional)


3-272 Figure 3.10-10 Census-Asian Populations (Individual State) .................................

3-273 Figure 3.10-11 Census-Hispanic or Latino Populations (Regional)


3-274 Figure 3.10-12 Census-Hispanic or Latino Populations (Individual State) .......................

3-275 Figure 3.10-13 Census-Some Other Race Populations (Regional)


3-276 Figure 3.10-14 Census-Some Other Race Populations (Individual State) .......................

3-277 Figure 3.10-15 Census-Two or More Races Populations (Regional)


3-278 xx ii Figure 3.10-16 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Census-Two or More Races Populations (Individual State) ......................

3-279 Figure 3.10-17 Census-Low Income Individuals (Individual State) .............................

3-280 Figure 3.10-18 Census-Low Income Individuals (Regional)


3-281 Figure 3.10-19 Census-Low Income Households (Individual State) ............................

3-282 Figure 3.10-20 Census-Low Income Households (Regional)


3-283 xxiii

§ OF AC ACCWS AD AFW AHP ALA RA ams I APE AQCR BC bgs BMP BMS BTA Btu/hr Btu/lb CAA CAFTA CARS CCR ccs ccw ccws CDF Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS section degrees Fahrenheit alternating current auxiliary component cooling water system anno Domini-with respect to time period auxiliary feedwater above Head of Passes as low as reasonably achievable above mean sea level area of potential effect air quality control region before Christ-with respect to time period below ground surface best management practice boron management system best technology available British thermal units per hour British thermal units per pound Clean Air Act Computer Aided Fault Tree Analysis containment atmosphere release system coal combustion residue carbon capture and storage component cooling water component cooling water system core damage frequency xxiv CEDM CEI CET CFR cf s cm cm 3 cm/sec co C0 2 C0 2 e CSP eves CWIS dBA DC DDT DE CON DOE DSM EAB EOG EEC EF EFH EFW ENE control element drive mechanism Coastal Environments, Inc. Containment Event Tree Code of Federal Regulations cubic feet per second centimeter cubic centimeter centimeters per second carbon monoxide carbon dioxide carbon dioxide equivalent concentrating solar power chemical and volume control system circulating water intake structure A-weighted decibel direct current dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage dismantling and decontamination, one of three NRC decommissioning strategies U.S. Department of Energy demand-side management exclusion area boundary emergency diesel generator Energy Education Center enhanced Fujita (tornado scale ranging from 0 to 5) essential fish habitat emergency feedwater east-northeast xxv ENTOMB EPA ER ERFBS ESA ESE FAA FDA FEMA FES FIVE FPPA fps ft3 GEIS GHG gpd/ft gpd/ft 2 GPI gpm gpy GWh/yr HAP Hds HEAF HEPA Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage permanent entombment on site, one of three NRG decommissioning strategies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency environmental report Electric Raceway Fire Barrier System Endangered Species Act east-southeast Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Food and Drug Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency final environmental statement Fire Induced Vulnerability Evaluation Farmland Protection Policy Act feet per second cubic foot NU REG 1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants greenhouse gas gallons per day per foot gallons per day per square foot Groundwater Protection Initiative gallons per minute gallons per year gigawatt hour per year hazardous air pollutant delta plain of the St. Bernard delta lobe, Mississippi River (Holocene age) High Energy Arcing Fault high-efficiency particulate absorption xxvi HIC Hml 1 Hmm 1 hp HVAC 1-10 1-310 IGCC ILRT IMR IPA IPE IPEEE IRP ISFSI kV kW kWh/m 2/day LA-18 LA-628 LA-3127 LaDOTD LAR LDEQ LDWF LLMW LLRW high integrity container Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage natural levee complex of Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Holocene age) Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Holocene age) horsepqwer heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Interstate 10 Interstate 31 O integrated gasification combined cycle Integrated Leak Rate Test impingement rate integrated plant assessment Individual Plant Examination Individual Plant Examination of External Events integrated resource plan independent spent fuel storage installation kilovolt kilowatt kilowatt hour of solar insolation per square meter per day Louisiana Highway 18 Louisiana Highway 628 Louisiana Highway 3127 Louisiana Department of Transportation

& Development license amendment request Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries low-level mixed waste low-level radwaste xxvii LMR LOCA LOS LP&L LP DES LRA m2 mA MACT Mb mg/I MGD MISO MM MM Btu/hr MP&L mph mrad mrem MRLC MSA msl MSLB mSv MSW MWd/MTU MWe Lower Mississippi River loss of coolant accident level of service Louisiana Power & Light Company Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System license renewal application square meter milliamperes maximum achievable control technology body-wave magnitude (earthquakes) milligram per liter million gallons per day Midcontinent Independent Operator System, Inc. Modified Mercalli (seismic intensity scale) million British thermal units per hour Mississippi Power & Light miles per hour milliradiation absorbed dose millirem Multi-Resolution Land Characteristic consortium metropolitan statistical area mean sea level main steam line break millisievert municipal solid waste megawatt-days per metric tonne uranium megawatts electric xxviii MWh MWt N NA NAAQS NAVD88 NE NEI NEPA NESC NFPA NGCC NGVD29 NHPA NMFS NNE NNW N0 2 NOX NP DES NPIS NPS NRC NREL NRHP NW NWI megawatt hour megawatts thermal north not applicable National Ambient Air Quality Standards North American Vertical Datum of 1988 northeast Nuclear Energy Institute National Environmental Policy Act National Electrical Safety Code National Fire Protection Association natural gas combined-cycle National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 National Historic Preservation Act National Marine Fisheries Service north-northeast north-northwest nitrogen dioxide nitrogen oxide Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System nuclear plant island structure National Park Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Register of Historic Places northwest National Wetland Inventory xx ix OL OSGSF OSHA Pb PCB PILOT PM2.5 PM 10 POTW ppm ppt PRA PSA PSD psi psig PV PWR RAB RCP RCRA rem REMP ROW RVCH s SAFSTOR operating license original steam generator storage facility Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Occupational Safety and Health Administration lead polychlorinated biphenyl payment in lieu of taxes particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in diameter publicly owned treatment works parts per million parts per thousand Probabilistic Risk Assessment Probabilistic Safety Assessment prevention of significant deterioration pounds per square inch pounds per square inch gauge photovoltaic pressurized water reactor reactor auxiliary building reactor coolant pump Resource Conservation and Recovery Act roentgen equivalent man radiological environmental monitoring program right-of-way reactor vessel closure head south safe storage, one of three NRC decommissioning strategies


SAMA SB SBO SCPC SCR scv SE SERC SHPO SMITTR S0 2 SOX SPCC SSA SSE SSW SU SW SWMS SWPPP TEDE US-90 USA CE USC uses USDA USFWS severe accident mitigation alternatives solidification building station blackout supercritical pulverized coal selective catalytic reduction steel containment vessel southeast Southeast Electric Reliability Corporation Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage State Historic Preservation Office (or Officer) surveillance, online monitoring, inspections, testing, trending, and record keeping sulfur dioxide sulfur oxides spill prevention, control, and countermeasures sole source aquifer south-southeast south-southwest standard units southwest solid waste management system stormwater pollution prevention plan total effective dose equivalent U.S. Highway 90 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Code U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service xxxi USGS voe w WF3 WG .WinMACCS WMA WMS WNW WQC WSW U.S. Geological Survey volatile organic compound west Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 water gauge Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Windows Melear Accident Consequences Code System wildlife management area waste management system west-northwest water quality certification west-southwest xxxii 1.0 PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 App li can t's Env i ron m en t al Repo rt Operating L i cense Renewal Stage The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) l i censes the operation of domestic nuclear power plants in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 , as amended , and NRC i mplementing regulations. Nuclear power plants are i nit i ally l i censed by the NRC to operate up to 40 years , and the licenses may be subsequently renewed for periods up to 20 years. Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3's (WF3's) operating license (OL) NPF-38 expires on midnight , December 18 , 2024. Entergy has prepared this environmental report (ER) i n conjunct i on with its appl i cation to renew the WF3 OL , as provided by the following NRC regulations

Title 10 , Energy , Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 54 , Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclea r Power Plants , Section 54.23 , Contents of Environmental Information

[1 O CFR 54.23] and

  • Title 10 , Energy , CFR , Part 51 , Env i ronmental Protect i on Regulat i ons for Domest i c Licensing and Related Regulatory Funct i ons , Sect i on 51.53 , Postconstruction Env i ronmental Reports , Subsection 51.53(c), Operating License Renewal Stage [10 CFR 51.53(c)]. For license renewal , the NRC has adopted the follow i ng definition of purpose and need , stated in Regulatory Guide 4.2 , Supplement 1 , Revision 1 , Prepa r ation of Env i ronmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Rene w al Appl i cat i ons (NRC 2013a): The purpose and need for the proposed act i on (i.e., issuance of a renewed nuclear plant operating license) is to provide an opt i on that allows for baseload power generation capability beyond the term of the current nuclear power plant operating license to meet future system generat i ng needs. Such needs may be determined by other energy-planning decisionmakers , such as State , utility , and , where authorized , Federal agencies (other than the NRC). Unless there are findings in the safety review required by the Atomic Energy Act or the NEPA env i ronmental rev i ew that would lead the NRC to deny a li cense renewal applicat i on , the NRC does not have a role i n the energy-plann i ng decisions of whether a particular nuc l ear power plant should cont i nue to operate. The proposed act i on is to renew the WF3 OL , wh i ch would preserve the option for Entergy to continue to operate WF3 to prov i de reliable base-load power throughout the 20-year l i cense renewal period. For WF3 (Facility OL NPF-38), the requested renewal would extend the existing l i cense expiration date from midnight , December 18 , 2024 , to midn i ght December 18 , 2044. 1-1 1.1 Environmental Report Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating Lice nse Renewal Stage NRC regulation 10 CFR 51.53(c) requires that an appl i cant for license renewal submit with its application a separate document (Appendix E of the application) entitled , "Applicant's Environmental Report-Operating License Renewal Stage." This appendix to the WF3 license renewal application (LRA) fulfills that requirement.

In determining what information to include in the WF3 license renewal applicant's ER , Entergy has relied on NRC regulations and the following supporting documents that provide additional i nsight into the regulatory requirements

Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS), Revision 1 (NRC 2013b), and referenced information specific to transportation (64 FR 48496) GEIS , Addendum 1 , Section 6.3 Transportation (NRC 1999)
  • NRC supplemental information in the Federal Register (77 FR 37282)
  • Regulatory Guide 4.2 , Supplement 1 , Revision 1 , Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications (NRC 2013a) Entergy has prepared Table 1.1-1 to document , in checklist form , that the 10 CFR Part 51 requirements for information to be provided in an ER in support of an LRA have been met. The requirements regarding information to be included in an ER are codified at 10 CFR 51.45 and 51.53(c). Table 1.1-1 provides the 10 CFR Part 51 regulatory language and regulatory c i tation , along with the ER section(s) that satisfy the 1 O CFR Part 51 requirements. 1.2 Licensee and Ownership Entergy Louisiana , LLC , a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, i s the owner of WF3 , located in St. Charles Parish , Louis i ana. Entergy Operations , Inc., also a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation , is the licensed operator of WF3. Entergy Louisiana , LLC and Entergy Operations , Inc. (collectively referred to as "Entergy")

are the holders of the WF3 OL NPF-38 and , for purposes of this ER , are considered the applicant.

Based on 1 O CFR Part 51 , Subpart A , Append ix B , Table B-1 , Footnote 4 , transmission lines subject to evaluation of env i ronmental impacts for license renewal are those that connect the nuclear power plant to the substation where electricity is fed into the regional power distribution system and transmission lines that supply power to the nuclear plant from the grid. The transmission lines subject to this evaluation , which are located within the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , are listed below.

  • Two 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines (three phase), as shown in Figure 2.2-7 , extend i ng from the WF3 switching station to the Waterford 230-kV switchyard (approximately 0.6 miles) that transmit power to the regional transmission grid and provide offsite power to the plant during outages. 1-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Entergy Louisiana , LLC owns and operates the in-scope transmission lines that are subject to this environmental evaluation. 1.3 Entergy Louisiana.

LLC Property WF3 is located on approximately 3 , 560 acres of Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property (WF3 2014a , Section Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , which are fossil fuel-fired electricity generating units , are also located on this same property but are not covered by this licensing action. 1-3 Table1.1-1 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Env ir onmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement ER Section(s)

Environmental Report -General Requirements

[10 CFR 51.45] Descr i ption of the proposed action 10 CFR 51.45(b) 2.1 Statement of the purposes of the proposed act i on 10 CFR 51.45(b) 1.0 Description of the environment affected 10 CFR 51.45(b) 3.0 Impact of the proposed action on the environment 10 CFR 51.45(b)(1) 4.0 Adverse environmental effects which cannot be 10 CFR 51.45(b)(2) 6.3 avoided should the proposal be i mplemented Alternatives to the proposed action 10 CFR 51.45(b)(3) 2.6 , 7.0 , and 8.0 Relationship between local short-term uses of man's 10 CFR 51.45(b)(4) 6.5 environment and the ma i ntenance and enhancement of long-term productivity Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of 10 CFR 51.45(b )(5) 6.4 resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented Analysis that considers and balances the 10 CFR 51.45(c) 2.6 , 4.0 , 7.0 , and environmental effects of the proposed action , the 8.0 environmental impacts of alternatives to the proposed action , and alternatives available for reducing or avoiding adverse environmental effects Federal perm i ts , licenses , approvals , and other 10 CFR 51.45(d) 9.0 entitlements which must be obtained in connection with the proposed action and describes the status of compliance with these requ i rements Status of compliance with appl i cable env i ronmental 10 CFR 51.45 (d) 9.0 quality standards and requirements which have been imposed by Federal , State , regional , and local agencies hav i ng responsib i lity for environmental protection , including , but not limited to , applicable zoning and land-use regulations , and thermal and other water pollution l i mitations or requirements Alternatives in the report including a discussion of 10 CFR 51.45(d) 9.7 whether the alternatives will comply with such applicable environmental quality standards and requirements 1-4 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 1.1-1 (Continued)

Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement Information submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 51.45(b) 10 CFR 51.45(e) through (d) and not confined to i nformation supporting the proposed action but also including adverse information Operating License Renewal Stage [10 CFR 51.53(c)]

Description of the proposed action including the 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2) applicant's plans to mod i fy the facil i ty or i ts administrative control procedures as described in accordance with §54.21. The report must describe in detail the affected environment around the plant , the modifications directly affect i ng the environment or any plant effluents , and any planned refurbishment activities. Analyses of the environmental impacts of the 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii) proposed action , including the impacts of refurbishment activities , if any , associated with license renewal and the impacts of operation during the renewal term , for applicable Category 2 issues , as discussed below Surface Water Resources Surface water use conflicts (plants with cooling ponds 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) or cooling towers using makeup water from a r i ver) Groundwater Resources Groundwater use conflicts (plants that withdraw more 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(C) than 100 gallons per minute [gpm]) Groundwater use conflicts (plants with closed-cycle 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) cooling systems that withdraw makeup water from a river) Groundwater quality degradation (plants with cooling 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(D) ponds at inland sites) Radionuclides released to groundwater 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(P) 1-5 ER Section(s) 4.0 and 6.3 2.1 , 2.3 , 2.4 , and 3.0 2.3 and 4.0 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 1.1-1 (Continued)

Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement Aquatic Resources Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(B) (plants with once-through cooling systems or cooling ponds) Thermal impacts on aquatic organisms (plants with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(B) once-through cooling systems or cooling ponds) Water use conflicts with aquatic resources (plants with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) cooling ponds or cooling towers using makeup water from a river) Terrestrial Resources Effects on terrestrial resources (non-cooling system 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(E) impacts) Water use conflicts with terrestrial resources (plants 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) with cooling ponds or cooling towers using makeup water from a river) Special Status Species and Habitats Threatened , endangered , and protected species and 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(E) essential fish habitat Historic and Cultural Resources Historic and cultural resources 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(K)

Human Health Microbiological hazards to the public (plants with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(G) cooling ponds or canals or cooling towers that discharge to a river) Electric shock hazards 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(H)

Environmental Justice Minor i ty and low-income populations 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(N)

Cumulative Impacts Cumulative impacts 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(O) 1-6 ER Section(s) 4.6.3 4.7 4.9.1 4.9.2 3.10 and 4.10 4.12 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl icant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 1.1-1 (Continued)

Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement Postulated Accidents Severe acc i de nt s 10 CFR 51.53 (c)(3)(ii)(L)

All Plants Consideration of alternatives for reducing adverse 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iii) i mpacts for all Category 2 license renewal issues New and sign ifi cant information r egarding the 10 CFR 51.53 (c)(3)(iv) env i ronmenta l im pacts of license renewal of which the applicant i s aware 1-7 ER Section(s) 4.15.1 4.0 and 6.2 4.0 and 5.0 Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVES 2.1 Proposed Action In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2), the ER must contain a description of the proposed action. The proposed action is to renew the OL for WF3 , which would preserve the option for Entergy to continue to operate WF3 to provide reliable base-load power throughout the 20-year license renewal period to meet future power generating needs. For WF3 (Facility OL NPF-38), the requested renewal would extend the license expiration date from midnight December 18 , 2024 , to midnight December 18 , 2044. In addition to continuing operation and maintenance activities associated with license renewal , activities to allow for extended plant operation may include refurbishment.

Refurbishment is not anticipated for WF3. The relationship of refurbishment to license renewal is described in Section 2.3. During the license renewal term , changes to surveillance , as well as online monitoring , inspections , testing , trending , and recordkeeping (SMITTR) could be undertaken as a result of the 10 CFR Part 54 aging management review. Potential SMITTR act i vities are described in Section 2.4. No other plant upgrades to support extended operations that could directly affect the environment or plant effluents are planned. 2.2 General Plant Information The environmental report must contain a description of the proposed action , including the applicant's plans to modify the facility or its administrative control procedures. This report must describe in detail the affected environment around the plant and the modifications directly affecting the environment or any plant effluents. [10 CFR 51.53(c)(2)]

The principal structure at the site is the nuclear plant island structure (NPIS), a reinforced concrete box structure with solid exterior walls that houses all safety-related components (WF3 2014a , Section 3.8). The NPIS , which is flood protected up to elevation

+29.27 feet mean sea level (msl) (WF3 2014a , Section ), provides a common structure for the reactor building; reactor auxiliary building (RAB), which includes the control room; fuel handling building; and component cooling water system (CCWS) structures (cooling tower areas), as well as a common foundation mat for support of these structures (WF3 2014a , Section 3.8). Main structures outside the NPIS are the turbine generator building , water treatment building , condensate polisher building , fire pump house , chiller building , service building , independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI), radioactive material storage building , solidification facility , meteorological tower , and the intake and discharge structures. No residences are permitted within the WF3 exclusion area boundary (EAB). 2-1 2.2.1 Reactor and Containment Systems Reactor System Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant of the Combustion Engineering design. Since March 1985 , WF3 has had two increases in reactor core power level , which has resulted in an increase in design net electrical output from 1 , 104 megawatts electric (MWe) to 1 , 188 MWe. The first reactor core power level increase from 3 , 390 megawatts thermal (MWt) to 3 , 441 MWt occurred in March 2002 and resulted in an increase in design net electrical output of approximately 16 MWe. The second reactor core power level increase from 3 , 441 MWt to 3 , 716 MWt , starting with Operating Cycle 14 , resulted in another increase in design net electrical output of approximately 68 MWe. (WF3 2014a , Section 1.1) The reactor coolant is heated as it passes through the reactor vessel by the energy produced by the fuel undergoing fission in the core. Pressurized water in the primary coolant loop carries the heat to the steam generators.

Inside the steam generators , heat from the primary coolant loop vaporizes the water in a secondary loop , producing steam. The steam line directs the steam to the main turbine , causing it to turn the turbine generator , which produces electricity. (NRC 2015a) Fuel for WF3 is low-enriched uranium dioxide (less than 5 percent by weight) in the form of ceramic pellets that are encapsulated in pre-pressurized ZircaloyŽ, ZIRLOŽ, or Optimized ZIRLOŽ tubes that form a hermetic enclosure (WF3 2014a , Section 4.1). The limit for peak rod burnup at WF3 is 60 , 000 megawatt-days per metric tonne uranium (MWd/MTU)

(WF3 2014a , Section 4.3A.3.1.3). A three-batch fuel management scheme is employed at WF3 , where 40-50 percent of the core assemblies are replaced at each refueling. The batch average burn up will be about 45 , 000 MWd/MTU over the three-cycle life of the fuel. (WF3 2014a , Section 4.1) As discussed in Section 2.5 , reactor refueling occurs on an 18-month cycle. Containment System The containment structure (or reactor building) consists of a free-standing steel containment vessel (SCV), a containment internal structure and a reinforced concrete shield building. As discussed in Section 2.2 , the containment structure is founded on the NPIS. (WF3 2014a , Section 3.8) The SCV houses the reactor pressure vessel , the reactor coolant piping , the pressurizer , the quench tank , the reactor coolant pumps , the steam generators , and the safety injection tanks. It is completely enclosed by the reinforced concrete shield building. The SCV , including all its penetrations, is a low-leakage steel shell , which is designed to withstand the postulated loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and to confine the postulated release of radioactive material.

(WF3 2014a , Section The shield building is a reinforced concrete structure constructed as a right cylinder with a shallow dome roof. The shield building is designed to serve the following functions (WF3 2014a , Section ): 2-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Biological shield during normal operation and after any accident within the SCV up to and including the postulated LOCA. Low-leakage structure following any accident within the SCV up to and including postulated LOCA.

  • Shield for the SCV for adverse external environmental conditions due to low temperatures , winds , tornadoes , and external missiles. 2.2.2 Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems A schematic of water flow as it relates to WF3's operational use of the Mississippi River and the St. Charles Parish water system is presented in Figure 2.2-1. Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , which are fossil fuel-fired electricity generating units , are located adjacent to WF3 on the same Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property as WF3. However , these units do not share a common intake or discharge structure with WF3. Circulating Water System At the time of the WF3 LRA submittal , the traveling screens associated with the intake structure are being replaced with MultiDisc screens in an effort to minimize condenser biofouling.

Three of the four sets of screens have been replaced with the remaining set planned for installation in 2016. Therefore , the description of the traveling screens in this section is based on the Multi Disc screens (WF3 2014b). A description of the traveling screens being replaced is discussed in the WF3 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (WF3 2014a , Section 10.4.5). WF3's once-through cooling circulating water intake structure (CWIS) is located approximately 162 feet off the western shore of the Mississippi River (Figure 2.2-2) (Entergy 2005 , Section 2.2). Cooling water brought into the intake structure is withdrawn from the Mississippi River through a series of intake pipes at a design flow rate of 1 , 555.2 million gallons per day (MGD), or 2,406 cubic feet per second (cfs). The average flow in the Mississippi River in the vicinity of the WF3 plant (River Mile 129.6) is estimated to be approximately 500 , 000 cfs. Based on this information , it is determined that WF3 withdraws a maximum of approximately 0.48 percent of the flow in the Mississippi River and , in actuality , this percentage is probably much less because of the additional , unaccounted for , streamflow contributions entering the Mississippi River downstream of the Vicksburg station and upstream of the WF3 plant. (Entergy 2005 , Section 2.1) Because the average flow in the Mississippi River in the vicinity of the WF3 plant is estimated to be approximately 500 , 000 cfs , there is no significant deposition of sediment at the intake structure.

As a result , no dredging activities at the intake structure to remove sediment deposition have been necessary. The CWIS is designed to provide 1 , 080 , 000 gallons per minute (gpm) of circulating cooling water to the station using water withdrawn from the Mississippi River. The CWIS was designed for normal operation within river high-water and low-water elevations of +23.6 feet msl and +0.8 feet 2-3 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage msl , respectively. The CWIS consists of an intake canal , intake structure , eight trash racks , eight once-through flow traveling water screens , and three screen wash pumps. (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) Figure 2.2-3 provides a cross-sectional i llustration of these CWIS components. The intake canal is formed by steel sheet piling driven into the river bottom and extending approximately 162 feet out from the face of the intake structure (Figure 2.2-4). The canal has a skimmer wall across its entrance which inhibits floating debris from entering the canal. The elevation at the top of the sheet piles is +15.0 feet msl. The elevation at the bottom of the skimmer wall is -1 foot msl. The dimensions of the opening to the river are 36.9 feet in length by 34 feet in depth. The water velocity through the intake opening at the river boundary during maximum pump operation is approximately 1.9 feet per second (fps). (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) At the end of the intake canal (at the shoreline), the CWIS comprises eight intake bays (Figure 2.2-5) that are defined by concrete wingwalls. Each intake bay is approximately 11 feet wide and has a curtain wall (extending vertically from +15.0 feet to -4.0 feet msl and across the width of each bay), trash rack , and traveling water screen. Flow velocity at the intake bay screens is approximately 1.0 fps in each bay. The four circulating water pumps (one per every two intake bays) are vertical mixed-flow pumps. Each pump is capable of pumping 250 , 000 gpm of water. Three service water pumps are located 12.5 feet upstream of the circulating pumps. Each service water pump is capable of providing 3 , 000 gpm of service water. Cooling water is discharged to the Mississippi River at a location 600 feet downstream of the CWIS. (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) The trash rack in each CWIS bay is designed to remove large debris. Each trash rack consists of a series of 0.5-inch by 3.5-inch bars spaced on 3-inch centers and oriented at an angle of approximately 10 degrees from vertical.

Plant personnel clean the trash racks with a mechanical trash rack cleaner. (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) Debris and any associated fish contained in the debris are cleaned from the trash racks and placed in a dumpster for offsite disposal.

The traveling water screens are located approximately 30 feet upstream of the circulating water pumps and approximately 19 feet downstream from the trash racks (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) and are composed of polyethylene perforated panels with 0.37-inch diameter screen mesh openings. The traveling screens are once-through flow MultiDisc screens , oriented perpendicular to the walls of the intake bays , in which sickle-shaped discs capture debris on the front face of the screen. These sickle-shaped discs rotate about an axis that is perpendicular to the flow of river water through the screen. (WF3 2014b) The traveling water screens are cleaned by spray-wash nozzles that spray both the ascending and descending sides of the traveling screen panels. The spray-wash nozzles are designed for 115 gpm at 80 pounds per square inch (psi). (WF3 2014b) Although automatic capability exists for the spray-wash system , they are currently being run manually. A sparger , which is located below the bottommost traveling screen pane of each screen , is used to avoid the settling of silt and grit or other debris in the spaces between the rotating screen wash 2-4 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage panels and the bottom portions of the traveling water screens. Each traveling water screen includes a local pressure indicator , a pressure switch that triggers an alarm due to low screen wash pressure(<

70 psi). The traveling water screens are designed to maintain the differential pressure across the screens below 18 inches. At 6 inches of differential water pressure , the screen wash system is activated , and the screen is put in slow-speed operation.

The screens will remain in slow-speed operation until a decreasing differential pressure of 3 inches is reached. At 10 inches of differential water pressure , the screens are placed in fast-speed operation until a decreasing differential pressure of 3 inches is reached , based on the seal in path. The screens have a slow-forward and fast-forward speed operation of 11.4 and 48.0 feet per minute , respectively. (WF3 2014b) Debris and occasional impinged fish are cleaned from the screens and returned to the Mississippi River away from the influence of the intake canal and cooling water discharge zone via a combined concrete trough system. (Entergy 2005 , page ES-1) Upon entering the plant , the Mississippi River water is circulated through the condenser tubes to remove process heat. Once warm water leaves the condenser , it is then discharged with other water from auxiliary systems via four 108-inch-diameter steel pipes that pass over the levee , and continue to the discharge structure. (WF3 2014a , Section The discharge structure , illustrated in Figure 2.2-6 , consists of a concrete seal well with outer dimensions approximately 52 feet by 45 feet. Cooling water enters the seal well from four 108-inch-diameter steel pipes. It leaves the seal well by overflowing about 95 feet of weirs , which run around three of the four sides of the discharge structure. The height of water above the weirs at full design flow is about 3.4 feet msl. Elevation of the weir crests (highest point) is adjustable. between elevations 6.0 feet and 11.0 feet msl. The elevation selected at a given time depends on the Mississippi River water level. (LP&L 1978 , Section A sheet-pile-formed discharge canal , shown in Figure 2.2-6 , carries the water from the discharge structure to the river. The bottom is constructed at elevation of approximately

-5.0 feet msl. At the shore end , the discharge canal is 81 feet wide. The width is constant over the first 81 feet of canal length. From this point , the width contracts symmetrically over a distance of about 95 feet , to a width of 50 feet at the river end. The discharge canal is concrete lined to prevent erosion. The design criteria are for a discharge velocity into the river of about 7 fps at average low-water level during four pump operation. The purpose of this high discharge velocity is to promote rapid mixing with the ambient water. The top of the sheet pile is at elevation 15.0 feet msl where the canal is 81 feet wide and at elevation 10.0 feet msl where the canal is contracting. (LP&L 1978 , Section WF3 is approved to treat raw cooling water from the Mississippi River when needed to control macro and microbiological fouling using sodium hypochlorite and sodium bromide. For silt dispersion , a polyacrylate and a polymeric dispersant are approved for use when the unit is operating. (Entergy 2009a , Section 1.0) 2-5 Thermal Discharge Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage When operating at the design flow rate (1 , 080 , 000 gpm of circulating cool i ng water), the waste heat from the condenser would be transferred to the circulating cooling water , which will raise the water temperature approximately 16.4 degrees Fahrenheit

(°F) above the intake water temperature. Once this water combines with other plant process wastewaters , the resultant temperature increase at the point of discharge into the Mississippi River is approximately 16.1°F. (NRC 1981 , Section However , based on current plant operating conditions , only approximately 888 , 000 gpm of water passes through the main condenser. Because the amount of water passing through the main condenser is less than the design flow rate , temperature rise will be approximately 18.9°F. After combining with other plant process wastewaters , the circulating water discharged to the river will be approximately 18.6°F above the intake temperature. (Entergy 2003 , Section As discussed in Section above , the design of the WF3 discharge structure promotes rapid mixing with the ambient water. The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) determined that approximately 81 percent of the river flow is unaffected by the thermal discharge , even under extreme low-flow conditions as discussed in Section Therefore , due to the smaller size of the thermal plume , fewer organisms in the river are exposed to the plume; also , those organisms that are exposed to the plume remain in it for a shorter time (NRC 1981 , Section 5.11 ). The temperature of the heated water is continuously monitored by a plant monitoring computer and an alarm is annunciated in the main control room when the heated water approaches its thermal limit. (WF3 2014a , Section The thermal discharge limitations specified in WF3's Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) Permit No. LA0007374 are a daily maximum heat input of 9.5 x 10 3 million British thermal units per hour (Btu/hour) and an instantaneous daily maximum temperature of 118°F (Attachment A). Component Cooling Water The CCWS is the ultimate heat sink for the plant. It is designed to remove heat from the reactor coolant and the auxiliary systems during normal operation , shutdown, or emergency shutdown following a LOCA. (WF3 2014a , Section The CCWS is a closed-loop cooling water system that uses demineralized water buffered with a corrosion inhibitor and includes two component cooling water (CCW) heat exchangers (tube side), three 1 OD-percent capacity pumps , two dry cooling towers , one surge tank (baffled), and one chemical addition tank (WF3 2014a , Section ). The cooling water is pumped by the CCW pumps , through the dry cooling towers and the tube side of the CCW heat exchangers , through the components being cooled and back to the pumps (WF3 2014a , Section 3.1.40). The CCWS is treated with biocides , corrosion inhibitors, a surfactant , and a dispersant as needed. 2-6 Auxiliary Component Cooling Water Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The auxiliary component cooling water system (ACCWS) removes heat , if required , from the CCWS via the CCW heat exchangers and dissipates it to the atmosphere. The ACCWS consists of two independent loops which include two CCWS heat exchangers (shell side); two capacity pumps; two wet type , mechanical draft cooling towers; and two cooling tower basins , each of which stores sufficient water to complete a safe shutdown based upon the occurrence of a LOCA and minimum safeguards operation. (WF3 2014a , Section 3.1.40) The ACCWS is treated with biocides , caustic soda , a surfactant , and a dispersant as needed. Demineralized Water Makeup System Demineralized water is produced by processing potable water from the St. Charles Parish water system. The potable water is initially stored in the primary water treatment plant clearwell tank. The water is then transferred from the clearwell tank , via the clearwell transfer pumps , to the demineralized water system where it is demineralized , de-aerated , and stored. (WF3 2014a , Section 9.2.3) Potable Water System The St. Charles Parish water system furnishes a metered supply of potable water to the site through municipal water mains. A valve connection supplies the majority of the water via a backflow prevention and metering station located at the southeast corner of the plant site. The potable water distribution system then supplies water to various buildings throughout the site. (WF3 2014a , Section A branch from this system supplies the majority of the various demands inside the protected area (Figure 3.0-1 ), including the fixtures and equipment in the administration building , chiller building , fuel handling building , polisher building , RAB , service building , and turbine building.

The distribution system also supplies makeup water to the fire-protection water storage tanks and to the primary water treatment plant clearwell tank located inside the protected area. (WF3 2014a , Section Fire Protection Water System As discussed in Section , makeup water to the fire protection water storage tanks is provided by the St. Charles Parish water system. The fire protection water distribution system consists of underground yard piping serving all plant yard fire hydrants , sprinkler systems , water spray systems , and interior standpipe systems. The underground piping forms a complete fire loop around the plant. Post indicator type sectionalizing control valves are installed in the main fire loop to facilitate system maintenance and repair without placing the entire loop out of service. Branch connections from the fire main to all systems are provided with isolation valves to minimize the need for closing sectionalizing valves on the main fire loop. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-7 2.2.3 Radioactive Waste Management Liquid Radwaste System Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage Radioactive liquid wastes , which are discharged from the plant , are first processed by the waste management system (WMS) or the boron management system (BMS). The chemical and volume control system (eves), fuel pool system , and steam generator blowdown system all process potentially radioactive liquids in the confines of the plant in preparation for reuse. The contents of turbine building sumps and detergent wastes are routinely discharged unprocessed due to their very small potential for radioactive contamination. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.2.1) Waste Management System Miscellaneous non-detergent waste is collected in one of two waste tanks. Additional storage capacity is provided in the waste storage tank. As wastes are collected , they are processed on a batch basis through the portable demineralization system which consists of vessel(s) typically containing various filtration media and/or ion exchange media. The demineralization system removes suspended solids , dissolved solids , and radioactivity. An ion exchanger is provided in the path from the portable demineralizer should further treatment be desired. The effluent is collected in one of two waste condensate tanks for sampling and analysis prior to release to the circulating water d i scharge. (WF3 2014a , Section Because of the redundancy of equ i pment , i t is not expected that equipment will need to be bypassed very frequently. If process equipment is bypassed for any reason , and sampling of the waste condensate tank shows that further processing is necessary , the contents of one tank can be recycled back through a filter , or ion exchanger as desired , including the portable demineralizer system , and collected in the second tank. (WF3 2014a , Section Liqu i d detergent waste from the laundry , laundry sump , contam i nated showers , and contaminated sinks are collected in two laundry tanks. The wastewater may be sampled to assure low activity and then be pumped through a filter directly to the circulating water discharge. The wastewater may be processed through the liquid waste management system portable demineralization skid and handled as miscellaneous waste. (WF3 2014a , Section Boron Management System The BMS is designed to accept , collect , and process radioactive waste from various plant systems for recycle or disposal.

The major influent to the BMS is from the letdown line in the eves , and is the result of feed and bleed operations during plant shutdowns , startups , and dilution due to fuel burnup over core life. Other sources into the BMS consist of valve and equipment leak-offs , miscellaneous drains , and relief-valve discharges. The reactor drain tank collects these discharges within the containment , while the equipment drain tank and equipment drain sump accumulates those from outside the containment.

Both the reactor drain tank and equipment drain tank are maintained w i th a nitrogen blanket to prevent the buildup of hydrogen in each tank. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-8 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmenta l Report Operating License Renewal Stage All processing components in the BMS from the discharge of the collection tanks and CVCS , except the holdup tanks and the boric acid condensate tanks , can be bypassed individually or collectively. Chemistry and radiological concerns determine which processing components are lined up in the processing flow path. Also , water from any point in the processing flow path can be recirculated back to any point in the processing flow path. (WF3 2014a , Section From the discharge of the collection tanks and CVCS , water is sent to the onl i ne holdup tanks. Although the flash tank is no longer used , temporary equipment could be utilized , if required , due to significant increases in noble gas activity. The holdup tanks provide sufficient storage capacity to accumulate discharges until a sufficient volume is available for further processing on a batch basis. The radioactivity of the liquid is significantly reduced during storage by natural decay of the short half-life radionuclides. During this period , any degasification and radioactive decay can be monitored by liquid sample analysis. The gas analyzer can be used to monitor the holdup tanks for hydrogen and oxygen content. The holdup tanks also have a continuous nitrogen blanket to eliminate the possibility of a buildup of hydrogen. The holdup tanks can be vented to the plant stack. The holdup tanks have high and low tank-level and tank-pressure alarms , which annunciate in the control room. (WF3 2014a , Section The contents of the holdup tanks are normally sent to the boric acid condensate tanks through some or all of the following process equipment:

the preconcentrator filters , the preconcentrator ion exchangers , and the boric acid condensate ion exchangers. Prior to recycle or controlled discharge of the treated liquid waste , the fluid is analyzed for acceptability of both chemistry and activity. Recycle capability is provided for water conservation. Controlled discharge is accomplished through an effluent radiation mon i tor that records the release activity level and automatically terminates d i scharge on high radiation. (WF3 2014a , Section Steam Generator Slowdown System The waste removed by the blowdown filters and the waste produced by regeneration of the blowdown demineralizers is collected in the filter flush tank and the regenerative waste tank (WF3 2014a , Section The waste collected in the regenerative waste tank and the filter flush tank will normally be pumped to an aboveground concrete holding basin where they are then transferred to Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , and processed and discharged in accordance with the terms of Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 LPDES Permit No. LA0007439. In case of radioactivity in the blowdown , blowdown demineralizer waste and the filter-flushing water can be transferred to a radwaste processing system (WF3 2014a , Section, prior to discharging to the Mississippi River via WF3's LPDES Outfall 001. Radioactive Releases During liquid processing by the BMS and WMS , radioactivity is removed so that the bulk of the liquid is restored to clean water , which is either recycled in the plant or discharged to the environment.

The radioactivity removed from the liquids is concent r ated in filters and ion exchange resin. These concentrated wastes are sent to the solid waste management system (SWMS) for packag in g and eventual shipment to an approved offsite disposal location. If the 2-9 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Un i t 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage water is to be recycled back to the reactor coolant system , it must meet the purity requirements for reactor coolant. If the liquid i s to be d i scharged , the act ivi ty level must be consistent with the discha r ge criteria of 10 CFR Part 20 and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The BMS and WMS are capable of mon i toring radioactive liquid discharge from the systems to ensure that activity concentrations do not exceed predetermined limits. If a limit is exceeded , discharge will be automatically terminated.

(WF3 2014a , Section 11.2.3) Gaseous Radwaste System Radioactive gases are collected and processed through the following systems depending upon their origin (WF3 2014a , Section 11.3): Gaseous Waste Management System Vent Gas Collection Header Main Condenser Evacuation System Turbine Gland Sealing System Building Ventilation Systems Atmospheric Dump Valves Gaseous Waste Management System Waste gases which are routed to the gas surge header are mainly hydrogenated , radioactive , or potentially radioactive gases from various sources throughout the plant. Gaseous wastes are generated from reactor coolant degassing operations , processing of radioactive liquid wastes , and tank purgings. Waste gases enter the gaseous waste management system by way of three headers: the vent gas collection header , the containment vent header , and the gas surge header. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.3.2) Vent Gas Collection Header The vent gas collection header collects gas primar i ly from aerated vents of process equipment in the WMS , BMS , CVCS , and the fuel pool system. Because of the large volume of gas and the low activity level from the sources , the gases are routed directly to the plant stack. The radioactive releases from the vent gas collection header will be negligible compared with other sources. As a further check to prevent unexpected activity release from this source , the radioactive release via plant stack is continuously monitored and the plant stack alarms on abnormal activity release. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-10 Containment Vent Header and Gas Surge Header Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating L i cense Renewal Stage Gases from the gas surge header , including the contribution of the containment vent header , flow into the gas surge tank where they are collected. The gases remain in the gas surge tank until the pressure builds to a point that actuates a single waste gas compressor. The waste gas compressor feeds a preselected gas decay tank until the pressure in the gas surge tank drops to a point where the waste gas compressor stops. A second waste gas compressor will start if the pressure in the gas surge tank builds due to a surge of the inputs. This automatic operation of the waste gas compressors will continue until a gas decay tank is observed to approach its upper operating pressure.

At this point , another gas decay tank will be manually lined up by means of a remote-operated valve on the WMS control panel to receive the waste gas compressor's discharge. The just-filled tank is analyzed by the gas analyzer for hydrogen and oxygen content. Grab samples can also be taken for radioactivity analysis. The just-filled tank is then isolated for decay and released via a batch release permit , as specified in plant procedure. (WF3 2014a , Section The only process flow bypass line that exists in the gaseous waste management system leads from the gas surge tank directly to the gas discharge header and bypasses the waste gas compressor and gas decay tanks. This flow path is used mainly to purge air from components after maintenance operations , at which time the vented gas contains essentially no radioactivity. The valve on this bypass line is locked closed to facilitate administrative control. Moreover , the bypass flow passes through the radiation monitor in the gas discharge header. Liquid seals are not used in this system. (WF3 2014a , Section Main Condenser Evacuation System The main condenser evacuation system consists of three 100-percent capacity condenser vacuum pump assemblies.

Each assembly consists of one motor driven , rotary water seal type two-stage vacuum pump and seal water system. Each seal water system includes one centrifugal circulating pump; one heat exchanger; one separator; and all necessary piping , valves , instruments , and electric devices for automatic operation of the system. Energizing the condenser vacuum pump starter automatically starts the seal water system associated with the condenser vacuum pump assembly. (WF3 2014a , Section The noncondensible gases and water vapor mixture are drawn directly from each shell of the condenser.

The mixture flows through the condenser vacuum pump(s), then to the separator where most of the water vapor is condensed , and the noncondensible gases are released to the atmosphere via a discharge silencer. The condensed water normally is returned to the condenser; however , a safety overflow drain line is routed to the industrial waste sump. Upon receipt of a high-radiation signal by the radiation monitor on the industrial waste discharge header , discharging from the industrial waste sump will be stopped. Once it is analyzed , it will be directed to the proper location. Depending on main condenser vacuum level , one or two of the three condenser vacuum pumps are in standby and are properly controlled to start up on failure of the running pump. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-11 Turbine Gland Sealing System Waterfo r d Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The turbine gland sealing system controls the steam pressure to the turbine glands to maintain adequate sealing under all conditions of turbine operat i on. The system consists of individually controlled diaphragm-operated valves , relief valves , and a gland steam condenser. (WF3 2014a , Section At startup , the sealing steam source may be either main steam or auxiliary steam. When sufficient pressure has been established in the steam generator , the auxiliary steam source valve is closed , and main steam provides sealing. As the turbine load i s increased , the steam pressure inside the high-pressure turbine increases and the steam leakage path is outward toward the rotor ends , thus eliminating the need to supply sealing steam to these glands. The leak-off steam and air mixture then flows to the gland steam condenser which is maintained at a pressure slightly below atmospheric , so as to prevent escape of steam from the ends of glands. The gland steam condenser returns seal leakage to the main condenser as condensate.

(WF3 2014a , Section Noncondensible gases from the gland steam condenser are monitored for radioactivity. If radioactivity is detected , these gases are routed to the plant vent instead of being directly discharged to atmosphere. (WF3 2014a , Section Building Ventilat i on Systems 1 Reactor Building Containment Cooling System The containment cooling system consists of four containment fan coolers and a ducted air distribution system with associated instrumentation and controls. Each fan cooler consists of two banks of cooling coils , casing , vane axial two-speed fan and motor. Each containment cooling system loop consists of two fan coolers , both of which discharge into a common duct. The duct from each loop is interconnected into a common ring header and ductwork system , which distributes the discharge of the fan coolers to different areas of the containment.

The cooling units are located on two levels in the containment outside of the secondary shield wall. (WF3 2014a , Section Each fan cooler has a back draft damper at the fan discharge which prevents backflow through the fan cooler if it is not operating.

During normal operation , three of the four fan coolers are manually started from the main control room and operate at the higher of two speeds. (WF3 2014a , Section Airborne Radioactivity Removal System The system consists of two airborne radioactivity removal units , each consisting of a medium efficiency filter , high-efficiency particulate absorption (HEPA) prefilter , charcoal adsorber , and 2-12 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage centrifugal fan. The airborne radioactivity removal units are operated when required to limit the buildup of airborne radioactivity leaking from the reactor coolant system during normal operation.

The frequency of operation will depend on the concentration of particulate and gaseous activities present in the closed containment atmosphere as measured by radiation monitors. Airborne radioactivity removal units are manually started and stopped from the main control room. The airborne radioactivity removal system is shut down automatically when the reactor coolant pump deluge system is actuated. Filter differential pressure and charcoal adsorber temperature are monitored.

(WF3 2014a , Section Containment Atmosphere Purge System The containment atmosphere purge system consists of a containment purge air makeup unit and a containment purge exhaust , which is connected to the exhaust portion of the RAB normal ventilation system. Makeup a i r enters through a louvered damper and passes through a medium efficiency filter and an electric heating coil-all located in a casing installed at the RAB. The makeup air flows in series through pneumatic operator-actuated butterfly valves to enter the containment.

(WF3 2014a , Section Area radiation monitors and airborne radiation monitors located inside the containment and at the plant stack will generate a containment purge isolation signal upon detection of radioactivity above their setpoint.

This action will prevent release of containment air that contains an unacceptable level of radioactivity. The purge isolation valves are permitted to open when the radioactivity being monitored falls to an acceptable level. This acceptable level is achieved by manually starting the airborne radioactiv i ty removal system to provide air cleaning for reduction of airborne radioactivity. The i solation valves will also close upon receipt of a containment isolation actuation signal. (WF3 2014a , Section The exhaust port i on of the RAB normal ventilation system operates in the refueling ventilation mode during refueling operations to ventilate the refueling pool inside the containment and to simultaneously provide some purging of the containment atmosphere (WF3 2014a , Section Containment Atmosphere Release System The containment atmosphere release system (CARS) consists of two 100-percent capacity redundant exhaust fans and associated ductwork and two 100-percent capacity redundant supply fans. When post LOCA containment pressure has reduced sufficiently , CARS transfers combust i ble gases from inside containment to the reactor building annulus. The gases are filtered to remove radioactive particulates and iodines by the operating shield building ventilation system , prior to being released. A centrifugal exhaust fan draws air from the containment and discharges into the recirculation duct of the shield building ventilation system. The CARS supply ductwork extends from the controlled ventilat i on area into the containment and includes a check valve in the discharge piping to prevent backflow from the containment.

(WF3 2014 a , Section 2-1 3 Containment Vacuum Relief System Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage Automatic vacuum relief devices are used to prevent the containment vessel from exceeding the external des i gn pressure in accordance with the requirements of Article 16 , Section Ill of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The automatic vacuum relief system consists of two redundant 24-inch penetrations connecting the annulus to the containment.

Each system includes one 24-inch butterfly valve with pneumatic operator and one 24-inch check valve located on the containment side of the penetration in series. Each butterfly valve is actuated by a separate pressure controller which senses the differential pressure between the containment and the annulus. Each butterfly valve is provided with an air accumulator of minimum capacity to allow the valve to open at least two times after failure of instrument air. The check valve is set to open when the pressure of the upstream (annulus) side of the valve is 1.1 inch water gauge (WG) above the pressure of the downstream (containment) side of the valve. (WF3 2014a , Section The butterfly valve will actuate automatically. It is set to open before containment pressure decreases 10 inches WG below annulus pressure.

The valve can only be manually closed after containment pressure increases above the butterfly valve actuation setpoint.

The combined pressure drop at rated flow through the two valves in either line will not exceed the design external pressure differential of 0.65 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) with any prevailing atmospheric pressure. (WF3 2014a , Section Reactor Cavity Cooling System The reactor cav i ty cooling system consists of two 100-percent capacity axial supply fans arranged in parallel and connected to a common supply duct. Each fan is provided with a supply discharge gravity damper to prevent recirculation through the standby fan. Each axial supply fan draws cooled air from the containment cooling system ring header. The fans supply air to ventilate the annular space between the reactor vessel and primary shield wall. The cooling provided by the reactor cavity cooling system minimizes the possibility of concrete dehydration and subsequent faulting.

The system limits thermal growth of the reactor vessel supporting steelwork. (WF3 2014a , Section System redundancy is provided to assure continuity and reliability of operation. Each fan is powered from separate safety buses. If there is a loss of offsite power , the fans are tripped and can be loaded manually onto the safety buses. (WF3 2014a , Section Control Element Drive Mechanism Cooling System The control element drive mechanism (CEDM) cooling system consists of four 50-percent capacity exhaust fans and cooling coils. Two of the four fans operate to maintain a negative pressure inside the CEDM cooling shroud.

The other two fans are standby units. Isolation dampers are provided to prevent flow through the standby fans. Containment air is drawn through the cooling shroud for the magnetic jack coil elements to the CEDM cooling system. The heated air is cooled by water cooling coils , supplied from the CCWS , and is discharged back to 2-14 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage the containment through the system fans , thereby rejecting the CEDM-generated heat to a sink outside the containment.

(WF3 2014a , Section Each fan is started manually from a control switch in the main control room. Indicating lights in the main control room indicate operating status. Control room indication exists for air temperature entering the cooling coil , and high exit temperature is annunciated. The shroud temperature and the temperature of component cooling water leaving the cooling coil are indicated in the main control room. A low temperature lockout , sensing containment temperature , prevents fans from starting. (WF3 2014a , Section Reactor Auxiliary Building The RAB ventilation supply system includes an outside air louver , medium efficiency bag type filter , electric heating coil , two 1 DO-percent capacity centrifugal fans , gravity discharge dampers and chilled water cooling coil located in the common discharge duct of fans. Supply air is discharged through a sheet metal duct distribution system throughout the RAB. The flow of air throughout the building is from areas of low potential radioactivity to areas of progressively higher potential radioactivity. (WF3 2014a , Section Air is exhausted from the RAB spaces through a ventilation exhaust system. The ventilation exhaust system includes a medium efficiency prefilter , HEPA filter, charcoal adsorber, fan inlet vane dampers , two 1 DO-percent capacity centrifugal fans , and discharge dampers to prevent air recirculation through the standby fan. The ventilation exhaust system discharges to the plant stack. The exhaust fan inlet vane dampers automatically adjust air flow from the minimum flow rate during the RAB "ventilation only" mode to the maximum flow rate for the RAB ventilation and the reactor building "purge combined" mode. The maximum flow occurs only during containment purge. (WF3 2014a , Section Air-flow monitors in the discharge duct of exhaust fans maintain the design air-flow rate through the nonsafety-related filtration unit. Low air flow and failure of the supply fan are alarmed in the main control room. The operating supply fan is automatically stopped if the exhaust fan fails , but the operating exhaust fan continues to operate if the supply fan fails. Individual filter pressure drops are alarmed in the main control room through the plant monitoring computer. (WF3 2014a , Section Fuel Handling Building During normal operation , air is distributed throughout the fuel handling building by an air handling unit and exhausted from the building by normal exhaust fans. When the air handling unit is started , one of the two redundant 1 OD-percent capacity exhaust fans also start. The exhaust fans are interlocked with the air handling unit , so that they cannot function unless the air handling unit is operating. A gravity damper prevents air recirculation through the respective non-operating fan. The air handling unit includes a bank of medium efficiency filters , electric heating coil , and centrifugal fan. The electric heating coil will not operate unless airflow is established in the discharge duct of the air handling unit. A low-limit freeze protection thermocouple , located 2-15 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage downstream of the electric heating coil , will stop the air handling unit fan when the air temperature falls below i ts setpoint.

The output of the electric heating coil w ill be controlled by means of controls sensing temperature downstream of the supply fan. The ductwork is designed to assure that airflow is directed from areas of low potentia l radioactivity to areas of progressively higher potential radioactivity. (WF3 2014a , Section The emergency filtration exhaust units are redundant , and each is sized at 100-percent exhaust air capacity. Each unit includes an electr i c heat i ng coil , a bank of medium efficiency filters , a bank of HEPA prefil t ers , a charcoal adsorber , a bank of HEPA after-filters , and a centrifugal exhaust fan. Both exhaust fans will start , and their associated intake dampers will open upon receipt of a fuel handling accident signal. The electric heating coil is provided to assure that the air entering the adsorber has a relative humidity not exceeding 70 percent in order to assure maximum adsorption efficiency of the charcoal.

When the emergency filtration units are started , their respective makeup air dampers operate in response to d i fferential pressure controls , whose function is to maintain the spent fuel handling area at a negative pressure relative to the outdoors. (WF3 2014a , Section Turbine Building The turbine building ventilation system , except for the switchgear room described below , is a single-pass type and consists of ventilation air i ntake louvers and dampers , supply fans , exhaust fans , and exhaust louvers and dampers distr i buted about the periphery of the building on both the ground floor and the mezzanine floor (WF3 2014a , Section The turbine building switchgear room is separately ventilated by two 50-percent capac it y air handling units , which cool the space with outside a i r. Each air handling unit contains a medium efficiency filter and centrifugal fan. Outside air intake for the switchgear area is automatically varied from zero air flow to the maximum system air flow by temperature control of system dampers. As the outside air intake is increased , the return air is decreased proportionately. All filters are provided with local ind i cation of pressure drop. (WF3 2014a , Section Electric unit heaters are provided on the ground floor and the mezzanine floor , distributed to cover all areas, so that a minimum temperature of 50°F can be maintained. Fans are manually controlled by local switches mounted on a central heating , ventilation , and air conditioning control panel in the turbine building. (WF3 2014a , Section Atmospheric Dump Valves Steam release from valve operation is considered less than 1 percent of release from the turbine building due to steam leakage. This source is considered negligible and , as a result , there is no dedicated radiation monitor for this pathway. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-16 Solid Radwaste System Waterfo r d Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Low-level solid radioactive wastes are processed , packaged , and stored for subsequent shipment and offsite burial by the SWMS. Wastes include spent ion exchange resin , used filter cartridges , and miscellaneous refuse. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4) The SWMS is composed of the portable solidification system and/or dewatering system , the spent resin handling system , filter handling , and the dry active waste handling system (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.2). Portable Solidification and Dewatering Systems WF3 utilizes a portable solidification or dewatering system to provide for plant solidification or dewatering requirements. This solidification or dewatering system is housed in a weatherproof structure with curbing and a sump which may be pumped to the liquid waste management system. The portable systems are operated as specified to comply with the respective process control programs. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.4) Major components include solidification media storage , fill-head assembly , pump and valve skid(s), control panel , and liner shielding. Connections between the in-plant system and portable system equipment are by reinforced flexible hoses. The waste concentrates storage and handling portion of the in-plant SWMS and the spent resin handling system is utilized to supply waste feed to the portable system. These parts of the in-plant SWMS are situated with appropriate shielding , remote sampling , separation of components , and accessibility to reduce leakage and facilitate maintenance and operation. (WF3 2014a , Section A predetermined amount of spent resin is pumped i nto the container through the fill-head assembly if required. If dewatering is required , it can be done at the same time as the container is being filled. Solidification media , if needed , are added to the container after waste fill is completed. The container can then be put into interim storage or shipped offsite for processing or to a burial ground , as desired. (WF3 2014a , Section Spent Resin Handling System The purpose of the spent resin transfer system is to collect and store spent radioactive ion exchanger resin from the various process demineralizers , and to transfer resins to the portable solidification and/or dewatering system. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.5) The components of the spent resin transfer system consist of one spent resin tank; one spent resin transfer pump; one spent resin dewatering pump; two spent resin strainers; and associated valves , piping , and controls. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.5) Spent ion exchanger resin from the waste condensate ion exchanger , boric acid condensate ion exchangers , pre-concentration ion exchangers , fuel pool demineralizers , and purification ion exchangers may be sluiced to the spent resin tank. The blowdown demineralizers may be 2-17 Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage sluiced to the spent resin tank. When resin transfer is completed , the system may be flushed to remove residual resin from the piping system. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.5) Radioactive Filter Handling One or more filters may be replaced using a bottom-loading filter transfer shield when radiation levels dictate remote handling.

After remotely removing bolts on the head of the filter , the filter is lifted into the filter transfer shield , and the shield is closed. At the solidification area , the bottom of the shield is removed. An overhead crane is used to lift the transfer shield containing the filter into position over a container , and the filter is lowered into the container. The container , after closure , is appropriately stored or buried at an offsite licensed burial site. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.6) Dry Active Waste Handling The bulk dry waste material is collected in containers as it is generated in the radiation controlled area. The waste is surveyed for radiation prior to transportation to a licensed volume reduction facility. Plant procedures provide guidelines for mon i toring the dry waste for materials that could cause chemical reactions or spontaneous combustion. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4. 7) An onsite box compactor utilizing hydraulic pressure or an offsite licensed volume reduction facility may be used to volume reduce radioactive waste such as contaminated clothing , rags , paper , low activity filters , activated charcoal and HEPA filters from plant ventilation systems , and miscellaneous contaminated material generated by maintenance and operations of the facility (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.7). Solidification Building The function of the solidification building (SB) is to provide shelter for the portable equipment and to supply the necessary service requirements and waste delivery for this equipment.

In addition to service provided to this facility (air, water , electric power), a 10-ton overhead crane is provided to handle the portable equipment and containers. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.8) The waste solidification (and/or resin dewatering) operation has provisions for the use of shielded containers. Waste is supplied to the container by flexible hoses connected to waste transfer lines routed from inside the RAB out to the SB. Support equipment for the portable system is mounted on skids. The SB supplies space for equipment required for solidification and dewatering. To manage radwaste spills , a sump is provided in the SB. If desired , liquids may be transferred to the plant radwaste systems. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.8) Low-Level Radwaste Storage Facility The low-level radwaste (LLRW) storage facility is located outside the protected area west of the fire protection water storage tanks. The facility is an 80-foot wide by 140-foot long by 50-foot tall steel frame building with metal siding and is designed to support a 20-ton traveling crane. The 2-18 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage LLRW storage facility has the capacity to store sixty 8-foot x 20-foot x 8-foot high sea/land containers and 32 high integrity containers (HICs). The facility contains four concrete cubicles to store HICs. Each cubicle has the capacity to hold eight HICs (i.e., four stacked two high). (WF3 2014a , Section Original Steam Generator Storage Facility As part of the change out of the steam generators and reactor vessel closure head (RVCH) performed during Refueling Outage 18 , the original steam generators and original RVCH , including original CEDMs , were placed in an onsite-constructed original steam generator storage facility (OSGSF). The OSGSF meets the requirements for temporary storage of the original steam generators and or i ginal RVCH until site decommissioning consistent with 10 CFR 20.1301 and 40 CFR Part 190. The OSGSF is designed to be used as a non-occupied facility for the temporary storage of these large components , and no radwaste storage other than the original steam generators and original RVCH is permitted within the facility. (WF3 2014a , Section Radwaste Storage-License Renewal Term WF3 has developed long-term plans which would ensure that radwaste generated during the license renewal term would be sent directly for disposal , stored on site in existing structures , or shipped to an offsite licensed facility for processing and disposal.

Long-term plans , including during the license renewal term , do not include the need to construct additional onsite storage facilities to accommodate generated radwaste. LLRW is classified as Class A, Class B , or Class C (minor volumes are classified as greater than Class C). Class A includes both dry active waste and processed waste (e.g., dewatered resins). Classes B and C normally include processed waste and irradiated hardware. The majority of LLRW generated at WF3 would be Class A waste and can be shipped to licensed processors , such as the EnergySolutions facility in Oak Ridge , Tennessee , for reduction and repackaging , and then shipped to a Class A disposal facility such as the EnergySolutions facility in Clive, Utah. Classes B and C wastes constitute a low percentage by volume of the total LLRW generated , and they are currently stored in the LLRW storage facility at WF3. Classes B and C wastes can be shipped to the EnergySolutions facility in Oak Ridge , Tennessee , where they can then be shipped to the Waste Control Specialist facility in Texas , which is licensed for disposal of Classes A , B , and C wastes. Disposal of waste greater than Class C is the responsibility of the federal government. Low-Level Mixed Wastes Although low-level mixed wastes (LLMW) would be managed and transported to an offsite facility licensed to accept and manage the wastes in accordance with appropriate site and company procedures if generated (Entergy 2015a), there has been no mixed waste generated or stored at WF3 for more than 10 years. In addition , there has been no need to claim the Low-Level Mixed 2-19 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Waste Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption in 40 CFR Part 266 , Subpart N , for storage of LLMW at WF3. Spent Fuel Storage The WF3 ISFSI is located south of the four large water storage tanks that are situated at the south end of the WF3 plant area , just west of the switchyard , within the protected area (Figure 3.0-1). The ISFSI pad is sized to store 72 HI-STORM storage casks , with each cask capable of storing 32 spent fuel assemblies , which is adequate to meet the projected WF3 spent fuel storage needs during the initial 40-year license period. The WF3 ISFSI operates under the conditions of the general license in accordance with 10 CFR Part 72 regulations.

(Entergy 2011 a , Section 2.0) NUREG-2157 , Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel , generically determines the environmental impacts of continued storage , including those impacts identified in the remand by the Court of Appeals in the New York v. NRC decision , and provides a regulatory basis for a revision to 10 CFR 51.23 that addresses the environmental impacts of continued storage for use in future NRC environmental reviews. In this context , "the environmental impacts of continued storage" means those impacts that could occur as a result of the storage of spent nuclear fuel at reactor and away-from-reactor sites after a reactor's licensed life for operation and until a permanent repository becomes available. NUREG-2157 evaluates potential environmental impacts to a broad range of resources. Cumulative impacts are also analyzed. (NRC 2014a , page i ii) Transportation of Radioactive Materials WF3 radioactive waste shipments are packaged in accordance with NRC [10 CFR Part 71] and U.S. Department of Transportation

[49 CFR Parts 173 and 178) requirements.

The type and quantities of solid radioactive waste generated at and shipped from WF3 vary from year to year , depending on plant activities. WF3 currently transports radioactive waste to a licensed processing facility in Tennessee such as EnergySolutions in Oak Ridge , or the Studsvik Processing Facility LLC in Erwin or Memphis , where it is further processed prior to being sent to a facility such as EnergySolutions in Clive, Utah. WF3 may also receive WF3-generated material from an offsite processing facility back to the plant site for reuse or storage. 2.2.4 Nonradioactive Waste Management The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) governs the disposal of solid waste. The LDEQ has received U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authorization to administer and enforce the hazardous waste management program in Louisiana. As a generator of hazardous wastes , WF3 is required to maintain a hazardous waste generator identification number (Table 9.1-1 ). There are no nonradioactive hazardous waste storage or treatment permits related to WF3's operations. 2-20 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 generates nonradioactive waste as a result of plant maintenance , cleaning , and operational processes that occur at the site. Because WF3 is classified as a small quantity generator, hazardous wastes routinely make up only a small percentage of the total wastes generated , consisting of paint wastes , spent and off-specification (e.g., shelf-life expired) chemicals , and occasional project-specific wastes. Universal wastes generated typically consist of fluorescent lamps , batteries , mercury devices , electronics (state-specific) and antifreeze (state-specific). Recycled wastes typically consist of scrap metal , batteries , and waste oil. Nonradioactive wastes are collected in central collection areas and managed in accordance with appropriate regulatory requirements and Entergy's waste management procedure (Entergy 2015a). Waste materials are received in various forms and are packaged to meet all regulatory requirements prior to final disposition at an offsite facility licensed to receive and manage the material.

Typical hazardous waste quantities generated at the facility are shown in Table 2.2-1. Entergy Corporation maintains a list of waste vendors that are approved for use across the entire company. Based on 2010-2014 waste shipments from WF3 , the following Entergy approved waste vendors were utilized to manage hazardous and nonhazardous wastes , and recyclable wastes generated at the site: BFI Colonial Landfill in Sorrento , Louisiana , for landfill burial of empty containers and plant trash. Clean Harbors Deer Park , LLC in La Porte , Texas , for treatment and disposition of hazardous and nonhazardous wastes. FCC Environmental , LLC in New Orleans , Louisiana , for recycling used oil , filters , and oily absorbents. Lamp Environmental Industries in Hammond , Louisiana , for treatment and disposition of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) ballasts. Lamp Environmental Industries in Independence , Lou i siana , for recycling fluorescent lamps and non-PCB ballasts. Lard Oil Company in Denham Springs , Louisiana , for recycling empty drums. Louisiana Scrap Metal in Port Allen , Louisiana , for recycling lead and lead-acid batte r ies. Sanders Lead Company in Troy , Alabama , for recycling lead-acid batteries. Although waste quantities generated each year may vary due to outages or specific project activities , WF3 has successfully minimized waste generation.

Waste minimization measures such as material control , process control , waste management , and feedback are considerations that are an i ntegral part of all work planning and implementation at the facility to reduce , to the extent feasible , waste generated , accumulated , or disposed (Entergy 2015b). Entergy's fleet 2-21 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage waste management and chemical control programs also work in conjunction with site waste minimization efforts to minimize waste generation to the maximum extent practicable (Entergy 2015a; Entergy 2015c). 2.2.5 Power Transmission Systems In-Scope Transmission Lines Based on 10 CFR Part 51 , Subpart A , Appendix B , Table B-1 , Footnote 4 , transmission lines subject to evaluation of environmental impacts for license renewal are those that connect the nuclear power plant to the substation where electricity is fed into the regional power distribution system , and transmission lines that supply power to the nuclear plant from the grid. The following transmission lines associated with WF3 , designated as in-scope transmission lines for the environmental review , are subject to evaluation (Figure 2.2-7): Two 230-kV transmission lines (three phase) extending from the WF3 switching station to the Waterford 230-kV switchyard (approximately 0.6 miles) that transmit power to the regional transmission grid and provide offsite power to the plant during outages. All in-scope transmission lines are located completely within the Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property. Although not within the scope of this environmental review , the Waterford 230-kV switchyard also has several other 230-kV transmission lines connected to it. Transmission lines connect Waterford Units 1 , 2 , and 4 to the 230-kV switchyard. Transmission lines cross the river on river-crossing towers to tie into the Little Gypsy 230-kV switchyard. There is also a 230-kV tie to the adjacent 500-kV switchyard. (WF3 2014a , Section Vegetation Management Practices There is a limited amount of right-of-way (ROW) associated with the two in-scope transmission lines , because the lines cross the WF3 industrial area , where vegetation is sparse. For the approximately 8 acres where a transmission line ROW exists , Entergy Louisiana , LLC maintains the ROW by applying spot herbicide treatments to treat undesirable brush and woody vegetation on a 2-year cycle (Entergy 2011 b; Entergy 2012a). Herbicide application volumes typically range from 10 to 25 gallons per brush acre (Entergy 2012a). Typical herbicides applied in the ROW away from areas near aquatic sites include Milestone, while Rodeo and Garlon 3A are utilized in areas near aquatic sites. All chemical herbicide mixtures/formulations are applied according to label directions and/or manufacturer recommendations by licensed companies with qualified applicators (Entergy 2012a), which ensures that proper protocols are followed when applying herbicides near streams or wetlands. As discussed in Section , all in-scope transmission lines are located completely within Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property. Although no cultural resources were identified in a previous survey of the transmission corridor that consisted of a walkover and 30-centimeter (cm) 2-22 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 Appli c ant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage augering tests along transect lines (NRC 1981 , Section 4.3.6), any land disturbance activities in the transmission line corridor would be subject to review in accordance with Entergy's fleet administrative procedural controls discussed in Sections 9.5.20 and 9.6. These procedural controls would ensure that environmentally sensitive areas at WF3 such as cultural resources , i f present , are adequately protected. Avian Protection Based on a review of site condition reporting records over the previous 5 years (2010-2014), which typically document observed bird deaths , no transmission line-related bird deaths have been recorded. In addition , there is no threat of electrocution to birds with a large wingspread , because the distance between the closest energ i zed conductor and the grounded steel tower is 8 feet (NRC 1981 , Section 5.5.2). Therefore , there has not been the need to implement avian protection measures associated with the in-scope transmission lines. Induced Shock Hazards Public As stated in Section , all in-scope transmission lines are located completely within Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property.

Therefore , the public does not have access to this area and , as a result , no induced shock hazards would exist for the public. Plant Workers Based on NRC's 2005 WF3 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Sign i ficant Impact related to the proposed license amendment to increase the licensed power level (Technical Assignment Control No. 1355), it was determined that Entergy's analysis showed that the transmission lines would continue to meet the applicable shock prevention provisions of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) even with an electrical current increase (NRC 2005 , page 5). Entergy's analysis determined that the calculated induced short-circuit current for a 65-foot-long semi-trailer truck (18-wheeler) was approximately 3.9 milliamperes (mA), which is within the NESC 5-mA standard (Entergy 2004). In addition , the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) governs the occupational safety and health of the WF3 operations staff. It was determined in NUREG-1437 (GEIS) that occupational safety and health hazard issues are generic to all types of electrical generating stations , including nuclear power plants , and are of small significance if the workers adhere to safety standards and use protective equipment (NRC 2013b , Section ). Operational requirements associated with OSHA are incorporated into WF3's occupational health and safety program. Specifically, as it relates to transmission lines and acute shock hazards , WF3 has implemented the following practices which limit the potential for workers to receive an "induced" current from an object becoming capacitively charged: 2-23 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage When a truck , mobile crane , or other equipment is flagged and considered energ i zed , employees standing on the ground must avoid contacting the truck , crane , or equipment unless suitable protective clothing is used. In add i t i on , an i nsulated access must be used for persons getting on and off the truck , crane , or equipment.

(Entergy 2015d , Section 5.3) Mobile cranes or other lifting equipment are grounded where the possibility of static bu il dup is present. (Entergy 2015d , Section 5.3) Briefings are conducted and a safety checklist completed on approach distances for vehicles , cranes , and personnel when working near energized conductors. (Entergy 2015e , Section 5.10) Personnel are required to wear appropriate protective equipment.

(Entergy 2015e , Section 5.10) In addition , overhead hazards located over a roadway are identified by one or all of the following methods: (1) orange aviation balls or flags on power lines.:::_

100 feet from the ground , (2) roadway signs indicating "Overhead Hazard" , and (3) painted warnings no closer than 30 feet from the approach points to the overhead hazard on paved/finished roadways. (Entergy 2015d , Section 5.3) 2-24 Table 2.2-1 Wa t erford Steam Elect ri c Stat i on , Un i t 3 Applican t's Env i ro nm ental R epo rt Operat i ng L i cense Renewal Stage WF3 Hazardous Waste Generation, 2010-2014 Year Pounds 20 1 0 1 , 285 20 11 805 2012 800 2013 600 2014 765 (Entergy 2016a) 2-25 Mississippi River Me t a l Cleaning Waste Waterford Stea m Electric Statio n , U nit 3 Applican t's En v ironment a l R e p ort Operating Li c e ns e Renewal St a g e 001 (1471 mgdl Miss issi pp i River t--------------...

r--U-n-it_3_M_a-in-.,_ ____________________________

St. Charles Parish Sewage System Potab l e Wa t er Syste m Pota b le Wa t er Syste m St. C h arles Water Works Entergy Education Center sewage pi t effluent Plant floor drain. Low volume waste I ndustrial Waste System

  • Yard Oil Separator System 1001 (0.1350 mgd) Co n denser S t eam Genera t or S lowdown Heat Exchange r s Tu rbi n e Closed Coo lin g Water H eat Exc h ange r P ri mary Wate r Treatme nt Sys t em Firewater System 0.06 mgd (proposed) 004 (17.9339 mgd)

___ To 40 arpe n t cana l Chiller System Primary Plant Water Makeup (0.0126 201 101 301 501 401 601 701 801 mgd) Boron Management System Li quid Waste Ma n age m e n t Sys t em Secondary Plant Water System 0-------+1 Secondary Steam (0.0522 mgd) Plant Systems I I I I Auxilliary Boiler Sump

  • 0.001 mgd 0.001 mgd (0.064 mgd) Waterford 1 &2 Low Volume Waste T r eatment Facility
  • Low Volume Waste l L eakage i D ry Cooling Water Sumps 1&2 Optional Optional * (A) 0.26 mgd (B) 0.26 mgd (1) (2) 0.0545 Stormwater Dra i ns mgd 0.0425 mgd (Entergy 2009a , Figure 3) WF3 LPDES Permit Schematic Flow Diagram 2-26 Legend -Property Boundary WF3 Structure

======::i F eet 0 3 00 600 Figure 2.2-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 1983; Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; WF3 2009) WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Location 2-27 SHEET PILING EL +15.0' INTAKE CANAL SKIMMER WALL EL-1.0' MSL EL-4.0' MSL EL -35.0' MSL <::::>*o. ( (Entergy 2005, Figure 3-1) INTAK-:t:TAKE I

TRAVELING WATER SCREENS TRASH_/ i TROUGH RIVER WATER FLOW .... -NWL EL +4.0' MSL -LWL EL -0. 7' MSL Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage SCREEN WASH PUMPS EL -24.0' MSL EL -25.0' MSL . .. .. * .. J . * .. \J* 0 .a . . o . * \J* . O* ... O 0 *a o* 0. = *. 6 : o /'" . . *10 Figure 2.2-3 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure 2-28 ....:::. . 0 .. o * *C::> o*\, =*.c,*: o o* o .*0.0 r EL +15 O' BEAM EL +14.0' -BEAM EL -1.0' L_ SLAB TOP OF CONCRETE CONCRETE EL -2 4.0' .O' EL-35 EL-50.0 BEAM EL +14.0' BEAM EL-1.0' MISSISSIPPI RIVER EL-40.0' SKIMMER./ WALL ELEV. L-L SKIMMER WALL i S: 0 :::: ii Ci: Q Cl) fQ Cl) Cl) ELEV. A-A Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage INTAKE CANAL-I+-INTAKE STRUCTURE rt r*-M i i L._ r*--11 0' -0 i SLOPE .-EL -24.0' INTAKE CANAL E X ISTING GRADE TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB EL-24.0' Figure 2.2-4 L._ r*-1 l L._ w u r*-* El-2 4.0' i I PLAN L._. r*i r*-i I L._ (LP&L 1978 , Figure 3.4-2) WF3 Cooling Water Intake Canal 2-29 CIRCULATING WATER PUMP (4) TRAVELING WATER SCREEN (8) Figure 2.2-5 WF3 Intake Bays and Traveling Screens 2-30 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage TRASH RACK (8) SERVICE WATER PUMP(3) (Entergy 2005, Figure 3-3)

MIS SI SSIPPI RIVER F LOW D I SC H ARGE CAN AL 2 5' -0 P LAN (NOT TO SC A LE) (Note: Elevations are at msl.) a "U 0 r= m m r 8 0 CX> q EL-5.00' OJ 0 EL-8.00' M ---0 EL +6.00' i:o 0 EL-5.00' EL +15.00' E L +1 2.6 7' E L+11.00' 1 ----E L +6.00' ---n F i g u re 2.2-6 Waterford Stea m E l ectric St a tion , Unit 3 Applican t's E nv ironmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage GR EL +1 4.00' i------;::-;:::::::;-::-:4::-;4:::

' -::-:6::: "

+1 5.00' DISCHARGE STRU C TURE SECT. A-A ---I l --------------------SECT. B-B DISC H ARGE STRUCTURE

-11 EL +5.00' "? 9' -0 00 S T L tt PIPE EL +0.50' EX I STING GRADE VARIES EL (L P&L 19 7 8 , F igure 3.4-4) WF3 Discharge S tru c tur e and Canal 2-31 Legend _.. Current Flow Direction Switch yard/Switch ing Station .---Transmission Line Easement -----===:=Jf eet 0 400 800 Figure 2.2-7 Waterford Steam Elect ric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014) WF3 In-Scope Transmission Lines 2-32 2.3 Refurbishment Activities Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2), the environmental report must contain a description of the applicant's plans to modify the facility or its administrative control procedures as described in accordance with§ 54.21. This report must describe in detail any planned refurbishment activities. The environmental report must also contain analyses of the impacts of refurbishment activities , if any , associated with license renewal. [10 CFR 51.53 (c)(3)(ii)]

The incremental aging management activities implemented to allow operation of a nuclear power plant beyond the original 40-year license term were assumed to fall under one of two broad categories. One of those categories involves refurbishment actions , which usually occur infrequently and possibly only once in the life of the plant for any given item. (NRC 2013b , Section 2.1.1) NRC requirements for the renewal of operating licenses for nuclear power plants include preparation of an integrated plant assessment (IPA) [10 CFR 54.21 ]. The IPA must identify systems , structures , and components subject to an aging management review. Items that are subject to aging and might require refurbishment include , for example , reactor vessel head and steam generator replacement.

The WF3 IPA that Entergy conducted under 10 CFR Part 54 , which i s described in the body of the WF3 LRA , has identified no refurbishment or replacement actions needed to maintain the functionality of important systems , structures , and components during the period of extended operation. The objective of the review required by 10 CFR 54.21 i s to determine whether the detrimental effects of aging could preclude certain systems , structures , and components from performing in accordance with the current licensing basis dur i ng the additional 20 years of operation requested in the LRA. 2.4 Programs and Activities for Managing the Effects of Aging In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2), the environmental report must contain a description of the applicant's plans to modify the facility or its administrative control procedures as described in accordance with § 54.21. Th i s report must describe in detail the modifications directly affecting the environment or any plant effluents. The incremental aging management activities implemented to allow operat i on of a nuclear power plant beyond the original 40-year license term were assumed to fall under one of two broad categories

(1) surveillance , monitoring , inspection , testing , trending , and record keeping actions , most of which are repeated at regular intervals

.... (NRC 2013b , Section 2.1.1) The programs for managing the effects of aging on certain structures and components within the scope of license renewal at the site are described in the body of the LRA (see Appendix B of the WF3 LRA). The evaluation of structures and components required by 10 CFR 54.21 identified the activities necessary to manage the effects of aging on structures and components during the period of extended operation beyond the initial license term. Other than implementation of the 2-33 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage programs and activities identified in the IPA, there are no planned modifications of WF3's administrative control procedures associated with license renewal. 2.5 Employment The non-outage work force at the site consists of approximately 641 full-time workers (Table 2.5-1 ). There are no plans to add workers to support plant operations during the license renewal period and , as discussed in Section 2.3 , no license-renewal-related refurbishment activities have been identified. During refueling outages , which occur on an 18-month cycle and historically have lasted approximately 25-30 days , there are typically an additional 700-900 contractor workers on site. The number of workers required on site for normal plant outages during the period of extended operation is expected to be consistent with the number of additional workers used for past outages at the site. 2-34 Wate rf o rd S te am E l e ctr ic Sta tion , Unit 3 A ppl icant's Env iron m ental R ep o rt Ope r at ing L i ce n se Rene w al S t age Table 2.5-1 Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State , Parish/County , and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees LOUISIANA Ascension 65 Darrow 1 Donaldsonv i lle 1 Geismar 7 Gonza l es 25 P r a i r i evi l le 26 Sorren to 2 S t. Amant 3 Assumption 2 Napo l eonv i l l e 1 Pa i ncourtv i lle 1 Beauregard 1 D ry C r eek 1 East Baton Rouge 17 Baker 1 Baton Rouge 12 Zachary 4 Iberia 1 New Iber i a 1 Jefferson 98 Avondale 1 Bridge C i ty 1 Gretna 4 Harahan 2 Harv ey 7 2-35 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State , Parish/County, and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees Jefferson 3 Kenner 30 Marrero 6 Metairie 26 River Ridge 11 Terrytown 2 Waggaman 2 Westwego 3 Lafourche 45 Gheens 1 Lockport 3 Raceland 5 Thibodaux 36 Livingston 14 Albany 1 Denham Springs 4 French Settlement 1 Holden 1 Liv i ngston 1 Maurepas 2 Springfield 2 Walker 2 Orleans 35 New Orleans 35 Plaquemines 1 Belle Chasse 1 2-36 Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State, Parish/County, and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees Rapides 1 Woodworth 1 St. Bernard 2 Meraux 1 Violet 1 St. Charles 187 Arna 4 Boutte 7 Des Allemands 11 Destrehan 26 Hahnv i lle 23 Ki Ilona 9 Luling 94 Montz 5 Norco 3 Paradis 3 St. Rose 2 St. James 30 Convent 1 Gramercy 3 Lutcher 3 Paulina 5 St. James 1 Vacherie 17 2-37 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State, Parish/County, and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees St. John the Baptist 46 Edgard 4 Garyville 3 La Place 35 Reserve 3 Wallace 1 St. Mary 1 Morgan City 1 St. Tammany 30 Bush 1 Covington 7 Madisonville 5 Mandeville 5 Pearl River 2 Slidell 10 Tangipahoa 34 Amite 1 Hammond 12 Independence 3 Loranger 3 Pontchatoula 14 Robert 1 Terrebonne 21 Bourg 1 Gray 2 Houma 18 2-3 8 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Employee Residence Information , January 2016 State, Parish/County , and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees Vernon 1 P i tkin 1 West Feliciana 1 St. Francisville 1 GEORGIA Cobb 1 Mableton 1 MISSISSIPPI Adams 1 Natchez 1 Jackson 3 Moss Po i nt 3 Lincoln 1 Brookhaven 1 VERMONT Windham 1 Brattleboro 1 VIRGINIA Amherst 1 Amherst 1 Total 641 (Entergy 2016b) 2-39 2.6 Alternatives to the Proposed Action Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Section 2.1 describes the proposed action , which is for NRC to renew the operating license fo r WF3 for an additional 20 years beyond the current expiration date. Because the decision before the NRC is to renew or not renew the license , there is only one fundamental alternative to the proposed action: the no-action alternative.

However , the no-action alternative would presumably result in a need for new electrical generating capacity in the region served by WF3. The no-action alternative refers to a scenario in which the NRC does not renew the WF3 operating license. Unlike the proposed action of renewing the license , denying license renewal does not provide a means of meeting future electric system needs. Therefore , unless replacement generating capacity is provided as part of the no-action alternative , a large amount of base-load generation would no longer be available , and the alternative would not satisfy the purpose and need for the proposed action (Section 1.1 ). For this reason , the no-action alternative has two components

replacing the generating capacity of WF3 and decommissioning the WF3 facility. 2.6.1 Alternatives Evaluation Process The " no-action alternative" to the proposed action is to not renew the WF3 OL. In this alternative , it is expected that WF3 would continue to operate up through the end of the existing OL , at which time plant operations would cease and decommissioning would begin (Section 7.3.3). Because WF3 constitutes reliable long-term base-load capacity , it is reasonable to assume that a decision to not renew the WF3 OL would necessitate the replacement of its approximately 1 , 188-MWe capacity with another generation source capable of providing equivalent base-load power. The environmental impacts of the no-action alternative would be from decommissioning WF3 and providing a replacement power source or sources as discussed in Chapter 7. In reviewing alternative energy sources , Entergy utilized the following criteria to determine a reasonable set of alternatives for purposes of evaluating the no-action alternative under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and NRC environmental regulations. The purpose of the proposed action (license renewal) i s the continued production of approximately 1 , 188 net MWe of reliable base-load generation.
  • The time frame for the needed generation is 2024-2044. Alternatives considered must be available (constructed , permitted , and connected to the grid) by the time the current WF3 OL expires in 2024. Alternatives must be electricity generating sources that are technically feasible and commercially viable. 2-40 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The annual capacity factor of WF3 , based on a 3-year average for the years 2012-2014 , is 85.8 percent (Entergy 2013b; Entergy 2014a; Entergy 2015 f). The capacity factor is targeted to remain near or above this value throughout the plant's operating life. All necessary federal permits , licenses , approvals , and other entitlements would be obtained on a timetable supporting new generation in 2024. 2.6.2 Alternatives Considered Chapter 7 presents , in some detail , the methodology of identifying actions that could be taken to replace the base-load generation capacity of WF3 in the region. Alternative generating technologies were evaluated to identify candidate technologies that would be capable of replacing the WF3 generating capacity by the end of the licensed unit's term in 2024. Entergy's 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is the long-range strategy for meeting customers' power needs (Entergy 2015g). The IRP is intended to provide guidelines for resource planning and decisions , and includes a 5-year action plan that allows Entergy to provide safe , reliable , and economic services to all customers , existing and new. Entergy's IRP determined that the following alternatives were found appropriate for further analysis (Entergy 2015g): Pulverized coal-supercritical pulverized coal with carbon capture. Natural gas-fired alternatives (simple-cycle combustion turbines , combined-cycle gas turbines , small-scale aeroderivatives , and large-scale aeroderivatives).
  • Nuclear-Generation Ill technology. Renewables (biomass , onshore wind power , and solar photovoltaic). Based on the IRP analysis , gas-fired combustion turbines and combined-cycle gas turbines were selected as the preferred technologies for new build resources. The remaining alternatives , new nuclear , new coal , solar photovoltaic , and biomass , were not selected i n any of the scenarios. Wind had a significant role in only one of the scenarios that involves high gas and carbon prices. (Entergy 2015g) Entergy determ i ned that the most likely alternative that would replace WF3 due to economic reasons , and relatively short development and construction time (approximately 3 years) would be a natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC) plant at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. However , for the sole purpose of this NEPA analysis and to assist the NRC staff with the preparation of the WF3-specific supplemental environmental impact statement , the hypothetical alternatives considered reasonable and discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7 are as follows: 2-41 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage NGCC plant at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , assuming that appropriately sized combustion turbines , heat recovery steam generator , and steam turbine generator are assembled in appropriate power train configurations to produce net electrical power virtually equivalent to the net 1 , 188 MWe generated by WF3. Supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) plant at an alternate site consisting of multiple boiler/steam turbine generator units with net electricity generation approximately equivalent to the net 1 , 188 MWe generated by WF3. New nuclear plant at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property where WF3 is located with net electricity generation approximately equivalent to the net 1 , 188 MWe generated by WF3. Combination of hypothetical alternatives consisting of an NGCC plant and biomass plants at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property where WF3 is located , and demand-side management (DSM). Entergy determined that the following alternatives were not considered as a reasonable replacement in comparison to renewal of the WF3 OL. The bases for these determinations are discussed in Section 7.1.2. Purchased power Plant reactivation or extended service life Conservation or DSM Wind Solar technologies
photovoltaic cells and solar thermal power Hydropower Geothermal
  • Wood waste Municipal solid waste Other biomass-derived fuels Fuel cells Oil Ocean wave and current energy Coal-fired integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) 2-42 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is located on approximately 3 , 560 acres of Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned land. As previously discussed in Section 1.3 , Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 are also located on this same property. Waterford 1 and 2 are 411-MWe oil/gas-fired generating plants , and Waterford 4 is a 33-MWe fired peaking generating plant. 3.0.1 Location and Features WF3 is located on the west (right descending) bank of the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge , Louisiana , and New Orleans , Louisiana. The site is in the northwestern section of St. Charles Parish , Louisiana , and is near the communities of Killona and Taft. (WF3 2014a , Section As shown in Table 3.10-1 , the city of New Orleans , Louisiana , is the largest population center in the region , and is approximately 25 miles east of the site. The second largest population center in the region is Baton Rouge , Louisiana , approximately 50 miles northwest of the site. Figure 3.0-1 shows the property boundary , facility structures , and the EAB. WF3 falls within the Public Land Survey System and is located in Section 26 , Township 12S , Range 20E (Entergy 2014b), as shown in Figure 3.0-2. 3.0.2 Vicinity and Region The vicinity of WF3 is defined as the area within a 6-mile radius from the center of the WF3 containment structure and includes segments of St. Charles and St. John the Baptist parishes (Figure 3.0-3). As described in Section 3.1 , land within the vicinity of the site is primarily developed for industrial and residential uses , with agricultural fields , wetlands , and open water. WF3 is located adjacent to the Mississippi River , at River Mile 129.6. The Mississippi River itself is the most prominent natural feature of the region. Other important natural features include Lac des Allemands , about 5.5 miles southwest of the site , and Lake Pontchartrain , about 7 miles northeast of the site. The land slopes gently from its high points near the river (+10 to 15 feet msl) to extensive wetlands located about 1.5 to 2.5 miles inland from the river. (WF3 2014a , Section The region of WF3 is defined as the area within a 50-mile radius (Figure 3.0-4) centered on the WF3 containment structure. The region includes portions of the following 21 parishes in the state of Louisiana: Ascension , Assumption , East Baton Rouge , Iberia , Iberville , Jefferson , Lafourche , Livingston , Orleans , Plaquemines , St. Bernard , St. Charles , St. Helena , St. James , St. John the Baptist , St. Martin , St. Mary , St. Tammany , Tangipahoa , Terrebonne , and West Baton Rouge. As shown in Table 3.10-2 , St. Charles Parish , where WF3 is located , had a 2010 population of 52 , 780 , up from 48 , 072 in 2000. St. Charles Parish and both neighboring Jefferson and St. John the Baptist parishes are designated as part of the New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (RPC 2014). Jefferson Parish had a 2010 population of 432 , 552 , down from 455,466 in 2000. St. John the Baptist Parish had a 2010 population of 45 , 924 , up from 43 , 044 in 2000. (USCB 2014a) 3-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.10-1 provides 2010 U.S. Census data for communities that are located totally or partially within a 50-mile rad i us of WF3. Important urban centers in the region of the site include New Orleans , which had a 2010 population of 343,829 , down from a population of 484 , 674 in 2000; and Baton Rouge , which had a 2010 population of 229 , 493, up from a population of 227 , 818 in 2000. Communities near the site include Killona (1 mile west-northwest) with a 2010 population of 793 , down from a population of 797 in 2000; Taft (1 mile east-southeast) with a 2010 population of 63 , and no reported population in 2000; Montz (2 miles north-northeast) with a 2010 population of 1 , 918 , up from a population of 1 , 120 in 2000; Norco (4 miles east) with a 2010 population of 3 , 074, down from a population of 3 , 579 in 2000; Hahnville (4 miles east-southeast) with a 2010 population of 3 , 344 , up from a population of 2 , 792 in 2000; and Laplace (5 miles north) with a 2010 population of 29 , 872 , up from a population of 27,684 in 2000. All the communities near the site except Laplace are located in St. Charles Parish. Laplace is located in neighboring St. John the Baptist Parish. Within a 50-mile radius of the site , there are 10 communities with a 201 O population greater than 25 , 000 , and three of these have a 2010 population greater than 100 , 000. (USCB 2014b) The region has a highly developed roadway network and rail system (Figures 3.0-3 and 3.0-4). Interstate Highway 10 (1-10) parallels the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. Interstate Highway 12 runs east-west and is located north of Lake Pontchartrain. North-south Interstate Highway 55 and Interstate Highway 59 both feed traffic into New Orleans. The Union Pacific Railroad has an east-west line that runs through the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. Large industries are located along the Mississippi River both north and south of the site as far as Baton Rouge and New Orleans. These industries are predominantly refineries , petrochemicals manufacturers , sugar manufacturers , and grain elevators. (WF3 2014a , Section The reactor building is approximately 1 , 000 feet from the shoreline of the Mississippi River , which is one of the major inland waterway shipping routes in the United States. (WF3 2014a , Section There are approximately 50 major pipelines operated by 12 different companies within 2 miles of WF3. Products carried in these pipelines include natural gas , hydrogen , ammonia , liquefied petroleum gas, ethane , gasoline , propane , and raw materials.

The pipelines closest to the site are (1) Bridgeline Holdings's 16-inch natural gas line (0.3 miles to the west) and (2) Evangeline Gas Pipeline Co's two 20-inch natural gas lines (one to Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , approximately 0.4 miles to the west; the other to Little Gypsy , approximately 0.4 miles to the east). There are four producing gas and oil fields within a 5-mile radius of WF3. (WF3 2014a , Section Within 10 miles of WF3 , there are three private heliports , one private airfield , and one general aviation airport open to the public. As illustrated in Figure 3.0-3 , two private heliports and one private air field (WF3 , River Parish Hospital , and Triche Field) are located within 6 miles of the site. The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is a full-service commercial airport located approximately 13 miles from the plant , as shown in Figure 3.0-4. (AirNav 2014) 3-2 3.0.3 Station Features Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The principal structures at WF3 are identified in Section 2.2. In addition to the principal structures , the WF3 plant area is defined as including the fenced area immediately adjacent to WF3 (WF3 2014a , Section The WF3 protected area is completely enclosed by security fencing , with access to the area controlled through a security access portal system. A plant security system monitors the protected area , as well as the buildings within the station. The site area is shown , along with principal station structures and nearby features in Figure 3.0-1. The nearest residences to WF3 are located approximately 0.9 miles to the northeast , east-northeast , west-northwest and northwest of the reactor. (Entergy 2015h , Table 2.1) Entergy has full control of all activities conducted within the EAB (Figure 3.0-1) of WF3. All of the property within the designated exclusion area is owned by the licensee with the exception of the bottom lands below the mean low water of the Mississippi River. (WF3 2014a , Section Transportation facilities near WF3 include the following (WF3 2014a , Section ): Mississippi River (0.2 miles from the site); Louisiana Highway 18 (LA-18) (0.1 miles north-northeast)

Louisiana Highway 628 (LA-628) (0.7 miles north-northeast across the Mississippi River); Louisiana Highway 3127 (LA-3127)

(1.1 miles south-southwest)

and Union Pacific Railroad (0.5 miles south-southwest), and as shown in Figure 3.0-1 , a rail spur from the main line extends into the WF3 industrial area. In the northern portion of the Entergy Louisiana, LLC property outside the industrial areas , the primary land use is cultivated crops. The southern portion of the property is dominated by wetlands , as described in Section 3.1. The drainage from the plant site runoff flows southwest to Lac Des Allemands (WF3 2014a , Section 3.0.4 Federal, Native American, State, and Local Lands A number of public lands are located within the vicinity of WF3 , as listed in Table 3.0-1 and illustrated in Figure 3.0-5. The federal parcel nearest to the site is the Bonnet Carre Spillway. The Bonnet Carre Spillway is located on the east bank of the Mississippi River , approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the plant , and is a major flood control public works structure near WF3 in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Approximately 25 miles upstream of the city of New Orleans , Louisiana , the spillway and structure were constructed to divert approximately 250 , 000 cfs of floodwaters from the Mississippi River to Lake Pontchartrain to prevent overtopping of levees at and below New Orleans, assuring the safety of New Orleans and the downtown delta area during major floods on the lower Mississippi.

(WF3 2014a , Section 3-3 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The area within a 6-m il e radius of WF3 contains no state parks. A portion of the Maurepas Swamp Wildlife Management Area (WMA) lies w i thin the vicinity , and public access and camping are permitted within the swamp. Numerous outdoor recreational activities (fishing , hunting , trapping , boating , and bird watching) are available for the public to pursue. (LDWF 2014a) Various local parks lie within the vicinity (Table 3.0-1), located in both St. Charles and St. John the Baptist parishes. Closest to the site are two organized park areas: Killona and Montz parks. Kil Iona Park , located approximately 1 mile northwest of the site , is a 12.5-acre park containing basketball courts and baseball fields. Montz Park is located approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the site and contains a baseball field. (WF3 2014a , Section There are a variety of national and state parks and WMAs located throughout the region, as shown in Figure 3.0-6. There are no Indian reservations or Native American owned lands within the 50-mile region. As illustrated in Figure 3.0-6 , there is one military installation

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans located approximately 30 miles east-southeast of WF3. 3.0.5 Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Projects in Site Vicinity As previously discussed in Section 3.0 , there are three other Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned fossil fuel-fired electricity generating facilities located on the same property on which WF3 is located: Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4. WF3 has an ISFSI used to safely store spent fuel in licensed and approved dry cask storage containers on site. This ISFSI is licensed separately from the WF3 operating unit and would remain in place until the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) takes possession of the spent fuel and removes it from the site for permanent disposal or process i ng. Expansion of the onsite spent fuel storage capacity may be required in the future if the DOE does not take responsibility for the permanent storage and disposal of the onsite spent fuel. The impacts associated with this expansion would be assessed under a separate NRC l i censing and review process. Along the west shore of Lake Pontchartrain , the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) is investigating the potential to provide hurricane and storm-surge risk reduction on the east bank of the M i ssissippi River in St. Charles , St. John the Baptist , and St. James parishes.

The study area is located west of the Bonnet Carre Spillway.

(USACE 2014a) The federal project under discussion includes construction of an $881 million dollar levee project in St John the Baptist Parish by the USACE to protect east bank communities from hurricane storm surge. (The Picayune 2014) Based on public information , foreseeable manufacturing projects within a 50-mile radius of WF3 i nclude the following (The Advocate 2015): A.M. Agrigen's fertilizer plant in the Killona area of St. Charles Parish. Castleton Commodities International LLC's methanol manufacturing plant in the Braithwaite area of Plaquemines Parish. 3-4 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Yuhuang Chemical lnc.'s methanol complex in St. James Parish on River Road on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Williams Partners LP's potential addition of an ethane cracker to the company's Geismar complex located in Ascension Parish. The company is exploring this idea. 3-5 T a bl e 3.0-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Fe deral , State , and Local L a nd s, 6-M ile Radius of WF 3 Name( a) M a nage me nt Dista n ce(b) Directi o n Nearest P l ace Parish L O U I S IA NA Montz Park Local 1 ENE Montz St. Charles Killona Park Local 1 NW Ki Ilona St. Charles Bonnet Carre Spillway (c) Federal 1 ENE Montz S t. Charles Bethune Park Loca l 3 ENE Norco St. Cha rl es Laplace Weigh Station-Airline Highway State 4 NNE Lap l ace St. John the Baptist Cambridge Park Loca l 5 N Laplace St. John the Baptist Emily C. Watk i ns Park Local 5 NNW Laplace St. John the Baptist Highway 51 Park Local 5 N Laplace St. John the Baptist Larayo Park Local 5 NNW Lap l ace St. John the Baptist Wisner Donation Charity Hospital-New Orleans State 5 w Edgard St. John the Baptist Di v ision of State Lands-Patent State 6 SSE Boutte St. Charles Division o f State Lands-Patent State 6 ENE Norco St. Cha rl es Maurepas Swamp Wildlife Management Area State 6 NNE Lap l ace St. John the Baptist Greenwood Park Loca l 6 NNW Lap l ace St. John the Baptist River Parishes Mental Health Center State 6 NNW Laplace St. John the Baptist (LDOA 2014; SCP 2011; SJBP 2014a; USDA 2014a; WF3 2014a) a. List is based on best available public information and i n cludes lands that are totally or partial l y located within a 6-m i le radius of WF3. *A comp l ete list of St. Charles Parish parks and recreation sites is available in the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan (SCP 2011). *A complete list of parks and recreation sites for St. John the Baptist Parish is available at the parish website (SJBP 2014a). b. Distances are approximate miles (rounded to the nearest whole number and ca l culated based on WF3 l ocat i on and l and centroid data). c. T h e distance reported for the Bonnet Carre Sp ill way is ro unded an d based on the point of the propert y boundary c l osest to WF3 (WF3 2014a , Section

Legend -Property Boundary -+-Railroad Protected Area 0E xclusion Area Boundary WF3 Structure Waterford 1 , 2 & 4 Structures Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; USCB 2014c; WF3 2009) -----=====

Miles 0 0.5 Figure 3.0-1 WF3 Plant Layout 3-7 1

,, 'I ' / "' . ... ., h *,. 1 ' I I -_I __ _-_ l Legend I I I I 41 I I I \ Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; USDA 2014a) -Property Boundary -------======:::::i Miles 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.0-2 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property and Area Topography 3-8 I I I I I I I ' ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' ' ' l ' \ ,\ '\ \ ' \ -----St. Charles Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Lake Po11tclwrtrai11


... .._ I Baptist)', / ... I ' / ' / ' I ' / ' / ' / ' / ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I Lac Des Allemands

"' \ ...... , Legend 1:1 A irport El Heliport I ... , ) .... , .. I ... ...... ' ' '1 ... ... .,. i' ...........

,. I ---------: I I ' -Pr operty B oundary -Interstate (Entergy 2013a; USCB 2014c; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) S urface Water -U.S. R oute --, L _.I 6-Mile Rad ius R oute .......... : _____ : Census Pla c e --Lo c al Roads P arish -+-+-R a ilroad --------=======::i Miles 0 2 Figure 3.0-3 6-Mile Radius of WF3 3-9 4 Waterford Steam El e ctr i c St a tion , Unit 3 Appl i c a n t's Environment a l Report Operating License Renewal Stage Washrngton Livingston

\ St Mary ( ' _/ ' ( ' I' ' Terrebonne

' ' ' ' -..__, " I ' / ' ,.,; ' .... \ '-. St. '..__ Charles J / \ \ Bernar , a ,_-...... \ I '----.., St. l / , _____ , __ /\ ___ Plaquemines

/ , I '--...........

-'-, \ ( I \, ) : ( '""', Jefferson1 1 I I \ I \. \ , __ ,...,\...

l, ,' I I , I , f \ 4", \ \ I ...... ...... _ l ,,,,,. ,,,,,--.... , \ I \ / I *' *,, .............. ... _ Legend

  • VVF3 = Airport -Interstate

-U.S. Route --+-+-Ra ilro ad S u rface Water L :1 50-M il e Radius Mun ici pa lity [==J Parish ! State I I I I I I / i ' ---------(USC B 2014c; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) ----c:======:J M il es 0 1 0 2 0 Figure 3.0-4 50-M i le Radius of WF3 3-1 0 Lac DesAlle111a11ds Legend \ '\ River Parishes \Mental Health \ Center \ Surface Water -Property B oundary f_ -J 6-Mile Radius -I nt erstat e r Local -U.S. Route Sta t e =-S ta te Rou t e -F ederal -+--+-Railroad .. _ .. _ ---,; Census Pla c e L-=-_J Par i sh St. Char l es Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage r--"' / \ / ( :) Lake Po111chartrai11 (Enterg y 2013a; LDOA 2014; SCP 2011; SJBP 2014a; USCB 2014c; USDA 2014a; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) --------========::i Miles 0 2 4 Figure 3.0-5 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 3-11 Legend

-Interstate Surface Water = U.S. Route Local State -Federal -Military L _I 50-Mi l e Radius C Municipality r==J Parish

_f Thibodaux r.':. *J-1 _ __!_ t., ffl' \ ' -\ ****-====:::i Mi l es 0 1 0 2 0 Figure 3.0-6 Waterfo r d Steam E l ect r ic Sta ti on , Un i t 3 Applican t's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal S t age / (LDOA 20 14; USCB 2014c; USDA 2014a; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) Federal, State, and Local Lands, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 3-12 3.1 Land Use and Visual Resources Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Land use descriptions are focused on St. Charles and Jefferson parishes in Louisiana because WF3 is located in St. Charles Parish , approximately 44 percent of WF3 employees are located in these two parishes , and because WF3 is one of Entergy Louisiana , LLC's assets on which property taxes are paid to St. Charles Parish. The remaining WF3 employees reside in 19 different parishes and four different states. 3.1.1 Onsite Land Use WF3 is located on approximately 3 , 560 acres of Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned land. The WF3 plant area itself covers 40.1 acres. (WF3 2014a , Section The plant is located in the northwestern section of St. Charles Parish , Louisiana , near the towns of Killona and Taft (Figure 3.0-3) (WF3 2014a , Section The largest cities nearthe site are New Orleans and Baton Rouge , Louisiana , located approximately 25 miles east and 50 miles northwest , respectively (Figure 3.0-4). The site is located adjacent to the Mississippi River , with the majority of manmade features located on the narrow strip of dry land between the Miss i ssippi River and the wetlands (WF3 2014a , Section, as shown in Figure 3.0-1. As shown in Table 3.1-1 and illustrated in Figure 3.1-1 , wetlands are the largest land cover category , covering approximately 63 percent of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. These wetlands are classified primarily as woody wetlands (58.5 percent) and emergent herbaceous wetlands (4.1 percent). The next largest category is agriculture , with approximately 23 percent of the property classified as cultivated crops. (USDA 2014a) Regarding agricultural land use , approximately 660 acres of the property is currently leased to Raceland Raw Sugar LLC for growing sugar cane , milo , or soybeans as stipulated in the lease agreement.

The term of the lease is limited to three crop years , as that term is generally used in the agricultural community.

The current lease will expire November 1 , 2017 (Entergy 2014c) but can be extended for an additional three crop years. Land on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property is zoned as an industrial area by St. Charles Parish. Future land use maps from the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan indicate that these uses are anticipated to continue on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. (SCP 2011) Entergy Louisiana , LLC owns , in title , all surface rights within the EAB. There is no anticipated future exploration for subsurface minerals within the exclusion zone. Entergy Louisiana , LLC i s the full or partial owner of mineral rights on lands adjoining the exclusion zone. Entergy Louisiana , LLC has no intention of executing mineral leases for drilling on this property; however , if this were contemplated , a condition of the lease agreement would be a restriction prohibiting directional drilling into the subsurface below the exclusion zone. (WF3 2014a , Section 3.1.2 Offsite Land Use As shown in Table 3.10-2 , St. Charles Parish has seen an increase in total population since 2000 and is projected to continue this trend through 2045. In contrast , Jefferson Parish saw a 3-13 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage decrease i n total populat i on between 2000 and 201 O; however , total population is projected to i ncrease through 2045. St. Charles Parish is located in southeast Louisiana and is bordered on the north by Lake Pontchartrain , on the west by St. John the Baptist Parish , on the south and southwest by Lafourche Parish , and on the east by Jefferson Parish (Figure 3.0-4). The Mississippi River bisects the parish in a general east-west direction and there is heavy industrial development along the banks of the river. Approximately 31 percent of the total parish area is open water , while another approximately 61 percent of the total parish area is wetlands , scrub , and marsh. Only about 11 percent of land area (approximately 20 , 000 acres) is potentially developable land , of which approximately 12 , 300 acres are already developed. Agriculture is the most prevalent land use , with more than 7 , 000 acres (3.89 percent of land area) cultivated for crops , and pasture and grassland for livestock. Single-family residential , at 3 percent of land area (approximately 5,400 acres), and industrial , at 2.67 percent of land area (approximately 4 , 800 acres), are the next two largest land use categories. (SCP 2011) The vicinity (6-mile radius) surrounding WF3 lies pr i marily within St. Charles Parish; however , a small portion to the north and east includes land area in St. John the Baptist Parish (Figure 3.0-3). The land use and land cover categories located within a 6-mile radius of WF3 are illustrated in Figure 3.1-2. Wetlands are the largest land cover category , covering approximately 55 percent. These wetlands are primarily classified as woody wetlands (approximately 39.2 percent) and emergent herbaceous wetlands (approximately 15.9 percent). The next largest category is agriculture , with approximately 13.6 percent of the vicinity classified as cultivated crops , followed by open water at approximately 10.5 percent (approximately 7 , 632 acres). Developed land , which includes open space , low intensity , medium intensity , and high intensity , totals approximately 13,409 acres (18.5 percent).

These four categories compose the majority (approximately 97.7 percent) of the land use/land cover types that occur within the vicinity , which are presented in greater detail in Table 3.1-2. (USDA 2014a) St. Charles Parish occupies approximately 177 , 830 acres of land , of which 16 , 216 acres are proportioned to farmland. The 2012 Census of Agriculture reports that the parish had a total of 70 farms , with an average farm size of 232 acres. Approximately 31 farms produced crops , with primary crops reported as forage (1 , 598 acres) and vegetables harvested for sale (20 acres). Approximately 48 farms produced livestock , with the primary commodity being reported as beef COWS. (USDA 2012) Jefferson Parish occupies approximately 189 , 203 acres of land , of which 7 , 748 acres are proportioned to farmland. In 2012 , it was reported that the parish had a total of 57 farms , with an average farm size of 136 acres. Approximately 22 farms produced crops , with primary crops reported as forage (454 acres) and orchards (2 acres). Livestock is also an important agricultural product in the parish , with livestock commodities such as cattle and calves (13 farms), layers (2 farms), and beef cows (8 farms) being reported. Other agricultural uses of farmland within the parish included woodlands (645 acres; 14 farms), permanent pasture and rangeland (2 , 782 acres; 29 farms), and aquaculture (11 farms). (USDA 2012) 3-14 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl i can t's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 33 , Municipalities and Parishes , Part IV , Physical Development of Parishes and Municipalities , grants the power (to every parish and municipality) to create a planning commission and an official master plan. The legislation defines master plan as a statement of public policy for the physical development of a parish or municipality adopted by a parish or municipal planning commission. Further , it states that a parish or municipal planning commission shall make and adopt a master plan for the physical development of the unincorporated parish territories and municipality.

The plan should include the following (LA 2014): Location , character , and extent of transportation routes , public park spaces , aviation fields , and other public ways , grounds , and open spaces; General location of public buildings , schools , and other public property;

  • General character , extent and layout of public housing and the replanning of blighted districts and slum areas; General location and extent of public utilities and terminals for water , light , sanitation , communication , power , transportation , and other purposes; The removal , relocation , widening , narrowing , vacating , abandonment , change of use , or extension of any of the foregoing ways , grounds , open spaces , buildings , property , utilities , or terminals. St. Charles Parish , Jefferson Parish , and nearby New Orleans Metropolitan Region all have master plans with active zoning regulations. St. Charles Parish has a history that includes a proactive approach to zoning , resulting in 51 percent of the land set aside for specific types of land use. In the Parish's 2030 Plan , this approach has continued with planned land use categories identified on their future land use map. The map includes five major categories
residential , employment, commercial , activity centers , and resources (e.g., recreation , wetlands , existing and planned roadways , and wetland mitigation banks). For each of these categories , there is significant potential for development capacity. For example , the vacant , potentially developable land set aside for residential zoning distr i cts adds up to nearly 10 , 000 acres , which could accommodate almost 10 times the number of homes anticipated to be needed in 2030. St. Charles Parish objectives for future land use , housing , and community character include the following (SCP 2011 ): Provide for an orderly and cost-effective redevelopment and growth pattern; Minimize incompatibilities between different types of uses; Enhance community livability , historical value , appearance , and visual character; Protect and maintain rural character; 3-15 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Preserve product i ve farmland and promote economically viable and compatible agricultural uses in the parish; and Reduce development vulnerability to storms and other disasters. Jefferson Parish's Envision 2020 Plan characterizes land within the hurricane protection levee system as the de facto urban growth area for the parish. The urban growth area contains nearly 65 , 500 acres of land outs i de of the incorporated cities and is approximately 67 percent developed. The majority of this land area is located along the west bank of the Mississippi River. Within the urban growth area , the primary land use category is residential (17 , 697 .6 acres; 40.4 percent), followed by public or private ROWs for transportation and drainage canals (11 , 381.2 acres; 25.9 percent). (UWDUPD 2006) The parish's goals for future land use include the following (UWDUPD 2006): Provide for a sustainable urban environment that will support and enhance neighborhoods and businesses and accommodate their growth; Provide suitable and adequate opportunities for commercial and industrial development that is convenient , visually pleasing , and environmentally sound; Accommodate a diverse range of housing types and densities in a manner well suited to surrounding uses; Preserve existing residential neighborhoods
Protect and enhance the major economic activity centers; and Ensure that dependable and adequate public infrastructure supports the existing and future development needs of the parish. 3.1.3 Visual Resources As discussed in Sect i on 3.0.1 , WF3 is located on the west bank (right descending) of the Mississippi River. Figure 3.0-1 shows the building site layout and the property boundary in association with the Mississippi River. As discussed in Section 3.1.1 , the largest land use categories on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property are wetlands at approximately 63 percent and agriculture at approximately 23 percent. The profile of WF3 is dominated by the 249.5-foot high , domed-roof reactor shield building. The base of the reactor containment and the reactor auxiliary building is situated 50 feet below ground , which reduces the height of the plant's skyline profile. All auxiliary structures , ducts , pipes , and tanks are painted a blue-gray color that blends with the natural-finish concrete of the principal structures. WF3 is seen by viewers in conjunction with Entergy Louisiana , LLC's three 3-16 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl i cant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage existing fossil-fueled units and is visibly compat i ble with the industrialized character of adjacent properties. (LP&L 1978 , Section 3.1) Within the vicinity , there is heavy industrial and commercial development along the Mississippi River. Near WF3, there are several large industrial facilities , including Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 (0.4 miles west-northwest of WF3); Little Gypsy Steam Electric Station Units 1 , 2 , and 3 (0.8 m i les north-northeast of the site , across the river); and Occidental Chemical Corporation (0.8 miles east-southeast). Other large industries are located along the Mississippi River both north and south of the site as far as Baton Rouge and New Orleans. These industries are predominantly refineries , petrochemicals manufacturers , sugar manufacturers , and grain elevators. (WF3 2014a , Section Additional industrial facilities located on LA-3142 near WF3 include Air Liquide America; Galata Chemicals; Occidental Chemical Corp.; Praxair Distribution , Inc.; and Union Carbide (wholly-owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company). (Dow 2015; SCP 2015a). Visual impacts from the site are limited to adjacent properties and traffic , associated with the Mississippi River (0.2 miles from the site), LA-18 (0.1 miles north-northeast), LA-628 (0.7 miles north-northeast , across the river), and LA-3127 (1.1 miles south-southwest). (WF3 2014a , Section As discussed in Section 3.0.3 , the nearest residences to WF3 are located approximately 0.9 miles to the northeast , east-northeast , northwest , and west-northwest of the reactor. As discussed in Section 3.0.4 , the nearest organized park areas closest to WF3 are Ki Ilona and Montz parks. Ki Ilona Park i s located approximately 1 mile northwest of the site , while Montz Park is located approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the site. As shown in Table 3.7-2 , the nearest aboveground historic property is 2 miles from WF3. Therefore , WF3 is visibly compatible with the industrialized character of adjacent properties and does not visually impact aboveground historic properties or areas that have a high degree of recreational use. 3-17 Table 3.1-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Category Acres Percent Open water 46.93 1.3 Developed 467.70 12.9 Open space 69.16 1.9 Low intensity 309.80 8.5 Medium intensity 35.81 1.0 High intensity 52.93 1.5 Barren land (rock/sand/clay) 12.45 0.3 Shrub/scrub 1.56 0.0 Grassland/herbaceous 7.78 0.2 Pasture/hay 2.89 0.1 Cultivated crops 820.19 22.6 Woody wetlands 2 , 128.32 58.5 Emergent herbaceous wetlands 148.11 4.1 Total 3,635.93(a) 100.0 (USDA 2014a) a. The acreages presented in this table are based on the MRLC land use/land cover data. These data are presented in a raster (pixel-based) format , and because of their square geography they do not exactly match the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property boundary.

This geography variation creates a small difference between the total acreage reported in Table 3.1-1 compared to the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property acreage stated throughout the ER. 3-18 Table 3.1-2 Waterford Steam Electric Stat ion , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal S tage Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 Category Acres Percent Open water 7 , 632.14 10.54 Developed 13,408.84 18.52 Open space 1 , 877.01 2.59 Low intensity 8 , 625.58 11.92 Medium intensity 1 , 240.29 1.71 High int ensity 1 , 665.96 2.30 Barren land (r ock/sand/cl ay) 35.36 0.05 Deciduous fo r est 8.67 0.01 Mixed forest 3.78 0.01 Shrub/scrub 465.03 0.64 Grassland/herbaceous 45.37 0.06 Pastu r e/hay 1 , 008.34 1.39 Cu ltiv ated crops 9 , 860.76 13.62 Woody wetlands 28 , 381.12 39.21 Emergent herbaceous wetlands 11 , 534.28 15.93 Total 72,383.69 100.00 (USDA 2014a) 3-19 Legend -Property B oondary C:. Shrub/Scrub Op e n Water C::, Gra s s l and/Herbaceous L Developed , Open Spece r P asture/Hay Developed. Low In t ensit y CUitivated Crops Developed , Medn.1m Intensity C::.. Woody Wetlands Developed , High Intens ity Barren Land (Roc k/San d/Clay) Emergent Herb a ceous Wetlands Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Env i ronmenta l Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; USDA 2014a) -----c:=====

Miles 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.1-1 Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property 3-20 0 D ./ St. John the Baptist (jl ,..---------

Lafourche Legend

  • WF3 C en t erpoin t Be rr en land (Roc kl S1md/Clay) -Deciduous Forest ... --' 6-Mh Radius 0 Mixed Forest Pari s h 0 Shrub/Scrub -Open W ate r D Grassland/Herbaceous D Developed , Open Space 0 Pasture/He y Developed. Low Intensity

-Cultivated Crops -Developed , Medium Intensity 0 Woody W etlands -Developed , High Intensity Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands L Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage / , / / I I ----. St. Charles ** -J I (USCB 2014c; USDA 2014a; USGS 2014a) -----i=====

Miles 0 1.5 3 Figure 3.1-2 Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 3-21 3.2 Meteorology and Air Quality 3.2.1 General Climate Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Environmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage The climate of southeastern Louisiana is classified as humid subtropical.

It is influenced to a large degree by the many water surfaces provided by lakes and streams and by proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. During mid-June to mid-September , the prevailing southeast to southwest winds carry inland warm , moist tropical air favorable for sporadic , often quite localized development of thunderstorms. Occasionally the pressure distribution of the atmosphere changes to bring in a flow of hotter and drier air. (WF3 20 1 4a , Section The prevailing southeast to southwest winds i n the summer months are usually associated with the "Bermuda High" that often remains stationary in the Atlantic Ocean off the southeast coast of the United States; on some days , however , such winds merely reflect a localized sea breeze. The hotter drier conditions on the other hand are usually caused by the formation of a high pressure system over the western Gulf of Mexico. Cool continental air rarely reaches the site region in summer. If a cold front does occur , the cold air behind the front has usually been greatly moderated by solar heating over the pla i ns states to the north or northwest.

(WF3 2014a , Section From late fall until early spring , bursts of cold air do reach southeastern Louisiana , but the cool temperatures which result seldom last more than a few days. Even during these seasons , the weather is still usually dominated by maritime tropical air from the Gulf of Mex i co. The interaction between this moist air and the much colder , drier air to the north often generates or intensifies winter storms which then usually pass to the north of the site. Throughout the year , the many water surfaces in the site area modify the relative humidity and temperature by decreasing the range between extremes. During periods of southerly wind flow , these effects are increased , imparting the characteristics of a marine climate. Relative humid i ty of less than 50 percent occurs in each month of the year; however , it is less frequent in the summer than during the other seasons. Freezing temperatures are not common and are generally restricted to the period midDecember to mid-March. Some years have no temperatures below freezing.

(WF3 2014a , Section 3.2.2 Meteorology Wind Direction and Speed Surface wind data for New Orleans (Moisant International Airport) for the 30-year period 1981-2010 were used to define long-term wind conditions for the New Orleans area. The data show a south wind to be the predominant direction. The average wind speed over this same 30-year period was 8 m i les per hours (mph). (NCDC 2015) Tabulated wind rose data and actual wind roses for the WF3 onsite meteorological station (30 foot level) for the periods July 1973 through June 1975 and February 1977 to February 1978 indicated the site experiences fewer calms and more frequent southeasterly winds than does the 3-22 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage airport. The decrease in calm conditions recorded at the site as opposed to the airport may be due to the low wind speed threshold for the anemometer and a longer averaging period of the observation (60-minute) at the site. The directional differences are most likely due to the effects of Lake Pontchartrain and the location of the lake with respect to the airport and WF3. (WF3 2014a , Section Based on a 5-year average (2010-2014) of meteorological measurements at WF3 , the hourly average wind speed on an annual period was 6.6 mph , with a maximum hourly averaged wind speed of 43.1 mph recorded in 2012 , as a result of Hurricane Isaac. In addition , consistent with the July 1973 through June 1975 and the February 1977 to February 1978 measurements discussed above , the site experienced few calms during this 5-year period. (WF3 2011 a; WF3 2012; WF3 2013; WF3 2014c; WF3 2015a) Annual wind rose data for the period 2010-2014 (Figures 3.2-1 , 3.2-2 , 3.2-3 , 3.2-4 , and 3.2-5) indicate that the predominant directions originate from the south , south-southeast , and northeast sectors. Temperature In the New Orleans area , on average , there are only about 7 days per year when the temperature rises to 95°F or higher (WF3 2014a , Section, and 102°F is the highest temperature of record , occurring most recently in August , 1980, in Orleans Parish (NCDC 2014a). During the 30-year period 1981-2010 , the greatest number of days in New Orleans with temperatures of 90°F or higher was 74 days in 1974 (NCDC 2014a). From about mid-November to mid-March , the area is subjected alternately to tropical air and cold continental air in periods of varying length. About 80 percent of the December-February hourly temperatures range from 41°F to 69°F. The mean date of the first occurrence of 32°F or lower is about December 12 , while the mean date of the last occurrence is about February 13. Between these dates , temperatures are above freezing more than 6 days out of seven entirely with some afternoons having temperatures in the 70s and 80s. The mean length of the freeze-free period is about 302 days. The latest freeze date in spring was March 27 , 1955 , with 30°F reported. The earliest freeze date in the fall was November 11 , 1894 , when a reading of 32°F was recorded. (WF3 2014a , Section The usual track of winter storms is to the north of New Orleans , but occasionally one moves into the area , bringing large and rather sudden drops in temperature. However , the cold spells seldom last more than 3 or 4 days. In about two-thirds of the years , the annual lowest temperature is 24°F or warmer , with some years entirely above freezing. The all-time record low temperature recorded in New Orleans was 7°F on February 13 , 1899. The coldest winter on record was 1885-1886 , when the temperature for December , January , and February averaged 50.9°F. (WF3 2014a , Section The long-term temperature records of the area show the typical annual cycle. The monthly average temperature varies from a minimum of 53.2°F in January to a maximum of 82.5°F in July at Moisant International Airport (NCDC 2014a). Temperature records for New Orleans (Audubon Park) and Reserve show similar annual cycles (WF3 2014a , Section Extremes in 3-23 Waterford Steam Elec t r i c S t ation , Un it 3 Appl i can t's Env i ronmental R e po rt Ope r at i ng L i cense Renewa l Stage t emperat ur e r ange from ?°F reco r ded i n Februa ry , 1 899 (WF3 2014a , Section to 1 02°F i n August 1980 (NCDC 2014a). Althoug h the d i urna l temperature r ange i s severa l degrees lowe r at WF3 , the annual mean temperature fo r New O r lea n s and WF3 are w i th i n O.?°F (WF3 2014a , Sect i on The monthly average tempe r ature va l ues (°F) for data collected at the New O r leans Internat i onal Airport for a 75-year per i od of record (1939 through 2013) a r e shown below (NCDC 2014a). Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 53.2 55.4 62.0 68.5 7 5.7 80.6 82.5 82.4 7 8.6 7 0.3 60.8 55.2 The highest da i ly maximum temperatures

(°F) r ecorded for each month at the New Orleans International A i rport for a 67-year period of record (1 947 through 2013) are shown below (NCDC 2014a). Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 83 85 89 92 96 1 0 1 1 01 1 02 101 94 8 7 84 Precipitation Rather frequent and sometimes very heavy rains are typical for th i s area. There are an average of 120 days of measurable ra i n pe r year and an annual average accumulation of more than 60 inches. (NCDC 2014a) The greatest 24-hour amount of precipitation s i nce 1871 was 14.01 inches which fell on April 15-16 , 1927 , wh i le 13.68 i nches fell on October 1-2 , 1937. The heav i est recorded rate of rainfall in the New Orleans area was 1 inch in 5 minutes , measured dur i ng a thunde r storm on February 5 , 1955; however , such a rate i s never long susta i ned. In contrast , one can expect a period of 3 consecut i ve weeks w i thout measurable rainfall about once i n 10 years. The longest period was 53 days from September 29 to November 20 , 1924. (WF3 2014a , Sect i on The monthly average precip i tation values (in inches) for data collected at the New Orleans In t ernat i ona l Airport fo r the years 1981 through 2010 are shown below (NCDC 2014a). Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5.15 5.30 4.55 4.61 4.63 8.06 5.93 5.98 4.97 3.54 4.49 5.24 3-24 Snow and Glaze Waterford Steam Electric Stat ion , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewa l Stage Snowfall amounts are generally light , with the snow usually melting as it lands (WF3 2014a , Section Snowfall amounts of 2 inches or more have only been recorded five times in the 100 years of data available prior to 1975 (5 inches in January 1881 , 8.2 i nches in February 1895 , 3 inches in February 1899 , 2 inches in February 1958 [NCDC 2014a], and 2.7 i nches in December 1963). Sim il arly , only one glaze storm was reported in the region by the U.S. Weather Bureau in the 28-year period of record (1925-1953). However , the Weather Bureau data contain only limited information on glaze occurrences in the New Orleans area. (WF3 2014a , Sect i on Relative Humidity and Fog From December to May , the waters of the Mississippi R i ver are usually colder than the air temperature , favoring the formation of river fog , particularly w i th light southerly winds. Nearby lakes also serve to modify the extremes of temperature and to i ncrease the incidence of fog over narrow str i ps along the shores. (WF3 2014a , Sect i on January is the month with the greatest frequency of fog occurrences. In about half of the winter hours , however , the relative hum i dity is less than 80 percent , and values less than 50 percent are about twice as frequent in winter as in the summer. (WF3 2014a , Section Severe Weather Hurricanes The state of Louisiana is occasionally in the path of tropical storms or hurricanes.

Trop i cal systems have the potential to harm life and property in Louisiana , especially along the coast. The state experiences , on average , one tropical system per year. While not all of the trop i cal systems are hurricanes , they can still pack a punch regardless of intensity. September is the most active month for trop i cal weather i n Louisiana. (NCDC 2014b) From 1871 to 2013 , the area within 60 miles of New Orleans has been hit by tropical storms 63 times. Thirty-seven storms were class i fied as tropical storms and 26 as hurricanes. (Hurricane City 2014) Since 2000 , there have been three hurricanes that have made landfall within 60 miles of New Orleans , as discussed below: In August 2005 , Hurricane Katrina hit just east of New Orleans with 125 mph winds while moving north. Final wind reports showed Category 1 and Category 2 winds were most common in the city. Ninety-seven mph winds were measured by NASA that same day. Katr i na was officially a Category 3 while hitting southeast Louisiana and the Miss i ssippi coast. The large size of Katrina , as well as being a Category 5 before hitt i ng land , caused a near 27-foot storm surge on the M i ssissipp i coast , resulting in a h igh surge in to Lake Pontchartra in. Eighty percent of New Orleans flooded after passage of Hurricane Katrina. (Hurricane City 2014) 3-25 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage In September 2008 , Hurricane Gustav made landfall as a Category 2 hurricane near Cocodrie , Louisiana , passing approximately 80 miles to the southwest while moving northwest with 110 mph winds and a high storm surge , but the flood control levees held. Gustav continued to move northwest across south Louisiana and weakened to a Category 1 storm over south-central Louisiana later that day. The storm diminished to a tropical depression over northwestern Louisiana. (NASA 2014)

  • The New Orleans area was last affected in August 2012 by Hurricane Isaac , which passed 45 miles to the southwest with 80 mph winds while moving slowly north-northwest causing surge flooding in surrounding areas. The New Orleans Airport reported gusts up to 83 mph. (Hurr i cane City 2014) Thunderstorms In summer , the prevailing southerly winds provide moist, semitropical weather often favorable for afternoon thunderstorms. With westerly to northerly winds , periods of hotter and drier weather interrupt the prevailing moist condition. The heaviest rains of short duration are associated with thunderstorms , although tropical systems or their remnants sometimes cause prolonged heavy rains. Showers and thunderstorms occur quite often in all parts of the state , during the summer. Most of these storms are convective in nature and occur at the peak of daytime heating. (NCDC 2014b) Based on 21 years of U.S. Weather Bureau records at Moisant International Airport (1949-1969), the mean number of days with thunderstorms is as follows (WF3 2014a , Section Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 2 2 3 5 6 9 16 13 7 2 1 2 68 Tornadoes Tornadoes are generated in Louisiana either due to severe thunderstorms or hurricanes that occur in the area. Based on National Climatic Data Center data for the period 1991-2010 , the average annual number of tornadoes that occurred in Louisiana was 37; the average annual number of enhanced Fujita (EF) O-EF5 tornadoes per 10 , 000 square miles was 8.5; the average annual number of EF3-EF5 tornadoes was 0.9; and the average annual number of EF3-EF5 per 10 , 000 square miles was 0.2 (NCDC 2014c). From 1950 to 2013 , a total of 15 tornadoes were reported in St. Charles Parish, mostly occurring in non-summer months with a peak of four tornadoes in November.

Since 2006 , no tornado reported in St. Charles Parish was greater than an EFO. (NCDC 2014d) In neighboring Orleans Parish , there were 17 tornadoes reported during the period 1950-2013 with a peak of four tornadoes occurring in July. Since 2006 , the strongest tornado in Orleans Parish was an EF2 , two of which occurred on February 13 , 2007 (NCDC 2014e). 3-26 Atmospheric Stability Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Atmospheric stability is a meteorological parameter that describes the dispersion characteristics of the atmosphere. It can be determined by the difference in temperature between two heights. A seven-category atmospheric stability classification scheme (ranging from A for extremely unstable to G for extremely stable) based on temperature differences is set forth in the NRC's Regulatory Guide 1.23 , Revis i on 1 (NRC 2007 , pages 7 and 8). When the temperature decreases rapidly with height (typically during the day when the sun is heating the ground), the atmosphere is unstable and atmospheric dispersion is greater. Conversely , when temperature increases with height (typically during the night as a result of the radiative cooling of the ground), the atmosphere is stable and dispers i on is more limited. The stability category between unstable and stable conditions is D (neutral), which would occur typically with higher wind speeds and/or higher cloud cover , irrespective of day or night. (NRC 2013c , Section Based on a 5-year average (2010-2014), onsite temperature difference data recorded at WF3 indicate that stable atmospheric conditions (E to G) occurred about 52.9 percent of the time and unstable conditions (A to C) occurred about 15.4 percent of the time. The remaining observations (about 31.6 percent) fell into the neutral (D) category. Stability class distributions at WF3 covering the period 2010-2014 are presented in Table 3.2-1. 3.2.3 Onsite Meteorological System The meteorological monitoring system is composed of two tower facilities. The facilities are 1 , 200 feet apart and located east of the plant. One of these facilities is designated as the primary meteorological monitoring system , wh i le the other is designated as the backup system. These digital systems sample each sensor every half second (1 , 800 scans per 15-m i nute period). Both meteorological tower systems are linked to the plant monitoring computer and provide meteorological data transfer every 10 seconds. The primary tower system also prov ides data remotely via a modem accessible from an external phone line for use by the National Weather Service. (Entergy 1999) One-minute , 15-minute , and hourly calculations are performed locally at the towers. The results are recorded in storage modules mounted locally at the tower and recorded by the plant monitoring computer with the METDATA program. Redundant sensors and data acquisition systems are used to ensure greater than 90 percent data recovery for atmospheric stability , wind speed , and wind direction. Failure of the primary meteorological system is compensated for by data from the backup meteorological system to ensure continuous data availability. (Entergy 1999) Both towers are 200 feet tall with a boom arm located at the 33-foot and 199-foot elevations. The booms are 8 feet in length and point in the eastward direction. The sensing elements are mounted on these boom arms. The towers are open lattice-type structures and are guyed to three anchors. Each tower i s equipped with a winch and pulley system to raise and lower the instruments for inspection and maintenance. Both towe r s have two red lights at the 199-foot elevation (for alerting airplanes), and they are automatically turned on and off by a photoelectric 3-27 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage cell. The primary and backup meteorological towers also have lightning protection systems and surge suppression circuits to prevent instrument and equipment damage from lightning strikes. (Entergy 1999) There have been no changes in land use around the tower sites that have occurred since installation that would affect the performance of any of the meteorological sensors. Primary System The primary meteorological tower facility consists of a 200-foot tower , rain gauge , equipment shelter , tower instrumentation , independent power supply , and electronic signal conditioning and communication cables. The tower is equipped with two wind sensors and three temperature sensors that are mounted on two booms located at the 33-foot and 199-foot elevations. The booms are pointed on the east side of the tower which precludes tower structure interference with the sensors. The meteorological parameters monitored by the primary system sensors are simultaneously recorded by a data logger and storage module located in the equipment shelter , and by the plant monitoring computer. (Entergy 1999) The primary tower monitors the following meteorological parameters at the specified elevations:

Parameter Level (feet) Wind speed 33 Wind speed 199 Wind direction 33 Wind direction 199 Sigma theta 33 Sigma theta 199 Delta temperature "A" 33/199 Delta temperature "B" 33/199 Ambient temperature 33 Relative humidity 33 Barometric pressure ground Wet bulb temperature 33/ground Precipitation ground (Entergy 1999) 3-28 Waterford Steam Electr i c Stat i on , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The primary meteorological tower measures the standard deviation of horizontal wind direction (sigma theta) and wind speed to estimate wind dispersion. The temperature difference with height is used to estimate vertical dispersion. In the event of a radiological release , these parameters are used to determine the dispersion of the radioactive material in the environment.

(Entergy 1999) Back-Up System The backup system is similar to the primary system and consists of a 200-foot tower , equipment shelter , lightning protection system , signal conditioning and communication cables , tower instrumentation , and an independent power supply. This facility is located 1 , 200 feet north of the primary tower and east of the plant. The tower is equipped with one wind sensor and one temperature sensor mounted on a boom arm located at the 33-foot elevation. Another temperature sensor mounted on a boom arm is located at the 199-foot elevation. The parameters monitored by the backup system are simultaneously recorded by a data logger and storage module located in the equipment shelter and by the plant monitoring computer.

(Entergy 1999) The backup system monitors the following parameters at the specified elevations

Parameter Level (feet) Wind speed 33 Wind direction 33 S i gma theta 33 Delta temperature 33/199 (Entergy 1999) Basic System Flow Path Each tower facility is equipped with sensors to measure meteorological parameters , a Climatronics data logger to process the sensor inputs , and modems to transmit data to the plant computer. Each tower is also equipped with a handheld keypad and a personal computer for local accessing , trending , and programming. Individual meteorological points can be addressed via the keypad , or all tower points can be viewed via the local computer. Points being displayed will continuously update on either display. A listing of the meteorological points being monitored and the units of measurement are located at each tower site. (Entergy 1999) As noted above , the plant monitoring computer is equipped with a data processing program known as METDATA. The program stores 15-minute and 60-minute meteorological data in a file for future analysis. The METDATA program stores the same calculated values as the local storage module. The data stream to the plant monitoring computer contains the same calculated 3-29 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage values (15-and 60-minute averages) as the storage module. At the first scan cycle after the hour and after each 15-minute period , the METDATA program stores these calculated values. (Entergy 1999) Data Verification Hourly averaged data are checked to verify the quality of the meteorological data. The data are noted as suspect , if a value is outside the limits contained in the program. Checks performed on meteorological data include data invariant , excessive variation , above or below sensor limits , stability class versus day or night , redundant sensor checks , and upper-to-lower parameter checks. Data quality checks follow guidelines as set forth in NUREG-0917. After data review and verification , a joint frequency distribution of meteorological data is compiled using the annual data. The joint frequency summary and receptor locations , provided by results from the radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) land use census , are used for data input into the program XOQDOQ , which determines relative dispersion and deposition values for WF3. (WF3 2015a) Calibration and Maintenance Semiannual calibrations are performed at the primary and backup meteorological towers to ensure high recovery rates of accurate data (WF3 2007a; WF3 2014d; WF3 2014e). Daily and monthly checks are also performed in the time period between calibrations to determine that the instrumentation is functioning satisfactorily and that data recovery is maintained at a high rate (WF3 2007a; WF3 2011b). Data Recovery Based on the previous 5 years (2010-2014), the meteorological data recovery rate at WF3 has been> 90 percent (WF3 2011a; WF3 2012; WF3 2013; WF3 2014c; WF3 2015a). 3.2.4 Air Quality The Clean Air Act (CAA) was established in 1970 [42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.] to reduce air pollution nationwide. The EPA has developed primary and secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) under the provisions of the CAA. The EPA classifies the air quality within an air quality control region (AQCR) according to whether the region meets or exceeds federal primary and secondary NAAQS. An AQCR or a portion of an AQCR may be classified as being in attainment or nonattainment , or it may be unclassified for each of the six criteria pollutants
carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), nitrogen dioxide (N0 2), particulate matter (PM 2 5 , fine particulates , and PM 10 , coarse particulates), ozone , and sulfur dioxide (S0 2). WF3 is located in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, which along with 34 other parishes in Louisiana and 15 counties in Texas, is part of the Southern Louisiana-Southeast Texas Interstate AQCR. Surrounding AQCRs include the Shreveport-Texarkana-Tyler Interstate AQCR to the north , the Mobile (Alabama)-Pensacola-Panama City (Florida)-Southern Mississippi Interstate AQCR to the 3-30 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating L i cense Renewal Stage north and east, and the Austin-Waco Intrastate AQCR and Metropolitan Houston-Galveston Intrastate AQCR to the west. (EPA 2014a) Five parishes (Ascension , Livingston , Iberville , East Baton Rouge , and West Baton Rouge) make up the nonattainment areas and maintenance area for the 8-hour ozone standard. As indicated in Figure 3.2-6 , all of the parishes surrounding WF3 outside a 50-mile radius of the site are in attainment for the 1997 annual and 2006 24-hour NAAQS for PM 2_5. In addition , all of the parishes within a 50-mile radius of WF3 are in attainment for the 1971 NAAQS for CO and N0 2 , the 2008 NAAQS for Pb , and the 1987 NAAQS for PM 10. (EPA 2014b) The EPA has designated part of St. Bernard Parish as a nonattainment area for the 2010 S0 2 NAAQS with the boundaries recommended by the state of Louisiana. The area is bounded on the east by the Gulf of Mexico; on the south by Plaquemines Parish; on the west and north by Orleans Parish and Lake Borgne. (EPA 2014b) The S0 2 nonattainment area is shown in Figure 3.2-6. Figure 3.2-6 illustrates nonattainment and maintenance areas defined under the CAA , as amended , within a 50-mile radius of WF3. There are no mandatory Class I federal areas on the mainland of Louisiana. The nearest Class I area is the Breton Wilderness Area (EPA 2015a), located on Breton Island and part of the Breton National Wildlife Refuge that includes Breton Island and all of Chandeleur Islands in St. Bernard Parish , Louisiana. (USGS 2014b) The Breton Wilderness Area is located approximately 99 miles southeast of WF3. This distance is outside the 62-mile requirement to contact federal land managers for the operation of any new major stationary source or major modification. 3.2.5 Air Emissions WF3 is classified as a minor air emission source. Although WF3 may periodically utilize a portable auxiliary boiler or generator(s) during outages , nonradioactive gaseous effluents result primarily from testing of emergency generators and diesel pumps. Because WF3 utilizes a through cooling system for condenser cooling purposes, there are no cooling towers or associated particulate emissions. To protect Louisiana's ambient air quality standards and ensure that impacts from facilities that generate air emissions are maintained at acceptable levels , the LDEQ governs the discharge of regulated pollutants by establishing specific conditions in the air permit. Permitted emission sources and conditions established in WF3 Air Permit 2520-00091-00 are shown in Table 3.2-2. Annual emissions for the previous 5 years (2010-2014) are shown in Table 3.2-3. As discussed in Section 2.1 , no refurbishment or other license-renewal-related construction activities have been identified. In addition , Entergy's review did not identify any future upgrade or replacement activities necessary for plant operations (e.g., diesel generators , diesel pumps) that would affect WF3's current air emissions program. Therefore , no increase or decrease of air emissions is expected over the license renewal period. 3-31 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Studies have shown that the amount of ozone generated by even the largest lines in operation (765 kV) would be insignificant (NRC 2013b , Section ). As discussed in Section , WF3's in-scope transmission lines are 230 kV. Therefore , the amount of ozone generated from the in-scope transmission lines is anticipated to be minimal. Because WF3 is not required to inventory and report greenhouse gases (GHGs), data do not exist for mobile sources such as visitors and delivery vehicles.

Therefore, Entergy calculated GHG gas emissions on those direct (stationary and portable combustion sources in Table 3.2-2) and indirect (workforce commuting) plant activities where information was readily available.

GHG emissions generated at WF3 are presented in Table 3.2-4. Although WF3 has four transformers that contain perfluorocarbons , there have been no additions to this electrical equipment over the previous 5 years (2010-2014). In addition , ozone depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons are present at WF3 and can potentially be emitted; however , est i mating GHG emissions from these substances is complicated due their ability to deplete ozone , which is also a GHG , making their global warming potentials difficult to quantify. These ozone depleting substances are regulated by the CAA under Title VI. As discussed in Section , Entergy maintains a program to manage stationary refrigeration appliances at WF3 to recycle , recapture , and reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances and is in compliance with Section 608 of the CAA. Therefore , Entergy did not include potential emissions as result of leakage , servicing , repair , and disposal of refrigerant equipment at WF3. 3-32 Table 3.2-1 Waterford Steam Elect ri c Station , Unit 3 App l ican t's E n v i ron m en t al Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage WF3 Stability Class Distributions Percent Frequency of Occu r rence by Stab i lity Class Year A 2010 4.2 2011 6.4 2012 3.8 20 13 2.8 2014 4.9 Average 4.4 (WF3 2015a) a. C l asses a r e as follows: C l ass A: Extremely unstable Class B: Mode r ate l y uns t able C l ass C: Slight l y u nstable Class D: Neutra l C l ass E: S li gh tly s t able C l ass F: Mod e ra t e l y st able Class G: Ext r eme l y stable B 3.9 4.6 4.2 4.5 4.9 4.4 Pasquill S t abil i ty Class (a) c D E F G 6.4 31.6 3 0.8 14.8 8.3 6.3 30.8 28.7 13.4 9.7 6.5 29.9 32.6 15.1 7.8 6.4 34.5 32.5 1 2.9 6.5 7.4 31.0 29.1 13.7 8.9 6.6 31.6 30.7 14.0 8.2 3-33 Emission Point( a) 3-7 9 4-79 5-79 6-79 7-79 8-83 9-99 10-99 11-00 19-79 20-00 21-00 12-79 13-79 14-79 15-79 16-79 17-79 18-79 Table 3.2-2 Permitted Air Emission Points Description Capacity Rating Emergency Diesel Generator A 4,400 kW Emergency Diesel Generator B 4 , 400 kW Fire Water Diesel Pump A 170 hp Fire Water Diesel Pump B 170 hp Security Emergency Diesel Generator 286 hp Emergency Operations Facility Emergency Diesel Generator 355 hp Dry Cooling Tower Diesel Pump A 20 hp Dry Cooling Towe r Diesel Pump B 20 hp IT Emergency Diesel Generator 125 kW Portable Diesel Generator 45 kW ACCW Wet Cooling Tower A 6 , 500 gpm ACCW Wet Cooling Tower B 6 , 500 gpm D ie sel Fuel Oil Storage Tank (10 0 , 000 gallons) 1 98 , 288 gpy Emergency Diesel Fuel Oi l Storage Tank A (42 , 500 gallons) 41 , 310 gpy Emergency Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank B (42 , 500 gallons) 41 , 310gpy Clean Lube Oil Batch T ank A (21 , 210 gallons) 21 , 150 gpy Dirty Lube Oil Batch Tank B (21 , 210 gallons) 21 , 150 gpy Main Turbine Lube O i l Reservoir (2 0 , 900 gallons) 20 , 900 gpy Gasol i ne Fuel Storage Tank (900 ga ll ons) 10 , 800 gpy Waterford Steam Ele ctric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env ironmental Report Operating License Renewal S t age Permit Condition

  • Opacity 20%) . Fuel sulfur 0.5% by weight) . PM10. S0 2. NO x , CO , and VOC emission limitations . PM 10 emission limitations
  • voe emission limitations Emission Point( a) 22-02 23-02 24-03 (WF3 2004a) Table 3.2-2 (Continued)

Permitted Air Emission Points Description Capacity Rating Portable Outage/Maintenance Diesel Engines 200 , 640 gpy Portable Gasoline Outage/Maintenance Engines 9 , 600 gpy Portable Auxiliary Bo i ler 46.2 MMBtu/hr Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Permit Condition . Opacity (s 20%) . Fuel sulfur limit (s 0.5% by weight) . Fuel usage . PM10. S02 , NO x , CO , and VOC emission limitations

a. Stat i onary combustion sources also subject to 40 CFR Part 63 , Subpart ZZZZ-National Em i ssions Standards for Hazardous A i r Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Eng i nes. 3-35 Table 3.2-3 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng L i cense Renewal Stage Annual Air Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014 Annual Emissions (tons/year)(a)

Year SOX NOx co PM 10 voes HAPs 2010 0.4 15.0 3.9 0.7 1.0 0.01 2011 0.5 20.5 5.3 1.0 1.2 0.02 2012 1.8 38.5 9.1 2.2 2.7 0.04 2013 0.6 18.1 4.7 0.8 1.0 0.03 2014 0.6 22.2 5.5 1.2 1.5 0.02 (Entergy 2015i) a. Emissions are based on calculated gallons of fuel usage shown below. Equipment 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Stationary diesels(>

600 hp) 52 , 986 68 , 648 61 , 562 62 , 139 56,477 Stationary diesels($

600 hp) 2 , 605 2 , 605 3 , 185 2 , 624 7 , 270 Portable diesels($

600 hp) 7 , 468 11 , 974 74 , 529 4,500 20 , 902 Portable boiler(< 100 MMBtu) 0 64,467 65 , 280 200 , 980 79 , 815 Portable gasoline 110 110 0 0 0 3-36 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.2-4 Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (C0 2 e) Emissions, Metric Tons(a) Emission Source 2010 2011 2012 Combustion sources (Table 3.2-2) 647 1 , 513 2 , 094 Workforce commuting 2 , 722 2 , 722 2 , 722 Total 3,369 4,235 4,816 (Entergy 2015i) a. GHG calculated emissions are based on the following: Fuel usage for combustion sources shown in " footnote a" to Table 3.2-3. Workforce commuting: 2013 2 , 767 2,722 5,489 2014 1 , 684 2 , 722 4,406 1. Statistical information from U.S. Census Bureau indicates that 10.5 percent of U.S. residents carpool to work (USCB 2015). Number of WF3 employees as of January 2016 was 641. Utilizing the 10.5 percent USCB carpool statistic , a value of "574" passenger vehicles per day was utilized. 2. The EPA's Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator shows that the C0 2 e/vehicle/year was estimated to be 4.75 metric tons (EPA 2015b). 3. Carbon dioxide has a global warming potential (100-year time horizon) of " 1" based on Table A-1 to Subpart A of 40 CFR Part 98. 4. 573 vehicles x 4.75 metric tons C0 2 e/vehicle/year x 1 (global warming potential). 3-37 WIND ROSE PLOT WEST W i nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 DISPLAY 8.49 -11 06 Wind Speed 5.40-8 49 AVG WIND SPEED 334-5.40 2.90 mis 1.80-334 OR IENT ATION

  • Direction 0.22. 1.80 (blowing from) WRPLOT View 3 OS b y Lake s E nVlfOl'l menta l Sotrware UNIT mis CAL M WINDS 0.06% NORTH PLOT YEAR-DATE-TIME 2010 Jan 1 -Dec 31. Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-1 WF3 2010 Wind Rose 3-38 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorolog i cal Data Jan-Dec 201 O 10% EAST (WF3 2011a)

WIND ROSE PLOT W E ST W i nd Speed (m is) > 11.06 DISPLAY 849-11 06 Wind Speed 5.40-8.49 AVG WIND SPEED 3.34 -5 40 3.01 mis 1 80-3.34 ORIENTATION

  • Direction 0.22-1.80 (blowing from) WRPLOT View 3 05 by Lakes Enwonmenta l Software UNIT mis CALM WINDS 0.03% N ORTH SOUTH PLOT YEAR-DATE-TIME 2011 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-2 WF3 2011 Wind Rose 3-39 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 12% COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2011 15% EAST (WF3 2012)

WIND ROSE PLOT WEST W*nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 DISPLAY 849-1106 Wind Speed 5 4 0. 8.49 AVG WIND S PEED 3 34. 5.40 2.86 mis 1.80. 3.34 ORIENTATION

  • Directi o n 0.22. 1 80 (blowing from) WRPLOT V'iew 3 OS by Lalce.s Envwnmental Software j UNIT mis CALM WINDS 0.05% NORTH SOUTH PLOT YEAR-DATE-T I ME 2012 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage , 12% 6% COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2012 15% EAST (WF3 2 0 13) Figure 3.2-3 WF3 2012 Wind Rose 3-40 WI N O R OS E PL O T WE S T W i nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 D IS P LAY 8.4 9-11 06 Wind Speed 5.4 0 -8.4 9 AV G. WIND SPEED 3.34 -5.4 0 3.02 m/s 180-3.34 O RI E NT A TION
  • Direction 0.22 -1.8 0 (blowing from) WRPLOT V19w 3.05 b y L 9ke s Enwonmen t a l Software U NIT m/s C ALM WIND S 0.00% -+-NORTH S OU TH P L O T Y EAR-D A TE-T I M E 2013 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-4 WF3 2013 Wind Rose 3-41 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage CO MMENT S Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2013 15% EAST (WF3 2014c)

WIND ROSE PLOT WEST \ W i nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 DISPLAY 849-1106 Wind Speed 5 40 -8.49 AVG WIND SPEED 3.34 -5 40 2.86 mis 180-3 34 ORIENTATION

  • Direction 0.22 -1.80 (blowing from) N ORTH Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 15% 12% UNIT mis CALM WINDS 0.11% SOUTH PLOT YEAR-DAT E-TIME 2014 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-5 WF3 2014 Wind Rose 3-42 COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2014 data EAST (WF3 2015)

Waterford S team El . A e c tnc St r p p l i c a nt's En . a ion , Unit 3 0 v1ro n m e t I per a ting Lie n a Report en se Renewal Sta g e I ! \ Legend \ ...... " ... -\------\ I ..... ,... __ l ... LJ Ozone Mainten anceArea* ! I a SS pt \ -'-I d \ I (, Legend . Panshes cla ifi . w-</-* ' ....A... the 1997 8 ss ied as a Ma1nte ).-.{ WF3 Area under --2008 8 h s 1 ied as Nonatt L "I -* -our Ozone Sta a1nment under th -.I 50-Mile Radius classified e S within a;d 2006 PM 2s under the i---urface Water -**st B S0-1111le r adius) (None were located L , N ernard Parish ( __ J Parish onatta1nment d partial) classified

-un er t he 2010 SO as

  • St t (Paris hes wit 'NMQS ' a e followi . h1n a 50-mile r d. ng pollutants
a in attainment with th '
  • PM 10 and NO ,.) e 1 0 Miles OzoneN . W onatta1nment Area .. PM , s Nonattainment A rea**-so , NAAQS N I \ I \ \ '1 onattamment Area**'**

Gulf of Mexico (EP A 2014b; U S C B 2014 . c , U SDO T 2014) N

  • onattainment and M . Figure 3.2-6 amtenance A re as , -* e Radius of WF3 50 M.I 3-4 3 3.3 Noise Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Local noise regulations applicable to WF3 are included in the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances where maximum permissible sound limits have been established for receiving land use categories , including residential , commercial , and industrial.

For residential land use , established sound level limits range from a daytime 60 A-weighted decibels (dBA) to a nighttime level of 55 dBA. For multi-family dwelling land use , established sound level limits range from a daytime 50 dBA to a nighttime level of 45 dBA. Commercial land use has been set at 65 dBA for daytime hours and 60 dBA for nighttime. There are no receiving sound limits designated for the industrial land use category. (SCP 2014a) The WF3 plant has been granted an industrial area land use designation by St. Charles Parish and is regulated for an M-2 Heavy Manufacturing Zoning District , applicable to energy generating facilities. M-2 special provisions assert that buffer zones are necessary to insure the protection and well-being of neighboring areas and that major operations must be located 2 , 000 feet from the nearest residential and commercial district , or located a lesser distance if clearly dictated safe by industry standards and approved by the local Board of Adjustments. (SCP 2014a) During initial licensing of WF3 , noise level measurements were taken within the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property boundary , outside the property boundary , and in the surrounding communities within a 5-mile radius of the plant during the period February 8-10 , 1977. Meteorological conditions were taken into consideration during the measurement period and are included with the original OL application. The noise survey indicated that the major ambient noise sources at WF3 and in the surrounding communities were manmade in origin , and consisted primarily of transportation and industrial noises. (LP&L 1978 , Section 2. 7 .2.1) The estimated levels for WF3 operation were about 55 dBA at the edge of the exclusion area and about 45 dBA at the near edge of the wetlands (Figure 3.0-1). At the time, it was determined that these outdoor noise levels would not interfere with normal conversation and impose no known mental or physiological stress upon humans and vertebrate biota. (NRC 1981 , Section 5.5.1) A facility records search was conducted to locate any more recent noise surveys that may have occurred since 1977 , but none were found. The loudest noise-generating WF3 facility on site is the turbine generator , located approximately 1,400 feet from the nearest property boundary on the Mississippi River shoreline. Periodic use of the gun range is another onsite activity that creates occasional noise. The gun range is located approximately 2 , 250 feet from the property boundary along the Mississippi River. (WF3 2009) As discussed in Section 3.0.3 , the nearest residences from WF3 are approximately 0.9 miles in distance and , as discussed in Section 3.0.4 , the nearest parks are located approximately 1 mile from WF3. Therefore , the residences and parks nearest to WF3 exceed the buffer distance established by St. Charles Parish for M-2 Zoning Districts.

Because WF3 is located in a heavily industrialized area , it is very unlikely that noise levels from the facility would affect offsite residences.

Th i s is further substantiated by the fact that over the previous 5 years (2010-2014), there have been no noise complaints received by Entergy as it relates to WF3 plant operational and outage activities. 3-44 3.4 Geologic Environment 3.4.1 Geology Regional Geology Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is situated along the west (right descending) bank of the Mississippi River , approximately 25 miles west of New Orleans , Louisiana. It is located in the southern portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain geologic province. The southern portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain is the Mississippi River deltaic plain physiographic province. The Mississippi River has dominated the development of geologic and physiographic features in the deltaic plain since the beginning of Neogene. The deltaic plain is characterized by low marshy terrain , much of which is covered by water. The higher natural ground within the deltaic plain generally occurs along the natural levees of existing and abandoned stream courses. (WF3 2014a , Section 2.5) Physiography WF3 is located at River Mile 129.6 above Head of Passes (AHP). The site region is located within the Gulf Coastal Plain physiographic province (Figure 3.4-1 ). The Gulf Coastal Plain extends about 600 miles inland from the coast along the site longitude , 90° west , approximately 200 miles inland along longitude 88° west and approximately 300 miles inland along longitude 94° west. (WF3 2014a , Section The Gulf Coastal Plain province is divided into subprovinces including the Mississippi Alluvial Valley , Chenier/Delta Plain , Loess Hills , Prairie Coastwise Terraces , Southern Hills , Eastern Hills , and Western Hills (Figure 3.4-1). Loess Hills The Loess Hills subprovince extends along the eastern bank of the Mississippi River from Kentucky to southwestern Mississippi.

The Loess Hills consists of an eastward thinning loess (silt) deposit that is Oto 100 feet thick and extends 10 to 30 miles east of the Mississippi River. (SERI 2005 , Section The topography of the Loess Hills is characterized by flat-topped ridgelines and fluvial terraces that are separated by deeply incised dendritic drainage systems , and varies in elevation from 100 to 300 feet above mean sea level (amsl). Erosion along the eastern edge of the Mississippi River floodplain has formed a steep escarpment along the western edge of the Loess Hills. (SERI 2005 , Section The Loess Hills were formed through deposition of successive sheets of silt during late Quaternary time. Up to five distinct periods of loess deposition are documented. Each of these deposits is separated by leached buried soils that represent significant periods of landscape stability. (SERI 2005 , Section 3-45 Mississippi Alluvial Valley Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The Miss i ssippi River and its tributaries follow a broad , north-south trending lowland that begins at the head of the Mississippi embayment , near the junction with the Ohio River , and extends southwest about 600 miles to the Gulf. This lowland is composed of an alluvial plain that extends from the Ohio confluence to near the Atchafalaya River in Louisiana and a deltaic plain that continues to the Gulf of Mexico. (WF3 2014a , Section In the site region, the Mississippi Alluvial Valley subprovince also includes a number of interdistributary lowlands , basins , and ridges. Elevations generally range from 50 to 250 feet. Higher elevations occur in tributary valleys with highs of 300 feet in the Ouachita River valley and 500 feet in the upper Red River valley near the Ouachita Mountains.

The topographic highs along the Mississippi River are remnants of older alluvial deposits that mostly were eroded and removed from the valley. The valley topography is relatively flat with a gentle southward gradient and is characterized by fluvial geomorphic features typical of a braided stream and meandering river system (e.g., valley train , oxbow lakes , meander belts , and floodplains). (SERI 2005 , Section Deposits in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley consist primarily of Pleistocene to Holocene sediments derived from the Mississippi River and its tributaries. (SERI 2005 , Section Eastern Hills The Eastern Hills subprovince lies north of the Southern Hills and east of the Loess Hills. The subprovince covers the area from central Mississippi and central Alabama to western Tennessee , and extends to the eastern margin of the Gulf Coastal Plain. The topography is characterized by gently rolling hills that range in elevation from 100 to 600 feet amsl and gradually decrease in elevation southward. The Eastern Hills are underlain by Miocene to Paleocene sedimentary rocks and drained by tributaries of the Mississippi River. (SERI 2005 , Section Western Hills The Western Hills subprovince lies north of the Southern Hills and west of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The subprovince covers the area from central Louisiana to central Arkansas , and extends westward into eastern Texas. The topography is characterized by gently rolling hills that range in elevation from 200 to 700 feet amsl and gradually decrease in elevation southward. The Western Hills are underlain by Miocene to Paleocene sedimentary rocks and drained by the Arkansas River and Red River , two major tributaries of the Mississippi River. (SERI 2005 , Section Southern Hills The Southern Hills subprovince occupies the area between the Prairie Coastwise Terrace (described below) and the Eastern Hills and Western Hills subprovinces. The Southern Hills 3-46 Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage cover portions of southern Mississippi , southern Louisiana , and southeastern Texas. The topography of this subprovince is characterized by gently rolling hills and flat-topped ridges that range in elevation from 50 to 500 feet amsl , and generally decrease toward the Gulf Coast. The Southern Hills are underlain by the Miocene Catahoula Formation , and the Pliocene and Pleistocene Upland Complex. (SERI 2005 , Section Prairie Coastwise Terrace The Prairie Coastwise Terrace subprovince occupies the area south of the Southern Hills and north of the Chenier and Delta Plain subprovinces (described below) along the Gulf Coast. The subprovince extends across southern Mississippi , southern Louisiana , and southeastern Texas. The topography of the Prairie Coastwise Terrace is characterized by gently rolling hills and remnants of dissected terrace surfaces that range in elevation from 25 to 150 feet amsl and gradually decrease in elevation coastward.

This subprovince is underlain by terrace deposits of the late Pleistocene Prairie Complex. (SERI 2005 , Section Chenier Plain The Chenier Plain subprovince occupies the area between the Prairie Coastwise Terrace and the Gulf of Mexico. The subprovince extends along the Louisiana and eastern Texas coastline. "Cheniers" are abandoned beaches of the Gulf of Mexico , with large expanses of Holocene marshes that developed on prograding mudflats.

A typical chenier ridge is less than 10 feet high , but may extend for miles or tens of miles. The topography of the Chenier Plain is characterized by low-lying coastal ridges and marshes. The most prominent features are abandoned beach ridges at elevations of between sea level and 25 feet amsl. Subtle variations in elevations , on the order of inches , have a pronounced effect on vegetation and habitat in the Chenier Plain. The only preserved pre-Holocene features are remnants of the Prairie Coastwise Terrace and emergent landforms developed above salt dome piercement structures.

(SERI 2005 , Section Delta Plain The Delta Plain subprovince occurs in southeastern Louisiana where the Mississippi River meets the Gulf of Mexico. The topography of the Delta Plain is characterized by abandoned distributary channels, distributary levee ridges , and coalescing delta complexes near the mouth of the Mississippi River. The distributary levee ridges form the most prominent topographic features , but do not exceed 10 feet in elevation.

Distributary channels radiate in a fan shape and form apices of delta complexes.

The morphologic expression of the channel and distributary features become markedly less pronounced with increasing age, and eventually become buried due to coastal subsidence. (SERI 2005 , Section 3-47 Stratigraphy Soil Units Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The soil units in the region include Holocene-aged deposits consisting of sand , sandy silt , silt , clayey silt , silty clay , and clay deposited by the Mississippi River. Figure 3.4-2 shows the distribution of surface Holocene deposits surrounding the site. (LGS 2003; LGS 2011) The developed portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property is located on the natural levee complex of Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Hml 1). These deposits consist of the natural levees flanking Mississippi River meander belt 1 and , typically , they consist of sandy silt , silt , clayey silt , silty clay , and clay. (LGS 2003; LGS 2011) The northern corner of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property overlies Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Hmm 1) point bar deposits buried by a thin layer of overbank sediments (LGS 2003). These point bar deposits typically are composed predominantly of silt , sandy silt , and poorly sorted silty sand. They are mapped where overlying natural levee deposits (i.e., Hml 1) are sufficiently thin that scroll marks , however faint , are perceptible as a surface indicator of point-bar ridge-and-swale topography.

(LGS 2011) The southern portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property overlies the delta plain deposits of the Mississippi River St. Bernard delta lobe (Hds). They are composed of cyclically interbedded , interdistributary peat and clay; natural levee silt and clay; distributary sand; and delta-front and prodelta mud and clay. (LGS 2011) Rock Units The general geologic conditions of the upper 500 feet , which is the deepest penetration of the site borings , are depicted as geologic cross sections in F i gure 3.4-3. (Saucier 1 994; WF3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a through 2.5-30e) The elevations of the various strata vary across WF3. Therefore , the elevations and thicknesses described below are representative of the NPIS , unless otherwise noted. The upper 50 feet of materials are recent alluvial deposits described as soft clays and silty clays with occasional sand lenses or pockets. At approximately 50 feet of depth , or elevation

-40 feet msl , and extending to great depths , there is a marked change in soil strata indicating the top of the Pleistocene soils. (WF3 2014a , Section The upper parts of these soils are stiff , gray and tan clays with occasional silt lenses. These clays extend to about elevat i on -320 feet msl and contain only two significant and continuous silty sand strata. One is from about elevation

-77 feet msl to elevation

-92 feet msl. These silty sands are dense to very dense as indicated by high standard penetration test results. The stratum below the stiff clays from elevation

-320 feet msl to at least elevation

-500 feet msl (the deepest elevation penetrated), is a very dense , gray silty sand. (WF3 2014a , Section 3-48 3.4.2 Site Geology Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is located in the southern portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain of the Mississippi River deltaic plain physiographic province. The deltaic plain developed over the northern flank of the Gulf geosyncline since the Tertiary Period (Cenzoic era). The geologic structures were developed in thick sedimentary sequences consisting of nontectonic structures associated with salt and clay mobilization and growth faults associated with sediment instability at the shelf edge. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) WF3 is located along the eastward extension of the Grand Chenier fault system. This system is related to thickening of upper Miocene strata in the downthrown block. Growth faulting that is simultaneous with sediment deposition ceased prior to the deposition of the upper 1 , 000 feet of Miocene sediments. Contours of individual strata down to about 5 , 000 feet show no indication of faulting. Based on a review of data , the WF3 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report concluded there is no relationship between the tonal anomalies noted in aerial photographs and geologic structure located 5 , 000 feet or deeper. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) The northern Gulf has been in an interglacial period , with sea level at approximately its present level during the last 5 , 000 years. Sedimentation has exceeded subsidence in the Mississippi delta , and the shoreline has been extended southward to the very edge of the continental shelf by means of a sequential series of seven delta systems. The deltaic sediments consist of irregularly distributed organic clays , silt , and fine sands , which vary in thickness from a few feet in the northern delta to more than 700 feet at the Mississippi River mouth. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) The Louann salt formation (Louann) occurs at a depth of at least 40 , 000 feet beneath the site area. Continuous mar i ne shales overlie the Louann extending upward to a depth of about 10 , 500 feet below ground surface (bgs). Petroleum test wells completed in the nearby area have encountered shale alternat i ng with thin sandstone layers between 10 , 500 feet bgs and 7 , 500 feet bgs , overlain by massive sandstone interbedded with scales which extend upward to about 4 , 900 feet bgs. The overlying Pliocene sediments are about 3 , 000 feet thick and consist mainly of clays and relatively thin sand layers. Sediments from about 1 , 900 feet bgs to 1 , 100 feet bgs are classified as Plio-Pleistocene depos it s , consisting of interbedded sands and clay , probably representing near-shore marine and marine deposit i onal environments. Pleistocene sands and clays continue to a depth of about 50 feet bgs , and include the Gramercy , Norco , and New Orleans aqu if ers , which occur at 210 feet bgs , 335 feet bgs , and 610 feet bgs , respectively. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) 3.4.3 Soils Onsite Soils and Geology WF3 i s located almost ent irely upon the natural levee of the M i ss is s i pp i River (Figure 3.4-2). The southernmost portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , about 2 miles southwest of the plant site , is freshwater swamp adjacent to the natural levee. The surface elevations of the 3-49 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage natural levee on the property range between near sea level in the southwestern portion to about 14 feet amsl near the river , at the base of the manmade , flood-control levee. The crest of the Mississippi River flood-control levee , which is the highest point on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , is about 30 feet amsl. The lowest elevations on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property occur in the swamp , at the southwestern end of the property. In this area, elevations are 1 to 2 feet amsl. (WF3 2014a , Section Figure 3.0-2 shows the topography of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. Detailed soil units on the Entergy Louisiana LLC property are shown in Figure 3.4-4 and include the Allemands-Larose association, Barbary muck , Cancienne silt loam and silty clay loam , Cancienne and Carville soils , Fausse clay , Kenner muck , Levees-Borrow pits complex , Maurepas muck , Schriever clay and silty clay loam , Thibaut clay , and Urban land. These soil units , associations , and descriptions are presented in Table 3.4-1. (USDA 2014b) Backfill material around the WF3 power block area consists of Class A material , which was placed immediately around seismic Category I structures from grade (17 feet amsl) to -40 feet msl , and Class B material to backfill the remainder of the excavation up to natural grade. Class A material is basically clean , pumped Mississippi River sand with no more than 12 percent fines content. Class B material is non-seismic Category I material consisting of sand or a combination of sand and clam shell filter material capable of practical compaction. The filter blanket placed immediately beneath the common mat consists of a 1-foot thick compacted layer of clam shells dredged from Lake Pontchartrain. (WF3 2014a , Section Erosion Potential Because WF3 has been operational since the mid-1980s , stabilization measures are already in place to prevent erosion and sedimentation impacts to the site and vicinity.

Based on information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), all soil units listed in Table 3.4-1 have a slight erosion potential with the exception of Levees-Borrow pits complex and Urban land which were not rated as to erosion potential (USDA 2014b). However , WF3 maintains and implements a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) that identifies potential sources of pollution that would reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater , such as erosion , and identifies best management practices (BMPs) that will be used to prevent or reduce the pollutants in stormwater discharges (WF3 2007b). These practices , as they relate to erosion , include non-structural preventative measures and source controls , as well as structural controls to prevent erosion or treat stormwater containing pollutants caused by erosion. In addition , any ground disturbance of one or more acres requires a construction stormwater permit to be obtained from the LDEQ. The construction stormwater permit specifies BMPs to reduce erosion caused by stormwater runoff , therefore minimizing the risk of pollution from soil erosion and sediment , and potentially from other pollutants that the stormwater may contact. Although currently , no license-renewal-related construction activities are planned , these activities would continue to be managed in adherence to the WF3 SWPPP. 3-50 Prime Farmland Soils Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service maps show areas of prime farmland surrounding the developed portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. The northern portion of the approximately 3 , 560-acre parcel of land owned by Entergy Louisiana , LLC is designated as prime farmland and is currently used as farmland with the exception of residential areas, so these areas would most likely still be considered prime farmland even though it is part of the property owned by Entergy Louisiana , LLC. (USDA 2014b) However , even if areas of the property are designated prime farmland , WF3 would not be subject to the Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA), because the Act does not include federal permitting or licensing for activities on private or non-federal lands (USDA 2015). The southern portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property is undeveloped and is not designated as prime farmland.

Soil units designated as prime farmland are included in Table 3.4-1. (USDA 2014b) 3.4.4 Seismic History The regional geologic structures in the deltaic plain consist of salt structures , their overlying attendant faults , and growth faults. The growth faults represent previously unstable areas which were at the leading slope of sediment accumulation. The subsurface data demonstrate that such regional structures cannot affect WF3. (WF3 2014a , Section 2.5) Epicentral locations for all recorded earthquakes from 1811 to 2015 in the central Gulf Coastal Plain (including the Mississippi embayment) with a recorded magnitude of 3.0 or greater are plotted in Figure 3.4-5. Historic earthquake data for the areas between latitude 27.5° to 37.3° north and longitude 86° to 96° west were assembled. (ANSS 2016; EOI 2008a , App 2.5.2AA; USGS 2014c; USGS 2015a; WF3 2014a , Section New Orleans , Louisiana , was settled in 1718 by the French. During the greater than 295-year period since New Orleans was settled , only three shocks of the 1811-1812 New Madrid series , and the 1930 Donaldsonville earthquake have probably been felt at the site and surrounding area. The New Madrid series of earthquakes had three events rated XII Modified Mercalli (MM) epicentral intensity. At New Orleans , these series were assigned an intensity of Ill MM (December 1811), IV-V MM (January 1812), and V MM (February 1812). For the October 1930 Donaldsonville earthquake , the site experienced intensities between IV and V Rossi-Forel scale (IV MM). (WF3 2014a , Section Within the state of Louisiana from 1811 to 2015 , there have been only 20 small earthquakes as shown in Figure 3.4-6 and listed in Table 3.4-2. Within a 50-mile radius of WF3 , there have been only five epicenters recorded in the last 213 years (Figure 3.4-6). The maximum earthquake was the 1930 event in Donaldsonville , Louisiana , (approximately 31.7 miles west of the site) with an epicenter intensity of nearly VI MM. The WF3 plant has been designed for a maximum horizontal ground surface acceleration of 0.1g , about two times greater than the maximum acceleration appropriate for the Donaldsonville earthquake (WF3 2014a , Section 2.5). 3-51 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal S t age The site lies within a region of inf r equent and minor seismic activ i ty , and there are no major seismic zones within the state of Louisiana. Based on NUREG-1407 , seismic hazards at WF3 are low (NRC 1991 Section 3.2.3). In addit i on , the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) national seismic hazard map shows that WF3 is in a region that has a 2 percent i n 50 years (once in 25 , 000 years) probab i lity of exceed i ng a peak ground acceleration between 0.04 and 0.05g (USGS 2008 , Figure 30). In summary , the 1811-1812 New Madrid series of earthquakes of ep i central intensity XII MM and the 1930 Donaldsonv i lle earthquake with an epicentral intensity of V-VI are probably the only seism i c events that have been felt at the site and i n the surrounding area dur i ng the past 295 years. The greatest intens i ty experienced at the site during the historic record was V MM or less. There is no physical evidence to i ndicate any earthquake effects at the site. (WF3 2014a , Section 3-52 Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name AR Allemands-Larose association Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.4-1 Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions Prime Farmland Description Designation The Allemands component makes up 45 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 Not prime percent. This component is on freshwater marshes on delta plains. The parent mater i al farmland consists of decomposed organic material overlying clayey backswamp deposits. Depth to a root restrictive layer i s greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential i s low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 58 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the so il surface. The Larose component makes up 40 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component i s on freshwater marshes on delta plains. The parent material consists of thin herbaceous organic material over fluid clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer i s greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation i s at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December.

Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 58 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The soil has a slightly sod i c horizon within 30 in ches o f the soil surface. 3-53 Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name BB Barbary muck , 0 to 1 pe r cent slopes , frequently flooded Cc Cancienne silt loam , 0 to 1 percent slopes Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions The Barbary , frequently flooded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamp floodplains , delta plains. The parent material consists of fluid clayey alluvium derived from sedimentary rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 i nches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April, May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 50 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria.

The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 3 percent. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Cancienne component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on lower natural levees on alluvial plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium.

Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation i s at 33 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent with i n 40 i nches , typically , does not exceed 2 percent. There are no saline horizons within 30 in ches of the soil surface. Prime Farmland Designation Not pr i me farmland All areas are pr ime farml and M ap Symbo l Soi l Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name Cm Cancienne silty clay loam , 0 t o 1 percent slopes Cn Cancienne silty clay loam , frequently flooded Waterford Steam E l ec t ric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (C on tinued) Onsite Soil Un it Descriptions The Cancienne, si l t clay loam compone n t makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on natural levees on alluvia l plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive l ayer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage c l ass is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not f l ooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 43 inches during January , February , March , April , November, and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria.

The calc i um carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 1 percent. The Cancienne component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on natural l evees on delta plains. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive l ayer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate.

T h is soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasona l zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. 3-55 Prime Farmland Designation All areas are prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name CR Cancienne and Carville soils , frequently flooded FA Fausse clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes , frequently flooded Waterford Steam Electri c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions The Cancienne component makes up 48 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component i s on swale on natural levees on delta plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potentia l is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The Carville component makes up 33 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 3 percent. This component is on ridge on natural levees on delta plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium.

Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 21 inches dur i ng January , February , March , April, and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 3 percent. The Fausse , frequently flooded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamp floodplains on alluvial plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluv i um. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April, November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 2 percent. Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland Not prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) N ame KE Kenner muck , 0 to 1 percent slopes , very frequently flooded LV Levees-Borrow pits complex , 0 to 25 percent slo p es Waterford Steam E l ectric Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's En v ironmenta l Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.4-1 (Co n t inu ed) Onsite Soil Un it Descriptions Description The Kenner , very frequently flooded compo n ent , makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are O to 1 percent. This component i s on marshes on coastal plains. The parent material consists of mucky clayey herbaceous organic materia l over fluid clayey alluvium. Dept h to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage c l ass is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer i s low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swe ll potential is very high. This soil is very frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation i s at 0 inches during January , February , March , Apri l , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 40 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The soil has a slightly sa l ine horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Levees-Borrow pits complex consists of generally two components. The Arents component makes up 6 0 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 5 to 20 percent. This component is on manmade l evees on delta plains. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a ro o t restrictive l ayer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Availab l e water to a depth of 60 inches is v ery l ow. Shrink-swell potentia l is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. This so i l does not meet hydric criteria. The Aquents component makes up 40 percent of the map unit. S l opes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on natura l l evees on delta plains. The parent mater i al consists of clayey dredge spoils and/or l oamy dredge spoils. Depth to a root restrictive layer i s greater than 60 inches. The natura l dra i nage class i s very poor l y drained. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very low. Sh ri nk-swel l potential is low. Th i s soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded. A seasona l zone of water saturation is at 6 i nches during January , February , March , April , May , June , November , and December. T his soil meets hydric cr i teria. 3-57 Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland Not prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name MA Maure pas muck Sa Schriever silty clay loam Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating Licens e Renew a l Stage Description Tab l e 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite S oil Unit Descriptions The Maurepas component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This c o mponent is on freshwater swamps on del t a plains. The parent material consists of highly decomposed woody organic material over fluid clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 40 percent. This soi l meets hydric criteria. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Schriever component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamps on Mississippi River delta plains. The parent material consists of a l luvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate.

Shrink-swell potentia l is very high. This soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 12 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 3 percent. Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland All areas are pr i me farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name Se Schriever clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes Sh Schriever clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes , frequently flooded Tu Thibaut clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions The Schriever component makes up 95 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamps on Mississippi River delta plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate.

Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 1 perce nt. The Schriever , frequently flooded component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on floodplains on Mississippi River alluvial plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement i n the most restrictive layer i s very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate. Shrink-swe l l potential i s very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is occasionally ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturat i on is at O inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December.

Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This so il meets hydric criteria. The calc i um carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 5 percent. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Thibaut component makes up 80 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on intermediate position on natural levees. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 i nches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is h i gh. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface hor i zon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. 3-59 Prime Farmland Designation All areas are prime farmland Not prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name UR Urban land (USDA 1987; USDA 2014b) Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl i cant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Tab l e 3.4-1 (Continued)

Ons i te Soil Unit Descriptions This map unit consists of areas where more than 85 percent of the surface is covered by asphalt , concrete , buildings , or other impervious surfaces. Examples are business centers , parking lots , industrial sites , gra i n elevators , and nuclear power plants along the Mississippi River industrial corridor. The mapped areas range from 100 to 500 acres. Included with th i s Urban l and in mapping are areas of lawns that are mostly covered with miscellaneous , artificial fill. In some areas , several feet of this fill has been placed over the orig i na l soil surface. The included areas make up about 15 percent of the map unit. Examination and identification of soils or so il material in this map unit are impractical.

Careful onsite investigation is needed to determ i ne the potential and limitations for any proposed use. Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland Year Month Day Latitude 1842 May 7 30.77 1868 November 28 31.31 1870 January 9 31.14 1905 February 3 30.50 1927 December 15 28.90 1929 July 28 28.90 1930 October 19 30.00 1947 September 20 31.90 1952 October 17 30.10 1958 November 6 29.90 1958 November 19 30.30 Table 3.4-2 Louisiana Historic Earthquakes?.

3.0 Mb, 1811-2015 Hypocenter Area Magnitude Depth (square Longitude Intensity (Mb) (miles) miles) -91.92 3.9 -92.46 3.8 -92.29 4.2 -91.10 3.7 -89.40 3.8 -89.40 3.8 -91.00 V-VI 15 , 000 -92.60 3.3 -93.70 3.1 -90.10 3.1 -91.10 v 3-61 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Distance to Site (miles) Remarks 101.6 St. Landry Parish , Louis i ana 149.1 Alexandria , Louisiana 134.0 Rapides Parish , Louisiana Merrydale , Louisiana (Baton Rouge) 2km south of 99.4 Southwest Pass Entry , Louisiana 2km south of 99.4 Southwest Pass Entry , Louisiana 31.7 Donaldsonville , Louisiana 182.3 Winn Parish , Louisiana 193.2 Calcasieu Parish , Louisiana 23.2 Marrero , Louisiana (New Orleans) 43.3 Baton Rouge , Louisiana Table 3.4-2 (Continued)

Louisiana Historic 3.0 Mb, Hypocenter Magnitude Depth Year Month Day Latitude Longitude Intensity (Mb) (miles) 1959 October 15 29.80 -93.10 3.7 1964 April 23 31.50 93.80 v 3.7 1964 April 24 31.60 93.80 v 3.7 1964 April 27 31.50 93.80 v 3.4 1964 April 28 31.70 93.60 v 4.4 1981 February 13 30.00 -91.80 3.1 1983 October 16 30.24 93.39 3.8 3.1 2005 December 20 30.26 90.71 3.0 3.1 2010 August 2 30.82 90.85 3.0 0.3 (ANSS 2015; ANSS 2016; EOI 2008a , App 2.5.2AA; USGS 2014c; WF 3 2014a , Table 2.5-8) Mb: body-wave magnitude Area (square miles) Waterford Steam E lectric Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Distance to Site (miles) Remarks 158.0 Creole , Louisiana 223.6 Sab ine Parish , Lou isiana 226.8 Sabine Parish , Louisiana 223.6 Sab ine Parish , Louisiana 220.1 Sabine Parish , Louisiana 79.5 Southern Loui s iana 175.5 Sulphu r , Lou is iana 23.0 Livingston Parish , Louisiana 61.1 East Feliciana Parish , Louis iana Cll E 0 r. Ouachita Mountains Western Hills Texas Southern Hills \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' P h ys i ographic Subprov i nces D Mississippi Alluvial Valley D Chen i e r/Delta Plain Loess H i lls

  • P rairie Coastwise Te r race Southern Hills Eastern Hills D Western Hills Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage GULF OF MEXICO Tennessee Eastern Hills Mississippi So u thern Hills Limit of Gulf Coastal P lain ---------------State B oundary
  • WF3 Approximate 200-Mi l e Radius Figure 3.4-1 / Alabama I / \ Florida \ I I I I \ I I I I I I (SE R I 2005 , Figure 2.5-2) N t Physiographic Provinces and Subprovinces Associated w i th WF3 3-63 Legend -Propert y Bo undary Hds Waterford Steam Electric Station , U nit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage -Hd s -Delta plain of the St. B ernard de lt a lobe , Mississippi River II Hm l, -Natur al levee comple x of Miss i ssippi L__J R i ver meander belt 1 CJ Hmm 1 -Mississip p i R i ver meander belt 1 (Entergy 2013a; LGS 2003; LGS 201 1) -----=====:i M i le s 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.4-2 Surficial Geology Map , Entergy Louisiana , LLC Property 3-6 4 G -100 -500 NATURAL LEVEE 1 20 INDEX UNDI FFERENTIATED PL E ISTOC E N E /NTEROISTRIBUTARY 1 0 CJ HOLOCENE DEPOSITS W I SCONSIN STAGE DEPOS IT S C::J PRE-WISCONS I N QUATER N ARY DEP OSIT S (Saucier 1994 , Plate 1 6 Sect i on G-G) 1 90 UNDIFFERENTIA TED PLEISTOCENE KILO M ETERS MILES Figure 3.4-3 180 Waterford Steam Electr i c Stat i on , Un i t 3 Appl i can t's Env i ronmental Report Operat i ng Li cense Renewal S t age /NTEROISTR IBUTARY KILOMETERS MI L ES A' Eut 0 40 -eo -ao -100 &! -120 ,. -140 -1 80 -1eo -200 220 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (A-A') (Sheet 1 of 5) 3-65

.... ... z 0 > w _, w B +20 40 80 -100 _,., [ -200 50 1 00 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 150 B' 200 ORIGINAL GRADE TOP OF PLEISTOCENE (WF3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30b) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (B-B') (Sheet 2 of 5) 3-66 E B' C' E'

+20 *20 *40 t:: z *60 w _, w .BQ *100 *1801 *200 c 50 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage ORIGINAL G RADE Ho rizon t al Scale (ft.) 100 150 C' (OFFSET 63 FEET TO THE NO R TH} 831 200 (W F3 20 14 a , F i gures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30c) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (C-C') (Sheet 3 of 5) 3-67 E B' C' E'

.... ... z 0 < > w .... w D +20 40 80 -100 '" l

  • 20() 50 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage D' Hor i zontal Scala (ft.) 100 150 RIG I NAL GRADE TDPOF PLEISTOCENE 200 (W F3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30d) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (D-D') (Sheet 4 of 5) 3-68 E B' C' E' t: z 0 ;::: <( > ., _, ., E +20 40 80 -100 -180 -200 -l -500 ---VERY DENSE S I L TY SANO EL -235 TO EL -247 ------STIFF TD VERY STIFF CLAY AND SILTY CLAY WITH SILT ANO SANO LENSE S EL-247 TO EL-32 1 '----VER Y DENSE SILTY SANO EL -321 TO EL-355 + VERY DENSE SAND BELOW EL -355 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env ironment al Report Operating License Renewal Stage E' ORIGINAL GRADE TOP OF PLEISTOCENE L Hor i zontal Scal e (ft.) (W F3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30e) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (E-E') (Sheet 5 of 5) 3-69 E B' C' E' Soils within Entergy Louisiana , LLC Property Boundary AR -Allema nd s-Lar ose associ at ion D 88 -Barbary muck CR -Cancienne and Carville soils -Cc -Cancienne silt loam -Cm -Cancienne si lty cl a y loam. 0 to 1 % slopes Cn -C an cie nne silty clay loam , frequently fiooded -FA-Fausse clay -KE -Kenner muck LV -Le vees-Borro w prts -MA -Maurepas mu ck LJ Sa -Sch r iever silty clay lo am -Se -Sc hr iever clay , 0 to 1 % slopes -Sh -Sch r iever clay , 0 to 1 % slopes , frequently fiooded Tu -Thibaut c la y -UR -U rban land LJ W-Water Legend -P roperty Bounda ry Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Appl ic an t's Environme nt al Report Operating Li cense Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; USDA 2014b) -----c::====:::i Miles 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.4-4 Distribution of Soil Units, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property 3-70 Legend
  • WF3 @ Historic Earthquake O state Wa t erfo rd S te am E l ectric S t at i on , U nit 3 Applicant's E n vironmental Report Operat i ng Lice n se Re n ewal Stag e (ANSS 20 1 6; EO l 2008a; ESRI 2014; USGS 2014c; USGS 20 1 5a; WF3 2014a , Tab le 2.5-8) ------======::::i Mil es 0 1 00 200 Figure 3.4-5 Central Gulf Coastal Plain Historic Earthquakes?.

3.0 Mb , 1811-2015 3-7 1 L e gend *WF3 @ Historic Earthquake

@ Location with mult i p l e events/number of events C: 50-Mile Radius State Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (ANSS 2015; ANSS 2016; EOl 2008a; ESRI 2014; USGS 2014c; WF3 2014a , Table 2.5-8) -------======::::i Mi l es 0 50 10 0 Figure 3.4-6 Louisiana Historic 3.0 Mb, 1811-2015 3-72 Appendix E Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 March 2016 INTRODUCTION Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Entergy Louisiana, LLC and Entergy Operations, Inc. (collectively referred to as Entergy), both subsidiaries of Entergy Corporation, submit this environmental report (ER) in conjunction with the application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to renew the operating license for Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 (hereafter referred to as WF3) for 20 years beyond the end of the current license term. In compliance with applicable NRC requirements, this ER analyzes potential environmental impacts associated with renewal of the WF3 operating license (OL). This ER is designed to assist the NRC staff with the preparation of the WF3-specific supplemental environmental impact statement required for license renewal. The WF3 ER is provided in accordance with 10 CFR 54.23, which requires license renewal applicants to submit a supplement to the Operating License Stage Environmental Report that complies with the requirements of 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A. This report also addresses the more detailed requirements of NRC environmental regulations in 10 CFR 51.45 and 10 CFR 51.53(c), as well as the intent of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) [42 USC 4321 et seq.]. For major federal actions, NEPA requires federal agencies to prepare a detailed statement that evaluates environmental impacts, alternatives to the proposed action, and irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources associated with the implementation of the proposed action. Entergy used NRC Regulatory Guide 4.2, Supplement 1, Revision 1, Preparation of Environmental Reports for License Renewal Applications, as guidance on the format and content of this ER. In addition, Entergy used the Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for License Renewal,for Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437, Revision 1) and 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B in preparation of this report. The level of information provided on the various topics and issues in this ER are commensurate with the environmental significance of the particular topic or issue. Based upon the evaluations discussed in this ER, Entergy concludes that the environmental impacts associated with renewal of the WF3 OL would result in no significant adverse effects. No plant refurbishment or other license-renewal-related construction activities have been identified as necessary to support the continued operation of WF3 beyond the end of the existing OL term. Ongoing plant operational and maintenance activities will be performed during the license renewal period, but no significant environmental impacts associated with such activities are expected, because established programs and procedures are in place to ensure that proper environmental monitoring continues to be conducted throughout the renewal term as discussed in Chapter 9.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 1.0 PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION ...................................

1-1 1.1 Environmental Report ...................................................

1-2 1.2 Licensee and Ownership


1-2 1.3 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ..........................................



2-1 2.1 Proposed Action .......................................................

2-1 2.2 General Plant Information


  • ..............

2-1 2.2.1 Reactor and Containment Systems ....................................

2-2 Reactor System ..............................................

2-2 Containment System ..........................................

2-2 2.2.2 Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems ..................................

2-3 Circulating Water System ......................................

2-3 Thermal Discharge


2-6 Component Cooling Water .....................................

2-6 Auxiliary Component Cooling Water ..............................

2-7 Demineralized Water Makeup System ............................

2-7 Potable Water System .........................................

2-7 Fire Protection Water System ...................................

2-7 2.2.3 Radioactive Waste Management


2-8 Liquid Radwaste System .......................................

2-8 Gaseous Radwaste System ....................................

2-10 Solid Radwaste System ........................................

2-17 Radwaste Storage-License Renewal Term ........................

2-19 Low-Level Mixed Wastes .......................................

2-19 Spent Fuel Storage ...........................................

2-20 2.2.3. 7 Transportation of Radioactive Materials


2-20 2.2.4 Nonradioactive Waste Management


2-20 2.2.5 Power Transmission Systems ........................................

2-22 In-Scope Transmission Lines ...................................

2-22 Vegetation Management Practices


2-22 Avian Protection



2-23 Induced Shock Hazards .......................................

2-23 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 2.3 Refurbishment Activities


2-33 2.4 Programs and Activities for Managing the Effects of Aging ......................

2-33 2.5 Employment


2-34 2.6 Alternatives to the Proposed Action ........................................

2-40 2.6.1 Alternatives Evaluation Process .......................................

2-40 2.6.2 Alternatives Considered




3-1 3.0.1 Location and Features ..............................................

3-1 3.0.2 Vicinity and Region ................................................

3-1 3.0.3 Station Features ...................................................

3-3 3.0.4 Federal, Native American, State, and Local Lands ........................

3-3 3.0.5 Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Projects in Site Vicinity .................

3-4 3.1 Land Use and Visual Resources


3-13 3.1.1 Onsite Land Use ..................................................

3-13 3.1.2 Offsite Land Use ..................................................

3-13 3.1.3 Visual Resources


3-16 3.2 Meteorology and Air Quality ..............................................

3-22 3.2.1 General Climate ...................................................

3-22 3.2.2 Meteorology


3-22 Wind Direction and Speed ......................................

3-22 Temperature


3-23 Precipitation


3-24 Snow and Glaze .............................................

3-25 Relative Humidity and Fog .....................................

3-25 Severe Weather ..............................................

3-25 3.2.2. 7 Atmospheric Stability


3-27 3.2.3 Onsite Meteorological System ........................................

3-27 Primary System ..............................................

3-28 Back-Up System .............................................

3-29 Basic System Flow Path .......................................

3-29 Data Verification


3-30 Calibration and Maintenance


3-30 Data Recovery ...............................................

3-30 3.2.4 Air Quality ........................................................

3-30 3.2.5 Air Emissions


3-31 ii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 3.3 Noise ...............................................................

3-44 3.4 Geologic Environment


3-45 3.4.1 Geology .........................................................

3-45 Regional Geology ............................................

3-45 3.4.2 Site Geology ......................................................

3-49 3.4.3 Soils ............................................................

3-49 Onsite Soils and Geology ......................................

3-49 Erosion Potential


3-50 Prime Farmland Soils .........................................

3-51 3.4.4 Seismic History ...................................................

3-51 3.5 Water Resources


3-73 3.5.1 Surface Water Resources


3-73 Surface Water Discharges


3-76 3.5.2 Groundwater Resources


3-78 Groundwater Aquifers ................................. , ....... 3-78 Hydraulic Properties


3-79 Potentiometric Surfaces .......................................

3-80 Groundwater Protection Program ................................

3-81 Sole Source Aquifers ..........................................

3-81 3.5.3 Water Use .......................................................

3-82 Surface Water Use ...........................................

3-82 Groundwater Use ............................................

3-82 3.5.4 Water Quality .....................................................

3-83* Surface Water Quality .........................................

3-83 3,5.4.2 Groundwater Quality ..........................................

3-84 3.6 Ecological Resources


3-100 3.6.1 Region ..........................................................

3-100 Geomorphology


3-100 Soils .......................................................

3-100 Climate ....................................................

3-100 Regional Water Systems .......................................

3-101 Regional Ecosystems


3-101 3.6.2 Site and Vicinity ...................................................

3-106 3.6.3 Potentially Affected Water-Bodies


3-106 3.6.4 Ecological Resources History ........................................

3-106 iii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 3.6.5 Places and Entities of Special Ecological Interest .........................

3-108 Wetlands ...................................................

3-109 Wildlife Management Areas .....................................

3-110 3.6.6 Aquatic Communities


3-110 Lower Mississippi River Aquatic Species ..........................

3-112 Impingement, Entrainment, and Thermal Studies ....................

3-118 3.6. 7 Terrestrial Communities


3-127 Principal Plant Communities


3-127 Amphibians and Reptiles .......................................

3-129 Birds ......................................................

3-129 Mammals ...................................................

3-130 3.6.8 Invasive Species ..................................................

3-130 Invasive Aquatic Species .......................................

3-130 Invasive Terrestrial Species ....................................

3-139 3.6.9 Procedures and Protocols


3-144 3.6.10 Studies and Monitoring


3-144 3.6.11 Threatened, Endangered, and Protected Species, and Essential Fish Habitat ... 3-147 Federally Listed Species .......................................

3-147 State-Listed Species ..........................................

3-153 Essential Fish Habitat .........................................

3-160 Other Acts ..................................................

3-160 3. 7 Historic and Cultural Resources


3-179 3.7.1 Land Use History ..................................................

3-181 3.7.2 Cultural History ....................................................

3-183 3. 7.2.1 Paleo-Indian Period (Prior to 6000 BC) ............................

3-183 Archaic (6000 to 1500 BC) .....................................

3-184 Woodland (1500 BC to AD 1200) ................................

3-185 3. 7 .2.4 Mississippi Period (AD 1200 to 1450) .............................

3-189 Protohistoric and European Contact (AD 1450 to 1700) ...............

3-191 Historic Era .................................................

3-193 3.7.3 Onsite and Offsite Cultural Resources


3-199 3.7.4 Cultural Resource Surveys ..........................................

3-200 2014 Phase 1A Sensitivity Assessment


3-201 3.7.5 Procedures and Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plans ...........

3-202 iv Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 3.8 Socioeconomics


3-221 3.8.1 Employment and Income ............................................

3-221 3.8.2 Housing .........................................................

3-222 3.8.3 Water Supply and Wastewater


3-223 Water Supply ................................................

3-223 Wastewater


3-224 3.8.4 Community Services and Education


3-224 3.8.5 Local Government Revenues .........................................

3-226 3.8.6 Transportation


3-227 3.8.7 Recreational Facilities


3-229 3.9 Human Health .........................................................

3-237 3.9.1 Radiological Hazards ...............................................

3-237 Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Releases ............................

3-237 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program ....................

3-238 Groundwater Protection Monitoring Program .......................

3-239 Occupational Exposure ........................................

3-240 3.9.2 Microbiological Hazards .............................................

3-240 3.9.3 Electric Shock Hazards .............................................

3-242 3.10 Environmental Justice ..................................................

3-243 3.10.1 Regional Population


3-243 Migrant Labor ...............................................

3-246 Subsistence Consumption


3-246 3.10.2 Minority and Low-Income Populations


3-246 Background



3-246 Minority Populations


3-247 Low-Income Populations


3-248 3.11 Waste Management


3-284 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE PROPOSED ACTION AND MITIGATING ACTIONS .................................................

4-1 4.0.1 Category 1 License Renewal Issues ...................................

4-2 4.0.2 Category 2 License Renewal Issues ...................................

4-2 4.0.3 "NA" License Renewal Issues ........................................

4-3 4.0.4 Format of Issues Reviewed ..........................................

4-4 v Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.1 Land Use and Visual Resources


4-11 4.1.1 Onsite Land Use ..................................................

4-11 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-11 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-11 Analysis ....................................................

4-11 4.1.2 Offsite Land Use ..................................................

4-11 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-11 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-11 Analysis ....................................


4-11 4.1.3 Offsite Land Use in Transmission Line Right-of-Ways


4-12 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-12 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-12 Analysis .........................


4-12 4.1.4 Aesthetic Impacts ..................................................

4-12 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-12 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-12 Analysis ....................................................

4-12 4.2 Air Quality ............................................................

4-13 4.2.1 Air Quality Impacts (all plants) ........................................

4-13 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix '8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-13 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-13 Analysis ....................................................

4-13 4.2.2 Air Quality Effects of Transmission Lines ................................

4-14 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-14 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-14 Analysis ....................................................

4-14 4.3 Noise ...............................................................

4-14 4.3.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ............

4-14 4.3.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-14 4.3.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-14 4.4 Geology and Soils .....................................................

4-15 4.4.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ............

4-15 4.4.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-15 4.4.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-15 vi Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.5 Water Resources


4-16 4.5.1 Surface Water Resources


4-16 Surface Water Use Conflicts (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water from a River) ........................

4-16 4.5.2 Groundwater Resources


4-16 Groundwater Use Conflicts (Plants that Withdraw more than 100 GPM) .. 4-16 Groundwater Use Conflicts (Plants with Closed-Cycle Cooling Systems that Withdraw Makeup Water from a River) ........................

4-17 Groundwater Quality Degradation (Plants with Cooling Ponds at Inland Sites) ......................................................

4-17 Radionuclides Released to Groundwater


4-18 4.6 Ecological Resources


4-19 4.6.1 Aquatic Resources

......................................... , ....... 4-19 Impingement and Entrainment of Aquatic Organisms (Plants with Once-Through Cooling Systems or Cooling Ponds) ..................

4-19 Thermal Impacts on Aquatic Organisms (Plants with Once-Through Cooling Systems or Cooling Ponds) ..............................

4-21 Water Use Conflicts with Aquatic Resources (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water from a River) ................

4-23 4.6.2 Terrestrial Resources


4-24 Effects on Terrestrial Resources (Non-Cooling System Impacts) ........ 4-24 Water Use Conflicts with Terrestrial Resources (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Cooling Towers Using Makeup Water from a River) ..........

4-25 4.6.3 Special Status Species and Habitats ...................................

4-25 Threatened, Endangered, and Protected Species, and Essential Fish Habitat .....................................................

4-25 4. 7 Historic and Cultural Resources


  • .... 4-27 4. 7 .1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix S, Table 8-1 ............

4-27 4.7.2 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(K)]


4-27 4.7.3 Analysis


4-27 Refurbishment Activities


4-27 Operational Activities


4-27 4.8 Socioeconomics


4-28 4.8.1 Employment and Income, Recreation and Tourism ........................

4-28 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-28 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-29 Analysis ....................................................

4-29 vii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.8.2 Tax Revenues ....................................................

4-29 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-29 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-29 Analysis ....................................................

4-29 4.8.3 Community Services and Education


4-30 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-30 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-30 Analysis ....................................................

4-30 4.8.4 Population and Housing .............................................

4-30 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-30 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-31 Analysis ....................................................

4-31 4.8.5 Transportation


4-31 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-31 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-31 Analysis ....................................................

4-31 4.9 Human Health .........................................................

4-32 4.9.1 Microbiological Hazards to the Public (Plants with Cooling Ponds or Canals, or Cooling Towers that Discharge to a River) ............................

4-32 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-32 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(G)]


4-32 Analysis ....................................................

4-32 4.9.2 Electric Shock Hazards .............................................

4-33 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-33 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(H)]


4-33 Analysis ....................................................

4-33 4.10 Environmental Justice ..................................................

4-34 4.10.1 Minority and Low-Income Populations


4-34 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-34 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(N)]


-.... 4-34 Analysis ....................................................

4-34 4.11 Waste Management


4-35 4.11.1 Low-Level Waste Storage and Disposal ................................

4-35 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix 8, Table 8-1 ....... 4-35 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-35 Analysis ....................................................

4-36 viii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage .1 4.11.2 Onsite Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel ..................................

4-36 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-36 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-36 Analysis ....................................................

4-36 4.11.3 Offsite Radiological Impacts of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Waste Disposal .........................................................

4-37 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-37 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-37 Analysis ....................................................

4-37 4.11.4 Mixed Waste Storage and Disposal ....................................

4-37 Findings from 10 GFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-37 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-38 Analysis ....................................................

4-38 4.11.5 Nonradioactive Waste Storage and Disposal.


4-38 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table 8-1 ....... 4-38 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-38 Analysis ....................................................

4-38 4.12 Cumulative Impacts ....................................................

4-39 -"' 4.12.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table 8-1 ............

4-39 4.12.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(O)]


4-39 4.12.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-39 Air Quality and Noise ..........................................

4-39 Geology and Soils ............................................

4-41 Water Resources


4-42 Aquatic Resources



4-45 Terrestrial Resources


4-49 Historic and Cultural Resources


4-51 4.12.3. 7 Socioeconomics


4-51 Human Health ...............................................

4-52 Waste Management


4-54 Cumulative Impacts Summary ...................................

4-54 4.13 Impacts Common to All Alternatives:

Uranium Fuel Cycle ......................

4-55 4.13.1 Offsite Radiological Impacts-Individual Impacts from other than the Disposal of Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste ...................................

4-55 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-55 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-55 Analysis ....................................................

4-55 ix Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 4.13.2 Offsite Radiological Impacts-Collective Impacts from other than the Disposal of Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste ...................................

4-55 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-55 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-56 Analysis ....................................................

4-56 4.13.3 Nonradiological Impacts of the Uranium Fuel Cycle .......................

4-56 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-56 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-56 Analysis ....................................................

4-56 4.13.4 Transportation


4-57 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ....... 4-57 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-57 Analysis ....................................................

4-57 4.14 Termination of Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Decommissioning


4-57 4.14.1 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-1 ............

4-57 4.14.2 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]


4-57 4.14.3 Analysis .........................................................

4-58 4.15 Postulated Accidents


1 *************

4-58 4.15.1 Severe Accidents


4-58 Findings from 10 CFR Part 51, Subpart A, Appendix B, Table B-.1 ....... 4-58 Requirement[10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(L)]


4-58 Background


4-58 Analysis of Environmental Impact ................................

4-59 Conclusion

........ , .........................................



5-1 5.1 New and Significant Information


5-1 5.2 New and Significant Information Review Process .............................

5-2 6.0


OF LICENSE RENEWAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATING ACTIONS ..... 6-1 6.1 License Renewal Impacts ................................................

6-1 6.2 Mitigation


6-6 6.3 Unavoidable Adverse Impacts ............................................

6-6 6.4 Irreversible or Irretrievable Resource Commitments


6-7 6.5 Short-Term Use Versus Long-Term Productivity of the Environment


6-8 x Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 7.0 ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION .............................

7-1 7.1 Replacement Power Alternatives


7-1 7 .1.1 Energy Alternatives Considered As Reasonable


-. .. 7-2 Natural Gas-Fired Generation


7-2 Coal-Fired Generation


7-2 Nuclear Generation


7-3 Combination of Alternatives



7-3 7.1.2 Energy Alternatives Not Considered Reasonable


7-3 Alternatives Not Requiring New Generating Capacity .................

7-4 Alternatives Requiring New Generating Capacity ... ................

7-6 7 .1.3 Environmental Impacts of Alternatives


7-11 7 .1.3.1 Natural Gas-Fired Generation


7-12 Coal-Fired Generation


7-22 New Nuclear Generation


7-32 Combination of Alternatives


7-41 7.2 Alternatives for Reducing Adverse Impacts ..................................

7-57 7.2.1 Alternatives Considered


7-57 7.2.2 Environmental Impacts of Alternatives for Reducing Adverse Impacts .... ' ..... 7-57 7.3 No-Action Alternative


7-57 7.3.1 Proposed Action ....................

  • ...............................

7-57 7.3.2 No-Action Alternative


7-57 7.3.3 Decommissioning Impacts ...........................................





9-1 9.1 WF3 Authorizations


9-1 9.2 Status of Compliance


9-5 9.3 Notice of Violations


9-5 9.4 Remediation Activities


9-5 9.5 Federal, State, and Local Regulatory Standards:

Discussion of Compliance

........ 9-5 9.5.1 Clean Water Act ....................................................

9-5 Water Quality (401) Certification


9-5 LPDES Permit ...............................................

9-6 Stormwater Permit ............................................

9-6 Sanitary Wastewaters


9-6 xi Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures


9-6 Facility Response Plan ........................................

9-7 Section 404 Permit ...........................................

9-7 9.5.2 Safe Drinking Water Act. ............................................

9-7 9.5.3 Clean Air Act .....................................................

9-8 Air Permit ...................................................

9-8 Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions

[40 CFR Part 68] ............

9-8 Stratospheric Ozone [40 CFR 82] ................................

9-8 9.5.4 Atomic Energy Act .................................................

9-8 Radioactive Waste ............................................

9-8 9.5.5 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ..............................

9-9 Nonradioactive Wastes ........................................

9-9 Mixed Wastes ...............................................

9-9 Underground Storage Tanks [LAC 33:XI] ..........................

9-9 9.5.6 Louisiana Public Health Sanitary Code .................................

9-10 Medical Waste ........................

." ......................

9-10 9.5. 7 Pollution Prevention Act .............................................

9-10 9.5.8 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act .......................

9-10 9.5.9 Toxic Substances Control Act ........................................

9-10 9.5.10 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act ................................

9-10 9.5.11 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act ...................

9-10 Section 312 Reporting

[40 CFR Part 370] ..........................

9-10 Section 313 Reporting

[40 CFR Part 372] ..........................

9-11 9.5.12 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act .... 9-11 9.5.13 Migratory Bird Treaty Act. ...........................................

9-11 9.5.14 Endangered Species Act ............................................

9-11 9.5.15 Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act ..................................

9-12 9.5.16 Coastal Zone Management Act .......................................

9-12 9.5.17 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act .............

9-12 9.5.18 Marine Mammal Protection Act .......................................

9-12 9.5.19 Farmland Protection Policy Act .......................................

9-13 9.5.20 National Historic Preservation Act .....................................

9-13 9.5.21 State Water Use Program ...........................................

9-13 xii Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 9.5.22 Federal Aviation Act ................................................

9-13 9.5.23 Occupational Safety and Health Act ...................................

9-14 9.5.24 St. Charles Parish Zoning Requirements


9-14 Land Use ...................................................

9-14 9.6 Environmental Reviews .................................................

9-14 9.7 Requirement

[10 CFR 51.45(d)]





10-1 xiii LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: WF3 Clean Water Act Documentation Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Attachment B: Threatened and Endangered Species Consultation Attachment C: Cultural Resources Consultation Attachment D: Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives Analysis Attachment E: Coastal Zone Consistency Determination xiv LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1-1 Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Environmental Regulatory Requirements


1-4 Table 2.2-1 WF3 Hazardous Waste Generation, 2010-2014


2-25 Table 2.5-1 Employee Residence Information, January 2016 ...............................

2-35 Table 3.0-1 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ..........................

3-6 Table 3.1-1 Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .........................

3-18 Table 3.1-2 Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ..................................

3-19 Table 3.2-1 WF3 Stability Class Distributions


3-33 Table 3.2-2 Permitted Air Emission Points ..............................................

3-34 Table 3.2-3 Annual Air Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014


3-36 Table 3.2-4 Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014

.... , ..........

3-37 Table 3.4-1 Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions


3-53 Table 3.4-2 Louisiana Historic Earthquakes>

3.0 Mb, 1811-2015


3-61 Table 3.5-1 LPDES-Permitted Outfalls .................................................

3-86 Table 3.5-2 Onsite Well Construction Details ............................................

3-89 Table 3.5-3 Mississippi River Water Usage Summary, 2013 ................................

3-90 Table 3.5-4 Groundwater Usage Summary, 2013 ..............

  • ..........................

3-91 Table 3.5-5 Registered Groundwater Wells, 2-Mile Band around Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Boundary ......................................................

3-92 xv Table 3.6-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Common Animals Occurring on or in the Vicinity of WF3 .........................

3-161 Table 3.6-2 Phytoplankton Species Collected in the Lower Mississippi River in the Vicinity of WF3 ....................................................

3-165 Table 3.6-3 Fishes of the Lower Mississippi River near WF3 ...............................

3-170 Table 3.6-4 Commercial and Recreational Fish Species in the Vicinity of WF3 .................

3-173 Table 3.6-5 Federally Listed Species in St. Charles and St. John the Baptist Parishes, Louisiana

... 3-17 4 Table 3.6-6 State-Listed Species in St. Charles and St. John the Baptist Parishes, Louisiana

...... 3-175 Table 3.7-1 Archaeological Sites, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ...................................

3-203 Table 3.7-2 NRHP-Listed Properties, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ................................

3-205 Table 3.8-1 Jefferson and St. Charles Parishes Housing Statistics, 2000....,,.2010


3-231 Table 3.8-2 Public Water Systems, St. Charles and Jefferson Parishes .......................

3-232 Table 3.8-3 Public Wastewater Systems, St. Charles and Jefferson Parishes ..................

3-233 Table 3.8-4 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Tax Payments, 2010-2014


3-234 Table 3.8-5 Total Average Annual Daily Traffic Counts on State Routes near WF3 ..............

3-235 Table 3.8-6 Level of Service Definitions


3-236 Table 3.10-1 Cities or Towns Located Totally or Partially within a 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ...........

3-251 Table 3.10-2 Parish Populations Totally or Partially Included within a 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ....... 3-258 Table 3.10-3 Parish Population Growth, 2010-2045


3-260 Table 3.10-4 Minority Populations Evaluated Against Criterion


3-261 xvi Table 3.10-5 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Minority Census Block Group Counts, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 .....................

3-262 Table 3.10-6 Low-Income Population Criteria Using Two Geographic Areas ....................

3-263 Table 4.0-1 Category 1 Issues Not Applicable to WF3 ....................................

4-5 Table 4.0-2 Category 1 Issues Applicable to WF3 ........................................

4-6 Table 4.0-3 . Category 2 Issues Applicable to WF3 ........................................

4-9 Table 4.15-1 Estimated Present Dollar Value Equivalent of Internal Events CDF at WF3 ..........

4-78 Table 4.15-2 Final SAMAs ...........................................................

4-79 Table 6.1-1 Environmental Impacts Related to License Renewal at WF3 ......................

6-2 Table 7.1-1 Air Emissions from NGCC Plant Alternative


7-53 Table 7.1-2 Air Emissions from SCPC Plant Alternative

........................... , ....... 7-54 Table 7.1-3 Solid Waste from SCPC Plant Alternative

............... , .....................

7-55 Table 7.1-4 Air Emissions from NGCC Plant Combination Alternative

.... -....... * .............

7-56 Table 7.3-1 Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Electricity Generation


7-60 Table 8.0-1 Environmental Impacts Comparison Summary .................................

8-2 Table 8.0-2 Environmental Impacts Comparison Detail. ...................................

8-4 Table 9.1-1 Environmental Authorizations for Current WF3 Operations


9-2 Table 9.1-2 Environmental Authorizations and Consultations for WF3 License Renewal ..........

9-4 xvii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.2-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 LPDES Permit Schematic Flow Diagram .................................

2-26 Figure 2.2-2 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Location .................................

2-27 Figure 2.2-3 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure


.2-28 Figure 2.2-4 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Canal ...........................................

2-29 Figure 2.2-5 WF3 Intake Bays and Traveling Screens .....................................

2-30 Figure 2.2-6 WF3 Discharge Structure and Canal .......................................

.2-31 Figure 2.2-7 WF3 In-Scope Transmission Lines ..........................................

2-32 Figure 3.0-1 WF3 Plant Layout .......................................................

3-7 Figure 3.0-2 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property and Area Topography


3-8 Figure 3.0-3 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ....................................................

3-9 Figure 3.0-4 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ...................................................

3-10 Figure 3.0-5 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 .........................

3-11 Figure 3.0-6 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ........................

3-12 Figure 3.1-1 Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .........................

3-20 xviii Figure 3.1-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 .................................

3-21 Figure 3.2-1 WF3 2010 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-38 Figure 3.2-2 WF3 2011 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-39 Figure 3.2-3 WF3 2012 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-40 Figure 3.2-4 WF3 2013 Wind Rose ..................................................

  • .. 3-41 Figure 3.2-5 WF3 2014 Wind Rose ....................................................

3-42 Figure 3.2-6 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 ...................

3-43 Figure 3.4-1 Physiographic Provinces and Subprovinces Associated with WF3 .................

3-63 Figure 3.4-2 Surficial Geology Map, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .........................

3-64 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (A-A') (Sheet 1 of 5) ..........................................................

3-65 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (B-B') (Sheet 2 of 5) ..........................................................

3-66 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (C-C') (Sheet 3 of 5) ..........................................................

3-67 Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (D-D') (Sheet 4 of 5) ..........................................................

3-68 xix Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (E-E') Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Sheet 5 of 5) ..........................................................

3-69 Figure 3.4-4 Distribution of Soil Units, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property .......................

3-70 Figure 3.4-5 Central Gulf Coastal Plain Historic Earthquakes 2: 3.0 Mb, 1811-2015


3-71 Figure 3.4-6 Louisiana Historic Earthquakes 2: 3.0 Mb, 1811-2015


3-72 Figure 3.5-1 Regional Hydrologic Features ..............................................

3-93 Figure 3.5-2 FEMA Flood Zones, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ...........................

3-94 Figure 3.5-3 LPDES-Permitted Outfalls ................................................

3-95 Figure 3.5-4 WF3 Potentiometric Surface Map, Shallow Groundwater Elevation


3-96 Figure 3.5-5 WF3 Potentiometric Surface Map, Highest Groundwater Elevation


3-97 Figure 3.5-6 Onsite Groundwater Monitoring Wells .......................................

3-98 Figure 3.5-7 Registered Water Wells, 2-Mile Band around Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Boundary ......................................................

3-99 Figure 3.6-1 Wetlands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ...........................................

3-177 Figure 3.6-2 Wetlands, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ...................................

3-178 Figure 3.7-1 Cultural Areas of Interest, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Northeast of LA-3127 ..... 3-206 xx Figure 3.7-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage NRHP-Listed Sites, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 ....................................

3-207 Figure 3.7-3 Ouacha Village Site, 1718-1721


3-208 Figure 3.7-4 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1876 ..................................

3-209 Figure 3.7-5 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa Early 1930s with Evidence of Timbering and Rail Spur ..........


3-210 Figure 3. 7-6 Growth of Petroleum Industry n.ear the Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1921 ... 3:.211 Figure Utility Ownership and Development circa 1973 ................................

3-212 Figure 3. 7-8 Transportation Improvements circa early 1970s ................................

3-213 Figure 3.7-9 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1950s ....................... , ..........

3-214 Figure 3.7-10 WF3 Plant Construction, 1978 .. , ..........................................

3-215 Figure 3.7-11 WF3 Plant Construction, 1978 .............................................

3-216 Figure 3.7-12 Aerial View of WF3 Plant circa 1996 .........................................

3-217 Figure 3.7-13 Vicinity of Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property circa 1720s .........................

3-218 Figure 3.7-14 Zones of Archaeological Sensitivity, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Northeast of LA-3127 ....................................................

3-219 Figure 3.7-15 Location of Cultural Resource Studies, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property ............

3-220 xxi

,/ ... -.. , Figure 3.10-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Census-Aggregate of All Races Populations (Regional)


3-264 Figure 3.10-2 Census-Aggregate of All Races Populations (Individual State) ...................

3-265 Figure 3.10-3 Census-Aggregate and Hispanic Populations (Regional)


3-266 Figure 3.10-4 Census-Aggregate and Hispanic Populations (Individual State) ..................

3-267 Figure 3.10-5 Census-Black or African American Populations (Regional)


3-268 Figure 3.10-6 Census-Black or African American Populations (Individual State) .................

3-269 Figure 3.10-7 Census-American Indian or Alaska Native Populations (Regional)


3-270 Figure 3.10-8 Census-American Indian or Alaska Native Populations (Individual State) ...........

3-271 Figure 3.10-9 Census-Asian Populations (Regional)


3-272 Figure 3.10-10 Census-Asian Populations (Individual State) .................................

3-273 Figure 3.10-11 Census-Hispanic or Latino Populations (Regional)


3-274 Figure 3.10-12 Census-Hispanic or Latino Populations (Individual State) .......................

3-275 Figure 3.10-13 Census-Some Other Race Populations (Regional)


3-276 Figure 3.10-14 Census-Some Other Race Populations (Individual State) .......................

3-277 Figure 3.10-15 Census-Two or More Races Populations (Regional)


3-278 xx ii Figure 3.10-16 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Census-Two or More Races Populations (Individual State) ......................

3-279 Figure 3.10-17 Census-Low Income Individuals (Individual State) .............................

3-280 Figure 3.10-18 Census-Low Income Individuals (Regional)


3-281 Figure 3.10-19 Census-Low Income Households (Individual State) ............................

3-282 Figure 3.10-20 Census-Low Income Households (Regional)


3-283 xxiii

§ OF AC ACCWS AD AFW AHP ALA RA ams I APE AQCR BC bgs BMP BMS BTA Btu/hr Btu/lb CAA CAFTA CARS CCR ccs ccw ccws CDF Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS section degrees Fahrenheit alternating current auxiliary component cooling water system anno Domini-with respect to time period auxiliary feedwater above Head of Passes as low as reasonably achievable above mean sea level area of potential effect air quality control region before Christ-with respect to time period below ground surface best management practice boron management system best technology available British thermal units per hour British thermal units per pound Clean Air Act Computer Aided Fault Tree Analysis containment atmosphere release system coal combustion residue carbon capture and storage component cooling water component cooling water system core damage frequency xxiv CEDM CEI CET CFR cf s cm cm 3 cm/sec co C0 2 C0 2 e CSP eves CWIS dBA DC DDT DE CON DOE DSM EAB EOG EEC EF EFH EFW ENE control element drive mechanism Coastal Environments, Inc. Containment Event Tree Code of Federal Regulations cubic feet per second centimeter cubic centimeter centimeters per second carbon monoxide carbon dioxide carbon dioxide equivalent concentrating solar power chemical and volume control system circulating water intake structure A-weighted decibel direct current dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage dismantling and decontamination, one of three NRC decommissioning strategies U.S. Department of Energy demand-side management exclusion area boundary emergency diesel generator Energy Education Center enhanced Fujita (tornado scale ranging from 0 to 5) essential fish habitat emergency feedwater east-northeast xxv ENTOMB EPA ER ERFBS ESA ESE FAA FDA FEMA FES FIVE FPPA fps ft3 GEIS GHG gpd/ft gpd/ft 2 GPI gpm gpy GWh/yr HAP Hds HEAF HEPA Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage permanent entombment on site, one of three NRG decommissioning strategies U.S. Environmental Protection Agency environmental report Electric Raceway Fire Barrier System Endangered Species Act east-southeast Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Food and Drug Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency final environmental statement Fire Induced Vulnerability Evaluation Farmland Protection Policy Act feet per second cubic foot NU REG 1437, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants greenhouse gas gallons per day per foot gallons per day per square foot Groundwater Protection Initiative gallons per minute gallons per year gigawatt hour per year hazardous air pollutant delta plain of the St. Bernard delta lobe, Mississippi River (Holocene age) High Energy Arcing Fault high-efficiency particulate absorption xxvi HIC Hml 1 Hmm 1 hp HVAC 1-10 1-310 IGCC ILRT IMR IPA IPE IPEEE IRP ISFSI kV kW kWh/m 2/day LA-18 LA-628 LA-3127 LaDOTD LAR LDEQ LDWF LLMW LLRW high integrity container Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage natural levee complex of Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Holocene age) Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Holocene age) horsepqwer heating, ventilation, and air conditioning Interstate 10 Interstate 31 O integrated gasification combined cycle Integrated Leak Rate Test impingement rate integrated plant assessment Individual Plant Examination Individual Plant Examination of External Events integrated resource plan independent spent fuel storage installation kilovolt kilowatt kilowatt hour of solar insolation per square meter per day Louisiana Highway 18 Louisiana Highway 628 Louisiana Highway 3127 Louisiana Department of Transportation

& Development license amendment request Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries low-level mixed waste low-level radwaste xxvii LMR LOCA LOS LP&L LP DES LRA m2 mA MACT Mb mg/I MGD MISO MM MM Btu/hr MP&L mph mrad mrem MRLC MSA msl MSLB mSv MSW MWd/MTU MWe Lower Mississippi River loss of coolant accident level of service Louisiana Power & Light Company Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System license renewal application square meter milliamperes maximum achievable control technology body-wave magnitude (earthquakes) milligram per liter million gallons per day Midcontinent Independent Operator System, Inc. Modified Mercalli (seismic intensity scale) million British thermal units per hour Mississippi Power & Light miles per hour milliradiation absorbed dose millirem Multi-Resolution Land Characteristic consortium metropolitan statistical area mean sea level main steam line break millisievert municipal solid waste megawatt-days per metric tonne uranium megawatts electric xxviii MWh MWt N NA NAAQS NAVD88 NE NEI NEPA NESC NFPA NGCC NGVD29 NHPA NMFS NNE NNW N0 2 NOX NP DES NPIS NPS NRC NREL NRHP NW NWI megawatt hour megawatts thermal north not applicable National Ambient Air Quality Standards North American Vertical Datum of 1988 northeast Nuclear Energy Institute National Environmental Policy Act National Electrical Safety Code National Fire Protection Association natural gas combined-cycle National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 National Historic Preservation Act National Marine Fisheries Service north-northeast north-northwest nitrogen dioxide nitrogen oxide Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System nuclear plant island structure National Park Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Register of Historic Places northwest National Wetland Inventory xx ix OL OSGSF OSHA Pb PCB PILOT PM2.5 PM 10 POTW ppm ppt PRA PSA PSD psi psig PV PWR RAB RCP RCRA rem REMP ROW RVCH s SAFSTOR operating license original steam generator storage facility Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Occupational Safety and Health Administration lead polychlorinated biphenyl payment in lieu of taxes particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in diameter publicly owned treatment works parts per million parts per thousand Probabilistic Risk Assessment Probabilistic Safety Assessment prevention of significant deterioration pounds per square inch pounds per square inch gauge photovoltaic pressurized water reactor reactor auxiliary building reactor coolant pump Resource Conservation and Recovery Act roentgen equivalent man radiological environmental monitoring program right-of-way reactor vessel closure head south safe storage, one of three NRC decommissioning strategies


SAMA SB SBO SCPC SCR scv SE SERC SHPO SMITTR S0 2 SOX SPCC SSA SSE SSW SU SW SWMS SWPPP TEDE US-90 USA CE USC uses USDA USFWS severe accident mitigation alternatives solidification building station blackout supercritical pulverized coal selective catalytic reduction steel containment vessel southeast Southeast Electric Reliability Corporation Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage State Historic Preservation Office (or Officer) surveillance, online monitoring, inspections, testing, trending, and record keeping sulfur dioxide sulfur oxides spill prevention, control, and countermeasures sole source aquifer south-southeast south-southwest standard units southwest solid waste management system stormwater pollution prevention plan total effective dose equivalent U.S. Highway 90 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Code U.S. Census Bureau U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service xxxi USGS voe w WF3 WG .WinMACCS WMA WMS WNW WQC WSW U.S. Geological Survey volatile organic compound west Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3 water gauge Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Windows Melear Accident Consequences Code System wildlife management area waste management system west-northwest water quality certification west-southwest xxxii 1.0 PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 App li can t's Env i ron m en t al Repo rt Operating L i cense Renewal Stage The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) l i censes the operation of domestic nuclear power plants in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 , as amended , and NRC i mplementing regulations. Nuclear power plants are i nit i ally l i censed by the NRC to operate up to 40 years , and the licenses may be subsequently renewed for periods up to 20 years. Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3's (WF3's) operating license (OL) NPF-38 expires on midnight , December 18 , 2024. Entergy has prepared this environmental report (ER) i n conjunct i on with its appl i cation to renew the WF3 OL , as provided by the following NRC regulations

Title 10 , Energy , Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 54 , Requirements for Renewal of Operating Licenses for Nuclea r Power Plants , Section 54.23 , Contents of Environmental Information

[1 O CFR 54.23] and

  • Title 10 , Energy , CFR , Part 51 , Env i ronmental Protect i on Regulat i ons for Domest i c Licensing and Related Regulatory Funct i ons , Sect i on 51.53 , Postconstruction Env i ronmental Reports , Subsection 51.53(c), Operating License Renewal Stage [10 CFR 51.53(c)]. For license renewal , the NRC has adopted the follow i ng definition of purpose and need , stated in Regulatory Guide 4.2 , Supplement 1 , Revision 1 , Prepa r ation of Env i ronmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Rene w al Appl i cat i ons (NRC 2013a): The purpose and need for the proposed act i on (i.e., issuance of a renewed nuclear plant operating license) is to provide an opt i on that allows for baseload power generation capability beyond the term of the current nuclear power plant operating license to meet future system generat i ng needs. Such needs may be determined by other energy-planning decisionmakers , such as State , utility , and , where authorized , Federal agencies (other than the NRC). Unless there are findings in the safety review required by the Atomic Energy Act or the NEPA env i ronmental rev i ew that would lead the NRC to deny a li cense renewal applicat i on , the NRC does not have a role i n the energy-plann i ng decisions of whether a particular nuc l ear power plant should cont i nue to operate. The proposed act i on is to renew the WF3 OL , wh i ch would preserve the option for Entergy to continue to operate WF3 to prov i de reliable base-load power throughout the 20-year l i cense renewal period. For WF3 (Facility OL NPF-38), the requested renewal would extend the existing l i cense expiration date from midnight , December 18 , 2024 , to midn i ght December 18 , 2044. 1-1 1.1 Environmental Report Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating Lice nse Renewal Stage NRC regulation 10 CFR 51.53(c) requires that an appl i cant for license renewal submit with its application a separate document (Appendix E of the application) entitled , "Applicant's Environmental Report-Operating License Renewal Stage." This appendix to the WF3 license renewal application (LRA) fulfills that requirement.

In determining what information to include in the WF3 license renewal applicant's ER , Entergy has relied on NRC regulations and the following supporting documents that provide additional i nsight into the regulatory requirements

Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (GEIS), Revision 1 (NRC 2013b), and referenced information specific to transportation (64 FR 48496) GEIS , Addendum 1 , Section 6.3 Transportation (NRC 1999)
  • NRC supplemental information in the Federal Register (77 FR 37282)
  • Regulatory Guide 4.2 , Supplement 1 , Revision 1 , Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications (NRC 2013a) Entergy has prepared Table 1.1-1 to document , in checklist form , that the 10 CFR Part 51 requirements for information to be provided in an ER in support of an LRA have been met. The requirements regarding information to be included in an ER are codified at 10 CFR 51.45 and 51.53(c). Table 1.1-1 provides the 10 CFR Part 51 regulatory language and regulatory c i tation , along with the ER section(s) that satisfy the 1 O CFR Part 51 requirements. 1.2 Licensee and Ownership Entergy Louisiana , LLC , a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation, i s the owner of WF3 , located in St. Charles Parish , Louis i ana. Entergy Operations , Inc., also a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation , is the licensed operator of WF3. Entergy Louisiana , LLC and Entergy Operations , Inc. (collectively referred to as "Entergy")

are the holders of the WF3 OL NPF-38 and , for purposes of this ER , are considered the applicant.

Based on 1 O CFR Part 51 , Subpart A , Append ix B , Table B-1 , Footnote 4 , transmission lines subject to evaluation of env i ronmental impacts for license renewal are those that connect the nuclear power plant to the substation where electricity is fed into the regional power distribution system and transmission lines that supply power to the nuclear plant from the grid. The transmission lines subject to this evaluation , which are located within the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , are listed below.

  • Two 230-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines (three phase), as shown in Figure 2.2-7 , extend i ng from the WF3 switching station to the Waterford 230-kV switchyard (approximately 0.6 miles) that transmit power to the regional transmission grid and provide offsite power to the plant during outages. 1-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Entergy Louisiana , LLC owns and operates the in-scope transmission lines that are subject to this environmental evaluation. 1.3 Entergy Louisiana.

LLC Property WF3 is located on approximately 3 , 560 acres of Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property (WF3 2014a , Section Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , which are fossil fuel-fired electricity generating units , are also located on this same property but are not covered by this licensing action. 1-3 Table1.1-1 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Env ir onmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement ER Section(s)

Environmental Report -General Requirements

[10 CFR 51.45] Descr i ption of the proposed action 10 CFR 51.45(b) 2.1 Statement of the purposes of the proposed act i on 10 CFR 51.45(b) 1.0 Description of the environment affected 10 CFR 51.45(b) 3.0 Impact of the proposed action on the environment 10 CFR 51.45(b)(1) 4.0 Adverse environmental effects which cannot be 10 CFR 51.45(b)(2) 6.3 avoided should the proposal be i mplemented Alternatives to the proposed action 10 CFR 51.45(b)(3) 2.6 , 7.0 , and 8.0 Relationship between local short-term uses of man's 10 CFR 51.45(b)(4) 6.5 environment and the ma i ntenance and enhancement of long-term productivity Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of 10 CFR 51.45(b )(5) 6.4 resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented Analysis that considers and balances the 10 CFR 51.45(c) 2.6 , 4.0 , 7.0 , and environmental effects of the proposed action , the 8.0 environmental impacts of alternatives to the proposed action , and alternatives available for reducing or avoiding adverse environmental effects Federal perm i ts , licenses , approvals , and other 10 CFR 51.45(d) 9.0 entitlements which must be obtained in connection with the proposed action and describes the status of compliance with these requ i rements Status of compliance with appl i cable env i ronmental 10 CFR 51.45 (d) 9.0 quality standards and requirements which have been imposed by Federal , State , regional , and local agencies hav i ng responsib i lity for environmental protection , including , but not limited to , applicable zoning and land-use regulations , and thermal and other water pollution l i mitations or requirements Alternatives in the report including a discussion of 10 CFR 51.45(d) 9.7 whether the alternatives will comply with such applicable environmental quality standards and requirements 1-4 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 1.1-1 (Continued)

Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement Information submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 51.45(b) 10 CFR 51.45(e) through (d) and not confined to i nformation supporting the proposed action but also including adverse information Operating License Renewal Stage [10 CFR 51.53(c)]

Description of the proposed action including the 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2) applicant's plans to mod i fy the facil i ty or i ts administrative control procedures as described in accordance with §54.21. The report must describe in detail the affected environment around the plant , the modifications directly affect i ng the environment or any plant effluents , and any planned refurbishment activities. Analyses of the environmental impacts of the 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii) proposed action , including the impacts of refurbishment activities , if any , associated with license renewal and the impacts of operation during the renewal term , for applicable Category 2 issues , as discussed below Surface Water Resources Surface water use conflicts (plants with cooling ponds 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) or cooling towers using makeup water from a r i ver) Groundwater Resources Groundwater use conflicts (plants that withdraw more 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(C) than 100 gallons per minute [gpm]) Groundwater use conflicts (plants with closed-cycle 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) cooling systems that withdraw makeup water from a river) Groundwater quality degradation (plants with cooling 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(D) ponds at inland sites) Radionuclides released to groundwater 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(P) 1-5 ER Section(s) 4.0 and 6.3 2.1 , 2.3 , 2.4 , and 3.0 2.3 and 4.0 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 1.1-1 (Continued)

Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement Aquatic Resources Impingement and entrainment of aquatic organisms 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(B) (plants with once-through cooling systems or cooling ponds) Thermal impacts on aquatic organisms (plants with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(B) once-through cooling systems or cooling ponds) Water use conflicts with aquatic resources (plants with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) cooling ponds or cooling towers using makeup water from a river) Terrestrial Resources Effects on terrestrial resources (non-cooling system 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(E) impacts) Water use conflicts with terrestrial resources (plants 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(A) with cooling ponds or cooling towers using makeup water from a river) Special Status Species and Habitats Threatened , endangered , and protected species and 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(E) essential fish habitat Historic and Cultural Resources Historic and cultural resources 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(K)

Human Health Microbiological hazards to the public (plants with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(G) cooling ponds or canals or cooling towers that discharge to a river) Electric shock hazards 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(H)

Environmental Justice Minor i ty and low-income populations 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(N)

Cumulative Impacts Cumulative impacts 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(ii)(O) 1-6 ER Section(s) 4.6.3 4.7 4.9.1 4.9.2 3.10 and 4.10 4.12 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl icant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 1.1-1 (Continued)

Environmental Report Responses to License Renewal Environmental Regulatory Requirements Description Requirement Postulated Accidents Severe acc i de nt s 10 CFR 51.53 (c)(3)(ii)(L)

All Plants Consideration of alternatives for reducing adverse 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iii) i mpacts for all Category 2 license renewal issues New and sign ifi cant information r egarding the 10 CFR 51.53 (c)(3)(iv) env i ronmenta l im pacts of license renewal of which the applicant i s aware 1-7 ER Section(s) 4.15.1 4.0 and 6.2 4.0 and 5.0 Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 2.0 PROPOSED ACTION AND DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVES 2.1 Proposed Action In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2), the ER must contain a description of the proposed action. The proposed action is to renew the OL for WF3 , which would preserve the option for Entergy to continue to operate WF3 to provide reliable base-load power throughout the 20-year license renewal period to meet future power generating needs. For WF3 (Facility OL NPF-38), the requested renewal would extend the license expiration date from midnight December 18 , 2024 , to midnight December 18 , 2044. In addition to continuing operation and maintenance activities associated with license renewal , activities to allow for extended plant operation may include refurbishment.

Refurbishment is not anticipated for WF3. The relationship of refurbishment to license renewal is described in Section 2.3. During the license renewal term , changes to surveillance , as well as online monitoring , inspections , testing , trending , and recordkeeping (SMITTR) could be undertaken as a result of the 10 CFR Part 54 aging management review. Potential SMITTR act i vities are described in Section 2.4. No other plant upgrades to support extended operations that could directly affect the environment or plant effluents are planned. 2.2 General Plant Information The environmental report must contain a description of the proposed action , including the applicant's plans to modify the facility or its administrative control procedures. This report must describe in detail the affected environment around the plant and the modifications directly affecting the environment or any plant effluents. [10 CFR 51.53(c)(2)]

The principal structure at the site is the nuclear plant island structure (NPIS), a reinforced concrete box structure with solid exterior walls that houses all safety-related components (WF3 2014a , Section 3.8). The NPIS , which is flood protected up to elevation

+29.27 feet mean sea level (msl) (WF3 2014a , Section ), provides a common structure for the reactor building; reactor auxiliary building (RAB), which includes the control room; fuel handling building; and component cooling water system (CCWS) structures (cooling tower areas), as well as a common foundation mat for support of these structures (WF3 2014a , Section 3.8). Main structures outside the NPIS are the turbine generator building , water treatment building , condensate polisher building , fire pump house , chiller building , service building , independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI), radioactive material storage building , solidification facility , meteorological tower , and the intake and discharge structures. No residences are permitted within the WF3 exclusion area boundary (EAB). 2-1 2.2.1 Reactor and Containment Systems Reactor System Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) plant of the Combustion Engineering design. Since March 1985 , WF3 has had two increases in reactor core power level , which has resulted in an increase in design net electrical output from 1 , 104 megawatts electric (MWe) to 1 , 188 MWe. The first reactor core power level increase from 3 , 390 megawatts thermal (MWt) to 3 , 441 MWt occurred in March 2002 and resulted in an increase in design net electrical output of approximately 16 MWe. The second reactor core power level increase from 3 , 441 MWt to 3 , 716 MWt , starting with Operating Cycle 14 , resulted in another increase in design net electrical output of approximately 68 MWe. (WF3 2014a , Section 1.1) The reactor coolant is heated as it passes through the reactor vessel by the energy produced by the fuel undergoing fission in the core. Pressurized water in the primary coolant loop carries the heat to the steam generators.

Inside the steam generators , heat from the primary coolant loop vaporizes the water in a secondary loop , producing steam. The steam line directs the steam to the main turbine , causing it to turn the turbine generator , which produces electricity. (NRC 2015a) Fuel for WF3 is low-enriched uranium dioxide (less than 5 percent by weight) in the form of ceramic pellets that are encapsulated in pre-pressurized ZircaloyŽ, ZIRLOŽ, or Optimized ZIRLOŽ tubes that form a hermetic enclosure (WF3 2014a , Section 4.1). The limit for peak rod burnup at WF3 is 60 , 000 megawatt-days per metric tonne uranium (MWd/MTU)

(WF3 2014a , Section 4.3A.3.1.3). A three-batch fuel management scheme is employed at WF3 , where 40-50 percent of the core assemblies are replaced at each refueling. The batch average burn up will be about 45 , 000 MWd/MTU over the three-cycle life of the fuel. (WF3 2014a , Section 4.1) As discussed in Section 2.5 , reactor refueling occurs on an 18-month cycle. Containment System The containment structure (or reactor building) consists of a free-standing steel containment vessel (SCV), a containment internal structure and a reinforced concrete shield building. As discussed in Section 2.2 , the containment structure is founded on the NPIS. (WF3 2014a , Section 3.8) The SCV houses the reactor pressure vessel , the reactor coolant piping , the pressurizer , the quench tank , the reactor coolant pumps , the steam generators , and the safety injection tanks. It is completely enclosed by the reinforced concrete shield building. The SCV , including all its penetrations, is a low-leakage steel shell , which is designed to withstand the postulated loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and to confine the postulated release of radioactive material.

(WF3 2014a , Section The shield building is a reinforced concrete structure constructed as a right cylinder with a shallow dome roof. The shield building is designed to serve the following functions (WF3 2014a , Section ): 2-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Biological shield during normal operation and after any accident within the SCV up to and including the postulated LOCA. Low-leakage structure following any accident within the SCV up to and including postulated LOCA.

  • Shield for the SCV for adverse external environmental conditions due to low temperatures , winds , tornadoes , and external missiles. 2.2.2 Cooling and Auxiliary Water Systems A schematic of water flow as it relates to WF3's operational use of the Mississippi River and the St. Charles Parish water system is presented in Figure 2.2-1. Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , which are fossil fuel-fired electricity generating units , are located adjacent to WF3 on the same Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property as WF3. However , these units do not share a common intake or discharge structure with WF3. Circulating Water System At the time of the WF3 LRA submittal , the traveling screens associated with the intake structure are being replaced with MultiDisc screens in an effort to minimize condenser biofouling.

Three of the four sets of screens have been replaced with the remaining set planned for installation in 2016. Therefore , the description of the traveling screens in this section is based on the Multi Disc screens (WF3 2014b). A description of the traveling screens being replaced is discussed in the WF3 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (WF3 2014a , Section 10.4.5). WF3's once-through cooling circulating water intake structure (CWIS) is located approximately 162 feet off the western shore of the Mississippi River (Figure 2.2-2) (Entergy 2005 , Section 2.2). Cooling water brought into the intake structure is withdrawn from the Mississippi River through a series of intake pipes at a design flow rate of 1 , 555.2 million gallons per day (MGD), or 2,406 cubic feet per second (cfs). The average flow in the Mississippi River in the vicinity of the WF3 plant (River Mile 129.6) is estimated to be approximately 500 , 000 cfs. Based on this information , it is determined that WF3 withdraws a maximum of approximately 0.48 percent of the flow in the Mississippi River and , in actuality , this percentage is probably much less because of the additional , unaccounted for , streamflow contributions entering the Mississippi River downstream of the Vicksburg station and upstream of the WF3 plant. (Entergy 2005 , Section 2.1) Because the average flow in the Mississippi River in the vicinity of the WF3 plant is estimated to be approximately 500 , 000 cfs , there is no significant deposition of sediment at the intake structure.

As a result , no dredging activities at the intake structure to remove sediment deposition have been necessary. The CWIS is designed to provide 1 , 080 , 000 gallons per minute (gpm) of circulating cooling water to the station using water withdrawn from the Mississippi River. The CWIS was designed for normal operation within river high-water and low-water elevations of +23.6 feet msl and +0.8 feet 2-3 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage msl , respectively. The CWIS consists of an intake canal , intake structure , eight trash racks , eight once-through flow traveling water screens , and three screen wash pumps. (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) Figure 2.2-3 provides a cross-sectional i llustration of these CWIS components. The intake canal is formed by steel sheet piling driven into the river bottom and extending approximately 162 feet out from the face of the intake structure (Figure 2.2-4). The canal has a skimmer wall across its entrance which inhibits floating debris from entering the canal. The elevation at the top of the sheet piles is +15.0 feet msl. The elevation at the bottom of the skimmer wall is -1 foot msl. The dimensions of the opening to the river are 36.9 feet in length by 34 feet in depth. The water velocity through the intake opening at the river boundary during maximum pump operation is approximately 1.9 feet per second (fps). (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) At the end of the intake canal (at the shoreline), the CWIS comprises eight intake bays (Figure 2.2-5) that are defined by concrete wingwalls. Each intake bay is approximately 11 feet wide and has a curtain wall (extending vertically from +15.0 feet to -4.0 feet msl and across the width of each bay), trash rack , and traveling water screen. Flow velocity at the intake bay screens is approximately 1.0 fps in each bay. The four circulating water pumps (one per every two intake bays) are vertical mixed-flow pumps. Each pump is capable of pumping 250 , 000 gpm of water. Three service water pumps are located 12.5 feet upstream of the circulating pumps. Each service water pump is capable of providing 3 , 000 gpm of service water. Cooling water is discharged to the Mississippi River at a location 600 feet downstream of the CWIS. (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) The trash rack in each CWIS bay is designed to remove large debris. Each trash rack consists of a series of 0.5-inch by 3.5-inch bars spaced on 3-inch centers and oriented at an angle of approximately 10 degrees from vertical.

Plant personnel clean the trash racks with a mechanical trash rack cleaner. (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) Debris and any associated fish contained in the debris are cleaned from the trash racks and placed in a dumpster for offsite disposal.

The traveling water screens are located approximately 30 feet upstream of the circulating water pumps and approximately 19 feet downstream from the trash racks (Entergy 2005 , Section 3.1.1) and are composed of polyethylene perforated panels with 0.37-inch diameter screen mesh openings. The traveling screens are once-through flow MultiDisc screens , oriented perpendicular to the walls of the intake bays , in which sickle-shaped discs capture debris on the front face of the screen. These sickle-shaped discs rotate about an axis that is perpendicular to the flow of river water through the screen. (WF3 2014b) The traveling water screens are cleaned by spray-wash nozzles that spray both the ascending and descending sides of the traveling screen panels. The spray-wash nozzles are designed for 115 gpm at 80 pounds per square inch (psi). (WF3 2014b) Although automatic capability exists for the spray-wash system , they are currently being run manually. A sparger , which is located below the bottommost traveling screen pane of each screen , is used to avoid the settling of silt and grit or other debris in the spaces between the rotating screen wash 2-4 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage panels and the bottom portions of the traveling water screens. Each traveling water screen includes a local pressure indicator , a pressure switch that triggers an alarm due to low screen wash pressure(<

70 psi). The traveling water screens are designed to maintain the differential pressure across the screens below 18 inches. At 6 inches of differential water pressure , the screen wash system is activated , and the screen is put in slow-speed operation.

The screens will remain in slow-speed operation until a decreasing differential pressure of 3 inches is reached. At 10 inches of differential water pressure , the screens are placed in fast-speed operation until a decreasing differential pressure of 3 inches is reached , based on the seal in path. The screens have a slow-forward and fast-forward speed operation of 11.4 and 48.0 feet per minute , respectively. (WF3 2014b) Debris and occasional impinged fish are cleaned from the screens and returned to the Mississippi River away from the influence of the intake canal and cooling water discharge zone via a combined concrete trough system. (Entergy 2005 , page ES-1) Upon entering the plant , the Mississippi River water is circulated through the condenser tubes to remove process heat. Once warm water leaves the condenser , it is then discharged with other water from auxiliary systems via four 108-inch-diameter steel pipes that pass over the levee , and continue to the discharge structure. (WF3 2014a , Section The discharge structure , illustrated in Figure 2.2-6 , consists of a concrete seal well with outer dimensions approximately 52 feet by 45 feet. Cooling water enters the seal well from four 108-inch-diameter steel pipes. It leaves the seal well by overflowing about 95 feet of weirs , which run around three of the four sides of the discharge structure. The height of water above the weirs at full design flow is about 3.4 feet msl. Elevation of the weir crests (highest point) is adjustable. between elevations 6.0 feet and 11.0 feet msl. The elevation selected at a given time depends on the Mississippi River water level. (LP&L 1978 , Section A sheet-pile-formed discharge canal , shown in Figure 2.2-6 , carries the water from the discharge structure to the river. The bottom is constructed at elevation of approximately

-5.0 feet msl. At the shore end , the discharge canal is 81 feet wide. The width is constant over the first 81 feet of canal length. From this point , the width contracts symmetrically over a distance of about 95 feet , to a width of 50 feet at the river end. The discharge canal is concrete lined to prevent erosion. The design criteria are for a discharge velocity into the river of about 7 fps at average low-water level during four pump operation. The purpose of this high discharge velocity is to promote rapid mixing with the ambient water. The top of the sheet pile is at elevation 15.0 feet msl where the canal is 81 feet wide and at elevation 10.0 feet msl where the canal is contracting. (LP&L 1978 , Section WF3 is approved to treat raw cooling water from the Mississippi River when needed to control macro and microbiological fouling using sodium hypochlorite and sodium bromide. For silt dispersion , a polyacrylate and a polymeric dispersant are approved for use when the unit is operating. (Entergy 2009a , Section 1.0) 2-5 Thermal Discharge Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage When operating at the design flow rate (1 , 080 , 000 gpm of circulating cool i ng water), the waste heat from the condenser would be transferred to the circulating cooling water , which will raise the water temperature approximately 16.4 degrees Fahrenheit

(°F) above the intake water temperature. Once this water combines with other plant process wastewaters , the resultant temperature increase at the point of discharge into the Mississippi River is approximately 16.1°F. (NRC 1981 , Section However , based on current plant operating conditions , only approximately 888 , 000 gpm of water passes through the main condenser. Because the amount of water passing through the main condenser is less than the design flow rate , temperature rise will be approximately 18.9°F. After combining with other plant process wastewaters , the circulating water discharged to the river will be approximately 18.6°F above the intake temperature. (Entergy 2003 , Section As discussed in Section above , the design of the WF3 discharge structure promotes rapid mixing with the ambient water. The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) determined that approximately 81 percent of the river flow is unaffected by the thermal discharge , even under extreme low-flow conditions as discussed in Section Therefore , due to the smaller size of the thermal plume , fewer organisms in the river are exposed to the plume; also , those organisms that are exposed to the plume remain in it for a shorter time (NRC 1981 , Section 5.11 ). The temperature of the heated water is continuously monitored by a plant monitoring computer and an alarm is annunciated in the main control room when the heated water approaches its thermal limit. (WF3 2014a , Section The thermal discharge limitations specified in WF3's Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) Permit No. LA0007374 are a daily maximum heat input of 9.5 x 10 3 million British thermal units per hour (Btu/hour) and an instantaneous daily maximum temperature of 118°F (Attachment A). Component Cooling Water The CCWS is the ultimate heat sink for the plant. It is designed to remove heat from the reactor coolant and the auxiliary systems during normal operation , shutdown, or emergency shutdown following a LOCA. (WF3 2014a , Section The CCWS is a closed-loop cooling water system that uses demineralized water buffered with a corrosion inhibitor and includes two component cooling water (CCW) heat exchangers (tube side), three 1 OD-percent capacity pumps , two dry cooling towers , one surge tank (baffled), and one chemical addition tank (WF3 2014a , Section ). The cooling water is pumped by the CCW pumps , through the dry cooling towers and the tube side of the CCW heat exchangers , through the components being cooled and back to the pumps (WF3 2014a , Section 3.1.40). The CCWS is treated with biocides , corrosion inhibitors, a surfactant , and a dispersant as needed. 2-6 Auxiliary Component Cooling Water Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The auxiliary component cooling water system (ACCWS) removes heat , if required , from the CCWS via the CCW heat exchangers and dissipates it to the atmosphere. The ACCWS consists of two independent loops which include two CCWS heat exchangers (shell side); two capacity pumps; two wet type , mechanical draft cooling towers; and two cooling tower basins , each of which stores sufficient water to complete a safe shutdown based upon the occurrence of a LOCA and minimum safeguards operation. (WF3 2014a , Section 3.1.40) The ACCWS is treated with biocides , caustic soda , a surfactant , and a dispersant as needed. Demineralized Water Makeup System Demineralized water is produced by processing potable water from the St. Charles Parish water system. The potable water is initially stored in the primary water treatment plant clearwell tank. The water is then transferred from the clearwell tank , via the clearwell transfer pumps , to the demineralized water system where it is demineralized , de-aerated , and stored. (WF3 2014a , Section 9.2.3) Potable Water System The St. Charles Parish water system furnishes a metered supply of potable water to the site through municipal water mains. A valve connection supplies the majority of the water via a backflow prevention and metering station located at the southeast corner of the plant site. The potable water distribution system then supplies water to various buildings throughout the site. (WF3 2014a , Section A branch from this system supplies the majority of the various demands inside the protected area (Figure 3.0-1 ), including the fixtures and equipment in the administration building , chiller building , fuel handling building , polisher building , RAB , service building , and turbine building.

The distribution system also supplies makeup water to the fire-protection water storage tanks and to the primary water treatment plant clearwell tank located inside the protected area. (WF3 2014a , Section Fire Protection Water System As discussed in Section , makeup water to the fire protection water storage tanks is provided by the St. Charles Parish water system. The fire protection water distribution system consists of underground yard piping serving all plant yard fire hydrants , sprinkler systems , water spray systems , and interior standpipe systems. The underground piping forms a complete fire loop around the plant. Post indicator type sectionalizing control valves are installed in the main fire loop to facilitate system maintenance and repair without placing the entire loop out of service. Branch connections from the fire main to all systems are provided with isolation valves to minimize the need for closing sectionalizing valves on the main fire loop. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-7 2.2.3 Radioactive Waste Management Liquid Radwaste System Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage Radioactive liquid wastes , which are discharged from the plant , are first processed by the waste management system (WMS) or the boron management system (BMS). The chemical and volume control system (eves), fuel pool system , and steam generator blowdown system all process potentially radioactive liquids in the confines of the plant in preparation for reuse. The contents of turbine building sumps and detergent wastes are routinely discharged unprocessed due to their very small potential for radioactive contamination. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.2.1) Waste Management System Miscellaneous non-detergent waste is collected in one of two waste tanks. Additional storage capacity is provided in the waste storage tank. As wastes are collected , they are processed on a batch basis through the portable demineralization system which consists of vessel(s) typically containing various filtration media and/or ion exchange media. The demineralization system removes suspended solids , dissolved solids , and radioactivity. An ion exchanger is provided in the path from the portable demineralizer should further treatment be desired. The effluent is collected in one of two waste condensate tanks for sampling and analysis prior to release to the circulating water d i scharge. (WF3 2014a , Section Because of the redundancy of equ i pment , i t is not expected that equipment will need to be bypassed very frequently. If process equipment is bypassed for any reason , and sampling of the waste condensate tank shows that further processing is necessary , the contents of one tank can be recycled back through a filter , or ion exchanger as desired , including the portable demineralizer system , and collected in the second tank. (WF3 2014a , Section Liqu i d detergent waste from the laundry , laundry sump , contam i nated showers , and contaminated sinks are collected in two laundry tanks. The wastewater may be sampled to assure low activity and then be pumped through a filter directly to the circulating water discharge. The wastewater may be processed through the liquid waste management system portable demineralization skid and handled as miscellaneous waste. (WF3 2014a , Section Boron Management System The BMS is designed to accept , collect , and process radioactive waste from various plant systems for recycle or disposal.

The major influent to the BMS is from the letdown line in the eves , and is the result of feed and bleed operations during plant shutdowns , startups , and dilution due to fuel burnup over core life. Other sources into the BMS consist of valve and equipment leak-offs , miscellaneous drains , and relief-valve discharges. The reactor drain tank collects these discharges within the containment , while the equipment drain tank and equipment drain sump accumulates those from outside the containment.

Both the reactor drain tank and equipment drain tank are maintained w i th a nitrogen blanket to prevent the buildup of hydrogen in each tank. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-8 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmenta l Report Operating License Renewal Stage All processing components in the BMS from the discharge of the collection tanks and CVCS , except the holdup tanks and the boric acid condensate tanks , can be bypassed individually or collectively. Chemistry and radiological concerns determine which processing components are lined up in the processing flow path. Also , water from any point in the processing flow path can be recirculated back to any point in the processing flow path. (WF3 2014a , Section From the discharge of the collection tanks and CVCS , water is sent to the onl i ne holdup tanks. Although the flash tank is no longer used , temporary equipment could be utilized , if required , due to significant increases in noble gas activity. The holdup tanks provide sufficient storage capacity to accumulate discharges until a sufficient volume is available for further processing on a batch basis. The radioactivity of the liquid is significantly reduced during storage by natural decay of the short half-life radionuclides. During this period , any degasification and radioactive decay can be monitored by liquid sample analysis. The gas analyzer can be used to monitor the holdup tanks for hydrogen and oxygen content. The holdup tanks also have a continuous nitrogen blanket to eliminate the possibility of a buildup of hydrogen. The holdup tanks can be vented to the plant stack. The holdup tanks have high and low tank-level and tank-pressure alarms , which annunciate in the control room. (WF3 2014a , Section The contents of the holdup tanks are normally sent to the boric acid condensate tanks through some or all of the following process equipment:

the preconcentrator filters , the preconcentrator ion exchangers , and the boric acid condensate ion exchangers. Prior to recycle or controlled discharge of the treated liquid waste , the fluid is analyzed for acceptability of both chemistry and activity. Recycle capability is provided for water conservation. Controlled discharge is accomplished through an effluent radiation mon i tor that records the release activity level and automatically terminates d i scharge on high radiation. (WF3 2014a , Section Steam Generator Slowdown System The waste removed by the blowdown filters and the waste produced by regeneration of the blowdown demineralizers is collected in the filter flush tank and the regenerative waste tank (WF3 2014a , Section The waste collected in the regenerative waste tank and the filter flush tank will normally be pumped to an aboveground concrete holding basin where they are then transferred to Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , and processed and discharged in accordance with the terms of Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 LPDES Permit No. LA0007439. In case of radioactivity in the blowdown , blowdown demineralizer waste and the filter-flushing water can be transferred to a radwaste processing system (WF3 2014a , Section, prior to discharging to the Mississippi River via WF3's LPDES Outfall 001. Radioactive Releases During liquid processing by the BMS and WMS , radioactivity is removed so that the bulk of the liquid is restored to clean water , which is either recycled in the plant or discharged to the environment.

The radioactivity removed from the liquids is concent r ated in filters and ion exchange resin. These concentrated wastes are sent to the solid waste management system (SWMS) for packag in g and eventual shipment to an approved offsite disposal location. If the 2-9 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Un i t 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage water is to be recycled back to the reactor coolant system , it must meet the purity requirements for reactor coolant. If the liquid i s to be d i scharged , the act ivi ty level must be consistent with the discha r ge criteria of 10 CFR Part 20 and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50. The BMS and WMS are capable of mon i toring radioactive liquid discharge from the systems to ensure that activity concentrations do not exceed predetermined limits. If a limit is exceeded , discharge will be automatically terminated.

(WF3 2014a , Section 11.2.3) Gaseous Radwaste System Radioactive gases are collected and processed through the following systems depending upon their origin (WF3 2014a , Section 11.3): Gaseous Waste Management System Vent Gas Collection Header Main Condenser Evacuation System Turbine Gland Sealing System Building Ventilation Systems Atmospheric Dump Valves Gaseous Waste Management System Waste gases which are routed to the gas surge header are mainly hydrogenated , radioactive , or potentially radioactive gases from various sources throughout the plant. Gaseous wastes are generated from reactor coolant degassing operations , processing of radioactive liquid wastes , and tank purgings. Waste gases enter the gaseous waste management system by way of three headers: the vent gas collection header , the containment vent header , and the gas surge header. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.3.2) Vent Gas Collection Header The vent gas collection header collects gas primar i ly from aerated vents of process equipment in the WMS , BMS , CVCS , and the fuel pool system. Because of the large volume of gas and the low activity level from the sources , the gases are routed directly to the plant stack. The radioactive releases from the vent gas collection header will be negligible compared with other sources. As a further check to prevent unexpected activity release from this source , the radioactive release via plant stack is continuously monitored and the plant stack alarms on abnormal activity release. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-10 Containment Vent Header and Gas Surge Header Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating L i cense Renewal Stage Gases from the gas surge header , including the contribution of the containment vent header , flow into the gas surge tank where they are collected. The gases remain in the gas surge tank until the pressure builds to a point that actuates a single waste gas compressor. The waste gas compressor feeds a preselected gas decay tank until the pressure in the gas surge tank drops to a point where the waste gas compressor stops. A second waste gas compressor will start if the pressure in the gas surge tank builds due to a surge of the inputs. This automatic operation of the waste gas compressors will continue until a gas decay tank is observed to approach its upper operating pressure.

At this point , another gas decay tank will be manually lined up by means of a remote-operated valve on the WMS control panel to receive the waste gas compressor's discharge. The just-filled tank is analyzed by the gas analyzer for hydrogen and oxygen content. Grab samples can also be taken for radioactivity analysis. The just-filled tank is then isolated for decay and released via a batch release permit , as specified in plant procedure. (WF3 2014a , Section The only process flow bypass line that exists in the gaseous waste management system leads from the gas surge tank directly to the gas discharge header and bypasses the waste gas compressor and gas decay tanks. This flow path is used mainly to purge air from components after maintenance operations , at which time the vented gas contains essentially no radioactivity. The valve on this bypass line is locked closed to facilitate administrative control. Moreover , the bypass flow passes through the radiation monitor in the gas discharge header. Liquid seals are not used in this system. (WF3 2014a , Section Main Condenser Evacuation System The main condenser evacuation system consists of three 100-percent capacity condenser vacuum pump assemblies.

Each assembly consists of one motor driven , rotary water seal type two-stage vacuum pump and seal water system. Each seal water system includes one centrifugal circulating pump; one heat exchanger; one separator; and all necessary piping , valves , instruments , and electric devices for automatic operation of the system. Energizing the condenser vacuum pump starter automatically starts the seal water system associated with the condenser vacuum pump assembly. (WF3 2014a , Section The noncondensible gases and water vapor mixture are drawn directly from each shell of the condenser.

The mixture flows through the condenser vacuum pump(s), then to the separator where most of the water vapor is condensed , and the noncondensible gases are released to the atmosphere via a discharge silencer. The condensed water normally is returned to the condenser; however , a safety overflow drain line is routed to the industrial waste sump. Upon receipt of a high-radiation signal by the radiation monitor on the industrial waste discharge header , discharging from the industrial waste sump will be stopped. Once it is analyzed , it will be directed to the proper location. Depending on main condenser vacuum level , one or two of the three condenser vacuum pumps are in standby and are properly controlled to start up on failure of the running pump. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-11 Turbine Gland Sealing System Waterfo r d Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The turbine gland sealing system controls the steam pressure to the turbine glands to maintain adequate sealing under all conditions of turbine operat i on. The system consists of individually controlled diaphragm-operated valves , relief valves , and a gland steam condenser. (WF3 2014a , Section At startup , the sealing steam source may be either main steam or auxiliary steam. When sufficient pressure has been established in the steam generator , the auxiliary steam source valve is closed , and main steam provides sealing. As the turbine load i s increased , the steam pressure inside the high-pressure turbine increases and the steam leakage path is outward toward the rotor ends , thus eliminating the need to supply sealing steam to these glands. The leak-off steam and air mixture then flows to the gland steam condenser which is maintained at a pressure slightly below atmospheric , so as to prevent escape of steam from the ends of glands. The gland steam condenser returns seal leakage to the main condenser as condensate.

(WF3 2014a , Section Noncondensible gases from the gland steam condenser are monitored for radioactivity. If radioactivity is detected , these gases are routed to the plant vent instead of being directly discharged to atmosphere. (WF3 2014a , Section Building Ventilat i on Systems 1 Reactor Building Containment Cooling System The containment cooling system consists of four containment fan coolers and a ducted air distribution system with associated instrumentation and controls. Each fan cooler consists of two banks of cooling coils , casing , vane axial two-speed fan and motor. Each containment cooling system loop consists of two fan coolers , both of which discharge into a common duct. The duct from each loop is interconnected into a common ring header and ductwork system , which distributes the discharge of the fan coolers to different areas of the containment.

The cooling units are located on two levels in the containment outside of the secondary shield wall. (WF3 2014a , Section Each fan cooler has a back draft damper at the fan discharge which prevents backflow through the fan cooler if it is not operating.

During normal operation , three of the four fan coolers are manually started from the main control room and operate at the higher of two speeds. (WF3 2014a , Section Airborne Radioactivity Removal System The system consists of two airborne radioactivity removal units , each consisting of a medium efficiency filter , high-efficiency particulate absorption (HEPA) prefilter , charcoal adsorber , and 2-12 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage centrifugal fan. The airborne radioactivity removal units are operated when required to limit the buildup of airborne radioactivity leaking from the reactor coolant system during normal operation.

The frequency of operation will depend on the concentration of particulate and gaseous activities present in the closed containment atmosphere as measured by radiation monitors. Airborne radioactivity removal units are manually started and stopped from the main control room. The airborne radioactivity removal system is shut down automatically when the reactor coolant pump deluge system is actuated. Filter differential pressure and charcoal adsorber temperature are monitored.

(WF3 2014a , Section Containment Atmosphere Purge System The containment atmosphere purge system consists of a containment purge air makeup unit and a containment purge exhaust , which is connected to the exhaust portion of the RAB normal ventilation system. Makeup a i r enters through a louvered damper and passes through a medium efficiency filter and an electric heating coil-all located in a casing installed at the RAB. The makeup air flows in series through pneumatic operator-actuated butterfly valves to enter the containment.

(WF3 2014a , Section Area radiation monitors and airborne radiation monitors located inside the containment and at the plant stack will generate a containment purge isolation signal upon detection of radioactivity above their setpoint.

This action will prevent release of containment air that contains an unacceptable level of radioactivity. The purge isolation valves are permitted to open when the radioactivity being monitored falls to an acceptable level. This acceptable level is achieved by manually starting the airborne radioactiv i ty removal system to provide air cleaning for reduction of airborne radioactivity. The i solation valves will also close upon receipt of a containment isolation actuation signal. (WF3 2014a , Section The exhaust port i on of the RAB normal ventilation system operates in the refueling ventilation mode during refueling operations to ventilate the refueling pool inside the containment and to simultaneously provide some purging of the containment atmosphere (WF3 2014a , Section Containment Atmosphere Release System The containment atmosphere release system (CARS) consists of two 100-percent capacity redundant exhaust fans and associated ductwork and two 100-percent capacity redundant supply fans. When post LOCA containment pressure has reduced sufficiently , CARS transfers combust i ble gases from inside containment to the reactor building annulus. The gases are filtered to remove radioactive particulates and iodines by the operating shield building ventilation system , prior to being released. A centrifugal exhaust fan draws air from the containment and discharges into the recirculation duct of the shield building ventilation system. The CARS supply ductwork extends from the controlled ventilat i on area into the containment and includes a check valve in the discharge piping to prevent backflow from the containment.

(WF3 2014 a , Section 2-1 3 Containment Vacuum Relief System Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage Automatic vacuum relief devices are used to prevent the containment vessel from exceeding the external des i gn pressure in accordance with the requirements of Article 16 , Section Ill of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The automatic vacuum relief system consists of two redundant 24-inch penetrations connecting the annulus to the containment.

Each system includes one 24-inch butterfly valve with pneumatic operator and one 24-inch check valve located on the containment side of the penetration in series. Each butterfly valve is actuated by a separate pressure controller which senses the differential pressure between the containment and the annulus. Each butterfly valve is provided with an air accumulator of minimum capacity to allow the valve to open at least two times after failure of instrument air. The check valve is set to open when the pressure of the upstream (annulus) side of the valve is 1.1 inch water gauge (WG) above the pressure of the downstream (containment) side of the valve. (WF3 2014a , Section The butterfly valve will actuate automatically. It is set to open before containment pressure decreases 10 inches WG below annulus pressure.

The valve can only be manually closed after containment pressure increases above the butterfly valve actuation setpoint.

The combined pressure drop at rated flow through the two valves in either line will not exceed the design external pressure differential of 0.65 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) with any prevailing atmospheric pressure. (WF3 2014a , Section Reactor Cavity Cooling System The reactor cav i ty cooling system consists of two 100-percent capacity axial supply fans arranged in parallel and connected to a common supply duct. Each fan is provided with a supply discharge gravity damper to prevent recirculation through the standby fan. Each axial supply fan draws cooled air from the containment cooling system ring header. The fans supply air to ventilate the annular space between the reactor vessel and primary shield wall. The cooling provided by the reactor cavity cooling system minimizes the possibility of concrete dehydration and subsequent faulting.

The system limits thermal growth of the reactor vessel supporting steelwork. (WF3 2014a , Section System redundancy is provided to assure continuity and reliability of operation. Each fan is powered from separate safety buses. If there is a loss of offsite power , the fans are tripped and can be loaded manually onto the safety buses. (WF3 2014a , Section Control Element Drive Mechanism Cooling System The control element drive mechanism (CEDM) cooling system consists of four 50-percent capacity exhaust fans and cooling coils. Two of the four fans operate to maintain a negative pressure inside the CEDM cooling shroud.

The other two fans are standby units. Isolation dampers are provided to prevent flow through the standby fans. Containment air is drawn through the cooling shroud for the magnetic jack coil elements to the CEDM cooling system. The heated air is cooled by water cooling coils , supplied from the CCWS , and is discharged back to 2-14 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage the containment through the system fans , thereby rejecting the CEDM-generated heat to a sink outside the containment.

(WF3 2014a , Section Each fan is started manually from a control switch in the main control room. Indicating lights in the main control room indicate operating status. Control room indication exists for air temperature entering the cooling coil , and high exit temperature is annunciated. The shroud temperature and the temperature of component cooling water leaving the cooling coil are indicated in the main control room. A low temperature lockout , sensing containment temperature , prevents fans from starting. (WF3 2014a , Section Reactor Auxiliary Building The RAB ventilation supply system includes an outside air louver , medium efficiency bag type filter , electric heating coil , two 1 DO-percent capacity centrifugal fans , gravity discharge dampers and chilled water cooling coil located in the common discharge duct of fans. Supply air is discharged through a sheet metal duct distribution system throughout the RAB. The flow of air throughout the building is from areas of low potential radioactivity to areas of progressively higher potential radioactivity. (WF3 2014a , Section Air is exhausted from the RAB spaces through a ventilation exhaust system. The ventilation exhaust system includes a medium efficiency prefilter , HEPA filter, charcoal adsorber, fan inlet vane dampers , two 1 DO-percent capacity centrifugal fans , and discharge dampers to prevent air recirculation through the standby fan. The ventilation exhaust system discharges to the plant stack. The exhaust fan inlet vane dampers automatically adjust air flow from the minimum flow rate during the RAB "ventilation only" mode to the maximum flow rate for the RAB ventilation and the reactor building "purge combined" mode. The maximum flow occurs only during containment purge. (WF3 2014a , Section Air-flow monitors in the discharge duct of exhaust fans maintain the design air-flow rate through the nonsafety-related filtration unit. Low air flow and failure of the supply fan are alarmed in the main control room. The operating supply fan is automatically stopped if the exhaust fan fails , but the operating exhaust fan continues to operate if the supply fan fails. Individual filter pressure drops are alarmed in the main control room through the plant monitoring computer. (WF3 2014a , Section Fuel Handling Building During normal operation , air is distributed throughout the fuel handling building by an air handling unit and exhausted from the building by normal exhaust fans. When the air handling unit is started , one of the two redundant 1 OD-percent capacity exhaust fans also start. The exhaust fans are interlocked with the air handling unit , so that they cannot function unless the air handling unit is operating. A gravity damper prevents air recirculation through the respective non-operating fan. The air handling unit includes a bank of medium efficiency filters , electric heating coil , and centrifugal fan. The electric heating coil will not operate unless airflow is established in the discharge duct of the air handling unit. A low-limit freeze protection thermocouple , located 2-15 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage downstream of the electric heating coil , will stop the air handling unit fan when the air temperature falls below i ts setpoint.

The output of the electric heating coil w ill be controlled by means of controls sensing temperature downstream of the supply fan. The ductwork is designed to assure that airflow is directed from areas of low potentia l radioactivity to areas of progressively higher potential radioactivity. (WF3 2014a , Section The emergency filtration exhaust units are redundant , and each is sized at 100-percent exhaust air capacity. Each unit includes an electr i c heat i ng coil , a bank of medium efficiency filters , a bank of HEPA prefil t ers , a charcoal adsorber , a bank of HEPA after-filters , and a centrifugal exhaust fan. Both exhaust fans will start , and their associated intake dampers will open upon receipt of a fuel handling accident signal. The electric heating coil is provided to assure that the air entering the adsorber has a relative humidity not exceeding 70 percent in order to assure maximum adsorption efficiency of the charcoal.

When the emergency filtration units are started , their respective makeup air dampers operate in response to d i fferential pressure controls , whose function is to maintain the spent fuel handling area at a negative pressure relative to the outdoors. (WF3 2014a , Section Turbine Building The turbine building ventilation system , except for the switchgear room described below , is a single-pass type and consists of ventilation air i ntake louvers and dampers , supply fans , exhaust fans , and exhaust louvers and dampers distr i buted about the periphery of the building on both the ground floor and the mezzanine floor (WF3 2014a , Section The turbine building switchgear room is separately ventilated by two 50-percent capac it y air handling units , which cool the space with outside a i r. Each air handling unit contains a medium efficiency filter and centrifugal fan. Outside air intake for the switchgear area is automatically varied from zero air flow to the maximum system air flow by temperature control of system dampers. As the outside air intake is increased , the return air is decreased proportionately. All filters are provided with local ind i cation of pressure drop. (WF3 2014a , Section Electric unit heaters are provided on the ground floor and the mezzanine floor , distributed to cover all areas, so that a minimum temperature of 50°F can be maintained. Fans are manually controlled by local switches mounted on a central heating , ventilation , and air conditioning control panel in the turbine building. (WF3 2014a , Section Atmospheric Dump Valves Steam release from valve operation is considered less than 1 percent of release from the turbine building due to steam leakage. This source is considered negligible and , as a result , there is no dedicated radiation monitor for this pathway. (WF3 2014a , Section 2-16 Solid Radwaste System Waterfo r d Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Low-level solid radioactive wastes are processed , packaged , and stored for subsequent shipment and offsite burial by the SWMS. Wastes include spent ion exchange resin , used filter cartridges , and miscellaneous refuse. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4) The SWMS is composed of the portable solidification system and/or dewatering system , the spent resin handling system , filter handling , and the dry active waste handling system (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.2). Portable Solidification and Dewatering Systems WF3 utilizes a portable solidification or dewatering system to provide for plant solidification or dewatering requirements. This solidification or dewatering system is housed in a weatherproof structure with curbing and a sump which may be pumped to the liquid waste management system. The portable systems are operated as specified to comply with the respective process control programs. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.4) Major components include solidification media storage , fill-head assembly , pump and valve skid(s), control panel , and liner shielding. Connections between the in-plant system and portable system equipment are by reinforced flexible hoses. The waste concentrates storage and handling portion of the in-plant SWMS and the spent resin handling system is utilized to supply waste feed to the portable system. These parts of the in-plant SWMS are situated with appropriate shielding , remote sampling , separation of components , and accessibility to reduce leakage and facilitate maintenance and operation. (WF3 2014a , Section A predetermined amount of spent resin is pumped i nto the container through the fill-head assembly if required. If dewatering is required , it can be done at the same time as the container is being filled. Solidification media , if needed , are added to the container after waste fill is completed. The container can then be put into interim storage or shipped offsite for processing or to a burial ground , as desired. (WF3 2014a , Section Spent Resin Handling System The purpose of the spent resin transfer system is to collect and store spent radioactive ion exchanger resin from the various process demineralizers , and to transfer resins to the portable solidification and/or dewatering system. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.5) The components of the spent resin transfer system consist of one spent resin tank; one spent resin transfer pump; one spent resin dewatering pump; two spent resin strainers; and associated valves , piping , and controls. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.5) Spent ion exchanger resin from the waste condensate ion exchanger , boric acid condensate ion exchangers , pre-concentration ion exchangers , fuel pool demineralizers , and purification ion exchangers may be sluiced to the spent resin tank. The blowdown demineralizers may be 2-17 Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage sluiced to the spent resin tank. When resin transfer is completed , the system may be flushed to remove residual resin from the piping system. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.5) Radioactive Filter Handling One or more filters may be replaced using a bottom-loading filter transfer shield when radiation levels dictate remote handling.

After remotely removing bolts on the head of the filter , the filter is lifted into the filter transfer shield , and the shield is closed. At the solidification area , the bottom of the shield is removed. An overhead crane is used to lift the transfer shield containing the filter into position over a container , and the filter is lowered into the container. The container , after closure , is appropriately stored or buried at an offsite licensed burial site. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.6) Dry Active Waste Handling The bulk dry waste material is collected in containers as it is generated in the radiation controlled area. The waste is surveyed for radiation prior to transportation to a licensed volume reduction facility. Plant procedures provide guidelines for mon i toring the dry waste for materials that could cause chemical reactions or spontaneous combustion. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4. 7) An onsite box compactor utilizing hydraulic pressure or an offsite licensed volume reduction facility may be used to volume reduce radioactive waste such as contaminated clothing , rags , paper , low activity filters , activated charcoal and HEPA filters from plant ventilation systems , and miscellaneous contaminated material generated by maintenance and operations of the facility (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.7). Solidification Building The function of the solidification building (SB) is to provide shelter for the portable equipment and to supply the necessary service requirements and waste delivery for this equipment.

In addition to service provided to this facility (air, water , electric power), a 10-ton overhead crane is provided to handle the portable equipment and containers. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.8) The waste solidification (and/or resin dewatering) operation has provisions for the use of shielded containers. Waste is supplied to the container by flexible hoses connected to waste transfer lines routed from inside the RAB out to the SB. Support equipment for the portable system is mounted on skids. The SB supplies space for equipment required for solidification and dewatering. To manage radwaste spills , a sump is provided in the SB. If desired , liquids may be transferred to the plant radwaste systems. (WF3 2014a , Section 11.4.8) Low-Level Radwaste Storage Facility The low-level radwaste (LLRW) storage facility is located outside the protected area west of the fire protection water storage tanks. The facility is an 80-foot wide by 140-foot long by 50-foot tall steel frame building with metal siding and is designed to support a 20-ton traveling crane. The 2-18 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage LLRW storage facility has the capacity to store sixty 8-foot x 20-foot x 8-foot high sea/land containers and 32 high integrity containers (HICs). The facility contains four concrete cubicles to store HICs. Each cubicle has the capacity to hold eight HICs (i.e., four stacked two high). (WF3 2014a , Section Original Steam Generator Storage Facility As part of the change out of the steam generators and reactor vessel closure head (RVCH) performed during Refueling Outage 18 , the original steam generators and original RVCH , including original CEDMs , were placed in an onsite-constructed original steam generator storage facility (OSGSF). The OSGSF meets the requirements for temporary storage of the original steam generators and or i ginal RVCH until site decommissioning consistent with 10 CFR 20.1301 and 40 CFR Part 190. The OSGSF is designed to be used as a non-occupied facility for the temporary storage of these large components , and no radwaste storage other than the original steam generators and original RVCH is permitted within the facility. (WF3 2014a , Section Radwaste Storage-License Renewal Term WF3 has developed long-term plans which would ensure that radwaste generated during the license renewal term would be sent directly for disposal , stored on site in existing structures , or shipped to an offsite licensed facility for processing and disposal.

Long-term plans , including during the license renewal term , do not include the need to construct additional onsite storage facilities to accommodate generated radwaste. LLRW is classified as Class A, Class B , or Class C (minor volumes are classified as greater than Class C). Class A includes both dry active waste and processed waste (e.g., dewatered resins). Classes B and C normally include processed waste and irradiated hardware. The majority of LLRW generated at WF3 would be Class A waste and can be shipped to licensed processors , such as the EnergySolutions facility in Oak Ridge , Tennessee , for reduction and repackaging , and then shipped to a Class A disposal facility such as the EnergySolutions facility in Clive, Utah. Classes B and C wastes constitute a low percentage by volume of the total LLRW generated , and they are currently stored in the LLRW storage facility at WF3. Classes B and C wastes can be shipped to the EnergySolutions facility in Oak Ridge , Tennessee , where they can then be shipped to the Waste Control Specialist facility in Texas , which is licensed for disposal of Classes A , B , and C wastes. Disposal of waste greater than Class C is the responsibility of the federal government. Low-Level Mixed Wastes Although low-level mixed wastes (LLMW) would be managed and transported to an offsite facility licensed to accept and manage the wastes in accordance with appropriate site and company procedures if generated (Entergy 2015a), there has been no mixed waste generated or stored at WF3 for more than 10 years. In addition , there has been no need to claim the Low-Level Mixed 2-19 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Waste Storage and Treatment Conditional Exemption in 40 CFR Part 266 , Subpart N , for storage of LLMW at WF3. Spent Fuel Storage The WF3 ISFSI is located south of the four large water storage tanks that are situated at the south end of the WF3 plant area , just west of the switchyard , within the protected area (Figure 3.0-1). The ISFSI pad is sized to store 72 HI-STORM storage casks , with each cask capable of storing 32 spent fuel assemblies , which is adequate to meet the projected WF3 spent fuel storage needs during the initial 40-year license period. The WF3 ISFSI operates under the conditions of the general license in accordance with 10 CFR Part 72 regulations.

(Entergy 2011 a , Section 2.0) NUREG-2157 , Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel , generically determines the environmental impacts of continued storage , including those impacts identified in the remand by the Court of Appeals in the New York v. NRC decision , and provides a regulatory basis for a revision to 10 CFR 51.23 that addresses the environmental impacts of continued storage for use in future NRC environmental reviews. In this context , "the environmental impacts of continued storage" means those impacts that could occur as a result of the storage of spent nuclear fuel at reactor and away-from-reactor sites after a reactor's licensed life for operation and until a permanent repository becomes available. NUREG-2157 evaluates potential environmental impacts to a broad range of resources. Cumulative impacts are also analyzed. (NRC 2014a , page i ii) Transportation of Radioactive Materials WF3 radioactive waste shipments are packaged in accordance with NRC [10 CFR Part 71] and U.S. Department of Transportation

[49 CFR Parts 173 and 178) requirements.

The type and quantities of solid radioactive waste generated at and shipped from WF3 vary from year to year , depending on plant activities. WF3 currently transports radioactive waste to a licensed processing facility in Tennessee such as EnergySolutions in Oak Ridge , or the Studsvik Processing Facility LLC in Erwin or Memphis , where it is further processed prior to being sent to a facility such as EnergySolutions in Clive, Utah. WF3 may also receive WF3-generated material from an offsite processing facility back to the plant site for reuse or storage. 2.2.4 Nonradioactive Waste Management The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) governs the disposal of solid waste. The LDEQ has received U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authorization to administer and enforce the hazardous waste management program in Louisiana. As a generator of hazardous wastes , WF3 is required to maintain a hazardous waste generator identification number (Table 9.1-1 ). There are no nonradioactive hazardous waste storage or treatment permits related to WF3's operations. 2-20 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 generates nonradioactive waste as a result of plant maintenance , cleaning , and operational processes that occur at the site. Because WF3 is classified as a small quantity generator, hazardous wastes routinely make up only a small percentage of the total wastes generated , consisting of paint wastes , spent and off-specification (e.g., shelf-life expired) chemicals , and occasional project-specific wastes. Universal wastes generated typically consist of fluorescent lamps , batteries , mercury devices , electronics (state-specific) and antifreeze (state-specific). Recycled wastes typically consist of scrap metal , batteries , and waste oil. Nonradioactive wastes are collected in central collection areas and managed in accordance with appropriate regulatory requirements and Entergy's waste management procedure (Entergy 2015a). Waste materials are received in various forms and are packaged to meet all regulatory requirements prior to final disposition at an offsite facility licensed to receive and manage the material.

Typical hazardous waste quantities generated at the facility are shown in Table 2.2-1. Entergy Corporation maintains a list of waste vendors that are approved for use across the entire company. Based on 2010-2014 waste shipments from WF3 , the following Entergy approved waste vendors were utilized to manage hazardous and nonhazardous wastes , and recyclable wastes generated at the site: BFI Colonial Landfill in Sorrento , Louisiana , for landfill burial of empty containers and plant trash. Clean Harbors Deer Park , LLC in La Porte , Texas , for treatment and disposition of hazardous and nonhazardous wastes. FCC Environmental , LLC in New Orleans , Louisiana , for recycling used oil , filters , and oily absorbents. Lamp Environmental Industries in Hammond , Louisiana , for treatment and disposition of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) ballasts. Lamp Environmental Industries in Independence , Lou i siana , for recycling fluorescent lamps and non-PCB ballasts. Lard Oil Company in Denham Springs , Louisiana , for recycling empty drums. Louisiana Scrap Metal in Port Allen , Louisiana , for recycling lead and lead-acid batte r ies. Sanders Lead Company in Troy , Alabama , for recycling lead-acid batteries. Although waste quantities generated each year may vary due to outages or specific project activities , WF3 has successfully minimized waste generation.

Waste minimization measures such as material control , process control , waste management , and feedback are considerations that are an i ntegral part of all work planning and implementation at the facility to reduce , to the extent feasible , waste generated , accumulated , or disposed (Entergy 2015b). Entergy's fleet 2-21 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage waste management and chemical control programs also work in conjunction with site waste minimization efforts to minimize waste generation to the maximum extent practicable (Entergy 2015a; Entergy 2015c). 2.2.5 Power Transmission Systems In-Scope Transmission Lines Based on 10 CFR Part 51 , Subpart A , Appendix B , Table B-1 , Footnote 4 , transmission lines subject to evaluation of environmental impacts for license renewal are those that connect the nuclear power plant to the substation where electricity is fed into the regional power distribution system , and transmission lines that supply power to the nuclear plant from the grid. The following transmission lines associated with WF3 , designated as in-scope transmission lines for the environmental review , are subject to evaluation (Figure 2.2-7): Two 230-kV transmission lines (three phase) extending from the WF3 switching station to the Waterford 230-kV switchyard (approximately 0.6 miles) that transmit power to the regional transmission grid and provide offsite power to the plant during outages. All in-scope transmission lines are located completely within the Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property. Although not within the scope of this environmental review , the Waterford 230-kV switchyard also has several other 230-kV transmission lines connected to it. Transmission lines connect Waterford Units 1 , 2 , and 4 to the 230-kV switchyard. Transmission lines cross the river on river-crossing towers to tie into the Little Gypsy 230-kV switchyard. There is also a 230-kV tie to the adjacent 500-kV switchyard. (WF3 2014a , Section Vegetation Management Practices There is a limited amount of right-of-way (ROW) associated with the two in-scope transmission lines , because the lines cross the WF3 industrial area , where vegetation is sparse. For the approximately 8 acres where a transmission line ROW exists , Entergy Louisiana , LLC maintains the ROW by applying spot herbicide treatments to treat undesirable brush and woody vegetation on a 2-year cycle (Entergy 2011 b; Entergy 2012a). Herbicide application volumes typically range from 10 to 25 gallons per brush acre (Entergy 2012a). Typical herbicides applied in the ROW away from areas near aquatic sites include Milestone, while Rodeo and Garlon 3A are utilized in areas near aquatic sites. All chemical herbicide mixtures/formulations are applied according to label directions and/or manufacturer recommendations by licensed companies with qualified applicators (Entergy 2012a), which ensures that proper protocols are followed when applying herbicides near streams or wetlands. As discussed in Section , all in-scope transmission lines are located completely within Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property. Although no cultural resources were identified in a previous survey of the transmission corridor that consisted of a walkover and 30-centimeter (cm) 2-22 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 Appli c ant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage augering tests along transect lines (NRC 1981 , Section 4.3.6), any land disturbance activities in the transmission line corridor would be subject to review in accordance with Entergy's fleet administrative procedural controls discussed in Sections 9.5.20 and 9.6. These procedural controls would ensure that environmentally sensitive areas at WF3 such as cultural resources , i f present , are adequately protected. Avian Protection Based on a review of site condition reporting records over the previous 5 years (2010-2014), which typically document observed bird deaths , no transmission line-related bird deaths have been recorded. In addition , there is no threat of electrocution to birds with a large wingspread , because the distance between the closest energ i zed conductor and the grounded steel tower is 8 feet (NRC 1981 , Section 5.5.2). Therefore , there has not been the need to implement avian protection measures associated with the in-scope transmission lines. Induced Shock Hazards Public As stated in Section , all in-scope transmission lines are located completely within Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned property.

Therefore , the public does not have access to this area and , as a result , no induced shock hazards would exist for the public. Plant Workers Based on NRC's 2005 WF3 Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Sign i ficant Impact related to the proposed license amendment to increase the licensed power level (Technical Assignment Control No. 1355), it was determined that Entergy's analysis showed that the transmission lines would continue to meet the applicable shock prevention provisions of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) even with an electrical current increase (NRC 2005 , page 5). Entergy's analysis determined that the calculated induced short-circuit current for a 65-foot-long semi-trailer truck (18-wheeler) was approximately 3.9 milliamperes (mA), which is within the NESC 5-mA standard (Entergy 2004). In addition , the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) governs the occupational safety and health of the WF3 operations staff. It was determined in NUREG-1437 (GEIS) that occupational safety and health hazard issues are generic to all types of electrical generating stations , including nuclear power plants , and are of small significance if the workers adhere to safety standards and use protective equipment (NRC 2013b , Section ). Operational requirements associated with OSHA are incorporated into WF3's occupational health and safety program. Specifically, as it relates to transmission lines and acute shock hazards , WF3 has implemented the following practices which limit the potential for workers to receive an "induced" current from an object becoming capacitively charged: 2-23 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage When a truck , mobile crane , or other equipment is flagged and considered energ i zed , employees standing on the ground must avoid contacting the truck , crane , or equipment unless suitable protective clothing is used. In add i t i on , an i nsulated access must be used for persons getting on and off the truck , crane , or equipment.

(Entergy 2015d , Section 5.3) Mobile cranes or other lifting equipment are grounded where the possibility of static bu il dup is present. (Entergy 2015d , Section 5.3) Briefings are conducted and a safety checklist completed on approach distances for vehicles , cranes , and personnel when working near energized conductors. (Entergy 2015e , Section 5.10) Personnel are required to wear appropriate protective equipment.

(Entergy 2015e , Section 5.10) In addition , overhead hazards located over a roadway are identified by one or all of the following methods: (1) orange aviation balls or flags on power lines.:::_

100 feet from the ground , (2) roadway signs indicating "Overhead Hazard" , and (3) painted warnings no closer than 30 feet from the approach points to the overhead hazard on paved/finished roadways. (Entergy 2015d , Section 5.3) 2-24 Table 2.2-1 Wa t erford Steam Elect ri c Stat i on , Un i t 3 Applican t's Env i ro nm ental R epo rt Operat i ng L i cense Renewal Stage WF3 Hazardous Waste Generation, 2010-2014 Year Pounds 20 1 0 1 , 285 20 11 805 2012 800 2013 600 2014 765 (Entergy 2016a) 2-25 Mississippi River Me t a l Cleaning Waste Waterford Stea m Electric Statio n , U nit 3 Applican t's En v ironment a l R e p ort Operating Li c e ns e Renewal St a g e 001 (1471 mgdl Miss issi pp i River t--------------...

r--U-n-it_3_M_a-in-.,_ ____________________________

St. Charles Parish Sewage System Potab l e Wa t er Syste m Pota b le Wa t er Syste m St. C h arles Water Works Entergy Education Center sewage pi t effluent Plant floor drain. Low volume waste I ndustrial Waste System

  • Yard Oil Separator System 1001 (0.1350 mgd) Co n denser S t eam Genera t or S lowdown Heat Exchange r s Tu rbi n e Closed Coo lin g Water H eat Exc h ange r P ri mary Wate r Treatme nt Sys t em Firewater System 0.06 mgd (proposed) 004 (17.9339 mgd)

___ To 40 arpe n t cana l Chiller System Primary Plant Water Makeup (0.0126 201 101 301 501 401 601 701 801 mgd) Boron Management System Li quid Waste Ma n age m e n t Sys t em Secondary Plant Water System 0-------+1 Secondary Steam (0.0522 mgd) Plant Systems I I I I Auxilliary Boiler Sump

  • 0.001 mgd 0.001 mgd (0.064 mgd) Waterford 1 &2 Low Volume Waste T r eatment Facility
  • Low Volume Waste l L eakage i D ry Cooling Water Sumps 1&2 Optional Optional * (A) 0.26 mgd (B) 0.26 mgd (1) (2) 0.0545 Stormwater Dra i ns mgd 0.0425 mgd (Entergy 2009a , Figure 3) WF3 LPDES Permit Schematic Flow Diagram 2-26 Legend -Property Boundary WF3 Structure

======::i F eet 0 3 00 600 Figure 2.2-2 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 1983; Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; WF3 2009) WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure Location 2-27 SHEET PILING EL +15.0' INTAKE CANAL SKIMMER WALL EL-1.0' MSL EL-4.0' MSL EL -35.0' MSL <::::>*o. ( (Entergy 2005, Figure 3-1) INTAK-:t:TAKE I

TRAVELING WATER SCREENS TRASH_/ i TROUGH RIVER WATER FLOW .... -NWL EL +4.0' MSL -LWL EL -0. 7' MSL Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage SCREEN WASH PUMPS EL -24.0' MSL EL -25.0' MSL . .. .. * .. J . * .. \J* 0 .a . . o . * \J* . O* ... O 0 *a o* 0. = *. 6 : o /'" . . *10 Figure 2.2-3 WF3 Cooling Water Intake Structure 2-28 ....:::. . 0 .. o * *C::> o*\, =*.c,*: o o* o .*0.0 r EL +15 O' BEAM EL +14.0' -BEAM EL -1.0' L_ SLAB TOP OF CONCRETE CONCRETE EL -2 4.0' .O' EL-35 EL-50.0 BEAM EL +14.0' BEAM EL-1.0' MISSISSIPPI RIVER EL-40.0' SKIMMER./ WALL ELEV. L-L SKIMMER WALL i S: 0 :::: ii Ci: Q Cl) fQ Cl) Cl) ELEV. A-A Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage INTAKE CANAL-I+-INTAKE STRUCTURE rt r*-M i i L._ r*--11 0' -0 i SLOPE .-EL -24.0' INTAKE CANAL E X ISTING GRADE TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB EL-24.0' Figure 2.2-4 L._ r*-1 l L._ w u r*-* El-2 4.0' i I PLAN L._. r*i r*-i I L._ (LP&L 1978 , Figure 3.4-2) WF3 Cooling Water Intake Canal 2-29 CIRCULATING WATER PUMP (4) TRAVELING WATER SCREEN (8) Figure 2.2-5 WF3 Intake Bays and Traveling Screens 2-30 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage TRASH RACK (8) SERVICE WATER PUMP(3) (Entergy 2005, Figure 3-3)

MIS SI SSIPPI RIVER F LOW D I SC H ARGE CAN AL 2 5' -0 P LAN (NOT TO SC A LE) (Note: Elevations are at msl.) a "U 0 r= m m r 8 0 CX> q EL-5.00' OJ 0 EL-8.00' M ---0 EL +6.00' i:o 0 EL-5.00' EL +15.00' E L +1 2.6 7' E L+11.00' 1 ----E L +6.00' ---n F i g u re 2.2-6 Waterford Stea m E l ectric St a tion , Unit 3 Applican t's E nv ironmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage GR EL +1 4.00' i------;::-;:::::::;-::-:4::-;4:::

' -::-:6::: "

+1 5.00' DISCHARGE STRU C TURE SECT. A-A ---I l --------------------SECT. B-B DISC H ARGE STRUCTURE

-11 EL +5.00' "? 9' -0 00 S T L tt PIPE EL +0.50' EX I STING GRADE VARIES EL (L P&L 19 7 8 , F igure 3.4-4) WF3 Discharge S tru c tur e and Canal 2-31 Legend _.. Current Flow Direction Switch yard/Switch ing Station .---Transmission Line Easement -----===:=Jf eet 0 400 800 Figure 2.2-7 Waterford Steam Elect ric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014) WF3 In-Scope Transmission Lines 2-32 2.3 Refurbishment Activities Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2), the environmental report must contain a description of the applicant's plans to modify the facility or its administrative control procedures as described in accordance with§ 54.21. This report must describe in detail any planned refurbishment activities. The environmental report must also contain analyses of the impacts of refurbishment activities , if any , associated with license renewal. [10 CFR 51.53 (c)(3)(ii)]

The incremental aging management activities implemented to allow operation of a nuclear power plant beyond the original 40-year license term were assumed to fall under one of two broad categories. One of those categories involves refurbishment actions , which usually occur infrequently and possibly only once in the life of the plant for any given item. (NRC 2013b , Section 2.1.1) NRC requirements for the renewal of operating licenses for nuclear power plants include preparation of an integrated plant assessment (IPA) [10 CFR 54.21 ]. The IPA must identify systems , structures , and components subject to an aging management review. Items that are subject to aging and might require refurbishment include , for example , reactor vessel head and steam generator replacement.

The WF3 IPA that Entergy conducted under 10 CFR Part 54 , which i s described in the body of the WF3 LRA , has identified no refurbishment or replacement actions needed to maintain the functionality of important systems , structures , and components during the period of extended operation. The objective of the review required by 10 CFR 54.21 i s to determine whether the detrimental effects of aging could preclude certain systems , structures , and components from performing in accordance with the current licensing basis dur i ng the additional 20 years of operation requested in the LRA. 2.4 Programs and Activities for Managing the Effects of Aging In accordance with 10 CFR 51.53(c)(2), the environmental report must contain a description of the applicant's plans to modify the facility or its administrative control procedures as described in accordance with § 54.21. Th i s report must describe in detail the modifications directly affecting the environment or any plant effluents. The incremental aging management activities implemented to allow operat i on of a nuclear power plant beyond the original 40-year license term were assumed to fall under one of two broad categories

(1) surveillance , monitoring , inspection , testing , trending , and record keeping actions , most of which are repeated at regular intervals

.... (NRC 2013b , Section 2.1.1) The programs for managing the effects of aging on certain structures and components within the scope of license renewal at the site are described in the body of the LRA (see Appendix B of the WF3 LRA). The evaluation of structures and components required by 10 CFR 54.21 identified the activities necessary to manage the effects of aging on structures and components during the period of extended operation beyond the initial license term. Other than implementation of the 2-33 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage programs and activities identified in the IPA, there are no planned modifications of WF3's administrative control procedures associated with license renewal. 2.5 Employment The non-outage work force at the site consists of approximately 641 full-time workers (Table 2.5-1 ). There are no plans to add workers to support plant operations during the license renewal period and , as discussed in Section 2.3 , no license-renewal-related refurbishment activities have been identified. During refueling outages , which occur on an 18-month cycle and historically have lasted approximately 25-30 days , there are typically an additional 700-900 contractor workers on site. The number of workers required on site for normal plant outages during the period of extended operation is expected to be consistent with the number of additional workers used for past outages at the site. 2-34 Wate rf o rd S te am E l e ctr ic Sta tion , Unit 3 A ppl icant's Env iron m ental R ep o rt Ope r at ing L i ce n se Rene w al S t age Table 2.5-1 Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State , Parish/County , and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees LOUISIANA Ascension 65 Darrow 1 Donaldsonv i lle 1 Geismar 7 Gonza l es 25 P r a i r i evi l le 26 Sorren to 2 S t. Amant 3 Assumption 2 Napo l eonv i l l e 1 Pa i ncourtv i lle 1 Beauregard 1 D ry C r eek 1 East Baton Rouge 17 Baker 1 Baton Rouge 12 Zachary 4 Iberia 1 New Iber i a 1 Jefferson 98 Avondale 1 Bridge C i ty 1 Gretna 4 Harahan 2 Harv ey 7 2-35 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State , Parish/County, and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees Jefferson 3 Kenner 30 Marrero 6 Metairie 26 River Ridge 11 Terrytown 2 Waggaman 2 Westwego 3 Lafourche 45 Gheens 1 Lockport 3 Raceland 5 Thibodaux 36 Livingston 14 Albany 1 Denham Springs 4 French Settlement 1 Holden 1 Liv i ngston 1 Maurepas 2 Springfield 2 Walker 2 Orleans 35 New Orleans 35 Plaquemines 1 Belle Chasse 1 2-36 Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State, Parish/County, and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees Rapides 1 Woodworth 1 St. Bernard 2 Meraux 1 Violet 1 St. Charles 187 Arna 4 Boutte 7 Des Allemands 11 Destrehan 26 Hahnv i lle 23 Ki Ilona 9 Luling 94 Montz 5 Norco 3 Paradis 3 St. Rose 2 St. James 30 Convent 1 Gramercy 3 Lutcher 3 Paulina 5 St. James 1 Vacherie 17 2-37 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Employee Residence Information, January 2016 State, Parish/County, and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees St. John the Baptist 46 Edgard 4 Garyville 3 La Place 35 Reserve 3 Wallace 1 St. Mary 1 Morgan City 1 St. Tammany 30 Bush 1 Covington 7 Madisonville 5 Mandeville 5 Pearl River 2 Slidell 10 Tangipahoa 34 Amite 1 Hammond 12 Independence 3 Loranger 3 Pontchatoula 14 Robert 1 Terrebonne 21 Bourg 1 Gray 2 Houma 18 2-3 8 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 2.5-1 (Continued)

Employee Residence Information , January 2016 State, Parish/County , and City/Town Permanent Full-Time Employees Vernon 1 P i tkin 1 West Feliciana 1 St. Francisville 1 GEORGIA Cobb 1 Mableton 1 MISSISSIPPI Adams 1 Natchez 1 Jackson 3 Moss Po i nt 3 Lincoln 1 Brookhaven 1 VERMONT Windham 1 Brattleboro 1 VIRGINIA Amherst 1 Amherst 1 Total 641 (Entergy 2016b) 2-39 2.6 Alternatives to the Proposed Action Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Section 2.1 describes the proposed action , which is for NRC to renew the operating license fo r WF3 for an additional 20 years beyond the current expiration date. Because the decision before the NRC is to renew or not renew the license , there is only one fundamental alternative to the proposed action: the no-action alternative.

However , the no-action alternative would presumably result in a need for new electrical generating capacity in the region served by WF3. The no-action alternative refers to a scenario in which the NRC does not renew the WF3 operating license. Unlike the proposed action of renewing the license , denying license renewal does not provide a means of meeting future electric system needs. Therefore , unless replacement generating capacity is provided as part of the no-action alternative , a large amount of base-load generation would no longer be available , and the alternative would not satisfy the purpose and need for the proposed action (Section 1.1 ). For this reason , the no-action alternative has two components

replacing the generating capacity of WF3 and decommissioning the WF3 facility. 2.6.1 Alternatives Evaluation Process The " no-action alternative" to the proposed action is to not renew the WF3 OL. In this alternative , it is expected that WF3 would continue to operate up through the end of the existing OL , at which time plant operations would cease and decommissioning would begin (Section 7.3.3). Because WF3 constitutes reliable long-term base-load capacity , it is reasonable to assume that a decision to not renew the WF3 OL would necessitate the replacement of its approximately 1 , 188-MWe capacity with another generation source capable of providing equivalent base-load power. The environmental impacts of the no-action alternative would be from decommissioning WF3 and providing a replacement power source or sources as discussed in Chapter 7. In reviewing alternative energy sources , Entergy utilized the following criteria to determine a reasonable set of alternatives for purposes of evaluating the no-action alternative under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and NRC environmental regulations. The purpose of the proposed action (license renewal) i s the continued production of approximately 1 , 188 net MWe of reliable base-load generation.
  • The time frame for the needed generation is 2024-2044. Alternatives considered must be available (constructed , permitted , and connected to the grid) by the time the current WF3 OL expires in 2024. Alternatives must be electricity generating sources that are technically feasible and commercially viable. 2-40 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The annual capacity factor of WF3 , based on a 3-year average for the years 2012-2014 , is 85.8 percent (Entergy 2013b; Entergy 2014a; Entergy 2015 f). The capacity factor is targeted to remain near or above this value throughout the plant's operating life. All necessary federal permits , licenses , approvals , and other entitlements would be obtained on a timetable supporting new generation in 2024. 2.6.2 Alternatives Considered Chapter 7 presents , in some detail , the methodology of identifying actions that could be taken to replace the base-load generation capacity of WF3 in the region. Alternative generating technologies were evaluated to identify candidate technologies that would be capable of replacing the WF3 generating capacity by the end of the licensed unit's term in 2024. Entergy's 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is the long-range strategy for meeting customers' power needs (Entergy 2015g). The IRP is intended to provide guidelines for resource planning and decisions , and includes a 5-year action plan that allows Entergy to provide safe , reliable , and economic services to all customers , existing and new. Entergy's IRP determined that the following alternatives were found appropriate for further analysis (Entergy 2015g): Pulverized coal-supercritical pulverized coal with carbon capture. Natural gas-fired alternatives (simple-cycle combustion turbines , combined-cycle gas turbines , small-scale aeroderivatives , and large-scale aeroderivatives).
  • Nuclear-Generation Ill technology. Renewables (biomass , onshore wind power , and solar photovoltaic). Based on the IRP analysis , gas-fired combustion turbines and combined-cycle gas turbines were selected as the preferred technologies for new build resources. The remaining alternatives , new nuclear , new coal , solar photovoltaic , and biomass , were not selected i n any of the scenarios. Wind had a significant role in only one of the scenarios that involves high gas and carbon prices. (Entergy 2015g) Entergy determ i ned that the most likely alternative that would replace WF3 due to economic reasons , and relatively short development and construction time (approximately 3 years) would be a natural gas combined-cycle (NGCC) plant at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. However , for the sole purpose of this NEPA analysis and to assist the NRC staff with the preparation of the WF3-specific supplemental environmental impact statement , the hypothetical alternatives considered reasonable and discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7 are as follows: 2-41 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage NGCC plant at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , assuming that appropriately sized combustion turbines , heat recovery steam generator , and steam turbine generator are assembled in appropriate power train configurations to produce net electrical power virtually equivalent to the net 1 , 188 MWe generated by WF3. Supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) plant at an alternate site consisting of multiple boiler/steam turbine generator units with net electricity generation approximately equivalent to the net 1 , 188 MWe generated by WF3. New nuclear plant at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property where WF3 is located with net electricity generation approximately equivalent to the net 1 , 188 MWe generated by WF3. Combination of hypothetical alternatives consisting of an NGCC plant and biomass plants at the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property where WF3 is located , and demand-side management (DSM). Entergy determined that the following alternatives were not considered as a reasonable replacement in comparison to renewal of the WF3 OL. The bases for these determinations are discussed in Section 7.1.2. Purchased power Plant reactivation or extended service life Conservation or DSM Wind Solar technologies
photovoltaic cells and solar thermal power Hydropower Geothermal
  • Wood waste Municipal solid waste Other biomass-derived fuels Fuel cells Oil Ocean wave and current energy Coal-fired integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) 2-42 3.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is located on approximately 3 , 560 acres of Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned land. As previously discussed in Section 1.3 , Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 are also located on this same property. Waterford 1 and 2 are 411-MWe oil/gas-fired generating plants , and Waterford 4 is a 33-MWe fired peaking generating plant. 3.0.1 Location and Features WF3 is located on the west (right descending) bank of the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge , Louisiana , and New Orleans , Louisiana. The site is in the northwestern section of St. Charles Parish , Louisiana , and is near the communities of Killona and Taft. (WF3 2014a , Section As shown in Table 3.10-1 , the city of New Orleans , Louisiana , is the largest population center in the region , and is approximately 25 miles east of the site. The second largest population center in the region is Baton Rouge , Louisiana , approximately 50 miles northwest of the site. Figure 3.0-1 shows the property boundary , facility structures , and the EAB. WF3 falls within the Public Land Survey System and is located in Section 26 , Township 12S , Range 20E (Entergy 2014b), as shown in Figure 3.0-2. 3.0.2 Vicinity and Region The vicinity of WF3 is defined as the area within a 6-mile radius from the center of the WF3 containment structure and includes segments of St. Charles and St. John the Baptist parishes (Figure 3.0-3). As described in Section 3.1 , land within the vicinity of the site is primarily developed for industrial and residential uses , with agricultural fields , wetlands , and open water. WF3 is located adjacent to the Mississippi River , at River Mile 129.6. The Mississippi River itself is the most prominent natural feature of the region. Other important natural features include Lac des Allemands , about 5.5 miles southwest of the site , and Lake Pontchartrain , about 7 miles northeast of the site. The land slopes gently from its high points near the river (+10 to 15 feet msl) to extensive wetlands located about 1.5 to 2.5 miles inland from the river. (WF3 2014a , Section The region of WF3 is defined as the area within a 50-mile radius (Figure 3.0-4) centered on the WF3 containment structure. The region includes portions of the following 21 parishes in the state of Louisiana: Ascension , Assumption , East Baton Rouge , Iberia , Iberville , Jefferson , Lafourche , Livingston , Orleans , Plaquemines , St. Bernard , St. Charles , St. Helena , St. James , St. John the Baptist , St. Martin , St. Mary , St. Tammany , Tangipahoa , Terrebonne , and West Baton Rouge. As shown in Table 3.10-2 , St. Charles Parish , where WF3 is located , had a 2010 population of 52 , 780 , up from 48 , 072 in 2000. St. Charles Parish and both neighboring Jefferson and St. John the Baptist parishes are designated as part of the New Orleans-Metairie-Kenner Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (RPC 2014). Jefferson Parish had a 2010 population of 432 , 552 , down from 455,466 in 2000. St. John the Baptist Parish had a 2010 population of 45 , 924 , up from 43 , 044 in 2000. (USCB 2014a) 3-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.10-1 provides 2010 U.S. Census data for communities that are located totally or partially within a 50-mile rad i us of WF3. Important urban centers in the region of the site include New Orleans , which had a 2010 population of 343,829 , down from a population of 484 , 674 in 2000; and Baton Rouge , which had a 2010 population of 229 , 493, up from a population of 227 , 818 in 2000. Communities near the site include Killona (1 mile west-northwest) with a 2010 population of 793 , down from a population of 797 in 2000; Taft (1 mile east-southeast) with a 2010 population of 63 , and no reported population in 2000; Montz (2 miles north-northeast) with a 2010 population of 1 , 918 , up from a population of 1 , 120 in 2000; Norco (4 miles east) with a 2010 population of 3 , 074, down from a population of 3 , 579 in 2000; Hahnville (4 miles east-southeast) with a 2010 population of 3 , 344 , up from a population of 2 , 792 in 2000; and Laplace (5 miles north) with a 2010 population of 29 , 872 , up from a population of 27,684 in 2000. All the communities near the site except Laplace are located in St. Charles Parish. Laplace is located in neighboring St. John the Baptist Parish. Within a 50-mile radius of the site , there are 10 communities with a 201 O population greater than 25 , 000 , and three of these have a 2010 population greater than 100 , 000. (USCB 2014b) The region has a highly developed roadway network and rail system (Figures 3.0-3 and 3.0-4). Interstate Highway 10 (1-10) parallels the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. Interstate Highway 12 runs east-west and is located north of Lake Pontchartrain. North-south Interstate Highway 55 and Interstate Highway 59 both feed traffic into New Orleans. The Union Pacific Railroad has an east-west line that runs through the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. Large industries are located along the Mississippi River both north and south of the site as far as Baton Rouge and New Orleans. These industries are predominantly refineries , petrochemicals manufacturers , sugar manufacturers , and grain elevators. (WF3 2014a , Section The reactor building is approximately 1 , 000 feet from the shoreline of the Mississippi River , which is one of the major inland waterway shipping routes in the United States. (WF3 2014a , Section There are approximately 50 major pipelines operated by 12 different companies within 2 miles of WF3. Products carried in these pipelines include natural gas , hydrogen , ammonia , liquefied petroleum gas, ethane , gasoline , propane , and raw materials.

The pipelines closest to the site are (1) Bridgeline Holdings's 16-inch natural gas line (0.3 miles to the west) and (2) Evangeline Gas Pipeline Co's two 20-inch natural gas lines (one to Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 , approximately 0.4 miles to the west; the other to Little Gypsy , approximately 0.4 miles to the east). There are four producing gas and oil fields within a 5-mile radius of WF3. (WF3 2014a , Section Within 10 miles of WF3 , there are three private heliports , one private airfield , and one general aviation airport open to the public. As illustrated in Figure 3.0-3 , two private heliports and one private air field (WF3 , River Parish Hospital , and Triche Field) are located within 6 miles of the site. The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is a full-service commercial airport located approximately 13 miles from the plant , as shown in Figure 3.0-4. (AirNav 2014) 3-2 3.0.3 Station Features Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The principal structures at WF3 are identified in Section 2.2. In addition to the principal structures , the WF3 plant area is defined as including the fenced area immediately adjacent to WF3 (WF3 2014a , Section The WF3 protected area is completely enclosed by security fencing , with access to the area controlled through a security access portal system. A plant security system monitors the protected area , as well as the buildings within the station. The site area is shown , along with principal station structures and nearby features in Figure 3.0-1. The nearest residences to WF3 are located approximately 0.9 miles to the northeast , east-northeast , west-northwest and northwest of the reactor. (Entergy 2015h , Table 2.1) Entergy has full control of all activities conducted within the EAB (Figure 3.0-1) of WF3. All of the property within the designated exclusion area is owned by the licensee with the exception of the bottom lands below the mean low water of the Mississippi River. (WF3 2014a , Section Transportation facilities near WF3 include the following (WF3 2014a , Section ): Mississippi River (0.2 miles from the site); Louisiana Highway 18 (LA-18) (0.1 miles north-northeast)

Louisiana Highway 628 (LA-628) (0.7 miles north-northeast across the Mississippi River); Louisiana Highway 3127 (LA-3127)

(1.1 miles south-southwest)

and Union Pacific Railroad (0.5 miles south-southwest), and as shown in Figure 3.0-1 , a rail spur from the main line extends into the WF3 industrial area. In the northern portion of the Entergy Louisiana, LLC property outside the industrial areas , the primary land use is cultivated crops. The southern portion of the property is dominated by wetlands , as described in Section 3.1. The drainage from the plant site runoff flows southwest to Lac Des Allemands (WF3 2014a , Section 3.0.4 Federal, Native American, State, and Local Lands A number of public lands are located within the vicinity of WF3 , as listed in Table 3.0-1 and illustrated in Figure 3.0-5. The federal parcel nearest to the site is the Bonnet Carre Spillway. The Bonnet Carre Spillway is located on the east bank of the Mississippi River , approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the plant , and is a major flood control public works structure near WF3 in the Lower Mississippi Valley. Approximately 25 miles upstream of the city of New Orleans , Louisiana , the spillway and structure were constructed to divert approximately 250 , 000 cfs of floodwaters from the Mississippi River to Lake Pontchartrain to prevent overtopping of levees at and below New Orleans, assuring the safety of New Orleans and the downtown delta area during major floods on the lower Mississippi.

(WF3 2014a , Section 3-3 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The area within a 6-m il e radius of WF3 contains no state parks. A portion of the Maurepas Swamp Wildlife Management Area (WMA) lies w i thin the vicinity , and public access and camping are permitted within the swamp. Numerous outdoor recreational activities (fishing , hunting , trapping , boating , and bird watching) are available for the public to pursue. (LDWF 2014a) Various local parks lie within the vicinity (Table 3.0-1), located in both St. Charles and St. John the Baptist parishes. Closest to the site are two organized park areas: Killona and Montz parks. Kil Iona Park , located approximately 1 mile northwest of the site , is a 12.5-acre park containing basketball courts and baseball fields. Montz Park is located approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the site and contains a baseball field. (WF3 2014a , Section There are a variety of national and state parks and WMAs located throughout the region, as shown in Figure 3.0-6. There are no Indian reservations or Native American owned lands within the 50-mile region. As illustrated in Figure 3.0-6 , there is one military installation

Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans located approximately 30 miles east-southeast of WF3. 3.0.5 Known or Reasonably Foreseeable Projects in Site Vicinity As previously discussed in Section 3.0 , there are three other Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned fossil fuel-fired electricity generating facilities located on the same property on which WF3 is located: Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4. WF3 has an ISFSI used to safely store spent fuel in licensed and approved dry cask storage containers on site. This ISFSI is licensed separately from the WF3 operating unit and would remain in place until the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) takes possession of the spent fuel and removes it from the site for permanent disposal or process i ng. Expansion of the onsite spent fuel storage capacity may be required in the future if the DOE does not take responsibility for the permanent storage and disposal of the onsite spent fuel. The impacts associated with this expansion would be assessed under a separate NRC l i censing and review process. Along the west shore of Lake Pontchartrain , the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) is investigating the potential to provide hurricane and storm-surge risk reduction on the east bank of the M i ssissippi River in St. Charles , St. John the Baptist , and St. James parishes.

The study area is located west of the Bonnet Carre Spillway.

(USACE 2014a) The federal project under discussion includes construction of an $881 million dollar levee project in St John the Baptist Parish by the USACE to protect east bank communities from hurricane storm surge. (The Picayune 2014) Based on public information , foreseeable manufacturing projects within a 50-mile radius of WF3 i nclude the following (The Advocate 2015): A.M. Agrigen's fertilizer plant in the Killona area of St. Charles Parish. Castleton Commodities International LLC's methanol manufacturing plant in the Braithwaite area of Plaquemines Parish. 3-4 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Yuhuang Chemical lnc.'s methanol complex in St. James Parish on River Road on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Williams Partners LP's potential addition of an ethane cracker to the company's Geismar complex located in Ascension Parish. The company is exploring this idea. 3-5 T a bl e 3.0-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Fe deral , State , and Local L a nd s, 6-M ile Radius of WF 3 Name( a) M a nage me nt Dista n ce(b) Directi o n Nearest P l ace Parish L O U I S IA NA Montz Park Local 1 ENE Montz St. Charles Killona Park Local 1 NW Ki Ilona St. Charles Bonnet Carre Spillway (c) Federal 1 ENE Montz S t. Charles Bethune Park Loca l 3 ENE Norco St. Cha rl es Laplace Weigh Station-Airline Highway State 4 NNE Lap l ace St. John the Baptist Cambridge Park Loca l 5 N Laplace St. John the Baptist Emily C. Watk i ns Park Local 5 NNW Laplace St. John the Baptist Highway 51 Park Local 5 N Laplace St. John the Baptist Larayo Park Local 5 NNW Lap l ace St. John the Baptist Wisner Donation Charity Hospital-New Orleans State 5 w Edgard St. John the Baptist Di v ision of State Lands-Patent State 6 SSE Boutte St. Charles Division o f State Lands-Patent State 6 ENE Norco St. Cha rl es Maurepas Swamp Wildlife Management Area State 6 NNE Lap l ace St. John the Baptist Greenwood Park Loca l 6 NNW Lap l ace St. John the Baptist River Parishes Mental Health Center State 6 NNW Laplace St. John the Baptist (LDOA 2014; SCP 2011; SJBP 2014a; USDA 2014a; WF3 2014a) a. List is based on best available public information and i n cludes lands that are totally or partial l y located within a 6-m i le radius of WF3. *A comp l ete list of St. Charles Parish parks and recreation sites is available in the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan (SCP 2011). *A complete list of parks and recreation sites for St. John the Baptist Parish is available at the parish website (SJBP 2014a). b. Distances are approximate miles (rounded to the nearest whole number and ca l culated based on WF3 l ocat i on and l and centroid data). c. T h e distance reported for the Bonnet Carre Sp ill way is ro unded an d based on the point of the propert y boundary c l osest to WF3 (WF3 2014a , Section

Legend -Property Boundary -+-Railroad Protected Area 0E xclusion Area Boundary WF3 Structure Waterford 1 , 2 & 4 Structures Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; USCB 2014c; WF3 2009) -----=====

Miles 0 0.5 Figure 3.0-1 WF3 Plant Layout 3-7 1

,, 'I ' / "' . ... ., h *,. 1 ' I I -_I __ _-_ l Legend I I I I 41 I I I \ Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; USDA 2014a) -Property Boundary -------======:::::i Miles 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.0-2 Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property and Area Topography 3-8 I I I I I I I ' ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' ' ' l ' \ ,\ '\ \ ' \ -----St. Charles Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Lake Po11tclwrtrai11


... .._ I Baptist)', / ... I ' / ' / ' I ' / ' / ' / ' / ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I Lac Des Allemands

"' \ ...... , Legend 1:1 A irport El Heliport I ... , ) .... , .. I ... ...... ' ' '1 ... ... .,. i' ...........

,. I ---------: I I ' -Pr operty B oundary -Interstate (Entergy 2013a; USCB 2014c; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) S urface Water -U.S. R oute --, L _.I 6-Mile Rad ius R oute .......... : _____ : Census Pla c e --Lo c al Roads P arish -+-+-R a ilroad --------=======::i Miles 0 2 Figure 3.0-3 6-Mile Radius of WF3 3-9 4 Waterford Steam El e ctr i c St a tion , Unit 3 Appl i c a n t's Environment a l Report Operating License Renewal Stage Washrngton Livingston

\ St Mary ( ' _/ ' ( ' I' ' Terrebonne

' ' ' ' -..__, " I ' / ' ,.,; ' .... \ '-. St. '..__ Charles J / \ \ Bernar , a ,_-...... \ I '----.., St. l / , _____ , __ /\ ___ Plaquemines

/ , I '--...........

-'-, \ ( I \, ) : ( '""', Jefferson1 1 I I \ I \. \ , __ ,...,\...

l, ,' I I , I , f \ 4", \ \ I ...... ...... _ l ,,,,,. ,,,,,--.... , \ I \ / I *' *,, .............. ... _ Legend

  • VVF3 = Airport -Interstate

-U.S. Route --+-+-Ra ilro ad S u rface Water L :1 50-M il e Radius Mun ici pa lity [==J Parish ! State I I I I I I / i ' ---------(USC B 2014c; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) ----c:======:J M il es 0 1 0 2 0 Figure 3.0-4 50-M i le Radius of WF3 3-1 0 Lac DesAlle111a11ds Legend \ '\ River Parishes \Mental Health \ Center \ Surface Water -Property B oundary f_ -J 6-Mile Radius -I nt erstat e r Local -U.S. Route Sta t e =-S ta te Rou t e -F ederal -+--+-Railroad .. _ .. _ ---,; Census Pla c e L-=-_J Par i sh St. Char l es Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage r--"' / \ / ( :) Lake Po111chartrai11 (Enterg y 2013a; LDOA 2014; SCP 2011; SJBP 2014a; USCB 2014c; USDA 2014a; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) --------========::i Miles 0 2 4 Figure 3.0-5 Federal, State, and Local Lands, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 3-11 Legend

-Interstate Surface Water = U.S. Route Local State -Federal -Military L _I 50-Mi l e Radius C Municipality r==J Parish

_f Thibodaux r.':. *J-1 _ __!_ t., ffl' \ ' -\ ****-====:::i Mi l es 0 1 0 2 0 Figure 3.0-6 Waterfo r d Steam E l ect r ic Sta ti on , Un i t 3 Applican t's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal S t age / (LDOA 20 14; USCB 2014c; USDA 2014a; USDOT 2014; USGS 2014a) Federal, State, and Local Lands, 50-Mile Radius of WF3 3-12 3.1 Land Use and Visual Resources Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Land use descriptions are focused on St. Charles and Jefferson parishes in Louisiana because WF3 is located in St. Charles Parish , approximately 44 percent of WF3 employees are located in these two parishes , and because WF3 is one of Entergy Louisiana , LLC's assets on which property taxes are paid to St. Charles Parish. The remaining WF3 employees reside in 19 different parishes and four different states. 3.1.1 Onsite Land Use WF3 is located on approximately 3 , 560 acres of Entergy Louisiana , LLC owned land. The WF3 plant area itself covers 40.1 acres. (WF3 2014a , Section The plant is located in the northwestern section of St. Charles Parish , Louisiana , near the towns of Killona and Taft (Figure 3.0-3) (WF3 2014a , Section The largest cities nearthe site are New Orleans and Baton Rouge , Louisiana , located approximately 25 miles east and 50 miles northwest , respectively (Figure 3.0-4). The site is located adjacent to the Mississippi River , with the majority of manmade features located on the narrow strip of dry land between the Miss i ssippi River and the wetlands (WF3 2014a , Section, as shown in Figure 3.0-1. As shown in Table 3.1-1 and illustrated in Figure 3.1-1 , wetlands are the largest land cover category , covering approximately 63 percent of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. These wetlands are classified primarily as woody wetlands (58.5 percent) and emergent herbaceous wetlands (4.1 percent). The next largest category is agriculture , with approximately 23 percent of the property classified as cultivated crops. (USDA 2014a) Regarding agricultural land use , approximately 660 acres of the property is currently leased to Raceland Raw Sugar LLC for growing sugar cane , milo , or soybeans as stipulated in the lease agreement.

The term of the lease is limited to three crop years , as that term is generally used in the agricultural community.

The current lease will expire November 1 , 2017 (Entergy 2014c) but can be extended for an additional three crop years. Land on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property is zoned as an industrial area by St. Charles Parish. Future land use maps from the St. Charles Parish 2030 Comprehensive Plan indicate that these uses are anticipated to continue on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. (SCP 2011) Entergy Louisiana , LLC owns , in title , all surface rights within the EAB. There is no anticipated future exploration for subsurface minerals within the exclusion zone. Entergy Louisiana , LLC i s the full or partial owner of mineral rights on lands adjoining the exclusion zone. Entergy Louisiana , LLC has no intention of executing mineral leases for drilling on this property; however , if this were contemplated , a condition of the lease agreement would be a restriction prohibiting directional drilling into the subsurface below the exclusion zone. (WF3 2014a , Section 3.1.2 Offsite Land Use As shown in Table 3.10-2 , St. Charles Parish has seen an increase in total population since 2000 and is projected to continue this trend through 2045. In contrast , Jefferson Parish saw a 3-13 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage decrease i n total populat i on between 2000 and 201 O; however , total population is projected to i ncrease through 2045. St. Charles Parish is located in southeast Louisiana and is bordered on the north by Lake Pontchartrain , on the west by St. John the Baptist Parish , on the south and southwest by Lafourche Parish , and on the east by Jefferson Parish (Figure 3.0-4). The Mississippi River bisects the parish in a general east-west direction and there is heavy industrial development along the banks of the river. Approximately 31 percent of the total parish area is open water , while another approximately 61 percent of the total parish area is wetlands , scrub , and marsh. Only about 11 percent of land area (approximately 20 , 000 acres) is potentially developable land , of which approximately 12 , 300 acres are already developed. Agriculture is the most prevalent land use , with more than 7 , 000 acres (3.89 percent of land area) cultivated for crops , and pasture and grassland for livestock. Single-family residential , at 3 percent of land area (approximately 5,400 acres), and industrial , at 2.67 percent of land area (approximately 4 , 800 acres), are the next two largest land use categories. (SCP 2011) The vicinity (6-mile radius) surrounding WF3 lies pr i marily within St. Charles Parish; however , a small portion to the north and east includes land area in St. John the Baptist Parish (Figure 3.0-3). The land use and land cover categories located within a 6-mile radius of WF3 are illustrated in Figure 3.1-2. Wetlands are the largest land cover category , covering approximately 55 percent. These wetlands are primarily classified as woody wetlands (approximately 39.2 percent) and emergent herbaceous wetlands (approximately 15.9 percent). The next largest category is agriculture , with approximately 13.6 percent of the vicinity classified as cultivated crops , followed by open water at approximately 10.5 percent (approximately 7 , 632 acres). Developed land , which includes open space , low intensity , medium intensity , and high intensity , totals approximately 13,409 acres (18.5 percent).

These four categories compose the majority (approximately 97.7 percent) of the land use/land cover types that occur within the vicinity , which are presented in greater detail in Table 3.1-2. (USDA 2014a) St. Charles Parish occupies approximately 177 , 830 acres of land , of which 16 , 216 acres are proportioned to farmland. The 2012 Census of Agriculture reports that the parish had a total of 70 farms , with an average farm size of 232 acres. Approximately 31 farms produced crops , with primary crops reported as forage (1 , 598 acres) and vegetables harvested for sale (20 acres). Approximately 48 farms produced livestock , with the primary commodity being reported as beef COWS. (USDA 2012) Jefferson Parish occupies approximately 189 , 203 acres of land , of which 7 , 748 acres are proportioned to farmland. In 2012 , it was reported that the parish had a total of 57 farms , with an average farm size of 136 acres. Approximately 22 farms produced crops , with primary crops reported as forage (454 acres) and orchards (2 acres). Livestock is also an important agricultural product in the parish , with livestock commodities such as cattle and calves (13 farms), layers (2 farms), and beef cows (8 farms) being reported. Other agricultural uses of farmland within the parish included woodlands (645 acres; 14 farms), permanent pasture and rangeland (2 , 782 acres; 29 farms), and aquaculture (11 farms). (USDA 2012) 3-14 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl i can t's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 33 , Municipalities and Parishes , Part IV , Physical Development of Parishes and Municipalities , grants the power (to every parish and municipality) to create a planning commission and an official master plan. The legislation defines master plan as a statement of public policy for the physical development of a parish or municipality adopted by a parish or municipal planning commission. Further , it states that a parish or municipal planning commission shall make and adopt a master plan for the physical development of the unincorporated parish territories and municipality.

The plan should include the following (LA 2014): Location , character , and extent of transportation routes , public park spaces , aviation fields , and other public ways , grounds , and open spaces; General location of public buildings , schools , and other public property;

  • General character , extent and layout of public housing and the replanning of blighted districts and slum areas; General location and extent of public utilities and terminals for water , light , sanitation , communication , power , transportation , and other purposes; The removal , relocation , widening , narrowing , vacating , abandonment , change of use , or extension of any of the foregoing ways , grounds , open spaces , buildings , property , utilities , or terminals. St. Charles Parish , Jefferson Parish , and nearby New Orleans Metropolitan Region all have master plans with active zoning regulations. St. Charles Parish has a history that includes a proactive approach to zoning , resulting in 51 percent of the land set aside for specific types of land use. In the Parish's 2030 Plan , this approach has continued with planned land use categories identified on their future land use map. The map includes five major categories
residential , employment, commercial , activity centers , and resources (e.g., recreation , wetlands , existing and planned roadways , and wetland mitigation banks). For each of these categories , there is significant potential for development capacity. For example , the vacant , potentially developable land set aside for residential zoning distr i cts adds up to nearly 10 , 000 acres , which could accommodate almost 10 times the number of homes anticipated to be needed in 2030. St. Charles Parish objectives for future land use , housing , and community character include the following (SCP 2011 ): Provide for an orderly and cost-effective redevelopment and growth pattern; Minimize incompatibilities between different types of uses; Enhance community livability , historical value , appearance , and visual character; Protect and maintain rural character; 3-15 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Preserve product i ve farmland and promote economically viable and compatible agricultural uses in the parish; and Reduce development vulnerability to storms and other disasters. Jefferson Parish's Envision 2020 Plan characterizes land within the hurricane protection levee system as the de facto urban growth area for the parish. The urban growth area contains nearly 65 , 500 acres of land outs i de of the incorporated cities and is approximately 67 percent developed. The majority of this land area is located along the west bank of the Mississippi River. Within the urban growth area , the primary land use category is residential (17 , 697 .6 acres; 40.4 percent), followed by public or private ROWs for transportation and drainage canals (11 , 381.2 acres; 25.9 percent). (UWDUPD 2006) The parish's goals for future land use include the following (UWDUPD 2006): Provide for a sustainable urban environment that will support and enhance neighborhoods and businesses and accommodate their growth; Provide suitable and adequate opportunities for commercial and industrial development that is convenient , visually pleasing , and environmentally sound; Accommodate a diverse range of housing types and densities in a manner well suited to surrounding uses; Preserve existing residential neighborhoods
Protect and enhance the major economic activity centers; and Ensure that dependable and adequate public infrastructure supports the existing and future development needs of the parish. 3.1.3 Visual Resources As discussed in Sect i on 3.0.1 , WF3 is located on the west bank (right descending) of the Mississippi River. Figure 3.0-1 shows the building site layout and the property boundary in association with the Mississippi River. As discussed in Section 3.1.1 , the largest land use categories on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property are wetlands at approximately 63 percent and agriculture at approximately 23 percent. The profile of WF3 is dominated by the 249.5-foot high , domed-roof reactor shield building. The base of the reactor containment and the reactor auxiliary building is situated 50 feet below ground , which reduces the height of the plant's skyline profile. All auxiliary structures , ducts , pipes , and tanks are painted a blue-gray color that blends with the natural-finish concrete of the principal structures. WF3 is seen by viewers in conjunction with Entergy Louisiana , LLC's three 3-16 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl i cant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage existing fossil-fueled units and is visibly compat i ble with the industrialized character of adjacent properties. (LP&L 1978 , Section 3.1) Within the vicinity , there is heavy industrial and commercial development along the Mississippi River. Near WF3, there are several large industrial facilities , including Waterford 1 , 2 , and 4 (0.4 miles west-northwest of WF3); Little Gypsy Steam Electric Station Units 1 , 2 , and 3 (0.8 m i les north-northeast of the site , across the river); and Occidental Chemical Corporation (0.8 miles east-southeast). Other large industries are located along the Mississippi River both north and south of the site as far as Baton Rouge and New Orleans. These industries are predominantly refineries , petrochemicals manufacturers , sugar manufacturers , and grain elevators. (WF3 2014a , Section Additional industrial facilities located on LA-3142 near WF3 include Air Liquide America; Galata Chemicals; Occidental Chemical Corp.; Praxair Distribution , Inc.; and Union Carbide (wholly-owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company). (Dow 2015; SCP 2015a). Visual impacts from the site are limited to adjacent properties and traffic , associated with the Mississippi River (0.2 miles from the site), LA-18 (0.1 miles north-northeast), LA-628 (0.7 miles north-northeast , across the river), and LA-3127 (1.1 miles south-southwest). (WF3 2014a , Section As discussed in Section 3.0.3 , the nearest residences to WF3 are located approximately 0.9 miles to the northeast , east-northeast , northwest , and west-northwest of the reactor. As discussed in Section 3.0.4 , the nearest organized park areas closest to WF3 are Ki Ilona and Montz parks. Ki Ilona Park i s located approximately 1 mile northwest of the site , while Montz Park is located approximately 1 mile east-northeast of the site. As shown in Table 3.7-2 , the nearest aboveground historic property is 2 miles from WF3. Therefore , WF3 is visibly compatible with the industrialized character of adjacent properties and does not visually impact aboveground historic properties or areas that have a high degree of recreational use. 3-17 Table 3.1-1 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property Category Acres Percent Open water 46.93 1.3 Developed 467.70 12.9 Open space 69.16 1.9 Low intensity 309.80 8.5 Medium intensity 35.81 1.0 High intensity 52.93 1.5 Barren land (rock/sand/clay) 12.45 0.3 Shrub/scrub 1.56 0.0 Grassland/herbaceous 7.78 0.2 Pasture/hay 2.89 0.1 Cultivated crops 820.19 22.6 Woody wetlands 2 , 128.32 58.5 Emergent herbaceous wetlands 148.11 4.1 Total 3,635.93(a) 100.0 (USDA 2014a) a. The acreages presented in this table are based on the MRLC land use/land cover data. These data are presented in a raster (pixel-based) format , and because of their square geography they do not exactly match the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property boundary.

This geography variation creates a small difference between the total acreage reported in Table 3.1-1 compared to the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property acreage stated throughout the ER. 3-18 Table 3.1-2 Waterford Steam Electric Stat ion , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal S tage Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 Category Acres Percent Open water 7 , 632.14 10.54 Developed 13,408.84 18.52 Open space 1 , 877.01 2.59 Low intensity 8 , 625.58 11.92 Medium intensity 1 , 240.29 1.71 High int ensity 1 , 665.96 2.30 Barren land (r ock/sand/cl ay) 35.36 0.05 Deciduous fo r est 8.67 0.01 Mixed forest 3.78 0.01 Shrub/scrub 465.03 0.64 Grassland/herbaceous 45.37 0.06 Pastu r e/hay 1 , 008.34 1.39 Cu ltiv ated crops 9 , 860.76 13.62 Woody wetlands 28 , 381.12 39.21 Emergent herbaceous wetlands 11 , 534.28 15.93 Total 72,383.69 100.00 (USDA 2014a) 3-19 Legend -Property B oondary C:. Shrub/Scrub Op e n Water C::, Gra s s l and/Herbaceous L Developed , Open Spece r P asture/Hay Developed. Low In t ensit y CUitivated Crops Developed , Medn.1m Intensity C::.. Woody Wetlands Developed , High Intens ity Barren Land (Roc k/San d/Clay) Emergent Herb a ceous Wetlands Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Env i ronmenta l Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; USDA 2014a) -----c:=====

Miles 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.1-1 Land Use/Land Cover, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property 3-20 0 D ./ St. John the Baptist (jl ,..---------

Lafourche Legend

  • WF3 C en t erpoin t Be rr en land (Roc kl S1md/Clay) -Deciduous Forest ... --' 6-Mh Radius 0 Mixed Forest Pari s h 0 Shrub/Scrub -Open W ate r D Grassland/Herbaceous D Developed , Open Space 0 Pasture/He y Developed. Low Intensity

-Cultivated Crops -Developed , Medium Intensity 0 Woody W etlands -Developed , High Intensity Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands L Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage / , / / I I ----. St. Charles ** -J I (USCB 2014c; USDA 2014a; USGS 2014a) -----i=====

Miles 0 1.5 3 Figure 3.1-2 Land Use/Land Cover, 6-Mile Radius of WF3 3-21 3.2 Meteorology and Air Quality 3.2.1 General Climate Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Environmental Report Ope r ating License Renewal Stage The climate of southeastern Louisiana is classified as humid subtropical.

It is influenced to a large degree by the many water surfaces provided by lakes and streams and by proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. During mid-June to mid-September , the prevailing southeast to southwest winds carry inland warm , moist tropical air favorable for sporadic , often quite localized development of thunderstorms. Occasionally the pressure distribution of the atmosphere changes to bring in a flow of hotter and drier air. (WF3 20 1 4a , Section The prevailing southeast to southwest winds i n the summer months are usually associated with the "Bermuda High" that often remains stationary in the Atlantic Ocean off the southeast coast of the United States; on some days , however , such winds merely reflect a localized sea breeze. The hotter drier conditions on the other hand are usually caused by the formation of a high pressure system over the western Gulf of Mexico. Cool continental air rarely reaches the site region in summer. If a cold front does occur , the cold air behind the front has usually been greatly moderated by solar heating over the pla i ns states to the north or northwest.

(WF3 2014a , Section From late fall until early spring , bursts of cold air do reach southeastern Louisiana , but the cool temperatures which result seldom last more than a few days. Even during these seasons , the weather is still usually dominated by maritime tropical air from the Gulf of Mex i co. The interaction between this moist air and the much colder , drier air to the north often generates or intensifies winter storms which then usually pass to the north of the site. Throughout the year , the many water surfaces in the site area modify the relative humidity and temperature by decreasing the range between extremes. During periods of southerly wind flow , these effects are increased , imparting the characteristics of a marine climate. Relative humid i ty of less than 50 percent occurs in each month of the year; however , it is less frequent in the summer than during the other seasons. Freezing temperatures are not common and are generally restricted to the period midDecember to mid-March. Some years have no temperatures below freezing.

(WF3 2014a , Section 3.2.2 Meteorology Wind Direction and Speed Surface wind data for New Orleans (Moisant International Airport) for the 30-year period 1981-2010 were used to define long-term wind conditions for the New Orleans area. The data show a south wind to be the predominant direction. The average wind speed over this same 30-year period was 8 m i les per hours (mph). (NCDC 2015) Tabulated wind rose data and actual wind roses for the WF3 onsite meteorological station (30 foot level) for the periods July 1973 through June 1975 and February 1977 to February 1978 indicated the site experiences fewer calms and more frequent southeasterly winds than does the 3-22 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env i ronmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage airport. The decrease in calm conditions recorded at the site as opposed to the airport may be due to the low wind speed threshold for the anemometer and a longer averaging period of the observation (60-minute) at the site. The directional differences are most likely due to the effects of Lake Pontchartrain and the location of the lake with respect to the airport and WF3. (WF3 2014a , Section Based on a 5-year average (2010-2014) of meteorological measurements at WF3 , the hourly average wind speed on an annual period was 6.6 mph , with a maximum hourly averaged wind speed of 43.1 mph recorded in 2012 , as a result of Hurricane Isaac. In addition , consistent with the July 1973 through June 1975 and the February 1977 to February 1978 measurements discussed above , the site experienced few calms during this 5-year period. (WF3 2011 a; WF3 2012; WF3 2013; WF3 2014c; WF3 2015a) Annual wind rose data for the period 2010-2014 (Figures 3.2-1 , 3.2-2 , 3.2-3 , 3.2-4 , and 3.2-5) indicate that the predominant directions originate from the south , south-southeast , and northeast sectors. Temperature In the New Orleans area , on average , there are only about 7 days per year when the temperature rises to 95°F or higher (WF3 2014a , Section, and 102°F is the highest temperature of record , occurring most recently in August , 1980, in Orleans Parish (NCDC 2014a). During the 30-year period 1981-2010 , the greatest number of days in New Orleans with temperatures of 90°F or higher was 74 days in 1974 (NCDC 2014a). From about mid-November to mid-March , the area is subjected alternately to tropical air and cold continental air in periods of varying length. About 80 percent of the December-February hourly temperatures range from 41°F to 69°F. The mean date of the first occurrence of 32°F or lower is about December 12 , while the mean date of the last occurrence is about February 13. Between these dates , temperatures are above freezing more than 6 days out of seven entirely with some afternoons having temperatures in the 70s and 80s. The mean length of the freeze-free period is about 302 days. The latest freeze date in spring was March 27 , 1955 , with 30°F reported. The earliest freeze date in the fall was November 11 , 1894 , when a reading of 32°F was recorded. (WF3 2014a , Section The usual track of winter storms is to the north of New Orleans , but occasionally one moves into the area , bringing large and rather sudden drops in temperature. However , the cold spells seldom last more than 3 or 4 days. In about two-thirds of the years , the annual lowest temperature is 24°F or warmer , with some years entirely above freezing. The all-time record low temperature recorded in New Orleans was 7°F on February 13 , 1899. The coldest winter on record was 1885-1886 , when the temperature for December , January , and February averaged 50.9°F. (WF3 2014a , Section The long-term temperature records of the area show the typical annual cycle. The monthly average temperature varies from a minimum of 53.2°F in January to a maximum of 82.5°F in July at Moisant International Airport (NCDC 2014a). Temperature records for New Orleans (Audubon Park) and Reserve show similar annual cycles (WF3 2014a , Section Extremes in 3-23 Waterford Steam Elec t r i c S t ation , Un it 3 Appl i can t's Env i ronmental R e po rt Ope r at i ng L i cense Renewa l Stage t emperat ur e r ange from ?°F reco r ded i n Februa ry , 1 899 (WF3 2014a , Section to 1 02°F i n August 1980 (NCDC 2014a). Althoug h the d i urna l temperature r ange i s severa l degrees lowe r at WF3 , the annual mean temperature fo r New O r lea n s and WF3 are w i th i n O.?°F (WF3 2014a , Sect i on The monthly average tempe r ature va l ues (°F) for data collected at the New O r leans Internat i onal Airport for a 75-year per i od of record (1939 through 2013) a r e shown below (NCDC 2014a). Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 53.2 55.4 62.0 68.5 7 5.7 80.6 82.5 82.4 7 8.6 7 0.3 60.8 55.2 The highest da i ly maximum temperatures

(°F) r ecorded for each month at the New Orleans International A i rport for a 67-year period of record (1 947 through 2013) are shown below (NCDC 2014a). Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 83 85 89 92 96 1 0 1 1 01 1 02 101 94 8 7 84 Precipitation Rather frequent and sometimes very heavy rains are typical for th i s area. There are an average of 120 days of measurable ra i n pe r year and an annual average accumulation of more than 60 inches. (NCDC 2014a) The greatest 24-hour amount of precipitation s i nce 1871 was 14.01 inches which fell on April 15-16 , 1927 , wh i le 13.68 i nches fell on October 1-2 , 1937. The heav i est recorded rate of rainfall in the New Orleans area was 1 inch in 5 minutes , measured dur i ng a thunde r storm on February 5 , 1955; however , such a rate i s never long susta i ned. In contrast , one can expect a period of 3 consecut i ve weeks w i thout measurable rainfall about once i n 10 years. The longest period was 53 days from September 29 to November 20 , 1924. (WF3 2014a , Sect i on The monthly average precip i tation values (in inches) for data collected at the New Orleans In t ernat i ona l Airport fo r the years 1981 through 2010 are shown below (NCDC 2014a). Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 5.15 5.30 4.55 4.61 4.63 8.06 5.93 5.98 4.97 3.54 4.49 5.24 3-24 Snow and Glaze Waterford Steam Electric Stat ion , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewa l Stage Snowfall amounts are generally light , with the snow usually melting as it lands (WF3 2014a , Section Snowfall amounts of 2 inches or more have only been recorded five times in the 100 years of data available prior to 1975 (5 inches in January 1881 , 8.2 i nches in February 1895 , 3 inches in February 1899 , 2 inches in February 1958 [NCDC 2014a], and 2.7 i nches in December 1963). Sim il arly , only one glaze storm was reported in the region by the U.S. Weather Bureau in the 28-year period of record (1925-1953). However , the Weather Bureau data contain only limited information on glaze occurrences in the New Orleans area. (WF3 2014a , Sect i on Relative Humidity and Fog From December to May , the waters of the Mississippi R i ver are usually colder than the air temperature , favoring the formation of river fog , particularly w i th light southerly winds. Nearby lakes also serve to modify the extremes of temperature and to i ncrease the incidence of fog over narrow str i ps along the shores. (WF3 2014a , Sect i on January is the month with the greatest frequency of fog occurrences. In about half of the winter hours , however , the relative hum i dity is less than 80 percent , and values less than 50 percent are about twice as frequent in winter as in the summer. (WF3 2014a , Section Severe Weather Hurricanes The state of Louisiana is occasionally in the path of tropical storms or hurricanes.

Trop i cal systems have the potential to harm life and property in Louisiana , especially along the coast. The state experiences , on average , one tropical system per year. While not all of the trop i cal systems are hurricanes , they can still pack a punch regardless of intensity. September is the most active month for trop i cal weather i n Louisiana. (NCDC 2014b) From 1871 to 2013 , the area within 60 miles of New Orleans has been hit by tropical storms 63 times. Thirty-seven storms were class i fied as tropical storms and 26 as hurricanes. (Hurricane City 2014) Since 2000 , there have been three hurricanes that have made landfall within 60 miles of New Orleans , as discussed below: In August 2005 , Hurricane Katrina hit just east of New Orleans with 125 mph winds while moving north. Final wind reports showed Category 1 and Category 2 winds were most common in the city. Ninety-seven mph winds were measured by NASA that same day. Katr i na was officially a Category 3 while hitting southeast Louisiana and the Miss i ssippi coast. The large size of Katrina , as well as being a Category 5 before hitt i ng land , caused a near 27-foot storm surge on the M i ssissipp i coast , resulting in a h igh surge in to Lake Pontchartra in. Eighty percent of New Orleans flooded after passage of Hurricane Katrina. (Hurricane City 2014) 3-25 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage In September 2008 , Hurricane Gustav made landfall as a Category 2 hurricane near Cocodrie , Louisiana , passing approximately 80 miles to the southwest while moving northwest with 110 mph winds and a high storm surge , but the flood control levees held. Gustav continued to move northwest across south Louisiana and weakened to a Category 1 storm over south-central Louisiana later that day. The storm diminished to a tropical depression over northwestern Louisiana. (NASA 2014)

  • The New Orleans area was last affected in August 2012 by Hurricane Isaac , which passed 45 miles to the southwest with 80 mph winds while moving slowly north-northwest causing surge flooding in surrounding areas. The New Orleans Airport reported gusts up to 83 mph. (Hurr i cane City 2014) Thunderstorms In summer , the prevailing southerly winds provide moist, semitropical weather often favorable for afternoon thunderstorms. With westerly to northerly winds , periods of hotter and drier weather interrupt the prevailing moist condition. The heaviest rains of short duration are associated with thunderstorms , although tropical systems or their remnants sometimes cause prolonged heavy rains. Showers and thunderstorms occur quite often in all parts of the state , during the summer. Most of these storms are convective in nature and occur at the peak of daytime heating. (NCDC 2014b) Based on 21 years of U.S. Weather Bureau records at Moisant International Airport (1949-1969), the mean number of days with thunderstorms is as follows (WF3 2014a , Section Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual 2 2 3 5 6 9 16 13 7 2 1 2 68 Tornadoes Tornadoes are generated in Louisiana either due to severe thunderstorms or hurricanes that occur in the area. Based on National Climatic Data Center data for the period 1991-2010 , the average annual number of tornadoes that occurred in Louisiana was 37; the average annual number of enhanced Fujita (EF) O-EF5 tornadoes per 10 , 000 square miles was 8.5; the average annual number of EF3-EF5 tornadoes was 0.9; and the average annual number of EF3-EF5 per 10 , 000 square miles was 0.2 (NCDC 2014c). From 1950 to 2013 , a total of 15 tornadoes were reported in St. Charles Parish, mostly occurring in non-summer months with a peak of four tornadoes in November.

Since 2006 , no tornado reported in St. Charles Parish was greater than an EFO. (NCDC 2014d) In neighboring Orleans Parish , there were 17 tornadoes reported during the period 1950-2013 with a peak of four tornadoes occurring in July. Since 2006 , the strongest tornado in Orleans Parish was an EF2 , two of which occurred on February 13 , 2007 (NCDC 2014e). 3-26 Atmospheric Stability Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Atmospheric stability is a meteorological parameter that describes the dispersion characteristics of the atmosphere. It can be determined by the difference in temperature between two heights. A seven-category atmospheric stability classification scheme (ranging from A for extremely unstable to G for extremely stable) based on temperature differences is set forth in the NRC's Regulatory Guide 1.23 , Revis i on 1 (NRC 2007 , pages 7 and 8). When the temperature decreases rapidly with height (typically during the day when the sun is heating the ground), the atmosphere is unstable and atmospheric dispersion is greater. Conversely , when temperature increases with height (typically during the night as a result of the radiative cooling of the ground), the atmosphere is stable and dispers i on is more limited. The stability category between unstable and stable conditions is D (neutral), which would occur typically with higher wind speeds and/or higher cloud cover , irrespective of day or night. (NRC 2013c , Section Based on a 5-year average (2010-2014), onsite temperature difference data recorded at WF3 indicate that stable atmospheric conditions (E to G) occurred about 52.9 percent of the time and unstable conditions (A to C) occurred about 15.4 percent of the time. The remaining observations (about 31.6 percent) fell into the neutral (D) category. Stability class distributions at WF3 covering the period 2010-2014 are presented in Table 3.2-1. 3.2.3 Onsite Meteorological System The meteorological monitoring system is composed of two tower facilities. The facilities are 1 , 200 feet apart and located east of the plant. One of these facilities is designated as the primary meteorological monitoring system , wh i le the other is designated as the backup system. These digital systems sample each sensor every half second (1 , 800 scans per 15-m i nute period). Both meteorological tower systems are linked to the plant monitoring computer and provide meteorological data transfer every 10 seconds. The primary tower system also prov ides data remotely via a modem accessible from an external phone line for use by the National Weather Service. (Entergy 1999) One-minute , 15-minute , and hourly calculations are performed locally at the towers. The results are recorded in storage modules mounted locally at the tower and recorded by the plant monitoring computer with the METDATA program. Redundant sensors and data acquisition systems are used to ensure greater than 90 percent data recovery for atmospheric stability , wind speed , and wind direction. Failure of the primary meteorological system is compensated for by data from the backup meteorological system to ensure continuous data availability. (Entergy 1999) Both towers are 200 feet tall with a boom arm located at the 33-foot and 199-foot elevations. The booms are 8 feet in length and point in the eastward direction. The sensing elements are mounted on these boom arms. The towers are open lattice-type structures and are guyed to three anchors. Each tower i s equipped with a winch and pulley system to raise and lower the instruments for inspection and maintenance. Both towe r s have two red lights at the 199-foot elevation (for alerting airplanes), and they are automatically turned on and off by a photoelectric 3-27 Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage cell. The primary and backup meteorological towers also have lightning protection systems and surge suppression circuits to prevent instrument and equipment damage from lightning strikes. (Entergy 1999) There have been no changes in land use around the tower sites that have occurred since installation that would affect the performance of any of the meteorological sensors. Primary System The primary meteorological tower facility consists of a 200-foot tower , rain gauge , equipment shelter , tower instrumentation , independent power supply , and electronic signal conditioning and communication cables. The tower is equipped with two wind sensors and three temperature sensors that are mounted on two booms located at the 33-foot and 199-foot elevations. The booms are pointed on the east side of the tower which precludes tower structure interference with the sensors. The meteorological parameters monitored by the primary system sensors are simultaneously recorded by a data logger and storage module located in the equipment shelter , and by the plant monitoring computer. (Entergy 1999) The primary tower monitors the following meteorological parameters at the specified elevations:

Parameter Level (feet) Wind speed 33 Wind speed 199 Wind direction 33 Wind direction 199 Sigma theta 33 Sigma theta 199 Delta temperature "A" 33/199 Delta temperature "B" 33/199 Ambient temperature 33 Relative humidity 33 Barometric pressure ground Wet bulb temperature 33/ground Precipitation ground (Entergy 1999) 3-28 Waterford Steam Electr i c Stat i on , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The primary meteorological tower measures the standard deviation of horizontal wind direction (sigma theta) and wind speed to estimate wind dispersion. The temperature difference with height is used to estimate vertical dispersion. In the event of a radiological release , these parameters are used to determine the dispersion of the radioactive material in the environment.

(Entergy 1999) Back-Up System The backup system is similar to the primary system and consists of a 200-foot tower , equipment shelter , lightning protection system , signal conditioning and communication cables , tower instrumentation , and an independent power supply. This facility is located 1 , 200 feet north of the primary tower and east of the plant. The tower is equipped with one wind sensor and one temperature sensor mounted on a boom arm located at the 33-foot elevation. Another temperature sensor mounted on a boom arm is located at the 199-foot elevation. The parameters monitored by the backup system are simultaneously recorded by a data logger and storage module located in the equipment shelter and by the plant monitoring computer.

(Entergy 1999) The backup system monitors the following parameters at the specified elevations

Parameter Level (feet) Wind speed 33 Wind direction 33 S i gma theta 33 Delta temperature 33/199 (Entergy 1999) Basic System Flow Path Each tower facility is equipped with sensors to measure meteorological parameters , a Climatronics data logger to process the sensor inputs , and modems to transmit data to the plant computer. Each tower is also equipped with a handheld keypad and a personal computer for local accessing , trending , and programming. Individual meteorological points can be addressed via the keypad , or all tower points can be viewed via the local computer. Points being displayed will continuously update on either display. A listing of the meteorological points being monitored and the units of measurement are located at each tower site. (Entergy 1999) As noted above , the plant monitoring computer is equipped with a data processing program known as METDATA. The program stores 15-minute and 60-minute meteorological data in a file for future analysis. The METDATA program stores the same calculated values as the local storage module. The data stream to the plant monitoring computer contains the same calculated 3-29 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage values (15-and 60-minute averages) as the storage module. At the first scan cycle after the hour and after each 15-minute period , the METDATA program stores these calculated values. (Entergy 1999) Data Verification Hourly averaged data are checked to verify the quality of the meteorological data. The data are noted as suspect , if a value is outside the limits contained in the program. Checks performed on meteorological data include data invariant , excessive variation , above or below sensor limits , stability class versus day or night , redundant sensor checks , and upper-to-lower parameter checks. Data quality checks follow guidelines as set forth in NUREG-0917. After data review and verification , a joint frequency distribution of meteorological data is compiled using the annual data. The joint frequency summary and receptor locations , provided by results from the radiological environmental monitoring program (REMP) land use census , are used for data input into the program XOQDOQ , which determines relative dispersion and deposition values for WF3. (WF3 2015a) Calibration and Maintenance Semiannual calibrations are performed at the primary and backup meteorological towers to ensure high recovery rates of accurate data (WF3 2007a; WF3 2014d; WF3 2014e). Daily and monthly checks are also performed in the time period between calibrations to determine that the instrumentation is functioning satisfactorily and that data recovery is maintained at a high rate (WF3 2007a; WF3 2011b). Data Recovery Based on the previous 5 years (2010-2014), the meteorological data recovery rate at WF3 has been> 90 percent (WF3 2011a; WF3 2012; WF3 2013; WF3 2014c; WF3 2015a). 3.2.4 Air Quality The Clean Air Act (CAA) was established in 1970 [42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.] to reduce air pollution nationwide. The EPA has developed primary and secondary National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) under the provisions of the CAA. The EPA classifies the air quality within an air quality control region (AQCR) according to whether the region meets or exceeds federal primary and secondary NAAQS. An AQCR or a portion of an AQCR may be classified as being in attainment or nonattainment , or it may be unclassified for each of the six criteria pollutants
carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), nitrogen dioxide (N0 2), particulate matter (PM 2 5 , fine particulates , and PM 10 , coarse particulates), ozone , and sulfur dioxide (S0 2). WF3 is located in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, which along with 34 other parishes in Louisiana and 15 counties in Texas, is part of the Southern Louisiana-Southeast Texas Interstate AQCR. Surrounding AQCRs include the Shreveport-Texarkana-Tyler Interstate AQCR to the north , the Mobile (Alabama)-Pensacola-Panama City (Florida)-Southern Mississippi Interstate AQCR to the 3-30 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating L i cense Renewal Stage north and east, and the Austin-Waco Intrastate AQCR and Metropolitan Houston-Galveston Intrastate AQCR to the west. (EPA 2014a) Five parishes (Ascension , Livingston , Iberville , East Baton Rouge , and West Baton Rouge) make up the nonattainment areas and maintenance area for the 8-hour ozone standard. As indicated in Figure 3.2-6 , all of the parishes surrounding WF3 outside a 50-mile radius of the site are in attainment for the 1997 annual and 2006 24-hour NAAQS for PM 2_5. In addition , all of the parishes within a 50-mile radius of WF3 are in attainment for the 1971 NAAQS for CO and N0 2 , the 2008 NAAQS for Pb , and the 1987 NAAQS for PM 10. (EPA 2014b) The EPA has designated part of St. Bernard Parish as a nonattainment area for the 2010 S0 2 NAAQS with the boundaries recommended by the state of Louisiana. The area is bounded on the east by the Gulf of Mexico; on the south by Plaquemines Parish; on the west and north by Orleans Parish and Lake Borgne. (EPA 2014b) The S0 2 nonattainment area is shown in Figure 3.2-6. Figure 3.2-6 illustrates nonattainment and maintenance areas defined under the CAA , as amended , within a 50-mile radius of WF3. There are no mandatory Class I federal areas on the mainland of Louisiana. The nearest Class I area is the Breton Wilderness Area (EPA 2015a), located on Breton Island and part of the Breton National Wildlife Refuge that includes Breton Island and all of Chandeleur Islands in St. Bernard Parish , Louisiana. (USGS 2014b) The Breton Wilderness Area is located approximately 99 miles southeast of WF3. This distance is outside the 62-mile requirement to contact federal land managers for the operation of any new major stationary source or major modification. 3.2.5 Air Emissions WF3 is classified as a minor air emission source. Although WF3 may periodically utilize a portable auxiliary boiler or generator(s) during outages , nonradioactive gaseous effluents result primarily from testing of emergency generators and diesel pumps. Because WF3 utilizes a through cooling system for condenser cooling purposes, there are no cooling towers or associated particulate emissions. To protect Louisiana's ambient air quality standards and ensure that impacts from facilities that generate air emissions are maintained at acceptable levels , the LDEQ governs the discharge of regulated pollutants by establishing specific conditions in the air permit. Permitted emission sources and conditions established in WF3 Air Permit 2520-00091-00 are shown in Table 3.2-2. Annual emissions for the previous 5 years (2010-2014) are shown in Table 3.2-3. As discussed in Section 2.1 , no refurbishment or other license-renewal-related construction activities have been identified. In addition , Entergy's review did not identify any future upgrade or replacement activities necessary for plant operations (e.g., diesel generators , diesel pumps) that would affect WF3's current air emissions program. Therefore , no increase or decrease of air emissions is expected over the license renewal period. 3-31 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Studies have shown that the amount of ozone generated by even the largest lines in operation (765 kV) would be insignificant (NRC 2013b , Section ). As discussed in Section , WF3's in-scope transmission lines are 230 kV. Therefore , the amount of ozone generated from the in-scope transmission lines is anticipated to be minimal. Because WF3 is not required to inventory and report greenhouse gases (GHGs), data do not exist for mobile sources such as visitors and delivery vehicles.

Therefore, Entergy calculated GHG gas emissions on those direct (stationary and portable combustion sources in Table 3.2-2) and indirect (workforce commuting) plant activities where information was readily available.

GHG emissions generated at WF3 are presented in Table 3.2-4. Although WF3 has four transformers that contain perfluorocarbons , there have been no additions to this electrical equipment over the previous 5 years (2010-2014). In addition , ozone depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons are present at WF3 and can potentially be emitted; however , est i mating GHG emissions from these substances is complicated due their ability to deplete ozone , which is also a GHG , making their global warming potentials difficult to quantify. These ozone depleting substances are regulated by the CAA under Title VI. As discussed in Section , Entergy maintains a program to manage stationary refrigeration appliances at WF3 to recycle , recapture , and reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances and is in compliance with Section 608 of the CAA. Therefore , Entergy did not include potential emissions as result of leakage , servicing , repair , and disposal of refrigerant equipment at WF3. 3-32 Table 3.2-1 Waterford Steam Elect ri c Station , Unit 3 App l ican t's E n v i ron m en t al Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage WF3 Stability Class Distributions Percent Frequency of Occu r rence by Stab i lity Class Year A 2010 4.2 2011 6.4 2012 3.8 20 13 2.8 2014 4.9 Average 4.4 (WF3 2015a) a. C l asses a r e as follows: C l ass A: Extremely unstable Class B: Mode r ate l y uns t able C l ass C: Slight l y u nstable Class D: Neutra l C l ass E: S li gh tly s t able C l ass F: Mod e ra t e l y st able Class G: Ext r eme l y stable B 3.9 4.6 4.2 4.5 4.9 4.4 Pasquill S t abil i ty Class (a) c D E F G 6.4 31.6 3 0.8 14.8 8.3 6.3 30.8 28.7 13.4 9.7 6.5 29.9 32.6 15.1 7.8 6.4 34.5 32.5 1 2.9 6.5 7.4 31.0 29.1 13.7 8.9 6.6 31.6 30.7 14.0 8.2 3-33 Emission Point( a) 3-7 9 4-79 5-79 6-79 7-79 8-83 9-99 10-99 11-00 19-79 20-00 21-00 12-79 13-79 14-79 15-79 16-79 17-79 18-79 Table 3.2-2 Permitted Air Emission Points Description Capacity Rating Emergency Diesel Generator A 4,400 kW Emergency Diesel Generator B 4 , 400 kW Fire Water Diesel Pump A 170 hp Fire Water Diesel Pump B 170 hp Security Emergency Diesel Generator 286 hp Emergency Operations Facility Emergency Diesel Generator 355 hp Dry Cooling Tower Diesel Pump A 20 hp Dry Cooling Towe r Diesel Pump B 20 hp IT Emergency Diesel Generator 125 kW Portable Diesel Generator 45 kW ACCW Wet Cooling Tower A 6 , 500 gpm ACCW Wet Cooling Tower B 6 , 500 gpm D ie sel Fuel Oil Storage Tank (10 0 , 000 gallons) 1 98 , 288 gpy Emergency Diesel Fuel Oi l Storage Tank A (42 , 500 gallons) 41 , 310 gpy Emergency Diesel Fuel Oil Storage Tank B (42 , 500 gallons) 41 , 310gpy Clean Lube Oil Batch T ank A (21 , 210 gallons) 21 , 150 gpy Dirty Lube Oil Batch Tank B (21 , 210 gallons) 21 , 150 gpy Main Turbine Lube O i l Reservoir (2 0 , 900 gallons) 20 , 900 gpy Gasol i ne Fuel Storage Tank (900 ga ll ons) 10 , 800 gpy Waterford Steam Ele ctric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env ironmental Report Operating License Renewal S t age Permit Condition

  • Opacity 20%) . Fuel sulfur 0.5% by weight) . PM10. S0 2. NO x , CO , and VOC emission limitations . PM 10 emission limitations
  • voe emission limitations Emission Point( a) 22-02 23-02 24-03 (WF3 2004a) Table 3.2-2 (Continued)

Permitted Air Emission Points Description Capacity Rating Portable Outage/Maintenance Diesel Engines 200 , 640 gpy Portable Gasoline Outage/Maintenance Engines 9 , 600 gpy Portable Auxiliary Bo i ler 46.2 MMBtu/hr Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Permit Condition . Opacity (s 20%) . Fuel sulfur limit (s 0.5% by weight) . Fuel usage . PM10. S02 , NO x , CO , and VOC emission limitations

a. Stat i onary combustion sources also subject to 40 CFR Part 63 , Subpart ZZZZ-National Em i ssions Standards for Hazardous A i r Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Eng i nes. 3-35 Table 3.2-3 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng L i cense Renewal Stage Annual Air Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014 Annual Emissions (tons/year)(a)

Year SOX NOx co PM 10 voes HAPs 2010 0.4 15.0 3.9 0.7 1.0 0.01 2011 0.5 20.5 5.3 1.0 1.2 0.02 2012 1.8 38.5 9.1 2.2 2.7 0.04 2013 0.6 18.1 4.7 0.8 1.0 0.03 2014 0.6 22.2 5.5 1.2 1.5 0.02 (Entergy 2015i) a. Emissions are based on calculated gallons of fuel usage shown below. Equipment 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Stationary diesels(>

600 hp) 52 , 986 68 , 648 61 , 562 62 , 139 56,477 Stationary diesels($

600 hp) 2 , 605 2 , 605 3 , 185 2 , 624 7 , 270 Portable diesels($

600 hp) 7 , 468 11 , 974 74 , 529 4,500 20 , 902 Portable boiler(< 100 MMBtu) 0 64,467 65 , 280 200 , 980 79 , 815 Portable gasoline 110 110 0 0 0 3-36 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.2-4 Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Summary, 2010-2014 Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (C0 2 e) Emissions, Metric Tons(a) Emission Source 2010 2011 2012 Combustion sources (Table 3.2-2) 647 1 , 513 2 , 094 Workforce commuting 2 , 722 2 , 722 2 , 722 Total 3,369 4,235 4,816 (Entergy 2015i) a. GHG calculated emissions are based on the following: Fuel usage for combustion sources shown in " footnote a" to Table 3.2-3. Workforce commuting: 2013 2 , 767 2,722 5,489 2014 1 , 684 2 , 722 4,406 1. Statistical information from U.S. Census Bureau indicates that 10.5 percent of U.S. residents carpool to work (USCB 2015). Number of WF3 employees as of January 2016 was 641. Utilizing the 10.5 percent USCB carpool statistic , a value of "574" passenger vehicles per day was utilized. 2. The EPA's Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator shows that the C0 2 e/vehicle/year was estimated to be 4.75 metric tons (EPA 2015b). 3. Carbon dioxide has a global warming potential (100-year time horizon) of " 1" based on Table A-1 to Subpart A of 40 CFR Part 98. 4. 573 vehicles x 4.75 metric tons C0 2 e/vehicle/year x 1 (global warming potential). 3-37 WIND ROSE PLOT WEST W i nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 DISPLAY 8.49 -11 06 Wind Speed 5.40-8 49 AVG WIND SPEED 334-5.40 2.90 mis 1.80-334 OR IENT ATION

  • Direction 0.22. 1.80 (blowing from) WRPLOT View 3 OS b y Lake s E nVlfOl'l menta l Sotrware UNIT mis CAL M WINDS 0.06% NORTH PLOT YEAR-DATE-TIME 2010 Jan 1 -Dec 31. Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-1 WF3 2010 Wind Rose 3-38 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorolog i cal Data Jan-Dec 201 O 10% EAST (WF3 2011a)

WIND ROSE PLOT W E ST W i nd Speed (m is) > 11.06 DISPLAY 849-11 06 Wind Speed 5.40-8.49 AVG WIND SPEED 3.34 -5 40 3.01 mis 1 80-3.34 ORIENTATION

  • Direction 0.22-1.80 (blowing from) WRPLOT View 3 05 by Lakes Enwonmenta l Software UNIT mis CALM WINDS 0.03% N ORTH SOUTH PLOT YEAR-DATE-TIME 2011 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-2 WF3 2011 Wind Rose 3-39 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 12% COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2011 15% EAST (WF3 2012)

WIND ROSE PLOT WEST W*nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 DISPLAY 849-1106 Wind Speed 5 4 0. 8.49 AVG WIND S PEED 3 34. 5.40 2.86 mis 1.80. 3.34 ORIENTATION

  • Directi o n 0.22. 1 80 (blowing from) WRPLOT V'iew 3 OS by Lalce.s Envwnmental Software j UNIT mis CALM WINDS 0.05% NORTH SOUTH PLOT YEAR-DATE-T I ME 2012 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage , 12% 6% COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2012 15% EAST (WF3 2 0 13) Figure 3.2-3 WF3 2012 Wind Rose 3-40 WI N O R OS E PL O T WE S T W i nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 D IS P LAY 8.4 9-11 06 Wind Speed 5.4 0 -8.4 9 AV G. WIND SPEED 3.34 -5.4 0 3.02 m/s 180-3.34 O RI E NT A TION
  • Direction 0.22 -1.8 0 (blowing from) WRPLOT V19w 3.05 b y L 9ke s Enwonmen t a l Software U NIT m/s C ALM WIND S 0.00% -+-NORTH S OU TH P L O T Y EAR-D A TE-T I M E 2013 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-4 WF3 2013 Wind Rose 3-41 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage CO MMENT S Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2013 15% EAST (WF3 2014c)

WIND ROSE PLOT WEST \ W i nd Speed (mis) > 11.06 DISPLAY 849-1106 Wind Speed 5 40 -8.49 AVG WIND SPEED 3.34 -5 40 2.86 mis 180-3 34 ORIENTATION

  • Direction 0.22 -1.80 (blowing from) N ORTH Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 15% 12% UNIT mis CALM WINDS 0.11% SOUTH PLOT YEAR-DAT E-TIME 2014 Jan 1 -Dec 31 Midnight -11 PM Figure 3.2-5 WF3 2014 Wind Rose 3-42 COMMENTS Waterford-3 Meteorological Data Jan-Dec 2014 data EAST (WF3 2015)

Waterford S team El . A e c tnc St r p p l i c a nt's En . a ion , Unit 3 0 v1ro n m e t I per a ting Lie n a Report en se Renewal Sta g e I ! \ Legend \ ...... " ... -\------\ I ..... ,... __ l ... LJ Ozone Mainten anceArea* ! I a SS pt \ -'-I d \ I (, Legend . Panshes cla ifi . w-</-* ' ....A... the 1997 8 ss ied as a Ma1nte ).-.{ WF3 Area under --2008 8 h s 1 ied as Nonatt L "I -* -our Ozone Sta a1nment under th -.I 50-Mile Radius classified e S within a;d 2006 PM 2s under the i---urface Water -**st B S0-1111le r adius) (None were located L , N ernard Parish ( __ J Parish onatta1nment d partial) classified

-un er t he 2010 SO as

  • St t (Paris hes wit 'NMQS ' a e followi . h1n a 50-mile r d. ng pollutants
a in attainment with th '
  • PM 10 and NO ,.) e 1 0 Miles OzoneN . W onatta1nment Area .. PM , s Nonattainment A rea**-so , NAAQS N I \ I \ \ '1 onattamment Area**'**

Gulf of Mexico (EP A 2014b; U S C B 2014 . c , U SDO T 2014) N

  • onattainment and M . Figure 3.2-6 amtenance A re as , -* e Radius of WF3 50 M.I 3-4 3 3.3 Noise Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Local noise regulations applicable to WF3 are included in the St. Charles Parish Code of Ordinances where maximum permissible sound limits have been established for receiving land use categories , including residential , commercial , and industrial.

For residential land use , established sound level limits range from a daytime 60 A-weighted decibels (dBA) to a nighttime level of 55 dBA. For multi-family dwelling land use , established sound level limits range from a daytime 50 dBA to a nighttime level of 45 dBA. Commercial land use has been set at 65 dBA for daytime hours and 60 dBA for nighttime. There are no receiving sound limits designated for the industrial land use category. (SCP 2014a) The WF3 plant has been granted an industrial area land use designation by St. Charles Parish and is regulated for an M-2 Heavy Manufacturing Zoning District , applicable to energy generating facilities. M-2 special provisions assert that buffer zones are necessary to insure the protection and well-being of neighboring areas and that major operations must be located 2 , 000 feet from the nearest residential and commercial district , or located a lesser distance if clearly dictated safe by industry standards and approved by the local Board of Adjustments. (SCP 2014a) During initial licensing of WF3 , noise level measurements were taken within the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property boundary , outside the property boundary , and in the surrounding communities within a 5-mile radius of the plant during the period February 8-10 , 1977. Meteorological conditions were taken into consideration during the measurement period and are included with the original OL application. The noise survey indicated that the major ambient noise sources at WF3 and in the surrounding communities were manmade in origin , and consisted primarily of transportation and industrial noises. (LP&L 1978 , Section 2. 7 .2.1) The estimated levels for WF3 operation were about 55 dBA at the edge of the exclusion area and about 45 dBA at the near edge of the wetlands (Figure 3.0-1). At the time, it was determined that these outdoor noise levels would not interfere with normal conversation and impose no known mental or physiological stress upon humans and vertebrate biota. (NRC 1981 , Section 5.5.1) A facility records search was conducted to locate any more recent noise surveys that may have occurred since 1977 , but none were found. The loudest noise-generating WF3 facility on site is the turbine generator , located approximately 1,400 feet from the nearest property boundary on the Mississippi River shoreline. Periodic use of the gun range is another onsite activity that creates occasional noise. The gun range is located approximately 2 , 250 feet from the property boundary along the Mississippi River. (WF3 2009) As discussed in Section 3.0.3 , the nearest residences from WF3 are approximately 0.9 miles in distance and , as discussed in Section 3.0.4 , the nearest parks are located approximately 1 mile from WF3. Therefore , the residences and parks nearest to WF3 exceed the buffer distance established by St. Charles Parish for M-2 Zoning Districts.

Because WF3 is located in a heavily industrialized area , it is very unlikely that noise levels from the facility would affect offsite residences.

Th i s is further substantiated by the fact that over the previous 5 years (2010-2014), there have been no noise complaints received by Entergy as it relates to WF3 plant operational and outage activities. 3-44 3.4 Geologic Environment 3.4.1 Geology Regional Geology Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is situated along the west (right descending) bank of the Mississippi River , approximately 25 miles west of New Orleans , Louisiana. It is located in the southern portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain geologic province. The southern portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain is the Mississippi River deltaic plain physiographic province. The Mississippi River has dominated the development of geologic and physiographic features in the deltaic plain since the beginning of Neogene. The deltaic plain is characterized by low marshy terrain , much of which is covered by water. The higher natural ground within the deltaic plain generally occurs along the natural levees of existing and abandoned stream courses. (WF3 2014a , Section 2.5) Physiography WF3 is located at River Mile 129.6 above Head of Passes (AHP). The site region is located within the Gulf Coastal Plain physiographic province (Figure 3.4-1 ). The Gulf Coastal Plain extends about 600 miles inland from the coast along the site longitude , 90° west , approximately 200 miles inland along longitude 88° west and approximately 300 miles inland along longitude 94° west. (WF3 2014a , Section The Gulf Coastal Plain province is divided into subprovinces including the Mississippi Alluvial Valley , Chenier/Delta Plain , Loess Hills , Prairie Coastwise Terraces , Southern Hills , Eastern Hills , and Western Hills (Figure 3.4-1). Loess Hills The Loess Hills subprovince extends along the eastern bank of the Mississippi River from Kentucky to southwestern Mississippi.

The Loess Hills consists of an eastward thinning loess (silt) deposit that is Oto 100 feet thick and extends 10 to 30 miles east of the Mississippi River. (SERI 2005 , Section The topography of the Loess Hills is characterized by flat-topped ridgelines and fluvial terraces that are separated by deeply incised dendritic drainage systems , and varies in elevation from 100 to 300 feet above mean sea level (amsl). Erosion along the eastern edge of the Mississippi River floodplain has formed a steep escarpment along the western edge of the Loess Hills. (SERI 2005 , Section The Loess Hills were formed through deposition of successive sheets of silt during late Quaternary time. Up to five distinct periods of loess deposition are documented. Each of these deposits is separated by leached buried soils that represent significant periods of landscape stability. (SERI 2005 , Section 3-45 Mississippi Alluvial Valley Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The Miss i ssippi River and its tributaries follow a broad , north-south trending lowland that begins at the head of the Mississippi embayment , near the junction with the Ohio River , and extends southwest about 600 miles to the Gulf. This lowland is composed of an alluvial plain that extends from the Ohio confluence to near the Atchafalaya River in Louisiana and a deltaic plain that continues to the Gulf of Mexico. (WF3 2014a , Section In the site region, the Mississippi Alluvial Valley subprovince also includes a number of interdistributary lowlands , basins , and ridges. Elevations generally range from 50 to 250 feet. Higher elevations occur in tributary valleys with highs of 300 feet in the Ouachita River valley and 500 feet in the upper Red River valley near the Ouachita Mountains.

The topographic highs along the Mississippi River are remnants of older alluvial deposits that mostly were eroded and removed from the valley. The valley topography is relatively flat with a gentle southward gradient and is characterized by fluvial geomorphic features typical of a braided stream and meandering river system (e.g., valley train , oxbow lakes , meander belts , and floodplains). (SERI 2005 , Section Deposits in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley consist primarily of Pleistocene to Holocene sediments derived from the Mississippi River and its tributaries. (SERI 2005 , Section Eastern Hills The Eastern Hills subprovince lies north of the Southern Hills and east of the Loess Hills. The subprovince covers the area from central Mississippi and central Alabama to western Tennessee , and extends to the eastern margin of the Gulf Coastal Plain. The topography is characterized by gently rolling hills that range in elevation from 100 to 600 feet amsl and gradually decrease in elevation southward. The Eastern Hills are underlain by Miocene to Paleocene sedimentary rocks and drained by tributaries of the Mississippi River. (SERI 2005 , Section Western Hills The Western Hills subprovince lies north of the Southern Hills and west of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The subprovince covers the area from central Louisiana to central Arkansas , and extends westward into eastern Texas. The topography is characterized by gently rolling hills that range in elevation from 200 to 700 feet amsl and gradually decrease in elevation southward. The Western Hills are underlain by Miocene to Paleocene sedimentary rocks and drained by the Arkansas River and Red River , two major tributaries of the Mississippi River. (SERI 2005 , Section Southern Hills The Southern Hills subprovince occupies the area between the Prairie Coastwise Terrace (described below) and the Eastern Hills and Western Hills subprovinces. The Southern Hills 3-46 Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage cover portions of southern Mississippi , southern Louisiana , and southeastern Texas. The topography of this subprovince is characterized by gently rolling hills and flat-topped ridges that range in elevation from 50 to 500 feet amsl , and generally decrease toward the Gulf Coast. The Southern Hills are underlain by the Miocene Catahoula Formation , and the Pliocene and Pleistocene Upland Complex. (SERI 2005 , Section Prairie Coastwise Terrace The Prairie Coastwise Terrace subprovince occupies the area south of the Southern Hills and north of the Chenier and Delta Plain subprovinces (described below) along the Gulf Coast. The subprovince extends across southern Mississippi , southern Louisiana , and southeastern Texas. The topography of the Prairie Coastwise Terrace is characterized by gently rolling hills and remnants of dissected terrace surfaces that range in elevation from 25 to 150 feet amsl and gradually decrease in elevation coastward.

This subprovince is underlain by terrace deposits of the late Pleistocene Prairie Complex. (SERI 2005 , Section Chenier Plain The Chenier Plain subprovince occupies the area between the Prairie Coastwise Terrace and the Gulf of Mexico. The subprovince extends along the Louisiana and eastern Texas coastline. "Cheniers" are abandoned beaches of the Gulf of Mexico , with large expanses of Holocene marshes that developed on prograding mudflats.

A typical chenier ridge is less than 10 feet high , but may extend for miles or tens of miles. The topography of the Chenier Plain is characterized by low-lying coastal ridges and marshes. The most prominent features are abandoned beach ridges at elevations of between sea level and 25 feet amsl. Subtle variations in elevations , on the order of inches , have a pronounced effect on vegetation and habitat in the Chenier Plain. The only preserved pre-Holocene features are remnants of the Prairie Coastwise Terrace and emergent landforms developed above salt dome piercement structures.

(SERI 2005 , Section Delta Plain The Delta Plain subprovince occurs in southeastern Louisiana where the Mississippi River meets the Gulf of Mexico. The topography of the Delta Plain is characterized by abandoned distributary channels, distributary levee ridges , and coalescing delta complexes near the mouth of the Mississippi River. The distributary levee ridges form the most prominent topographic features , but do not exceed 10 feet in elevation.

Distributary channels radiate in a fan shape and form apices of delta complexes.

The morphologic expression of the channel and distributary features become markedly less pronounced with increasing age, and eventually become buried due to coastal subsidence. (SERI 2005 , Section 3-47 Stratigraphy Soil Units Waterford Steam Electr i c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage The soil units in the region include Holocene-aged deposits consisting of sand , sandy silt , silt , clayey silt , silty clay , and clay deposited by the Mississippi River. Figure 3.4-2 shows the distribution of surface Holocene deposits surrounding the site. (LGS 2003; LGS 2011) The developed portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property is located on the natural levee complex of Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Hml 1). These deposits consist of the natural levees flanking Mississippi River meander belt 1 and , typically , they consist of sandy silt , silt , clayey silt , silty clay , and clay. (LGS 2003; LGS 2011) The northern corner of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property overlies Mississippi River meander belt 1 (Hmm 1) point bar deposits buried by a thin layer of overbank sediments (LGS 2003). These point bar deposits typically are composed predominantly of silt , sandy silt , and poorly sorted silty sand. They are mapped where overlying natural levee deposits (i.e., Hml 1) are sufficiently thin that scroll marks , however faint , are perceptible as a surface indicator of point-bar ridge-and-swale topography.

(LGS 2011) The southern portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property overlies the delta plain deposits of the Mississippi River St. Bernard delta lobe (Hds). They are composed of cyclically interbedded , interdistributary peat and clay; natural levee silt and clay; distributary sand; and delta-front and prodelta mud and clay. (LGS 2011) Rock Units The general geologic conditions of the upper 500 feet , which is the deepest penetration of the site borings , are depicted as geologic cross sections in F i gure 3.4-3. (Saucier 1 994; WF3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a through 2.5-30e) The elevations of the various strata vary across WF3. Therefore , the elevations and thicknesses described below are representative of the NPIS , unless otherwise noted. The upper 50 feet of materials are recent alluvial deposits described as soft clays and silty clays with occasional sand lenses or pockets. At approximately 50 feet of depth , or elevation

-40 feet msl , and extending to great depths , there is a marked change in soil strata indicating the top of the Pleistocene soils. (WF3 2014a , Section The upper parts of these soils are stiff , gray and tan clays with occasional silt lenses. These clays extend to about elevat i on -320 feet msl and contain only two significant and continuous silty sand strata. One is from about elevation

-77 feet msl to elevation

-92 feet msl. These silty sands are dense to very dense as indicated by high standard penetration test results. The stratum below the stiff clays from elevation

-320 feet msl to at least elevation

-500 feet msl (the deepest elevation penetrated), is a very dense , gray silty sand. (WF3 2014a , Section 3-48 3.4.2 Site Geology Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage WF3 is located in the southern portion of the Gulf Coastal Plain of the Mississippi River deltaic plain physiographic province. The deltaic plain developed over the northern flank of the Gulf geosyncline since the Tertiary Period (Cenzoic era). The geologic structures were developed in thick sedimentary sequences consisting of nontectonic structures associated with salt and clay mobilization and growth faults associated with sediment instability at the shelf edge. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) WF3 is located along the eastward extension of the Grand Chenier fault system. This system is related to thickening of upper Miocene strata in the downthrown block. Growth faulting that is simultaneous with sediment deposition ceased prior to the deposition of the upper 1 , 000 feet of Miocene sediments. Contours of individual strata down to about 5 , 000 feet show no indication of faulting. Based on a review of data , the WF3 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report concluded there is no relationship between the tonal anomalies noted in aerial photographs and geologic structure located 5 , 000 feet or deeper. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) The northern Gulf has been in an interglacial period , with sea level at approximately its present level during the last 5 , 000 years. Sedimentation has exceeded subsidence in the Mississippi delta , and the shoreline has been extended southward to the very edge of the continental shelf by means of a sequential series of seven delta systems. The deltaic sediments consist of irregularly distributed organic clays , silt , and fine sands , which vary in thickness from a few feet in the northern delta to more than 700 feet at the Mississippi River mouth. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) The Louann salt formation (Louann) occurs at a depth of at least 40 , 000 feet beneath the site area. Continuous mar i ne shales overlie the Louann extending upward to a depth of about 10 , 500 feet below ground surface (bgs). Petroleum test wells completed in the nearby area have encountered shale alternat i ng with thin sandstone layers between 10 , 500 feet bgs and 7 , 500 feet bgs , overlain by massive sandstone interbedded with scales which extend upward to about 4 , 900 feet bgs. The overlying Pliocene sediments are about 3 , 000 feet thick and consist mainly of clays and relatively thin sand layers. Sediments from about 1 , 900 feet bgs to 1 , 100 feet bgs are classified as Plio-Pleistocene depos it s , consisting of interbedded sands and clay , probably representing near-shore marine and marine deposit i onal environments. Pleistocene sands and clays continue to a depth of about 50 feet bgs , and include the Gramercy , Norco , and New Orleans aqu if ers , which occur at 210 feet bgs , 335 feet bgs , and 610 feet bgs , respectively. (GZA 2007 , Section 4.1.1) 3.4.3 Soils Onsite Soils and Geology WF3 i s located almost ent irely upon the natural levee of the M i ss is s i pp i River (Figure 3.4-2). The southernmost portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , about 2 miles southwest of the plant site , is freshwater swamp adjacent to the natural levee. The surface elevations of the 3-49 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage natural levee on the property range between near sea level in the southwestern portion to about 14 feet amsl near the river , at the base of the manmade , flood-control levee. The crest of the Mississippi River flood-control levee , which is the highest point on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property , is about 30 feet amsl. The lowest elevations on the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property occur in the swamp , at the southwestern end of the property. In this area, elevations are 1 to 2 feet amsl. (WF3 2014a , Section Figure 3.0-2 shows the topography of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. Detailed soil units on the Entergy Louisiana LLC property are shown in Figure 3.4-4 and include the Allemands-Larose association, Barbary muck , Cancienne silt loam and silty clay loam , Cancienne and Carville soils , Fausse clay , Kenner muck , Levees-Borrow pits complex , Maurepas muck , Schriever clay and silty clay loam , Thibaut clay , and Urban land. These soil units , associations , and descriptions are presented in Table 3.4-1. (USDA 2014b) Backfill material around the WF3 power block area consists of Class A material , which was placed immediately around seismic Category I structures from grade (17 feet amsl) to -40 feet msl , and Class B material to backfill the remainder of the excavation up to natural grade. Class A material is basically clean , pumped Mississippi River sand with no more than 12 percent fines content. Class B material is non-seismic Category I material consisting of sand or a combination of sand and clam shell filter material capable of practical compaction. The filter blanket placed immediately beneath the common mat consists of a 1-foot thick compacted layer of clam shells dredged from Lake Pontchartrain. (WF3 2014a , Section Erosion Potential Because WF3 has been operational since the mid-1980s , stabilization measures are already in place to prevent erosion and sedimentation impacts to the site and vicinity.

Based on information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), all soil units listed in Table 3.4-1 have a slight erosion potential with the exception of Levees-Borrow pits complex and Urban land which were not rated as to erosion potential (USDA 2014b). However , WF3 maintains and implements a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) that identifies potential sources of pollution that would reasonably be expected to affect the quality of stormwater , such as erosion , and identifies best management practices (BMPs) that will be used to prevent or reduce the pollutants in stormwater discharges (WF3 2007b). These practices , as they relate to erosion , include non-structural preventative measures and source controls , as well as structural controls to prevent erosion or treat stormwater containing pollutants caused by erosion. In addition , any ground disturbance of one or more acres requires a construction stormwater permit to be obtained from the LDEQ. The construction stormwater permit specifies BMPs to reduce erosion caused by stormwater runoff , therefore minimizing the risk of pollution from soil erosion and sediment , and potentially from other pollutants that the stormwater may contact. Although currently , no license-renewal-related construction activities are planned , these activities would continue to be managed in adherence to the WF3 SWPPP. 3-50 Prime Farmland Soils Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service maps show areas of prime farmland surrounding the developed portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property. The northern portion of the approximately 3 , 560-acre parcel of land owned by Entergy Louisiana , LLC is designated as prime farmland and is currently used as farmland with the exception of residential areas, so these areas would most likely still be considered prime farmland even though it is part of the property owned by Entergy Louisiana , LLC. (USDA 2014b) However , even if areas of the property are designated prime farmland , WF3 would not be subject to the Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA), because the Act does not include federal permitting or licensing for activities on private or non-federal lands (USDA 2015). The southern portion of the Entergy Louisiana , LLC property is undeveloped and is not designated as prime farmland.

Soil units designated as prime farmland are included in Table 3.4-1. (USDA 2014b) 3.4.4 Seismic History The regional geologic structures in the deltaic plain consist of salt structures , their overlying attendant faults , and growth faults. The growth faults represent previously unstable areas which were at the leading slope of sediment accumulation. The subsurface data demonstrate that such regional structures cannot affect WF3. (WF3 2014a , Section 2.5) Epicentral locations for all recorded earthquakes from 1811 to 2015 in the central Gulf Coastal Plain (including the Mississippi embayment) with a recorded magnitude of 3.0 or greater are plotted in Figure 3.4-5. Historic earthquake data for the areas between latitude 27.5° to 37.3° north and longitude 86° to 96° west were assembled. (ANSS 2016; EOI 2008a , App 2.5.2AA; USGS 2014c; USGS 2015a; WF3 2014a , Section New Orleans , Louisiana , was settled in 1718 by the French. During the greater than 295-year period since New Orleans was settled , only three shocks of the 1811-1812 New Madrid series , and the 1930 Donaldsonville earthquake have probably been felt at the site and surrounding area. The New Madrid series of earthquakes had three events rated XII Modified Mercalli (MM) epicentral intensity. At New Orleans , these series were assigned an intensity of Ill MM (December 1811), IV-V MM (January 1812), and V MM (February 1812). For the October 1930 Donaldsonville earthquake , the site experienced intensities between IV and V Rossi-Forel scale (IV MM). (WF3 2014a , Section Within the state of Louisiana from 1811 to 2015 , there have been only 20 small earthquakes as shown in Figure 3.4-6 and listed in Table 3.4-2. Within a 50-mile radius of WF3 , there have been only five epicenters recorded in the last 213 years (Figure 3.4-6). The maximum earthquake was the 1930 event in Donaldsonville , Louisiana , (approximately 31.7 miles west of the site) with an epicenter intensity of nearly VI MM. The WF3 plant has been designed for a maximum horizontal ground surface acceleration of 0.1g , about two times greater than the maximum acceleration appropriate for the Donaldsonville earthquake (WF3 2014a , Section 2.5). 3-51 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Un i t 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal S t age The site lies within a region of inf r equent and minor seismic activ i ty , and there are no major seismic zones within the state of Louisiana. Based on NUREG-1407 , seismic hazards at WF3 are low (NRC 1991 Section 3.2.3). In addit i on , the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) national seismic hazard map shows that WF3 is in a region that has a 2 percent i n 50 years (once in 25 , 000 years) probab i lity of exceed i ng a peak ground acceleration between 0.04 and 0.05g (USGS 2008 , Figure 30). In summary , the 1811-1812 New Madrid series of earthquakes of ep i central intensity XII MM and the 1930 Donaldsonv i lle earthquake with an epicentral intensity of V-VI are probably the only seism i c events that have been felt at the site and i n the surrounding area dur i ng the past 295 years. The greatest intens i ty experienced at the site during the historic record was V MM or less. There is no physical evidence to i ndicate any earthquake effects at the site. (WF3 2014a , Section 3-52 Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name AR Allemands-Larose association Waterford Steam Electric Station , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.4-1 Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions Prime Farmland Description Designation The Allemands component makes up 45 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 Not prime percent. This component is on freshwater marshes on delta plains. The parent mater i al farmland consists of decomposed organic material overlying clayey backswamp deposits. Depth to a root restrictive layer i s greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential i s low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 58 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the so il surface. The Larose component makes up 40 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component i s on freshwater marshes on delta plains. The parent material consists of thin herbaceous organic material over fluid clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer i s greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation i s at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December.

Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 58 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The soil has a slightly sod i c horizon within 30 in ches o f the soil surface. 3-53 Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name BB Barbary muck , 0 to 1 pe r cent slopes , frequently flooded Cc Cancienne silt loam , 0 to 1 percent slopes Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Un it 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions The Barbary , frequently flooded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamp floodplains , delta plains. The parent material consists of fluid clayey alluvium derived from sedimentary rock. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 i nches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April, May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 50 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria.

The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 3 percent. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Cancienne component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on lower natural levees on alluvial plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium.

Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation i s at 33 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent with i n 40 i nches , typically , does not exceed 2 percent. There are no saline horizons within 30 in ches of the soil surface. Prime Farmland Designation Not pr i me farmland All areas are pr ime farml and M ap Symbo l Soi l Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name Cm Cancienne silty clay loam , 0 t o 1 percent slopes Cn Cancienne silty clay loam , frequently flooded Waterford Steam E l ec t ric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (C on tinued) Onsite Soil Un it Descriptions The Cancienne, si l t clay loam compone n t makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on natural levees on alluvia l plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive l ayer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage c l ass is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not f l ooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 43 inches during January , February , March , April , November, and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria.

The calc i um carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 1 percent. The Cancienne component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on natural l evees on delta plains. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive l ayer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is moderate.

T h is soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasona l zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. 3-55 Prime Farmland Designation All areas are prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name CR Cancienne and Carville soils , frequently flooded FA Fausse clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes , frequently flooded Waterford Steam Electri c Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operat i ng License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions The Cancienne component makes up 48 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component i s on swale on natural levees on delta plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potentia l is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The Carville component makes up 33 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 3 percent. This component is on ridge on natural levees on delta plains. The parent material consists of silty alluvium.

Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 21 inches dur i ng January , February , March , April, and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 3 percent. The Fausse , frequently flooded component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamp floodplains on alluvial plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluv i um. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April, November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 2 percent. Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland Not prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) N ame KE Kenner muck , 0 to 1 percent slopes , very frequently flooded LV Levees-Borrow pits complex , 0 to 25 percent slo p es Waterford Steam E l ectric Station , Un i t 3 Applicant's En v ironmenta l Report Operating License Renewal Stage Table 3.4-1 (Co n t inu ed) Onsite Soil Un it Descriptions Description The Kenner , very frequently flooded compo n ent , makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are O to 1 percent. This component i s on marshes on coastal plains. The parent material consists of mucky clayey herbaceous organic materia l over fluid clayey alluvium. Dept h to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage c l ass is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer i s low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swe ll potential is very high. This soil is very frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation i s at 0 inches during January , February , March , Apri l , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 40 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The soil has a slightly sa l ine horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Levees-Borrow pits complex consists of generally two components. The Arents component makes up 6 0 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 5 to 20 percent. This component is on manmade l evees on delta plains. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a ro o t restrictive l ayer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained. Availab l e water to a depth of 60 inches is v ery l ow. Shrink-swell potentia l is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. This so i l does not meet hydric criteria. The Aquents component makes up 40 percent of the map unit. S l opes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on natura l l evees on delta plains. The parent mater i al consists of clayey dredge spoils and/or l oamy dredge spoils. Depth to a root restrictive layer i s greater than 60 inches. The natura l dra i nage class i s very poor l y drained. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very low. Sh ri nk-swel l potential is low. Th i s soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded. A seasona l zone of water saturation is at 6 i nches during January , February , March , April , May , June , November , and December. T his soil meets hydric cr i teria. 3-57 Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland Not prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name MA Maure pas muck Sa Schriever silty clay loam Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating Licens e Renew a l Stage Description Tab l e 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite S oil Unit Descriptions The Maurepas component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This c o mponent is on freshwater swamps on del t a plains. The parent material consists of highly decomposed woody organic material over fluid clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is very high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is frequently flooded. It is frequently ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 40 percent. This soi l meets hydric criteria. There are no saline horizons within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Schriever component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamps on Mississippi River delta plains. The parent material consists of a l luvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate.

Shrink-swell potentia l is very high. This soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 12 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 3 percent. Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland All areas are pr i me farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name Se Schriever clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes Sh Schriever clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes , frequently flooded Tu Thibaut clay , 0 to 1 percent slopes Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Table 3.4-1 (Continued)

Onsite Soil Unit Descriptions The Schriever component makes up 95 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on backswamps on Mississippi River delta plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate.

Shrink-swell potential is very high. This soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 0 inches during January , February , March , April , and December. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This soil meets hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 1 perce nt. The Schriever , frequently flooded component makes up 90 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on floodplains on Mississippi River alluvial plains. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is very poorly drained. Water movement i n the most restrictive layer i s very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is moderate. Shrink-swe l l potential i s very high. This soil is frequently flooded. It is occasionally ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturat i on is at O inches during January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September , October , November , and December.

Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This so il meets hydric criteria. The calc i um carbonate equivalent within 40 inches , typically , does not exceed 5 percent. The soil has a slightly sodic horizon within 30 inches of the soil surface. The Thibaut component makes up 80 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 1 percent. This component is on intermediate position on natural levees. The parent material consists of clayey alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 i nches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is very low. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is h i gh. Shrink-swell potential is moderate. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface hor i zon is about 2 percent. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. 3-59 Prime Farmland Designation All areas are prime farmland Not prime farmland All areas are prime farmland Map Symbol Soil Unit (Figure 3.4-4) Name UR Urban land (USDA 1987; USDA 2014b) Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Appl i cant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Description Tab l e 3.4-1 (Continued)

Ons i te Soil Unit Descriptions This map unit consists of areas where more than 85 percent of the surface is covered by asphalt , concrete , buildings , or other impervious surfaces. Examples are business centers , parking lots , industrial sites , gra i n elevators , and nuclear power plants along the Mississippi River industrial corridor. The mapped areas range from 100 to 500 acres. Included with th i s Urban l and in mapping are areas of lawns that are mostly covered with miscellaneous , artificial fill. In some areas , several feet of this fill has been placed over the orig i na l soil surface. The included areas make up about 15 percent of the map unit. Examination and identification of soils or so il material in this map unit are impractical.

Careful onsite investigation is needed to determ i ne the potential and limitations for any proposed use. Prime Farmland Designation Not prime farmland Year Month Day Latitude 1842 May 7 30.77 1868 November 28 31.31 1870 January 9 31.14 1905 February 3 30.50 1927 December 15 28.90 1929 July 28 28.90 1930 October 19 30.00 1947 September 20 31.90 1952 October 17 30.10 1958 November 6 29.90 1958 November 19 30.30 Table 3.4-2 Louisiana Historic Earthquakes?.

3.0 Mb, 1811-2015 Hypocenter Area Magnitude Depth (square Longitude Intensity (Mb) (miles) miles) -91.92 3.9 -92.46 3.8 -92.29 4.2 -91.10 3.7 -89.40 3.8 -89.40 3.8 -91.00 V-VI 15 , 000 -92.60 3.3 -93.70 3.1 -90.10 3.1 -91.10 v 3-61 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Distance to Site (miles) Remarks 101.6 St. Landry Parish , Louis i ana 149.1 Alexandria , Louisiana 134.0 Rapides Parish , Louisiana Merrydale , Louisiana (Baton Rouge) 2km south of 99.4 Southwest Pass Entry , Louisiana 2km south of 99.4 Southwest Pass Entry , Louisiana 31.7 Donaldsonville , Louisiana 182.3 Winn Parish , Louisiana 193.2 Calcasieu Parish , Louisiana 23.2 Marrero , Louisiana (New Orleans) 43.3 Baton Rouge , Louisiana Table 3.4-2 (Continued)

Louisiana Historic 3.0 Mb, Hypocenter Magnitude Depth Year Month Day Latitude Longitude Intensity (Mb) (miles) 1959 October 15 29.80 -93.10 3.7 1964 April 23 31.50 93.80 v 3.7 1964 April 24 31.60 93.80 v 3.7 1964 April 27 31.50 93.80 v 3.4 1964 April 28 31.70 93.60 v 4.4 1981 February 13 30.00 -91.80 3.1 1983 October 16 30.24 93.39 3.8 3.1 2005 December 20 30.26 90.71 3.0 3.1 2010 August 2 30.82 90.85 3.0 0.3 (ANSS 2015; ANSS 2016; EOI 2008a , App 2.5.2AA; USGS 2014c; WF 3 2014a , Table 2.5-8) Mb: body-wave magnitude Area (square miles) Waterford Steam E lectric Station , Unit 3 Applican t's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage Distance to Site (miles) Remarks 158.0 Creole , Louisiana 223.6 Sab ine Parish , Lou isiana 226.8 Sabine Parish , Louisiana 223.6 Sab ine Parish , Louisiana 220.1 Sabine Parish , Louisiana 79.5 Southern Loui s iana 175.5 Sulphu r , Lou is iana 23.0 Livingston Parish , Louisiana 61.1 East Feliciana Parish , Louis iana Cll E 0 r. Ouachita Mountains Western Hills Texas Southern Hills \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' P h ys i ographic Subprov i nces D Mississippi Alluvial Valley D Chen i e r/Delta Plain Loess H i lls

  • P rairie Coastwise Te r race Southern Hills Eastern Hills D Western Hills Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage GULF OF MEXICO Tennessee Eastern Hills Mississippi So u thern Hills Limit of Gulf Coastal P lain ---------------State B oundary
  • WF3 Approximate 200-Mi l e Radius Figure 3.4-1 / Alabama I / \ Florida \ I I I I \ I I I I I I (SE R I 2005 , Figure 2.5-2) N t Physiographic Provinces and Subprovinces Associated w i th WF3 3-63 Legend -Propert y Bo undary Hds Waterford Steam Electric Station , U nit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage -Hd s -Delta plain of the St. B ernard de lt a lobe , Mississippi River II Hm l, -Natur al levee comple x of Miss i ssippi L__J R i ver meander belt 1 CJ Hmm 1 -Mississip p i R i ver meander belt 1 (Entergy 2013a; LGS 2003; LGS 201 1) -----=====:i M i le s 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.4-2 Surficial Geology Map , Entergy Louisiana , LLC Property 3-6 4 G -100 -500 NATURAL LEVEE 1 20 INDEX UNDI FFERENTIATED PL E ISTOC E N E /NTEROISTRIBUTARY 1 0 CJ HOLOCENE DEPOSITS W I SCONSIN STAGE DEPOS IT S C::J PRE-WISCONS I N QUATER N ARY DEP OSIT S (Saucier 1994 , Plate 1 6 Sect i on G-G) 1 90 UNDIFFERENTIA TED PLEISTOCENE KILO M ETERS MILES Figure 3.4-3 180 Waterford Steam Electr i c Stat i on , Un i t 3 Appl i can t's Env i ronmental Report Operat i ng Li cense Renewal S t age /NTEROISTR IBUTARY KILOMETERS MI L ES A' Eut 0 40 -eo -ao -100 &! -120 ,. -140 -1 80 -1eo -200 220 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (A-A') (Sheet 1 of 5) 3-65

.... ... z 0 > w _, w B +20 40 80 -100 _,., [ -200 50 1 00 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage 150 B' 200 ORIGINAL GRADE TOP OF PLEISTOCENE (WF3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30b) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (B-B') (Sheet 2 of 5) 3-66 E B' C' E'

+20 *20 *40 t:: z *60 w _, w .BQ *100 *1801 *200 c 50 Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage ORIGINAL G RADE Ho rizon t al Scale (ft.) 100 150 C' (OFFSET 63 FEET TO THE NO R TH} 831 200 (W F3 20 14 a , F i gures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30c) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (C-C') (Sheet 3 of 5) 3-67 E B' C' E'

.... ... z 0 < > w .... w D +20 40 80 -100 '" l

  • 20() 50 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage D' Hor i zontal Scala (ft.) 100 150 RIG I NAL GRADE TDPOF PLEISTOCENE 200 (W F3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30d) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (D-D') (Sheet 4 of 5) 3-68 E B' C' E' t: z 0 ;::: <( > ., _, ., E +20 40 80 -100 -180 -200 -l -500 ---VERY DENSE S I L TY SANO EL -235 TO EL -247 ------STIFF TD VERY STIFF CLAY AND SILTY CLAY WITH SILT ANO SANO LENSE S EL-247 TO EL-32 1 '----VER Y DENSE SILTY SANO EL -321 TO EL-355 + VERY DENSE SAND BELOW EL -355 Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Env ironment al Report Operating License Renewal Stage E' ORIGINAL GRADE TOP OF PLEISTOCENE L Hor i zontal Scal e (ft.) (W F3 2014a , Figures 2.5-30a and 2.5-30e) WF3 Nuclear Island c D' Figure 3.4-3 WF3 Geologic Cross Section (E-E') (Sheet 5 of 5) 3-69 E B' C' E' Soils within Entergy Louisiana , LLC Property Boundary AR -Allema nd s-Lar ose associ at ion D 88 -Barbary muck CR -Cancienne and Carville soils -Cc -Cancienne silt loam -Cm -Cancienne si lty cl a y loam. 0 to 1 % slopes Cn -C an cie nne silty clay loam , frequently fiooded -FA-Fausse clay -KE -Kenner muck LV -Le vees-Borro w prts -MA -Maurepas mu ck LJ Sa -Sch r iever silty clay lo am -Se -Sc hr iever clay , 0 to 1 % slopes -Sh -Sch r iever clay , 0 to 1 % slopes , frequently fiooded Tu -Thibaut c la y -UR -U rban land LJ W-Water Legend -P roperty Bounda ry Waterford Steam Electric Stat i on , Unit 3 Appl ic an t's Environme nt al Report Operating Li cense Renewal Stage (Entergy 2013a; ESRI 2014; USDA 2014b) -----c::====:::i Miles 0 0.5 1 Figure 3.4-4 Distribution of Soil Units, Entergy Louisiana, LLC Property 3-70 Legend
  • WF3 @ Historic Earthquake O state Wa t erfo rd S te am E l ectric S t at i on , U nit 3 Applicant's E n vironmental Report Operat i ng Lice n se Re n ewal Stag e (ANSS 20 1 6; EO l 2008a; ESRI 2014; USGS 2014c; USGS 20 1 5a; WF3 2014a , Tab le 2.5-8) ------======::::i Mil es 0 1 00 200 Figure 3.4-5 Central Gulf Coastal Plain Historic Earthquakes?.

3.0 Mb , 1811-2015 3-7 1 L e gend *WF3 @ Historic Earthquake

@ Location with mult i p l e events/number of events C: 50-Mile Radius State Waterford Steam Electric Station , Unit 3 Applicant's Environmental Report Operating License Renewal Stage (ANSS 2015; ANSS 2016; EOl 2008a; ESRI 2014; USGS 2014c; WF3 2014a , Table 2.5-8) -------======::::i Mi l es 0 50 10 0 Figure 3.4-6 Louisiana Historic 3.0 Mb, 1811-2015 3-72